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tv   Eyewitness News at 7  CBS  February 25, 2018 7:00am-7:59am EST

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well, the rain sure is coming down this morning, storm scan three shows us a lot of it moving through the region right now coming up when we may finally see some break in the clouds. lanes are back opened at this hour after a very bad crash near philadelphia international airport, and we will tell you just how many people were hurt in this wreck and, plus, if the rain doesn't stop them, the mummers are expected to parade through the streets of manayunk today and they are featuring a special performer. today is sunday, february 25th, good morning, everyone i'm jan carabao, lets get over to that forecast here's meteorologist chelsea
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ingram with eyewitness weather g sunday morning. i have been in a fog, i blame the weather. >> weather, literally, figur atively, i mean me too, a little bit. when we have this type of weather, it is hard we have foggy conditions, also rainy conditions in philadelphia, into some very soggy out there and i think if you have afternoon plans you will probably be able to salvage them as we head into the afternoon hours, and, then, really, some improving weather by monday and tuesday. of course we will talk about that this morning. storm scan three is showing rain across the region. notice in central southern delaware things are quiet, unless some south jersey, things are quiet, bulk of the rain is north of wilmington at this point in time. we have pockets of heavier downpours in some locations, you can pick out those yellow spots on the map, even some orange but good news they are not lasting too long so they will come through, and then they move on out. rainy, foggy morning on tap,
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we can see heavier pockets of rainfall from time to time throughout the morning hours but this rain is going to be tapering off as we head into the afternoon and then high temperatures will even be a little bit milder compared to what we dealt with yesterday. we are looking at highs in the mid 50's, it is 43 degrees in philadelphia, 44 in wilmington so this is a good place to start at and in the afternoon we will see numbers on the rise. in philadelphia 56 degrees. fifty-eight down the shore. forty-seven in the poconos. improving weather heading our way. i will show you in just a few minutes, jan. >> thanks, chelsea. developing right now all lanes of i-95 are back opened to traffic after a collision here near philadelphia international airport. the crash on the highway's northbound lanes near exit number 13 happened just before 4:00 this morning. two people have been rushed to the hospital, so far, there is no word on how serious those injuries are. and new this morning, police are looking for gunman who shot a man in south philadelphia, the shooting
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happened just before 5:30 this morning in the 700 block of mckeyon street and passyunk crossing. police say the man was shot in the lower body. we are learning more about a series of crashes involving parked cars on south philadelphia streets. police say a suspect drunk driver hit 15 cars on a very same block. "eyewitness news" reporter alycia nieves explains how neighbors made sure that the suspect did not getaway. >> reporter: shattered glass and plastic car parts still litter the street in south philadelphia, 24 hours, after an out of control driver, came down south third street, and ramming into one car after another after another. >> it was like mass his tear use down here. it looked like everybody was walking around the street looking at everybody's car. >> reporter: fifteen vehicles were hit. >> three or four were totals. >> reporter: authorities say the out of control driver attempted to flee toward porter street in his f150 truck. >> i was able to chase vehicle down with another neighbor.
