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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  September 17, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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good morning, you could call it mommy wars. parents trashing other parents on line, one comment at a time, we're talking to a counselor about why mommy shamus really nothing new. but first lets check on traffic and weather together with katie and jessica. good morning. >> i'll tell you what it is a cooler start then yesterday was but yesterday what he had more clouds then rain moving
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through, so pick your poison. is what the trade off here. we have a nice clear sky, it will continue, so nice weather is making a return appearance. we will have details coming up, jessica. good morning, everybody. 5:30. relatively quiet start to our morning here. you'll see behind me the schuylkill expressway at spring garden. everything is moving great. on the left-hand side there headlights towards the city, moving nicely on the westbound side, taillights heading toward king of prussia area. we have road closures in just a couple minutes, ukee and natasha, good morning. new surveillance video in the beating of the same sex couple in center city may help police break the case wide open. jane carabao joins us live from central detectives to tell us more about it, jan? >> reporter: it seems like just time before these suspects are caught in this cases specially because of this crystal clear surveillance video police have releasedded. since releasing this video they told "eyewitness news"
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their tip lines have been flooded with calls. take a good look, police describe dozen or so men and women in their 20's, clean cut and well dressed. investigators say they were caught walking in center city just minutes before the attack around 11:00 o'clock at night, when gay couple was brutally assaulted on 16th street south of walnut and chancellor. twenty-eight year-old victim was so badly beaten he was hospitalized for more than three days and his jaw wired shut for eight weeks. his 26 year-old boyfriend has bruises to his face and as they were beaten the couple say gay slurs were yelled at them as well. it is a disturbing series of events for many here in center city. >> us, as a city, war trying to be more progressive and that is absolutely horrible. i cannot fathom the thought. >> what is everybody so mad about, i just don't get it.
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people are entitled to live their lifestyle as they choose. >> reporter: police are urging any within seen in that i had yes but did not throw a punch to come forward and work with police before it the is too late. there is a combine 11 you this dollars reward for information leading to the suspects. coming up in our next half an her we will hear from the victims perfect sharing their store which "eyewitness news" in hopes something like this toss than the happen again. reporting live outside central detectives, jane carabao cbs-3 "eyewitness news". can will light vigil in frankford for megan doto and child that she was carrying when she died. doto was shot on sunday morning, her baby delivered by c-section died in the hospital. police say doto was shot by a stray bullet. investigators are searching for 27 year-old devon guisherd in connection with this shooting. it is time for traffic and weather to go on the three's, 5:33, good morning, katie. >> good morning, everybody, happy wednesday to you. today ends up being one of the nicest days of the entire week because we have high pressure, basically right overhead. now almost every day has been
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very pleasant so far anyway say for rain coming through yesterday morning, we necessity but that cleared out for decent weather. sky cam three also nice and clear licensing in the way of yesterday's frontal boundary. ben franklin bridge in war business visability here, however up in the northern pocono region, northern new jersey region perhaps you're a commuter in new york you might see patchy fog but otherwise it is just clear, collected, quiet and as a result have the clear skies look at how these temperatures dropped off. yesterday we had a surplus to day we have a clear deficit from 11 to 15 degrees difference in the wilmington our mount pocono respectively. note that is change but it isn't really chilly outside. it is cool enough that i suggest a jacket or sweat shirt, some extra layer walking out the door. we have since turn the corner in the 30's in mount pocono, currently at who but as day progresses we will warm up. poconos mid 60's, mid 70's for shore point and philadelphia and wall to wall sunshine with low humidity and that light
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wind. it doesn't get better than that. over to you. >> good morning everybody. i like that. sweat shirt and nice hot coffee heading out the door this morning. 5:35. we will go outside and see who is already out on their way to work or school where ever they have got to go. on the schuylkill expressway just at spring garden still moving along nicely. things picking up a little bit so headed east bound toward the city moving great. westbound toward king of prussia doing the same story. outside on the blue route at baltimore pike you can see septa, more headlights coming in. towards i-95. north bound moving great there as well n center city we have been covering this all morning, seventh street completely closed due to that water main break at locust street. crews trying to get that cleared up and out of the way but for now your best betties to take the alternate and take ninth street. in new jersey a truck fire southbound near exit number six at pennsylvania turnpike. taking out right-hand lane, natasha, back over to you. central bucks ban teacher is arrested and charged with
