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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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dominal symptoms... belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. get ahead of it. talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save. the murder of his ex-wife and her friend. now oj simpson has died. reaction coming in about the controversial figure who spent his formative years here in the bay area. plus, the key group is about to meet to settle what has become a controversial issue whether oakland international airport will get a new name, then fighting gun violence in the united states. the biden administration announcing new steps to close the gun show loophole. the news at noon starts now. this is ktvu
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fox two news at noon. good afternoon and thank you for joining us. i'm andre senior. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. the country is reacting to news of oj simpson's death. the bay area native turned football star and actor was for a time the most notorious man in america. he was at the center of a double murder trial that brought the inner workings of the justice system to television and divided much of the country. >> we, the jury in the above entitled action, find the defendant, orenthal james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. >> some 150 million people watched the verdict come down in october of 1995. the outcome did little to quiet the suspicions of many who were glued to a case that became the defining event in o.j. simpson's life. orenthal james simpson was born in san francisco in 1947, grew up in potrero hill, and went to galileo high school. he became a star football player at usc, won the heisman trophy before
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cementing his legacy as one of football's greatest running backs. during his 11 seasons in the nfl. afterward, he turned to acting, films, television, and commercials. for a time, simpson, it seemed, was on top of the world. >> everything worked for o.j, everything was was seemingly perfect. he's got this, this, this idealistic marriage with nicole brown simpson. and then in the early 90s, we know, obviously, they get divorced and then everything changed. >> in 1994, simpson was arrested for the killings of his ex-wife and her friend ronald goldman. what followed was called the trial of the century. millions watched daily, a case that led to public debate about issues including police misconduct, race, celebrity and domestic abuse. simpson was acquitted and vowed to find the real killer. no one else was ever charged. simpson later went to prison in las vegas after being convicted
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of armed robbery and the kidnaping of two sports memorabilia dealers. he said he was just trying to reclaim his stolen property. simpson was paroled in 2017 and led the rest of his life in and out of the public spotlight. >> it was i opening to me and a little mind boggling how many people seem to really love this guy still and just want to get a picture with him. and maybe it was younger people who weren't even alive in the mid 90s when the trial was going on. maybe they didn't know, although that's a little bit hard to believe, but but it just struck me at how much of a celebrity and how beloved he still seemed. >> the attorney for the father of nicole brown simpson says o.j. died without penance and said the family is working to learn what it may be able to collect to fulfill a $33.5 million civil judgment against him. as you would expect, o.j. simpson's death is trending on social media, one lead detective who worked on the case tells tmz. i have nothing to say. i simply don't care.
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>> new information about a developing story in hayward traffic could be impacted on the connection between highway 238 north and interstate 880 south until 130 this afternoon. that is the latest update now from chp. it is due to an overturned big rig crash that we first reported covering on mornings on two. the crash happened around 130 this morning. the truck needed to be lifted upright and it's 80,000 pounds of cargo had to be removed. no injuries reported, but there were traffic delays and there are traffic delays still ongoing right now. if you're planning to use our route. so allow extra time to get to your destination. the oakland port commission this afternoon will take a consideration on whether or not to rename oakland international airport, the port commission says changing the name to san francisco bay oakland international airport will improve travelers geographic awareness of the airport. sfo, along with san francisco and san mateo county officials, oppose the name change. last night, san mateo county supervisor david pine presented a proposal to the
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board of supervisors saying the renaming will cause issues for travelers coming to the bay area . >> so the concern here is that the new name change will cause confusion among the traveling public with travelers who really are best served at the san francisco international airport, potentially booking flights into the oakland airport. and given the economic impact of the airport here in san mateo, we think it's important to keep the keep clarity between the names of these the different airports serving the flying public. >> earlier on mornings on two, i spoke with the executive director of the port of oakland, who says it's really all about geography and helping the airport reach and succeed in new markets. >> the issue is that people from , let's say, east of the mississippi and around the world can't tell you where oakland is. they don't know that it is on san fran in san francisco bay region. it's a gateway to the san francisco bay. so we just want to make sure that people
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understand that. >> san francisco mayor london breed has directed the city attorney to pursue legal action to stop the name change. the port commission says if it's approved, it will take all appropriate measures to defend the try to change the name new, new. the san francisco health department is looking into clusters of highly contagious whooping cough among students at sacred heart cathedral preparatory high school, according to the health department. 13 cases have been detected since january. most were among vaccinated students and their close contacts. there have been no reports of serious illnesses, hospitalizations or deaths. there is no evidence of widespread community transmission in san francisco, and those cases coincide with a recent outbreak in marin county. about 100 cases have been reported since december, most of them among high school students at tamalpais high in mill valley. infectious disease experts say it is not unheard of for vaccinated teens to contract whooping cough or pertussis, because protection from the vaccine fades over time. >> another bay area tech company is laying off employees. the san
