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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  October 25, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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keeping residents safe, the governors of new york and new jersey are taking action, we will have a live report as the states impose mandatory quarantines for some travelers. i'm danielle nottingham in washington, coming up two students are dead including the the gun man and several others cling to life after a teen gunman opens fire in a suburban seattle school. and new this morning a double shooting turns deadly, we will have the latest. it is saturday october 25th good morning, thanks so much for joining us i'm nicole brewer. it is 5:00 he clock. let's check that forecast. carol is standing by.
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you have good news. >> it will be a great weekend. perfect to get out, make your plans, do whatever you want but you may want to take a few bricks with you because if you have papers out, or maybe just paper plate you will be finding them blowing around a little bit because we have expect windy conditions especially tomorrow. lets take a look and see what we have at the present time. we are looking at, dark skies, but it looks nice up in reading anyway. 52 degrees your wind out of the west at 3 miles an hour. we will a relatively mild overnight time per. it is quiet on storm scan three. we are not looking at clouds and we are certainly not looking at any rain a at all. our temperature 48 degrees at the airport in philadelphia, 48 in trenton. forty-eight in wilmington. that 53-degree temperature through center city philadelphia 55 in wildwood. our temperatures this afternoon will be showing a nice little rise, by 3:00 p.m. we should be very close to that 70-degree mark this afternoon. not that everyone will quite
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get to 70 but 70 is the spec highest specially further south you go and we could be seeing that through philadelphia any chance of precipitation? i don't think so today. we have better chances of these gusty wind especially tomorrow. we will talk more about that coming up, nicole. thank you. new this morning one person is killed and another hospitalized after a dec deadly double shooting in north philadelphia a this happened 40900 block of west indiana just after midnight. witnesses told police they saw one of the victims running from the scene. officials say he was taken to the hospital in stable condition and then is being held a as a person of interest, there is no word on a motive. also burlington county police are investigating an overnight shooting that sent within person to the hospital. investigators searched for clues in the 200 block of green street in burlington city. police say a 37 year-old man was shot in the stomach and there is no word on a motive or suspect at this time. well, health care worker quarantined in a new jersey hospital after caring for
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ebola patients in west africa has now developed a fever. she's's first traveler quarantined under a new ebola watch. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry is in the sat center with the very latest, same, good morning, what can you tell us. >> reporter: nicole, new york and new jersey officials implemented new rules when it comes to dealing with people who have cam into contact with ebola infect patients. both states are going above and beyond the cdc guidelines. police guard entrance of the university hospital in newark, new jersey month. man arriving from sierra leon told screeners from the cdc at newark airport that she had recently cared for ebola patientness west africa. they quarantined her. >> a after cdc alerted new jersey department of health, new jersey department of health made determination that the legal quarantine order should be issued. >> reporter: a few hours later would the man came down with the fever. new jersey health officials actedded fast under new directive from his governor
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chris christie and andrew cuomo. the screening process put in place by the cdc will be stepped up at newark airport and jfk. the states will take over and key manned that anyone who has treated or come in contact with potentially infect patients from west africa be put under a mandatory 21 day quarantine. >> we have to do more. it ties serious a situation to leave it to the the honor system of compliance. >> we are no longer relying on cdc standards. there are new york, new jersey standard. >> reporter: state health officials in new york and new jersey will monitor anyone who has a travel history to west africa. all of these new you measures going into effect one day after three three-year old doctor craig spencer, tested positive for ebola in manhattan. under cdc guidelines spencer was able to decide on his own whether he should be quarantined. travelers at newark airport says new, stricter measures are necessary.
