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tv   Eyewitness News at 430am  CBS  October 14, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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. today is tuesday, october 14th, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. developing right now, police are on the hunt for a killer after a double shooting leaves a man dead and a woman in the hospital. we have the latest in a live report. hospitalization across the country prepare for possible cases cents of ' bowl a local nurse's union says philadelphia is not ready. the changes they're calling for this morning. and, happening now, sentencing continues for oscar pistorius. the olympic sprinter convicted of culpable homicide in the deadly shooting of his girlfriends, reeva steenkamp. >> we'll get right to it. right now, let's start with the forecast, kind of warm out this morning, actually 60 something. >> planning for late 70s today, kate.
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>> i little dose of late summer out there today. but we're sitting between fronts right now, so we can only hold onto this warmth for so long. and it also does basically mean we will have to deal with some stormy weather, that wipes away this warmth. so very significant clash is going on right now, in the atmosphere, has yet to really affect us all that much. granted clouds yesterday, drizzle, all from the warmfront starting to lift on through, now, we reap the rewards i guess you can say of the front. but again, another price comes along the way here with the trade off of our next cold front, which we will be talking about of course in the next few minutes, guys, back to you. >> see now little bit. in the news, developing right now, over night hail of bullets leaves one man dead and a woman injured, in north philly. >> investigators say, the 2100 block of uber street was littered with bullets. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo picks up the story from temple hospital. jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, ukee, good morning, the man who was killed was shot ten times. police say more than 30 spent
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shell casings found on scene, as is far as the woman who was sitting next to him, likely, a innocent bystander, she was shot just once, fortunately, for her, she in stable condition in the hospital this morning. now, police are searching for surveillance video, that can help identify the shooting suspect. police called to the 2100 block of uber street, stanton, just around 11:30 last night, found two shooting victims, 24 year old man, 46 year old woman. man had collapsed on the sidewalk, shot about ten times, and police say he was was the intended target, nearby on her front steps was the woman shot in the leg. police say she could be an innocent victim. witnesses cents tell police the pair sitting on the steps when two men in hooded sweatshirts approached and shot the woman again in stable condition here at temple university hospital. the man was also taken here to temple, where he later died. >> based on balistic evidence, we know that at least 32 shots were fired, from two separate caliber semiautomatic weapons,
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we found 32 spent shell casings, on the street, and many on the sidewalk right near the steps where these two victims were sitting with they were shot. >> now, police have not released the identities of these victims. there is no known motive for the shooting and the suspect description is very limited again, described as two men in hooded sweatshirts, that fled north on 19th street after the shooting and in a dark colored car. if you have any information, you're asked to call police, reporting live outside of temple university hospital, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> right now 4:33, another little taste of summer today, katy? >> absolutely, those temperatures are going on very significant uphill climb through the day, even though we are in the middle of the overnight temperatures are very mild for the standards right now, so we take live look at "skycam 3", beautiful view for us at the moment, atlantic city, yesterday we of course had a lot of clouds to deal with, certainly had a lot of fine drizzle, mist, couple of showers that rolled through, for some you but
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right now all is calm, quiet. the thing is because it is calm and quiet, and we've got some moisture to work with, very likely see fog develop. not necessarily at the shore but specially to the north and west suburbs outside of philly. storm scan3, while quiet for the moment, won't stay that way, again, sitting between fronts cents as i mentioned moment ago. here comes the combination of the next front t looks like it is so close, right, like it would zip through today. this is taking its time. now based on the time that we told you yesterday, it looks like this may be speeding up at least little bit. so it gets here, mainly wednesday night, into early thursday, before it clears away. here's a look at your current visibilities meantime. you are at or below a mile in a lot of the spots. like i said, mainly from philly on north and west that you will find any of those incidents of fog here this morning, but where do you find it, it could come through very dense and thick. so very much winds-based. we've got the moisture, no problem, but is the wind light enough to allow the fog to settle in? it certainly is off to the north and west here. so our win flow, still
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predominantly out of the south at this hour. but temperatures are nice and mild, so again, little dose of summer for us out there. and in philly today, we expect to shoot up to 79 degrees. torrey, over to you. >> i know. i love that. no, you know what, it really was so weird walking out of my car this morning coming into the studio. it was, it was warm outside surprisingly, usually i'm wearing like nine layers. good morning, traveling out and about right now, you won't have any problems. if you are traveling on the ben franklin bridge, any of the bridges, going to and from new jersey, maybe taking the commodore barry, everything looks great. schuylkill expressway same story there is shot here right around vare, still very quiet out there, only few vehicles, really scattered all over the majors. everyone sells still sleeping traveling on the schuylkill expressway, average speed 50 miles per hour, same thing on the blue route, also 59, even through the construction zone, not only out of northeast philly down through to the vine but also if you are traveling down in delaware county, no major problems at all n norristown, we have
