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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  July 8, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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scott pelley. >> pelley: vials of smallpox in a box and the cathedral resurrected.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. president obama pleaded to fix the border crisis he asked for $4 billlion it would care for kids here and speed up sending them home.
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>> reporter: obama asked congress for money for detention facilities and more judges./ kids are guaranteed a hearing. >> the children who survive it will be sent home.
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>>what i hear is we need to treat them with compassion. >> coming to the us is dangerous how many die trying? israeli planes hit gaza
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32 miles long hamas run election in 2006 holly is in israel tonight. >> the isreli military says its targettiong terrorist.
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members hamas said this killed four members officials said seven people were killed. rockets there has been a surge in rockets sirens sounded in tel aviv today rockets were intercepted by iron dome. to relieve tension, a kids party
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was organized today. she has givne up on peace >> 40 years we've had rockets >> is either side trying to calm things? >> israel has called up 40,000 rese4rvists. >> holly, thanks.
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secretary of state kerry is going to step into >> secretary kerry is going to meet with both candidates and ask for a unity goverment. a split govertnment could
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cause a cutoff in us aid attorney general holder has called syria a >> if we wait for citizens to go to syria, it may be too late to help our security.
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there have been a lot of europeans going for jihad >> and what when they come back, be it better traumatized or a come nation of those, they might become active as an attacker, as a terrorist. and they could become active tomorrow, next week but it could also take four or five years.
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>> reporter: that makes the job of monitoring the ja habys all that much hard he. social media is another problem. it has changed the way they communicate and operate. >> there's nobody who has a map and we have to go this way. that is what we see. >> reporter: so how much more difficult does that make your job? >> you know where to attack where to move, where to focus your attention. if you don't have a leader, if you have a swarm, that is it's much harder to focus your attention, your efforts. >> coris ward is joining us from london. he just described these gentlemethese jihadiesas a swar. >> following them once they return home is actually a lot tougher than it may sound, particularly in europe because,
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of course, europeans can move easily and freely through many of the countries in the european union and it's worth pointing out as well, scott, that most european citizens do not need a visa to travel to the u.s. so this certainly is not limited to europe. >> terrific interview, clarissa. thanks very much. today, the centers for disease control announced a startling discovery. long forgotten vile -- vials of smallpox. one of the most deadliest and feared diseases in history. it was taught thought to be wiped out but there it was in a cardboard box in a storage room just outside washington, d.c. dr. john lapux's been looking into this today. john? >> reporter: the cdc and the fbi are investigating why the samples of smallpox were lying around for so many years unaccounted for. here's what happened. on july 1st, an fda researcher cleaning out a cold storage closet in a lab on the nih
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bethesda, maryland, campus, found a number of vials from the 1950s. some of the vials were labeled typhus, infrienda, and murchs but six sealed tubes were labeled var yoela, the scientific word for smallpox. smallpox was appeared irradicated in the '80s and are only supposed to be stored in two places, in the cdc in atlanta and a lab in russia. the vials were first moved to a safe location on the nih campus. then late yesterday, the fbi oversaw air and ground transport of the virus to cdc headquarters. overnight testing confirmed the presence of smallpox. it will take up to two weeks to determine if the smallpox virus has any ability to grow. in any case, the plan is to destroy it. a cdc spokesman told me, it's a fascinating discovery for scientists, the equivalent of finding a babe ruth card in the attic but he said there's no public health threat. >> john, thank you very much.
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germany discovered the golden touch in the world cup finals today. the host country, brazil, just never had a chance. every time the germans kicked the ball, it seemed to go in. there were four goals in six minutes. the final was 7-1. in the finals, germany will face the winner of tomorrow's match between holland and argentina. as for brazil, there was no consurling the fans after thet in a world cup. there's a manner shortage in the lathes state to make it legal, and a new harry potter story featuring a grownup harry! when the "cbs evening news" continues.
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finally, the purple pill,hr the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ >> pelley: earlier, we were telling you about the crisis of illegal immigrants, particularly children, surging into the united states. but there's a lesser-known story involving the immigrants who don't survive their journey. manuel bojorquez picked up their trail in south texas. >> reporter: summer arrived in brooks county, texas, with its usual unforgiving glare and with it the recovery of bodies, illegal immigrants who bombed to the heat in the mesquite-covered ranch land. >> they're told it's quick and easy and it's not, not with the weather or terrain. >> reporter: chief deputy
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martinez tracks immigrant deaths in this finder. >> 2014. >> reporter: these photographs document 37 bodies found in brooks county so far this year including this 19-year-old from honduras. for every body you find, how many more are out there? >> i'd say at least five. >> reporter: national guard helicopters with infrared can spot the immigrants but border agents can only capture so m. in brooks county, a federal checkpoints bypassed by immigrants walking around it through private ranches. more than 300 bodies have been found in the brush since 2011. the areas are remote but the signs of a well-worn path are all around. water bottles, toiletries, bags, even clothes show this is one of the stops along the way. this is stop is on a 13,000-acre ranch managed by durham. how many people would stop at a place like this?