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>> reporter: this off-duty sheriff's officer and people in this community wouldn't let him. >> i've got kids. for that to happen and somebody to get hurt, killed, something like that even if i'm not an officer, a normal person would just take off and do what you have to do. stop the person, just like everybody else. >> reporter: officer michael mcgee thought about the kids in this neighborhood potentially getting hurt, chased down the out of control driver and eventually yanked that driver out of his truck. >> he pulled the guy's belt off and used that to hold his hand because he was resisting on the ground. >> he said i'm from the neighborhood. i said i don't care. if you are from the neighborhood, you know how to act. >> reporter: philadelphia police say when they arrived on the scene that out of control driver was on the ground with the crowd of people, from this neighborhood , surrounding him, authorities took him into custody on suspicion of driving under the influence and now, identify him as four three-year old james kieser. in south philadelphia, alycia nieves for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". it has been one week since a fire gutted, an olde city
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building and this week demolition crews are expected to start tearing it down. the four alarm fire destroyed 239 chestnut street, philadelphia's department of licenses and inspections say what is left of that building is imminently dangerous and has to go. demolition is supposed to take a few weeks, there will be road closures during that work you can find all of that information on cbs and cbs local app. well, president trump is responding to the memo released by, democrats on the house intelligence committee, a rebuttal document to the republican memo released, earlier this month accusing the fbi and justice department of anti trump bias. laura podesta has more. >> reporter: on twitter saturday night president trump said memo released by democrats on governmental surveillance abuses is a total political and legal bust and just confirmed all of the terrible things done, the president also called into "fox news". >> what they did is really,
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fraudulent, and somebody should be looking into that. >> reporter: earlier this month republicans release aid memo saying surveillance warrant was obtained and renewed on former trump campaign advisor carter page based on individual from an individual with an anti trump agenda, the redacted memo released saturday written by democrats alleged that the fbi had an independent basis separate from that information , knowing page was knowingly helping russian intelligence n a statement ranking committee member adam shift said our extensive review of the initial fisa application failed to uncover any evidence of illegal, unethical or unprofessional behavior, by law enforcement. republicans say the warrant to monitor page taints the origin s of special counsel's robert mueller's investigation into any connection between the trump campaign and russia. laura podesta for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". in other news today, happening today the mummers will take to the streets of
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manayunk. >> ♪ >> some performers gave this preview, 16 mummers string bands will perform and eagles center jason kelce will join them playing the saxophone with the avalon string band all happening this afternoon at 1:00 along main street in manayunk, barring a total downpour, of course, the parade will go on as scheduled is there a sea of pink this morning at the pennsylvania convention center thousands of gymnast there are for tenth annual pink invitational a competition that raises money and aware ness in the fight begins breast cancer. "eyewitness news" reporter chantee lans is live at the convention center this morning where the competition is wrapping up to day, chantee, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jan , yes, the competition, what it is about is raising money and one way of doing that is through prevention. joining me is founder of unite for her which put on this
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entire thing, their 10 year, anniversary, susan, tell me some of the things we have going on here. >> we have so many volunteers, four run volunteers, and then two families adler's and kelly ease get all this stuff together so we sell the gear, and gifts for our attendants. they bring them to the awards area. 100 percent of the proceeds will actually go to the women of unite for her. it is really great that they volunteer all of their time and they do this every year for us. so they will raise 20, $25,000 for us, this weekend and it is pretty remarkable. >> reporter: yes. >> we are grateful. they do a lot of work. >> reporter: and we are seeing some of the girls right now. >> yes, they are starting to arrive and they will go get their outfits from their coaches, it is a one of a kind leatard, dk is a sponsor on that and that just represents so much strength, unity, yes. >> reporter: yes, it is fun. >> i think i found something
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to get myself, i will go figure out how much this is, we will be here all day and we will be backup stairs where the competition is going to be happening come up later in this newscast. very latest live from the pennsylvania convention center chantee lans for cbs-3 "eyewitness news", jan, back to you. >> can't wait, such a great cause, we will get back out to you. a pair of newlyweds is working on their new home when suddenly this happens. >> next thing i'm screaming, getting a call, whatever is in our house. >> terrifying moment when severe weather struck causing buildings into cars. and plus heart break of burying a child, coming up we will introduce to you a mother who is turning tragedy into action against gun violence we will be right b
