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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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homes in a hayward neighborhood. the hard work of firefighter and residents to keep the flames from spreading. plus as you enter san francisco and two san francisco's pop up that that's
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by definition that's very confusing. well, despite opposition, the oakland port commission gives final approval today to changing the name of the oakland airport. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> it was a unanimous vote, one that san francisco officials tonight say they will fight in court. nice to have you with me on this thursday night. i'm heather holmes, so the oakland international airport is no more. the port of oakland's board of commissioners voting for the second time today to rename the airport san francisco bay oakland international airport. and the reaction tonight from the city attorney's office in san francisco is one of disappointment. the office telling ktvu that san francisco will move forward with this next steps in his trademark lawsuit. our tom baker has more now on this contentious fight over the airport's name change. >> vote no to the name change and no to the airport expansion. please protect the east bay and lead the way to a healthy future
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with fewer flights and less pollution. >> the slanted survey, written and administered to achieve approval, it does not at all provide evidence that aucklanders want a name change. >> amir adib, a bay area trademark and intellectual property attorney, says since both entities are in the exact same business, airports san francisco probably has the better claim. after almost 100 years. >> san francisco is prominent. it's the first part of the both marks, it creates a lot of issues around confusion. if you enter san francisco into san francisco's pop up, that that's by definition that's very confusing. come up with something that's more distinctive at the beginning of the name. if you really want to change your name, even at oakland airport, where we met passengers from out of town, opinion was divided. >> i would guess that maybe combining the names, maybe, teaches people that they are
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close and affiliated with each other. >> i do know that when i first was flying here, that it was a little confusing which one to go to. so i can understand that being an issue. >> actually, i like it being oakland. i like it being, not not so confusing for somebody who doesn't fly in here all the time. >> the san francisco city attorney issued this statement. if oakland continues to rebuff our offers to partner, we'll have to move forward with the next steps in our trademark lawsuit and seek a preliminary injunction to stop infringing on sfo's trademark tom vacar. ktvu fox two news. >> well, the state public utility commission unanimously approved a controversial plan today that will change how pge and other investor owned utilities calculate customers energy bills. now, the plan will add a $24 dollar utility charge to most customers bills. in exchange, pge will lower electricity rates by 5 to $0.07
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per kilowatt hour. low income customers will pay a flat rate of 6 or $12. the money raised will be used for infrastructure and maintenance. the plan is part of a law that was approved by state lawmakers in 2022, but critics say it won't benefit everyone. >> we think that if you have a low energy footprint now, even in the central valley, where it gets hot, this fixed charge could actually raise your rates. if you're a low energy user to begin with. >> california is one of the few states where utilities do not use the fixed rate model. those in favor, say the change will save customers statewide on average of $30 a month. it is set to take effect in early 2026. now, this new system is aimed at reducing the cost for people affected by extreme weather, like a heat wave, and also those who charge their electric vehicles at home. and here now, with me to talk more about it is mark tony of the executive director of the utility reform network, or turn, as it's known. thank you so much, mark, for being here. what do you make of this decision to
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add this charge to utility bills? this is a step in the right direction by the california public utilities commission to make sure that everybody pays something for their basic utility service, for wildfire safety, for the poles and wires to deliver the power and to lower the cost, particularly for customers living in extremely hot weather zones in the central valley and customers who shift to electric vehicles and to electric appliances to contribute to meeting california climate goals. how did we get to this amount, this $24? and do you feel like that is reasonable? >> well, there was an extreme proposal by pge and other utilities to have very high fixed charges, higher than $24.
