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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 29, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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oh, my god! >> extreme weather causing chaos across the country paper powerful tornado touches down near boston, while flood fears rise in the southwest and wildfires continue to burn through parts of california. no end isn't sight to the violence in the middle east. the heaviest fighting in the three-week war erupts between israeli and hamas, with both sides blaming the other for the death of civilians. and the donald sterling saga is a big step closer to its conclusion. a los angeles judge ruled against the l.a. clippers owner in his fight to keep control of the team. this is "cbs morning news" for
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the team. this is "cbs morning news" for tuesday, july 29th, 2014. captioning funded by cbs good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. the mayor of a boston suburb said it is a miracle there are no serious injuries after a rare tornado touched down in his town. the storm roared through revere, mismshgs yet morning with top winds of 120 miles per hour. it was on the ground for four minutes but left a two-mile path of destruction. dozens of buildings were damaged or destroyed and hundreds of trees ripped from the ground. roofs ripped off of homes. revere is located on the coast north of boston this is the first area which includes boston. katie is in revere. >> reporter: crews worked through the night boarding up windows at revere city hall. they had made quick work of
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cutting up toppled trees. this woman lived across the street and said she saw the tornado come through. >> it came right by my bedroom window. >> reporter: revere's mayor said the tornado substantially damaged 16 home it's in city. 13 are inhabitable. city hall is temporarily closed. >> i received a call from my assistant who was petrified. she said windows and doors were blowing out of city hall. >> reporter: he said it's too early to put a figure on the damage. a baby was hurt while in a car. >> a board went through the window of the car and she was cut with glass. >> reporter: by early evening, officials say crews had cleared downed wires. >> thog to do, no power. >> reporter: many people who lived a few blocks of city hall toured the destruction. >> like a bomb hit it. i've never seen anything like that. >> reporter: isaac foreman lives
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four blocks away, he was lucky. >> we have a lot of other things that happen in revere, but not this. >> reporter: police have control to make sure there's no looting. as for revere city hall, the mayor is unsure when it may be safe enough for folks to go back inside. i'm katie brace for cbs news. at least two tornadoes were reported north of denver, colorado. some minor damage was reported. passengers at denver international airport were temporarily moved to shelters. and this morning there are flash flood warnings and watches in colorado, new mexico and utah. a number of rain-producing storms are predicted for the region. eight homes north of las vegas suffered significant damage due to flash flooding yesterday. a river of water and mud washed through homes and washed out roads. some residents are being advised to boil water. and there's a chance of more rain today.
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firefighters are making progress battling one of the major wildfires in california. the sand fire east of sacramento has burned just under six square miles but is 75% contained. the fire destroyed at least 13 homed and 30 other buildings. most evacuees have returned to their homes. the other big fire in yosemite national park burned through four square miles. one home was destroyed. this begins the third week of offensive on the gaza strip. the number of casualties is growing. efforts towards a cease-fire have failed and the israeli prime minister is warning of a prolonged campaign. susan mcginnis is in washington. susan good morning. >> anne-marie, good morning. pressure from washington is having no impact. so far, hamas remains defiant. >> reporter: israeli air strikes
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overnight hit hamas targets in gaza. including this building that houses the hamas-run television and radio station. another strike hit the group's government complex, as the sun rose, the damage was in full view on the 22nd day of this nonstop war. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his people monday to prepare for a prolonged conflict against him mass militants. israeli officials claim hamas fired more than 50 rockets and mortar shells at the jewish state on monday. and an attack on it killed at least four israeli soldiers bringing the total number lost to 53. casualties on the palestinian side are far greater with more than 1100 dead so far, most of them civilians. the two sides are trading blame for a strike monday on a gaza park that killed at least nine children. secretary of state john kerry has been pressing both sides to put down their weapons but faces criticism for lack of success.
