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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  October 9, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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audubon saving bank, same outfit and getaway. latest robbery was wednesday at the beneficial bank in audubon.
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we are live, i'm cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". chopper three over a crash on the new jersey turnpike, this happened in the southbound lanes, near exit number five in west hampton burlington county. police say, five people were in that hyundai santa fe including three children. two people including a child were air lifted to the hospital, and two others were taken by ambulance. it is unclear why the the driver lost control. officials in delaware county are looking into a fall that killed a worker employed by a private electric company. chopper three over that scene this morning on the 400 block of keenan drive-in ogden, we are toll the victim fell about 50 feet from the bucket truck n word yet on the victim's identity. a paratransit bus collides with a horse, killing that animal in bucks county, this happened around 6:30 this
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morning in the 4300 block of cold spring creamery road in buckingham township. the bus driver, had to be hospitalized, two others inside that bus were not hurt, and the driver's condition is not yet known at this point. report. now to thieves caught on camera stealing bikes from rittenhouse square. police need your help fining these suspects tonight. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter is live with the latest, walt. >> reporter: with more bikes than over on the streets of fill like these on rittenhouse square it noise surprise that more than ever there will be stolen. those bike thieves, hitting over the weekend here on rittenhouse square. police hope you will look at this surveillance video and give the thieves a fast ride to jail. they look like customers, shopping for bikes, in fact, police say, they are a pair of thieves, bosnian underground bike storage area at this writ even house square building. stealing two bikes last saturday, and another pair, on sunday. >> these guys went out for
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bikes, they know what they are doing. >> reporter: the captain says with more folks riding more bikes are vanishing. 400 stolen so far this year, in just the two police districts covering center city. >> they are taking all kind of bikes, high even, low end. >> honestly just my only mode of transportation. >> reporter: jill, whose bike was stolen from outside a school two years ago says locks are obviously, a must but a skeletons of bikes like this one still chained to poles, show that thieves, will take a bike away, piece by piece. >> everyone i know that has bikes not their whole bike stolen, they have had wheels stolen. >> i think that over the past couple of years it has escalated. >> reporter: richie cortez, co-owner of philadelphia bike smith at 19th and syringe garden streets says he suspects, as do police, that many thieves, like these are part of the larger operation whose quickly shift the hot wheels, out of the city to be
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resold elsewhere. >> load up a van and come down to philadelphia, two hour drive, steel a 15 bikes and take them back to brooklyn and sell them $300 a pop. >> reporter: police say while you locks like these are just fine they recommend actually using a cable, and running it all through the skeletal structure of the bike. yes, it takes longer but that long time, also discouragees thieves. the rather then pull the cable apart, they will just move on to another bike. live, rittenhouse square, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". test results are speculate tore day on a sheriff's deputy inside the dallas apartment where a man with ebola was staying. this is as some major u.s. airports are getting ready to start additional screening for west africa travelers. cbs news reporter omar villafranca is in dallas with the latest. >> reporter: body of thomas duncan, first ebola patient to die in the u.s. will be
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cremate todd prevent virus from spreading further. duncan from liberia died under scoring questions about the care he received. duncan was initially turn away from the hospital three days before being put in the isolation ward late last month. the his remains will be turned other to his family in dallas. texas officials are waiting for ebola test results on sheriff deputy michael who went inside the apartment where duncan was staying and complained of ebola like symptoms yesterday. the hospital says he is doing better today. officials say deputy had no direct contact with duncan and does not have a a fever. they are taking his health concerns serious but call his case a low risk event. as health officials prior to begin screening pass eveningers from west africa arriving at five major u.s. airports, dozens of air like cabins walk off the job at laguardia airport because of ebola fears. two american ebola patients are still being treated in the u.s., tv cameraman received a
