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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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is ktvu, fox two news at six blustery winds, heavy rain at times and snow in the sierra. >> a lot of snow. a very stormy start to a holiday weekend. and for many families, it's also the start of spring break. it certainly doesn't feel like it, though. good evening. >> i'm greg lee and i'm crystal bailey. let's take a look outside right now. this is san francisco. we're looking towards the city. you can see alcatraz in the distance, barely peeking through those clouds. you can see we've had some of those dark clouds pretty much all afternoon, and you can see a little bit of sun popping through there. >> let's give you a live look at san jose now. lots of dark clouds there as well, but even more sun moving through as the patches of clouds start to fade away. >> it's been a messy day out on the roads. this was the scene on westbound 580 in oakland. around 230 in the afternoon. the chp had to stop traffic as they moved several cars involved in an accident out of the way. >> pretty much the whole bay area from north bay to the south bay, and all spots in between saw rain and wind throughout the
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day. this is what it looked like in the south bay. plenty of people out with umbrellas in san jose. we want to get straight over to meteorologist mark tamayo. mark, how long will this rain stick around and are things going to clear up for easter? well easter. there's still a possibility of a of a few showers, but the conditions should be improving quite a bit. >> but this time of year you have to be prepared for everything, right? some sunshine, some clouds, some heavy downpours. and that's what we have today with this system coming on board, it's a pretty impressive rainfall amounts. as you can see, felton in the santa cruz mountains, 1.65in santa rosa, 0.73 san francisco approaching a half an inch of rain and oakland, 0.34. so you can see the impacts with this system about a half an inch to possibly over two inches. winds have been picking up and a wind advisory for parts of the bay area. gusts could be approaching 40 to 50 miles an hour. here's our live camera looking out towards san francisco, you can see all those dark storm clouds paying us a visit this evening. and as we check out the radar, this is a textbook pattern of a storm. here you can see the circulation out here in the pacific. so there's two parts with this system. the first part is this front that moved through
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the bay area earlier today. you might have a break in the rain showers. you might think it's over. but this is the second part. that's the unstable air that's going to move into the area. and that could trigger some thunderstorms tonight and into your saturday. in fact, already some lightning strikes detected on the radar over the past few hours, as you can see here. and as we come in closer, here's a closer look at the radar coverage. and right now, some more breaks in the activity, but still some lingering rain up in portions of the north bay. as you can see up toward clear lake, right around out toward winters as well, and also out toward the lagunitas as you can pick out on the radar coverage and a lot more coverage here from the santa cruz mountains, closer to morgan hill and gilroy. some action here showing up on the radar once again. thunderstorm chances going up tonight and into your saturday. we'll have more on that with your full update in a little bit. all right mark, thanks, bette. >> and a reminder if you want to stay in the know when it comes to the weather this holiday weekend, download our free ktvu weather app. >> hundreds of new cameras promising to help make oakland and the east bay safer. governor
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newsom announced today the cameras will be placed on both city streets and on state highways, as our crime reporter henry lee shows us, many police departments already have this system, but this will be on a larger and more regional scale. >> governor gavin newsom says hundreds of cameras that read license plates will soon be in place in oakland and across the east bay, which will aid and support the efforts of law enforcement to focus on stolen vehicles. the governor made his announcement in a video recorded along hegenberger road in east oakland, a hot spot for burglaries. the camera system is from flock safety and one that's already used by many law enforcement agencies. the cameras take still photos of the backs of cars and not people or faces. from there, police can track down specific cars and potentially arrest suspects. >> this has proven technology where privacy is foundational and a core component of the effort. this is building on efforts we made just a few weeks ago with a surge of california highway patrol 290 cameras will be on oakland city streets under the purview of oakland police,
