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tv   CBS Evening News with Jeff Glor  CBS  February 7, 2018 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> glor: senate leaders reach a budget dea budget deal. >> glor: but will it have the house's support in. >> this package does not have my support. >> glor: also tonight, the commander-in-chief wants to see a military parade. david martin on what that might look like. ahead -- a head-on legal collision between uber and google over the future of self-driving cars. gerber's history-making baby announcement. and a young girl invents an incredible app. >> this can have the opportunity to help every single person with alzheimer's. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor. >> glor: good evening. republican and democratic leaders of the senate announced an agreement today on a could head off another government
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shutdown tomorrow night if the house goes along. but the bill ishs facing opposition there, including in the form of a record-breaking speech today. nancy pelosi, the minority leader, spoke against the bill for more than eight hours, the longest continuous speech on the house floor in well over a century. she just wrapped up. chief congressional correspondent nancy cordes is at the capitol. >> i'm pleased to announce that we have reached a two-year budget deal. >> reporter: the massive agreement directs relief the all corners, from a cash-strapped military to storm-ravaged states. >> this bill is the product of extensive negotiations. >> reporter: it addresses several looming crises, funding the government for six weeks and raising federal budget caps for two years with the increase divided almost equally between defense and domestic spending. the bill also lifts the nation'debt ceiling for a year and allocates $90 billion in
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emergency funds for areas hit by hurricanes and wildfires. >> i think it's the best deal we can get. to me the main thing is funding the military. >> reporter: but g.o.p. leaders are facing a conservative uprising ashawks balk at the new domestic funding demanded by democrats. >> this spending bill is a debt junkie's dream. >> reporter: and that's not the only wrinkle. >> this package cannot have my support. >> reporter: democratic leader nancy pelosi is holding out for a promise from the house speaker on immigration. >> give us a vote. >> reporter: she commandeered the house floor for more than eight hours today, reading letters from so-called dreamers. >> i tried my hardest to fit in. i learnedkly and dropped my spanish accent. >> reporter: she set a house record and earned applause from democrats. (applause). the question now: will they follow her lead? >> this is a moral issue for many of us. >> reporter: so you are holding out far p wait and see what they hav to offer.we haven't heard yet.
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>> reporter: here is the issue:ublican leader has vowed to allow votes as early as next week on bipartisan dreamer legislation, but democrats worry that that legislation will die in the house, where the speaker has only said that he'll allow a vote on immigration bills that he knows the president will sign. jeff? >> glor:ancy cordes on capitol hill. nancy, thank you. a top aide to president trump, the man who handled paperwork going to and from the@ president's desk announced today he's resigning. two of ex-wives accused him of abuse. porter says the accusations are major garrett has late details on thi >> reporter: at first the white house a defended staff secretary rob porter. chief of staff john kelly called honor. press secretary sarah sanders declared porter has been effective and retained the full confidence of the president. but in less than a day that defense collapsed as detailed allegations and documents emerged depicting verbal abuse suffered by two of
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porter's ex-wives, jennifer willoughby and colby holderness. in a june 2010 statement to arlington, virginia, authorities, willoughby said porter punched the glass on their front door. "i called the wrote. "i was afraid he would break in." willoughby wrote on instagram this april, "just after our one-year anniversary, he pulled me naked and dripping from the shower to yell at me. when i tried to get help i was counseled to consider carefully how what i said might affect his career, and so i kept my mouth shut and stayed." >> is he going to be leaving the white house any time soon? >> he is going to be leaving the white house. it won't be immediate, but he is resigning from the white house, but he's going to stay on to ensure there is a smooth transition. >> reporter: porter called the allegations outrageous and simply false. as staff secretary, porter was one of president trump's closest the conduit for all written information given to mr. trump. before working at the whiter was to utah republican senator orrin
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hatch. >> if iind more people like him i would hire them. i think that's how good he is. >> reporter: the f.b.i. informed the white house about these domestic abuse allegations agai the fear in such cases is damaging information could be used as blackmail. white house communications director hope hicks is dating porter and played a significant role in the early white house statements defending him. jeff? >> glor: major garrhank you very much.m vice president mike pence says the u.s. will soon hit new york with the toughest and most aggressive sanctions yet over its nuclear weapons program. pence is on his way the lead the u.s. delegation to the winter olympics in south korea. the north will be represented this year by a mysterious member of the ruling family. >> reporter: the younger sister of north korean dictator kim jong-un is heading to the olympics. believed to be a trusted adviser to her brother, it's not clear if she's
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being sent to deliver a message on his behalf. north korea expert jeffrey lewis. >> we'll look closely at who is with her, what she says, what she does. but we don't have an enormous amounted of detail on what precisely her role is. >> reporter: because of her north influence, she's called the north's ivanka trump. she would be the first member of the ruling family to cross the board e. she may not receive a warm welcome. protesters have been greeting the members of the north's more than 500-person delegation. they're angry that kim jong-un's regime is participating in the olympics and stealing the spotlight. vice president mike pence is attending the opening ceremony to counter what he views as propaganda. >> we will not allow north korean propaganda to hijack the message and imagery of the olympic games. >> reporter: at his stop inced new but uns.e.c. spied -- unspecified sanctions on north korea. this could complicate the effects of south korea to engage kim jong un's regime.
