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tv   Eyewitness News at 8am  CBS  October 5, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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we will talk about that in a second. it is bright and beautiful. center city philadelphia in the a cloud in the sky here but we will move to the shore, ocean city looks great, not that many people outside on the boardwalk but still looks beautiful. our leaves will be changing and if you are out trying to find something fall-like to do today before these leaves do fall look for really decent changes in the leaves, especially the further north you get. you're looking at if you go far enough to the north we have a high change in the colors and a maryland rate change if you are going to the poconos but it looks great out there at this point and still some green, on the leaves too if you like to hang on to summer. we have a beautiful picture here and this is down in margate, no, not a person on the beach but overnight something driving around. you can see tire tracks on the sand there, storm scan three nothing going on, clear skies, we have to hang on to clear skies all day long. temperatures are coming out of the 30's now. thirty-four in the poconos but 39 in reading. otherwise it is a big warm up in allentown where we have had
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33 degrees a half an hour ago. forty-seven at the airport. 45 degrees down in dover this morning. on your way by noon 58. by 3:00 p.m. 61 degrees. sunny bright and beautiful. we will warm up, i'll she you those warmer temperatures on eyewitness weather seven day forecast, todd. a violent night in the city of philadelphia, police are investigating two separate shootings, five people shot and rush to the hospital. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry has details on the investigation from police headquarters. >> reporter: police are investigating, two separate shootings that took place in different parts of the city leaving five people injured. >> it was a violent night as police investigate two shootings, first shooting happened just after midnight on the 5200 block of delancey street in the cobbs creek section. three people were shot, one is in critical condition. >> two of the victims are in their 20's and other victim is 47 years old. two of the men were taken to hup, and one walk to mercy
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hospital. the the second shooting took place in north philadelphia, leaving two men injured, and this happened around midnight on the 1800 block of east sedgley avenue. one victim is 35 years old, the other is 40 years old. both were shot in their lower body, they were taken to temple hospital and both are in stable condition. police are continuing to investigate these shootings, so far, no word on a motive, and no arrests have been made. at police headquarters, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a major ebola scare unfolds at newark liberty international airport a sick passenger is rush to the hospital while rest of the plane is placed under quarantine. matt kosher from cbs two, spoke to some of those passengers to find out what happened. >> for me it was immediately clear there was risk of ebola here. >> reporter: johann gearing knew something was wrong when police and cdc work are rush on to his plane which just
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landed at newark. united flight the from brussels had 255 passengers and one of them a man from liberia was vomiting and had a fever. >> the medical folks went into the the plane, inn they were protect. >> they kept holding us with no information. >> if there was a doctor in the plane. >> health workers rush the man and a young girl he was traveling with to university hospital, in newark, where officials say that he a treatable condition. the scare comes within days of the first diagnosed case of ebola in the u.s. doctors in dallas say thomas eric duncan is in critical condition, and duncan who is liberian flew to texas after a layoff in brussels the same spot where newark flight originated from. passengers on united 998 say they were frustrated after being held for hours while filling out even less paperwork. health workers handed out
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ebola information sheets to passengers as they left the the plane. >> the only thing they asked was to fill in papers and they didn't necessity what to do with the papers. it is amazing, after all have of these diseases they still have no clue how to handle this. >> as condition of thomas duncan continues to get worse, health officials are doing everything that they can to and so far so good. cdc says nine or people have come in contact with him are not showing any symptoms. but the agency continues to get inquiries from the public, so far more than 100 people have have called in worried about possibly being sick. >> all of the nine who had definite contact we were able to reach, so we are, confident that in of those with definite contact had any symptoms, related, ebola, in of them had fever. >> other than thomas duncan the the cdc has in the confirmed any other cases of ebola diagnosed here in the u.s. >> meanwhile another sickness is raising concerns in mercer
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county, later on tonight health officials will hold a public meeting about enterovirus 68. one child has died and another case is now being investigated. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers has very latest from hamilton township. >> when you see photos of little we'll lie, his personality leaped off the page. >> reporter: hamilton township mayor kelly, describe the young victim of the deadly virus saturday afternoon at the a press conference where, for the first time we have learned how he died. >> the cause of death was enterovirus d68. >> reporter: eli died over a week ago officials weren't sure if the boy died as a result of the virus. that determination was made late friday by mercer county medical examiner's office after receiving test results from the center for disease control. officials also said that another child in eli's grade was being tested for the the virus, that student was this is different class but got sick the the same time eli did. he hads since recover as district officials say its