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while 190 cameras will be set up on state highways in the east bay and monitored by the chp. >> images will be stored for 28 days, with many officers barred from chasing suspects in property crimes. supporters say these cameras will allow the cops to catch up to them later. we also feel that big brother isn't watching enough that that, you know, my big brothers, they always looked out for me and i think that the ultimate big brother is our local police department. >> if it could help address some of the immediate, you know, public safety issues around stolen vehicles and that kind of thing, i think, you know, hopefully it'll have it'll have an impact. >> others aren't so sure. >> the biggest unknown question is whose rules are we playing by ? >> brian hofer is chair of the city of oakland's privacy commission. he questions whether the chp's privacy standards will be the same as oakland's. >> i know my opinion is in the minority, that people are acting based on fear, and also an unproven, misguided belief that these cameras are going to solve
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all our problems. >> they won't. james birch of the anti police terror project says money could be better spent elsewhere instead of these cameras. >> could we have, you know, professionals doing their work in the community to prevent violence? you know, those are the costs that we're seeing here on the streets in the city of oakland. >> it's not clear where these cameras might be set up, but we've learned that the system could be installed beginning in the next 30 days and be fully complete by this fall in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox studios in union city, a freeway shooting is caught on video on interstate 80. >> a suspect has been arrested. the victim told troopers he was driving on 880 northbound near alvarado-niles road when someone in a green toyota sedan shot out his window after a road rage incident yesterday afternoon. police say the victim is okay but was injured by broken glass. the suspect was found within 24 hours during the search of his home. police say they found two guns and a large amount of ammunition, and san francisco police are still searching for more people who may have been
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involved in a deadly shooting at the powell street. bart station. it happened around 930 last night at holiday plaza. people. police found one person who'd been shot. they were declared dead at the scene. the victim's name has not been released. police tell us they located a gun, but no arrests have been made. >> for the first time, we are hearing from the plaintiffs behind a lawsuit aimed at the city of san francisco over conditions in the tenderloin district. as ktvu christien kafton shows us, these residents say they want the city to take decisive action to put an end to open air drug markets and homeless encampments. >> conditions in san francisco's tenderloin are the ongoing center of debate, and now the center of a lawsuit filed last week. residents and hotels in the area say the city hasn't done enough to improve street conditions and filed a suit in federal court saying while they pay their taxes, they don't get the same services that other city residents receive. several of the residents chose to remain anonymous, but are speaking out now for the first time about
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what it's like living in the tenderloin. >> it is dangerous to come outside. i work three days a week. i have to walk two blocks up where there's drug drugs going around in drug dealers. >> this resident is raising two children in the tenderloin and says it's not fair that they have to live in a dangerous neighborhood. >> all i'm asking for is just one thing security. >> the attorney representing the plaintiff says the city has allowed the tenderloin to sink into chaos. >> and it's a little bit more than that, because there's evidence that the city has treated this neighborhood as the containment zone. this is where the city has directed this activity, with the hope, apparently, if we can contain it to the tenderloin, then maybe it won't spread to other neighborhoods. >> san francisco city attorney david chu says everyone in the city deserves safe and clean streets, and that san francisco is making a good faith effort working with state and federal law officials to clear the tenderloin. all that, despite battling an injunction it says is hampering the effort.
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>> the city has spent significant effort to reduce crime to disrupt open air drug dealing and address homelessness, all within the boundaries of the injunction that we are under. >> the residents said they were worried when they initially heard that the city had asked that their identities be revealed, saying they've already been threatened by drug dealers about coming forward. they say they're worried that having their identities revealed would be dangerous. >> it's what is going to happen. what's going to happen is that those people, they have threatened me to kill me. it's basically i'm not going to wake up the next morning. >> the city attorney says anonymous plaintiffs are unusual, and that the plaintiffs attorney didn't initially file the request properly. once that paperwork was filed, the city attorney's office says it filed its own paperwork, saying it does not oppose them remaining anonymous, leaving the matter in the hands of the judge. >> the fact that they have refiled the motion reflects the fact that that first motion was inadequate. from our perspective, we don't want to put any tenderloin residents in any harm's way. we're very
