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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  October 31, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the seven-week manhunt suspected of shooting two state troopers ends with his capture. now they say they'll seek the death penalty for eric frien. the investigation of a deadly plane crash in kansas is delayed. the fiery wreckage is too dangerous for recovery crews to approach. it could be a white halloween in some parts of the country. snow, frost and freezing temperatures are in the forecast for friday and into the weekend. number 23, lebron james! and the return of the king is spoiled by the visitor.
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lebron james' first game back as a member of the cleveland cavaliers doesn't go the way the hometown favorite went as planned. this is the "cbs morning news" for october 31, 2014. good morning. in the words of one northeastern resident, we're very relieved. the seven-week manhunt of eric frein suspected of killing a state trooper ended last night. prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty. this is the picture area residents anxiously waited for. he was caught outside an abandoned hangar. we have more from pike county, pen. >> reporter: one of the most wanted fugitives in america is now in police custody. eric frein was captured after being on the run for 48 days.
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>> let me assure you, justice will be served. >> reporter: the takedown of frein ended weeks of tension and anxiety in the area. >> he can no longer hide behind his rifle, no longer hide in the woods and he's no longer on the run. now he will have to answer for his violent actions. >> reporter: several thousand members of law enforcement from at least five different states have been searching for frein since september 12th when he allegedly open fire outside bloomington police barracks killing one and wounding another. he evaded capture by hiding in the woods where officials found pipe bombs, ammunition and handwritten notes describing the after buck. >> corporal dixon's handcuffs were placed on him and he was placed in the car. >> reporter: he kneeled down, put his hands up and arrested without incident. he will have a preliminary
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arraignment hearing lasht this morning. he faces first-degree murder charges and two counts of weapons of mass destruction. prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty in the case. officials say now that the manhunt has ended, people here in northeastern pennsylvania are free to celebrate halloween. ann marie? >> thank you. investigators from the national transportation safety board have arrived on the scene of a deadly plane crash in kansas. four people, including the pilot, were killed when the small plane lost power and slammed into a building at the wichita airport. as we report, it will be some time before the investigators can even get to the crash site. >> reporter: federal investigators have already gathered flight paperwork and interviewed a few witnesses, but they haven't been able to walk around the actual wreckage because the building that the plane crashed into is not
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structurally safe. the twin-engine plane fell from the sky moments after takeoff thursday landing on a training facility in witch tashgs cchita. four people were killed including three inside the building. the pilot 53-year-old mark goldstein also died. the former radio traffic controller radioed for help just before his plane went down. >> we just lost the left engine. >> reporter: the plane was bound for arkansas and full of fuel when it crashed. the building was so severely damaged by the impact and resulting fire, it could be daylight before recovery crews can get inside. >> the building is not secure structurally so we're not allowed to enter the building. once the wichita fire department deem the building safe to enter, we will begin the process of our investigation inside the building. >> reporter: we also learned the plane had undergone mechanical
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work here in the wichita area. investigators can't say for sure if that had anything to do with the wreck. omar, cbs news, wichita, kansas. now to the ebola crisis and the growing debate over personal freedom and responsibility. negotiations between a maine nurse who returned from west africa last week and state officials have broken down. a defiant kaci hickox went for a bike ride yesterday with her boyfriend. she was subject to a mandatory quarantine in new jersey and now in maine. she tested negative for ebola and says her rights are being violated. her boyfriend says they're being careful. >> we aren't trying to get anybody sick. we don't believe we can get anyone sick. and we are not trying to put anyone at risk. so, we're not trying to push any limits here. >> maine's governor says she had
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discussed the scaled down quarantine, but he will exercise the full extent of his authority allowable by law. >> she just doesn't want any restrictions. >> the fact she took a bike ride today -- >> she's pushing my patience. >> hickox's 21-quarantine for ebola ends november 21st. the temple mount and the noble sanctuary by muslims. the site was closed yesterday after a palestinian suspected in an attempted assassination was killed. palestinian called it a declaration of war. some palestinians are calling for a day of rage today. and if you live just about anywhere from the midwest to the atlantic coast, get those mittens out. an early blast of arctic air is looming over a large part of the country and snow is in the forecast for some parts of the area. it's already snowing on michigan's upper peninsula.
