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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪
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♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪ to an historic career is coming to an end tonight. stanford women's basketball head coach tara vanderveer, announcing her retirement after 38 seasons at the university. the legendary coach is saying goodbye. good evening everyone. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> tara vanderveer has been at stanford university since 1985. not only has she led the cardinal to three national titles, but she is the winningest head coach in basketball in ncaa history. jason, with us now, i mean, what she did for not only the program but for the game will have lasting impacts here. >> and we're seeing it just now with caitlin clark and the rise of women's college basketball and the ratings and how many people are watching it. you can trace a lot of that back to tara vanderveer, but we're about to
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experience a monument shift in the college basketball landscape. tara vanderveer, a pioneer in the sport synonymous with stanford basketball. hard to even imagine that program without her. but vanderveer is indeed stepping down after 38 seasons on the farm and 45 years in all as a head coach, which includes stops at idaho and ohio state before arriving at stanford in 1985. she retires with 1216 career wins, making her the winningest coach in ncaa aa history, a record she set this past january when she passed legendary duke coach mike krzyzewski. vanderveer not only racked up wins, she also delivered championships, leading the cardinal to 14 final four appearances and three national championships, the most recent coming in 2021 when the cardinal beat arizona for the title. she did take one year off from stanford in 1995, and she did so to coach team usa. that team
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went 60 and zero, won the olympic gold medal in 96 in atlanta, and is widely considered the greatest women's team ever assembled. in 2011, vanderveer. she was inducted into the naismith basketball hall of fame and now, at age 70, the time was just right for her to say goodbye to the sport that she loves. a press conference has been scheduled for tomorrow morning, but in a statement tonight, vanderveer said in part , quote, the joy for me was in the journey of each season. seeing a group of young women work hard for each other and form an unbreakable bond, winning was a byproduct. i've loved the game of basketball since i was a little girl, and it has given me so much throughout my life. i hope i've been able to give at least a little back. stanford says negotiations are underway for one of vanderveer's former players, kate pay, to become her successor. pay is currently the associate head women's basketball coach, and she has been on vanderveer's staff for
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the last 17 seasons and pay. she would become the program's fifth head coach and vanderveer's last day is going to be may 8th. that that would be the 39th anniversary on that date of her original hire. so it's you know, it's just it's shocking. but it's not shocking. she's 70 years old. you can't do it forever. and, you know, she's done it all. and she says it's time to move on. >> kind of pioneer in her way, paving the way for so many women who want to coach. like after her, like you said, not surprising, but not completely expected either. has there been reaction from players? >> yeah. i mean, social media. and i was texting with jennifer azzi and she says, been a whirlwind of a day for her. azzi won a first title with her at stanford, and she was on that basketball team that i mentioned. that was 16 and zero as well. we're going to catch up with jennifer azzi tomorrow. so yeah, a lot of outpouring coming in on social media. i'm sure you guys will have it. and later in
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sports, we're going to hear from tara after she set that record to pass mike krzyzewski. and if you listen to that, you can kind of hear in her voice. and maybe this was going to be the year she didn't announce her retirement back then. but if you if you kind of listen to that, you kind of get the idea. >> and she not only was there as a coach for these great athletes, but teaching these young athletes how to be a good person, whether you continue in the wnba or not. yeah, just be a good person in life. >> and that's what she kind of said in her. in her statement. it's about the journey. it's about leading women seeing the bond and winning was a byproduct and nobody won more than her. >> all right. an amazing career. all right jason, thank you. all right. >> let's talk about that reaction. it has been pouring in out there on social media tonight. former stanford player and former golden state warriors sideline reporter ros gold onwude writing on x tonight. wow. congrats to tara on a historic, winningest ever career. when we celebrate today's astronomical ratings in women's hoops, know that tara was one of the pioneers who made
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all of this possible. tara, thank you for changing my life right off into the sunset. you deserve it. and former cardinal and current indiana fever forward erica mccall also speaking out tonight on social media. you impacted my life in the most positive way. i am so honored to have played for you and coach next to you. you are my forever goat. thank you tara, my coach always. >> and as jason mentioned, tara vanderveer, his retirement comes at a crucial moment for women's basketball. for the first time ever, the ncaa women's basketball tournament final drew more viewers than the men's final, according to nielsen media research. the women's final sunday between south carolina and iowa had 18.9 million viewers. that's nearly four times what the women's final drew just two years ago. the high number was fueled in part by iowa standout caitlyn clark's rise to superstardom, the men's final last night between connecticut and purdue was watched by 14.8 million viewers. 4 million fewer than the women's final. and you can find the very latest on college