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sympathetic to the plight of what's happening to the tenderloin. >> the question of if those plaintiffs will be asked to publicly reveal their identities is now in the hands of that judge. if the judge decides they have to reveal their identity, their lawyer says some of them will likely have to drop out of the case to avoid the possibility of retribution. in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu fox two news san francisco police say they arrested dozens of wanted fugitives in a sweep in the tenderloin this week. >> officers say they arrested 54 people on wednesday and seized 600g of narcotics during the multi-agency operation, 34 of those arrested had outstanding warrants. authorities with other city agencies also towed cars and impounded illegal food vending carts. police say these operations will continue for the foreseeable future around un plaza and other areas. >> the sfmta and supervisor matt dorsey cut the ribbon today at the newhird street quick build project at oracle park. changes to the area include a new bike share station that has moved t
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its new home right in front of the park. nearby racks also fit more than 100 bi hefully making it easier, easier than ever to bike to games or connect to surrounding neighborhoods. a protected two way bikeway also creates a new connection for cyclists traveling to and from the eastern parts of the city. this is a key part of our vision of a completely interconnected, traffic free or traffic light network that is welcoming to people of all ages in today's ribbon cutting, included included special guest san francisco giants mascot lucille. coming up, it was supposed to be a day to celebrate the naval ship bearing harvey milk's name docked in the bay, but the ceremony was disrupted by protesters. >> plus, a massive crane begins. the slow and dangerous work of clearing the debris from the deadly bridge collapse in baltimore, where the work stands coming up next. >> plus, we may not see the
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total solar eclipse next week, but it could still affect your life, especially if you are planning to travel. we'll explain. s y with us
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the alameda county sheriff's office says cardi birx was last seen on march 9th near cherry way and hayward. the teen's family says he has no cell phone money and is unfamiliar with public transportation. anyone
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with information is asked to call police. >> we are getting a close up look at the damage and wreckage from tuesday's bridge collapse in baltimore. an ap photographer was brought out on a boat to shoot this footage showing the bridge lying in the water and on top of the ship, called the dolly. it shows just what cleanup crews are facing and a good portion of the cleanup will be done by a massive crane. >> the largest crane on the eastern seaboard arrived at the baltimore port early this morning, and as the sun came up, it was moved into position to clear the twisted metal and concrete remains of the bridge. there will be several floating cranes that will do the work. one of those cranes can lift up to 1000 tons. construction workers gathered today to remember the six people who died as they were on the job, fixing potholes on the bridge as fox's griff jenkins tells us, some say there are not enough protections for migrant workers. >> the francis scott key bridge collapse disrupted more than just a waterway. >> we are joined together today for a somber moment to honoring
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the six brothers who lost their lives during the key bridge collapse, workers in the baltimore community honoring the six construction crew members presumed to be dead after the bridge collapse. >> officials say the crew employed by bronner builders was repairing potholes on the bridge when it went down. the deceased workers hailing from el salvador, guatemala, honduras and mexico. >> the workers who are immigrants to this country. workers who are shoulder to shoulder with us born workers and as brothers and sisters, build this nation. >> so far, two of their bodies have been found trapped in a pickup truck. the tragedy sparking calls for stronger protections for immigrant construction workers. >> what were to happen if i were to get injured, or even worse? >> meanwhile, maryland lawmakers have started drafting legislation to replace income for the port of baltimore. workers affected by the closure.
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governor westmore says the state is doing everything in its power to reopen the bridge in the vital shipping hub, the nation's economy and the nation's workers are requiring us to move quickly. >> president biden says he plans to visit baltimore sometime next week in baltimore harbor. >> griff jenkins, fox news. >> a man was found dead after his boat crashed into the rocks near point reyes, the sonoma county sheriff's office sent a helicopter to the boat yesterday. a rescue team descended down by rope and found the man dead inside the cabin. the boat was badly damaged and was taking on water. the marin county coroner's office is now investigating how the man died. authorities are not releasing his name until his family is notified. >> in a little more than a week, parts of the country will get quite the show. a full solar eclipse. and while we may not be able to see the total eclipse here, it could affect us in different ways, including travel. >> the faa says the total solar eclipse on april 8th will result in some delays for travelers,
