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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  September 25, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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we are following breaking news. all three suspects are now out on bail. we are live with what is next in this case. good morning, and flags are blowing on the parkway as rain, continues to fall. we have an eye on the coastal storm, this morning bringing torrential downpours and whipping wind in part of our area. lets take a look at storm scan three for you right there, this system is not going anywhere fast. we have an eye on it. not good morning. we have live team three coverage of the storm. >> meteorologist katie fehlinger track ago this rain and how long it will be with us. we will start off with meteorologist carol erickson out the in atlantic city with the conditions for us right now, carol. >> oh, boy thinks your classic coastal storm. we have these wind coming in very strongly from the the
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north east and just about every kind of coastal stormy kind of warning going on from the high surf, the high risk of rip currents, coastal flood advisory, we have them all going. you can see even in the darkness you can pick up white caps from the ocean that is being stirred up by this system as it moves along the the shoreline. obviously nobody is out on the beaches, and shouldn't be, and basically, very, very few people are out on the boardwalk in this entire town. we have some wind gusts though, i want to show you some of those. it is so wet and windy out here. i was updated with these numbers but i could not get into my phone. it is water logged. but from the last i got we had 29 miles an hour wind out of the north east in atlantic city, 28 through wildwood, dover in the 20's, we have got wilmington in the 20's as well, philadelphia 25 miles an hour wind or so-so extremely
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windy, wind coming from the northeast, and you will to have wait at a bus stop if you are walking around, i can tell from you first hand experience that you will be finding extremely wet clothes. i have been out of the truck for about five minutes, and it looks like these pants have been in the washing machine. they are completely soak. just know that is what is going on with these persistent wind, trying this rain into us. so the the ocean will eventually be calming down but we do have that coastal flood advisory until noon time to take which means if you have got a car or anything parked out in an area that is normally flood prone you do need to move that up, and get to it higher gun until this system can go on and we can start to try out again. it is a wet, miserable morning in atlantic city, taste of fall as they say, ukee and erika. >> go dry out and get in the truck. well get back in a bit. >> katie fehlinger is tracking
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what is next for this storm, katie. >> what is next basically is we will be stuck i think with this storm system. the brunt and core of the storm system is here right new. we feel is he bad for field reporters stuck out in this. kudos to both carol and jan carabao stuckathath
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coastal flood advisories take effect for counties highlighted in the green there carol is talking about that minor tidal flood ago this will take place, beginning between eight and 9:00 o'clock a.m. depend ing where you are. morning drive as corry will discuss will be a mess in terms of the weather impact, heavy rain, heaviest rain and gusty wind for that matter. poor drainage flooding, ponding on the roadways, it is definitely a concern and visibility will absolutely be reduced to day. torey, over to you. thanks, katie. she's absolutely right that is exactly what we have been dealing w we have been lucky volume wise because it is still early at 6:04 but things will change because rush will come in. katie, was also saying do your best to try and jump out of bed and give yourself more time. you are tempt todd press the the snooze button again but it will save you a headache or prepare you enough to know even if you are sitting in traffic, it will be just a
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better idea to just give yourself some more time in short, right. as we look at the schuylkill expressway seven # six right around spring garden. notice a few more vehicles on the westbound side making their way down toward the area of the vine street expressway. as we continue we will take to you 95, right around girard avenue. you'll see a few water drop lets on the screen here. you'll see headlights merging together. we are traveling in the southbound direction of 95 we will see a slow down around girard avenue. that will only continue to ohio even slower. even though the speed sensor says 55, that is more so around northeast philadelphia, 47 on the schuylkill, 55 on the blue route. watch out still for this accident on 422, westbound at route 100, ukee. three suspects charged in the attack on the same sex couple in center sit are are free after posting bail. new we are hearing from their lawyers and friend of the victims. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us from central detectives where suspects appeared for an overnight arraignment, jan?