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blood transfusion yesterday from doctor kent brantly who beat owe bowl a last month and officials at emery hospital in atlanta confirm they are still treating an unidentified ebola patient who arrived one month ago today. he is believed to be a world health organization worker. in dallas, omar villafranca for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". in weather, it has been another nice day today but enjoy it while you can because things where to change, big time. meteorologist kathy orr is live on the cbs-3 sky deck with that first forecast, kathy. >> chris, it is cloudy, windy and we are waiting for some showers, and not just too soup but they are in our future and it looks like we will get off to a wet weekend. at least for the start. take a look at storm scan three you can see clouds rolling through the region already, there is a few showers and sprinkles through west virginia and they will stay to the south tonight, and for a good part of the day, tomorrow. with the cloud cover, we do have some cool temperatures, in philadelphia, 67, 67 in
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allentown, poconos, 57, and dover checking in at 69, the average high this time of the year has dropped to only 69 degrees. times are changing. wind southwest at ten to 15 miles an hour for the most part and millville, trenton and wildwood they have decided to go to nine. those gusty wind will fall off during the evening per. so watch future weather, we will start clock tomorrow morning as we end the workweek, waking up at 7:00 a.m. mostly cloudy skies across the region but it will be dry. late afternoon that the showers sneak in from the southwest, and that rain will continue into the the night, and into sat the day morning unfortunately. coming up a major cool snap for your friday, a rainy start to the weekend, looking a bit better for sunday, and and they are the coolness months. they are back to the last, and, coming up later on "eyewitness news". >> kathy, thanks. philadelphia state law maker is calling for disillusion of the school reform commission returning
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control of the philadelphia school district back to philadelphia county. and this comes after the school reform commission canceled the teachers contract. our pat ciarrocchi is live from the sat center with the details, pat. >> reporter: jessica, angry reaction is rising within various public school constituencies, coming days after the state control school reform commission unilaterally canceled the contract of the philadelphia teachers union. that action has elevated a talk of court intervention, petitions to dissolve the src, and strong calls for pennsylvania to adopt a new formula to fund its public schools. >> pft is also saying enough is enough. we are tired of being sick and tired this has got to stop. >> reporter: teacher why vet jones spoke on baffle of her union colleagues outraged over vote that is forcing union members to pay a portion of that are benefits package. >> they are determined to try to use our members as a funding source to fix the mess
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they created. >> reporter: state representative curtis thomas agrees describing src's action as aggressive, violating collective bargaining will values. >> we're calling on the school district of philadelphia to come back to the county, we in the general assembly, we didn't ask for state to take it over. >> reporter: to make that happen src would have to dissolve itself, at this point that is unlikely this week protest got louder, outside governor corbett's office supporters of the teachers union demanded a restoration of the contract. performing arts students outside cappa voiced their concerns for their teachers who, by law, cannot strike. their fair funding for all pennsylvania public schools still to be created. state representative steam mccarter calls for a first step. >> it is time for src to step a aside and give back to philadelphia control of its schools. thank you.
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>> reporter: district has persued collective bargaining with the pft for 21 months before the src took the move to cancel the contract a half move src says was legal. the teachers will now to have pay five to 13 percent of their health benefits, this will generate some 50 million-dollar a year which will then be returned to the school district. live from the sat center, pat ciarrocchi, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> okay, pat, thanks very much. another wild ride on wall street, dow jones industrial average with its biggest plunge of the year. 334 drop came a day after dow jones saw the biggest gains of the year. the at the end of this day, the blue chip stocks closed at 16,000, 659. the nasdaq was down 90 points to close at 4378. the the s and p500 lost 40 to close at 1928. coming up on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" a story you saw first saw here on three an "eyewitness news" viewer saw racist graffiti on a local high school how this helped
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get that school cleaned up before the student arrived. man gets a big surprise when a motion detector alarm goes off outside of his home, we will show what you surveillance cameras caught, standing atop his car. and a shocking case of allege bulling a begins a pennsylvania student with autism, officials say he was duct tape to a goal post, now he and his mother are speaking out, we have their story next.
