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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  November 29, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST

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from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we'll find him. that's the bottom line. >> searching chipping for shane, family desperate for answers in the disappearance of their son, turning to social media for help. >> "black friday" brought return to the demonstration, did missouri and across the country. chris van cleve in ferguson, the latest coming up. >> and "black friday" gives way to small business saturday. how main street's across the delaware valerie hoping to attract holiday shoppers away from the malls this weekend. good morning to you. today is saturday, november 29th. i'm nicole brewer. it is 5:00 o'clock on the dot. let's check the forecast if you are doing shopping today, maybe get your christmas tree,
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that time of year, carol. >> really is that time of year. >> going to be a nice day? >> yes. wear gloves though, specially this morning, we have real cold air out there this morning, below freezing in every single location, and it feels even little colder than that. looks nice. but those looks are deceiving. as we've all learned by now. so the ben franklin bridge, not a problem out, there and the skies, not a problem, but the temperatures, i think, are the problem. we have 24 degrees out in reading at this point, so cold, cold start to the day. storm scan3, notice, off to the west, into the west of harrisburg, there are few very light snow showers. if you see one, particularly, to the north, a little sprinkle, or a flurry, the sprinkle would be later on this afternoon, but flurry, entirely within the realm of possibility. otherwise, we're watching for a few clouds to start to move in here. the clear skies overnight, really let these temperatures drop, though, it is 18 degrees in allentown right now, look at the poconos, it is 8 degrees there, 27 in wilmington, millville,
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21 degrees in atlantic city, 28 in philadelphia. it is 20 in mt. holly. sixteen in quakertown. 19 degrees in pottstown. a cold morning, and it feels a little bit colder in some locations, because of just very slight wind. but basically, the temperatures did it all by themselves, the discomfort you will feel out there. our high today should be getting into the low 40's, maybe 41, 342 degrees, but let's just psychologically say okay, maybe it stops at 40, and we'll have to be fine with that, with mostly cloudy skies. we will talk about couple of days a lot warmer on the seven day forecast, and that's just ahead. nicole? >> carol, thank you. and new this morning, med ricks called to violent one car crash in university city. it happened just after 2:00 near 30th and walnut streets. at this hour, several passengers along with the driver are being treated at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. we're told they suffered only minor injuries, and the cause of the accident is under investigation. >> well, the search for
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missing west chester university student continues this morning at 10:00 o'clock. the family of 21 year old shane motorcycle couldn't rom -- motorcycle gemmery offering a $10,000 reward. last seen at manayunk bar. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers spoke with sean's distraut family. >> reporter: take a good look at this photo. this is shane montgomery, senior at west chester university. he is five-11, with green eyes, last seen wearing that gray shirt. and he's been missing since 2:00 a.m. thursday morning. >> heart broken, there are no words, none. >> his mother, karen, father kevin, are struggling, stricken with the fear whatever might have happened, but stowe nick pursuit of their mission. >> pretty much exhausted, but just finds the strength it keep going, we're going to find him. that's the bottom line. >> they were joined in their search by dozens of volunteers , fanned out across
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man junk. here's what they know so far. around 1:45 thursday morning, shane got separate from the his friends at kill dare's public on main street. when he didn't come home, dad kevin pick up the phone. >> see if he got arrested, see if he was in the hospital, see if there were any john doe's. >> when that turned up nothing, he asked for help. hours later, missing person flyers dotted dozens of electrical polls and social media campaign ramped up, hashtag help finds shane was trending on twitter locally by friday night. that joined police detectives and k9 units. with the police helicopter, scanning the river banks, as night fell. >> we're just hoping that he, if he can hear me, that he knows that we are looking for him and that we love him and i'm going to find him. >> there you can see one of the dozens of missing person flyers posted by volunteers across the manayunk area. the search was called off late friday evening, and set to resume once again at 10:00 a.m. we're in manayunk, matt
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rivers, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". meanwhile, a suv plows into a pharmacy in northeast philadelphia, it happened just after 6:00 last night in the 9400 block of state road in torresdale. police say the woman behind the wheel got confused and accidentally drove through the storefront. no one was hurt. that will pharmacy was closed. ray rice's indefinite suspension from the ffl for domestic violence is overturned, freeing him up to play immediately. an arbitrate here presided over rice's appeal hearing announced decision. nfl commissioner roger goodel suspended rice for two games in july, after he assaulted his now wife janaa inside casino elevator in atlantic city back if february. goodel then suspended risin definitely in september, after video of the incident from inside that elevator surfaced. now, rice argued during his appeals hearing that he was unfairly penlites dollars twice. the arbitrator agreed, saying the nfl new of the existence of the elevator video and that
