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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  March 31, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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. thank you so much for watching. the issue is we end with my personal moment of zen. the return of baseball. there are a few things more american than opening day. so here is josh groban with the national anthem at dodger stadium and a special flyover and how great do those players look standing next to each other? we'll see you next week. ♪ >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. people working around the clock after the deadly bridge collapse in pearl harbor -- in the
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harbour. how long it will take to get were the busiest ports back online. >> we have a very long road ahead of us. >> the valley limited supports for the reconstruction efforts. maryland governor on the massive work ahead to get the port back in business. then the tensions deep in between the us and israel over the war in gaza. but the cease-fire resolution passing the united nations with the us refusing to veto. we will speak with rick scott of florida fresh off of his visit to israel and the democratic congressman plus a new york judge features a gag order against president trump with the hush money case. across the country in los angeles, lawyers for the presidents on back in court arguing those against hunter are politically motivated and they should be tossed. our legal panel breaks it down
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and our sunday panel show how voters feel about the economy. and how it's affecting their choice for the white house come november. this is alright now in fox news sunday. ♪ >> speaker-02: hello from fox news on easter. we're talking about the investigation into what led to a massive containership in the harbour slamming into the francis scott key bridge early lead to its collapse of the deaths of six people. ms. before the ship was set to go under the bridge, the ships alarm -- ships alarms bring out other utter froese. one of the first places they are investigating on board's electrical generator that powered nearly every system and whether the fuel used to run the bar have been contaminated.
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those to singapore reported contaminated fuel with some of them reporting loss of power of movement at c. in a moment our interview but first, we turned to madeleine near the wreckage of the bridge in baltimore's harbour. hello madeleine! >> good morning shannon. cruiser facing a dangerous and daunting task. at the moment they are focusing on the north side of the bridge behind me, they're cutting pieces of medal and lifting them off-site and they want to open up a channel to allow small vessels past through the toy for seven operation requiring extensive engineering analysis to make sure the work is done as safely and quickly as possible. several creative been dispatch including the chesapeake 1000 capable of lifting 1000 tons. this did officials have not given an estimate is -- as to how long it will take to clear up the debris inc. recover the remaining people and open the port but they understand the
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pressure with 8000 workers on the docks and millions of dollars worth of goods incapable of doing this. president biden is expected to visit baltimore next week shannon. >> shannon: they you so much madeleine. mentor interview with the democratic governor. governor, welcome back to fox news sunday, we know this is an exceptionally trying time for you, for the people of baltimore, for maryland more broadly, a tell us anything about where we are in recovering though still missing and investigating what happened? the president has talked about the need for emergency federal money but do you assess that assent -- eventually others will be accountable and we'll be a massive rebuild? >> her prayers continue to go out to these families. those who are just living a nightmare right now. also going out to the first responders who have been working 24/7 to try and make sure we are both given the closure to the
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families they needed that they deserve. also that we continue to open up this channel. the thing we know is there will be an ongoing investigation, there needs to be one, as to what happened out -- happens a lot this investigation to be speedy, for anyone that needs be held accountable to be held accountable and at the same time we had to get this channel opens and we had to get commerce flowing again and we have to rebuild the sky keep rage. >> shannon: on the date of what happened at the port they said the port supports more than 50,000 direct jobs, more than a thousand 39 indirect jobs generate about $300 billion in the total personal income. it's a massive impact on your community there. >> it is was not a massive impact on maryland, this is a massive impact on the economy. we're talking about why the busiest ports inside the entire country, they handle more cars, more heavy trucks, more