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>> it is a big problem in africa. we have seen already it can spread to the u. is. so i'm in favor of it. >> reporter: earlier this week the the federal government had restrict travel from ebola stricken areas to five u.s. airports. philadelphia international is not included on that list. airport officials say that the risk was low to begin with you with because there are no direct flights between any country and africa and philadelphia live from the sat center, i'm syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> same, thank you. in new york crews started decontaminating doctor craig spencer's apartment. the american doctor is hospitalized two days have after being tested positive for ebola. he returned from new gunie last week where he treated ebola patients for doctors without borders. texas nurse nina pham is waking up for the first time in almost two weeks. she was discharged from the national institute of health hospital in maryland yesterday. doctors diagnosis pham with ebola on october 12th. the 26 year-old contracted the
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virus while caring for thomas eric duncan that first person to die from ebola in the u.s. >> i feel fortunate and blessed to be standing here today. i have a special appreciation for the care, effort i have received. >> after being released from the hospital, p ham met with president obama. they shared a hug in the oval office before she return home to dallas. well, back home first responders in philadelphia will receive updated gear to better protect them from infectious diseases like ebola. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter has details you will see only here on cbs-3. >> reporter: new protection from philadelphia fire department first responders is on the way. outfits like these about to be replaced by higher level protection. the fire commissioner confirming 1600 new jump suit have been ordered. they include hoods, masks and face shields. also, body insulation bags will now being aboard all units, to isolate any ebola
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patient from a care giver. >> the suits themselves will cover every piece of exposed skin so they will no longer be exposed skin. >> reporter: fire fighters union president joe shuly says new suits replacing these are one piece, instead of gowns, making it more safe for fire fighters and medics. >> the suit themselves, it will be more substantial and thicker and better materials. >> reporter: city officials promised last week that they would upgrade protection as the cdc changed it requirements. the new suits evidence that the promised upgrade is now underway. >> i look forward to seeing the suits and i think it will give our members a little bit better peace of mind if they have to respond to an ebola a incident. >> reporter: fire officials tell us that the department already has 200 of the new suits, 1600 more are on the way and when they are all here, special training will begin for fire fighters and medics city wide so that they can protect themselves.
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at ladder company two station in olde city, i'm walt punt hunter, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have set up a an ebola resource guide on the web site with commonly asked questions and links to the cdc so you can read up to the material yourself. you can check it out on cbs suburban seattle high school student is dead, several classmates critically hurt after a fellow freshman student opened fire in a cafeteria shooter then took his own life. danielle nottingham has the very latest from seattle. >> reporter: students streamed out of merriesville high school on friday morning hand raised in the air after a teenage gunman opened fire inside. >> i heard the the guns and i turnaround and he is just shooting everyone. there is blood every where. some got on other girls faces and stuff. >> reporter: one student was killed inside the school, four others hurt before the gun man took his own life. shooter is identified as four year-old jaylee fiber a freshman who was recently named home coming prince. the his social media pages
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include photos of his hunting and posing with the rifle. police won't confirm the weapon used in the school shooting but say it was legally required. he was also pictured in native american clothing, chairman of the local tribe confirms some members were involved. >> we're deeply saddened by poor tragedy and how it a napped our community. we watch it on tv but my, here it comes walking in our door. >> reporter: four student were taken to the nearby hospitals all with gunshot wounds to the head. their injuries so severe it took hours to identify them. >> it will take a long time for our community to heel from this. >> reporter: the healing began shortly after dark when several prayer services. the school will remain closed for the next week n merriesville, washington, danielle nottingham for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a suspect is in custody this morning charged in the shooting rampage that left two sheriff deputies dead and
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several others injured. it had happened near sacramento, california. police say 34 year-old marcello marquez shot three deputies and civilian and then led authorities on a six hour long car chase. violence unfolded after officers responded to reports of a suspicious person inside of the vehicle. right now it is unclear if charges will be filed in connection to the football hazing allegation at central bucks west high school in doylestown. new team members were reportedly forced to grab private parts of other players. remainder of the jv and varsity seasons have been canceled for rest of the year as a result of the allegations. we are hearing from c.b. west a alumni mike peton junior who is now head coach of the nfl a's cleveland browns. >> it is unfortunate if what it is, it is true, there is obviously no place for. that like i said, asiana alumni i can speak for all of us, that it is an unfortunate thing. >> c.b. west home coming festivities which were set for last night will coincide with
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the basketball game later in the year. and, happening today, standing for hope, hundreds of people are expect to turnout in atlantic city as 29 year anniversary of hurricane sand a approaches. volunteers will form a human chain to link local church toes homes still being rebuilt. then they will pass building supplies and other items down that chain. this is a all taking place at united methodist church from 10:00 a.m. to noon time. philadelphia district attorney seth williams hoping the second annual safety summit for women and children today. it begins at 9:00 for high school at the few door at 4120 park side avenue there will be free resources and discussions on safety, domestic violence issues and ways to prevent domestic violence. that enterings until 1:00 o'clock. this morning we are learning the extent of the devastating fire at the flight 39 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. the priceless items park services now says are gone. and then surveillance video captured the moments
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before a hatchet attack on new york city police officers. this morning it is being called an ago of terrorism. a lava flow in hawaii threatens home, what local officials are telling resident this morning.
