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tv   Way Too Early With Willie Geist  MSNBC  December 2, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PST

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♪ ♪ good morning, i'm willie geist and this is way too early, the show that's prone to drinking with the ladle directly from the eggnog bowl at your office christmas party, glad you're up watching or listening live on sirius xm radio. shoot me an email at or tweet me@williegeist one. or tweet ext me. the next 30 minutes will be your cram session for this friday, december 2 7bd. a lot to tell you with, including markets anticipating the november jobs number out three hours from now. we'll check in line with london. plus, rick perry follows another gaffe, with another late-night appearance of self-deprecation. that clip a bit later. first to the news live at 5:30 a.m. here at 30 rock in new york city. in you hope for compromise in
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congress faded last night, as the senate defeated dueling proposals on a key component of president obama's jobs bill. an extension of payroll tax cuts. just yesterday, leaders from both parties saw a possible area for agreement as they have for a while now. but rank-and-file members were not giving much ground on how they plan to pay for it. extending the cuts, which the white house says will prevent a $1,000 tax hike on a family next year could now become a political issue in 2012. the white house hopes so. "the new york times" reporting the president and his party seeking to capitalize on that vote by trying to portray republicans as defenders of the rich while middle class families continue to suffer. the democrat proposal fell just shy of the 60 votes needed for passage. going down 51-49. their plan would have cut the social security payroll tax for employees in half while imposing a surtax on incomes over $1 million. that surtax was widely rejected
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by republicans who want to offset the extension with spending cuts. the republican plan failed by a vote of 78-20. 26 republicans voted against the measure, signaling a rare crack in the party unity. many of the opposing members argue there's no evidence that the tax break puts people back to work. the proposal calls for $100 million in tax reduction. extending the current freeze in federal pay by three years. even before last night's vote, white house press secretary jay carney had dismissed the republican plan. >> i would urge you not to be distracted by window dressing, in the proposals that have come forward in terms of pay fors by the republicans. the fact of the matter is it's an unbalanced approach. it would not and will not garner the same kind of support from the american people that the president's proposal has garnered. >> meanwhile, over in the house, also before the vote, speaker john boehner had held out hope
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that a deal could be reached. >> you know, i'm not an economist, i don't know what impact it's going to have on the economy. it's just that i do believe that there's enough common ground, between where the white house and democrats are and where republicans are, for us to move this legislation and to do so quickly. >> in a sharply-worded statement, president obama reacted to last night's vote. writing in part, senate republicans chose to raise taxes on nearly 160 million hardworking americans because they refused to ask a few hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. that is unacceptable. it makes absolutely no sense to raise taxes on the middle class at a time when so many are still trying to get back on their feet. that a statement from the president. in addition to the tax fight, congress is dealing with how to extend federal unemployment benefits that are about to expire. those emergency benefits for the long-term unemployed. due to run out at the end of this month. on december 31st. in the republican race for
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president, newt gingrich is feeling more and more confident about his chances of capturing the nomination. the former house speaker predicting his new surge of momentum will carry him straight through to the general election. >> i don't have to go down and point out the existence of people that are not going to be the nominee. they're not going to be the nominee. >> you're going to be the nominee. >> i'm going to be the nominee. it's very hard not to look at the recent polls to think that the odds are very high i'm going to be the nominee. by the way, i don't object if people want to i a tack me, that's their right. all i'm suggest something it's not going to be very effective. people going to get sick of it very fast. and the guys who attacked each other in the debates up to now. every single one of them has lost ground by attacking. they should do what they and their consultants want to do. i will focus on being substantive and i will focus on barack obama. a and i am going to be the nominee says newt gingrich. some of his proposals continue to draw fire. in iowa yesterday, the speaker doubled down on recent comments he made, suggesting children in
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poor neighborhoods should take up jobs in nearby schools, including jobs as january ters. >> really poor children in really poor neighborhood have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works. so they literally have no habit of showing up on monday. they have no habit of staying all day. they have no habit of i do this and you give me cash. unless it's illegal. what if you paid them part-time in the afternoon, to sit at the clerical office. and greet people when they came in. what if you paid them to work as the assistant librarian. what if you -- and i pay them as early as is reasonable and practical. >> begin grigingrich travels to city to meet with donald trump. the meeting coincides with the release of trump's new book. ron paul continues to go after gingrich's conservative credentials, conserving him of changing his views for political gain. >> i think that he's getting a
