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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  November 14, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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at's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪ touched down to join the summit. plus, five people rescued, three in the hospital after flames ripped through an apartment building in san francisco. we'll have the latest on the investigation. then, the man accused of attacking congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer took the stand in his own federal trial. how he broke down into tears as he described what happened to the jury. the news at noon starts now. >> this is ktvu fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. thank you for
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joining us. i'm andre senior. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> it's been a wet day for parts of the bay area. cooler wetter weather is sticking around for the next couple of days. our meteorologist rosemary oroczo is tuning in a gorgeous look at the golden gate bridge right now. see some clouds, a little tiny bit of sun, but dry roadbeds. yeah >> yes. you know, i think we are pretty much done for today. gasia and andre, we had that rain pull through early on and now it is pushing to the north. i'll show you that here in just a moment. that view over the golden gate bridge, as well as the marin headlands and san francisco, is just a gorgeous one. and again, it's a mostly dry one. here's a look at storm tracker two. where to the north bay we go where we have a few scattered showers pulling in from the coastline near inverness bodega bay, stretching up over the hills and then into the sonoma valley. hillsborough, santa rosa may have a few sprinkles as well as cloverdale, but if i pull back, notice where the center of the storm it is actually moved a little bit farther west than yesterday. and with that, it's kind of taken
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the moisture with it and the line and plume of moisture that we are seeing is kind of going from the north bay and then farther north and so as we get into the afternoon, we are expecting that possibility of just a few showers in the north bay and lake county. the rest of expected us to be dry. here's a look at the future cast model on this. there's a look at your lunchtime and then into the afternoon and evening hours. notice how the moisture just continues to move north all the way off the coastline by 11:00 this evening. now we're not done just yet. do expect scattered showers on and off through the rest of the week, at least through about saturday. i'll have a look at what we can expect coming up. >> all right, rosemary, thank you. in just over an hour and a half from now, president biden set to arrive in the bay area for the apec conference. he's scheduled to meet with chinese president xi tomorrow at the summit. now, just before leaving the white house earlier today, president biden said his goal for the meeting is to get the us-china relationship on a, quote, normal course. the president and first lady will also host a welcome reception
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for other apec leaders. and then on thursday, the president will speak at the summit and will host the heads of delegations for the apec dinner. then on friday, he will host the apec leaders retreat before leaving san francisco. >> there is tight security and road closures heading into and around the city because of the apec summit. cctv's allie rasmus gives us a look at the conditions near moscone center, where there is still limited traffic moving through this intersection of third and howard by moscone center. >> but by this time tomorrow, that won't be the case. this intersection will be part of a vehicle exclusion zone. only people attending the apec conference or people who live nearby will be able to even walk through here from mission and howard to third and new montgomery street. this is all for the asian pacific economic cooperation summit happening through friday. president joe biden is set to arrive in san francisco later today ahead of his meeting tomorrow with chinese president xi jinping, the leaders of 19 other nations that line the pacific ocean are also here for the apec summit. members of those international delegations have been here since
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this weekend, but security will be even tighter after president biden arrives. >> we had a briefing at my building that was facility gated in the background by the secret service residents who live in the secure zone around moscone center were warned to expect delays significant delays and not to go out in your car unless you have to use like for blocks like this whole square. >> i've been trying to like avoid it, but i mean, it's been not i mean, you just got to find the holes in the fences. >> all that fencing has also made a big impression on people who live and work nearby. >> i think it's overly done. >> i mean, where are all this from? >> where do you find these washington, d.c? did they have to ship this from d.c? who pays for this? taxpayers, i guess i do. you do. >> my cab driver told me yesterday when i said, can i go to the w, please? and he's like, are you kidding me? i was like, no, what's going on? >> business travelers who are not here for the apec conference were caught off guard. this
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traveler from london booked a room at the w hotel right across the street from moscone center. did they tell you all this was going to be going on? >> no, i just booked it and now it's like i'm in a cage. like i feel like a zoo animal. i'm trying to figure out how to get a cab to get to work. any advice? >> really, the best advice is to avoid the neighborhoods around moscone center and south of market altogether. unless you're specifically here to attend apec streets around the fairmont hotel, where president biden is staying in the nob hill neighborhood are also closed off as part of a second secure perimeter. muni lines have been rerouted in other parts of the city a l traffic in each direction on the bay bridge is closed. all of those road closures will remain in effect until 9:00 friday night. that's when the apec summit is scheduled to wrap up in san francisco. allie rasmus, ktvu fox two news new at noon. >> the man accused of attacking the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi took the stand in his own defense in what was often emotional testimony.