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agricultural equipments, than any other pour into this country. this notch is impacting maryland's, this is impacting the farmer in kentucky, this is is impacting the autos dealer in ohio and the restaurant in louisiana. and in tennessee, this is impacting the entire country so really does become a national imperative that we get the port of baltimore up and going again and the support we are seeing,'s not because anyone is trying to do maryland to favour, it's because a national economy relies on the port of baltimore being up and running. >> shannon: part of -- sort of a two-part question, getting this up and running at least operational at some point, any idea on a timeline for that in then much more long term going the bridge rebuild? >> eight is with the whole operation is remarkably complex and this is pretty unprecedented. differ that what we saw from tab by kate different that what we saw from minneapolis with that bridge collapse because in this
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situation we have a ship, a vessel that is nearly the size of the eiffel tower that is now stuck because the key bridge, three t4 thousand tons of steel is sitting on top of it. inside the water you have debris, inside the water you have wreckage. and you have a channel that's just clogged because this ship is still sitting there. this is remarkably complex operation we know this will be a long road to recovery but we know we had to move a safety and speed in order to get our commercial engine going again. >> shannon: governor, i'm glad you mentioned the first responders, this happened in the middle of the night of people have a working there brave souls we are indebted to them and to you and others who are working to write the situation governor, thank you. >> thank you and god bless you, happy easter. >> u2. said her, thank you i will call back to fox news sunday. >> happy easter, is a special
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day for christians. >> shannon: absolutely is, we just have a stable for the white house on that will get to that a little later in the show there has been some controversy, you may have heard. but i want to start with the bridge in us talking about governor more, there is talk so this want to come through a funding package in congress where you are fighting over a lot of things, you see this moving? >> first off my heart goes out to everybody the loss of life and i hope they found the bodies. i know it will take a lot of work, this should be an issue we all come together, and fortune of the buying administration i still have florida farmers from a hurricane year and a half ago they're still not getting relief through the federal government is a partner, the federal government needs to be a partner but we need to stop playing politics and that's exactly what the bye demonstration has done. >> shannon: speaking of politics you are fresh off a trip in the bye demonstration has probably a privately created some distance when it comes to
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how they feel about the current ministration there in israel, vice-president just days ago was asked about consequences if israel moves into rafa with this planned ground invasion, here's what she said. right macquarie ruling out there would be consequences from the united states? >> i am rolling out nothing. >> shannon: what you think the consequences are and how is this public talk the position going over with the israeli leaders? >> it's not going over well. i met with the prime minister netanyahu and other ministers and they know they have to go into rafa to destroy hamas. they have to destroy hamas. they need america's support but they are going to go into rafa to get rid of hamas whether the us supports them or not. i don't understand it, we still have american hostages, i met with families american hostage families what one place i been to over 60 jews were killed just
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because they were jews, kids, people rave, shot point-blank, i went to music festival were 363 people were killed just because they were jews. over 40 hostages, i met with the idf soldiers, they need american support, here's my take away. number 1, they needed deserve american support, they have to go into rafa to destroy hamas. number 2, they can get the hostages out they need to held accountable for doing that. they need to be held accountable right? and then we all have to do everything we can come to support them. i will work hard to get these hostages home, i thing the bye demonstration and democrats need to change her tune. they voted against is related they didn't stand up for israel at the un resolution it's discussing what they are doing. support israel. they will never get the country back if they don't kill hamas.
