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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 3, 2018 7:00am-8:51am EST

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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it's march 3rd, 2018. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." a powerful and deadly storm hits millions of americans, destroying homes, paraling travel, and leaving over a million without power. we'll have the latest on the damage. plus, a killing on campus. a college student allegedly murders his visiting parents, sending classmates into lockdown and police into a desperate arch. details on the arrest. looking for clarity. president trump bewilders lawmakers and the public over
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his stancen gun legislation and trade tariffs. and with russia's newest nuclear threat and a north korea on edge, we'll talk to man who once helped craft america's dooms daig play. daniel ellsberg who once leaked the pentagon papers blows the whistle again on what conflict would really look like. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> the massachusetts coast is just getting hammered. >> monster storm packing a huge punch. >> a deadly storm unleashes chaos on the east coast. >> no one's spared from big snow totals to trees down everywhere. >> you can imagine the cleanup effort everywhere today. >> it made for difficult flying conditions. >> more than 3,000 flights were canceled stranding passengers.
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michigan police believe they have arrested student who killed his own parents in a collegely defended handling of rob porter. he created a new version of the timeline. >> president trump escaping the politica ofl heat washington. the president and his wife are back in florida following a week of bad deadlines. >> the amount of chaos in this white house, infighting in this white house is just incredible. >> the worst of the nation's says that the season nally peaked every last month. >> all that -- >> skiers and borders using whatever they uld to free a bu >> -- and all that matters -- >> funeral services held for billy graham. >> my father's brave est longin has been granted. he's in the presence of god. >> -- on "cbs this morning:
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saturday." "the new york times" reports the president has asked chief of staff john kelly to push ivanka and jared kushner house. >> finally an issue you can relate to, not being able to get your grown kids out of the house. welcome to the weekend, everyone. i'm anthony mason along with alex wagner and we begin this morning with the recovery for millions of americans in the path of a late winter nor'easter. this morning the storm is moving out over the atlantic ocean but not before it pounded much of the east coast with hurricane-force winds, heavy rain, and record snow in some areas. at least six deaths are being blamed on the storm. >> rescues took place overnight along the massachusetts coastline as high tide sent seawater rushing into streets. even where it wasn't raining or snowing, the high winds were dangerous. take a look at these passenger jets struggling to land at an
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airport outside raleigh, north carolina. a camera caught one pilot landing near washington, d.c. and situations like that are causing travel to crawl nationwide. since friday morning more than 3,900 flights have been canceled. kris van cleave is in boston this morning where rising tides reached record levels. kris, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we've had about another 500 flights or so canceled today but amtrak is back up and running. you can see low tide. that's good news for the folks out here. the winds still intense but dying down. this is a powerful storm here. i should be walking up stairs but it blew enough sand that it blew it up the seawall. people were worried that the ocean had gone through it. neighbors say the waves were hitting the houses but it looks like they weathered this storm. the dangerous high tide just
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before midnight slammed the coast at nearly 14 feet in parts of massachusetts, coupled with almost 3 feet of storm surge, it sent ferocious watt e over seawalls and into neighborhoods. on friday quincy rescued stranded residents using boats and front loaders. >> it was kind of scary because we were standing in front having to hold on. >> neighbors all along the coast saw serious flooding. >> my house is completely under water. i had everything set up and it ended up coming in the back instead of the front like it did on january 4th. i had nothing else i could do. >> reporter: we found them waiting for a national guard truck to escape more flooding and the 4 feet of water rising in their basement. >> you guys flooded once before this winter. >> yes. >> it's happened all over again. >> six weeks ago. woe just finished everything. new furnace, new washer and dryer.
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we had to repost our pipes because they froze last time. >> reporter: the nor'easter blanketed snow. they had 14 inches making friday the snowiest day of the winter. high winds toppled power lines knocking out electricity to more than 2.5 million people. trees crashed into homes nchl chester, virginia, the storm turned tragic. a falling tree killed a 6-year-old boy and in maryland, a 100-year-old woman had to be rescued after tree down. >> i'm just trying to get home. as you can he have a cold. >> reporter: the weather forced amtrak to cancel trains leaving commuters stranded like tisa joiner-nance. >> reporter: more than 3,000
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flights were canceled leaving people stranded like betsy sulser who was trying to get to her batchelorette party in nashville. >> you seem okay. >> yeah. we're a bunch of good girls. we'll do it another time. >> reporter: there was a lot of storm surge and that brought a lot of water in. so you walk around the streets here. you see a lot of these hoses that have been pumping water out into the street. and there, no exaggerating, is sand everywhere. with the wind dying down the focus becomes getting lights back on for the hundreds of thousands of people waking up in the dark. >> thank you, kris. on the west coast, rain caused serious problems in parts of california. the downpour sent a torrent of mud and rocks onto major roadways and force ed closings
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montecito. a mandatory evacuation order has been lifted. even though it had been raining hard in hollywood, the preparations for the 90th academy awards went on as scheduled friday. the weather is expected to be dry by the award ceremonies tomorrow. and in utah the crews were busy following a powerful windstorm there. several trucks were blown out over interstate 80. it knocked power out for several customers. meteorologist ed curran of our chicago station wbbm has more. how do things look today? >> as the storm moves out to sea things will imimprovemeprove. we have the coastal flood warnings that will remain for a time as the winds continue to die down. here are the isobars, the bars
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of pressure. the closer together they are, the windier it is. you'll see as we go into tomorrow, they start to loosen up, so gradually we bring the winds down along the coast. meanwhile out west, winter storm warnings are up. you can see 4 to 8 inches here, 4 to 12 inches, even a few feet of snow up high in the mountains, and a fire weather warning up for new mexico, colorado, up in kansas, and part of texas as well. alex? >> meteorologist ed curran of our chicago station wbbm-tv. thanks, ed. also breaking overnight in michigan manhunt has ended for a suspected shooter and killing. 19-year-old davis was taken into custody. his patients were found shot to death in a campus dorm room. demarco morgan is here with the
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latest. good morning. >> good morning. the suspect was spotted by someone. he was arrested a short time later. the shooting happened on the last day of classes after school before a week-long break as many parents were arriving to pick up their kids. >> the cmu police department is responding to a report of shots fired. >> the shooter inside a dorm room shook central michigan university and put the campus on lockdown. students were encouraged to shelter in place. >> we see a lot of paramedics. the fbi is on scene right now. i spoke withy sources on the fourth floor of campbell hall where those shots rang out. she's very shooken up. she's telling me that police officers are checking hall by hall, room by room. >> reporter: the incident took place on the last day of classes before spring break with parents
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picking up children. >> we believe the incident is a domestic-type incident. >> the victims are the parents,. >> we're asking community members to call us. call 911 if you see this individual. he should be considered armed and dangerous. >> reporter: s.w.a.t. teams looked for davis by foot while helicopters looked by air. >> it took my breath away. i never thought it was him. >> he was normal, funny. i never would have guessed. >> the younger davis was hospitalized thursday night due to a possible overdose. his mother was a breast cancer survivor. incredibly sad, demarco.