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david depape walked the jury through the events leading up to and including the assault at the pelosi home. depapes defense attorney called the accused to the stand just after 9:00 this morning. on the stand to testified about a vast conspiracy ac that he said involves hollywood actors such as tom hanks and politics villains, including representative adam schiff, as well as what he said was former speaker nancy pelosi's involvement in a child sex trafficking ring. he broke down a number of times at one time. he cried on the stand while saying again, in his words here that the cabal would burn the country to the ground before they'd spend a day in jail. depape also testified he thought the russiagate investigation looking for connections between former president donald trump and russia was a hoax and a political lie told by nancy pelosi, among others. depape testified that he went to the pelosi home with the intent of questioning and recording a video of nancy pelosi about what he called lies and said if she lied, he would break her
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kneecaps. he said he was surprised she wasn't there when he showed up at the pelosi's pacic heights home in october of last year. he testified that he recalled encountering paul pelosi in the bedroom and that pelosi called the police and meeting officers at the door. he said, i recall hitting him once the medical report says he was probably hit more, but i only recall once i reacted because my plan was basically ruined. depape also testified that he felt bad after hitting paul pelosi, saying until he hit him, they'd had what he called a really good rapport. the judge in this case said she believes the jury will begin deliberating as early as tomorrow. >> known as the israel-hamas war. the us says it has unspecified intelligence that hamas and other palestina militant groups use some hospitals in the gaza strip and tunnels underneath them to hide and support their military operations and to hold hostages. trey yingst has the latest developments. >> explosions ringing in northern gaza on tuesday as
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israeli forces backed their ground operation with airstrikes . but much of the international focus remains on gaza's al-shifa hospital, where the un says patients and newborns are in need of supplies. overnight, israel says it would deliver incubators to the facility, but it's not clear how those would be powered without fuel. relief groups say they may be forced to pause operations in the region by wednesday. >> all feasible precautions must be taken, including the effective warnings which consider the ability of patients, medical staff and other civilians to evacuate the safely. >> israel has accused hamas of using hospitals as command centers. on monday, israeli forces released this video. they say shows hamas weapons found in the basement of a children's hospital as well as rooms they believe held hostages. >> that's against international law. who gives money to these hospitals? who should shares this hospital and embraces this hospital? he's helping hamas effort. >> meanwhile, israel continues
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to open humanitarian corridors for people to flee northern gaza . the un says another 200,000 people left northern gaza in the last two weeks. prime minister benjamin netanyahu once again rejecting calls for a cease fire until all hostages are released. >> we have a cease fire. it means that it's a surrender to hamas. it's a surrender to terrorism. it's a victory for the axis of terror. >> israel's military says it's lost at least 47 soldiers since the ground operation began along the israel gaza border. trey yingst, ktvu fox two news. >> tens of thousands of people are gathered in washington, dc for a rally in support of israel. organizers say they want to show solidarity with israel and also to call attention to hostages being held by hamas for more than a month now. the rally is organized by the jewish federations of north america. they say they expect 250,000 people to descend on the national mall. some bay area jewish leaders are in dc for the rally. they say reports of vandalism and violence against the jewish community are rising nationwide. and here in the bay
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area, they've been concerned about the 400% increase nationwide that we're reading about statistically, but that we're also feeling in the streets, in the schools, in our workplaces. the surprise attack by hamas on october 7th killed 1400 israelis in about 240 people were taken hostage. since then, more than 10,000 palestinians have been killed in gaza as israeli forces battle hamas, a group of jewish activists living in the bay area are demanding a cease fire in gaza now, about 600 people took over the oakland federal building last night, forcing workers there to evacuate. >> protesters staged a sit in at the rotunda and held signs that their demonstration theanizers largest civil disobedience of jewish people ever in the bay area. >> when we study genocide and mass murder, the question is always who had the courage to stand up and say no? protesters who refuse to leave the building were eventually escorted out by
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oakland police. >> the federal protective service and agency of homeland security is in charge of this matter. >> a flight from los angeles to canada makes an emergency landing at sfo. what happened on board the plane that forced it to make an unplanned stop in the bay area, then leave nearly 12 hours later. plus the biden administration warns climate change is getting worse, but the us is working to make the country more resilient. >> i'm rich edson in washington. i've got the details coming up.