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come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. back on "eyewitness news" a federal judge temporarily halts legalized sports bet nothing new jersey. judge granted a request by nfl, nba, nhl, major league baseball and, ncaa.
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leagues told the judge it would be harmful if the states casinos and race tracks allowed sports betting. governor christie signed a law last week repealing the statees ban on sports wagers. septa's largest union will hold a strike authorization vote tomorrow, transport workers union local 234 represents bus drivers, subway and trolley operators. they have been working without a contract since march. septa tells "eyewitness news" no strike appears imminent. there is no word when workers might walk out if members authorized a strike. police in new york city are now calling a hatchet attack on a group of of police officers an act of terror. surveillance video shows the suspect running down the street and raising a hatchet just before disappearing from that frame. thompson struck two officers with that hatchet before being shot and killed. one of the officers he attack is now in critical condition. police describe thompson as a self radicalized muslim convert and believe he was agoing alone.
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officialness virginia confirm remains found recently are those of missing college student hanna graham. she disappeared september 13th. remains were found last week in the rural area more than 10 miles from the university of virginia campus. graham was last seen with three two-year old jesse leroy matthew junior. he has been ledge by forensic evidence to the 2009 killing of virginia tech student morgan harrington. we now know the extent of damage left behind by a fire at flight 93 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. the national park service says that its team of museum experts and archaeologist determine the fire destroyed 334 photos. also, 25 items including a boarding pass and airport parking pass, and passenger id cards. the october 3rd fire broke out at memorial's administrative buildings. investigators have ruled out foul play but the the cause may never be known. officialness hawaii are keeping a close eye on a laugh flow, as it makes its way towards a small town.
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can you imagine. geologist estimate the lava flow is traveling 45 feet an hour and coming close to the town shown here, sometime this morning. officials say that there is no immediate threat posed right now but they will give residents enough time to evacuate if needed. >> we will go door to door in search areas likely based on the path of the flow and it may be coming in the days ahead. >> no mandatory evacuations have been ordered, officials estimate that the flow will continue its downward slope as it makes its way to the ocean. right now it ace 5:17. lets check our forecast and some nice days ahead, right the carol. >> we have sunshine chasing us, nicole. we have a great looking day, it is dark right now but still looks nice. center city philadelphia we can see to the top of the buildings meaning we have no fog out there we have no precipitation. we do not anticipate any a at all. outside in reading still dark there too. we have dropped one degree,
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51 degrees a at this point. it will be a breezy day over much of the area but not as windy as it will be tomorrow. if you have things to do that you like to do when it is not windy outside i think today would be the day even though there will be that breeze out there we could be seeing wind gusting to 20 miles an hour today. storm scan three, nothing going on, we love that look on a saturday. so many weekend things are going on so great to have weather like this. temperatures are in the 40's. 48 degrees in philadelphia and in trenton and in wilmington so i-95 corridor all got together and decided on the same number. we have 43 degrees in allentown and poconos. forty-six millville. fifty-five, relatively mild degrees down in wildwood. wind at this point are still coming out of the northwest. they are basically, they are not much. they are 3 miles an hour through philadelphia 6 miles an hour through wilmington. but they will be picking up some what today and then definitely thomas a front comes through here. that front comes through here dry. right now we're sandwiched, we have high pressure to the
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south, we have low pressure to the north, and then sunshine is going to be breaking out and it is these highs and lows get closer together, we will start to funnel those winds more and that front goes through dry tomorrow but that makes it about 30 miles an hour win gusts tomorrow. so expect that with those temperatures tomorrow getting down into the the -- down into the 60's, actual toy day abot on degrees. so tomorrow, several degrees cooler then that. but hardly down in the 60's. we expect at least mid 60's out of this. and then monday we will start to see some really nice, warmer weather coming in here. as far as dry air goes, we've got it. today at 1:00 o'clock maybe a couple of clouds, tomorrow at 1:00 the the next time i stop this, maybe not even any clouds, and then by monday, when it stops again, no clouds. so you can see we have a really quiet weather pattern for the next couple of days. if you need to do things where you are guarantied dry weather, i think this is the stretch you'll be looking for. zero seven in philadelphia. shore 67.