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incredibly sad. president trump returns to the white house today after a brief overnight stay at his mar-a-lago resort in florida. awaiting the president in washington about questions about his stance on gun control. this week he called for tough e gun laws and expressed the support for the national rifle association. >> some are calling it a performance and comparing it to to a reality tv show. nikki battiste is at the white house. good morning. >> president trump said he supported strong measures on gun control. then he met with leaders of the nra and seemed to change his toon. his swaying stance has confused lawmakers and now senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has put the gun debate on hold. >> meeting with a group of bipartisan lawmakers at the white house earlier this week, president trump called for a
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comprehensive gun control package that would include tougher background checks and would raise the minimum age to buy assault weapons to age 21. he alts said authorities should be able to seize weapons without a court order. >> take the guns first, go through due process second. >> the stance left democrats bewilder and some lawmakers confused. >> i don't know yet whether that was just a performance or whether that is actually the new position of the white house. >> just one day later the president met with leaders of the national rifle association. after the meeting, the nra's chief lobbyist tweeted, mr. trump and vice president pence support strong due process and don't want gun control. the president then tweeted saying he had a good, parentheses, great meeting in the oval office with the nra, suggesting a softened approach on gun reform. >> i don't think the nra has had concerns with this president. >> white house press secretary sarah sanders saud the president is committed to the second amendment. >> he's going to continue to have those conversations,
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continue to work with congress to create legislation that we think can help improve the system. >> senate minority leader chuck schumer told cbs news dealing with the president on this issue is like negotiating with jell-o because his positions always change. >> the president is once again backing off because the hard right in this case the nra is pressuring him. >> schumer questioned the president's leadership saying mr. trump says the right thing with news cameras in the room. then weakens his positions after pressure from special interest groups. >> when the nra says jump and the answer's how high and totally reverses his position, that's bad for america. >> sources tell cbs news president trump called republican senator john cornyn the same night he met with the nra to reiterate his support for stronger background checks. anthony. >> thanks, nikki. now joining us with a deeper look at this is sahil kapur.
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good morning. >> good morning. >> what are we supposed to make of the possibility of gun reform here? >> it's certainly baffling a lot of members of congress, democrats and republicans. the president went out there and took control. i think what most people are thinking is stay in a holding pattern. don't go against the politics. you don't know if it's going to be the tuesday trump or thursday trump. the president has an extraordinary ability to influence his party if he's consistent and methodical. but so far, given immigration, he moved away from that stance, and he's beginning to do the same with guns. >> there have been a number of high-profile meetings and arrests, but legislatively, do you expect anything to be done this year in. >> unlikely. ily are no two issues they're more eager to avoid.