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we have a report on a shocking case of an alleged bullying happened outside pittsburgh. >> a teen with autism soy two older students duct taped him to a goal post. reporter ralph from our sister station kdka spoke to that victim. >> i was really frightened. i thought i would be stuck there for a long time. >> reporter: sixteen year-old austin, is still shaken up after his weekend experience here on the highland high school soccer field. he is autistic and says he was forced in a car by two senior members of the team sunday evening and driven here where he was duct taped to a soccer goal post. >> they duct taped my hands, all the way up to my waist, and all along the whole pool and tightened it as hard as they could and then they tried to take a picture of it. i told them no and they walked off in frustration. >> reporter: he was left tied to the post about 15 minutes he says, while yelling for
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help and off-duty state trooper and woman walking by untied him. >> i'm just disappointed with highland sock are team. >> reporter: two seniors involved in the hazing has been suspended for five taste, also suspended school soccer coach jim turner. his mother says those responsible for traumatizing her son must be held accountable. >> i feel like the coach knew he wasn't there, and he knew it was happening, he knows that it the has been going on, and so he is the the adult. these are kids, let's face it. they are 17. you know, we have to hold the adults accountable first before we can hold the kid accountable. >> reporter: school district released a statement saying it does not take matters such as hazing or bullying lightly. district issued strict action on students who think these actions are appropriate and harmless. >> just getting their people in there that can coach a team and make sure stuff lake this doesn't happen like this again. >> attorney for the coach says
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he was not present, did in the conn down and did not know about that incident. we're going to start off early this afternoon with a serious situation a lot of jams all across the board. we will go outside and show you schuylkill avenue at mark street. a lot of police activity around the area we had fire engine down here. this is the schuylkill expressway westbound just underneath there. there was fire engine activity and crew and police activity on the scene. create ago lot of backup as well as on the schuylkill expressway. heading westbound backup all the way up to vare avenue for some investigation of an incident that happened. we are not aware of just yet but just use caution. we are traveling through especially out on market street. police activity is clearing up n chester county otherwise route 100 just preparing for an earlier water main break. route 100 near the pennsylvania turnpike out in chester county you can see taking out center lanes there and, you can see, everybody crawling by and only squeezing by to one right-hand lane but rest of the majors already starting to jam up.
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ninety-five southbound heavy from woodhaven road to the vine street expressway and 29 minute trip, 202, still a little slow from the schuylkill into route 30 a 20 minute trip there jessica and chris, back over to you. still ahead on "eyewitness news" why charging your phone at night could be making you fat. then halloween just a few weeks away now but before you buy that costume three on your side's jim donovan has a warning, for parents and it involves hidden dangers. >> leslie. it is flyers home opener tonight, against the jersey devils and they are looking to rebound after a tough loss last night, we will talk to the captain claude giroux coming up in sports.
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all right. well, the clouds are rolling back in a little bit, it was beautiful this morning though, we have sunshine, it is pleasant but wind of change are blowing in, gusty wind, clouds around here, and it is like a sade mow joy on your phone. >> yes. >> not a great day tomorrow. >> not happy but more clouds then anything else. rain will hold off, until late in the day. we will take you down the shore, where we are looking at mostly cloudy skies, a few folks on the board, weather still relatively good across the region. live neighborhood network, shows you wind gusts in the past hour, we have had a peak wind gust in nazareth and that
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northampton county pennsylvania, 33 miles an hour and bethlehem at freedom middle school a gust of 30 miles an hour. this is still, happening out there, in trenton, a few hours ago, mercer county airport peak at 30 and philadelphia northeast, philadelphia airport late this afternoon, gusting to 26 miles an hour. these strong gusty wind are helping to put the a little bit of the chill in the air. storm scan three, you can see cloud cover moving across the the delaware valley that won't only bring clouds but will bring the showers. right now temperatures in the 60's throughout most of the region. poconos in the 50's and north and west, it is cool. state college at 59 this afternoon. pittsburgh at 57. in the 50's most of the week, south of course, you can see temperatures in the 07's but weather will not than coming from the south, and we will watch that frontal boundary lag over next couple days. we are on the cool side with the northeasterly wind and cloudy skies, tomorrow and also some showers, moving in the afternoon for good measure, temperatures will be
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struggling in the 50's. some spots, possibly making it to 60 degrees. morning showers, for your saturday and then this front slowly stays to the south, high pressure building in from the great lakes, pushing it southward, but temperatures will still in the 60's for are sunday. good news is sun will return, and we will have a better second half of the weekend. if we look ahead here's what we expect. friday late afternoon through saturday morning, cloudy, chilly with rain developing, rain friday night and saturday morning, half inch to an inch with the higher accumulations, looking like they are going to be to the south through south jersey, clearing saturday evening, from the northwest to the south east. now overnight clouding up, chilly, temperatures will be in the 50's and during the day tomorrow, struggling even in the city of philadelphia, to 59 degrees, the showers moving in late in the afternoon, and it will continue into the evening. lets put this in perspective. high tomorrow 59, coolest high since april, 29th, we have to go back, past summer in the spring.
