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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> even here. all the buildings, all the offices, like it's been a mess. >> the cleanup effort begins in taiwan after a strong earthquake toppled buildings and left nine people dead. tonight, a uc berkeley student in taiwan describes the moment the quake hit and the state supreme court inches closer toward what could be a final decision on the future of people's park in berkeley. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> good evening. i'm greg lee and i'm julie julie haener. >> we begin tonight with the increasingly close race for the open congressional seat in the south bay. >> after a month of counting votes, there is now a tie for second place in the race to succeed outgoing congresswoman anna issue silicon valley assembly member evan lowe and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian have both earned exactly 30,249 votes. the candidates have been back and forth battling for razor thin margins over the other, all to see who will face sam liccardo
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this november. as ktvu south bay reporter anne rubin explains, all three candidates will likely be moving on to the general election. >> thank you. the race for the 16th congressional district had already been filled with drama neck and neck all along. now, a single vote in the final minutes may have made all the difference. >> our count indicates that we have one more vote that came in yesterday for joe simitian giving joe simitian and evan lowe both exactly 30,249 votes. but the information we have right now is that it is a tie, a tie for the second spot in the general election, which means both advance former san jose mayor sam liccardo was already in. >> if it is a dead heat, then both candidates move forward to the november general election and there will be a three way race for the congressional seat. while the tie is not yet official, the period for counting ballots has ended. both san mateo and santa clara counties spent the last weeks curing any ballots with signatures that were missing or
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did not match. and that's where this last vote came from a cured ballot. >> the numbers are the numbers we certified to the secretary of state. all the certification, the paperwork, everything is already on their way to the state staff for both simitian and lowe spent the day at santa clara county's registrar of voters, inspecting every ballot. >> they did the same in san mateo county last week. >> we have both camps here. they are checking ballot images. >> either could still ask for a recount, though. any campaign that asks for it would have to pay for it. the price tag about $500,000 on ex evan lowe posted a message calling this a special tie day. and while we did reach out to both lowe and simeon's camps for a more formal response, they say they'll be waiting to release statements until the election is formally certified in santa clara county. anne rubin, ktvu, fox two news as people in taiwan are cleaning up after that country's most destructive earthquake in more than two decades, a strong 7.4
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magnitude earthquake hit the eastern portion of the country last night, along with aftershocks. >> at least nine people are confirmed dead and 1000 people have been hurt. crews are digging through the rubble looking for survivors. ktvu crystal bailey joins us now after speaking with a uc berkeley student who was there the moment the quake hit. crystal. well julie, rachel lee is a law student who is taiwanese american, spending her semester in taiwan working for a nonprofit. >> she says she's been able to get connected to her roots, spend time with her extended family, but she never thought her trip would include a catastrophic earthquake. rachel lee is a uc berkeley law student who is spending a semester interning in taiwan. here is a photo of the seismic waves from the taiwan seismological and geophysical data management, showing just how strong the quake was. on wednesday morning, local time. >> i was trying to get up, couldn't even find my grounding. and i was like, grabbing my phone. i was like, falling out
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of my hand. >> she's in the capital city of taipei, nearly 100 miles away from the epicenter. but she says her friends have sent her videos of the landslides and rubble all over the island. >> everything is like covered in dust, even here, all the buildings, all the offices, like it's been a mess when we got to the office, all the shelves have completely fallen. the kitchen is all a mess, and each time an aftershock came, she was shaken up all over again. oh my gosh, there's an aftershock right now. >> dozens are still missing. and at least nine lives have been lost to the devastation as recovery efforts begin, the 7.4 magnitude quake has left the small country in ruins. and back here in the bay area, many believe we are due for a big one soon. >> we know that earthquakes have happened at certain intervals in the past based on those intervals that we've seen in the past, we can say, okay, it's been approximately that long since the last earthquake. so
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now it could happen today, it could happen 20 years from now. >> doctor angie lucks with the berkeley seismology lab, who helped develop the earthquake early warning system. shakealert says what happened in taiwan is an important reminder to stay ready. >> make sure you have food and water stored, make sure you have a plan. >> and though she doesn't remember it, lee says she was there for the last major quake in taiwan in 1999. >> my parents told me that i was barely two months old and they were carrying me down four flights of stairs and out into the streets. >> now, lee says, she was on the 12th floor during the quake, but overall she is very lucky. she says she worries for people in indigenous communities of the eastern side of the island, and that they are going to need more support to rebuild. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news was she alone? >> was her apartment right? she was in on the 12th floor? yes. was she alone at the time? >> yes. she was alone in her apartment and she was very freaked out. that was the biggest earthquake she'd been in part of. >> and did she describe what it