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rice did not lie to the nfl about that incident during a june interview. now, the nfl released a statement reading in part: we respect judge jones decision to reinstate ray rice from his indefinite suspension for sly rating the league's personal conduct policy in a incident of domestic violence, based on judge joes' decision, he will be able to play upon signing new contract. well, happening today, it is small biggs saturday, a chance to bring bargains from the malls to main street. we'll have a live preview of some of the deals you can find today that's coming up in our 6:00 hour. >> meanwhile, the malls and big retailers will be re-opening in just a few hours. now, many of them were open from thanksgiving straight on through "black friday". "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt spoke with some tired shoppers. >> i wasn't planning oncoming shopping. my daughters twisted my arm and got me out here. >> but in the ender kay said she's glad she came out on "black friday" at the depford
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mall, though this "black friday" looked a little different. >> as bad as you thought were the crowds? >> not as bad. >> found lots of people, not the usual "black friday" crowd, where it is hard to walk. one reason may be because local malls opened at 6:00 thursday night, and stayed open straight through 10:00 o'clock friday night. >> working since 7:00 p.m. on thanksgiving. >> you heard that right. we met carly sips on her 23rd hour of work. she has three jobs, and says it was her choice to pull the marry thon shift. >> i've had a lot of caffeine. couple of double shots of expresso. >> but rob fist co-says opening on thanksgiving day is a big problem. >> it ruins the tradition. you know, traditionally the way it is supposed to be done, you know, day after thanksgiving, you go, you get excited, pick the morning. >> but now if you get to a place at 6:00 in the morning you may have missed out on your chance to find that low price. >> i used to work at target. we used to get tons of people in the morning. new rush isn't there any more.
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there is no more fun to it. >> some say opening the night before is a good thing, because the new "black friday" may mean less people. >> i thought it was going to be like a lot, a lot of people. like i thought there was going to be thousands of people. but it is not really bus. >> i david spunt "eyewitness news". >> for your complete holiday shopping guide including mall hours, head to our website >> outside the gallery mall in center city, about 30 protesters encouraged shoppers to boycott "black friday" in honor of michael brown. latest protest in philadelphia since the grand jury decision not to indict ferguson police officer darren wilson for shooting the unarmed teenager. police say the demonstration was peaceful. >> well, protests continue overnight across the country, they followed a day of unrest, designed to disrupt holiday shopping. cbs news correspondent chris van cleve in ferguson where more arrests were made
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overnight. >> unrest returned to ferguson, missouri late friday night, as police crashed with protesters. demonstrators were told to stay out of the street, they went back into the street in front of police headquarters, officers moved, in and started making arrests. >> i have traffic flowing from both directions which obviously creates traffic hazards, potentially endangers motorists andrew of people out in the roadway. >> one bottle thrown, and several demonstrators taken by police. the escalation folds day of protest across the country aimed at disrupting "black friday" shopping. a couple hundred protesters marched through the gal rhea mall outside st. louis briefly shutting it down on one of the busiest hopping days of the year. police stood by, but did not interfere. even when the protesters laid down on the ground. some stores closed their security gates, but others welcomed the crowd. >> i'm just so happy that people are this dedicated to come out, you know, and not
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worry about the sale that you can get. >> there were similar protests around the country. no new york sit, oakland, and check chick, as demonstrators vowed to continue to voice their anger. ferguson, missouri, chris van cleve, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> 5:10 right now, up next on "eyewitness news", hearing from the two children burried under pile of snow. >> i was thinking that maybe some of us were going to die. >> me too. >> more on the dramatic actions that saved the lives of those two boys, that's coming up next. >> also ahead, a truck driver has a freak run-in with a turkey and then winds up as thanksgiving dinner. the bizarre store when we come back.
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i hear you're quite the expert at waking people up in the morning. let me show you how grandma does it. ♪ you're daddy made this when he was a little boy. ♪ this is your dad in my house, where he had his first christmas. thanks for making the coffee. well look who's up. i'm really glad you're here, mom. me too. ♪ look who's here!
