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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 10, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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was a man who did the chicken dance so hard that he flew, duh. - delusions resistant to treatment. increase dosage. also get mason jars. could be fun. - bento.
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biggest night. dozens. capitalizing on the moment to send a message. >> oscar is the ultimate of like, it's a cherry on top, like nothing is happening. all is good in the world we're celebrating. but they're not celebrations during the genocide . >> hopes forúa cease fire deal before the beginning of ramadan. tonight now fading away. good evening everyone. julie haener. despite the u.s.i- support of israel, it is also sending aid to the people of gaza. this weekend, the u.s. army dispatched a vessel to provide humanitarian aid to gaza by sea. the general frank s besson set sail from a virginia basedúcarrying equipment for building a temporary pier in gaza. u.s. central command released photos of the vessel ahead of its departure to the eastern mediterranean. it comes after president biden announced plans to ramp up deliveries of desperately needed food and medical supplies to the war torn region. and here in california, protesters against the war in gaza shut down a major route in hollywood, about a mile from the
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awards were held. you are no democracy. >> you are no democra. >> see free, free palestine, free, free palestine. >> demonstrators gathered on sunset boulevard holding signs that read while you're watching, bombs are dropping and eyes on rafah, a city in southern gaza where more than a million displaced palestinians have taken refuge. protesters blocked streets as the show's attendees sat in black suvs for more than an hour until the lapd cleared the area. several protesters broke the fences surrounding the red carpet moments before the televised event. officials say they had increased security outside the academy awards, and show organizersúsaid were on had at the dolby theater and back here in the bay area. >> the jewish community relations council hosted its 75th anniversary gala tonight, but it was disrupted by a group of protesters calling for the united states to end militaryt-e
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organization says unfortunately, protesters showed up on the, south side of the palace hotel shouting, chanting and intimidating guests. we unequivocally condemn anti-semitism in any form and stand with israel's right to defend herself,úa representative from the group behind today's demonstration, jewish voice for peace, also released a statement saying jcrc extremism does not represent bay area progressive jewish values. the jcrc does not speak for a majority of jews when it opposes ceasefire blocks. arab cultural and political expression, and threatens public and private funding of institutions whose position it opposes. >> a group of uc berkeley jewish students, alumni and faculty plan to hold a demonstration and rally tomorrow on the cal campus . the groupúsays the environment on campus has grown increasingly hostile toward the jewish community since the start of the israel-hamas conflict, and they argue the university is
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selective when applying its policies to different protesters. they say a pro-palestine protest held last month blocked access to sather gate, forcing some students to walk through a creekúbed. say their gate cannot be blocked on campus. this is a student organization that is responsible, my understanding for the riot that occurred. so not only is this organization still registered at berkeley, but they've been allowed to block sather gate. >> the student march is not the only effort to support the jewish community at cal. spprofessor ron hassner began a lock in inside his office on thursday evening in hopes of persuading the university to do more to protect jewish students. when a speaker came to campus to talk about the israel-gaza students and non-students,kedt- attacked the venue, harmed
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multiple students, broke glass, damaged university property. >> so now students are really, really scared and worried. >> the march is set to begin at 1145 tomorrow, and will continue to say their gate. >> a spokesman for uc berkeley released a statement on both the protest at sather gate and the planned protest for tomorrow. it does read in part. members of the campus administration are in contact with both the organizers of the existing protests at sather gate and those of the planned counter-protest, but the administration is aware of and is concerned about rising tensions on campus so as to rede risk of conflict and violence on our campus. now, in regards to professor hannah's protest, the university said the administration is committed to confronting anti-semitism and hold professor julie haener in great esteem, and it is in conversation with him about his concerns. tonight, the federal spgovernment is investigating uc
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berkeley for possible discrimination that has been taking place after hamas's attack on october 7th. the u.s. department of education has been investigating several universities, including stanford and ucla, for alleged discrimination based on ethnicity or shared ancestry under title six of of 1964. the department of education's website shows it began investigating uc berkeley on prompted the university to bett- added to the department's probe into campus discrimination in israel. >> relatives of israeli hostages who held by hamas gathered outside the u.s. embassy in tel aviv today, demanding a release deal be finalized. that demonstration comes a day after president biden stepped up his criticism of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mr. biden said the israeli prime minister is hurting israel more than helping israel in his approach to the war. the conflict now in its fifth month. >> we are here because we want
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to call upon the us administration to put as much pressure as possible on all the involved parties in this crazy situation that's been going on for ages now, for more than 150 days, to put as much pressure on them to reach an agreement to reach aúhostage deal. now the health ministry in gaza says more than 31,pp0 palestinians have been killedc on october 7t. >> israel says at least 130 hostages remain in captivity. new at ten tonight, a man is in custody after leading law enforcement on a high speed chase in the north bay. it happened last night when the chp and fairfield police began chasing 24 year-old wilhelm rivas after they say he stole a car. during the chase. officers laid down spike strips, taking out one of the car's tires. the suspect then slowed down before jumping out of the car. in fairfield, officers say he ran up a before being caught and arrested by the chp.