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facilities and students are safe. >> finding out how each and everyone of us is feeling on a daily basis and attendance at the school on friday was backup to full attendance in the classroom. >> reporter: but for some parents there remains some worry. >> clean and everything but how do you know their child isn't walking by somebody that is sick. >> what am i supposed to look for, is it something mild or is it something serious or is it everything. >> reporter: health officials stress that this is a virus which means antibiotic drugs won't help, that means prevention is key making sure you wash your hand, cover your mouth when you cough and avoiding contact with those who might be sick. health officials tell us they will be holding another public meeting sunday night at 7:00 p.m. at stein and high school in hamilton township to address any additional concerns. people may have. we're in hamilton township tonight, matt rivers, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". coming up we will talk to family physician doctor rob danoff about the enterovirus ande bowl and a growing
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concerns and questions in our area about both of those deadly illnesses. the parents of an american held biasis released a video message pleading for their son's life. peter casek who change his name to abdul rahman in captivity was taken hostage in syria a year ago where he was helping refugees. indiana native is a former army ranger who served in iraq, his parents say he started in an organization to help syrians training civilians and giving food, clothing and medical aid to those in need. >> most of all know that we love you and our hearts ache for you to be granted your freedom,. >> in the latest, isis video, militant, allen henning and threaten casek's life. militant says beheading is retaliation for britain joining u.s. air strikes against isis. a flag that flew over u.s. capitol on september 11th,
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2001 was destroyed in the fire at flight 93 national memorial in somerset county, a pennsylvania. intense flames destroyed two buildings of the memorial's headquarters but the memorial itself was in the damage. investigators are working to figure out what caused the fire, park staff did inventory and said in addition to the flags several other items were damage. our interview doctor rob danoff about ebola and enterovirus is coming up. also a win on cutting on the addition to the schuylkill river, something new to enjoy at one of the most used parks in philadelphia, when "eyewitness news" continues. thank you, cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for fewer video on demand titles.
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as we continue to see more reports of enterovirus ande bowl, a lot of you may have questions facing you and your love ones. joining thus morning to help your address your concerns is family physician doctor rob danoff. thanks very much for joining us. enterovirus what should parents know. >> it is a family of over a hundred viruses and comes around every user. most common in the summer and fall. this particular one, the 68, you know, brand, it is like long lost cousin. we have in the seen it in a long time. it was in philadelphia a few years ago. there is higher numbers of this particular strain. many people get it the without any symptoms or coal-like symptoms but because so many kids air expected especially these under 21 and those with the the history of wheezing or asthma we're seeing more respiratory symptoms at this time. so parents should be on the
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alert, listen to your news but hand washing is the the key, if someone is sick, keep your kids around someone who is sick. this is a respiratory infection. someone is coughing or sneezing, then they can spread it by that way. so you just want to protect yourself. i mean it is a virus, there is not lot to do other than those measures i just mentioned but watch your child, if they have asthma, follow an asthma action plan, make sure they are on their medications because this virus, can cause increased wheezing and breathing difficulties, and if they see any of that, we have to talk to the doctor. >> what about treatment here if your child does come down with this, there is treatments here, is there hope and it is not something, i mean obviously you have to take it seriously but there is hope here. >> it is a virus we will see. we don't know kids have had it the because it has been a cold-like symptoms but cdc recommend testing if they have severe respiratory problems like difficulty breathing and potentially we're not sure we
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do know this virus can potentially cause weakness or limb paralysis, that is what is happening. we're in the sure this is virus causing cases in philadelphia or colorado. so basically parents just call the doctor if you see a change in your child's health if they have limb weakness or difficulty breathing. >> on to ebola we are hearing about that in the news and now you in the united states. people are very concern. especially when we saw that initial report from dallas that there were mistakes made and the man in question wasn't exactly honest on his questionnaire, coming in from the airport. so how concern should people be. >> we can be concerned, because if someone gets it, it is very serious but not, nervous, nervous. the don't panic over it because you cannot get it, unless you have direct contact, direct, in other word, if their body fluids get into your eyes, your nose, mouth. body fluids can be when they have a bowel movement,
