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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  November 3, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EST

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bring in the big guns as the race comes down to the wire. we will check in on both campaigns for their message to voters about 24 hours left until polls open. >> aren't you glad we didn't wake up to this? >> yes! >> chilly here, but certainly not cold enough for snow. we will show you where they're digging out from a record breaking storm. >> oh,. >> let's get off that right now. >> yes, get to katie. >> oh, my gosh it, makes me cold just looking at t yes, you know, we talked about last week, that very same storm, the same one that struck our area. but, we were dealt such a glancing blow by comparison to some of the neighbors in new england, so we are talking about thankfully the retreat of the storm now. but it did have impact on temperatures, so more on that, in the next few minutes for you here. >> ukee, back over to you. >> all right, thanks, kate. campaign 2014 really right now down to the final hours. >> both candidates in
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pennsylvania's gubernatorial election have brought in political powerhouse cents. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo in our satellite center right now to tell you more about it. january, good morning. good morning, erika, ukee, they both brought in those political powerhouse cents, and they're going to be back out on the road today for this last minute push. governor tom corbett scheduled to be in west chester, and democratic challenger tom wolf scheduled to be in both pit burying as well as lancaster later today. again, the last minute push to go out there and get their message across to voters. they say it is clear, their mission today is get out the vote. now, both camps were out strong here in the philadelphia area yesterday. and both candidates got some get out the vote help from a couple of big names, as you mentioned, governor tom corbett, greeted voters here at this delaware county diner, and then made his way through montgomery and bucks counties, as well. that's where he was joined by his counterpart from new jersey. governor chris christie. meantime, wolf was in philadelphia, at temple university, president barack obama joined him, where both
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had jabs encore bet on jobs and education. wolf promise to go fully, fairly funds, pennsylvania schools. >> we're in philadelphia right now, that's not just true in philadelphia, that's true in york county, it is true in elk county, it is true in erie, it is true everywhere in pennsylvania. we need to make sure that we follow through on that promise. >> my oponent wants to be ed rendell. tax to spend, tax and spend. he wants to be barack obama. >> now, governor corbett says he pledges not to raise taxes, he knows that he is behind in the polls, however, sometimes by double digits, but he says his internal polling shows this race much closer, and he says, he knows that it is going to really boil down to voter turn out, even though the analysts are saying that voter turn out will be low. we will continue to follow this. but for now, liver in the sat center, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news". >> january, thank you. a note for you here, president obama left for washington on a
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different plane from the one that brought him to philadelphia. we're told there was a mechanical problem in the flap of the seat, 32, prompting officials to bring in a back up. the white house describes it as a minor problem. >> now, to "eyewitness news" television exclusive, just one day before the election, political organization is under fire after sending out tens of thousands of mailers directing voters to the wrong polling place. working families for pa sent out about 30,000 of these mailers to philadelphia voters. the left group admitted issue on their website pointing to technical error. but, they will not tell the city where the mailers were sent. >> pretty major mistake to have made right before the election, very little time to correct it. >> in a claim it is a honest, honest mistake. you have something like this were done on purpose, there would be a grand jury investigation. >> now, we have reached out to working families for pa for comment, but have not received a response as of yet. >> for any questions you might have, about the voting process, just head to
5:34 am there we have voter resource guide, with very important phone numbers and web links, as well. we'll also have all of tomorrow's election results, right there, on our website. >> let's get our traffic and weather together. here's k fell. >> yes, ukee, this will be a day that's a little less harsh, just by comparison to yesterday. you still keep that sun around, but you're going to warm up little bit by comparison to yesterday. actually quite a bit. and the worse that far winds more importantly, i would say starts to taper off out there. that windchill always makes it so much worse, doesn't it? but let's take a look back in time here. we will talk about where we ended up yesterday. 49 degrees, was the best we could muster up. the normal high, on that particular day, and for this day of the year, as well, 61 degrees. so, a very far cry from that. not just yesterday, but even today, i don't think we quite get to a seasonable temperature which we will talk b for now storm scan3 is empty, just little ground clutter at some of the area radar sites, in other words, high pressure here, we see couple every clouds, and that will be it. so, what you can expect is
