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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 23, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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williams, the longtime leader of glide memorial church, and the legacy he leaves behind. and right now, tents are up on the cal campus. what students are demanding from the uc administration, and a change in what many call a troubling trend pkg pkg ceo says customers may soon get a break on their utility bills, but the company says it will do to help bring costs down. and why? that's being met with skepticism from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it is tuesday morning. it's april 23rd. always great to see you guys. >> i'm so glad you're back. do you like the temperature change? >> actually i do. oh okay. good sleeping weather. >> this is true. >> hey, steve. lots of clouds and it is cool for now. >> significantly cooler. that is for sure. here. biggest fog bank of the young season is in place. maybe drizzle and a few isolated thunder showers that popped up out to the valley. so our sunshine and 80s are just a
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distant memory now. 50 isothermal everyone 5455 on the temps you can see out just to the east of clear lake. look at that out to the sacramento valley. watch this by williams, arbuckle, colusa. willows so some activity. i'll mention it in napa county and also lake county for later today in the cool of the day, no doubt. overcast, fog near the coast, sun, clouds, few showers east or in the valley are possible. temps coming way down. 60s on the highs. all right. sal is here and he will start with what? >> well, you know, we do have some of the slowest traffic out there now steve. and that's in the east bay. contra costa county highway four is where we start. you can see it's slow almost all the way to antioch. it's been kind of a trend lately. and 680 is slow from 242 to 24. that's an old school slowdown backed up here at the macarthur maze to the bay bridge toll plaza. when we come back, we'll take a look at the rest of the east bay and also check the south bay. but now at 701, let's get right back to the headlines.
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>> okay, sal. thank you. pro-palestinian protests continue to grow on us college campuses overnight, dozens of protesters were arrested on the campus of new york university. and as the police moved in, some of the protesters marched in the streets of manhattan demanding a cease fire in the war between israel and hamas. activists at columbia university continued demanding that the school divest from companies selling weapons to israel university. >> climate has changed, and now we're more and more confident that we will be able to achieve our demands now, most classes at columbia university will be hybrid for the rest of the spring semester. >> because of all the tensions on campus. >> there's also a protest at uc berkeley. students have pitched tents at the sproul plaza steps, right near the school's sather gate. ktvu james torres live on the cal campus to bring us the latest from there. james gasia you see the tents behind me here? >> they've been set up since about yesterday afternoon. a
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number of different signs spelling out exactly what the cause is, of course, number of signs that read free palestine divest from apartheid. the big one in the white there, right on the sproul halls, reading an injury to gaza is an injury to all like many other schools, students here say the uc system invests billions into companies offering military aid to israel. and they say the tents here this morning will stay here until that changes. the office of the uc president did give us a statement earlier this morning, but telling us that it has no plans to change its investment policies and demonstrations will not affect the rest of the semester. protests this week started with a rally in the same area yesterday, where protesters were made up of students, faculty and staff who all spread the same message and goals that they hope to achieve by being heard as a palestinian, as a human being, i feel like standing in the face of one of the most well-documented genocides, one of the most well-documented mass killings of
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people. >> because of their identity, it's essential that we stand up. >> i would like the united states to stop funding weapons for israel if we cut off the funding for weapons, then the conflict will have to stop. >> this group, known as the uc berkeley divest, spelled out their demands in an instagram post. they are asking for an end to the war. financial divestment and severing academic ties with israeli universities, and enacting policies to protect pro-palestinian and muslim students. of course, on another campus in the state, the administration at cal poly humboldt is moving to remote learning. until at least wednesday, they say, after a group of students locked themselves in a building. now, unlike the demonstrations at other universities throughout the country, uc berkeley at this time not reporting any arrests made as a result of these demonstrations. we're live this morning from uc berkeley. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news.
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>> okay, james, thank you. time 704 well, today the us senate is expected to pass the foreign aid package that the house approved over the weekend. it includes funding for israel's war effort and humanitarian aid for palestinians. it also gives ukraine $61 billion, despite the opposition from some republicans . house speaker mike johnson says he put his job on the line to get that bill passed. we turn our backs right now. >> the consequences could be devastating. >> now, the package also includes a provision to force the sale of tiktok, which is owned by a company in china. or the app could possibly be banned in the u.s. more employees of google cloud have been fired for protesting inside the company's offices. >> 28 google employees were fired last week after a sit in and protest at google offices in sunnyvale, seattle and new york. they oppose the company's $1.2 billion contract with the israeli government called
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project nimbus. there are now reports that more than 50 google workers have been fired. they accuse google of quashing dissent. google, in a statement said it took time to identify some workers who were wearing masks. the company also said every single one of those whose employment was terminated was personally and definitively involved in disrupting activity inside our buildings. we carefully confirmed and reconfirmed this. tech giant oracle met with senate aides to discuss a potential tiktok ban. oracle's top lobbyist met privately in washington with aides to discuss its data. housing agreement with tiktok in 2022, the popular app moved its us data to oracle cloud and a deal reportedly worth $1 billion. oracle says in its legislative meetings the company did not lobby for or against the ban, but rather disclosed the congressional talks in mandatory filings. to be transparent, our time now. >> 706 well, this morning a judge is expected to decide if donald trump violated a gag
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order in his hush money criminal trial. prosecutors say trump should be held in contempt over his public comments about the case because he violated the gag order and attacked witnesses and members of the jury. it all comes a day after the opening statements in the trial, and the first witness was called to the witness stand. afterwards, trump continued his claim that payments to michael cohen that then went to stormy daniels were legitimate legal expenses that checks being paid to a lawyer. >> he is a lawyer or was a lawyer, and also the things he got in trouble for were were things that had nothing to do with me. he got in trouble. he went to jail. >> now, if the judge rules that trump's post on social media violate the gag order, he could be fined for each and every post. the trump's lawyers continue to argue the posts are legal comments. the rest of the trial resumes later today after
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the hearing about the gag order, time now. 707a coalition of 15 republican attorneys generals wrote a letter to bank of america accusing beauvais of discriminatory banking practices. target customers for their religious and political beliefs. now, the letter claims bank of america has closed the accounts of several religious groups within the past three years. bank of america denies those allegations, saying in a statement that, quote, religious beliefs are not a factor in any account closing decision. >> following outcry by frustrated pg and e customers who've been paying record breaking bills this year, the utilities chief executive says customers monthly bills may level off or even fall below their current levels. the ceo, patricia papa, says pg and e is looking at ways to reduce its operating costs and pass those savings along to customers. critics point out that she did not provide specifics of her cost saving plan. the average pg
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and e bill for residential customers is more than 22% higher than last year. >> time now is 708, and i've been looking around to see the commute. today. it looks pretty much as typically normal here, i'll show you the bay bridge toll plaza. it is backed up all the way out to the macarthur maze and the metering lights are on. also, as we look at interstate 80 in oakland, that traffic is okay. and on the san mateo bridge, it's not too much of a different story. it's crowded, but there are no major events there. let's talk about 580 a slow through the altamont pass. it's also slow a little bit as you approach the 680 interchange in castro valley. south bay commute is beginning to fill in. although i still say if you get on the road soon, you'll be able to avoid most of the slowing that's going to come a little later on at 709. let's get back to the desk. >> thank you. sal. marin county is asking for public feedback on e-bikes. the consumer product safety commission is requesting
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comments about e-bike safety to be submitted by may 14th. one marin county supervisor, who met with regulators, says regulations at the federal level are critical to safety. marin county began collecting data on reported e-bike injuries last fall and found e-bikes were involved in 71% of all 911 calls for school aged children. >> time now. 709 new scrutiny for all 35 death penalty cases in alameda county over the past four decades, the bombshell allegations by district attorney pamela price against prosecutors in the da's office, tributes pouring in for the longtime leader of one of san francisco's most well known charitable organizations is a look back at the life and legacy of reverend cecil
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the death of reverend cecil williams, the longtime leader of san francisco's glide memorial church. he dedicated his life to helping people society had left behind or actively shunned. he died yesterday at the age of 94. ktvu andre senior here in studio with more on a man andre, whose work has been cemented in san francisco history and certainly has gasia. >> the reverend cecil williams became pastor of glide memorial church in san francisco in 1963. while president john f kennedy was in the white house. reverend williams remained the leader of
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that church for more than half a century. under his leadership, glide foundation became the largest provider of social services in the city, serving more than 3000 meals a day. his death has devastated the members of the san francisco church. he founded in the tenderloin district. they gathered for an emotional tribute just hours after his death. for the sake of my life. last night, glide memorial church held this emotional celebration of life in his honor. glide members remembered reverend williams as a groundbreaking religious and community leader whose influence went far beyond san francisco. one member of glide choir says williams opened up his church to members of the lgbtq community at a time, most organized religious groups in the u.s. rejected them. >> found home. we sing a song called the sit at the welcome table. there's a space, there's a place for you. >> former san francisco mayor
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willie brown was one of reverend williams's closest friends. brown also served as his attorney when the glide founder was arrested years ago during the civil rights demonstrations in san francisco, brown remembers williams as both an effective preacher and a powerful politician. >> cecil has established for all of us what community service really means. >> the current pastor of glide memorial is extending the church's hours. in response, pastor marvin white wants community members to have a place to both mourn and celebrate the life of cecil williams. glide is still working out the details of a public memorial service for reverend williams in san francisco. we'll keep you posted on that. garcia. andre. >> thank you. the jewish holiday of passover is officially started last night at sundown in san francisco. chabad of the neighborhood synagogue hosted a passover seder, a ritual feast to mark the beginning of the
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holiday. the rabbi says, amid fighting between israel and hamas, people are paying tribute to the hostages captured by hamas by filling seats rather than keeping them empty. >> instead of making a seat empty, fill a seat with another jew because what do they want to do? they want to destroy the jewish people. they want to take them away. so how do we remember the hostages? we bring more people to the seder. >> rabbi levin says there was extra security last night as a precaution. passover is a time to celebrate freedom and commemorate the biblical story of the exodus of ancient israelites from slavery. in egypt. >> our time now. 715, governor newsom celebrated earth day by showing off california's newest state park. it is dos rios ranch state park in stanislaus county, and governor newsom first partner jennifer siebel newsom and civil rights activist dolores huerta were there to dedicate the new park. dos rios ranch state park is made up of 1600 acres of rehabilitated