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>> reporter: ukee, they waited all night licensing but earlier this morning these three suspects in this brutal beating case of the gay couple in center city were finally arraigned and new they face charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment and criminal conspiracy. it is the first good look at 39 people, accused of being at gressors in the brutal beating of the gay couple in center city. that is 24 year-old philip williams, 24 year-old catherine not the not and 26 year-old sketch harrigan, all three arraigned on assault charges early thursday morning and released on bail. williams and harrigan leaving together after posting 75 you this dollars bail, while knott left after posting $50,000. the group turned itself into police nearly 24 hours ago, that is william surrendering with his attorney. >> with respect to my client he was not at gress or, he did not michigan eighth anything and only became involved in the incident after within of the per ported victims in the case pun ched one of the young girls in the the face out on the the street that
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night. >> reporter: this similar case made from the other defense attorneys. >> my client's role in it is limited and i think it will come to light he didn't deliver the blows that broke that guy's jaw. >> we don't deny that this gentlemen was injured but idea any that my client did anything to hurt this man. >> reporter: williams attorney says that the confrontation was a mutual fight and had nothing to do with sexual orientation. the the victims, don't want to be identified have not spoken since charges were filed. a friend they says defense account just isn't true. >> a mutual fight is in the telling your buddy hold his arms we will take turns punching you in the face. >> victims say this all happened as gay slurs, and, meanwhile one suspect catherine knott, emergency room tech at lansdale hospital and ago tomorrow health released this statement about an investigation it is conducting. we are investigating an additional instant incident brought to our attention related to this employee's
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twit are act for patient privacy. our organization's social media policy. abington health, takes patient privacy, and confidentiality seriously and fully investigating this matter. these three are expected back in court at the end of september. reporting live outside of central detectives, jane carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> jane, thank you. burglary spree has residents on high alert in philadelphia's chestnut hill neighborhood. it happened, sometime between 1:00 and 4:00 a.m. on september 15th around the 8300 block have of seminole, navaho and saint martin street. take a look at these surveillance pictures here. police say suspects gained entry to several properties through opened windows. and in each case burglar moved quickly, and, took off with items easy to carry like lap tops and purses. some neighbors we have spoke with expressed their concern. >> it is scary, it is an invasion of privacy and threat to the people live in the house. >> that is nerve racking, yeah, just to be on the alert
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and you never know what will happen. it is scary. >> police say that burglar was ultimately scared off by a dog and an alarm system inside one property. the residents are asking to take common sense approaches when securing your home. for the second time this week another wave of air strikes is launched against is is targets in syria. u.s. military officials say they have destroyed small scale oil refinery that is were generating millions of dollars for the militant group. they also took out a staging area in eastern syria where the fighters were crossing the border in to iraq. meanwhile, president obama continues to push for more international support in the u.n. all right, still ahead this morning we are following new developments in the manhunt for eric frein, it has been two weeks since he was allegedly ambush but since he ambushed two state troopers we're told outside of their barracks. coming up police reveal what they found in the poconos where they believe frein is hiding out. plus... >> he took me down.
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he grabbed me. stuck his teeth in my thigh and knock me down. >> she battled a bear and won, find out why she thinks the wild animal let her go, when we come back. down... lower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®.
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(yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds.