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basketball. tara vanderveer's retirement and her historic career. it's all on our website at >> new at ten a gray whale has been spotted right off the coast near daly city, entangled in a fishing net. federal and state wildlife officials partnered with the marine mammal center today, hoping to help the whale. ktvu jana katsuyama joins us live tonight from thornton state beach with the whales surprising journey here. jana >> mike. the noaa officials tell me that they have been tracking this whale from southern california. they were out there in the water trying to help it today. but they say that this entangled is much worse than the usual types of entanglements they see. the gray whale was spotted off the coast by thornton state beach in daly city. crews with no fisheries work tuesday to try and help the giant mammal that was entangled in a net. >> it's just saddens me because, we all have to live on this
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planet together. the whale had been entangled in the fishing gear for weeks and noaa says it was first spotted down in southern california near long beach. >> it was spotted by one of the whale watch boats off southern california. that's. they're pretty active down there. and often we hear from them about whales that are in trouble before anyone else. >> noaa shared this photo with ktvu showing the whale's body. they say unlike the usual entanglements involving rope, this is a much more severe entanglement involving a gillnet. >> gill net is a very dense mesh and tied twisted around the tail is very difficult to try to remove. >> noaa's west coast marine mammal stranding network says the whale was too skittish to attempt a disentanglement, so they put a satellite tracker on the whale on march 23rd. they followed it for a while, but the tracker fell off. gray whales usually migrate at this time of year from breeding grounds in southern california to feeding
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grounds north near alaska. it had moved northward and was spotted again april 3rd offshore near piedras blancas, and then again here off the coast of thornton beach, where the team tuesday once again approached the whale to attach another tracker and buoys. >> they verified that the entanglement is still there, largely in the way it was down off southern california. and, that's it's distinguished now by some floating their bright colored, balls, the floating buoy. >> and noaa officials are asking people to call their hotline one 877 s.o.s. whale. if you spot the whale and those bright red buoys, they say do not approach it. they are hoping to use some special equipment to try and get back out there in the water, to try and see if they can disentangle this whale. but one of the big concerns, mike, is
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that there is some bad weather coming in the forecast, and that could really hamper their efforts to get out there in those boats. >> all right. jana katsuyama live tonight there in daly city. janet, thank you for that. in the north bay tonight, the city of santa rosa is warning of a911 outage. the city says an at&t cable failure caused that outage. it's affecting fewer than 100,000 customers. if you cannot reach 911, officials ask people to call the santa rosa police non-emergency line at (707) 528-5222. there is no estimated time of repair right now. >> well, a new statewide audit finds california is spending billions of dollars on homelessness and has limited ways now of tracking where that money is going. as ktvu crystal bailey reports, california spent $24 billion on homelessness in the last five years. >> but the crisis is not improving. >> the state auditor's report says they're not sure whether the homeless programs in place are working, even though they cost the state $24 billion. it
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all started when senator dave cortesi visited one of the largest homeless encampments in san jose, asking the city whether the money spent on housing programs was working. when he found insufficient data, he and other state leaders penned a letter asking the state auditor to look into it. >> up until last year, midway through 2023, there there was no centralization of data around the flow of dollars from the state, you know, to local jurisdictions. >> the audit collected information from 2018 to 2023, reviewing two cities. one of them is san jose. so i think the report's clear on is we need an all of the above approach. >> we need low rungs on the ladder, basic, dignified shelter, as well as the long tum solution, which is building more affordable housing. we need a comprehensive framework for data and performance measurement in the thorough report, auditors say the california interagency
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council on homelessness is responsible for coordinating and evaluating the efforts across the state. >> the audit says the council has not established a consistent method for gathering information on homelessness programs, cost and outcomes. a spokesperson from the council says in a statement, in part, that the audit's findings underscore a need to continue to hold local governments accountable who are primarily responsible for implementing these programs and collecting data on outcomes that the state can use to evaluate program effectiveness, and went on to say the council continues to improve its ability to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent judiciously and effectively. >> this audit will establish some somewhat of a blueprint for legislative direction and guardrails going forward. you know, to improve upon, you know, some of these areas, these deficiencies and these systemic issues that that the audit, calls out. >> crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two
