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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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now reeling from the sudden killings and hoping for answers. >> these young, young people that are just starting out in life, how did this tragedy happen? and so that's where the community comes together to try to understand this. >> the victims were just 17 and 19 years old. good evening. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. mixed emotions tonight in napa, where the city remains in shock after the two young women were shot and killed this past weekend. >> the suspects were arrested just two days later. our crime reporter, henry lee explains what we know about the killings, as well as a growing memorial. >> a heart shaped memorial of balloons, candles and flowers in napa marks the spot where two young lives were lost. this is where 17 year old sasha and 19 year old eileen villasenor, the mother of a nine month old daughter, were shot and killed over the weekend on riverside drive, a stone's throw from the napa river. its namesake city. unaccustomed to such violence. >> that's pretty sad, because, we thought napa was like, you know, real calm, but i guess not.
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>> the gunfire broke out shortly after eight saturday night during a fight. napa police responded to reports of gunfire and found the victims. one died at the scene, the other at a hospital. witnesses told police a male and two females were responsible. on tuesday, napa police said they arrested those three suspects, 22 year old john nicholson, junior of vallejo, was arrested with the help of the napa sheriff's swat team on two counts of murder. 219 year old santa rosa women, jessica witten and judith adolph, were arrested by sonoma county sheriff's detectives accused of being accessories. police have not discussed a motive in the case. >> there's not much that's good about this situation. >> a man who wished only to be identified as richard was among those who paid their respects. >> their children and to think that a young man thought it was appropriate to take their lives. >> many try to make sense of what appeared to be an unspeakable tragedy at river's edge, a jarring sight as kayakers glided peacefully nearby. >> and when these tragic things
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happen, it just shocks us. it's so unexpected, napa mayor scott sedgley is a retired city firefighter who has seen his share of heartache. >> but he says nothing prepares a city for a double loss like this. >> these young, young people that are just starting out in life, how did this tragedy happen? and so that's where the community comes together to try to understand this. >> the suspect could be potentially charged with a special circumstance of multiple murder, which means if convicted, he could face life in prison without parole. in napa, henry lee ktvu, fox two news new at five the san francisco sheriff says he is lifting the lockdown at one of two jails that were shut down friday due to inmates assaulting staff. >> sheriff paul miyamoto says the lockdown will end at county jail two on seventh and bryant starting tomorrow. since march 29th, the sheriff says nine staff members have been injured, some seriously. in one case, a deputy hit the floor after being punched twice, causing a head injury and another case, a deputy was bitten so hard by an
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inmate and went through two layers of clothing and broke the skin. >> over the past week, as i mentioned, we've had a number of deputies go out on injuries that include punches to the head, face and neck being spit at and kicked in, the head slammed against walls, which result in the injuries of bone fractures, dislocated shoulders and bloody eye sockets. >> now, the sheriff deputies union has blamed inadequate staffing for the attacks, but today the sheriff said that in his view, staffing is not a primary factor. he said crowded conditions in the two jails is the main issue, with people being incarcerated for extended lengths of time. mostly serious, violent offenders. >> convicted killer scott peterson appeared in court virtually this morning in san mateo county. this comes as his new legal team lays the groundwork to ask for a new trial. ktvu is alex savage joins us now in studio with the details. >> alex and julie scott peterson appeared today over zoom from
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mule creek state prison as his lawyers made their case at the hall of justice in redwood city. today's hearing was mostly procedural. it only lasted about 20 minutes or so, but it did give us a better understanding of what the argument for his innocence is going to be. peterson is now represented by lawyers with the la innocence project. that's a nonprofit that specializes in taking up cases for people who may have been wrongfully convicted. they are ultimately asking the court for a new trial. they claim new information from discovery, dna evidence and new witnesses may prove peterson was not his wife's killer after his conviction nearly two decades ago. for that crime. today, peterson's lawyers asked the court to seal the identities of the potential new witnesses, but then withdrew that request after prosecutors told the court most of the information is already public. criminal defense attorney and legal expert paula carney explained how today's motions are part of a larger strategy.