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back now on "eyewitness news", with a incredible story about two boys trapped for hours under a huge pile of snow in new york. as cbs michael bert reports, now hearing about the dramatic rescue from the boys themselves. >> feeling nervous, but relieved, cousins jason rivera and elijah, recall their they are filing ordeal. >> i was thinking that maybe some of us were going to die. >> me too. >> the two boys had been building snow forts in new berg, new york, when they did not arrived home by their
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9:00 p.m. curfew. >> kept searching and searching. >> snow plow operator believed not to have seen the boys playing and covered them with a 7-foot mound every snow. >> my throat was hurting, i was like gasping for air. >> finally a dog led a team of rescuers to where the boys were burried. >> somebody heard the muffled sound of the kids under the snow, they were digging them out, then people were screaming for shovels. >> rescuers didn't wait, using their hands to claw the snow. >> when i got over there, the little boy's feet was hanging out of the thing and shaking and his mother is like it is okay, he is there. he is like mommy, mom. >> i boys were treated and released at nearby hospital. >> i want to thank everybody. >> they say their days of building snow forts are over. michael bert, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". by the way, neither of the boy had gloves with them, and temperatures dipped to several degrees below freezing. the boys' mother said they could hear the rescuers
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searching for them but could not be heard under all of that snow. >> crazy story. thank god they're okay. 5:15. darnell. >> just terrifying story. we are looking at a day where they are still making snow, nicole, because they can. it is so cold. jack frost big boulder, so they've got the snow guns going, they've pick up little bit of mother nature snow yesterday. and that combination is making for quite a time for skiers, i think, very much enjoying this. and while we're talking about the poconos, let's go out to monroe county near sailors berg, broad heads ville, 11 degrees, out there, right now, and no wind. that's one of the reasons that these temperatures just bottomed out last night. just a really cold morning out there. if you haven't been out yet, 8 degrees in other sections every poconos, 18 in allentown, 21 in trenton, 28 degrees in philadelphia, 27 degrees down in the wilmington area, 26 degrees in dover, 25 degrees in wildwood. these are not the windchills. these are the actual
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temperatures. cold morning out there. we had cold day yesterday. we saw temperatures that stayed 39 degrees for the high, and now we move to the north, of corpse, we won't find any warmth there. nineteen in pottstown, 24 willow grove, 24 in northeast philadelphia, and mt. holly, county seat of burlington county just 20 degrees this morning. storm scan3, not a lot going on at this point. off to the west, few snow showers, not completely out of the question, areas specially to the north, might be able to pick up enough umf out of the atmosphere to generate maybe flurry, maybe sprinkle later today. but generally we are keeping it dry around here. it is colder this morning, than it was yesterday morning, was no picnic yesterday morning either. but less of one today. 14 degrees colder, in millville, this morning, than yesterday, 6 degrees colder in philadelphia, and 17 degrees colder in the poconos. so that cold air definitely found us. we will be finding our temperatures right about 40 degrees today. maybe we get to 42 degrees.
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that would be nice. otherwise, we have sun and clouds out there, and at times, little bit heavier on the clouds side. traveling, i know, a lot of people had a lot of difficulty getting in here with the mess on wednesday. the mess was thursday night when you were cleaning up the kitchen. the weather mess, on wednesday, well, we've got better weekend to get away, if you are headed back home. today if you're starting out, you may run into a snow shower through central pennsylvania, should not be a big deal at all. and then, as i mentioned couple of these sprinkles might come in as the temperatures overnight start to warm up little bit. that's near scranton. otherwise, we are looking at fairly nice conditions. by the time we get to sunday, and it looks like you've got great day to go across most of pennsylvania. sunday evening heading up toward buffalo or through ear -- erie, may be finding few showers. monday, otherwise, by monday evening, is it possible that we see couple of showers around here? it is possible. so, we will wait to see that.
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but just make your plans accordingly. forty-one in philadelphia, shore, 45, the poconos, 32 degrees, and a chance of light snow shower up there. it is small business saturday. let's support all of the main streets that make this area so interesting. and our temperatures outside, perfectly acceptable. it will really get you in the spirit to buy lots of sweaters and gloves and that sort of thing. don't leave home without them. 41 degrees, our high temperature this afternoon, mostly cloudy, chilly day, cold out there right now. i know you'll bundle up. make sure your pets are inside and warm. this is a cold morning. now, tonight, it will be cold, but not as cold. 35 degrees, overnight, with mostly cloudy skies, so it will be a little bit easier to start the day tomorrow temperature wise, and finish it, too, 53 degrees sunday, monday, 57, late in the day, do we see a shower early on tuesday? it is possible. otherwise, a big cool down after that warm up mondayment look at monday. 57 degrees, tuesday's hi, just four it, then wednesday, we could be seeing another shower, but another
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temperature in the 50's. nicole? >> all right, carol, thank you. this is pretty bizarre story. tow truck driver in texas gets quite a surprise. cameron slayder was driving across a bridge in after lean when something shattered his windshield. through shark and shards of broken glass, he stopped his truck, that's when he realized it was a turk that i crashed into him. >> by the time i got stopped, i realize interested was a big old turkey. casino of started thinking about it being thanksgiving, and it was kind of ironic. >> slayder offered the turk toy a local family. he says he was just happy to return home to his wife and kids for the holiday. >> all right, well, the days of patiently waiting in line to snap a photo with santa and hand over a wish list could be over, thanks to smart phones and other new tech tricks. karen takes a look at saint nick's digital savvy. >> reporter: the tradition of in-store santa dates back at least 125 years. credited to entrepreneur james, in massachusetts.