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news, there could be a recount in the hotly contested race for the congressional seat of representative anna issue that ended in a tie for second place. >> two people have requested recounts in san mateo and santa clara counties. jonathan padilla once worked as a policy director for former san jose mayor sam liccardo, who has qualified for the november ballot. in that race, dan stegenga is a former candidate for san mateo county supervisor. the recount would start monday if the request qualify, evan low and joe simitian would both advance if the tie holds in. >> arizona supreme court ruling has effectively banned abortions in that state this morning. in a42 decision, the court ruled arizona can enforce a long dormant law from 1864, criminalizing all abortions except when a mother's life is at stake. there are no exceptions for rape or incest. enforcement can take effect in 14 days. although arizona's attorney general, chris may, says she will not enforce the
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ban. and while some republicans supported, others disapprove. but ultimately say it is up to arizonans to weigh in on the issue. >> it was an asinine. it was an asinine ruling and i hope that arizonans will fix it. but right now, the law of the land is at arizona has to fix it themselves. >> i refuse to allow arizona to become a state where doctors are going to be afraid to practice, to just do their jobs. >> opponents of today's ruling in arizona have already been organizing, trying to get a measure on the november ballot. if approved, the amendment would enshrine the right to abortion in arizona's constitution and restrict the state from adopting or enforcing any law that would prohibit access to the procedure. now, planned parenthood of california said it expects to see an increase in patients from arizona ceo and president jodie hicks adding planned parenthood in california is committed to continuing to serve patients forced to travel outside of their home state to access abortion care and will fight alongside the people in arizona for their reproductive
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freedom is still a crime. >> chp special operations in san francisco appear to be working. the ongoing efforts to fight the fentanyl crisis. >> it warmed up again today. it will warm again tomorrow. it might be the warmest day of the week, some low 80s in the forecast with some rain potential for the weekend. >> also, a student in the north bay accused of bringing a loaded gun to school. the threats that were made prior to
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fentanyl crisis in san francisco. the governor's office released new numbers today, crediting the chp with taking more than 9.5 million lethal doses of fentanyl off the streets since may of last year. ktvu joey jorda live in san francisco, with the results of the ongoing operation. joey >> well, julie, we spoke to this man who is now a recovery advocate, and he was a former fentanyl user. he says while he applauds what chp is doing now, law enforcement to him is only part of the solution. >> one little dose, as little as two milligrams could kill you. >> fentanyl is a drug, tom wolfe knows all too well. in 2018, he was living in the streets of san francisco and hooked on both
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heroin and fentanyl, leading to his arrest. >> it's a struggle because you'll basically do anything to feed that addiction. >> new numbers from governor gavin newsom's office on tuesday show the results of chp special operation, with the city of san francisco targeting the tenderloin and surrounding areas known as a hotspot for open air drug use. this is an operation that has a lot of moving parts. since may of 2023, chp has taken more than 40 pounds of fentanyl off the streets. that's more than 9.5 million doses of the drug and made nearly 500 arrests. >> driving down the street. and we witness a, you know, a hand to hand drug deal. yes, absolutely. we're going to intervene. >> chp focus is on making traffic stops to help free up san francisco police resources. the goal targeting fentanyl trafficking and disrupting the supply chain of a drug that the cdc says is 100 times stronger than morphine, wolf applauds chp
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operation but stresses that drug treatment is key. >> and in june, i'll have six years clean and sober. and that's because i was held accountable. i had to go to jail for a few months to get sober, and then i went to a six month residential treatment program. >> wolf now works as a consultant for the salvation army's transitional housing program, helping people battling addiction to turn their lives around just like he did. >> i just need to stop this revolving door that we have with organized drug dealers continuing to be arrested and then getting released to pretrial diversion, and they head right back out onto the street to sell drugs. >> chp says their presence in san francisco is ongoing. and chp telling us tonight they are here doing this to support san francisco police in their efforts to fight crime. police telling us tonight they are thankful for that. julie, joey, did the chp say how many officers are out patrolling the
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tenderloin? well, we did ask that question, julie, and they were hesitant to reveal too much of their tactics. they do say, though again, that they are not leaving here any time soon. >> all right. joey horda in san francisco tonight. joey. thank you. well, tonight, the oakland police department provided its biannual update on staffing levels, saying they are working to try to boost academy numbers. officials told the city council safety meeting that the department currently has 708 officers on the job. opd's budget is authorized for 712 officers. 74 officers are on leave. the academy also has 14 officers set to graduate next month, one of the smaller classes in recent years. >> opd is not unique in the fact that we, along with other law enforcement agencies, have had a difficult time recruiting people into our academies. >> the city's hiring freeze is also affected. 51 non-sworn positions in the police department. the department is set to present its proposed