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having inappropriate relations with a former student this woman bridget szychulski has been suspended now from her current job at central bucks high school south. police say she had a sexual relationship with the 14 year-old male student in 2012 when she work at lenape middle school in doylestown. >> somebody who is mandated by law to report this got a report of this and reported it and it came directly to us. >> married mother lives in philadelphia and pregnant with her second child at this time. your time 5:36. business news this morning, which airline is getting a paint job. >> and what is causing the loss on sony's ledger? money watch's jill wagner joins us live from the insuring stock exchange, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ukee and in a cash a sony is bracing itself for a really big financial hit. japanese electronics company says it expects its yearly loss to swell to $2 billion, that is five times more than
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expect. the its mobil business has reelingly seen weaker sales. investors are feeling optimistic as federal reserve wraps up its policy meet to go day. they are waiting to are any clues about whether the central bank might raise interest rates, they are now at railroaded low levels, yesterday the dow jones finish up a hundred points, nasdaq climbed nearly 34. well, still has major security flaws according to the government accountability office or gao. it found 20 specific security issues, some which put users personal information at risk, gao says the the obama administration should never have rolled out the web site before it was fully tested. say yellow to spirit's new look, low cost airline is giving them a bright yellow air job. home of the bear fares, spirit ceo says it is fun, acts like a flying billboard and also practical because the cost is
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less to paint then just two collars. ukee and natasha do you like the new look. >> look at that canneri, yes. >> i know. >> it will be noticed, that is for sure. >> all right, thanks jill, appreciate it. >> thank you. happening today a resource center opens in atlantic city toy help another round of laid off casino workers. nearly 1,000 trump plaza a wu)u$out a job after the the casino closed its doors yesterday. workers can stop byathathathathy
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good morning everyo. as you can see from this live picture water continues to bubble from the ground after a water main break at seventh and location news center city. the the water department is there trying to cap it the right now, we're told no residents in that neighborhood are affect, but there are traffic issues in that area, as a result. and more breaking news this morning minnesota vikings have once again suspended adrian peterson as he faces child abuse charges. vikings just reactivated him machine but reversed course this morning. developing story police say this surveillance video is generate ago lot of tips. authorities are searching for this group in connection with last weeks beating of a same sex couple near 16th and chancellor. fire fighters meantime in california are trying to contain a very fast moving fire, in the county. >> take a look at that he is
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flames, king fire forced highway patrol to shut down parts of the highway 50 more than 1600 homes are at risk. wild fire started saturday and quickly spread into prime wild fire conditions. flames now cover nearly 20 square miles and is only five percent contained. check this out, lava from hawaii's kilauea volcano is slowly making its way through a vacant lot in the rural subdivision. officials say it appears that the laugh flow will not threaten any homes nearby but they do estimate lava could reach a major highway in about 19 taste. workers are preparing alternate routes if the lava does cross the highway. here's something you don't see every day lightening toys blame for setting this palm tree on fire. this happened in san diego as a strong storm cell moved through that area. that system also brought gusty wind with it bringing down trees and causing traffic backups big time for plenty of drivers. coming up on 5:43. here's traffic and weather
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together. >> so much extreme weather taking place across western united states where we have wild fires as you just mentioned but also remnant of is what left of odial just flooding outpouringses of the desert southwest. back here on our coast things have been overall pretty quiet. for the summer as a whole. we had quite a bit of precipitation. we were 2.03 above average during june. highest temperature in july and for the whole season 96 degrees happening on july 2nd. and in august, temperatures as you might imagine were below average. it was a cool month. as a result a really pleasant one for the standards. sunnies out here today. we will keep it a around. there is a frontal boundary dropping through bringing in a couple clouds later in the day, tomorrow specifically but overall a dry day because it is a weak front. it will knock temperatures back. by friday we have a chance to get you in the lower 70's here. today what else could you expect. it is an a plus, if we had roomy would put a few more