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another day featuring sun and clouds. and the worse of the winds beginning to taper. now, there are couple every choice locations, for example, down near the shore points, as well, as for right now, too. up in the poconos, you have the breeze pretty persistent, temperatures in the 30's, absolutely cold enough, to warrant nice heavy jacket, when you send the kids out to the school bus, or going out to work yourself. but keep in mind, you will want the sunglasses, too, we expect daytime high to hit the upper 60s at best down the shore and up in philadelphia, as well. but everybody can expect to see some sunshine shear throughout the day today. that will be a bit of a running theme for the early part of our week. ukee, we send over to you. >> katie, thanks so much. just as little bit after flu bug, so yours actually is handling the cute thinks morning. no major backups on the roadways to tell but thus far. hopefully it will stay that way for awhile. looking at the ben franklin bridge from the garth end statesidement looking into the city. seventy-six eastbound, approaching the blue route, things are moving along quite nicely right now. do want to tell but an ongoing
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road closure that's been going on since last week, de haven street in upper merion township, still closed until further notice. between balance go mink owe road and overlook lane, due to road collapse in that area. commuters, if you're in that area, you can use the front street or gulph road until that road reopens. we will keep you updated throughout the morning. erika, over to you. >> thank you, happening today, workers from the trump taj mahal casino want atlantic city mayor to reconsider a decision that could force the casino to close. the workers plan to march to mayor don guardian's office this morning. the taj has threatened to close in december, if it doesn't get a $175 million aid package from atlantic city and the state. so far guardian has refuels dollars the request. for other atlantic city casinos have already closed this year. one world trade center opens for business. about 175 employees of magazine publisher will work therefore the first time this year. more than 3,000 other workers
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will move in later. one world trade center replaces the original twin towers destroyed in the september 11 paris attack. construction of america's tallest building took eight years. your time now 5:37. and in business news this morning, new restaurant war is about to break out. >> and we have some good news at the gas pump. money watch's jill wagner joins us know at the new york stock exchange with those stories and more, good morning. >> good morning, ukee, erika. gas prices at the lowest level in nearly four years, and analysts say they'll likely keep on falling. triple a report that the price at the pump dropped 33 cents in october. so that saves americans about $250 million a day. compared to prices in early summer. the national average for gallon of regular gas is now 2.99. in philadelphia, it is a bit higher than that, about 3.04 a gallon and average. hey, we'll take it, right? the market opens this morning in record high territory. the dow jumped 195 points on
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friday. nasdaq climbed 64 points. so it is now at a 14 and a half year high. investors are really hoping to keep this momentum going. november and december are traditionally two of the best month of the year for the market. >> well, say good-bye to plastic room keys. star wood hotels and resorts is the first chain to let guests un look doors with their smart phones. so for now feature only available in about nine hotels, but if successful, star wood will expand the program. the key less key, as they're calling it, lets guests bypass the front desk. let the rib wars begin. tgi friday's is launching a read campaign today for its baby back ribs, and it pokes fun at that chile's jingle that we've all had suck in our heads, remember, i want my baby back, baby back ribs, well, in a rib battle move, tgif's new ad says, quote, they wrote a jingle about ribs, but friday's is writing a symphony.
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ukee, erika? >> i want my baby, baby babe -- >> oh, stuck in all of our heads, all morning. thank up, ukee. really just drive it in there. so thanks. >> thanks, jill. >> are you finished? >> i'm done, i'm done. >> right now, 5:39. >> i want my baby -- >> ukee? all right, halloween theme crews becomes roll life horror story for hundreds of passengers, the cruise ship bahama celebration leaving grand bahama island friday night. passengers say they heard a large jolt and then the ship lost power. they say that a hole in the boat sent watt near the bottom two floors, that caused the boat to tilt dangerously to one side. >> i felt a bang. >> it was a big boom. we felt a hard jerk. >> all the lights went out. >> we're stranded on the islands for two days with no information, no food for 24 hours. >> we were stranded. period. >> now, close to 1,000 passengers and crew returned to miami on another ship.