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budget to the city administration tomorrow. new at ten. >> windsor police arrested a high school student for bringing a loaded gun onto campus this morning. a high school employee notified a school resource officer that a male student made verbal threats directed at the staff. the officer found the student made contact with the 17 year old and then searched his backpack. police say the officer found a gun ten nine millimeter cartridges and empty nine millimeter high capacity magazine and a knife. the student was booked into juvenile hall on six different charges. >> okay. turned out to be a nice day today. >> temperatures did warm up again. that's the third day in a row we've seen an increase in temperatures tomorrow will be the fourth as numbers go into the low 80s. we had a couple low 80s today, but these are the highs from today. tomorrow's highs will be lots of upper 70s and like i say, some low 80s, maybe 82 or 83 degrees tomorrow appears to be the most likely the warmest day of the week. and then temperatures begin to not really cool down, but they just slowly slide down as we had a
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few more clouds in here. i'll show you what i mean. this is the that's the forecast for tomorrow. this is the forecast out for the long range. and i just want to show you i can take you right up to friday because that's when things change right here. so there it is right there. that's friday afternoon. friday evening. just offshore. that would be a few clouds and a little cooler was going to be rain. but looks like this thing is going to stay offshore until saturday around lunchtime. and then it comes in and then looks like it wants to be gone on sunday. that's how it looks right now. that model is going to change again by tomorrow. but that's the basic idea. friday looks good, saturday looks kind of wet and then sunday looks good. i'll be back with the full forecast coming up. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit. bill thank you. teachers in the east bay threatening to strike coming up after the break. the demands for a fair contract. >> also more efforts to fight retail theft across the state. the new attempt to punish thieves. >> also, it's closing time for a popular south bay pub. why? rosie mccann's is shutting down after 20 years of business at santana r
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our contract deal with the district this afternoon, educators and supporters held a rally before the martinez school district board meeting. the teachers say the district has offered them a 3% raise, while other county employees received an 8% cost of living adjustment. they say a lack of competitive wages and benefits are driving teachers away, only offering 3, while other districts are offering anywhere from 6% to 13. >> is not only an insult, but it is a fact that teachers want to leave and teachers will not come to this district. >> the contract talks have been going on since september, and the two sides are scheduled to meet with a neutral fact finder on monday next monday to try to resolve the issue. >> state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are now working together in an effort to curb retail theft, a package of
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seven bills was announced today that address smash and grabs from the arrest to prosecution. but as ktvu henry lee explains, now, this new legislation does not make changes to the controversial prop 47. >> as you guys know, our retailers have gone many years and have been asking for the help, and i think that's what we're here to do today. >> a bipartisan push in sacramento to crack down on organized retail theft. politicians from both sides of the aisle working together to craft seven bills to put an end, to snatch and grabs like these. >> this bill says, to organized crime rings, we mean business, and we're going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down. >> taken together, the bills would allow law enforcement to combine similar thefts from different victims into one grand theft case in certain cases, allow da's to pool resources across jurisdictions and result in stiffer penalties and restraining orders against thieves. the legislation, welcomed by retailers, our employees are asking for it. >> californians are demanding it and retailers want to be able to
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just sell our products. we want to deter retail theft from even coming into our stores. >> people need to be safe. they need to feel safe and making sure that we're responsive to california is critical here. and this package i think, gets the job done. >> there's no turning back the clock on the criminal justice reforms that have been enacted. >> there's a separate effort underway to repeal parts of prop 47, which in 2014 increased the threshold for grand theft from $450 to $950. assembly speaker robert rivas says the new package of bills does not affect prop 47. >> for us, it's understanding the root causes of this problem, which is complex, and for us, each one of these bills gets after those layers of complexity . >> shoppers at broadway plaza in walnut creek say they welcome any crackdown on thieves. >> i think it's a great idea if they can work across the aisle to achieve anything, you know, it doesn't happen very often these days. >> we got to do everything
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possible. i mean, i used to be part owner and retail chain with my brother in law, and there was theft there. and what people don't realize is that it comes back to the consumer. >> here at broadway plaza, thieves have gone into the lululemon to steal things and then gone to other lululemon's across the bay area. the idea is to streamline any prosecution if these thieves are caught in walnut creek. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news still to come, a popular pub is calling it quits after 20 years. >> a live report from san jose's santana row coming up after the break. plus they should not have to deal with those conditions right next to their school every day. the city of san jose moving forward with plans to clear homeless encampments near schools, and draymond green lighting it up from beyond the arc as the warriors go on the road to take on lebron james and those lakers, jason appelbaum has the story of this critical matchup tonight in sports. >> plus more funding coming to help those who fell behind with water bills during the pandemic.