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felt like being up there 12 stories up? >> she said that the building was definitely swaying and she had a hard time standing. so, yeah, she was very shaken up, scary, and then been a lot of aftershocks as well too. >> all right, crystal, thank you. yeah. >> as dawn breaks in taiwan, the recovery efforts continue. >> the quake struck in the same area where a 6.4 quake hit back in 2018, when that disaster killed 17 people and collapsed many buildings. ktvu tom vacar continues our coverage now with reaction from people who flew from taipei to san francisco this morning. >> taiwan is twice the size of the nine bay area counties, and home to 23 million people in 101 cities and towns. fortunately, the brunt of the force was experienced on its mountainous, sparse, populated east coast 90 miles away, but was felt everywhere nonetheless, it has consumed local television there and at sfo. we met people just in from the battered island, and
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the last pretty long it was longer than i expected. >> yeah, people definitely are starting to say earthquake, earthquake, you could see some of the ticket agents, like get underneath the counter already. >> the clerk was just about ready to issue me. my, my boarding pass, and the place started to shake. and shake. it shook about 15 seconds, but somehow it seemed a lot longer, and i looked up. it's a vast building, very large chandeliers , and they were swinging and i looked around and most of the people were running out. >> one family was on a hotel, 13th floor. >> we were just in our room getting ready to leave and just the whole building started swaying back and forth. i kind of hear the shuddering like in the building, but yeah, it lasted about two. how many minutes? 2 or 3 minutes? 2 or 3 minutes. >> the chen's were able to drive to the airport. >> highway is still working, but the railway, the rapid transit
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is closed. transit temporarily. >> those most affected in taiwan must now find new places to live , he says. we are all residents who live in this neighborhood. the wall of our apartment is cracked. we live on the upper floors, so we don't dare to go home. any large disruption to taiwan's microchip manufacturing industry will slow the production of vehicles, cell phones, communications devices and the burgeoning artificial intelligence industry worldwide. these are chips that fuel the disputed island nation's powerhouse high tech, $800 billion economy. however, workers have already returned to tsmc's massive semi conductor facilities. and that's very good news, tom baker, ktvu, fox two news caltrans says highway one in big sur will be fully shut down for the next two days due to stormy weather, officials have been running convoys twice
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a day to get essential workers and residents in and out of the area south of rocky creek bridge . >> that's where a section of the highway partially collapsed during a storm last weekend. people who have medical issues or are unprepared to be isolated for several days were urged to evacuate before the convoys ended at 4:00. this afternoon. >> we've had eyes on it continuously. it it it looks as if it has not advanced anymore from its original state, which is a good sign, but because because it's such a new event and because it's such a new location, and because it was likely caused from saturated ground in recent rain events, we're going to suspend any travel across the closure area, for thursday and friday. >> caltrans say they expect to restart the convoys saturday morning. crews will monitor the collapse section during the closure. >> new at six tonight. the state supreme court is approaching a decision on the contested
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development plans for people's park in berkeley. arguments began today at the state supreme court in a dispute between uc berkeley and a neighborhood group that is opposing the university's development. uc berkeley is attempting to build student housing, affordable housing and open space on that site. the university took control of the park in january and set up a wall of shipping containers and law enforcement officers. the court has until july second to decide whether the university can move forward with construction. still to come tonight, a spike in the number of burglaries in san francisco's richmond district and now neighbors and shop owners are expressing their frustration. plus >> a man's fiancee called 911 in the middle of the night when he was gasping for air and needed medical treatment. instead, a lawsuit alleges police officers tased him and tried to cover up the story. >> and in barry weather, our mild weather stretch will soon be coming to an end. we're
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talking about a cold system as we head into thursday, some showers, some thunderstorms, and even some snow in the bay area hills. we'll have your update coming up and new data shows drug overdose deaths in san francisco not fueled strictly by fentanyl. >> the rise in another drug that has alarmed public health leaders. >> all right. let's give you a check of the evening commute on this wednesday evening. this is a look at the e t shore freeway as ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off.
