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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  May 18, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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2024 commencement, coming one
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day after the school's president sudden retirement. following days of controversy. and this morning, san francisco mayor london breed officially kicks off her campaign for reelection. details on today's event, which will include several local celebrities from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. good morning to you and welcome to mornings on two. i'm claudine wong. >> hi everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. happy weekend. what's your name again. oh it's been a while. >> just doesn't take much. and then you've already forgotten about me. >> oh, come on, forget about roberto gonzalez, though. >> come on. >> no, for a long time, we've already had plenty of time in the makeup room together. >> yes, we've already been. >> we've already been reintroducing ourselves. and to this weather, which is. it's nice. i'll take it. >> it's pleasant. >> it really is. it's going to be a good looking day for whatever you have planned, but make sure you have your allergy meds or whatever it takes you know, i did acupuncture last week. it really helped my allergies. really. it seriously did. plus a couple of other
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ailments because we've got to put myself back together again 61 degrees along the seashore today, 78 degrees in our inland areas, which is seasonal. that's the theme right now a deck of cloudiness, overcast skies from the coast to our inland areas, keeping our temperatures pretty unified. there into the 50s. later today, a span is 61 degrees in pacifica, a cooler than that in half moon bay, 72 degrees in hayward. backing through castro valley and outside number will be in antioch at 78 degrees. i've got your full forecast even the bay to breakers outlook. that's still straight ahead. but first things first, here's claudine. >> all right. thank you roberta. more than 2000 students will graduate from sonoma state university today. the university president was set to confer degrees at each ceremony, but he retired after an issue surrounding agreements he made with student protesters. let's go to ktvu. amanda quintana, who is live on campus with what led to mike lee's retirement. amanda >> yeah, well, this is all after
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mike lee put out a school wide announcement saying that he had come to an agreement with some of the pro-palestine student protesters here on campus, and he later said that he had made a mistake by putting that message out. he said he did not have the approval to make that agreement. but we are here now at the graduation that's going to start later today. there are three rounds of graduation today, so they're just getting set up. but i want to talk about some of those agreements that were included. they included disclosing university investments to a pro-palestinian student advisory council and promising an academic boycott of educational programs connected to israel. he also called for a cease fire in gaza and said he condemned all acts of genocide, racism and anti-semitism. lee was placed on leave by the csu chancellor for, quote, insubordination. she said that his message was challenging and
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painful, and then the next day, she announced his retirement. other universities across the country have come to agreements with students to end campus encampments. there had been an encampment here at sonoma state since late april, but on thursday, when we were here, it was gone right after that agreement was sent out. another protest, though, could pop up today. now, as for those ceremonies, it's unclear if someone else will step in for lee and join the provost in conferring the degrees today. but there are three ceremonies that will begin at nine this morning, and then there's two more ceremonies that begin at one, and then two more that begin at 5:00 today. so it's going to be a busy day here at sonoma state. and we're going to be talking to some of the students, some of the family members coming here. i'm sure they have been paying attention to this story. and we'll see what they think about it. live at sonoma state, amanda quintana , ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. thank you, amanda.
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well, a dozen pro-palestinian protesters are now facing burglary, vandalism and conspiracy charges in berkeley. police say they were among a large group of demonstrators who took over a vacant building owned by the university near the cal campus. this week. uc berkeley police in riot gear, along with officers from 20 other local law enforcement agencies, were called in to remove that encampment on channing way late thursday night. >> what happened at anna head was from the very beginning, a criminal act. they broke into a building, they vandalized the building. they trespassed on university property. >> uc berkeley says only one person among the 12 people taken into custody has been confirmed to be a cal student. >> time now is 704. happening today, san francisco mayor london breed will officially kick off her campaign for reelection. breed will appear at the fillmore auditorium on geary boulevard at 10:00 this morning. her office says this campaign event will include several musical acts and a number of
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local celebrities. former pa announcer for the giants will also be going to bat for mayor breed renel brooks-moon. among the scheduled speakers at this morning's event at the fillmore. >> well, the mayor's plan to bring two giant pandas to the san francisco zoo is getting some pushback from city leaders. the board of supervisors voted to postpone a request made by the mayor to fundraise. $25 million to host those pandas once they were brought in from china. that money would go to address some of the zoo's infrastructure needs. supervisor al-shafi'i, who is hoping to unseat the mayor this fall, says pandas are a distraction from the city's more pressing issues. >> this is about prioritizing our future. this is about prioritizing our children over pandas. and if we can rally to fund a home for pandas, we certainly can rally to raise money for essential programs that impact every single corner of this city. >> yes, city leaders suggest the mayor should be raising funds for the department of children, youth and their families.
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instead, the mayor's office said it would support waivers for both endeavors. >> former workers from the radisson hotel in oakland are demanding payment for more than $404,000. they say they weren't paid. they spoke out in front of the oakland airport hotel yesterday. workers lodged the complaints four years ago, and last october, the city determined the hotel did engage in wage theft, withholding more from 128 workers. but nearly six months later, the workers say they still haven't been paid. >> the city attorney's office needs to file a lawsuit to force the radisson to pay these workers, and the department of workplace and employment standards should impose a penalty on the radisson for each day that they have delayed since the city told them that they owed all this money. >> this current case is considered oakland's largest wage theft case in recent city history, happening today. >> the city of benicia will pay its latest tribute to a hometown
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hero of world war two. today's ceremony will honor 97 year old harold bray. he is a retired benicia police officer and the last survivor of the attack on the uss indianapolis in july of 1945, more than 300 american crew members were killed after a japanese navy submarine torpedoed that us battleship. bray was just 17 years old when that happened, and he was awarded the purple heart for his bravery. >> up next, we got a couple of highway closures. you'll need to know about over the weekend, but it's not all road closures. mind you. the way to big sur finally open and it comes at a very good time for businesses down on route one and focusing on mental health with stories of hope. >> a bay area family screens a brand new film tonight in san franci o
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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adhd and ptsd. >> my name is katie. i've struggled with anxiety and depression. my name is ali and i've struggled with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. >> my name is derek. i've struggled with bipolar mood disorder. this is my story. >> it is a film that follows the stories of four young people who let us into their journey. as it turns from a sense of despair to a pathway of hope. it was created by the z-cars foundation, a foundation that was established in memory of zachary nemo. the nemo family has been dedicated to starting and sustaining conversations about mental health and now they are doing it through this new film called stories of hope that premieres tonight in san francisco. i sat down with steve nemo and his daughter, samantha nemo. steve was one of the filmmakers. sam is featured in the film, and we talked about the process and what this film means to them. stephen, samantha, thank you so much for
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joining us to kind of talk about stories of hope. can we talk about just how this project started? steve. we start with you about really kind of where you went into this space. and i love the idea of how you turned something that is so serious and heavy for a lot of people into kind of an uplifting space. >> yeah, no, thank, thank you for the question. it's for us, the idea of stories of hope actually came all the way back to the covid days, so prior to covid, we used to screen another film about anxiety, and we got a lot of great feedback. everybody liked the media of film, and we were on a walk in a local park, just we wanted to get out during covid and, my wife samantha and i were having a conversation about what sort of the hopelessness we were feeling every time we watch the news or check social media and you know what? what can we do about it? and we started talking about all the great stories that we'd heard. you tell us. and i want
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to give samantha credit because i think she's the one that said it. she's like, yeah, we should tell their stories of hope. and the idea of the film was born. and we decided at that point, you know, let's do it. let's share their message with the world and try to inspire others to find hope. >> samantha, for you telling your story and you've told it before in this medium and really being able to frame it in a way to say, for me, watching it, it was light at the end of the tunnel. the tunnel can be very dark, it can be very hard, and it can be very difficult to see the end. >> i think personally, this was really important for me to tell my story just because as a mental health advocate, i feel like it was really important just to get that message out there, you know, because as life goes on, there's always going to be, you know, ups and downs and, you know, we might enter that dark tunnel again. but the point being that there is always going to be that glimpse of hope, there is going to be that light
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again. and i think that's the message that really helped me when i was going through a lot of my struggles. so being able to share that was super important to me. >> and so when you guys go into this as well, being filmmakers is not something that that's a that's a new, new space. how was that when you when you walk into a venture that you've never done, you know what you want the content to be. you know what you want the result to be. you know what you want the impact to be. and then there's picking up a camera. and steve, you were telling me a story about like, climbing hills and, and doing all the behind the scenes stuff that people don't realize. can you talk about that experience? >> it would definitely was a journey, you know, we're i'm just an it guy, right? that's that's what i do for a living. but i've, i've always sort of enjoyed the area of storytelling, back when the kids were young, we used to make little videos about their sports seasons and try to tell stories of their season. so that was that was kind of fun. but in this case, we'd already been screening someone else's film and we were friends with the producer and, you know, she gave
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us a little bit of boost, like, you know, why don't you guys give it a try? you, you're, you know, what you want to say. so we jumped in, you know, head first into the whole thing. and you know, we asked a lot of questions and took a lot of missteps along the way. but we did to your point. we did. we knew the story we wanted to tell, and we just we just went with it. and for us, it made it easy with, you know, people like samantha sharing her story and the others in the film, they're the stars. they made our job easy. point the camera. let them tell their story and let the audience just soak that in and know that there is hope. >> sam, for you in the message. you know, as you advocate for this as well and see the finished product and sit there, can you talk about the impact it had on your family? >> it was definitely a very surreal moment, the first time that we did a test screening, i had like tears in my eyes because, you know, it has just been such a journey to get to this point. and now having our
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official premiere and having the film and film festivals and hearing people's reactions, it really does like warm our hearts so much because, you know, this was just like a little idea we had over covid and something we thought the world really needed. and i think throughout seeing people's impact and what they've really said about the film, it it just like warms my heart. i don't i am like almost speechless sometimes. but yeah, you guys continue to inspire steve. >> so where where can people see it? how where does it go from here? what's kind of happening next. >> yeah. so as samantha said, we're going to premiere the film for mental health awareness month, if anyone wants to see the film, they can reach out to z cares films. org and we've got we've got mechanisms for them to reach out and set up. time to, to set up a screening, we are working on a very formal way to distribute the film. but again, you know, being new to all of this, we're still learning our way. but if they reach out to our website, we're happy to work with anyone to make this film
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available. >> that sounds awesome. well, you guys should go on walks more often because huge ideas happen on your walks and amazing things. and as always, appreciate the conversation and appreciate the changes that you guys continue to make. >> thank you so much. >> all right. amazing family. continue to inspire. they've been in studio before. they have a great evening planned at the exploratorium tonight for a special screening and discussion. i'm going to be moderating that discussion tonight. looking forward to it. and really such a hopeful and wonderful family. yeah. >> mental health. it's so important. very good. all right. well, a new study says spending time outdoors can boost physical health and your mental well-being. they took a walk. how about that? all right. researchers found that just getting out and about 67 minutes in nature can put you in a better mood while decreasing anxiety levels and reducing stress. they say natural sunlight, green spaces like parks have been around bodies of water like oceans, rivers and lakes all have overall health
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benefits, and we want to know how much time you are spending outdoors. it's our question of the day. and here are your choices. right here you have the options to choose from 15 to 30 minutes a day, 30 to 60 minutes a day, or 60 or more. you can head over to and weigh in. i think an hour plus is vital every day. it's great to get outside. >> it's hard to make that time for a lot of people, you know, like if you if you're working all day, yeah, you get home and summer nights make it a little easier. roberta. so these are funny questions because i'm like, i know what the answer should be. i know the answer might be, yeah, the answer should be 60 or more, but a nice long walk. you don't have to go out and do a whole bunch, but just get out there. it really does make a difference in how many times you stuck in the newsroom and you go out and go, oh my god, it's raining. >> you had no idea. >> yeah, right. but right now, during the spring months, i particularly believe that early morning and the early evening
