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tv   2013 NCLR ALMA Awards  MSNBC  September 27, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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>> who is we? >> latinos. we need the studio for the alma award which -- they were created in 1995 to mix entertainment with mission by doing. >> we get it. you know how to use wikipedia. >> it's okay. have at it. it is okay. i will go. just make sure you jiggle the toilet when you flush. but i am on my way. good luck. >> guess i didn't need to tie up the guys in the control room. live from los angeles, it's the nclr alma awards. >> tonight, the alma awards, honor carlos santana, and robert rodriguez with appearances by lady gaga, chris matthews, jessica alba, george lopez, the cast of devious maids, and many more. ladies and gentlemen, your host, eva longoria and mario lopez.
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>> hello, welcome to the 2013 nclr, alma awards. [ cheers and applause ] >> and, of course, since we're all on msnbc, we have got to talk a little politics, right. >> right. yes, why don't we talk about ted cruz. this guy talked for 21 hours, nonstop, 21 hours. >> i know, it is crazy, huh? >> i know. >> usually it is a latina who talks for 21 hours nonstop. >> all right. >> since ms. politico, eva is here, what do you think about the government shutdown, they say we are $17 trillion in debt? >> let me tell you what i think, they should put a latina in charge of the budget -- because if any bow kndy knows how to sth a dollar it is a latina, right?
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>> if there is anybody who know house to spend a dollar it is a latina. >> the truth is we are thrilled to be here on msnbc, we have a new look, attitude, and same passion for celebrating the positive impact latina artists are having on our nation now. >> speaking of new i want to congratulate mario on his new baby son, dominique low petz. >> that's right! >> yea, courtney. >> a boy! i put the stem on the apple. by the way, he is the only mexican that i know without a middle name. >> like you? >> just like me. and thanks to nclr his generation is going to grow up seeing more accurate, more meaningful, and just plain more images of latinos everywhere. and that's really why we are all here tonight, right? >> yes. >> so we need your help tonight to spread the word. >> yes. and because this is a live social event, we want you to follow us on twitter at
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almaawards. tweet us at #-alma13. >> tweet us whatever you want. unless your name is anthony weiner don't. >> don't trade pics. >> the motto for the show is more tweeting, no twerking. >> make sure to check us out on facebook, show us your alma viewing party on instagram. >> our network for the next 57 minutes. >> let's get on with the show. >> please welcome the first presenters, first ever all latina cast in the history of television from "devious maids." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> thank you. thank you so much. television used to be called the little screen. but as our tv screens got bigger, it's only become more
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important that we work to bring viewers the true big picture. when it comes to the roles played by latinos. >> say it, girl. >> all right. >> we will continue to raise our voices and stand together as we work to create even more, okay, mas representation and more accurate pour trairtray yals ofs in all media. >> right now let's take a moment to reflect on all the progress we are making in television on screen and off. >> in drama, comedy, and reality tv, our images on screen are becoming as diverse as latinos are in the real world. where there were judges like jennifer lopez, shakira, or ware wolves, like tyler posey, or some very entertaining devious maids. [ cheers and applause ] take a look. ♪ she's just a girl and she's on fire ♪
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>> when you sang, you broke my heart. ♪ she's walking on fire >> what's going through your mind right now? >> nothing that concerns you. >> i thought you said. >> you thought nothing. >> okay, ladies. it's time to be quiet. let's just savor the moment. >> that really impressed me. you should be very proud of yourself. everybody fails working out. but that's how you win. >> you are totally wrong. you know what i am going to do? >> i'm going to nail you to the wall for what you have done. >> your problem is with me. >> i like her. and she's good. [ cheers and applause ] >> i want you to come to my adoption ceremony. >> what the hell is going on? >> i had it under control. >> you are nothing. >> i know it's hard for you to understand right now. but you will see.