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a cruise line spokesperson says no passenger was ever in danger. >> had to be frightening, no doubt about about that. >> no kidding. >> even the pros get little spooked sometimes. hear what scared nick woolen day during -- wallenda. >> talk about risky swim. swimmer hops on top after dead whale. that's not even the most dangerous part of the stunt. tell you what they did next. >> take a look at who is back. rihanna returns to instagram. see her first message after a six month break from the social media site. >> i'm investigative reporter charlotte hoffman. tonight at 11:00. the i-team first exposed the story and we're still on it. >> the world is a sadder place without my mom. >> police say a driver who was high on drugs killed her. but that's not all. the shattered family thought the driver might never go to jail until now. dramatic new developments in a gut wrenching i-team investigation. demanding justice tonight on cbs-3, "eyewitness
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. >> today's headlines, high pro foil names visited the delaware valley yesterday. president obama stum stopped for pennsylvania guy in a challenger tom wolf. chris christie stomped for tom corbett. >> the eagles won their game yesterday. but they lost quarterback, nick foles. he went down with a shoulder injury in the first quarter. the eagles also lost
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linebacker demeco ryans with a torn achilles tendon. >> terminally ill brittany maynard has ended her life using drugs, made available under oregon's death with dignity law. twenty-nine year old suffered from brain cancer and chose to end her life on her own terms. >> right now, it is 5:43, we'll have traffic and weather together in a moment. first, check it out, near white out conditions in maine over the weekend. more than a foot of snow fell all across the state, blanketing roadways, even pulling down power lines, too. now this is the same store system brought, two were the state's earlier, had temperatures in the 80s. katie, luckily, no snow here. >> yes, exactly. we were saying all last week it, could be so much worse for our area. we had neighbors here up and down the east coast, that had been dealt quite a nasty hand here with this storm. and it is still here. you can see it, still churning away, worse of the snow has since started to depart here on the radar, but atlantic
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canada in line from t meanwhile we've seen high pressure build back in place here, what will that will do for us, keep just pretty quiet weather overall for the next couple of days. again at the local level, things quiet for us here, little ground clutter at the radar site. i want to walk you through time here. see over the course of upon day, tuesday, wednesday, few clouds rolling on through, but generally keeping high pressure on our side, at least through today, at least even right through tomorrow. but what will happen here is as we look ahead to tuesday, already, start to see traces every wet weather firing up here off across the great lakes region, actually watching for new frontal boundery to roll our way. see what happens there? it starts to move in. but then the moisture content, with when it starts it fizzle somewhat. so yes, stuck i think in some clouds for sure on wednesday, but this actually ends up being, a, the warmest day of our forecast, and, b, overall considering the cold front, not bad day. problem is that front will not be completely over and done with, as we look ahead to thursday, because there is new area of low pressure that will start to develop, looks like,
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as we head into early thursday, and it right now looks like chilly rainmaker for our area, but does knock the temperatures back, produces wet weather issues for us looking ahead to thursday. temperatures off to cold start. wildwood has really continued to be the one and only sort of oddball out, i like to call it, 45 degrees there, but into the 30's, basically, everywhere else. so make sure to bundle up. it is just as chilly across the rest of the northeast, courtesy of that colder air, quick check, on your school day forecast, i gave you a a, mostly sunny, not as harsh as yesterday. we are shooting for 58 degrees later on this afternoon. mid and upper 60s then by wednesday. but the wet weather issues make a return to the forecast by thursday. ukee, back over to you. >> katie, thanks so. a quick view of some of the roadways, route 422 past trooper road here, there is some light volume on the eastbound side, coming from the suburbs, toward the city of philadelphia. another view, route 42 over creek road, over in the garden state new jersey, things starting to pick up big time right now. be careful out there, family, especially because i have to
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tell this, there has been an accident on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound past norristown, around exit 333 or so. if you are out in that area, vehicle has struck a deer. it is now on the shoulder facing the wrong direction. that time of year between the wet leaves and deer out there right now, please, be careful, slow your roll, get to work and/or school safely. erika? >> ukee, daredevil does it again. nick wallenda walks right back into the record books for another death defying act. he end across tightrope high above the chicago river, but at ... >> shy town, let's do this, baby. >> nick wallenda worked without a net, or harness, 61 stories high. that's nearly 700 feet above the windy city sunday night. >> it is all about pushing myself to become better at what i do. hoping to inspire others to become better at what they do. >> thirty-five year old air definitely kissed his wife and kids, before walking on a wire
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the circumference after penny. held a balancing pole, winds gusts, walking from the iconic twin city towers to ski scraper on the other side of the chicago river. >> to god be the glory praise you jesus what an amazing opportunity. you guys watching think i'm crazy but this is what i was made for. >> six minutes and 522nd later, he finished his feat. >> then showing nerves of steel, he raised the steaks even higher. >> nice and quiet, please, everybody, nice and quiet? wearing a blind fold, wallenda list toned his father direct him on a walk between the two marina towers. and then he arrived less than 90 seconds later. >> there is no time for fear to end near your minds. >> wallenda said he was a bit intimidated by the winds. >> i think you probably saw me shaking like a leave that wire was shaking under me. >> set two world records sunday, already planning his next stunt.