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potentially have bigger impacts on the airports in states in the path of the eclipse, including texas, oklahoma, arkansas, missouri, illinois, indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, vermont and maine. the agency says pilots and airlines should be prepared to possibly hold more often. circle more before landing, reroute and take off later than planned. >> one airline fully embracing the eclipse delta, is offering a flight from austin to detroit specifically for, quote, umbra philes, who want to spend as much time as possible directly within the path of totality. a numberphile is someone who chases eclipse. >> and of course, i have to watch the weather closely to see if we'll have some clouds that get in the way. as we head toward april 8th. but for us today, lots of clouds. and of course quite a bit of some rainfall as well. take a look here at the overall weather story. of course, the rain and wind here in the bay area, and as we fly to the east, you can see out toward the sierra. this is a snow producer, a winter
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storm warning in place right now through most of the weekend. and snowfall could be around 10 to 24in. also back here in the bay area, winds have been picking up. we have a wind advisory until 5:00 tomorrow morning with gusts going up above 30, up above 40 miles an hour. so here's the radar coverage. as you can see here, the rain here in the bay area. and there's all the snowfall out in the sierra. so quite a bit of activity to track for tonight and into the weekend as we check out the view of this, this area of low pressure out here in the pacific. this will keep things unstable as we move into the weekend. so as a result, showers and maybe some thunderstorms for tonight and into your saturday. here's a look at the current radar coverage right now. the main band frontal band has moved out to the east, but we still have some lingering rain showers out there, so we're not 100% dry, just yet. as we move the maps around closer to morgan hill and gilroy and then even closer to the peninsula right now, closer to palo alto and los altos. we still have some rain showers nearby showing you this. the current wind reports, and there's oakland airport gusting to over 30 miles an hour. sfo
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around 12 miles an hour in san jose. winds at about 30 miles an hour. so here's our live camera looking out toward san francisco. you see those clouds kind of sweeping on through rapidly current numbers in the 50s, low to mid 50s. you can see san jose 54, san francisco 53. as i mentioned, the cold, unstable part moves in tonight and into tomorrow. now, as a result, we could be talking about some scattered thunderstorms out there as we head into your saturday forecast . but we'll have more on this and your easter outlook coming up in just a little bit. >> all right mark, thanks. still ahead, a family in mourning in sunnyvale. police investigating what led officers to shoot a man. >> and coming up, new video and details released today from that deadly encounter. plus, come monday, some fast food workers in california will get a raise. who will get it and who loses out? stay with us
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show signs that price pressures are easing. prices rose 0.3% from january to february. year over year prices were up 2.5, and core inflation was at its lowest level in nearly three years. investors hope this will allow the fed to stick to its plan to cut interest rates as soon as this summer. a lot of california workers are going to get a raise this monday. that's when a new law mandating $20 hourly wages for fast food workers goes into effect in california. ktvu tom vacar has more on the intended and unintended consequences.
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>> california's minimum wage is $16 an hour, so workers making that might choose fast food jobs for $20 an hour, that's a 20% pay increase way above inflation. but customers at alameda's in-n-out burgers were skeptical. >> i can't even afford to live here. so you know, and i work a good job, but it's never enough out here, so it doesn't matter. they can get $20 an hour, but it's not going to make a difference. >> i don't think so. not out here. i think they need more than that to make it out here. i don't know. we'll see. >> former edd director and now employment lawyer at the duane morris law firm, says this is about fast food prices. >> certainly there'd be some price increases. we'll see just how extensive they are, and we'll see how they roll out over the next couple of months. not all fast food workers will get it. there's a lot of complexity in terms of which workers are covered and which establishments are covered. >> the restaurant must be in a chain of 60 restaurants or more nationwide, and the restaurants
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cannot have table servers. the customers must pay for their food in advance. many exceptions include fast food at airports or restaurants that bake bread. >> we have a large number of workers in california who are making minimum wage, or slightly above so many low wage workers may just quit for higher wages elsewhere. >> other sectors that have workers who are making less than $20 an hour are have expressed concern that their workers will leave those jobs and move to fast food restaurants again. >> we'll see then there's the uaw effect. >> when the uaw, on its strike nonunion automakers started increasing wages so as not to lose their workers. so employers of low wage earners, such as long tum care certified nurse assistants, they're the very bedrock of long terme care, as well as other health care workers. and retail workers may have to do the same.