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>> a woman from oakland died in an earlyúmorning car accident. this happened just before 5:00 along joaquin miller road near crane way. police say it appears the red infiniti driving southbound struck a brown honda traveling in a northbound lane. a 25 year old woman who was a passenger in the back of that honda died at the scene. it's not currently known if drugs or alcohol played a role in the collision. vallejo police arrested a woman who was wanted in a carjacking last week. police say 40 year old latrice sienna while a man was having a detailed out of business. officers say the man detailing the car was dragged about 20ft before billingsley fled the scene. this happened on tuesday on laurel street, right near spalhambra avenue. both the employee who was dragged in the owner of the sienna, are said to be pressing charges and staying in the east bayn two people were arrested and dozens of citations were issued in connection to a sideshow in concord. officers say they seized three vehicles thursday, police said. on that same night, a sideshow in
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pleasant hill led to thousands of dollars in damage at a private parking lot. no word on any arrests in that sideshow. vehicle seized for reckless driving or evading law enforcement are subject to a 30 day hold, police say car owners can incur costs of nearly $3,000 just to have the vehicles released. >> the chp is investigating a shooting that left one person wounded on the bay bridge. it happened on the lower deck just east of yerba buena island around 820 last night. investigators say the gunman pulled up alongside the victim's vehicle and fired several shots. the victim was hit once and then transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. the chp is now working and ideny a suspect and vehicle involved. new at ten a california bill recently signed by governor gavinúnewsom into law allows police departments across the state to release information about why officers were fired. now departments can voluntarily release public without a records
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request. ktvu lamonica peters live now in san jose. after speaking with the state senator about why she authored the bill, lamonica. >> state senator aisha wahab says she authored senate bill 400 after hearing of multiple police misconduct incidents across the bay area. she says she hopes the bill helps to rebuild trust between the community and police. >> bad actors will be fired and terminated and announcements will be made, and the public has full transparency of the incident. >> state senator aisha wahab says after talks with advocates and constituents in san jose, she authored senate bill 400. it was signed by governor newsom police departments can informat the public about why a police officer was fired. >> the officer goes through their entire due process, you know, has their union rep defending them and much more.
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and when wrongdoing is found out, and termination is approvedl then the, the, you know, police department can be very proactive and let the public know. and that was the whole point of this bill in 2022. >> san jose police officer matthew dominguez was arrested after being suspected of masturbating while responding to a call.úhe was later fired and placed on a decertification list, which could stop him from joining another police department in california. >> the effort is not only to reform, a lot of these institutionalized departments, but it's also to hold individuals accountable, right? both, you know, people in law spenforcement, but also those tt are in the public committing wrong, wrong acts. >> last december,úsan jose police released aúnewústrategic plan hoping to rebuild trust with the community, saying in part, this proactive approach not only enhances public confidence in law enforcement,
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but also establishes a foundation of mutual respect, understanding and shared responsibility. city. >> it's not just san jose, it's. every single police agency, should and many actually do want to increase transparency. >> senate bill documents actually show that multiple agencies supported sb 400, including the san jose police department. it was a bipartisan effort. and again, wahab says she believes that this bill will help rebuild trust between police and the communities that they serve. julie >> all right, lamonica peters live tonightúin san jose. lamonica thankc you. >> it has been one year since a levee break in monterey county resulted in massive flooding in one farming community. coming back at the devastation, butok also how the community is still recovering. >> all right. we're tracking the weather as well. we've got rain moving into the north show youút
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radar includes rain for late tonight that. see you back here. i felt like this is important for kids just to get that early exposure to stem. >> the golden state warriors are promoting science and tech education for students. how today's steam fest at chase center could get invested in the industries did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different.
