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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  July 29, 2014 2:07am-2:38am EDT

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>> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> it was a crazy yesterday thing i ever seen. it look like something you see in a movie. >> tonight at 11:00, dramatic moments as a car crashes into the delaware river and people run to the rescue. good evening i'm jessica den. >> i'm chris may. chopper three was there high above columbus boulevard near
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the market street bridge as first responders frantically tried to save that driver and two others who had jumped in the waters after it. "eyewitness news" reporter elizabeth hur is live on pennsylvania landing that night. liz? >> reporter: chris, police say they are still trying to figure out just exactly what went wrong but they have determined this much. they believe the driver in this case had just hit another car not far from here at fourth and arch and in a attempt to get away from that scene that driver flew down that ramp, jumped this wall and landed in the river. >> it was like crazy yesterday thing i ever seen. it look like something you see in movie. >> reporter: oy witness after eyewitness -- >> i'm at a loss of words right now. >> reporter: watched in disbelief as police pulled the black suv with heavy front end damage out of the water. >> it was something you never see here. probably will never see again. >> had that be doing about 100.
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110. hit the wall. >> i just scene him flying through the air and back hatch opened up and it went straight into the water. >> reporter: according to authorities it happened shortly before 6:00 p.m. we're told two good samaritans jumped in right away. >> one of them his hand but he couldn't get him out. >> reporter: shortly thereafter a responding officer took over. the driver officials say was unresponsive when he was rescued rushed to the hospital where he later died. >> my underring he came down the ramp behind us, and for whatever reason whether the brake failure or there were no skid mark he came over to wall behind you and into the arrive. >> reporter: it appears the driver was fleeing the scene of an accident in center city when he hopped on to ramp that connects the chestnut street bridge to columbus boulevard. and plunged into the delaware river. >> he went right across the pedestrian ramp thank god there was no function going on. if that ramp would have been crowded this would have been lot worse. >> reporter: it could have been a lot worse. we heard that from just about
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everyone here at the scene as you can imagine. as for the driver, police tell us he is 36 years old at this time they are not releasing his name because they tell us this accident remains under investigation. reporting from penn's landing, i'm elizabeth hur cbs-3 oy were the news. >> liz, thank you. the manhunt is over. two suspects now in custody charged in the deadly carjacking that killed three children and left their mother critically injured. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers is live at philadelphia police headquarters with more tonight. matt? >> reporter: jessica, for the first time in a few days, homicide detectives are getting a well-deserved break after working non-stop through the weekend in pursuit of these suspects. this was no doubt emotionally case for law enforcement officials with some of that emotion showing through earlier today at a press conference. >> this is eyewitness video of cornelius crawford being taken into custody sunday night. hours earlier, john and that rosa had turned himself in to police. a three hiv day manhunt for the pair now over.
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>> i want to personally thank commissioner ramsey, captain clark, all the men and women of the philadelphia police department for their exceptional work in bringing these two bastards to justice. >> reporter: friday employees say crawford and rosa carjacked a realtor sexually assaulting her in the back seat. minutes later they crashed at allegheny and germantown avenues striking and killing three siblings 15 year old key era william, 10 year old joseph reid and seven year old terrence moore. their mother and another woman were also hit each still in the hospital. >> following tips pulling video and following leads that have come in to our unit. >> reporter: at a press conference announcing the char charges police credited the public for flooding tip lines with information and setter their break in the case came when someone discovered rosa's cell ton at the scene and turned it in to police. >> i just want to thank the public for all of their assistance. >> reporter: pastor juan of the crossroads community center
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new rosa his and tire life. >> quiet demeanor very respect young man this is a community where it's easy to get caught up in negative things. rosa doesn't have much of a criminal history but his alleged accomplice does. crawford was released on p role in april of 2,013 after serving half of a five to 13 year prison sentence for armed robbery. the parole board said it released him because he quote demonstrated motivation for success. for some neighbors there's little consolation in the arre arrest. >> that mother still got to wake up and find out that her babies are gone. there's no justice for that. >> reporter: we did learn charles barkley offered to pi for the funeral services of the children who died. also, of note city council darrell clark told us earlier today that the city is already exploring ways to turn the crash scene into a permanent memorial for this who were killed. we're live outside of police headquarters matt rivers cbs-3 it witness news. >> matt, thank you. stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the