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>> shannon: there is it reports that fighter jets and bombs are flowing from the abiding ministration so is this a matter of in your estimation publicly talking tough but privately the us is getting israel what they needed that's just fighting pressure from the left? >> there is going to be a long flight. there will be a time when they will need more weapons. i has been prior weapons packages that has given israel aid but they are going to need to have more aid given to be able to destroy hamas. by the way, we have to focus on destroy hamas, and we also have to focus on what are we doing to get the hostages out? why is not -- why won't the bye demonstration do anything to hold qatar accountable for what's going on over here? >> shannon: to that point the former trumpet ministration security official, he says there has long been a need for a moment of choosing where qatar
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has to decide that they are a us ally and not the modern-day swiss banker to the nazis that are going to play all sides, take on the us strategic and astronomic benefits and then provide strategic and national mic benefits to the enemies of the united states at the same time. and that's with guitar. >> the wide we have a military base. when they are hosting the of hoebles. by themselves qatar could tell how most you will be leaving the country unless these hostages are released today. and they would be released today. qatar doesn't want to do that, they do want to lose their merit -- military base, how do you have a military base in the same place where your enemy is being hosted by the government? how can we do this? that doesn't make any sense to me! and they are holding american
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hostages, i want abiding ministration to start talking with the fact that we have american families being held hostage in gaza by hamas and we have these really families, what is biden doing to get these out? stop talking about -- stop criticizing the netanyahu administration, has biden won a war? no! what is his background in doing this? how does he know better to go into rafa makes you mad when you hear the stuff. speed -- >> shannon: i want to talk about the pier breed mentoring aid into gaza. and on-site ground, not set foot they're going to expend their resources but there is people on both sides of the aisle here growing increasingly worried that the us troops are going to be in danger brothers or be pulled into something more broadly what is your take? >> first off they doing
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everything they can to protect civilians who is not hamas. i don't want american soldiers at risk that's unfair to american soldiers. we have a letter to the white house saying tell us what your plan is to make sure americans, men and women, are not put at risk. we watch with afghanistan, we lost 13 servicemen and women. this ministration doesn't seem to have a plan for anything. we haven't heard with their plan is to do this. but i know netanyahu, the leadership in israel, the idf, they are doing everything they can to protect civilians and who is not is hamas. >> thank you for sharing your insights after getting back from that trip. we appreciate your time. >> thank you shannon. happy easter. thank you back -- walkabout to fox news sunday. >> thank you shannon, happy easter to everyone.
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>> we have this talk among other things. they give an 11-point edge to president trump over president biden. specifically when we asked about this a few weeks ago there was a disapproval rating for president biden. and they don't think that they are managing this well. >> there is a crisis. people are dying and they want the war to end. they want palestinian lives to not be lost. i think once the war comes to an end under the president's leadership his numbers will improve just like numbers have bounced back they have close a lot of the swing states. >> shannon: we will talk about this in just a second by want to talk what this resolution this week, we did not act to veto or
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stop it. here's a former secretary of state how this is playing worldwide. >> not only will they be happy with the extension, the terrace will be happy, those who train the people with the atrocities and the russians we'll be happy in the chinese communist party will be happy and everyone will see that ally walked away from it's friends and it's time of struggle. >> shannon: is a message we want to be sending? >> i disagree with him. looking at 14 countries in the world that they have been calling for a cease-fire and the immediate release of all hostages, we were only the group in the past that was be doing it. it hurt us for the pieces we needed to stand up to zhejiang pain, to putin because we were taking ourselves away from allies we needed. they believe in building alliances to stand up to putin ng jinping.
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>> shannon: my understanding is this was calling for an immediate cease-fire but not conditioned on getting the hostages out immediately and those are ongoing conversations. we think they are continuing over the next few days to. they are shown when they are better off they say that they are worse off 36% but only one in five think they are better off now then they were under president trump. that includes those who say the economy is negative any need them to won in the fall. >> i think this has a huge impact but the question is what is the choice? here's what president biden want to do, each credit 50 million new jobs you want to be back manufacturing and he wants to raise wages for about -- folks and lowered the cost of prescription drugs. trump for years, what did he do? had corporate tax cuts, may people benefited in silicon