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hours are the best for allergies. but a lot of people will be out in the elements tomorrow for bay to breakers, mostly cloudy skies to kick off or step off that race at 54 degrees when it ends at the ocean, it will be partly sunny. it'll be clearing nicely, but still rather cool and a bit on the breezy side. done. this race at least a dozen times, either running it or reporting on it. dress in layers. that is my advice and you'll have the hydration at the water. stop so don't worry about that. meanwhile, we have that allergy report coming up, but i wanted you to take a good look at this, provided by doug mickelson and our tiktok department. that's our technical operations center. he does pick up these beautiful views for us. this is the layer of clouds. it's just parked up against monument peak in the santa clara valley, where the top of the clouds are roughly about 1200 feet. at this hour, the bottom layer is about 600ft. it is obscure and visibility at the coast to under ten miles. same in the santa rosa area
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again. right now our temperatures are into the 50s across the board because the clouds keep a cap on things. the winds are breezy in fairfield and travis as it is every morning at this hour. up to 21 gusts to 29. half moon bay's picking up a gusty wind right now. at 21mph. it will be a breezy day as a trough passes through the bay area. at the surface, it does mix around the pollen count, and we do have the tree count on the medium to high side right now as far as the oak and the olive trees are concerned, even the walnut tree count is on the medium to high side and that's out towards bethel island. so we do have a clear slot over mendocino and humboldt county at this hour. but this trough to the north of us is now breezing through the bay area mix up that marine layer earlier today than yesterday. so by the afternoon, just about everybody in the sunshine except riding on the sunset district, passing through half moon bay all the way to carmel by the sea, santa cruz, you remain cloudy overnight and then you clear out earlier for
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your sunday. everybody basking in sunshine. so today is going to be slightly warmer than yesterday. san jose was the warm spot yesterday at 76, today 77, but i'm going with a warmer number in our inland areas due to the lack of cloud cover. antioch is 78 degrees, ten degrees cooler than that in oakland, low 60s and pacifica. if you're heading to the ballpark, why not kyle harrison on the bump for the good guys. he was born in san jose. he graduated from de la sal. let's cheer him on 61 degrees. but again, you know the drill. dress and layers a pretty day and warmer on your sunday. the warmest day coming up will be on tuesday day in the mid 80s. gang that almost sounds hot. >> all right. looking forward to. thanks, roberta. well, it's called a lineman rodeo. more than competition in the east bay today. it will have pga crews from across the state showcasin their skills
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if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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skills of being able to safely work on those utility poles. line workers are going to participate in the annual lineman rodeo at pga training facility in livermore. workers from throughout the state are going to come together, and there will be various competitions. they got a pole climb, as you can see there on your screen. they also have simulations on how to rescue a hurt worker. the utility and the line workers union say these kinds of events help workers
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sharpen their skills and ensure they can do their job safely. >> section of highway one, damaged by storms earlier this spring, is now back open, as ktvu mark sayer shows us. the reopening is a big boost for businesses in nearby communities. >> in the early morning fog, caltrans switched on a traffic signal that will allow both north and southbound traffic on highway one to share a single lane. this is only a temporary fix until the complete highway can be rebuilt, but it does now allow for 24 hour travel in both directions. the highway was closed on march 30th after what is called a slip out destroyed the southbound lane, forcing caltrans to escort residents in convoys two times per day to the business community and to the employees that work for the businesses. >> a tremendous change. it's really important, kirk garfield is the president of the big sur chamber of commerce. >> we've had seven weeks with effectively no business to speak of at all in the community. >> so we've had probably 90% of our employees collectively have
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either been furloughed or are working at very reduced hours to get this single lane of traffic open before the critical memorial day weekend. >> caltrans has been working in two shifts. crews have actually been hoisted over the ocean by cranes, allowing them to work on the damaged section of the roadway, and we were able to drill 40 vertical and 75 horizontal bars in here, which really act as a grid to stabilize that southbound lane. >> we love our local community down here. >> colin touhig is the general manager of the big sur river inn. he says the community really pulled together during the closure, his restaurant even providing hot meals to the local elementary school. when prepared meals could not be brought in. >> so three days a week our chef cooked up school lunches for the captain cooper kids. and we did that, about 4 or 5 weeks. >> businesses say they are already getting calls for reservations. >> i think it's amazing. it's beautiful. >> rupali is exactly the kind of visitor this community likes to
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see. bringing his family from out of state to see the coast. >> so we're actually from michigan. i moved here recently to la for work and so they visited just to see more of like the area and highway one to the south of big sur is expected to be reopened in the fall, with the complete repair to the northern section set for next year. >> i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news in the north bay, eastbound lanes of highway 37 between sonoma and solano counties is closed over the weekend. >> parts of the highway shut down overnight for crews to begin repaving the road. caltrans says traffic will be detoured at the highway 121 interchange. the closure is expected to last through early monday morning. >> well, another repaving project will close down parts of interstate 680 in the east bay. caltrans says there will be three southbound lanes that are going to be closed between acosta boulevard and san ramon, and the interstate 580 connector in pleasanton. drivers are being advised to take alternate routes
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to minimize traffic congestion within that work zone. >> up next, the race for san francisco mayor heating up. and now you'll have to wait a bit longer to see all the mayoral candidates on stage and he will spend decades behind bars. >> the man convicted of attacking nancy pelosi's husband inside their san francisco home learns his
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on campus with what led to a sudden retirement yesterday. following days of controversy. >> it hurts because it's my life, my whole life has been the hot rod cars, my since i was 14 years old and an oakland man heartbroken by the theft of his beloved 59 corvette from the 1950s. >> of course, his desperate pleas to have the priceless antique returned back home from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning, bay area. good to have you with us. on a typical kind of may day, we got some grayness out there, a few clouds hovering over the bay, but it's going to warm up and it looks like a nice week to get out and about. if you can do a
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little cloud cover. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. it is 731. good to have you on board. i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> let's talk about our weather. we've got lots of things happening this weekend. next weekend, tomorrow is bay to breakers i think. cloud cover. that's perfect. running weather if it stays like that tomorrow morning. >> excellent running weather. in fact, in the month of july, san francisco is the only city in the country that could host a marathon in the month of july because of the great conditions. right. and the cool skies, it's actually our coolest month of the year. but there are lots of big time doings going on in the bay area. i was going to say there is there are lots of big activity days, including the yacht ville festival. it's a sip and stroll festival. it starts off at 67 degrees at lunchtime and at 4 p.m. lots of sunshine at 76 degrees. all these clouds are going to mix out a lot sooner today than in recent days, due to a weak trough passing through the bay area,
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but right now it's may gray, keeping a lid on the temperatures into the 50s. later today with the abundance of sunshine. 61 degrees in pacifica , staying cloudy in half moon bay, and at moss beach in the high 50s. otherwise 76 degrees in concord, mid 70s to the south and right around the peninsula. redwood shores at 74 degrees. your full forecast moments away, but right now here's frank. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit. thank you very much, roberta. more than 2000 students will graduate from sonoma state university today. the university president set to confer degrees at each ceremony, but he announced his retirement suddenly yesterday, one day after he was put on leave over allegations of insubordination for his handling of student protests there on campus. ktvu is amanda quintana is on the sonoma state campus with what led up to mike lee's retirement, amanda, good morning. >> yeah. good morning. so this all started when mike lee put out a school wide announcement saying that he had come to an
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agreement with some of the pro-palestine student protesters that have been here in an encampment on campus. now, he later said that he made a mistake by sending that out, and he said that he was doing that without the proper approvals. of course, today he will not be at this ceremony. today, there will be a replacement, though we are starting to see graduates gather. they can go into the building here in about 30 minutes. but i want to talk about some of the agreements that they included disclosing university investments to a pro-palestinian student advisory council and promising an academic boycott of educational programs connected to israel. he also called for a cease fire in gaza and said he condemned all acts of genocide, racism and anti-semitism. excuse me? lee was placed on leave by the csu chancellor for, quote, insubordination. she said his message was challenging and painful. and then the next day
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she announced his retirement. eight other universities across the country have come to agreements with students to end campus encampments. there had been an encampment here at sonoma state since late april, but when we were here on thursday, it was already gone. another protest, though, could pop up now. as for these ceremonies, there will be a replacement doctor nathan evans is the acting president. i just spoke to the public information officer here. he says that really their focus is on today and making sure that students get to enjoy these ceremonies today so that doctor nathan evans will join the provost today in conferring the degrees at the ceremonies. there will be three ceremonies that begin here at 9:00, and then two more at 1:00 and two more at 5:00. but we'll be talking to some of the graduates about what a big deal today is. it's a very exciting day for them, but also all of the news of the last week, that
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last announcement from the former president and then now having a acting president give them their degree. so it's a big day here for these students at sonoma state, live at sonoma state. amanda quintana ktvu, fox two news amanda, thank you. >> a very busy week up in the north bay at that campus. all right. well, a dozen pro-palestinian protesters now facing burglary, vandalism and conspiracy charges in berkeley. police say they were among a large group of demonstrators took over a vacant building here owned by the university near the cal campus this past week. uc berkeley police in riot gear, along with officers from 20 other local law enforcement agencies, were all called in to remove their encampment late thursday night. some of the cal students question if this strong police response was really necessary. >> i don't think that police action among younger students, or just people of any sort, is necessary during demonstration of activism.
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>> people are taking this time and platform to speak up for their values, and that's something that berkeley prides itself on. so you know, i'm here to support it. >> however, uc berkeley says only one person of the dozen taken into custody have been confirmed to be a cal student, and some neighbors said they do not. they do not. rather approve of people outside the community coming on to campus property. >> an 80 year old man in oakland says he is devastated. last month, his 1959 red corvette was stolen from his home. ktvu henry lee spoke with the victim's, who says the victim, who says that car has been a big part of his life. >> there's no consequences in this city. people can steal and rob dave, like taylor, has been robbed of his pride and joy. >> his bright red 1959 corvette that he's had for 18 years. oh god, it's like a stab in the heart, he turns 80 on saturday, but he doesn't feel much like celebrating. surveillance video shows two guys breaking into a
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garage near east 22nd street and fifth avenue in oakland on april 15th. one of them scoots into the garage and the door shuts. less than three minutes later, one of the burglars opens the door and runs off as the other guy pulls out of the garage. in the corvette. he eases out onto the street. here, the corvette rolls back a bit and hits the curb because it's on an incline. >> so they knew how to drive the car because it was a stick and they just went right out. >> like taylor hasn't seen his $200,000 car ever since. >> it hurts. it's because it's my life. my whole life has been the hot rod cars my since i was 14 years old. >> he's the ultimate car and racing enthusiast. his apartment's full of memories and photos from his racing days. this is like taylor in the red jacket when he bought the corvette back in 2006, he gave the convertible all his love. he rebuilt the engine, repainted the car re-upholstered it, restored the car factory be perfect only to be ripped off. he thinks he could have been
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followed from a car show in pleasanton with scofflaws learning where he keeps his car and simply returning in broad daylight to make off with it. at this undisclosed location. like taylor keeps this 1932 ford roadster he calls hi-boy next to a harley named fat boy, building little model cars back in the days we'd build little models. >> here's pictures of me racing. here's a picture of me right there. this is you here. >> yeah, he may be older now, and his corvette's insured, but he has only one message for the thieves. >> i want my car back. >> oakland police are on the lookout for this corvette. but if you happen to see it on the streets or perhaps stashed somewhere, give police a call in oakland. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, the man who attacked congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer is going to spend the next 30 years in prison. david depape was handed his sentence in san francisco's
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federal court yesterday. inside the courtroom, christine pelosi, the daughter of nancy and paul pelosi, read statements from the impact the 2022 attack has had on their families. attorneys asked the judge for 14 years, prosecutors asked for 40. the judge said depape did not express remorse for his actions and also considered the impact that the attack will have on discouraging future politicians from entering public service. >> the brutal attack on paul pelosi in his home was not only an attack on an individual, but an assault on the very principles and safety and civility that formed the bedrock of our democracy, he. >> the court's sentence will ensure that the pop will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. >> depape still faces a criminal trial in san francisco superior court next week. if he is convicted there, his state sentence will run concurrently with his federal sentence. >> time now is 740. happening