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a street in the mission. ctv's james torres learned the details from firefighters. that fire contained to just one building. >> this three story orange apartment building here along valencia street with the windows broken out, a call that brought out at least 70 firefighters as early as six this morning. this is what it looked like when firefighters arrived. flames flying out the roof of an apartment building along valencia street at 21st street. the woman who shot this video woke up before her alarm to hear the fire alarms. >> so i just knocked on everybody's door. i was like, wake up. i never know what's going to happen. please. there's my other alarm. >> crews rescued five people out
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of the building, including an elderly couple pushed to safety by wheelchair. one man helped down his apartment unit by firefighters says it all happened so fast. and then i grabbed what i could. >> i opened my front door again. that's when the flames were practically there at my door door. and that's when i made my way to this fire escape. >> those firefighters spent much of the morning making sure smoke , ordering fires didn't linger in the walls or the attics or the void spaces of the building with the two alarm fire that usually brings on a hazardous material response, though in this case, firefighters were more concerned with the damage left behind. when you have a two alarm fire, doesn't necessarily mean that this is a hazardous materials incident. >> but the smoke and the run off of the water is going to be considered hazardous in any structure. fire >> that smoke sent three people to the hospital, all firefighters say they are all expected to be okay. reporting in san francisco, i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. >> three people are dead, 18
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others injured after a bus carrying high school students crashed into a semi truck on an ohio highway. the licking county emergency management agency director said the charter bus was taking students from a school in eastern ohio. a total of 57 people on board. the cause of this crash is under investigation. a united airlines jet took off this morning from sfo after making an emergency landing at the airport because of a bomb threat. investigators say the flight with 148 passengers and eight crew members on board was headed from los angeles to vancouver when it landed in san francisco just before 930 last night. united airlines says the flight landed safely. sfo's duty manager tells ktvu the threat came from a passenger on the flight. police now tell us no one was taken into custody. >> well, some of us started the day with a little bit of rain. so let's check in with rosemary oroczo now to see if that's going to be the case for the rest of the day. hey, rosemary. >> yes, andre and garcia. i think we again, are pretty much finished with the rain, at least the central and south bay. the north bay will still have an
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opportunity. see a few scattered showers falling as we speak. and here's a live look as we look towards the north, the golden gate bridge. we do have the marin headlands there. a lot of cloud cover overhead and some of the rainfall amounts from earlier this morning. santa rosa reporting 3/10 of an inch we have along the coastline between dylan beach and bodega bay, anywhere from 2/10 to 3/10 of an inch and cazadero reporting a little bit more than about a third or so. but for most areas, including the north bay, just trace amounts, a few 107 inch reported in some areas and storm tracker two there, as we put it in still motion. this is where we're seeing that possibility of some light rain right along the coastline near bodega bay. and then stretching over towards the sonoma valley area from santa rosa healdsburg into cloverdale. and then farther north into lake county, we have scattered showers reported. they're pulling way back. we've been talking about the pattern and the possible of the scattered showers continuing with us for the next several days. but it's really just going to be on and off and the low is actually pulled away from us, which means
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some of that moisture has pulled away as well. right now, it looks like northern california and we'll see the brunt of it, at least for the rest of today. here's a look at the future cast into the evening hours. notice how it's just kind of skirting the coastline, leaving us dry tomorrow, though, we wake up with mostly cloudy skies and things start to get more interesting by about lunchtime, scattered showers expected along the coastline and just inside the bay. and then as we get into the afternoon, if this remains on track, we will have scattered showers just in time for that evening commute tomorrow. and then on thursday, still calling for the possibility of scattered showers. friday, scattered showers, first part of saturday, scattered showers. so don't put away the rain gear just yet. you may need it. temperatures for today right about average, even a little bit above oakland, going to 70 for the afternoon. typically 64 upper 60s in san francisco. going to be a cooler day over areas like santa rosa with all that cloud cover in place along the peninsula. 70 in redwood city. and for the inner east bay 73 and livermore. so
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it's a mild one out there for many areas, including san jose coming in at 72 for the afternoon. i'll have a better look at what we can expect for the rest of the week and the accumulation we may see. all said and done coming up in just a little bit. good news from the latest report on inflation, but families aren't feeling the relief at the dinner table just yet. >> i'm madeleine rivera in washington with the latest numbers. ahead of the holidays. and we're excited to announce there's a new streaming app for your tv. you can watch our newscast live on amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search your device for fox. local then choose ktvu fox two. you'll also find more instructions when you head to our website. slash how to stream.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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be in the jolly mood enough to pause rate hikes. madeleine rivera reports from washington. >> a cooldown in october is what americans had been hoping for as inflation eased last month. consumer prices are up 3.2% from a year ago. that's down from 3.7% in september. this is a good report. >> we know that the top line has been driven a lot by gasoline prices. energy prices in general. to see the core come down a little bit, i think is good news. >> the average price for a gallon of gas is about $3.35, dropping almost $0.30 from last
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month. but the costs of other items like shelter, medical care and car insurance remain high. and you may feel the pinch this thanksgiving ring with prices for meats, poultry, fish and eggs all rising in october. >> most consumer things really are focused more on the fact that prices have gone up even though their wages have gone up in a commensal fashion. >> on the bright side, core inflation, which strips out prices for food and energy, rose 4% over the last year. it's the smallest 12 month change since september 2021. stocks rallied on wall street after the opening bell on the heels of the inflation report. investors are eyeing the federal reserve's next moves to see if they'll hold off on hiking rates. some are feeling optimistic about the economy overall. >> we're back into an era of productivity led growth. the likes of which we've just forgotten about because we were in secular stagnation for 15 years. >> inflation is still above the
