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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  August 22, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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ozempic or walkover or what have you, but what they actually are in many cases is insulin and that can be life threatening. if you take a dose of insulin and you're not diabetic drug experts point out ozempic has unique packaging and that can help patients determine if they have purchased the real thing. the cost of a new car keeps rising. the wall street journal reports. five years ago, there were a dozen new model cars priced below the $20,000 mark. but now there is only one. the mitsubishi mirage hatchback. industry experts say that automakers are keeping prices high after raising them during the pandemic. economists, though, cautioned that high prices could be unsustainable if consumers pull back on their purchases of new cars. they say sluggish car sales would hurt the overall economy. new calls for safer streets in san francisco. this is a heavy pedestrian area. and right now this is not designed for safety. it comes after a four year old girl was hit and killed by a car. how people want to prevent
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a similar tragedy. plus, tropical storm hillary has moved on, but it left destruction in its wake. how people across southern california are working to clean up. and the danger is officials are still warning about. and wildfires in maui putting fire safety at the top of mind for those in the north bay. but fire crews are hoping homeowners do to make sure they're prepared. live from jack, london square. this is morning time to the nine. today is tuesday, august 22nd. we're looking live at the oakland estuary at and san francisco's back there. it's a little hazy out there and it may be another warm day, if i can say that home sales fell once again last month. a supply has now dropped to a near quarter century low. that's according to a new report from the national association of realtors. sales were close to 17% lower compared with july of last year and sold the and sold the slowest july pace since
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2010, according to redfin, the average sale price in san francisco is 1.3 million. in san jose, it's close to 1.4. and the average sale price in oakland, it's just under $900,000. welcome to the nine and it makes sense. i started thinking about this when i first read that story. andre, that if you have a mortgage that is low, like when you refinance, when it was like 3, you're not getting you're not leaving that. yeah well, that's a big issue when you people are running into people are not leaving those low interest rates that they have right now. the second issue is here in california, we still don't have enough inventory, enough homes that the prices are able to fall so people can buy homes. so that's also the big issue here. that's probably one of the overarching issues here in california. and i know so many of us look at the price. so what was the homeless to dad? was it, you know, in the high nines was at 1.4, 1.6. you need to look at that interest rate because right now rates haven't been this high since november of 2000, before we were all born. right. it's
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the knocks up. i mean, it just seems like a couple of percentages, but it knocks up the monthly payments. thousands. i know. i look at it, i'm just like, yeah, i know. it's a hard, hard. yeah, we're not seeing that wild overbuilding that we were back when rates were. how can you percent but still it's still. but you still. i don't know what's worse yeah it's never easy. yeah. i don't know what's worse so i don't know but still. but there's that and there's still not enough homes being priced for sure. supply that's also the issue. persistent issue right here in california. for some reason. all right. let's start our newscast here in san francisco, because amid growing frustration over pedestrian deaths in the city, one group is holding a rally calling for changes that could help make simply crossing the street a lot safer. ktvu reporter james torres live in the city here where the pain of a deadly pedestrian crash right near the ballpark is turning to action. jerry garcia, good morning. we are at the corner of fourth and king street. plenty of reasons why folks would be walking around here. you mentioned the ballpark. there's also a train and bus stop here surrounded by grocery stores and apartments all of that, advocates say, are the reasons
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why we need to see more safety measures in place here for the folks who are likely walking from place to place tonight, the advocacy group walk sf, they're planning a rally at this very intersection. they plan to walk the area with stroller and it's executive director says it's a way to not just spread awareness but also present frustration over the death of a four year old girl last week. san francisco police telling us a car hit that girl as her parents were rushing or rather pushing her stroller. her father also went to the hospital with life threatening injuries as a consequence, mayor london breed announcing two major changes coming to the intersection. she says she directed sf mta to reduce the turn lanes to just one turning lane onto king street and to change the traffic light to a yellow turn signal instead of just a green light. we heard from advocates around the area. they say they'd like to see even more changes, including raising some of the crosswalks you see at the intersection intersections just like this. there are so many across san francisco where there
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are feeders onto the highway and they need to be designed so that they are safe for people and not just cars and drivers going fast trying to get on the highway. mayor london breed said in a statement in part, i have directed the mta to take immediate action to prevent this from happening again. we will continue to invest in and prioritize improvements to help anyone, especially our children, from being hit, injure or killed by a driver. the mayor went on to say that we've seen 39 traffic related deaths this year , the most in san francisco over the last 15 years. no one from the city has announced when some of these changes will take place. that's a question we'll be asking over the next coming days. and they say the rally for that event starting tonight at 5:00. we're live this morning in san francisco. i'm james torres , ktvu fox two news. james, thank you. people who live in san francisco's richmond district are angry and frustrated and plan to complain