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natural open space along the san joaquin and tuolumne rivers, near modesto. it used to be farmland and we are here today in modesto at dos rios because again, it is a wonderful, a beautiful, a magical example of the work we're doing to heal our environment and ourselves through restoration of this beautiful land and the protection of the endangered species who call it home. >> san joaquin valley, in fact, per capita has the lowest per capita open space and parks. any other region in the state of california. and that's why this is so profound. >> now, the park project costs more than $45 million in public and private funding. dos rios ranch state park is due to open in june. >> time is 717. let's see what the tuesday morning commute is doing by running out to the traffic center. hi, sal garcia. >> hello. and also dave, hello to you both. you know, today is going to be kind of a typical
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day to set. we have slow traffic on all the usual spots like highway four for example. it's slow from just the west side of antioch and slow and go to concord through baypointe. that's not unusual. it's kind of a busy day. tuesdays usually are, and the westbound bay bridge is backed up at the maze, backed up all the way out to the maze metering lights are on. we've been looking at the commute on 880 heading south. i will see that traffic is going to be slow this morning as you head down through the hayward area into union city. no major issues, but it is going to be slow. and then you look at the south bay. we've had a couple of things. northbound 101, we had a couple of earlier incidents on 101 between, let's say, capital expressway and 880, that traffic is especially slow and now people are on 87. so it's kind of slow now in the silicon valley. look at 87. very slow heading up to downtown san jose.
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718 let's talk about today's weather. here's steve. all right. >> thank you sir. we'll start out to the valley because it's already popping as we say here out towards i-5 and colusa williams up to willows. watch here you can see these little isolated cells. so i'll mention this for maybe eastern napa, northern napa county into lake county. and also we'll add some lightning. look at that. starting that's pretty early in the morning to be already developing that fast. so something to watch no doubt over the sierra next couple of days favoring the lee side. but tahoe north looks to be likely for more thunderstorm activity as we head into the next couple. probably the rest of the week. huge fog bank in place here. much cooler pattern. there's an upper low to the west southwest, mainly of southern california, but that is opening the door to a significant drop in the temps. we will go from upper 70s and 80s inland to 60s. if not today for sure the rest of the week here 50s on the temps. they're not changing at all and you can see that activity to the north. you can see right there that will continue. so again this is
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a possibility probably the rest of the week with maybe even an uptick in moisture on friday as another system sweeps in from the north. so we had a little warm up. now it's back to a cool pattern. and that upper low will be with us today, tomorrow, and probably before it gets kicked inland late thursday into friday. but even the what we call the future cast here showing the activity north and also up in northeast california and also over the mountains. and then for us, a little boy, it's getting close. mendocino county, lake county, as we head into thursday and watch that next system on friday right there. look at that. so change is already developing here. now, there's not a lot associated with this, but some isolated thunderstorms are possible and everything is pointing towards a pretty active pattern well into the first week of may. much cooler today. fog along the coast, maybe a few isolated showers, thundershowers east, but i'll mention it. not in my forecast zone, but it's close enough. 5060 on most of the temps staying cool and a lot of cloud cover, especially towards the end of the week. >> steve. thank you. a new study
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shows women and men may be better off choosing a female doctor for their care. what the data show about people who had female doctors when it comes to living longer and being readmitted to the hospital and 49ers quarterback brock purdy expected to get one of the richest contracts in nfl history. >> the reason why his focus, though, is on other
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analyzed the medical records of nearly 800,000 medicare patients in the united states, who were at least 65 years old. patients, especially women, lived longer and were less likely to be readmitted to the hospital when treated by female doctors. researchers say that that could be because male doctors as a whole may underestimate the severity of illnesses among women, patients and female doctors may have better communication skills for a female patient, talking to a female doctor. >> there seemed to perhaps be better communication. they were better able to talk about things that might be sensitive or embarrassing or important, you know, but but uncomfortable to talk about. >> researchers say that there are several important takeaways from this study. they say male doctors may want to improve their communication skills with their patients, essentially be better listeners. also, the researchers say the medical industry needs to push harder for more women and minority applicants. of all doctors, roughly 60% are male, 40% female. >> our time now 724. the oakland
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roots and the soul soccer clubs lending their knowledge and expertise to a program aimed at oakland students to make soccer more accessible. for the past couple of weeks, the teams have been training people to be coaches. some experts say one of the biggest barriers for kids in underserved communities is a lack of qualified coaches. the players also provided a free soccer clinic for girls at the highland community elementary school in east oakland, as well as the nonprofit girls leading goals. >> at this stage, they're looking way better than i was when i was younger. >> it's a free program. it's a partnership between the two teams and the oakland unified school district. the goal is to bring high quality and inclusive soccer to all 51 elementary schools by the time the fifa world cup comes to the bay area in 2026. >> they're giving me an opportunity like they give these kids that wouldn't be able to afford to come coaching clinic,
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but through this program, i'm able to go there now. >> academy graduates will leave with official accreditation from the u.s. soccer federation as well as training in first aid, youth mental health and key social and emotional intelligence skills. >> the nfl draft begins on thursday, and the nfc champion san francisco 49ers have the 31st overall pick. the niners will be making that pick amid concern about the future of one of the team's biggest stars. wide receiver brandon aiyuk has sat out the team's off season workouts after making it clear he wants a new contract. however, general manager john lynch is still confident aiyuk will work out a deal with the niners. >> our wish is that he's here and a part of, the niners for the rest of his career. >> is there any chance he is not on this roster? friday >> i wouldn't anticipate that. >> lynch says he's received calls from other teams about the possibility of trading aiyuk, but says the team was working
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hard on trying to reach a long terme deal. 49ers quarterback brock purdy is back in santa clara, says he's focused on the new season, not on a new contract next year. >> it's a business, obviously, too, but for me, i mean, i love this game. i love, just competing with these guys in this organization. i love this organization, and i want to continue to represent myself for them. and in the right way. so, that's where i'm at with that. you know, getting too caught up in all that kind of stuff is for me. that's nonsense. >> purdy's base salary next season will be about $985,000. it sounds like a lot to all of us, right? however, he is a bargain. he's the 90th highest paid quarterback in the nfl. team owner jed york has already said the team is ready to make purdy the highest paid 49ers when he's eligible to be extended next off season projections indicate he could earn between 40 and 50 million a year. >> wow. >> all right. time is 727. the u.s. supreme court tackling homelessness here in america. we'll look at the impact of the case from oregon on san
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francisco's homeless crisis, and a particularly concerning development in a child predator sting. >> what we know about a former san
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this is about ethics. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price, criticizing the alleged practices by former prosecutors. you have details of the findings made during a review of a death penalty case and a special groundbreaking later today in oakland for an affordable housing project at lake merritt. while the organizers say this project is historic. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. it's tuesday, april 23rd. very different from monday the 22nd. steve paulson we've hit a different sort of trend. >> and just like that, i mean, we have gone from 80s inland to probably upper 60s today. the biggest fog bank of the season. no doubt about it. and thunderstorms are popping up already out to the valley. i'll show you that in a second. temperatures will come way down
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today. a good 15 degrees cooler for many inland. 5455 i'd say everyone's in the same ballpark here. look at the fog bank, though. this is one that's maybe slow to burn off for many coast and bayside and up towards just to the east of lake county. napa. look at that popping up near williams, i-5, colusa. so it's close enough. i'll mention it. i think they'll stay east and over the mountains for the couple of days, but it's certainly close enough in the cool of the day. overcast, breezy to windy. downright howling last night for some 60s on the temps. all right, sal's here. 731 where are we going? >> yeah, we are doing the south bay first. steve. we have a lot of slow traffic there, and i want to show it to you on the map first 101 and two, 80 and 85. all pretty slow. so is the guadalupe parkway where i've put my arrow. and here's a look at 280. it seems to be improving a little bit from the last time i saw it. i also look at the bay bridge that is backed up this
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morning, all the way out to the maze. if you're driving down 880, let's say through hayward, they're going to be a couple of different slowdowns for crashes that have cleared. it stays that way in the fremont. 732 let's get back to the headlines. >> okay, sal. thank you. work crews in oakland will break ground today on a multi story apartment building near lake merritt. now it's expected to create almost 100 new affordable homes. ktvu allie rasmus is here now to show us what it's going to look like and also tell who gets to live there. good morning ali. >> good morning dave. well, the project is made up of two buildings and when it's done by the year 2026, which is scheduled when it's scheduled to be complete, it will have 91 new apartment buildings to oakland's lake merritt neighborhood. let's show you a map of where this is going to be built. east 12th street and second avenue. that's in the lake merritt east lake neighborhood, on the west end of lake merritt, near the old kaiser convention center. here's a picture of what it is supposed to look like. according to the plans, the apartment homes
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inside will include studio one, two, and three bedroom places, and 23 of the apartments will be set aside for people who are formerly homeless. transitioning to permanent housing. now, who gets to live here? people who qualify for affordable housing. that means families living there must make between 30,000 and no more than 95,000 a year per household. >> the east 12th project has one of the best locations in town. in my opinion. it's one of the last infill developable sites on lake merritt, and it's well connected by transit, education, schools as well as, you know, convenience stores and other amenities of the neighborhood. >> most of the money to build this project, about $23 million, comes from state and local governments. the east bay asian local development corporation and the unity council are contributing and also leading the construction of this project, and there is money for it coming from oakland taxpayers who approved measure u in affordable housing funding just two years ago. in fact, this is
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the first affordable housing project in oakland to use some of those measure u funds. the groundbreaking for this is set to happen at 11:00 this morning, and the homes are scheduled to be finished being built by the year 2026. live in oakland ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news okay, ali thank you. >> time 734. a ruling expected by late june from the us supreme court in a landmark case on homelessness. yesterday the supreme court heard arguments in the case. they will now decide whether it's constitutional for cities to fine or arrest people for sleeping in public spaces. now, the case is from grants pass, oregon, where people face escalating penalties for sleeping outdoors. a federal appeals court classified the law in oregon as cruel and unusual punishment because of the lack of homeless shelters. >> can you imagine anything more cruel and unusual than throwing somebody in jail for using a blanket in the middle of the freezing winter?