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anncr: hampton knows it's yvideoconferenceanof the. hi! hi, buddy! anncr: that's why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. and good reasons to book now. feel the hamptonality two weeks after he ambush two pennsylvania state troopers, necessity evidence suggest that he is still in the poconos area. and search crews in the rural monday recounty found trash they believe he left behind, including soiled diapers, and a uncommon brand of cigarettes. we have also received reports of a few sightings. he could be hiding in an
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abandon property. man wanted in connection with the disappearance of university of virginia student, is behind bars this morning. police arrested jesse matthew on the beach near galveston texas. hees charged with abduction with intent to defile hanna graham who disappeared in charlottesville virginia. matthew was last seen with graham who is still missing. authorities do in the know why matthew was in texas. and, a candle light vigil was held last night at graham's alma math inner northern virginia. hundreds gathered in west powe tam i can high school and they held up light, in honor of the missing former student. it is 6:13. let's get traffic and weather together. are we in the thick of this storm, katie. >> this is what we expected. for the last two days or so we have been saying worse comes thursday morning. this is the the worst of it. now, we do have have a couple little breaks and lulls where we are not seeing too much happening right now. for example northwestern
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montgomery county in to berks county, lehigh valley. fit is in the raining where you are, consider yourself lucky because we have heavy rain falling in a lot of other locations and definitely, the wind is also going to be very noticeable. with that said those two features combine create a very raw, chilly, damp forecast for you today. this is the the worst of it. what is does is you can imagine it incomes down visibility significantly. look at the difference we've got. we have breaks taking place. it is not too bad, in terms of visibility right now but you're basically at a mile to a pinelands in atlantic city. thinks a hot spot in terms of the worst activity with the strongest win, gusty wind and heavier rain and, carol eric on down there to get all of the action for us live. but 61 is our current temperature at philly international. very persistent on shore northeast breeze to make it feel chilly but there is better news on the horizon, guys. by tomorrow sun will be peeking through the clouds. we will warm up nicely and
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weekend, it doesn't get better than this. lower 80's and sunny, vittoria. >> thanks, katie. we're reporting on days lake this incidents like this are going to happen. unfortunately we were watching this in the cameras for a bit now. we are looking at a police officer and van a assisting an overturn vehicle on the southbound side of i-95 where they are trying to cut the windshield open to remove someone inside. one of those scenes where you watch and you have to be grateful thaw are looking at it so you can prepare yourself to head outside and just know that when you are driving through slick spots and on any roadway in weather lake this, anything like this can happen so be extra careful this morning. because it just happened we are not seeing anymore emergency vehicles on the scene but they are working diligently to try and get this situation under control. we will continue to provide more details but as we continue we will take you elsewhere and that is vine street expressway traveling in either direction between schuylkill and i-95. it is not awful. we are starting to see a few more vehicles on the roadway
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but we're not seeing too much of a rush just yet. speed sensors are moving well but again the best advice is to give yourself some more time, we will update you on that overturn vehicle, when we do our next hit, ukee. torey, thank you. here's today's headlines on cbs 36789 our breaking news. three suspects in the beating of the same sex couple in center city of posted bail earlier this morning. three face assault and conspiracy charges. >> also, investigators hope you can help track down a burglar caught on surveillance cameras right there. police say suspect targeted homes in chestnut hill last week. >> and once again take a look at what you might find on your morning commute, there will be rain and some heavy in certain locations. we will get the the full forecast on the three's and we will do it on the other side,e, good morning family we will be right back.
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mo'ne davis and taney dragons are heading to cooperstown. mo'ne is donating perfect jersey to the baseball hall of fame. that is jersey she wore last in when she became first girl to win a little league world series game. mo'ne and dragons will also play a game, in cooperstown double day field. this is against a team from new york. well, phillies rookie david buchanan makes his last start of the season later tonight when phillies take on marlins in south florida. they will have a tough act to follow, kyle kendrick had three hits, and a run batted in at the plate as well. and all that while he was
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throwing seven innings, and allowing just one run. he was in the zone. phillies win two-one. kendrick has ten wins on the season. prime time football tonight on cbs-3. it is a match up we are watching, new york football giants are in washington for some nfc east foot the ball. pregame coverage gets underway 7:30 tonight right here on cbs-3. right now 6:20. a time capsule discovered in boston dates back all the way to the turn of the 19th century, that is coming up. also, did you get the ios8 update and a noticed a whole bunch of problems you? are not the alone. find out why apple yank the software shortly after it was released when we come back.