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fed's 2% target chairman jerome powell is keeping his options open, saying if it becomes necessary to tighten policy further, he won't hesitate to do so. in washington, matt rivera, ktvu fox two news. >> well, today the house of representatives is expected to vote on a stopgap funding package to prevent a government shutdown. house speaker mike johnson proposed a two part temporary funding plan to avoid a shutdown while keeping current spending levels where they are and that could win the support of enough democrats to make it happen. >> i'm heartened that the bill, speaker johnson, is advancing amidst the sort of devastating cuts that are nonstarters for democrats. >> johnson's plan is similar to the one proposed by former house speaker kevin mccarthy that ultimately cost him his job. lawmakers have until friday to avoid a government shutdown. the us supreme court now has its first code of conduct that will affect its nine justices. during the past few months, some members of the high court have been criticized for behavior that critics call, quote, unethical. for instance, they
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say justice clarence thomas failed to report travel and gifts received from wealthy political conservatives. there was also criticism of justices samuel alito and sonia sotomayor . >> the american people have the right not to expect those who are serving in high office to meet high ethics and transparency. >> the new supreme court code of ethics is based on the one that applies to federal judges. it's still not clear who would enforce the new rules and how they would be enforced. a recent gallup poll show that public confidence in the high court is at an all time low. >> some 470,000 californians have enrolled in president biden's saved student loan repayment plan. the new plan bases monthly payments on how much a borrower earns annually. the average borrower will save more than $100 a month under the safe plan. people living below the poverty line don't have to make payments. interest does not grow during that time that payments aren't being made with their when their income increases, they'll start making payments on the loan principal again. a million foreign students are now studying at
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colleges across the us. a report by the institute of international education shows enrollment of foreign students is up more than 100,000, compared to the 20 2122 school year. it's the largest increase in more than 40 years. as international enrollment is getting back to near pre-pandemic levels, the most favored schools are in california, including usc and uc berkeley. researchers say these numbers show the importance of global innovation, collaboration and peace. >> well, renters in the bay area are now paying close to pre-pandemic rental rates. economists for redfin say that's because buying a house in the bay area is getting more expensive, as both home prices and mortgage rates have increased it. when people can't afford to own a home, the demand for rentals increases. so rents increase. the biggest rent increases in the country are expected in silicon valley. flu season picking up in california. the trend health officials are seeing across the state and why it's off to an earlier start. the normal then first glance lowering dignitaries and thousands of people to san francisco. seems like a good
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thing. the impact apec is having on local businesses and why not everyone is happy about it
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and university leaders as well. ktvu jana katsuyama went to several events and tells us
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their goal is to create economies that are more sustainable, high in the sky, ocean waves splashed across salesforce towers rooftop art display a perfect reflection of the conversations buzzing below at the apec university. leaders forum. the topic investing in tomorrow's biodiversity. we talked about the important role of biodiversity city. >> we talked about the important role of climate change in coastal communities in particular. that's obviously a big issue here in california. we can influence government, we can influence the corporate sector. >> and one way we can do that is through higher education. the day of speeches and panel discussions drew more than 130 university leaders from apex 21 member economies to the common wealth club in san francisco, with a call to action. >> we have growing concerns around sea level rise and increased frequency of storms and storm surge and damage associated with those sorts of things for filipinos, for example, climate change is real.
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>> it is not a theoretical concept. it is not an abstract concept. we feel it in the sense of more frequent typhoons for the developing country and developed country. >> we may we may push in a different pace. >> another topic was food security. >> when we think about trying to get to 2050, we need about 50% more food. and that's a huge challenge because we're going to add another one 1.5 billion people to the planet. we need more innovation. but we need governments to then put into place the laws and the policies and regulations that allow those new innovations to come to market. >> across town, preparations for the apex ceo summit brought attendees to epic cleantech, a san francisco water recycling startup where the golden toilet statue says it all. san francisco is the first city in the country to actually require that all new large buildings have to have on site water recycling systems. >> ceo aaron tartakovsky showed their recycling process in action. the rate at which we're building new buildings globally is like another new york city
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every month from now until then, we have to do things differently. >> an epic, clean tech ceo says they've even developed a way to purify the gray water from showers and turn it into beer. it is scheduled to be served up at one of the apec receptions. and it's just one of many ways that our bay area startups and academic communities are showcasing their ideas for apec this week in the newsroom. jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news. >> in addition to the meetings scheduled at the apec conference , there are also several receptions being hosted across san francisco. last night at japantown at the fermentation lab restaurant, women in clothing of various cultures greeted guests. the reception was hosted by global sf. the nonprofit works with the city to attract and recruit foreign investment. organizers say these gatherings are an important part of apec. >> you're having a drink, you're grabbing something to eat, or, hey, do you have a couple of minutes? and that's where you get to know each other. find out what's going on. and then actually we find a way to actually work together.