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but experts say sending his sister is ae's thinking. >> north korea's government is family affair. it's rub by the kim family. so to send a senior and important member of the family to the olympics, it's a sign the government is taking this very seriously. >> reporter: members of the north korean delegation are expected to meet with south korean president moon jay -- moon jae-in, but they are not willing to meet with u.s. officials. jeff? >> glor: ben tracy for us once again from pyongyang. pentagon is drawing up a parade on the streets of washington requested by the commander-in-chief possibly next veterans day. here's david martin. >> reporter: everybody loves a parade, the saying goes and no one more than president trump. he was wowed last summer by the annual french military parade. >> it was one of the greatest parades i've ever seen. it was two hours on the button and it wasitary might.
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>> reporter: he told the french president he wanted a parade of his own only bigger. do something like that on july 4th in washington down pennsylvania avenue. [laughter] i don't know. we're going to have to try and >> reporter: planning has now begun for what would be first military parade in the nation's capital since the end of the first gulf war in 1991. the last time the u.s. could unequivocally declare victory. that cost $12 million. [gunfire] but with no new victories to sell brit and troops still in combat, several democratic senators said another parade would be inappropriate and wasteful. defense secretary mattis says this parade would just be a show of appreciation. >> i think we're all aware in this country of the president's affection and respect for the military. we have been putting together some we'll send them up to the white house for a decision. >> reporter: north korea is about to hold itsay
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parade, and these satellite show an estimated 13,000 soldiers and 150 vehicles have been preparing for weeks. would presst his parade be big center senator lindsey graham hopes not. >> the idea of saying thank through a parade makes sense. the idea of showing muscle through a parade i think is counter to what we're about and would actually be a sign of weakness, not strength. >> reporter: the pentagon wants to have the parade on veterans day november 11th. that would be after the elections and allow the military to steer clear of politics. jeff? >> glor: david martin from the pentagon. david, thank you. winter storms snow ice and rain on the eastern third of the country today. erie, pennsylvania got at least four inches of snow and broke its record total for the season. eerie has snow so far. in full centennial park oklahoma firefighters rescued a dog that wandered on to a frozen creek. look how rescuers got out there. they slid that raft out and the dog then climbed aboard with a little bit of help.
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casino mogul stev resigned from his resort business two weeks after he was accused of sexual miscounduct. a number of women say wynn harassed or assaulted them. one case led to a multimillion dollar settlement. wynn has denied the accusations but said they make it impossible to effectively run his business. a technology tug-of-war is playing out in a san francisco courtroom. uber is accused of secrets from google's-driving car company. john blackstone is following this story. >> it's not an uber but a chauffeur-driven s.u.v. delivered uber's co-founder and former c.e.o. to federal court.vis. >> reporter: cole calistra, who resigned as uber's c.e.o. amid controversy last year, is the star witness among n a trial that could shape the self-driving car industry. >> this is uber against google for our future. this is the case of domination of auture area of technology. >> reporter: google has been
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developing self-driving vehicles since 2009 is claiming uber stole trade secrets to advance its own driverless cars secrets so sensitive they've been revealed only to the jury. calistra built uber into the dominant ride-sharing company while building his own reputati central tile competitor, even fighting with an uber driver. >> theyyed everything -- >> why send an e-mail? >> reporter: it's an image google's attorneys accentuated in a remarkable moment in court, showing the jury a famous michael douglas speech from the movie "wall street." >> the point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word is good. >> reporter: greed, google contends, led calistra to hire a former google engineer, anthony lewandowski, who stole google's self-driving trade secrets, but uber says it's used only technology that's common knowledge. >> it all really comes down to what particular information did
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they use and should they have realized that the engineer from google had obtained it in violation of the law? >> reporter: a loss in court could cost uber more than $1 billion, but this case shows these two tech industry giants are certain will are many more billions to be made building self-driving cars. jeff? >> glor: john blackstone thank you. now to other stories. a car on autopilot has become the fastest ever. the tessa roadster launched yesterday on the spacex "falcon heavy" rocket. it should top out at 26,000mph. c.e.o. elon musk posted a photo showing the car and starman headed toward asteroid belt between mars and jupiter. musk was brought down to earth today when spacex posted a nearly $2 billion loss for 2017. at least seven people were killed overnight in magnitude 6.4 earthquake in taiwan. dozens were trapped in buildings left tilting and in danger of
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clans. the area was hit again today by a powerful aftershock. d.n.a. tests reveal a $10,000 british skeleton nicknamed cheddar man once had dark skin and blue eyes. he was discovered in 1903 during the time when cheddar cheese was invented. the newearch suggests europeans developed pale skin cent previously thought. there is much more ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." >> reporter: a program in boston is turning a patient's living room enter a hospital room. >> i am feeling better today. ♪ i was born in a small town ♪ >> glor: the songwriter's hall of fame welcomes the class of 2015. ♪ little pink houses for you and me ♪ >> reporter: she's played carnegie hall three times before her 15th birthday. and that's not even the most impressive thing about emma yang. >> hi. my name is emma yang. >> emma yang. >> emma yang. (applause)
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>> glor: about a trillion dollars a year is spent on hospital care. that is about one third of all healthcare costs in the u.s. but it is possible patients could get better less expensiv care at home? here's dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: dr. david levine and nurse kim tierney of boston's brigham and women's hospital are making a house call. >> i am feeling better today. >> reporter: treating phyllis petruzzelli for pneumonia in her living room. >> take some nice deep breaths. report right next to her husband and their dog max. >> it's a little better. >> reporter: petruzzelli is enrolled in an innovative program. instead of staying in the hospital, their homes for treatment following an e.r. visit. >> you have been walking a lot. >> whenever i want. >> reporter: one goal: control costs without sacrificing quality. at first she was sceptical. >>'re old school. you're sick you go to the hospital. you stay there. you don't go home. you don't have the doctor come to the house anymore.