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overdoses in february, including 47 from fentanyl. now, a new study from millennium health finds that last year, 7,272% of drug test results from people who use fentanyl also contain meth. angela husky from millennium health told us at for the rise in this combination of drugs is a wake up call. >> we know that emergency department visits are up because of methamphetamine and fentanyl. we know that psychiatric hospitalizations are up because of the combination. and most concerning that deaths are up. >> a recent cdc study found 1 in 3 deaths from fentanyl also involved a stimulant such as meth. that number was 1 in 115 years ago. experts say both education and treatment are critical. >> we know that most people that die of overdose have never had
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substance use treatment, so there's a serious need, and there's a number of ways that we can do this. >> jill rosenthal from the center for american progress told us today at 4:00 that helping people to meet other basic needs, such as food and housing, can help them accept treatment for addiction. >> a marin county man has filed a lawsuit today accusing police of stunning him with a taser and arresting him as he was having a grand mal seizure in his own home. the encounter was captured on an officer's body camera. ktvu christien kafton tells us. that man also alleges once police realized what was happening, they tried to cover it up. >> are you doing cpr? >> police body camera footage captured the moments that central marin police responded to a 911 call in san anselmo. that call, placed by elise frankel, who woke up late one night in august 2022, she says her then fiance, now husband bruce frankel, was gasping for air and she says he was clearly having a medical crisis. elise
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says she was expecting emts to respond when she called 911, but central marin police officers arrived first. and she says instead of treating bruce like a victim, treated him like a criminal. >> he jumped on him and tackled him on the ground, yeah. and, it was very scary just watching the whole, scene. the whole situation. >> bruce frankel says he doesn't remember the encounter and can't bring himself to watch the video. no i, i can't do that to traumatic. >> yeah, i can't keep reliving this over and over and over again. it's so. no, i have not watched the videos. >> doctors later determined that bruce frankel was suffering a grand mal seizure, unaware of his surroundings and unable to comprehend what was going on. in the video, bruce can be seen mumbling and pushing the
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officer. as the officer tried to grab him. he said he was treated like a criminal instead of a patient in need of medical care. >> and if the police arrived and it just asked elise, you know, two questions, what's going on? and has this happened before, none of this. we wouldn't be here today. but they didn't. that officer did not do that at all. >> documents reviewed by ktvu say that police officer kevin cinit said that frankel actively resisted him for more than two minutes. the officer ultimately pulled his taser and shocked frankel twice. an internal review found the officer's use of force was justified, the responding officers attorney, releasing a statement reading in part, quote, while we now know this was the consequence of a seizure at the time, the officers had no such information and acted in accordance with training, law and policy. all the officers wanted to do was help make sure everyone was safe. >> i've always respected the police until now, the frankel say. >> eventually, emts arrived on scene and bruce frankel was
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taken to the hospital where he was treated and arrested for resisting arrest and faced domestic abuse allegations. frankel say that's when they began digging into the events of that night. eventually spending more than $10,000 to clear bruce frankel's name. the marin county district attorney ultimately did not file charges, but now the frankel's have filed their own lawsuit alleging abuse at the hands of central marin police department, their attorney saying the responding officers rushed to judgment using force when medical care was called for , and then started collaborating on their stories to build a cover up. >> we're trying to hold people accountable for some really bad decision making that taints an entire department, which is not good. >> the chief for central marin police department released a statement about the incident and lawsuit, reading in part, quote, the authority will vigorously defend itself against this meritless and factually inaccurate litigation, which has not even been served upon the authority as of yet unfortunate,
