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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  October 2, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> pelley: tonight, tracking ebola. dozens of americans are being monitored now. manuel bojorquez reports. debora patta traces the first u.s. patient's path in west africa. and dr. jon lapook tells us how the deadly disease is spread. a high school football player dies after a hard hit. don dahler looks at a risk faced by hundreds of thousands of young athletes. the airbag that was supposed to save her life nearly killed her. ing jeff glor on a defect in millions of investigation. vehicles. and david martin at the first national memorial to honor america's wounded warriors. >> the last battle is fought, the last soldier comes home. the war is over. for millions of disabled veterans, it's not over.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. only one case of ebola has been diagnosed in this country, and health health officials are determined to keep it that way. in dallas they are keeping an eye on dozens of people who may have had contact with one patient and so far, they say, none is showing any symptoms. four of his relatives have been confined to their home by court order after they refused a request to stay home. we have a series of reports tonight, beginning with manuel bojorquez in dallas. >> reporter: this afternoon, one of four people quarantined at this dallas apartment could be seen stepping out briefly to retrieve food that was delivered. a legal order threatens criminal charges if they leave or have visitors before october 19. also today, parts of the complex were power washed. the ebola patient, thomas eric duncan, became violently ill here sunday.
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wilfored smallwood is his half-brother. >> he started getting hot and when he started vomiting and throwing nupt bathroom, so they called the ambulance blans to pick him up. >> reporter: duncan had symptom for four days while he stayed here with relatives, two adults and two children, including smallwood's now-quarantine 21-year-old son. >> when i spoke with him this morning he sounded happy. >> reporter: texas health officials say none of the approximately 100 people who came into direct or indirect contact with duncan have shown symptoms of the ebola virus. still residents like david mbusa are worried. >> this place should be blocked. everybody inside should be screened. >> reporter: you seem to be very upset by all of this. >> i'm upset completely. i don't know what's going on. >> reporter: sally nuran is the property manager. are you confident authorities are doing enough? >> i'm very confident about it, and they are doing their job. they have been in and out. >> reporter: the four dallas schools attended by children who had contact with duncan were
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disinfected overnight as a precaution. aattendance dropped by 10% despite ashurpses students are safe. >> how do we know that for sure? how do we know they're telling the truth about who they've come in contact with. >> reporter: duncan remains in serious condition in an isolation unit here at texas health presbyterian hospital. scott, officials here are still reviewing why the sick man was initially allowed to leave the hospital after telling a nurse he had been cowest africa, going home for two days before returning by ambulance. >> pelley: manuel, thank you. duncan arrived in the united states 12 days ago from liberia. we asked debora patta to trace his steps. >> reporter: thomas eric duncan lived in this neighborhood of tin-roofed homes. it is here that he rented a room from the williams family and rushed to help when their heavily pregnant dr. marthalene convulsed with crippling stomach pains. duncan and her brother, sonny boy, rushed her to the nearest clinic but there was no room.