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folks could see up to 4 inches. eric fischer is following the cold weather. >> a lot of cold air for a lot of places. freeze warnings out here in purple. a lot of cool temperatures right now. also into friday night. freeze watches have been posted further south and east, will likely expand for saturday morning. cold temperatures exexpected. down to 35 in atlanta and little rock. these are cities where it will be colder in the outlying areas. chicago might be the worst weather halloween city. 50-mile-an-hour winds, chance of snow, temperatures in the thirtsz and lake shore flooding for friday. first half of the weekend. these are high temperatures. lots of 40s and 50s. by saturday night the coldest air since february will be coming down into florida. the temperature is part of the story. snow another. white halloween for u.p. of michigan and lower michigan,
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especially kentucky friday night. for friday night and saturday morning, heavy mountain snow, 3 to 6 inches in the appalachians. this becomes a powerful coastal storm on saturday. 50-mile-an-hour winds hit the mid-atlantic coast and heavy snow across the interior of maine on sunday. coming up on the morning news -- lava alert where the national guard has been called in to keep people safe from the spreading lava. on the "money watch," walmart plans to lure holiday shoppers. this is the ""cbs morning news" qup." one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house.
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for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. a snuggler, tand showing me that slobber... ha! just adds character. (male announcer) this holiday season, give thanks to the pets who inspire you! for 3 days only, at petsmart, save 30% on thousands of items! petsmart® i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too! sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes.
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(vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. when you find clothes you love, so, why risk ruining the way they fit? try woolite. it has the right balance of cleaning and care. unlike other detergents, woolite won't cause stretching, keeping that perfect fit, wash after wash. don't take a chance. trust woolite. oh wait, oyou got it?falling.... we need nails. with just five minutes' prep, campbell's slow cooker sauces help you cook a real dinner, right in the middle of real life.
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one missing and four other injured. fireworks erupted out of the building following a loud bang. dozens of firefighters were on the scene but the cause is still under investigation. there was a massive blast at a volcano in costa rica. fiery explosions sent ash high into the air as an interim crater wall collapsed. ash was falling over parts of kos ko costa rica. hawaii national guard troops are deploying as molten lava
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from >> reporter: the residents who remain behind this road closure in pahoa city, to be excused. they didn't get a lot of sleep as the lava flow is poised ahead of them. according to geological survey scientists, the flow hasn't moved since 6:30 on wednesday morning. that means the flow remains 480 2350e9 from the road. it's still projected to come through the area but at this point it's really not known exactly when. scientists also say this is typical for this kind of lava flow, it will start and start, ebb and flow. at this point it's ebing, but only at the front.
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at the ebb front there are parts that are breaking out. those lava flows could also continue to merge with the main flow and continue to make its way toward town. the big island's mayor has said he's thankful for the patience of the residents here and will continue to keep residents apprised. they are keeping a vigil 24/7 so residents can at least get some peace of mind in a very restless situation. for cbs news, ben gutierrez. ahead, walmart and a web giant are battling for your holiday shopping business. forget about coffee to go. how about sending out for starbucks? when you're ready. now, isn't that convenient? the new lunch double burger from chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. the heavy lifters.ers. just for men does more than get rid of gray, your facial hair looks fuller,
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thicker, the best beard ever. after all, you're not just a champion of saturday afternoons.... you're a champion of facial hair. just for men mustache and beard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper.
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rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. ok, if you're up there, i coulsmart sarah.elp. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there. you don't have to go it alone. e*trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. are you type e*? here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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on the "cbs money watch" some major retailers up the ante and starbucks wants to deliver your latte. >> reporter: walmart may start matching competitor's online prices. the retail giant is testing price matching for the holiday season. the wall street journal says it's figuring out how much they would lose if they matched prices. meanwhile, is escalating the black friday shopping battle by starting big holiday deals tomorrow. the saturday deals will fee fewer products in high demans like toys, cookware and electronics. here on wall street today investigators will be watching new reports on consumer spending and sentiment. the dow gained 221 points thursday. the s&p was up 12. president obama is in rhode
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island today talking about the u.s. economy and expanding opportunity for women and working families. the latest numbers show that the economy grew at a rate of 3.5% between july and december. the increase was fueled by the biggest jump in military spending in five years. plus increased exports and higher business investment. starbucks is adding a delivery option after announcing disappointing earnings. they reported higher sales but still fell short of wall street expectations. in a conference call starbucks said it will deliver with its mobile app. howard schultz said, quote, we are playing offense. the federal government is suing gerber for alleged false claims for baby formula. the federal trade commission says the company advertised its good start gentle bab formula can prevent allergies in children. the ftc wants gerber to remove
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the claim from ads. the cost of halloween chocolates are rising. the price. retail chocolates is close to $6 a poun due to greater demand. prices could be even higher by valentine's day. >> one bag for the trick-or-treaters, one bag for me. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. when we return -- lebron jaynes makes his long-awaited return to cleveland. this is the president's golf game? this is the "cbs morning news."