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free ride. and i've worked with him for a long time. i think that the points that i made on the various issues he's a flip-flopper. so he can hardly be in the alternative to mitt romney. >> and rick perry is doing everything he can to stay in the media spotlight. even if it means taking yet another comedic look at one of his infamous gaffes. >> commerce, education -- and the a, what's the third one there? >> department of energy. we've all lost their train of thought before, but not many have done it on national tv. if you want a slick debater, i'm obviously not your guy. but if you want a clean house in washington with a balanced budget amendment, a flat tax and a part-time congress, i'm your man. i'm rick perry at -- what's that line again? i'm rick perry and i approve of this message. >> see? see, he can laugh at himself. there's airing in iowa. the ad bookmarked the texas governor's appearance on thursday night's episode of the
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"tonight show." we'll play more of that coming up. herman cain may be laying the groundwork to drop out of the race for president, even as his staffers s urge him to fig on. he said he'll decide by monday whether or not to suspend his campaign. it follows accusations this week made by an atlanta woman who claims the two carried on a sexual affair for 13 years. cain insists it was simply a friendship and he was helping her financially over that period of time. still, it wasn't the candidate's political supporters, the only ones caught off-guard by the relationship. >> my wife did not know about it and that was the revelation and the surprise that my wife found out about it when she went public with it. if she had been just another man that i had helped, it probably wouldn't have raised as much suspicion. but my wife is comfortable with the explanation that i told her. regarding you know, having to help her. >> that's an understanding wife.
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i was just paying her bills for 13 years. cain's accuser, miss ginger white said she was treated to expensive meals and hotel rooms. in a fox interview last night,ed candidate was asked, if digging up receipts could help clear his name. >> herman, isn't this something that could be easily confirmed. she said you flew her around the country. she is saying you were meeting in hotels. can't we get plane tickets, confirmation. can't we get hotels? don't lot of these hotels have videotapes that some of them i would assume hang on to those tapes forever. >> do me a favor, let's not play detective, here's the deal. i am going to prove that i am going to reestablish my character. every time a new bit of information comes up, that's stimulates another story in the media and that hurts my family and my wife and it hurts me. so i really rather not go there any more with respect to trying to play detective about how do we resolve this. >> while cain reassesses his
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presidential bid, his staffers hope that he continues. they send a meant on twitter asking supporters to encourage mr. cain to stay in the rice. a strange new ad defending him. >> it's time for the truth. the immediate i don't won't tell you what one of the foremost lie detector experts in america said about herman cain -- >> my exam, he is being truthful. but the allegations of saying that she's been sexually assaulted by him, did not occur. >> there it is, a lie detector on behalf of herman cain. today, mr. cain's campaign travels to south carolina. before he heads home to weigh his next steps. we turn now to the markets where a new jobs report is due out this morning. it follows a mixed trading session yesterday after the huge surge on wednesday. let's bring in cnbc's steve sedgewick as we get all up in your business, he's live in london, steve, good morning. >> a good day to you. i'm pleased to say for once, it's not all about doom and gloom. we've had great run on the markets over the last week or so. and hopefully the jobs figure
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today will come in at 122,000 new jobs created, possibly even as much as 150,000. that might only keep the jobless rate at official level of 9%. but still, it's a better set of data we've been getting through. over the most recent period. and on wednesday, we saw private-sector hires, best figures in year from a private-sector survey. that said, we've got the european crisis overhanging everything. but there are reports that the ecb may be moving its to a little more of a supportive start. but what mario draghi wants to see sequencing, that the governments do their bit before the ecb comes in as potentially the lender of lart resort. we had terrific car sales, really good november figures. >> let's hope the jobs numbers turn out the way you say, steve. we'll carry those live on "morning joe." still ahead on "way too early" if you're watching the show at 2:40 a.m. in southern
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california, there may be a reason other than your affinity for late-night news. the 100-mile-per-hour santa ana winds that are whipping past your home. we'll explain what's going on. plus, thursday night nfl as seattle's marshawn lynch provides a fitting metaphor for the eagles season on a single incredible touchdown run. you've got to see this effort. highlights and more when the campaign trail on "way too early" comes back. enron has been in tailspin ever since revelations that its former chief financial officer ran partnerships allowing the company to keep half a million dollars in debt off its books. last month the company restated its earnings since 1997, eliminating more than $580 million it had reported in previous income. [ morgan ] the super bowl.
