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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 19, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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our community. >> hundreds gather in one san francisco neighborhood, grieving and honoring the lives of three family members over the weekend who were killed when the driver stop. the latest on what weúnow know about the victims and the six month old baby who survived and t s shortag of police officers here in the bay area and around the country. we'll show you the unique strategy used by one police department to get results from ktvu.
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>> fox two news. this is mornings on two. to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is tuesday march 19th. let's check in with steve paulson for 19th. it's what is this theust h first day of spring? yes it is. >> so i always think it's the 20th or the 21st. >> usually it is. but 806 tonight for us now why did it change i don't know that. pamela. >> okay. >> stephen. geez. all right. 40s and 50s on the temps. we have a pretty good fog bank out there. even bigger than yesterday, we've had a nice run here of some warm temps, but i think they're slowly coming down here. more upper 60s. we're starting off with 40s and 50s. but yesterday, i mean, the size. nos really filling in. so we are springing into a fog bank that looks like june gloom. we'll go 5060s to near 70 degrees. all right. so here it's 4:00. i
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cones was out in all its glory. >> absolutely. now steve. yes.t& you and i both know that march 1st is the is correct. >> thankc you for bringing that up. >> yes, sir. yes, sir. i've been in spring. sp>> spring? here >> yes, i've been in spring for 18 days now. so good morning everyone. let's go out and take a look at the commute now at the bay bridge toll plaza. it looks there are some cones out there.. there's some road work. it's not causing major delays, careful. d i drive. well, that other guy drives like an idiot and drives too fast through construction zones that other guy. not youúand me. of course. that other guy. and thi& is a look at the richmond bridge . it looks pretty good. not a lot of traffic there right now. 401. let's get back to the desk. >> right now. >> my brother just said back, pleasen >> investigators in hayward trying to figure out how a man got into a home that later caught on fire. the fire
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happened last night about 1030, inside a home on shell gate circle when the firefighters arrived, they rescued a man from inside that house. he was taken to a hospital for treatment. but fire investigators say the homeowners were out of the country and no one was supposed& to be inside that house. well, a grieving community in san francisco coming together to mourn after the deaths of three members of a young family were killed as they were waiting at a bus stop. >> the couple's six month old baby, the onlyc survivor, remais in the hospital this morning. ktvu zac sos went to a vigil to remember the lives lost. >> for several hours monday, a busy intersection in san francisco's west portal neighborhood all but silent. friends, family and neighbors among the large crowd gathered to remember a young, married couple and their child killed when an suv plowed into them at
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a bus stop on yolo street saturday. it's a sad day for the whole city, eva says. she didn't know the family but was nearby when the. >> i feel that i need to be here to show respect for the family, and i hopeúthat the infant will survive. >> the couple's infant, the sole family member to live now in the hospital. eva's friend witnessing the accident. >> she was very shaken up, you r drove past her and hit the bus stop. it was very fast. >> the driver, 78 year old mary fong lao, now under. >> we need to change how people drive in san franciscon speed is the number one after time. >> safety advocate walk sf helping to just hold everybody close to our hearts and give people a little peace. >> and also just remember the precious lives that we've lost. >> san francisco mayor london breed and police chief bill scott also arriving to pay their respects off camera. a close family friend identifying the
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victims as brazilian national diego oliveira, his wife matilda and their son joaquin. >> it just touched me dawnstar. >> like so many here, moved to family's surviving relatives and their friends. >> we can't feel their pain, but spto let them know that we're thinking about them and they're in our thoughts and prayers. >> and a close friend of the couple telling me that their relatives are currently en route to the area from brazil. meantime, the driver behind all of this isúcurrently being held on a number of charges, including vehicular manslaughter and driving the wrong way. in san francisco, zac sos. >> ktvu fox two news thank you, zach. today, telephone customers will get a chance to weigh in on at&t s plan to end landline service. now, the state public utilities commission will hold two virtual meetings to hear from both customers and phone company representatives. at&t says it is no longer cost effective to maintain landlines because there is not much of a
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demand for them. those fighting for a landlines includes one landlord in the sacramento area, who was born with a severe hearing loss.úthe reason the landline is probably the most important forúme is it's clear versus the internet line, as the static. >> it comes and goes, it fades in and out. >> at&t stresses it will stillt& offer landline service to any customer who makes the case that it is essentially theirt& lifeline. >> our time now 405 supporters of pamela price, the alameda county district attorney, say spthey have found evidence of potential fraud in the recallt& campaign against they say, shows several problems, including that some signature gatherers lived outside of the state. that petition forms were left unattended in public spaces, and thatc some people were tricked into signing the petition. forms >> this is even more important today because because every single signature is now under
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increased scrutiny. following the announcement last thursday by the registrar of voters that the folks who spent millions of dollars to buy signatures and may not have enough. >> now, county officials announced last week that each signature will be manually counted because a random sample of the 123,000 signatures submitted could not reliably determine if there were the required 73,000 verified signatures, the main group of recallúsupporters told ktvu there confident the recall vote. >> the former head of san francisco's public utility commission has been sentenced to four years in prison for his role in a corruption scandal. harlan kelly was convicted by a federal jury last year for accepting bribes and gifts from contractors, and for lying about the value of his loans. the four year sentence is lower than the six and a half years prosecutors were seeking. kelly was ordered to turn himself in our time is t
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meeting of the antioch police oversight commission has been held. seven volunteers are on thatc commission. they were swon in last month and during their police chief, brian addington, introduced himself and then invited each commission member to go out on a ride along with the police officer, antioch mayor lamar thorpe police commig expects them to do.sion what he >> i'm here to ask all seven of you to join me as we rebuild our police department and as we rebuild. trust. your roleúhere is to help rebuild trust because trust has been violated. now the police oversightúcommission was formed after a series of problems involving antioch police officers, including a scandal that involved racist text messages in philadelphia. >> they are trying a new tactic to combat the nationwide trend of a shortage of police officers. late last year,
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pennsylvania's governor signed a law lowering the physicalt& fitness requirements potential officers need to pass before they can enter the police academy. officials say this does spnot mean the candidates get of easy. once in the academy recruits will still need to improve their fitness to pass their final, tougher fitness test. >> your graduation standard is still the graduation standard it's been for the last ten years. >> the requirements before were a little bit tough. some people, they don't believe they canc do that, you know, so they already spshort themselves out. like i'm not going to apply. >> since the law was signed off, they have seen a 15% increase in the number of people passing their entry fitness exams. >> our time is 408. california n quentin prison by this summer. right now, there are more than 400 men on death row at san quentin, a few weeks ago, the state started moving theset& inmates out of san quentin to other facilities around the
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state. until 2016, condemned prisoners were only allowed to be housed at san quentin. voters changed that to allow the inmates to live closer to their families without reducing the sentences of the prisoners. >> santa rosa is getting nearly $1 million in funding to help buildúa center to combat crime, santa rosa police announced. congressman mike thompson has secured $898,000 that will go towards the department's real time crime center. police say the center will enable the department to use gunshot detection software and other help officers investigate andot- prevent gun crimes. the center's opening date has not been announced. let's check back in with steve paulson, who's keeping an this first official day of spring tonight. >> but yes, this is it for winter, but a couple of things going on. the upper low is stuck in arizona and boy is that sending in a wide variety of weather here. i mean, they had
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big time thunderstorms from around phoenix scottsdale going north all the way up sedona, prescott back towards lake angeles, even they had a severe thunderstorm warning focus of areas that were around la, san diego. look pretty impressive. it has no place to go. it up or kicking it along. so probably a repeat performance today make it much e peninsula or san jose. it has today. so 40s andú50s on your temps here. i don't think these will change all that much. a little cooler to the north. you might imagine, but not not much here. a lot of 40s and 50s, 2827 in truckee and south lake tahoe, but not for a couple of days. but when you start to see an increase in the fog bank like this, that tells you that system coming across will be with us. it looks like on friday, rain will bring rain back in on friday, probably drizzle on thursday. the way it looks friday evening, i would expect some rain and then a series of
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systems look like they're going to pay a visit here on saturday and again, maybe sunday evening into monday. so get ready hopefully got out and enjoy the weather. maybe one more day inland 50s, 60s to some low 70s from the longtime public address announcer at the san francisco >> now that she is leaving messe for fans and increased patrols by sheriff's deputies near a popular walking trail in san mateo county. >> the latest on a groping incidentc in half moon bay
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air fresheners add a scent. but only lysol air sanitizer helps erase the trace, eliminating odor and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air. scent can't sanitize. lysol can. about the san mateo county sheriff's office after a woman says she was groped last weekend on a walking trail. >> investigators say the woman
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was walking alone when a man ona bike grabbed her. ktvu lamonica peters tells us what the police are saying about the incident just outside of smithfield park in half moon bay. trail that runs along the coast. >> generally, we haven't had any. i haven't had any issues or concerns about my safety, so this is quite a surprise. san mateo county sheriff's bureau chief in half moon bay says a local woman reported being saturday night, about 7:00 along her walk, she was accosted by an individual on a bike, and he touched her inappropriatelyc. he groped her. essentially. she screamed, which was a great reaction because it scared him off. and he, on his bike. he left the area. >> albin says the woman made a police report, and now police want the community to be on alert while using the trails. >> because though this is the only incident that we have had
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reported to us, we would like to keep it that way. so we want to make sure that everybody's aware , which is a goodúthing to do any time that you're walking alone, whether you're a man or a woman. >> most people we spoke to on monday say they feel safe while walking along the trail, but believe everyone should still take precautions. it does go in and out, so there are spots where you might be alone, so blind spots, so generally, you know, depending on where you are, you just want to be able to see abovel above the grass and the tree line. >> i think obviously always like being somewhere in the daytime is a lot safer. and then just being in like a bigúgroup, you know, not by yourself or not just with one other person. >> the chief did emphasize that this is the only case that they want people to panic, but they do want people to be aware of their surroundings while walking on this trail. now if you or anyone you know has any information about this case,
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spthey'd like you to contact the san mateo county sheriff's office. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news. all right. >> lamonica. thank you. time is 416. dogs are no longer allowed on several hiking trails in san francisco's presidio area. the ban on dogs is for the next six months. during coyote pupping season, the dogs won't be allowed on the park trail between mountain lake to the presidio promenade, as well as the bay ridge trail between the rob hill campground to the presidio say during the pupping season, coyotes are very protective of their young and may become aggressive around dogs. >> san jose police want the public's help to solve case of l investigators are looking for two people who shot then abandod the dog near an darling drive, and mckee road in the early morning of january 11th. the dog underwent emergency surgery and later a procedure to have her
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jaw repaired. she is now recovering with a foster family. >> everything's healed. it looks beautiful. they took the device out, you would never know. looking at this dog today. what she had gone through that she had been shot inúthe muzzle. >> investigators are hoping a witness might come forward who saw what happened to the dog. there's also a $1,000 reward in the case. anyone with information should call san jose police. >> time is 417. california lawmakers working on plans to deal with theústate's budget deficit. the governor made an unannounced visit to thet& capitol, meeting with the assembly speaker, robert rivas. now, last month, the legislative analyst's office estimated the budget deficit was as high as $58 billion for the next fiscal year. the governor didn't give details on where he might be willing to compromise on his che speaker on the budget and focused to try to move some early action. i'm lookingt&
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spforward to getting consensus with the two leaders and making an announcement now. >> last week, state senate democrats released a detailed plan on spending cuts. thec governor said earlier he looks forward to moving fast to finalize a spending agreement. >>útwo bay area state senatorst& introduced a bill to provide dos a year for struggling transit agencies as theyúintroduce thet& legislation at a news conference , they were interrupted by people protesting the war in israel, all to ensure that the bay area can be climate goals and keep our economy going. >> the bill's author, san francisco's scott wiener and silicon valley's aisha wahab, made the announcement at the powell bart station. >> they say the connect bay area act helps agencies avoid service cuts, while funding improvement projects. >> this bill is more than a blueprint for overhauling our regional transit system,
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ensuring long terme sustainability and accessibility. with sb 1031, we're not just dreaming, we're doing. stream, the bill would require a study to possibly consolidate the bay area's 27 time now for 9 the golden state warriors. >> tomorrow nightc, we'll be hosting the memphis grizzlies after a tough loss last night at home, the new york knicks beat the warriors 119 to 112 at chase center. the knicks raced out to an early lead and they never trailed. warriors rookie guard trace jackson. davis says the knicks coach played a major role in their victory. >> their coach did a really good job of calling timeouts, he used all of them every got a little bit of momentum, he called a timeout. and so, but at the same time, you just got to overcome, especially when you're at home, you just got to make ps
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and play hard. >> now, this is a time of the season when every single game counts. and the warriors have now dropped to 10th place in the west, and only 15 games are left in the regular season. >> okay. yeah 420 is the time. >> let's check back in with steve paulson. >> the knicks are a good team. yeah, they are a really good team. yep they they play playoff basketball. all right. jalen brunson is the real deal. all right. here we go. low cloud bigger fog bank today by far than what we saw yesterday. and that's playing into i think a little bit cooler pattern. it'la mini summer pattern no doubt about it. but change is on the way. the low in arizona is not moving. i mean, look at the i mean, it was lit up yesterday afternoon and you can see the flow around that. excuse me. that goes all the way up towards flagstaff, back over towards prescott, sedona, even lake havasu, bullhead city, and then right towards la in san diego ie going down there, i expect that to repeat itself much more
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pronounced onshore breeze oakland. concord fairfield. west southwest 21 not screamingúbut spthat's stronger than yesterday no doubt. so bigger fog bankc that's filling in more along the peninsula and south bay than it. probably not going to change all that much. a lot of low 50s here, just the low overcast making a pretty good push there already. 27 bookends truckee, south lake tahoe 15, crescent city to 54 in san diego and 52 las vegas to phoenix is 55. and that activity in the south for e days. then we'll start to see a change here. we'll have an even bigger fog bank, and i think drizzle probably by thursday. it looks like rain arrives on friday and again on saturday. nowúi think sunday morning will get a break, butúby sunday evening into monday looks like another system. so march came in like a lion. looks like it wants to go out like a big kitty as well. so temperatures today, 50s, 60s anywhere near the water, upper 60s, low 70s inland tomorrow then bigger changest- thursday, friday.
