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tv   Eyewitness News at 430am  CBS  November 4, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EST

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>> good morning. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. >> it is election day. why a man shot a woman to death at a ymca, turn turned the gun on had i sim. >> let's talk some weather. i believe high pressure is in control.
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>> warm day for this election day. am i check. >> you are absolutely correct. hanging on at least, desperately, one more day. yes, we actually ends one real nice forecast. ukee is right, when you have high pressure, very often you end up, a, very fair weather and depending on the location of the high you can warm things up. that's exactly what will happen today. it is all good here in the weather department. but it doesn't necessarily stay that way. so wet weather that we have to track here late another week, looks like it could be some pretty soaking rain. we'll tell when you coming up. ukee, back to you. >> kate, see you in a bit. in the news $10,000 reward now offered for information leading to the arrest and on vick sean of who ever took carlesha. >> the young woman has not been seen since sunday night, when a man was seen pushing her in a car. now on the search for carlesha. >> erika, ukee, the search for
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carlesha continues, they continue to look for the 22 year old on all accounts. nothing has been found so far. they have received a number of tips. but again, nothing has come out. now police are offering a $10,000 reward for the capture and conviction of her abductor. take a look at this video. this was all caught on surveillance video, each and every frightening step. police say carlesha last seen walking here the 100 block of west cult err street in germantown around 10:00 sunday night, that's when a man grabs her, drags her, kicking and screaming and forces her into a dark colored car. police say an eyewitness was walking on the other side of the street, as all of this was happening. he says he heard her scream for help, called 911 after noticing the abductor had a large knife. police say she fought her attacker the entire time kicking out both of the rear windows before the cash drove off, as police continue to search her family is pleading for her safe return. >> just let me daughter go.
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whatever it takes, i don't care. just let her go. >> and bring her back safely, that's all, we just want her back safely, basically all we want is her, that's all we want. >> now, police describe this suspect as a man 5 feet 10 inches tall between 25 and 30 years old, not much of a description, he could be in 20,000 to 2002 dark gray sedan, possibly ford taurus, anyone with information should call police. reporting live outside police headquarters, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> jan, thank you. 4:33, let's check back with kate. >> i good morning, everybody weighings start things off with a quick check on "skycam 3", start down the shore where all of the casinos still lit up, very, very pretty view for you here. and we do still have some higher clouds out there at this hour. but we are expecting a dry and generally sunny day to come along with this, so we go next from this quiet camera to quiet storm scan, where granted do you have some moisture showing up here, on
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storm scan, but not actually verifying as rainfall into the grounds. let me show you little loop. see the speckles of green, little moisture starting to ramp up in our atmosphere, that's actually as high pressure begins to lose control. our next warmfront slides through. so that's in part why we're going to end up with decent day out there, granted few clouds along the way, but it is going to warm up nicely. because of the clouds that we've got overhead, off to pretty mild start, especially by comparison to yesterday, this same time, low 50's, even in the poconos, right now, it is colder, are you kidding me, cold nerve lancaster, dover, delaware, than it is in mount pocono right now. that's a big deal, mainly because of the cloud cover. currently in the 50's through a lot of the closer to philadelphia nearby neighborhoods here. but it is generally just mild start to the day. we will finish up with a pretty mild end to the day, as far as early november standards go. just few clouds as the polls open for reelection day today, 47 degrees in philadelphia, generally that will be the scenario around most of the region here, cool granted, but
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no where near as harsh. and as the day progresses any clouds that are there now will break for more sunshine, and you might be tempted to take off for the day and hit the shore points. 66 degrees today with sunshine at the area beaches. vittoria, over to you. >> thank you so much, katie. good morning, everyone, all of the majors moving just swell so far. traveling on the schuylkill, 95, the vine st. expressway, just a lot of good news. how much, if you are traveling on 202 northbound, approaching the schuylkill expressway, valley forge road, you will notice few cones set up, compromising the right-hand lane, only moving by, but still looking great. not seeing any major volume delays. same thing traveling on the schuylkill expressway. so traveling on 202, once you get to 76, it is a straight shot from your western suburbs, all the way through to downtown philadelphia. here's your eastbound traffic, moving toward the vine st. expressway, westbound moving away, all-in-all great ride no matter how you cut t with that speed censors reflecting good news with green all over the place, even traveling on the pa turnpike, northeast
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extension, and traveling in new jersey and delaware all moving real well. we have westbound turnpike construction project right around bensalem. so traveling throughout bucks county just going to be minds full of. that will but new jersey again 42, 55, 295, you are all in the green. we're looking great for mass transit. no delays at philadelphia international airport. erika, ukee in. >> thank you, vittoria. campaign 2014, it is just about over. now, it is up to the voters? today pennsylvanians choose a governor. republican incumbent tom gore get core at the time, calls wolf attacks and spend democrat. has run his family business for about three decades. he's criticized corbett for education cuts and a lack of job creation. >> i believe tomorrow night when you guys come around, whenever the final totals come in, that i will be the victor, we will have a second term. >> i'm not cocky. i'm not getting come place ebbet, i'm working real hard.