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the most epic day in america. and the end of a journey that began here... ...when the swipe of a visa card... ...gave one man the chance to bring happiness to ten friends, including the knuckleheads at the car wash. those are super bowl tickets? yes dude! you're going to the super bowl! [ morgan ] use your visa card for a chance to win. to see more of the story, visit our facebook page.
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coming up on 5:45 in the morning. 2:45 at los angeles international airport. where the winds in southern california have been up to 100 miles per hour last couple of days. let's check in weather from todd santos. what's going on? >> what we're setting up with there again, santa ana event, winds have settled down for the overnight hours, again today we'll see them pick up and late into saturday we'll see another chance for another santa ana event this one a little bit uncommon. a few areas have a few rain showers down through southern california. some of the big-time winds and some of the ridgetops, over 150 miles per hour in the gusts, a substantial set-up brought in by high pressure to the north, across portions of southern california. so be ready for the potential for more of this through late saturday. want to start with some of the
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quieter travel weather across the east. clear conditions to start off, there's a look through the afternoon with a lot of sunshine in the forecast. and that will last into the start of the weekend. a few of the cooler areas back towards detroit. maybe a few snowflakes, really you're taking kind of more on the flurry side of things. it looks like a little more on the radar, not expecting to see it getting down towards pittsburgh, cleveland could see a few snowflakes as well. as far as the winds across the west are concerned, we still have some of the high wind watches and wind advisories as well across especially through southern california. still today gusts potential upwards of 60 miles per hour. should settle down into early saturday. but again later saturday into even sunday we may see some other issues. a quick look at winds now, they should pick up again later on this afternoon. >> let's hope they slow down. eagles and seahawks in seattle last night. the eagles officially now a disaster. first quarter, no score, look at this run, marshawn lynch runs into traffic at the 10. it looks like he's done. but finds his way out of the
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pack somehow, runs in for the score. wrap 'em up, eagles. stays on his feet. after the td, look at this, marshawn lynch, trust me he snacked on some skittles. the coach giving him some skittles. you're going to see the bag there it is. skittles. that is his fuel. that's what pushed that man into the end zone. second quarter, it's going to be lynch again, taking a handoff, cutting outside, 40 yards this time for the touchdown. the eagles are just dreadful. 148 yards for lynch. fourth time the last five games he's gone for more than 100 yards. jackson lobs one into the corner, golden tate goes up and gets it and gets the feet down well done. seahawks piling on. philly pulls to within 10 in the fourth. but tough game for vince young. remember michael vick out injured. little swing pass, no the sure what he was doing there, a little late. david hawthorne, 77 yards for the score, that seals it 31-14 seattle. eagles drop to the bottom of the
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nfc east, they're 4-8, playoffs out of reach now. that man's job could be in doubt. mr. andy reid. to baseball, red sox make it official, introducing bobby valentine as the team's new manager. the 61-year-old replaces former manager, terry francona, who presided over boston's epic collapse last season where the team went 7-20 in september and missed the playoffs by one game. bobby v. the new man in boston. coming up on "morning joe," newt gingrich declares in an interview that he will be the nominee. what are the odds of that? we'll bat it around with our crew in just a few minutes. and when we come back we'll huddle up around the water cooler to watch rick perry on the "tonight show" unraveling his latest gaffe, the one about the vote being age being 21.