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>> new regulations always have a lot of impacts that aren't expected, given that california's unemployment insurance fund is $20 billion in the red and automatic tax. >> to make that up goes to the employers and you are paying for it. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> our special program voices for change returns with a new episode this sunday morning. we'll continue our celebration of women's history month with conversations focused on uplifting girls and women. we'll hear from the president of golden state's new wnba team about why her goals for this franchise go far beyond the court, and a mother daughter duo who is clearing the path for other women in construction. their message of empowerment that as a female that wants to venture, talk to people you know, because guess what? >> a woman wants to help you grow within that space. so don't be quiet. speak up. we definitely want to encourage. mentoring is key. >> voices for change is back this sunday morning at 930 in
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the morning right here on ktvu. >> we're coming up on ktvu news at 630. what sunnyvale police are saying about one of their officers shooting and killing a 19 year old. see what led up to the shooting next. >> also ahead, maiden voyage disruption protesters crashed a ceremony for a navy ship named after civil rights icon harvey milk. >> stanford women battling it out to make it to the elite eight. coming
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some clearing in spots tonight. this is how it looked in san jose earlier today, with slick roads and plenty of umbrellas out. wind advisories are posted for much of the bay area until tomorrow morning. >> a man accused of shooting into a vehicle on interstate 80 in union city has been arrested. police say the suspect was in a green sedan driving northbound near alvarado-niles road when he shot at another driver after a road rage incident. police say the victim is okay but was injured by broken glass. >> hundreds of cameras that read license plates will soon be in place in oakland and across the east bay, governor newsom announced today. the cameras will be placed both on city streets and on state highways, with the goal of helping law enforcement track down stolen vehicles. the cameras will take still photos of the backs of cars and not people or faces. you're watching ktvu, fox two news. it's 6.30. >> and we're getting a better idea on exactly what happened in
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a police shooting in sunnyvale over the weekend, where a 19 year old was killed. >> today, police released video from the confrontation and information about what led up to the shooting. and as ktvu tori gaines reports, the young man's family is struggling to process exactly what happened. >> the reports came in saturday night of a man with a knife, naked, running through a mobile home park, and ended with a deadly shooting. police later learning the man had called 911 on himself. the sunnyvale department of public safety says officers were called to the plaza del rey mobile home park saturday on the report of a man with a knife, and i want to clarify too, it wasn't until late into the phone that the dispatcher was able to put the information together that the subject indeed was a reporting party. >> when the dispatcher recognizes that the man with the knife was also the caller, she instructs him to put the knife down and you drop the knife. >> please, can you hear me? i want you to put the knife down.
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>> the man on the phone was later identified as 19 year old emmanuel perez. his family says perez struggled with his mental health, especially after the pandemic, and police already knew him. police confirming to ktvu that they had been to perez's home on two other occasions. the family says one of those was to take perez to the hospital for a mental health crisis. the edited body and dash cam video of the shooting was released friday. we want to warn you, some viewers may find this video disturbing. drop the knife. >> i'm not going to give you any more stuff. >> stop! i'm telling you, stop right now. >> i'm going to shoot you if you don't stop. stop right there. >> we are only showing less than 30s of the body cam footage that lasted several minutes. officer kevin lemos, who has been with the police force for three and a half years, was the one who fired the fatal shots. sunnyvale dps chief no confirmed that officers are armed with several
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non-lethal measures, including a baton, a taser and pepper spray, but he could not comment on why officer lemos did not use those measures. perez's family tells me they are not medical or law enforcement experts, and they are awaiting the results of the police investigation for now, they grieve the loss of their loved one, telling ktvu, quote, we remember him as a gentle and family oriented young man while he was already working with peers and health care providers to manage his mental health, he was never one to shy away from asking for help. the family tells us that perez was still healing from pandemic impacts and they are saddened that his ability to try to return to normalcy is now gone. in sunnyvale, tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. a man was arrested this morning after allegedly shooting at san jose police officers. police were called to the area of ross and lee avenues, near d'aw park, for a wheelchair welfare check. they arrived and found a man holding