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>> they're laying the groundwork right now in making these preliminary motions to get out the information that will provide the to the gravamen the heart of this motion for a new trial. and so the next motion is the defense motion to compel dna testing on a bunch of different items. >> if we're if everything and those items include a hammer linked to a burglary across the street from the peterson family home, along with a stained mattress that was found in a burned out van less than a mile away from the home, peterson's attorneys say that evidence was not processed in the initial trial 20 years ago. peterson has previously raised issues of juror misconduct and the theory that the burglars could have abducted and killed his wife, but this latest appeal will hinge on that potential new dna evidence. the next hearing in this case is set for may 29th. julie.
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>> all right. alex savidge in studio with us tonight. alex. thank you. and tonight, we are learning more about the protesters actions that shut down both the golden gate bridge and interstate 880 for hours yesterday, ktvu s christien kafton live tonight for us in san francisco, where the da's office is deciding whether or not to charge those demonstrators. >> christian. yeah, we will get to what the da had to say in just a moment. >> but first, you can see that there is a protest here in front of one of the county jails here in san francisco, about two dozen protesters calling for the release of those people arrested on the golden gate bridge yesterday. and now the district attorney says that will happen sooner rather than later. for hours on monday, protesters blocked access across the golden gate bridge, california highway patrol eventually arrested more than two dozen protesters on suspicion of blocking access across the bridge. failure to follow lawful orders and conspiracy a possible felony for working to coordinate the protests across the bay area and nationwide. now, san francisco's top prosecutor says her office
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has to release those suspects from jail, at least for now, since she faces a hard deadline to charge them or release them. >> unfortunately, in order for us to make a decision on what would normally be the 48 hour clock, it would not be sufficient legally. and so it puts us having to make the decision today. i know that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to folks, but unfortunately, because they were arrested before 4 p.m. yesterday, it it moves up the clock a bit. >> district attorney brooke jenkins says the california highway patrol still has to turn over evidence pertaining to the case, including video of the suspects on the bridge, and her office needs to then evaluate that evidence for each of the more than two dozen suspects and decide if her office will prosecute the protesters. >> we do expect this to take at the very least, several days because, again, it's not only the gathering of the evidence and the presentation to this office, but it's also my office's ability to review the
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evidence as it relates to 26 different suspects. >> david levine teaches at the university of california school of law in san francisco. he says the law is clear that people can protest, but that when they block roads or bridges, they're breaking the law by choosing to protest on a bridge they've obstructed other people. >> these other people are not able to go about their business as they choose. they may or may not be sympathetic to that cause. but you can't impose the car. the cause on other people and the genocide. >> now, outside of san francisco's county jail, protesters called for the release of those arrested for blocking the bridge. >> protesters there were, were taken in, arrested and actually charged with an egregious trumped up felony charge and as a result, were held overnight, so we are here today demanding their release, it's been over 24 hours that they have been in the jail. >> now, the da here in san
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francisco also discussed the bay bridge protesters from november, many of whom received diversion as part of their plea deal. now, the da says that was a deal that was worked out between the defendants and the judge and that if these latest cases from the golden gate bridge are prosecuted as misdemeanors, this new batch of defendants, defendants rather from the golden gate bridge, could work out a similar deal with another judge. and, as she says, the decision on whether and how to prosecute these latest protesters is, at least again, several days away. we're live in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> the chp seemed pretty adamant yesterday that they wanted these individuals charged with felonies. christian, did you get a sense at all today from the da whether or not she was leaning towards misdemeanors or felonies, if indeed there were charges going to be filed here in the future? >> well, and i think that's really what she's looking to get at, mike. she says that she needs to see the evidence now. the conspiracy, charge. that would be the felony if there was a if there was a work between multiple people to try to pull
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off these series of misdemeanors that could be a felony in the parlance that they use. they call it a wobbler. it could either be a misdemeanor or a felony. the da telling me today when we asked her about that, that she really does need to see the evidence from chp, and then she has to have her investigators look at it and determine exactly what happened before proceeding on how to charge them whether to charge the those arrested with misdemeanors or felonies. >> now, that makes sense. got to see all the evidence first. all right, christian captain, live tonight in san francisco. christian. thank you. we did reach out to the alameda county da's office today to see if any of the 12 protesters arrested for shutting down interstate 80 will be charged. we have not yet heard back. >> after months of scandal and instability with the independent police auditor, san jose now has named a new independent police watchdog. the city council voted unanimously to appoint eddie aubrey to that post. he previously headed the office of professional accountability for the richmond police department. the independent police auditor's office monitors and reviews