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the state program bringing some relief to som ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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is getting pre-pandemic customers back has been more challenging than they anticipated. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters live now at santana row, with more on the restaurant and the bar closing. lamonica >> julie, the manager, says that some of the employees have been working here for several years and it's bittersweet to say goodbye, but after the pandemic, it was just difficult for the pub to bounce back. >> we were very disappointed to hear. we just heard yesterday that they would be closing, and i think it's a loss for santana
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row from customers to staff members, those who love rosie mccann's at santana row say they're going to miss the food, the fun and the cozy feeling of the irish pub. >> i know the customers are sad after covid. the business kind of been declining, but it's more about like the staff and the family to me. we've been here for so long. >> the owner of rosie mccann's, mina shamsi, made this post on social media announcing the restaurant's last day of service would be april 20th. retail analysts say santana row is most likely in a transitional phase, with newer brands coming in and older businesses on the way out. >> i expect them to switch their tenant mix towards a little bit of a higher end tenant mix, but i don't necessarily see them having to switch it into a miami bar. miami design center like high end location, because that already exists over there. >> corral, who's worked at mccann's for nearly a decade, says she found out about the closing last week. she says some
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employees have been offered jobs at a second location in downtown santa cruz, but the pub just couldn't survive in a changing economic landscape. >> it's just like inflation. we live in california. everything's so expensive and trying to keep up with the cost of other restaurants in santana row, it makes it hard. >> daniel roberts, who's at the restaurant bar for the first time, says he lived in europe for 14 years and having an irish pub nearby reminds him of his former home. >> it kind of surprised, actually. it's very rare to find good irish pubs in the south bay. and so actually today, as we were walking past, we saw this and thought, oh great, let's get some irish food. >> now some of the customers also told us they felt that this is a big cultural loss to the community, and that they still understand why the decision was made to make april 20th, the last day of service here. julie. >> all right. lamonica peters reporting live tonight at santana row. thanks, lamonica.
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the santa clara stadium authority says it has rejected a proposed resolution of its long standing legal dispute with the 49ers over the operation of levi's stadium. the group says the team submitted its best and final proposal on march 20th. it would settle open issues related to public safety, gourmet buffet costs and other items. while the board rejected the offer, it is working now on a counter proposal. >> new at ten the utility california water service, or cal water, has secured $83 million in state funding to help pay off customers debt from the pandemic. the money will help relieve residential and commercial customers of past due balances incurred over the pandemic. customers will be notified directly if they are eligible for the relief funding. cal water will apply credits to affected customers accounts this coming summer. >> the san jose city council has made good on its promise to add an extra layer of safety around the city's schools. >> city leaders have approved not one, but two ordinances banning unhoused encampments and vehicles within 150ft of a
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school. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary explains what the two proposals now mean for those encampments. >> they're criminalizing the unhoused people. there's no place for them to go, longtime advocate gail osmer gave council members an earful tuesday afternoon at city hall. >> this as the body of ten plus mayor matt mahan prepared to pass two ordinances they say protects children while we are working to build basic, dignified shelters, safe parking sites and more affordable housing. >> they should not have to deal with those conditions right next to their school. every day. >> those conditions are homeless encampments near public and private schools in san jose. last year, students at three schools reached out to council members complaining there's a safety issue, including incidents of those unhoused residents making their way onto campus during the school day and break ins captured on our security cameras. >> these incidents have cost our school tens of thousands of
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dollars. >> i have to ensure that i'm focusing on my surroundings at all times. >> in response, city staff spent nearly a year crafting an ordinance barring encampments closer than 150ft to a school. three school areas will be selected as test sites. many council members say the action helps ease the minds of school aged children, who worry when confronting large encampments. the council also took action to prevent large vehicles such as rvs, from parking near schools. >> a little bit of the wild west where people are going to park wherever they want to park because nobody's going to do anything about it, especially oversize vehicles where you can't see around them. and i think, perhaps we can prioritize, roadway safety. >> this two passed unanimously. the mayor says the city needs to step up providing services including completion of a safe parking site at berryessa by investing in lower barrier interim solution as we reduce unsheltered homelessness 10% year over year, we have another
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784 interim units coming online. but some south bay unhoused advocates say until the broad array of services are in place, the most vulnerable will continue to suffer. >> i think it's just a tragedy. it's just horrible. where are they going to go? let's get them into berryessa first. let's get another safe parking for rvs. let's just get some more acres now. not next year. >> the banning of encampments and parking near schools has a second reading in two weeks. if it passes, it will become law. 30 days later, outside san jose city hall. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news lunchables with lead coming up tonight at 11. >> the popular meals that one group says should not be allowed on the menu at schools. >> and we had temperatures warm a good five degrees today. they warm further tomorrow back into the low 80s. we'll have that forecast coming up. >> but first, the families of hostages being held by hamas
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gathered in washington dc today. their message for the biden administration as their loved ones have been in captivity now for more than six months. she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt.