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ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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after four years of waiting, cleveland cavaliers fans finally got to see lebron james suit up for their team, but they'll have to wait at least until tonight to see a win. lots of excitement outside the arena in cleveland and inside, as james makes his return to the team that drafted him after spending four years in miami. but the excitement turns to frustration. james makes just 5 of 15 shots and turns the ball over 8 times. the new york knicks spoil the homecoming with a 95-90 win over cleveland. lebron talked about his off-night. >> my shooting is, you know, a lot -- just out of rhythm. i think my turnovers, some was careless, some was chemistry. kind of -- i'm throws passes i was hoping where my teammates were and they were not there. that will come with each game. >> james and the cavs go for
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their first win of the season tonight in chicago. first place in the nfc south on the line between the carolina panthers and new orleans saints. drew brees overcomes a slow start to throw a touchdown pass and run for another as saints win 28-10. new orleans is now 4-4. in college football, second ranked florida state is put to the test. the seminoles fall behind louisville 21-0 in the first half. but florida rallies in the second half hyped three touchdown passes from jameis winston to remain unbeaten with a 42-31 win. since he came into office nearly six years ago, president obama has played at least 200 rounds of golf. while he has received some criticism for the a golf he plays, he hasn't taken much flack for how he plays the game until now. michael jordan, an avid golfer himself, was asked about the president's game. >> never played with obama, but i would.
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naw, that's okay. i'd take him out. he's a hack. >> you really want to say that about the president of the united states? >> i never said he wasn't a great politician. i'm just saying he's a [ bleep ] golfer. ...we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) don't let a severe cold hold you back. sir? (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house.
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for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®.
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former union carbide chief executive died more than a month ago. his unannounced death was confirmed from public records. he let the plant that killed more than 3,000 in india. he went there and never stood trial. long-time boston mayor thomas menino died of advanced cancer yesterday. he was diagnosed soon after leaving office in february. president obama said he was bold, big-hearted and boston strong. he was 71.
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the senate race in colorado is attracting a lot of attention in the swing state. there the democratic incumbent is facing a tough challenge by the republican candidate. nancy cordes reports from denver. >> reporter: republican cory gardner and democrat mark udall, the economy is issue number one. but their ads tell a different story. >> congressman gardner led a campaign. >> reporter: udall needs women's support to win. so for months udall has been hammering gardner for affirming personhood amendment. >> he was the most -- >> reporter: you think he's out of step with colorado. it was the first issue with udall raised at this forum in denver. >> some think the legality to
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birth control should be subject to debate. >> reporter: you run the risk of even women saying, why is senator udall talking about these issues instead of other issues -- >> i've talked about lots of other issues. >> reporter: gardner says he's changed his mind about personhood. >> i believe we need to move beyond that. i was wrong. >> reporter: so show he was not anti-birth control, he released this ad -- >> birth control should be available around the clock. >> reporter: it's gotten a lot of attention and other gop candidates have followed his lead. wouldn't women pay hundreds more -- >> insurance can still cover contraceptives. >> reporter: over-the-counter? >> we should allow over-the-counter contraceptives. >> reporter: republicans think gardner has found a way to neutralize democratic claims about a so-called gop war on women. nancy cordes, cbs news, denver.
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coming up after your local news on "cbs morning news," we will be live from pennsylvania on the capture of suspected cop killer eric frein. plus allegations the red cross mismanaged funds for two major disasters. and a bit of a halloween treat. we will take you to the connecticut town up for auction and said to be haunted. that's the "cbs morning news" for this friday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day.
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. breaking news, a major two alarm fire tears through local apartments, take a look at this incredible scene. the flames bursting out of every side of the building, we'll have live report on the braze that's left dozens of residents homeless this morning. >> also, braking the fugitive stocks running. eric frein is captured wearing the handcuffs of corporal brian dixon, pennsylvania state trooper he allegedly murdered. troopers alex douglas wounded now prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. >> watch wish of those two pennsylvania state troopers, at the blooming grove barracks for 48 days, roughly a thousand law enforcement officers were looking for frein, police caught up with him what used to be hangar. >> frein