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today. the mayor of san francisco, london breed, will officially kick off her campaign for reelection. breed will appear at the fillmore auditorium on geary boulevard at 10:00 this morning. her office says this campaign event will include a number of musical acts that a number of local celebrities, the former public address announcer for the giants will also be going to bat for mayor breed. renel brooks-moon is among the scheduled speakers at this morning's event in the fillmore, a san francisco mayoral debate that was planned to happen next monday has been canceled. >> that announcement comes after three candidates pulled out of the event. supervisor aaron peskin, philanthropist daniel lurie and mayor london breed all withdrew participation from the debate, according to a report in the chronicle. mayor breed and supervisor peskin dropped out of the event over concerns that the event organizers are closely tied to another candidate, governor gavin newsom is now in italy for his latest stop in europe to discuss the global response to global warming. >> yesterday, the governor
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signed a climate change partnership with a region of northern italy that includes the city of bologna. newsom pointed out that part of italy has a climate that is very similar to the weather conditions right here in california. those conditions have caused everything from extreme flooding to extreme drought. >> the contra costa county fair in antioch is back for the weekend, and people attending this year's fair are reacting to a new chaperon policy. anyone under the age of 18 is required to come with an adult that is 25 years old, or older. it is a new policy put in place after a brawl between young people last year caused that fair to close early. some attendees did not know about the policy until they saw the signage at the entry gates. >> to be honest, i don't like it. to be honest. i'm like, you're going to the fair to like, you know, have fun. why do you have to bring it like an adult to, you know, to sign you off? i'm trying to win some big animals. the zipper. the zipper is very fun. that was my favorite one. >> but vendors and participants,
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we spoke to also said that they welcome this new policy. the fair began on thursday and will run through tomorrow. >> the greater the diversity, the better the department. >> an effort to diversify the san jose fire department. a look at the boot camp designed to help recruit nearly 100 new first responders. >> 17 drawings in two weeks. basically, i was like, okay, we have to make make it work somehow. >> this artists who lives in portugal, whose work is known to 49ers faithful all over the world, how she and the team came together to give fans rea for
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women's boot camp for nearly 100 women. as ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary tells us, it's a way to recruit more women, including non-binary and trans women, to professions long dominated by men. reporter san jose firefighter stephanie cerini is a metaphorical island at fire station 14, serving in a sea of men. >> she joined the department over a decade ago as a wide eyed teenager drawn to this type of work. >> i had no idea what the job entailed. one of my friends had mentioned there was an explorer
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program. i decided to join that, and it became something that i was very passionate about. >> hoping to spark a similar passion in other women, the san jose fire department saturday hosted its fifth annual women's boot camp. the one day event is open to women, including those non-binary, gender nonconforming and trans women in the community . >> the greater the diversity, the better the department. you know, it's like the high tech industry understands that. and i am so happy that the government is beginning to really get into it. >> 75 women ages 18 to 24 are already signed up. officials say that represents an increase of one third over last year. attendees will be put through the rigors of an academy like obstacle course to better learn what it's like to be a firefighter. >> we have our sledgehammers, we have our hose pool hoists working on grip and strength that just kind of giving women that encouragement that they can do it. >> san jose fire isn't alone in
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looking to lure more women into its workforce. march san jose police officials signing the 30 by 30 pledge to increase women recruits by 30% by 2030. police women currently make up 13% of the force, but only 3.7% of the 648 firefighters are female. >> one of the things that i'm very interested in is trying to bring talent to the city of san jose. i think that we bring sort of a different perspective on different situations, and i think that it would really enhance the department's. >> stephanie cerini says living her dream allows her to help other women explore options. once only thought of as a man's domain. >> being a female and just being that presence out in the community, whether we have schools come in and just being that female figure and showing, you know, all ages that we are out there and we can do it in
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west san jose. >> jesse, gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> time now is 748. for the first time in more than four years, nearly all of california is drought free. thank you, mother nature. according to the latest federal drought data, california now has its lowest level of drought conditions since 2011, thanks to a fairly wet winter and spring. only eastern san bernardino and riverside counties in southern california still have abnormally dry conditions. the bay area has been out of the drought for a couple of years, and if you were driving up to tahoe a couple of weeks ago, i think they got two feet of snow at donner. i think what, two weeks ago in the middle of may? so not all that bad. >> now we'll take it. that drought was too long. so, roberta, we're glad to see all the hydration that we and the land could need. and the lakes. >> we don't want people to go nuts, though, and take those 15 minute showers, right? >> no, i don't know what you're
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talking about. >> hi, everybody. good morning to you. our outlook for the next 8 to 14 days. well it does look like we have above normal precipitation in throughout the las vegas area. the desert southwest and even southern california. we could get nicked with a wayward shower on the 28th, but it doesn't look like any precipitation for memorial day, albeit cooler temperatures below average for this time of the year through the holiday weekend. which can you believe is next weekend? a deck of cloudiness right now are observation reports indicate that the cloud deck is down to about 600ft, but the tip top of the tower is at. the bay bridge is 525ft, and you see that the clouds are just reaching the tip top. there we have another deck, roughly about 1200ft. bottom line is the cloud. odds are keeping a lid on the temperature so everybody's been sitting in the low and mid 50s. breezy winds in napa also at buchanan field in concord. we do have a bit of a breeze. also half moon bay at 13. mineta international
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airport at 14 mile per hour winds. the wind does usher around the pollen, but also when there's a lack of a wind, that pollen just sits on top of us. bottom line is it is allergy season, and you could blame it on the oak and the olive tree count that is on the medium to high side. walnut trees come into play in the bethel island area. so here's our storm tracker. and you see that we have the clouds hanging tight to the coast. your monterey bay carmel by the sea, interop, point conception in santa barbara and all the way into southern california trough passing through the bay area is going to mix up that marine layer. earlier which reveals sunny skies earlier. so to bump up those temperatures by a couple of degrees today, pinpoint your neighborhood. first off, futurecast illustrates clouds hang tight to belmont and burlingame, la. honda and colma all the way into the coast, but then reveal some sunshine. we will have the clouds filter back in, but not as ominous tonight. overnight and a sunshiny day means warmer
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temperatures for your sunday. there you have it, 61, in pacifica to 75 in fairfield. how about 78 in antioch? and yesterday was 76, in san jose. so i'm just going up a degree in throughout saratoga, los gatos, cupertino and campbell, mid 60s pretty much in san francisco, oakland, emeryville. we've got a baseball game today. it's kyle harrison on the mound for the good guy 61 degrees. you got to go out and support the local guy right. he's from de lasalle but born in san jose. here you have your extended forecast. no. may gray next week, the warmest day tuesday. look at that gang. >> i'm taking copious notes because guess who's off tuesday? hello? oh, there you go. thank you. roberta well, an artist in portugal who's also a big football fan is getting kudos for her illustrations for the 49ers brand new schedule. she's known among the faithful for her daily drawings of the team posted on her social media pages
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as well. this year, the team invited her to make drawings for the schedule, which came out this past week. her name is rita oak and says she had to make 17 drawings in just two quick weeks. >> i'm going to going to work every single day nonstop just to make it on time. and it was like a crazy process, working every day and talking to the 49ers team. they were amazing, by the way, and i guess we did it that she did. >> oak said she was sleeping when the schedule dropped online, and she woke up to tons of messages and responses on her phone and social media. she said when she saw the final product, she was blown away. >> i was expecting something great, but it blew my mind completely. it was just amazing. they took my drawings and just took it to another a whole new level. >> rita called it an honor and hopes to keep working with a 49ers in the future. she said we
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can expect to see another series on social media this fall. the preseason starts in august by the way, with three preseason games starting with the tennessee titans. the regular season kicks off a month later in september. niners have six prime time games. that's the max, including the first week's monday night football game against aaron rodgers, new york jets and ktvu. fox two will carry some notable games, including the rams, the patriots, the chiefs and the green bay packers, and the bay area's newest pro sports team will be playing in front of thousands of fans for its inaugural season. >> the golden state valkyries say the team has more than 10,000 season ticket deposits for its wnba home games, which will be played at chase center earlier this week. the team announced its name, colors and logo. the valkyries are the first new wnba franchise since 2008 and will begin play in the 2025 season. can't wait. so
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today, bay area basketball fans will get a chance to celebrate the new wnba team. the valkyries are hosting a block party. and where else thrive? city? that's right outside san francisco's chase center. that starts at 2:00 this afternoon, and the team says fans of all ages are welcome. >> up next, you want to talk about distracted driving? well, a naked man running through traffic gets hit by a car. he gets back up and keeps running. what police say happened coming up. >> and don't forget, we want you to cast your vote in our question of the day, we want to know just how much time you're spending outdoors. and here are your three options to choose from. 15 to 30 minutes a day ten on or 30 to 60 minutes a day, or 60 or more. take a look at the voting as it stands right now. look at all those folks spending time outside. it is gorgeous. it's a gorgeous place to do it. head to we'd love to hear yo
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$80,000 for the california film institute to put on the mill valley film festival, and 20,000 for the marin shakespeare company in san rafael, and crt, incorporated in eureka. also got $30,000, and the playhouse arts in arcata got the largest grant
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at $40,000 to create artist residencies in rural schools on a baseball now, the giants now have to try to get their slow and rather shaky season back on track without one of their biggest stars in center field. >> the team announced yesterday that outfielder jong ho lee will miss the rest of the season due to this shoulder injury right here going back on a ball and boom, lee crashed into that center field wall while trying to catch a fly ball against the reds at oracle park last weekend. the former baseball star out of south korea is in year number one of a six year, $113 million contract with the giants and they will miss him on the field and his personality too. he's a spark plug. giants got the bad news about jong ho lee just hours before they began that weekend series against the rockies, who had won seven in a row last night. they defeated colorado 10 to 5, at one of the giants best offensive games of the season. banged out 14 hits. thairo estrada hit a go ahead
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three run homer in the fifth inning. singled twice in the giants winner louis matos had five rbis in the game. same two teams play a game 105 start at oracle park. >> and that's a well, the oakland a's are going to try to end their longest losing streak of the season when they face the royals in kansas city later today. last night, the royals defeated the athletics 6 to 2. the a's have now lost their past six games and have a record of 19 and 28 for the season. well, today is graduation day at sonoma state for thousands of students of the class of 2024 commencement ceremonies begin in an hour, and they come just a day after the school's presidents sudden retirement. and that followed days of controversy. and despite strides in many efforts, san francisco's chinatown is still grappling with pandemic losses. the resilient neighborhoods ongoing recovery efforts to regain its vibrancy from ktvu, fox two news
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this is mornings on two who and welcome back to mornings on two as we take a live look outside, as the sun is saying hello. making an appearance on this saturday. just a gorgeous look, as if it's a little bit of a cool start this morning. we've got a lot of cloud cover, but it's going to shape up to be a wonderful day out there. welcome to mornings on two. i'm claudine wong i think a lot of bay to breakers runners are saying yes. oh it's great. >> that's okay. we need that tomorrow for that 12 k race. hi everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. let's get you outside. talk a little weather. roberta is in this morning. good morning. >> good morning. so, frank, what was that shot of? was it lafayette? it looked lafayette. >> yeah. mount diablo out that way. >> it looked like i don't see. well, to be honest with you, it looks like there's a lot more hills out there. we grew some mountains overnight. yeah. we did. hey, it's going to be a spectacular weekend in fact, you know, my dog is probably just
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waking up this morning going, where'd she go? yeah. okay. if you're getting ready to walk your dog, how about visiting the s.f. spca today? if you don't have a dog, we have lots up for adoption. this is tulip, a one year old nine month australian cattle dog. i'm telling you, these dogs can run. oh, they're fabulous dogs. perfect conditions. right now to take your dog on out. look at the cloud deck. it's beginning to rise. we could see the tip top of that golden gate bridge, where the air temperature is 54 degrees there. same in novato and in napa. otherwise high 50s in san jose. and we're talking about 57 degrees in livermore going up to 77 today. your spam will be 61 with a hint of some sunshine and pacifica to full sunshine. bayside and 78 degrees inland. plenty of sun. full forecast. claudine featuring the beta breaker run that's coming up in just a couple of minutes. okay >> sounds great. thanks, roberta. well, more than 2000 students will graduate from sonoma state university today.