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vomiting, saliva or their blood, that can get into it but it is direct. it is only if they have symptoms. people who have been on airlines with it, if people don't have symptoms. every hospital now is informed, to check a travel history. we want to know if someone has been to western africa and if they are showing any symptoms, fever greater than 101.5. unexplained bruising, nausea, vomiting, bad abdominal pain, we check them and isolate them. people can be aware but please don't panic. is there other diseases that are way more susceptible. it cannot be given to someone by sitting next to them, cough, sneeze, not normally no. direct contact with body fluids or sheets with body fluids in an open wound. >> that is good to know, important stuff, but there is a lot of tension as we just mentioned toward ebola and enterovirus but really it is the flu, that is reality here that most parents have to have guard begins coming in the
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season. that is the one that is the most deadly for our region. >> i'm glad you mentioned that. unfortunately last year in this country over a hundred children died from complications related to the flu. every year, between three and 49,000 people, die from complications related to the flu and over 200,000 are hospitalized. what i would like to encourage everyone is yes, there is other concerns, other viruses, cdc is tracking ebola, enterovirus comes and goes each year but flu is here every year and sometimes we will forget about it. i'll encourage everyone to talk to their doctors to see if their child six months or older or themselves should get the the flu you shot. if we can prevent diseasees from happening in complications, please let's do it. >> doctor rob now, thanks you for your time and good information. thank you for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure. >> carol now returns with the look at eyewitness weather forecast, carol. >> it is kind of morning where seasons are changing and yes, could the flu be out there,
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probably we are getting into that wintertime season and looks bright and beautiful will but boy is it cold. we have seen temperatures in the 30's and 40's, in the area. we are starting to warm up a little bit though. it looks nice at the the shore this america as well people outside on the boardwalk but they are bunled up on that boardwalk, temperatures at the the pleasant time. forty-seven at the airport in philadelphia. forty-one in allentown but all of these temperatures to the north have have been in the 30's and some still are. thirty-four in the poconos. the 39 in reading right now in the the 40's to the the south and wildwood remains the warmest around 52 degrees. we will go back the two north and west where these temperatures are where we are fining our temperatures. we're not looking for a further chill down over the next couple of days, in fact our temperatures overnight should be starting to warm up a little bit the by the time we will get to maybe early on tuesday morning. otherwise we've got another morning tomorrow, just about as cold as this morning, storm scan three nothing going on a few clouds, maybe off to the north and west but it will
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just make a sky more interesting. have you noticed, how early that sunnies going to bed pulling covers up at 6:39, by the second of november, 4:57, changing the clocks, by november the 30th, it gets dark at 4:36 in the afternoon. it is unbelievable so lets hang on to the daylight. we will have plenty of it. temperatures in the 60es a a, lower 60's. tomorrow if you don't like this cold, well, we will get rid of it the for i day or two. we have temperatures once again, 70 degrees to 71 degrees and that is the normal temperature this time of the year. our future weather lets put this in motion as we move through the the afternoon things look great around here, and they look great tonight, testimony and afternoon looks fine but then another front comes through here and that could be triggering some showers, these computer models are saying maybe tuesday in the afternoon we will pick up some rain showers, and do we see them again early on wednesday, this computer model says yes, we do. something to watch for in the
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middle of the week. here's something that we might be watching for, may not be but might be watching for at the the end of the week, lets move over here and thinks a hurricane in the pacific. so why do we care? because some of that moisture could get pick up and we could find rain with tropical pacific moisture associated with it at the the even of the week and then again we will not. it is something we will to have continue to watch. otherwise we are looking at fall, 61 degrees. 10 degrees cooler then this should this be time of the year. sixty-two at the the shore. poconos 65. most winnie location will be the the shore, wind could be gusting up to 5 miles an hour at the the day and windy nice day out there as well. around here wind west at five to 10 miles an hour, air is dry, 61 degrees our high this afternoon, tonight we will drop down in the middle 40's through philadelphia area. we will get cooler once again north and west, tomorrow it is milder, it looks like a great looking day on monday just in time for school and work, 71 degrees.
