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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  August 17, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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prevent the mosquitoes from reproduce. racing officials say spraying is not harmful to humans or pets. the bay area grape harvest is set to begin soon. winemakers, vineyards, owners and local religious leaders held a ceremony. esposito's vineyard the blessing takes place just as the harvest begins pretty fast for a good harvest and safety for those who work in the fields. during the celebration, there was a moment to honor a local winemaker who died recently in a car crash. do you want to take just a moment to honor the memory of mitchell katz on the tragic loss to this family of winemakers just in his memory? i'm going to pour out a little of the blessing of the grapes has been practiced at grape growing regions for centuries as a police officer hospitalized after being shot in the line of duty. we're live in san jose with the latest on the officer's condition and what the police say led up to the shooting. then, more than a week
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after the deadliest wildfire in modern american history, search and recovery crews continue to sift through the ruins of lahaina. the number of people killed still expected to rise as hundreds of people are still unaccounted for. and the battle over driverless cars in san francisco continues. the request from city leaders. as one of the companies plans to move forward to start charging for rides next week. my from chaplain square this is morning time to the nine on today's thursday, august 7th. and we're looking live at the carnival cruise ship and san francisco. a little bit of fog is there. the fog is more widespread today as steve has been talking about. we'll talk about that in just a little bit. but we continue to monitor a developing story in the south bay this morning. that's where san jose police officer remains hospitalized after she was shot responding to a call. bailey o'carroll is at santa clara valley medical center with what
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we know about the officer and the moments leading up to that gunfire. bailey hey, guys. good morning. i did just get an email from san jose police. they told me they reiterated that that police officer is still here in this hospital behind me being treated for her injuries. they say she remains in critical but stable condition. and they said when they had more updates, they would provide those to us. of course, we will let you know as soon as we hear anything else. but police in san jose say that this officer was shot after she was responding to a domestic disturbance call with her partner. and now this man that i want to show you right now, 44 year old gabriel carreras. he is the guy that police here say shot there, police officer. and after an hours long standoff with police, he was taken into custody. his wife told police that he was drunk, that he busted open a bathroom door and then she accused him of trying
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to hit her. she did call police yesterday to report this incident just about 820 in the morning. we have learned that korea has an extensive criminal history. and according to public records in santa clara, the most recent is a misdemeanor charge in april of 2022. they did not say what that charge was related to, but those charges date all the way back to 1998. he was on felony probation in santa clara county. right now in san jose, police chief called the suspect a coward who should have never had a gun in the first place. less than 30s after arriving, one of the officers attempted to call up to the front door balcony and announced announce themselves as san jose police officers. the suspect exited onto the balconies, landing and from a position of concealment discharged a firearm, striking our officer. now, according to
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the chief, the officer was shot in her upper body outside of where her bulletproof vest covers. neither the officer or her partner who was there with her returned fire. but the officer, her partner did pull her to safety and started treating her injuries. and while we have not officially learned the identity of the officer shot, we are told that her partner is his name is ryan lowe. and he was identified by south bay assemblyman, which is again, his brother. he said that he is not surprised by his brother's selfless actions. now, this year so far, it marks the second police officer shot in the line of duty here in san jose, marks the first time that a female officer has ever been shot in the line of duty here reporting live in san jose, i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu fox two news. all right, bailey, thank you so much for that report. people gathered in san francisco at the busy intersection where a driver struck and killed a four year old girl and seriously injured her father. this week,
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the crowd gathered at fourth and king streets where that little girl and her parents were crossing the street when a car hit them tuesday evening. they placed balloons, flowers at that streetlight at their vigil, organizers say many people have been emotionally touched by the girl's death. we wanted to hold space. we want to definitely have a place for people to come to grieve, to hear, to hear what's happening. and to be present and to be with each other. officials have not released any information about the family. police arrested the driver, karen cartagena, the 71 year old faces three charges of failure to yield to a pedestrian and vehicular homicide. investigators say drugs or alcohol do not appear to be a factor here in this crash. they say this is the 11th traffic death in san francisco this year. both police and neighborhood safety groups say this is an especially dangerous intersection with traffic rushing to get off and on interstate 280 and pedestrians coming and going to caltrain and oracle park for sports events. this has happened before. crashes are happening here all
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the time. and so those are the streets that need the most aggressive treatments by the city to really make it possible for someone to cross the street safely, reduce the lanes, you know, turn on red. so there's just reducing all kinds of opportunities for conflict. the speed limit at that intersection is 35 miles an hour. however, the people we spoke to who walk in that area say they never see people driving that slowly in maui. search and rescue crews continue to sift through the rubble of the hawaiian town of lahaina. as robert ray reports, the number of people killed in the wildfire is expected to rise. as that work continues. i've always called this home, no matter how far i've been away from this place, people across the island of maui are eager to return to their homes. more than a week after wildfires decimated the town of lahaina. but on wednesday, some residents were turned away at checkpoints, desperately waiting to see what's left of their possessions . not just me lost everything. everybody. everything is gone.