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the here's our three day forecast, good news it doesn't last that long. the saturday morning showers giving way to cloudy showers and drying conditions. philadelphia by three or 4:00 in the afternoon we should be clearing out. sixty-two on saturday. sunday better half of the weekend, morning low of 49 buzz an afternoon high of 64 degrees. that is a look at three day forecast we will be right back.
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well, hockey is back, it is flyers home opener tonight, against the devils, fly guys coming off a tough loss in boston last night, let's show thaw game, in the third period, the flyers, get on the score bode sean contact tore
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yah tied the game at one but under two minutes to play steve mason makes a save but chris kelly was right there to knock in the rebound. the flyers lose their first game of the season, two-one. could have been jitters. the here's captain claude giroux. >> first two periods were tight, we weren't making play that is we know we could make and like we were trying to make plays too quick. but it is first game and frustrating, to at least get a point and good thing about it we're playing tomorrow. >> they are. they are playing tonight and coming up at 6:00, i'll talk with the new alternate captain, mark street about the the defense. people worried about the defense and he will put some fears to rest, jessica, back to you. i do have the rally towel waiting for you. >> thank you, leslie you are always looking out for your friend, i appreciate it. flyers fans turned out for a big pep rally at dilworth park. "eyewitness news" near city hall this afternoon. our kate bilo was there to get
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fans fired up, they can crush devils on the ice tonight,. >> she's still wearing her orange, everybody flyered up around here. a story you saw first on three, vandals target a center city high school, police want to know, who painted a racial slur, and why. check this out, imagine this homeowners shock when he finds a more tane lie an all over his car. >> new at 6:00 a confrontation between a bicyclist and university pennsylvania police officer is caught on camera, she claims the officer went too far, how the school responds in a story you'll see only on "eyewitness news" at 6:00.
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i'm chris may with the top stories are to you, test results are speculate tore day on a sheriff's deputy inside the dallas apartment where a man, with ebola was staying: meanwhile body of thomas duncan first ebola patient to die in the u.s. will be cremate todd prevent virus from spreading further. philadelphia police are looking for these two men caught on camera stealing bicycles, they got the away were four bikes in the rittenhouse square garage over the weekend. and investigators are searching for a man who wore a
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berka committing three bank robberies in camden county. suspect struck once in camden, twice in audubon. kate? thanks, chris, good evening everyone. we had a beautiful day to day, i was out earlier at dilworth park for flyers pep rally and still flyered up this evening but unfortunately tomorrow's forecast in the looking quite so nice. these look like more like overnight lose then daytime highs. tomorrow's high just 59. sixty-two down the the shore. fifty-five in the poconos. coming up with the seven day forecast i'll show you 07's return but can we get showers out of here coming up shortly, jessica. it is a story you saw first on three, vandals target a center city high school spray painting a racial slur. police are reviewing, surveillance video hoping to catch whoever did it. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao has this story. >> reporter: archdiocese of philadelphia, is calling it a senseless act of hate speech captured on video, you will only see here on "eyewitness news". a racial slur we have blurred out spray painted on the girls
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catholic high school in center city. >> there haven't been any racial incidents or anything like that so we were all taken back by it this morning. >> reporter: racist graffiti was spotted at john hall hallahan catholic high school by a passerby just before 1:00 thursday morning. he contacted "eyewitness news", as we alerted police. investigators spent the morning looking for evidence on 19th and wood streets. school maintenance, scrubbed the front door, that hateful words scrolled between two crosses. >> every once in a while we do get graffiti but never that type of graffiti. >> reporter: police are reviewing surveillance video including that camera from the front of the school, unfortunately it may not be very good because it seems like scaffolding below is obscuring the view of the entrance. there is another camera across the street but police say that cameras facing the wrong direction. still as parents dropped off their kids this morning they are hopeful culprit would be caught. >> we need to move beyond that as far as racism because