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tuesday, 75 degrees with a chance of some showers, wednesday, maybe an early showers at 74, thursday it looks fine but it looks fine, 69 degrees. but late at night we could pick up some showers and maybe friday and saturday we will deal with some rain, we will continue to watch the big question mark for the end of the week. you know what, there is something to do today f you want to get outside, this is perfect. there is a new addition to the schuylkill river park and boy is this thing eagerly awaited. it is a trail, call the boardwalk, and now goes from locust to south street, watch. >> hold on, stop your begging, put the news on blast, and move over, boardwalks in ocean city and atlantic city. there is a new city with a boardwalk, philly city. >> everybody ready. >> for then apparently on the backward count of 5:00 schuylkill riff boardwalk opened. three years of work millions of cost and in the a splint are to be found the entire 2,000-foot, four block length of this boardwalk extension of the schuylkill river trail. when you look down what do you
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think this is. >> concrete. >> reporter: yes, but stamped to look like the the shore wooden boardwalks. their ocean view replace by views of and right over the schuylkill river. that is why this pedestrian section never existed before all of the work. geography made this boardwalk necessary, because the railroad is there, the river is here, how do you hook into the trail? well, how about seem boards. it is on that newly opened path that we will fine kaplan family having a slight disagreement about how they discover the new boardwalk, let's listen in. >> i sent you an e-mail. no, ways looking for something to do. >> you found a link to top ten things to do. >> exactly. >> no. >> reporter: tiny skirmishing skewed by great water views and everybody is happy. so is tom. >> it was a nice uninterrupted stroll. >> reporter: it is opened to peddler's, walkers, joggers and stairers and down the road so to speak eventually farther
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south along the river. those big cyst ars can open up the world. >> where do they get those big sirs ars. >> i don't know, big scissor shop somewhere out there. >> i will go look for some and open up my own. so many people on that boardwalk. great extension to the schuylkill river trail and check it out, it will be busy, packed. you can walk right over the schuylkill river. >> great addition in that area. >> carol, but lets go tout ann evans in the traffic center. good morning again, ann. >> good morning. we have a defective traffic light here at tenth and vine street, in center city philadelphia you can see traffic light right in the middle of the your screen and folks are taking their time as they cross over the intersection today. so if you are traveling around tenth street at vine street this morning, again it is just caution. we have a traffic light that is not working there. we will move traffic cam to the schuylkill expressway at spring garden street the the schuylkill gaining volume as
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you can see, it is getting busy but as we look to the left of your screen thats is martin luther king drive shut down between ben franklin parkway and falls bridge every weekend through october by the way and we will move move the the traffic cam one more time, this is i-95, right at broad street. in delays or problems on i-95 this morning, this is in that stadium area, but you if you are heading to the eagles game this morning to do some early morning tailgating you won't have any problems so far. that is latest from the cbs-3 traffic center, i'm ann evans new back to you, todd. thanks, ann we will be right back but a as we go to break quick reminder if you missed breakfast with the candidates hot in the cbs studios this week catch it again this afternoon, your chance to hear from governor tom corbett and democratic challenger tom wolf before next months' lex. it is today at 1:00 right here on cb. . we will be right back.
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your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young. so we made fluzone high-dose vaccine... for people 65+. fluzone high-dose vaccine has a high high higher... dose of antigen... for a stronger immune response. fluzone high-dose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. it's not for anyone who's had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine.