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poconos 65 degrees. it is nice in all locations. but did you notice how these temperatures do generally cool. normal average for september, is the between the second was 76 degrees. october 1st, 72. by the time we get to november 1st the average temperature is 61. and by the end of november the average high is just 50 degrees. so we are cooling down, today though, not so. 70 degrees. beautiful looking day. sunshine tonight. 50 degrees. slightly cooler in the outlying areas. it will be breezy around here tomorrow. we will keep these temperatures in the 60's. same deal on monday. tuesday though look at that we're practically in the middle 70's, wednesday afternoon, 71 degrees. it may be a shower. then we will cool down a little bit after that. nicole. >> all right, carol looking good. if you plan on hitting the move thinks weekend, we have a preview of is what playing, lets take a look. >> coming up next, key an a you reeves coming out of the retirement in the john wick. and a group of friends open up
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an anxious spirit board in qugi. big news for harry potter fans, we will tell but the the announcement author jk row lines made just i
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♪ ♪
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♪ discover all the naturally moisturizing flavors of burt's bees lip balm. in theaters this weekend keanu reeves is a ex-hit man looking for revenge and scary movie just in time for a halloween, a group of teens play with a quigi board, kevin frazier takes us behind the
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scenes. >> reporter: this week keanu reeves is a ex-hit man out of retirement looking for revenge. and a group of teens play a deadly game in the other side of quigi. >> unaudible. >> with debbie mysteriously dies after using a board, her friend try to connect with her spirit on the other side but it just might not be the right person that they are talking to. >> have you found the board in your house, you woke something up. >> reporter: lucky for the cast they enjoyed making the movie and didn't get too scared. >> this is worst case scenario quigi board. this is your worst case scenario. hopefully you won't have that experience. >> we all new it was in good fun. i gave everybody sage the at the even of the movie to bless their homes. >> it is not even real, hey. >> reporter: in john wick keanu reeves is a retired hit man trying to enjoy the good life but when criminals cross the line, he isn't afraid to
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show them how he feels and what he can do. >> i have got a chance to work with weapons training, tactical, and good clean fun. >> yeah, i'm thinking i'm back. >> reporter: while stunts are fun there is so much more to the movie then fights and thrills. >> the action of it but there is emotion, the world that is created, you know, there is the real world, there is the underground world, you know, the world of the thieves, the honor, the code. >> what you did itself, it is who you did it to. >> reporter: for entertainment tonight, i'm kevin frazier, new back to you in the studio. you can stay up to date with the latest headlines from hollywood watch entertainment tonight weeknights at 7:00 right here on cbs-3. harry potter author jk rawlins made an announcement. she will release a new story
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about the meanes villain delores umbridge. she first appeared in the order of the phoenix. it will tell her back story as well as her thoughts, about the character. perhaps toughest thoughts. look for it on line, this friday, halloween. just in time. tlc is canceling its hit reality she here comes honey boo-boo. network is not publicly saying why but tmz reports it has to do with momma june thompson's boyfriend. she's serving dating a man serves ten years in prison for child maine lesstation. thompson is denying those allegations. main line community is on alert this morning. coming up next hour on of "eyewitness news" accounts an "eyewitness news" exclusive, the warning police have for montgomery county resident. also a local priest making shocking accusations, authorities say he posed as a girl and shared child pornography on line. we will have reaction
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today, it is saturday october 25th, good morning, thanks so much for joining us. i'm nicole brewer. it is just about 5:30. lets check that forecast. good news coming from carol this morning. >> we have great news. we have seen a couple of iffy kind of weekend but not this weekend. the worst we will see this weekend will be gusty wind tomorrow but sunshine will be outside today and tomorrow and
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it looks like the temperatures will be very comfortable as well. we will start with just beautiful conditions this morning. 49 degrees. you can barely see anything, it is a spooky halloweenish type pictures here as we see school has a couple lights left on. middletown ship high school at cape may courthouse is a cool start but not as cold as we have seen so far this year. storm scan three nothing going on. we don't have much in the way of clouds out there this morning. forty-eight at the airport in philadelphia. forty-three in trenton. forty-four in wilmington. 47 degrees in dover. so it is a nice start to the day. we will move to the north, quakertown where one of the coolest spots the 37, and 40, in mount holly and doylestown. so, some cool air is definitely out there with clear skies. we have temperatures today by noon. 63 degrees. by 3:00 p.m. 70 degrees. we should be very, very mild this afternoon. the wind will be a little bit breezy though about 20 miles an hour at times.