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everybody is different, it is okay to have your opinion but when it is negative keep it to yourself. >> reporter: school is sending letters home with kids today, and unexpected message no one wants to see or hear about it again. in center city, jane carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". archdiocese of philadelphia release aid statement which reads in part hallahan takes pride in its designation as a in place for hate school and strongly condemns this senseless and hateful act. all school families have been made aware of this incident and steps taken to address it through a letter sent this morning. one person is dead after a fire at a delaware county home for people with disabilities. "eyewitness news" at elwyn facility in media officials say quick reaction by the the staff, got 38 people out safely last night. no word object the the identity of the person who was killed. two elwyn staffers were treated for smoke inhalation and now cause of the fire is under investigation. in upper darby tonight the police are searching for a suspect in the stabbing at a
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bar. this is the person they are looking for miguel of up are darby. police say he stabbed another man in the neck at the la cantena baron market street after midnight. the the struggle was caught on this surveillance video. both victim and suspect are in the country illegally. >> we're looking for this guy. he has no immigration papers. he has no passport. he came here illegally. he will probably leave illegally. so how do we find him. so right now we're asking for the public to help us. >> police fear that he still has the knife used in that stabbing, he is considered armed and dangerous. a swarm of bees go on the attack killing a landscaper and injuring three others, video shows fire fighters in dulles arizona spray roughly 800,000 bees with foam. the hive was located in the attic of the home and experts believe, they were spooked when they heard landscapers lawn mower. one of the victims was bitten
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more than 100 times. that hive was 8 feet long, 3 feet wide, exterminators suspect it had been there for ten years. a california man gets a big surprise, when a motion detector alarm goes off outside his home. david tang surveillance camera captured this a huge mountain lion standing on top of his car. experts believe the mountain lion is two years old and simply trying to establish its territory. >> it was scary and i did not to cover this, because city of san jose even though we are in the mountain area. >> residents say there is no shortage of small animals in their neighborhood so they believe that the mountain lion would be returning to the area good afternoon at 5:35 we will go out and start out in chester county where you can see some repairs here to an earlier water main break, or they are taking out center lanes here center turn lanes as well and taking out one,
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and actually everyone squeeze buying in the right-hand lane and shoulder there. this is route 100 near pennsylvania turnpike, we are expecting small delays at this time here. speaking of delays we will go to the admiral wilson boulevard. eastbound off ben franklin bridge near baird boulevard there is a disable vehicle thaw cannot see in cameras but i'll push it over to the shoulder to see everybody completely slammed, all brake lights crawling heading eastbound. travel time for rest of the majors still slow out there. ninety-five still doing poorly about a 30 minute trip on woodhaven road to the vine street expressway and 202 southbound from the schuylkill to the route 30 about a 20 minute trip there in new jersey a down pole due to an earlier accident. pushed over in the shoulder of route 38 eastbound at church street and mass transit looking great, septa new jersey transit and dart running on time with no reported delays, chris and jessica back over to you. still to come on "eyewitness news" halloween is right around the corner, a lot of kids getting ready to dress up but before you buy a custom
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three on your side jim donovan has a warning about some dangers. also turse night football is going pink, we will tell you two division rivals are raising in money to promote breast cancer awareness, live report from houston texas is next. >> kate? a few clouds rolling in this evening and clouds will continue to thicken overnight into tomorrow, temperatures take a big hit and we are tracking rain to start our weekend. i will have your full seven
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over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid."