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this individual has decided to first litigate his case in the media rather than in court, where we are confident the action of our officers will be vindicated. christian kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> nurses at two of san francisco's biggest hospitals are bringing more attention to what they say are chronic, unsafe staffing levels. registered nurses held a rally today outside zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. they say the city's health department has failed to improve staffing levels at sf general and laguna honda hospital. more than 1300 complaints have been submitted by nurses over the past two years. they claim patients health and safety and in some cases, lives are at risk due to dangerously low staffing, the health department says since the beginning of the year, it has hired more than 100 registered nurses and is reviewing hundreds of applicants. >> mayor london breed released an update on her housing for all plan, highlighting a year of success in talking about the next steps, breed says over the past year of this initiative, she has helped reduce housing fees and help pass proposition
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c, which waives transfer taxes when converting offices to residences. moving forward, the mayor wants to secure more affordable housing funding and advance major housing projects. mayor breed did some more celebrating today, kicking off earth month at city hall. she marked the inaugural event honoring four local women for their contributions to environmental advocacy across the city. mayor breed spoke about san francisco's reputation as an innovative leader on the global scale. she pointed out the steps the city has taken to make san francisco a little more green, basically ban straws and to find reusable options. >> and i know some of you are not very happy about those reusable options, but the fact is, san francisco was generating a million straws a day that were impacting our waste. >> this year marks the second annual san francisco climate week, organized in partnership with the city's environmental department. >> look like you're hungry for
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some more. >> and bay area weather has been quite the nice stretch. you know , april is an interesting time of year for us because one day we could be could be talking about temperatures close to 80 degrees, and the other day could be talking about some low snow levels. and that's what's happening this week here in the bay area. take a look at the highs from this afternoon. lots of 60s out there. even at vallejo topping out 70 degrees. so another mild day. but there is a storm on the way for tomorrow bringing in some showers and maybe some thunderstorms, major cooling and cold enough that we're going to have low snow levels here in the bay area, possibly down to around 2000ft, so we could have a dusting of snow on some of the bay area hills. now, right now you probably noticed some clouds increasing just over the past few hours, moving in from the north. you can see that frontal band here behind that front. we've got a lot of cold air that's going to settle in over the next couple of days. but as we take a closer look at the satellite, we have partly to mostly cloudy skies and that cooler air will continue to drift in as we move into your thursday. it is windy out there in a few spots. oakland airport
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gusting to over 40 miles an hour. sfo right now we do have the westerly breeze gusting to 33 and hayward gusting to 28 miles an hour. so breezy to windy. here's our live camera. in fact, that flag is moving around quite a bit in the right portion of your screen. so the live camera at the golden gate bridge definitely picking up on that band of high clouds, that shield of high clouds expanding over the bay area this evening. current numbers in the 50s to the lower 60s. san jose checking in 62. here's the forecast model. look what happens tomorrow morning. this is 7:00, and there's the chance we could have some thunderstorms develop. so that could lead to some hail, some heavy downpours, maybe some lightning strikes. the bulk of the activity should be tomorrow morning, but still, the chance of some scattered showers into the afternoon hours. it's an unsettled pattern so we could see another round develop in a thursday night and then possibly into friday morning and then into the weekend. we are expecting some changes. we'll have more on your full forecast coming up in just a little bit. >> all right mark, thank you. we'll see you soon. still to come. we're hearing for the first time from famed chef jose
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andres after seven aid workers were killed in gaza this seems is a war against humanity itself. >> and you can never win that war because humanity eventually will always prevail. >> later, the reaction from the white house as calls grow on israel to stand down on the violence. >> a new polling shows donald trump is leading over joe biden in some key swing states, and both candidates are ramping up their pitches to vo rs on the campaign trail
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aaron peskin will run for mayor. peskin confirmed tonight that he will file paperwork on friday and make an official announcement at portsmouth square on saturday. the supervisor claims his political experience and community connections would help him lead the city through recovery. he also says he wants to focus on plans to address homelessness, the drug crisis and affordable housing. peskin served two terms as supervisor from 2000 to 2009, and was elected again in 2015. >> a new national poll released today shows former president donald trump is leading in six of seven swing states. fox news rebecca castor tells us president biden is now looking to rally supporters on major issues like abortion. >> new polling suggests former president donald trump is winning the battle for swing states. he's up in nevada, arizona, georgia and several other states that went to joe biden in 2020. voters in these swing states are more sensitive