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>> santa has really become here with the mall, especially in this country, but we're looking at ways to push the envelope there, as well. >> no way edger could have envision add santa visit like this one at the tyson corner center mall in suburban washington. a digital naughty or nice list, selfies, virtual he is, and augmented reality of santa's workshop, all of these to see saint nick. >> what we tried to do this year is real take the experience, and bring the experience out through the entire line and give kids and their parents toking do, something tonight err act, something digital. >> look, it is opening up. >> to make the time and the lines go by much, much faster. >> while the idea is to occupy visitors while waiting in line, they don't even have to do that any more. par kent pre-book an appointment with santa from their smart phone, another part of malls elevating the experience. they search with hd tv to create santa hq in ten of
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their malls, including tyson's corner. the malls have incorporated the frozen phenomenon into ice palace's housing santa in ten malls. heavy digital component to the experiences but it is still about driving people into the brick and mortar mall. >> you can't really see and feel an experience santa in your jammies at home. we wanted to take that experience, annex tends it, and keep it relevant, make it more current, and more modern. >> simon malls will feature programs that let people bring pets to advice width santa. >> so, really just raising the baron the experience and just making people feel warm and fuzzy during this festive holiday season. >> at one point, it was a novel idea to sell photos with santa. now, it is to instagram them. the same classic experience changing with the times. in mcclane, virginia, i'm karen kapa. >> all right, 5:21 right now, big weekend at the box office. we'll have a look at some of the movies? theatres right now. >> i'm kevin frazier.
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jennifer aniston, jason back in horrible bosses two, and the magic behind the penguins of madagascar. we'll show it all to you
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♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious.
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♪ >> oh, check it out. first preview of star wars episode seven, the force awakens, trailer debuted on youtube friday morning, has already rack up millions of hit. the film awakens in theatres december of 2015. will mark the return from stars of the original triligy, including mark hammell, kerry fisher, harrison ford. all right, that's exciting stuff. well, are you all shopped out already? and looking for another activity, maybe to do with the family? well, from horrible bosses, to some silly penguins, there is a little something for everybody at the movies this weekend. kevin frazier from entertainment tonight has a look at what's new in theatres. >> okay, boys, this is it. the mission we've been preparing for our entire lives. >> skipper, reijo, private, all back in action, and this time, they're teaming one a
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new organization. >> the north wind is elite undercover inter species. >> benedict voices aging classified, the leader of the north wind, and for the usually serious actor, it is a chance to show off his silly side. >> that was kind of my primary motivation every time we did a session, was just to try to make them laugh. >> yes, that was my sarcasm laugh. >> but the pen wins are the stars of this show. >> now we're talking. let's get to work. >> and in horrible bosses two, jason bateman, gait and, and charlie day, become their own bosses, but quickly run into more trouble. >> we need to find half million dollars to get us our company back. >> i can give you 50,000. >> 600. >> so we're not going to negotiate. >> jamie fox returns as their guide through the criminal world along with jennifer aniston, former horrible boss with a dirty mind. >> what's your name, hone? >> i am -- >> nice to have some fresh
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blood in the group. >> appreciate it. >> fresh cute blood. >> hey. i want to partner up on this thing. >> also join the cast for the sequel, and the stunt, it is go big or go home. >> in this one we do a lot of driving, but because it is a sequel it, becomes -- the scope becomes little bigger. so we have to work on green stage. so we got to do some of the stunt work in the car. we got up on a pretty big, you know, scary apparatus. >> just boom. drops. >> 20 feet up in the air. >> like amusement park. >> for entertainment tonight, kevin frazier, now back to you in the studio. >> all right, a lot of good options there. hey, kevin frazier and the rest of the crew at entertainment tonight will keep you up to date on what's hot in hollywood. just tune in every week night at 7:00 right here on cbs-3. >> well, the malls had "black friday" to get a jump on holiday sales. but today it is all about the small businesses. coming up in our next hour, how local mom and pop shops are hoping to attract
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customers away from the big box stores. also ahead, "black friday" isn't just for americans any more. coming up: retailers across the pond offer deals on the day after we celebrate thanksgiving. and we'll show you how that sparked some chaos among the crowd. >> and new technology, cars can now parallel park themselves, or at least alert drivers if they're drifting into another lane. now one company has plans for a new feature that lets the car take over the driving. not sure i'd trust that just yet. we'll show you thousand works though coming up
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i hear you're quite the expert at waking people up in the morning. let me show you how grandma does it. ♪
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you're daddy made this when he was a little boy. ♪ this is your dad in my house, where he had his first christmas. thanks for making the coffee. well look who's up. i'm really glad you're here, mom. me too. ♪ look who's here!