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congressional primaries are coming up and many are facing the electorate that do not want to go with these two issues. they're looking at a congress trying to keep the lights on for the rest of the year and let the voters decide the rest of november. >> meanwhile there were major changes at the white house this week and potential personnel changes as well. let's talk about hope hicks first. very close to the president. how does this affect the president do, you think? >> it's a momentous change because she's one of the few persons, probably the only one in the white house, who's still close to the president and in his inner circle who was with him before he was in politics. in his private sector in new york, throughout the campaign, the transition team, throughout the inauguration and she rose practically by default because everyone else kept getting pushed out or firing. these are big shoes to fill. the important thing about her, i would say, unlike most people in the trump orbit, she's kind of
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floated above the fray that's been defined by leaking and backstabbing. >> chaos. >> nasty chaos, yeah. >> speaking of the inner circle, those in and those out, there's been a dramatic conflict public lick between the president and his attorney general jeff sessions. what do you make of that, sahil? this is the first time we've seen jeff sessions push back on the president. >> that's right. i think jeff sessions is standing up for himself after a barrage of twitter attacks from the president that's gone on throughout the year. this highly unusual to see this. this is not a normal thing to see the president feuding with members of his own cabinet. >> what about the president's son-in-law jared kushner whose top-secret security clearance, he's lost it this week. at the same time there are rumors of his business relationships and he's fighting with kelly. >> it's been dark days for president trump's son-in-law and
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kelly. he's millions of dollars in debt. we learned that foreign governments are looking at ways to manipulate him in terms of his complex dealings with his family. his status has been more tenuous than it's been but family members have a special place. i suspect if he wants to stick around, he'll find a way. >> but this chaos is having practical implications in terms of u.s. foreign policy, in terms of u.s. position on trade. the president's announced tariffs on the steel and alinum industry came as a shock to most of his own advisers including gary co what can we l this, sahil? >> a few things. it was certainly abrupt. no government review, no strategy to solve this and explain but nobody should be surprise thad he did it. trade protection and closed borders is perhaps the one consistency. >> but his own advisers did not believe he was there on this
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issue yet up until this week s that right? >> that's why we should take from this he only listens to himself. you're absolutely right. most members of his own party, the leadership and congress are not in favor of this. the most interesting thing there's a threat of retaliation from the eu that they're threatening to go achlt harley-davidson a harley-davidson. >> sahil kapur, we'll be talking more about the tariffs and the global implications coming up in the next hour. thank you for your time, cahi s hill. tomorrow morning on "face the nation" margaret brennan's guests will include senator joe manchin, lindsey gra hasn't, and peter navarro. the man often described as american's pastor has been laid to rest. president trump, vice president
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pence, and their wives were among 2,000 mourners who gathered under a large white tenlts in charlotte. gram graham's son franklin spoke of his father's love for family and assured his parishioners the preacher and his father were one in the same. >> the billy graham you saw in big stadiums was the same billy graham we saw at home. >> he was buried next to his wife ruth who died in 2007. he was 99 years old. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "usa today" reports the 58 families who lost loved ones in the las vegas shooting massacre are in live to receive $275,000. it started as a go fund me effort. organizers plan to compensate the ten people who were paralyzed or suffered permanent brain damage as well as nearly 147 people hospitalized from the october rampage.
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the "minneapolis star tribune" reports a potential tragedy has been averted after police found an arsenal of weapons including an explosive device in the home of a teenager. police near st. paul obtained a warrant to search the home afte was threatened by that teen. the parents and the teen were arrested on negligent storage of firearms charges. authorities say there are no known threats to students or to the school. the "las vegas review journal" reports a wrongful death lawsuit has been filed in connection with a deadly helicopter crash last month at the grand canyon. the parents of british tourist jonathan udall are accusing the helicopter company with not outfitting its choppers with crash-resistant fuel system udall and his wife were among the five people who died from the crash. there's been no comment from the company. the "san francisco chronicle" reports at least three people suffered injuries
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after accidentally walking into glass walls inside the sleek apple headquarters in silicon valley because they were hard to see. the injuries happened shortly after the $5 billion apple park complex opened in january. apple has since added stickers to some glass walls to prevent additional injuries. and tmz believes people deserve second chances. the two famously announced "la la land" as the winner after being handed the wrong ooepz envelope when it was actually "mine lite." they say they will not screw up twice. >> i'm glad they get a second
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justice delayed is justice denied. lamonte macintyre knows that legal maxim all too well. and later with the ncaa embroiled in a new pay-for-play scandal, some are wondering if a drastic change in the rules of college sports is what's needed to avoid further controversy. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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ever hear of a phantom traffic jam? it wheens you're stuck bumper to bumper and there's no accident or construction causing it. well, scientists from mit are on the case and they've figured out why it happens and even better how to prevent it. >> i need to know. and it's oscar weekend and we'll take you inside an auction of hollywood history. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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good morning, everyone, i'm jan carabeo. crews are working to restore store power as the nor'easter moves out to sea. right now, peco has more than 294,000 customers without power. that number stand at 33,000 for ppl, 12,000 for delmarva, and about 13,000 for atlantic city electric, as well as 7200 for pse&g. now, the outages have prompted the red cross to open an emergency shelter in horsham montgomery county. we check out the eyewitness weather forecast with meteorologist, chelsey ingram. >> good morning, well, definately different situation , compared to yesterday. but we are still dealing with the win out there. take a look at the current temperatures, of course the wind making it feel even
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colder feels like the 20's right now, 35 degrees in philadelphia, 37 in wilmington , waking up in allentown this morning, with right around 35 degrees, 34 in willow grove, 37 degrees this morning in palmyra. so throughout the day today, temperatures are going to be in the four's, philadelphia, and down the shore, still going to be very windy, and it will feel more like the 30's and quick check of your seven day forecast, next chance for precipitation tuesday night. >> all right, chelsey, thank you. our next update is at 7:57. see you then. have a great day.