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okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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the engineering, art and math. ktvu is alice wirtz was at steamfest and explains why today's event could lead to more diversity in the science and tech industries. >> the steam fest was held during the santa cruz warriors matchup against the rio grande valley vipers sunday afternoon. uc santa cruz was one of the community partners with a demonstration table. lindsay lawver from are slowly gaining d in these fields in the larger stem community, women are largely underrepresented. >> it's changing, but we're not quite there yet, so we definitely want to promote our our opportunities for women, for sure. and also for any underserved communities, community groups and student offered up giveaways and demos with math, 3d printing and programing. >> my club that i'm repping is the women's computer science club acm-w and yeah, we have a bunch of activities here for the kids, ranging from ai to vr. we're doing a binary number
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activity, so that's just teaching kids all about binary number systems and computers. >> santa clara university student maddie velasco says she attended an event was young. it. >> i feel like this is important for kids just to get that early exposure to stem. i think, you know, it's a really powerful to know what you want to do at a young age. and i honestly wish i >> two cousins in the hidden genius project know what advancement in education ultimately pencils out to stem. >> you mean like math, right? oh, because you have it's a nume money. into a career with a comfortable living. >> and i want to be life withous about what i'm going to do. >> earlier this week, 40 young a free laptop coordinated by self esteem, an oakland nonprofit. the computers were donated by i password and the warriors, a gift of learning. >> we were able to invite the girls, get their laptops, learn how to set them up, and it's
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just such an incredible tool for them to use throughout their their careers and for their stem pathway. opportunity to help fill the pipeline of many careers coming in the years ahead.t& >> for girls who are getting interested in stem. and then we follow them through the pipeline, the career pipeline. so it's just immersion exploration and then support as& they go on into their careers and their workforce fox two news. >> firefighters in antioch were able to quickly knock down a warehouse fire this afternoon. the first calls came in just around 4:00 in the afternoon. spfirefighters responded to the area of 14th and n in north antioch. once those first engines rolled on scene, they found active fire. as you can see here inside a vacant warehouse. firefighters say they got this one under control in just about 30 minutes. the cause of the fire is not yet known. a san jose firefighter was attacked while on duty. the firefighters union says the
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firefighter was attacked while trying to render aid. they say the firefighter is recovering, but the situation could have demanding a guidelines and policies. the san jose fire department says there is an active investigation, but spcould not comment any at this time. >> today marks one year since a levee in the monterey county community of pajaro was breached, causing devastating floods. it happened after heavy rainfall last march caused water levels to rise along the nearby pajaro river, eventually, the levee was overwhelmed, leading to flooding in much of pajaro. thousands of people were forced to evacuate and hundreds of homes were flooded. since then, millions of dollars have been spent to help with recovery efforts. although a year has nol struggling and need assistance. now, the state is planning to give out $10 million in aid to community members and a pretty manageable day today. >> actually, the weekend turned out okay. there were the chance of those scattered sprinkles and
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showers. they did show up in parts of the north bay up around healdsburg yesterday. the showers are showing up right now in parts of the north bay, but y turned out not half bad. not too bad. temperatures today were up into the low 60s some mid 60s in tomorrow maybe a little bitres cooler. we start off with a little bit of cloud cover. maybe a few sprinkles on the early early morning commute and then it should clear out until tomorrow night when we get another our first overnight shower event, which is just off the coast right now. actually off the coast just north of here. coming a little closer, letgs see if we can get this cooking. there it is. and soúyou can see where the rain is. most of it's a north bay energy mostly, but you can see some rainfall coming in now. scattered showers up around half moon bay, moss landing and down there it is. that's going to be the rain. it's moving pretty good. marinwood is getting rain right now. some moderate rain out towards sausalito and out towards fair. well on its way to fairfield. more towards winters, but that is the rain. and then tomorrow morning a little bit