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accident, at main street, barbados, so try to avoid that intersection if you k also, if you are traveling in delaware, we do have some overnight construction on the northbound side of 95 right at route 141, this will be ongoing for just about another half hour or so. no problems at the airport or for mass, it. let's head back to the desk, ukee? >> thank you, torrey. breaking news just into us. united nations worker has died of ebola after contracting the deadly virus in liberia. tested positive for the disease on october the sixth and was flown to germany on the ninth where he reportedly underwent intensive medical procedures while in an isolation unit. there is cents no word yet on his identity. meanwhile, patient at risk torre beil is in isolation at kansas city hospital. the man recently returned home after working as is a medic on ship off the coast of west africa. doctors are now treating dallas nurse nina fam with the blood of ebola survivor doctor kent bradley. the 26 year old contracted the
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virus while treat ago patient despite wearing full protective gear. well, hospitals across the nation insist they are ready to fight ebola. >> but nurse's union right here at home says our hospitals are not prepared to handle an outbreak. the pennsylvania nurse's union is calling on all hospitals in the commonwealth to take cdc recommendations cents only as minimum requirement. they want a single ebola treatment center designated for the region and better training for medical personnel. >> right now, in philadelphia, and regionally across the state, weaver all of these different hospitals scrambling themselves to try to figure out should they use this going em or that going he will, should they do -- use hazmat suits or just i am perm owe recall gowns, what process should they set up. >> the delaware valley healthcare council which represents local hospitals says all facilities state-wide have the ability to handle infectious diseases cents cents such as ebola. oscar pistorius is back in
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a south african courtroom this morning as the sentencing process continues. live look from pit tore ya. judge has convicted the double a.m. pew too runner from culpable homicide, unintentional killing in the shooting of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. pistorius could get anything from suspended sentence and fine to as many as 15 years in prison. police in palmyra investigating burglaries and vandalism. between friday and sunday, there were two burglaries and one attempted burglary. the crimes happened near veterans drive, art street and west third street. no one was home at the time time of those burglaries. less than mile away cars and properties were also vandalized with graffiti along garfield avenue. because the cars were wet with due, the paint wiped off. if you have any information on the burglaries, or the vandalism, you are asked to contact palmyra police. a man who was knocked out cold on philadelphia street talks exclusively with "eyewitness news". cell phone video shows 24 year old shane kerrey unconscious
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after group of teens on bikes through water in his face and then hit him from behind. it happened last thursday night on fairmount avenue. the attack left his jaw wired shut. kerrey talked to "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco. >> started threatening me, all the kids on the street corner, pointing at me and started -- >> police have arrested 16 year old boy and two, 12 year old boys, they're charged with aggravated assault and criminal conspiracy. coming up: chilling new development against ice us. >> what the terror group may now have access to. >> plus dozens of areas he is in missouri after protests erupt again after the killing of unarmed teenager. back in two minutes.
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hi. i'm shawn johnson of the 2008 u.s. gymnastics team. i'm here with our friends from "veggie tales" to say... all: be a player. get up and play an hour a day. besides gymnastics, how do you stay in great shape, shawn? i love to dance and rollerblade. cool. cool. you don't have to be an olympian to be a player. just do the things you already love to do, like jump rope, ride a bike, or even play freeze tag. now, that's something to flip for. well done. for fun ways to get healthy, visit protests against police shootings that put more than 50 people behind bars in ferguson, missouri and st.
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louis. many are differs groups every clergy members. ferguson has been the epi-center every protests since the august 9th fatal shooting of 18 year old michael brown. tensions escalated again last week after st. louis police officer shot and killed 18 year old myers, jr., police say myers shot at the officer first. international observers now believe terror group known as isis may have used chemical weapons in northern iraq. >> meanwhile ice cyst closing in on baghdad's airport as militants surrounding attempted seize iraq's capitol city. in syria, kurdish fight remembers still holding the city of kobani. us wants to launch air strikes, on the syrian border, but yesterday, turkey denied claims from the pentagon, that they had struck a deal for american forces to use those bases cents cents. now, to pair of daring rescues, first one here out of rochester, new york, where tractor-trailer dangled over the side after overpass, with the driver still inside for more than two hours.