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>> john kerrie on behalf of the united states, has been working every step of the way with israel. >> reporter: the united nations is also calling for an immediate cease-fire. overnight strikes also hit the home of a top hamas leader in gaza. israel is also warning palestinians in many gaza neighborhoods to evacuate. a sign that more air strikes could be imminent, anne-marie. >> all right. susan mcginnis in washington. thank you, susan. >> the united states is accruesing russia of violating a 1987 test ban on missiles. it was signed by ronald reagan and so far union leader gorbachev. the violation is filled not a report to be released today. also this week the u.s. and european union plan to impose new sanctions against russia for alleged action in ukraine. and now to west africa where
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the outbreak of ebola is, the largest in history. nearly 700 people have died from the virus. one of the deadliest diseases known to man. u.s. health officials say there is little risk of the virus being spread to this country, but two eastern aid workers in africa have been infected. dr. jon lapook reports. >> reporter: dr. kent brantly from ft. worth, texas and nancy writebol, an aid worker from charlotte,ing north carolina are said to be in serious condition. since march, the outbreak had been refined to three countries. a man take a flight from liberia to nigeria. the cdc says lack of confidence in doctors is a serious issue. two months dr. william fischer treated a brother and sister. >> they were so dehydrated they lost so much, they were so sick,
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despite efforts to try to bring them back, we weren't successful and they died. >> reporter: the incubation period is anywhere from 2 to 21 days. the cdc says there's little risk to the american public but the agency is alerting u.s. health care workers to consider the virus when encountering travelers with flu-like symptoms. there's good news about the family of dr. brantly, the cdc said they left before the symptoms developed. dr. jon lapook, cbs news, new york. coming up on the "morning news," deadly shoot-out. a fugitive gets into a shoot-out with police on a busy new york street. and a judge rules against donald sterling, clearing the way for a clippers sale. this is the "cbs morning news." e getting all the goodies kids' jeans are now just $10 for back to school. plus, shop your way members earn points on qualifying purchases.
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from neutrogena®. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious. a deadly shoot-out on the streets of new york city.
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an accused child molester recently featured on a show about fugitives was spotted inside a store in greenwich ville lica village, and police officers attempted to bring him in are. >> reporter: police were trying to arrest charles mozdir. >> immediately fire upon the officers at a very close range and the officers returned fire. >> reporter: mozdir was shot and killed. police say mozdir had been on the run since december 2012, a $1 million reward was on. >> he fail to show up for an arraignment. >> reporter: police say they tracked mozdir to a smoke shop behind me. a detective went in to visually verify he was there.
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and came out with word mozdir was alone. police say mozdir was carrying a .32 caliber handgun and a pocketful of ammunition. he was pronounced dead at a local hospital. the injured officer was wearing this bulletproof vest which likely saved his life. all three officers are expected to recover. michelle sigona, cbs news, new york. a boat load of whale watchers never made it back on a three-hour tour of boston harbor and are still stranded about 15 miles north of massachusetts. the boat is caught on a lobster trap. straight ahead, the hidden cost of flying might start adding up against. a controversial bill allows airlines to announce fares before taxes and fees.
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losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. on the "cbs moneywatch" now, the house passes a controversial airfare bill. and better news about chocolate prices. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and
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more. good morning, jill. >> good morning, anne-marie. the federal yags administration wants to hit southwest airlines with a $12 million fine. the agency says southwest failed to make proper repairs on some of its boeing 727 jets beginning in 2006. southwest has 30 days to respond to the complaint. it can also negotiate to reduce the fines. southwest and other airlines scored a big victory in the house yesterday. lawmakers passed a bill that lets airlines display the base price of their airfares before taxes and fees. consumer groups say doing that would be misleading, but it probably won't become law because there's no similar bill in the senate. here on wall street, investor, in a wait and see mode. there's lots of economic news coming out this week as well as the jobs report. the dow went up 22 points, the nasdaq dropped 4 points and the s&p up.
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today. the fed is expected to cut its monthly bond-buying program by another 10le. the markets also want to see if the agency plans to raise interest rates. and chocolate lovers will have to pay a little bit more to get that fix. the price of cocoa has gone up 45% in the last year. and how hershey is rising prices 8%. and mars which makes m&ms and snickers is adding 7%, anne-marie. >> looks like i'm going to have to stock up just in case it gets worse before it gets better. jill wagner at the no. and donald sterling's hopes hit a serious low. and what could have been the worst possible place. good, but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain...