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just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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of boeing's planes after allegations from a whistleblower, boeing engineer sam salarpur says boeing took shortcuts in the fuselage assembly of 787 dreamliner jets. he warned that the risk could be catastrophic as those planes start to age. boeing said in a statement that the allegations are, quote, inaccurate. a senate hearing is set for next week on the whistleblower's claims. >> the parents of the oxford, michigan, school shooter were each sentenced today to 10 to 15 years in prison. james and
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jennifer crumbly were tried separately and convicted of involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors said that an unsecured gun at their home and indifference toward their son's mental health led 15 year old ethan crumbley to bring the weapon to oxford high school and opened fire. james crumbly apologized to the families of the four students who died. >> i really want the families of madison, baldwin, hana, saint juliana, tate meier, meir and justin schilling to know how truly am i, how truly sorry i am . >> it is the first time parents have been held criminally responsible for such an act. both james and jennifer crumbly said they plan to appeal their convictions. ethan crumbley was sentenced last year to life in prison without parole. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he has chosen a date for the ground offensive into rafah. this comes as egyptian officials say mediators have offered a new
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ceasefire plan to hamas and israel. that would include a six week pause in fighting and a prisoner exchange. now, as of today, hamas says recent proposals do not meet its demands. >> family members of american hostages being held by hamas met with vice president kamala harris today advocating for their release. the remaining hostages have been held in gaza for more than six months, their loved ones pushing for action, calling on hamas to accept the deal that's currently on the table, demanding from the international community all the partners that are working on this deal cut a egypt and others to put maximum pressure to get hamas to say yes, there are 133 cherries souls who are being held there, and it is time. >> we don't want any more progress. we want results. >> today. vice president harris emphasized that the biden administration has higher priority than reuniting the
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hostages with their loved ones. >> salesforce ceo marc benioff, showing his support for glide memorial church coming up, his charitable actions that could bring in a lot of money. >> also an historic procedure in san francisco. the new program, giving bay area veterans hope for the future and clear skies out there tonight. >> chief meteorologist bill martin tracking this warm up that we've been experiencing. he's back after the break with the fo ca for your
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory.