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back on "eyewitness news" a double stabbing in a suburban boston library killed a with man and injured a good samaritan. a 22-year old woman was sitting at a table in the winchester public library on saturday morning when police say a suspect, identified as jeffery yao attack her with a hunting knife, it is not clear just yet if the two knew each other. >> young woman was in the library, sitting at a table, one of the reading rooms, studying or doing some work, mr. yao began striking her with what we now know to be a hunting knife with approximately a 10-inch blade. she suffered a number of slash and stab wounds. >> a 77 year-old man who tried
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to intervene and held was stabbed and wounded. he is expected to survive. public will be able to pay its respects to the reverend billy graham starting tomorrow , pallbearers brought graham's body out of the funeral home in ashville north carolina saturday morning. spectators lined the 130-mile pre session from ashville to his birthplace of charlotte, his body will lay in repose tomorrow and tuesday, reverend graham's body will be brought to the u.s. capitol on wednesday, and thursday before its return to charlotte on friday before the funeral. he died last wednesday, billy graham was 99 years old. severe weather turns deadly in the south, storms killed at least two people in tennessee and kentucky, the storms were reportedly spawned tornadoes as well, one was reportedly in adams tennessee just south of the board board er with kentucky. recently married couple was working on their new house, when the severe weather struck
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>> painting our doors, next thing you know i'm screaming, getting a call that the car whatever went in the house. there were cries, screams because you don't think you will ever be hit by one. >> louisville areas seeing worst flooding in two decade as ohio river just continues to rise, and kentucky's governor has now declared a state of emergency. and turning to weather back here at home, chelsea, i don't see anything behind you, it looks like a whole lot of fog. >> this is our camera in cape may atop the montreal in, you cannot see anything, a very thick fog sitting up here in cape may county and other areas dealing with locally dense fog, but we will take to you boardwalk plaza in rehoboth, dense fog advisory in effect here until 9:00 this morning, hardly see anything here but it is not quite as bad as what we have just seen on the cape may camera. certainly in the ideal either. storm scan three is showing where it isn't raining where we got fog otherwise we are dealing with some locally
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heavy rain and some spots, you can pick out yellow, orange on the map, and then we have a little bit closer to philadelphia you can see just east of philadelphia we are picking up pockets of heavier downpours and, portions of burlington county, as well as mom mouth and ocean county we are stopping into pockets of the heavier rain. they are not lasting long they are moving in and out but it is a soggy start to your sunday morning, temperatures are at lee on the mild side of things. we're in the 40's, not dealing with any snow or any ice or anything like that, but 43 degrees right now in philadelphia, 44 in wilmington forty-six in millville. down the shore temperatures are in the mid 40's as well, 42 in allentown, chillier up in the poconos, check in around 34 degrees. good morning to you media at 43 degrees. fourth three in mullica. mount holly is checking in right around 44 degrees this morning. so very mild start to the day, and then the mild stretch will continue, we have had fairly consistent temperatures over
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the next five days. we are looking at highs in the 50's to right around 60 degrees, but we do have a cool down heading our way and we will talk about that. meanwhile, the precipitation that i showed you on radar is associated with the warm front that will be lifting through this morning followed bay a cold front so a soggy sunday morning, the rain will however be tapering off into sunday afternoon and then high pressure will move in and sunshine is going to return, by monday afternoon, and tuesday, is looking fantastic, so take a look at future weather. here's how things will be playing out through the remainder of the morning still having that potential for heavier downpours as we head in the 10, 11:00 o'clock hours east of i-95. look at what happens by noon time this particular model is starting to dry things out and at least in philadelphia by noon time so heading to the mummers parade, that is good news, right, and then as we head into, tonight, we will see those cloud thinning out as well. for the mummers parade still holding for a lingering shower , that is followed by drying, a temperature around
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parade start time is 52 degrees. so very mild day, on tap, in manayunk today. 46 degrees by 9:00, looking at 51 into noon time and on our way up in the mid 50's by 3:00 s weather seven day forecast, 58 g mostly sunny by afternoon we will start off with a little bit in the way of cloud cover but looking great by the afternoon, tuesday looks gorgeous, 58 degrees, temperatures well above average with tons of sunshine and mixture of sun and cloud ness to wednesday as we head into the start of march things will be cooling down we are looking at 49 on friday and 48 on saturday with some rain in the forecast, as well, jan. >> at least brighter days ahead. >> than right. >> 7:17. time to see how traffic is moving with cheryl golden in the cbs-3 traffic center, good morning, cheryl. >> good morning, what a slippery sunday morning, in philadelphia here's a crash woodhaven road eastbound at