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marthalene died on september 16. her stunned family got more bad news when sonny boy died yesterday. another neighbor was carried away on a stretcher. resident nora gleyah said it was only then that they realized the pregnant woman had ebola. duncan worked for a delivery company in monrovia. the manager there told us that duncan resigned abruptly on september 4. he was constantly talking about his son who lived in the united states and planned to travel there. all passengers leaving liberia are screened for fever at the airport. duncan had none. he also filled out a health form saying he'd had no contact with anyone with ebola. today, liberiaian officials accused him of lying and say they will prosecute him. liberia's president ellen johnson sirleaf said she was angry and saddened by duncan. >> but the fact that he knew and he left the country is
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unpardonable, quite frankly. i just hope that nobody else gets infected. fortunately, he's in the united states where medical care, you know, is very good. >> reporter: strong words from the president, but it is still unclear whether duncan knew he'd been exposed to ebola when he got on a plane to the u.s. a member of duncan's family in liberia told us he never knew the pregnant woman had the disease and that he simply took her to the nearest clinic, not one that specialized in treating ebola. >> pelley: debora patta reporting for us tonight from johannas berg, south africa. debora, thanks. many people are asking how ebola is spread and what happens in the unlikely event that they get it? dr. jon lapook has some answers. >> reporter: the disease can be transmitted when a patient's body fluids, like urine, vomit, blood, or sweat, come in direct contact with someone's broken skin or mucous membranes such as the lining of the nose, mouth,
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or eyes. as the ebola spreads in the body, it attacks the immune system and causes massive inflammation that can lead to damage of the lining of blood cells and organ failure. ebola is not spread through the air. the c.d.c. says there is high risk for exposure when someone has contact with blood or body fluids without appropriate important protective gear. low-risk exposure includes someone in the same household with a patient or someone who is closer than three feet to the patient for a prolonged period and not wearing protective clothing. shaking hands without protective is considering a low-risk exposure. the c.d.c. says someone who walks by a patient's room is not at risk. >> pelley: doctor, you said in your story a person within three feet might be able to contract the virus. how would that happen? >> reporter: well, they're still considered low risk but theoretically you could spit on somebody who is so close and it could get in your mouth and your nose and your eyes and it could get that way. but it is not spread through the
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air. the c.d.c. keeps saying that, and if it were like the flu, there would be tens of millions of people who have it. >> pelley: does the virus linger on things like door handles? >> reporter: well, very little information on that. it's interesting in 2000 there was an outbreak of ebola in uganda, and they actually studied that and reassuring is the fact of 33 samples -- and this was from beds and tables and furniture, things like that-- mattresses-- there was no virus except on two samples and those were things with obvious blood. >> pelley: now, in primitive conditions in west africa the death rate is about 50%. would you expect that in the united states? >> reporter: no, and neither would any expert i have spoken to because ebola has not come up against modern medicine yet and people are dying from things we know,000 treat. diarrhea, we can give intravenous fluids and electrolight. if there is problems with the kidney failing we can give dialysis and things like that. we know how to treat a lot of the problems and ebola has never
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seen that kind of modern treatment before. >> pelley: dr. jon lapook, thanks, doc. if you have more questions about ebola you can send them to dr. jon lapook at our facebook page. tonight, cbs news is investigating one of the largest auto recalls in history. 11 million vehicles whose airbags can cause serious injuries. jeff glor met one of the victi victims. >> reporter: stephanie erdman's life changed forever in september of last year. she was involved in a collision in this honda civic in dustin, florida. instead of an airbagging saving her, it nearly killed her. >> instant blindness on my right side followed by gushing blood. it was terrifying. i-- i thought i was going to bleed out at first. >> reporter: the airbag exploded and sent shrapnel into her face. when you see picture, some people wonder how you survived that. >> yes. >> reporter: do you wonder how you survived? >> absolutely. i'm-- i was one of the lucky ones. >> reporter: at least two
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people have died. an 18-year-old in oklahoma and a mother of three in virginia when the airbags didn't perform as designed. a corner's report in california links a third death. a government database shows 100 people have been reported being hurt all by airbags manufactured by the takata coarkz in japan. >> this is one of the deadliest defects that we've ever seen, yet 10 years later we're just beginning to get to the bottom of it. >> reporter: documents filed with the national highway traffic safety administration, or nits ashows honda, the biggest buyer of it, akata airbags first learned about an exploding airbag in 2004. they recalled about 4,000 cars in 2008. the recalls have now reached 11 million vehicles. at least nine carmakers are currently included but the recalls are mostly regional, covering up to nine states and two u.s. territorys. that's because takata believes the explosions are more likely
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to happen in humid climates when moisture gets into the system. why not recall these vehicles in every single state? >> money. >> reporter: and why does n.h.t.s.a. accept that? >> it's a frustration to us. how in the world can you approve a geographic recall that doesn't include the two states where people have been killed? >> reporter: in a statement to cbs news, takata says, "we fully recognize that one incident is one too many which is why our products are subject to extensive testing. we are constantly investing in and examining ways to improve." stephanie erdman has spent the past year, helped by her family, in and out of reconstructive surgeries. what's it been like for your family? >> tough. and-- they-- they try to be strong for me, and i see it but you can tell. any time i talk about it-- and i try to talk about it all the time because it helps me-- that