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sixty firefighters worked to free the diver. at one point, the truck's fuel tank burst. but that driver was safely removed. he suffered only minor injuries. and the other rescue out in colorado, watch as this man in column rod owe springs pulls his neighbor out of burning pick-up truck. the driver had a seizure, and ended up flooring the gas pedal. and within minutes, the truck began to fill with smoke and that's when the neighbor saved the day and did so just in time. the two men didn't even know each other by first name until this incident. >> wow. 4:43 right now, already, warmer start to the day. >> yes, so we start off this warm, any break of sunshine is going to help us just keep on climbing. we are, again, i think, going to flirt with 80 degrees here today. >> here we go. >> yes, feels good. overall not bad day. you don't need the umbrella, absolutely don't need the umbrella, are couple of other side effect we're getting because we're settle between the fronts, namely fog this morning, for some of you. then dow think you could see
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shower, maybe later on tonight, but that's specially trowel for both of those factors, north and west of philadelphia, let's go out there, show you what's up on storm scan3, not heck of a lot just yet. could you see some of the little speckles evergreen firing up though along the eastern edge of the appalachians, and it is just some of the moisture that's being pent up in the atmosphere right now. where you have the lightest wind, that's where you are going to see the fog develop. again, this is mainly from philly on north and west, through the suburbs, up toward say the lehigh valleyment meanwhile, this is nasty storm system, down to the deep south yesterday, so many tornado watches, and warnings, no less, going off here, with this frontal boundery, really creating a huge clash of air masses cents cents. and that is part of how you get severe weather to form in the first place. you need good clash in the atmosphere for that to take place. so, cool, dry air, meets up with warm, very moist air, and that's where the problems can start to happen. for us, this does not look actually like severe weather threat, rather more of heavy rain flashflooding potential kind of an event.
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there will be embedded thunderstorm. warmfront will help us spike to the upper 70s today and tomorrow. with the timing being sped up at least little bit here, now looks like the showers pick up through wednesday, turning over to much steadier rain by wednesday night, into early thursday, and then we should actually start to clear out here through the second half of thursday. which also bodes real well for the last day back to work. breaking it down one more time. fog out there for some this morning, otherwise expect some sunshine, nice warm day, high of 79. as i said earlier, could be shower to the north and west specially tonight, as we drop to only 65, though, actually will end up being the mildest night of the forecast. at we continue to keep that warmth in place for yet another day tomorrow. but watch for the rain to pick up specially wednesday night to thursday morning, then, we do start to clear out nicely for friday. ukee, back over to you. thank you, katie m sports the eagles return to the practice field one week from today. they are on the bye week this week after that big win over the giants. sunday night birds dominated
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of course on both sides of the ball. all three phases, offensive line block well for shady mccoy, who ran for 149 yards, his biggest game this season so far. the defense had eight sacks overall, and recorded the first eagles shut own win in almost 20 years. and you know the record, the birds are five and one. well, it wasn't all good news out of sunday's win over the giants. darren sproles has that knee sprain, because of this week's bye, he could, could possibly be back, without miss ago game. right now wait and see casino of thing. sproles was injured after a third quarter run against those giants. he has four touchdowns this year, three rushing and one on a punt return. get well, young man. the san francisco 49ers were down 14-nothing with second to go in the first half last night when colin kapanen hooked up with brandon lloyd for a 80-yard touchdown, that turned the tide. the 9ers went onto beat the st. louis rams 31 to 17. cap nick through for 343 yards
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and three touchdowns, the 9ers are now four and two. the rams fall to one and five. last night in pro-football. still ahead on "eyewitness news" this morning, we will tell you why fears about the ebola outbreak could drive up the price of chocolate. >> first though here's what's coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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police are investigating a shooting in north philadelphia that left a man dead and a woman wounded. last night, they were sitting in front of their apartment building on the 2100 block of uber street when police say two men opened fire. the woman is in stable condition. a group of pennsylvania nurses cents say hospitals in the state are not prepared to handle ebola. the pennsylvania nurse's union wants better training and a single designated ebola treatment center in the philadelphia area. >> oscar pistorius is in court for the second day of his penalty phase, the olympic
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athlete convicted last month of neglect killing in the shooting heavies girlfrien, reeva steenkamp. time is now 4:50, let's get a check on business news. >> jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, another rough day on wall street. what's behind the sell off? anything happening soon hopefully that might turn things around for us? >> yes, good morning, ukee, erika. investors will be watching as big banks like jp morgan, chase, city banks, now if those reports are strong it, could help turn the markets around, after yet another massive sell off yesterday. it was the fifth straight trading day with triple digit moves, and only one of those days the market actually moved higher. so there really are a loft things fueling this sell off. everything from worry about the economy in europe, to ebola, and the recent outbreaks. ukee, erika? >> jill, speaking of ebola there is wore at this could actually spends the price of chocolate higher. what do you know about that? >> reporter: that's right, get ready to pay little more for
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your sweet tooth. cocoa prices also soaring, that could mean the price of chocolate will go up. and who would have thought, thanks to the ebola outbreak in west africa, where 70 presser of the world's cocoa supply comes from. most is from the ivory coast and ghana. those two countries haven't been directly impacted by ebola, but they do border liberia, which in just other countries that have, so we could be seeing chocolate prices go up, an indirect consequence of the ebola crisis. ukee, erika? >> one more down side. >> thank you, jill. coming up after a short break, traffic and weather together. we do it on the three, a we'll be right back.