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academy road off to the right shoulder but right before the crash there is plenty of standing water so please use caution as you approach. in manayunk main street will be shut down between sures lane and green lane from 11:00 r mummers mardi gras parade. with mass transit, of course, we have manayunk norristown line between elm street and norristown transportation center, expect busing due to construction. live from the cbs-3 traffic center i'm cheryl golden, now jan, back to you. thank you. in recognition of the black history month we are honoring game changers making a impact on communities of color in our area kyw news radio's cherri gregg took a trip to west philadelphia where a mother is fighting gun violence in the name of a lost loved one her son. >> reporter: meet movita johnson morel. >> i have had to fight my life >> reporter: a warrior woman going head to head with gun
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violence. >> just days after my only son die his child was born. >> reporter: powerful voice at rallies and city council, her battle began after mother of four moved her family to delaware county, fleeing violence from southwest philadelphia, but she learned it wasn't enough. >> january 15th 2011 i buried my son. >> reporter: her youngest charles andre johnson, was gunned down in philadelphia in a case of mistaken identity. he was 18. >> devastating. it was devastating. >> i was worried about my son. >> reporter: movita who lost her father ape brother, funneled her grief in the charles foundation a non- profit that supports families of victims of homicide. >> i wish these families didn't to have go through this >> reporter: she and her volunteers fund the effort, helping victims through the process. >> the family may need food, they may need help with utilities. >> reporter: they work with
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hundreds of youth most likely to kill and lobby lawmakers for better gun control, last month u penn educated social worker was name victim services supervisor for philadelphia d.a.'s office. >> homicide survivor has never sat in that seat before. >> reporter: she's hoping more would join the fight there is a lot of people who look at gun violence and say not in my backyard i don't worry about it. what do you say. >> there is nobody that will come in and save us from this. we have to save ourselves. >> reporter: arm with the family's love for a lost son she's changing the game with a push to stop the killing. cherri gregg for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and still ahead on "eyewitness news", we have all , we all have that friend whose instagram feed is basically an extended photo shoot. now, psychologists say people who spend time taking selfies may have a genuine mental condition, what you can do to
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help yourselfe added friends straight ahead. later marjory stoneman douglas high school hockey team is competing for the state champion ship, why the tournament is so important for the players and the school oh, that's graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless... ...his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the "baby bird". breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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back now closing ceremonies of this years winter olympics are now underway but russian athletes are still not marching under their country's flag,
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international olympic committee upheld russian ban because of doping. two of the four athletes who tested positive for banned drugs in pyeongchang were russian, including a curler who returned his bronze medal. russia was banned on december 5th because of a massive doping scandal at 2014 sochi games. apparently selfies have become a part of daily life for many americans but if you take too many, psychologists say you may have a genuine mental condition. stephanie stahl explains in this einstein health care science center report. >> i'm not ashamed, i take between 150, 200 a day. >> reporter: taylor and tea smith and their friends say they snap hundreds of selfies a day. >> i have to make sure i get right angle, sometimes everything doesn't translate well and to turnaround and see my god. >> reporter: recent study of journal of mental health and addiction say compulsive
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selfie taking can lead to self itis. >> selfie addiction is when a person is obsessively taking selfies, multiple times a day and then often going ahead and posting that to whatever facebook, instagram. >> reporter: psychologists say those who suffer from selfitis are seeking to boost their confidence, get attention, improve their mood, make memories, conform with their social group and be socially competitive. they say if more than 50 percent of your photos are selfies and using filters frequently those are red flags >> more and more studies are showing more time spent on social media sites negatively effects peoples self esteem that can make a person less able to cope, more lakely to have anxiety, depression that sort of thing. >> reporter: to avoid selfitis it is advised you put your phone down and create a selfie free zone, taylor says she's not obsessed but just a selfie connoisseur. doctors say constantly taking selfies can also be considered an addictive behavior, they
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say that the best way to help someone who dogs this is to not like or validate their photos on social media. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". you know what i say do what makes you happy and if you don't like your friends doing it, just don't look at it, so much, my two cents. thousands of gymnast are competing but they have a common opponent today, breast cancer, shan take. >> yeah, jan it is to raise money for breast cancer patients and these girls right here will help do it, chelsea. >> looking forward to that. but not looking forward to the rain we are dealing with, this morning, i'll let you know when sunshine returns in a full in a few minutes, we will right back.