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francisco background screening company, checker, is cutting 382 jobs, or about a third of its workforce, according to reuters. in a statement, checker told ktvu in response to economic conditions that have impacted companies hiring, we made the difficult and painful decision to reduce the size of our team. this will allow us to operate more efficiently and ensure the long tum health of our business. the company is offering workers a minimum of ten weeks severance and health insurance. more layoffs are coming at santa clara based intel. that company notified the state it will cut 62 jobs. the chronicle reports that layoffs will begin may 25th and will affect sales and marketing. the company began scaling back its workforce in 2022 after reporting a drop in sales. intel said in a statement. we continue to evaluate our structure to best support the dynamic demands of our market in san francisco's mid-market neighborhood. today, ikea has a new space right next to its store, a two story food and beverage hall. as alice wirtz reports, it's designed to
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also serve as a community space. >> mayor london breed was here at the grand opening of saw mill this morning. it's a new food hall between fifth and sixth streets on market that the new meeting place is located at, right next to the new ikea that opened last year. in addition to the workspace on the fifth floor saw u-haul takes up two floors, five restaurants that are known around the bay area each have a stall here. raul medina, a proprietor of la venganza, is excited to offer his food here. >> all new equipment, my amazing neighbors are all local. the fact that sally hall is coming in here and bringing amazing food to a much needed area where, i mean, it's kind of becoming a food desert with all the places closing, it's kind of nice to have a one stop shop for everything. you can literally go to ikea, get something for the family, go down a bark, go back home. the space has been in the works for about three years, and it's designed to be more than just a food hall. >> it's a destination for the community. according to the
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managing director, elise. von hellion. >> we're really hoping that we can complement market street right now, so there are some businesses that are leaving. from my understanding, however, we have so many other businesses around here that we're actually working together with to make sure that we can bring people into the city and enjoying the space, von hellion told us. >> they're working with community groups such as the tenderloin children's center to offer programing. eventually saw u-haul will also offer culinary classes, and they intend to offer live entertainment in the space in the weeks and months to come. >> we also have an entertainment license as well, so we're looking to have programing here too. so we also for the month of april, we're open from wednesday through sunday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. >> saul u-haul has also worked with the city's economic and workforce development for hiring . there are over a dozen people that have new jobs full time, making $20 an hour or more here and the expectation is there will be more people hired in the future. as the hall grows and the community embraces this new
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space in san francisco, alice wirtz, ktvu, fox two news. >> the biden administration is taking steps to close the so-called gun show loophole for background checks on gun sales. the new rule will require unlicensed firearms dealers to perform background checks when selling guns. federal officials estimate there are about 23,000 unlicensed sellers who are selling firearms online or at gun shows and through other portals. president biden says this will keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and felons. the rule is likely to be challenged in court by gun rights activists. >> an emotional reunion in the east bay a former police officer takes the opportunity to thank the paramedics who saved his life. plus the bay area super bloom on full display. the best spots to catch a glimpse of mother nature's beauty. >> and in bay area weather. looks like summer out there right? some low clouds and fog out toward the coastline, but another day of some warm temperatures inland, away from the shoreline. we're talking about that cool down, though, in your friday forecast, and rainfall will soon be ocking
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lanes, causing traffic backups and a lack of parking and discouraging people from coming to that popular dining area. ktvu bailey o'carroll has more from san francisco. >> a growing number of businesses along valencia street are struggling, and they say the
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center bike lane is to blame, but the evidence is now clear that the center bike lane has had a tremendously horrible effect on the businesses on valencia. >> it has diverted traffic, it has made parking less available and valencia street is now a shadow of what it was, and it's worsening every day. >> jim quadra, an attorney representing businesses on valencia, said his clients believe the bike lane combined with parklets take up too much of the street, leaving no room for parking, in turn keeping non foot traffic visitors away, resulting in anywhere from a 30 to 50% drop in business. so far, the city has not produced. >> after many requests, any pre-installation impact reports, traffic reports to show that the city considered prior to filing or installing the bike lane, whether it would have an impact on merchants claims on behalf of three businesses were filed in february. >> multiple more were filed today and even more could follow suit. in turn, business owners
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are calling for the center bike lane to be removed and asking for monetary compensation for loss of business, quadra said. the sf mta has not contacted them to discuss what could be fixed yet. in a statement to ktvu, sfmta refuted that claim, writing we have talked to parklet operators on valencia and received their feedback about their loading needs to inform the design process. our outreach and collaboration will continue through the spring as we work on solutions that best protect both businesses and bicyclists on the corridor. longtime residents like martha, who has lived in this neighborhood for more than 40 years, echoed what business owners claim. >> i feel bad for them. i feel i feel very bad for the businesses, very bad for the businesses. now, one restaurant told me some days they only do $70 worth of business. he's not even enough to pay your help or your rent or anything. >> and as for bikers, they say they aren't big fans of the
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center bike lane either. >> i mean, i bike it almost every day, sometimes with my child, and it is intimidating. you are sandwiched between two lanes of driving cars and trucks . people don't feel safe riding in it because they see people take left turns through it. they see people take u-turns through it, and so, you know, this is this is something that we know around the world that this type of design doesn't work. it's not a good idea, and conversely, you know, putting a bike lane along the curb and separating it fully from, from car traffic makes it safe for everyone, which is you know, hurting businesses in that we could be helping them by encouraging more people and inducing more people to ride bikes around the city. the attorney for these businesses say a number have already had to close their doors for good. >> if nothing changes, more could follow suit. right now, he is hopeful that the city will respond and that the two can come together to work on a plan that will work for everybody in san francisco. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> we're up for similar weather today that we had yesterday, but change is in the forecast.