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>> all right. thankúyou steve. popularity thanks to social media. but what are the benefits and should you consider taking a cold plunge? we're going to talk live with our fox medical team about this growing trend. >> and nvidia's artificial intelligence conference has begun, and it comes at a great time for the host. it's having an impact on the stock market. (music) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture.
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sides. they've got the hardware and the software and the cloud service infrastructures. so they're very well positioned to capitalize on this growing. and i would trend. >> nvidia stock has almost doubled since the beginning of the year. nvidia is partnering with a south korean company to mass produce its digital chips used in artificial intelligence tech analysts call these chips the next generation with high bandwidth memory. several other companies, including samsungl are working on similar versions. the south korean company working with nvidia says the deal willc cement its leadership in the ai industry. nvidia owns 80% of the ai chip market. >> our time isc 425. hyundai and kia announced new protections to prevent car thefts. now, the companies say updates are being sent out to vehicles that have been targeted for thefts. after more than a year after social media pointed out how easily these cars could be stolen. the manufacturers say about 4
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million vehicles are eligible to get this software update. vehicles that can't use the update can receive a free ignition cylinder protector. >> a new proposal toúget abandoned cars off the streets of oakland. the idea for a citywide sweep and the important meeting today. >> and two fires broke out at the same high school in the east bay. the latest on the investigation that ontinues you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. platinum plus is cascade's best clean ever. with double the dawn and double the scrubbers, it removes the toughest grease and residue for an irresistible clean and shine. cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently.
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woman to announce major league baseball. >> oakland never been like that before. never. you got some problems, but not like that one man. >> now, using social media to raise awareness about the problems in oakland. hear his message for oakland city leaders from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on twoúi'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. sp>> it's tuesday morning. itgs march 19th and tonight it begins spring. we know that. >> now let's check in with steve paulson. as the weather going to change at all, yes. slowly it will be more summer like. but begins here. so bigger fog bank by far. now some inland there'se bit more of a pronounced onshore breeze here. so 40s 50s on the temps. but yesterday it was more about san francisco, san pablo bay, north. it's filled in alon& parts of the peninsula and south
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bay, so spring fever starts tonight, that's for sure. bigger fog bank, clear and cool away from the coast. fog will be coa. it'llúbe sunny inland, but we're looking for 50s. 60s by the water. upperú60s, low 70s inland. all right. south here. almost 430 on a tuesday to tell us what? well you know, things are pretty light. sp>> there's always whenever i'm here, i listenúto police, various police activity and chases of that. but for the most part, it's safe out there. as you look at interstate 880 you can see traffic is looking good. no problems at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see that traffic is moving along very nicely. at 430. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. sal. the san francisco giants have reportedly signed the national league's reigning cy young award winner. just nine days before the start of the new season. several media outlets are reporting blake snell has agreed to a two year deal worth $62 million. the 31 year old, just one of seven big league pitchers to win the cy
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young award in both leagues. snell will now be reunited with manager bob melvin in san francisco after two seasons together in san diego. a announcing at oracle park, and that has many san upset with the organization. >> yeah, the giants announced they're parting ways with their longtime public address announcer,úronald brooks moon, and she leaves behind a legacy after becoming the first black woman to make public address announcements for a major league spbaseball team. now, brunel ont night and saying, as a little girl going to candlestick, i could never have imagined i'd grow up to do this. grateful doesn't seem to be a big enough word. born in 1958, i never saw that looked like me. i hope i've inspired many fans. your support is everything. i so love you ktvu jana katsuyama spoke with
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fans and other sports figures about this loss for the hit homs fans whoúfor 24 years have heard the voice of renel brooks-moon welcoming them to oracle park. batting sixth, first baseman number nine. in a sudden statement, the giants announced monday that they were not extending her contract, which ended in december, saying, quote, after extensive discussions, they mutually and amicably agreed to part ways. instead. she will be known as public address announcer emeritus, and the booth where she worked will be named after her. >> her voice was the first thing i hear before i even got to see the field, so her loss is like, completely devastating. >> fans were stunned by the giants announcement. >> shocked. sad devastated. >> adam copeland, program director for knbr, says giants spfans shared their outrage, calling in and speaking out all day in support of brooks-moon, who was a pioneer as one of the
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first black women announcers in major league baseball. >> it's a big loss not justúfor the giants but for little girls, for people of color. when she spoke in 2020 and she said after getting her contract hold the organization accountable for their hiring practices, it feels devastating as a as a black man in sports media in san francisco, matt willard, host of 95.7 the game, said he and many other fans and community members feel the move shows the giants administration is out of touch with their fans. >> this is someone who, again, ballpark a familiar face, a bay area icon and for her to be let go because of contract differences or just is inexplicable and shocking that the giants could have this poor of judgment. many fans say this news cast a shadow over the other news of the day that the giants were signing pitcher blake snell to a two year deal. they have not named a successor for brooks-moon. there is a
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media day that is scheduled for spthursday in san francisco, jaa katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you. gianna. we have more on the long-time career of renel brooks-moonúwith the san spfranciscoúgiants on our websi, >> our time is now 434. the city of oakland now considering a new strategy to better respond to dealing with abandoned vehicles on city streets. that's after complaints that removing abandoned cars right now takes several months. the city council will consider spending $250,000 to sweep the entire city. now, the plan would set aside money for a dedicated parking management measure when they met today. now, another item on the agenda for today's oakland city council meeting would require alarm companies to confirm that a crime has been committed, or is being committed before police can be dispatched to that area. the president of the california alarm association says the
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proposed policy, called verifiee policy has already been tried and repealed in cities including san jose and dallas, texas. >> oakland mayor shengtao says crime is trending down in the city's troubled hegenberger corridor. however, that is after a number of restaurants in the area, including in and out and denny's, recently announced they are closing those locations because of safety concerns. the city responded by deploying six officers on foot and one sergeant, the mayor announced. during the past four months, the numbers show there has been a sharp decline in auto burglaries, thefts and robberies . >> our commitment remains strong and focused on making arrests when warranted. while reducing and preventing crime in the entire city. >> the chp will continue to conduct unannounced surge operations alongside our law enforcement partner agencies.
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>> now, the chp says it has 72 officers in the oakland, and as many as 65 officers could be added. the port of oakland and the alameda county sheriff's office say they now have surveillance cameras runningc 24 hours a day. >> our time is 436. a man from oakland, using his influence now on social media to push for a positive change in oakland. gregoria ramon has more than 70,000 followers on instagram and tiktok, and he is frustrated with out of control crime in oakland. for almost two years, he has shown hundreds of crime scenes, crazy driving scenes, trash and other tragedies, hoping that his videos will make a difference. ramon is also using his social skills to promote local businesses. >> you have to do something right away because cause it's like it's nobody,úno safe, no more. >> we are here that the we support any anything happen in e
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are here to provide not only a good food but also a safety environment. 20 years in business. they told you that how good it is. >> the mexican restaurant la casa de maria on 98th avenue in east oakland is selling these merchandise that says where life is worthless. that's the mantra created by ramon to directly address and put pressure on city leaders. >> an investigation is now underway into two fires on a high school campus. gators say e sunday night caused significant damage to the gym at amador valley high school. the school district is now reporting there was a second, smaller fire on campus shortly after students returned to class yesterday. >> we did, unfortunately have an incident during school, in the morning, where some students made a poor decision to, start a
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fire in one of our bathroom waste bins. >> now, the school district is saying the two fires are isolated incidents. investigators footage as they search for answers in both the gym and school bathroom fires. classes are still scheduled for today. checking back in with stn tomorrow we're going to see an amazing spring day. >> i think our amazing spring like day was on the weekend. yeah, probably. we're changing a pattern here. it'll be a much bigger fog bank. that's what we're dealing with this morning. the way for tomorrow. and then by friday we start to cloud it up and i think rain returns friday and again saturday, maybe sunday night into monday. so the pattern is changing here, but there's some pretty good fog bank out there and much more pronounced today than it was yesterday. clouds will slowly start to work their way towards us. everything's kind of stuck right now, including that low in arizona that was over us last week. now
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brakes, has no place to go, and around, you know, just to thenl- east of phoenix and then north up to flagstaff, sedona, prescott and lake havasu and right into los angeles and san diego. so, i mean, it was pretty well lit up. more of an onshore breeze here. napa oakland. concord, fairfield, west southwest 21. that's much see if it holds. but low clouds- in place, no doubt. 40s 50s could be some drizzle. i actually went, i think more likely but maybe a little bit today. i don't think temps are changing all that much here there, upper 40s 50s and in fact they're stuck here inc atherton, 48, woodside 49, stanford 49 and a lot of low 50s 27. truckee, south lake tahoe 52. las vegas and 5ps up and down the coast from crescent city to los angeles and san heading down anywhere las vegas or los angeles, san diego, phoenix, scottsdale, keep an eye onúthe sky. they pop up those thunderstorms in the afternoon. cloud cover is on the way. it'll start to roll in thursday. and
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then i think friday you can see some rain sweeps through. it's not in the afternoon. it will be by the evening. and then a pretty good system coming in saturday into saturday night. and then i think another one coming in lateúsunday into monday with more snow in the mountains. so we're not done yet. spring into a bigger fog bank. that's sure. low overcast fog near the coast. it will be sunny, nice inland, but 50s 60s by the water. upper 60s, low 70s inland. not much change tomorrow. clouds start to thicken up. thursday we'll bring rain in friday. saturday. all right. >> thank you steve a question. do you still have a landline? well, there's an important meeting today as at&t tries to get rid of that service. >> and president biden talking again with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what he said about the israeli attacks in gaza
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febreze! hi. i keep my home fresh with febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to digitally control how much scent is released so it doesn't fade. ooh. does mine have a microchip? ...oh. febreze smells first-day fresh for 50 days. that is a shockingly long time. febreze also has a refill reminder light... it even reminds you to refill it? so i never miss a day of freshness. your home is so fresh! upgrade to febreze plug. worth taking the cold plunge and
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what are the benefits? fox medical teams dina centofanti joins us now to explain why the good morning.s such a hot trend. >> itúis funny, pam, because ice baths date back to, you know, the beginning of time almost. but now, probably because of tiktok, other social media, it seems like they are really having a moment and people are saying, this really makes me feel a certain way. real cold, for one thing. but if you take a look at celebrities who are getting in on this ice bath craze, no shortage of them for sure.c we're seeing people take dips. mark wahlberg for one. he likes to show off his muscles. kim kardashian, chris hemsworth, madonna. so i talked to a retired police detective who says he swears by it every day. he's got to take his dip. his cold plunge. he does it in a barrel right in his backyard. and we're living in michigan here, and it doesn't matter winter or summer, no matter what time of year it is, the water is
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about 31 degrees. and he says it invigorates him in many ways. so i talked to a sports medicine doctor about this. he says the research is a little flimsy right now, but he believes in it too. take a listen. >> the overriding theme, i think, with cold plunge is one of the biggest benefits is kind of building resilience. and so when that initial cold shock happens, there are certain physiologic things that happen in our body. so our heart rate will go up, blood pressure will spgo up. and we release chemicas like adrenaline and all of those can play a role in improving our mood, our well-being. >> we live in a very comfortable state, you know, go from your car to heat to your house to heat. our bodies are never challenged anymore. so if you give your body a challenge, i think it's really good for your body. it's great for your mind because then you beat it. i think the benefits are huge. you know, for one, it's the it's going to be the hardest thing you do all day long. there's nothing in your day that's going to be harder than that. >> so there you go. now there are a lot of options if you want to all, there
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are cold plunges popping up at spas, at gyms all over the place. you can find a place to go to. you can get a barrel for your own backyard in your own home. you canúcreate this cold plunge or doctor tells me, small, just create a cold. just make a cold bath for yourself. just don't add any heat toúyour bathtub and do a dip that way. or when you're in the shower, turn thatúwater on to cold at the end of your shower and so you can kind of get the idea of what it's like. but there are people at gym who does the cold plunge every day. he says. i cannot take a cold shower. that's awful. to me. it's so people have different comfort levels, right? >> hard, hard thing to do. we have the bay, which is also pretty cold, so you can jump right in there, you also, just before you go,úit's probably important to mention he talked about raising the heart rate an& the blood pressure. so this is maybe not for everybody. should you talk with a doctor first before you do this? >> absolutely. that's super important point. there are people with heart conditions and
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other, other challenges, health challengesúthat should not do this. so this is oneúof those i know we always have the caveat. talk to you should talk to your doctor first, especially if you have any health issues, because there are certain people who should not put their body into that kind environment. >> all right. dina centofanti with our fox medical team, thank you so much for answering those questions. >> thank you. >> well, president biden has signed an executive medical research on women's health care in the united states. the president announced he is taking this action in response to a number of recent federal studies. the president's order is designed to increase datat& collection and bolster funding for biomedical testing around women's health. former california first lady maria shriver is among those who strongly supports this executive order. >> when women ask questions, they can't get answers because the majority of the research that's been done in this country has only been done on men.