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it is sunday february 25th , good morning, i'm jan carabao, it is still raining, i know, we sound like a broken record but we promise it business to get better, chelsea ingrammys here. >> sunshine, will be heading our way we have to get through today and even today we will see improvement as far as our weather is concern. let me show you the kutztown
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area, couple rain drops there on the camera lens overcast skies, dealing with rain outside that way, current temperature right around 39 degrees, storm scan three shows us there is more rain out there, we are dealing with some areas just light rain, and other areas, well, there is pockets of moderate to heavier rain and you can pick those out, yellow spots you are seeing there in to areas east of philadelphia gloucester, camden county and burlington county. how will this play out as we head throughout the day-to-day well, as we look at future weather by 10:00 o'clock we have a potential for heavier downpours in the picture even right along i-95 areas east allentown and poconos but this model is starting to dry us out heading in the noon time hour so that means we will start to get some gradual improvement as we head throughout the day-to-day. it is 43 degrees in philadelphia, 44 in wilmington , more mild weather on the way and sunshine we will talk about that coming up in just a few minutes, jan.
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>> thanks, chelsea. 7:30. now to the latest on this developing story, pennsylvania state police are investigating an accident on i-95 near philadelphia international airport this crash happened around 4:00 o'clock this morning near exit number 13 in the northbound lanes, two people are now in the hospital , but there is no word yet on the extent of those injuries. i-95 is now reopened all lanes to traffic at that crash scene meantime, students from marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida will be allowed to return to their school today for counseling and as correspondent laura podesta shows us there are new questions about the initial response to the shooting, by some deputies. >> reporter: broward county sheriff's office is investigating claims that three deputies did not go into marjory stoneman douglas high school when they should have. cbs has learned police officers say they arrived at the school shortly after the shooting and found deputies
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outside, with guns drawn. fourth department school resource officer scott peterson resigned this week. sheriff said peterson took a defensive position outside the school during the shooting. nineteen year-old nikolas cruz is suspected of shooting and killing 17 students and teachers in under 10 minutes on valentines day. on sunday students can return to school for counseling and a orientation. >> we will try and get back to as normal as possible and really take care of the kids that is bottom line. >> reporter: shooting sparked intense debate about gun laws and school safety. president trump has suggested tougher back gun checks and arming teachers, florida's governor proposed raising age to purchase an assault rifle to 21. saturday the congressman who represents parkland florida called for action. >> nearly 20 years since columbine we continue to suffer a mass gun violence problem that is uniquely american. the rest of the developed world has fixed this and saved lives. >> reporter: several companies
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are cutting ties with the national rifle association, united airlines tweeted it is notifying nra we will no longer offer discounted rate to their annual meeting. and enterprise, hurtz met life and others have also evened relationships with the nra. laura podesta for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". meantime marjory stoneman douglas students are enjoying a much needed distraction, the school's hockey team is competing for state hockey championship. it played in the double header yesterday just south of fort myers, one of the jv players lost his sister during the shooting, another jv player was hit by bullet fragments in the bag. the players there say the game was about much more than just a champion ship. >> we don't play for ourselves , we play for the kid , very passionate, emotional. >> the team lost two of the games on saturday but season is not yet over they have a singlee limb nation rematch this morning, whichever team wins will play for the state
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championship. well, american workers were on the march across the country yesterday, including right here in philadelphia. >> union members, low wage workers, allied and community lead's like gather at independent hall and joining others working for right at city hall. it coincide with monday's argument before the u.s. supreme court in the lawsuit that union members say limits their power. >> union workers are under attack, not just union workers he all workers and we are out here to educate and let everybody knows what is being legalitied, deception behind it and what we need to do to combat it. >> supreme court case is janice verse american federation of state, county and municipal employees and illinois state employee is challenging mandatory union dues, rally in philadelphia was one of more than 300 at work sites all across the