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mmm! ring ring! ring ring! progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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coming up at six credit
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23. katie. >> the storm itself is bringing the core of the the circulation through our area, as we speak. we are finding heavy rain and gusty wind and this will all taper off. wide shot of the storm, ukee has been asking about this game all week long. are they go to go play? they will play. look at how this storm over the course of the afternoon pull as way. 8:00 p.m. we will be left with some clouds in land over, maryland rkt 60 degrees, going to the game here. meanwhile, back here, it is still just a really, dreary day, i will call this a wash out but gets better with every passing hour as the rape gradually tapers off and some spots, might be left with some clouds by the afternoon. a sign things will clear out quickly for you and definitely means we will get much neither
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weather as much earlier then tomorrow. >> traveling on i-95 southbound we are dealing with a very serious overturn vehicle and accident. let me map this out. this is right around philadelphia international airport. what we are looking at here is, difficult to see because is there a fire engine here. is there a twisted guardrail behind this fire engine, from an accident that happened, yesterday. now, penndot is actually in the back of the accident scene. they were to flip this around you would see an overturn vehicle that was taken out two of the left hand lanes on i-95 southbound at this same point. so we are trying to piece this story together n general it is adding delays for you. if you are heading to philadelphia international airport you will notice volume in this area notice delays on i-95 through the construction zones have of cottman avenue and girard. our majors are not awful but you very slick and be very careful, ukee. a california ranch are takes on i bear and lives, emily miles was on her daily walk in her home when she came face-to-face with the black
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bear similar to this one in the photo. the 300-pound bear took a swing at her, miles for the the the bear, she suffer scratches on her back. she also says that the bear could have easily killed her but she screamed and that is when the bear let her go. >> looking at him, i knew he could kill me in an instant. he was probably 300-pound and about 6 feet tall standing. >> wow, that must have been scary. california department of fish and wild life have set traps for that bear hoping to catch it and test it for rabies. well, fascinating discovery made in boston and it was just by sheer luck. >> construction crews were removing two large stat the yous from the city's old state house when they noticed something strange inside one of them. inside the head of that lie on's statue they found a time capsule dating back to 1901. knew one knew it was there only problem as you might imagine is getting it out. >> it is a tiny, tv camera inside the lion's head and
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advertise cover it is still there. we have in the open it the but we have to figure it out how to take it out of the lion without damage ago this. >> state house statues are from is the oldest public building in the country. crews hope to open up that time capsule as early as next week. >> can't wait to find out what is in there. >> you don't want to ruin the statue. >> they will find a way, we will keep you updated on that. coming up next, breaking news in the case of the the same sex couple attack in center city, jan? >> reporter: three suspects free, on bail, i'm jane carabao outside central detective. i'll update you on what happened here overnight. thanks, jan. plus fill her up, where drivers are going the extra mile to fill up their gas tanks for less than $3 a gallon, and vittoria and katie return with your traffic and weather to go and latest on this storm system when will it get out of here? we have details coming up in
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mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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all of our eyes are on the storm as gusty winds kick up on the ben franklin parkway. look at that rain pounding down.e ben franklin parkway. we have not seen last of this storm either. this system is going to be with us all day long. >> good morning, meteorologist carol erickson joins us now from atlantic city with a look at conditions there.