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tomorrow it gets windy, but this weekend looks bright, beautiful and we will see for how long we will keep that going with the eyewitness weather seven day forecast, nicole. >> carol, thanks. a health care worker remains quarantine in the new jersey hospital after arriving back in the u.s. from treating ebola patient from his sierra leon. she became first traveler isolate under a ebola watch and developed a fever a few hours later. new jersey officials ordered new guidelines including a 21 day quarantine for anyone who comes in contact with potentially infect ebola patients. governors say the ebola case in new york city demand tough action to keep people safe. here in philadelphia, we have learn first responders will get stronger protection against this dangerous virus. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones has more. >> reporter: outfits like these, thin gowns, are about to be replace by higher level protection suits like the ones you see here. fire commissioner confirms 1600 new jump suits have been
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order that had include hoods, masks, face shields and also body insulation bags will now ab board all units to isolate anye bowl patient from a care giver making it more safe for fire fighters and medics. >> the the suits themselves will cover every piece of exposedded skin. the suit themselves, the suits will be substantial. >> reporter: city officials promised they would upgrade protection as cdc change it requirements. in the meantime governor of new jersey and new york announced plans to quarantine for 21 days any medical personnel flying into yfk and newark who had direct contact with ebola infect patientness west africa. >> these actions that we're taking jointly today i believe are necessary to protect public health of the people of the state of the new jersey and new york. >> reporter: this comes i have manhattan doctor who treated ebola patientness west africa tested positive for the virus but before his symptoms appeared, he went bowling and traveled on the subway.
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>> our region is a dense region, a ride on the train can affect hundreds of people, several weeks of normal activity, can affect several thousands individuals. >> reporter: what they are doing here is trying to do extra prevention, extra caution. >> reporter: doctor rob doneoff of aria health stress patients nor contagious until they show symptoms. he has concern about the impact new rules may have on medical volunteers. >> that they are quarantined for another 21 days, it may be hard for them if they have a regular job, to go out and volunteer. >> reporter: due to the new rules a health care worker treating ebola patientness west africa was put in quarantine at newark international airport and she had since developed, a fever. reporting from south philadelphia, todd quinones, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and now to an "eyewitness news" exclusive a warning to homeowners in montgomery county after a string of brake ins. the suspects hit lower gwynedd
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township targeting homes and stealing what have they could grab. police are wand fairing these cases are connect to the area. some victims talked only to our diana rocco. >> reporter: while they slept someone was watching. >> robberies like people in our home puts an uneasiness with your self, your wife, your children, pretty scary. >> reporter: it had neighbors in lower gwynedd township out to talk about how to protect themselves. burglars hit four hems near the lane last week stealing a rolex watch worth 20,000 tens of thousandsness diamond jewelry. >> i woke up to my husband calling to he in a way i could tell something was wrong, and he said we were robbed. >> reporter: amy chen found her purse and contents scattered across their yard. thieves also took two lap tops, kindle and her husband's phone which he track back to philadelphia he got off at the temple university station r5 line. >> reporter: it appears that the the burglars went from home to home during early
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morning hours while they were sleeping, trying door handles, and cutting screens, but when they found an alarm system, they would move on. >> we believe that a side door was opened, and they were able to open it up and walk through the lower level of the house. >> reporter: bob rosenthal says the the thieves took his lap top, change jar and his wife's purse. >> very disturbing n fact today we met with the alarm company. we have lived here for 21 years and never had an alarm. >> i need to take steps to make sure that this does not happen again. >> reporter: similar crimes have been a problem along the septa line in radnor and surrounding towns, police are now meeting to discuss if they are related. in lower gwynedd township i'm diana rocco for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a judge revokes bail of the suspect accused of murdering a montgomery county man he met on craigs list. chad wilcox ace accused of slashing manual's throat in his, norristown home and stealing his car and wallet. police tracked wilcox to tennessee and kentucky. the montgomery county d.a.