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misconduct investigations done by the san jose police department's internal affairs unit. mayor mehan says the office is essential to maintaining public trust, or he has nearly 40 years of experience across both prosecution and civilian oversight, and has demonstrated a deep understanding of the legal system and the standards it must adhere to. >> i follow a north star that i developed at 16, and that was to make a difference and add value. and every position that i've gone to, that's what i sought to do, is make a difference and add value in public safety and community service. >> aubrey will be the city's seventh independent police auditor. his first day on the job is set for may 6th, as jury selection continues in the trial of former president trump, the presumptive republican nominee is being threatened with a contempt charge. >> the manhattan manhattan district attorney says donald trump violated the court gag order. >> the former president says the
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judge in the case should not be on the bench. fox news nate foy is in new york with the latest today in court, judge juan merchan admonished former president donald trump for muttering and gesturing toward a prospective juror as his lawyers questioned her credibility. >> judge mershon told trump he wouldn't tolerate his behavior and will not have any jurors intimidated in his courtroom. >> we have a trump hating judge. >> we have a judge who shouldn't be on this case. he's totally conflicted. >> today, manhattan da alvin bragg filed a motion requesting the court hold trump in criminal contempt on allegations the former president violated a gag order. bragg requested a $3,000 fine and possible jail time for trump after three social media posts where trump disparaged witnesses michael cohen and stormy daniels, judge mershon will rule on potential sanctions related to a possible gag order violation next tuesday. bragg accuses trump of funneling payments to daniels through cohen, his former lawyer, and misrepresenting those payments as legal expenses. i was paying
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a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense. >> some accountant and you get indicted over that. >> meanwhile, the jury pool is dwindling. >> i was excused because, my job , i work in cybersecurity. >> and schedule wise, it would be really difficult. >> the court dismissed several prospective jurors for not being able to judge trump fairly. >> it's very difficult for anyone, really, in this country to not come to this with prior opinions. i think we all have prior opinions about the defendant. unless you've been living in a cardboard box right now. >> seven jurors have been seated with opening statements set to happen on monday of next week. but that timing, very much fluid and dependent on how quickly the remaining five jurors can be selected, as well as six alternates. wednesday is an off day with the trial resuming on thursday morning in new york. nate foy, fox news. >> dozens of protesters rallied outside google's headquarters in
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sunnyvale today and across the country. ahead, at 530 tonight. why they're accusing the tech giant of supporting israel in the war in gaza. >> also calling out the country's largest concert promoter for its alleged monopoly on ticket prices. why the justice department is preparing to sue live nation. >> and for the second time in two years, a bay area prosecutor will face a recall election. what's next for alameda county district attorney pamela price as organizers make their case to get her out of office and we did warm up a little bit today. >> some high clouds, but beautifu l out there. sprin is
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so stay on the job or be recalled. >> the signatures have officially been certified. ktvu tom vacar was at the announcement. he joins us here in studio with the latest. tom. >> it's not quite as simple as it might seem. in fact, the recallers have earned their chance. but history says they have their work very much cut out for them by a narrow margin. in alameda county certified the possible recall of controversy. district attorney pamela price often criticized for being too soft on criminals. of the more than 123,000 signatures submitted, 74,757 were validated. just over 1500 signatures, more than needed. >> we, the voters, have the right to hire you, but we are also the people who can fire you. >> the recallers say they submitted a lot more valid signatures, but the unusual requirement of having signers put down an occupation technically and legally invalidated their signed
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petitions if they actually counted. >> those who actually did not put on their occupation. some folks do not want to put on an occupation for many reasons. we believe that we should have more than 100,000 signatures, and the recallers do not want to wait until november. >> we are here for various reasons. our main reason for us being here today is to make sure that the board of supervisors follows the charter. the charter used specific words without delay, immediately, even if a special election could cost as much as $20 million, the recallers say it is worth it. we have lost more than $20 million in damages. lives lost. there's no dollar amount for live loss physical damage to people they can and they must both accept the certifications by april 30th. >> and secondly they must set an election on april 30th. that is by law, both under county and state law. >> by zoom da price's lawyer
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said this in at least two important respects the county has not complied with very clear provisions in the county charter . attorney sutton says the registrar of voters failed to verify the signatures within ten days. in addition, he says, not all the signature gatherers were residents of the county. also required by the county charter. >> another reason, another way in which the county has not complied with the law. so another reason why this recall is illegal. >> and so it is inevitable that the courts will need to take time, and they'll need the time to sort it all out. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, tom, thank you for that. a mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint in union city. police say this happened in the area of ad way and barcelony ound 220 saturday afternoon. officers say the mailri was taken to the hospital for minor injuries. anyone with information about the case should contact union city police. the us postal servic oering a reward of up to $150,000 for information