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>> uh, also last night, there was also a reception at the ferry building for finance ministers from various countries. a conference the size of apec can only help the bay area's overall economy. restaurants and hotels stand to benefit here, but some businesses say it's led to decreased foot traffic. cctv's henry lee spoke with all kinds of merchants in the city about what they're experiencing so far. >> there's heavy security these days in san francisco, south of market, sfpd. at street corners, chp officers roving the roads, tall fences ringing moscone center, the apex summit has come to town and some businesses in the area are all for it. >> but overall, we're pro apec. we want we are very pleased that it's happening this week. bernardo geslani, a store manager at coal hardware at fourth and jesse just a stone's throw away from moscone center, the store's smack dab inside a security perimeter. >> so geslani hopes that won't deter people. >> it's hard to determine if somebody like a regular customer of ours will go through the hassle of going through the security checkpoint just to get that one light bulb. dexter lee
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owns massage envy. >> he says despite the fences going up over the weekend, his business at the spa has been doing well. >> optimistic, but, you know, we'll see. although he's grateful for the apec attendees who've stopped by, he would still prefer locals. well, you know, our our model is based on members memberships, you know, and so visitors won't. >> tony soofi, a supervisor at denny's, says he doesn't believe his business will be affected. >> we are not worried because the online order and then everything from doordash and like uber. so a lot of things then come, he says. >> there's also one big plus because of the fence. everybody will be vetted. >> it's a really good because everybody is checked here and over there. so there is a lot of security. >> definitely we get less customers. i'm not excited about it because it's a hassle for everyone. >> jose garcia is general manager of the lemonade restaurant near the metreon. he says apec is an epic headache, especially going through security to come to work and not getting enough orders to fulfill
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because of these fences. garcia and others say for now it's wait and see. >> i think it's the first year and people is getting scared. so they don't know they don't know what to expect. like everything changes every day. >> i'm kind of hoping still my engineers in the area and things like that will still come in because they probably still need to service their guests for that particular week. but we don't know, no matter if they're for or against apec, these businesses tell me they will serve their customers to the best of their ability, despite any security restrictions. >> in san francisco, henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. president biden announced historic actions to address climate change. >> he called it the ultimate threat to humanity. rich edson has more from washington. climate change is impacting all regions and all sectors of the united states. >> president biden is putting climate change in the spotlight ahead of a highly anticipated economic summit this week. the white house has released the national climate assessment showing every region of the country is experiencing the impacts of climate change. the report says extreme weather events are now costing the
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united states more than $150 billion a year. >> i've seen firsthand what the reports make clear. the devastating toll of climate change and its existential threat to all of us. and it is the ultimate threat to humanity. climate change. >> president biden is also claiming unprecedented action to fight the effects of climate change, touting a $50 billion in funding to reduce pollution and measures to reduce the price of low carbon energy options. on tuesday, he announced another $6 billion designed to make communities more resilient to the impacts of extreme weather. >> we can't be complacent. we have to keep going. above all, it shows us that climate action offers an opportunity for the nation to come together and do some really big things. >> critics say the white house focus on climate change is a distraction. all of our adversaries love the fact that we currently have a us president who repeated. he consistently tells the world that the greatest national security threat out there that we are
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facing is climate change. the report says that without deeper cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions, severe climate risks to the united states will continue to grow in washington, rich edson ktvu, fox two news. caltrans getting a better idea of what it will take to reopen a vital fire damaged los angeles freeway. >> governor newsom in this morning said the damaged stretch of interstate ten will not have to be demolished. the governor announced the finding of an analysis of core samples taken from the freeway. engineers have told them the elevated freeway can be repaired in 3 to 5 weeks as crews are working around the clock. >> pierce now, structural plan will allow us to do the surgical repairs. we'll get at least four of the five lanes open. there will be as we get these lanes open, some nighttime repair work. so there'll be some periodic closures that folks will expect. but the key is to get these structures in a position where we can get cars and traffic moving again in the short term. >> about 100 columns were