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to the issue of the economy. >> that is something that president trump wins on and something that joe biden is so deep in terms of being behind in approval ratings that he has a big hole to dig himself out of. >> but some of those closest to the president are brushing off the poor polling. >> once people start to focus in and they see their two choices. it's obvious that joe will win this election. >> the president is looking to rally supporters on issues that get voters to the polls, like abortion access. >> donald trump ran to overturn roe v wade, his campaign out with a new ad this week calling out trump for his role in ending the federal right to an abortion. >> and biden reiterated this campaign promise at an event wednesday. >> i promise you that the democratic congress, carmen and i will make roe v wade the law of the land again. i promise you . >> trump says he'll make an announcement on abortion next week. meanwhile, he's staying focused on rising crime in the migrant crisis. >> when? day one, i will seal the border and we'll begin the largest domestic deportation
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operation in the history of our country. >> top gop donors will gather at a trump fundraiser on saturday, which the rnc says will smash biden's $26 million fundraising record set last week at the gala held with presidents obama and clinton. in washington, rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, several businesses in san francisco's richmond district have been hit by thieves. and now some shop owners say they are not getting enough help. and the federal reserve chair makes a visit to stanford. >> his thoughts on where the economy is headed and whe te
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efforts continue after yesterday's deadly earthquake in taiwan, and the 7.4 magnitude quake is the strongest to hit taiwan in 25 years. at least nine people have died and more than 900 others are injured. more than 140 people are trapped underneath the rubble, and more than 100 buildings have been damaged. >> after a month of counting votes, there is now a tie for second place in the race for the 16th congressional district. candidates evan low and joe simitian earned the exact same number of votes. it appears they will both face off against sam liccardo in november's general election to replace outgoing congresswoman anna eshoo. >> the state supreme court has begun hearing arguments on whether uc berkeley can proceed with housing construction on the site of people's park, a
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neighborhood group has been attempting to block the university's project for years now. the court has until july 2nd to decide whether the university can move forward with construction. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630 in san francisco's richmond district, residents and small businesses are being hit with a wave of burglaries. >> and as ktvu is, alice wort shows us now that is motivating neighbors and community leaders to organize and prioritize safety for all. >> not unlike other cities in the bay area, san francisco's richmond district is seeing a spike in crimes, particularly burglaries. but according to community members and even the san francisco police department, everyone is focused on public safety, family owned restaurants and small businesses help this community thrive, but many are also hurting. just this week, another window in another restaurant smashed out tablets, stolen neighbor jim riley says it's infuriating. it's really frustrating. >> and to see it on a regular
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basis. and just yesterday when we came here, we walked through a bunch of glass right behind me at the chinese restaurant that's been broken into four times. >> mahjong flower is running for district one supervisor in november. a small business owner, parent and a native having grown up in this neighborhood, she wants more support for the police, the residents and the merchants. >> so many business owners and families who live here have really had enough. they're looking for a change in what they see on the streets every day in the richmond, there's an appreciation for the police. >> according to flower, they know so many of our neighbors, but we only have 48 police officers here in the richmond at any given time, there will be six police officers on the street. we spoke with sfpd captain chris canning at the richmond district station. he served the city for over 20 years. >> one of the most frustrating things that i'm hearing, and we are feeling second hand. nothing more frustrated than the victims , the neighbors or the residents themselves suffering from crimes such as burglaries or vandalism.