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hawaii's governor is vowing to protect landowners from developers seeking to buy damaged properties. the state's attorney general now working toward a moratorium on land sales in lahaina. my intention from start to finish is to make sure that no one is victimized from a land grab. meanwhile, search and rescue efforts are expanding across the island. hawaiian officials estimate more than 1000 people are still missing as of wednesday. more than a third of the burn area has been searched. dozens of k-9s from across the country remain on the scene, combing through the rubble of what used to be homes and businesses. additional teams are deploying to support crews who have been working around the clock. basically, we're completing the searches in all those structures for the missing folks that they have that they've been looking for the last few days. now, officials are concerned that potential storms on the way this weekend to the hawaiian islands could impede the search in
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lahaina. in maui, robert ray ktvu, fox two news. well some survivors are angry that maui's emergency siren system was not used to warn them about the fire. the maui emergency management chief, though, says he does not regret that the science sirens were not used. he says the sirens have only been used for tsunami warnings in the past. and they say people have been taught to head to the mountains when they hear those sirens, which would have sent them directly into the flames. but on the maui county website, it says the sirens can be used in other emergencies, including wildfires in butte county. people who survived the campfire feel a sense of empathy and understanding with survivors of the maui wildfire. before last week, the nation's deadliest wildfire in the past century was the camp fire in butte county. five years ago, the camp fire killed 85 people and destroyed nearly 1900 buildings like maui. people in paradise say there were no early warning signs. that's why the town is installing 21 siren towers.
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isrupted during emergencies safer. earlys that will go off and there's kind of mixed viewpoints on it because a lot of people think there won't be a fire here again. but it's not for right now. it's for the future for our kids. town leaders held meetings with residents after the camp. fire officials said making people feel safe again was a priority in the rebuilding process. an early warning system was number one on the list. cal fire now says a fire burning in santa clara county is 40% contained. it started just after 5 p.m. last night, just off highway 101 in morgan hill near the coyote creek golf drive exit . one lane of that freeway was shut down for more than an hour, but it has reopened now. 71 acres burned in that fire. the cause is under investigation. cal fire says lightning is what sparked dozens of fires in the far northern part of the state.
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more than 50 fires are burning in california right now, most of them on federal land. lightning is a suspected cause of three fires burning in siskiyou county, as well as others in trinity shasta, nevada del norte and mendocino counties. cal fire says it's preparing for peak wildfire season. we are really going into a period now where we're at the mercy of the weather and that really is the heat, the wind and any potential lightning that comes through the fuels are the driest. we traditionally see the offshore wind events this time of year, california's normal weather pattern has the wind and heat extending at least through september, possibly through october. hillary has strengthened to a hurricane and could bring heavy rain to southern california. coming up on mornings, on to the nine, the latest on the storm's progression as it moves along mexico's coast. then the school year is underway for schools nationwide, including much of the bay area. we'll take a look at the latest reports of a spike in cases and other viruses. and mornings on two, the nine is
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hitting the road on a zip trip to novato. tomorrow we're featuring this north bay city's favorite restaurants and bars and also spotlighting one of navarro's treasures in which one woman's dream has helped transform the lives for many children through horse therapy. it's all coming up tomorrow on mornings on n two, ♪ there it is. that feeling you get... when you can du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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and now please welcome ana montoya. [applause] [suspense] ( ♪ ) hello there, fellow students...