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meteorologist mark tamayo is here with more on that. >> yeah, that's right make the most of today. if you like the sunshine and the mild conditions 70s and 80s once again away from the coastline. so the last warm day in this warm weather stretch we're expecting a cooldown beginning tomorrow, and then the rainfall eventually makes a comeback. so here's a headline a warm thursday 70s and 80s across parts of the bay area. not everywhere. and then everybody cools off quite a bit by saturday and we are talking about some rain making a comeback. so winter is not over just yet. in terms of in the meteorology world here you can see what happens as we head into the weekend. measurable rainfall here in the bay area, the possibility of some thunderstorms, and why not add some more snowfall to the snowpack? nothing major, but still, you could see around four inches, maybe seven inches at kirkwood according to this forecast model. so looks like yeah, we're talking about that change into the weekend. for now though, this looks like the middle of summer with the low clouds and fog kind of hanging out near portions of the coastline away from the coast. we have lots of sunshine, some hazy skies, and some mild conditions. right now, some 70
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already in concord and livermore. so these areas will be close to 80 degrees this afternoon. it's actually fairly warm in san jose. that one site there at the airport, 7076 look at half moon bay though that fall, keeping things cool there with temperatures only in the 50s. here's the bigger view in the pacific. lots of clear skies up and over california. but look at this circulation here in the pacific. that's some cold air that wants to move into the region. beginning tomorrow. and you will definitely notice that change the temperature drop of about oh 8 to 12 degrees for your friday forecast in the meantime, this is what we have looking out toward the golden gate bridge. as you can see, looking out toward the marin headlands and up in the north bay hills. so yeah, the fog is making a comeback. if you kind of imagine a layer of warm air up above this fog bank, it's kind of compressing things. and that's where we have the shallow marine layer today. hazy skies, nice to warm away from the coastline for your friday we will thicken up the cloud cover the winds, do pick up. and then on saturday, rainfall makes a comeback. so here's the weather pattern. once again, this area of high pressure wants to stick
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around. so today is the last warm day in the series. and then this system drops in from the north on saturday. definitely a big drop off in those numbers. rainfall makes a comeback and the instability linked up with this guy could link could be linked up with some thunderstorms back in the forecast. so here we are today. we are looking okay. and then this is friday. tomorrow should still be dry at 12:00. there's a chance of some rain showers by friday evening. and then we're talking about some rain coming on board saturday morning. notice it moves out toward the sierra, maybe some off and on heavy downpours for saturday afternoon with the possibility of some thunderstorms. and then on sunday things try to clear on out, but we still have to hold on to the chance of some scattered showers on sunday. but clearly the best weather on the weekend will be for the second half of the weekend. take a look at the highs this afternoon. some patchy fog coast side, lots of 60s. there lots of 70s and some 80s for the warmest locations inland. tomorrow will be the transition day. there's a drop off in the numbers. rainfall makes a comeback by saturday. a shower. chance for sunday, and it looks like we'll have an improving forecast into
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early next week. >> mark thank you. the city of santa rosa is considering closing down parts of downtown to traffic this summer. the city council is considering temporarily shutting down two blocks of fourth street near courthouse square. the idea is to make a walkable and bikeable area to bring more people to an area that's full of shops and restaurants. the closure would be similar to what was done in the area early on in the pandemic. supporters say it would bring in more foot traffic. critics, though, say taking away parking and quick access to storefronts could hurt business. city council hasn't made a final decision just yet. >> activists in san francisco are calling on the city to fix potholes in the castro district that they say pose a unique risk to the area. gays against blight or gab used bright pink spray paint to point out the potholes on the sidewalks at jane. warner plaza. the group says the holes could trip tourists who come to the historic castro. >> hopefully, this spray paint action will convince mayor breed that it is time to send out a
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public works crew and address the holes that are here that are creating a danger. >> activists are also calling on the city to power wash graffiti off the flower sculptures in the plaza. >> inflation at the wholesale level gained steam in march. i'm ed ward l re