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leigh vivien leigh vivian lei vivienne lei devito. in california sheriff's deputies sprang into action and pulled five people buried under snow friday after an avalanche at the squaw valley ski resort in the sierra nevadas. three people were injured, one seriously. first responders say they followed the screams and say in one case just the tip of the snowboard was visible. after one hour the body was found at the resort. >> glad they were found. >> very glad. welcome back to "cbs this morning." we begin this half hour with the wrongful conviction of a teenager that led to decades behind bars. the reversal now has the kansas state torn re-examining the case
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along with possible problems in about a dozen other convictions. dean reynolds takes a look. >> reporter: when lamont mcintyre was exonerated last october in a double murder case, he walked out of a kansas prison with a clean record but not a dime to his name. >> you lost 23 years of your life. >> mm-hmm. >> now the state is offers you nothing. >> i think it's unjust, but me being angry about it is not going to change it. >> reporter: kansas is one of 18 states that offers wrongfully convicted prisoners no compensation at all upon their release. >> it sounds almost venchful. >> or neglectful in the nicest way of looking at it. >> reporter: tricia bushnell of the innocence project worked to win mcintyre's release. he has other reasons to be angry. for example, at his trial in 1994 when he was 17, there was
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no physical evidence or motive presented. worse, according to mcintyre's current lawyer, the lead detective roger golubski, built the case by threatening witnesses. bushnell says the fallout may impact other potential exonerations. >> we have about a dozen of people who have already applied. >> these are people behind bars now? >> that's right. >> a dozen cases connected to this detective. >> that right. >> reporter: detective golubski has since retired and says he did nothing wrong, but mark dupree who became the state's attorney a year ago has asked the kansas bureau of investigation to review the detective's conduct. >> if my office receives that information and there's probable cause to charge mr. golubski, it will happen. >> mcintyre got a pretty raw deal. >> he did. and the only thing that we can do is push forward. >> reporter: which is exactly
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what lamonte mcintyre now studying to be a barber is doing. >> i want to spend the rest of my time being happy. i don't want to be better. >> reporter: for cbs news, kansas city, kansas. >> we're glad he can turn the page. he's the man who revealed the government's secrets about the vietnam war, but there's an even bigger secret he's been keeping for decades. the
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up next, medical news in our "morning rounds." dr. david agus on the link between a healthy snack and a recovery from one of the most common forms of cancer. and hailing a ride for your health. uber's new push to get passengers to their doctor. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." if yorheumatoid arthritisevere and you're talking to your rheumatologist
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rounds." our look at medical news for the week. according to the centers for disease control, more than one third of american adults are considered to be obese. a new study out this week from the american medical association's cardiology journal examined the link between body mass index and cardiovascular disease. it's a topic that's generated some controversy due to the theory of what's called the obesity paradox. we're joined from los angeles by cbs news medical contributor dr. david agus. doc, good morning. what is the obesity paradox.
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>> good morning, alex. the idea that people who are obese live longer than people who are lower wachlkt this is one of a large studies. 190,000 people that debunked that myth. >> so, doctor, what did the study show about the relationship between bmi and cardiovascular health. >> body mass index, your weight and height in terms of a figure. what it showed is people who are obese, that is the largest bmis, they lived two to three years shorter and they had dramatically higher rates of heart disease. people who are just overweight, not yet overbees, they had more heart disease but lived just as long as the people who were normal weight. i think the important thing is when you have heart disease, significant heart disease, your quality of life goes down. and so even if you live the same being overweight and normal weight, the quality of life was different. >> so there is not so much of a paradox when it comes to
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obesity, is that right? >> no question about it. being significantly increases your risk of cancer and heart disease and decreases quality of life and now we can say that number's two to three years from the city of over 190,000 people. >> all right. you heard it here. it's been solved. our next topic deals with the ongoing research in the relationship between diet and cancer. a new study this week in the clinical of oncology looked at the role of nuts in colon cancer survival. >> it was an observational study involving 826 patients all with stage three colon cancer. they reported what they ate after being treated with surgery and chemo tharmpy. they were followed for an average of 6 1/2 years. the study looked at the association of nut consumption with cancer recurrence and death. did it make a difference? >> yes. people overweight and higher insulin levels had a shorter
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survival with colon cancer. in this study nuts, predominantly tree nuts, can lower insulin. we know it can lower diabetes, and gave larger survival with colon cancer. it's important to note it's not a random ietzed study. they did questionnaires and two servings a week of nuts had this significant benefit. >> okay. you mention tree nuts. can you give us some specifics on exactly what kind of nuts those are. >> damnit, i thought you were going to ask that. it's almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts. it's avoiding the peanuts and ground nuts. the oils lower the insulin. people say i don't want to eat nuts because they contain fats but they turn out to be good fats. >> david, should we expect more relationship between diet and cancer? >> listen, if this study show as survival advantage to eating nuts, i hope so. the hope is we can do real randomized studies.
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in this case, eating nuts isn't that difficult, two servings a week. you may do it even though there's not a randomized study to show this because of the data we talked about. that being said, we want to do random ietzed studies with food going forward. in many cases it's as important as it says. >> i can go eat more cashews. >> almonds. finally hitching a ride to and from a doctor's office can be problematic but this week the ride-hailing company uber announced uber health. through an online dashboard doctor's office staff can schedule rides for patients. they can even schedule a ride for up to 30 days in advance. patients don't even need a smartphone or the app to use it as huber will text them with information or call on a landline if the patient doesn't have a cell phone.
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it's also hipaa compliant. >> 3 million doctors' visits were missed last year because they couldn't get a ride. that could increase their health by showing up. there's a dashboard so the doctor or hospital orders the car and they can watch where the patient is and as soon is that get there, hopefully the patient will be seen. it's an impressive way to improve efficiency in health care and for people dwhoenlt get rides. >> and to get your reluctant loved ones to finally see their doctor. dr. david agus, thank you for rising early to be with us. >> thank you. i appreciate it. controversies are clouding college basketball as march madness is about to tip off. sports business and law expert andrew brandt is here. we'll find out if the landscape of college sports and amateur athletics is about to change forever. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday". ♪
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buzzer-beating victories like penn state's win over ohio state on friday puts the madness into march, but there's another side of college basketball that's under the mike crow scope. last week yahoo! sports reported on alleged illicit payments to dozens of players and other violations that involve some of the sports' biggest programs. ncaa president mark emmert told cbssports it might be time to change some of the rules involving amateur athletes. >> i believe this has reached a crescendo now. >> for more we're joined by andrew brandt. he's the director at the moorad center for sports law at villanova university and a columnist at "sports illustrated." good morning. >> good morning. >> what surprised you the most? >> i'm also a former ajejt, so maybe a lot didn't surprise me. knock me over with a feather.