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i'll be working all through the election tomorrow. >> wolf maintains a lead in most polls, although, corbett has been gaining ground. today's elections are expected to draw less than half of pennsylvania's 8.3 million registered voters. >> now, for the rest of the country, main event will be the u.s. senate elections, races are being head in nine battleground states, 76 which are currently held by democrats. if republicans are able to win six of those seats it, would give them the imagine or i races in george, a louisianna, colorado are expected to be close, and could end in run-off elections. >> polls open in just a few hours. in new jersey residents can vote from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in pennsylvania, and delaware, polls are app from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. >> and "eyewitness news" has you covered this election day, we will sends out alert on facebook and twitter. you can also let us know if you voted with the hashtag cbs-3 election then get quick results through our mobile app. head to for a link. >> tonight after the polls close we've have hourly update for you on air.
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cbs news will also have a special election hour starting at 10:00 then all of the local races for you on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> right now, 4:38. later today expect to go learn the identities of two people who died in a apparent murder suicide. it happened outside a ymca chester count. >> i happened just after 6:00 yesterday evening, in west brandywine township. investigators say, a man ambushed a woman in the parking lot and then turned the gun on himself. dozens of other children and their parent were also there at the time. they took cover inside and the building was placed on lock-down. no one else was hurt. >> delaware state student sent recovering this morning, after he was shot at an off-campus residence hall in dover. chopper three over the living and learning commons, about a half mile north of campus. used to be the old sheridan down there. the university went into lockdown shortly after the shooting around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. that lock-down was lifted several hours later, police say, it was an isolated incident, the student's injuries are not considered
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life threatening. new jersey state police hope a 1,500-dollar reward will lead them to the hit-and-run driver who killed a 25 year old woman. chelsey burns was walking along alloway road in pilesgrove township last month when a driver hit her, and then took off. police have already talked to the driver of a second vehicle, that hit burns, but did not file charges. investigators say, it was the first impact that kill her. >> and there is a lot more to talk to you about this morning, coming up this morning, shocking discovery, in a eight year old girl's bag of halloween canned. >> i the drug that police say her dad found in there and where all this happened. we're back in two minute. we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast? that is up to him.
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>> a calling call father makes a disturbing discovery while going through his eight year old daughter's halloween candy. he found that, a bag of meth. >> it happened in the town every hercules, 10 miles north of berkley. police say only about a .10 after gram of that drug in the
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bag, more than enough to harm that little girl. they're trying to figure out who gave her that meth. as lava flow creeps toward a rural hawaii community, president obama has signed disaster declaration, allows the state toly for federal aid to help with recovery effort. >> the lava flowing has slowed, but, it is already caused millions of dollars in damage, and other emergency spending. >> coming up on 4:43, election day, no excuse not to vote. >> you cannot blame the weather on a day like this. it will be above average day with temperature, pleasant day overall, few clouds out there right now, but that's limiting the cooling that will take place, so starting off little milder which means we have even more after chance to climb more easily. >> nice. >> to above average standards. yes, we keep high pressure for yet another day, that means more sunshine out there, it also means again real pleasant, quiet weather. so, erika said it, no excuses, guys, let's get you out there. show you what is going to provide an excuse, though, for