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>> it wasn't like that. she doesn't need to be dragged into this. >> i did not teach you to blackmail! >> that's how you get caught up. >> i don't mind. i really don't. >> i have to go. >> that's your boyfriend? >> our entire relationship is based on lies. >> and laughter and laser tag and love. >> stop! >> a little upset that i paired the two of you together. >> the only thing that is going mixed up is you. >> if anyone can work their way out of a jam like this, it's you. >> whatever happens, i can't see anything but good things, very, very good things. ♪ [ applause ] >> tonight, we honor the cast of the television show that for eight seasons has demonstrated excellence and diversity. to accept the special achievement in television award,
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from the cast of "dexter" please welcome amy garcia and david zios. >> hug everybody. thank you, so, so, much. i just saw the video and was so inspired by what i saw by all the women who are on stage, by eva longoria who is single-handedly opening doors for latinas. i want to share this award with eddie james olmos who was phenomenal on the show. [ applause ] lauren valez who was unable to
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come. of course, david. and i just want to thank the nclr for recognizing a show look "dexter" that happens to take place in a vibrant city like miami which is full of the vibrant spirit of latinos. thank you all for helping the show last eight years and become an iconic series. [ applause ] >> wow. thank you so much. i am so honored and humbled that this show can represent a, a positive image for latinos for the last eight years with wonderful latino actors on the show for the past eight years. especially my little sister here, amy garcia. it is just amazing to be here among some amazing latino artists, just some legends, and just to be here and just humble sxg pehumble -- humbling experience. so thank you so much. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, actress and recording artist, christina milian and
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gina rodriguez. >> this summer the world has been singing along to an uplifting global anthem that went to number one in 102 countries. >> here to perform "wake me up" an artist of panamanian descent whose voice woke up the world and who co-wrote this international smash. joined by the chicano rock band from east l.a. ♪ feeling my way through the darkness guided by a beating heart i can't tell where the journey will end but i know it will start ♪ tell me i am too young to understand say i'm caught uppen ein a drea life will pass me by if i don't
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open up my eyes well that's fine by me ♪ ♪ so wake me up when it's all over when i'm wiser and i'm older all this time i was lying to myself and i didn't know i was lost so wake me up when it's all over ♪ ♪ when i'm wiser and i'm older all this time i was lying to myself and i didn't know i was lost ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i tried carrying the weight of the world but i only had two hands ♪ ♪ i hope i get the chance to travel the world i don't have any plans ♪
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♪ i wish that i could stay forever this young not afraid to close my eyes ♪ ♪ life's a game made for everyone ♪ ♪ and love is a prize ♪ so wake me up when it's all over ♪ ♪ when i'm wiser and i'm older ♪ all this time i was league to myself and i didn't know i was lost ♪ ♪ so wake me up when it's all over ♪ ♪ when i'm wiser and i'm older ♪ all this time i was lying to myself and now i didn't know i was lost ♪ ♪ i didn't know i was lost ♪ i didn't know i was lost ♪ i didn't know i was lost
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♪ i didn't know i was lost ♪ so wake me up when it's all over when i'm wiser and i'm bolder ♪ ♪ all this time i was finding myself and i didn't know i was lost ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: stay tune ford a salute to rosario dawson and director rodriguez featuring jessica alba, and lady gaga.
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i put away money. i was 21, so i said, "hmm, i want to retire at 55." and before you know it, i'm 58 years old. time went by very fast. it goes by too, too fast.
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♪ but i would do it again in a heartbeat. [ laughs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a man. a man and his truck... and a broken fence... and a lost calf. ♪ and the heart to search for as long as it takes. and the truck that lets him search for as long as it takes. ♪ the all-new chevy silverado. the most fuel-efficient v8 in a pickup. strong for all the roads ahead.