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it shows you the lengths that agents and college recruiters and college coaches will go to get these top 17- and 18-year-olds because they bring so much to the program. they bring winning. bringing brings notoriety and that brings money. the business of colleges depends on the young, young players. >> where are we on this? we've been talking about this for a long time. people have been saying for a long time about college sports. ultimately you take this away if you just pay the athletes. is that even the table here? >> a lot of things going on here as mark emmert talked about. how do you govern this? listen. i'm at villanova. we have 25 sports. one makes money. that's college basketball, men's college basketball. we have this whole panoply. maybe the ncaa is the right gov answer model for that, but when we get to big-time college
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basketball and football, we talk about the stakes involved. maybe there's another governance modlet we talk about. maybe if it's not payment, we talk about endorsements, scholarship funds beyond college tuition. i think as emmert said, we need something beyond this level of college sports. >> let's listen. >> i think the kids should be able to use their likeness, make money from their signatures. it's their name and likeness. it's not ours. it's theirs. they should be able to make money. >> is that what's going to happen? >> that could be some potential compromise hee. instead of giving out money, we talk about let them go sign autographs, places where they're adored. does ska lieu sa, alabama, lexington, kentucky, where they
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can sign autographs, make money off their image and likeness. there was a case in supreme course, the ed o'bannon case, but that came out instead of image and likeness with manufacture cost in attendance. maybe we need to take that step. a lot of things swirling out there that could be potential solutions to this. >> do we have to basically rewrite the level of an athlete? >> i think we're talking something different. what mark emmert has charged a committee to do led by condoleeza rice is come up with nooew ideas like what we talked about. what are we doing with this college athlete. they have a one and done, where they have to go a year before they go to the pros. if that wasn't there, all these kids we're talk about would just gopro and pro and it would be feed. right now it's the g-league and players would rather go to college for a year than go there. so maybe some coordination between the nba and what has
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become their farm system, college athletics at the highest level, and working out a system where there's some payments, there's some educational level that may be part of it. this could be a multilateral solution. the condoleeza rice committee, the ncaa, the nba, developmental league, and some governance body that's beyond the nba. >> and maybe the apparel companies. >> adidas is mentioned as well. >> thanks for your time. could technology solve traffic? i hope so. researchers at one of the nation's top universities think so, and they may have cracked the code on breaking up gridlock on the roads. oh, boy, oh, boy. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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it's a common driver for drivers, finding yourself stopped bumpe highway for no apparent reason. it's traffic jam. >> speeding up, speeding up, slowing down. you have a feeling in your head there must be anccthis. you keep on going and there isn't anything. >> this professor studying the phenomena. he phantom traffic jams start when one car in alows dow chain reaction that entraffic. using computer models, he reports drivers need to keep
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equal spacing with cars in front of and behind them. >> with this little trick you can come preece these instabilities. >> but he doesn't believe it's a problem that can be completely solved by human drivers. he says modifying adaptive cruise control systems which allow cars to maintain that equal spacing will help for now, but eventually driverless cars using a special control mode could solve the problem for good. >> i'm looking forward to just having a button on my car console that says, you know, go into this mode and it's something that would be available, fully autonomous cars. >> so, in other words, until people get their hands off the wheel, we ear not going solve this. >> the fact that someone has pinpointed it makes me feel better where human civilization is headed. if they can get rid of phantom traffic jams,ly be so much happier. >> porsha and other companies
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are creating flying cars that could solve the problem. >> and create a new one. the u.s. could pay a big price for many goods and products if mr. trump imposes tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. for some of you, your local news is next. the rest of you, stick around. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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news." good morning, everyone,m n s the nor'easter,t back to rail line suspending service between washington and new york until:0this morning because of storm related pour outages. modified service plan, septa morning, make sure to stay up to date on all rail service by going on line now, for the eyewitness weather forecasts with 'easter, jan,, chelsey ingram. pulling out to sea, still dealing with the winds associated with it ohough. t let me take to you storm scan3 , things are quieting down precipitation wise, even starting
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breaking out when you look at the satellite. 37 degrees in philadelphia. 37 degrees in allentown, with t, it actually feels more like the 20's, feels more like 26 de back to feeling like winter, for sure. or highead throughout the day temperature around 47 degrees, in philadelphia, but it will feel like the 30's, throughout the day. jan, over you. >> chelsey, thank you. at 8:27. we will see you then, have a great day.
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welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday". i'm anthonyas alex wagner. coming up this hour president trump wants to putported steel . that could mean the u.s. paying higher prices for many products and goods. we will look at the possible looming trade war. then as russia's vladimir putin announces a new art nall of nuclear weapons, pentagon pape papers' wiggsle-blower daniel ellsberg is out with a new book about the dangers of nuclear war and the country's doomsday plan. >> and dine sawyers, predators, and even a terminator are up for
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grabs. we'll show you what hollywood treasures are included just ahead. first our top story this half hour. the aftermath of the nor'easter that slammed the east coast. the storm is now out over the atlantic ocean. some areas were hit by hurricane-force winds, heavy rain, and record snow. the storm is blamed for at least six deaths. >> in neighborhoods around boston residents were rescued from their homes and flooded streets. the strong winds knocked trees into houses. streets were block and power lines down cutting off electricity to 1.8 million drives. >> one driver on the verrazzano bridge captured a tractor trailer blown over by the powerful winds. >> the high winds were the major factor in the cancellation of nearly 4,000 flights since friday. you can see how some planes hat a tough time with dangerous
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travel conditions. moert ed curran of our chicago station wbbm-tv has more on this weather. ed, good morning. >> this powerful storm system continues to move out to sea, and as it does, things will improve. we have gale warnings and storm warnings for a time and coastal flood warnings that remain up as we head into early sunday morning. as this pulls away, the winds will improve. these are bars of pressure here. and as they loosen, the winds start to lighten up. as you can see, it takes a while for that to happen. so gradually we see the winds diminishing. now out to the west, winter storm warnings are up and we 4 to 12 there, and in california, we could see up high in the mountains up to a few feet of snow as the storm system continues out west.