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where neither a judge or jury, determines your punishment for a crime but it turns out that is law in many states and there is no wiggle room on sentencing, cbs sunday morning's aaron, tells us the the story of a man whose time may not fit the crime. here's a preview what you will see coming up later on cbs's sunday morning. >> we have tried calling cops, we have tried to do everything, nothing work, nothing. >> reporter: after hearing 59 year-old lee waller's story you may think he did what any family man would do, or you may agree with the florida jury, and think he went too far. but either way, you're likely to wonder, does his punishment really fit the crime. >> never, never in my wildest dreams, did i think i would be
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here. i still have a hard time believing it. i don't believe it. >> reporter: lee's troubles began six years ago, when his youngest daughter sarah began dating a 17 year-old troubled teenager with no place to live. waller and his wife sandy took him in. but sandy waller says a relationship with the boy, whom we agreed not to identify, soon soured. >> this young man was taking my daughter out at night after he we had put her to bed and we had gone to bed and he was disappearing with her. he would disappear for days at a time with her. she's 16 years old. >> reporter: they asked them to leave but you nothing kept him out of the house until may 14th, 2008. as lee was taking a nap, his daughter and her boyfriend began to fight. >> you heard a loud noise. >> yeah, like you were,
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throwing stuff against the wall, had a tennis ball, boom. >> reporter: then, came cries for help. >> what did you think. >> i had no idea, it is in the like my family to ask for help, so i grabbed my 357 ape loaded it with shells. >> reporter: according to waller, the the young man lung at him and punched this hole in the wall. teenager disputes that but in one disagrees about what happened next. >> i fired a warning shot in the wall, i said next is between the eyes. >> mandatory minimum sentencing this sunday morning right here at cbs-3 at 9:00 a.m. community on edge after the death of the new jersey boy from enterovirus 68, we will have more, on a meeting scheduled for tonight coming up next, plus this. first ebola patient diagnosed in the u.s. takes a turn for the worst. i'm marley hall in dallas with the very latest coming up. plus eagles get ready to
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face rams, leslie van arsdal has a preview coming up, and clear but cooler this morning, carol will return with your sunday forecast coming up next.
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we're in the 30's this morning, it is that cold. it was cruel willry a cold front that came through here,
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but these temperatures in the 30's started to warm up in the 30's, 40's and 50's and barely make to it 60 degrees this afternoon. it looks like fall out there, just bright, beautiful but air is crisp, it is 47 degrees through center city at 11:00 right now. at the beach we have nice looking conditions there, so expected breeze, but also a very bright, sunny day. we have storm scan three, not showing any problems and in reason to show because there aren't any problems out there and we will keep it trouble free today. most everybody out of the 30's but we have a couple of exceptions. 34 degrees still in the poconos. 39 degrees in reading. forty-one in allentown. forty-seven in philadelphia 45 degrees in dover at this point but notice how much kohler these temperatures are then they were yesterday morning at this point . 22 degrees colder then it was right now at yesterday morning at 8:30. it is 25 degrees colder then it was in reading yesterday morning. the the chillies on, it stays chilly around here.
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by noon time it is only 58 degrees, and by 3:00 p.m., a temperature of 61. full sunshine. lehigh valley you might stop with temperatures in the upper 50's today, our future weather by 3:00 this afternoon we're still looking at sunshine, bright, beautiful weather. it doesn't stay that way the entire week and there are a few question marks on the seven day forecast. check out what had happens especially towards even of the week. we will check that out, coming up, todd. carol, thank you. new to the latest from dallas where only man diagnosis with ebola here in the united states has taken a turn from the worst. another health care pops upright here in the tri-state area, cbs news correspondent, marley hall takes a closer look. report report health officials met at united airlines flight from brussels a at newark liberty airport on saturday afternoon, after a passenger, reportly from liberia showed some possible symptoms ofe bowl. everyone was fine and calm and everybody fine.