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damaged in the fire, ten of them severely. officials say it was started by arson in a storage lot under the freeway containing vehicles and pallets. no arrests have been made. the investigation is ongoing. most california state university campuses, including hayward, san jose, sonoma and san francisco, are participating in a one day strike that started earlier this morning. strike is made up of hundreds of csu trade workers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, mechanics and more across the 22 csu campuses. union leaders accused the university system of negotiating in bad faith and unfair labor practices. >> it is a one day strike to show the university that our members are organized and are willing and ready to do it. so we want to do a one day strike to put pressure on the university because they've never seen a strike over here. not not in in anybody's memory that can they can remember there has been a labor strike over here. >> workers say construction and critical work usually done to maintain a safe classroom or student housing will be on pause. a statement from san francisco state says it respects the labor rights of employees
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and is hopeful the union and the university can reach an agreement. it also mentions the campus is open during today's strike. police season started earlier than expected, according to the cdc, the number of hospital visits for flu related symptoms is rising in parts of the us, including here in california, where our first flu related death was reported. >> this month. the earlier start is just like last year's flu season, which peaked between late november and early december. normally, california as flu season peaks in february. the oakland unified school district is handing out covid test kits in preparation for the thanksgiving and winter breaks. students and staff are encouraged to follow the california department of public health guidelines, which recommended testing if they show symptoms or have been exposed to the virus. the district says each kit contains two tests. the district also says students and staff can obtain masks at schools and offices throughout the district. >> a marin county woman who wanted to do something great to help maui wildfire survivors says she was ripped off. she bought ten gift cards worth $200 each for maui residents as ctv's
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krystal bailey reports, when some of those recipients went to the cashier to pay for their items in hawaii with the gift cards, they found the money on them had already been spent. kristine miller is doing everything she can to help those devastated by wildfires. >> she's sending supplies and love to lahaina, and she's emotional to find out her help didn't go very far when the gift card she sent didn't work. >> these people have lost everything. everything. their homes. they're living on beaches . they're living in parks. they have nothing. and for them to get a gift. sorry. it's okay. and have that taken from them. it's appalling. >> on top of her nonprofit work on the ground, she purchased ten gift cards at the target in novato, each worth $200. she says the cards arrived in hawaii, but when those families got to the cashier with their items, they got declined. miller called the number on the back of the cards and an automated message told her the money was spent in places all over the
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country like brooklyn, new york, cedar hill, texas and west hollywood. >> nd it's not right. it's not right for consumer, it's not right for a recipient. and it's embarrassing what these scammers do is they create accounts with that information on the gift cards and then you're just waiting for you to upload the money. >> the better business bureau's alma galvin says the same exact scam has happened to her and it's more common during the holidays where we've seen it reported through our scam tracker reports with target, walmart, lowe's, home depot and even online purchases through visa. a target spokesperson sent a statement in part saying we are aware of the prevalence of gift card scams and take them very seriously. we have signs in our stores and shared general safety tips with our team members so that they can stay alert and help guests as best as they can at our registers, miller says she's still waiting for a refund from target customer service, and she sends this warning to holiday shoppers. i would say don't buy gift cards at target, does have a cyber fraud team investigate
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eating cases like this, and they encourage any customers that end up having this problem to call guest services in novato krystal bailey, ktvu fox two news, san francisco unified school district superintendent matt wayne is expected to address recent proposals to change admissions processes at lowell high school. >> some want to keep the lottery system to give every student a fair chance at attending the school. others want to base admission on gpa. three school board members were replaced after the district changed lowell's admissions to a lottery system back in 2020. last year, the admissions process reverted back to one based on merit. ready for takeoff? >> it's expected to be a busy holiday season at airports nationwide. what travelers will encounter if they're planning to hit the skies. >> and a few scattered showers reported over the north bay with partly cloudy, mainly dry conditions for the rest of us. i'll have a look at what you can expect for the est of today and the
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when it comes to your health, you do you. you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body. you brain power that body. you practice... and practice that body. you make it rain that body. you flu shot that body. and now, you spikevax that body... because even though the pandemic is over, covid-19 isn't. spikevax by moderna is a vaccine to help protect you against covid-19. you shouldn't get spikevax if you've had an allergic reaction to spikevax or its ingredients. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. the most common side effects are injection site pain, redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. make vaccination against covid-19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body... ...with spikevax by moderna.