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leading to an arrest and conviction of the person responsible, the san francisco airport commission is preparing for possible legal action against the port of oakland over the rebranding of the oakland airport. >> the commission met this morning and held a conference with legal counsel in closed session. potential legal claims include trademark infringing or dilution. the port commission voted unanimously last week to rename the airport san francisco bay oakland international airport. that decision came despite the threat of a lawsuit from san francisco, a san francisco law firm has filed a us consumer lawsuit to block the merger of alaska and hawaiian airlines. >> attorney joseph alioto filed that lawsuit. in federal court on behalf of eight airline passengers. it alleges alaska airlines proposed $1.9 billion acquisition of hawaiian, will lead to higher prices, layoffs and fewer flights. the proposed merger is currently being investigated by the us department of justice. >> all right. beautiful day today. temperatures did warm. it was pretty noticeable. we had
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more sunshine started off with a little fog, a little bit on the coast and then a little bit of valley fog. actually just real patchy down the central valley as well. and then you end up this afternoon. you've got these high clouds. i wonder if you know what those are called. there's those are what kind of clouds are ice crystal clouds? i'm giving you a minute to think about it. those are cirrus clouds. right. so when you see ice crystal clouds, the reason they're ice crystals, because they're, you know, well above the freezing zone. and they're oops, went away. and they're usually indicative because they're up high. they're more caught up in the jet stream. so it's an indication that there is weather out in the pacific in these ice crystal clouds caught up in the upper level, winds moving freely or more freely from the friction of the planet because it's up high away from topography, they come in ahead. and so in the old days, if you were a fisherman or in a frontiersman, you would look at that and you go, oh, weather change, right? and that doesn't mean the case this right now because it's not winter. but in the winter when you see those high crystal clouds, ice crystal clouds, cirrus, cirrus clouds, that often means a change in the
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weather. in this case, it doesn't. but i still think they're beautiful clouds. and the temperatures today did warm. they were very pleasant. we got up to 78 in menlo park, so touching on 80 degrees. novato is 75 as we go to tomorrow. so same thing. we're going to just be just kissing 80 degrees all week long with clouds coming in and out. kind of like what we had today as those clouds came in over that fair weather, high pressure ridge, which, by the way, is staying put for a while this week, maybe next week and maybe the next week after that. the long range models are pretty bullish on not much going on in terms of precept. for us that can easily change, but that's just one of the one of the things i noticed this morning. so these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. they all work their way back up. so another warm day tomorrow. tree pollens are starting to trend up. keep an eye on those. i'll see you back here with a full forecast. >> all right, bill, thank you. a major pilot union is raising
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problems. the allied pilots association, or apa, sent a letter outlining a number of what it calls problematic trends in the industry. they include tools left in airplane wheel wells and collisions between planes being tugged or towed at airports. >> we're saying that the space between error and incident is narrowing. it safe. but the things that we have, the personnel, the processes, the discipline to trap those errors
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and prevent these from happening are starting to run thin. >> for now. the union says most of the issues appear to be limited to united airlines, but could also affect american. just last month, united had several safety incidents involving its fleet of boeing planes, including a tire that fell off one during takeoff and one that rolled off the runway after touching down. >> dozens of health care workers in the north bay are on a one day strike today. workers at the marin health medical center are on the picket lines until 6:00 tonight. strike organizers are demanding better pay and say marin health is only offering uncompetitive pay raises of 2.5% to medical technicians. >> we're here to fight for a fair contract. the hospital has been very profitable, we support this community. we live in this community, and we want to be able to continue to live in this community and get fair wages in order to do that. >> organizers say they have had marathon bargaining sessions
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with the hospital over the last few days, including one that lasted nearly 12 hours. the union says the strike will end tonight to try to limit the impact on patients. the chief executive officer of marin health responded to the strike, saying in part, quote, we will continue active negotiations with the new w on the few remaining issues, primarily pertaining to compensation, to see if we can reach an agreement , we will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that there will be no disruption to the quality or availability of care they are accustomed to receiving. >> berkeley residents right now are voting to elect a new city council member. uc berkeley student cecilia luna parra and james chang are facing off in a special election for district seven, which does include the cal campus. today's election is to fill the seat left vacant by rigel robinson. he abruptly resigned from the council in january, citing harassment and threats from members of the public. >> protests outside and inside google offices in silicon valley and around the country today.