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>> traveling on the majors, same story, it's nice outside. expressway, doesn't matter if you are headed toward the schuylkill or 95 in the eastbound direction, bolt sides of the vine look great. very quiet, speed censors nice and high up because barely anyone out there to set you back. traveling on the schuylkill expressway this shot here right around the king of prussia area of 202. traveling throughout your western suburbs, and also, around downtown philadelphia, again, averaging speed censors are into the 50's. so, it is cents green all over the map. pa turnpike, 476, 95, as i mentioned, traveling the roosevelt boulevard, really anyway you cut it you will have good news. hopefully it stays that way. we do have an accident norristown at main street, barbados, so try to be mindful that far intersection. but no delays for mass transit. things at the airport look awesome. as we're waiting for the warm up, the rush, we're warming up outside already. >> no kidding, actually didn't have a chance to drop off all that much on the thermometer, you're right, nice mild start
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to the day. but it does eventually come with very significant trade off. we actually start things off very wide zoom on storm scan, look at all of the different storm reports that have come in over the last 12 hours, i mean, they span anywhere from the great lakes down into the gulf. so, this storm system has meant serious business. we can take a look at some of the radar, these really strong storms currently still rumbling into the panhandle of florida, we can take a look at just a couple of the choice locations and yes there has been tornados reported, with trees down, and roof blown off specifically here in sumatra florida at 8:59. in for another round, further removed to the east where you will find the severe werth. not here at home. today actually pretty decent day, some fog out there, and the mild temperatures as evident in the live neighborhood network. but as we go through the day, see sunshine, certainly more than what we saw yesterday. that will also help us heat up easily to almost 80 degrees. ukee, back to you. >> katie, thank you. here is a look at some of the
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stories our sister station "kyw news radio" 1060 will be following for you today. philadelphia city council wants to boost the number of flea markets throughout the city but naught without red tape. two familiar faces and president obama's inner circle are he had headed to philadelphia this week, injury coy decide on death penalty on a man convicted every grissly double murder. check on "kyw news radio" 12060 on your a.m. dial. >> live with search for killer after a man is shot almost dozen times. >> also, anonother ebola scare in the air. the tense moments on a plane when several passengers complains about feeling sick. >> and talk about a lucky break. how that football player's broken leg turned out to be a blessing in disguise. we're back at the top of the hour.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> the search is on for a killer and developing, three dozen shots fired overnight, killing a man, sending innocent victim to the hospital. we're live with the clues police have about the shooter. plus, breaking developments in the ebola emergency. we have just learned about the death of another medical worker. we're also getting new information about the treatment for the nurse diagnosed with the deadly virus. it is tuesday, october 14th, good morning, everyone, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm kay von tiehl. also there is morning, people down south are cleaning up after extreme weather slams into their homes. the damage left behind by the severe storms and the threat is not over yet. katie? >> that's absolutely right, erika. severe storm threat shifting
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east across the deep south. so we will be talking about, that also, the same store that will eventually bring us our next round of heavy rain and storms, full details coming up. vittoria? >> thank you, katie. if you are traveling on any of the majors, moving real well, but you know how it goes, when the sun comes up, rush comes in. tacking -- looking at the ben franklin bridge, things could change. stay with us. ukee, erika? >> in the news we start in north philadelphia, shooting leaves one man dead and woman injured. >> investigators tell us they were sitting outside in the 2100 block of uber street when two gunmen opened fire. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo join us now at temple hospital with the latest on this investigation, jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, ukee, good morning, as you mentioned, one man dead, woman who was sitting next to him, police say, possibly innocent bystanders in the hospital injured this morning. this as an entire community remains on alert after hearing more than 30 gunshots in the middle of the night.