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>> captain canning says voters demonstrated more support for the force, with technology. >> what we have seen is a number of encouraging ballot measures that have passed that allow for, the police department to leverage technology advancements to really help facilitate where we can send officers and accelerate crime reports, current district supervisor connie chan's office told us by phone. >> they, too, are looking forward to automatic license plate readers and other technologies being implemented to address crime throughout the neighborhood and the city to improve public safety for all. in san francisco, alice wurtz ktvu fox two news. >> new at 630, elon musk's ex has named a new safety leader. nine months after their predecessor left the social media company. kylie mcroberts is taking over the position. she will oversee the global safety team. since musk bought the bought the platform in october 2022, there had been multiple
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executive level changes. this week's new leadership comes amid ongoing concerns about content, content moderation and the spread of misinformation and hate speech, a battle within disney's top brass appears to be over, as shareholders voted to reelect the entire board of directors. the vote rejects nominees put forward by activist investor nelson peltz. his hedge fund ran a campaign criticizing disney's growth strategy. disney's new bundled streaming service has yet to turn a profit, and peltz's hedge fund started a website calling for cutting costs and a review of the creative process. >> federal reserve chair jerome powell was in the bay area today and gave some insight as to when interest rates could go down. powell delivered the keynote address at a stanford university forum. as concerns grow on wall street, that progress on inflation has stalled. powell says the fed is trying to balance the risk of cutting interest rates too early or waiting too long. both of which have consequences. he says more evidence is needed before policymakers can move in either direction.
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>> we do not expect that it will be appropriate to lower our policy rate until we have greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably down toward 2, given the strength of the economy and progress on inflation so far, we have time to let the incoming data guide our decisions on policy. >> the next indicator will be when the march jobs report is released this friday, along with new inflation data next week on wall street. today, markets were mixed. after yesterday's declines. the dow lost 43 points. nasdaq finished higher by 37 and the s&p ended up nearly six. stocks have broadly slowed their roll since rallying from november through march. >> still to come, more outrage over the israeli airstrike that left seven aid workers killed and calls grow for a cease fire. >> no. right on red. coming up, san francisco bans the practice at 200 intersections. we'll show you where and when the rule is set to go nto effe
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killed by israeli airstrikes. >> israel has said it was a grave mistake. but as fox news connor hanson tells us now, jose andres is accusing israel of, quote, direct attack on humanitarian workers. >> this is what was left behind of a vehicle convoy hit by an israeli airstrike driven by workers from world central kitchen. seven workers were killed, one a dual american citizen. the group's founder, celebrity chef jose andres, expressed his outrage, claiming they were in an area with no active fighting. >> we were targeted deliberately, nonstop until everybody was dead in this convoy. andre says his team was in contact with the israeli military about their location, and their vehicles were well marked. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the strike was an accident, and there will be an investigation.
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president biden released a statement saying he's outraged by the deaths as well. >> it also lifts up the importance of having that hostage deal, getting that done, getting to a cease fire, getting that humanitarian aid, one of the world's central kitchens, ships carrying food aid left gaza as the group pauses its operations, and the un says it's suspending its night food delivery program following the tragedy. >> world central kitchen says it has provided more than 42 million meals to palestinians in gaza since the war started. >> this looks like it's not a war against terrorism anymore, since this is a war against humanity itself. >> the group has been on the front lines all over the world in places like haiti, ukraine and helped during the pandemic. president biden says israel is not doing enough to protect humanitarian workers. according to the un, 180 have been killed so far in the war. in new york,
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connor hansen, fox news. >> well, it looks like we are we are going back to a winter. a cold system is moving in some more rain showers, thunderstorms and maybe some snow in the bay area. hills we'll have more on your thursday forecast coming up. >> all right. let's go to ktvu. joey horton now with a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast wrap at seven right here on ktvu. >> hey, greg, video of a police officer's heated exchange with a bus driver in seattle making the rounds on social media. some people accusing the officer of going on a power trip tonight on west coast rap. we'll show you their exchange as a watchdog group launches an investigation and u.s. space command weighs in on what caused streaks of fire across southern california's skies. this week, we'll break down how it all got started back in 2022. those stories and more coming up at seven on west coast rap, followed by ktvu, fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, joey, we'll see you in a bit. thank you. but first, a new effort to improve