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why the tech giant is accused of supporting israel's military. >> also, the historic impeachment of the homeland security secretary moves forward, but this may be the end of the line. y alejandro mayorkas will likely be keeping his job. >> plus, the justice department is reportedly preparing to file an antitrust lawsuit against ticketmaster's parent company, live nation. i'm madison alworth in
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israel's war cabinet has now met three times in three days. the cabinet, discussing how to respond to iran's recent missile attack. the israeli military said that 99% of the drones and missiles were intercepted before hitting israel. iranian officials have already vowed to respond to any retaliation by israel firing 110 ballistic missiles directly to israel will not get scot-free. >> we will respond in our time and our place in the way that we will choose. >> we do not seek war with iran. we do not want to see this widen out to a broader regional conflict. but that is really a sovereign decision for israel to make. >> israeli leaders are calling on their allies around the world to use their sanction power against iran's ballistic missile program, whom the us is expected to issue new sanctions in the coming days. >> it's been a strange workday for some members of the google workforce late this morning. hundreds of employees from
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silicon valley to seattle to the east coast got up from their jobs to hold a coordinated day of action to target their own employer, google itself. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary has the story. not another push, not another line. >> no more tech for janice. >> shortly after 11 tuesday morning, the war in gaza creating more conflict, this time in silicon valley, about three dozen google employees rallying in front of the company's cloud headquarters in sunnyvale. their precise target, a $1.2 billion contract with israel named project nimbus. >> project nimbus is a cloud contract which provides a cloud infrastructure and cloud services to the israeli government. >> 18 months ago, demonstration leader iman hashem was a texas college student. >> while the countries around the world imposed now the software engineer and others leading an office occupation of google cloud ceo thomas kurian
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as a form of protest, demonstrators are concerned the facial recognition, big data analysis and object tracking provided by nimbus enables the israeli defense force to target and kill civilians in gaza. >> we demand an end to the contract project nimbus. we demand that google execs drop project nimbus now, and we also demand that google protect their arab, muslim and palestinian workers who are speaking out against project nimbus and who have been facing harassment, suppression, retaliation at work. >> this day of action was not limited to sunnyvale. similar actions took place in new york city and in seattle. google did not reply to an email asking for comment about project nimbus, or the multiple rallies conducted by its own ranks. some participants worry their company could respond with punitive measures. >> i would not like to lose my job, i did not plan to lose my job right out of college, and
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but i think that there it is impossible for me to continue coming into work every week, without acknowledging and loudly condemning, project nimbus. no more coverage. >> genocide. >> it is a complicated calculus that has core beliefs clashing with career aspirations in a tech capital nowhere near the conflict in sunnyvale. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> the university of southern california is facing criticism tonight over its decision to cancel the valedictorian speech that was set to be delivered by a muslim student next month. the student has been very open about her pro-palestinian and anti-israel views. school officials say they made the decision citing safety concerns. they say they've received emails and other electronic communications warning of a plan to disrupt the commencement, including a threat to the valedictorian. critics of the decision say usc should provide a safe and secure environment and allow that speech to be
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delivered. i would hope that they would provide the security accommodations to allow her to speak and to feel comfortable to speak. >> i know that she still wants to speak, and that really isn't an issue on her concern, but at least on the university's part. seeing that security is potentially an issue, the university definitely has the means to accommodate that. so they definitely should. >> school officials insist its decision will maintain campus security and safety, and has nothing to do with freedom of speech. >> the berkeley unified school district superintendent will testify before a congressional committee next month over allegations of anti-semitism in her district, superinten monica ford, morthal, will join at least two other district superintendents at that committee hearing. a federal complaint was filed against the berkeley district, accusing it of failing to take action to stop the harassment of jewish students. >> the united states supreme court has denied a fremont woman's appeal over a buddhist temple. she built without a permit. the court declined to