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♪ ever this holiday travel season. jonathan siri reports from atlanta. >> it is kind of crazy how long the lines are getting. >> and there are about to get even longer. the tsa announcing monday, they're expecting this holiday season to be the busiest ever with the covid 19 pandemic squarely in the rear view for most americans. tsa is projecting they'll screen about 30 million passengers between november 17 and november 28th. so if you're planning to fly on this thanksgiving holiday,
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you'll need to budget some extra time. and the tsa is preparing for the travel rush. administrator david paczkowski writing in a statement, quote, we are ready for the anticipated volumes and are working closely with our airline and airport partners to make sure we are prepared for this busy holiday travel season. the agency says it's aiming for wait times of ten minutes for pre-check lanes and 30 minutes for standard screening. but those numbers may creep up simply due to the sheer volume of passengers with sunday, november 26, expected to be the busiest air travel day in history. another factor that could complicate plans for the tsa, the threat of a government shutdown. because when our rights are under attack, when we do naaimur venmo, which would severely impact wait times at airports across the country. last week, screeners held a rally here in atlanta pushing lawmakers to cut a deal. we are not for a government shutdown fund the government and fund the tsa. >> we need congress to actually
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do their jobs if they expect federal workers to do their jobs during past shutdowns, we've seen security lines grow as tsa officers called out sick. >> the union says that could happen again in atlanta, jonathan serrie, fox news. >> federal funding has been secured for an important project aimed at improving the water quality of clear lake north bay congressman mike thomas thompson, rather represented or presented a $750,000 check to lake county officials. the money will be used to restore wetlands along the lake's two largest freshwater streams. county officials say the restoration project will reduce the flood risk and clean up the lake water . >> it plays a giant role to do so many different facets of lake county, not just you know, the quality of water, you know, decreasing the sign of bacteria, but also decreasing the flood risk. >> county officials say the project will reduce phosphorus and chlorophyl concentrations in clear lake. the cost to bring the anderson dam up to modern
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earthquake standards has now climbed to $2.3 billion. this latest price tag for this massive seismic upgrade project in southern santa clara county is double the estimate from just one year ago. the water district blames the soaring price of the project on a huge increase in labor costs and building materials. right now, the dam is drained and work is expected to be completed in 2032. >> had a rainy start to the day for those of us up in the north bay rosemary oroczo we're not done with the rain. if we look out for the rest of the week, right? yes >> mother nature keeping us all but guessing. gasia and andre. we do have a system. the parent low off our coast line. it has actually pushed a little bit west, taking the moisture with it. so we started out this morning with some wet weather, but it is winding down and we are expected to remain mainly dry for the rest of today. here's a look over the bay where it's a pretty one out there. we do have a mix of sun and clouds, a bit of a breeze in some areas. we'll check in on the winds here
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in just a moment. let's go back to the radar first, where areas along the north bay coastline and into our north bay valleys, as well as our hills and farther north into lake county, seeing some scattered showers here. but notice the central and south bay is dry. this is going to continue to push to the north. so while we're seeing it out there right now, do expect a mainly dry afternoon in time for that evening drive again, the system here instead of pushing in, actually came a west a little bit over the last 12 hours or so. and so that plume of moisture is just kind of skirting the bay area and going farther north. and that's where most of the rain is expected to remain for the day over northern california. and with that, there's still a big question as to how much rainfall we are going to see. all said and done still looking at the possibility of 1 to 2in closer to the coast in areas like san francisco and then the farther inland you go, we are looking at half inch to an inch, maybe inch and a half or so. and it's easy to understand why is because that system is so far off our coastline. here's a look at the
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future cast. when will it move across california? it's going to take a few days. so between now and then, we're just looking at scattered showers on and off. here's a look at tomorrow afternoon. right now, it looks like we're going to start out dry tomorrow morning. and then into the afternoon we begin to see an increase of rain could hit us in time for the evening commute tomorrow. here's a look at thursday. scattered showers in the forecast. and then finally, friday into saturday, this may be our best shot at seeing numerous showers throughout the day because it finally begins to move inland saturday morning. scattered showers, at least that's what it looks like right now. and then it finally kicks out east and we are dry on sunday. winds across the bay area are generally light. a little breezy at half moon bay reporting a wind gust to 23mph. sfo reporting 14. hayward reporting 15. mountain view, you're 1418 and our temperatures this afternoon might old 66 in san francisco to 70. in hayward 71 in fremont. and we are looking at temperatures remaining right about here maybe even a little bit warmer for the second half
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of the day. mid upper 60s for our north bay. we'll go low 70s for the south bay of san jose and your extended forecast here showing you that unsettled weather and similar conditions, temperature wise all the way into the weekend. on sunday, partly cloudy, dry and mild. back to you. thank you, rosemary. >> coming up, a vet tech shortage nationwide. the impact it's having on animal shelters here in california. and today's rainy start to the day is a good reminder. we can all make a big difference in someone's life by participating in ktvu's annual one warm coat drive. we're looking for new or gently worn coats to help keep bay area families warm and dry. head to warm coat to find a participating drop off location near you. you can also scan the qr code at the bottom left of your screen. that will get you even more information about this year's holiday drive. a big thank you to our sponsors. big o tires and the ups store. and most of all, thank you. as