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hi carol, good morning. >> well, good morning to you. it has gotten a lot worse, and just take a look behind me at absecon inlet where it meets the atlantic ocean. it is all white foam out there. we are approaching high tides at 8:15 to 9:15 and that means that areas that are flood prone are likely to be here with this additional rain coming down finding some flooding in some of areas around here. winds are gusting out of the north east. this is a section of the boardwalk you can see that is in longer there. it has had battles with previous storms and has lost, as you can tell but there is nothing to stop these waves as they come into the area. the wind is extreme, we have obviously a high risk of rip current, most people would never want to get into this, however, some surfers might, hopefully they will necessity what they are doing because thinks a high risk rip current
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that is going on all day long. the coastal flood, high surf, i want to show you a graphic about the buy eyes, how high are these waves. they are especially high from say, th3 central portion of new jersey's atlantic ocean and down. nine to 11 feet. we are fining waves that are six to eight to 9 feet. this is quite a storm that we're finding out here and it is just after a day or two after summer, we will end up with, what feels like, certainly a nor'easter. may in the need all of the criteria but it is definitely a coastal storm out here and it is, wet, it is windy and good thing that my photographer andy is about 6-foot five because otherwise, facing this wind he would have a problem. so this is how it is out here. we will head back in the studio. >> yes, big show as we call him. >> oh, yeah. >> we call him the big show. >> indeed. >> lets check with katie tracking what is next in the storm and we are in the thick of it, right katie. >> that is what we expect out
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of the timing with this. we always send out good vibes to our field reporters, we necessity how tough it is to be out in the elements. when you walk out the door it gives you a good idea what you will be facing out there certainly the rain, and win. the those are the big two when it comes to the the factors of the storms that will have a biggest impact on our area lets take you out there and start off with the the view of storm scan three where else would we go. rain has essentially taken back over. over the the course of the last hour and a half or so a couple of little spots where we had a little lull, settling in. but that obviously has, just made it through. everybody has filled back in with the rainfall overhead and that combined with the wind is making it feel awfully chilly. it is one of those raw starts to the day. problem is, it looks lake is there a back edge off across sussex county, delaware we're still getting moisture fed in from this storm, a coastal storm grabbing moisture from the atlantic. that means we will be stuck for the next few hours with round of soaking rain like
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this. rain amounts are going to total up one to 2 inches. the reason this isn't a major flood threat is because it has been so dry. if it comes through at all, at least it is coming after a dry stretch of days where we're not going to have major river flooding. look at this sustained wind we saw carol getting beaten up with that wind as well as wave heights, 20 to 25 miles per her sustained wind at the shore. little less inland but we will notice this. at best temperatures climb another four or 5 degrees. it is just that overcast out there obviously. don't expect it to warm up too much and expect to be sled down for one thing but you need the rain on a day lick this, vittoria, over to you. speaking of slow downs, we have a very serious overturn vehicle accident on i-95 southbound at philadelphia international airport. we will tell you all bit. what you are looking at here is the accident scene and if you are traveling southbound i-95 approaching the philadelphia international airport we have a very lengthy
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delay, this accident is taking out two left lanes. what you are going to net is here this was the vehicle that was involve right over to the guardrail, they have uprighted the vehicle, earlier we saw the fire department, opening up the windshield. so it can remove some of the passengers inside of the vehicles, we are not sure how many people have have and were inside that vehicle but regardless of that they are working, to get this situation under control. one lane only is getting by so delays are stemming back toward approaching the airport to the accident scene and it is still very active. we will keep you updated on it. in regards to the rush eastbound 422 is jam, approaching trooper down to 202, traveling on the schuylkill dropping down in the the 30's, throughout your western suburbs and around the vine street expressway. ninety-five, 54 here but that is not exactly what you are traveling on the southbound side we're already seeing delays between academy and cottman a slight break and more volume approaching the area of the betsy ross bridge down through the vine street expressway. so just take it easy out there, erika.
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>> torey, thank you. we have some breaking news, right now. three suspects in an attack on the gay couple walk out of court after posting bail. their lawyers and a friend of the victims are telling different stories. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us from central detectives with both sides, jane. >> reporter: erika they had to wait all night and overnight but finally early this morning these three suspects were arraigned. now they face a number of charges including aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment and criminal conspiracy. if you take a look at the video they are exiting central detectives earlier this morning after they were released and posted bail. the two men were released on $75,000 bail and woman was released on 50 you this dollars bail. it is our first good look at the suspects. they are the three people police say are responsible for that brutal beat being of the gay couple in center city a few weeks ago. that is 24 year-old philip williams, 24 year-old catherine knott and 26 year old kevin harrigan turn
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themselves n they had surveillance video that showed them just before this attack. victims say this group approached and suspect yelled gay slurs at the couple as the men were beaten. "eyewitness news" was able to speak to you will three defense attorneys and a friend of the victim both sides tell a different story of what happened that night, and defense says this was a mutual fight and not at all about sexual orientation. >> it is limited. i think it will come to light he didn't deliver the blows that broke that guy's jaw. >> to fracture orbital bones, to fracture cheekbones, to necessitate someone's jaw being wired shut for eight weeks, that is annex stream amount of force. >> reporter: that victim who had his jaw wired shuttles spent more than three days in the hospital this group will be back in court at the end of september and coming up in the next half an hour we will hear from all three defense attorneys and learn more about the suspects and fall out from this case now that they have been a rain.