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failure. he was 54 years old. he was the first foreign born wrestler to reach the level of yokozuna, or grand champion, in japan. he grew up in hawaii, moved to tokyo in the late 80s. he won his first grand championship in 1993. japanese prime minister fumio kishida has addressed us lawmakers at the capitol. >> he was urging them to consider the importance of global commitments at a time of tension in the asia pacific and deep skepticism in congress about us involvement abroad. kishida is in washington this week visiting president biden as the white house completes hosting each leader at the quad. it's an informal partnership between the us, japan, australia and india that is seen as important to countering china's growing military strength after yesterday's sell off on wall street, following a hotter than expected consumer price index report. >> inflation at the wholesale level is released today along with the unemployment report. edward lawrence reports this is another sign that price pressures within the economy remain uncomfortably high and difficult to tame.
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>> the producer price index rose 2/10 of a percent from february to march. the reading is the same for core monthly cpi, excluding food and energy and improvement from the previous month. the ppi for the year ending march was 2.1, the strongest increase in 11 months. excluding food and energy. the increase was 2.8, which was not an improvement, and the highest for that reading since september. >> there's just no question we're going to have an inflation bounce here over the next couple of months. it's going to last for many, many months. >> the ppi is believed to be the leading indicator of inflationary pressures as costs work their way down to customers, the gauge points to inflation that is still running above the federal reserve's preferred 2% target. the fed went into some kuti relieve their portfolio by about $1.4 trillion over the last year, so in a way this report is good. >> but inflation is still hot. >> the latest consumer price index shows prices in the us climbed 3.5% in march from a year ago, including a 22% increase in the cost of car insurance, the index rising for the third straight month and remaining well above the federal
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reserve's 2% target. >> we're going to have some inflation, we're going to have much higher interest rates. people have to get used to, you know, rates are 2 or 3% above inflation. many small business owners are feeling the pinch as they struggle to make a profit and pay their employees. >> the profit is going lower and lower and like i surprised, every day the price is going up even like double. and we don't really make any money. >> every economic report being watched closely by the federal reserve to see when they can make that first rate cut. at this point, it won't be soon at the white house. edward lawrence ktvu, fox two news markets are digesting the news. >> we see the dow jones has found itself back above where it started, gaining just about one fifth of 1. s&p doing better gaining not quite one full percentage point. but nasdaq is the shining star. with all those tech stocks taking off, nasdaq is up almost 1 in 3 quarters of a percent. >> the headaches continue for high school students looking to fund their college careers. only 27% have completed their fafsa forms, so far. for federal student aid officials at cal
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state east bay told the bay area news group. they have not seen numbers this low in years. as we've reported, the rollout of the new form was delayed. since then, it's been plagued with errors and glitches. well, now lawmakers are demanding answers. senate democrats have sent a letter to general dynamics, the federal contractor behind the application. general dynamics has until april 23rd to answer, calling state workers back to the office. >> the memo sent to state agencies by the governor's office, and what it means for thousands of workers who've been at home since the beginning of the pandemic. plus, fallout continues following the arizona abortion ban. a planned parenthood here in california is preparing for an influx in those who may seek reprod tive hea
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before his arrest and ultimate acquittal for the killing of his ex-wife and her friend. simpson had a stellar gridiron career that started with his upbringing here in the bay area. ktvu jesse gary live in our newsroom with that part of the story. jesse gasia. >> good afternoon to you. for decades, the juice, as o.j. was called, was synonymous with agility, speed, power of one of the nfl's premier running backs. but before beginning his professional career in buffalo,
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o.j. simpson was setting himself up for gridiron success right here in san francisco. born in 47, simpson was raised in potrero hill and found success on the football field, first at galileo high school with the lions. he would transfer to city college of san francisco and then transfer again to usc. while a trojan simpson led the nation in rushing and was a heisman trophy candidate runner up as a junior. in his second year, he actually won the award. leading usc to a rose bowl appearance, which resulted in a loss to number one ohio state. the afl's buffalo bills made o.j. their number one draft pick the following year, and that led to a hall of fame career as the afl and nfl merged in 73. he set the single season rushing mark at that time of 202,003 yards. he played for the bills until 77, and then was traded to the 49ers for 78 and the 79 season. despite all of that success on the field, despite his success in television and movies, oj's