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deadly carjacking. you can get the latest any time at >> five people hospitalized today after a hazmat situation in northampton county. they were apparently exposed to some type of chemical here. chopper three oh green starry cycling on smith lane in northampton. we're told every weren't was treated at the hospital and row leased. what caused that problem is not yet known. officials say a lightning strike is like physical blame for a fire that destroyed a building at a chester county campground. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carrabeo has lock at the devastating aftermath. >> reporter: as the sun shines in east brat forward there is in sign of the storm that blue through monday morning except this. bent metal and smolders remains of a decades old building at par are dice farm camps on valley creek road. >> i don't even really know how to break to you the teen cabin is burnt to the car. >> reporter: scott recalls the moment he learned about his classroom. all that's left now is 11 years
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of memory. >> we've bon doing a lot of reflecting on this. >> reporter: about 1:00 in the the teen and center was on fire. fire crews were on seen in a matter of minutes. >> by the time the fire companies got here, the building was already a loss. >> now only the steps and chimney remain. the blow kenacomb at a worse time monday was supposed to star the camp's busiest week the day camp alone serves about 250 kids a day who are in chester county. >> there would be laughing, there would be learning. >> reporter: president andy says the day cam happen to remain closed monday as the grounds were restored to working order. this camp was founded in 1875 and this specific area the day camp area was built in the 1930s. making this fire even more devastating because of the buildings historical significance. >> it is painful. it does break our hearts. but, you know, like all good americans, you know, you get stronger threw it. >> reporter: kids will return tuesday with lessons learned about the power of mother nature and a lesson still to be had
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about resilience. >> all right. let's rebuild. let's rebill. >> reporter: one of the oldest camps in the country today bent but not broken. jan carrabeo cbs-3 it witness news. >> rare lightning strike on california beach killed a 21 year old college student yesterday. the lightning bolt surged through the water at haven't this beach more than a dozen others were also injured. as many as 20,000 people were on the beach. and many say they felt a jolt of electricity in the sand. experts say the odds of getting struck by lightning in california are one in 7.5 mel i don't know. >> heavy fighting prevents an international police team from reaching the crash site of malay share airlines flight 17. the team of us a veil yann and dutch police and forensic experts is charged with securing that site. but they were forced to stop in a town about 20 miles away. ukrainian troops have stepped up their push to win back this territory from pro russian separatists. meantime the flight
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recorders from flight 17 showed that that plane suffered a sudden explosive decompression and act an accident consistent being punctured by shrapnel. >> the fighting continues in gaza he is despite international calls for a zero fire there. israel and ma'am has blame each other for rocket strike that killed at least 10 palestinians including children at a park in gaza. earlier, israel dropped thousands of leaflets over goods gaza city enlisting the names of hamas militants it killed and warning other who's would join the fight of a similar fate. >> they are images of a tornado strike. we have certainly seen them before. but this time it's different. well tell you about that next. kathy? >> in the wake of cold front and a few showers, we see much cooler air moving in to the delaware valley. a major cool down getting underway. i'll scholl you what you'll wake up to. >> and this may look like a normal photograph but there's something in this become cher that reveals cancer.
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health reporter stephanie stahl will show you were to look for and it could have you looking at photos a whole new way. >> also ahead tonight shaking hands. the traditional form of greeting could get replaced. why health experts say that's a good thing when "eyewitness
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>> tornado touches down near the city of boston for the first time since they started keeping records back in 1950. it was an ef2 twister with winds up to 120 miles an hour. it carve add 2-mile path of destruction through the town of revere. trees were knocked down there and some homes and businesses lost their roofs. >> just kind of went crazy. the winds were just all over the place. >> they estimate that twister was the ground for four minutes. several people sudden minor injuries. >> to colorado now, three tornadoes there spun through the denver area earlier today. and this one was caught on tape around fort lump ton. no reports of any injuries or
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major damage. but one of the twisters did touchdown 94 den very's airport leaving travelers to seek shelter in the airport's concourse. >> big legal defeat today for the la clippers owner donald sterling. a judge has lee fussed to block the $2 billion sale of has too many. spear i don't your court judge sided with his estranged wife shelly. she negotiated the sale of that team to mike crow soft' former ceo steve ballmer. sterling was banned by the nba after being caught on tape makinmaking racist remarks. >> chocoholics it's going to cost you more to get your fix. the coast of cocoa is 4% meyer. bad weather and political tensions in cocoa producing countries led to lower yields for farmers. hershey will raise its prices by 8% and marches is pushing prices up by about 7%. >> we're chocolate themed.