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>> there are some conservative members of the supreme court question how far these legal protections should extend to those members of the court, say city leaders around the country are struggling to manage homeless encampments that they say can be both dangerous and unsanitary. the supreme court's ruling on homelessness will likely have a big effect in san francisco. >> many marched and rallied in front of san francisco's federal building and through city streets. they say this case gets to the heart of the debate over whether us cities can sweep homeless encampments. the reality is, folks are out there because they have no other choice, for almost everyone. >> and it's not okay to then cite them and arrest them because they're destitute. that is, in essence, a pauper's prison that we're creating there. and i think we've moved beyond that. >> i mean, not city attorney david chiu said the supreme court ruling will have a major impact on how san francisco responds to homelessness in the city. hopefully have a much more nuanced ruling that strikes a
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balance between what san francisco has been trying to do, which is our compassionate approach to homelessness, but also giving us the ability to have some tools to ensure that our streets are clean and safe. >> chiu said san francisco already has laws designed to provide compassionate care for people who are unhoused, but chiu says the city must clear the streets or take other strong action when the safety of the public is threatened. our time now is up in 36 a rallies planned this morning by supporters of a plan to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price, and urged the county to take action. >> they want the board of supervisors to set an election date at their next meeting on april 30th. the last week, the alameda county registrar of voters certified that the recall campaign collected enough validated signatures. supporters of the recall say they want that special election held as soon as possible. about three dozen death penalty cases in alameda county are now under review, after da pamela price said that
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her office found evidence former prosecutors illegally kept black people and jewish people off the jury. >> the allegations surfaced after price's office found handwritten notes from a 31 year old murder case. her office says the notes show prosecutors automatically excluded jurors based on their race and gender price says a number of prosecutors were involved in the effort. >> my office discovered evidence of a pattern of misconduct, prosecutorial misconduct that may well impact all of the death penalty cases in alameda county. >> the cases that will now be reviewed could go as far back as 1977, she says. the review will start with death penalty cases and suggested the practice may have been used in other cases as well. >> all right, garcia, time is 738. so you've been busy this morning. what's happening on the roads now? >> it's pretty busy out there today, dave and garcia. >> it's a busy tuesday. tuesday, wednesday and thursday tend to
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be the busiest days. of course, that's unless something is going on on a monday or friday. but let's go out and take a look at westbound four. it's backed up from just the west part of antioch, all the way out to concord. this morning's commute at the bay bridge is pretty robust. it's backed up all the way out to the maze and if you're driving on the san mateo or dumbarton bridges, those commutes are busy. there's been a long standing stalled vehicle on that san mateo bridge. that's why it's a little bit busier than normal. they were having trouble getting it out of there, and 880 is slow. from 238 all the way down into fremont, the south bay commute is filled in. we had a couple of earlier issues. most of it though, is just now slow traffic getting into the south bay. 739 let's bring steve in to talk about today's cloudy start. >> that is correct. thank you sir. we'll start out to the valley, not my forecast zone, but it's close enough. lake county, also eastern napa county where i have to at least mention it. you can see that along i-5 there. arbuckle. williams on. i
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fine look at that thunderstorm activity popping up and it's early not only there but also over the sierra. i would think this will be lit up here, maybe the next couple of afternoons, not only on the lee side, but also tahoe northward up in the northeast, california, up toward shasta. i mean, that's that's that's developing pretty rapidly for so early in the morning. our big fog bank and everything is associated with that upper low to the west that is coming in and knocking the high out of here. and we had temperatures 70s and 80s for two days. they are long gone and it may be gone for a while, significantly cooler as the forecast here. big fog bank water temps are cold point arena. the temp is 51 and point reyes is 53. that's really cold for this time of year, so i'm not surprised the fog is forming. this is i mean, april and may. i looked at those to see how the summer may go. well, so far the message is looking cool now again, it can turn on a dime, but we're getting fog with only 80s through the interior and i mean a lot of fog. but you can see the thunderstorm activity popping up there along
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five. so maybe lake county. we'll mention that the upper level will be with us today. tomorrow and then start to move in thursday, friday, because another system is on the way. so look for a big change in our weather starting today. more clouds, cooler fog and maybe showers. thundershowers not so much really today unless you're out of the valley. but as we head towards thursday and friday could see some activity. there will be drizzle but could see some activity, especially in the inland areas. much cooler today. big fog bank, breezy to windy fog along the coast. some sun but there's a lot of mid level clouds, especially east as well. 50s 60s to near 70. i just think we're staying on the cool side with a lot of clouds. a little bit better by the weekend. okay see time now. >> 740 deputy sheriff in idaho, who started his career here in the bay area, was killed in the line of duty. we'll tell you how he's being remembered by some of the people who knew him best. >> straight back to our newsroom. now and another good morning to andre senior. as you look ahead to the next hours of mornings on two. good morning.
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>> disney says it's the happiest place on earth, but some disagree. an online petition has been created against disney theme parks. why disney is accused of discriminating against the physically challenged and later on, the nine, broadway's tony award winning musical sensation making its way to san francisco. we're talking live with the playwright of a strange loop, which follows a black queer writer on a mission to redefine storytelling where desires, iden ty and instincts collide.
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we're in the middle of... seizing the date! in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! so come get away... together... illinois— the middle of everything.
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the strongest was a 6.1 in magnitude. the other, smaller shake shook the region as well. we don't yet have any information on injuries, but there was extensive damage to an area that was devastate by a major earthquake. earlier this month. 13 people died in that quake. more than a thousand were hurt. >> time now 744. we have the results of a recent child predator sting in the central valley. two dozen people were arrested in that sting operation, including a former san jose fire captain, spencer parker. now, it was a three day sweep. it took place at the end of march. court documents show. former fire captain spencer parker is accused of three counts of lewd acts with a child . parker was not working with
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the city of san jose at the time of his arrest. he had recently been put on administrative leave, then he resigned from the department. >> during the initial, we were able to identify him and once he was arrested, we confirmed that he is member of the san jose fire department. >> this operation is the actual transition of sharing photos to actually trying to meet and molest and abuse children who they believed were under the age of 13. >> as san jose mayor matt mahan says he's disgusted by the allegations he wants to make sure justice is served and says the city will cooperate with the investigation. >> now to a developing story, as prison advocacy groups say they're outraged over the over the closure, how the closure of the federal women's prison in dublin is being handled. more busses were seen leaving that facility yesterday. the advocates say they're being used to transfer women incarcerated at the prison to other facilities. they want the women to be released instead of being sent all over the country. the federal bureau of prisons announced last week the 600 plus
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women at the prison in dublin will be moved to different federal prisons as part of the closure. one east bay community is mourning the death of a sheriff's deputy in idaho who grew up here in the bay area. 27 year old deputy tobin boulter was shot and killed in idaho while making a traffic stop before joining the sheriff's department in january, boulter worked several years in pleasant hill as a police officer. he graduated from berean christian high school in walnut creek. >> it's still a shock, you know, to learn of the news of tobin passing, we loved him. we loved his family. when you think of tobin, you think i mean, the first word that comes to mind is servant. you know someone who wants to serve. and so to be in public service, you know, looking out for the benefit of others, you know, that made sense for him. >> boulter later came back to coach the school's lacrosse, excuse me cross country team, along with his wife. his graduation yearbook page says his dream job was to be a police officer.