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it is week six. thursday night football tonight pits indianapolis against the houston texans right here on cbs-3. >> sports director beasley reese joins with us more on tonight's game, beasley. >> it is battle for first place in the afc south but for fans, the game has more meaning. cbs news special correspondent megan alexander joins is live from houston hi megan. >> reporter: yes, we are here in the lone star state in the divisional match up, top two teams, the the texans and the colts but tonight it is about so much more, then just football. the texans are going pink, for thursday night football. every single seat in nrg stadium is deck out in pink to celebrate breast cancer awareness month. for many fans the causes personal. >> i have lost former family
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members and i have two surviving family members to breast cancer. >> reporter: lineman david quizenbury is fighting limb foam, colts coach chug pay gain owe and janet mcnair, wife of the texans owner is a breast cancer survivor. >> it is a real reminder of how many people, that this has touched. >> reporter: when colts and texans take the field, two of football's brightest young stars will be on the prime time stage. colts quarterback andrew luck already has 14 touchdowns passes, and cbs sports play by play announcer jim nantz told us texans defensive end jj watt can wreck any teams game plan. >> one of the most fascinating game plans when you have jj watt lining autopsy begins andrew luck offense. >> reporter: one fan will be a special guest of defensive back kareem jackson. laura helms recently was given four tickets at a surprise meeting with the player. jackson's mother is a two time breast cancer survivor.
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holmes will join thousands in the stands looking for a good game, and hoping to raise awareness about a deadly disease. and, you know, another interesting element about the game tonight is colts quarterback andrew luck was born and raised in the houston area so home coming of sorts for him and i have to tell you all anybody can talk about here in houston is jj watt2 superstars on the same field tonight, great match up. people behind me going for a great cause, in pink. >> thanks megan. lets see what fans are saying on social media about tonight's contest. we will start with the stadium, nrg stadium lag pretty in pink, celebrating breast cancer awareness month. and also, we have this guy who has got his tickets that he put on twitter, lucky enough to go to the game, is it game time yet? this is our tracie wilson, the side line reporter for tonightes game, you can see her, of course, she's checking her stature with jj watt, in
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the bad. lets toss it back to chris and jessica. thanks, again. you can catch all of the action tonight, right here on cbs-3, thursday night football, at 7:30. still a head on "eyewitness news" your smart phone could be making you fat, why you may want to change where you charge your device. >> we will be right back.
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we look up and realize halloween is right around the corner, that is howard to believe. >> yes. >> kids are gearing up, but the question is, is your child's costume safe. >> yes as three on your side's consume are reporter jim donovan find just checking a label may not be enough. >> trick or treat. >> halloween, 2,000 zeo smith was dressed as a princess but when he heard costume came too close to the candle. >> i remember looking down and seeing fire all around me, flames. >> flames to ball of fire, it was so fast, that by the time i got to her she was engulfed. >> reporter: costume she was wearing was eventually recalled but she still, lives with the physical and emotional scars of what happened that night. >> i am just hoping maybe we could help other people not to have learn lesson the way we did. >> reporter: while halloween costumes must meet federal
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flam ability standards that doesn't mean they won't burn. watch as underwriters laboratory, sets several costumes on fire using can also and lighters this princess costume ignited right away, in 422nd the whole dress was engulfed in stains. package had a big warning on the front saying choking hazard but words keep away from fire were small and on the back this army uniform packaging said it was flame retardant but still lit up and burns quickly. while consumer products safety commission recommend parents look for costumes that say fire resistant that does not mean those costumes are fireproof. in addition to checking for any labels on the costume about a flamability and materials, it is made of be sure to choose costumes well fitting, not too big and biloy and keep them away from any opened flames. >> pretty scar toy see. all right jim, thanks very much. we have some breaking news now just into "eyewitness news", montgomery county man is found guilty of killing a
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baby, and her grand mother in king of prussia prosecutors say, raghunandan yandamuri kidnaped saanvi venna and her 61 year-old grandmother in the me key a in 20 126789 yandamuri was hoping to get ransom. the case will go to a penalty phase where it will be decided if yandamuri will get the death penalty or life in prison. we will keep you updated. well, moving to weather now we are seeing a few more clouds drift nothing the area this evening after what has been a beautiful day. this is scheme cam three looking over the city of philadelphia from the cbs broadcast center. clouds are in after a day of full blue skies and sunshine, it is still pleasant dry evening. that is about to change unfortunately as we head into tomorrow and even the start of the weekend. lets go to the live neighborhood network sites. the this is in kutztown where we can see blue skies peeking through the clouds. currently 64 degrees there quick look at what is happening, throughout the area
