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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  October 14, 2011 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> we are the 99%. >> and show down averted for now. but new tensions mount between. i am andrea mitchell live in washington. rick perry is in steel town talking about the one issue he has not been able to touch for weeks. today the texas governor unveiled his solution for the jobs crisis. it sounds a lot like drill baby drill. chris joins us with the daily fix. how did that speech work for him today? >> you know, i think what he and his team are trying to do is find a public venue where he is more comfortable. he has been in this race and it has been defined by these four debates that we have had that he has participated in.
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it's not a good format for him. so i think what they are trying to do is as you said in the opening, push the restart button. give him a place to talk about energy. this is territory where he is somewhat comfortable and give speeches. he is doing more media appearances. i just think they are trying to get that negative perception that this is a falling stock away from him. >> and of course he used a tell prompter. so it all looked good, it played to his virtue. he did the morning shows today and this was matt lauer requesting him about the fact that his wife complained that he was brutalized by his faith.
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>> isn't it a bit hypocrite call to say you are targeted because of your faith but it was a surrogate for your campaign that introduced it in the first place? >> he made his comments on his own. we have distance d ourselves. i have clearly said we do not agree with his comments. >> it remains to be seen how much he distanced himself. anita perry and her controversial comments. we have been eaten up and brutalized by our opponents in our own party.
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>> i am trying to figure out how his republican opponents have brutalized him. >> right. i mean look. i understand that you as a spouse would be upset to see your husband take the arrows. he is in the most public forum possible. he is running for leader of the free world. there is going to be more attention given to him, certainly more than when he was the governor of texas or running for governor of texas. it is an all's fair in politics. i don't know that playing rick perry as victim is going to to sell. i think he needs to sell himself as a strong leader. that message has not broken through. >> thanks so much. fred served as finance chair to the palin campaign. does it serve rick perry to play the victim? this is the nfl. he is a texas.
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>> he can, too. i don't think he is playing victim at all. the energy today was very much on the offensive. i think the people are tired of somebody who is a good speech maker and comes in and doesn't get the job done. this guy has done it. >> bloomberg today has a story questioning whether that was based on a lot of public sector jobs. >> a lot of people flocked into texas and moved into texas to take advantage of the low regulatory environment and some of the initiatives taken place. when you have more people and you need more employee tosser vis those people. >> how do you explain herman cain who is going to be on "meet
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the press." is he a viable candidate for the party? >> he has had experience in running things. he has created jobs and bimt the company's success. i like herman .
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in november in 2007, about the same time, john mccain who got the nomination was in single digits. so it takes a while for people to coalesce around a candidate. i think romney is doing fine. the most recent poll i saw he is tied and moving ahead. >> other establishments have followed. >> that is not a republican position that most will be. >> we got to guard against it or take measures against it.
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>> i thought it was fine. i think china is a great market. a growing market. we do business in china. my hotel company does a lot of business in china. it is a. >> i think mitt romney is making a lot of very solid points. if you look at his economic plan, he has got over 150 pages and he boiled it down. >> 59 points in fact. >> thank you very much. it's good to see you. >> bank of america announced it would begin charging customers $5 a month to use their debit
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cards for in-store purchases. it has caught the eye of consumer watch dogs. congressman peter welch is the chief deputy minority whip and leading the charge against the new bank fees. you are claiming this is a possible anti-trust violation? >> i am asking for investigation. bank of america has used monopoly power in the past. right after the dur pin passed, the american bankers association all said we're going to go to the consumers and impose this fee on the debit cars. it raises the question of whether this is an anti-trust violation. my view? competition, that's going to set fairer prices.
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monopoly power and the other big four, they control $7.7 trillion in assets. we want the investigation to make sure that there is no anti-trust violation and if there is, to prosecute it. >> at the same time if there is no anti-trust violation what can the government do if anything to change the bank's posture on this? >> well, two things. number one, i think the question is will these big banks move away from the fee-driven model where they basically have the model to pick the pocket of their depositors and consumers and move towards the banking model based on a reasonable product. consumer
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consumers. >> no, you know, i am not concerned about the profit side. i think we need a strong and vital profitable banking sector. i am looking at the practices. if the banks are making good money by giving loans to businesses, that's a good thing. i be grudge them their practices where they are using predatory pricing or market control to basically fleece their depositors. that's the problem. >> thank you very much. thanks for joining us. >> up next, team obama is still trying to make their case against iran in the murder for hire alleged plot on u.s. soil.
