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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  July 1, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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justin drabick on the skydeck for you, jd, good morning. >> good morning, guys, that's right, typical summer like stuff here across the delaware valley, hot, humid, the next few days, sun comes up in about a half hour. it already is pretty warm outside. you can feel the mugginess in the air. temperatures, already low 70s many spots. seventy-three in philadelphia, 73 atlantic city, mount pocono still upper 60s right now, suburbs beginning to warm up, 71 pottstown and willow grove. very muggy, humidity will be continue to be on the rise, reason the wind, out of the south, pretty calm right now at five to 10 miles per hour, but it will increase through the afternoon, that just pumps in the moisture and hot air from the south. just some fair weather clouds passing by right now, storm scan3, we are dry, so no threat of rain this morning, for your morning ride n later this afternoon, could be isolated shower or thunderstorm. so, this is what's happening over the next few days, hot and humid, typical july
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weather, tracking tropical depression expected to turn into tropical storm over the next few days, and of course we'll check out your fourth of july forecast which could bring wet weather from the tropical system. >> huge i had at lunchtime, temperatures mid 80s, upper 80s by around 3:00 in the afternoon, and high temps today for the inland spots upper 80s to around 90 degrees, some some relief ate shore, poconos, low 80s, even those locations it will be very humid. we'll let you know when the relief comes. first a check on the traffic with bob. >> good morning, everybody, 5:01 this tuesday morning, off to pretty good start, roads are dry, but one accident, live look, it the left of your screen there, you can see all of the police activity southbound lanes of i-95, right near philly international airport, so if you are headed south this morning, from say the northeast or center city two of the three lanes available, traffic getting by in that outer drive.
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going to the benny, live look at the ben franklin bridge coming into downtown philly. no problems or delays at all, again, right now, still only three lanes open coming into center city, i usually by this time they have the zipper out there to actually give us extra lane. construction on the new jersey bound side, rest of the roadways good shape, 422, schuylkill, no problems or delays at the moment. bellmawr, new jersey, kings highway the eastbound side is block, at lincoln avenue, an overnight accident took down pole and some wires, otherwise, mass transit looking good, no delays. back to you. >> thank if you, new this morning, police are investigating a shooting in west philly. they found a wounded man here 800 block of north 46 street, investigators say they found no evidence there, gunshot wound to the stomach area. erika? >> ukee, developing right now, a political stalemate underway in harrisburg. the governor won't sign the budget for the new physical
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year which starts to the, jen bernstein joins us now in front of the school administration building with the latest on, that jen, good morning. >> state legislature did pass $29.1 billion budget bill. but the governor wasn't rushing to sign that bill. now, we also know, that in the meantime, the school reform commission had to approve budget earlier in the day that included $93 million plate holder, hoping state legislators would help fill. >> the budget bill passed by republican controlled legislature late last night includes increase in dollars for schools. does not raise taxes, and fills a large budget gap. but whether it helps philadelphia school budget crisis, still remains to be seen. democratic representative brendan boil argued on the house floor, there wasn't enough for the city schools.
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>> we cannot leave here without having done something to solve this problem. >> the $2 cigarette tax vital to is philadelphia school funding woes put into separate budget related bill will be voted on by the senate today. house vote would then follow. the $2 per pack cigarette tax would bring in about $80 million for the school district. yesterday, the school reform commission had to approve a budget that includes $93 million hold with hopes other revenue sources like the cigarette tax would fill it for next year. >> there aren't any other place toss cut. this is not a problem you can solve now. we can't cut our way to the top for this problem. >> governor corbett did not sign a bill last night, saying at least pension reform on the table. he also is up for re-election this fall, this is a measure that he has made a priority. now, he did say in a statement following that that he will continue to work with legislature, toward meaningful
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pension reform, i am withholding signing the budget passed by the general assembly while i deliver its impact on the people of pennsylvania. democrats say this move is holding philadelphia's school district hostage at this point. that's the latest outside of school district headquarters, jen bernstein, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> jen, thank you. other news this morning, philadelphia police reminding residents of the dangers of swimming and city creeks. warning comes after a 15 year old boy drowns, while swimming with friends in juniata park. firefighters pulled from the talcony creek near roman avenue early yesterday evening, police say several signs clearly posted warning people to stay out. the muddy water hides many dangers including rocks, tree branches, even shopping carts. >> a shame. i know this has probably happened back here few times. i grew up two blocks away, i think i can see the house where i grew up there is was notorious back here, for a bad spot. >> police interviewed the teenagers friends who told them he could not swim.