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today, take a look at this time lapse at greenwood school in philadelphia blue skies earlier but clouds have taken over, still seeing a few peaks of blue at 62 degrees at greenwood school the at the moment. thinks all thanks to the system, it is a frontal boundary that is lifting back to the north here over the next couple of days. few light showers over portions of ohio and west virginia, and you can see this boundary extend back into portions of missouri and kansas as well and producing showers, thunderstorms, even heavy rain. as that lifts back to the north it will bring back more clouds in our region and we will see area have of low pressure track licensing that boundary late tomorrow night and then saturday morning and bring more rain to the area kind of a repeat performance from what we had last week where we woke up to rain saturday morning. temperatures right now have fallen off their daytime highs with the arrival of the cloud cover. sixty-seven right now at the airport. sixty-six in wilmington. sixty-nine in reading and a cool 57 right the now in mount pocono. watch what happens overnight temperatures drop back down in the lower 50's.
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forty's in the northern suburbs. but watch at what happens to the temperature tomorrow in the afternoon it stays locked in the 50's all day. clouds move in, showers develop, it will be a chilly, damp friday and rain continues overnight, and finally by saturday afternoon with clearing we will head back in the 60's. temperatures average well below normal here, tomorrow and then gannon saturday. lets take a look at the timing this precipitation, not much this afternoon or evening. few clouds moving in overnight. tomorrow morning in the poconos you'll wake up to sun, in delaware wake up to thick cloud cover and see this cloud cover edges north as we go through afternoon. showers develop late afternoon in the evening. these are light, 7:00 o'clock tomorrow the heavier rain is overnight 4:67:89 a.m. you can see decent dose of rain in the city and heavier rain hate saturday morning in the south and east suburbs as we begin to clear things out gradual liz from northwest to south east later saturday afternoon. down the shore this weekend not looking quite as nice on saturday. north and western suburbs things look better. we are looking at one to
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2 inches of rain possible in the extreme south jersey and delaware. less than and inch for city and suburbs. we have chances for rain over the next four days here, friday, 80 percent chance. especially late. saturday, as well, off to the south and to the east and then sunday a 20 percent better chance of some showers coming in on monday. overnight clouds increase, it is chilly 53 degrees our overnight low. tomorrow cloudy and cool, just 59 degrees with those showers arriving by late afternoon and you're witness weather seven day forecast chilly tomorrow, chilly gannon saturday but clearing out late and sunday better and milder next week but cannot rule out a shower monday, tuesday or threat for rain on wednesday, chris and jessica back to you. here is food forethought your smart phone or tablet could be making you fat. here's how. according to researchers a glowing smart phone or tablet is hindering more than just beauty sleep. it is messing with the hormones that regulate conversion of food and drink
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into energy. the blue lighte mighted interferes with the bodies production of melatonin which pro most regular sleep and assist the bodies metabolism. at&t mobile customers could be get something money back, at&t's wireless company has agreed to pay a fine for billing customers for services that they never asked for things like ring tones and hard scopes. eighty million-dollar will go to the customers. you can find out if you are eligible for a refund or apply for one on the federal trade commission web site. red bull recent lawsuit could mean money in your pocket. company agreed to pay 13 million-dollar after claims that the customers were mislead about the drink's safety and effects. red bull agreed but says it was only to avoid further litigation. anyone who bought a red bull between 2002 and october of 2014 can file a claim to get up to $10 in cash or $15 in red bull products. it is time to check your
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philadelphia jobs market report. >> "eyewitness news" jobs expert steven greenburg has more, in the labor market rebound, candidates need to know how to turn a job interview into a job offer. successful interview is american just a pleasant conversation. preparation is key. employers today expect candidates to do their homework. before the the interview, spend time on the company's web site and do some research. don't just wait for a series of questions. sit on the edge of the seat. bring energy, enthusiasm to the interview. prepare a few quick stories that drive home your best qualities. instead of saying your detail oriented give an example of when your attention to detail help your employer. prepare thoughtful questions, for example how would they define a successful first year at this job. can they describe a typical workday for this position. of course, there is basics, dress neatly, be on time and turn cell phones off.