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legacy remains the acquittal of the murder of his ex-wife nicole and her friend ron goldman. >> we have never seen an athlete have such a fall from grace and nothing even his exceptional, athletic prowess, it was eclipsed by what became the trial of the century. and most importantly, what came after the trial of the century that led up to his death. >> what came after the trial of the century, as you remember, simpson was convicted of stealing sports memorabilia in las vegas, served time in prison, was ultimately released and lived his final days in florida. he was 76 years old at the time of his death. live in the newsroom jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news gasia. >> jesse, thank you. firefighters are still at the scene of a large fire at a pallet yard near tracy. it started around 2:00 this morning at a pallet recycling center along grant line road. it forced the evacuation of 19 homes and the closure of a nearby elementary school. fire officials say at least two
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thirds of the yard was actively on fire before they gained control of the flames. there's no water supply in the area. fire crews had to use water tenders, which made it difficult to keep the flames under control. >> in response to the arizona supreme court ruling that the state can enforce a law criminalizing nearly all abortions. planned parenthood in california says it's prepared to handle an influx of people from arizona who may seek reproductive health care here. ktvu. lamonica peters has the story. >> planned parenthood in california says they've already begun offering reproductive health care to people from other states. >> we are assuring not only people of arizona, but throughout the country, if you can get to california, we got you. you can get care here. >> gilda gonzales is the ceo of planned parenthood northern california and says their seven affiliates across the state are financially capable of serving more people. >> our affiliate alone has seen a 38% increase, and we started preparing ourselves back in 2020 because we understood the
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numbers, we understood what was happening at the supreme court. and so we were well prepared for what happened in june of 2022. >> in 2022, the supreme court ruled that abortion is not a right protected under the constitution, and it left it up to states to decide on abortion rights. on tuesday, advocacy group reproductive freedom for all released a statement saying in part, with trump and the republican party working to ban abortion in all 50 states, california is ground zero for taking back the house so that we can lock in the reproductive freedom majority who will restore the federal right to abortion. but this week, president, candidate and former president donald trump said arizona's abortion ban goes too far and that he would not sign a federal abortion ban. >> we're now already hearing that they are exploring a state initiative in the fall. so, you know, fingers crossed that there is hope for arizona.
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>> the arizona supreme court ruling also suggests that doctors could be prosecuted for performing abortions, but the state's governor, katie hobbs, says that she'll do all that she can to keep anyone from being charged. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news. >> women who accuse former windsor mayor dominic foppoli of sexual assault are planning to speak out about the decision not to file criminal charges in the case. attorney general rob botta's office last month said it did not have enough evidence to warrant filing charges on the case is not barred by the statute of limitations. the victims are set to hold a news conference this weekend in santa rosa. at least three civil cases against napoli are still active, including one that seven women joined back in 2022. an arrest has been made following a crash in concord that left a nine year old girl dead. 22 year old jesus dorantes was arrested yesterday. chp says he was driving a gray mazda early sunday morning that went off the road on northbound interstate 680. it was a rollover crash and six people
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were inside that car along with the child who was killed. four women suffered major injuries. dorantes is facing charges and include manslaughter and felony hit and run. >> the oakland police department is investigating a reported dramatic increase in police response times. the latest report from the city found. response to the most serious calls rose from 23 minutes in may of 2022 to as long as an hour in may of last year. response times in later months of 2023 were often upwards of 45 minutes as well. at a meeting of the city council safety committee, the city's human resources manager said there may be some kind of data error. >> we did check with our crime analysis unit and our analysts assigned to the communications division. but they may have read the time incorrectly, because if you look at the response provided by our analysts, they quote a 2% increase. and what you're saying is over a 100% increase. so i think our staff may have, read the question
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wrong, which is why we have the response that we have. >> data show the response time. the last few months of the year did fall to lower levels, but still much higher than in previous years. the department says it will work to figure out what's going on and get back to the council by next week. a former bart police officer is thanking the first responders who saved his life. jeff harrington went to the fork ambulance facility in livermore to hug and talk with them about what happened last november, when harrington suffered a cardiac arrest at his home. his wife called 911 and began cpr. paramedic dave raymond and emt jason vera arrived. they resuscitated him after 20 minutes. >> slowly, i come out of it in the hospital and one of my earliest memories, you guys visiting me and that's that's a huge tribute to the people that you guys that you would take the time out of your busy schedule. that speaks highly of what you guys stand for and came and see me and i just i don't know how to extend the gratitude for you.