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and a surprise march by occupy wall street leads to new run-ins by police today. send me your thoughts on twitter. this is andrea mitchell reports only on msnbc. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan.
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>> so the question that people have been asking for is how could a congressman be the primary suspect in the million and a half dollar plot. it sounds like a parody of a spy novel and a bad one at that. the president says the zefd solid.
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>> he had direct links, was paid by and directed by individuals in the iranian government. those facts are there for all to see. we would not be bringing forward a case unless we knew exactly how to support all the allegations that are contained in the indictment. >> michael served as director until recently. you understand the reasons for skepticism. i laid that out. but you say that the case is solid in terms of how far it goes. >> i think it is. i understand people's skepticism. but if you look at the facts in the indictment now you have an individual who admits he was funded, directed and controlled by people. you have money traced back to iran.
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correct? >> that is correct. and to the extent that people are skeptical about how high it goes. those are also the facts that are less likely to be released into the public realm. about what and who? >> who would possess iran to have tried to escalate. why would iran have taken this step using such a poor vehicle this guy was a bhungaler. what could be the justification. >> i think iran views itself as in more of a.
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>> and we have to remember that iran has been actively engaged and targeting u.s. forces in iraq and potentially afghanistan. in this sense, this is obviously a real change in their tactics, they already view themselves as being in a hot war with us. >> at the same time, many people are arguing that the force has been viewed as a really elite and confident team. why would they, again, do something that was such a bhungaled operation? >> first, i would suggest that not every intelligence operation is quite as james bondish as they would expect. all that being said, the attempt to use a mexican drug gang,
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although risky in some ways would be effective at hiding aran's hand. imagine that the person to whom they are speak something not a dea informant. this plot evolves in a very, very different way. >> what's the risk here long term. the fact is that iran and the saudis are really in battle formation against each other. this brings the stakes up to a level that we have not seen before. >> briefly do you have any doubt that they would have brought in
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the president, the attorney general, the fbi director? at every level of the u.s. government, briefed the senate. people have been burned by the wmd fiasco back in the bush years and so a lot of people are very skeptical. >> i understand that. but very served in both a republican and democratic administration, in my experience, you do not inform the president. you do not bring the attorney general and the fbi director unless you are very confidence. and i think that the evidence shows that there is clearly a associated plot for a perpetrated attack here in the united states. exactly how high that knowledge goes, that's a little bit more difficult question. but there is knowledge there at some level and even that is a really serious escalation in my view. >> thanks for the expertise. great to have you with us.
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october 14, 1964, martin luther king jr. was named the winner of the nobel peace prize. the civil rights movement is moving with determination and a majestic skoern for risk to establish a rule of freedom and justice. the president was only 6 years old when the president was assassinated in 1968. this sunday the president will be speaking at the delayed dedication. raising the question how
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comfortable is president -- just how comfortable are you to them. she is a white house reporter. julie, why raise this question? what is the disagreement, if any, between the civil rights generation and what some have called the joshua generation of barack obama? >> andrea, it's not really a disagreement. the civil rights sort of look on obama with a little bit of disappointment. as he seeks to align himself this weekend with the monument and the president is very interested in civil rights. he has a bust of king in the white house. they feel he has not done enough to advance the cause of economic involvement. >> what do you think he needs to
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say at this dedication to ensure and embrace the traditions of dr. king and all of his survivors? >> what these leaders want to hear is an acknowledgment. he understands there is a problem. they are very pragmatic. it is a tricky situation. >> we will all be watching the dedication. next, the fight over abortion funding returns to capitol hill. how are the new free trade agreements expected to create american jobs. we will be asking u.s. trade representative up next. you are watching only on msnbc. i habe a cohd.
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[ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. the committee will consider a legislation that repeals the
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definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. the respect for marriage act is supported by all ten democrats on the panel meaning it should gain enough to move to the senate floor. >> something they are trying to do is massage nis. this is one of the there are
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republicans who believe that when an individual who qualifies based on income gets money from the government and is then able to buy health insurance and some day we will see them democrats are very passionate in saying this goes too far. it is the biggest assault since that decision was decided. it leaves everybody feeling exhausted. >> this is just another one of these proxy fights which are setting up battle lines or talking points from the campaign
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ahead. the american people are left wondering is congress completely broken. rather than the society it was intended to be. >> there is so much frustration on all sides. people are thinking if you are a republican in the senate you are angry that the party's rights are not being up held. the gridlock is so evident. the other side wants the gridlock for political purposes in 2012.