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we don't mind how much it costs. >> this is the first time in about three years that marches and hershey have raised prices. >> on the health watch, it might be a cool way to greet someone but a fist bump not hand shake is also better at preventing the spread of germs. new study found shakin shaking s spread twice the amount of bacteria compared to a fist bu bump. researchers say the smaller amount of skin surface that touches, the smaller amount of germs that are spread. also, on the health watch tonight, a photograph that looks normal could reveal potentially deadly cancer. it's a tiny spot in the eye that most people wouldn't even noti notice. three on your side health instead of know stall shows you were to look for. >> playing with her twin sister three year old mckenzie foreman needs glasses to see. she had a rare eye cancer diagnosed when she was just six months old. >> it was just kind of fast moving because it was like, you know, one doctor telling you
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that is and the neck doctor and it was -- it was just -- it was obviously just extremely emotional. >> her parents didn't realize the first signs of the cancer were in baby photos look carefully. mckenzie's twin has a red i've eye reflect which is normal but mckenzie has white dots in her pupils. >> the tumor is white in color. you're seeing a reflect of the tumor within the pupil itself. >> dr. sarah lally at wills eye was among the doctors who treated mckenzie for retinal blass tomorrow ma. a rare type of pediatric eye cancer that can be seen in photographs. >> cameras being an important tool for doctors. >> this is used diagnostically clear. >> correct. so we're just like the parents taking pictures. >> brian shaw's son know what had the sam kind of cancer in one eye. a fet tow when he was just 12 days old showed the white reflection. >> the fact that this digital cam are was picking up the white eye months and months before we
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ever saw it was really just fascinating. >> noah and mc ken so both had one eye removed and now where prosthetics. doctors were able to save mckenzie's other eye with chemotherapy and laser treatments. her parents wish they had known to look for white pupils in photos perhaps they could have saved their daughter's eye if the cancer was diagnosed earli earlier. >> definitely we need to make parents aware that there is a potential out there for their children to have rb. >> other signs of rb include pain, redness and eyes that don't look in the same directi direction. doctors say white spots don't always indicate there's problem but it's should probably be check out. we have a lot mr. information for you at click on health. i'm stephanie stahl cbs-3 eyewitness news. >> well, when it comes to weather the winds of change are blowing. >> they are blowing. >> they are. almost here. >> they're knocking on a door near you many we're looking at
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temperatures that are cooling down into the 60s into the 50s. feeling much more like september than july. it's not going to last all that long but we'll enjoy it while we have it. crack the within do's this is the in it to get fresh air into the house. outside it is a beautiful night from the city to the shore enjoying the boards even long after the sun has set at this late hour many people still enjoying the boardwalk in ocean city cape may county. on storm scan3 we don't have to worry about any more showers or sprinkles anywhere. they have diss is pated cold front is moving through. moving offshore. and we are looking at drying conditions as the overnight progresses. ing see where the cooler air is already. the poconos only 58. allentown 67. the same in reading lancaster 64. still hanging on to the 70s for the most part along the i-95 corridor. cooling down in millville and atlantic city at 69. it's nothing compared to what's to the west. where the colder air has been sitting for the past several hours. state college 61. buffalo new york 59.
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pittsburgh at 58. in the city bottom out in the lower 60s but our suburbs will get down into the 50s. a good morning to be outdoors tomorrow as well. satellite/radar shows that front pushing through the region. a few clouds behind it. but those will be dissipating overnight as well. in the wake of this front, we have a cooler northwesterly breeze adding in the chill but just more comfort to the temperatures. close to 80 degrees in the city. 70s in our suburbs northwesterly winds bringing that dry canadian air nurture john. high pressure slides to the south for wednesday. it gets warmer. more humid. by thursday but not too bad. temperatures in the 80s and it won't be until friday that we see our neck chance of a shower or a thunderstorm. now, latest on the tropic shows this cluster of thunderstorms or this tropical wave which could develop into tropical depression number three by the end of the week. the next couple of days it is not in a favorable environment for development. if you're heading to the poconos it will stay cool, tuesday and
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wednesday with a scattered storm possible thursday. and temperatures gradually warming into the mid 70s. so overnight tonight partly cloudy, breezy, cool, northwesterly winds about 15 to 20. those gusts will relax somewhat. the low testimony cher 62 in the city. 50s in our suburbs. to your tuesday plenty of blue sky, dry air from the northwest. temperatures right around 80 degrees. and on the exclusive "eyewitness weather" seven today forecast and shore cast. , wednesday we'll go 84. thursday 86. temperatures down the shore in the upper 70s lower 80s by plenty of sunshine. so the uv index will be high everywhere. friday that's our next chance of a late day shower or storm. the same on saturday. sunday and monday staying warm. more seasonable with high temperatures in the mid 80s. average high this time of year 87. get the updated forecast any too many with our new cbs philly weather app check live radar get severe weather alerts and share your pictures with us. download the app now on i tunes and of course it's coming soon
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to android. so enjoy the quiet weather gang. indicate did he will the latest on the cool temperatures tomorrow morning at 4:30. here on cbs-3 and then the team begins at 7:00 on the cw. >> nice cool calm temperatures. >> we like that. >> quiet for change. >> kathy, thanks. >> beasley is who are now if there was ever a doubt this is a football team you've got some evidence here. >> no quiet it there today. 15,000 fans. i mean just to go to so practice and the first day of practice much not like they were going to see a lot. just great stuff. and also, the phillies and the mets you know the metropolitans real problem. trade deadline is thursday and they're talking cole hamels. i'll let you know the lates
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>> the phillies back on familiar ground struggling to start series again the mets. long first inn fog for aj burnettly daniel murphy with the fly ball. ben revere can't get it.