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they hope president trump will recore on tariffs of steel and aluminum. some have intended to roll with the president's policy statements knowing that mr. trump's ideas can change, but lawmakers are acting with worries that it could spark a global trade war and staal recent gains in the u.s. economy. some u.s. trade partners are warning of retaliation if the u.s. hits them with tariffs. >> the continuing threat of a trade war sent stocks lower on friday. the dow rallied from a triple-digit deficit to close about 70 points lower. friday's loss came after a 420-point drop on thursday. here to discuss the impact of a possible trade war is cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger. good morning. >> good morning. >> is this in line with america's first trade poolcy? is that what this is? >> i think so. and coming on the heels of just about a month ago when we had the tariffs on the solar panels
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and other appliances, i think it is somewhat consistent. look. the critics are really worried about this one because this is taking it to another level and the fear is this could be the beginning of something much bigger and retaliation from some of our trading partners like canada and mexico who were already negotiating nafta with them, this could really hurt much of our negotiating stance with these countries. >> jill, the eu has already sort of announced some very pointed retribution, if you will. they seemt to be not necessarily surprised, but they have their ducks in a row. >> yes. this is from the european commission. tariffs will be on harley-davidsons, bourbon, and blue jeans. that's quite pointed. look. this just shows you. these are our allies. europe, but not only that, a lot of the people in the canadian countries are saying this is a big problem.
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south korea, we're starting to negotiate with them over issues of north korea. again, these are our friends who are saying why are you doing this. this has broader implications. >> the president, jill, has tweeted that trade wars are good. are trade wars ever good? >> i don't like the word "war" in anything. this in my mind, war is bad. trade wars are not good. they can lead to really big problems when it comes to the pglobal economy. so, again, will these tariffs undo our economic progress right this second? probably not. but, if we see retribution from these other countries, that could start to get into some very thorny territory. the concern among economists that i speak to is, no, it's not this, but it's something, the next thing. if all of a sudden we're all fighting, this could really slow down world economic progress. and some of them said this could actually lead to a global recession. >> jill, beyond overseas, there's a domestic audience that
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could be hurt here. the agricultural section, a large part of the president's base could be very injured by these terms. >> yes, it's very interesting. although china does not actually export a lot of steel and aluminum anymore to does because that's changed in the last decade, some of these measures will hit china, and we export quite a bit of soybeans to china. so they're very fearful that the retribution from china could really hurt their industry. on one hand you've got a winner. you say anyone in the domestic steel and aluminum business feel great about this, but there are losers. it's the agricultural business, car business, beer companies who use aluminum cans or any aluminum in packaged food products. these are the losers. they worry they're going to lose not just business but be forced to cut jobs. that could be the opposite of what the president wants. >> some people in his own party are calling this potentially a
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job-killing tax hike is. this at risk here? >> i don't know if this particular issue will be. i think what we have to see is if there is fallout in other industries, it could be. again, i don't have a lot of details. what we know from the president is 25% and 10% tariffs will be coming. next week we should get more details. there could be kcarve-outs for industries. >> the legal review is not even completed and it remains to be seen whether there could be a trade organization rebuff. >> yeah. >> there's a lot left to be solved. >> the president does not have kind words so maybe he doesn't care about that. >> we shall see. jill
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it reads like a real-life "doctor strengthlove." a new book from daniel ellsberg lays bare america's secret strategy in the event of a nuclear conflict and questions the cold war era policies that remain to this day. up next, why the noted whistle-blower waited decades to tell his part of the story. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." ♪ your heart doesn't only belong to you. bye grandpa. and if you have heart failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people
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vladimir putin stunned the world by announcing an array of nuclear weapons including a cruise missile with unlilted range and a nuclear tipped underwater drone. he claims the weapons can't be unter accepted and says they were developed to counter america's missile defense system. >> danielle ellsberg who released the pentagon papers introduced "the doomsday machine: confessions of a nuclear war planner." we sat down with him to discuss the origins of nuclear warplanes and today's crisis. for more than 40 years daniel ellsberg has been known as the man who exposed the u.s. government's secret about the vietnam war, but there's an even bigger secret he's been keeping about his involvement in planning an even bigger war. >> you said i was part of plan
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that should never have been made that was a crime against humanity. what was the plan? >> the plan was to hit every city in the soviet union and every city in china. there was no plan for fighting soviets that did not also involve annihilating the chinese population. the result was a readiness to annihilate 600 million people, 100 hole caughts. when i say crime against humanity, it was actually a crime against th the human species. >> this is the end of days, and that was the plan. >> yes. >> i play that the coming years will be blessed with peace and prosperity. >> reporter: in the 1960s, it was ellsberg's job to update the nuclear plans left by president eisenhower. >> you said this was the most evil plan that ever existed, and yet the people that you knew who drafted this plan, we they amoral? >> no. what this revealed to me was
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something about our species that i've had to live with for the next 50 years and try to understand. they're very norming a, ordinary, smart, cons schennous patriotic people working in secret can carry out monstrous plans, but it's the job. and you go to work and you do what the boss wants. when i modified these plans -- i, for instance, tried to get of moscow and off china automatically. and actually i failed in all of that, not hitting moscow was just unthinkable. >> when they are exploded, they will produce a doomsday shroud. >> reporter: ellsberg compares the war plans to the 1964 movie "dr. strange love," which centers on the existence of a doomsday machine meant to automatically respond with enough nuclear weapons to destroy all life on earth.