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i know, i know that the first responders say this was the first time they've been visited and personally thanked by someone whose life they saved. >> several other people have been asking that same question. jeff i've been in this county for 32 years. guess what? you're the first to be able to have that opportunity to say that. and i can't express the joy that i feel now. and knowing that i'm to talk to you. >> harrington received a challenge coin to honor the reunion challenge. coins are a way to recognize excellence in law enforcement, commemorate a special occasion, honor an officer, and connect with the community. >> oakland police are investigating a smash and grab robbery at a jewelry store. it happened yesterday at fong jewelry on franklin street in chinatown, just after 1230. officers say several people burst into the business and stole jewelry before escaping in several cars. police did not have specific descriptions of them. state workers across california will soon have to go back to the office at least part
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time. the governor's office just sent a memo to state agencies requiring them to bring workers back into the office at least two days a week, starting in june. some state employees have remained fully remote since the pandemic began. the governor's office cites disparities between agencies is the reason for the statewide change, roughly 240,000 people work for the state's various offices and agencies. >> the us department of transportation has awarded $20 million to the metropolitan transportation commission for improvements to highway 37 to prevent flooding. the mtc says the money will be used to fortify the area between sears point and mare island against flooding, improve congestion, and maintain the highway as a critical evacuation route. long terme plans for 37 include raising sections of the road to withstand rising sea levels. >> well spring is in full bloom and the intermittent rains continue to fuel the wildflowers around some some parts of the bay area. some say it's beginning to look a lot like a floral wonderland outside, and ktvu tom vacar has a look at some of the best spots. >> mount diablo state park is
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already showing its stuff as our state flower. the poppies are breaking out in patches, with many more patches likely to come . according to two walnut creek cyclists, there's been certainly some spectacular years, and this is shaping up to be one of them, you know, and this is just sort of the first, first phase of it, which is the poppies always kind of first, as you go up further and the, the flora changes a little bit, then, then you get into some other plants. if this is just beginning, the future looks bright for a spectacular mount diablo spring season, but certainly the last couple of years have been beautiful with the moisture and every season's great. >> it's fun to see the, you know, the contrast that they come up here in the fall. it's totally dry and there's tarantula and come up here and there's flowers. >> now, the city of walnut creek, shell ridge is also not just showing off a burst of colors, but the valley below, with its hints of purple and radiant green, may end up in a spectacular display in the coming days and weeks. other places likely to have super
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blooms include black diamond mines, south of antioch, coyote hills regional park north of newark, briones regional park east of pacheco, sunol regional wilderness, east of fremont anthony chabot regional park, east of the oakland zoo. >> just this weekend, i'm going to go down to joshua tree, and i hope to hopefully see some some super blooms. >> a word to the wise. if you're going to go out and look at a super bloom or several of them, make sure you check the websites in advance to make sure that they're really blooming. otherwise you might be disappointed. a few of the most popular super blooms statewide are likely to be found in the south joshua tree, death valley, antelope valley poppy reserve, anza-borrego state park, and carrizo plain national monument. but michael ng, who brought his little boy to experience the blooms on mount diablo, say this is just fine. many years we didn't see a lot of flowers and
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spring season. >> you want to catch the best moment of your life. you know the flower is the best. >> two final things in the coming weeks and days. if you want to know where super blooms are active, all you have to do is go on social media and a lot of folks will have posts there, including pictures. and one final thing. if you come to a neighborhood where there's a super bloom, be kind. don't block driveways or that will be a super bummer. tom baker ktvu, fox two news. >> she had just taken the biggest stage of her young singing career. then days later, her father died unexpectedly. how? when? bay area community is rallying around a teenager and her family. >> anna merriweather. this is the golden gate bridge. tough to see this afternoon. we have the fog making a comeback near portions of the coastline, but just a few miles inland. lots of sunshine, some warm temperatures. looks like summer, but tomorrow look like winter. we'll have more on your forecast coming up.