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says that about a week after at alleged murder wilcox surrendered to police in north carolina for unrelated charges of have raising a child for which he missed his court date. she said every on line interaction should be treated with caution. >> i think this case is a cautionary tail about the dangers of the internet. one of the key lessons there is you don't know who is on the other end of this screen. >> wilcox is due back in norristown court for a preliminary hearing on november 7th. a repeated former boss of the philadelphia moneys heading back to prison. a federal judge sentenced joey merlino to another four months in prison for violating his parole. thinks video of merlino from his last court appearance from earlier this month. that is when prosecutors accused of merlino of failing to report an even counter with a arm information co-defendant. merlino has been living in florida avenue spending decade behind bars following a 2001 racketeering trial. a chester county priest is facing child pornography charges. prosecutors say he used social media to carry out his crimes.
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"eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson has the the details. >> reporter: a priest, who is supposed to be caring for his flock and tending to people, particularly vulnerable people like children, how could they be possibly engage in victimizing people through child pornography. >> reporter: five five-year old mark haines is charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse for possessing and disseminating child pornography. chester county district attorney tom hogan says in an undercover investigation detectives discovered haines set up an instagram account under the name kate toy send and receive a pair of photos. it was the tip of the iceberg. >> he had been disseminating scores of child pornography pictures. >> reporter: detectives also discovered haines posed as a 16 year-old girl, in a series of graphic e-mails with a 14 year-old girl. >> we now need to identify the girl, and follow-up on that investigation. >> reporter: parishioners at saint simon and jude stunned at the allegations.
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>> the church doesn't need anymore of that type of of thing. >> reporter: hogan says what may be the most troubling part of the investigation is the history of mark haines, a priest, stationed at eight parishes in four count business two leaves of absence since being ordained in the mid 80's. >> that is a red flag when a priest moves around that quickly between parishes. we are looking to see if there are any other victims out there. >> reporter: steve paterson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". the the archdiocese of philadelphia released this statement, saying that quote these charges are serious and disturbing. the archdiocese is cooperating full which law enforcement regarding this matter and remains committed to preventing child abuse and protecting children and young people entrusted to its care. child pornography is a surge that must be eradicated. pennsylvania state senator leanna washington accepts a deal with prosecutors and will plead guilty in her corruption case next week. washington is charged with theft of services and conflict of interest, prosecutors say that she ordered her staff to
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do campaign work object government time. it is unknown if senator washington will face jail time, she lost her primary bid for reelection earlier this year. well, it is a medical break through that could save 30 percent more people, and the new heart transplant procedure australian doctors are successfully performing, that is coming up next in the healthwatch. a live look at center city from our cbs-3 studios, carol has your weekend forecast when and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down.
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so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections,
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changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®.
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on the cbs-3 healthwatch this morning a first of its kind heart transplant that could save many more lives. surgeons in as you veil use have successfully transplanted dead hearts into patients. normally these transplants require a still beating heart taken from a brain dead patient. well this time doctors in sidney, used hearts that stopped beating for about 20 minutes. they submerge them in a special preservation solution that connected them to a portable console called a heart in the box where they were kept beat ing and warm. unbelievable. well, had happening today sixth annual honors of fall's k run. police officer ed davies from the 25th district will kick off the festivities. officers davies was shot the in the line of duty in august 13th, 2013. today's run sponsored by police department and fop begins at 10:00 o'clock at the police academy benefiting the police survivor's fun.