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a gun outside a home. officers tried negotiating with him, but he fired at least one shot at them. police then returned fire. no one was hit and the man eventually surrendered and was arrested. >> the us naval ship, named after civil rights leader harvey milk, hosted a celebration in san francisco this morning. it's the first navy ship to be named after an openly gay person, and one of six named after civil rights pioneers harvey milk served in the navy before coming to san francisco, achieving the rank of lieutenant junior grade. he later became the first openly gay elected official in california. congresswoman nancy pelosi reflected on harvey milk's own words as he was sworn in as supervisor. >> this victory when he was sworn in as supervisor this victory signaled a green light to all who feel decent, franchised a green light to move forward, and that the doors will be open to everyone. thank you, harvey milk. thank you. thank you. >> navy officials said the military is stronger today for
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the service of lgbtq members. the usns harvey milk is part of a class of ships that will provide fuel and cargo to navy warships outside the event. at pier 32, protesters gathered to sound off against u.s. support for israel and the siege. >> on sat down there, dozens of people chanted and waved signs as the motorcade left the event, with protesters calling for a cease fire in gaza. >> they also claim the ship is headed for the middle east to provide support for israel. but a navy spokesperson refuted that claim, saying the ship is headed to norfolk, virginia, where it will not be deployed for at least a year. about half a dozen demonstrators made it onto a gangplank of the ship, where they chained themselves to the to the handrail and they were detained by police and prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will return to the table for cease fire talks. today's announcement marks yet another attempt to reach a deal to pause israel's war against hamas in
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exchange for the release of israeli hostages. efforts by the u.s, qatar and egypt to negotiate a cease fire appear stalled as the war grinds through its sixth month. hamas is believed to be holding roughly 100 hostages, as well as the remains of about 30 people killed in the group's october attack. >> hollywood loses a true trailblazer. coming up next, remembering the life and career of louis gossett junior and worries over pope francis's health, take center stage on one of the busiest weekends for the catholic faith. >> the important religious ceremony he was forced to skip toda
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work.
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i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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in santa monica. gossett appeared in many hit television shows and movies, and is credited with shattering racial and cultural barriers in hollywood. he starred in the miniseries roots, and in 1982 became the first black man to win an oscar in the best
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supporting actor category for his role as a marine drill instructor in an officer and a gentleman. a cause of death has not been given. lou gossett jr was 87. friends and family gathered to honor the life of former senator joe lieberman in his connecticut hometown. former vice president al gore delivered the eulogy for his former running mate,ayg lieberman was always able to bridge political gaps and he was not afraid to go up against mainstream politics. >> friendship over anger, reconciliation as a form of grace. we can learn from joe lieberman's life some critical lessons about how we might heal the rancor in our nation today, the data tell us. >> lieberman's family says he died wednesday from complications from a fall. he was 82. >> easter traditions forced to change because of dangerous conditions in haiti. the gang
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violence plaguing the country forced the traditional good friday celebrations in the capital to be held indoors today. but despite the danger, large numbers of the faithful gathered during the ceremony. the priest described the desperate state of the affairs of the caribbean country, saying we are living in this situation of misery, death and murder and fire. un officials estimate that haiti needs between 5000 4500 international police officers to combat catastrophic gang violence and for the first time in his papacy, pope francis skipped the traditional good friday procession at rome's colosseum. today. the pope had been expected to preside over the way of the cross procession, but just as the event was about to begin, the vatican announced that he was following the event from his home at the vatican. he did celebrate good friday mass earlier in the day and is expected to preside over easter sunday mass and in san francisco , an easter tradition like no other will be. back at dolores park.