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so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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upcoming fundraiser. over its 22 years, glide's power of one charity lunch auction has raised $53 million. auctioning off just one lunch with buffett. now he is passing the torch to salesforce ceo marc benioff. glide's fundraiser attracts international bidders. two years ago, glide set its own record with a final winning bid of $19 million. leaders with the nonprofit shared how they picked benioff as the new lunch guest for auction. >> marc benioff is iconic here in the bay area and the world, and glide is iconic, iconic san francisco. and so it was just kind of this great match. and when we heard that, he agreed. actually, warren buffett placed a call to marc benioff to ask him personally if he would
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accept the baton. and he said yes. and when we heard, we were just positively thrilled. the winner can bring up seven guests, up to seven guests to their private lunch with benioff. >> the auction launches on ebay on may 5th and closes may 10th. >> tonight, we're learning more about a first of its kind procedure helping bay area veterans who have a prosthetic limb instead of a ball and socket. >> doctors at san francisco's va are now implanting a post in the stump of a patient's knee. ktvu alice wertz spoke with one amputee hoping to get the surgery, who says this could be life changing? >> it's the first time ever above knee amputees will have access to this program, first being offered here at san francisco. 50 year old doug mayo is an air force veteran. he's used a prosthetic leg for seven years. it attaches above his knee. he used to have problems there, came infected 13 surgeries. >> three years later, there wasn't any antibiotics anymore that would touch the infection. so i had the choice. my choice
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was pretty easy. the legs not that important, so they took my leg. >> he's from nebraska, married with five adult kids. he owns and runs a cattle farm. >> my biggest fear, when i had to choose amputation, was i wouldn't be able to do things i was able to do. and that's not even my biggest fear. my biggest fear that i was going to be a hindrance on people. i didn't want people to do things for me. >> he got word a new program piloting a two surgery procedure. osseointegration could help. it would take a long time. the first surgery invasive to install a post six months of healing and physical therapy. then a second surgery to position the new limb. more recovery, more pt, another six months. >> crutches are horrible, i use my hands for everything. you can't when you're walking. but i also know that when this is done, i'm going to be able to walk easier, walk better, have better perception of what i'm stepping on, i'm going to be
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able to take a shower with my leg on. >> it's a freedom of sorts for this veteran. less pain, less skin irritation, better control and balance, and more independence. >> help my dogs, help my wife, anybody else i can help them now. or before i'd have crutches, they'd have to help me out. it's not going to be perfect. it's not a real leg. it's still a prosthesis. but i'm good with that. >> mayo's physical therapist, ron feliciano, says his patients great attitude makes him a model patient. he's confident mayo will be successful. >> we really encourage patients to get moving. i'm doing the opposite. he's doing more and i'm okay. slow down. take it easy, doug. we want you to really do well as the medical director for the va in san francisco, doctor ovi biagioli is hopeful that osio integration will be offered to other veterans. >> it's actually a game changer for many of our esteemed veterans. they're really able to enhance their quality of life and also able to ambulate much
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better. this really supports an active lifestyle for our veterans. >> for doug mayo, he's grateful to the doctors, the staff and their modern, innovative approach to patient care. >> don't hesitate, have faith in the va. it's not like it used to be. >> alice wurtz, ktvu fox two news. >> and as we talked about earlier, it did warm up today. it will warm up again tomorrow. it's feeling like spring. it is spring. the trees are blooming, the hay fever, the allergies, the tree pollens anyway, are starting to become prolific. pardon me. and this week you'll really notice it with the tree pollens. so these are the highs from today. highs tomorrow. we'll see. upper 70s low 80s. so a little warmer tomorrow may end up being the warmest day of the week, with some maybe close to mid 80s, 82, 83 degrees, no fog at the coast yet. might see a little bit of coastal fog as we go into tomorrow morning or tomorrow night. we'll keep an eye on that, but just a classic spring weather pattern was really great air quality. and then those changes coming as we go into the weekend. right now,
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saturday looks kind of wet. you'll see that in the model coming up. there is the forecast for tomorrow. temperatures on the increase. there is the trough of low pressure to the north. you can see it way up there and it's going to drop down, but it's kind of going to detach this whole area here. it's pretty potent, but it's going to come down. it's going to drop right along the coast on friday. it's going to just kind of be right off the coast friday. that's why it cools a little bit. but we're not expecting rain. and then it pushes sort of east, south and east on saturday. and that's when we have a shot for some showers. but the most rain would be san luis obispo county down towards big sur. and well, even santa cruz. but we're going to be kind of on the north end of the strongest dynamic. so it wouldn't be a major rain event. it would be some rain, which messes up somebody. everybody's saturday. but that could all change because this kind of system, these cut off lows, we talk about them all the time because the models don't handle them well. neither do meteorologists typically. so we all kind of like to just wait till we get right next to it.