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valley in my district and the question is where using the economic vision of this country should go. i believe working in the middle class. there is no doubt people are hurting because we are still recovering from covid. >> shannon: why do people say that they like him and prior to covid and this really heard folks. there was a huge increase in unemployment and there was low supply chains i got interrupted but they have steered us out of that locally. with treating 50 million new jobs with the infrastructure what is president trump's economic agenda. and a raise for the working
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class and the policies will be better. >> shannon: they had the optics this week at two events. a huge fundraiser for obama and a lot of star-studded folks at musical raise more than twice explained dollars that's why campaigns have to do these days. across town, president trump was at the wake for a fallen nypd soldier. someone who is not a fan of trump tweet about it. an unfortunate day politically for the democrats, biden does a fancy nyc fundraiser in the midst of chaotic street protests. looks like limousine liberalism plus the breakdown of law and order when trump is at the funeral of a police officer." longtime strategist and democratic official says not wrong. he agrees the optics so that we're tough. do think president biden should have made time for both events? >> my heart goes out to the slain police officers family, and his sacrifice for the
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community in the country. and i don't want anyway to diminish this. i think president biden's event with president clinton and president obama was about unifying the democratic party and showing this democratic party is going to be energized and inspired and they're going to be prepared to win in 2024 but, of course,, the president should convey his condolences to the family and i'm sure he will. >> shannon: very quickly before we go, the house to be back soon and they are under threat to vacate the chair. would you do another democrats and saving hymn? or would you allow him to fall apart? >> i would consider it under two conditions, when we get the eight into ukraine's we stand up to putin and two, let's get this taken a million dollars to rebuild the bridge in baltimore. i was going to take three or four years. trying we dude in three months! let's get the funding and show that america can still do things, big things and there is
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a crisis and let's have a timeline of six months to do it. they do the ukraine funding and the brits and i'm open to it. >> shannon: i would suspect other democrats may join you. thank you for your time, it was good to see you. >> thank you, thank you. >> major legal cases with a direct impact on campaign 24 involving for president trump and hunter biden. our legal panel joins us to talk about who had a tougher weekend courts. and what comes next.
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♪ >> shannon: legal news dominated the headlines this week from the supreme court hearing arguments on the case
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involving access to abortion pills to new developments in for president trump stormy daniels hush money trial in new york. and the election interference case in georgia and plus hunter biden his tax case in california and an invitation from congress for his father, the president, to appear before the inquiry, here to break us -- break it down life in the white house, hey, lucas. >> good morning shannon and happy easter care president biden and his family prepared to camp david this easter weekend. until trump's oak -- preparing for his upcoming legal battles. >> i don't know how you could have patrolling this in the middle of a presidential election in this again, this is a biden trial. >> reporter: he faces a number of court dates for election day. on april 15th the hush money trial begins. he's issued a gag order to restrict trump from making any statements about the former adult film star or anyone else involved with the case.
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special council classified documents trial faces a delay. they're expected to make a decision in the coming weeks on whether or not trump's immunity claims are valid. and they argued that the county da leads a dismissal election interference case against the former president. >> there is nothing alleged facts against president trump that is not political speech. he's not being prosecuted for lying. he's been proske for lying to the government. >> lawyers for hunter biden sated the federal judge last week dismiss the nine tax charges against him. the judge's decision is expected by april 17th. the case could go to trial in june. >> the house oversight committee invited president biden to talk of the upcoming impeachment inquiry but they left off the invitation. chen? >> thank you live at the white house. time for a legal panel.