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>> good morning, i'm nicole brewer, just past 5:30. let's get a check on that forecast, again, a lot of people will be shopping out for small business saturday, carol. will they have a good one to do it? >> yes, it is 29 degrees in honor of it. isn't that great? >> that's good. good timing on that. >> oh, yes. we are looking at good day, though, nicole, and everybody, for small business saturday, because it will be dry. you can get out there, and all bundled up, you can do your shopping off the mall main drag, and get into the towns main drag. there are some really cute towns around here. and definitely worth checking out. ben franklin bridge, looks lovely, right now, as we take a look at a very dark sky.
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and it is a quiet boardwalk in ocean city. it is cold in every single location. everybody is below the freezing mark. this is an interesting shot right here. this is the palmyra cove nature park, and we're looking over at the city of philadelphia, 26 degrees, right now, a cold morning, very little wind out there, so our windchill is almost non-existent. now, storm scan3, shows some snow, some very light snow off to the west. but if you're out early this morning, just take it easy as you head in that direction, because on the frozen ground, any casino of snow showers can always and problem. in our area, we are looking at clouds starting to come in here. i think we will be finding fair amount of clouds today, though you should be finding some breaks, too. 28 degrees at the airport. in philadelphia we have 21 in trenton and atlantic city, 29 degrees down in dover, 18 in allentown, and how about just one number, eight, up in the poconos. wow, it is a cold day. now, today, we should be getting a agree or two warmer than we did yesterday. yesterday we stopped at 39. today we stopped at
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40 degrees. maybe 41 degrees. are we going to be able to add anything to those numbers over the next couple every days? i think we k i'll show you that on the seven day forecast coming up, nicole. >> carol, thank you. well, it is small business saturday, as carol had mentioned, local retailers and mom and pop shops are hoping to get you to help you find the perfect holiday gift. and of course all while helping to profit our communities. our steve patterson will have a live report coming up at 6:00 on small business saturday. >> right now on "black friday", dozens of storms at the king of prussia mall in montgomery county open thanksgiving morning. and they were offering some deep discount. "eyewitness news" found armed loaded with bags, and couches holding tired shoppers. we all need a break at some point. those we talked to say it was well worth the trip. kop by the way reopens again at 9:00. >> and hey similar scene in willow grove here. chopper three, over the mall, stores there closed last night, but the shopping has started thanksgiving night at 6:00. now, plenty of customers
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showed up to take advantage of those deals. again, that mall opens at 8:00 this morning. >> and this was the scene at the toys "r" us in cherry hill. digital tablets, and frozen theme dolls are some of the hot items on sale. the toy store was working on a marathon day from 5:00 o'clock thursday night, until 11:00 last night. some busy bee workers there. "black friday" seems to get bigger every year. the shopping frenzy is now catching on in england. british police had their hands full as some hard core shoppers turned violent in the hunt for bargains. cbs's alphonso van marsh reports from london. >> american style cheerleaders announced deep discounts were on, across britain. (cheers). >> and these shoppers weren't about to miss out on "black friday". the us tradition has landed firmly on this side of the pond. >> i'm all for it.