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nation. well thousands of gymnast are going to the mattes, bars, beam, vault today to help fight breast cancer, all of them are wearing pink. "eyewitness news" reporter chantee lans is live at the pennsylvania convention sent they are morning with a look, chantee, good morning. >> good morning, you are right they are all wearing pinky will show you some right here, these folks, these are some gymnast with their parents. turf wait for cameras let everybody see you at home. you guys came from maryland. these guys are from all over the country, think 12 different states, 13 different states. >> yes, 13. >> tell me your name. >> leslie thomas. >> reporter: is what your name >> kennedy. >> reporter: tell me how does it feel, compete to go day. >> i'm excited and i just want to do well. >> reporter: what are you competing in. >> level five,
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you really fast, tell me which gym you are from. >> we are from bright side. >> this is your second year. >> second year, exciting for the girls, to compete, and raise money. still ahead on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" a man walks in the liquor store armed with the shotgun and plan to rob a place but what he did not expect the people working behind the count there are was the armed, too. see what happens next, we will be right
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back on "eyewitness news" and in tulsa, oklahoma a liquor store owner and her daughter turn the tables on her arm robbery suspect and guess what, it is all caught on camera but we do want to warn you the video is you have to watch. surveillance from thursday night shows the suspects with the shotgun there demanding money, what he did not know is that the two women there were also armed, they fired back, the owners son says both are
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well trained. >> i mean, the guy came in with a gun, sawed off 12 gauge , we practice a lot, you know, shooting, we're in the country and living in the city , but, we are definitely going to do some more training >> suspect is now in critical condition with multiple gunshot wounds. hbo will release bio pick starring al pacino aspen state hit head coach joe paterno in a few weeks now. premium cable channel tweeted april 7th premiere date with the trailer for the film, hbo says the movie will focus on the fall out paterno faced from the child sex abuse scandal involving former assistant head coach jerry sandusky, all time winningest coach in major college football history was fired just days after sandusky's arrest, paterno died two months later, and he was 85 years old. turning to weather now still raining out there, chelsea but i'm promised
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relief is in site. >> sunshine, mild temperatures you and were you both off monday and tuesday and they are both looking fantastic, jan, so we are looking forward to that. let's talk, and, and still in philadelphia, half inch, rain gauge, .3 in virginia, cherry hill, around three-quarters of an inch, this is from william, he lives in levittown, pa and just under .2 in nottingham, and, quarter inch or so over that removed, in eagleville, in southampton, pa right around .87, that is for albert bernstein, where he lives. lets talk photos right now and some of us are waking up to some very foggy conditions, draw your attention to this, for james, he lives in ocean city, kind of some foggy conditions out there, as well, now i want to take to you our ocean city camera, to show you another view of the fog, a lot of areas down the shore, some
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of our shore points and delaware beaches, we are dealing with locally dense fog , as we start out the day this sunday. areas that are not dealing with the fog are dealing with the rain and i will show thaw on storm scan three. a lot of the rain is occurring from new castle county and points north in philadelphia, poconos, northern new jersey, and even some heavier downpours into burlington county. that we're dealing with right now, located just east of the new jersey turnpike, even starting to get some light rain, light steady rain and new castle county around newark area, it is just ayuky, morning, damp, gross morning, heavier pockets of the rain moving through pemberton area, you can pick those colors out, orange, yellow, pockets of heavier rainfall we're dealing with this morning. it has been a soggy, soggy february, 18, of the 25 days, so far we have seen at least a trace or more, of some type of precipitation, bulk have it being rain so it has been very mess think month, we real