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>> the president's executive number of medical research projects focusing on women. >> our time now many medical exs want more federal research into brain aneurysms. that's after a new study found that one out of every 5p americans are at risk of dying from brain aneurysm. the brain aneurysms are a bulge in a blood vessel in the brain that often needs immediate medical treatment. >> typically, when with a ruptud aneurysm,úwe treat it that's usy within a matter of hours, because there's a risk that the aneurysm can rupture. >> now, the symptoms include severe pain in the head, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and losing consciousness. doctors say there may be something genetict& involved because aneurysms and the same family are common. >> santa clara county has
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secured millions of dollars to for students. the countyt&alth announced that 40 schools will receive funding from a $13 million grant now centers on campus. a recent silicon valley index report found nearly one third of middle and high school students in santa clara and san mateo counties have experienced chronic feelings of sadness or hopelessness. ñ> our time is now. 448 israeli prime ministerúnetanyahu agreedc to send a team of israeli officials to washington to meet with biden administration officials about a prospective israeli military operation in the strip, the president, biden and the israeli prime minister spoke yesterday by phone. the biden administration is against israel's plan to carry out a ground operation in the city, where 1.5 million palestinians have taken refuge after fleeing other cities that were destroyed in the war. >> a major ground operation. there would be a mistake. it would lead to more innocent
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civilian deaths, worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis, deepen the anarchy in gaza, and further isolate israe& internationally. now national security adviser jake sullivan says the united wants to lay out an alternative approach that would target key hamas elements in rafah and also secure the egypt-gaza border without a major ground invasion. >> well, the former president trump is getting attention for his response to the democrats criticism of israeli prime minister netanyahu about his handlingúof the war in gaza. in& an interview, donald trump said that, quote, any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion. they hate everything about israel. the jewish groups called trump's comments demeaning to jewish americans. >> well, itcc3 f1 weeks and the race to fill siliy congresswoman anna eshoo is stillútoo close to call the california secretary of state
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released new results showingc sm liccardo still leading with 21% >> now, he's projected to be one of the two candidates in the general election in november. butúfor the second spot on the november ballot, joe simitian is leading evan low by only 12 votes. the vote results will be are still waiting for theand we results on proposition one. >> prop one would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities and move homeless people off the streets and into treatment. if it passes, it will allow the state to authorize more than $6 billion in bonds that would be paid for out of the state's general fund. you can see the latest numbers there. they show the yes vote leading by a slim margin. just about 20,000 votes. all right. steve paulson has our forecast. we're going to have a sounds like a little some changes in the weather. it started yesterday. it will continue today. much bigger fog bank is
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inland will still get some upper 60s low 70s but looks like 50s breeze in the out to mount diabt to davis point and even out towards so to speak, there. when that breeze starts to pick up, that's your onshore breeze. and that's exactly what's happening. so i would look for cooler conditions even though inland and it will still be nice. but the coverage today is much bigger than it was yesterday. 40s, 50s. i don't think any of these are changing all that much. 27, truckee, south lake tahoe, a lot of 50s up and down the coast that low in southern california. arizona is not moving. so there were some pretty good thunderstorms around los angeles, san diego, just south of las vegas, phoenix, scottsdale, and of course up towards northernt& arizona. i don't think that's changing today. next system that next system right there might bump that system out of the way starting tomorrow. but that will give us increasing clouds on thursday. and then friday we'll bring in some rain. looks like friday afternoon evening. and then again pretty good system on
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saturdayn maybe some clearing sunday morning before the next system comes in sunday night into monday as the way it looks. bank today. low overcast fogogt- inland temperatures 5060s andet- then inland. you'll get upper 60s and low 70s, more of the same. wednesday. then we start to bring in more cloud cover. thursday, rain. friday, saturday, maybe a break sunday until the next system. sunday night, monday. >> all right. thank you steve. hundreds of people gathered to grieve and remember the family killed over the weekend when a car came crashing into a bus stop. what? we now know about the victims and the baby who survived ghostbusters. frozen empire hits the theaters this weekend. we'll show you how the new generation of ghostbusters is teaming up with some familiar faces as
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even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪ i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the look at things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members,
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we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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to make it easier for workers to create cooperative businesses sn ro khanna announced a new bill to promote and expand co-ops at a slice of new york pizza restaurant in san jose. now, the owner says he wanted to find a way to help give workers a piece of the financial pie and formed a worker co-op in 20q7. congressman khanna says his bill will help other businesses do the same. >> you've said no. when we do well, when we're selling a lot of pizzas, the folks who are putting the pizzas in the box and we're making the pizzas and who are cleaning up, we're creating all the value they should get a part of the actual profits. they should be equals toúyou. i mean, that's really what you've stood for. >> now, o'connor's bill would make it easier to convert a small business into a co-op, and it would smooth the way to get financing from the sba, including a $60 million loan
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program. the us supreme court is expected to rule in june about whether the federal government went too far in trying to get social media companies to remove what it considered misinformation about covid 19. now, the justices heard arguments yesterday, the state of missouri and louisiana, as well as a group of social media companies to remove posts about- covid amounted to government first amendment right to free speech. >> it's treating facebook and these other platforms like they're subordinates. would you do that to the to the new york times or the wall street journal or the associated press or any other big newspaperúor wire service? >> now, some of the justices said the government should be platforms when it is acting to protect the public. youtube is misinformation by requiringat
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users to disclose if their videos contain ai generated material. now, when uploading a new content, usersc will now be prompted to confirm if their videos feature altered content. if confirmed, add a label stating altered or synthetic content will appear in the video description. youtube will add the label on its own for videos on sensitive topics like news, elections and health. the department of homeland security says it is the first federal agency to start using generative artificial intelligence across a wide range of divisions. the agency says it will be using ai to improve training of immigration officers and help communities create disaster relief plans and to help investigators working on cases of child abuse. human and drug trafficking, open ai, anthropic and meta are all partnering with the government for the project. all right, gamblers are turning to artificial intelligence in hopes of gaining an edge in the ncaa basketball tournament, tech
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experts say. i can calculate ben opponents. coders are trying to figure out the stats that matter the most, possibly include free throw percentages home and away records and rebound margins. but analysts add the human element in sports how players react in games makes it extremely difficult to form a reliable predictor. a classic movie franchise is back in the theaters this weekend. ghostbusters frozen empire is taking ghostbusting to the next level. new and original ghostbusters team up to fight an evil force threatening to destroy the world with a second ice age. younger cast members say it was exciting to work with the original franchise stars dan and ernie and bill. >> i mean, it's just like it's so incredible to get to know them and, they're so warm and nice to talk to. >> like, people are always like, don't meet your heroes. but meet your
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they're fantastic. just the way that he talks about them and his stories. whenever i'm with dan aykroyd,úyes, i full heartedly believe in ghosts showing for ghostbusters thursday. the movie is new approach in oakland for getting abandoned cars off the streets. weúhave details of the proposal to clear thousands of these cars off the streets of oakland. oakland never been like that before. >> never. you got some problems, using social media to put a who- spotlight on oakland's problems. you'll hear the message he has for oakland city leaders from spktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. well good morning to you and thank you for joining us. >> welcome to mornings on >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is tuesday march 19th. springs rolling in tonight. weather's changing a bit. let's check with
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steve paulson. >> think here it'll still be nice inland but bigger fog bank today. 40s 50s on the temps. and i think we're looking for a slightly cooler inland temps today, but a lot more in the way of low clouds and gray s arrived big time. but spring fever, no doubt about it, arrives tonight. 806 bigger fog bank, but inland it will be sunny. onshore breeze. so 5060 over by the water. 60s 70 inland. allúright. it's time now for a little less conversation and get to the man with the traffic. all good out there, unfortunately, steve, we have a pretty serious crash now on 580 westbound right at the macarthur maze. and unfortunately, this may have been a result as a result of a police chase. 580 these are triple a traffic cameras, now, what i heard this morning was a chase, and then the driver started driving erratically, and the police lost them. andúnow there's a crash, this was, el cerrito police was
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involved. chp is there at. and thisúis going to be a major alert for the area. so we're going to keep watching it for you and let you know. one is that oakland fire it's a prettys crash here. so we'll let you know what continues to happen. all right. let's go to the bay bridge. now. you can see that at the bay bridge. it's still pretty light here. coming through. there have been no major issues as you drive onto the toll plaza. 501. let's get back to the desk. >> thank you. sal, the number of abandoned cars in oakland is increasing. some city council members want to take action to clean them up. ktvu james torres live in oakland with the plan to remove all those cards from the streets. there is ac vote this afternoon. james >> yeah, pam, we're hearing informationc from oakland's department of transportation. they predict that there are about 7000 abandoned cars all throughout the city right now. and they say if there is no
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significant action taken, that number will skyrocket by the end of this year. well, at large city council member rebecca kaplan says that she is introducingc a plan toútry to tackle the problem. key points to the plan include using newer, more efficient software to try to help identifyc abandoned cars and then eventually have them towed in an efficient way. they also want to use empty caltrans tow yards to take those abandoned cars, and they plan to allocate about $250,0p0 in fund. in a statement, kaplan wrote, our office has heard from several abandoned months. the longer these autos stay and the public right away, the more damage and blight they accumulate. now, kaplan says, funds have already been identified to help support the plan, and the idea doesn't really seem to have any pushback from any other city council member. those members will vote on the measure later this afternoon, reporting live in oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu,
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fox two news. thank you. >> james, another item on thet& agenda for today's today's oakland city council meeting would require alarm companies to confirm a crime has been committed or is being committed before police can be dispatched to the area. now, the president of the california alarm association says the proposed policy, called verified response, would jeopardize public safety. he also says the policy has already been tried and repealed in cities including san jose and dallas, texas. >> our time now 503. oakland mayor jiang tao says the crime rate is trending down in the troubled heggenberger corridor of oakland. however, that's after several restaurants in the area, including in-n-out and denny's, recently announced plans to close those locations because of safety concerns.únow, the city of oakland responded by sending six police officers on foot and one sergeant, the mayor announced. during the past four months, the crime numbers show
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there's been a sharp decline in auto burglaries, thefts and robberies. >> our commitment remains strong and focused on making reducing and preventing crime in the entire city, theúchp will continue to conduct unannounced surge operations alongside our law enforcement partnert& agencies. >> now, the chp says it has 72 officers in the oakland office. now and as many as 65 officers may be. the port of oakland and the alameda county sheriff's office now has surveillance cameras running 24 hours a day. >> a man from oakland is using his influence on social media to push for change. gregorio ramon has more than 70,000 followers on instagram and tiktok, and he says he's frustrated with the crime over the years in oakland. for almost two years, he has shown hundreds of crime scenes, crazy driving trash and other tragedies. he's hoping his