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when you turn it back on the employer may be calling with you your offer. i'm's steve green bye
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a french tourist had one question when he saw jay-z. >> are you.
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>> are you. >> jay-see did not think it was funny. he doesn't think it is funny at all. music mogul was headed there with his daughter blue ivy and his wife beyonce when a man shooting a video seemed confused at all of the attention the group was getting. jay-z's body guard asked them to stop recording and that is when the man, asked the question. >> sorry jay-z. robin thick's desperate attempt to get wife paula patton back didn't work. the path on filed for divorce citing your recollect sight differences and asked for joint custody of their son. they were married eight years and they separated earlier this year. big day for new kids on the block. boy band received a star on the hollywood walk of fame today. the new kids disbanded in 1994 but help reunited in 2007. last year they co head lined a package tora long with 98 degrees, and to men.
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>> appropriate for throw back thursday. rocking roll hall of fame may be getting a little more attitude, green day and joan jet and black hearts are just a few of the 15 acts now eligible for the rock and roll hall of fame. other possible inductees including 9-inch nails and sting, class have of 2015 will be announced this december. joan jett long overdue. >> fun to see who they pick and other people up in arms. >> it is always controversiy that will do it for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 an "eyewitness news" exclusive, caught on cameras tense moments between a bicyclist and a university of pennsylvania police officer. the bicyclist says the officer went too far. tonight the the head of the campus police respond. and we have exclusive video of a serial robber hitting up banks in camden county. in every case the suspect wears a berka we are live with the details of this investigation, kathy. included will win out as we start the weekend tomorrow, also have to talk about the rain, that will be its smiler
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for half of the weekend details coming up. and new jersey celebrates its 350th anniversary we will show you how party is popping autopsy cross the state, now on "eyewitness news" at 6:00. good. right now at 6:00 an "eyewitness news" exclusive, a bicyclist accused a university of pennsylvania police officer, of using excessive force, and using a gay slur after she ran a red light. part of that conversation, is caught on camera. good evening, i'm jessica dean. >> i'm chris may. officials say they are looking into this incident. a man, who was walking by, grabbed his cell phone and recorded things, after the situation got tense between a woman and that officer.
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our syma chowdhry has this story you will see only on "eyewitness news". >> you will pep per spray me. holy bleep. >> sarah a rodriguez asked the university of pennsylvania police officer that after he he stopped her for running a red light. she was riding her bike wednesday morning around 10:00 on 38th street near wood land walk. she noticed the officer waving but didn't realize he was asking her to stop. >> i see a cop wave and i pulled in, looked at him i said whatever, keep going. >> reporter: office shore was also on the bike followed her. >> he comes by me, chasing me the whole way, hit me with the back of his bike and i fell sideways and i took my head phones off. >> reporter: that is where video picks it up. witness named larry recorded it on his cell phone. we shot rodriguez the video for the first time. >> i called 911 at this point. >> the officer called for backup.