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>> easter in the park has been going strong for 45 years. it's hosted by the nonprofit sisters of perpetual indulgence. the festivities start at 10 a.m. with family friendly fare, including games and story time. in the afternoon, the crowd will enjoy the famous hunky jesus and foxy mary competitions. sister roma told us at four, it's all about joy and fun. >> it's just a joyous expression of love. there's so much laughter, there's families, there's people. everyone just comes together. we sit on a blanket, bring something to eat. there's fabulous entertainment all day long. it really is so much fun. >> easter in the park is free and open to all. the sisters will be collecting donations to help cover their expenses and support their grant fund, which provides grants to community groups. >> still tracking some rain across parts of the bay area for this evening, it looks like some shower chances will linger into your saturday and even some thunderstorms as well. we'll have the update coming up. >> all right, let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we're
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working on for west coast rap at seven right here on ktvu. >> greg, thank you. coming up tonight at seven, the search for a four year old boy in washington state has come to a tragic end where police found the body, believed to be that missing boy. and we'll tell you about the arrest authorities have made also, new police body camera video shows officers taking down the gunman who opened fire at unlv's campus last year in las vegas, killing three people. we'll have more on what that video reveals, those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with frank mallicoat. >> but first, we'll take you to the sierra, where this strong spring storm is creating dangerous conditions. but it's
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fc professional women's soccer team. tomorrow's home opener in san jose is sold out. a player and the coach of the team spoke about what tomorrow means for them. forward tess bodie explained the unique excitement and support she feels from local fans. >> everyone told me when i first moved here that bay area fans are just different, and i think
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at first that's kind of like, okay, you know, i don't know what that means, but all right. but i get it now. the first time i landed in the city, i saw someone wearing our gear. just a random person walking around in the airport. and i was like, we only have 11 signed players. like, that's nuts. >> all right, so how are they going to deal with the pressure of playing in front of 18,000 people? the coach says by just focusing on enjoying the game. >> and this saturday morning, join us as fox local presents women's soccer a new bay era. ktvu is taking a look at the inaugural season of bay fc, the new nwsl expansion team representing the region ahead of the club's first ever home opener. we are hearing from current players, the team's co-founders and general manager. we are also catching up with bay fc's head coach albertin montoya, who is no stranger to the bay area. >> i absolutely love this game. it's changed my life and when i coach, that's ultimately what i try to do. regards of where i'm
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at, but the fact that i'm able to do it where i grew up playing, where i have friends, where i have family, i went to school at santa clara university . i played professionally here in the mls for a bit. >> make sure to tune in tomorrow morning at 830 for our bay fc special happening right here on ktvu. >> all right. up in the sierra, more snowfall combined with the holiday weekend is good news for local businesses, but traveling to tahoe is going to take some time and patience as swaths of snow sweep over the sierra. live. look at interstate 80 in truckee. you can see the snow on the ground there and very few cars on the road. chains are required on 80, and there's a traffic hold right now from cisco in placer county to donner lake eastbound due to spinouts. maricela de la cruz traveled to soda springs, where businesses are gearing up for visitors when they make it up the mountain. >> as another wave of snow hits the sierra and snow boarders gear up for a busy weekend, we were just mobbing over at sugar
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bowl. >> took a couple laps. get some powder in right now. got some good turns. it's a good day out there. the biz is kind of down, but you know it was a good day. still caltrans is advising drivers to be prepared for chain controls and possible closures. >> a lot of that prep work right now and just doing what we can. and then when things start, really getting heavy with that snowflake, that's when those blades start hitting the ground and you're going to really notice them moving. any type of snow accumulation we get on the roadway. >> but on weekends like these, some like the soda springs general store, are excited for a boost in sales from locals and tourists. >> so we're really happy because we got a lot of snow now. a little bit more coming tonight, so we'll have fresh snow to ski on tomorrow and then again tomorrow night. so sunday we think will be a really busy day for others. >> not so much. mitch brown has been in the sierra for 30 years, and says business at the ski rental shop slows down when there's active snowfall. instead he says that rentals increase on clear days and it may be due to
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clear roads, less snow, better road conditions, more people can travel. >> makes it a heck of a lot easier to do business, and it's also been a busy day for caltrans. >> they have crews plowing the interstate, clearing that snow off the roads, and also doing some prep work like laying down salt and sand to avoid snow accumulation in soda springs. maricela de la cruz kcra three news. >> and the snowfall continues in the sierra. winter storm warning in place right now in fact, if you take a look at the observations, everybody in the lower 30s for blue canyon, south lake tahoe and truckee, as you heard, chain chain controls are short terms. closures on interstate 80 right now showing you this. the forecast some snow into saturday, the chance into sunday. so we could have improving conditions by easter. and then on sunday we should have more sunshine making a comeback. here is the system itself. on the satellite. you can see this big circulation out here in the pacific. so two two parts of this system, the frontal band, move across, moved
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across the bay area earlier today. that circulation offshore is linked up with unstable air. it's going to move in later on tonight. and into your saturday. that could lead to some thunderstorms here is the radar coverage over the past few hours. as we coming closer to the bay area. radar right now, not to widespread heavy rainfall, but still some scattered downpours out there. as you can see some coverage up in the north bay, marin county, closer to in novato and just right around marinwood as well as we move the maps closer to the southern half of the region, you can see right around morgan hill and gilroy also watching some action as we come in really close here on our maps here. still some lingering rain showers for this portion of the bay area. so right around fremont we're still tracking some rain showing up here and newark as well. so it's going to be like this overnight tonight and into your saturday with the added increase of maybe some thunderstorms. now, the winds have been up. we have wind advisories posted for parts of the bay area, oakland airport gusting to around 37 miles an hour. some more reports san jose gusting about 30 miles an hour.