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videos will make a difference. ramon is also using his social media skills to promote local businesses. >> i have to do something right away because it's like it's nobody, no safe, no more. >> we are here that the we support any anything happening we are here provide not only a good food but also a in good it is casa ded you that ho- maria on 98th avenue in east oakland is selling merchandise with the words where life is worthless. the mantra created by ramon to put pressure on city leaders. >> time is now 505. >> my brother just said back, please. >> investigators in hayward trying to figure out how a man got into a home that later caught fire. the fire happened
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last night about 1030, in a home on shell gate circle that when firefighters arrived, they rescued a man from inside that investigators and no one was supposed to be insidec f thatc house. >> today, telephone customers will get a chance to weigh in on at&t s plan to end landline service. the stateúpublic utilities commission will hold two virtual meetings to hear from both customers and phone company representatives. at&t says it is no longer cost effective to maintain landlines because there isn't much of a demand for service. those fighting for landlines includes one landlord in the sacramento area, who was born with a severe hearing loss. >> the reason the landline is probably the most important for me is it's clear versus the internet line as the static it comes and goes, it fades in and out. >> now, at&t stresses it will still offer landline service to
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any customer who makes the case that it is essentially their lifeline. >> time is 507. supporters of pamela price, the alameda county district attorney, say they have found evidence of potential fraud in the recall campaign against price. the evidence, they say, shows several problems, including that some signature gatherers lived outside of the state. that petition forms were left unattendedúin public spaces, and that some people were tricked into signing the petition forms. >> this is even more important signature is now under increased scrutiny following the announcement last thursday by the registrar of voters that the folks who spent millions of dollars to collect signatures may not have enough. >> the county officials announced last week each signature will be manually counted because a random sample of the 123,000 signatures submitted could not reliably
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determine if there are the required 73,000 verified signatures, the main group of there confident the recall vote will be approved. >> the former head of san francisco's public utility commission has been sentenced to four years in prison for his role in a corruption scandal. harlan kelly was convicted by a federal jury last year for accepting bribes and about the value of his loans. the lowe six and a half years prosecutors to turn himself in by mid huge lottery jackpots are now up for grabs in america's two big lottery games. after several weeks game has climbed to more than $875 million. that isúthe sixth highest in the game'sc no one ht
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big in last night's powerball lottery, drawing, so the estimated jackpot in the powerball game has hit $687 million. there's another drawing tomorrow. >> all right, back over to steve paulson. where are you starting for our forecast. >>c well, spring starts tonight, but it's going to be cooler. more summer like here for some onúthe coast. they're like, oh my gosh. here we go with this big fog bank. andc that's exacty what we have here. much more way of coverage on the peninsula and south bay than we had yesterday a couple items of interest, especially if you're, you know, a weather geek that low down in arizona is not moving. last weey soon a couple of systems are gointart to work their way towards us and i think bump it along. but it was lit up. look at the circulation around that coming out of casa grande. and i mean areas around scottsdale and the north, mainly up towards flagstaff, sedona, prescott, just south of las vegas, lake havasu and right back towards la and san diego. they had some big
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time boomers there. i would expect a repeat performance today if you're going down there now, things quietc down at nigh, but they'll pick afternoon. onshore breeze in the city, onshore in the oakland berkeley hills, even out towards the strait and fairfield not roaring. but. west wind napa westúwind oakland west wind. concord west southwest fairfield 40s 50s on the temps. these won't change all that much , but a couple of systems are on the way. this will start to move in on thursday with increasing clouds. looks like rain returns on friday. some bring it in a little earlier than others, but i'll sayúfriday and then another system on saturday. maybe a break sunday morning and then sunday night into monday. looks like your next system and the rest of the month, once we get going, looks like it will end up not maybe as robust as at the beginning of the month, but still looksúlike it's going to be active here. it might as well be spring, so we'll get to it tonight. low overcast fog near the coast. sunny nice if you're by the coast, 5060s if you're inland. 70s. not much change tomorrow, then changes with cloud cover. drizzle probably thursday and rain rolls in friday. saturday
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>> thank you steve. we're now hearing from ronald angry aboute giants decision to part ways with the longtime public address announcer. her message for fans, and her thoughts about a job she has loved, and increased patrols by sheriff's deputies near a popular walking trail in san mateo county. >> the ver latest on the
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine
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and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now. get $5000 total value on silverado ltz & high country models when you trade in an eligible vehicle. or during chevy truck season, get as low as 0.9% financing on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive.
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as it is increasing patrols in half moon bay. after a woman reported being groped on a popular walking trail. now on ag onc the trail that runs along te coast. it happened at about 7:00 saturday night. >> along her walk, she was accosted byúan individual on a inappropriately. he he groped her, essentially, she screamed, whichc was a great reaction because it scared him off and he , on his bike, he left the area. >> now, the police chief says this is the only incident that they're aware of. they don't want to do want people to be aware of their surroundings while on the trails. >> our no longer allowed on several hiking trails in san francisco's presidio area. the banúon dogs is for the next six months.
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during coyote pupping season, dogs won't be allowed on the park trail between mountain lake to the presidio promenadel as well as the bay ridge trail from the rob hill campground to the presidio say during puppies, pupping season, coyotes are extremely protective of their young, and they may become aggressive around dogs. >> san jose police want the public's help to solve what it calls cruelty.t& investigators are looking for two people who shot a german shepherd puppy, then abandoned the dog near an darling drive in mckee road in the early morning& of january 11th. the dog underwent emergency surgery and later a procedure to have her jawúrepaired. she is now recovering with a foster family. >> everything's healed. it looks beautiful. they took the device out, you would never know. looking at this had gone througe had been shot in the muzzle. >> investigators are hoping a
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witness might come forward. who saw what happened to the dog. there's also a $1,000 reward in the case. and anyone with any information should call san jose police with california's budget deficit. the governor made an unannounced visit to the capitol to meet with assembly speaker robert rivas. now, last month, the office of the legislative analyst estimated the budget deficit to be as high as $58 billion for the next fiscal year. the governor didn't give details on where he might compromise on his budget plan, and a quick check in with the speaker on the budget and focused to try to move some early action. >> i'm looking forward to getting consensus with the two leaders and making an announcement now. ñ> last week, state senate democrats released a detailed plan on spending cuts. earlier, the governor said he looks fasto finalize a spending agreement.
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>> two bay area state senators introduced a bill to provide hundreds of millions of dollars a year for struggling transit agencies. however, as they introduced the legislationúat a news conference, they were interrupted by people protesting the war in gaza to ensure that the bay area can be climate goals and keep our economy going , now, the bill's author, san francisco's scott wiener and silicon valley's aisha wahab, made the announcement at they sy the connect to bay area act helps agencies avoid service cuts, while funding improvement projects. >> this bill is more than a promise. it's a practical blueprint for overhauling our spregional transit system, ensuring long tum sustainability and accessibility. with sb 1031, we're not just dreaming, we're doing. >> in addition to the revenue stream, the bill would require a study to possibly consolidate the bay area's 27 transit
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agencies. >> all rightl pam, time is now been busy this morning. there are things happening on the roads. >> yeah, it's a deadly crash on 580. ramp to the bay bridge. dave do have a caltrans camera. i want to show you camera here on 580 at the ramp. that's the ramp down is getting through that white pickup truck, you see, was involved in some sort of police activity. we're trying to getúconfirmation. however, we do know for sure that chp has sptold us this is a deadly cras0 spis backed up well beyond 24 at this point. this is also going to affect the people coming down 24 from the caldecott tunnel, because this is a deadly crash and it was a head on collision. there's going to be an investigation. this is not going to open anytime soon. this might make it easier for you if you're
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on 80 westbound. let's take a look at the toll plaza now from our triple a traffic camera. people coming in from 80 will commute because everything is being held back. people coming commute. if you are on 24, you- may want to get off the freeway and use ashby avenue to get down spto 80. that's what i would do. come through the tunnel, get on highway 13 and go all the way down ashby and get there that way. that's what i would do. i bring steve back in and talk'st- >> all right. somebody who just tuned in, where is it, sal? >> it's on the ramp from 580 to the bay bridge. >> okay. thank you sir, bigger fog bank today on this first day of spring, which starts tonight, 806, i do believe, but, bigger fog bank yesterday wasúnot too much along the peninsula orúsan jose area. that's not the case today. 40s 50s on the temps. i think they're stuck. there's just too much of a low cloud deck in place. i'll tell you. southern arizona into southern
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california was lit up yesterday. flagstaff had 6/10 of an inch of rain. kingman, arizona half inch even lake elsinore a third of an inch. idlewild a quarter of an inch. palm desert had a quarter of an inch. la quinta picked up almost a quarter of an inch. and they'll probably be more again today. here is that low. just can't move anywhere and need think in about 24 to 36 hours we'll start to see that. not much change for us till about thursday, friday. then we'll bring rain in on friday, looks like in the afternoon evening and then again on saturday. another system rolls in. could be a break early sunday before another system sunday night into monday. so the pattern is getting ready to change. it might as well be spring or this is it.úrounding third and heading for home with winter, low overcast fog near the coast. sunny, nice inlandlúbut we're going from a mini summer pattern 50s 60s to low 70s on the temps here. more of the same. wednesday. then we start to see changes. bigger fog bank cloudsn in friday and saturday. day >> time now 521 cold therapy. it's becoming very popular thanks to
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social media. but why is it good? and should you think about taking a cold plunge? we'll talk live with a member of our fox medical team about this growing trend and nvidia's artificial cs begun. and it comes at a great time for the host, and it's having an impact on the stock rket
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute...
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are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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clara, is hosting its annual high tech conference in san jose this week. many of the world's top technology executives, scientists and engineers are meeting about the rapidly changing world of high tech, and this year's conference comes at a great time for its host. nvidia's strong performance on its expanding use of artificial intelligence. >> unlike most companies, they're going sides. they've got the hardware and the software and the cloud service infrastructures, so they're very well positioned to capitalize on this to say, excig trend since the beginning of the year, nvidia stock has almost doubled. >> and nvidia is partnering with the south korean company to chid in artificial intelligence. tech analysts call these chips the next generation with high bandwidth memory. several other companies, including samsung, are working on similar versions
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now. the south korean company working with nvidia says at this deal will cement its leadership in the ai industry. nvidia owns 80% of the ai chip market. well, new protections to prevent car thefts. the companies say updates are being sent to vehicles that have been targets of thefts year, after social media described just how easy they could be stolen, the manufacturers say about 4 million vehicles are eligible to get that software update in. the cars that can't get the update can receive a free ignition cylinder protector . time is 525. two fires break out at the same high school in the east bay. we tell you the investigation that's now underway and don't forget you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter. just go to
5:27 am, sign up next.