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damp, but the rest ofúthe day should be nice, should be pretty good. so we come back, we'll talk a look at the forecast for tomorrow morning. tomorrow night when the next showers come and then beyond that when temperatures warmúinto the midc 70s potentially. i'll see you back here. >> all right. sounds good. thank you. bill. since october, a team of volunteers has been making sure that newts. it's a type of salamander, are safely migrating through marin county. the nonprofit organization chileno valley newt brigade says it has moved more than 15,000 live newts across chileno valley road, preventing them from being hit by vehicles. the organization says it is working with marin county public works on finding a long terme solution , such as specialized culverts that would allow newts and other small creatures to safely cross the road. >> san francisco's japantown task force hosted an open house this afternoon to show the public the new community space they are developing. that new center is 3300ft!s. japantowns cultural district partnered with coho, which plans to open a creative hub in the new center in june. leaders with the nonprofit say their vision is to
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connect with young audiences. >> the young folks really need a new place to kind of hang out and feel welcome in our community. that's something that , folks have been looking for really, really long time. so a lot of the immersive events that we will do for coho, will sort of service those folks and give them a place and a sense of belonging and a home. >> coho work closely with existing cultural organizations to honor decades of creative forces that have shaped the japantown community. >> coming up, an unmanned vehicle flies right over california this weekend at supersonic speeds, and this test run could one day play a role on how people travel. >> also ahead tonight, the bay area is home to one of california's most exclusive zip codes. the average income that homeowners make in this select part of san francisco
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traveling from sfo toújapan, lost a wheel just after takeoff, forcing that plane to divert to los angeles. now, boeing is responding to senate lawmakers who are demanding information about the door plug that blew out on an alaska airlines flight two months ago. the company says it cannot find documents about work done in the factory when the door plug was removed and reinstalled. fox news christina coleman tells us the justice department has now opened a criminal probe into boeing over the incident. >> the department of justice has opened a criminal investigation into boeing regarding the door panel that ripped off a boeing 737 max in mid-air in january. the wall street journal is reporting the doj investigation into this incident. the federal probe into the door blowout could also provide the doj with details on whether boeing complied with the settlement.t& following the two deadly boeing 737 max crashes in 2018 and
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2019. also, in a letter toúthe chair of the senate commerce committee, boeing acknowledged that after looking extensively, they cannot find some documentation for work done in theúfactory on the door that had blown off during the alaska airlines flight, there. quote, working hypothesis is that the documents were not created when the door plug was opened. even though boeing requires those records. transportation secretary pete buttigieg weighed in on the efforts to improve safety. >> first of all, boeing needs to cooperate in every respect, and the faa has given them 90 days to show a comprehensive plan on how they're going to turn their quality issues around. every time i step off of a jet bridge and onto a plane, which is every few days, i know that i am participating in the safest way to travel in the world, and we never take that for granted again. >> it was a rough week for boeing last monday, an engine on a boeing 737 900 burst into flames during a flight from houston to fort myers, florida. no injuries were reported and the crew made a safe emergency landing. reporting in los
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angeles. christina coleman, fox news. google is now offering new editing options for its gemini artificial intelligence chat bots. >> the tech giant says it is rolling out a new feature that will allow users of the chatbot, known as gemini, to edit responses. users consider inaccurate. google says users can now select text portions, give instructions to it, and then get more desired outcomes. gemini will now also provide citations for sources it uses. these changes come following recent backlashes over inappropriate responses on some different topics. a successful test flight this weekend over california could eventually unlock the gateway to new hypersonic speed travel. yesterday, the american aerospace company stratolaunch conducted a launch of a talon, a one unmanned vehicle. the company says the flight reached supersonic speeds approaching mach five, which would put it in the range of 3800mph. officials did not disclose the exact