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grander son will come around to score and it's one to nothing mets. lucas stepped up and hit a line drive single up the middle to score murphy and the lead is now two to nothing. later it was juan la garris hitting double down the right field line to score two more. burnett gave up four in the first inning of play. let's van to the fifth. former phillies prospect travis door know crashes this hanging curve for a three run shot. burnett gave up seven runs in five innings of work. 13 hits but stranded 12 of them. mets within seven-one the fourth time this season the fight having been held to two runs or less. >> trade deadline is thursday at 4:00 p.m. reports say dodgers are interested in cole hmm mills if they want him it will take or five quality prospects. cole in the same rotation with kershaw would the no be fair. >> new rule forces nfl coaches to wait day four of training camp before practicing in pads. he gallons suited up for the first time today.
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over 15,000 eagles fans at the linc to see the action it was also the team's annual salute to the mill tar. fans got to so warm ups and drills and pass coverage and team work. >> sitting in the green seats and enjoy what we put out each and every day. it's a blessing to be out here. off huge role in the situation. we going to sign autographs and do everything we can to kind of satisfy the fans because we know without them there's no us. >> the fans got to witness a little scuffle between bradley fletcher and jeremy maclin and the the day way shady mccoy and trent cole going at it. don't be alarmed. it's expected and broken up very quickly with no hard feelings whatsoever. >> they're emotions got the better part of them. those thing happen much it's in different than sometimes little keds don't get along very well and throw to inform ka truck at each other. >> we got a bunch of guys vying and competing for guys. guys are hot and tired of
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hitting each other. it just happens. >> the birds will be off tomorrow. camp resumes at the notify have care complex. next open practice sunday at the linc. you can go and get your seats at 11 a.m. >> that will be great time. >> sounds good. >> all right, beasley, thank you. >> coming up the president admits to
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♪ >> 22 americans honored at the white house today. among them singer linda ron sad. >> the president awarded linda the national medal of arts at that ceremony and shared personal thoughts about each of the recipients to ron sad he admitted he had a crush on the singer when he was younger. good taste. among the on the notable hahn are in reece jeff fro cats zen burg the ce oval of dream w
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>> thank you for watching "eyewitness news" at 11:00 o'clock. we're back tomorrow morning at 4:30 with ukee washington and erika von tiehl. for beasley, kathy and everyone here at "eyewitness news", i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. you can always find us at the lat show with david letterman is next with guest
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john c. riley. have good night. we'll see you tomorrow. >> now, a paid presentation for thamazing new sheer cover studio mineral makeup, giving you radiant, flawless-looking skin in seconds. hosted by brooke burke-charvet, with special appearances by stars of "csi: miami," "scrubs" and "hall pass," "the young and the restless," and "the bachelorette." brought to you by guthy renker. imagine if you could make any flaw on your skin instantly disappear. what if you could have that
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beautiful, air-brushed glow that the celebrities have? and what if you could do it all in seconds, with just the touch of a brush? sound like magic? then keep watching, because hollywood's hottest makeup secret just got better. >> just feels like i'm not wearing anything, and covers everything up. i just feel-- i feel beautiful. >> it is that easy. i put it on and i'm like, "oh, my god, i'm a new person!" >> now, join brooke on the set of her latest photo shoot as she reveals hollywood beauty secrets you don't wanna miss. >> hi, i'm broke burke-charvet. today, i'm at a photo shoot, where it can take as many as a dozen people to make me look cover-ready. but like you, i don't ve a team of people around me when i go pick up the kids or run to the store, and let's face it, we all have something that we'd like to cover. well now, i've discovered a secret that gives me perfect-looking skin just like that. it's like having a magic wand that instantly makes my


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