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reporting live outside central detective, jane car bear owe cbs-3 "eyewitness news". happening today self local democrats are expect to call out governor tom corbett over his budget cuts to education. they said he approved 1 billion in cuts which led to thousands of have layoffs and higher property tax necessary some districts. they are expect to hold a press conference at 10:30 this morning. meanwhile just yesterday governor corbett gave final approval for a new cigarette tax in philadelphia to help fund the the cities schools. new jersey governor chris christie says camden is safer. he made several stops in the city yesterday afternoon including elijah per i park. governor congratulated police and many volunteers, he notes sharp reductions in crime, compared to two years ago. >> but there is no penalty for standing up, appreciating already what is happening even when there is more work to be done. we need once in a while to remind yourselves that we are making progress and that things are going better later
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governor talk to the football team at camden high school. improvement including more officers patrolling the the streets. with summer now in the rear view mirror local drivers are getting a big break at the gas pumps, some good news. believe it the or not we found several station as long the white horse pike in new jersey selling gas under $3 a gallon. only cash though. you have to pay cash. in fact, average prices throughout the tri-state area they have dropped about 40 cents since memorial day. >> i'm excited. i hope it stays that way. >> i think it is magnificent. i think it is a big change and i think we should stay witt, i think that the economy deserves a break today. >> experts say that the prices are dropping because of a number of reasons, more domestic drilling, and falling demand from drivers. >> good number to see the board there. >> no kidding. >> good numbers. ios8 update fail find out why apple pulled the software after releasing it when they come back. also getting paid to post,
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you already update your status on social media so why not earn money doing so, three is on your side with how you can cash in. why that glass of wine could be just what the dentist ordered, we will be right back. ♪ >> looking live right now at the parkway you can see the the flag getting whipped around the rain coming down hard really thick of it this morning but we have team coverage for to you get through you this together. >> good morning family back in a bit.
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i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families.
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seniors that complain have of memory loss may be on to something. >> researchers at university of kentucky evaluated 500 healthy elderly people. those who reported memory lapse where is more likely to be diagnosis with dementia within 12 years. scientists also found that they were almost three times more likely to develop memory and thinking problems within a decade. also on the the healthwatch going up a skirt size with each decade could raise risk of breast cancer by one their. study just public by british researchers found women who went up a size for each decade between their 20's and 60's increased their risk of developing breast cancer by 33 percent. those who went up two sizes saw an increased risk of
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77 percent. do you need another reason to indulge if that glass of wine for dinner. recent study say antioxidants can help prevent cavities. researchers grew common dental bacteria cultures and exposed them to red wine. red wine with or without alcohol eliminate that had bacteria that could eventually cause tooth decay. >> your teeth may get blue but at least it is preventing cavities. >> does mad dog work the same way. >> is that a beer. >> katie, take to it weather. >> storm scan three, blocked. not necessarily as quiet as can be. we have some activity to tell but here. we have heavy rounds of rain, at the moment heaviest is coming through you in more widespread, more scattered pockets but for the most part we're all stuck with this right now. and you will be dodging some issues, basically, anywhere you travel here this morning
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in our area. what is good about the rain is it is knocking pollen levels down substantially and levels have been le anyway. once this clears out the which happens later tonight and into tomorrow and the weekend we're looking good. those levels will in the climb too much. now berks county if you notice on storm scan three outside whitefield elementary school, things are actually kind of quiet. we are in a bit of the lull as we are's in the further most northwest counties in our viewing area. but everybody elsie with say you just got to watch out for the rain and the slow commute that will come with this. with the brunt of the storm happening as we speak. heavier rain and gusty wind. later on today there is indication that high pressure will erode back edge of the storm, i do think western suburbs have a shot to dry out earlier but new jersey will likely be stuck with it all day. it just gets better from here by tomorrow and especially for the weekend, vittoria. >> thanks, katie. things will not get any better as we move more and more into rush hour.