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hole surveyed 2000 people nationwide coming in. at number one was ancient. egypt followed by the american revolution and then ancient greece. the viking age also made the list, along with renaissance italy and the d-day landings. and welcome back . none of those are appealing to me. i would go back to 50s and 60s in san francisco because i'm a san francisco historian. i want to see what it was like back then, before internet and you still go down to downtown and like people still had to read newspapers and stuff, you know, keep it a little more local. a little more. yeah. in case i get stuck there, it's like, okay, well, i can deal with this. okay, well, you make a point, i to think about getting stuck. yeah, i get stuck. in ancient greece. forget about it. yeah, well, yeah. okay. so well, i was thinking that i'd love to get the truth about why the pyramids were really built. that seemed pretty, pretty interesting to me. yeah, you know, but i want to get stuck there. but the story doesn't say anything about being stuck. just. i mean, if i
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went, i would go to any of those places. and times we just mentioned i would bring antibiotics and some practical stuff. because think of all the things that used to the death rate and the mortality rate was like much higher. i want to catch something. young. you don't want to catch something. traveling back to a different city any yes, that's. yeah, i was just going to say, right? yeah yeah. hey, you're not going to get stuck. be you would be immune. yeah. it's time for appreciate modern medicine. it's a fantasy, put it that way. don't inject reality into it. ali ruins the whole thing. overthinking this, overthinking it. all right. let's go to this story now. as steve has been telling us, tropical storm hillary has now strengthened into a category one hurricane in the pacific ocean and is on track to pass along mexico baja peninsula on saturday. if it stays on its current course, it's expected to bring heavy rain to southern california by the end of the weekend. this is something to be ready for now. exactly what that means for our area. there's a lot of uncertainty, but the potential exists for those dangerous conditions to work their way into the area. all right. so
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steve says right now the hurricane's path has it moving east of the bay area, the tahoe area could see a lot of rain and thunderstorm activity, though. so let's check in with steve now for an update on how hillary it's a fight between all the models. east faster or slower. there's still four days to go there are most of them do, though, take it away from us, although, you know, our good friend, theaybe it'll come through a lot of fog and low clouds and a bigger fog bank that we've seen for a long time here should lead to some cooling. the only bugaboo is that the air aloft is warmed hot. okay. there you go. travis, 25 now gusting to 29. usually that's the ticket for when you want to cool down, when that delta breeze cranks up. it dropped about 12 miles an hour yesterday. so i'll say cooler even though they're still 70 inland. that's usually a pretty good sign when you get a bigger fog bank in a stronger onshore breeze. we need to knock that temperature down, though. about of unless you like hot temp. look at ben low that's warm air
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aloft. i'll say 84, 83 at berkeley lab in the fog 59 with 96% humidity. still some tropical clouds flirting around . we had that happened yesterday afternoon in santa clara county, east of fremont, mount hamilton up towards the altamont pass. probably could easily happen again. this activity, though, for the mountains has been producing a lot of activity. the showers, thunder showers, northern california and numerous lightning strikes. hillary category one rapidly intensified by tropical storm right there. category one feeding off warm, warm water and 84, 85 degrees, it looks like by the time it gets to saturday, it will be strong category 3 or 4. after that, that's when everything goes haywire. if you will. the majority of the projections take it towards san diego or los angeles. there are a couple that take it closer to us, and one of them is a very good right up there. their forecast model, the rf and that one. now, again, we'll see in the next update. it may take it out of the picture. therein lies the problem. you
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know, so but there's still four days to go. but to get the cone from the national hurricane center, that's just a probability on either side of that about where it could go. i mean, it's still looking 50, 60mph by monday, late sunday, monday, some bring it in late sunday. others wait until monday . so there's also a discrepancy on how fast it's going to accelerate. it needs warm water, 60s and low 70s to a hurricane that's cold. so it'll start to fall apart pretty rapidly as it moves north of baja. that'll be the key. this will this will change, i guarantee you this will change again. i do think tahoe is in the mix, more so than us, but the projection is most of it's east and south. but i've seen this before. it can zig zag and change the whole forecast. so too much uncertainty. so it's in the window though. the five day outlook that's usually a pretty good sign, but there's just multiple tracks, so you can't pin it down the morning fog, sun, then clouds, maybe a few scattered showers late 6070s 80s, 90s. it does look cooler when that delta breeze cranks up to 30. that's usually you'll do
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it for sure into friday saturday looks okay there could be some clouds filtering about the main cloud cover though will be either late sunday or into monday. you guys all right, steve, thank you very much. santa cruz county health officials are worried about an uptick in covid 19 cases at nursing homes. four of the county's seven nursing homes have covid outbreaks. this week, santa cruz county officials say a lack of consistent vaccines actions may be a part of. the reason for the increase in cases at these facilities in recent weeks. the county is considering a temporary health order that would require all workers to wear masks until there's a drop in new cases, as millions of students nationwide head back to school. doctors and public health officials are seeing a rise in rsv. cold flu and strep throat cases circulating in classrooms across the country. reporter tanya powers explains the advice on how to stay healthy. the new school year is just getting underway, but we're already seeing a spike in respiratory illnesses and other viruses. the cdc now reporting an uptick in rsv cases likely