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altitude of this flight. the aircraft thatúflew yesterday was a disposable version, and in its flight, by descending into the ocean as planned. but stratolaunch plans to build a reusable one that can land on a runway after each flight. >> a lot of workers are out there working part time involuntarily. weúare learning more about the job market here in the us with numbers from february. >> tell us about the state of the economy and a san francisco city leader wants to revamp the city's homeward bound program, all in an effort to get more out of town. >> homeless individuals back to their home cities. >> also ahead tonight, a district attorney georgia could be removed from the state's election interference case after it was revealed she had a relationship with a special prosecutor for why she could be kicked off the case as early as this week, introducing an all new way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen search fox local on your tv streaming device and download it for free. >> access all fox two newscasts plus exclusive features like the
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ktvu video vault archives search fox streaming device, or scan the cod for how
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now what the numbers say about the state of the economy, u.s. job growth, it increased by another 275,000 workers in february. >> surprisingly strong job growth nationwide. >> but employment lawyer michael bernick of the duane morris law firm and a former edd director, says how the us bureau of labor statistics actually counts jobs is key to this big gain. >> i think it's important to note a lot of these jobs are part time jobs. a lot of workers are out there working part time involuntarily. the average hours
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worked has gone down. >> unemployment increased slightly, partially because wort found it yet. >> the unemployment rate ticked up slightly but by all historic measures of the past 50 years, that's a very low rate at 3.1. >> inflation is down close to where the federal reserve wants it to be, but wage increases have also slowed to 4.1, keeping workers just 1% ahead of inflation. >> certainly far, far less than positive wage gains we saw in r022 and 2023. >> interesting to note, the women in the labor force is the highest on record. men left the splabor force for the third straight month, especially non-college educated men, leaving the labor force. >> and, we continue to see it. >> the overall percentage of able workers with jobs remains at the low 60% level, but prime
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working age folks 25 to 54 hit a five month high of almost 84, especially as we move away from the, all the subsidies available during the pandemic. the number of job openings decreased to 8.9 million. sp>> they're still slightly elevated above what we were pre-pandemic. but, they've certainly gone down. >> so while without heating up inflation. >> a lot of them are concentrated in just three sectors of growth health care, government and leisure and hospitality. the other sectors haven't been doing as well. >> that's why an june remains vy possible. tom baker, ktvu, fox two news. >> a san francisco leader wants to reinvigorate a program aimed at helping the city's homeless population. >> in tomorrow's supervisor, ahsha safai says he will introduce amendments to expand the city's homeward bound
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committee meeting. this program was launched back in 2005 by then mayor gavin newsom and provides paid travel home for who are seeking to return tones- their family, friends or other support networks. supervisor safai says the number of people being helped by homeward bound dropped significantly during the pandemic. he says his amendments will help revive the program by adding it to the city's administrative code. well, you may have noticed gas prices on the rise here in the bay area really all over the state of california. >> yeah, the latest numbers from triple a show, the average cost for a gallon of regular in california. now for 87, that's $0.27 higher than just a month ago. prices at the pump here in the bay area even higher. drivers are paying 505úin san francisco for 91 in oakland and 482 in san jose. those prices are 30 to $0.40 higher than a month ago. san francisco's nine for 104 zip code has the highest average income in california, according to the chronicle data
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from the irs says the zip codes average household income in 2021 was $5.5 million. the 94104 zip code covers a handful of blocks in the city's financial district and includes 555 california and the ritz-carlton residences in the financial district. the irs cautions some tax filers might their returns in the state of georgial a decision expected this week on whether or not fulton county district attorney fani willis will be disqualified from the trump election interference case. fox news madeleine rivera tells us this comes as willis faces two new challengers in her reelection me hopes to have an answer by friday on whether fulton county district attorney fani willis should be disqualified, but there could be some snags with that timeline. the defense is pushing mcafee to reopen evidence and include the testimonies of two more witnesses. they say these witnesses dispute willis and special prosecutor nathan wade's statements that their relationship began in 2022.