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right now the incident appears to be an accidental drowning. in ocean city the coast guard suspends its search for a teenage here disappeared in the ocean more than 30 hours ago. the 14 year old boy got caught in rip current while swim withing friends sunday night near the ninth street jet i. lifeguards were not on duty, when he disappeared, rescue teams responded and pulled 14 people from the water. police have not released the teenager's name, but we are told he is from philadelphia. a top crack-down on electronic cigarettes starts today in philadelphia. it is now illegal to smoke e-cigarettes in places like offices, restaurants, bars, and public parks. that's the same ban already in place for tobacco cigarettes. >> the trial begins for camden man charged in the stabbing death of child trying to protect his sisters. prosecutors say he was high on marijuana and pcp when he stabbed six year old to death, allegedly assaulting and slashing the boy's 12 year old
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sister during the september 2012 attacks. was able to distract the man long enough to aid his sister's escape. >> well, happening today, son of convicted killer kermit gosnell will appear in court for a preliminary hearing, barren alexander charged his legal name from baron goznel, faces burglary and assault charges, he broke into neighbor's home in mantua last month, and was shot after the residents woke up to the burglary. he's currently being held on $125,000 bail. the suspect wanted for the cruel and brutal videotape beating of a mother is now hine bars. "eyewitness news", in salem, as will -- latia harris turned herself into police last night, harris is the woman right there in the orange shirt in the cell phone video attack ago woman in front of her two year old son. authorities charged harris with aggravated assault and making terroristic threats. your time coming up on 5:08. tensions rice in the middle east after three israeli teens
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are found dead. now, israel is striking back. >> also, a decision that impacts millions of women. how president obama is responding to the supreme court's landmark ruling on birth control. >> and, the pressure is on for team usa win or go home today at the world cup. now the team is about to get a big addition, just in time for this must-win game. jd? >> all right, we are waking up to some warm conditions, it will be hot, humid this afternoon. i'll show the seven day forecast coming up. >> ♪ >> might feel like you're waking on the sun later today, hot, humid, but you know what it, could always be worse. maybe not barefoot, put the shoes on, i'll help you out.
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>> jd looking at your forecast, bob the traffic. see you in a bit. ♪ uncle craig, what's the deal? can't record that many shows at once. why? you can't save every single cartoon. why? you know you can't pause the tv here and play it in another room. why? it's time for fios quantum tv. store up to 200 hours in hd. record up to 12 shows at once. pause and play live tv, room to room. plus, watch live tv on the go with the fios mobile app.
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>> israeli military hear carry i had out intense air strikes in response to rocket attacks. it comes o day after three missing israeli teens were found dead. one of the teens had dual citizenship in israel and the us. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said quote hamas is responsible and hamas will pay. a community wide memorial service for the teens will be held tonight at congregation mickva in israel, all welcome to attends that service. meanwhile, president obama will send more troops to iraq, as the crisis in that country continues. 200 members of the military will deploy to protect the us
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embassy and personnel in baghdad. more than 2400 iraquis were killed in violent attacks last month. that makes june the deadliest month so far this year. and the obama administration wants congress to come up with a new way to offer free contraception to women, covered under some health insurance plans. the supreme court ruled five to four that some companies with religious objections can avoid the contraceptives requirement in the new healthcare law. the owners of hobby lob err and lancaster based connestoga wood specialties challenge that part of the affordable care act t required them to provide coverage for birth control. both argued it would interfere with their religious believe. >> for those who wish to be guide in the all areas of life, including their businesses, by fate and conscious. >> we're still talking about birth control in 2014. it is pretty unbelievable, isn't it? and a lot of the talk comes from people who were opposed
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to abortion. >> the contraceptives at issue, the morning after pill and the iud's. >> a special guest is coming to philadelphia for the fourth of july. vice president joe biden just announced he will zero he'll be here for the celebration every freedom ceremony friday. that will starts at 10:00 o'clock friday morning on the steps every independence hall. the vice president has not said if he will make any other stops while in town. but the perfect place to be on the fourth every july. hopefully we have some good weather, but justin, i think tracking some storms for later in the week, right? >> that's right. good morning, we go from the heat, humidity today, with wet weather over the next few days, could extends into fourth of july, as well, but we are waking to up dry conditions this morning, check out event err city philadelphia, live look from logan circle, sunrise in 15, 20 minutes. it is warm, though, check out the temperatures already at 73 degrees at the airport, in philadelphia, 70 in trenton, low 70s, in reading.