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driven by kids returning to classrooms. doctors are now urging patients to return to those familiar mitigation strategies handwashing, social distancing and masking and crowded indoor spaces. and the cdc recommends all infants get the new rsv vaccine, which can lessen the severity of the symptoms. if it gets down into their lungs, then it makes them require oxygen and they're in the hospital for several days. another illness on the rise, human meta pneumonia or mpv. it's been spiking throughout the summer in some areas, and some doctors worry those spikes could turn into a surge as students return to school. the symptoms include a hacking cough, fever and sore throat. if a child is having trouble breathing like they're using their muscles to breathe, a lot as if they're running a marathon, those are signs that the parents should seek medical attention. doctors and educators say keeping your kids healthy is even more important this year as kids work to get back on track. following
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years of pandemic related learning loss. and new data shows more than 6 million students have become, quote, chronic absent from school. we lost a lot of ground during that two year time frame and we were already students across this country were already vastly further behind than they should be. another illness ramping up this fall strep throat with doctors urging folks to get their kids tested if they have symptoms. in new york, tanya jay powers, ktvu fox two news. all right. she took her car to the shop to get it worked on, but then it got stolen. coming up on mornings on two of the nine. it really, really frustrates me that we can't get a grip on it and we can't live a respectable life here in oakland without always being on edge of who's going to be next. her car's gone and now there's growing concern from her and others about the crime in oakland. also head gop hopefuls are seeing a reshuffling in the polls. i'm
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caroline shively in washington with who voters are backing before the first debate. i'l have
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are gaining ground in the polls . are voters turned off by trump's legal woes or are they looking for fresher option? fox's caroline shively has more from washington. i'm still standing with trump. i like mr.
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pence. i like to say us republican voters have a lot of options in the 2024 field, but for now, former president trump remains at the top. according to a just released fox news poll. the lead, though, slipping 3% since june. the dip comes just before his fourth criminal indictment. doubts are growing at a plurality or a majority of republicans who say that if he's convicted of something in one of these federal suits and one of these four lawsuits for indictments, excuse me, they're not going to vote for him. well, it's not clear if it will have an impact on his run for the white house. many believe his legal troubles are motivated by partizan politics. people want to decide the races for themselves as opposed to having the people in power decide it for him. meanwhile 38 year old vivek ramaswamy is gaining ground, doubling his backing since june. 39 years younger than trump and a 42 year age gap with president biden. he says his age is a draw for younger americans. many of my supporters are young. we're bringing them to our party and our movement
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for the first time and a part of the reason why, as i understand it, i get it. i'm a millennial and some voters agree they're looking for a fresher option. i want to know what we're going to do to make the world, our country more affordable and a friendlier place to especially younger generations. if republicans want to win next year's general election, they're going to have to step up the fox news poll shows biden slightly ahead of each of the gop candidates if the election were held today in washington, caroline shively, ktvu fox two news. the election meddling indictment against former president donald trump in georgia is raising concerns about election security here in the bay area ahead of the 2024 presidential election. the georgia indictment accuses trump's supporters and associates of illegally accessing voter data and the dominion voting system software in an attempt to reverse trump's 2020 presidential loss. many bay area counties use the same dominion software, but state
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election officials say california has multiple security protocols. in georgia, it was 5.2 was the software version number that was used. and here in california, we use a california specific software. we have source code review. we have accessibility testing, functional testing. the systems are air gapped. they can't be connected to the internet, nor can they even have the capability to connect to the internet. kristen connolly, the contra costa county clerk and registrar of voters, says bay area election officials are preparing with cyber security precautions. we have our it team that is regularly attending calls by the fbi so that we understand what the current cyber threats are. connolly says physical access to voting equipment is tightly restricted. election officials are also meeting with law enforcement to protect election workers coming up on mornings on two, the nine to debate of the driverless taxis in san francisco. that's not over yet. coming up on mornings on two, we are live in
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san francisco with what city officials are doing now is waymo and cruise will soon start charging for rides. also ahead, as students head to college for the fall semester, some parents might feel a mix of emotions as they say goodbye until the holidays. next on the nine, we're talking with a doctor about ways to cope with empty nest syndr e
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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea.