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mcafee admits he has got several legal issues to work could detee whether the georgia election interference case against former president trump will move forward before the novembert& election. >> i'm very impressed with the judge. he has already been very making sure that he follows the law, does what's right, willis maintains. >> she did not reap any financial benefits from the money wade earned asúa special prosecutor in the racketeering investigation, but her headaches are only growing. two attorneys are now running to unseat her christian weiss. smith is challenging her in the democratic primary, saying in part, this decision was made with residents at heart. willis on the republican, held criminally liable if sheet- lied in her financial disclosures. let's hope georgia ethics holds her accountable and shows her that she is not above the law. that statement is state investigation into whether willis engaged in misconduct. willis called that republican
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led probe politically motivated in washington matter. rivera, fox news. >> president biden is now walkingúback. one of the remarks he made at last week's state of the union address. >> the president used the terms illegal when describing the alld nursing student larkin riley last month. now, some republicans are saying biden was pressured by some in his party to take back the comment. president biden says he regrets his word department of homeland security secretary says the president technically didn't say anything incorrect. >> it's not derogatory. it's in law. itgs how courts have been referred to it. it's how the department. but dhs still refers to him as illegal aliens in court proceedings. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. i should as >> so you regret using that word? yes >> president biden will be in new hampshire tomorrow to continue his post state of the union campaigning. immigration was the top issue in the state of the union in that state during the primaries. >> still ahead tonight, we all
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lost an hour of sleep last night. thanks to spring forward. we'll hear from several bay area residents on what they think of keeping daylight saving time in place. >> i've already got a little bit of rain showing up in the north bay. it's working its way through the central bay tonight and into early tomorrow morni . we'll let you
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springing forward as daylight saving time began overnight, health officials and several studies show a surge, though in heart attacks, strokes and even car fatalities. after the time change, researchersúsay the risk is highest in the morning due to sleep deprivation. one poll says 62% of those surveyed are in favor of ending the time change for good. >> i think it did once, and i
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just think we need to stick with one. whatever it is that makes more sense to me. >> an hour change is a big thing . and like, you know, we have a flight today and we were worried like, oh, you know, like, you know, what time is the actual flight actually, i'm not crazy about it because i would lose an hour and it affects theúrest of the week. >> it's not it's not ideal. but i mean, it is what it is. >> a bill in congress would make the spring forward time change >> all righty then. checking in on the weather. we've got some rain up in the north. it's showing up in santa rosa right now, up in hillsborough. and it's going to work its way across the bay tonight and into tomorrow morning. and then tomorrow night, same thing happens. we get another overnight weak weather event. so these were the highs from today. highs tomorrow will be a little cooler because we start off with a few clouds. ground is going to be a little wet on the morning commute. but then the rest of the day turns out to beúpretty nice. this is tomorrow. and then
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tomorrow night the clouds come . perfect weather system as far as i'm concerned, mainly because it kind of stays off the morning commute, but it also gives you your day, right? it's not going to be wet on the afternoon commute and it shouldn't be wet during the day. so here's thet& current radar and you can see where it's raining pretty good up there. north of fairfield, out towards winters, east of santa rosa and sonoma. and then you see these showers moving in to partsúof the peninsula. and most of this activity will be through in the next few hours. there will be a few scattered showers lingering in the mountains. we've got the winter storm watch in effect that will turn into a winter weather mostw night. and again, it's not a huge event. theú16in is probably pretty heavy,c but i'd say 6 to sp8in possible over the period between now and tuesday morning. temperatures. they are running a little bit warmerúthan last do forecast overnight lows above freezing. but cool enough. that might be hard to get frost tonight. but it's going to bet&
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pretty. it's going to be cool enough. it'll be pretty cool. might see some frost.úand then here is the model. this is thisw morning at 8 a.m. and then this is tomorrow afternoon. and then this is the overnight deal. right. so that's the system as it comes in overnight about 1 a.m. on tuesday. and then is pretty much out of here by the be wet. but that's not bad. now- the mountains that's where you get the winter storm advisory going on up there. i don't think they'll see a winter storm warning, but a nice couple of weather systems tweak through and very similar to what we had last week, which were systems that were not direct hits. they were kind of just drive bys. and this is what this is. these are the forecast highs don't sweat this system. it should be gone by the time you get the kids to school. and then let's see there we go. and then it warms up man. this week we're going to see temperatures back into the mid 70s. so that's something to look forward toúa little winter then a little summer. coming up later tonight on the 11:00 news student loan repaymet
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at who will be affected. the >> and i'm bailey o'carroll. sportswrap is coming up aftert& the break. take a 49ers superstar parting ways with the only team he's ever played for. plus the stanford women's basketball team taking on usc in the last ever pac 12 championship game tonight. could spcameron brink and company get the job done? all that and more. up next
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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contract that he was in the last year of. now the team plans to release him, making him a free agent. this will be a huge loss for the niners on the field. last year he had 27 tackles, but in the had 66 tackles and added a sack on top of that. but it's also a major blow off the field for the community. the niners nominated armstead for four consecutive walter payton man of the year awards. he created the armstead academic project, hosted football camps, college field trips, free health and wellness clinics, provided free meals and school supplies to kids in need. through that foundation, he personally raised and dominated more than $2 million to help kids in the bay area and sacramento. that loss will certainly be felt, and veteran quarterback russell wilson, reportedly signing a one year deal with the pittsburgh steelers. just last week, the denver broncos told wilson, a nine time pro bowler, that he would be released, though the broncos will still pay out the remainder of wilson's contract.