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>> and doctor strangelove was a documentary. it saw the mad humor in the situation. it still makes me laugh when i think about it because it's hard to take this seriously except that it's very serious indeed. those were and are our preparations for nuclear war. >> reporter: he intended to bring the information to the public after the close of the war in vietnam. >> but found publishers then and 30 years later feeling we can't sell this to readers. they don't want to hear anything with the word "nuclear" in the title. that was true right up until the present. >> reporter: more than 50 years later, ellsberg has published a new book about his experience. he wrote the book in his bunker-like office, referencing documents from his considerable archives. so there are a few books down here. just a few. and you've created your own library classification system. nuclear notes. >> first use. threats of first .
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it's a lot of notes. >> wow. >> it's a chapter in the book. and this is a draft dated 1985. people have asked why have you waited? the truth is i'll put it out in lectures and sometimes trying to get it out by special means like getting arrested and testifying. here i'm putting out all these secrets at the time and there a was no story on it at all. >> nobody noticed. >> nobody was interested. >> reporter: but the world is paying attention now. north korean leader kim jong-un has been testing intercontinental ballistic missiles. >> they will be met with fire and fury. >> president trump has threatened the full force of the u.s. military and russian president vladimir putin this week shocked the world, unveiling an updated weapon system including a new icbm that he says is invincible. >> does the brinkmanship feel
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different this time around? >> no, not really. the brink manship has been there -- as i've said, it was a way of using nuclear weapons without pulling the trigger. using a gun at someone's head in a confrontation without pulling the trigger. you're using the gun. to say we haven't used these weapons or that they've proved useless is simply misleading. trump and kim are both using their weapons right now, and one or the other may back down. or not. putin is making similar first-use threats. his are threats of crazy action, just as ours are. and it doesn't unfortunately mean that they will never be carried out. >> reporter: now 86, ellsberg and his wife pa trishy have been privately living with this knowledge for as long as their nearly 50-year marriage. today it's their fell low citizen wlos are also living on edge. hawaii inadvertently sent out a message alerting residents to an
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incomi missile attack. it was a false alarm. >> what hawaii did, the alert, was to make a million or so hawaiian citizens aware for the first time of the kinds of dangers that we have all in the world been living with for half a century without thinking about them and what to do. some dived into manholes. many people interestingly sat in bathtubs. a total symbolic action. it's not what i would have done. >> what would you have done? >> oh, i would have invited patricia to lie down with me an went on. and if it didn't, we would have had a good half hour. >> is it a miracle that we haven't had a nuclear holocaust? >> yes, miracles do happen. by that i don't mean that just it was unlikely, but it was hard to imagine if you knew what the real risks were.
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it's not impossible that there'll be another 70 years. it would take another miracle. what i'm looking at is trying to alert people to the danger before the alarm sounds, to do something about it so that the risk will be somewhat less. >> we're so, i think, entranced and preoccupied with domestic policies and politics, but there is a lot happening in this world. >> well, as he points out, this risk has been there for half a century and we've really not stared it in the face. >> and our adversaries are still the same. we're still talking about russia in the nuclear arms race. >> and doctor strangelove is a documentary we should all pay attention to. >> we should. from king kong to alien, nearly a century of movie history is going up for auction next week. wheel tell you what's being bid on and why something like a jurassic park dinosaur can fetch ten of thousands of dollars. maybe you want one in your home.
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you're not going to use as an excuse again? any time you blame it on me. >> you say it's because of me or the neighborhood. onceuse every kind of phony ex i want to do something right. >> james deanndn thanks to his explosive perfoan without a cause." today on the eve of the osca inr aukszbeach, florida. >> and in the week ahead even more pieces of hollywood histo . jamie yuccas visited the warehouse where movie memorabilia is big yfew can fora rampage in a theme park.
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steven spielberg'sreased in 199 since earned more than $1worldw. now this dilophosaurus is part >>omes in and says i would like to have in in my living w. it's a fantastic conversation piece. >> feel like i might get up in e nd scream. >> reporter: martin nolan, executive director of auctions, says cashing in at the box office often means higherpr >> anything from "jurassic park" is highly sough collectible, rarely comes to the auction block, that impacts the >> what does something like apao for? to $20,000. ly estimate $1 >> reporter: several cinematic including this queen from
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includes vintage lobby cards and posters spanning nearly a classics. this one advertised the opening >> go tell captain butler i decided not go after all. >> reporter: a costume sketch on leigh in "gone"h could sell for $15,000. nolan believes many ceums inclu penguin in "batman >> this is life size? >> life size. >> this is what >> this is our boy danny. set coulder: some collectors increase in value. e marilyn monroe wore in 1962 to sing to jn f. kennedy sold for moreha m. 17 years later
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auctions sold it for $4.8 million. the terminator films have earned close to $2 billion worldwide. no ene from "terminator 3: rise of thetch as $80,000. memorabilia attracts around the globe. at present the world is loving "black panther." the films gross a items from the faster than an, king could command a princely sum. >> peoplectlly need any of these items, but they want them. when people want something, they an actually are the owner and take it home. >> reporteg: satday," jamie yuccas, hollywood. >> yes, desire is a powerful in >> right. awesome items to bid oncheck mark. danielle chang has found success in a variety of focused.