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>> reporter: there are dailysits and remote monitoring from a skin patch. >> it monitors all my vital signs directly to the doctor. >> for example, this patient's heart rate 76, breathing at 20 and has taken 30 steps this morning. >> reporter: home stays have the same level of safety and quality of care as those in the hospital and at about half the cost. doctors ordered far fewer blood tests and scans. >> by moving people to their home, we're automatically able to customize what they need and tailor it to them. that's part of the place we see a lot of cost savings. >> reporter: and home patients walk ten times more than those in the hospital. >> i think that's why i healed so fast, because i wasn't just laying. >> we believe that because patients are moving more at home that they're going to be able to preserve their strength and end up better off afterward. >> reporter: it looks like thos better after discharge. new data show fewer readmissions to the hospital after 30 days and there may be other benefits
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beyond the cost savings, better sleep and less chance of catching something from a hospital patient just a curtain away. >> glor: such a fascinating concept, jon. that seems to be where healthcare is headed right? >> reporter: i'm really excited about it. given how expensive healthcare is, this is a great idea. >> glor: jon lapook, thank you very much. up next, it's a celebration. ♪ yahoo ♪ helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. lowering a1c by up to 1.2 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration,
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♪ little diddy about jack and diane ♪ >> glor: that little diddy was one of 22 top-40 hits for john mellencamp, who was just named to the songwriter's hall of fame. the rest of the class of '18 are jermain dupri, composer allee willis, alan j bill anderson, steve dorff, and kool & the gang. ♪ celebrate good times come on ♪ every year gerber selects a spokes baby from thousands of photos submitted by proud parents. this year he is lucas warr georgia. lucas has down syndrome and the
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selection brought reactions like this from parents of down syndrome children. "in a puddle of tears over here. this little guy is beyond adorable and my mama heart is so thankful." up next app that rescues memories. in our investment experience around the world.sor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. i take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. flonase sensimist. >> glor: we end here tonight with an amazing young girl and her equally amazing unconvention. it could change the lives of people with alzheimer's. here's jim axelrod. >> reporter: listen to emma yang play the piano. no surprise she played carnegie hall three times before she was
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in high school. but her piano skills may take a backseat to her computer skills. >> i started coding when i was around six years old. >> reporter: when you were six you started coding? >> yes yeah. >> reporter: four years later emma's beloved grandmother, who lived in hong kong, started developing alzheimer's. >> when i'm on the phone she'll ask me the same question over and over like have you eaten? how are you? and then how are you again? >> reporter: but with her ability to code, emma had the skill set to deal. >> one of the things i love about coding is it's empowered me to do something to help her. even if she is still decline she can still stay connected with me. >> reporter: emma developed timeless, an app using facial recognition technology to remind people with alzheimer's who they're talking to or looking at when sent a picture or whether they just called someone they're about to dial again. >> so you can take a picture of you, and it will recognize it through timeless. >> reporter: so that says my
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name friend. >> yeah. >> reporter: so if you needed some help in identifying me, there it is. that's so cool. >> yeah. >> reporter: cole calistra is the chief technology officer at >> for somebody to have that drive at that age is remarkable. >> it's easy, it's accessible, and it's really convenient. i think this can have the opportunity to help every single person with alzheimer's. >> reporter: if you're not impressed, well, bill gates certainly is. >> that's a tweet from bill gates. >> reporter: emma hopes to launch timeless this summer. after that tenth grade should be a breeze. jim, a cbs news, new york. >> glor: well done, emma. that is the "cbs evening news" tonight. i'm jeff glor. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs
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captioned by media access group at wgbh
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white house scandal. >> a top aide to president trump resigns. >> did he punch out his ex- wife? >> these outrageous allegations are simply false. the natalie wood death investigation. do her daughters think robert wagner had anything to do with it? >> it's a knife in my heart. then proud mom. the mother of spacex genius i listen must you can. she's a world -- elon musk. she's a world famous model. and secrets of the first car in outer space. >> what's inside the glove compartment? plus actress hilary duff. how they transformed her into
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manson murder victim sharon tate. and is your dog an arsonist? how these dogs nearly


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