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hear an appeal of a ruling by a circuit court judge, meaning she must remove the buildings and the buddhist statues she built across her property. city officials ordered her to take them down in 2021, saying they were a fire hazard and that she never had permission to build them. in the first place. a judge ruled that she didn't provide enough evidence to prove she was being discriminated. >> house republicans delivered two articles of impeachment today for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. the gop controlled house accuses mayorkas of failing to enforce immigration and border security laws. congressional democrats call the move a partizan stunt. the democrat controlled senate is expected to table the issue instead of holding a full trial, or impeachment should never be used to settle a policy disagreement. >> this will be a first time in history that we've not had an impeachment hearing after receiving those articles of impeachment, this sets a horrible precedent for the future. >> our immigration system, however, is fundamentally
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broken. only congress can fix it. >> a decision from the senate is expected tomorrow. the last time a sitting member of a president's cabinet was impeached was back in 1876. >> the nation's biggest concert promoter and ticket website may soon be the subject of a new federal lawsuit. fox's madison alworth reports on the brewing lawsuit against live nation. >> bad blood between live nation and the justice department may be hitting a boiling point, according to the wall street journal. federal investigators are getting ready to slap the company with an antitrust lawsuit, while details of the suit aren't public yet, it may accuse the nation's biggest concert promoter and ticketing website, ticketmaster, of having leveraged its dominance in ways that undermine competition. >> the government has to show that ticketmaster has what's called market power in the relevant product market, and market power. on the back of an envelope means the ability to kind of raise prices and not lose market share. >> the doj began investigating live nation and ticketmaster in
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early 2022, after a slew of accusations over high ticket fees, poor customer service and anti-competitive practices. the probe, however, didn't make headlines until the botched ticket sale of taylor swift's tour later that year. now, legal experts say this lawsuit could spark major changes for both companies, which merged in 2010. >> we very well could be heading for a breakup. i mean, the government may very well have buyer's remorse for having let this thing go through. >> while live nation and ticketmaster haven't commented on this rumored lawsuit. in an essay published last month, the head of live nation's corporate affairs defended the company against accusations of a monopoly and threw the blame on artists, teams and venues who set the prices. dan wall, writing, quote, ticketmaster and other primary ticketing companies provide the technology and services that venues need to manage and market shows, sell tickets and validate tickets for entry. according to the wall street journal, the doj's lawsuit could be filed as soon as next month in new york. i'm
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madison alworth, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, as the economy doing too well, why the fed now says you should expect to pay higher interest rates longer than predicted. >> also ahead, 49ers fans getting a unique way to show off their love for the team.
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says elevated inflation during the first quarter introduce new uncertainty over if and when the central bank would be able to lower interest rates later this year. recent reports indicate the economy remains strong, with inflation sitting at 3.5% still above, though the fed's longtime goal of 2. wall street had a mixed reaction to that news today. the dow gaining 63 points. the nasdaq and the s&p both in negative territory. >> san francisco mayor london breed, who is up for reelection this fall, met with business and government leaders on the first leg of her trip to china. the mayor's office provided this video showing part of her visit to the city of shenzhen in southern china. she met with the city's mayor, and she was joined by officials from sfo for a meeting with executives from shenzhen airlines, with the goal of bringing their business to san francisco. >> talk about your airlines and the possibility of building a bridge between, or at least a
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bridge in the air between san francisco show and changing. >> her next stop will be beijing, where she will also meet with airline executives. the mayor will then travel to shanghai to celebrate the 45th anniversary of their sister city relationship, the first in u.s. history. >> all right, it's win or go home for the warriors tonight after the break, we take you live to golden one center in sacramento, where steph and company are getting ready to tip off in tonight's big play in game against the kings. >> and we are checking in on the weather. it warm up
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he's playing tournament finds golden state up against a team. they are very familiar with. ktvu jason appelbaum live tonight at golden one center and jason. it was a heated playoff series last year between these two teams. tonight though, it's all comes down to this one game. >> yeah, kind of like in game seven last year, which we'll talk about in a moment. but you know, we were walking up here to the golden one center and they were handing out cowbells, the dreaded cowbells. so you know, their slogan here is feel the roar. we're not feeling the roar quite yet because they just opened the doors about 530. but i'm going to step aside. you can see what's going on behind me as we set the scene, andrew wiggins
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out on the court shooting around right now. warriors and kings, they they split the season series. they each won two games. but the kings had the better record in the division, which is why they are playing here in sacramento. as you mentioned mike, the last time they were here, also an elimination game that was just shy of a year ago. game seven. in the opening round of the playoffs. and in that game, stephen curry, he put on quite a show. we remember it well. he hit seven three pointers, 50 points, eight rebounds, six assists. and the warriors won that game by 20 to advance to the next round, where they would face the lakers before bowing out to l.a. in the second round. here's what curry had to say on being back in this building for yet another elimination game. >> we understand what it's like in this type of environment. a must win scenario. you know, the history of last year with sacramento. so it's kind of