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the law professor and fox news contributor. in the four principal deputy assistant general tom dupre, always good to see both of you, thank you for coming in. >> thank you shannon! >> with this house oversight chair to them saying they invite you to participate in a public hearing at which you will be afforded the opportunity to explain under oath what they've used to generate it. tom, the odds a presidential up to this invitation. >> not to go too far out on a limb to answer this. there's no way he will ever come and testify publicly on these issues. but there is to extort present tents. they have come and testify before -- congress, i'll think this president will do this at this point in time. i think the hose and at this point is his are were witnesses they can call covid ultimately will send a criminal referral to the justice department which i will also predict that they will put on the back burner never get
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to. >> you don't thing there'll be action on that. to the impeachment whether they agree that's winding down what is happening there, over the white house they said this with the posting to ask, they know to any plus witnesses have testified, that they did nothing wrong, that there is that thousands of pages of records and they have refuted the false allegations. this is a said stunt at the data -- end of a dead impeachment, holiday pal. >> i thought it was quite shocking to see the level of taunting in the house. this was important with things that congress and president could be involved in. with that impeachment inquiry. with the bright impeachment hearing, i noted that they might be tripping some wires here. this is what got the nixon white house in trouble when they got involved in the narrative. there is serious questions here. there is ten questions presented, he doesn't have to be
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there but they stand contradicted, he clearly lied when he said he had no knowledge he was also clearly aware of the influence peddling scheme and he was the focus of it. what they have done successfully is create this false narrative that he has to receive this corruption. they rejected that an have said repeatedly money going to fellow members in the corruption can be crimes like bribery. the president would rather drink molten lead that answer anyone of these questions. showed you? of course he showed. he stands contradicted with the public having a right to know. >> with his attorneys they would tell them not to answer any of those questions bigger probably agree on that. meanwhile his son is facing tax -- taxing gun charges he has a lot on his legal plates and his team was in a los angeles this week say he is now being proved -- pure -- persecuted because of
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these political it aims. they say that intense clinical pressure from republican lawmakers and for president trump had improperly influence the case and led to the collapse of a plea deal and prompted prosecutors to up the ante i have more serious in delaware and los angeles. hunters team says they are the victims of politics. >> this ridiculous argument there is no way on earth a federal judge's throat these tax charges against hunter biden. if anything, what we have our for the testimony and whistleblowers and others is behind the scenes of the justice department, if anything, hunter biden was getting favoured treatments, special treatments, not the reverse. i don't think there is any way this judge buys hunter biden's arguments. i think you'll move quickly in scheduling a trial date and i fully expect you will see hundred biden stand trial in california -- california this summer. >> he could be facing these two trials out tape time we're doing
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conventions and campaigning all this stuff. but before that we get to the hush money case in new york for resident trump. there is a gag order and what he had said is given the eve of trials upon us it is without doubt that this is now paramount in a judge wrote a four-page decision granting their narrowly terrell -- tailored gag order. is as narrow or will this survive? >> it's not. i've been a critic of gag orders for a decade because i believe they do run afoul of free speech but this is nothing we've ever seen before. prosecutors and judges they waited to bring these cases surely before the election they are pushing to have a trials run up to an even through the election and then they impose a gag order. and he creates this perversity because you have people like michael cohen who are going on the news every night attacking
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trump and arguing against his election, trump cans under this gag order criticize michael cohen or stormy daniels. you can't talk about the lead prosecutor who seems to have bounce from case to case involving trump. this will turn a significant part on the weaponization of the legal system. and trump's wedding on this narrative. the majority of people do see political influence in these cases. they judges are effectively gagging a presidential candidate on one of the chief issues in the presidential election! i think there is major constitutional problems for this. >> shannon: it's so much of the argument we her down in georgia where the they were arguing what he was saying what the election and the allegations of fraud was a political speech in the indictment should never have been brought. will this argument work? >> they have a first amendment rights especially for those with
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a presidential election and the candidate the constitutional rights to defend himself. i think this a very fine line for the judge to walk to try and fashion a gag order that passes the constitutional scrutiny because you have to give them the right to exercise the constitutional rights at the same time you get the point the judge wants to run a tight ship and doesn't want witnesses being threatened my guess is heal probably draft in order that prevents so stores or comments but they had to have their right to exercise. >> i thing they would look harshly at this order as it's currently written. they are in for a penny or pound. you want to try this presidential candidate for the presidential election? you had to have some recognition that there's a political speech element and i'll thing they recognize that in this order. >> shannon: we always enjoy picking up brains, the letting sti today. >> thank you. >> they're showing which presidential candidate the
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voters trust more to handle the major issues now facing america. sunday panel joins us after the break. ♪
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>> pope francis light eastern mass speaking to 30,000 people at st. peter's square, is to a
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half hours after a nighttime easter vigil. 87-year-old-year-old had been battling breathing issues and has appeared frail and eat -- in recent months. king charles attended easter service with queen camilla at st. george's chapel at windsor castle, the king has been public about his ongoing battle with cancer in his knees kate has battling cancer staying home with kids this easter weekend. i was a fox news media buzz, the national political reporter julia manchester the former deputy assistant secretary of state and former hillary clinton senior advisor and washington post fox news contributor which are to pronounce your name for us says rose burger it? philippe. i had a maiden name no one can spell or pronounce people say would deputy, to pre, whatever.