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>> time now. 747 for the first time in five months, nasa engineers have received understandable data from the voyager one spacecraft. voyager one is 46 years old. it is 15 billion miles away. it collects information from its science instruments and sends it to mission control. but since november, that signal it had been sending didn't have understandable data. engineers have been trying to fix that problem, and it looks like they have. as voyager one is now sending coherent data once again. all right. if you're a fan of star wars like garcia, you'll be maybe i love star wars, but i don't know about this new thing. okay, you'll be excited, though, about something new in the grocery store. >> people will buy it. yeah. all right. big names and business also reporting quarterly earnings and projections for the rest of the year. pam cook. pam, are you going to buy this thing you're about to report on the star wars?
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>> i might, i might, you might. okay. it's fun i think i might try it. you'll hear about this in just a moment. first, those earnings reports, general motors had great news for investors. gm reports earnings that are much better than analysts expected for the first quarter. profit margins are up as car prices are up and sales are also strong for trucks in particular, that sent general motors stock up close to 5% when that opening bell rang this morning. also as the bell rang, shares in jetblue dropped more than 10% after the airline released a disappointing outlook for the year. the airline has been cutting costs and cutting routes that are not profitable. after that failed merger with spirit airlines. taking a live look at the markets, the dow jones up 220 points so far this morning. a little more than a half of a percent. the s&p 500 up almost a full percentage point back above 5000 today. and the nasdaq also up about one and a third percent. tech stocks doing well. the nasdaq gaining 204 points. amazon launching a new lower cost grocery delivery subscription plan. it is
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available for members of its prime program and people enrolled in snap benefits. the plan allows prime members to get unlimited grocery delivery on orders that are more than $35 for 9.99 a month for those with snap benefits, they can get the same perks at just 4.99 a month, with no prime membership needed. the service will be available from whole foods stores, amazon fresh, and a few other grocery stores. changes are coming to one of amazon's drone delivery programs in northern california. amazon says it is shutting down its drone facilities in san joaquin county. that operation was one of the earliest testing zones for the delivery program. amazon did also announce, though, that it will open a new drone delivery location in arizona. all right, star wars fans, there is a special themed milk headed for a grocery store not far, far away. true moo is partnering with lucasfilm to release star wars blue milk ahead of the may 4th celebration. up until now, that
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blue milk was only available at star wars attractions in disney parks. but now half gallons can be found in select retailers and on doordash. there it is. the blue milk was featured in star wars episode four a new hope. you all already know that if you're a fan, it will be available through july while supplies last. blow blue milk. let us know if you try it next hour. i'm going to talk about the ongoing economic impact of taylor swift. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. >> all right pam, i'll wait for that. time is now 750. we're happening right now. three peregrine falcon chicks have hatched their way out of their eggs in their nest atop the campanile on the uc berkeley campus. now, the latest chick hatched just a little while ago, a day after two other chicks made their arrival. i like to watch them. it was a good chance the last of these four falcons could arrive before tomorrow's hatch day celebration on the cal campus. the chicks are all the
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offspring of uc berkeley's famous peregrine falcon named annie. >> all right. such a bay area thing. all right, 751 let's run out to our traffic center. see the areas of greatest concern for you here, sal, for this morning commute. >> it's a typical commute. so that would be the bay bridge. garcia and dave, good morning to you. we do see a bigger backup this morning at the bay bridge and also on the san mateo bridge. due to some earlier issues on that san mateo bridge, i will show you the traffic is going to be busy on 880 northbound as well as southbound from hayward as you drive to fremont. and if you're driving in the south bay, all of that is filled in. we've had a long delay on two, 80, 85, 101, even 880 right near the san jose airport. so don't be late for that flight. now 752 let's bring steve back with today's weather. >> all right. thank you. it's all about the big fog bank in place here. onshore wind, temperatures taking a big drop. and also out to the valley, northern sacramento valley along i-5. it is lit up. boom boom
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boom. look at that thunderstorm activity. so i'll mention it. maybe some of that sneaking into eastern napa and lake county. but mainly it's out to the valley. but boy, it's close enough. it would not take much if it zigs instead of zags for that to happen, so that's a sign of things to come. i think the rest of the week, upper low to the west southwest of southern california, actually, west central california is open the door to that big fog bank. and so the warm we had for about two days, sunday into monday is now long gone. more clouds, fog, low clouds, even some high and mid-level clouds, cooler is the main message. maybe a few showers, thundershowers. i think more like more likely to be thursday night into friday when another low drops in from the northwest. and i would get used to this. it looks like this may be with us probably into early may. much cooler today. fog along the coast will slow to burn off 5060s to near 70, but i think most temperatures will stay in the 60s all the way into probably the end of the week. a little rebound on the weekend. >> thank you. steve. 753 pro-palestinian protests spreading from college campuses coast to coast. we're live in
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the bay area school, where students are holding a tent, sit in, then a hamburger worth standing in line for a long line one last time. why a staple in the south bay is closing its doors. and what happened in its final days that showed there are a lot of people who will miss the burger pit. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning.
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the long time san jose restaurant will close for good.
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the restaurant chain has served burgers in the bay area for more than 70 years. at 26 different locations, but this location on blossom hill road is the only one that's left. yesterday hundreds of dedicated customers stood in line to get one last bite and also waved goodbye to a place that once was a staple in the community. >> people have been coming here forever. the neighborhoods and all that since 1953. i think they started. that's why we're here. >> my parents brought me here in the 60s, and i was in elementary school, and i have fond memories of those years, and i love this place. >> well, i'm 75, so it's time for me to retire. but yeah, i'm going to miss all these people. >> yeah. store owner says the crowd at the sendoff was so big, they ran out of supplies an hour before they closed with san francisco's oldest queer bar and nightclub has reopened in a new location in the stud bar held
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its grand reopening over the weekend on folsom street in the south of market neighborhood. the stud bar has been in business since the mid 1960s. it was most recently at ninth and harrison, but it closed in 2020. during the pandemic, the new location is a lot bigger, with two bars and an outdoor patio with this is the time of the year the thousands of students land on the waiting list to be admitted to a university of california school, and things have recently improved dramatically for students on that waiting list. hoping to be admitted to uc berkeley. the figures, compiled by the chronicle found 25% of those students were able to enroll in cal last year. that compares to just 1% the year before this study did not cite a specific reason for the improving situation for these waitlist students. well, the us department of transportation, the secretary is praising plans
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for a new $12 billion bullet train system that will connect las vegas to southern california transportation secretary pete buttigieg calls the first major high speed rail line in the nation. the transportation secretary spoke yesterday at a groundbreaking ceremony in las vegas. he was standing with the workers on the project. it was held at the future site of the train station that will be built just south of the las vegas strip. >> you will demand and expect this everywhere, and leaders will respond and more high speed rail lines are coming. or, to put it another way, in this particular case, what happens in vegas should absolutely not be confined to las vegas. >> and there you go. the first passengers are expected to board these bullet trains in time for the 2028 olympics in los angeles. those passengers will be able to travel between vegas and los angeles in less than three hours. >> i reached out to people all
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over the world. i'm not afraid of anybody. i'm just, i care. >> and he did just that in san francisco and beyond. this morning, remembering reverend cecil williams, a man who held his arms wide open for those in need for half a century, leaving behind a legacy as someone who offered help and hope in the process. college campuses around the country becoming the center of demonstrations against israel's war on hamas and its effects on the people of gaza today, those at cal who are against the war are stepping up their rallies, and the change in what many call a troubling trend, pg nis ceo says customers may soon get a break on their utility bills, but the company says it will do to help bring costs down and why it's being met with skepticism from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> well, welcome to mornings on two at 8:00 as you look live at the hyde street pier in san francisco and the historic ships you see there in the background as you can see there, cloudy skies over the san francisco bay
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this morning. we're going to update on that forecast in just a moment. thank you for joining us this morning i'm andre senior i'm gasia mikaelian. >> tuesday, april 23rd. we've taken a lot of elementary school field trips to those ships. steve paulson on days like today, it's one of those. remember your jacket type of mornings? >> absolutely. i mean, we're seeing a significant drop here. temperatures 80s inland yesterday. not today. i went upper 60s for just about everybody inland. and then 5060s over by the coast. a lot of gray over the bay, as we like to say there, mid 50s, stuck on the temps. everyone saying cloudy skies. there might be a break or two pilots will tell you there's always a hole in that fog, but that's a huge fog bank for this time of year. and cloud cover out to the valley is actually triggered. some activity here. thunderstorm activity along i-5 near colusa, arbuckle, williams. how about that? and even i'll mention it for mendocino county, lake county and maybe napa later. it's close enough that i have to outside my zone, but close enough in the cool of the day here. low overcast, windy, possible drizzle, fog near the coast, sun, clouds, maybe a few showers to the east and north