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pluses on it. that nice the of the day. off to a cool start. have layers ready to go, kids. trust me. abundant sunshine, pleasant, low humidity, light wind, and mid 70's continue tomorrow. drop on the thermometer as we mentioned and then we can end will heat backup inn we should after good shot the for 80 degrees approaching second half of the weekend but that comes with the price our next cold front also is starting to approach bye that point. jessica, over to you you. good morning, 5:44. we will go outside to our cameras, right on top of the ben franklin bridge from the new jersey side. from the toll plaza taillights westbound in the city still moving nicely. two right lanes new taken out the for that ongoing construction project on than that bridge there as well. out in new jersey, headed towards the bridges you can see this is what you will face. forty-two at creek road. headlights heading north bound starting to accumulate but what we would expect at this time for rush hour. and out in center city still
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that road close another seventh street is completely closed at locust street due to the water main break. your alternate for right now just take ninth street, crews on the scene as well trying to get that cleared up and out of the way. on the roosevelt boulevard an accident there at south at grant avenue so just use some caution. back to you. president obama will meet with military leaders at central command to discuss plans to expand u.s. air strikes targeting militants in syria. house members will vote on the administration's 500 million-dollar request to train and supply maryland rate rebels in the fight against isis. forty countries joined in an international effort spearheaded by retired marine general john allen to destroy isis. new york man with ties to isis will face federal charges for helping the militant group. this man was already in custody for plot to go kill u.s. military members. tuesday a federal grand jury indictedded him on new charges. court record showed he tried
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to help people three travel to syria to join the extremist group back in 2013. president obama says ebola epidemic in west africa could threaten security around the world, the president traveled to atlanta where he visited centers for disease control. he met with experts to discuss ways to limit the spread of the deadly virus, president obama order 3,000 u.s. military personnel to the region to help deal with this crisis. >> faced with out break the world is looking to us, the united states, and the the responsibility that we embrace. we are prepared to take leadership on this to provide the kind of capabilities that only america has and to mobilize the world in ways that america can do. >> the president also sat down with doctors at emery university hospital. doctor kent brantly was treat there had for ebola and met with the president, at the white house. future trips to the international space station
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will be handled by private companies. yesterday nasa announced boeing and space x will take over man space flights. nasa says this move will allow it to focus on more ambitious missionness deep space and man mission toss mars. u.s. has rely on russia a to for i american astronauts to and from the space station. u.s. retired its program in 2011. there is a new trend on the web these days men as mommy shame and moms across the country picking at each other apart, one comment at a time. >> as correspondent betty cross reports a growing number of moms feel like they are under attack. >> reporter: le ann torres is known on line as gene any a blog. the there is usually an easy going, fun, cade tones her writing except when facebook. >> it did hurt my feelings. >> reporter: got less friendly. >> i just don't like you. >> reporter: mom of three says what started as an on line conversation became a personal
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dig at me, my blog, and my parenting. >> the mom shamus just like 2014 term for judgment. >> we. >> reporter: grace maxwell. >> hi, hi. >> reporter: is a new mom. >> i feel lick they can say anything. >> reporter: she's getting her first taste of mom to mom shaping. >> i don't know why they feel like they need to trash other parents but it happens. >> reporter: not as much in person. >> no, not to my face. >> reporter: but behind a screen. >> we see that on the internet, we see that in facebook and our private play groups. >> reporter: this austin therapist says it is a learned behavior. >> we were shamed when we were raisedded all of us were. >> reporter: she wrote three simple words for kids she counseled but thinks some moms could take a look. >> as a culture we have to stop using shame as a way to stop that behavior or make ourselves feel better. >> reporter: to blogger had in trouble getting her rhythm back. >> you will get your feelings hurt. >> reporter: she blames
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distance as we talk to our screen. >> they lose their filter on line. >> reporter: not the people behind them. >> you have to think about whether or not you news he had to take that final jab at somebody. >> reporter: that was betty cross reporting, we did checking and found moms that don't only shame each other but they shame themselves, most just for a good lava parentally there is a whole site dedicated to self shaping kind of thing. >> unbelievable. >> yeah. our time 5:49. you are invited to a party today at the the national constitution center, we will have details when we come back. we have in the seen him on the big screen in a while but word is ryan gosling is taking on a new role this morning. >> but first here's what is coming up later tonight during evening prime time viewing right here on cbs-3.