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taking a look at i-95, an overturn vehicle accident that vehicle has been involved has been uprighted and on a tow truck about to get out of here. emergency crews or still on the scene. it is very active. only one lane gets by in the southbound direction of i-95 right at philadelphia international airport. so if you have plans to catch a flight right now, or at least later on, make sure you have give yourself some more time because this delay will only continue to build. as we take a look the at schuylkill expressway, talk about building delays, eastbound 76 is jammed approaching montgomery drive through the vine street expressway. westbound we are seeing those pockets grow, approaching, the the roosevelt boulevard, and then moving your way through the western suburbs. speed sensors dropping down to 31 and dropping down on i-95. i-95 southbound slow academy down through the the vine street expressway, traveling on 422, we are seeing delays in new jersey, 42 freeway, also w3're seeing delays in the northbound direction approaching walt and 295 leading to the 42 and also scheduled for an opening tacony palmyra bridge at 7:10.
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we have a while for. that just take it easy. roads are very slick and dangerous, ukee. here's today's headlines, breaking news, three suspects in the the beating of the same sex couple in center city of posted bail, two men and one woman face assault and conspiracy charges. also the the u.s. and its arab partners continue to hammer islamic state target in syria and iraq. now great britain is considering the the international force against islamic militants. also this is what you are likely to see in the morning commute today, raining for the the drive down i-95 from northeast philadelphia to center city. katie's full forecast coming up once again and we do it on the three's. three on your side wants to you know of a retailer getting in the banking business. >> wal-mart is teaming up with green dot bank to offer a low fee checking account. it will include a master card/debit card and checking. accounts starter kits cost $3. they will ab available at
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wal-mart stores nationwide by end of october. apple has pull the first update to the new iphone because of customer complaints. some users say they could not make phone calls. apple says it is investigating the glitch. it released the new operating system just last week right before the new iphone and six plus became available. here's an update worse sharing, facebook earned more than $5 billion for first half of this year and chances are you didn't see a dime of this money. >> but how would you like to get paid for your posts. three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan takes a look at a new social media site where you can cash in on sharing your thoughts. >> hi, we're the besties. >> reporter: nicole johnson and karen finkly are two actresses trying to make tonight hollywood. they used to post their comedic videos on facebook and twitter but now they use bubble os, that pays people for their post. they can attach video, pictures and text to their pages and earn a penny for every like, view and comment.
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nicole and kerry's ten posts earn them hundred dollars. >> we put a lot of time and effort in these videos. it is nice to actually get some compensation for work that we do. >> art art this is the creator of bubble lows after watching facebook make billions where users supply content without getting paid. >> we wanted to kind of put a stop to that rather then just have a network that is filled up on basically the ideas of other people. >> reporter: bubblelous makes money off advertising but nicole and kerry says it is not just money. >> it is a matter of respect too. when we feel respected, then we also respect the work. >> action. >> reporter: until they catch that big break, they are happy just collecting a penny for their thoughts. now the the company's main competitor is web site called bonesellme which offers a similar services and promises to give 80 percent of the advertising dollars to the members. bubble lose has 300,000 users and pays not $50 increments.
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depending on how viral your post becomes it could be a while before you get your first check. reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. this next story has answer to an age old question what do women really want. >> well, when it comes to relationship ladies are looking for a man with a job. a new study from the pew research center found 78 percent of never married women say finding a mate with the steady job is a top priority. men on the other hand they are looking for spouses who share, similar ideas, about children. >> how about that. >> finally answered. >> got that, j-ob, if you want to be with me. 6:49. >> lets see is what coming up this morning. >> charlie rose has a preview. he is up in new york, charlie, good morning. you know that song, charlie. >> sing along. >> oil refinery are new target for american air strikes in seer, yeah david martin at the pentagon with the latest on the a attack. plus frenzy and new frustration, c-net tim stevens
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is in studio 57 with upgrade problem for apple's new operating system and claims the new i phone bend. this giants and redskins are preparing for a thursday night slow down right here on cbs. so we caught up with eli manning to talk about the game and what it means to be a football player on a off the field, all of that and more. news is back in the morning and we will see you with it in about ten minutes. >> you got it, have a good show, talk to you soon. >> good bye. word is joan london makes a bold move. >> journalist posted, bald and beautiful for this weeks people magazine. london is battling an aggressive form of breast cancer and shaves her head as she goes through the the treatment. sixty-four year-old told magazine she went without her wig as an opportunity to raise awareness and empower other women. >> former jersey shore star mike the situation sorentino is facing federal tax charges.