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later today, and probably the rest of the week. 60s on the temps. all right. sal seer 8.01. better. worse. same. what >> some commutes are better, others are not. i just had a new crash pop up steve in the east bay. we'll tell you about that in a minute. i want to start with highway four. that's still pretty slow coming over from bay point to concord, and we also do have some slow traffic this morning at the bay bridge. sometimes it improves. by this time today it's not. tuesdays tend to be pretty slow. there's a new crash northbound 880 at whipple. that one just came in. it sounds like the left lane is blocked. that's sort of non commute direction. southbound traffic though is pretty busy. san mateo bridge also taking it on the chin so to speak, because of an earlier stalled vehicle. 802. let's get back to the desk. so thank you. >> pro-palestinian protests continue to grow on us college campuses. overnight, dozens of protesters were arrested on the campus of new york university. and as the police moved in, some protesters took to the streets
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of manhattan demanding a ceasefire in the war between israel and hamas. more than 30,000 gaza residents have been killed in 200 days of war. activists at columbia university continued demanding the school divest from companies selling weapons to israel. >> the university climate has changed, and now we are more and more confident that we will be able to achieve our demands. >> those classes at columbia will be hybrid for the rest of the spring semester. because of the tensions on campus and there is also a protest at uc berkeley students pitching tents at the sproul steps near the school's sather gate. ktvu james torres is at the cal campus with the latest developments from there. james >> andre, good morning to you. well, behind me, you see dozens of tents that are sitting here at sproul hall. it's been that way since about yesterday afternoon. like many other schools, students here say the uc system is investing billions of dollars into companies offering military aid to israel. and they say the tents will stay here this morning until that
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changes. a uc berkeley spokesperson tells me the school has no plans to change its investment policies, and demonstrators will not affect the rest of the school semester protests this week started with a rally in the same area yesterday. that's where students, faculty and staff all together spread the same message and their goals they hope to achieve by being heard as a palestinian, as a human being, i feel like standing in the face of one of the most well-documented genocides, one of the most well-documented mass killings of people. >> because of their identity, it's essential that we stand up. >> i would like the united states to stop funding weapons for israel. if we cut off the funding for weapons, then the conflict will have to stop. >> now, this group, known as the uc berkeley divest, spelled out their demands in an instagram post. they're asking for not just an end to the war, and not just that financial divestment, but also severing academic ties with israeli universities and enacting policies to protect
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pro-palestinian and muslim students. it's not the only protest we're seeing on a campus in the state. the administration at cal poly, humboldt also moving to remote learning until at least wednesday after they say a group of students locked themselves in a building. they're still working to settle that out here. but unlike protests at other campuses, the protests here, the demonstrations at uc berkeley have been a lot more calm, a lot less tense. we have heard from the school announcing any arrests like we have at several other universities throughout the campus. of course, we are reaching out to uc berkeley's administration to learn more about how they plan to handle this demonstration. we're live this morning from uc berkeley. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> james, thank you. today, the u.s. senate's expected to pass a foreign aid package approved in the house over the weekend. the legislation includes funding for israel's war effort and humanitarian aid for palestinians. it also provides $61 billion for ukraine, despite opposition from some
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republicans. house speaker mike johnson says he put his job on the line to get the bill passed. >> we turn our backs right now. the consequences could be devastating. >> the package also includes a provision to force the sale of tiktok, which is owned by a chinese company or the app could be banned in the united states. >> tech giant google oracle rather met with senate aides to discuss a potential ban of tiktok. oracle's top lobbyists met privately in washington with aides to discuss its data. housing agreement with tiktok in 2022, the popular app moved its us data to oracle cloud in a deal reportedly worth one dollars billion. oracle says in its legislative meeting the company did not lobby for or against the ban, but rather disclosed the congressional talks and mandatory filings. to be transparent, more employees of google cloud have been fired for protesting inside the company offices. >> 28 google employees were fired last week after a sit in and protest at google offices in sunnyvale, seattle and new york. they oppose the company's $1.2 billion contract with the
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israeli government, called project nimbus. there are now reports that more than 50 google workers have been fired. they accuse google of quashing dissent. google, in a statement, said it took time to identify some workers who were wearing masks. the company also said every single one of those whose employment was terminated was personally and definitively involved in disruptive activity inside our buildings. we carefully confirmed and reconfirmed this. this morning. a judge is expected to decide if former president donald trump violated a gag order in his so-called hush money criminal trial. prosecutors say mr. trump should be held in contempt over his public comments in the case because he violated the gag order and attacked witnesses and jurors. this all comes a day after opening statements in the trial, and the first witness who was called to the stand afterward, former president trump continued his claim that payments to michael cohen that then went to stormy daniels were legitimate legal expenses. >> is that checks being paid to a lawyer? he is a lawyer or was
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a lawyer, and also the things he got in trouble for were things that had nothing to do with me. he got in trouble. he went to jail. >> if the judge rules that mr. trump's posts on social media violate the gag order, he could be fined for every post his legal team continues to argue that the posts are legal. comments the rest of the trial will resume later today. after the hearing on that gag order, a coalition of 15 republican attorneys general wrote a letter to bank of america accusing it of discriminatory banking practices targeting customers for their religious and political beliefs. >> the letter claims bank of america has closed the accounts of several religious groups within the past three years. bfa bfa denies the allegations, saying in a statement that, quote, religious beliefs are not a factor in any account closing decision following outcry by frustrated pga customers who've been paying record high bills this year, the utilities chief executive officer says customers monthly bills will level off for even fall below their current
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levels. >> ceo patricia poppy says pga is looking at ways to reduce its operating costs and pass those savings along to customers. critics point out, though she did not provide specifics of her cost saving plan, the average pga bill for residential customers is more than 22% higher than last year. >> time now is 808, and we do have a couple of new issues, the first one being in union city, northbound 880 at whipple. there's a new crash that's heading north, but it could affect the southbound drive. also, northbound 101 in sunnyvale. as you come up on matilda, there is a crash and traffic is slowing down from the lawrence expressway heading north up toward 237. and the whole south bay commute has been a little bit slow this morning as you drive into the west valley, there's 280. i wouldn't say it's terrible, but it's i wouldn't say it's agreeable either. if you know what i mean. bay bridge toll plaza backed up to the maze. that should start improving this hour, hopefully. anyway we'll check in in just a
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few minutes to see how it's going. 809. let's go back to the desk. thank you. >> sal. marin county is asking for public feedback on e-bikes. the consumer product safety commission is requesting comments about e-bike safety to be submitted by may 14th. one marin county supervisor who met with regulators, says regulations at the federal level are critical for safety. marin county began collecting data on reported e-bike injuries last fall, found e-bikes were involved in 71% of all 911 calls for school aged children. >> well, several dozen death penalty cases in alameda county for the past four decades. now under new scrutiny, the bombshell allegations by attorney district attorney pamela price against prosecutors at the office and tributes are pouring in for the longtime leader of one of san francisco's most well known charitable organizations, a look back at the life and legacy of reverend cecil williams
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leader, reverend cecil williams. >> williams died yesterday at the age of 94. he led san francisco's glide memorial church for more than 60 years. in addition to being the church's spiritual leader, he took on a number of social
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justice issues head on. he was a civil rights pioneer and fought for equal treatment for people of color and the lgbtq community, as well as those who were homeless and left behind by society. >> what we see is a people that needs love, a people that need also to say to each other, i care. i will be with you. i'm not going to give up on you. >> under his leadership, the membership of glide memorial church grew to more than 10,000 and its foundation became the largest provider of social services in san francisco. we're hearing from many people about the impact that reverend williams had on their lives. >> ktvu is amber lee takes us to a celebration at glide memorial church last night in his honor for the sake of my life. >> the voices of the glide ensemble rang out in the church sanctuary in san francisco's tenderloin, just hours after its
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visionary founder and pastor, cecil williams, died monday afternoon. a man known for giving a voice and extending a helping hand to those who need it the most. this man of joy, this man of second, third and fourth chances. a brief ceremony honoring williams led by glide senior pastor marvin white, who was chosen by williams himself to help carry out his legacy of serving the community. white described williams as a mentor. >> if you're not a church of action, then you're not doing the work. >> but he did it with the idea that glide would become the center of the city for marginalized people. >> former san francisco mayor willie brown described himself and his longtime friend williams as the preacher and the politician. he says he was also williams attorney. when williams was arrested for civil rights demonstrations. >> jones cecil has established for all of us what community.