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street safety at hundreds of intersections in san francisco. the hope that it wl ke a big
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in san francisco, the san
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francisco municipal transit authority has banned right turns on red lights at 200 intersections. >> ktvu bailey okiro spoke to people in the city about what's to come. >> come august of 2025, 200 intersections in san francisco, mostly downtown and in the soma neighborhood, will have right turns on red band. this is a map showing all the intersections where turning on red would be banned. the change also affects columbus avenue, which stretches into the north beach neighborhood, a popular tourist destination typically filled with pedestrians. the change is in an effort to keep those pedestrians safe, something luke bornheimer, a sustainable transportation advocate, says banning right turns on red will help with when turns on red are allowed. >> what ends up happening is, is that drivers end up creeping into or completely through the crosswalk while they look in the opposite direction of where they're turning to see if there are cars coming. >> san francisco politicians have refocused their attention to pedestrian and road safety
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after a family of four was killed by a driver while waiting for a bus nearly a month ago. in a statement, san francisco supervisor dean preston said it's a big step forward. we urge the sfmta to expand no turn on red to the greatest extent possible to make our streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians and save lives. and pedestrians say they already feel safe enough where they street that i walk. >> there's not many cars passing at the times that i'm walking, so like it's really safe. >> but the question many are wondering is how effective are right on red bans in the tenderloin, where mta installed no turn on red signs at all 50 intersections there. >> and you know the tenderloin is cast as a quote unquote lawless neighborhood. and yet 92% of drivers complied with the law there. >> these changes don't go into effect immediately. that is because sfmta has to put up the proper signage so the drivers know what is and isn't allowed in specific intersections. and
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because 200 of them are affected , it will take those workers a number of days and weeks to get that signage put up. they estimate that it will all be into effect come august of 2025. in san francisco. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, april is always an interesting month. sometimes you can have a tease of a spring like conditions. other times you can have a reversal to winter conditions and that's what we have developing right now as we move into thursday and friday, there's a cold system moving in rainfall expectations about a 10th of an inch to possibly over a half an inch of rainfall thursday through friday winds around 20 to 30 miles an hour, maybe gusts approaching 35 miles an hour. and low snow levels here in the bay area, we could have a dusting of snow in our local hills, so cool showers settled in for tomorrow. in fact, we could have some pretty heavy downpours for the thursday morning commute and then in the sierra this will be a winter weather advisory. so winter continues in the mountains and the snow levels are coming down to around 2500ft. so the
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advisory is in place thursday through friday to reflect the snowfall expectations. around 10 to 20in. here's the satellite and the radar. you can see upstream the flow. some speckled cloud cover here that has some cooler air that will settle into the region. right now we kind of have the front moving in this band of high clouds going to kind of usher in that cooler air. so partly to mostly cloudy skies for this evening. the winds have already been kicking up in a few spots. take a look here at the current wind reports oakland, gusting to over 40 miles an hour. vacaville gusting over 20 miles an hour. sfo at about 33 miles an hour, and half moon bay and northwest wind gusting to 24 miles an hour. here is our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge this evening, where you can see the clouds out there and the clouds will continue to fill in in the short terme current number is in the 50s and the 60s. so today is the last day of this mild weather stretch, because we have that significant cooldown for tomorrow. we're just thinking some 50s for your thursday overnight temperatures will be in the upper 30s to lots of 40s out there. rain likely for the thursday morning
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commute. so factor that in tomorrow morning because we could have some heavy downpours and maybe some thunderstorms moving into the region. so here is the pattern. this front moving in right now. not to nothing too exciting with this cold front, but this cold air will be the key factor for tomorrow and possibly into your friday. so as we move into your thursday, cold showers, some thunderstorms likely as well. and we talked about the low snow levels down around 2000 2500ft, so we could have a nice little viewing once those clouds clear out some snow in the bay area hills. but we do not have any warnings or watches showing you this. here we are tomorrow morning for the 7 a.m. for the 7 a.m. commute. tomorrow morning into the afternoon hours, we scale back on the shower activity, but there's still a chance we could have some thunderstorms. things could ramp up by thursday evening. this is friday morning, 6 a.m. and then into the afternoon hours. as you can see, a sun cloud mix. we still have to hold on to the possibility of some showers into friday afternoon. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. it is definitely on the cold side, only in the 50s for your