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>> reporter: officialness full hazmat gear escorted sick man and daughter off the jet. >> now, and is what going on. >> but more than 200 passengers were detain for two hours, possible officials in newark confirmed math man does not havee bowl a in dallas texas ebola patient thomas eric duncan's condition has gone from serious to critical when he got sick. >> he sanitized apartment and relocated four people half been quarantined there. >> it is pretty scary though. so serious as, so close to home. >> cdc has identified nine people who have had close contact with duncan here in dallas. health officials are monitoring them closely along were 41 others who may have had contact. >> for up to 21 days after exposure, we will be monitoring all of those roughly 50 people. >> reporter: cdc director doctor thomas freedan says so
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far none of the people have displaced any symptoms of ebola. in dallas texas, marley hall for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> later tonight health officialness mercer county will feel questions from the public about enterovirus 68. virus blamed for the the death of the child in hamilton township, cdc confirmed the infection about a week after the child's death and they are conducting tests on one of the classmates became sick about the same time but has since recover. this news is leaving a lot of parents with a lot of questions. >> it is clean abe everything but how do you know that your child isn't walking by somebody that is not sick. >> what am i supposed to looka3 for, is it something mild, or is it something serious or is it everything. >> if would you like to attend the meeting it is being held at stein around high school in hamilton township. that meeting begins at 7:00. parents of the inn yan a man being held by militant group isis are pleading for his life. their video appeal was released a day after the extremist claims to have beheaded british aid worker
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allen henning. reporter wendy gilette has details. >> reporter: parents of an american hell wye isis released video message saturday pleading for his release. >> we impaler his captors to show mercy and use their power to let their son gone. >> reporter: twenty-six year old peter casek who change his name to abdul rah man in captivity was taken his stage last october 1st in syria. his parents say he started an organization to help syrians training, civilians and giving food, clothing and medical aid to those in need. >> mess of all, you know that we love you. and our hearts ache for you to be granted your freedom. so we can hug you again. >> reporter: in the latest isis video a militant executed british aid worker allen henning and threaten casek's life. militant says beheading is retaliation for britain joining u.s. air strikes begins isis. >> his bloodies on the hand of the british parliament.
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>> reporter: british prime minister david cameron denounced the execution. >> anyone in any doubt about this organization, can now see, how truly repulsive, it is and barbaric it is. >> reporter: isis fighters are yank brutal tactic to capture land in iraq and syria. henning is fourth western his stage that the group has executedded in recent weeks. wendy gilette for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". police are looking for two suspects who robbed a woman at gunpoint inside a bensalem hotel. cameras captured these images of the two men at comfort inn in lincoln highway. police knock on the victim's door wednesday night, she answered and they forced their way in. we are toll the the suspects stole the victim's cell phone, lap top computer and money. robert rickroad is charged with driving than the influence of heroin after a head on crash, involving a delaware state police car. investigators say rickred lost control of his truck going around a curve on beaver dam road in harbison, sussex county on friday.
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the the truck crossed the center line and hit the police cruiser. rickroad and two troopers inside the police car suffer minor injuries. the methodist church is highest court will decide later this month whether a minister who officiated at a gay son's wedding can remain a pastor. reverend frank schaefer was was defrock last year and reinstated in june. that decision was then appeal to the church's highest court. the the the unite the methodist church bans ministers from performing same sex marriages. happening right now thousands are getting ready to walk to help prevent suicide. it is the the tenth annual philadelphia out of the darkness community walk. this is a live look right now as preparations are underway at philadelphia museum of art on the ben franklin parkway. the walk will raise money and awareness for suicide, education and prevention and it begins at 9:00 a.m. this morning. and there is much more still to come on "eyewitness news" this morning, coming up, we will check with face the
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nation bob schieffer for a look at today's broa
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is there only within place to start this week and that is with the situation, on, ebola. where are we on this, and to we have a plan to combat it, and what can actually, be done, and the the fellow in dallas, and her first confirmed ebola case has taken a turn for the worst overnight and she's now in critical condition. we will start our first guest will be doctor anthony vochi, one of of the real experts on infectious diseases at the the national institute of health. we will talk to our own doctor john le puk and we will get a
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take of the new house majority leader kevin mccarthey who will be making his debut on sunday television. he is the one who replaced eric cantor. we also are going to talk about the going's on in increasingly difficult story in the middle east and that issues facingis and what to do about it. i sat down with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu before he left for home, he says he now thinks that isis has become a threat to israel. he talks about what israel may be doing in the the future as they take on a spanned role, now in this war against isis. we have a lot to talk about this morning. >> bob schieffer, thank you very much, we will appreciate it. you got it. >> still to come the sunnies shining but don't be fooled, it is a chilly one out there, carol returns with your workweek forecast next. it was a massive scam with local ties, millions of dollars was taken from victims including this woman but when
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she for the back, three on your side's jim donovan has her story. >> ♪ >> unforgettable moment, and sing their trips and didn't skip a beat which when at witness news continues.