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i'm getting a good deal. >> bought this 32-inch tv for less than half price. >> police broke up fights in at least seven stores, most brawls were over electronics. officers in northwest england tweeted for people to keep calm. many brits had not even heard of "black friday" a few years ago. now, up to 70% of retailers are offering deals from bargain basement labels to its exclusive brands. retail experts say some luxury stores in britain aren't taking part in "black friday" because they don't have to. >> it also could be an issue where they want to distance themselves from the whole oh, try discounting and mayhem. >> some shoppers say you don't need mayhem to bring home a bargain. >> i didn't have to fight no one. i'm happy. i'm going home to sleep. >> police are warning retail tears hire more security next "black friday", to keep shoppers under control. in london, alfonso van alphonso,
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cbs-3, "eyewitness news". 5:35 right now. some bad news here. tragedy inside a packed chicago department store. police say a man opened fire inside this nordstrom retailer fright my. he shot his girlfriend, then turned the gun on himself. the man, whose identity has not been release, was found dead on location. the female was a seasonal employee at that store. she is in critical condition. the gunshots caused panic, police say customers and other employees were never at risk. well, we now know that the identity after gunman who fired more than 100 rounds at downtown buildings in austin, texas this week, though his motive remains unclear. larry mcwilliams shot and killed after confrontation with officers friday morning. the 49 year old also tried to set the mexican consolate on fire. no one was hurt. police say mcwilliams has criminal record, it is not known if mcwilliams was killed by police, or if he took his own life. philadelphia police are looking for a man who stole a
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laptop computer out after van. it happened around 9:30 wednesday morning, in the 900 block of north second street. police say the suspect shattered the driver side window, then he stole a blue and black bag, holding a laptop worth $1,200. he took off on a royal blue mountain bike. >> well, delaware county, dozens every dogs and cats have new homes for the holidays. the delco spca invited "black friday" shoppers to adopt. one of the first place, pearl the pitbull. she was found starving in a backyard in chester october 7th. yesterday a healthy and energetic pearl headed to her forever home. >> she has so much spirit, so much personality, that was never broken by the people who did that to her. >> you know, he is -- she is so precious. she is definitely a girl. >> oh, that's so sweet. their beat their goal of 50
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adoptions, 59 dogs and cats adopted in total n honor of "black friday", animals with black fur were adopted for a special price. we love to see that. 5:38. early holiday gift for motorists. gas prices continue to drop. according to triple a, the nationwide average for gallon of regular fuel is now $2.79, lowest level in five years. what's more, the price of crude oil dropped 10 percent this week. analysts forecast prices will continue to fall and could get as low as two-point ooh a gallon. that would be nice, right? well, here at home, pennsylvania drivers are paying 2.95 per gallon, new jersey drivers paying 2.66. and delaware drivers are paying 2.79 cents. >> now, once you fill your tank, at least one auto maker is hoping to change the way you drive your vehicle. now, we've heard of hands free equipment for your cell phone, right? general motors currently testing new technology that could make your steering wheel hands free.
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omar villafranca gets behind the wheel for a look at the super crews system. >> not so far down the road, drivers will be able to do a lot less because their car can pretty much drive itself. general motors, engineers, say they're putting the finishing touches on super crews technology. gm's john cap showed me how it works. >> cruising at 51. hands up. nothing on the pedals. >> super crews combination crews control with steering. when the technology is engaged, with push after button, drivers can crews on down the road without touching the steering wheel. >> turn your head this way first, two, three, 42nd. >> it is real nerve wracking. i feel like i just won a feet ballgame. >> the camera keeps the car in the correct lane, will slow the car down if it senses the vehicle in front of saw not going that fast. gm says its technology will allow drivers to take their eyes off the road, while the car does the driving. >> this is a little tense. he came into my lane.
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it is hitting the brakes. slows you down. and i've stayed in my lane. >> the car will only do the driving if the super crews is engaged and the seat will vibrate to alert the driver if he needs to take over. >> i vibrated. my seat vibrate t dropped my speed limit. it is dropping. >> yes, it slows you down it, sees the car in front of you. >> gm still fine tuning the software on the test track, and in traffic. they plan to put it the in a cadillac first, the first one scheduled to hit the road in 2017. omar villafranca, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> i don't know. ten and two. ten and two. i can't do it. not yet. 5:40. shopping isn't the only day after thanksgiving tradition. coming up next, the white house christmas tree makes it arrival. and this has local route. we'll explain. also, ahead, early holiday gift foreman who lost his wedding ring while bowling nearly ten years ago. the story of how it turned up still ahead. >> hey, if you are headed out early this morning, you definitely want to bundle up.
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carol has your weekend forecast, and some chilly temperatures, just ahead.