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potential benefits of a new trade agreement that claims will increase u.s. exports by $11 billion while opening korean's markets to american goods. thanks so much. first of all. >> for doing something relatively impressive as it relates to trade policy. that's why i am work with this
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as we saw the korean trade agreement and make it more balanced and be willing to take a courageous stand to say you know what? we have always said that we wanted a level playing field in fair trade. when we produce that the uaw did something no union has done. they endorsed the korean trade agreement because particularly these workers at this plant know a lot of their livelihood is related to lots of cars that they have made here or sold outside of the united states. that's what the president spoke to. when you recall he gave his jobs speech. we don't want to just see his and toyotas and hondas driven by college kids. we want to see the cars sold all across the world and korea. when you are willing to stand at the table and fight for a better deal, you can produce that. >> what can be said in tangible terms from this new trade deal
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as to how it might eventually impact michigan. more than two points above the national average. >> well, ultimately, you know, this president put all his chips on the table. when he stood up against congress and said we're not goi going. because we are gaining market share in the u.s. by selling to new consumers whether they are in mexico, korea, asia, africa. and we want to have an industry that is strong enough that if they make the corporate decision to sell in the markets, the trade policy doesn't get in the way.
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they didn't feel anybody was -- goes across the ambassador bridge here in detroit. what i heard from them, we want a fair shake and a level level playing field new opportunities for these workers whether they are at this gm plant or working for ford or chrysler all around the world. >> occupy wall street. >> i think the frustration we are seeing not just in wall street but around the country speaks to, i think, an american
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public that just questions i think most americans understand we don't have any problem with big business. small businesses splooi companies like general motors or bboeing or ford. they want to make sure we don't forget america's middle income families. to our trade policy. that it speaks to the needs of all americans and particularly our middle income and working class families. >> ambassador ron kirk, thank you very much for joining us. good looking cars there. thank you so much.
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>> there are a lot of great cars made here. >> a lot of great cars made in america. you have got big numbers to brag about. you have exceeded $32 billion put out for job creation for american businesses. how does this work? provided to companies provided that they buy american products. >> founded by fdr to help fund jobs. this year we did $32 billion just two days ago. double the amount of just three years ago and really helping to create and sustain jobs. what we do is we help buyers overseas buy u.s. products. we help a german company that
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manufactures in north carolina and we finance that purchase. >> i think some people it would be counter intuitive. we are creating constructs as long as they buy american. >> it is about creating a job here. the only reason we make a loan is to make sure they buy american products. >> are these long term loans? >> it might be ten or 12 years or six months. the chinese, the germans, the koreans and japanese all provide credits. if we don't we don't have a level playing field. >> let me play devil's advocate, we are doing the right thing, why aren't the normal trade credits providing the imneed?
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>> much of the trade is done without our assistance and without question. the vast that majority is done without the support of the bank. but in a couple transactions where there is intense competition, or we did a transaction, there are not that many banks that will lend. >> understandably. it's not that. >> what would be the impact if congress were to go ahead with this where the president has indicated he won't be signing it in its current form. if some president does sign it and china retaliates, what happens next. >> will tl are a lot of high poth cease in that question
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there. the president, secretary geithner and others at every level are working with china and other countries to have a level playing field. and i think that some of those things are obviously done better i would much rather keep winning. we compete with them and we actually sell china $100 billion worth of goods. they are the third largest destination for u.s. goods and services. they are a formidable. >> [ male announcer ] tom's discovering that living healthy can be fun.
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[ giggles ]
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coming up at 2:00 p.m. eastern time we are following developing news in the occupy wall street protest. dozens of people arrested despite being allowed to stay in the park. now there are new calls for massive protests this weekend and a new pledge by the supporters of this movement to close down chase bank accounts. we will tell you what they are planning. details ahead for you on news nation. >> libyan rebels are fighting progadhafi forces in tripoli for the first time in two months. trip low had been mostly calm since gadhafi was forced into
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hiding. in missouri the parents of missing baby girl, lisa irwin, have released new videos. she was reported missing ten days ago. in china the pilot of a fighter jet is missing. a second pilot was found with pg out of the plane just before the crash. >> a somehow done between police and the okay pi wall street protesters was averted last minute when a company opted not to force the demonstrators out to clean it. >> did i understand you correctly?