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service really means i was suicidal. >> tatiana tilley, a glide choir member, says williams opened up his heart and church to her and other members of the lgbtq community. when most organized religion rejected them. >> i found home. we sing a song called the sit at the welcome table. there's a space, there's a place for you. >> and he meant it, cecil, for 50 years has been one of the cornerstone of the city. he really didn't have any critics. >> we will be clapping our hands for the next few weeks, months and years in celebration of his life, pastor white extended the hours of the sanctuary through friday to give community members a space to mourn and celebrate william's life. >> glide is still working on the details for a public memorial service in san francisco. amber
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lee ktvu, fox two news. >> and we have much more on the life and work of reverend cecil williams at ktvu .com. >> governor newsom celebrated earth day by showing off california's newest state park. the governor, first partner jennifer siebel newsom, and civil rights activist lois huerta were in stanislaus county for the new park's dedication. dos rios ranch state ranch consists of 1600 acres of rehabilitated natural open space along the san joaquin and tuolumne rivers, near modesto. the area used to be farmland. >> we are here today in modesto at dos rios because again, it is a wonderful, a beautiful, a magical example of the work we're doing to heal our environment and ourselves through restoration of this beautiful land and the protection of the endangered species who call it home. >> san joaquin valley, in fact, per capita has the lowest per capita open space and parks. any other region in the state of
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california. and that's why this is so profound. >> the park projects $45 million price tag was paid for through public and private funding. dos rios dos rios ranch state park is due to open in june. >> let's get out the door here. 817 i think, sal, we're approaching that, you know, hurry up. we got to go. time of the commute, right? >> absolutely. and if you're driving to the bay bridge, we don't see a lot of improvement. yesterday at this time, we were already watching it kind of thin out. it's not happening so far. i think it's going to be kind of a normal tuesday, although i do see some improvement. see let me let me show you what i'm seeing. just put the little arrow on it. you know, just like john madden used to do with the telestrator. right up there you can see traffic is getting a little better. so if you have time to wait, maybe, maybe watch the nine. well, that's a self-serving promotion, right? watch the nine andre garcia sal. and then after that you can go probably be better for you. 880 if you are driving from 238 all
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the way down to fremont, you do see some slow traffic due to earlier issues. 680 is slow. out of dublin, things are beginning to improve a little in the south bay. and you look at this grid, say how well it's better than it was. it's still pretty slow getting into that west valley. the latest crash, northbound 101 at matilda and sunnyvale, has traffic backed up from the lawrence expressway. 818 let's bring steve back with today's weather. >> don't you have to say boom when you use the telestrator, though? >> i was thinking that, but i don't know if i can do that. just it would be a disservice to john madden. >> understood. thank you sir. all right, well, here we go again. what's that? another fog bank here in april that looks like may or june. i'll tell you. i'm just telling you, we've had not really warm temps. i mean, yes, 80s. but already that fog bank forms like no joke. and it's not only locally here, it's all the way down the coast, the water temps are cold. point arena is 51, point ray's is 53. that's cold water for this time
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of year. some thunderstorm activity popping up in the sacramento valley along i-5. that low right there to the west is the one that's influencing our weather for a dramatic drop in our temps from 80 yesterday. inland, it will be upper 60s today, maybe only mid 60s by the time we get to thursday. friday 50s on the temps. everybody says cloudy if you're far enough inland you might have some high and mid-level clouds. you can see that activity right there, even some. i would not be surprised. lake county, northern or eastern, lake county, mendocino county. i'll mention napa. it's close enough, but it looks like it's just to the east of us. but between now and friday, there's a possibility of some isolated activity firing up here in the afternoons and evenings, especially over the mountains and out to the valley. but more clouds, cooler possible thunderstorms here to the east, the key message here is mainly cooler going forward here with a lot of low clouds and fog. but at the end of april, early may looks quite active. and by that i mean cool, all the forecast models are dropping in
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unseasonably deep system in here around may first. much cooler today. mainly that fog along the coast may not burn it off at all for some inland. partly sunny, mostly sunny, but cooler and breezy. really not a lot of change. mike. keep an eye on some activity for us. thunderstorm activity or light rain late thursday friday. >> steve thank you. time is 820. a new study shows people may be better off choosing a female doctor for their care. what the data show about female doctors being tied to a patient's lifespan, and why brock purdy's mind is on other matters. >> despite being in line for one of the richest contracts in nfl history.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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researchers in japan analyzed medical records of nearly 800,000 medicare patients in the u.s. who were at least 65 years old. patients, especially women, lived longer and were less likely to be readmitted to the hospital when treated by female doctors. researchers say. that could be because male doctors as a whole may underestimate the severity of illnesses among women patients and female doctors may have better communication skills for a female patient talking to a female doctor. >> there seemed to perhaps be better communication. they were better able to talk about things that might be sensitive or embarrassing or important, you know, but but uncomfortable to talk about. >> researchers say there are
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several important takeaways from the study. male doctors may want to improve their communication skills with patients essentially be better listeners, the researchers say. the medical industry needs to push harder for more women and minority applicants. out of all doctors, roughly 60% are male, 40% female. disney is getting some pushback to recently announced changes to its disability access service program at disneyland and disney world. earlier this month, the company announced its disability passes would be limited to visitors with developmental disabilities, such as autism, who can't wait in a line for an extended period of time. disney says it's making the changes following widespread abuse of the disability pass system in recent years. the company says there will be other accommodations available for people with physical disabilities. the group that represents disabled people calls the policy change discriminatory and says it will exclude many people. >> at 825, the oakland roots and soul soccer clubs are lending their expertise through a program aimed at making the game more accessible to oakland students. for the past few weeks, the teams have been
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training people to coach. some experts say one of the biggest barriers for children in underserved communities is a lack of qualified coaches. now, the players also provided a free soccer clinic for girls at highland community elementary in east oakland, along with the nonprofit girls leading goals. >> this stage, they're looking way better than i was when i was younger. >> the free program is a partnership between both teams and the oakland unified school district. the goal is to bring high quality and inclusive soccer to all 51 elementary schools. >> they're giving me an opportunity like they give these kids. that wouldn't be able to afford the, coaching clinic. but through this program, i'm able to go there. >> academy graduates will leave with official accreditations from the us soccer federation. >> 49ers quarterback brock purdy is back in santa clara, says he is focused on the new season, even though he's expected to get a huge raise next year. >> it's a business obviously, too, but for me, i mean, i love
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this game. i love just competing with these guys in this organization. i love this organization and i want to continue to represent myself for them. and in the right way. so that's where i'm at with that. you know, getting too caught up in all that kind of stuff is for me. that's nonsense. >> purdy's base salary next season will be about $985,000, a bargain in every sense of the word. he went from being the final pick of the nfl draft to the niners starting quarterback. he has two more years on his rookie contract, then can start negotiations just before the final year. owner jed york has already said the team is ready to make him the highest paid member of the niners. that paycheck could be 40 to $50 million a year. >> the us supreme court tackling homelessness in america, will look at the impact of this case from oregon on san francisco's homeless crisis, a particularly concerning development in a child predator sting. >> what we know about a former san jose fire captain who was arrested
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alameda county district attorney pamela price, re-exam, winning dozens of death penalty cases going back years after she says her office found evidence of discrimination by former prosecutors. then move in. day is still two years away, but already there's a lot of excitement about a new affordable housing project at oakland's lake merritt. what's happening today and why organizers called this development historic.
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>> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning and welcome back i'm gasia mikaelian i'm andre senior. >> the weather is changing. today is tuesday, april 23rd. so let's get the update from steve paulson about what we're going to be in for today and the rest of the week. cooler cooler, cooler. >> much cooler, just an incredible fog bank is rolled in here, hopefully we'll see some temps here coming up. yeah, there it is. 50s. i mean, everyone's stuck. cloudy, cloudy, cloudy. it might be a few breaks in there. and there are some high and mid-level clouds out to the valley, which has triggered some thunderstorm activity, especially along i-5 and heading up towards arbuckle. and let's move north of that. colusa. up towards willows, up to corning, heading up there. there it is right there. so i'll mention eastern lake county, napa county, maybe mendocino county, but for us and the cool of the day, i'll say big drop on the temps from 80 inland yesterday to upper 60s today. and that's it. we may be here for a while the rest of the week on cool temps. all right. sal is here 831 better.