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it hurts them. >> reporter: erdman told us she is suing honda. honda would not comment on her case but told us: scott, other carmakers say they're following the recommendations of n.h.t.s.a. >> pelley: jeff, thank you very much. today, america's largest bank said that hackers broke into its computers and stole personal information of 76 million households and 7 million small businesses. names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. but jpmorgan chase says there is no evidence the thieves got into account numbers, passwords, social security numbers, or date of birth. we have been reminded again of the dangers that are possible in football, and not just the pros and college. a high school player on long island, new york, suffered a
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head injury yesterday and died. he is the third high school player to die in the past week. don dahler tells us what happened. >> reporter: varsity lineman tom cutinella took a hard hit during an afternoon game. the 16-year-old underwent emergency surgery but doctors were unable to save him. dan holtzman was his principal. >> a lot of crying, a lot of hugging, a lot of questions, a lot of shock. >> reporter: deaths among the nation's estimated one million high school football players are rare. last season, nationwide, six high school players died of head trauma. but head injuries among amateurs are not rare. all football players, including high schoolers, have a 75% chance of suffering a concussion. between 136,000 and 300,000 sustain one each year. 34% of college players have suffered a concussion, 20% have had more than one. even the very young are not immune. a virginia tech study of seven-
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to eight-year-olds showed them receiving hits of 80 gs, the same force dealt by college players. parents are taking notice. between 2008 and 2012, youth participation in the sport was down 5.4%. >> everybody on your pads, even down there. >> reporter: bret strachan coaches youth football in maryland. even though he believes football is safe, he's having a hard time fielding a full team. >> our numbers are down. the league is reduced from 17, we're down now to five teams. >> reporter: chris nowinski, head of concussion research for the sports legacy institute, says that's not necessarily a bad thing. do you think concussions are an existential threat to the sport of football? >> i do think parents need to think long and hard about when they introduce their son to tackle football because the younger you start, the more years they'll play, the more concussions they'll have and the worse off you'll be. you don't need to start young to learn those skills so the cost-benefit especially when
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they're young needs to be evaluate want. >> reporter: scott, we should note that players in other youth sports, including soccer and hockey, also get concussions. >> pelley: don, thank you. evidence ignored for decades is suddenly being used to catch serial rapists. and high-tech equipment brings us into an erupting volcano when the cbs evening news continues.
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>> >> pelley: it is shocking that just 3% of rapists in america ever serve time. 3%. we reported five years ago that investigators often ignore d.n.a. evidence collected from victims in what is known as a rape kit. thousand of these rape kits have gathered dust for years. stories, such as ours, persuaded some police departments to begin testing them, and nancy cordes tells us what happened next. >> reporter: charles steel raped at least four cleveland women in the mid-90s. one was at a gas station when he walked up. >> and i looked up, and the next thing i know, i have a gun pointing at me. >> reporter: but this survivor's case, and all the others, went unsolved for 20 years because police never tested the d.n.a. rape kits that were administered when they were attacked. when cbs asked the cleveland police department back in two 9 how many untested rape kit were
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sitting on their shelves, a lieutenant told us he didn't know and wouldn't count. >> we realize what our mistakes were. we're not going to make them again. >> reporter: tim mcginty is the triewrt. when he took office three years ago he responded to a call from ohio's attorney general to start testing all rape kits with state funds. 4200 kits in cleveland alone. the results astonished everyone. >> the rape kits are the gold mine for law enforcement. >> reporter: suddenly, investigators were tying individual suspects to five, six, sometimes seven rapes, dating back decades. >> they don't stop raping until they're dead. or they're physically unable to get out of bed and go attack somebody. so the sooner you empty your shelves of the rape kits, the sooner you can take the serial offenders and serial rapists off the streets. >> reporter: 200 of them have already been indicted. almost a third are accused
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serial rapists, and that's just from testing half of cleveland's backlog. you're using these kid kitt to solve far more than just rapes. >> absolute. >> reporter: lieutenant james mcpike says cleveland's violent crime rate is already on the decline. >> if you can take 1,000 guys off the street, these are 1,000 guys that are no longer going to commit crimes. >> reporter:and yet many other major cities are moving slowly, if at all. according to the joyful hearts foundation, las vegas tests only 16% of ther kids, and tulsa, oklahoma, is seeking funding to test 3400 kits. that's just a sasm ling so there's a lot of d.n.a. sasm ling out there, scott, that could be used to catch rapists ling out there, scott, that could be used to catch rapists but isn't. you've come to realize... >> pelley: and we'll be right back. [ starter ] ready! [ starting gun goes off ] [ male announcer ] it's less of a race... yeah! [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. and that keeps you going strong.