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begat shaban, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". now to an unbelievable shot here, this video of australian swimmer perched on dead whale. twenty-six year old harrison williams was both withing friends, when they spotted the floating carcas, and williams decided it would be a good idea to climb on it. while he was surfing as he put it, pair of great white sharks showed up, and started feeding on the animal. harrison eventually got off the whale and back into the boat. not exactly a smart stunt, but australian authorities say he did not break any laws. i don't think so. >> why would you -- >> i know. and he lived to tell about it, lived to tell about it. >> all right, 5:48 right now. in the word she is back. >> after a six month break, pop star rihanna returns to instagram. the singer posted this picture on saturday, with the hashtag bad gal back. another pick hashtag:
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re-united. >> after controversy, reappearance from the, spark hundreds of thousands of lights and comments, from nearly 13 million followers. >> wow. >> hey, jake jillinhall barely claimed the top spot. starred as if he lance journalist following murder in the night. night crawler pulled in $10.91 million. normally they don't go down to the 10.91. but here's why, just beat out horror flick, oiji. 10.9 is what matters. gone girl, book of life, rounded out p do you have five. >> gone girl still doing well. >> no kidding. i love jake jillinhall v to check that one out. we'll be right
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>> some believe kitchens and barmes are most popular rooms in the have. but mud rooms are starting to become the most have's. how to make the most of your mud room. >> when she started house hunting, she decided a mud room was a necessity. >> just for various reasons, in terms of the weather, the dog, and dirt, mud, bugs, and everything else, we wanted to have a separate entryway where we could come in, take off our shoes, have the dog's feet wiped down, and drop our book bags and other things in a separate space. >> so when she realized the home she fell in love with didn't have a mud room, she decided to add one. >> an i really love it has a big closet. and we've built in some shelves for organizing and a place to put mops, brooms, and
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the dog food, and hats, and all of those kind of things. >> mud rooms are often located just off of kitchens, or near garages. they offer the perfect place to easily transition in and out of the house. they can also help boost your home's value. >> adding a mud room can be a great return on investmt. because it adds organization to your home, makes your entryway much more inviting. >> professional organizer, becky, says while mud rooms are great for storing things like coats, bags, and shoes, the be careful not to overload them with stuff. >> number one them -- thing, limiting how much is kept in there. then define boundaries, let each family member know what you expect to keep in that area. but pair it down. really, really pair it down. >> now, even if you can't builds a separate mud room, you can still define an entry area in your home, and install hooks, coats, for back packs, even shoe organizer. for more advice from angie on creating a organizing a mud room, visit's list. i'm jim donovan.
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>> all right, a lot of mud room use on saturday. looking pretty dry today, katie? >> no no kidding, yes. just dreary conditions saturday. we got better yesterday. so winnie, we are seeing even more improvement here today in the fact that it is just not as harsh outside. you can see, nice clear blue sky, beautiful view right now, outside middle township high school, in the live net hood network, still breezy, not guaranteeing the winds will calm down, but no where near the strength it was yesterday. storm scan3, quiet, as we go forward, and we can expect as a result some pretty pleasant weather both today and election day tuesday. wednesday, more clouds, but, the mildest day of the next seven. ukee? >> katie, thanks so much. >> let's look outside, via chopper three, flying over tractor-trailer fire over in bristol bucks county. we understand three trucks caught fire. this is a gated lot. so it is not affecting traffic. officials on the scene, they are watering down right now, looks like they got everything under control. that's the situation in case you're in that area.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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another look right now, woodhaven, route 62 over at roosevelt boulevard. things moving along nicely. and the benny, the benny saying, some increased volume right now. and hopefully we'll get you more traffic when i come back in just a little bit. you're watching "eyewitness news" on cbs-3. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion
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even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> voters head to the polls tomorrow of the live, coming up with the governor's race. >> starting month of november, men starting clever shaven before they put down their raisers for the rest of the month. doctor rob in the house. he'll tell you about the so-called mustache movement known as movenber. we'll be
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>> several trucks on fire, 1500 block of collideway drive, you can see, firefighters still sprague down the trucks there in bristol. no word on how the fire started. they seem to have control over t see the white smoke just about out t broke out inside a gated lot. also, this is new this morning, one person is returned to the hospital, after fire rips through their north philadelphia home. it broke out in a three-story house on 29200 block of camac street, after 11:00 last night. crews quickly place that fire under control. good morning again everyone. in the news campaign 2014 is now in the home stretch. >> both candidates for pennsylvania governor are trying to get last minute support before they get out the vote. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo, joins us now, in the cbs-3 sat center, down to the last few hours, jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, these candidates will be all over the state today. governor tom corbett, expected to be in west chester, and his challenger, tom wolf, scheduled to be in both lancaster and p