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>> on the cbs-3 health watch, a surge is expected in the number of people getting scammed for lung -- scanned for lung cancer now that they're covered by medicare and medicaid. stephanie stahl has more on what doctors say could save thousands of lives. >> take a deep breath. >> reporter: ron is breathing
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easier after surgery for lung cancer. he was life-long smoker. he thought somehow woe beat the odds. on family vacation to dis nip, he developed a cough. had been losing weight. his doctor recommended a ct scan. which was able to ida small, early stage cancer. >> i was devastated, naturally. you always think it is going to happen to the other person. >> more people like ron will be able to have ct scans, the center for medicare, medicaid services has decided to cover screenings for former, heavy smokers, over the age of 55. >> there is an opportunity to really save lives here. >> doctor stacey sue, fox chase surgeon, who operates for crozer keystone, at delaware county memorial hospital. >> the ct scan is to data proven and accurate way by which to find lung cancers before they're causing the patients any problems, but at a stage when they're potentially curable. >> it is not typically found early, lung cancer considered specially deadly, usually no symptoms. smokers face a dramatically
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increased risk every lung cancer, and while private insurance pace for ct screenings, the government didn't until now. and an estimated 4 million americans will now be covered. >> i think it is great. i really do. i mean, in my case, it was the early detection, and the early treatment, that saved my life. >> doctors say the down side of ct scans is they could increase the risk every unnecessary biopsies, and cause anxiety, only 5% of suspicious spots turn out to be lung cancer. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". all right, it is 5:45. and it is tis the season for ice skating. "eyewitness news" at the blue cross river rink, which opened for business on friday. this year, winter fest will be open all winter long. you can take a break from skating and enjoy some food, drinks, even warm up by the fire pit. >> that sound pretty nice. carol, on day like today, it will be pretty cold. >> out there yesterday, nicole, you and your husband and baby jack should go down there. because it really is like the
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poconos. right on the delaware river, with the city just, you know, off to another direction. with fire pit, and christmas trees, and it is really neat out at the river rink, and then you can fall down a lot, too. notice this. we're making snow up here, well, we are not, they are. they are making snow, jack frost big boulder, but they can, because of our weather. our weather is so cold that all they have to do is just direct any moisture, whatever the solution is, and they end up with a ski slope. so you probably could do that in your own yard, as well today, because the temperatures are that cold. we have 24 degrees in reading. so you could make snow if you wanted to in reading. i'm not sure a lot of people would want a snow gun for christmas, but if you did, might be an interesting gift. don't do it around my house, please. there is enough snow that we find out in nature. and we're finding some out in nature right now. storm scan3, through the center of the state, so head in the that direction, just know that any kind of snow
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shower, on ground, that is so cold, can make it a little slick. so just notice that there are some snow showers there. we're watching some of these clouds starting to move into the area. they're coming up from the south, which is a little bit beneficial. specially over the next day or so. as our air comes up from the south. and i'll show you why, in one second. 28 degrees in philadelphia right now. yep, 28. we have 26 wilmington. twenty-one in trenton. 18 degrees in allentown. 8 degrees in the poconos this morning. 25 degrees down in wildwood. but air to the south is somewhat milder. we will be tapping into that. so our temperatures, by tomorrow morning, will be about 10 degrees warmer, at least than what we're finding this morning. and that's courtesy of some slightly warmer air to the south of us. temperature today, just about 40 degrees, we might evening out 41, 42 degrees, it should and agree or two warmer than yesterday, when it stopped at 39 degrees. we will continue just to watch for wintery feeling weather today, and pretty much tonight. but then after that, it starts
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to moderate little bit. if you're traveling so many are we are looking at just that little ball of energy, at 11:00 this morning, right through central pennsylvania. otherwise, looks like fairly decent time to get out and move around or go anywhere that you want, perhaps couple of little light sprinkles, perhaps snow flurry through the poconos, new york state, that moves over toward albany, as we go through the early part of the overnight. and then, tomorrow evening, we have got some rain. that's out by pit burying, earring i, you're finds that still even on monday morning. not a bad time to travel, however, but then we start to see another system come in here that could be bringing some snow well to the west through ohio, as well. we could be even seeing some that far wet weather here late on monday night. otherwise, we, there you see it, in our area, otherwise we've got quiet day today for small business saturday. forty-one in philadelphia, 45 at the shore, poconos, at the freezing mark, with a chance of picking up light snow shower in that location. small business saturday, as i mentioned, temperatures outside, you'll wear gloves.
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that's fine. great just take them off when you pay for things. 41 degrees, mostly cloudy, chilly day today, tonight it is 35 degrees. so it will be milder overnight. but i tell you what, it is so cold out there this morning, make note of that, if you're starting out early, and also make note that far with your pets to keep them warm too. we are looking at a warm up though finally by sunday, 53 degrees degrees. monday even more after warm up, 57 degrees. late in the day and maybe early on tuesday, there is a chance we could be picking up a shower. but then that should be gone for the rest of the day on tuesday. wednesday, maybe a shower around, but it is okay, temperature wise, 53, and then we're in the four's, upper 40's after that, nick snow. >> carol, thank you. first family welcomed the white house christmas tree in the nation's capitol. first lady michelle obama and her daughter sasha and malea on hand as the 18 and a half foot douglas fur arrived. it comes from the crystal tree
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farm, displayed in the white house's blue room. >> all right, well, closer to home here. santa claus had a busy day. "eyewitness news" in conshohocken as santa lit the christmas tree at the old borough hall on fayette street. he got a lift from a fire department ladder truck then he posed for photos with children. >> well, people lined station avenue in haddon heights camden county for the annual holiday parade. just phenominal scene here with the town's firetrucks, all decked out in sparkling lights. that's a pretty site. santa claus also made appearance, now, following that parade, officials split the -- flipped the witch to light the town's christmas tree. for the first time a star on top of the library. >> so do you love putting up lights for the holidays? well, we want you to sends us your pictures of your holiday display, sends them on social media using hashtag cbs-3 holiday lights, or go to to share them with us. we may even go live from your home next month. so be careful what you wish for, because we will show up.