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a lot of humidity already in place, that will just increase over the next 24, 48 hours, so it will feel humid today. an oppressive wednesday. still on humid side thursday, because of that, we will see a good shot of showers and storms returning to our forecast. dry this morning, though, just few clouds, streaming through our area. there is a line of showers and storms across the midwest. now, most of the activity stays to the west, but with the humidity in place, can't rule out a shower, thunderstorm this afternoon, some spots. so these are the padge tours, oppressive heat, 90 degrees temperatures, humidity, we have strong storms from cold front pushing eastward, and then we got to throw a tropical system into the mix. , could become tropical storm arthur, just added moisture to parts of the delaware valley. mostly dry today, could be isolated shower or storm, wednesday afternoon better shot for showers and storms. look at the heat index, what it feels like when you factor in humidity. will feel like mid 90s today.
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probably break the hundred's tomorrow. so, very hot, humid today, here is your forecast, 09 degrees, hot, humid, watch out for the isolated shower or thunderstorm. now a check with bob on the traffic. >> good morning, everybody, 5:15, off to pretty good start this morning, roads are dry, at least at the moment. >> i95 southbound in the background there, see police, the police lights working on an accident. this is south 95, right near the philly international airport interchange. now, headlights are headed northbound. if you are coming from say the northeast or center city, just be aware to hit the brakes there as you head south. schuylkill looking good. no problems at all, looking live right near the roosevelt boulevard. and then conshohocken state road blocked, between manayunk, over to rock hill, until about 3:00 this afternoon, doing some emergency road repairs, lancaster avenue will be your best bet, expect delays through the morning rush hour, the fifth street tunnel that's the short cut between arch and
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vine, so use third street in and out of center city. overnight work still with us south on the new jersey turnpike, as you approach the black horse pike, that's exit three. and until about 7:00. otherwise, mass transit looking good. erika, back to you. >> thank you, a look at today's headlines right now, the philadelphia school reform commission has approved its budget, but there is still wait to go see how much money the state will provide. the legislature has approved a state budget, but governor tom corbett wants a pension overhaul before he'll sign it into law. >> a 15 year old boy drowned, with friends when he went into water 10 feet deep. swimming in the creek is prohibited. >> starting today in philadelphia, it is illegal to smoke e-cigarettes in office, restaurants, bars and public parks. that's the same ban already in place for tobacco cigarettes. your time 5:16. get ready for some stepped up security at philly's games,
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the big change you will notice on your next trip to the ball yard. also this. >> just flashed, came up, next thing i know, my shirt was on fire. >> oh, the bucks county woman gets surprise of her life when her laptop explodes. why she says she's actually greatful, after the fire. >> details coming up.
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♪watching everybody eating ♪what they want all day ♪oh this tasteless cardboard ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away
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lane johnson will miss the first four games. season as part of punishment for failing a test for performance enhancing drugs. first rounds draft last season, played in every game. matter of fact, he played all but one snap, not known if he will appeal his suspension, he is allowed to play in pre-season games. well the phillies on the road tonight, they start ten game road trip in miami, against the marlins, with former marilyn a.j. burnett on the mound, marlins will start hernandez alvarez, henderson al veras, played the phillies in south philly.
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phils will take part in metal detector pilot program beginning july 21. all fans entering the right field gate will pass through the detectors before their tickets are scanned. baseball and homeland security department want to standard eyes security measures in all ballparks. but opening day next year, all will be required to screen all fans entering their stadium. well, the 6ers and the rest of the nba start the free agency period today. it is the sixers first opportunity to convince labron james to take his talents to south philly. i won't hold your breath. teams can negotiate with players right now, but cannot sign deals until next week. but never say never. you never know. right? erika? >> never do. ukee, thank you. hey, history made today at the university of pennsylvania, m grace calhoun taking over aspen pennsylvania's athletic director, she is the first female athletic director in big five history. calhoun replaces steve, who
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spent the last 20 years as the quakers ad. welcome to tangling deed. well, it is one of the biggest controversy in medicinement vaccines and autism. >> newly released information about the possible side effect for children. >> and, wicked weather blows through the midwest, getting new look at some of the worse damage left behind. back in two minutes.