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there i don't need anymore, we have pick up easily over 5 inches of rain this month at philadelphia international airport. the rain we're dealing with this morning, that is associated with the warm front followed by a cold front later today so very soggy sunday morning, the rain will be tapering off as we head into sunday afternoon and sunshine will be returning, isn't that nice, as we head into monday afternoon, so so-so future weather will paint a picture of how this plays out in the next self hours, we will deal with potential for, heavier embedded downpours in the steady rain, as we head in the 10 or 11:00 o'clock hour today watch what happens by noon time this model will be drying us out, if you are heading out to manayunk for mummers, mardi gras parade this is good news, we will hold for that potential for a lingering shower, followed by drying for rest of the festivities. parade time looking at about 52 degrees, or so. 43 degrees right now in philadelphia, that is a great starting point, but we will be
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milder, heading in the afternoon 44 in wilmington. forty-four in reading. forty-two in allentown. forty-four in the poconos. and good morning to you willow grove at 44 degrees. pottstown around 41. forty-one in west chester. forty-five in palmyra. 44 degrees in mount holly. here's how things play out for rest of the day, by noon time, 51 degrees heading in the 3:00 . maybe across our fingers a peak of sunshine for some folks north and west, 56 degrees for that high temperature in philadelphia today. your forecast looks like this turning mostly sunny as we head into monday we will start off with cloud cover but sunshine and gorgeous on tuesday with a high of 58. well, do you love watching the weather? you can be featured in our newscast by becoming an eyewitness weather watcher, sign up at cbs watchers, jan. >> chelsea, thank you. 7:44. time to check roads and highways lets get over to cheryl golden in the cbs-3
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t i a soggy sunday morning ride, live look in philadelphia, i-76 west pound at city avenue, lots of standing water, you may want gplanning to head out this morning. also in philadelphia, an earlier crash remains in that wd forbound at academy road but lots of flooding in that right lane, and in manayunk main street wilme 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. between sures lane and green lane for parade, live from the cbs-3 traffic center i'm cheryl golden, now lot of people will be out there, thanks, cheryl. 7:45. philliesmpans in the grapefruit league and sixers performed a magic show, re with "eyewitness sports". >> reporter: sixers are on a roll taking honor landhe center, sixers have now won six in a row tryingorg inspiration, from eagles quarterback carson wentz, ringing the ceremonial
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pregame bell, took three big whacks at it. tj mcconn toll rashard holmes for alley up dunk in the first it was another great night for joel embiid who had 28 points, check him out with the not only, just a little finger wag right . we have grown a lot since the first couple games when we were starting the season. so i'm getting better. we have ato play with each othe. it see. we have a lot of things to improve but we are on the ri basketball number three villanova at creighton here in t pascal withk assisted by jaylen brownson
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villanova leads by two in the half. after a sea saw battle in the seco t overtime , pascal kept it close with the jumper but after againt phil booth with one minute left that almost seals win for creighton right there, jay wright not happy with that call. nc villanova loses 89-83, next upseton hall on wednesday. red hot flyers back in action in ottawa they have won four straight, eight out of the last nine. flyers fans, in canada saturday afternoon. they are every where. orange and black wasting no time getting on the score game ivan provorov with a goal 28 seconds in the game and off to a good start. fast forward to the third period captain claude giroux with the great goal on the break away noland patrick and brandon manning also scored, flyers win five-three. next up montreal on monday. now to baseball, the phillies in clearwater taking on baltimore orioles in grapefruit league action and looking to downs back after friday's loss to the blue jays
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, both teams bowing their head to remember roy halladay before the game at spectrum field, he died in the plane crash during an off season. we have pick up the game tied in the second bases loaded with the phillies jorge alfaro with the shot to left center field, it is a grand slam and all phillies need, they win nine-six. next up yankees this afternoon , and that is all for sports i'm leslie van arsdal have a great day. still to come this morning right here on "eyewitness news", of course, it is cbs-3 both project animal advocate carroll erickson is talking about puppy dreams and plus introduce to us this weeks adoptable pets including one who might be the cutest little dog i have ever seen. and tomorrow night not just another cute dog but just girls, got a job big job too that brought her to olde city because her nose knows what is dangerous meet the girl making us all safe other, tomorrow night on "eyewitness news" at
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you've worha busted tai. and impressed the boss. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it.