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thursday and of course watching the weather closely for friday. the giants home opener and we still have to bring in the clouds and still the possibility of a shower. definitely temperatures will be on the cool side in the lower 50s, so a bit unsettled to say the least. for thursday and friday. if you're making plans this weekend, it looks great a chance to get outside for both saturday and sunday. we will clear out those storm clouds by saturday. >> all right mark, thank you. well, the a's are still looking for their offense as they try to avoid a
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is in in oakland is among five finalists for best chef in california. davis says he enjoyed an early love for dining, selecting produce with his grandfather and learning to cook through cookboo. buell is a soul food restaurant located on telegraph avenue. other bay ar finalists for best chef include rogelio garcia of aura in calistoga and pacific cocktail haven in san francisco, made the final five for outstanding bar. the winners will be named later this summer. nearly $1.1 billion is on the line for lottery players in tonight's powerball drawing. it
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is the fourth largest jackpot in powerball history. it keeps growing because there has not been a winner since new year's day. that was 40 drawings ago. the odds of winning the multi-state lottery are about 1 in 292,000,000. tonight's drawing is at 8 p.m. good luck. >> all right. as the a's in the brass are holding their second meeting today about where the team will play once their lease at the collins coliseum expires. the team is trying to avoid being swept at their home. for now, the kids out for spring break, but less than 6500 at the coliseum this afternoon. fourth inning with a runner on third, a manuel valdez hits a fly ball to right field. triston casas tags and he is coming home. seth brown's throw not in time. sox score on the sac fly one. nothing. bottom four. we'll take it. bases loaded. brant rooker at the dish. he hits a. deep fly to center. but watch this. say don rafael pedals back, makes a great leaping catch against the wall to rob rooker of extra
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bases and save at least two runs. watch this again. what a play. red sox pitcher nick padilla loves it. a's lose one. nothing to get the sweep in three games. they head on to the road for six games, beginning friday in detroit. the calendar warmer weather and the sound of batted balls hitting leather. let's you know, baseball is back. >> and one bay area team in orange and black is preparing for its home opener friday. ktvu is jesse gary is in san jose, not san francisco. with this story. this venue is smaller than oracle park, and the names will be on the field not as well known. >> still, the giants single-a affiliate, the san jose giants, have their opening day the same day as the major league club and they face similar feelings and questions about the upcoming season. >> play ball, play ball. i mean it it encompasses everything that's going to obviously happen on friday, but the energy that is in this ballpark right now to get us ready to open the gates
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on friday, the ballpark is excite field, and the team went through practice just days before the home opener. >> fresh off a successful 2023 campaign that saw this version of the orange and black win its first half championship. but disappointment loomed later with a second half first round playoff loss to modesto two two home lifted in the air out to deep left field. >> twisting back carpathia's at the wall. he turns see you later in the off season, san jose signed what could be the next big name to go from single-a. >> ultimately to the show. >> it's surreal. i mean, everything changed so quickly for me. you know, i was graduating high school, playing high school. you know, state championship games, and then all of a sudden i'm out on the other side of the country playing baseball. >> 18 year old bryce eldridge is san jose's power hitting first baseman. last year, the tall, lanky virginian became the san francisco giants number one draft pick. this year, the slow process of molding him into perhaps another brandon belt falls on the shoulder of hitting
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coach travis ishikawa. there's not a lot to do with him for him, it's just honing his skills again, teaching him how to be a professional, how to show up on a daily basis, develop a routine and just navigate some of those mental things. >> it'll be more mental, i think, than physical for him, just because i think physically he's already in a really good spot. and so it's just continuing to help him mature and grow into being an everyday professional. >> these giants begin playing baseball games that count on the same day as their major league counterparts have their home opener. so is there a competition between the two teams and will fans have to choose one or the other? we'll talk about that at 10:00 tonight at the home of the san jose giants in san jose. jesse gary ktvu, fox tw sports. >> all r
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facing death threats. one of the former tacoma


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