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>> i'll say i'm better. i'm going to use the correct color for john madden's telestrator, which was yellow. if you remember, steve, i do, yes, sir. and i can show you something if you're watching on tv. a lot of people just listen. steve and i know this, but right here, the traffic at the back of the toll plaza is getting better. you can see right there. all right. that means it's improving. that means we have about a half hour for it to clear out. sometimes it clears out at this time in 15 minutes. so when we do the next traffic report, it might be a lot better, if you want to wait around, san mateo bridge is improving. 880 is still kind of slow. from 238 all the way into fremont at 831. let's get back to the headlines happening today , a groundbreaking in oakland on a new affordable housing development next to lake merritt. >> katie's allie rasmus shows us what it will look like and who will be able to live there. allie gets a total of 91 apartment buildings once this project is complete, expected to be finished by 2026. >> we will show you a map of
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where this housing development is going to be located. it's going to be near lake merritt on east 12th street and second avenue in the lake merritt east lake neighborhood, the west end of lake merritt near the old kaiser convention center. here's a picture of what it's supposed to look like 91 apartment homes with studio one, two, and three bedroom units and 23 of those apartments will be set aside for people who are formerly homeless or and transitioning to permanent homes. now it is designated as an affordable housing project. so what does that mean? well, to qualify to live there, you must make between 30,000 to no more than 95,000 a year per household. and even if you qualify, it may not be easy to get one of those homes because demand exceeds supply. the process for potential residents and applicants to apply for the housing involves a lottery process. >> about six months prior to opening the doors, which will occur in 2026. for this project,
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it. >> now, most of the money to build this, this project, $23 million comes from state and local governments, several community organizations, including the east bay asian local development corporation and the unity council, are spearheading the construction and contributing to it. and oakland taxpayers who passed measure u, an affordable housing bond just two years ago, are also contributing to this project. in fact, this is the first construction project in oakland affordable housing construction project in oakland. to use some of those measure u funds. the groundbreaking for it starts at 11:00 this morning. and again, the apartment buildings expected to be finished by 2026, live in oakland. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> ali, thank you. online applications are now open for a new affordable housing development in san jose. solaire apartments is located near the diridon station. 36 of the units are at below market rates. a two bedroom apartment here runs about $2,000 a month. the average rent on a two bedroom is
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around $3,200. there are income limits for these below market units. a family of four has to make under $109,000 a year to qualify. applications are being reviewed on a first come, first serve basis basis. we have the information to under web links. >> while a ruling is not expected until late june, the supreme court appears to be signing with an oregon cities crackdown on sleeping in public. grants pass is being challenged over its law that punishes people from sleeping or camping in public spaces. those opposed to the law say it prohibits it's prohibited, rather, under the constitution's eighth amendment, which bars cruel and unusual punishment due to a lack of homeless shelters. during arguments yesterday, several of the justices appeared concerned about the prospect of criminalizing homelessness, but they also worried about limiting a city's ability to regulate public health in homeless encampments across the country. >> can you imagine anything more cruel and unusual than throwing somebody in jail for using a blanket in the middle of the freezing winter? >> however, some conservative members of the court questioned
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just how far those legal protections should extend. those justices say city leaders across the country are currently struggling to manage homeless encampments that they say can be dangerous and unsanitary. >> the supreme court's ruling on homelessness could have a big effect on san francisco. many marched and rallied in front of san francisco's federal building and through city streets. they say this case gets to the heart of the debate over whether us cities can sweep homeless encampments. >> the reality is, folks are out there because they have no other choice, for almost everyone. and it's not okay to then cite them and arrest them because they're destitute. that is, in essence, a pauper's prison that we're creating there. and i think we've moved beyond that. >> i mean, city attorney david chu says the supreme court ruling could change how san francisco responds to homelessness in the city. hopefully have a much more nuanced ruling that strikes a balance between what san francisco has been trying to do, which is our compassionate approach to homelessness, but also giving us the ability to
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have some tools to ensure that our streets are clean and safe, chu says. >> san francisco already has laws designed to provide compassionate care for people who are unhoused. but chu says the city must clear the streets or take other strong action when the safety of the public is threatened. >> at 836 now, a rallies planned this morning by the backers of a recall election of alameda county district attorney pamela price to urge the county to take action. they want the board of supervisors to set an election date at their next meeting on april 30th. last week, the alameda county registrar of voters certified that the recall campaign collected enough validated signatures. supporters of the recall say they want the special election held as soon as possible. >> about three dozen death penalty cases in alameda county are now under review, after da pamela price says her office found evidence former prosecutors illegally kept black people and jewish people off of juries. the allegations surfaced after price's office found handwritten notes from a 31 year old murder case. her office says
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the notes show prosecutors automatically excluded jurors based on their race and gender, among other factors. price says a number of prosecutors were involved in the effort. my office discovered evidence of a pattern of misconduct, prosecutorial misconduct that may well impact all of the death penalty cases in alameda county. the cases that will now be reviewed could go as far back as 1977, she says. the review will start with death penalty cases and suggested this practice may have been used in other cases as well. all right. >> coming up on 838 right now, steve paulson is back with us this morning. steve earlier in the newscast, we showed you the cloudy skies over the bay. it's going to be like this for a few days, it looks like it for at least a couple until it gets to cool inland that it can't support it. but for today, no doubt, probably tomorrow. and there's also a lot of high and mid level clouds out to the valley, which has triggered some activity. but i mean for april this is a pretty good sized fog bank. look at that. it's a
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little what we call a little circulation down here a little coastal eddies kicking up right there. little guy right there. and then look at the thunderstorm activity out in the valley, which has also been firing up mainly along i-5, northern sacramento valley. but that may play into maybe mendocino county, lake county. i'll mention if it isn't, today could be over the next couple of days. here this low will start to track. this way, this way, this way. then another system is going to come in here on friday to keep us going in this kind of a cool pattern. so for santa rosa, oakland, concord, san jose, the arrows are all down 64, 64, 68 and 68 on the forecast highs. and that might be a little high for some. there's just too much low clouds and fog. 50s on the temps. although brentwood has managed to sneak into a 61, everyone else, even vacaville, is at 58. pretty good. south breeze, half moon bay, sfo, hayward, mountain view, palo alto, san jose livermore has a west southwest as you go over san pablo bay out to the strait and the delta. that's all west, southwest or due west. you can see the circulation around the upper low that has kicked the high out of
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here, and there's no signs of it coming back anytime soon. and i mean seven, ten, 15 days. it looks like we're in for a cooler pattern now. again, things could change, but more clouds, cooler possible showers, thundershowers, especially out to the valley. and for sure over the mountains as we go into the next couple of days. northern sacramento valley the sierra northeast california looks lit up and maybe some activity for us thursday night. friday big fog, bank drizzle, breezy to windy, although the wind speeds have come down because everyone's reporting cloudy skies, fog along the coast, sunny and that's your inland. and you might get a mix of sun and clouds. 5060 on the temps here. they'll continue to cool off until thursday. a lot of cloud cover does look like a slight rebound on the weekend. >> thank you steve. a car dealerships mixup leads to a frightening encounter with sheriff's deputies in southern california. coming up on the nine, how a loaner vehicle led to a case of mistaken identity by a deputy sheriff in idaho who started his career here in the bay area, was killed in the line of duty. >> how he's being remembered by some of the people who knew him be.