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the school's president was set to confer diplomas at each ceremony, but he retired yesterday. that surprise announcement came one day after he was put on leave over allegations of insubordination for his handling of student protests. ktvu is amanda quintana live on campus? with more details on what really has been kind of a tumultuous week there for sonoma state, as they get ready for the first commencement ceremony that starts in less than an hour. amanda >> yeah, that's right. and i've been talking to a lot of these graduates. the last two i talked to actually said they were kind of conflicted about whether to come to this graduation ceremony , because all of the things that have been happening this past week, one said that she supports mike lee in all of this and was kind of, you know, upset that somebody else will be giving her her degree today. so there are a lot of kind of feelings going into this graduation ceremony, but i want to give you a little background on what actually happened with mike lee. as we look at some of these graduates
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arrive, they're going to be able to go into the building soon. all of their family and friends coming here to congratulate them. so this is after mike lee made a school wide announcement on tuesday, saying that he had come to an agreement with pro-palestinian student protesters. and then he later said he'd made a mistake by doing that without the proper approvals. now, some of the agreements included disclosing university investments to a pro-palestinian student advisory council and promising an academic boycott of educational programs connected to israel. he also called for a cease fire in gaza and said he condemned all acts of genocide, racism and anti-semitism. lee was placed on leave by the csu chancellor for, quote, insubordination when she said his message was challenging and painful, and then the next day she announced his retirement . other universities across the country have come to agreements with students to end campus encampments. there had been an encampment here at sonoma state
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since late april, but when we were here on thursday, it was gone. and that was right after those agreements were made. but of course, talking to students today, they say there could be another big protest that pops up today. now there will be a report placement for the president. there is an active president, doctor nathan evans, so he will be handing out some of those diplomas today. i'm told by the university, a representative for the university that they're really just focusing on the ceremonies today. they want to make sure that students get to celebrate this big accomplishment. it's not kind of overshadowed by that other news. so there are multiple ceremonies that start here at nine. there's ceremonies at 1:00 and at 5:00. but again, you know, students kind of conflicted about what has happened this last week and going into this ceremony, knowing that the former president will not be here live at sonoma state. amanda quintana, ktvu, fox two news. >> yeah, we can't forget that this is 2020 for this class. and
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so they miss their high school graduations because of the pandemic. so we wish them the best today. thank you amanda. well a dozen pro-palestinian protesters are now facing burglary, vandalism and conspiracy charges in berkeley. police say they were among a large group of demonstrators who took over a vacant building owned by the university near the cal campus this week. uc berkeley police in riot gear, along with officers from 20 other local law enforcement agencies, were called in to remove their encampment on channing way late thursday night. >> what happened at anna head was from the very beginning, a criminal act. they broke into a building. they vandalized the building. they trespassed on university property. >> uc berkeley says only one person among the 12 people taken into custody has been confirmed to be a cal student. >> happening today. the mayor of san francisco, london breed, will officially kick off her campaign for reelection. breed will appear at the fillmore auditorium on geary at 10:00 this morning. her office says
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this campaign event will include several musical acts and a number of local celebrities, including the former public address announcer for the giants. she will go to bat for mayor breed renel brooks-moon is among the scheduled speakers at this morning's event at the fillmore. >> well, the mayor's plan to bring two giant pandas to the san francisco zoo is getting some pushback from city leaders. the board of supervisors voted to postpone a request made by the mayor to fundraise $25 million to host those pandas once they were brought in from china. that money would go to address some of the zoo's infrastructure needs. supervisor asha sapphire, who is hoping to unseat the mayor this fall, says the pandas are a distraction from the city's more pressing issues. >> this is about prioritizing our future. this is about prioritizing our children over pandas. and if we can rally to fund a home for pandas, we certainly can rally to raise money for essential programs that impact every single corner of this city. yes city leaders suggest the mayor should be
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raising funds for the department of children, youth and their families. >> instead, the mayor's office said it would support waivers for both endeavors. >> contra costa county office of education has reached a tentative agreement with teachers who threaten to strike. that two year agreement gives teachers with the contra costa county school educators association union a 6% retroactive raise dating back to july of last year. they'll also get a 1% raise that kicks off on july the 1st. an agreement provision allows salaries to be renegotiated if the cost of living adjustment exceeds 2. bargaining unit members must now vote to ratify that new agreement. former workers from the radisson hotel in oakland. they are demanding payment for more than $400,000. they say they weren't paid. they spoke out in front of the oakland airport hotel this week. workers lodging the complaints. four years ago and last october, the city did determine the hotel engaged in wage theft, withholding money from 128 of
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its workers. but nearly six months later, the workers say they haven't seen a cent. >> the city attorney's office needs to file a lawsuit to force the radisson to pay these workers, and the department of workplace and employment standards should impose a penalty on the radisson for each day that they have delayed since the city told them that they owed all this money. >> the case is considered oakland's largest wage theft case in recent city history. la county sheriff's office says a man remains in the hospital after running naked on a city street and then being struck by a car. the entire thing, of course, caught on camera like most. and take a look here. this happened thursday in the community of ladera heights. it's about 12 miles west of downtown la. look at that video shows the man hopping over a fence, darting into the street. he manages to dodge one car and then flips over the hood of another car, but he got back up
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and started running again. several neighbors witnessed the bizarre incident. >> it's i don't know, it's just speechless because you just you never expect to see a naked man running in front of you, like during your day, i guess not. >> well, the family of the man hit by the car says he was experiencing a mental health crisis at the time. at last check, he was listed in stable condition inside a hospital. happening today. the city of benicia will pay its latest tribute to a hometown hero of world war two. the city will unveil a new monument in eunice jensen park in downtown benicia, honoring this man. 97 year-old harold bray. he's a retired benicia police officer and the last survivor of the attack on the uss indianapolis. in july of 1945, more than 300 american crew members were killed after a japanese navy submarine torpedoed that us battleship bray was only 17 years of age
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when it all happened. he was awarded the purple heart for his bravery. well, if you're a picky eater, it could be hurting your mental health. a new study diving into the psychological impact on restrictive diets and from a bustling tourist hotspot to post-pandemic challenges, san francisco's chinatown fighting to bounce back. a look into how the community driven event is gearing up to rev up bu ness once aga ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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is the oldest chinatown in the united states. it is also one of the city's top tourist attractions, but the historic san francisco neighborhood has changed drastically since the covid 19 pandemic four years later. chinatown is continuing to look for new ways to revive itself and restore economic stability. joining us now to talk about the current economic climate, the plans to rebound. we have nancy lau from the chinatown history and cultural association. nancy, so good to talk to you. we always enjoy having you here. >> thank you for having us here today. >> so what i appreciate you and i have talked a lot about different events and businesses and chinatown has been ready for a long time now to say, come back, get crowded, get busy, and really has been thinking of new ways to do that. what is really the situation for business
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owners and, you know, and the economy within san francisco's chinatown neighborhood? >> yeah. so the business is coming back. we open for business. all chinatown merchants are ready for welcoming customers and visitors. but unfortunately, it's not enough to bring up the economy up to pay up all the costs that we have. so we what we are thinking. the whole community needs, needs, event needs events to bring people in, bring visitors who haven't been to chinatown to visit and to stay, of course, to shop and dine and enjoy the time in chinatown. >> and i think these big events, i mean, we know with the chinese new year parade every year, it brings a lot of people in. it's nice for people. and the message was always calm for this one event. stay find your favorite restaurants. find your favorite businesses. you have a couple of businesses in chinatown, and i always go visit you and we when we come in there as well. what does it mean, like these big events? i know you're planning this festival. that's next
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weekend, but we're looking at video from the parade. how much does that help in impact? >> oh, it helped a lot. we have new visitors say, oh, this is the first time i come to chinatown and i love it. i have memory, i want to bring my friends to come back and visit. so we want chinatown to open for everyone besides the food, the tourist place that you visit or the boba shop that you want to go. we also want to bring people with a memory. so next week we're going to have a cultural festival event. so we want people to come to stay and to learn and to share what we have. chinatown, you already mentioned, is the oldest chinatown. we are the root of american chinese, and we've been there since 1848. and we have a lot of treasure undiscovered. so hopefully next week we're going to open to the public. people visit and we discover chinatown because i think there's a lot for people to learn in, you know, i know you have the herbal medicine museum there and places for people where i think, you know, you talk about memories. >> i have so many memories of
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growing up and in san francisco and having family in chinatown. but i think the cultures and traditions, i feel like you find a lot of people who are going, okay, i love this. what does this mean? and that's part of this festival, a first ever of its kind, especially during aapi heritage month. that can be so important. yes. >> so we in chinatown actually have many exhibition hall or museum was not very popularized to the public. but at that day we're going to open all this hall for people to visit at no charge. we're going to open the chinese railroad workers center, the world war pacific memorial hall. we're going to open a victory hall. we're going to have a presentations. tyson film over there, open and of course, the chsa, the historic society, a bruce lee museum is also open. so besides the fear that people can visit and learn what we have offered on the fair, all the places are open for free and
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with presentations. >> well, and i think these are places that even people who are from san francisco or have lived in the bay area their whole lives might be like, i did not realize this was here. >> yeah. so especially you mentioned about the exhibition hall is one of the one of the first ones that we have in this country. and at that day we're going to have free consultations. we're going to have a medical chinese herbal medicine panel discussions. and we also have on on the block of 800 block, we're going to have about 30 chinese medical doctors. they're going to help you to do free consultations. interesting. >> and i think it's so important for people to remember, this is, again, a message that we heard right after the pandemic, but one that i think still holds true to a lot of neighborhoods that if you want it to stay, if you value it. and i think so many people do, you have to visit, you have to patronize these businesses. i mean, there are several that i grew up with that are no longer there. yeah. >> so it is important for people not just stay in chinatown for sightseeing. we want them to
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stay and to learn, and we want to share our culture with them. we are so much history that we can share and learn together. and at that day on may 25th, it's a perfect time for you to come over here and to learn, because we have professionals, we have, people from experts to explain the panel, and it's going to be a lot of fun. so we open to the public a lot of fun, a lot of fun food history learning. >> and we're going to give you a sneak peek. nancy's not going anywhere because this is kind of amazing because there's always so much, you know, entertainment that's included in the in these celebrations. and next saturday will be no different. so coming up a little later this morning, we're going to give you an exclusive sneak peek into some of the entertainment that you will see. this again is going to be the first ever cultural festival in the heart of san francisco's chinatown. we can't wait. thanks so much for coming in. thank you. and don't go anywhere. roberta she's not going anywhere because, we're really excited for what's coming up here on mornings on two. >> oh, i'm very excited. i love
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going to chinatown and picking up my lobster. yeah, because i like making lobster tacos. >> no, it's all good. everything you had me at food. i'm always there for the food, but. and then on your screen there, just as a reminder, 11 to 330 it is free. and again, we'll talk more about that coming up. >> and that's great over memorial weekend and tonight is the asian night market at the alameda county fairgrounds. it's like $15 to park, then $6 for general admission. and then you go in and you just jump from food truck to food truck. it is so fun. all right. it's going to be a fun weekend no matter what you have planned. get on out. doors, gray slate across the screen. just a couple of minutes ago, those clouds were obscuring the tip top of the golden gate bridge. that tower there does stand at 740ft. clouds are now rising. they will be mixing out sooner. the flag is a bit on the fly. we do have temperatures in the 50s. these temperatures are just a couple of degrees more mild than 24 hours ago, and the winds are breezy, especially out
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towards travis and fairfield. those wind gusts up to 32. we do have winds now beginning to subside in the san jose area. winds are still picking up in half moon bay mountain view. there, wind gusts have now begun to die down as well, but the winds do usher the pollen around and also when the pollen is just settled in over the bay area, it's problematic. it's allergy season and you can blame it on the oak, the olive, the mulberry tree count is starting to come down a bit, but the walnut creek tree count is going up. we have grass count on the low to medium side. we do have high pressure. it's the key component. but this trough to the north of us, it's a surface trough. it's going to breeze through the bay area. it's going to mix up that marine layer sooner. check out today. during the afternoon hours we begin to retreat. as far as the clouds are concerned, colma, pescadero. half moon bay staying socked in clouds push back into the media at seashore and the peninsula in the overnight hours, but we have additional burn off earlier on sunday with just a few high thin clouds.
