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tv   Way Too Early  MSNBC  July 22, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT

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who says you can't go home? my interview with nancy pelosi. this is "way too early." hey, everybody, great to have you with me, this morning. welcome to way too early, a show that never misses a chance to present charm city. we begin in ukraine where pro russian rebels appear to finally be cooperating with the investigation into the downing of malaysian airlines flight 17. the black boxes have been handed over days of pressure from victims family and world leaders. a train filled with the bodies of crash victims arrived moments ago in kharkiv before later going to amsterdam. this move came just hours after president obama criticized the
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rebels and russian president vladimir putin. >> the separatists are removing evidence from the crash site all of which begs the question what exactly are they trying to hide? russia has urge them on and trained them. we know that russia has armed them with military equipment and weapons. russia and president putin in particular has direct responsibility to compel them to cooperate with the investigation. that is the least they can do. >> russia has released its first account of what it believes to be the plane to be shot down. u.s. intelligence officials say there is no evidence to support their assertions that a ukrainian military system brought down the jet. he's confident the incident would not have occurred. meanwhile the father of a
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17-year-old girl is speaking out. he's on facebook to share his grief. >> thank you very much, mr. putin, leaders of the separatists or the ukraine government for muring my loved and only child. she has been shot out of the sky. regards, her father whose life is ruined now. the death toll in the middle east is climbing once more. 584 palestinians have died. 27 israelis now by the official count. some 100,000 palestinians are reportedly seeking refuge with the u.n. an israeli media is reporting a soldier is missing in gaza. secretary of state is in egypt trying to broker a cease-fire. the adding u.s. would again itself at all costs if put in the same situation. joining us now from gaza, two
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incredibly deadly days. set the stage for us in gaza this morning, especially given how we have seen benjamin netanyahu come out and defend israel's position. >> if you think any of the international pressure is dissuading israel, the exact ops is what is happening on the ground. we have seen the israeli military carry out dozen of air strikes as well as artillery shelling in the eastern gaza strip. it's usually this time of day that we get a sense of what the overnight casualties were. at least 14 palestinians have been killed. we're learning more about the identities of them on the ground. palestinian military remain
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definite. they have a israeli soldier. they say he is alive. israel so far has not commented on the status of that israeli soldier, but it does give you a sense of the intense fighting since the ground invasion has begun. back in 2008, during a three-week war, israel only lost six soldiers so it gives you also a sense of how intense that fighting is that is taking place. >> thank you. governor rick perry will sent 1,000 national guard members to try to shore up his state's border with mexico. however, the dallas morning news is reporting that certain texas sheriffs in that area would rather have more deputies. the influx of children is overwhelming the courts. there's a backlog. the white house says the number of unaccompanied kids arriving at the border has dropped
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significantly from last month and house minority leader nancy pelosi has been accused of changing her stance on deportations. in an exclusive interview, i asked her if she had changed her views. some have said you reversed your stance on the 2008 federal law that is probably providing some unintended consequences right now for unaccompanied minors being able to stay. how do you see the policy issue and the debate going forward in the current state in washington right now? >> regardless of ones interpretation of my view on the 2008 law, i don't think that the law should be changed in an appropriation bill. if there's a concern that people have about the law, let's have that debate in a comprehensive immigration reform conversation and debate on that legislation. but let have that hold up what
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we should be doing in ministering to the needs of these children, both their personal needs, but also their legal needs in terms of judges and lawyers to help to decide whether they should stay or go home and to do that as quickly as possible, and also the money for the border control for law enforcement. >> we're going to have much more of the interview coming up on morning joe. a new political poll could indicate a problem for hillary clinton if she returns for president in 2016. a majority of mrns say she did not do a good job as secretary of state. 32% say her performance was poor and only 21% believe she did a fair job. 28% rate her service as good. perhaps more troubling for the former first lady, 60% of independent voters say her
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leading of the state department were poor or fair. now, it's a major change from a year and a half ago when the then secretary of state had a 70% approval rating. a new study by bloomberg showed hillary clinton earned $12 million since leaving office last year. we move on to business news and with the big day ahead for corporate earnings, yesterday we saw stocks falling across the board amid overseas volatility. >> you are going higher at the open here unless we get some negative news flow from the seven dow companies that report today and of course we get apple and of course with we've got a cpi number due at 8:30. a lot more the market to keep its eye on. we've seen good earnings so far from a number of u.s. companies.