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you to maybe be a little late on thursday. nice big old heads upcoming your way here courtesy of our next area of low pressure that will be developing. right now watching cold front. actually looks little more robust than what it will actually end up being by the time it crosses our area, but actually two separate things going on here, looks like one large system, right? not necessarily the case. you've got one system moving through, here is your cold front, know area of low pressure that will develop right on it heals, that's what ends up bringing us our wettest day of the forecast on thursday, specifically. soap, enjoy this while you've got it. upper 60s, generally the ex peg takes, at least upper zero 60s, more sunshine tomorrow, more clouds than anything, that's when this next cold front that i just showed you does cross through. but so whimpy by the time it gets here, should bring in some clouds. i expect dry day. thursday, man the forecast goes downhill, see the next system develop. warm, colds front, duo cross through, one fell swoop. as a result, that means, we end up with generally a wash
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out on thursday. mostly sunny in the meantime, today, despite the clouds, we are going to see sun, high hitting 67. we drop down to 49 tonight. cool granted but not as cold, as recent mornings have been. so not too bad after night. looking forward in the forecast, mid 60s continue tomorrow, with the clouds taking over from the sunshine, and then on thursday, you just need the umbrella, again it, does look like it may ends up being essentially all day event here. friday lingering showers around, but more than anything, i think you'll notice the chilly breeze sitting in. back to the mid 50's, saturday, despite pretty pleasant start to the weekend, it is cool out there. ukee, over to you. >> in sport, the eagles take on the carolina panthers at lincoln financial field next monday. of course they'll be without their starting quarterback and the leader of their defense. nick foles was hammered to the ground on his shoulder in sunday's win over the texans. his collarbone is crack, but he will not need surgery. he will be out six to eight weeks they're saying. mark sanchez filled in, and
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ran the offense rather well for a player side lined since 2012. >> his preparation is out standing in terms of what he does here, preparing, he prepared himself like he is the starter. not like one of those things oh, my god, i have to go in the game. he was ready to go in the game. we wouldn't change anything. i think he can run everything, first in there, 50-yard pass to maclin. >> let's keep it going, fellows, meanwhile eagles defensive quarterback out for the rest of the year. birds placed demeco ryans on the injured reserve list. after he tore his achilles tendon during sunday's win, ryans leads the eagles in tackles, handles the teams defensive signal calling, he definitely will be missed. guys have to step up. to prime time game, andrew luck with franchise record seventh straight 300-yard passing game, and indianapolis beat up the giant 40 to 24. luck through four touchdown passes to four different receivers. game wasn't even as closes a the final score. the colts are now six and three, tops in the afc south,
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and the giants fall to three and five. well sixers looking for their first win of the season taking on the rocket at the center. noel faced off against the big fellow dwight howard here in the fourth, with the steel and the throw down. nicely done. rookie, ya, getting up there. l the rook had i ten-point, but quiet again on the glass, just one rebounds, the sixers couldn't defend ariza shore six for nine from behind the arc, scored 24 points, james hard end led the rock wets 35 points, the sixers fall 104 to 93. and they are zero and four, right now, still, fourth quarter buzz, couldn't get it done. but we have to rebuild. let's keep it rolling. >> still ahead, one of the country's biggest music services is losing taylor swift. finds out where you won't be able to hear the mega-star in berks county native any longer. >> first, what's coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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>> an update on the search for a missing woman leads our headlines this morning. the reward is now $10,000 for information on a frightening abduction in germantown, all caught on camera. twenty-two year old carlesha was pulled into a car along colter street sunday night, kicked out a window in the abductor's car but has not been seen since. >> today is election today. polls in pennsylvania and delaware are open seven to eight new jersey polls open six to eight. please, make sure to get out and cast your ballot. >> and police say it was a murder suicide that caused a lock-down at the brandywine ymca in chester county. gunman and victim have not been identified. >> your time is now 4:49. let's get a check on business. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, we know gas prices are the lowest in four years, nudging people to go buy bigger cars and trucks? >> yes, that's right. good morning, ukee, erika.