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a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too.
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word is road just got more beautiful. >> ryan gosling and e va menendez welcomed a baby girl. people magazine reports that menendez gave birth last friday. baby girl is first child for both actors. usually very private couple have been dating since 2011 and we are still waiting to hear what they decided to name their new bundle of joy, i can see the picture too. i'm sure she's beautiful. word is new whitney houston album on the way, clive davis, man credited with discovering the late singer, says he he is releasing a cd, dvd of whitney's greatest live performances. album is due out november 11th. move over, new york, your fashion week is over, and now it is our turn to celebrate fashion right here in philadelphia. >> mayor nutter was among hundreds who turned out last
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night for kick out party celebrating the philadelphia collection, a week long series of fashion events, all across the city. it includes runway and talk shows as well as panel discussion was fashion experts, guests enjoy live music and, of course, models were there sporting great styles and great looks. >> very nice. >> looking good, looking good. >> get out there. >> all right. 5:53. let check in and see what is happening outside, hi there katie. >> i bet mayor nutter could rock a runway. >> i bet he could, and sing wrappers delight at the same time. >> i'm throwing down a gauntlet mayor, i hope you are listening. high pressure in place we will keep things try all day, nice day, maybe a little fog through northern new jersey and poconos region this morning. the that is it. lets look at these temperatures. it is a cooler start then yesterday but not as chilly as two mornings ago. 40 degrees is current temperature at mount pocono. coolest spot of the pack in the highest terrain. over the the course of the
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next few days they look nice even though we will see clouds rolling in courtesy of the cold front on thursday but weak enough front that we don't expect precipitation but just cooler but more sun by friday, jessica. >> thanks, katie. it is 5:54. we will go outside and check out the schuylkill expressway just past belmont you can see everything moving nicely, still there, in the really too many problems on schuylkill expressway so far this morning. headlights westbound toward king of prussia area eastbound toward city still moving great. they are also, seventh street still closed due to that water main break, crews trying to get that cleared up and out of the way. your alternate so far this morning just take ninth street to get around it. and crash outside on the boulevard, roosevelt boulevard southbound just at grant after a new, new jersey still that truck fire, on the new jersey turnpike, just use caution taking out right hand lane stay there
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this is last years big celebration, of constitution day at the national constitution center at sixth and race. constitution center admission is free, today and at 8:30 this morning, 3,000 students from our area, begin the day, with i public reading of the preample, that is the part that starts with we, the people, just in case. >> we are ready, and come on, natasha. >> i'm sorry. >> i have a big head. >> come on. >> making sure it is safe. >> you guys look safe. >> i wanted to put this way but natasha said it looks like a some bare owe. >> lets get our party on. >> we will be right back.
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when mom and dad said i never thought it would be lik. where every turn leads to a new adventure,
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and surprise leads to discovery. this place is like nothing i've ever seen. i'll never forget it. chiapas. live it to believe it.
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well, right now police are asking for your help to identify suspects wanted in the beating of the same sex couple in center city. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao is live at central detectives. she has got latest on this new surveillance video that police want you to see, jan? >> reporter: natasha, police tell "eyewitness news" that tips have been streaming into their tip line ever since this surveillance video was released, it seems like it is just a matter on have time before these suspects are caught since the quality is so good on these videos. however, suspects are still on the loose and victims are speaking out sharing their store which "eyewitness news" hoping that this does not happen ever again. it is crystal clear surveillance video, that shows a group of a dozen men or women, group police are are searching for for in the savage assault of the gay couple in center