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>> oh, we're talking about over $60 okay. yes and then there was another extreme proposal by by solar advocates that would completely exempt solar rooftop customers from paying anything at all. and turn came in with a compromise proposal. well, that hit the sweet spot by choosing the same fixed charge that smud that's the sacramento district uses for their customers. >> and how is it going there in sacramento? >> the customers seem to like it very much. and there's a lot of support for it. it's brand new for pge customers. what people have to remember is that the majority of residential customers will actually see their monthly bills go down, as long as they use the same amount. and that's because there will be more customers who are paying a fixed charge, a lot of
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them who really weren't before. >> okay, we did hear from that one critic who said, what about for those who don't really consume a lot of electricity? now, he argues that their rates actually might go up. >> it is absolutely correct that people who live in the coast, who have cooler climates, who don't use as much electricity, we will see a small increase, but that is so that people in the central valley who have the lowest incomes and the highest energy use, get a little bit of a break. >> got it. and this takes effect in 2026. and will it take effect immediately. so starting with that first month's bill it's still to be worked out. >> but around the beginning of 2026 is when we expect it. there's a lot of work that has to be done to make sure it's implemented correctly, so we don't want to rush it. we want to make sure it is implemented properly before it actually hits
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the customer bills. yeah. >> but mark, you see this as a victory. >> we see this as a step in the right direction, but so much more needs to be done to reduce utility bills, to give ratepayers relief. and that is the focus. this is a very small piece. so much more needs to be done to make sure that pge spends the least amount of money for the most benefit and doesn't keep overspending. all right. >> thanks so much, mark. tony, really appreciate you coming in. joining me live in studio tonight of turn. thank you. so much to be on any time. thank you. all right. well, speaking of hot weather, the bay area getting a little bit of taste of summer today. didn't have to go to the central valley for that. residents flocking to local beaches to beat the heat. want to show you now some video of ocean beach in san francisco. joining us now is meteorologist mark tamayo. and mark. it is still pretty warm out there, but that fog already popping back up. >> yeah, the fog wants to pay us a visit and cool parts of the bay area off tomorrow, but it
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was a toasty thursday out there. lots of 80s even out toward the coastline and even a few neighborhoods inching closer to 90 degrees. so it has been a warm to hot pattern, setting up temperatures well up above the average. tomorrow still be hot inland, but we are going to bring some changes though right near the immediate coastline. take a look at all these warm readings out there. you can see san jose 86, fairfield 86, oakland 83, san francisco 81, and even pacifica 80 degrees out toward the coast. it was warm, especially a place like half moon bay. get those easterly winds that come down the hillsides and warm. that means we had clear skies and temperatures in the upper 70s. but there was a wind shift this afternoon that led to some pretty, you know, impactful cooling or dramatic cooling right near the immediate coastline throughout the afternoon hours. right now, though, it is still warm. we're still talking about some 80s for santa rosa and concord. san francisco has cooled off to 66. and look at half moon bay. you can see temperatures in the mid 50s. and here is our live camera. this looks like san francisco out toward the golden
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gate bridge. and there we go. the fog kind of drifting back into the bay, kind of crawling over the marin headlands, and we are expecting some fog first thing tomorrow morning near portions of the coast. temperatures tomorrow morning will be in the 50s to right around 60 degrees, and then into the afternoon hours. we are expecting some brighter colors to resurface once again, once again, but the beaches definitely not. not as warm as today. we're thinking some upper 60s to right around 70 degrees. warmest locations will be approaching the upper 80s to around 90. so here's the change happening, at least right now into your friday, we have that southerly flow developing. that wind shift will begin to cool things off tomorrow, and then more cooling as we move into the weekend. highs for tomorrow. san francisco. we trimmed back those temperatures a little bit down to 74 pacifica 69, so some changes near the coast and right around the bay, but inland we could have temperatures close to 90 degrees. there's our thinking with our cooling trend as we head towards sunday. it looks like a nice forecast for mother's day, and that's how it should be as we head towards sunday. a little bit of a cool down out there and that will
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continue into early next week. >> heather okay, mark, thank you. now to the race for president and president biden in the first lady back in the bay area for some fundraising events. in fact, both have now touched down. this is the second time the first family is visiting the bay area this year. the president and first lady are actually set to attend separate campaign receptions during the quick trip. and right now you are taking a look at marine one, where we expect president biden to emerge at any time tomorrow. president biden will attend two fundraisers in silicon valley. again, we are anticipating to see the president in just a few minutes. okay. i'm sorry. he just got in marine one to take off. i apologize for that. so we are following the president's trek across california as he is set to attend a couple of fundraisers, as well as the first lady who is going to be in kentfield for a fundraiser. there okay. bath's board of directors says a proposed ballot
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measure could be the only thing that keeps the agency running. average weekday ridership is still about 40% of pre-pandemic levels, according to the agency. they say by 2027, bar could face annual deficits of up to $300 million, potentially forcing the board to cut services by 60 to 85. state lawmakers have introduced a measure that puts a 30 year transit funding tax on the 2026 ballot, but riders have mixed feelings. >> we definitely do need a ride system. absolutely it's really important, i just don't know if i want more taxes to go up because of the cost of everything right now. >> probably not. i feel like we pay enough taxes, right? >> you know, energy costs going up, property taxes are high. could birx important because it's a way to get home. >> i also think it's nice to keep cars off the road because it's really busy. it's really busy. >> the board of directors does not appear to have a back up plan. if the 2026 tax measure fails to pass, a person is stuck
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clinging from a cliff in the north bay. the efforts by first responders to bring that person to safety, plus everything is just awesome. >> i've had a fantastic time out here now. >> it's great to hear a big tech conference coming to a close in san francisco. we're going to hear more from people who attended this week's event o their impressions a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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the chp was called to a person that was hanging from a cliff at tomales point in marin county. the sonoma sheriff also received that call and deployed its henry