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temperatures let me get out of the way so you could take a good look at your neighborhood. we have 68 degrees in emeryville, el cerrito and in alameda. how about 74? in redwood shores, belmont, burlingame, la honda, mid 70s. and throughout los gatos and saratoga. 74 in gilroy and morgan hill and low and mid 70s to the north. cotati. good looking day for you today in the low and mid 70s. here's your extended forecast. additional warming on sunday. warmest day coming up will be on tuesday. and yep, get on your mark. get set. toss that tortilla. we've got the bay to breakers. unless you run the race. do you know the indication or what that really means there 54 degrees when you step the race off when you and it's going to be about 58 degrees for someone who's done this rate dozens and dozens of times. if you wear a sweatshirt at the beginning of the race, just, you know, dress in layers, take it off, wrap it around your waist, and by the end of the race, you will certainly need it because it's
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breezy at the seashore at the end. and have a great time, gang. all right. >> thank you roberta. well, work is nearing completion on the capitola wharf when that pier is expected to reopen to the public
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i'd be taking a toll on your mental health. apparently, a new study tested the psychological impact of eating a restrictive diet. food preferences for more than 180,000 people were analyzed, and participants ranked 140 foods and beverages on a scale from 1 to 9, researchers found. those with less strict diets performed better in cognitive testing. people who followed vegetarian, vegan, and other restrictive eating patterns did not do as well. social security recipients will get a boost in their checks next year as inflation remains high. >> the cost of living adjustment is expected to be larger than previously predicted for 2025, based on april inflation data,
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the increase could be about 3.2, an adjustments analyst says the average social security retirement benefit would go up about $60 a month. final percentage adjustments will be made in mid-october. >> well, some great news down on the monterey bay. the capitola wharf is expected to reopen this summer following a $10 million upgrade. heavy construction on the 855 foot long wooden structure is expected to be completed next month. crews widened the wharf from 20 to 36ft wide, where it's particularly vulnerable to the big waves that was last year. there this is after the wharf was badly damaged in storms in january 2023. capitola city manager says a grand opening event that is planned for august 14th and a soft opening will likely come in july with periodic closures. >> well, it is that time of year again. bay to breakers weekend is upon us and tomorrow morning thousands of costume runners and walkers are expected to take
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part in san francisco's annual bay to breakers race. we're talking about 20,000 people. sunday's 12 k is a scenic tour through nine san francisco neighborhoods. if you can run, dress like that the entire time, it's an award in itself. now. this starts at the bay bridge, makes its way through the city, and will end up at the great highway and ocean beach that big race starts bright and early at eight tomorrow morning. it's going to be impacting traffic beginning tonight. san francisco police say there will be road closures along the race route that start at seven tonight, and they'll stay in place until five tomorrow morning. there will also be lots of street closures along that route as well. flying cars, they're here. the twists and turns of the hexa flying car and what it will need to get through before we see those cars in our skies, and hollywood mourning the loss of veteran actor dabney coleman, a closer look back at his decades long career in hollywood. >> coming up
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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are you ready? creators of a flying car showing off the unique twists and turns that a
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plane or helicopter can't do? it's all coming up next. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> and good morning, barrie, a beautiful shot of san francisco. the clouds are there and they'll be hanging out for a little bit, but it looks like a pretty nice day to be hanging out here in the bay. great to have you with us here on mornings on two. i'm frank mallicoat. good morning. >> and i'm claudine wong. let's talk about your weather. it's a cool saturday start, but it is going to shape up to be a nice weekend. and bay to breakers. we've been talking about that, roberta. you've done it. how many times? >> about a dozen. >> a dozen. >> either running or reporting. >> yes. perfect. >> either one. >> i'm running it for the first time tomorrow. and this weather is perfect. running weather for me. it's gorgeous. >> it's going to clear out a little bit sooner. it will be breezy. and the only advice is just keep in mind when you end up at the beach and you stop and you've been sweating a little bit, you cool off very quickly and ocean beach is cold, cold,
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and then you have to catch the bus to get back. so make sure you plan accordingly. dress in layers i never like to check my stuff. you know you have to check it in the bus, then get in line and get it back. so i just wrap it around my waist. >> i'm big on that too. >> yeah, i would advise that and just have a really good time. it's hard to get your pace going because there's so many people out there having a great time. 61 degrees today at the beaches, very little clearing there for otherwise away from the bay of water, 78 degrees in the warmest location of our east bay community of antioch. hey. also in pittsburg, pleasant hill. you'll be in the mid 70s as well. enjoy your seasonal day. this is what spring looks like here in the bay area with the may gray for openers burning off quicker than yesterday. temperatures kind of like a lid on top of the bay area with the clouds keeping the temperatures in the 50s rising after the mixing of the cloud deck to 61 at the seashore, 64. san francisco 76. concord and how about mid 70s to the south and mid 70s to the north? full
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forecast featuring beta breakers and also in yountville. today there's a big festival. we'll talk more about that. frank, take it away. >> all right. i will take it. see you in a bit. thank you. roberta, a dozen pro-palestinian protesters now facing burglary, vandalism and conspiracy charges in the city of berkeley. police say they were among a large group of demonstrators who took over this vacant building owned by the university near the cal campus this week, uc berkeley police in riot gear, along with officers from 20 other local law enforcement agencies, all called in to remove their encampment late thursday night. some cal students question of this strong police response was really necessary. >> i don't think that police action among younger students, or just people of any sort, is necessary during demonstration of activism. >> people are taking this time and platform to speak up for their values, and that's something that berkeley prides itself on. so you know, i'm here to support it. >> however, uc berkeley says
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only one person of the dozen taken into custody have been confirmed to be a cal student and some neighbors say they do not approve of people outside the community coming on to campus property. the man who attacked congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer will spend the next 30 years in prison. >> david depape was handed his sentence in san francisco's federal court yesterday. inside that courtroom, christine pelosi, the daughter of nancy and paul pelosi, read statements from both parents describing the impact that the 2022 attack has had on their family. depapes attorney had asked the judge for 14 years, prosecutors asked for 40. the judge said depape did not express remorse for his actions and also considered the impact the attack will have on discouraging future politicians from entering public service. >> the brutal attack on paul pelosi in his home was not only an attack on an individual, but an assault on the very principles and safety and civility that formed the bedrock of our democracy. >> the court's sentence will
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ensure that the pope will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. >> depape still faces a criminal trial in san francisco superior court next week. if he's convicted there, his state sentence will run concurrently with his federal sentence. >> happening today, san francisco mayor london breed will officially kick off her campaign for reelection. breed will appear at the fillmore auditorium on geary at 10:00 this morning. her office says this campaign event will include several musical acts and a number of celebrities, local ones. former pa announcer for the giants will also be going to bat for mayor breed. renel brooks-moon among the scheduled speakers at this morning's event at the fillmore, a san francisco mayoral debate that was planned to happen next monday has now been canceled. >> that announcement comes after three candidates pulled out of that event super visor aaron peskin, philanthropist daniel lurie and mayor london breed all withdrew participation from that debate, according to a report in
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the chronicle, mayor breed and supervisor peskin dropped out of that event over concerns that the event organizers are closely tied to another candidate. the contra costa county fair in antioch is back for the weekend, and people attending this year's fair are reacting to a new chaperon policy. so anyone under 18 is required to come with an adult that is 25 years old or older. it is a new policy after a brawl between young people last year caused that fair to close early. some attendees did not know about the policy until they saw signage at the entry gates. >> to be honest, i don't like it. to be honest. i'm like, you're going to the fair to like, you know, have fun. why do you have to bring it like an adult to, you know, to sign you off? i'm trying to win some big animals. the zipper. the zipper is very fun. that was my favorite one. >> well, other vendors and participants that we spoke with say they welcome this new policy. the fair began on thursday. it runs through tomorrow. >> new this morning movie and tv fans all around the world are
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mourning the death of veteran actor dabney coleman. >> that's not it at all. and you just love it, don't you? it gives you some sort of cheap thrill, like knocking over pencils and picking up paper. let's don't get excited. get your scummy hands off of me! >> coleman is probably best known for his role as the chauvinistic boss in the hit 1980 movie 9 to 5. two years later, he played the nasty tv director in another big screen hit, tootsie. coleman also appeared in the popular 1970s tv series mary hartman, mary hartman. dabney coleman died yesterday at his home in santa monica. he was 92 years of age. >> an energy solution company with a research facility in fremont is showing their super fast charging battery for electric vehicles. goshen's current battery is designed with technology that can charge evs by up to 80% in under ten minutes. excuse me? solid state batteries are viewed as a better option for evs. chinese carmaker chery automobile is planning to use goshen's high tech batteries when they start mass production.
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>> your time now eight 3700 says spectators gathered to watch what could be the future of automobiles in tokyo. a flying car lifted about ten meters into the air yesterday. the flight demonstration part of a tech conference going on where the theme is life in the year 2050. the hexa is manufactured by a us company, lift aircraft incorporated. it has 18 propellers attached to the top of its single seat passenger cabin. it is 4.5m wide, 2.6m high, and weighs about 430 pounds. >> we're very used to moving two dimensionally as people, but the ability to move and spin is just very dynamic. it gives you a great sense of control right now. it is. it is for entertainment. and we're waiting for regulations to change to allow us to take it and to do transportation and things like that. >> a new study says spending
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time outdoors can boost physical health and mental well-being. researchers found that getting out for about 67 minutes in nature can put you in a better mood and decrease your anxiety levels and reduce your stress, they say. natural sunlight, green spaces like parks and being around bodies of water like oceans, rivers and lakes all have overall health benefits and we want to know what you think. how much time are you spending outdoors? it's our question of the day. and here are the three options to choose from. do you spend 15 to 30 minutes a day outside? is it more like 30 to 60 minutes, or do you spend 60 or more? head to ktvu. com slash vote and we'd love it if you weighed in. >> up next, the creator of chatgpt opening up publicly the change. he admitted to never anticipating before he created open ai. coming up, god hurry
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and an oakland man who celebrates his 80th birthday today talks about the loss of his $200,000 collectible car. >> his message to the thieves, and a look live at the city by the bay. >> the city is san francisco. that's only one place where big doings are happening this weekend. we've got your temperature for your neighborhood. that's coming up next
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so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. i love the great outdoors... the answer is [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian.
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living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! thousand dollars of lethal doses of fentanyl. with the help of one good boy, the chp shared
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this image of sully along with a large amount of narcotics. k-9 was on patrol with a chp officer on monday night when that officer pulled over a silver honda westbound i-80 in san francisco, and that's when sully alerted chp officers of the largest stash of drugs, including fentanyl, methamphetamine and heroin. loaded gun cache also discovered in the car. 35 year old man from san lorenzo was booked on multiple felony drug related charges while an oakland man is celebrating his 80th birthday today. >> but he's still reeling from a big loss. he says he's devastated from the loss of his 1959 red corvette that was stolen from his home last month. ktvu henry lee spoke with him, and he says that car has been a huge part of his life. >> there's no consequences in this city. people can steal and rob dave, like taylor, has been robbed of his pride and joy. >> his bright red 1959 corvette
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that he's had for 18 years. oh god. >> it's like a stab in the heart. >> he turns 80 on saturday, but he doesn't feel much like celebrating. surveillance video shows two guys breaking into a garage near east 22nd street and fifth avenue in oakland on april 15th. one of them scoots into the garage and the door shuts. less than three minutes later, one of the burglars opens the door and runs off as the other guy pulls out of the garage and the corvette, he eases out onto the street. here, the corvette rolls back a bit and hits the curb because it's on an incline. >> so they knew how to drive the car because it was a stick and they just went right out. >> like taylor hasn't seen his $200,000 car ever since. >> it hurts. it's because it's my life. my whole life has been the hot rod cars my since i was 14 years old. >> he's the ultimate car in racing enthusiast. his apartment's full of memories and photos from his racing days. this is like taylor in the red jacket when he bought the corvette back in 2006, he gave the convertible all his love. he
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rebuilt the engine, repainted the car re-upholster it, restored the car factory perfect, only to be ripped off. he thinks he could have been followed from a car show in pleasanton with scofflaws learning where he keeps his car and simply returning in broad daylight to make off with it. at this undisclosed location. like taylor keeps this 1932 ford roadster he calls hiboy next to a harley named fat boy, building little model cars back in the days we'd build little models. >> here's pictures of me racing. here's a picture of me right there. this is you here. yeah. >> he may be older now. and his corvettes insured, but he has only one message for the thieves. >> i want my car back. >> oakland police are on the lookout for this corvette. but if you happen to see it on the streets or perhaps stashed
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somewhere, give police a call in oakland. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> nurses and san francisco overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike. the nurses who work at san francisco's public hospitals and community clinics tallied the votes friday at 99.5% of the union members voted to authorize a strike. nurses say the sf department of public health hasn't taken what they call meaningful action in contract negotiations, including addressing staffing shortages. san francisco's public health department says 166 new nurses have been hired since december. the nurses contract is up at the end of june. >> time now 845 and tens of thousands of runners and walkers are going to take to the streets of san francisco tomorrow morning. it is time for our annual bay to breakers race. muni is reminding drivers be prepared for the road closures and the detours across the entire city for most of the day. tomorrow now, those traffic restrictions are going to start
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late tonight and will last until late tomorrow afternoon. and that's to make room for the huge number of runners and spectators. >> we've also instituted some additional security measures. we do have alcohol checkpoints. we do have sobering stations along the route, but, you know, we really put an emphasis on public safety and doing everything as best we can to make sure it's enjoyable for everyone. >> well, the runners that are taking part in tomorrow's bay to breakers race are being urged to take mass transit. bart is going to run four trains with limited stops before it begins its regular service tomorrow morning. all right, let's give you a look at the route of tomorrow's bay to breakers race, which starts at 8:00 in the morning. start line right there at seven and a half miles. it runs through nine san francisco neighborhoods. so it starts over by the bay bridge at howard and main streets in downtown san francisco. so it's going to make its way all the way through hayes street, fell street, and it's going to finish right here at the great highway and ocean
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beach. so this is going to be a little bit of a party. people are there for a while afterwards. takes a little while to get there. got to go up big hill and then you got to sit there for a while. enjoy that. you accomplish that. all right. don't forget to tune in to mornings on two. tomorrow we're going to have complete live coverage of tomorrow's big race. and roberta is working on good running weather. >> and just remember, it's not a flat course either, right? >> no, no, no, you got the hayes street hill. >> my favorite group every single year happens to be six dudes, and they dress up as a rolling tiki bar, from start to finish. >> they also have centipede teams this year where you have to stay attached the entire time. >> that's too much work. >> i didn't find anyone who wanted to stay attached to me for, you know, all the entire race. so they have to be your closest friends and not necessarily family members. >> okay, 54 degrees at the beginning of the race. by the end of the race, when it ends up at golden gate park near the ocean, it will be breezy. it will be 58 degrees. you know, the drill. make sure you dress in layers. it will be a cloudy
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start, but these clouds will mix out earlier tomorrow. in fact, today is going to mix out earlier than yesterday day. it's made great for openers temperature wise. we are in the 50s across the board. the winds have been breezy in fairfield and travis gusts up to 32. the winds have subsided in mountain view. they're beginning to die down in san jose and also around the sea shore, but the gusts are still 22 and those winds whip around the pollen. right now it happens to be the olive and the oak tree. count on the medium to high side. also mulberry out towards brentwood and in bethel island. it's the walnut tree count that's on the high side. grasses are coming into play as well. now here we go, your storm tracker. let's play this out for you. this is a trough at the surface as it rolls through the bay area over the weekend. it's going to churn out that marine layer sooner today. it keeps our temperatures pretty seasonal and then high pressure rebounds. and we'll have a warmer day for your sunday. so let's play it out like this. here's your futurecast. watch the clock tick
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on by. look at your neighborhood. we see the coastal area still socked in in the afternoon hours all the way into colma and also into pescadero and la honda. but the clouds do clear late tonight. we'll see spotty stratus throughout the overnight hours, and tomorrow is going to be a stellar sunday with just a few high, thin, wispy clouds. that's about it. all right. we do have big doings in yountville today. it's the art sip and stroll festival. it's a lot of fun. i think heather holmes is going to be there. all right. okay. now we know it's going to be a sellout. temperatures today 61 in pacifica to 78 degrees in antioch 74 morgan hill. hey i'd go to yountville if i could see heather holmes temperatures into the 70s in the north bay and 68 in oakland. your extended forecast. here we go. check out tuesday. we've got temperatures inland in the mid 80s. frank and claudine. >> all right, i'll take it. thank you roberta, for the first time in more than four years,
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nearly all of california's drought free, according to the latest federal drought data, california now has its lowest level of drought conditions since 2011, thanks to a fairly wet winter and spring. only eastern san bernardino and riverside counties down in southern california still have abnormally dry conditions. the bay area has been out of the drought now for a couple of years. that is very good news. and roberta is coming up a 49ers fateful. she's an artist and she gets an official collab with the team. look at how the 49ers recognized her dedication to art. good stuff. it's coming up next
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golden 1 credit union agrees, it's never too late to try something new or pick up an old pastime. we know you're up for adventure, that's what you're here for. the golden 1 member cash rewards+ card lets you try the things you love with your true love. when you can enjoy the rewards of every experience that comes your way,
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what are you waiting for? dive right in. golden 1 member cash rewards+ card. life is a journey best dreamed together. the 49ers new schedule that came out this week. she's known among the faithful for her daily drawing of the team posted on her social media pages. well, this year the team invited her to make drawings for their schedule this fall. rita oakes says she had to make 17 drawings quickly in just two weeks. >> i'm going to going to work every single day nonstop just to make it on time and it was like a crazy process, working every day and talking to the 49ers team. they were amazing, by the way, and i guess we did it. >> they sure did. oak said she
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was sleeping when she found out the schedule had dropped online, and she woke up to a ton of messages and responses on her phone and social media. she said when she saw the final product, she was blown away. >> i was expecting something great, but it blew my mind completely. it was just amazing. they took my drawings and just took it to another a whole new level. >> rita called it an honor and hopes to keep working with the team in the future. she said we can expect to see another series on social media in the upcoming season. one preseason, by the way, kicks off in august with three preseason games. they begin with the tennessee titans. the regular season starts a month later, and the niners have six prime time games, including the first week monday night football game against aaron rodgers and the new york jets. that one will be at levi and ktvu. fox two will carry some notable games, including the la rams, the patriots, the chiefs and the green bay packers.