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5:23 right now. >> good morning, everyone, waking to up dry start to the day, sunshine, and we'll be up in about ten minutes or so. take a live look at the ben franklin bridge right now, and you can see, skies brightening, still few clouds over the region, but no threat of any rain, we are dry this morning, but later on this afternoon, could be isolated shower, thunderstorm. very warm and humid already
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this hour. here we are, 73 degrees at the airport, and at wilmington, 72 allentown, 67 in mount pocono. you can see, storm scan3, just some clouds, rolling through the delaware valley, as we speak. shouldn't pose a threat this morning, it is afternoon that there will be isolated shower or storm. beach forecast, nice, warm, breezy, stays dry, 82 for the high. a loft sunshine, sun block, ocean water cooler, 68 degrees. hot, humid this afternoon, high temperature near 90 degrees, tonight, a shower, storm is possible. low 70, here is your further every july forecast, low 80s, tracking chance for showers, thunderstorm, part from tropical system, but hot and humid for the next several days. we clear things out for the upcoming weekends. now a check on the traffic with bob. good morning. >> if we're up, everybody should be up, exactly, let's get that sun on the phone here. 5:24, live look at i95. in the background, right in the middle of your screen, see the police vehicles, that's an accident, south 95, right near
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philly international airport. so if you are headed south from say center city this morning, expect some delays heading down toward the airport. rest of the majors, 422, 202, no problems or delays at all at the moment. and we got that downed pole over there in bellmawr, kings highway still blocked at lincoln avenue, nicholson road the best bet headed out the front door, otherwise mass transit looking good with no delays. ukee, back to you. >> couple of hours, the helicopter will remove the wreckage of a small plane in salem county, so the faa can inspect t cessna 172 crashed in a marsh neither fort month state park. pilot and passenger suffered minor injuries. pilot reported engine trouble after the plane left new castle airport on its way to millville. we'll have chopper three over the plane around 8:00 this morning so you can watch the removal live on the "cw philly". on your cbv3 health watch this morning, new information about the safety of child
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vaccinations. a new study finds strong evidence that measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is not associated with autism. those results published in the american academy of pediatrics are similar to find action in other studies. researchers also found strong evidence the mmr, tetanus, and hepatitis c vaccines, are also not associated with childhood leukemia. the american college of physicians says most women don't need pelvic exams. they say it rarely detects important diseases, and is often associated with discomfort, along with false-positive and negative results. however, some gynecologists say they will still perform the exam, new guideline for women applies to those who are not pregnant, those who are at average risk for cancer, and those who do not show any symptoms. ukee? >> coming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news" this morning, another major carl recall. the latest trouble forcing more than 8 million cacars to be fixed. also, this:
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>> we're really hungry, not satisfied with just getting out of the group stage. >> team usa is fired up. for today's huge world cup game, and they're about to get a big boost on offense. and, dethroned as the world's most powerful celebrity. we have the word on the star who just stole her crown. and bob and jd return with your traffic and weather together. we'll do it on the 3's, we're back at the bottom of the hour. so glad you're with us, see you in a bit. box!!!is home come to hhgregg's 4th of july sale and save up to 30% storewide
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plus, up to an extra $500 more when you buy multiple major appliances. get this samsung french door refrigerator for only $999. or a samsung 51" hdtv for just $398. get savings storewide on amazing deals and the boxes they come in. come to hhgregg. and fill your home with happy.
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from the cbs-3 broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". it is due or die today for team usa at the world cup. the americans must win this afternoon if they want to keep their championship homes
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alive. they are getting major help back on ben: hear how the teams. >> my man's hamose all healed. get ready for steamy and sticky summer day, already hot out there in center city this morning. and it is only going to get worse. good morning, everyone, let's get your traffic and weather together. start with justin, good morning, everybody. >> good morning, everyone, waking up to some sunshine, this morning, dry conditions, that's great news, but it is already very warm and humid, quick check on storm scan3, no threat of any rain over the next few hours, so, quiet start to the morning, but into the afternoon, because so much humidity around, we'll -- can't rule out isolated shower or storm, temperatures will soar to the 90s, talk about how long the heat and humidity will last coming up in the forecast in just few more minutes, so let's get a check on the traffic the good morning. >> good morning, 5:30, tuesday, off to pretty good start. roads are dry. another hot one for the morning rush. outside, live look as we say good morning to the 42 freeway, headlights coming in toward philadelphiig


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