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wheel connect with her up nexts morning: saturday." >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitnenews >> good morning, everyone, i'm jan carabeo, the nor'easter that's moving out of the phaiadd the life of a driver in montgomery county. part of aa car heading northboun south gulph road inhip, police t that call right around 7:00 last night. a 57 year old the scene. investigation is now underway. now, to the eyewitness we meteorologist, chelsey ingram, high, kelly. >> january, the sea, slowly but, still dealing with impactnly the form every winds, then also coastal flooding, for areas down the shore, and intre. storm scan3, shows that things
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are much quieter precipitation wise, dealing with also, some breaks of sunshine, now starting to happen. 37 degrees r n up, 37 degrees also, in wilmington here is a look ans t in effect r portions of southeast new jersey until noon, see p hour, s a look at the high temperatures today. >> chelsey, thankou at 8:57. we will see you then, have a great day.
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culir danielle g on "the dish" chang. born in taiwan, her family loved food and had abuness. she grew up in texas and california before heading to college here in new york. an in variety of fields journalism and banking to snoogs and in 2010 she took hest in pr asian culture and created lucky rice, a food and that became a in the big apple. now it's spread to seven other vegas, and recognized as one of the premier showcases for asian cuisine and
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danielle chang, good morning and welcome to "the to be here. >> talk about this table. asian dishes see, there's a here. i chose this particular menu ehs a personal residence to these are shanghai east tamales that myyearld grandmother learned to make when she became homesick after moving to the u.s. taiwanese beef noodle soup and it's my comfort soup that'ses she roy sneeze chicken wing, and here korean kobe. i just recently film for first time. filming the special create and host. i was so mesmerized by t korea. >> i was excited to discover there's gin in the tea>> yesof .
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listen, you don't have to choose between tea time or happy hour. >> that's delightful. >> like that motto. >> cocktail. you get your wellness with the green tea, the then you get your mood-lifting properties from the gin, so, you >> exactly. >> danielle, you have had so jo landing in the foodittle bit ab career packet for those who don't know. >> i'm really, really fortuteor so many different industries and across the world, but i think r my love forstorytng lucky rice was born out of this desi broader dience. >> i wonder given the fact thats across the country, do you see different sort of levels ofach ? how does it change when you go
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from a places like to place on the west side? >> it's fascinating because asi percentage of the country really. like it's one of the smallest cities in t u.s. in asian population. >> yeah. >> and yet there are so there w cultural exploration through food most popular festivals. >> do you see this e cities? >> i'm really happy with where we're at. >> you feel ke good. >> it's fantastic to see the a rooted itself and to american ur it's through barbecue dishes in the south knt but just super excited about telling stories through media. and soe' o
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developing our voice through lucky cookbooks, more digital content to come. >> you're ambassador. >> thank you. >> danielle f you could share this meal present, who would it be? >> that is a great question. i'm so well, my daughters and i have a sunday supper. tradition. we just cook together, you know. we always have my family over. o i want to. >> you're like, the table every. we're available onome over. >> danielle chang from lucky rice. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> for more on chang
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up next session." phoebe bridgers. after her fir supgs ryan adams called her a musical icrelease heard full featured debutroduce you to her she'll perform right here in studio 57. ♪ seresto, seresto, seresto wh it shouldn't be fleas and ticks. seresto gives your d of flea and tick protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. ♪ seresto, seresto, seresto oh no, jake. 8-month... ♪ seresto, seresto, seresto
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session" this morning phoebegoto in the form ofhead'sup tweet. >> ryan adams said record was out said, quote, this new record she mads modern mast. you'll hear from her in a momen at the gibson guitar showroom here in new york. ♪ 2017 was breakout year for >> your album ended it was cool."best of the year"
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it was really affirming. >> it's time yourdr. john mayer tweeted in december, "this is the arrival of giant." ♪ singing at a funeral tomorrow for a kid a year older than me ♪ talking to his dad it makes me so sad when i think too much about it i breathe ♪ >> reporter: raised in pasadena, california, bridger starting writing songs when she was 15. guitar? >> i was obsessed about joni mitchell and jackson browne and >> reporter: she startedclaremo
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california. >> i that had open mike every month and that's where i played >> reporter: she was driven to those open mike mom, jamie, who's her biggest fan. >> reporter: she makes fun of m supportive. she said, how is that possible. was a a mother? toddler before i could say words my mom told my hummed it sounded like bonnie raitt. if that's any indicationuppo it >> bonnie would love to hear that. >> yeah. >> when you started playing, as? >> i've always wanted to sound like myself. a certain time in life. >> where d you? >> i hav kind of an ongoing iphone note little phrases or stuff that i
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hear throughout the day. >> it usually starts with a me. sometimes i mishear mufr in the grocery store and oh, that's cool. what it's not is cool. ♪ love your sun ♪ >> when did u you feel settled on a style of your own?o i want to be one of those artists that release an electronic record or country record next and nobody would surprised. now from her debut album "stranger in the alps here is phoebe bridgers making her national television debut with ♪
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♪ i hate you for what you did kid ♪ faked it every time but that's all rig can hardly f♪ ♪ you gave me to see your hip know i only wene you let it slide i fell on harda and you did ♪ ♪ i have emotional m sickness somebody roll the no words in t
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english language i could scream drown you o out ♪ ide looking through you're throwing rocks d ♪ and while you're bleeding on your back in the glass i'll be glad out ♪ emotional motion ll went down sickness somebody windows down ♪ english language rds i could scream to you out ♪ ♪
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♪nd why do you sing with an englisce it's too late to chang it now ♪ ♪ you ner gonna let you have it but i will try to drown you out ♪ ♪ ♪ you said when you met me youer bored ♪ ♪ you said when youet were bore when i ♪ i had emotional m sickness
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i tried to stay clean noetsz i wanted tono what would happen if i the sound surrender to surrender to the sound ♪ we'll be right back with more
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