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11 republican presidential debates down with many more to go. and while the voters may be suffering from a bit of sound bite fatigue. it turns out all the air time is something to keep costs of the 2012 primary down for now. if you want to sound smart today, tell your friends republican candidates have spent $53 million on primaries through september compared to $132 million at the same time in 2007. that's according to analysis by bloomberg, which concludes all
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that free air time at the debates means candidate don't have to shell out the big bucks for tv ads. but the campaigns are rolling in money and with 31 days to go until the iowa caucuses they've started to dump it on the early states. one other thing to note, there's been less time to collect cash because fundraising started later and a lot of donors have not yet picked a candidate. enough of the real news, let's huddle up around the water cooler to catch the white house christmas tree lighting party. kermit is up there on stage. the leader of the free world gets deep into punch bowl and grabs the mike and starts singing, it's his christmas party. can he do it. ♪ walking in a winter wonderland ♪ ♪ in the meadow we can build a snowman ♪ ♪ and pretend that he is parson brown ♪ ♪ later on we'll conspire ♪ as we dream by the fire ♪ to face unafraid
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♪ the plans that we've made ♪ walking in a winter wonderland ♪ >> i got to say those are three people i never thought i would see sharing the stage. carson daley, santa claus and the president of the united states. one of the guys who wants to be president of the united states, texas governor rick perry was on leno last night. he does this, remember he did the top ten after he couldn't remember the third government agency during the debate? for letterman. this time after he said the voting age was 21, he goes on jay leno for a little self-deprecation. >> what happened with the brain freeze that night with the -- you had the three things to remember. >> well you know, one, two and -- ah, ah. yeah. [ laughter ] >> it happens, man, let me tell you. >> what happened in new hampshire here? it's the most recent one. take a look here. >> those of you that are, will be 21 by november the 12th, i ask for your support and your vote. those of you who won't be, just
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work hard. >> you and i, we grew up in that 21 voting age. >> right, you were thinking. >> i was thinking drinking age, maybe. >> that makes sense. >> but how about -- >> you got to have an excuse, right? that's my mine and i'm sticking to it. >> well where did the 12 come from? >> the 12? >> november 12th. voting on november 12th. >> it's not november 12th? that would be late, wouldn't it. 2012. >> 2012. >> now luckily, you're in the clear. >> i'm with you. >> stay with me here. >> i'm going to need you. >> he's got melissa mccarthy and that's all that really matters. one more clip, stephen colbert talking about the interview we showed you yesterday where mitt romney got upset with fox news' bret baier. >> bret, i don't know how many
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times i've said this, this is an unusual interview. >> can you say on camera and other places that at times you thought it would be a model for the nation. >> you're wrong, bret. bret, no, the tape out there, continue to read the tape. >> come on, bret. did you not read the tape? i bet you just watched the tape because that's how tape works. you got to read it -- i was going it read the hell out of that thing. the rule is, you stop grilling romney after he gives you the laugh. that's his safe word. he uses it all the time. ha ha ha. ha ha ha. ha ha ha. >> ha ha ha! available on dvd. >> you got to read the tape. still ahead, why are you
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awake? you're checked out for the weekend. tweets, texts and emails are next and "morning joe" live this morning from washington, mark halpern giving it to us, just moments away. 2 o0 hey guys, what can i get for you? i'd like a decaf 360 calories please. i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light at around 100 calories. it will add up to amazing. it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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number one story on msnbc, it's small, all-white church in kentucky has voted to ban interracial marriage. the vote was prompted by the church's former pastor who brought a resolution after the daughter of another member attended services with her african-american fiance. the church's current pastor said he's working to overturn that resolution. at the top of the show, what you're doing up. our producer has some answers, john, what you got? >> jana writes it's 12:30 p.m. in rwanda. >> no way. rwanda? >> that's the first rwanda email we've got. what else? >> matt in orange city, florida, unfortunately i'm up in the hospital waiting for a transfer for my emergency spleen surgery. >> oh, gosh, that's a first. i don't even have a joke about that, i hope it goes well. one twt,