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>> well, the bay area's newest pro sports team will be playing in front of thousands of fans for its inaugural season. the golden state valkyries say the team has more than 10,000 season ticket deposits for its wnba home games, which will be played at chase center last fall. the golden state warriors were awarded the expansion franchise. earlier this week, the team announced its name, colors and logo. the valkyries are the first new wnba franchise since 2008, and will begin play in the 2025 season. and today, bay area basketball fans will get a chance to celebrate with the new wnba team. the valkyries are hosting a block party at thrive city outside of san francisco's chase center that starts at 2 p.m, and the team says fans of all ages are welcome. well, thousands of students are about to officially graduate from sonoma state university and this
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all comes a day after the president's controversial retirement. we're live from the commencement ceremony with reaction also ahead. >> controversy surrounding supreme court justice samuel alito and his family, the high profile cases he's now being asked to recuse rom stra ht
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makeup meets skincare expertise. true match serum concealer by l'oreal paris. with hyaluronic acid corrects like a concealer, hydrates like an eye serum. an iron shaped applicator to conceal and re plump, with a radiant finish. true match concealer. election with a big party and some big names. plus, sonoma state university graduates are right now getting their diplomas this morning. that ceremony,
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starting at 9:00. and this comes a day after the school's president unexpectedly retired from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning to you. let's take you down to the south bay where blue skies are abundant. yes, happy to see the sun. the sun making their appearance. her appearance there a little earlier than up in the east bay and san francisco, where things are a little still gray. but working on it. that's hope you're working on it. old hope right there. well, this is the bay area, right? you can just drive to the south bay. you want some sunshine? you're close. all right. welcome to mornings on two. it is saturday, may 18th. i'm claudine wong. >> hi everyone i'm frank mallicoat. happy weekend. it's a saturday bay to breakers. tomorrow you're going to run first time. >> first time. invader breaker. are you ready? we had to. we had to get it done. >> get her done. >> box. enjoy the experience. well, you're so athletic. >> yeah. oh well, i would have thought that might be an overstatement, but we'll take it. no, no, no, i wish you luck
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tomorrow. just go out there with the mindset of having a good time, because it's really hard to pick up your pace with so many to get a pb to win. >> personal best. yeah. >> when you're running next to a tiki bar and also a caterpillar, it's well, that's what i'm here for. >> i'm not i'm not worried about the time we'll have that bay to breakers forecast coming up about 948 again today morning everybody rise and shine. >> right now i want to present you with our dog walking forecast because i'm a big supporter of the sf spca. i have a rescue dog. her name is roxy. i've had her for ten years, but you can get to love. she is available for rescue. she's one year old, nine months. she's an australian cattle dog, which means she is fast and loves to run. there you have the temperatures if you're heading on out to walk your dog this morning. overcast skies looking out towards lafayette. right now. temperatures are into the 50s, but where san jose has now cleared, it has jumped up to 62, going up to a high today of 77. in fact, the clouds will retreat
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to the immediate seashore. highs from 61 to 78 degrees. plenty of sunshine, a great weekend. i hope you have a fine one. here's claudine with news. >> all right. thank you roberta. well, happening now at this hour, commencement ceremonies are about to start. you're taking a live look at the stage which is set. this commencement ceremony is supposed to start at 9:00 this morning for just one of three ceremonies of 2000 students who are graduating from sonoma state university today. the school's president was set to confer diplomas at each ceremony. but then yesterday, he announced he was retiring. >> yeah, he stepped down. the announcement came one day after he was put on leave over allegations of insubordination for his handling of student protests there on campus. ktvu amanda quintana is on campus. has been all morning with what led up to mike lee's retirement. amanda. good morning. >> good morning. well, i've been talking to graduates as they go
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inside. some of them tell me that they were conflicted about even coming to this graduation ceremony today because of all the things that have unfolded here in the last week and the fact that mike lee will not be here to give them their diplomas now, this is all after lee made a school wide announcement on tuesday saying that he had come to an agreement with pro-palestinian student protesters, he later said that he had made a mistake by doing that without the proper approval . so some of those agreements included disclosing university investment rights to a pro-palestinian student advisory council and promising an academic boycott of educational programs connected to israel. he also called for a ceasefire in gaza and said he condemned all acts of genocide, racism and anti-semitism. lee was placed on leave by the csu chancellor for, quote, insubordination. she said his message was challenging and painful, and then the next day she announced his retirement. >> i absolutely support and
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stand with president mike lee, with what happened, recently with him being asked to leave, i think that the basis of activism comes from using a position of power, even at risk of your position. and so i think it's some really cool things are happening on campus here. >> it's been tough to, you know, go through, especially going with graduation and having all this going on, even coming was a decision to, actually attend. so it was it was a hard decision. so great. >> other universities across the country have come to agreements with students to end campus encampments. now, there had been an encampment here at sonoma state since late april. but when we were here thursday morning, it was all gone after those agreements were announced. but students tell me another protest could pop up today and as for the ceremonies, the acting president, that's doctor nathan evans, will step in for lee, a university spokesperson tells me
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that they're just focused on making sure these graduates and their families get to enjoy this ceremony and get to celebrate this big moment for them. so there are three ceremonies that are going to start right now at 9:00. there's also ceremonies at 1:00 and 5:00. so it is going to be a busy day here on campus, live at sonoma state. amanda quintana ktvu, fox two news okay. >> thank you, amanda. well, a dozen pro-palestinian protesters are now facing burglary, vandalism and conspiracy charges in berkeley. police say they were among a large group of demonstrators who took over a vacant building owned by the university near the cal campus this week. uc berkeley police in riot gear, along with officers from 20 other local law enforcement agencies, were called in to remove that encampment from channing way late thursday night. >> what happened at anna head was, from the very beginning, a criminal act. they broke into a building, they vandalized the building. they trespassed on university property.
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>> uc berkeley says only one person among the 12 people taken into custody has been confirmed to be a cal student. >> 905 your time happening today, the mayor of san francisco, london breed, will officially kick off her campaign for reelection. breed will appear at the fillmore auditorium on gary in a little less than an hour. now at 10:00. her office says this campaign event will include several musical acts and a number of local celebrities as well. the former public address announcer for the giants will also be going to bat for mayor breed. renel brooks-moon is among the scheduled speakers at this morning's event that will kick off at the fillmore at ten. >> well, the mayor's plan to bring two giant pandas to the san francisco zoo is getting some pushback from city leaders. the board of supervisors voted to postpone a request made by the mayor to fundraise $25 million to host those pandas. once they were brought in from china, that money would go to address some of the zoo's infrastructure needs. well, supervisor asha safai, who is
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hoping to unseat the mayor this fall, says the pandas are a distraction from the city's more pressing issues. >> this is about prioritizing our future. this is about prioritizing our children over pandas and if we can rally to fund a home for pandas, we certainly can rally to raise money for essential programs that impact every single corner of this city. yes, city leaders suggest the mayor should be raising funds for the department of children, youth and families. >> instead, the mayor's office said it would support waivers for both endeavors. >> l.a. county sheriff's office says a man remains hospitalized this morning after running naked on a city street and then being struck by a car. and of course, the entire thing caught on camera. and here we go. it happened thursday, community of ladera heights. but a dozen miles west of downtown l.a. video shows the man jumping over a fence, a home darting into the streets, and boom manages to miss one car, but then flies over the hood of another car and they got back up and started
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running again. several neighbors witnessed the bizarre accident, it's i don't know, it's just speechless because you just you never expect to see a naked man running in front of you like, during your day. >> probably not. well, the family of the man hit by the car says he was experiencing a mental health crisis at the time. at last check, he is listed in stable condition this morning at a southern california hospital, a section of highway one damaged by storms earlier this spring is now back open as ktvu is. >> mark sayer shows us this reopening is a big boost for businesses in nearby communities . >> in the early morning fog, caltrans switched on a traffic signal that will allow both north and southbound traffic on highway one to share a single lane. this is only a temporary fix until the complete highway can be rebuilt, but it does now allow for 24 hour travel in both directions. the highway was closed on march 30th after what is called a slip out destroyed the southbound lane, forcing caltrans to escort residents in
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convoys two times per day to the business community and to the employees that work for the businesses at tremendous change. >> it's really important, kirk garfield is the president of the big sur chamber of commerce. we've had seven weeks with effectively no business to speak of at all in the community. so we've had probably 90% of our employees collectively have either been furloughed or are working at very reduced hours to get this single lane of traffic open before the critical memorial day weekend. >> caltrans has been working in two shifts. crews have actually been hoisted over the ocean by cranes, allowing them to work on the damaged section of the roadway, and we were able to drill 40 vertical and 75 horizontal bars in here, which really act as a grid to stabilize that southbound lane. >> we love our local community down here. >> colin touhig is the general manager of the big sur river inn. he says the community really pulled together during the closure, his restaurant even providing hot meals to the local
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elementary school. when prepared meals could not be brought in. >> so three days a week, our chef cooked up school lunches for the captain cooper kids, and we did that, about 4 or 5 weeks. >> businesses say they are already getting calls for reservations. >> i think it's amazing. it's beautiful. >> parwez. rupali is exactly the kind of visitor this community likes to see. bringing his family from out of state to see the coast. >> so we're actually from michigan. i moved here recently to l.a. for work and so they visited just to see more of like the area highway one to the south of big sur is expected to be reopened in the fall, with the complete repair to the northern section set for next year. >> i'm mark sayer, ktvu fox two news. >> well, highway one in big sur, back open, but there are a few other important closures. we got to tell you about around the bay area in the north bay, eastbound lanes of highway 37 between sonoma and solano counties are closed once again this weekend. parts of the highway shut down
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overnight. crews are beginning to repaving project there on the road, and it closed last night around 10:00. caltrans says traffic will be detoured on highway 121 interchange. so if you're heading to wine country, do take note the closure expected to last through the entire weekend, and it will reopen early monday morning around 5:00. another repaving project will close down parts of interstate 680 in the east bay. caltrans says three southbound lanes will be shut down us between acosta boulevard and san ramon. interstate 580 connector in pleasanton. it's a heavily traveled road. two lanes will stay open. drivers are being advised to take alternative routes to minimize any traffic congestion within that work zone. the lane closures started last night, expected to also run until early monday morning. let's take a look at the traffic map. see how we're doing at highway 680. as you can see, got a lot of red on the screen, which means it's a slow go right
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now from acosta all the way to that interchange with the 580. so, if you're heading that way, if you can find a better route. highly recommended. all weekend long. >> okay. time now is 911, and let's take you outside to the front of our station, where you can see lots of folks gathering. you're going to be looking at tai chi, kung fu, and other performances. they've come to give us a little sneak peek outside of our ktvu studios. this is a sneak peek into san francisco's first ever cultural festival. it's happening a week from today, and we'll have that for you next. >> braided the diversity, the better the department. well and also a closer look at the san jose fire department special boot camp aimed at recruiting a diverse, diverse group of first responders. >> it's all coming up. >> and let's head on over to oakland right now where we have a bank of cloudiness, the
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clouds. and when they will break up over your neighborhood. the full forecast is on deck co
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utility poles. line workers are going to participate in the annual lineman rodeo at pga training facility in livermore. workers from throughout the state are going to come together, and they'll have some various competitions, including a pole climb. as you see there.