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one helicopter. once the aircraft reached the patient, deputies prepared the tactical flight officer. the chp h 30 helicopter then flew in and lowered the flight officer to the cliff's edge there, where they placed the victim into a rescue harness. the chp says the victim was then flown to a safe location. visitors will soon have to pay a fee to hike a popular trail in northern california. this week, the bureau of land management announced. starting in early november, backpackers will have to pay a $12 fee to hike the lost coast trail in the king range wilderness. right now, visitors only have to pay a $6 reservation fee to hike the trail in mendocino county. the bureau of land management says these fees will be used to help improve access to public lands, enhance public health and safety, and better protect natural resources as well. the cause of a fire in the east bay is under investigation. around noon, hayward firefighters were called to a fire in the jackson triangle neighborhood just east of 92 and 880. there, crews
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found flames shooting up through trees right next to homes. one woman, whose house was near the fire said she jumped into action as soon as she saw those flames. >> i jumped out, got my family out and then i don't know what came over me, but basically i just thought, well, maybe i could slow down the fire. i grabbed the hoses. i told my son to grab a hose and start watering down the grass. our shed area firefighters were able to keep the flames from burning any houses. >> however, four cars were destroyed. no injuries were reported. right now, investigators suspect the fire started with the trees and then spread to the cars. well, the state will soon be testing artificial intelligence tools aimed at improving public services for californians. today, the state announced agreements with five companies to deploy to develop the tools. they could be used to ease traffic jams and help people file their taxes, among other uses. the companies will be paid $1 for their proposals. the state will test them for six months before deciding whether to launch them here in the bay
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area. the rsa cybersecurity conference is wrapping up. organizers say this year's event brought about 40,000 people to san francisco, and although this event was not as big as november's asia pacific economic cooperation summit, many small businesses say this conference was better for their bottom lines. some owners say customers have been very complimentary of the city during their stay. >> they've really been enjoying it. we see people who are regulars for this event, regulars for this convention coming back year after year, and they say how happy they are to be back in san francisco. >> san francisco travel says the four day rsa conference has brought an estimated $62 million to the city to sell it out of their apartment, with their baby. >> is just is beyond belief. >> a couple now in custody after allegedly being caught with a record amount of fentanyl in santa clara county, where investigators say they kept the drugs. that has many people up in arms, and the shutdown of a
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controversial prison in the east bay coming under fire. why a judge is calling the move ill conceived and a health care system in the south bay has unveiled a dozen new ambulances. how the system says these vehicles will help it provide better care for patients ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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it's ok. we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! the meeting point of humanity and history. in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again!
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beep! beep! ♪ there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! ♪ says it seized a historic amount of drugs for santa clara county right inside the couple's home. and prosecutors say it was all stored next to the couple's baby on tuesday, officers with the county's special enforcement team recovered between 25 and 55,000 fentanyl pills, 13 pounds of marijuana, as well as a pound and a half of cocaine and a loaded gun, all of it in a san jose home belonging to octavian moreno and crystal delgado, according to authorities. and
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they also say that all of it was stashed within feet of the couple's ten month old baby. >> i know for so many people in our community, it's frustrating to hear that we still have these crimes existing because it doesn't make sense. like why you don't do everything to protect your child. >> the couple's baby is now being cared for by the child's paternal grandmother. today in court, a judge ordered $275,000 bail for moreno and 200,000 for delgado. both will be back in superior court july 18th. well, there is more fallout tonight from the closure of the federal women's prison in dublin. a u.s. district judge called the decision, quote, ill conceived, like swiss cheese. hundreds of inmates were moved to other prisons across the country after the bureau of prisons announced the sudden closure of that prison last month. the judge says the abrupt closure and transfer of the women created serious concerns for the inmates. the bop has been ordered to provide monthly reports for each prison that the women were transferred to, and that includes staffing levels
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and available mental and health care. a health care system in the south bay rolling out a new fleet of ambulances today, santa clara valley health care announced it has 12 new ambulances, which it says will significantly improve transport times between its three hospitals and 16 clinics. the santa clara county supervisor says these vehicles will make a tremendous difference for families that have complicated and urgent health care needs. the health care system says these new ambulances were made possible by donations from the community. all right. you will soon need a real id to board a plane here in the u.s. the high number of californians, though, who still need this identification verification. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, an investigation in san jose after police say a person was shot tonight and thousands of californians who were set to lose their homeowners insurance are gett g some help. we
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i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins.
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he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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are not prepared for an upcoming federal id deadline. this week, the california department of motor vehicles announced around 17.4 million residents have the real id. that's less, though, than half of the 40 million people who call california home. starting in early may of 2025, everyone will have to have a
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real id if they want to board flights within the us or enter federal facilities. the california dmv says applying for real id requires proof of identity, proof of california residency, and a trip to a dmv. okay, a memorial run in honor of a fallen law enforcement officer had a really special meaning today for a lot of people. the 179th academy of the alameda county sheriff's department hosted the five k in honor of oakland police officer twan lay. the 36 year-old was shot and killed last december while responding to a burglary at a cannabis dispensary. this was the last time that all of these 61 recruits of the training facility there in dublin will run together before their graduation. coming up on monday, i was once again with those recruits. it's a tough 3.5 mile run, but they did it all together and they crossed that finish line together as a team. th ks so m h or wat
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