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>> 15, 20. >> reporter: at least once a week? >> right. written underneath. >> reporter: he installed a water station hoping to prevent more deaths. >> i'm not aiding them, no, i'm just trying to save some lives. >> reporter: last month, he found two bodies, a clear sign traffic isn't slowing down. >> as long as this immigration reform issue doesn't have closure to it, they're going to keep coming. >> reporter: and deputies expect the death toll to keep rising. they've recovered four bodies in the last two weeks, and the hottest months are still ahead. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, texas. >> pelley: marijuana became legal today in washington state. how are the sales? that's next. sinks a hole-in-one... ♪ ...quicken loans will pay your mortgage for an entire year. [ golf announcer ] that is how it's done. truly amazing!
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[ male announcer ] get in the hole-in-one sweepstakes. enter today at and you could have your mortgage paid for an entire year.
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>> pelley: today, washington became the second state in the nation where people can buy marijuana legally for recreational use. how is demand? here's adriana diaz. >> the first grams of marijuana were sold at the can bass city pot store at noon in seattle. 65-year-old debra green had been waiting online since yesterday. >> i can't wait to go home and enjoy. >> reporter: cannabis city and six other shops opened today expected to sell out in hours. supply is short because producers have not been cleaned
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by overwhelmed state investigators. 2600 applied to be licensed growers, fewer than 100 approved, and didn't start growling till march. >> i do not think that the regulation is sufficient at this point. >> reporter: courtney was against the legal says and is with mothers against drunk driving. >> with recreational marijuana, we'll see a lot of people entering the marketplace who wouldn't have before. they either won't be familiar with how marijuana makes them feel, how it may impair judgment of driving abilities and other abilities. >> reporter: colorado already sold medical marijuana but washington state's medical marijuana dispensaries are unregulated so the recreational pot infrastructure started from scratch. distribution and supply problems are expected to keep prices for illegal marijuana at $25 a gram, about double the street price. many store owners plan to rags what they have left because they don't expect new supplies till at least next month.
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adriana disays, cbs news, seattle. >seattle. >> pelley: for harry photter fans, the long wait is over. author j.k. rowling post add new potter on her web site. harry is 33 and attending the cupp with friends and he hermim. just 1500 words is all she wrote. our final story is next.
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>> pelley: finally, tonight, the bible says there's a time for everything -- a time to tear down and a time to build up. for america's second biggest cathedral, chip reid tells us it has been a time for building up what nature tore down. >> reporter: washington national cathedral towers over the nation's capitol like a mighty fortress. but when an earthquake shook washington nearly three years ago, it was clear that this is also a delicate work of art. tons of stone came crashing down and dozens of pinnacles and gar goils shifted and twisted. >> it was like getting socked in the stomach. >> reporter: stone car verse andy uhl and sean callahan have worked on the cathedral more than 20 years. >> i thought, it's done.
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now i'm repairing sometimes my own work. >> reporter: it took two and a half years to assess the damage and develop a plan to fix it. only now are they beginning phase one which includes repairing the ceiling. head stonemason joe alonso took us on a climbing tour. how high are we right now? >> we're just about 100 feet off of the main floor right now. >> reporter: wow. when the earthquake happened, what happened in the ceiling of the cathedral? >> the ceiling rattled. the entire cathedral shook but the ceiling definitely rattled. >> reporter: we saw the result all around us. >> all along in here, the big joint, the cracking you see, that's definitely earthquake damage. >> reporter: we also got a rare look at artwork that hasn't been seen this close up in decades. everything from moses holding the ten commandments to a man coveting his neighbor's wife. >> incredibly detailed carving everywhere you look. this is one of my favorite. the egyptian stone carver, look
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at him carving th the sphynx. isn't that neat? >> reporter: cathedral dean gary hall hopes it can be completed in nine months. the first step in restoring national unit. >> we are the place where the nation comes to celebrate, to mourn. >> reporter: the work is painstakingly slow. so, too, is raising the $26 million in private donations it will cost, which means it could be another decade before all the pieces of this national treasure are back where they belong. chip reid, cbs news, washington. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs
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