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melanie ramos, who overdosed and died in the bathroom of her high school in hollywood last september. investigators say ramos and her friend didn't know they were taking fentanyl. the goal of the new laws to prevent and respond to youth fentanyl overdoses through mandated school safety plans designed around prevention response training and education and awareness. >> starting january first, every single school site council will have a school safety committee. a school safety council that will be required to deal with the fentanyl issue on their campus and amongst their families. >> south bay. state senator dave cortese authored the measure, says fentanyl is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths among young people across the state. a shortage of veterinarians is making it harder for california's animal shelters to meet the medical needs of the dogs and cats in
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their care. >> the san francisco spca and uc davis researchers teamed up for a new study on this vet shortage . it found 68% of california's animal shelters have had a dramatic drop in care during the past few years. and pet owners across the state are not happy. >> i hear people from the community, they're just angry because they can't get spay neuter appointments. and it's the same challenge for all of us. it truly is. we're all competing for those spay neuters . >> several recent studies show there are not enough vets to meet the unprecedented demand across the state. a record number of people in california adopted dogs and cats for companionship while staying at home during the pandemic. >> for parents looking for little help in getting their children to bed, melatonin supplements could look like a good remedy. but new research shows the number of young children and pre-teens being given that sleep aid is surging, something health experts say could pose health risks and indicate the possibility that sleep disorders are on the rise. jackie ibanez reports. >> for many parents of young kids getting them ready for bed can be more of a nightmare than
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a sweet dream. either this or not. a new study from the university of colorado, boulder, finds the struggle is enticing a growing number of people to give their children the sleep aid. melatonin. >> melatonin is a hormone that's naturally produced by the body as a cue to start getting ready for bed. >> researchers interviewed roughly 1000 parents of kids ages 1 to 13 about their child's sleep patterns. >> about 5% of preschool age children one through four years old, had taken melatonin in the last 30 days, and that number jumped significantly higher once children started school to almost 1 in 5 school aged children and pre-teens. having taken it recently for perspective, from 2017 to 2018. >> the study says about 1.3% of parents reported melatonin use in their kids. some health experts cautioned that what seems like a solution can come with risks, especially when many melatonin supplements don't come with full regulated action from the food and drug administration
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. >> we're concerned about what is the effect on the hormones and that process. as children get older. >> and because many melatonin products for kids come in gummy form with many containing different levels of melatonin win than what's listed on the label, the number of calls to us poison control centers about melatonin ingestion increased 530% from 2012 to 2021. researchers believe the surge in melatonin use could indicate high levels of sleep disorders among the younger generations that may need to be studied. jackie ibanez, fox news. >> golden state warriors have rolled out a new court for the nba's in-season tournament. court displays a large yellow stripe right down the middle of the floor. a few large images of the tournaments championship trophy. tonight, the six and five warriors will host the minnesota timberwolves for another in-season tournament game. tip off is 7:00 right now. >> the las vegas airport, hotels and restaurants are getting ready for a big, long weekend as formula one racing rolls into town. every hotel on the las vegas strip is prepared to host the high rollers who follow
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monaco style street racing, university of nevada las vegas professor says formula one racing in vegas may be the perfect marriage there. >> there is a class basis, i think, to formula one that you have have extremely wealthy people who are going to be attending and you have them coming here expecting a very high level of service, which las vegas is known for. >> but the people who provide services say the barricades along the vegas strip are making very difficult for them to get to work. some tourists are disappointed that some of the views they wanted to see are blocked by grand stands. >> i know a lot of people love the fountains. you know, it's a pretty cool show. it's something i like to watch every time i come to vegas. so it's definitely a bummer. >> one of the big things was to see the bellagio fountain, and right now you can't even view it from the strip. >> practice runs on the course start tomorrow and the race starts at 10:00 our time saturday night. >> taylor swift fans can soon travel on a themed vacation, a travel agency is teaming up with
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royal caribbean to offer the in my cruise era, a group adventure cruise is set to set sail from miami next october, a day after swift wraps up concerts in the city. now, swift is not affiliated with the cruise in any way. fans though, can expect themed dance parties and friendship bracelet making and trading. i'm sure a lot of sing alongs. you know, at first i thought she was going to be on the cruise ship. >> now that would be overloaded with people, right, right, right. so many people are going someone's making money off her. >> yeah, exactly. she knows exactly. people will be there. >> oh, yes, they will. i mean, even the movie was was pretty, well, huge. yeah all right. thank you so much for watching. (audience applauding) - [tammi] can you guess what this is? if you guessed balloons, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary." our first celebrity captain you know from "high school musical." he can sing, he can dance, but can he sketch? it's corbin bleu, and with him are friends sana and abiya. our other celebrity captain is a hilarious standup comedian


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