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>> welcome back, everybody. we were having our own conversation. >> it's live. >> live, hello. since this is a live show. keep it going, eva. >> you are right. please welcome one of the stars -- >> sorry to interrupt, have to get to this. in a sign of how far latinos have come in this country, the latin grammys will now be known as the grammys. and the academy award will now introduce the latin academy awards otherwise known as the osc oscars. back to you. >> all right. thank you, al, for your fearless and informative reporting. you know you learn so much watching the almas. >> every year. welcome one of the stars of fruitvale station, melody diaz, and diego moretta. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> buenos noches! >> one of the greatest and most enduring romances in hollywood history its the on going love story between latinos and the movies. >> latinos watch more movies than any one else in the country. we may be 1% of t8% of the coun but 25% of all movie tickets are sold to all movie goers. that's over 300 million tickets a year. but who's counting. >> i will tell you who is counting, hollywood. see for yourself. >> we will have many adventures. we will laugh. we will cry. we will dance. >> hey. that's what i like. >> one, two, three. break! >> that's not funny man. >> it's time for me to make a spectacular return.
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>> i don't know. >> love is complicated max. >> the answer is no. >> you ripped off the cia. >> what else do you want? >> everything. >> i could stop you right now. >> i really need your help. >> to can help you. i want to go home. [ indiscernible ] >> let's hear it for the sororities competing in this year's games. >> i need your blessing. >> you can go. >> holy rabies, holy rabies. >> we will call you black death. >> whoa, whoa. you don't think that's incredibly racist? ♪ ♪ >> you've got this. >> we could have our very own telenovella. >> look at you, you used to be a legend. now what?
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>> i accuse you of being a witch. >> she was just joking around, sir. >> to night we honor one of the year's hit movies for the 2013 alma for special achievement in film. >> welcome cast makers and filmmakers of philly brown, edward james olmos and lou diamond phillips. ♪ ♪ >> to say thank you to the national council, is not enough,
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they have given us throughout our lives, thank you so much, guys for everything that you have given us. and to the fans who liked "philly brown" i give you philly brown. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. it is really awesome to be here with so many people that i admire and have inspired me sore for so long. and -- all i can say is thank you, thank you for being here with me on a day that i am really seeing a dream realized to be honored in nclr, alma award, thank you, eva longoria for breaking barriers for all of us, thank you, for recognizing talent, thank you god for making me an artist thank you to all of the amazing talent in this room for supporting us and -- and wow,
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yeah. i love you so much more, you have no idea. thank you. thank you, mom and dad for teaching me to dream big. thanks. >> thank you, nclr, very, very proved this film because the positive depictions of mexican-american family and the experience of mexican-americans in los angeles, this is very much a film about the american dream and about family. i thank my beautiful wife, evonne, my touch stone and my muse, four children, grace, lily, indigo. as a family we would look to dedicate this award to our friend and sister, who is the heart of this film jenny rivera. as you all know, she left us far too soon. so, please, let us share a
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moment of silence in observation of jenny's passing. and in respect to her immense talent. we are so very, very sad to have lost her.
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let's hear it for our musical director, peter michael, featuring dj campos, getting down to night. >> our next presenter, a veteran alma award winner and he is only 15. please welcome the best dressed guy on "modern family" rico rodriguez! >> thank you, mario, appreciate that. i am, very proud to be here with my friend from the lower eastside girls club, sonja.
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>> thank you, rico, i am really happy to be here. supreme court justice sonja sotamayor, a role model provide more than inspiration. it says yes, some one like me can dupe this. tonight we celebrate a certain some one making a big difference in the lives of young girls in the big apple. >> i am very proud to join rico in presenting this award to my movie and real life hero, rosario dawson. rosario dawson lit up the silver screen in movies we love. it's her causes that give her superwoman status. >> concerned about young latinos voting she co-founded voto latino and inspires young girls in new york city serving on the
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board of directors of the lower eastside girls club. rosario encourages girls mrik me to believe in girl power. >> please welcome the 2013, nclr, alma award winner for outstanding commitment to community. rosario dawson! ♪ ♪ >> i'm not advertising, unless you pay me, apple. thank you so much. this is one of my amazing girls here who i directed actually in "i'm an emotional creature." an amazing emotional creature right here. thank you so much for this. what a surprise to see you here.