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cabrini college welcomes their first ever male president. donald taylor took office july 1st but inaugural ceremony is this afternoon. taylor will be welcome by college's founding order missionary sisters of the sacred heart of jesus. taylor is the eighth president of the cabrini college. all right. it is 5:43. lets get a check of that forecast, carol and some nice days ahead, right. >> we have a nice stretch going for us and it is welcome. i don't hear any complaints out there. i have been listening very closely. we have great conditions out there on storm scan three right now. we are not watching any blobs of green as we sometimes are and we don't anticipate any at all. let's enjoy this great weather. we're pretty cloud free as well and we should most of the day be staying that very same way. temperatures in the 40's just about every single place, and there are a couple of exceptions though. 154 degrees in wildwood. also we have temperatures in the 50's through center city philadelphia everybody warms up today though. it will be a very comfortable
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afternoon. at this point, we have wind that are pretty quiet in, fact, they are calm up in trenton and calm in allentown. they are coming out of the northwest, through philadelphia, about 3 miles an hour but we can totally expect that these wind are going to be picking up moving through the rest of the day but not nearly as high as they will be tomorrow when they are gusting to 30 miles an hour. so lets see what we do expect, by noon time, maybe 5 miles an hour wind but know that is the steady sustained wind, they will be gusting a little bit high tore day at mess maybe 20 miles an hour winds today and then as we move on through the rest of the afternoon and evening we're starting to see these wind coming from the southwest but then a front comes through here tomorrow and that dries those wind out of the northwest again. front comes through dry. you will be happy to know as many people will be and probably the height of our wind will be as we move through the afternoon tomorrow. 17 miles an hour sustain wind with gusts to 30 miles an hour, so you will get the idea. they will finally start to die down by the time we hit sunday
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night. over temperatures today, we could be right at 70 degrees. lets say upper 60's so we are not disappointed. high pressure in charge of the weather, low pressure too nearby and when you get two of them close together the winds funnel and that is why we have seen winds gusting tomorrow and front goes through and it goes through dry. tomorrow another nice day. tuesday looks really, great a at this point and then mild, and new as far as our future weather goes, at 1:00 this afternoon, one or two clouds, by tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o'clock do we see anything? no. we have just got clear conditions. and then by monday at 2:00 we are looking at nice sunny weather. just a terrific little will stretch coming up for us and the only problem is we wish it could stay like this, for a month. 70 degrees through philadelphia, today at the very most. maybe upper 60's but some locations could hit 70. sixty-seven at the shore. poconos, 65 degrees. it is nice in every single
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location. finally that sun decides to grace us with its presence at 7:22 this morning. sleeping in, every single day and going to bed early at 6:08 the sunsets. temperatures tonight 50 degrees in philadelphia probably mid to upper 40's in the outlying area. and then tomorrow we have 66 degrees. sunnies back out. the win is up, and then monday 65 degrees. lots of sunshine, tuesday, looks great, middle 70's, and then just a wonderful day. wednesday, maybe a shower later on in the day but those temperatures you can hardly beat those at 71 degrees. then we will cool down. thursday 62. friday 60 degrees. nicole. >> that is a gorgeous forecast nicole, thank you. 5:46. still ahead lesean mccoy in the food truck we will explain what the eagles star is doing. friday night favorite, but did we make it out to your school? we will have the the friday football frenzy when we come back.
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. let me get tyes?straight... lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and try lactaid® supplements with your first bite to dig in
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to all your dairy favorites. the eagle will face cardinals tomorrow, darren sproles, michael kendrick and jason kelce listed as questionable for the contest, that is an upgrade. eagles have the eighth ranked scoring offense in the league but when they get in the red zone it is a problem. they are tied for last. chip kelly necessary they need to fix it. >> we have open receivers. we have to put the ball on them. we have a couple of drops in the end zone. it wasn't one thing. it is a lot of different things. >> you know, we've got this week coming up, and, you know, our whole goalies to score as many points as possible. so, you know, if we can fix some of the things that we have made mistakes on in the past, and improve, we will be fine. >> we will get you ready for dual in the desert on sunday kick off at # 1:30.
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join me, leslie van arsdal, merrill reese, plus see that weekly one on one interview that we have with cbs-3 contributor shady mccoy. ♪ cheer >> it is time to start the friday football frenzy, take it a away, beasley. wow. >> all right, that is buena varsity cheerleaders, we thank you. did we get to your town, your team, your kids on tv, original friday football frenzy. lets start in the northeast, and olney, and trip to beating olney is stopping sutan johns. he is on almost every week and doing that. he can fly. trayvon williams with a