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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the los angeles clippers are a big step closer to being out of the hands of donald sterling. a judge ruled sterling's wife shelli had the authority to sell the team for a record $2 billion to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer and as randy page of kcbs reports the ruling cog sideline any attempts by sterling to maintain control of the team. >> this is going to be a good thing for the city, the league, for my family, for all of us. and i just want to thank you all. and come see the clippers next year. >> reporter: shelli sterling's attorney pierce o'donnell says los angeles owes his client a debt of gratitude. >> we want to go forward, understanding that it was one woman who stood up against her husband who had the courage to
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go to court. and she prevailed. and so for the cynics out there, you know, sometimes, it works out okay. and this is a hollywood ending. >> reporter: superior court sunny michael lavonis issued a ruling that paves the pay for the deal for steve ballmer for 2le billion. the judge ruled the evidence shelli sterling was acting out of concern for her husband when she arranged for two doctors to examine his mental competencies. and there was no secret to oust him as trustee. the judge went on to rule there was no unclean hands that would cause the court to strike the documentation of the two doctors. the judge also said tentatively, he will not let an appeal of this case get in the way of the sale to steve ballmer. >> we've been texting with each other. >> reporter: steve ballmer's attorney said he communicated the judge's decision by text from the middle of the
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courtroom. >> he's really excited. he's really, really excited about this team. about this city and about, you know, bringing dignity back to the clippers. and rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to run it this team. >> reporter: donald sterling's reaction -- >> very calm. he didn't see this as the final battleground so this is, you know, one stage of a long war. this is one battle. we had hoped for a different result, but this is not the end. >> reporter: shelli sterling said she looks forward to the day her husband can sit next to her at clipper games cheering on the team they bought nearly two decades ago. >> yeah, i think the ban will be lifted. there's a new owner, a new sheriff in town and it's going to be good. it's going to be good for the city, the fans, for the league, for everybody. that's all we want. >> that was kcbs' randy page reporting. sterling was banned from the nba
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after he was considered making racist comments. in brabl, toronto outfielder melky cabrera has a big night at the plate batting left-handed against barera hammers over the right field fence and then hitting from the other side of the plate, cabrera goes deep again. this time, his homer sails all the way over the green monster. actually smashes the windshield of an suv. toronto doing all kind of damage, the blue jays win 14-1. >> there was good news for one member of the red sox family. the owner of the affiliates left his 2013 world series ring in a restaurant. but it wasn't just any restaurant, it was one in manhattan. the heart of new york yankees territory. luckily, the restaurant owner who is a yankee fan found the ring and got it back to its owner. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," the
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growing controversy over the punishment handed to nfl star ray rice. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ ♪
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now, it's common for young adults to share a roof and split the rent. but now a growing number of older americans are choosing to move in together. they're known as boomer roomies. vinita nair looks at how it changed two women's lives. >> reporter: 67-year-old dina wilcox and 68-year-old anne sigh are not just roommates they're best friends. there's one title neither of them can stand. i'm sure by now you heard this term boomer roomies. >> i don't particularly like that term. >> no i don't like that term. >> reporter: the pair who often finish their sentences together have lived together in this apartment for two years. dina in one side.
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>> i have an office area and bedroom. >> reporter: and anne on the other. just a few years ago, they barely knew each other. dina was living alone after her husband's death having downsized to a two bedroom apartment in new york. she met anne in a learning seminar. dina heard anne talking about her battle with breast cancer and how she could no longer afford her rent because of medical bills. on a whim, she asked anne to move in. >> and the next thing i knew i was calling her. >> i started to cry and said this isn't going to work. i have to sell everything i have and move into this bedroom with only one closet. within a day or two, i came back and said i'd be foolish not to move in together. >> reporter: dina and anne are a growing number of older americans sharing housing. applications for senior roommates in new york have tripled over the past six years. she said sharing finances is not
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the only motivation for seniors. >> i think it can be very lonely and it can cause depression if one is unable to get out as often as possible. there are individuals who have no families. and this is the sort of situation where built-in friendships can occur. >> reporter: these ladies not only share rent and household chores they also share a message. they started a blog called senior flat with the hope that other seniors can benefit from what they learn. >> i think we feel probably closer to each other than other people in our lives. >> itt eit adds a richness that you can't describe. >> reporter: the current lease is one year. this a life long situation? >> the plan that we're making now is that we're going to look for another apartment together if we don't stay here. so, we make it up as we go along. >> it is open-ended. it's just life. life is open-ended.
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>> right. >> reporter: both ladies say they would love to meet a man and get married once again but until that happens, they have each other. vinita nair, harlem. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on the severe weather across the nation and actress laverne cox from "orange is the new black" joins us in the studio. that is the "morning news" for this tuesday. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day.
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. from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". today's tuesday, july 29th, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. stories we're following today. new overnight, the suspects arrested in the carjacking that killed three siblings in north philly face a judge for the first time. we're live with the charges they're now facing. >> a live look as smoke rises over gaza following the heaviest bombardment yet. update on the latest efforts to reach a cease-fire. >> and a frantic effort to save a man who crashed right into the river along penn's landing. check out that car. we'll hear from eyewitnesses who say they saw the drama unfold. those stories and more coming up. let's start with our forecast, kind of fall-ish outside. >> i like t almost like september today? >> yes, typically the profile of tpe


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