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i am so excited. this is cool. we are hanging out later. okay. i am nervous. i want to say thank you distinguished members of the national council, and the alma award for acknowledging and presenpr presenting me with this, and celebrating our heritage, culture, community and achievements with every single person in this auditorium and all you watching at home and family. i am joined by my mother. i am here with my mom, but the last photo that went up had a friend of mine who just passed. really got me. give sorry if i cry. tonight i am joined by my mother, who i also honor through her sacrifice, dedication and love and nurturing i have become the woman i am today. [ applause ] i recognize -- i recognize and remember my grandmotheris belle the second who dedicated her sfl
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to our family and her ak sell ans of all persons. i accept the award despite knowing challenges, new and old alike, challenges that we have strived, pleaded and given it our all to push through obstacles because the grand, attainable visions for our communities and families far outweight any challenge that comes before us. from lobbying to ban single use plastic bag with environment california to prevent them from clogging walter ways and choking the oceans of our planet to dancing in solidarity for v day's 1 billion rising from communities and territories around the world to end the cycle of violence that cripples, boys, girls, men and women alike. oh, no. oh, no. a really good speech, i promise. i just want to say -- i'm going to read through it. around the world, the cycle of violence that cripples, girls, boys, women alike, to encourage, and inspire and educate our youth to register and vote. run for office, build scam pains
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and be effective advocates to girl clubs, planetarium included in november, and sister organizations in new orleans, nepal, scotland, my work has always been in honor of those who supported and educated me. thank you for the organizations that give me an opportunity to promote and share a vision of the world. i accept this award, when we ban together, fight together with passion and optimism and like-minded ideals when we do that there is nothing that can stop us. then we an look at our grandchildren in the eye and say when that problem struck my family, my community my world this is what i did. they will ask. we will smile when we tell our children how we fought women's services, and education that they benefit from. and we fought like hell to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
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>> hey, this right here is my girl. >> the show is burning up on twitter and instagram, follow us at alma award. >> inspired by the music. we want to know what you are inspired by. >> get an exclusive on what is happening behind the scenes on instagram. >> get an alma picture. use facebook, instagram awards. >> enjoy the show. >> the alma award continue with a look at the latino power at the box office. still to come -- special tributes to director robert rodriguez and carlos santana. not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪
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like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪
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>> welcome back, everyone. >> so to begin our special tribute to robert rodriguez, please welcome jessica alba. >> tonight i am thrilled and proud to be here at the nclr alba award representing a very big and very loving and very inclusive family. i am talking about all the people who have had the great privilege and good fortune to work with one of the most acclaimed influential ground breaking not to mention bad ass independent filmmakers ever. robert rodriguez.
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[ applause ] tonight robert receives the nclr alma anthony quinn award for industry excellence, named in the memory of the oscar winning legendary latino actor. we're honored that members of anthony quinn's family have joined us here tonight. [ applause ] so now let's take a look back at our rodriguez family home movies with a few notes from some of robert's very distinguished family members. >> let's play. ♪ ♪ >> when i think of a robert
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rodriguez movie, i think about kids as heroes. villains as heroes. i mean, make a guy who goes around killing everybody also sweet, have heart, and you root for the guy. >> when i think of a robert rodriguez movie i think of heads flying. and people flying. and little kids. >> people are all different. sizes, types, and colors. i love his sense of theater and his since of show business. >> robert rodriguez, hollywood believed that every leading man doesn't have to look like brad pitt or tom cruise. if you don't believe, check out machete kill. ha-ha, ha-ha-ha. >> the five word that best describe robert. >> noin innovative.