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>> have been called worse. [ laughter ] >> maybe even on this show. [ laughter ] we are glad you're here. lebret new polling out this week, had teapad medical ups if you have to vote today, president trump has a five-point lead over president biden. >> this is tight owing to election day you have joe biden is the most unpopular president in the history of presidential polling going all the way back to harry truman but he is just overtaken the man who had the -- was a previous record holder which was all trump, his opponent in this race, we have two candidates a lot of americans want to vote for so when this happens anyone could win. >> shannon: present obama put him down as own who is concerned letting his star power to president biden this week. the new york times that was quoting that mr obama has
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always, always been wary about a biden loss so the eight at it he is prepared to even out alongside his former vice president in election i could come down to slim states. how worried are democrats? >> we wish there was a bigger margin. this is tight as a tech and they said this is going to get even tighter. president obama is really no different than the rest of us hoping that the election was tomorrow and we would win and have a cyber leaf. it is hard to say and there's two people that know what it's like to run for reelection as democrats bill clinton and barack obama. they are resources and they happen to also be friends they've known each other for decades i think they have insights i can be shared and hoping for the better and i think joe biden wants them. >> shannon: there is worry on the gop side of the ticket as well. reporting six months before the early boat -- votes are cast between trump and biden, charms or pumpkin party has little dem
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-- infrastructure to speak of and this is stark. >> comes a time when you have the biting campaign fundraising and having these cable fundraising numbers to be honest whereas in the campaigning and going to the swing states where they have essentially been stock at the courthouse for the most part. this works with a republican primary and i did work with her public and primary in this i think galvanized and it is in the general election. i don't know if a lot of append -- independent swing voters looking and wanting to hear about trump's legal issues. want to hear about the kitchen table issues in the economy and those of the southern border, crime, now, if trump is able to do both, deal the -- with a legal issues and campaign may be a different story but this is definitely of red flags on both sides and i think this is trump's red flag. >> let's talk what the economy.
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you are an expert in how people message and use optics of all these things bynen the democrats have mostly ditch the word bidenomics. only one in five say they were better off and to point 86% of the independence rate the conditions negatively. will there be more of a messaging change? >> there better be because it didn't work very well as a slogan and if you look at people's anxiety, i could throw you to taste six saying that byron is doing well in low and employment but one of the reasons people are anxious is these mortgage rates are up and people like this they can afford to buy a home so they are feeling very troubled about the future. also, yes, it's great that barack obama and bill clinton helped out president biden raising $35 million, it's a lot of money but one thing is they
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made a huge blunder because they didn't provide any sound for tv. there is no sound. >> yes, i heard about that! >> yulia how to answer here from obama and clinton. secondly, yes. huge economic advantage i should say for the president but i'm reminded of 2016 when hillary clinton outspent talked -- donald trump and he still swung. everyone knows the two candidates, don't know there's many lot mines are to be changed. >> our polling also look at the speed with this spoilers a difference for them because we had the rfk junior i course he picked his vp this week, kennedy did. in this polling, trump wasilla by five points of the asset question, rfk junior's a spoiler but they don't agree on whose campaign candidacy is spoiling. >> a thing this is an excuse the democrats are lose -- using for why they might lose. there only lose because of the third party candidate involved.
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the reason they're losing you and if we held an election today don't try would be president is because it's one statistic, over the three years of joe biden's presidency would govern the highest level of personal savings to the highest levels of personal debt ever recorded in american history, when joe biden became president they had $1.5 trillion in personal savings and i'll have the highest levels of personal debt, credit card debt has just gone over one truly dollars for the first time and they went from having their bank accounts flushed to maxing out their credit cards by the way interest rates are so high, they can get behind -- they can pay off their credit cards and they're paying 30% interest on these things. this is why the economy is rigged so poorly because they're stuck in this debt. >> 's and he tells me philippe's hustling to say about that. during the commercial and after this break because coming up next, a brand-new caravan, thousands of migrants are a poorly making their way through mexico heading to el paso as a brand-new polling shows for the
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president on that issue. with immigration and border security .