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netflix, quartertly earnings double and chipotle pushing up the share price, instead of them putting up burrito prices. >> gwen -- genx is rejoists atari. >> they try to target new communities in the lgbt community is one that they are going after with pride fest. it's a new game you can build your own pride festival in any city of your choice. they think that this will res on nate with that community very much a story. the games maker looking for the diversity vote. >> there is outrage in new york city after police arrest went
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terribly wrong. one man is dead and just last night four workers were suspended without pay because of it. >> i did nothing. i was sitting here the whole timed minding my business. >> amateur video shows new york police officers approach garner. accused of selling cigarettes. an officer appears to apply a choke hold, a maneuver prohibited by the department. >> i can't breathe. i can't breathe. >> garner was pronounced dead. the official cause is pending. his widow was overcome by emotion during one of rallies. emergency workers were also suspended. no effort was made to
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resuscitate garner. a video does not show garner being given cpr, oxygen or other treatment before he's lifted on a stretcher. >> i had to film and i had to stantd up this is wrong and nobody should be treated like this. nobody. >> one nypd member had his gun and badge removed. another on desk duty. not wanting to be arrested does not grant the individual a right to resist arrest. baltimore's mayor is defending what is considered one of the toughest curfew laws in the nation. children must be off the streets by 9:00 p.m., all year-round. teens 14 to 16 hour, they get an extra hour on school nights and on the weekends and in the summer when the curfew is extended to 11 p.m. there are certain exceptions if
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they are with their parents or from work or religious event or recreational activity. parents could face a fine if found in violation. this brings us to our twitter question for you this morning, city of baltimore overstepping or is it a policy that other cities should adopt for themselves? using your #way too early. a highly respected voice in the nfl coming under fire for comments made about michael sam. what on earth is this and what are your chances are of coming across this beast? look at that thing. and a check of the weather. we're back with more.
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>> police have found skulls in a refrigerator. a 31-year-old man has been arrested. police believe he may have killed 18 people, most of them male. it's estimated that 30% of the traffic in a city
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is caused by people looking for parking. that's remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. streetline has looked at the problem of parking, which has not been looked at for the last 30, 40 years. we wanted to rethink that whole industry, so we go and put out these sensors in each parking spot and then there's a mesh network that takes this information, sends it over the internet so you can go find exactly where those open parking spots are. the collaboration with citi was important for providing us the necessary financing; allow this small start up to go provide a service to municipalities. citi has been an incredible source of advice, how to engage with municipalities,
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how to structure deals, and as we think about internationally citi is there every step of the way. so the end result is you reduce congestion, you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants, and that certainly is huge. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves.
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i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta! in time for sports, we begin with baseball, to toronto, the red sox, david ortiz twice last night for his 452nd, 453 career home run. the second one puts him past another boston great. now the same game, batting in the fifth. brock holt chases a well hit ball to the right. makes a leaping grab. boston lays a thumping on toronto, 14-1. >> red sox still in last place?
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>> you know something, you are in last place and have been for two weeks. go off and live in a high pressure area. >> any way, mike is bad and is in good moods today for everybody. can we reroll that clip? that's the good catch. seattle, mariners hosting the mets. deep shot to the left. on its way out. watch this. seattle's dustin akly going back. leaps up. reaches the glove over the wall to rob the home return. 5-2. fair, fair. yankee pitcher shane green made his third career start and first ever in yankee stadium yesterday. he had trouble fielding his position. softly hit first baseman over to first. tapped back to the hill, under
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hand, toss. to desoto. green has to fire off balance and throws another one away down the right field lane. >> what an arm on that kid? are you all right? >> maybe he didn't go to spring training. a couple of drills coming his way this week. >> talk about a high pressure area. on the next batter, green practically runs the ball to the base. ranger 4-2. when donald sterling dissolved the family trust, he was trying to prevent the sale. according to yesterday's testimony from the family trust chief financial officer, the dissolution could cause several banks to find the trust in default on up to $500 million in loans, that's a sum his company would not be able to repay without selling the team.