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touchdown, saving tackle there but johns would get in the even zone. north east was a winner, 36-six. south philadelphia and frankford and jones, taking it to the outside. just cannot break away. frankford won their game 18-eight. >> mastbaum taking on gratz and here they find jevon wittfield. gratz was a winner 57-eight. spring side chestnut hill visitinge piss fall and madden making like he is playing madden. weaving back and forth. they will finally bring him back though. then it is paul duly's turn and duly will do a nice rannal cunningham impersonation keeping a play alive. it will be a great throw. this is, watch this, tell me he doesn't catch this nice catch. great hand. they win 41-seven. cb south visiting pennsbury. on senior night we were like
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to show you our congratulations. we'd like to introduce to you josh adams, heading to south bend, next year. watch him. look at the size, the power. get him. >> don't pull a muscle. >> that is, nice throw by kevin witchy as well. they win 55-seven. north penn visiting neshaminy and deandre palmer. he he is heading to villanova north penn won a close game 17-13. over to new jersey we will go williamstown verse eastern, and this might be the the play of the night. watch this. in and out. out and in. holding the ball like he is shady mcco. turning it up for the score. williamstown, won it 42 to nothing. owen j. roberts at spring ford and this is mitch bradford, quarterback, taking matters in his own hand here, outstanding run on the keeper, springford the winner 49-13. perkiomen valley at
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pottsgrove, great uniforms by pottsgrove on this night and big playness this game. he he find, wyatt parker. somebody better get him. you can if the leave him alone. then it is again, to michael fouler, maybe we can get him get him. almost. um-hmm, um-hmm. 75-yard to the house. perkiomen valley got the win at 49-21. now it is time for game of the week as voted on by you the fans by audio road show app. we head to south jesse for pleasantville at boone a lets take a peak at buena's locker room to see, if they are ready for this game. >> unaudible. >> primal, lets go hunt some beast, and i think they are ready. senior for the night and home coming in boone a undefeated this season. justin inman in the end zone
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here with the tough run, buena, gets on the board. and then watch, albright, he is already. somebody better get him. get him. oh, wow did you see that have move. great foot work, good balance he is gone into score a touchdown run but pleasantville was playing it tough. ismail shaker with the nice pass and watch the hit, he takes and hold the ball. he held on for the touchdown. great stuff. back comes buena though, with the outside run, and through traffic for the score, and then it is buena, again, tyler rainer, looking long, and then, this is a high school player. surely he will miss this. he cannot catch it. wow, great catch, great catch, by vasquez for the touchdown. buena the winner 41-14. that is your sports. i'm beasley reese. enjoy your weekend. speaking of sports eagles running back lesean mccoy is cooking up awareness about
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breast cancer. mccoy handed out information about early detection from the food truck in upper darby on friday. he was joined by brent celek, they also signed autographs for fans, very nice. hey, landmarks all across our area displaying pink lights as a reminder for when to schedule that mammogram. tiffany house is dig place night. for 13th year cbs-3 and cw philly has team up for the lights for the cure campaign. so important. welshing britain's queen elizabeth a has now joined the twitter universe believe it or not. queen's first tweet welcomed visitors to the new exhibit at london's science museum. royal's message read it is pleasure to open up the information age exhibition at science museum and i hope people will visit. elizabeth r. r stand for regina which is latin for queen. so far british monarchy's twitter account has 700,000 followers, wow.
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a queen selfie may be coming up, we will see. coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news" we will have the very latest on the ebola out break as we learn more about the patient in newark, new jersey. then it is no secret that people call out sick when they are really not sick but we have an idea of how many people are doing it and hearing some of the most creative call out excuses. maybe it will give you ideas, who knew. also ahead a new by on i can hits theaters soon about world renowned fist cyst steven hawkins, we will hear from the stars. carol has your saturday forecast when "eyewitness news", continues at 6:00.
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keeping residents safe, governor of new york and new jersey are taking action, we will have a live report as states impose mandatory quarantines for some travelers. i'm danielle nottingham in merriesville washington, coming up, two students are dead including the gun man and several others cling to life after a teen gunman opens fire in the suburban seattle will school. and new this morning, a double shooting turns deadly, we will have the latest from that scene. today it is saturday october 25th good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm nicole brewer. it is 6:00 o'clock. yesterday was so nice.
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i'm hoping for a repeat. >> you are getting it. >> yes, yes. >> just because you ask and you asked so nicely we will find another day pretty much like we saw yesterday. it might be breezy today but still beautiful. lots of sunshine. very comfortable temperatures. yesterday we were at 70. we could be there again today. let look outside, why don't we, 49 degrees out in reading. it looks like a nice start to the day in that location. we are dealing with temperatures in the 40's every place. forty-three in the poconos. with wind out of the northwest at 10 miles an hour. that will make it feel cooler. forty-nine in philadelphia. a at the shore we have 42 degrees in atlantic city. storm scan three is looking, searching, get the microscope out, can't find anything. we are in the looking at any clouds or precipitation and that will be the trend for the entire weekend. we have got a great stretch of weather coming up. it will be an absolutely gorgeous weekend. we will get a big warm up, at least one or two of those