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for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, time for cbs-3 p animal advl erickson with spca andssib the e you will ever see, how cute is this angel. this is cookie, found as a stray, on wednesday, s still lo. she's available at pennsylvania at pike and jasper streets by a good samaritan who brought her littla little we don't know what kind s
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very tiny, very light, very sweet they have name her cookie. that is not her name. this is how she is if anybody recognizes her but she's available for adoption, the stray hold is over at this point. anybody who wants to come down good, loving person cookie might be one to be found dreaming in your house. speaking of which that is our topic today, jan and everybody dreaming. i want to show you video. this is my dog fred, who a adopted from the show. one of the reasons they say dogs can dream, shiver, shake they need to be covered. he has been clipped for some surgery so i cover him anyway. notice his eyes, lips going up , this dog, fred, dreams all the time and right before this he was yelping and all sorts of things in his sleep, running paddling but i wake him up, that is basically the advice from most ofimal beht sleeping dogs lie, that is an
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expression tt generations or ions, because it is a really good thing to thing in their rem sleep which is wrapped eye movem and that is te resolving things that have happened during the day, we ar own mines how to figure thinge are thinking about experiences we have had during the day. they cry mouths will twitch, their eyes will be partially opened or completely but, they are dreaming. >> same thing for cats, riley sleeps all the time and wechinge his whiskers and ivoried before that they are amembering things they hav just kind of, committing to it will dream more older animals and they think because they have so much more new that they have never experienced they are trying to get that into their minds that they do at night. animal dream about 20 minutes after they fall asleep. so it is fascinating, so if
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you think your doggies having a nightmare, the advice is and i mean they are screaming in their sleep, in the just, the gifts, and that sort of thing let them finish that dream out , just maybe your dream that you have missed an exam, you know or over slept for work. >> yes. >> exactly, sometimes it is not even a dream. just let them finish that up, let their brain process that so you don't to have reprocess that. >> nothing to be concerned about. >> that is right fur doggies screaming, having a nightmare, don't touch them, say their name gently, that is it, do not touch them because if you are waking them out of a dream like thaw run risk of getting bit, so just take it easy. besides cookie lets look at couple animals available at pennsylvania spca. this is a great dog. thinks kaine. three years old. wonderful. he is not wonderful when he is in that kennel, he is stressed out there. they bring him up to the office at pennsylvania spca
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and they work with him there and he is a lovely boy, just volunteer friends take him to training, great in the car, he is only 40-pounds so he is small, dog and he is wonderful , loves to play. he just needs a place to do that. look again at kaine, and here this is pennsylvania s p.c. spca, this dog will be at fishtown center today. male five-year old mix, recently surrendered to the shelter because landlord said no dog in these apartments. so, there he is just great he knows all of his commands, very affect nate and gets licensing with dogs and cats too. you're a big cat lover i love cats too look at rag doll sophia, nine years old. she gets licensing great with other cats. she's in the community cat room. she doesn't want to be carried around all day so if you like cats but you cannot do your own thing, that is the cat for
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you, so, that is sophia, this is cookie available for adoption and again she was found on wednesday, in philadelphia, at pennsylvania spca that is where she is, she's, quiet, she's calm, she's absolutely darling, she's tiny, this is fully grown and she would be just wonderful for just about anybody. >> chelsea and i are drooling. >> chelsea came over, she's very tempted but she has to work all day so maybe you can get to the shelter before she does. >> run, don't walk, to the spca to adopt any of the animals visit spca 350 erie avenue headquarters saturday, sunday 10 to five, machine through friday, one to 8:00 and let sleeping dyings lie. >> that is exactly right, let them finish out their dreams. >> thanks, you'll go fast, lady. that is it for "eyewitness news" at 7:00 here's what we have at 8:00 more than 3,000
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gymnast, compete at pennsylvania convention sent they are weekend we are live with how this event helps a very good cause. and weekend wash out continues, meteorologist chelsea ingram back with the latest on when the rain will finally move out.
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in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here.
8:00 am
a live look, at storm scan three, shows a soggy, start as this weekend wash out, continues, before you meteorologist chelsea ingram promises us, that there there is light at the end of the tunnel when we can expect this rain. and, marjory stoneman high school, and, initial response to the deadly shooting. and more on the fall out coming up. and if you missed mummers march on new years day don't you worry, we will tell you where to see them today with the super bowl, champion taking center stage. and today is sunday, the february 25th good morning i'm jan carabao lets get over to that forecast with meteorologist chelsea ingram with eyewitness weather. good sunday morning, tell me this rain will end soon. >> it will end. don't thank me for that thank high pressure that will be building in heading into the


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