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>> a migrant caravan 2000 strong moving north through mexico to the us southern border poorly on its way to el paso texas. you're back now with a panel, which i would optics and messaging, this is not another headache the white house want to deal with. >> they're not doing with this well it's been disaster for three years under the biting ministration, remember when there was a leak from the white house saying president biden was considering taking some executive actions against this border but he never followed it up. i don't understand he has a power of the presidency, even if it got tied up in the courts he could he's doing something. but it's not a republican issue. many mayors as you know also are worried about this. i think it is probably the biggest single vulnerability and -- other than his aid -- age that he faces. >> shannon: i get a sense that they think that this would take pressure off congress in some way and i think they wants to
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hold this back so we can get a deal thereabouts on know if any of us thing that deal will happen. [ laughter ] a little more polling because i know philippe wants to talk about this, who about -- who would do a better job this week? i have to tell you for years ago in the midst of the presidential election biden had an eight-point advantage and now it's an 18-point advantage for trump. >> then this is a reflection on the incumbent never name was in office now is the one being criticized because look those three things on immigration. one, it's horrible and broken an untenable kegger won't pretend otherwise democrats and pretend otherwise and i'll think the president does. two, there's plenty of blame to go around, going on for 25 years in terms of the 12 years or publicans, 12 years sorry hold on. [ laughter ] and what numbered. >> a different show. [ laughter ] >> you know it wasn't fixed the day donald trump took office and it wasn't -- it didn't break the date joe biden did.
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that i spurs where i will get partisan and you can really jump on me is one party decided only in february, not even two months ago, to go down the most comprehensive immigration reform in years that would have put more people on the border, more law enforcement more agents and more judges, and the republican house said know. they wanted as a political cudgel. exactly for the noble leaders you are saying. >> the also had objection to the substance of the bill as well. >> it's called compromise. the law would have given the president the authority to close the border. trump versus hawaii said that they have unlimited authority to keep out any amp -- aliens you want to keep out, joe biden has a same laws of the books that donald trump does and barack obama had when barack obama was that the porter and chief who sent out all the illegal immigrants home and got the left
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angry. he has broken the record for border encounters every single years for three years running. this is a biting problem and i'll tell you, without understand, maybe you can explain to me is you guys know, you know personally because you're with hillary clinton into a 16 that he rode the issue into a 16, why would the democrats having seen this happen, when they take back the white house, turnaround unleash the worst border crisis in american history? i think that one hell donald trump win the presidency back? >> a thing listen to what you just said there's no reason why they would do this unless they are not of sound mind and body which shows you. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> shows you how much of a problem it is that you can't just debra fingers and fix this, you do need the added authorities. >> i want to make sure we get to this other issue that's bubbling out there they recognizing today as transgender day of visibility, this happens every march 31st but it falls on easter this year that proclamation was issued on good friday and a lot of people are
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upset about that including kaitlin jenner who put this on x. i'm actually disgusted that's by would say that this is transgender day of visibility prettily thing you should be declaring on this day is he is risen. well, now we have a statement out this morning saying jalen eyes and our warmest wishes to christians around the world celebrating easter sunday, ys reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of christ resurrection and it goes on from thereabouts this has got a lot of attention. >> has a lot of attention i think your time of this before, the timing of this with the falling on easter, obviously a very religious holiday, definitely gives i think christian conservatives religious conservatives definitely some material to work with with going after the president on this. at the same time i think you're seeing the president walk this very fine line of wanting to obviously acknowledge easter but at the same time, there is a lot of people particularly on the left, the democratic base, who feel strongly about recognizing