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within 36 hours or so, or 48 hours, and then kind of nail it down more. so right now the window is friday. looks good, a few clouds cooler. saturday looks kind of wet, showers on and off. not a complete washout, but showers on and off. and then sunday looks manageable and clearing if you will. so there's the system cooler showers on saturday, the model friday. our wednesday morning. there's the fog on the coast. there's wednesday afternoon. there's thursday morning, there's thursday afternoon. here comes the system. you see it here going like this. so see how far offshore it's staying. and then it kind of under loops here. so this is all day friday. looks dry. and saturday it will kick in to the south of us. and that's when you would have an opportunity for some showers. so we'll keep an eye on it. right now i'm pretty optimistic that it's not going to be a complete washout on saturday, but i think there will be some wet stuff, some umbrellas needed. there's the five day forecast eight back at 11 bill. >> thank you. our jason appelbaum has more on the legacy
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of tara vanderveer, who is retiring after 38 years at stanford. that is coming up next in sports. >> and tonight on the 11:00 news, east bay students coming back after a long but unforgettable trip. we're going to hear from their about their experience as they learn about cultures around he world
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38 seasons at stanford. women's basketball coach tara vanderveer has announced her retirement. vanderveer steps down as the winningest coach in college basketball history with 14 final four appearances and three national championships. the most recent coming in 2021. she spent 45 years in all as a head coach, first at idaho and then ohio
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state, before arriving at stanford in 1985, stanford. she took one year off from stanford in 95 to coach team usa to an olympic gold medal in atlanta in 96. that team is widely considered the greatest women's team ever assembled. we caught up with tara a few months ago and she reflected on her career. >> it is just so, so amazing to me, you know? but it i've enjoyed every minute of it, i just i love coaching at stanford and, you know, basketball is just such a passion of mine that it has gone really fast. but it's been fun. >> a legendary career indeed. to accomplish what she did at an elite academic institution like stanford, one can make the case that vanderveer is the greatest women's coach of all time. the warriors stay hot in la against lebron and the lakers. lebron
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james playing despite dealing with flu like symptoms. but he was fine. lebron taking it to the rack for the layup. he had 33 points 11 assists seven rebounds. but the warriors were in control of this one. steph back from his rest day. he spins and goes between his legs to sharp shooter draymond green who hits the three. green five for five from beyond the arc in the first half. none in the second. he finished with 15. third quarter klay thompson step back three. he had a team high 27 points. warriors hit 26 of their 41 three pointers to win 134 to 120. and after the game yeah, that's will ferrell gary payton exchanging jerseys with will ferrell. warriors have won eight of nine to climb within a half game of the lakers for ninth place. with three games to go and the giants, they continue to struggle this young season 24,000 plus at oracle park tonight, including this young lady dressed as lucille giants
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down three one to the nationals in the sixth when nick ahmed chops one to right with two outs. mike shrimski. he's on the move. he's going to come home safe. lane thomas's throw is off line. goes into the giants dugout and that allows patrick bailey to trot in for the tying run. but the nats retake the lead in the seventh. and then in the ninth, riley adams gives him the insurance run that they're looking for. a liner off tyler rogers. the giants fail to homer for the fifth straight game, their longest drought since 2018. nationals win 5 to 3, giants drop to four and eight. the a's, as they are in texas for the first of three against bruce bochy's, world champion rangers. and what a homecoming for a's catcher shea langeliers. he hits a solo homer in the second to tie it at one. another solo shot in the seventh to tie it at two, and then in the ninth, he wins it with his third home run of the game, this 1a2 run shot. it's the first three
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homer game of his career who went to langeliers, went to nearby keller high school. he went to college at baylor, and the a's win their third straight final is 4 to 3. how about the sharks? looks like it was funky hat day at the tank for the sharks. second to last home game of the season. sharks and flames tied at two in overtime when calgary just keeps pounding away at the puck right in front of the net. eventually, andre kuzmenko stuffs it in for the game winner. flames win 3 to 2 four games left in the sharks season on thursday. tiger woods is going to play in his 26th masters, and he says a sixth green jacket is within his reach . >> if everything comes together, i think i can get one more. describe that. any more than that or pretty good. >> yeah, he's a long shot. we'll see though. but i wouldn't put it past him. >> yeah, it'd be great to make
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the cut if not a top ten. be fun to watch anytime. >> tiger's in contention or win it. >> watch. >> i know it's like, say everyone likes to see tiger. all right jason thank you. all righty. next at 11 as we continue to gather data and get results, it allows us to track where those efforts have been the most fruitful. >> the chp calling its most recent mission in san francisco a successful one. millions of lethal doses of fentanyl now off city streets. the 11:00 news on ktvu. fox two starts now. an update tonight on the added presence of highway patrol officers on the streets of san francisco. good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. the governor's office released new numbers today, crediting the california highway patrol with taking over 9.5 million lethal doses of fentanyl off the streets in the past year. new tonight ktvu joy honda spoke with a recovery advocate who says he applauds the action, but points out that law enforcement is only part of


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