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>> great. inspiring. efficient. tireless. talented. unbelievable. more greater than that. >> to have somebody truly have your back and believe in you is an honor. ♪ >> tell me that is not a face you can trust. >> i am the president of the united states, man. >> what if there was an army? >> this is the old day. and the bad days. the all or nothing days. >> be cool. >> it's cool. >> robert rodriguez does more for the latino community than anybody in the past. >> that is the best it's ever been. [ applause ] >> as one of your chosen spy kids and now your female assassin kill joy, thank you for
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always being there for me. i love you. >> robert, thank you for sharing your imagination and for teaching me how to be a rebel. >> as a friend and collaborator, thank you for making the big screen even bigger. >> thank you for showing the world women can be super kick ass. and i want to audit one of your creativity classes you do with your kids. >> robert -- ha-ha. you know what i really appreciate, you know what you have done for -- like not just me but the latin community. and, you know just thank you. i love you, brother. >> on behalf of all of us who
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know and love him, it is my great honor to present the nclr anthony quinn award for industry excellence to the one and only robert rodriguez. ♪ ♪ >> this is really a heartfelt thank you to the alma award. when janet called me. thank you for being here. when you wonder how i have been around 20 years. look at the talent i have decided to turn the camera on. they have been carrying me all these years. incredible list of people.
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i told janet i would only accept this award if i could come here in celebration of all the work everyone has done in the past 20 years. i have been here 20 years. i tell you it was grim 20 years ago. a lot has happened since then. and not just, the wonderful work they have all done and we have all done together. but all of you behind the scenes. making your own movies. doing it. everyone has been doing it for 20 years. we have a lot to look forward to. we have got our own television network now. the network will be a place where you can share your voices and stories. we can do it. we can do it. we have done much harder over the past 20 years. this will be fun. this will be fun. so, i see a lot of young people out there. i want to pass the same torch to you, that ricardo montebalm, passed to me, after the mariachi, he said "you are the hope." carry this torch with me. i am not ready to give it up. i want to go for another 20. i want you to come with me. i want you to come with me.
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[ applause ] >> the star spangled banner has been sung by everyone, i love you, robert! >> robert is great. but it is a live show. >> we're live, the star spangled banner has been sung by everyone who loves the country, americans of every heritage, creed, and color. this year, a born boy in texas sang the anthem at a nba championship game, some people questioned his right to sing the song. >> sadly he was being criticized for not being american enough. unfortunately, that's nothing new. >> time and time again we must stand up and proudly declare i am an american. >> yes, now, ladies and gentlemen, please stand for our national anthem, sung by sebastian de la cruz.
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♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting
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in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave? ♪
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a man and his truck... and a broken fence... and a lost calf. ♪ and the heart to search for as long as it takes. and the truck that lets him search for as long as it takes. ♪ the all-new chevy silverado. the most fuel-efficient v8 in a pickup. strong for all the roads ahead. i put away money. i was 21, so i said, "hmm, i want to retire at 55." and before you know it, i'm 58 years old. time went by very fast. it goes by too, too fast. ♪ but i would do it again in a heartbeat. [ laughs ] ♪ ♪
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not anymore. what? my silverware isn't good enough for you? have -- have you seen it? yes, i have seen it, and it looks -- you gotta look better. ladies, breathe. cascade kitchen counselor here. it's not your silverware. it's likely your detergent. see, over time, cascade platinum's triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine finish gel can't beat. it even helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. find something, mother? no. [ counselor ] cascade platinum is cascade's best.
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>> welcome back. are we having a good time yet? >> i love our next presenter because she is a entrepreneur -- >> need to break in just one more time, guys. sorry, but i have chris matthews in d.c. chris, are you there? >> hi, mario. >> oh, hey, matthews. >> it's chris. >> this is weird. do you guys have a history? >> here is the deal a couple years ago chris and i were going after the same girl, whatever he won, he has been bragging abut it ever since. quite frankly i am over it. >> you abs are powerless against me, lopez. >> matthews, just let it go.