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here's our live camera looking out toward the bay, a shaky camera showing you those stronger wind speeds and lots of cloud cover out there, but also some breaks in the cloud cover. we're looking out toward the golden gate bridge and current to numbers have cooled off into the low to mid 50s as far as overnight temperatures. some clouds, and some showers. first thing tomorrow morning. most areas will be in the 40s. so as you can see, there's a system up here. this was the parent low we've been watching all week. but another system developed kind of within this flow. and you can see right here just offshore here this is the unstable part of that that area of low pressure. so with that we're going to keep a little bit of everything in the forecast as we head into saturday. we'll have some sunshine, some clouds that could move in rapidly and then some downpours that could be linked up with some thunderstorms or some hail. so that's kind of the game plan for your saturday. and then this actually wants to head towards southern california. so they're going to get significant rainfall down to our south. here's the forecast. models we do put this into motion. this is tonight 10:00. lots of clouds and a few scattered showers notice overnight into saturday
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morning. we could still have some pop up thunderstorms. those yellows and reds moving up and developing and moving out quickly. and this is possibly 12:00 tomorrow. you'll notice it's just unsettled. so just be prepared for everything. don't don't assume if it's dry it's going to remain dry. if you go outside for a walk or for a hike. and then on sunday for easter, lots of cloud cover. this is 6 a.m. sunday, and then you'll notice there's still a little bit of activity that could pop up into the afternoon hours. so there is a chance of a few isolated showers that could develop, especially by mid to late afternoon on sunday. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. upper 50s to the lower 60s. just keep an eye on the sky and the radar. check out the weather app. because the conditions changing rapidly throughout the day on saturday. scattered clouds on sunday. with that chance of a shower, then looks like we're going to dry things up and also warm up those numbers. a nice forecast, but into early next week for monday and tuesday. >> all right, a nice week ahead mark. thank you. coming up in sports steph is back in his old stomping grounds tonight against the hornets. bailey o'carroll has the story next in sports. >> and a quick reminder that you
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can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. you can also watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom in a variety of topics. it's a free download for your smart tv.
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are mostly busted at this point, but the madness. it is far from over to the sweet 16. we go. the trip to the elite eight is on the line. stanford is where we will start. they were taking on nc state and cameron brinks hometown of portland. get this, she said her favorite thing about being back home is getting to eat her grandma's pot roast. all right, second quarter kiki ery often would knock down the midrange jumper to extend their the stanford lead by four. she led the way tonight with 26 points under 130 left here in the second stanford is good ball movement right there. brink would hit that jumper up by ten now in the third. but this is where nc state really turned things around. they forced that turnover zoey brooks finished with a layup to tie things up at 43. all here nc state up one.
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then james would make this three pointer madison hayes with the assist. there nc state would end up winning it upsetting stanford 7767 is the final. so nc state punches their ticket to the elite eight for the very first time in school history. but we do have to give credit where credit is due. of course, nc state earning that win, but cameron brink, this is her last game at stanford. she finishes with a heck of a college career with over 1800 points, more than 1200 rebounds, more than 400 blocks to go along with that, she's projected to be the second overall pick in the upcoming wnba draft. and really just a good day to be an nc state fan. the wolfpack, the lone double digit seed left in the men's tournament. first half winding down here. they're able to get the ball inside to a fan favorite. actually, a tournament fan favorite dj burns there. the junior listed at six nine, 275 pounds. he did only have four points, but evidence right there
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that he is very much the soul of this team, something we know is essential to success in march madness. so they're ao ono the elite eight final. their 6758 and then we will head to the nba. i think for some quick warriors highlights, they were in houston or excuse me, they were in, charlotte. sorry. steph curry's hometown, every game really mattering for this team here. and they were able to get it done, just projected to be a 10th seed right now in the playoffs. >> bracketbusters all around thanks for w ching
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we're really happy because we got a lot of snow now


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