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that's $38 million while he plays for the steelers. no word yet on just how much he'll make fromc the steelers. on top of that, 38 million and college basketball is heating up as we inch closer to selection sunday and the ncaa tournament. so in the very last pac 12 women's tournament championship game, stanford taking on usc in las vegas, juju watkins last dropped 51 points in pac 12 player of the year. there, cameron brink will start in the second quarter. brink would get this basket and is fouled. but the cardinals still down five. brink had 19 points and ten boards at the end of the half. mackenzie forbes out of folsom. she hits the runner here. the trojans led by nine at the half. forbes brother who you see here mason. he plays for to the fourth quarter usc up ten. forbes hits the transition three right here. the trojans up 13. forbes dropped 26. and the.d
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walk ins to nine points, but that left forbes free to have a big monster game, as she did tonight. the cardinals now await their selection to the ncaa tournament and see if this loss cost them that number. one seed. possibly get this to the trojans . and a wild scene today at the in the sec championship game. lsu versus south carolina game six players were ejected from this game. check it out. this was late in the fourth quarter. you can see there it all starts with that shove. then the benches basically clear out. you can see it was really that moment when that lsu player was heading to the bench where things kind of got out of hand here. now, in players were ejec. the gamecocks had six remaining players. lsu was left with only its five five starters to play after their two reserves were disqualified. south carolina did hold on to win 7972. both
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coaches reacted to the chaos afterwards. take a listen. >> do you realize there was only one foul called on each team with two minutes to play in the fourth quarter? are you kidding me? that might have created some of that. not the way we play. we're going to foul yours, not the way they play. they're going to foul your our game. >> is honest, this is this is a part of it. now so we have to fix it and we have to move on. >> and it has certainly been a college hoop season for the record books right here in the bay area. our very own joe fonzi takes a look back at some of the most memorable moments. tara vanderveer surpasses legendary coach mike krzyzewski the most significant single event of this season in bay area college basketball probably happened in january. >> it was on that day that the stanford women's team defeated oregon state. the win was the 1,203rd in the coaching career
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of tara vanderveer. that made her the winningest coach in college basketball history. men or women, i am very overwhelmed this game of basketball was invented, as always has been and >> itúhas never about one person and it is not about me. the expectation for the second ranked cardinal is the postseason looms host a couple and returned to the final four, where stanford won it all. >> three years ago, you knew it was a matter of time before cal broke through, did enough to get this one done tonight. >> the second biggest story of the year is a reclamation project. >> the man called the mad dog. >> mark madsen, the local kid from danville and stanford, took over a cow program coming off its worst season in 114 years of existence. last year, the bears won three of their 32 games. madsen, a world champion with the lakers and successful head
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coach at utah valley, was up for the challenge of turning the bears around. i'm all in 100% in. >> and so that's that's really where the focus and the excitement is, is, is about this opportunity. >> short of winning the pac 12 tournament, the bears will not be in the postseason, but landing squarely in the middle of the conference pack represents a huge one year improvement at saint mary's on the road inside, the kennel gets a win. >> the been as advertised. >> their win at gonzaga was part of a 16 game winning streak. the gaels came up one game short of a perfect conference season at 24 and seven. the gaels will make their third straight trip to the ncaa tournament. seeding and location. to be determined by how they fareúin the wcc tournament. other season highlights. santa clara's first win over gonzaga in 17 years, the broncos are 19 and 12 and need a good showing in the
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conference tournament to be playing after that. one final bay area team is sporting a big question mark. the usf dons were regular season, third in the wcc , but they were swept by saint mary's and gonzaga. it's likely hello knit rather than welcome back to the big tournament, a spot the dons occupied last year for the first time since 1998. count on this. it's march and time for madness. joe fonzi ktvu fox two. >> it was a big weekend for three bay area high school basketball teams. they brought home state championship trophies. two of those programs oakland tech boys high school team and the oakland high school girlsc team. among those emergig victorious at the golden one center in sacramento this weekend, the tech bulldogs won the cif division two title game yesterday, dominating centennial high out of bakersfield 79 to 55. we spoke with the team's