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camera crews crowded around sorentino as he left federal court in newark yesterday. sorentino and his brother mark are accused of filing false tax returns on nearly nine million-dollar that they earn. two pleaded in the guilty and free, on $250,000, bail. and fans of the derek jeter can expect to shell out big bucks if you want to see yankees slugger in the final home game of his career. tickets search engine seat geek found ticket are going for an average of $642 on line. they say cheapest tickets roughly half that amount $360. you never know. >> you have a chance to come on down to be the next contestant on the price is right, we are hosting a contestant search between noon and 3:00 tomorrow afternoon, two winners will fly through los angeles for a taping of the show and, one of them is guarantied a spot on contestant's row, guarantied, we will have it all down.
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just one though. but two get the trip. pretty cool. for further details go to cbs philly dot come. good morning family be right
6:53 am
mmm! ring ring! ring ring! progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup!
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loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. this is island's second largest mountains. the it comes from the university of ice land, and seismic activity started back in august. expert are still, concern about an eruption about a eruption and ash cloud
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disrupting air travel over europe. we're getting a spectacular look at activity thanks to the the university photographers. boy that is unbelievable. >> you get so close to it too. >> wow. >> they are protect, of course. lets get traffic and weather together, it is close to 7:00 o'clock. >> weather related issues, obviously rain, win out there right now. i just tweeted out if you are seeing a lull in the rain you need to consider yourself lucky here because almost everybody has something falling from the sky right now out there. in our local viewing area storm scan three showing that very well. it is a heavier rain depending on your location. the certainly near the shore. certainly back into maryland on i-95. this will need time clear out. very dreary beginning of the morning in middletown ship high school in cape may court house where recess will be held inside today but i come bearing nice weather news. later this afternoon and especially tonight things try out. storm pull as way.
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tomorrow is clear and weekend looks lovely. vittoria, over to you. good morning, everyone, we are expecting tacony palmyra bridge to open up in about i with say ten minutes or so, so any plans to head to 73 watching us right now and in the too far away, you will want to necessity when that do open up and let you know when it gets put back down. right now traffic will get you down with the weather, just watch out for very slick spots all over your commute and ponding in the roadways. we will look at your speed sensors, dropping on i-95. it says 55 through but not so much. we are seeing delays southbound i-95 out of the north east and vine street expressway. high volume southbound due to an accident with one lane getting by. twelve on the schuylkill and hour and 245th minutes delays at philadelphia international airport. ukee and erika. farmers in iowa are celebrating harvest time with the fun contest. >> they are making masterpiecees out of hey. you might in the realize it but they are just bails of hey.
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this is in the iowa community. it its chamber of commerce third annual hay bale art contest. voting ends november 1st and prizes include scholarships to way state. >> you know what i have to say to that. >> hey. >> that is what i have to say. >> oh, ukee. next up on cbs this morning giants quarterback eli manning. to continue following your local news, weather traffic and sports we are keeping it the live and local on the cw philly good morning family.
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don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us.
6:59 am
mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. good morning.
7:00 am
it is thursday, september 25th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." new air strikes in syria targeting the financial heart of isis. new video shows a state trooper opening fire on an unarmed driver. plus bendy phones. oh, no. apple's big problem. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> the words spoken here today must be translated into action. a call to arms in the battle against isis. >> the u.s. and arab allies continue to pound targeting including small oil