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shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. >> pelley: tonight we have a rare look into an erupting volcano. photographer eric cheng placed a gopro camera on a drone and sent it over the bardarbunga volcano in iceland. smoke and lava shot thousands of feet into the air. the drone got so close, the camera melted, but the memory card survived. turns out, volcanic activity likely created the lunar basin that we know as the "man in the moon." scientists have long believed that an asteroid was responsible, but new data from a nasa spaced craft strongly suggests that the basin was formed by a large plume of magma rising from the moon's interior.
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back on earth, we got a lesson in the bare necessities of life. the washington state department of fish and wildlife posted this video. apparently, there are no back scratchers available in the woods of okanogan county, so the bear improvised. in a moment, a new memorial in washington, the first to honor america's wounded warriors. a hi.ty? i'm new ensure active clear protein drink. clear huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got 8 grams of protein.
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love your laxative. miralax. >> pelley: in washington this weekend, the first national memorial to wounded warriors will be dedicated. david martin talked to some of the heros it honors. >> reporter: they tested the flame this morning, getting ready for sunday's dedication. >> it basically is a memorial that tells you of the terrifying consequences of any war. >> reporter: to dennis joyner, who lost three limbs to a booby trap in vietnam, the picture of a little girl pushing her father in a wheelchair is the one that resonates most. his sons had to do the same for him. >> one of the things that i've always struggled with somewhat is i've never really felt that the general public really
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understands or understood what disabled veterans go through. >> reporter: the name etched in granite-- american veterans disabled for life-- makes a point the rest of us are liable to forget. >> when the last battle is fought, the last soldier comes home, the war is over, for millions of disabled veterans, it's not over. and they're going to live the rest of their life continuing to deal with the effects of that war. >> reporter: some disabled veterans like bob dole, severely wounded in world war ii, are well known. first, as a united states senator, and then as candidate for president. now his words, "it's faith that givesut strength to endure," are preserved on one of the memorials glass panels. right next to him is joe bacani. >> that's humbling because i-- i've always seen myself as just, like, a normal, average joe. >> reporter: he was shot through the pelvis by a sniper in iraq. do you think that picture is a
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window into your soul? >> i hope so. and i hope people can see beyond the wheelchair that there's still a young man in there with many more years left to live to make something out of himself. >> reporter: physical therapy enabled average joe bacani to get out of that wheelchair. he is now a junior at columbia university and, yes, he will be at the dedication on sunday. his picture will be there forever, making sure the rest of us never forget. david martin, cbs news, at the american veterans disabled for life memorial. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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"new jersey housewives" couple sentenced to prison today. >> we're with joe and teresa and their co-star as the judge makes things very real for the troubled reality show pair. >> how are you feeling? >> let's just say it. >> she really threw the book at him. >> we'll tell you how prison-bound teresa was partially spared for the sake of their four young daughters. >> meanwhile, it's happy news for mila and ashton -- a baby girl. we're at the hospital as hollywood's baby boom continues. >> when you're in the public eye, it seems like you're pregnant for three years. and bradley cooper bulked up for "american sniper." >> we have a new scene to show you and it is intense. and "walking dead" fans are going to love this.


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