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go to today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan introduces to us a victim who was determined to get justice. >> something was in the right in river side i. >> ingrid robinson said she smelled a rat just weeks after paying remington financial group a $10,000 advancement fee. the company's ad promises connections to hundreds of investors that fun business projects. ingrid had plans for a multi million-dollar resort in
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california, but those connections, were bogus. >> the the first time that i saw that rejection letter i felt like someone had punched me in the the stomach. >> she exchange e-mails with remington executive demanding an explanation, she finally reached one on the phone, what he said, made her furious. ingrid, you sound like you are a hysterical woman, we don't know what we're missing here because we're trying to do everything that we can to fund your deal. i heard that and i said, if you think i'm hysterical now, just wait. i will become your worst nightmare. >> reporter: inn ingrid went on line and found hundreds of other victims who paid some to 25 you this dollars and never got finances. >> i was talking to victims every where, russia, every where. every where. and nobody would connect the dots. nobody wanted to do the work. >> reporter: but in fact u.s. attorney's office in philadelphia and fbi were investigating remington. part of the scheme included instructing employees in the
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the to let truth get in the way when pitching their services. six people including remington founder andrew, pleaded guilty to bilking 1900 victims out of 26 million-dollar in advance fees, a seventh executive matthew mcmahon us was only one to go on trial and was convicted earlier this year. he operated remington's philadelphia office and lives in this million home in montgomery county. when we rang the bell, people were home but no one would come to the door. mcmahon us is scheduled to be sentenced next tuesday in federal court. he faces 85 years in prison. as for ingrid she's not done yet she's pushing congress to go after brokers for leaving fees to victims with bogus investment companies. >> there are literally tens of thousands of commercial brokers around the world, and all of them can do this and there is nothing illegal but if you cut off the the head of the snake, the snake will have a harder time wiggling. >> reporting for three on your side i'm jim donovan.
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>> take a look at their kyack, these are holes allegedly, from a great white shark. kyackers were fishing in santa barbara in california on friday when they came across the shark, they used a distress call, and nearby fisherman came to the rescue. >> upside down and he is cleaned to the top of it. so we get the the kyack, and, we get him on our boat and two other guys that were with him hopped on also and we told them all three into the landing. >> wow, the same three fisherman rescued three more in the same area about an hour later. fall is here so we have to embrace the chill. >> yes, you do. it is easy to embrace with the coat on because we have temperatures this morning that are in the, well, have been in the 30's and a low 40's a. we are warming up a bit. wonder how many people are outside on the beach. not anybody.
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it is so cool out there. we will find a chilly day and probably a very breezy one at the shore with wind gusting to 25 miles an hour. but you notice the the sky. sky looks absolutely lovely. perfect day to go anywhere but just know that a jacket is probably a very good idea. there are some clouds on storm scan three and wider view, but otherwise we are looking at lots of sunshine today as temperatures that will be warming up. now out of the 30's in most locations, but still, hanging on to 34 degrees up in the the poconos.