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ironic, just everything that was built up to that game. seven this is technically a game seven type environment in the same building. so we got to do it again. >> you go into into their arena. there fans want to like the beam and see us lose and beat the #### out of us. and they come in here. we want to beat the #### out of them. >> you know the warriors have been the hotter team. they have the second best record in the nba after only the boston celtics since the end of january. so they're playing very well. meantime the kings are down malik monk and kevin huerter. so they're shorthanded. but you know none of that really means anything in a one game series because de'aaron fox could get hot steph could get hot. so much could happen that it's really all about as mike brown just said. the head coach of the kings who will impose their will in a one game series. and warriors fans certainly hoping that it will be the warriors coming up in the 6:00 hour. we're going to hear from klay thompson, you know, if the
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warriors lose this game, could this be his last game in a warriors uniform. that's what folks are talking about. his contract is up and they might break up the core three. so we'll hear from klay thompson coming up in the next half hour. but from golden one center we're going to we're going to hear the roar. and feel the roar soon. but fans just trickling in at this hour. >> mike and julie yeah klay loves his boat too much. he's got to stay put so he can drive the boat across the bay. that's going anywhere. >> i'm with you julie i'm with you. it would be a sad day when you i mean steph klay and draymond have been together for so long that i think warriors fans would definitely be very bummed out if one of them left. >> now if they keep winning we don't have to talk about it. >> that's right. well we're not going to think about what happens next. we're going to just worry about tonight right now. all right jason thank you jason. well a two year campaign by the 49ers to launch their own custom california license plate is nearly complete. the team started a drive to raise money
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for state parks and youth programs across the state. at the end of last month, the niners were still more than 3000 orders short of the personalized plates needed for the dmv to print them to finish the drive, the york family, which owns the 49ers, has agreed to pay more than $168,000 for the remaining orders. they will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. you can reserve one at 49ers >> governor newsom was in marin county today where he announced a new climate partnership between california and norway. the governor was at the larkspur ferry terminal, along with norway's crown prince. governor newsom says california and norway share the long terme goal of becoming low emission societies. both want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by the year 2050. >> a point of pride to continue to invest in our efforts to change our strategies as it relates to our carbon footprint, it's a point of pride that we dominate in america on solar. we dominate in electric vehicles where dominating on battery
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storage. 757% increase in just the last few years. >> the governor and norway's minister of trade and industry also signed a memorandum of understanding. newsom says it cements a framework for collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and data, and best practices to create solutions that advance climate action. >> all right. he turned out to be a beautiful day. today. you can see some of the live pictures behind me. we started off with a little coastal fog, a little valley fog, and then temperatures warmed rapidly once things cleared, which was early this morning, sun came out right away. and with that you had temperatures that got back into the 60s, 70s and mid 70s. i just want to point this out. of course, these are the marin headlands. this is the way up to on up to mount tam back in here. but what i want to point out was there was a time in the 60s where they were trying to develop all this, and all that marin county area, all the way up through rodeo beach, up through tennessee valley, and the trust for public land came in and bought all that land up. that's where tpl came from. and
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i just think it's amazing that you can have that in such close proximity to an urban city like san francisco. can you imagine if it was all homes? i mean, awesome homes if you owned one? but most of us wouldn't, and it was just a really good foresight, because that open space runs all the way up, runs all the way up towards muir beach, or almost to muir beach. so there's the high pressure, it's staying put. it's going to warm us up a little bit each day. is it going to get hot? no probably not. it's going to be upper 70s, low 80s as we play tag with clouds, a little coastal fog and then some higher clouds like we had today kind of coming in over the top of the ridge. it's a stable pattern. that's why we did have some fog this morning, but it's also when you get a lot of big storms out here, those high clouds i mentioned, the cirrus clouds, they come in over the top and it looks like weather's coming in, but it's just because the storms are spewing off so much cirrus up up north. so what i just say it's going to stay dry. it's going to be warm. it's just not going to get hot. these are the temperatures from today. some of them. and you can see it's just