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sales for general motors, chrysler, nissan, hon darks all really increase in october. chrysler says its october sales up more than 21% from the same time last year. and that's largely powered by jeep, cherokee, ram, for nissan it rose to the rogue cross-over suv. lincoln said sales were up 25% in october. so there is speculation that those matthew mcconaughey ads, all of the spoofs, may have actually work. >> how about that? >> people are talking about it. >> my man just driving, being all cool. hey, pop star taylor swift is, shall we say, breaking one popular music streaming service? >> yes, that's right. taylor swift has pull all of her songs from spotify, includes her new hit shake it off. other artists they've said streaming services they really cut into albumn sales. spotify launched social media
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campaign to have swift change her mind, build new music economy that works for everyone, so basically, ukee, erika, we will never, ever, ever hear taylor swift -- >> oh, check her out. >> that's my attempt at a joke. >> very nice, i like it. >> i even got it. that was cool. all right, thanks, jill, appreciate t coming up after a short break, traffic and weather together. we do it on the 3's. we'll be right
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let's check in with vittoria >> thank you so much, good morning, everyone, traveling on 202, northbound, you will run into a construction zone. we have few construction zones that we will talk b this is northbound, 202, approaching the area of the schuylkill, you notice we do have few cones, one lane of traffic getting by, real now traffic to speak of. we're only counting few vehicles so far on the roads. and really, a we take a look now at 95, traveling 95, in and out of the northeast, no delays, again, only few vehicles out there. it doesn't matter how you cut t traveling around the northeast around this area here, maybe you're making your
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way around center city or even delaware county, it is a beautiful ride, with no delays at all. speed censors everywhere are 55 miles per hour, 95, the schuylkill expressway, the boulevard, the extension, the turnpike, 476, even travel in delaware, new jersey, just really a great commute. if you are traveling on the westbound side of the pa turnpike around bensalem, we have construction out there. watch out for some lane blockages, again, not seeing too much after problem. also, traveling in new jersey, 42 southbound, just beyond 2995. we have construction, only lasting few more minutes, so, that is the good news there. and a lot of good news for weather. >> absolutely true. yes, we're good news all around here today. torrey, we can expect to see some sunshine out there, granted, some cloud cover in place at the moment, but that should thin out with time here. we take you first and for most to just local zoom of storm scan3, and you can tell that there is obviously a thin vale of clouds out there. it is actually limiting the amount of cooling taking place this morning, so off to pretty mild start. and any of the speckles of green are actually coming courtesy of pretty weak
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warmfront. but don't worry about wet weather here today. really looking at pleasant one. temperatures into the low mid 50's, even, check out chester springs, 54 degrees currently, 47 in new castle, kind of depends where you are, just how cool it will end up here this morning. but, the cloudier it is, basically, the milder will tend to be. expect the daytime high to hit the upper 60s today, at minimum, mid 60s tomorrow, and by tomorrow, even though we are tracking what i'll call pill pi cold front crossing through, i don't expect any wet weather out of t we do stay dry. more clouds than anything, however, with the front. thursday is, however, the day, that you will want to dust off the umbrella, pull it out of the closet, you will be thanking yourself that you've got it on hand. >> this does look like it could ends up being somewhat after wash out after day with a duo of fronts crossing through, relatively quick succession here. so some rain expected throughout the day, meantime, though, enjoy today. it will be a nice one. ukee, back to you. >> kate, thank you. now a look at today's upcoming election day coverage from sister station "kyw news radio
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1060". voters in philadelphia, will find two questions on their election ballot that deal with restructuring, the city government. philadelphia district attorney's office is forming new task force, to prosecute election day complaints. and voters in the philadelphia suburbs, will see congressional races on the ballot today, along with state house and senate contests. check in two, three, four times a day, "kyw news radio" 1060 on your a.m. dial. erika? >> coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news", live with frantic search to find a woman just grabbed off a philadelphia street. see the breathtaking video. >> also talk about a freak accident, do you have hear the unbelievable way a tape measure killed a construction worker from new jersesey. >> and whatever happened to getting rewarded for good sportsmanship? why those runners were punished for helping an injured competitor. how about that? we'll have details for you, back at the top of the hour.
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ryan costello went. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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the video is terrifying a woman snatched right off the street. we're live with the frantic search for the missing woman and the man who took her. also, after months of campaigning, it all comes down to this. the polls open for election day in just a few hours. we have the hotly contested races and the candidates last minute pitches to voters. today is actuals, november 4th, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. also there is morning, a ymca parking lot turns into a crime scene, when a man kills a woman then himself. what we expect to learn today about the murder-suicide. katy? >> and erika, today actually ends up being a very pleasant day for us, for voters, for any outdoor plans you might have scheduled, but eventually, it is a pattern
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that will go downhill. we've got a wash out, on one day coming up. i'll tell when you exactly, in the next couple of minutes. vittoria? >> thinning you so much, katie. eventually, traffic won't be looking at good as it does now. we do have few construction zones, like traveling on 202 northbound, approaching 76, that may set you back, but only a tad. we'll see how the rush continues to develop in just a little bit. ukee? >> vet tore crashes thank you. in the news this morning philadelphia police release disturbing video after man abducting young woman right off the street t all happened on west colter street in germantown sunday night. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo is at police headquarters right now where a $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to arrest. jan? >> reporter: ukee, a full investigation is now underway, into the kidnapping of this 22 year old woman. police say that they have received tips into her disappearance, but so far nothing has pants out. so now they are offering a reward. and as this search for her contin