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about the latest chaos on their streets. sunday afternoon, hundreds of dirt bikes and atv riders spread through the richmond district and security cameras and residents took video of the riders speeding through the area, popping wheelies. people are especially unhappy when they call it police, and the police never came. one man says he later talked to police and was surprised by the answer . because if they chase him, then it could get worse. and they're trying to avoid the confrontation. then they also talked to another police officer and they just say they're so understaffed that this is not a priority recklessly going down the street. they were taking up both lanes and on the sidewalk doing wheelies. tonight's meeting with police was already scheduled for the richmond district. neighbors before now y they are likely to show up at this evening's meeting, which will be held at temple emanuel. well, most tropical storm hillary has now moved on, but it's left behind widespread destruction where it hit the hardest. and as nicole valdes reports, people across the region are now cleaning up as folks in the south brace for a
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different type of tropical storm as heavy rain and gusty winds pummel the gulf coast, many out west are still cleaning up after something they'd never thought they'd say by a tropical storm. it could have been worse. but the mud is something i'm going to have to work on. crews have been out trying to remove all of the mud. tropical storm hillary left behind and clearing downed trees and power lines. many people here trying to salvage whatever they can from their homes. it's painful. it's very, very painful that i moved out here a year ago and, you know, i put a lot of money into making up my home to see it really just go to waste. the storm dumped a year's worth of rain in some places, causing dangerous flooding and even mudslides in cathedral city. rescuers had to drive a bulldozer to rescue multiple people at a home care center. so many across the coachella valley still trying to make sense of this devastationft
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hopefully we can learn from it, prevent it from ever happening again. after hitting california, hillary moved north, dropping as many as eight inches of rain in nevada. there's been several portions of the roadway on around the rainbow subdivision that have been washed out. meanwhile, others in south texas are now bracing for a similar cleanup as tropical storm harold impacts the gulf coast. the system threatens to drop up to three inches of rain by the end of the day. and back here in california, crews are still trying to restore power as thousands are still without electricity in cathedral city. i'm nicole valdez, ktvu fox two news. well, the tropical storm is sparking concern among some scientists about climate change and extreme weather events. the trouble is the ocean are warmer at higher latitudes and in many other places. the arctic region and the parts of canada and northern eurasia are warmer many
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several times faster than the global average. this is a regio. the person we interviewed is a director of climate science with the union of concerned scientists. it's a nonprofit advocacy organization. she says right now, arctic sea ice is at a record low, and the entire globe is experiencing change. and unless we can get a handle on emissions, the heating will continue to impact our lives. we do see what extreme weather does do to our area here in the bay area. of course, when we see our wildfire season. well, let's turn things over to roberta gonzalez right now who is tracking the weather changes are going through right now. roberta we still are being affected by the remnants or the remains of what was once hurricane hillary. you could see the activity still being fueled across las vegas, lifting up in a northerly direction and more activity over the reno and greater lake tahoe area. and we still have that area of low pressure that was anchored off the central coast for nearly two weeks now,
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lifting into the bay area. you could see the core is just about here because you have the counterclockwise rotation around that center of area. low pressure, and that is still drawing in some of that subtropical moisture from the south. now, meanwhile, it is still adverse as far as the weather conditions are concerned. and the high sierra, we're talking about some heavy rainfall and thunderstorm activity today. and then as we approach the weekend, we'll start to see drier conditions and more seasonal at 79 degrees. now, as we take a look at this right here, this is tropical storm harold. it made landfall about one hour ago about 50 miles south of corpus christi, texas. and this is the first time i've ever seen two tropical storms within two days make us landfall. now, we do have drought stricken conditions throughout southern portions of texas. unfortunately this will not help the situation there. we do anticipate up to four, possibly six inches of rain. in addition to that, we do have heat warnings and heat advisories in addition for the
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midsection of the country, in effect all the way into texas. can you imagine 109 today in dallas, texas, plus that high humidity from tropical storm harold? no, thank you. our humidity is a bit on the high side this morning. so the dew points into the 60s. our air temperatures also into the 60s. and that's why we have a little bit of haze out there. but that will begin to diminish with the afternoon warming. right now, 68 in san francisco, and that's typically the average high for this time of the year. it's 72 now in san jose. it is 70in napa, novato and in concord, low 70s sfo. winds have been calm pretty much all morning. we'll pick up out of the northwest today, 15mph and occasional gusts at 20. meanwhile, the cloud deck that we have now will retreat. but look what happens there. again an instability, unstable air mass, all because of hillary. we could see another shower or thunderstorm around mount hamilton about 1:00 today.