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meanwhile, sterling hosted ballmer yesterday regarding the sale. tony dungy is under fire regarding his comments regarding michael sam. dungy he has faced criticism on his stance about marriage equality. after hurricane fans jennifer sullivan's dad passed away. schools arranged for the school's mascot's stood in to help her during her special day. beautiful bride. let's get a check on the weather. you are going to take us out to where these wild fires out. >> it was now reported, the carlton complex fire is the biggest in the state's history.
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it's a rural area. that's why we haven't heard of thousands of people evacuated. we've had 150 homes that have been burned by this. it's a little bit favorable today as far as the rain forecast and then it gets hot as we head toward the weekend. this fire isn't going away any time soon. here is where it's located. located along the columbia river. central washington state. the forecast does show some rain there today. firefighters are really hoping to knock some of the active flames down. there's so much smolder, i'm sure it will flare back up over the weekend. a tropical depression in the atlantic always gets our attention. it's getting closer to our active period. august and september is two busiest moments for hurricanes. this one is expected to die. there's a lot of dust in the
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area that's going to cause it dissi pate. we're looking pretty good as far as the tropic go. this is in the middle of july, this is typically one of the hottest periods of the year. today it will be just that, 90s from chicago to texas and warming up on the east coast. when we come back, we're going to huddle around the water cool are together with what could be the most intense tv debate ever. what brought these two men to blows on live tv and the chair toss that went with it. and then on morning joe, my one on one with nancy pelosi. we're going to talk politics. first, pelosi stopped by the the colbert report and got a little more than she bargained for. nothing gets done in washington. >> that's right. >> nothing gets down in washington. how can you possibly get this done? do you have naked photos of john boehner doing something? how could you possibly get -- because the republicans -- got the mental image? >> no, no.
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it's time to huddle around the water cooler and so inform all of you bug lovers about this new discovery. what is it? >> what may be the largest aquatic insect this world.
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it was found during an expedition in a chinese province. it has a wingspan of 8.2 inches. it's a massive creech. look at those pinschers. what would you do if you saw that in your bedroom flying around, thomas? >> get a tennis react racket. >> this next video watch this. he drops his cane and gets down. >> come on. wow. [ applause ] ♪ >> i guess, he didn't need his
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cane. that man can cut a rug. i don't know what's in the bag. >> i don't know. i had to take a double look at that bag. i think maybe it's a -- i don't know, a sweater for when it gets chilly. >> thomas, we know debates can sometimes get heated but rarely do they erupt into objects being thrown on set and that's exactly what happened on live jordanian television. i guess a water bottle was thrown before being attacked with a chair. this guy on the video is a repeat offender. it's a very serious debate. it gets a little bit scary when the entire set gets demolished and chairs start to be thrown. >> just an artistic interpretation of that on
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morning joe set. >> keep it civil. jerl in the show, we asked you about baltimore's plan over a new teen curfew. is it overstepping or is it a policy that other cities could consider? it's a good policy, but that hate that being out and about with freedom is mandated by law enforcement. the curfew is a good idea because the main effect is keeping children safe. coming up next on "way too early" the stories you'll be talking about today. morning joe is on the way! spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy!
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secretary nominee that is robert mcdonald the former head of procter & gamble was nominated last month. this scandal. that's it but "morning joe" starts right now. ♪ this crisis over the downing of the malaysia airlines flight, what did secretary kerry not say? what is the administration not yet prepared to do that you think must be done? >> one, he didn't call putin the thug that he is. >> hear, hear! this horrible tragedy could have been avoided if barack obama would have just called putin a thug. so once again, ladies and gentlemen, falls me to prevent further international crises, vladimir putin, you are a jerk, sir. you, you, i'm sorry, i've got to say it. you --