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head coach about the win and what it meant to the community, and the boys, he told us. or rather, he took us inside that moment when that final buzzer sounded. they got me with the with the with the get with the water, bath, even though i felt it coming, i told them, i told them i'm not going to take it. they know me and they didn't got me anyway. so the some they somebody's going to pay for it eventually because i was wet the rest of the evening. i kind of allowed them to do it just just enough to give me so they could say that they got me. >> congrats to coach in the team. and the oakland high school girls beat out montgomery high school out of san diego to bring home the d five title. we spoke to head coach nita simpson this afternoon about how a win like this impacts players, not just in that moment, but for years to come. >> it's a huge win for the program and for these ladies, because when you're in school st
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working with these, these kids, you know, it's so important to feed into them the capability of what they really have. some people, they're not dreaming the big dream, right? you have to encourage them to dream the big dream. and then when they have moments like this where they hit the goal, it changes them forever. because now it's like, hey, coach kept saying, all we had to do is put in the work.t& all we have to do is get the job done and dreams that they may have that they've been suppressing, they can now bring to the forefront and they can chase them and they can go after them wholeheartedly women's natl soccer team in action, alex morgan and company took on brazil in the women's gold cup final, 45th minute here. no score. that is, until emily fox sends a cross into the box for lindsey horan. you see there, that's her third goal of the tournament. horan scores with the header, giving team the lea. they take it one nil and win the
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women's gold cup and senior day for the stanford gymnastics team. they're ranked 22nd in the country. but cal's ranked second and led by maya lauzon, who had her second perfect ten of the season and balance beam. the bears win their first pac 12 title in 50 years. their team score of 198ú.u5 is their best ever, coming up on sports wrap, wedding bells are ringing for a 49ers superstar. you see him right there, brock purdy. congratulations are in orde more on t after t bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...?
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on the chicago white sox in scottsdale stadium today. catcher tom murphy ripped a two
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out double there to left field, scored wade meckler from second base. the giants walked off the white sox the home half of their spring split squad game on sunday afternoon in, the oakland a's faced the kansas city royals. the royals had a three nothing lead. that is, until oakland newbie abram to abraham toro. excuse me. grabbed the lead back with his own three run shot, solidifying the a's 6 to 3 win over kansas city. and it was a beautiful day for some golf in florida. then again, when is it not a beautiful day for golf in florida? final round of the arnold arnold palmer invitational at bay hill in orlandon world number one scottie scheffler was dominant already up five strokes on the 15th hole. he sinks the long birdie putt from 34ft out to extend his lead. this one was all scheffler. he taps in on 18 to finish with a bogey free 66. he wins by five strokes over wyndham clark. next week is the
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players championship at tpc sawgrass, where scheffler is the defending champion. and in other nfl quarterback news, baker mayfield will be staying with the tampa bay buccaneers. the two sides agreed to a three year deal. it's worth up to $115 million $50 million of that reportedly guaranteed. mayfield has played with four different teams over the last three seasons, but he helped lead the bucs to a third consecutive nfc congratulations are in order for 49ers qb brock purdy. he tied the knot with his college sweetheart, jenna brandt yesterday in iowa, where the two met and went to college, tmz reporting it was no small gathering. they say upwards of 350 people if teammates attended the celebration, though, but cheers to mr. big. >> congratulations to thank you. next at 11 we want to ensure that we enforce the law.
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>> but we also want to ensure that we are reforming laws that are outdated. >> a new bill signed into law by police departments more transparent and it clears the way for theúpublic to learn why officers have been fired without a records request. we 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now. >> hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach news tonight the legislation came about following a 2022 scandal in the san jose bay reporter lamonica peters has more from the bill's author. >> state senator aisha wahab says after talks with advocates and constituents in san jose, she authored senate bill 400 bad actors will be fired and terminated, and announcements will be made and the public has full transparency of the incident. >> it was signed by governor newsom late inform the public ay a police officer was f


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