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it wants to drift in and out. so don't be too surprised if we have an east bay sprinkle or two. but that's about it. not expecting any accumulation. we are expecting haze today in the northern portion of our bay area, all due to smoke to the north of the bay area. air quality advisory has been issued for the north bay where today it will top off 83 to 85 degrees. this does include terra linda, larkspur, also san rafael, novato nicosia. how about 85 redwood shores and redwood city low 80s union city and in fremont how about high 80s that's seasonal and throughout the tri-valley today and 91 are outside number here is your extended forecast yes yes yes yes. we're talking 99 degrees in the hottest locations inland. you know, somebody's backyard will top off at 100, probably my backyard. all right. and meanwhile, we have the summer heat continuing thursday. temperatures drop to seasonal levels. friday through sunday. meanwhile get on out there and enjoy your tuesday. roberta,
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thank you. raging wildfires upended life for so many on maui recently, but an important step toward normalcy could happen very soon. next here on mornings, on to the night, what could reopen that is so crucial for families and what the president had to say after seeing the devastation firsthand . and then back to school time can be fraught with worry from concerns about student safety to making new friends. we'll talk live with an expert on how to make this time of year as comfortable as possible and what parents in particular can pull from the o and now please welcome ana montoya. [applause] [suspense] ( ♪ ) hello there, fellow students...
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survivors and toured the damage yesterday and spoke about the long road to recovery. meanwhile, some public schools have started the process of reopening. fox weather's robert ray has the latest developments from maui. president biden briefly visiting maui on monday, more than two weeks after the deadly wildfire engulfed parts of the island. the president left maui and headed back to lake tahoe, where he's spending his second vacation in just two weeks. meanwhile, residents on the west side of maui say there's desperate need for help. we need help right now. the whole island needs help, but especially this side of the island from all the way from lahaina, all the way up north. you know, all of our our
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community needs to come together and not be divided. the exact number of people missing recently changed after lists from the fbi, red cross and maui police were combined. maui county mayor richard bissen says 850 names are now on the combined list of missing persons . only a few of the dead have been identified, died and relatives are being asked to submit dna samples to help identify those that are still missing. in maui. robert ray, ktvu fox two news. the team of firefighters from san francisco is heading to hawaii to help with wildfire recovery efforts there. we met the group this morning at oakland airport before members boarded a plane to maui. group is made of nine active firefighters. one retired firefighter and an emt. they plan to be in hawaii for a week to help out any way they can. we're going over to maui to lend him a hand. we've got rescue equipment. we've got obviously our able bodies to help. what
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ever they need over there. i know they've been working on this, this unfortunate fire for a while, and i'm sure they're exhausted. in berkeley, a group of children banded together to host a bake sale to raise money for fire survivors on maui. they sold treats including brownies, chocolate chip cookies and passion orange guava juice over the weekend. i think we made a lot of our money off of donations, like probably about the same amount as we made off of the baked goods. like one person gave us $100 bill and they were like, no change. they had like bought like five, ten items probably totaling up to like $20. the children say they raised nearly $1,000. and a neighbor who works for apple has promised to match that money raised by the bake sale. hundreds of patients had to be evacuated from a hospital in los angeles following a major power outage. fire crews say the outage was first reported around 1145 last night at the adventist health white memorial hospital. now the hospital says the outage hit the specialty care center
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and affected more than 240 patients. 21 patients were considered in critical condition and taken to other hospitals. the other patients were taken to buildings on the hospital campus that did have power monday at 3:00 in the morning. at the height of hurricane hillary, we experienced an outage of our main power to the hospital. we have three generators. the immediate kicked in and those generators are supposed to last for about three days. however we experienced an outage of our emergency generators as well. so we had no power going to the main hospital building. hospital officials say an investigation is underway into the power outage and the failure of the emergency generators. there is a pause now on the idea of raising the tolls on bay area bridges. the proposed plan would have raised toll costs by $1.50 across the seven state owned bridges in the bay area for five
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years. the goal of the plan was to increase funding for public transit agencies. lawmakers from across the bay area will meet this fall to consider other possibilities. and east bay lawmakers opposed raising the tolls since their constituents would be affected more than those in san francisco on the peninsula and in the south bay. the federal aviation administration will hold runway safety meetings at 90 airports in the next few weeks after a series of close calls on runways. the ntsb is investigating seven such incidents since the beginning of the year. earlier this month, there was a near collision between a southwest plane and a cessna business jet in san diego. the faa says the runway safety action team meetings, representatives from the faa's air traffic organization, as well as airlines, pilots and others, will come together to help develop plans meant to reduce the number of close calls
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