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our communityc. >> hundreds of people gathered in a san francisco neighborhood to grieve and honor the lives of a family killed over the weekend when a car came crashing into a bus stop. we have the latest on what we know about the victims
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and the baby who survived, and the shortage of police officers here in the bay area and around the country is being addressed. we're going to show you the unique strategy used by one local police department to get results >> fox two news. morning. thankr joining us here. on mornings on two i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it's a tuesday. it is march 19th. check in with steve paulson i was looking at your week ahead and we could get rain this weekend friday saturday looks like it sure does. but plan for that i would it won't be like last weekend, that's for sure. >> 40s on the temps, 50s. bigger fog bank today. it's going to lead to a little bit cooler pattern i think. inland still upper 60s low 70s, but there's much more coverage today. so spring fever starts at 806 tonight, but it's feels like a summer pattern already here. fog near the coast. it'll be nice inland, but temperatures 5060s by the water. upper 60s, low 70s
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inland. all right. sal's here right away. bay bridge toll plaza, 580. where are we going? yeah, the maze. >> steve. there was a police activity that ended up being a crash on 580 coming down to the macarthur maze. this is a picture that you can see. it's a deadly wrong-way crash on the ramp here. so it appears that pickup truck you see there, tha& white one was and hit another ne lane getting through, but this is an investigation. often when something like this happens, they have to wait for special tow trucks, the whole thing. and that's going to delay traffic. so let me put the map up for you to show you what's going on here. this is, 580 is backing up onto highway 24, and 24 is going to be, very slow in the area. our aa traffic camera bridge lod that's because people aren't
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ableúto get through on 580. youg in from richmond, you can get to the bay bridge with no issuen 531 let's go back to the desk.t& okay, sal. >> thank you. well, hundreds of people gathered in san francisco at the west portal bus stop. they were mourning the deathsc f members of a young family killed when a driver crashed into them. at that bus stop. ktvu is ali rasmus shows us the memorial there and explains the calls for better pedestrian safety. good morning. an good morning, dave. >> yeah. at the site of this tragedy is a large memorial that you can see it here. behind us, people have left dozens of bouquets of flowers. there's stuffed animals along with handmade signs and pictures of the victims and the young family who lost their lives here at this site. the sign here says s.f. grieves. there's also on the stroller a picture of the young child, the toddler who was killed at this site, and some of the candles areústill lit from
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this vigil that happened last night. the vigil, held in honor of the three people killed at this bus stop when an suv crashed into them here on saturday afternoon. the victims were a father, mother and their young son and a family friend identified the victims as brazilian national diego olivera , his wife matilda, and their son joaquin. they over into the westbound lanes and hopped the curb, crashing into the bus shelter. the couple's six month old baby was the only survivor and remains at the pedestrian safety advocacy group walk sf organized this vigil and again, hundreds of people came out to pay their respects. arrested the driver of the suv identified as 78 year old mary fong law. she faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, driving the wrong way, recklessúdriving and driving at an unsafe speed.
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a family friend of the victims says that the extendedúfamily of area from brazil to help takeay- care of the six month old baby, the survivor of this crash. the baby is still in the hospital. live in san francisco. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news okay, ali. >> thank you. time is 533. the first meeting of the antioch police oversight commission has been heldn seven volunteers are on the commission. they were sworn in last month. and during their first meeting, antioch's interim police chief, brian addington, introduced himself and then invited each commission member to go out on a ride along with the police officer. antioch mayor lamar thorpe also spoke at the police commission meeting and told the commission what he expectsúthem to do. >> i'm here to ask all seven of you to join me as we rebuild our police department and as we rebuild, trust your role here is to help rebuild trust because
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trust has been violated. >> now, the police oversight commission was formed after a series of problems involving antioch police officers, including a scandal that involved racist text messages in philadelphia. >> they are trying a new strategy to address the nationwide trend of a shortage of police officers. now, late last year, pennsylvania's governor signed a law that lowers the physical fitness requirements potential officers need to pass before they can met off easy now. once in the academy, recruits will need to improve their fitness to pass their final, tougher fitness test at your graduation. >> standard is still the graduation standard it's been for the last ten years. >> the requirementsc before were a little bit tough. some people, they don't believe they can do that, you know, so they already short themselves out. like i'm not going to apply. >> now, since the law was
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signed, they have seen a 15% increase in the number of people passing their entry exams. >> all right. >> our time is 535. the san francisco giants reportedly signed the national league's reigning cy young award winner, blake snell, just nine days before the new season starts. several media outletsc are reporting snell has agreed to a two year deal worth $62 million. he's 31 years old. he's just one of seven big league pitchers to win the cy young award in both leagues. snell will now be reunited with manager bob melvin in san francisco after two seasons together in san diego. >> many san francisco about thes stunning announcement about team announcer renel brooks-moon. >> batting sixth first baseman spnumber nine brandon bell. >> the giants say they're parting ways with renel, the team's longtime public address announcer. renel brooks-moon, made baseball history 24 years
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ago when she became the first black woman to become a public address announcer for a big league team, a big loss not just for the giants, but for little girls, for people of color. >> when she spoke in 2020 and she said after getting her contract settled that she was spgoing to hold the organization accountable for their hiring practices, it feels devastating as a as a black man in sports media in san francisco. >> now, the giants say they're continuing negotiations between the team and renel collapsed and the giants said in part after extensive discussions, they mutually and amicably agreed. ne about the longtime career of renel brooks-moon with theúsan francisco .com. >> an investigation is now underway into two fires on a high school campus in pleasanton. investigators say a fire late sunday night caused significant damage to the gym at amador valley high school. the school district is now reporting
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there was a second, smaller fire on campus shortly after students returned to class yesterday. we did unfortunately have an incident during school, in the morning where some students made a poor decision to, start a fire in one of our bathroom waste bins. the district says the two fires at the school are isolated incidents, but investigators are reviewing security camera footage as they search for answers. classes are scheduled for today. >> all right, pam, time is 537. right back to sal. we have some major road problems this morning. what's happening now? yeah, that's right, 580 and, dave and pam, 580. >> theúramp to the bay bridge is blocked by a deadly crash. triple a traffic cameras are going to show us that the commute here is going to be down to one lane, coming in off of 580 as they investigate this deadly collision that was
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involved with police activity. 580 is backed up to 2424 is beginning to back up as well. so i want to show you that. let me see if i can pull itúup. this is a different view we have now from our triple a traffic camera of the macarthur maze. so that's the ramp on down to the bay bridge. i want to put it on the map here. you can see what it's doing to traffic 24. coming on down the hill is going to be slow now from at least the bart station. if through the caldecott, i'd get off at you can do that and then just go down ashby avenue all the way here, and then all the wayc to the bay bridge. i realizeúthat's security circuity this route, but that's what i do anyway,t& because i don't want stuck in all that traffic on 24 and 580. this is a major problem fo& you on 580. if you're coming from oakland, get over to 880 instead. this is not going to go away anytime soon. at 538. let's bring steve back in with today's weather.
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>> thank you sal, we'll get to it. here we are winding down on winter. spring begins tonight at 8:06 p.m, but it looks like a summer fog bank out there. no doubt about it. it has really ramped up here. much bigger coverage than we saw yesterday. i'd say it's double, not a lot of change inland upper 60s, low 70s. but i think by tomorrow we'll start to see even cooler look at that low which is stuck in arizona. and it just in the afternoon, you get the afternood almost two thirds of an inch of rain has been some snow. higher elevations right back vegas andr los angeles and san diego. ever so a quarter inch amounts around lake elsinore, ida, wild palm desert, la quinta. so, i mean, it's a pretty active pattern down there. i expect that to continue at least today. onshore breeze for some in the city, also out towards davis point, oakland, berkeley hills and even out towards the delta. fairfield west southwest 16 not roaring, but napa has a west wind. oakland has a west wind. concord
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has a west wind that's an onshore breeze and that fog bank, i think, is going to continue to ramp upúnext couple of days. probably be in the mix. if it isn't today, it will be tomorrow into thursday. system is on its way. that's going to give us increasing clouds thursday and then leading to rain on friday. looks like friday afternoon, evening and againúon saturday.t& the way things are showing up here, maybe a break sunday morning before the next system rolls in. sunday afternoon into monday looks like march is going to go out like the same way it came in. maybe not as much of a roaring line, but a big old kitty. it might as well be spring. low overcast, clear, breezy, cool fog near the coast. sunny, nice inland. so 5060s by the water. upper 60s, low 70s inland. not a lot of change tomorrow, but change is on the way. thursday especially friday. saturday >> i don't have social media. i don't have nextdoor or facebook or anything. and next thing i know, people are texting me about the burgers. >> selling burgers from his garage made him an overnight sensation. his message for families
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bills and president biden taking action aimed at stopping the conflict in gaza important talks scheduled wi israeli prime minint
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. therapy is centuries old, but
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thanks in part to social media, it's become a hot trend. a lot of celebrities have appeared on tiktok and instagram, showing them taking a dip in icy waters, and one man says he goes outside every day to take an ice bath, no matter how cold it is. now one doctor of sports medicine admits the medical evidence is not a lot, but he thinks cold therapy does have benefits. >> the overriding theme i is one biggest benefits is kind of building resilience and so when that initial cold shock happens, there are certain physiologic things that happen in our body. so our heart rate will go up, blood pressure will go up, and we release chemicals like adrenaline and noradrenaline and dopamine. and all of those can play a role in improving our mood, our well-being. >> now the options are get cold. they're popping up at spas in that gyms, some of them adding cold immersion therapy. medical professionals sayc you can also get the same benefit from a cold shower or bath. but remembert&
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checking with your doctor before you go for an ice dip. >> improving women's health is the focus of president biden's latest executive order. now, the president announced he is taking this action in response to a number of recent research and funding for biomedical testing around women's health.úformer california first lady maria shriver is among those who strongly support this executive order. >> when women ask questions, they cangt get answers because the majority of the research that's been done in this country has only been done on men. >> the president's executive order will immediately fund a number of medical research projects focusing on women. >> our time is 545 around the country, many medical experts new study found that one out of- every 50 americans are at risk of dying from a brain aneurysm. the brain aneurysms are a bulge
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in a blood vessel in the brain that often needs immediate medical treatment. >> typically, when we see a patient with a ruptured aneurysm, we treat it as quickly as possible. that's usually within aúmatter of hours, because there's a risk that the aneurysm can rupture. >> now, the symptoms include a severe pain in the head, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and losing consciousness. the doctors say there may be something genetic involved because aneurysms in the same family is very common. our time is. 546 israeli prime minister netanyahu agreed to to washington to meet with biden administration officials about a operation in the city of rafah in the gaza strip. the president, biden and the israeli prime minister spoke the biden administration is against israel's plan to carry out a ground operation in a city where
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1.5 million palestinians have seeked have sought refuge after fleeing other cities destroyed in the war, a major ground operation. >> there would be a mistake. it spwould lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis, deepen the anarchy in gaza and further adviser jake sullivan says the t an alternative approach that would target key hamas elements in rafah and secure the egypt-gaza border without a major ground invasion. it is 5.7. will donald trump getting attention now for his response to the democrats criticism of israeli prime minister netanyahu about his handling of the war in gaza? during an interview, trump said any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion. they hate everything about israel. jewish groups are calling trump's comments demeaning to jewish americans.
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weeks, and the race to fill the- seat of retiring silicon valley congresswomanúanna eshoo still too close to call. yeah. >> the california secretary of state's office released a new vote results showing sam liccardo still leading with 21% of to be one of the two candidates in the november general spot onúthe november ballot, joe simitian is leading evan low by only 12 votes. the vote results will be certified by april 12th. >> we're still waiting for the results on proposition one. prop one would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities andc move homeless people off the streets and into treatment. if it passes, it will allow the state to authorize more than $6 billion in bonds that would be paid for out of the state's general fund. the latest numbers show the yes vote is leading by a slim margin. just about 20,000 votes. there's a special
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election today in the central valley to replace kevin mccarthy's seat in congress. the election will decide who will complete the rest of mccarthy's terms after he announced his resignation in december. there are nine candidates on the ballot from both parties. if the top candidate gets more than 50% of the vote, that candidate wins the seat through the end of the year. if no one tops 50, the top election in may. it is now 549. >> a very busy season is starting springtime accounts sales now, e some gardening businesses saw a surge in sales during the pandemic,úmany say that surge is over. >> so a major increase, so we weren't sure if that would continue or not. but now it's kind of went back to pre pandemic. so our sales have actually gone down. changes inevitable. and you've got to constantly what worked last year or maybe even last month might not work this. so we're always evaluating what's our next move.