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>> what are people saying there and what have you found out? >> people are actually resting. that's because they had a long night. they spent the night cleaning and preparing for the potential show down with police today. today is a pretty calm day. in terms of everything that happened this morning, up to 1000 demonstrators gathered here this morning. if anything they certainly got crowds to come out. this all stems from the fact that the city had asked the protesters. the city asked them to move temporarily so that the parks owners could clear the park.
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they needed to power wash the park. the issue was that when they were told that when they returned to the park they would have to obey the rules and some of the rules included things like no camping, no sleeping bags, no personal belongings on the ground so the protesters believed once they moved out they would not be allowed to return and occupy this space. we did see some clashes and scuffles with police. at least 14 arrested and one injured in that. this seems to be a day of celebration. there are people resting and trying to get their organization back on track and tomorrow there is a day of protest planned where the organizers at that event are expecting protesters to come out including here in
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new york where this all began. >> thank you so much. thanks for the report. and who had the worst week in washington? that's up next on andrea mitchell reports. [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon.
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and developing now, showing live pictures. that's the crowd waiting for the president of the united states and president of south korea, president lee who will jointly appear at a chevy plant in orion, michigan. we will bring that to you live when they show up. and what had the worst weekend in washington? msnbc of chrchri chris cillizia joins me. >> my blackberry had a three day slow down by research and
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motion. this is a problem. i feel like washington is the last holdout where people use blackberrys, we are fighting the cultural coolness of the iphone. that happened this week, the same week, i might add, andrea, that the new iphone 4s comes out today, really bad time for research in motion. i wonder if this was the last straw. it was for me. i wonder if it was for other folks who have held tight to their blackberrys for so long. not a good week for research in motion. their stock is off 60% in 2011. >> some of us are still weighted to the keyboard, and not only the coolness factor but according to critical reviews, critical meaning the analysis in "the wall street journal" "the new york times," "the washington post," this new phone is amazing, not only the camera,
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but the voice directed function, it sounds incredible. >> and where it can tell me where a coffee shop is. i love my starbuck's. i will never get an assistant as a reporter. so if i can have an electronic one? waiting for the iphone to arrive. sorry, blackberry. >> the fact blackberry went out not just overseas but america, 70 million customers, including all of us, trying to figure where news was breaking and i couldn't read the fix. it was a problem. >> can't read the fix. it started in europe, spread to the middle east and africa. we only paid attention when it hit washington. >> exactly. chris, have a great weekend. >> you, too. >> we'll be talking monday. thanks so much. that does it for they had igs of andrea mitchell reports. follow the show online and on twitter@michellereports. and tamron hall has what's next. >> i'm sorry, i was texting on my iphone. come on, that was an awful week,
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i know. a lot of people are still talking about the impact it could have. thanks, andrea. have a great weekend. any minute now, we expect to hear from president obama and the latest push for the jobs bill after the bill stalled in the senate, the president will speak from a gm assembly plant near the great city of detroit. and the latest on the occupy wall street protests. some supporters of the protest are threatening to close their personal chase bank accounts. why are they targeting chase? we'll find out. "news nation" is minutes away. steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today.
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see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. there's more on the occupy wallstreet movement. they plan massive marches after celebrating the cleaning of the park. the small victory means they won't be kicked out of the park where they set up shop now for 28 days. a march on chase bank and times square is scheduled for
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tomorrow. demonstrators vow to close their chase bank accounts and transfer money to worker owned banks and also credit unions. 14 people were arrested in lower manhattan, some after violent clashes with police like you see here. in denver, another two dozen people were arrested and had their tents torn down near the state capital. they are trying to clear out the crowd of several hundred people. in san diego, protesters are warned to pack up their tents by midnight or have their belongings impounded and face possible arrests. the anti-wall street movement spread to at least 190 cities. look at the map nationwide. first off, let's talk about what they have planned for this weekend. they say they're going to times square, and pledge to go target chase bank because chase laid off 14,000 people after taking bailout money