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thirty-nine in reading. but 41 up in allentown where temperatures have been, at 33 degrees this morning. it is 47 in philadelphia. forty-six in millville. 54 degrees in wildwood. that is warmest spot the on the map. temperatures today now that the coal front has gone through, staying in the the 60's and just barely getting in the 60's. areas to the north and west might stay in the the 50's today. high pressure system is here they and it is here all day, and in the only here all day, it is here tomorrow too but it moves slightly and is it moves the temperature will come up because air comes up more from the southerly direction, but you that will boost us another 10 degrees tomorrow. so look for temperatures that once again will be not that very comfortable 70-degree range. by 3:00 this afternoon we have got sunshine and as you know sunnies setting, two and a half minutes, earlier we're losing that much daylight every single day so we have the the sunsetting quite early, once again, we will show you timing on that. tomorrow afternoon, we've got some sunshine, and then we
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have to start to watch another front coming through here. could it be triggering a few hours by tuesday, it is possible and if the front hangs around could we find another area have low pressure ride ago licensing that and creating some rain showers on wednesday morning, that is also, possible, right now, so that is the middle of the week. and for the the end of the week, this is hurricane, simon out in the pacific, and some of that in moisture might get drawn in and pulled into our area for the end of the week with some rain showers. then again, it is possible that will not happen. that is why question mark for the end of the week exactly what that weather will be. in the short term we know it will be great, great for eagles game 59 at 1:00 and we might see 2 degrees out of it to reach our high for the day of 61 degrees. sunshine, nice looking day, tonight, cool one again, 45 degrees, mostly clear skies and eyewitness weather seven take forecast, 71 tomorrow. it is nice. tuesday maybe a couple of showers, afternoon, evening 75. maybe start with the shower
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early on wednesday and thursday looks fine. late in the day and then friday and at day we will see some rain showers, we will continue to machine for that situation. todd? time to check the roads let go out to ann evans in the cbs-3 traffic center. good morning, ann. >> good morning to you, todd. war looking at ben franklin parkway site of today's 2014 pulaski day parade that kicks off at 12:00 noon. right now they are making, getting ready for it and making preparations for it. you can see folks along the art museum steps but in delays or problems. everything is open. again parkway and art museum circle should be closed around 11:00 this morning the 12:00 the parade kicks off. we will move the the the traffic cam this morning, this is to i-95, right here near broad street area and heading to the eagles game and doing tailgating this would be red way you will take. i-95 is doing great this morning. not only through philadelphia but its suburbs as well. in delays or problems, and on to the mid county tolls of the
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pennsylvania turnpike, this is blue route right near mid county tolls and we have in problems at the mid county tolls. if you are heading to the poconos no delays at the the northeast extension and pennsylvania turnpike thinks good shape as well. that is the latest from the cbs-3 traffic center i am will's ann evans now todd back to you. thanks, ann. it was a game that baseball fans will remember for years to come, those who stayed awake. it was game two of the national league division series between san francisco giants and the washington nationals. it actually turned out to be the longest game in playoff history at six hours, and 23 minutes total. but then in the 18th inning brandon belt hit a em run to give giants a win, incredible finish to an incredibly long game for more "eyewitness sports" here's leslie van arsdal. >> eagles look to get back on the winning track when they host the rams, chip kelly is hoping on get offense back in gear after last weeks performance with the 49ers. nick foles and company did not
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put up a single point on the scored game, shady mccoy had just 17 yards. he is averaging 2 yards a car think season but lane johnson will be back in the starting line up after serving i four game ped suspension. the rams have one of the worst rushing defenses in the league. >> everybody a has a plan until they get hit in the face, you know, we got hit in the face and we have to respond to it. >> you know, we have to go pretty good last year. we were moving the ball really well. trying to get shady back in the game and get those yard backup and start tackling again. >> this is i good football team this team could be four-o. talking about a team that has five returns for touchdowns already. >> get you ready for the the game at 11:30 on sunday kick off. join sports director beasley re, the voice have the eagles merrill reese live from lincoln financial feel. beasley had has his weekly sit down with cbs-3 contributor shady mccoy and brought jeremy maclin to talk fat ball and much more. that is all for sports i'm leslie advance air dale have a
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great day and go birds. >> go birds. singer mark donnelly hit his stride friday night belting out oh, canada skating at the a junior hockey game and then hit the deck. >> ♪ >> as you satisfy she tripped and felon to the ice. ever the professional, he barely in missed a beat and finish with the help of the crowd, fortunately, he was not hurt. we will be right back.
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carol. >> it is a nice forecast. we don't have rain but we have got the chill of this morning. we have seen temperatures in the 30's, lower 40's but we are on our way to 61 degrees this afternoon. sunshine, bright beautiful day. chilly one tonight at 45 but notice tomorrow at 71 degrees. looks like a nice comfortable day. by tuesday a couple of showers, wednesday you might
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start with the sure but those are conferrable temperatures in the 70's. >> carol thank you. that is "eyewitness news" for now we will sign off on tv but we are always on line at cbs, cbs sunday morning with charles osgood is next. have a great day. >> bye-bye.
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over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid."
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> charles: good morning. i'm charles ox*l osgood and thi >> don't do the crime, if you don't do the time. >> but what if it's hard time, a mandatory sentence without any possibility of leniency or discretion by the judge? is that always fair.
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keep it from spreading further