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perfect really. if you think about it in terms of temperatures. temperatures go up tomorrow as you know talked about this earlier 73 today in santa rosa. so they go up six degrees, three degrees in san francisco to 69 and four degrees in san jose to 80. winds are what they're supposed to be. they're kind of out of the west northwest, actually. there's a northwest wind. see how the arrows going that's blowing from the north and towards the west. so it's a northwest wind. that's a northwest wind. and we got that's pretty typical for this time of year. that's what you expect to see. so that's why oftentimes i'll pull the winds up. just say go. yeah. the winds are going the other way. it'd be hot as heck. right. it would be that offshore flow. here are the current temperatures. they are running a little bit ahead of where they were yesterday. forecast overnight lows are going to be in the upper 40s and low 50s. so it's warming up overnight tomorrow morning. right there you can see the clouds. and then just that's this is the next couple of days thursday and friday, friday, thursday into friday there's a lot of clouds and that will kind of trim temperatures a little bit. so it gets a little cloudy thursday into friday. but overall a nice pattern. even on those days, temperatures will
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still be in the mid 70s in the warm spots. so just a good looking pattern. pretty good air quality. still, even though that high pressure is dominant, it will start to deteriorate a little bit. as you look at the five day forecast, you can see there that friday it cools off a little bit. but these are these are subtle, subtle changes. so it's not like there's some something staring us down that's going to be big. like we had a pretty interesting winter. but this is really easygoing stuff for us. i'll see you back here at six. >> all right. we'll see you then, bill. thank you. more fallout over the sudden closure of the federal women's prison in dublin. coming up tonight at six. a member of congress considers getting the house judiciary committee involved and new developments i th scott
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? actress portraying an ancient greek priestess, lit. the torch in ancient olympia, the birthplace of the summer games, a relay of torch bearers will carry that flame more than 3000 miles from greece, all the way to france. it is expected to arrive at its destination on may eight, and with about 100 days until the summer olympics, kick off in paris, construction crews in france are busy putting the remaining touches on many of the
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facilities. >> sean langille takes a closer look at the growing excitement and plans to keep the game safe for all. >> the countdown to the paris summer olympics continues, ticking away as excitement builds. we're getting a closer look at some of the new sporting facilities, like this aquatic center. this as workers press on with construction of a never before seen purple olympic track . >> more than a thousand rolls will be laid, 1800 pots of glue will be spread by hand over a month's work. >> meanwhile, many iconic british landmarks are serving as the backdrop for some of the other events, with beach volleyball matches set to take place in a stadium near the foot of the eiffel tower and the park of the palace of versailles, hosting a equestrian competition as well. but with global tensions rising in the midst of the ongoing israel-hamas war and the war between russia and ukraine, french officials say they are ready for heightened security risks. >> president france has never deployed so many resources for
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security before. i have confidence in the law enforcement forces in our country to secure these games, citing last month's deadly terror attack at a concert hall in moscow as cause for concern. all the security measures that were implemented for these paris games were at the maximum level, so there is an unprecedented security operation. france currently plans to host the olympic opening ceremony along the river seine, but as preparations and rehearsals continue, leaders say they have alternative plans, including moving that event indoors if security threats become too severe. >> sean daniel, fox news. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> the san francisco county jail is expected to reopen tomorrow after being on lockdown for several days. the sheriff, expressing concern over a recent outbreak of violence there that has left several deputies hurt. >> it is very challenging to deal with violent people, people in crisis, people who don't want
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to be incarcerated. deputies at the jail have also complained about understaffing and being over worked. >> hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. those who are incarcerated at the jail upset with the conditions inside, calling the jail system unruly. ktvu crystal bailey live tonight in san francisco with the story. crystal >> well, mike, i'm here in front of county jail two in san francisco. you can hear that noise behind me. that's the sound of pro-palestinian protesters, obviously here, because of the arrests yesterday. but we are here to talk about the attacks in these jails. this is just one of the two county jails that was under lockdown this past weekend. the other one is in san bruno. they're saying that one actually had an attack this morning. and a special response team was called. sheriff paul miyamoto says tuesday morning, a deputy at the county jail in san bruno was injured by jailed people who may have used shanks. another attack in the string of incidents where deputies have been hurt. the sheriff displaying this photo


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