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they'll also have some simulations about how to rescue a hurt worker. the utility and the line workers union say these kinds of events help workers sharpen their skills and ensure they can do their job safely. >> also happening today, san jose fire department hosting its fifth annual women's boot camp for nearly 100 women. and as ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary tells us, it's a way to recruit more women, including non-binary and trans women, to professions that have long been dominated by men. >> san jose firefighter stephanie sirrine is a metaphorical island at fire station 14, serving in a sea of men. she joined the department over a decade ago as a wide eyed teenager drawn to this type of work. >> i had no idea what the job entailed. one of my friends had mentioned there was an explorer program. i decided to join that and it became something that i was very passionate about, hoping to spark a similar passion in other women. >> the san jose fire department
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saturday hosts fifth annual women's boot camp. the one day event is open to women, including those non-binary, gender nonconforming and trans women in the community. the greater the diversity, the better the department. >> you know, it's like the high tech industry understands that and i am so happy that the government is beginning to really get into it. >> 75 women ages 18 to 24 are already signed up. officials say that represents an increase of one third over last year. attendees will be put through the rigors of an academy like obstacle course to better learn what it's like to be a firefighter. >> we have our sledgehammers. we have our hose pool hoists, working on grip and strength that just kind of giving women that encouragement that they can do it. >> san jose fire isn't alone in looking to lure more women into its workforce. march san jose police officials signing the 30 by 30 pledge to increase women recruits by 30% by 2030. police
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women currently make up 13% of the force, but only 3.7% of the 648 firefighters are female. >> one of the things that i'm very interested in is trying to bring talent to the city of san jose. i think that we bring sort of a different perspective on different situations, and i think that it would really enhance the department's. >> stephanie sorini says living her dream allows her to help other women explore options once only thought of as a man's domain. >> being a female and just being that presence out in the community, whether we have schools come in and just being that female figure and showing, you know, all ages that we are out there and we can do it in west san jose. >> jesse, gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. now to our question of the day. we are
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asking how much time you are spending outdoors. so your choices 15 to 30 minutes a day, 30 to 60 minutes. or do you spend 60 or more minutes a day? we want to get your vote. so if you go to, then you can weigh in. >> i think it depends if you're working, if you're working and you're a lot of times we get stuck in the newsroom and you poke your head outside and go, oh my gosh, what a lovely day. but i always feel better after a walk. yeah, no, i think out and about, you just clear your head. >> sometimes i think we can. and i do this. i try to schedule it too much. i've tried to say, okay, i'm going to do it this time. and this time. and i think if there are times when i just, like, walk and take a quick lap, i mean, it could be it could be 60 minutes cumulative. roberta, where it's like you took one in the morning and you did 15 minutes, or you sit outside and get a little vitamin d before you kind of start your day. take five minutes, take your coffee outside, and it kind of all adds up. it does change. >> i poke my head out the door
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sometimes right when i get up and just take a couple of deep breaths and go, all right, happy saturday, you say, thank you. >> i am rising and shining above daisies today, so thank you very much. right? all right. yes. the only problem with a lot of people getting outdoors right now happens to be the pollen. i believe more people are suffering now than ever before. people that have never experienced allergies are now problematic and i'll have that allergy report coming up. but first things first, if you're getting outdoors, this is the place to be today. it is the art sip and stroll festival. this is big. it's beautiful. all the people are lovely. the weather is. and if you're heading to yountville, why not perfect weather seasonal in the mid 70s. good morning everybody. we have the clouds now breaking up against mount. it's right here. monument peak actually in the santa clara valley. you see that deck is now breaking up. we already have some clear skies around cesar chavez park in san jose. you see the cloud deck hugging the coast
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of california. temperatures are in the 50s. we do have 62 degrees now in san jose and low 60s around palo alto. the winds are up to ten in concord, 25 fairfield winds are generally under ten. we'll pick up later today a strong onshore push and that will increase 10 to 20mph. so if you suffer from allergies, blame it on the oak and the olive tree count that continues to rise. and we have the mulberry and walnut tree count coming into play in some of our interior valleys, like bethel island and also in brentwood. all right. here's the satellite imagery again. we do have high pressure in command, but we have this area of low pressure that's going to blow through the bay area. and as it does so, it's mixing up our marine layer a lot earlier than in recent days. temperatures are going to go up just a couple of degrees. let's see when we clear out in your neighborhood. look, by 4:00 today everybody has cleared nicely except right there in colma, sunset district, also right there around pescadero, half moon bay, moss beach and
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montara beach. later today, the clouds do not invade the inland area, so the temperatures will increase for your sunday as well . here's the trough breezing through with a few high thin clouds. temperatures today from 61 in pacifica to 78 degrees in antioch and then pittsburgh, rio vista, you're going to top off today at 75 cotati, sebastopol, healdsburg, all around 74 degrees. same in redwood city and redwood shores. and 74 today in morgan hill. your extended forecast does call for check this out. looks like know may gray for sunday and monday with the warmest day peeking on your tuesday. cooler temperatures arrive on wednesday and frank and claudine, can you believe this is the last weekend before memorial weekend? >> no, no, i can't believe. >> don't go there then it will be 4th of july, labor day, and then we'll start shopping. >> oh, we'll start counting down. >> he somehow always ends up at christmas. >> no, i didn't go there yet. yeah, you mentioned it. >> i know where your head was
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shopping. we've worked together long enough. you know what rosemary is right now? >> she's listening to nat king cole, i bet. >> oh, yeah, she does. she does listen to christmas music in july, so there's that. all right. time now is 922. the founder of openai is opening up the harsh reality he's now dealing with after creating chatgp
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ is new video of the latest
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arrival of humanitarian aid to people living along the gaza strip. it shows trucks rolling across a newly built floating pier built by the us into the besieged region for the first time. israeli restrictions on border crossings and heavy fighting had hindered the delivery of earlier food and other supplies to gaza. the shipment is the first of a major humanitarian aid operation that could eventually scale up to 150 truckloads a day, got a new report, prompting calls for supreme court justice samuel alito to recuse himself from two upcoming cases involving the attack on the us capitol. >> new york times has published a photo of an upside down american flag that was displayed outside alito's virginia home in january of 2021. now the flag went up just days after supporters of donald trump stormed the us capitol. an upside down flag is a symbol often associated with trump's false claims of election fraud. in the 2020 election, justice alito has not yet publicly
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commented on that controversy. ceo of openai says his day to day life has changed as his company has grown in popularity. sam altman says the fame has altered his personal life. on a recent podcast episode of the logan bartlett show, he shared that it's difficult for him to eat out at restaurants in san francisco without being recognized, and during the conversation, altman and bartlett discussed the societal impacts of ai and open ai's latest advancements. advancements rather chatgpt 4.0 well day after sonoma state university's president retired, thousands of students are graduating. >> how some of those students say they feel about the controversy that led up to today's ce mony ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones.
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what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. norman, bad news... i never graduated ♪from med school. ♪ what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds
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up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm.
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do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! diplomas this morning, a day after their schools president unexpectedly retire. we'll have a live report and a celebration of chinese food culture and mesmerizing performances all in time for aapi month. a sneak peek into chinatown's very first cultural festival and what it promises to deliver next from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning, bay area. well,
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folks down in the south bay are saying, hey, we got blue sky. you live in walnut creek, lafayette, orinda, well, down there to alamo, concord, pleasant hill. you're still looking at a lot of cloud cover right now, but i'm told on good authority it may be moving out here eventually. might take an hour or two. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two on saturday. i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> thanks for waking up with us. let's go over to roberto gonzalez who is watching our weather. we've got so many things. this is when i feel like everything just gets busy. every weekend. we've got something going and summer is a lot of fun. bay to breakers tomorrow. but then the events just can keep rolling. >> oh, the month of may is totally nuts, right? every day. way yes, every day there is something to do because the weather is so conducive, including tomorrow's bay to breakers. stepping off at 8 a.m, 54 degrees ending up at the ocean at partly sunny skies at 58. it will be breezy dress in layers. okay, there you go. and
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here we go. heading to the south bay. as frank was alluding to, the clouds have pretty much dissipated. they're backing up to monument peak. we see a layer of some cloudiness, but everybody will clear except the immediate seashore. right now we're in the 50s across the board, except for east palo alto and palo alto. wrap it around to san jose, and gilroy and morgan hill were later today. will top off in the mid and high 70s, 60s beaches. high 60s, 70s common. all the way through the castro valley area, and 78 degrees are outside number. lots of graduation ceremonies taking place today. here's frank with the latest. >> yeah good segue happening. well, here at about a half an hour, commencement ceremonies are underway. 30 minutes ago, for more than 2000 students are graduating from sonoma state university. the school's president, however, was set to confer those diplomas at the ceremony. but he then yesterday announced that he was stepping down and retiring.
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>> this has been a tumultuous week. that announcement came a day after he was put on leave over allegations of insubordination for his handling of student protests. let's go live to ktvu. is amanda quintana , who is live on campus this morning with what led to mike lee's retirement. and amanda, we say it a lot with this college class of 2024. they missed out on their high school graduations because of the pandemic. so this is the first time a lot of them will have a formal ceremony. and for the sonoma state students, it comes amid controversy and a lot of changes for them. >> right. and a really hectic last week, a lot of drama kind of surrounding all of this for their final week before graduation. so some students were saying, you know, i was just focused on graduating this week. that was the only thing i was thinking about. some people said, you know, they were conflicted about whether they would even come to this graduation ceremony because of everything that has happened this past week. of course, this is after mike lee he sent out. that's the president. he sent out an announcement on tuesday saying that he had come to an agreement with pro-palestinian
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student protesters. of course, he will not be here today. he is now the former president. but now, after he sent out that list of agreements, he later said he'd made a mistake by doing that without the proper approval. so some of those agreements included disclosing university investments to a pro-palestinian student advisory council, and then also promising an academic boycott of any educational programs connected to israel. so he also called for a cease fire in gaza and said he condemned all acts of genocide, racism and anti-semitism. lee was placed on leave by the csu chancellor for, quote, insubordinate action, and she said that his message was challenging and painful. then the next day, she announced his retirement. so graduates have varying opinions on everything that has happened this past week . >> there are some things that i think the president could have done better, that the organizers of the encampment probably could
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have done better in their demands. they're not critically thinking about, you know, what is actually a helpful demand when we're talking about discourse and stuff, because that seems like where mike lee got caught up. >> i absolutely support and stand with president mike lee, with what happened recently with him being asked to leave, i think that the basis of activism comes from using a position of power, even at risk of your position. and so i think it's some really cool things are happening on campus here. >> other universities across the country have come to agreements with students to end campus encampments. there had been a encampment here at sonoma state since late april, but when we were here thursday morning, it was gone. after those agreements were released. now, students tell me another protest could pop up today, though, as for the ceremonies that are happening, the acting president doctor nathan evans, is stepping in. a university spokesperson tells me
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that they're just focused on making sure that the graduates and their families get to enjoy all of the ceremonies today, there's three ceremonies that are going on right now, and then at 1:00 there's two more, and then at 5:00 there are more ceremonies. so it's a really busy day on campus here, and we have yet to see any kind of protest. but some students say they do think that that will happen here today. live at sonoma state. amanda quintana, ktvu, fox two news. >> amanda, thank you. a dozen pro-palestinian protesters, meanwhile, are now facing burglary, vandalism and conspiracy charges in berkeley. police say they were among a large group of demonstrators took over this vacant building owned by the university near the cal campus this past week. uc berkeley police all in riot gear along with officers from 20 other local law enforcement agencies, were all called in to remove their encampment. that happened late thursday night. some of the cal students, though, question if this strong police response was really necessary. i don't think that police action among younger
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students or just people of any sort, is necessary during demonstration of activism. >> people are taking this time and platform to speak up for their values, and that's something that berkeley prides itself on. so, you know, i'm here to support it. >> however, uc berkeley says only one person of the 12 people taken into custody has been confirmed to be a cal student, and some neighbors said they do not approve of people outside the community coming onto campus property. well, the man who attacked congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer will spend the next 30 years in prison. david depape was handed his sentence in san francisco federal court yesterday afternoon inside that courtroom, christine pelosi, the daughter of nancy and paul pelosi, read statements from both parents describing the impact the 2022 attack had on their family. depapes attorney asked the judge. for 14 years, prosecutors wanted 40. judge said to pap didn't express remorse for his