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at san jose's paypal park, but days later her father, who was at that performance, suddenly died. the community is rallying around the young bay area singer and her family, and ktvu amberleigh has the story. >> this is my last night with you. >> yesenia martinez of oakland loves singing. the 14 year old says she's been doing so for as long as she can remember. the brutal murder of others by her
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biggest stage yet was performing the national anthem at paypal park in san jose, march 30th. it was the inaugural home opener for bay fc. short for bay football club, an american professional women's soccer team. a special moment shared with her father, sampson martinez. >> he really, really told me, like, over and over and over again, he was just like, i'm just so proud of you. like, i can't even express to you. like, i'm just so proud. >> a cherished memory captured in this photo. >> he was like, you're going to go so far, mika. >> but four days later, her father died suddenly from a heart attack. she and her mother, rebecca martinez, are grateful for the outpouring of support. mom tells me a gofundme she started has helped pay for expenses, including flying family from out of state and mexico to the bay area for the memorial service. >> you feel like you're one of many, but then all of a sudden you feel like you really do have a village support and donations have come from many, including bay fc and former 49ers star
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ronnie lott, whom yesenia and her father met at the match. and they've made it so much easier to be able to, like, process all of these things. >> the martinez family moved to oakland four years ago from groveland, a town near yosemite. mother and daughter say they've been embraced by the bay area from the start. i ask is if yesenia's first major public performance was at oakland's first friday in 2022. she says her father's advice to be herself will guide her. she has these words for him that i love him a lot. yesenia proudly shows me the dress her father bought for her quinceanera to be held in june. a celebration of a girl's 15th birthday in the mexican culture. the family will be holding a memorial service for yesenia's father this weekend. amber lee ktvu, fox two news. >> this monday, a vote recount
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starts in both santa clara and san mateo counties for the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. two people requested a recount after joe simitian and evan low had a rare second place tie in the primary. both of them would face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the november general election. >> this has not happened before, and it's a very unique event for us. the process of the recount is very complicated because the campaign, they can request to look at, you know, certain vote by mail envelopes. they can request to look at other things that processes that we do. >> the people asking for the recounts have to pay for them. the santa clara county registrar of voters says a manual recount will take about ten days, will cost $32,000 a day. san mateo county registrar has not yet said what a recount would cost there. powerful storms rumbled over parts of the us southeast states today, prompting a few tornado warnings, causing flash flooding and delaying the start of one of the world's biggest sporting events in georgia. the storm system, which had already been blamed for at least one death in mississippi, demolished
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buildings and flooded streets in the new orleans area yesterday. it continued to spawn flash flooding and tornado warnings in florida, georgia and south carolina today in augusta, georgia, the start of the masters golf tournament was delayed. >> all right, let's talk a little bit about our forecast now. meteorologist mark tamayo is back this afternoon with more. hey, mark. hi there guys. >> yeah. another nice forecast for today. and what's interesting is we're talking about warm conditions today. and as we head toward friday night into saturday, maybe some snow in the sierra. so april always kind of brings the extremes in our weather. and yeah, we're talking about another nice forecast, at least in the short terme fact. it's a summer like pattern. what's happening? we have that layer of warm air settling on top and an inversion. and as a result, that shallow marine layer has been a factor near portions of the coastline, showing up in the form of some areas of dense fog. so that is keeping the beaches on the cooler side. this was the scene at actually looking out toward the forecast for today. so warm thursday, a cool saturday. temperatures in the 50s and the 60s. so here's the setup for your saturday
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forecast. highs will only be in the 50s to maybe right around 60 degrees. gusty winds. winds could be right around 20 to 30 miles an hour showing you this. and we're showing you the rainfall forecast. and look what happens. we're not just talking about a few sprinkles into the weekend. there's actually the possibility of some thunderstorms. and out in the sierra we could be talking about measurable snowfall as well. no winter weather advisories posted for the lake tahoe area, but there's the chance that could be changing somewhat. here's a satellite this afternoon. look at this. the fog hanging tough near the marin headlands, san francisco pacifica and half moon bay this afternoon. so where the fog is, we have the cool temperatures. look at half moon bay, only 55 degrees. san jose 76, santa rosa 70, and fairfield in the upper 70. so the warmest locations today back up into the lower 80s for your thursday afternoon, here's a satellite. the big picture. you can pick out the circulation out here. and this is that cooler air that will definitely be approaching the area for tomorrow. here's our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge.
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we talked about the shallow marine layer. so if that if that if we had a deeper marine layer the clouds would be way up here. but as you can see, it's hiding the span and you can barely pick out the towers. now, both the north and south tower of the golden gate bridge. so away from the coastline it is nice to warm. tomorrow we're going to thicken up the cloud cover and then rainfall makes a comeback as we move into your saturday. this area of high pressure has been producing the nice weather stretch. today is the last warm day. and then look what happens as the system moves in from the north on saturday. this will continue to bring temperatures down and also bring the bring the rain showers and maybe some thunderstorms back here to the region. so here we are today looking pretty good for your thursday. friday we'll bring in some more clouds, some gusty winds. and then this is friday evening. friday night and into saturday and then into your saturday. the possibility of some some thunderstorms popping up. and then by sunday we still have the chance of some showers, but we should have improving conditions during the second half of the weekend. if you like the 80s, make the most of today.