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>> last year was the worst year we've ever had. i think it's because people bought their, you know, things they needed for their garden. they didn't need >> and some of those businessest focused on their homes during the pandemic lockdowns. but since those lockdowns were lifted a few years ago, things have slowed down. >> all right. not, good news on the commute this morning. you're followingident, right? so. >> that's right. this was as a result of police activity come c maze on that ramp from 582, the maze a head on collision involving that white pickup truck, you see, and 580 coming down to the maze, you can see that, this turned into a deadly crash. only one lane is getting through. i'll show you a different view of it. you can
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see. look at 58p here. getting through the area 580 is going to be super backed upc getting this way. thatgs not affecting 80, which looks all right. coming around the corner to the bay bridge. ic want to show you the toll plaza. you canúsee that people aren't getting through in the same volume, there is the backup now the caldecott tunnel, what i would do is instead of coming down toúthat backup, jus& take highway 13, ashby avenue, go all the way to 80 and get to the bay bridge that way. that's the best way. and if you're on 580, just avoid 580 and use 880 to get to the freeway. you'll get to the freeway without any problem. so there are alternate routes, but you have are some te were watching in the south bay, a littleúslowing there. northbound 101. this is more routine stuff.úand also we have the routine slowdown on highway four in bay weather. here's steve sal thank you sir. >> this is it for winter. spring begins this eveningn tonight
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8:06 p.m. and it's looking like a summer bigger today than yesterday. and it's going to make an impact here. i think the cooling continues. coast and bay, 40s 50, mainly upper 40s, low 50s. don't think these are going to change all that muchúon the temps here. 25 in truckee,ú27 south lake tahoe 28 at the lone outpost there in elko. somebody did write me and say thank you for mentioning elko. my mom and dad live out there. i'm happy to do it for you and las vegas at 51 flagstaff, 6/10 of an inch of rain and some high elevation snow. yesterday. 33 systems are on the way this is only going to increase, i think the low cloud deck over of days, and then good old fashioned rain is on the way. again this time. friday looks like friday night into saturday. maybe a break sunday morning before the next system sunday night into monday. look at that 1 to 2ft of snow in the mountains and pretty good rain for us. so was sunny side up it's starting to feel a little bit cooler here. it'll still be okay inland todayn 60s low 70s,
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but trend over the next couple of days. start cooling it down and then bring rain back friday into saturday. >> all right steve, time is 553. one city in contra costa county wants to make its sidewalks and bike paths safer. we have details of the proposed improvements and how new funding could help build a bicycle garden. >> and who are you going to call the new ghostbusters movie hits theaters this week. we're going to hear from the new team as they get set to battle, go side by side with some
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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ai generated material when uploading new content. users will now be prompted to confirm if their videos feature altered content. if confirmed, a label stating content will appear in the video description. youtube will add the label on its own for videos on sensitive topics like news, elections and health, where our time is 556 the department of homeland security says it's the first federal agency to start using generative artificial intelligence across a wide range of divisions. >> the agency will be using ai to improve training of immigration officers, help communities create disaster
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relief plans, and help investigators working on cases of child abuse. human and drug trafficking, open ai, anthropic and meta are all working with the government for this project. >> gamblers are turning to artificial intelligence in hopes of gaining an edge in the ncaa basketball tournament. ai can statistics between opponents. coders are now trying toúfigure out the stats that matter the most. possibilities include free throw percentages, home and away records, and rebound margins. but analysts add human element in sports. how players react during games makes it extremely difficult to form a reliable predictor. >> our time is 557. the 49ers losing a draft pick after the nfl found an accounting error ic the 49ers payroll. the nfl says the 49ers will have to forfeit its original fifth round selection in the 2025 draft, and they will have their 2024 fourth
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round selection moved fourúspots down. that decision was made after an nfl reviewúfound errors at the end of the 2022 league year. the 49ers remained under the salary cap despite that accounting error. >> the classicúmovie franchise is back in the theaters this week. ghostbusters, frozen. empire taking ghostbusting to the next level. new and original ghostbusters team up to fight an evil force threatening to destroy the world with a second ice age. younger cast members say it was exciting to work with the original franchise stars dan and ernie and bill. >> i mean, it's just like it's so incredible to get to know them. and, they're soúwarm and nice to talk to, like people are always like, don't meet your heroes, but meet your heroes. >> if your heroes are the ghostbusters, because they're fantastic just the way that he talks about them and his stories. whenever i'm with dan
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aykroyd, yes, i full heartedly believe in ghosts. >> so the question is, who are you going to call ghostbusters? frozen empire starts thursday. >> it's such a sad day for the whole city. just remember the precious lives that we've lost.o is in mourning. what's happening now to bring family members from brazil to san francisco, where a baby is the lone survivor of a deadly crash and is still in shg prediction in oakland how many cars could be left abandoned on streets this year, and how the city plans to clear thousands of these cars in a deadlyúhead strn on this morning's commute. we tell you where it's happening and what's you the backup leading to the bay bridge toll plaza from ktvu foxútwo news. >> this is mornings on two. well good morning to you.
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>> thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is tuesday march 19th. we want to get right to that breaking news of that fatal collision. it is backing up traffic this morning on the bay bridge. ktvu is james torres on the way toc the scene? james, what can you tell us so far about what you found out, dave and pamela, certainly a traffic nightmare. i mean, this is, probably the absolute worst spot where something like this could happen. we now know it is a confirmed fatality here. a fatal crash that involved what looks like at least three different camera that, we can see through the caltrans, kind of network of cameras all throughout the state of california. and there you can see the scene were the flashing lights of thesee police officers who are on scene. we can see chp, el cerrito police out here as well. i think i saw a squad car from the oakland police department, too. and then you see the tow trucks there on the left hand
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side of your screen. now, that is, you knowl probably going to be the next step trying to tow away some of the cars that were actually hit. you can you can try to make out a little bit i don't know how close you can get to your screen, but if you can do that, you can probably make out at three cars that look like they have some pretty decent damage. there you can see the white truck that's just in front of the tow truck on the left side of your screen. they'll tow those cars out, probably a little sooner than what we may expect, but the road closures will certainly stay in place probably for hours. that's usually kind of the protocol when we have a fatal collision,& investigation. you have the coroner who comes out, who handles the body. and then, of course, you have the cleanup that's left afterward, making sure there's no debris on the freeway, making sure they get the cars out of the way, too. and of course, those cars and those tow trucks have to backedm where i am, i can see a little bit of the bay bridge toll plaza, which just has red lights
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all backed up whereúwe are, we're still along, 58p, just getting onto that 80 exchange, the far two left lanes are blocked.úit's three three lane area.úso it's just the one lane on the right side that is still open at this point, and traffic is slowly easing through. actually, right now i'm physically looking at . and it looks like because they have one of these tow trucks trying to get out of the area, trying to get out of the scene here. so we'll be working and reaching out to the police departments that are here on the scene involved and of course trying to get some more information. but again, to let you know, we have a fatal,úa fatal collision here. we know at least three cars involved in that crash and traffic is just absolutely going to be a mess for pretty much the remainder of the morning. today, dave and pam . >> all right, james, thank you so much for that update. we want to go right over to sal to kind of better describe exactly for people where this is, because
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it's kind of i'm looking at fige out where that person maybe got on heading in the wrong direction. >> well, the radio traffic indicates that the person made a u-turn on the freeway and ended up on that ramp and, collision, triple a traffic camera network here, westbound 580, that's the ramp from. 580 pam heading on down to the bay bridge. so righe ramp from 80. and then there's a that is a ramp from 880. let me show you. now, the, macarthur maze. and that gives you a better don't know. where is this exactly? so this is traffic coming from 580. getting to the bay bridge, right there is the crash. right there is where james is. right now, i'll put this, the bay bridge. you can see people aren't really getting through at the same volume because of the construction on that ramp. so. and the map will make it even
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clearer. so 580 and 24 are affected, 580. it's just a big parking lot. and then you get into that big mess. so the alternate route i sugges, get off of ashby avenue, highway 13, go all the way down to the spfreeway and get through this way. if you're on five 80in oakland, get down to 880 and get on the freeway here. that will a big problem for 580. these are live pictures now of james, photographer at the scene. you have only the right lane over there getting through. this is a big problem for a lot of the east bay. as you can see, one lane coming in from 580 at 604. let's go back to the desk. >> okay, sal. thank you. will the city of oakland now considering a new strategy to better respond to dealing with abandoned vehicles on streets as after complaints that removed abandoned cars right now takes will consider the whole city. te
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plan would set aside money for a dedicated parking management analyst. now, the oakland city council is to vote on that measure when they meet today in another item on the agenda for today's oakland city council meeting would require alarm companies to confirm a crime has been committed or is being sent to that area. the president of the california alarm association says the proposed policy, called verified response, would jeopardize public safety. he also says the policy is already been triedc ad repealed in cities including san jose and dallas, texas. >> testimony is set to resume this morning. in the of killingr old girl in san jose, prosecutors say the child's mother, grandfather and uncle killed the girl during an exorcism church in september. a police lieutenant
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testified that the family believed the little girl. the judge is deciding if there's enough evidence for a trial for the former head of san francisco's public utility commission, has been sentenced to four years in prison for his role in a corruption scandal.t& harlan kelly was convicted by a federal jury last year for accepting bribes and gifts from contractors, and for lying about by mid june. >> our time now 606, the first meeting of the antioch police oversight commission has been sn that commission. they were sworn in last month and during their first meeting, antioch's interim police chief, brian addington, introduced himself and then invited each commission member to go outúon a ride along with a police officer. antioch mayor lamar thorpe also spoke at the police commission meeting and told the commission what. >> i'm here to ask all seven of
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you to join me as we rebuild our police department and as wet& rebuild trust. your role here is to help rebuild trust because trust has been violated. >> the police oversight commission was formed after at& series of problems involving antioch police officers, including a scandal that involved racist text messages. >> san jose police want the public's help to solve what it calls a case of animal cruelty. investigators are looking for two people who shot a german shepherd puppy, then abandoned the dog near an darling drive in mckee road in the early morning of january 11th. the dog later a procedure to have her jaw repaired. she is now recovering with a foster family. >> everything's healed. it looks beautiful. they took the device outc, you would never know. looking at this dog today. what she had gone through that she had been shot in the muzzle. >> investigators are hoping a witness might come forward who saw what happened to the dog.