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>> all right, 5:50 right now. after nearly decade, wisconsin man's wedding ring is back on his finger. justin blair bowling in his local league when he says the ring actually slid off his finger. now, as you can imagine, his wife, becky, was none too pleased. justin scoured the lanes, he checked with police, he went to local pawn shops, and he found nothing. well, then came word that a local church had bought the building and was tearing it down. society couple reached out for some help. >> her phone beeped. she had got answer e-mail. she just started laughing. and she said i'll be dang, they found that ring. >> how about that? such a happy ending. the couple has a son, james, and they're expecting their second child. justin says his ring will now be extra tight. it happens to the best of us. we'll be right back.
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>> beeted down. cowboys in dallas with first place on the line, oh, ya, it was thanksgiving, the birds dominate in the all phases of the game. jumped out to 14-nothing lead. the game really wasn't as close a the final score of 33 to ten indicated. mark sanchez, led the up tempo attack, throwing for 217 yards. tossing a touchdown, running a touchdown, sanchez afterward was philosophical. >> everybody want to say, you know, national tv game, and this is, you know, life or death, and all of that. i mean, come on, you got to put it in it place. understand what it is, move on. i'm just real proud of this effort on such a short week. >> all right, the flyers enters yesterday afternoon
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"black friday" matinee with the rangers having dropped six of seven games. during that funk, they've held players meetings, they've seen their gm blast them for listless play, could they right the ship against the rangers? second period flyers trailing one-nothing, very sloppy in their own ends, st. louis make them pay by beating steve mason, two-nothing rangers, move to the third, flyers with the man advantage. but it is new york with the odd man rush. rick nash right there with the one-timer beats steve mason. flyers no goals. just six shots on six power plays. they're shut out for the second time in nine days by the rangers. head coach craig said the turn around is just a matter of trust. >> it has got to come from within. i mean, got to believe in themselves. got to trust each other. that's where it starts i think. more than anything, you become frustrated and stop playing like a team on the ice. that doesn't mean it is not a good team or team that wants
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to stick around. right now little lost that way. >> broadcasting boot, analyst jamie moyer will not return in 2015. his departure is his choice. he cited the challenge of balancing living on the west coast with a rigorous schedule of calling games. beaver stadium crews, man, look at that, four, 5 inches of snow. they are clearing out in happy valley in anticipation for penn state's final home game of the season against numb michigan state. they're six and five on the season, but just one in five in the big ten. i'm rob ellis. have a good day everybody. >> if you're an eagles fan you know the eagles won pretty big over the cowboys thursday, leaving local restaurant on the losing end of a bet. yes, the owner of anthony's grub in south philadelphia is a life-long dallas fan. can you believe it? he had it coming. on friday, he gave away free cheese steaks, for two hours, to customers, after he picked the eagles to lose this past week. "eyewitness news" was there at
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13th and oregon, at that shop. now the owner made another bet for the rematch here in philly on december 14th. >> whether dallas comes here, you come get a free cheese steak if the dallas loses again, today i'm giving them out for two hours, first 50 people who come with an eagles jersey from the link gets a cheese steak on me. >> this guy doesn't lose his lesson. more free cheese steaks in a couple of weeks. put it on your calendar. head down thereto 13th and oregon? yes, 13th and oregon. it is coming. free cheese steaks. it is onto 6:00 right now. coming up knelt next half hour on "eyewitness news", ray rice wins his appeal, now eligible to play football again. we'll have moore on the former ravens suspension overturned. plus this: >> i'm charlotte, coming up, i'll explain why one local mom is petioning a major toy maker. >> carol tracking some changes for the second half of the long holiday weekend.
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it will be chilly out there. we'll be back.
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i hear you're quite the expert at waking people up in the morning. let me show you how grandma does it. ♪ you're daddy made this when he was a little boy. ♪ this is your dad in my house, where he had his first christmas. thanks for making the coffee. well look who's up. i'm really glad you're here, mom. me too. ♪ look who's here!
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>> searching for shane. now turning tooc


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