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it's a nice one out there, lower 80s out toward livermore and antioch. and as we take a look ahead here, tomorrow is the transition day and look at what's headed our way into the weekend. rainfall. maybe some thunderstorms for your saturday, chance of some lingering showers in your sunday, and then we'll gradually clear things out into early next week. so warm today. and then significant cooling for your friday. >> all right mark, thanks. okay. efforts to help a gray whale that was tangled in fishing gear continues off the bay area coast. the whale swam up from southern california, where it was first seen on march 23rd. tangled up in fishing nets and buoys. the marine mammal center and noaa fisheries launched a boat with a rescue team but could not attach a tracker well. yesterday, the team's boat left sausalito and went back to the ocean, hoping to see the bright red buoys that attached to the whale. >> unfortunately, the fog is hampered our sighting abilities. it's a bit devastating to hear that it's entangled. >> rescue teams searched from point reyes down to daly city
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but could not find the whale. they say they can't launch the boat today because of the weather. no one is asking local boat operators to be on the watch for those whales. red buoys. >> do you remember the scratch and sniff stickers up next, how a major fast food chain is sing ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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i'm or internet use. the national highway traffic safety administration reports in 2022, more than 3300 people died in crashes involving distracted drivers. other forms of distractions include arguments with passengers and listening to music that might make you sleepy. officers point out parents need to set a good driving example for their kids. a new survey shows people are worried about the state of education in california. the poll by the public policy institute of california, finds
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nearly half of californians think the quality of education in california has gotten worse in the last few years, and 51% of public school parents think their child could could fall behind or fell behind during the pandemic. even so, nearly 8 in 10 gave passing grades to their local schools, though few gave a's. about half of public school parents say there isn't enough funding for schools, and 58% of people said they would support a state bond to pay for school construction projects. stanford women's basketball head coach tara vanderveer is speaking out about her retirement. >> the winningest coach in ncaa history is retiring after 38 seasons at stanford. vanderveer coached some of the game's greatest players and inspired an untold number of girls and women in the world of sports. vanderveer said she can't imagine a better life and said retiring was not an easy decision. >> sometimes it's just you're ready, and i just felt, i'm ready. i never really thought i would be. i kind of just, you know, just felt like maybe i would, you know, kind of just
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keel over on the bench. but, you know, i mean, i just, you know, i, i because i love it, i love it, i love it. >> vanderveer said she looks forward to spending more time with her mother, who's 97 years old. coach vanderveer will remain at stanford as an advisor. many say she's already left an indelible mark at that university. >> i don't think it's measurable, you know, because as i think along the way, she's done everything to fight for women and for women's basketball . >> katy steding was one of vanderveer's first recruits at stanford, played for her in the 1996 olympics and followed her into coaching. she is one of many women who played under vanderveer, who went into coaching because of her influence and encouragement. >> all of the championships, the success. but i think for her it's more than that. it's helping other other female, you know, coaches and athletes and just trying to raise that bar. >> vanderveer's last day as coach will be may 8th, which will mark exactly 39 years since
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she was first hired at stanford. >> a volunteer at a northern california history museum is reaching people all over the world with his viral fame. howard hatch is in his 80s and volunteers at the sacramento history museum. he started appearing on the tiktok's youtube shorts and instagram reels for the museum during the pandemic, and now videos of him working the history museum's antique printing press get millions of views. >> we are now at over 3 million youtube subscribers, so we are the most followed museum on tiktok and the most subscribed museum on youtube. >> there's been some instances where i've been recognized around sacramento, even though i'm not dressed like this. >> that hand-press printer dates back to 1852. the museum on the museum's account often include jokes, memes, or other amusing tidbits printed using that very old printing press.
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>> mcdonald's in the netherlands is attracting its customers in a new way. it debuted the world's first billboard. you can smell. it's an interactive billboard in the middle of the city that diffuses the smell of hot, crispy french fries, mcdonald's says. you can smell it about 15ft away. a mcdonald's employee actually puts a tray of fries into the billboard, which then relies on ventilators to kind of suck in and diffuse the scent. >> that is crazy dangerous. >> yeah, that is also brilliant. i mean, it is a smart idea. they're going to get a lot of business because we'll see if it comes out here this way. exactly right. all right. thank you. so much for watching ktvu fox two news at noon. >> of course, you can stream us on your smart tv by downloading the fox local app. we will see you again for ur next wscast - [tammi] can you guess what this is? if you guessed raft, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary." our first celebrity captain you love on "clone high." we've got high hopes for nicole sullivan, and with her are friends julius and porsche.


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