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there's also a $1,000 reward in the case. anyone with information time 608. right back to sal. the latest on around the bay bridge. what's happening? sal >> yeah. you know, 580 ramp to the bay bridge has been down to one lane because of a deadly ths morning. i'm going to go first to triple a traffic camera network. here you can see that's the ramp from 580 downúto the bridge. and on the right is the ramp from 80úto the bridge. a ce that i can show you of the scene. this is our photographer on the scene here of the closure. you can see the right lane on that ramp is the only lane getting through. chp officers are getting people in . that's why they're more police officers here. and of course, it's a deadly crash. so they're
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up there right now. and we're trying to getúthe pickup truck over there. that white pickup truck that at one point wasúgoing the wrong way on the freeway. here's another view of see 580 is going to be slow. i people aren't getg through. so if you're coming in on 880 or on 80, you'll have a little bit of an easier commute. and here is the map. i would say if you'rec coming in through the caldecott get off on highway 13, ashby avenue, go allúthe way to 80 and join it that way. and if you're on the east bay commute, use the 880 ramp. those are the alternates. 609 let's go back to steve with today's weather. >> all right. thank you. this is it for winter. spring begins tonight tell you, it's a summer like fog bank yesterday. 49 poplar, santa rosa, san francisco, livermore in there, and then 53 palo alto, san jose. much more in the way of fog and low clouds towards the peninsula. south bay. so i
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think this will lead to some cooler weather today as we get some spring fever starts tonight, as we said, but that's a big fog bank out there. look for highs 5060 near the coast. still some inland, but the trend is for cooler weather over the next few days. >> thank you steve. the debate overúlandlines continues today.t and how you can weigh in on keeping the service plus batting. six first baseman number nine growing outrage after the san francisco giants announced they parted ways with the team's longtime public address announcerl renel brooks-moon. >> what moon is sayingc in the message to her fans
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( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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mugs. meetings to hear from both customers and phone company representatives. at&t says it is no longer cost effective to maintain landlines because there isn't much of a demand for the service. those fighting for landlines includes one landlord in the sacramento area, who was born with a severe hearing loss. >> the reason the landline is me is it's clear versus the for internet line. as the static, it comes and goes, it fades in and out. >> at&t stresses it still will offer landline service to any customer who makes the case that it is essentially their
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lifeline. many san francisco giants fans are expressing their outrage after the team made a stunning announcement that the giants are parting ways with their longtime public address announcer, renel brooks-moon ktvu andre senior. joining us now in studio with reactionn andre. >> well, pam renel brooks-moon made baseball history 24 years ago, and that is when she became the first black woman to become a p.a. announcer for a big league team, batting sixth, first baseman, number nine. well, the san francisco giants broke the news yesterday with a contract negotiations between the team and renel had collapsed spand said, in part after extensive discussions, they mutually and amicably agreed to part ways. now, adam copeland is the program director for the sports radio station knbr, the flagship station for the giants broadcasts. copeland shares the outrage and shock of many giants fans. >> it's a big loss not just for
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the giants, but for little girls, for people of color. when she spoke in 2020 and she said after getting her contract settled that she was going to hold the organization accountable for their hiring practices. it feels devastating as a as a black man in sports media in san francisco. >> well, there was similar reaction from many longtime giants fans and at least one bay area lawmaker. they simply cannot believe the giants are losing their groundbreaking p.a. announcer. >> and for her to be let go because of contract differences, or just is inexplicable and shocking that the giants could have this poor of judgment. >> her voice was the firstúthing i hear before i even got to see the fieldl so her loss is, like, completely devastating. well last night she posted a message on social media saying she thanked rather giants fans for their many years of support. >> the named her successor, but it's certain
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to be one of the team hosts thea day at oracle park. and that's going to happen, dave. on thursday. >> all right, andre, thank you. sptime is now 616. tomorrow, the golden state warriors will host the memphis grizzlies after a tough loss last night at home, the new york knicks defeated the warriors 119 to 112 at chase center. the knicks raced out to an early lead and theyc never trailed. warriors rookie guard trace jackson davis says new york's coach playedúa big role in the knicks win. >> their coach did a really good job of calling timeouts, he used all of them momentum, he called a timeout. and so, but at the same time, you just got to overcome, especially when you're at home, you just got to make ps and play hard. >> indeed. and this is the time of the season when every single game counts. and the warriors have now dropped to 10th place in the west. only 15 games are
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left in the regular season. >> all right. time now.ú617. we'd love to talk, warriors. unfortunately, if you are just joining us cigarets on the ground that bed. to talk about. >> we're was just talking about this crash. in fact, let me put it up here. so we just got confirmed. this police chase was a chase burglary and, we do have, the lanes are temporarily blocked. this is the ramp from 580 coming down to the bay bridge. and see the debris of a businessc in el cerrito tht sold tobacco products. and on the ground, all that tobacco there coming out of the bed of that truck. that truck was being chased by officers, ended up making a u-turn on the freeway and sadly ended up killing a person, innocent person who was driving on 580 in the car and the black car back there. this
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is just real sadness about someg like this, chp and el cerrito police are on the scene. the right lane is getting through on 580. allúright, let's, let me go to another picture here. this is the map. 24 is backed up if i were you, you're coming through the tunnel. get off on ashby highway 13. go all the way down to 80 and get on the freeway. that way, if you're in oakland, use 880 and come up through the area, triple a traffic camera at the bay bridge getting through, understandably, because that is to steve. with today's weather.- >> all right, sal, thank you. big fog bank out there. this is it for winter. spring arrives tonight and it looks like a summer fog. bank out there. i'm just going to move right along. 40s and u0s on the temps. don't
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think these will change that much. mostly cloudy skies out there. a lot of low clouds and fog changes are on the way in the form of a rain. that won't i think on thursday, but rain arrives friday saturday, and i think we'll get a break sunday morning before the next system shows up. sunday night and monday. just depends on which forecast model you believe in. we'll deal with it later. it might as well be spring because it will be by tonight. low coas. sunny and nice inland, but temps are kind of creeping down now. 5060s 70s on the temps. more fog and low clouds, especially on thursday. and then here we go. big change friday saturday. >> thank you steve. artificial intelligence is the focus this week in san jose. the events planned for today's nvidia conference and the impact it's having on the stock market and keeping people safe while walking and biking in antioch. we take a look at the unique park in the works and the funding to make it happen.
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with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. moon bay after a woman reported being groped on a popular walking trail. now, a woman reported being approached by a man on a bike while walking on the trail coast. this happened at about
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>> along her walk, she was accosted by an individual on a bike, and he touched her inappropriately. he groped her essentially, she screamed, which was a great reaction because it scared him off. and he, on his bike. he left the arean >> the police chief says this is the only incident they are aware of. so they don't want to cause panic, but they do want people to be awareúof the incident and their surroundings while on the trails. the man accused of killing an auto shop owner at lt month has been charged with murder. police say the shooter was angry over a transaction and was later identified through surveillance video. the security footage showed the suspect yelling from the counter, then reaching into his sweatshirt, pulling a gun and firing the auto shop owner was a former farm worker turned business owner who was about to retire. supporters of alameda county district attorney pamela price potential fraud in the recall campaign against her. the
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evidence, they say, shows several problems, including that spsome signature gatherers lived spoutside the state and that petition forms were left unattended in public spaces, and that some people were tricked into signing the petition forms. >> this is even more important signature is now under increased scrutiny. following the announcement last thursday by the register of voters that the folks who spent millions of dollars signatures and may not have enough. >> county officials announced last week that each signature will be manually counted because a random sample of 123,00p signatures submitted could not reliably determine if there were signatures. the main group of recall supporters told ktvu that they are confident that the recall vote will be based softwe giant. nvidia is hosting its annual high tech conference this week. many of the world's top technology executives,
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scientists and engineers are all in san to discuss the rapidly changing world of high tech and ai. this year's for its host, nvidia. strongtim- performance on wall street is being driven by its expanding >> unlike most companies,gence. they're going at it from all sides. they've got the hardware service infrastructures, sooud they're veryúwell this growing.d i would have to say exciting trend. >> nvidia stock has almost doubled since the beginning of this year. antioch is expected to receive more than $13 million in federal grants. that money will go towards making significant safety improvements for pedestrians and cyclists along the city's l street improvements include a road repainting project to make it easier for drivers to spot both crosswalks and bike lanes. the city is also on track to receive an additional $4 million in funds to design and build what
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is being called the antioch bicycle garden. that would be a uniquec all ages to learn how to safely ride their bikes. construction is set to begin on that later this year involving a san. we'llrder case tell you why. prosecutors are calling the latest decision in the case unusual. and a pedestrian lane on the richmond san rafael bridge may soon be removed. we'll tell you why. transportation officials are shifting their stand on a four year pilot program. and what could replace it?
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in san francisco gathering to honor the three family members killed over the weekend after an suv crashed into a bus stop. what we now know about the woman who was driving and the only surviving victim of that tragic incident. also, one oakland resident now using social media to raise awareness about oakland's major problems. the message he has for oakland leaders. from fox two news. >> all right. good morning. thank you for joining us here ok and i'm dave clark. >> tuesday morning itúis march 19th. >> all right. you hear that opening bell ringing for your business news in a moment. but first we do have to continue
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with that breaking news on that deadly collision. it is backing up traffic right before the bay bridge, a crucial part of the spmorning commute. ktvu james torres learned more information about what may have led up to this crash. good morning, james. >> pam. dave, good this could ne happened at a worse time in the worst spot. i mean, this is a part where several thousand people are heading from the east bay into san francisco for work, for school, you name it, right next to me. we are along 58p here, just right where the 80 connector is. you can see only one lane of traffic flowing through right now. and every couple of minutes, chp officers on scene will stop that traffic because it's just part of their investigation. we have about three cars that were involved here. i want to turn you around and we'll take a look at this white car that we're standing right next to. we just confirmed with some police officers from the el cerrito police department that this white truck was involved with a burglary at a tobacco shop. and you can see some of the debris, lots of
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cartons of cigarets, lighters. i even saw some cash out here earlier this morning as well. involved in a burglary in el cerrito. this truck tried going down eastbound 80 and then at some point ended up making a u-turn just before the bay bridge toll plaza. in fact, i can point to you kind of exactly where that happened. you see, the line of cars are waiting to get past through the bay bridge here. that white truck went down. where you see those cars you turned the wrong way to 580. ended up slamming into two cars. two separate cars that are still to be liftedúoff of a tow truck. we now know the driver of one of those cars has died here at the scene. two people inside the white truck here that suspect white truck chp officers and el cerrito police on scene tell me that those two people are seriously hurt, all of which are recovering in the hospital. now, as far as how long this mess is going to be here, there truly is no telling. i mean, it is a fatal investigation that tends to last a lot longer than any
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other typical crash. so police officers on the scene are still working to not just clean up the mess that's behind, but also investigate how this all happened, collect as much evidence as possible. once they do that, then they can tow the cars off away, and then they have to clean up what's left behind. but again, when you only flowing through for a very busy morning commute on a tuesday morning for something that happened just about 30 minutes before 5:00 this morning, you can imagine just how much traffic is going to accumulate as the morning working with the police department to give us some more information as they learn it. but what we know right now, at least one personúdead after three cars involved in a crash, one truck kind of behind it all, willc bring you updates once we learn more. pam and dave . >> all right. james torres, thank you so much for that update. we want to take you right over to sal, who's covering this. certainly, as james mentioned, sal, as we all know, a fatal collision definitely means this could be
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ours. this is closed, right? >> that's right. and see the effect it has on 24. it's backed up from highway 13. you're getting out of the caldecott tunnel. you just use highway 13, which turns into ashby avenue, and you can get to the freeway that way. and if you're driving in from oakland, just not affec. you can just come on down to the bay bridge. triple a traffic camera here showing us the bay bridge and not a lot of people there. and that's because one of the main arteries is partially blocked and some of the other freeways are actually doing okay. getting to it. so if you'reúon x0 westbound, you will see a much lighter than usual commute. let's talk about some of these other here. oops we weo the wrong picture here let me show you the golden gate bridge and the traffic here. that looks very good. 633 let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you. sal. hundreds of people gathered in
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the west portal neighborhood in san francisco. they mourn the loss of a young family killed when a car came crashing into a bus stop over the weekend. ktvu allie rasmus joins us now to show usúthe memorial and the calls for safety. allie. >> well, pam, at the site of that tragedy next to the west portal library in san francisco, is a large memorial where people have left dozens ofc flower bouquets, stuffed animals and handmade signs. now this memorial grew last night during a vigil that was held. the sign above the display reads sf grieves and includes photos of the three people who died when an suv crashed into them at this bus stop on saturday. the victims, a father, mother and their young son, a family friend, identified them the father as brazilian national diego oliveira. his wife matilda, and their son joaquim. they died when the driver curb, crashing into the west portal bus shelter where the family was waiting for the bus again. this happened saturday afternoon. the couple's six month old baby was the only
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member of the family who survived. the baby is still in the hospital. last night, the pedestrian safety advocacy group walk sf organized a vigil to honor and hundreds of people came out. >> i feel that i need to be here to show respect for the family, and i hope that the infant will survive. >> we need to change how people drive is the number one thing that kills time after time. >> san francisco police announced they arrest the driver of that suv, identified as 78 year old mary fong law. she faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, driving the wrong way, reckless driving and driving at an unsafe speed. a family friend of the victims says that their extended family is coming to thec bay area from brazil to help take care of that six month old baby, who survived and is still in the hospital. we don't have an update on the baby's condition this morning. dave and pam. we'll send it back to you. >> all right. allie. thank you.