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>> oh, look who it is? >> guys, you want to take this outside. we've got a show to do. we have a show to do. >> it's nclr president and ceo. i was trying to tell everybody about nclr. >> i got this. thank you, chris. i got this. we will be fine. >> you tell them madam president. >> i hope you are enjoying the show so far. if you are new to the almas, this show is about recognizing and celebrating the many contributions latinos make in entertainment. if you are a long time alma viewer you are noticing changes to our program. we are now on msnbc which tonight stand for more sabor on nbc. and the first time ever, alma award are coming to you live. and focus on service to the community lies at the heart, what nclr, the largest civil rights and advocacy organization in the u.s. and network of
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nearly 300 affiliates do every day. this year, we commemorate 45 years of service to america. and while we work in many areas, in just the last year, nclr and our network have been working to ensure access to health care, saving home buyers from foreclosure, providing a solid foundation to kids through early childhood education programs and supporting more than 100 charter schools. helping new americans become u.s. citizens. protecting the voting rights of all americans. and most urgently, we're fighting to pass comprehensive immigration reform. if any of these issues are important to you, i hope you will visit it to learn more about how you could aport the national council and its mission. good evening. that's it from hardball with chris matthews. enjoy the rest of the show.
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>> thank you, janet for your leadership on behalf of our community. >> i love our next presenter, philanthropist, and host of telemundo, daisy fuentes. >> thank you. hi. i'm honored to be standing here tonight with the principal of carlos santana art academy. >> thank you, daisy, i am happy to be here. >> you know, most of us know our next honoree as our own personal guitar hero. his magical music created the sound track to our lives, maestro carlos santana. >> carlos and his family founded the milagro foundation in 1998 which encourages youngsters worldwide. >> the milagro foundation
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supports numerous organizations around the globe including eastside college prep in the san francisco bay area, a tuition-free independent middle and high school for low income students who are the first in their families to attend college. >> and, in los angeles, the carlos santana arts academy which provides access to arts education and training for students to be original thinkers and effective communicators. >> the nclr is proud to present the 2013 alma award for outstanding commitment to cause and community, to artists and activists, carlos santa ansanta. ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i learned from a beautiful lady named thelma stewart, and i am going to say it. with a straight face from my heart. it is a blessing to be a blessing. to god goes all the glory. to my mother and father, josephina and jose, they taught me you are because of god and you have because of people. to everyone in alma award it's, nclr, i want to thank you for this award. and i encourage you to keep doing what you are doing because, the last thing i am going to say, they told us to keep it short, but this is the most important one, it came from john coltrain, it goes like this. one positive thought creates
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millions of positive vibrations. [ man ] on december 17, 1903,
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the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ ♪ ♪ hey marquitos! un minuto marquitos. please. please marquitos. yaayy! thank you marquitos! ♪
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♪ ♪
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>> our next presenters from the new nbc comedy, welcome to the family. let's hear it for them. ♪ ♪ >> tonight, the nclr alma award salutes the contribution latinos are making to music. feel this moment! ♪ because that's
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that's ♪ ♪ treasure is what you are ♪ ♪ you're my golden star ♪ you make that wish come true ♪ because you let me treasure you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the way you do it you got that something you got that something ♪ ♪ so keep it moving ♪ you know i love it
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♪ enjoy this moment ♪ whoa i just want to feel this moment ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh ♪ i just want to feel this moment ♪ ♪ if you want me i'm accepting applications ♪ ♪ slow slow ♪ because i just want to ♪ live it up ♪ live it up ♪ live it up ♪ go go go go go ♪ make love don't fight [ cheers and applause ] >> we want to thank you for being part of the 2013 nclr alma awards. >> good night, everybody!
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>> good night, everyone! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i'm alex wagner live from the pasadena civic center after the alma awards. >> are we having a good time yet? >> america's stars of music, television and film are shining tonight at the awards. >> being a latino is the most beautiful culture ever. >> that's why we're here, to celebrate. >> with the recognition comes the reminder, the


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