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actions and also considered the impact the attack will have on discouraging future politicians from entering public service. the brutal attack on paul pelosi in his home was not only an attack on an individual, but an assault on the very principles and safety and civility that formed the bedrock of our democracy. >> the court's sentence will ensure that the pope will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. >> depape, still facing a criminal trial in san francisco superior court that will happen next week if he's convicted there, his state sentence will run concurrently with his federal sentence. happening today, the mayor of san francisco, london breed, will officially kick off her campaign for reelection. breed will appear at the fillmore auditorium on geary boulevard at 10:00. so just about 20 plus minutes away. her office says campaign event will include several musical acts, a number of local celebrities, two former
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public address announcer for the giants will also be going to bat for mayor breed renel brooks-moon. among the scheduled speakers at this morning's event in the fillmore san francisco mayoral debate that was planned to happen next monday has been canceled. the announcement comes after three of the candidates pulled out of the event. supervisor aaron peskin, philanthropist daniel lurie and mayor london breed all withdrew participation from the debate, according to a report in the chronicle. mayor breed and supervisor peskin dropped out of the event over concerns that the event organizers are closely tied to another candidate in the race. in the east bay contra costa county fair in antioch is back open for the weekend, and people attending this year's fair are reacting to a new chaperon policy. anyone under the age of 18 required to come in with an adult that is 25 years or older. it's a new policy. after a brawl between
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young people last year caused the fair to close early, some of the attendees did know about the policy until they saw the signage at the entry gate. >> to be honest, i don't like it . i'm like, you're going to the fair to like, you know, have fun. why do you have to bring it like an adult to, you know, to sign you off? i'm trying to win some big animals. the zipper. the zipper is very fun. that was my favorite one. >> some of the other vendors and participants we spoke with say they welcome the new policy. the fair began thursday, runs through tomorrow and new this morning. movie and tv fans all around the world are mourning the death of veteran actor dabney coleman. >> that's not it at all. oh, and you just love it, don't you? it gives you some sort of cheap thrill, like knocking over pencils and picking up paper. now let's don't get excited. get your scummy hands off of me. >> coleman is probably best known for his role as a chauvinistic boss in the hit 1980 movie 9 to 5, and two years later, he played the nasty tv director in another big screen
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hit, tootsie. coleman also appeared in the popular 1970s tv series mary hartman, mary hartman. dabney coleman died yesterday at his home in santa monica. he was 92 years old. hundreds of spectators gathered to watch what could be the future of automobiles in tokyo. a flying car lifted up about ten meters in the air yesterday. the hexa is manufactured by us company lift aircraft incorporated. it's got 18 propellers attached to the top of its single seat passenger cabin, 4.5m wide, 2.6m high and weighs about 430 pounds. >> we're very used to moving two dimensionally as people, but the ability to move and spin is just very dynamic. >> it gives you a great sense of control. right now it is. it is for entertainment and we're waiting for regulations to change, to allow us to take it
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and to do transportation and things like that. >> that flight demonstration, part of a tech conference going on where the theme is life in the year 2050. and we want to know how much time you're spending outdoors. it's our question of the day on the saturday. your three options there, you've got 15 to 30 minutes a day, 30 minutes to an hour. but the overwhelming choice so far is an hour plus at 57. head on over to and weigh in on our question of the day. >> coming up, we're going to give you a sneak peek of a first for san francisco's chinatown, a first ever cultural festival that happens a week from today. and you're going to get a quick look and an exclusive look at what that festival is going to bring us. >> did you see how beautiful claudine looks this morning? and
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not wearing a jacket? that's a great indication of what you can expect for this saturday. i have your neighborhood pinpoint forecast that's coming up right after this brief time out. stay with us
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here in the bay area. and today we've got a sneak peek of the cultural festival in chinatown. claudine wong left the set to give us an exclusive sneak peek into this upcoming event. she's out in the ktvu parking lot. take it away. >> oh, frank, we are having so much fun out here, nancy. taking me through all of us. i don't want to take any extra time except to tell you that this is happening a week from today in chinatown. first ever cultural festival starts at 11 in the morning. and this is just a glimpse of what you're going to see. take us through all the folks you brought out here today. oh thank you very much. >> i would love to show you what we have for the cultural festival is a period of a small cultural festival today. so let me start with you, sifu ho. sifu ho is doing therapy. this is a very old traditional method to heal pain from injuries such as kung fu, war sport. and he's what he's doing right now to the to the re dislocate the shoulder
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preparation. >> so it's different from massage and what has been done for centuries upon centuries. yeah. >> centuries or centuries when the chinese rail workers started coming to america. this is the treatment they use. they bring the herbal medicine and the paste, and that is the only medicine they bring with them when they come here for the gold rush. and so it's a way of workers. >> so interesting. okay. so tell me who we have here now. okay >> so we have skyler's. he's nine years old. he he's going to perform as long fist kung fu for us. he's been performing all over the place. and he is, besides kung fu, he also do arts and calligraphy chair. so he's the guy. he's our future. >> so talented. nine years old, amazing. and behind him, behind him, we have, sifu kelly wu. >> she's. doing a tai chi fan for us. she's been a teacher at ymca and also private classes, and she'll be performing, all
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the time on stage. and if you want to learn, please go see her. she can. she's a great teacher. you said she's been doing this for 40 years. she's been doing it for 40 years, and she won many competitions. and she's very patient. and she can teach you how to heal your body through tai chi practice. >> it's amazing. okay and next to her, we are talking about these red envelopes. red envelopes for people who don't know are a tradition. we usually have money in them. after that though, she is doing something very special. yeah >> so let me introduce you to, miss j. wu. we call her the, red envelope artist. she's been doing all this for a long time. and she will have a booth over there demonstrating. and what she's doing right now is that she's making a fish, a goldfish out of the red envelope. so after you take out the money, don't throw them away and keep it. and you can make a very beautiful, art, this. we have the lanterns. i have the fan here, and she's doing a fish. look how fast she can do it. and all this quick. yeah. very quick. and you can do all this? yeah
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>> i'm done. that was it. that was so fast. it's beautiful. and then behind we see all the fans. and how long does it take to make a lantern, the, lantern have, about, two hours. two hour. >> i might have to start with fish. yeah, yeah. okay. that is beautiful. >> so there's a fish, is there? yeah. oh. that's beautiful, i love it. >> one second for her. many, many seconds for me. >> okay. thank you, 131 of our highlight. are you going to have a cultural festival, some, we're going to have these chinese over 160 of chinese surname with the flags and holding them up to do a small parade to our cultural festival. so this is the chart of, the we're going to also attend at 1045. we're going to do an opening ceremony called the, the descendants of yandi and huangdi meeting in chinatown in san francisco. >> so this is so important when you talk about families and surnames and really the history of really so many generations in
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chinatown. this is a piece of it. >> yeah. this is one of the, important that we have to remember our ancestors and people who contributed to our community so much. and you see the wetland, the lanterns, that, lotus style culture association going to perform a very special parade for us with a big, huge statue, flower statue parading. >> okay. and so when we talk about this and we have all these groups that have you've brought out here today doing all their real specialties, this experience for people coming into chinatown and coming to be a part of all of this in this cultural festival. what do you want them to walk away with? so i want them to remember and chinatown is open. >> chinatown has a lot of places have undiscovered, and we want to open them. we want to we want you to come over here. welcome all you to learn to share. and we can educate everybody to do what we wanted to do, especially you, right in front of the chess game that we're going to have a chinese chess game, competition or performance. we call that it's going to be really fun. i
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want people to remember what we have in chinatown. and welcome to come back. that's that's amazing. yes come back. >> i think this is a first, but i don't think it's going to be the last. it'll be a tradition for many years to come, i hope. and certainly just the start of many visits. thank you all so much for coming out. we'll put on your screen a reminder. this is going to happen a week from today on saturday, from 11 to 330. it's entirely free. and as you heard, i don't know, four hours is enough to get through everything that you will have out there, but there will be a parade starting at. yeah. >> so the parade start at 130, but we also have all the exhibition hall and museum open for you. a public for free. and we also are 3:00. we have a tai shan film, a movie over there open for everyone at 3:00 at victory hall, nonstop action. >> so this was just a peek much more, much more to come. all right. we'll send it back to you guys in the studio. i think the weather is going to be fantastic. if roberta is planning on a great forecast for
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it, it will be fantastic. >> nick. and thank you, claudine. that was really terrific. hi everybody. good morning to you. rise and shine out the door this morning. live weather camera does illustrate that we still have a gray slate across the bay waters clearing in the san jose area, but those clouds are hanging very tight to the coast. we'll retreat sooner today than in recent mornings right now into the 50s, we've now jumped up to 60 degrees in hayward, backing through san leandro and san lorenzo and throughout the tri valley. it is now 62. with the abundance of sunshine in san jose, these temperatures are pretty much a couple of degrees more mild than yesterday. at this hour, it's breezy at buchanan field in concord, downright windy in fairfield. we do have a bit of a breeze at mineta international airport as well as half moon bay experiencing a wind gusts up to 22. that's going to be the scenario throughout the day, and that wind does usher the pollen around it is the oak and the olive tree. count that is on the medium and high side. and who isn't suffering from allergies these days? all right, you
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barely can tell, but we have a trough very close to the surface. it's going to wipe through the bay area, and as it does so, it's going to swipe out the cloudiness a lot sooner than what we've been experiencing. but there's a lot of cooler air mass aloft. so our temperatures have been slightly below normal. will be pretty average today. here we go with our futurecast. watch the clouds and they retreat back to the seashore by 4:00 this afternoon. hang tight around half moon bay pacifica. you'll see a hint of some sunshine. otherwise not as ominous. tonight will be that cloud deck, it will not surge into our inland areas at all. few clouds stream across the horizon for your sunday. otherwise it will be warmer on sunday than on saturday. today, 681 to 78 degrees. that will be our temperature span with 72 around vallejo, benicia, martinez and american canyon. if you're heading to the ballpark, we have kyle harrison on the mound for the good guys. he graduated from de lasalle. he was born in san jose, so go out
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and support the local guy and go giants. here is your extended forecast cast. the warmest day coming up will be on tuesday. frank. have a great day. >> i will you too, roberta. good to have you this morning. coming up next, scottie scheffler, that's his mugshot arrested friday morning. but it didn't slow him down at round two of the pga. more on his very eventful day in golf's second major of the year. a slow network is no network for business.
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nba team here in the bay area. the valkyries hosting a big block party thrive city outside of chase center in the city. it starts at 2:00. team says fans of all ages are welcome. >> bay fc will host new york, new jersey, gotham fc at paypal park on friday. last night they were looking to snap a five game losing streak at home against the san diego wave fc. bay fc scored two goals in the second half to net their second come from behind win at home. the go ahead goal came in the 86th minute, with bay fc winning it 2 to 1, avenging last month's loss in san diego. >> on the golf and the pga, scottie scheffler, back in action at the pga championship in louisville this morning. that's after it's got to be the strangest start to a major golf tournament ever and maybe for ever. yesterday, the world's top golfer arrested on charges of failing to follow police instructions during an investigation into a fatal crash
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that was right down the street from the golf course, happened early yesterday morning. but scheffler, at a jail in a couple of hours and time for his tee off, sunk a 19 foot birdie putt. he's currently in fourth place on the leaderboard, nine under par and very much in the rough running. there we go. >> well, new study says spending time outdoors can boost physical health and mental well-being. researchers found that getting about 67 minutes in nature can put you in a better mood, while decreasing anxiety levels and reducing stress. they say. natural sunlight, green spaces like parks and being around bodies of water like oceans, rivers and lakes all have overall health benefits. so that has led us to our question of the day. we've been asking you all morning long how much time do you like spending outdoors? 15 to 30 minutes a day, 30 to 60 minutes or 60 or more. you can weigh in on the vote. you can see there on your screen that
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the 60 or more minutes seems to be leading the charge, which i think that's what we all, we all like. just head to ktvu .com/ vote so you can weigh in as well. >> yeah. good hour a day. keeps the doctor away that's for sure. yeah. feel better. >> you know it makes you feel better. and i think that's the goal roberta, as we're talking about kind of how much time we want to spend outside the more is better. >> how much our allergies will allow us to spend outside. >> yeah. people are sniffly right now. >> yeah. yesterday i was doing some gardening, and i just wore a mask and i said that was the best thing about the pandemic, having that mask. and i had no allergies during that time. >> no. it helped the pollen count coming in. >> it's crazy this year, right? >> i feel like once you start sneezing, oh, you just can't stop. >> that's it. and today is going to be no different with the olive and the oak tree. count on the high side. frank is passing the kleenex right now. we're going to be on either side of 70 degrees to 80 degrees for the next several days, with tuesday panning out to be the warmest day coming up. it is may gray, but partying out earlier the
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next couple of days all right, that looks good. it does look good. >> good what? there monday. tuesday. >> very seasonal. very seasonal. >> take it. >> almost like the summer doldrums here during the spring time. >> well may gray june gloom. we get it all too. so even though we'll take the sun we can get it. because sometimes, sometimes it doesn't stick around for enough time or it's too hot. well, that's coming too. yeah, that's coming to all right. that's going to do it for us this morning. we appreciate you waking up with us here on mornings on two. and don't forget you can watch the live newscast and stories on our fox local app, which is always on your smart tv and have fun tomorrow i was going to say good luck at the bay to breakers. thank you with your 30,000 best friends and we'll see you tomorrow morning folks. >> h e a eat (uplifting music)


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