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time now, 636. well, the san jose mother charged with murder fentanyl, is expected to beromt- released from jail to await her trial. now, a hearing conditions of her release. prosecutors strongly opposed that, and called it a highly unusual development for a murder trial. the toddler's father is r the baby's death last august, but he will remain in jail. >> oakland mayor shengtao says crime is trending down in the city's troubled hegenberger corridor. however, that is after a number of businesses closed in the area, including the starbucks, the in and outúand denny's because of safety concerns. the city responded by deploying more officers to the area. the mayor says during the sppast four months, the numbers show there has been a sharp decline in auto burglaries, thefts and strong and focused on making arrests when warranted. while reducing
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and preventing crime in the entire city.t& >> the chp will continue to conduct unannounced surge operations alongside our law enforcement partner agencies. >> now, the chp says it has 72 officers in the oakland as 65 od be added. the port ofúoakland and the alameda county sheriff's office says they now have surveillance cameras running 24 hours a day. >> our time is 637. a man from oakland, using his influence on social media to push for change in oakland, gregorio ramon has more than 70,000 followers on instagram and on tiktok, and he's frustrated with rampant crime in oakland. for almost two years, he has been showing hundreds of crime scenes, crazy driving trash and other tragedies, hoping his videos will make a difference. now, ramon is using social skills to promote local businesses. >> you have to do something right away because it's like
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it's nobody, no safe, no more. we are here that the we support any anything happening in the city in a good way that we are here to provide not only a good food but also a safety environment. >ñú20 years of. they told you that how good it is now , the mexican restaurant la casa de maria on 98th avenue in east oakland is selling merchandise with the words where life is worthless. >> that's the mantra created by ramon to put pressure on city leaders. >> it has been nearly twoúweeks, and the two top vote getters in the race to fill the seat of retiring silicon congresswoman anna eshoo. still too close to call. >> yeah, the california secretary of state released new results showing sam liccardo still leading with 21% of the vote. he is projected to be one of the two candidates in the november general election, but forúthat second spot on the november ballot, joe simitian is
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leading evan low by only 12 votes. the vote results will be certified by april 12th, and we're also waiting for the results on proposition one. >> prop one would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities and move homeless people off the streets and into treatment. if it passes, it will allow the state to authorize more than $6 billion in bonds that would be paid for from the state's general fund. the latest numbers show the yes vote leading by a slim margin, just about 20,000 votes. >> all right. our time is 639. changes may be coming to that bike lane on theúrichmond-san. rafael bridge. the metropolitan transportation commission will be seeking permission to return that lane to a shoulder for drivers on mondays through thursdays. the bike lane in 201r pilot program, but theúmtc says there has not been enough bicycle use to justify keeping that lane open on weekdays is
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trips on weekdays, 232 on weekends is six. >> 40 is the time. if you are just joining us, there is a very bridge. the morning commutebay severely impacted. let's check in with sal. >> yeah, the macarthur maze, the 580 ramp from the macarthur maze is blocked partially by a deadly collision that happened around 430 this morning. aa us the macr maze and 580 is the freeway that moves from left to right on your take to the bay bridge. to the t me put it here on theúmap. so this is also beginning to affect highwayú20 or it has been affecting highway 24 as people come down and then they make they get onto 580. a lot of them go to the bay bridge this morning. if you're coming through on highway 24, the what you want to do is get off on
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highway 13, go down ashby avenue and then get to x0 that way. that way you can get to the bay bridge. if you're in oakland, all. you want to use 880 to the bay bridge, or for that just gog through the maze, use 880 and not 580. let's talk about some of the other commutes we've been keeping an eye on. and that would be the south bay commute. let's all right, south bay commute. not too bad. peninsula and also the east bay commute like for example, 880 hayward heading down to union city looks good. 680 is a little slow out of pleasanton heading down towards highway 84. 641 let's talk about today's the first daf spring. >> that is correct. 8:06 p.m. tonight, sal. so this is it for winter. although we had a little hint of spring last weekend. everything's changing. the first full weekend ofúspring will be rain returning, but for today, bigger fog bank, 40s and 50s. and there's a lot more to go around today than we saw yesterday. change is on the way.
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here. let me do this. get out there. there you go. that's what's on the way. coming in. it'll start to roll in in the next couple of days, which will lead to rain. looks like on friday. but for today, spring fever, spring will spring bank.e in, i think low 70s inland for a few, but 5060s closer to the coast and also the bay. and if you're also looking for temperatures, they'll be in the 50s, 60s to a few low 70s, but big changes are on the way, especially as we head towards friday and saturday. i don't have social media. >> i don't have next door or facebook or anything. and next thing i know, people are texting me about the burgers selling burgers from his garage in brentwood made him a social media sensation. >> the message he has for families struggling to pay their bills is another problem for united airlines flight at sfo. >> as we take you live to the spairport this morning, the a us international plane from taking off and forced it to return to
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the gate. >> plus, following sean connery, roger moore, pierce brosnan and daniel craig, a british actor who appeared in an avengers spmovie, has reportedly been offered the job of 007 james bond
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and pleasanton into two fires on the high school campus. one fire happened late sunday night at amador valley high school, where a gym suffered major damage. school district says there was a second, smaller fire on the campus shortly after students returned. >> we did, unfortunately have an incident during school, in the morning, where some students made a poor decision to, start a fire in one of our bathroom, waste bins. >> now, the school district says two fires at the school are isolated incidents, but investigators are checking security cameras as they look for answers. the classes, by the way, are scheduled forútoday.
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>> a state initiative to help children save money for college or career say many eligible families don't know about the california kids investment and development savings program that launched in 2022. eligible low income students in the public school system will have between 500 and $1500 deposited into a savings account after high school. earlier this month, cal kids said less than 10% of the 3.5 million eligible students across the state have access. the state funded account. nvidia is partnering with a south korean company to mass produce its digital chips, used in artificial intelligence. tech analysts called the chips the next generation with high bandwidth memory. several other companies, including samsung, are working on similar versions. spthe south korean company workg with nvidia says this deal will cement its leadership in the ai industry. nvidia owns 80% of the losing a future draft pick after
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the nfl found an accounting error in the team's payroll. now, the nfl says the team will have to forfeit its original fifth round selection in the 2025 draft, and it will have their 2024 fourth round selection moved four spots down. now, the decision was made after a league review found errors at the end of the 2022 league year. sports illustrated reported. the error was in the team's cumulative player compensation on. the niners remained under the salary cap despite the accountingúerror. all right, pam, time is 648. >> a nice story. a man in brentwood started making smash burgers. he soon he was selling burgers a d& >> yeah, jeff, right, started making the burgers when he was having a garage sale, hoping to make a little extra money. he sold the burgers for $15, including french fries or onion rings and a drink. soon he started getting messages from his neighbors asking if they
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could get another burger becausd people started to come, and then one of my neighbors put it on next door. apparently and he came he said, i'm sorry, you know? and so, up. in the next five weeks, i, indt- ended up making 900 burgers. >> his burgers became so well known. soon he was visited by city officials who told him he could couldn't sell food out of his garage because of health and safety rules. a deli in brentwood then reached out to him, asking him if he wanted to gets emotional talking about all the support he's getting. >> it's just been amazing. you know, i didn't expect that. i haven't expected any of this, you know? and it's just been it's been awesome, you know? and i'm just so grateful and so thankful, the people of brentwood and antioch have just& surrounded me and supported me.
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>> he says the reason his burgers are so good is that he putsúa lot toasting the bun just right. caramelizing the onions and making his own burge& sauce and seasonings. way to go. and now i think he'll get some more customers from. >> he'll get 1 or 2 more. unfortunately, attention away toúsal castaneda a major commute problems this morning. sal. >> that's right, the 580 ramp to the bay bridge is partially blocked with a deadly head on collision. you probably wondering, how does that happen there? someone was going the wrong way on that ramp as a result of a crime that had happened earlier. so there's the ramp. i do want to show you the scene that is going to be here, where this white pickup truck was driving the wrong way, ended up hitting two other vehicles and causing the deadly collision. this was, vehicle was, according to
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police, involved in criminal activity. i'm going to let james torrance torres handle that. he's coming up with a report on this very, very soon. but i will lane open here on 580 gettinge through from to the bay bridge.t really is causing a big backup not only on 5x0, but also on in, so many people aren't getting through that 24 and five, 80 are the big mess here this morning. if you're coming through the tunnel, i would suggest using ashby avenue. just get off on highway 13 and use ashby avenue to get down to the freeway that way. and if you're coming from oakland, use interstate 880. we'll tell you more about the other traffic in the bay area coming up soon. but now let's go to steve, who's talking about the first day of spring. >> so is 24 backed up all the wayúto walnut creek already? >> well, 24 is backed up to the tunnel. i think people have heard about this, steve, and i else because. okay, you asked me
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the question here, 24 getting to spthe tunnel isn't as slow as i thought. and that tells me that people are going over to highway 80 and using that instead. okay. >> thank you sir. a lot of low clouds in place. this is it for winter. spring begins tonight, 806. but i'll tell you, it looks like a summer fog bank. 40s and 50s on the temps. much bigger in coverage than much larger coverage than we hadúyesterday. at this time, changes on the way. it'll be here with a lot of cloud cover, and then we'll clod it up. rains on into saturday, n the temp few hold on to a few bw they're on their way out, though it might as well be spring. it will be by tonight. low overcast coast. it'll be okay inland, but a lot of cloud cover. thursday will bring rain in friday. saturday. >> okay, steve. thank you. time 652 the 49ers now have a new backup for quarterback brock purdy. we'll introduce you to the new quarterback who has ac degree in aerospace engineering
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easier for bay area workers to create cooperative businesses here and also around the country. south bay congressman ro khanna announced a new bill to promote and expand co-ops at a slice of new york pizza in san
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jose. now, the owner says he wanted to find ac way to help give employees a piece of the financial pie and formed a worker co-op. in 2017. congressman khanna says his bill will help other businesses do the same. >> you've said no. when we do well, when we're selling a lot of pizzas, the the pizzas in thx and we're making the pizzas and who are cleaning up, we're creating all the value they should get they should be equaly what you've stood for. >> congressman khanna's bill would make it easier to convert a small business into a co-op. it would also smooth the way to get financing from the sba, including a $60 million loan program. well, two bay area state senators introduced a bill to provide hundreds of millions of dollars a year for struggling transit agencies. and as they
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spintroduce the legislation at a news conference, they were interrupted by people protesting the war in gaza. now, the authors of the bill, san francisco's scott wiener and silicon valley's aishaúwahab, made the announcement at the powell street bart station. they say the connect bay area act helps agencies avoid service cuts while funding improvement projects. >> this bill is more than a promise. a practical blueprint for overhauling our regional transit system, ensuring long tum sustainability and accessibility. with sb 1031, we're not just dreaming. >> we're doing now along with the revenue stream, that bill would require a study to possibly consolidate transit agr time is 658. the u.s. supreme
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court is expected to rule in june about whether the federal government went too far in companies to misinformation abot covid. the court heard arguments yesterday. the states of missouri and louisiana, as well as a group of social , complain that the biden administration's push for tech companies to remove posts about covid amounted to government coercion and violated their first amendment right to free speech. >> it's treating facebook and these other platforms like they're subordinates. would you do that to the to the new york times or the wall street journay service? >> now, some of the members of the supreme court said the government should be able to influence social media platforms when it is acting to protect the public. well, the state of california is speeding up its plans to empty death row at san
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quentin by this summer. right now, there are more than 400 men on death row at san quentin prison. a few weeks ago, the state began moving these inmates out of san quentin to other facilities around the state. until 2016, condemned prisoners were only allowed to be housed at san quentin. the voters changed that to allow the inmates to live closer to their families without reducing the sentencesúof the prisoners. well, santa rosa getting almost $1 million in funding to help build a center to combat crime. the santa rosa police announced that congressman mike thompson has secured $898,000. it will go towards the police department's real time crime center. police say that center will allow the department to use gunshot crime prevention technology to help the police investigate and prevent gun crimes. the center's opening te


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