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the strongest quake measured 6.1 in magnitude. other smaller
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quakes shook the region as well. we don't yet have information on injuries, but there was extensive damage to an area that was devastated by a major earthquake earlier this month. 13 people died in that quake. more than 1000 were hurt. >> at 843, new information on a stabbing of a parishioner at saint peter and paul's church in north beach, san francisco, police have identified marco selyukh as the suspect. officers were called to the church sunday afternoon. the archbishop of san francisco was there for confirmation. mass for children, police say when the 25 year old suspect went into the church, concerned parishioners escorted him outside and that is when he pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed one of the people in the leg. the victim expected to be okay, but parishioners say they are unnerved by what happened. >> we all know that what has happened is our life has become defined by the most dysfunctional people because there's no consequences for their behavior. >> the man was detained by parishioners until police arrived. he faces charges of attempted murder and assault
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with a deadly weapon. we have the results of a recent child predator staying in the central valley. police arrested two dozen people in the operation, including a former san jose fire captain. the three day sweep happened at the end of march, court documents show. former fire captain spencer parker is accused of three counts of lewd acts with a child. parker was not employed with the city at the time of his arrest. he had recently been put on administrative leave, then resigned from the department. >> during the initial, we were able to identify him and once he was arrested, we confirmed that he is member of the san jose fire department. >> this operation is the actual transition of sharing photos to actually trying to meet and molest and abuse children who they believed were under the age of 13, san jose mayor matt mehan says he is disgusted by the allegations and wants to make sure justice is served. >> he says the city will cooperate with the investigation now to a developing story as prison advocacy groups say they are outraged over the closure of
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the federal women's prison in dublin. >> more busses were seen leaving the facility yesterday. the advocates say they're being used to transfer women incarcerated at the prison to other facilities. they want women to be released instead of being sent all over the country, the federal bureau of prisons announced last week. the 600 plus women in dublin will be moved to different federal prisons as part of the closure. one east bay community is mourning the death of a sheriff's deputy in idaho who grew up here in the bay area. 27 year old deputy tobin boulter was shot and killed in idaho while making a traffic stop before joining the sheriff's department in january. boulter worked several years in pleasant hill as a police officer. he graduated from berean christian high school in walnut creek. >> it's still a shock, you know, to learn of the news of tobin passing. we loved him. we loved his family. when you think of tobin, you think, i mean, the first word that comes to mind is
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servant. you know, someone who wants to serve. and so to be in public service, you know, looking out for the benefit of others, you know, that made sense for him. >> boulter later returned to coach the school's cross country team with his wife. his graduation yearbook page lists police officer as his dream job. >> well, for the first time in five months, nasa engineers have received understandable data from the voyager one spacecraft. voyager one is 46 years old and 15 billion miles away. it collects information from its science instruments and sends it to mission control. but since november, the signal it had been sending didn't have any understandable data. engineers have been working to fix the problem, and it seems that they have, as voyager one is now sending coherent data. once again. at 847, taylor swift's economic impact continues as wall street sifts through the latest earnings reports. >> this morning, pam cook back in studio with details in dollars and cents for work, just continues. spotify reports first quarter earnings that are better than expected after some cost cutting, and taylor swift
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already helping spotify. >> second quarter her new album, the tortured poets department set streaming records at spotify. there were more than 300 million streams of the album in the first day, as the opening bell rang this morning, spotify stock jumped more than 14. general motors also posted a great quarter thanks to higher profit margins as car prices rise and strong sales for its trucks. taking you live to the numbers across the board, there are gains. dow jones is up more than a half of a percent, the s&p 500 up a full percentage point back above 5000, and the nasdaq gaining more than 200 points this morning. jetblue stock tumbling, though, after a disappointing earnings report. shares are down 17% right now after the airline reported revenue. that is much lower than analysts expected. jetblue has been cutting costs and cutting routes that are not profitable, and expects to see significant challenges through the rest of this year as it struggles to get back to profitability. the
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federal trade commission is filing a lawsuit to block the merger of two luxury fashion companies, tapestry owns coach kate spade and stuart weitzman. it planned to pay eight and a half dollars billion to buy capri holdings, which owns versace, jimmy choo and michael kors. federal regulators say a merger of those luxury brands would increase prices, further, harm shoppers and weaken employee wages. the two companies plan to challenge the lawsuit. a star wars themed milk is headed for a store not far, far away. trumoo is partnering with lucasfilm to release star wars blue milk ahead of the may 4th celebration. up until now, the blue milk was only available at star wars attractions in disney parks, but now half gallons can be found in select retailers and on doordash. the blue milk was featured in star wars episode four a new hope. it will only be available through july while supplies last. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents, pam.
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>> thank you. transportation officials say ferry service between sausalito and san francisco will likely resume sometime this week. service was paused after crews discovered damage to the sausalito pier. several ferry lines were impacted by the closure, forcing commuters to find another way to travel. while service is expected to resume a project to fully replace the dock and damaged terminal is also underway. construction is expected to begin in 2025. >> a final check of traffic. hopefully people are finding a way to navigate around that change. also, people likely taken in mass transit and the roads as well. >> all right. and there's still some busy traffic out there. >> garcia and andre southbound 880. let's go there. we're still pretty slow. so, really from hayward all the way through until you get to stevenson. and, you know, that's a long way. and you're not new to this. you probably already know this, but it is a long way to being slow traffic all the way down. the earlier crashes, we had have been cleared up. let's go to the bay bridge. that has completely cleared up. all it took was 15 minutes from. i did my little
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drawing last time. remember? now it's done. now there's a little slowing at the toll plaza. metering lights, that's all. and for the most part, the south bay commute is getting a little better. let me just put that map up here. it's getting a little better. there's still plenty of slow traffic, though. some of the crashes we have are gone, but it's going to take a little while for that to unwind. yeesh, look at 101 in sunnyvale air. don't like that? all right, here's someone i like a lot. it's mister steve paulson. >> yeesh is not good when you say that. yeesh! yeesh! all right. thank you, sir. appreciate that. all right, boy, i mean, fog aplenty, i'm not used to this in april. really? i mean, it's not that it doesn't happen, but this is a huge fog bank. tropical mid level clouds inland has produced a little bit of activity not far from the old stomping ground. chico, you can see to this to the west of them. it's been along i-5 there. williams, arbuckle, colusa. maybe some of that activity could pop up later. mendocino county, lake county, eastern
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napa county. upper low to the west is responsible for our cooldown. it has bumped the high out of here and there is no signs of it coming back, even as strong as it was on sunday. monday, more clouds, cooler possible showers, thundershowers. i would think it favors the valley and no doubt about it, the sierra next couple of days, the next seven, ten, 14 days are favoring low pressure and a series of lows dropping in. so we had a quick little warm up and boy, that is long gone. much cooler today. fog along the coast, some sun mix of sun and higher clouds out to the valley. a lot of low clouds and fog closer to the coast. 5060 on most of the temps. >> thank you. after dominating the field for the university of georgia, a football star with north bay roots preparing for his shot at the nfl draft. when you join us on the nine, how a hometown heroes next claim to fame is his very own chipotle bowl, a south bay staple, is offering one less day for patty melts, french fries and steak. >> why the burger pit is closing its doors after several decades in business, and what happened there yesterday that proves its
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popularity is going strong
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it closing its doors for good. the restaurant chain has served up burgers in the bay area for more than 70 years. at 26 different locations, but this spot on blossom hill road is the only one left yesterday. hundreds of dedicated customers stood in line to get one last bite and wave goodbye to a place that once stood as a staple in the community. >> people have been coming here forever, the neighborhoods and all that since 1953. i think they started. that's why we're here. >> my parents brought me here in the 60s, and i was in elementary school, and i have fond memories of those years, and i love this place. >> well, i'm 75, so it's time for me to retire. but yeah, i'm going to miss all these people. >> store owner says the crowd at the sendoff was so big they ran
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out of supplies an hour before closing. san francisco's oldest queer bar and nightclub has reopened in a new location. the stud bar held its grand reopening over the weekend on folsom street in the south of market neighborhood. stud bar has been in business since the mid 60s, and was most recently at ninth and harrison streets, but it closed in 2020 during the pandemic. the new location is bigger, with two bars and an outdoor patio. a group of oakland fifth graders just returned from a trip to philadelphia, where they spoke at a conference on education. >> the students from the academy of knowledge school presented their research on the quality of education in underserved communities. they also discussed how schools can create a more equitable landscape for students of color. >> our experience with the waipa project, it was very stressful and challenging. but, at the end it was very worth it. and i want to speak for all of the students , we felt very proud of ourselves because we felt like we helped the schools for, students and families of color.
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>> the students teacher says the class worked all through spring break on the research project a go fund me page raised $32,000 to help pay for the students trip to philadelphia. >> the u.s. transportation secretary praising plans for a new $12 billion bullet train system that will connect las vegas to southern california. pete buttigieg calls it the first major high speed rail line in the nation. transportation secretary spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony in las vegas yesterday, along with workers on the project. it was held at the future site of the train station that will be built just south of the vegas strip. >> we will demand and expect this everywhere and leaders will respond and more high speed rail lines are coming. or, to put it, another way, in this particular case, what happens in vegas should absolutely not be confined to las vegas. >> first passenger is expected to board the bullet trains in time for the 2028 olympics in los angeles. those passengers will be able to travel between la and los angeles, las vegas and los angeles in less than three hours. new documentary celebrates a remarkable 40 year career of bon jovi. love a bad name? it's called thank you,
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good night. the bon jovi story, the documentary looks at the ups and downs of the band from new jersey. bon jovi has sold more than 120 million records worldwide and charted seven number one hits. the group's singer and songwriter says this documentary pulls back the curtain on bon jovi's long career. >> you've heard the story about people saying that they see their life go before them just before they pass. we're we have the benefit of being alive and well. while these 40 years have just gone by, in a blink of an eye. >> this documentary also examines some of bon jovi's toughest times, including jon bon jovi's vocal cord surgery and richie sambora's decision to leave the band. the bon jovi story begins streaming this friday on hulu. >> happening now three peregrine falcon chicks have hatched their way out of their eggs in their nest atop the campanile at the uc berkeley campus. the third chick just hatched a little while ago, one day after two other chicks made their arrival. watchers say there's a good chance the fourth and final falcon chick could arrive before
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tomorrow's hatch day celebration on the cal campus. the chicks are all the offspring of uc berkeley's peregrine falcon and there is reason for students who land on the waiting list for some uc schools to have more hope than in previous years. far more students on the wait list are now getting into uc berkeley. figures compiled by the chronicle found 25% of waitlisted students were able to enroll at cal last year. it was just 1% the year before. now, the study did not cite a specific reason for this improving situation for these waitlisted students. and this is, of course, the time of year students are getting those letters in the mail or more likely, online. >> tensions rise on college campuses nationwide, including right here in the bay area. this close divest we will not stop. >> we will not rest. disclose. divest. we will not stop. we will not rest. >> how? students are demanding action from their universities. as the war in gaza continues. >> rouz remembering the


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