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the transgender community in transgender day visibility and if he were not to recognize this can lead to problems. >> 's catholic church going -- church growth -- going man but he has no control that. it's always been march 31st. could they have scared the proclamation for better politics? probably but i think to some extent a lot of coverage is leading out. >> we also have over here. >> john peers twitter feed, nothing but on transgender day visibility that byron harris ministration welcomes them. he is also a president who just sent his vice president to be the first vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic. they used to be that abortion should be safely -- safe, legal and rare a necessary evil and now this is a catholic president who did ministration celebrate abortion so it's in the context of these anti-christian policies that's people are so angry. >> it's hard to see how selling
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victor celebrating -- side bibles of the christian value and i'm not taking a shot at by them. >> ocasek that's a good place to leave. i movie years in the making that happens to parallel the very current debate over unused idf embryos. we are joined next. ♪
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them. ♪ >> shannon: there were the most successful storytellers in the country, more than 25 million copies of her books or in print. including multiple number-one new york times bestsellers. she decided years ago to take one of them to the big screen pouring her life savings into producing a film that hates leaders tuesday, anna now happens if you were timely and complex and ever. the debate over unused embryos, i caught up with her to try what the annotation of her book someone like you and the broader message of hope. this is the sunday special. >> you are tackling this couple that has used ivf to get pregnant they have their daughter i will give away too much of the movie but to say the mother is sick and her body cannot take another pregnancy but they don't want to destroy the embryo they have left.
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this is something in the middle of a nationwide if not worldwide conversation right now, you tackle this topic. >> so they have never seen in movies i was at a speaking event and i ran into a woman with three kids and she said my little babies were all adopted from embryos. they were embryos. i had no idea that was a thing. and there is more than half a million embryos in preservation on ice awaiting adoption today. that was kind of the beginning of this science raise questions that only god can answer. began the story of my heart the became a love story that was irresistible and so on my favourite stories and ever told. >> you've sold millions and millions of books number one-year time bestsellers in your fence i met many of them and they love you and they feel your hearts as you pour into the stories and that's lead you to this place where you decided to take control of your story because your stories have been
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made into tv shows and made into movies and very successful. but this time your family decided you would self-funded take control of this movie, it's one other ways we we see people getting very creative and going around the hollywood studio system, why did you do it and how much of a risk is a file? >> financially was an entire risk, it was a total risk i financial planner said your crazy get an investor, try to go studio. but there is the issue of control where i wanted to tell the story the way i wanted to tell it. >> sending throughout time. >> i want to casted and final locations on the only way you can do this is if you pay for it. no studio wanted to support this anyway, they were like what if -- you want to wanting a risk on romance and that kind of thing but once he made the decision, we were all in and i truly feel like it was the answer to prayer that god brought us the most
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talented crew and cast that we could possibly have and we filmed in nashville so you know, it's truly a miracle. >> and there is very difficult conversations in family dynamics, things all of us can relate to in one way or another. >> i saw questions about all of that right? >> wound to ask me? >> maybe later. promise. >> i'm going to hold you to it. >> okay! >> what do you hope the movie will spar, what you hope to accomplish with that? >> i think i can sum it with hope. this movie we'll bring that hope into the next week in the weeks that follow, i hope for months it will stay in theatres, and i really believe seeing a love story like someone like you on the big screen will be an experience for people which is what we used to get in theatres and when they come out of the theatres even though they have a loss, even though something
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might be divided in their family, they might be right to make that phone call or write the letter or let it go and realize, hey,, if you can maybe turn your eyes upward you will be okay. >> hopeless and then we all need in abundant supply. the movie as of tuesday, thank you so much for joining us today. you to have you. >> thank you shannon. >> shannon: thank you all for joining us on the sunday, a blessed day to you, have a great week and we'll see you back here next fox news sunday. ♪
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the thousands of tiles were a tribute to fans and their love of the san francisco giants. then the team announced tha


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