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and cisco with the salesforce tower there on the left and those east bay hills in the background and nice sunny day out there for folks on this thursday morning. a new survey highlights the benefits of being a good neighbor. gallup tested people across the nation asking about their well-being with a perfect score of 100 researchers gave 51.5 points to those who kept to themselves, people who regularly greeted at least six neighbors, scored 64 points in this survey. interactions could range from a simple hello to a wave or even a fist bump. research say the magic number is six. they found you don't boost your well-being any higher, even if you greeted more people. the survey concluded that saying hello, can lead to social and career success while also improving your physical health and state of mind. this makes sense to me. one of the things i think we all learned during the pandemic is how social we are. yeah as people. everyone wanted
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other, you know, say hello. i feel very lucky. we love our neighbors so that can make that's something you don't have control over. when you move to a place. right? but it makes a big difference. but i'm always fascinated by people that have the ability to talk to anybody, you know, that can just go up and talk. it doesn't matter. even if they aren't even nice to them, they're still in a good mood, even when the person is not nice to them. i have some i have a friend like that. he'll say, anyone, even if they don't say hello back. i'm thinking of my brother in law. he's going to. but they always get people to talk. you know? and i find that super interesting that i'm just like you. i'm lucky i have some good neighbors. we. we know each other, and that makes it easier to be in the neighborhood, right? absolutely you guys are like state farm, good neighbor. say hi to your say hi to your neighbors. yeah, go talk to them. and you could lead to good career success, too. absolutely. and friendship. all right. san francisco city attorney wants california regulators to block the approval of those driverless taxis in the city. just last week, you'll remember the california public utility commission voted to allow crews and waymo to expand their services and start
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offering driverless rides. but there's been pushback and there are safety concerns. to ktvu is amanda quintana is in the city this morning with details. good morning, amanda. good morning, andre. in that motion filed yesterday, the city attorney said that san francisco will suffer serious harm if we see more of these driverless taxis. but those driverless taxis, they've be years. and i talked to a professor who said they are very safe there. now here in california, the public utilities commission just voted last thursday to allow crews to take passengers 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no limit on fleet size city attorney david chiu said this was approved even though the commission knew that cruise cars have interfered with passenger and public safety. just a day after that approval, about ten cruise cars stopped working in north beach, creating a large traffic backup cruise. blamed connectivity issues and said they're working to prevent it from happening again. on
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tuesday, a cruise car was seen stuck in wet concrete after it drove onto a construction site. these are just a couple examples. the motionless dozens of similar incidents, including a time when a driverless car blocked fire trucks from leaving the station for nearly ten minutes. but engineering professor ron padilla says incidents like those are rare. he takes waymo all the time and has always felt safe. he says it's because they're safe thaths . you can see the companies have been very, very cautious, very careful with respect to their safety protocols, with respect to the operational, you know, considerations of the vehicles. so the vehicles are programed to be very cautious or they're unsure or they may need to education where it's a little more complex. they do perhaps tend to stop. he says the
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traffic patterns in san francisco are more complex than phenix, but he's still optimistic that the cars will work well here. he also said the rides tend to be about 30% cheaper than ubers or lyft, although waymo and cruise, once they were approved, they were allowed to start taking riders. they have not yet. if you get that app, if you get the cruise app or the waymo app, it says you need a special code because they're invite only right now you can sign up for their waitlist and reportedly waymo is going to start taking some of those riders on monday. live in san francisco, amanda quintana, ktvu fox two news. man two thank you. some customers who took their cars to be serviced at a firestone auto shop ended up having their cars stolen. several customers of the shop on broadway received calls last weekend saying thieves broke in and drove off with several cars . anita waldron says she was a victim. they had crashed into
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the front window to get in and then unbolted the roll up door and just drove out with six cars. it would have taken at least six people to drive six cars out. waldron says that the shop does not have security cameras in the lobby. firestone was just one of several businesses damaged that morning . their surveillance video showing cars being used to break into other businesses as well. waldron watched the video and says as far as she can tell, her car was not used for that. i was looking at all the cars that happened to be behind her and the footage that one of the businesses had that was showing another car being backed in into the businessher 2016 maroon subaru. she says shet san part, quote, safety is our top prioty. when we became aware of the situation, we contacted local authorities and work cooperatively with them as they
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investigated in danville. th some heated debate at the school boardroposals to recognie lgbtq+ community and the san ramon valley unified school district. the school board considered several resolutions for the upcoming school year, including one recognizing june as pride month and another supporting a day of silence to raise awareness about bullying. again lgbtq+ youth community members voiced their support and in some cases, opposition to those resolutions. at some point, day of silence was introduced at the high school level and has trickled down to middle school level and elementary school level. elementary school students have no idea what this means unless they are being taught whether it be at home or at school. i've heard people up here before me talk about the pride flag and it being flown, and i want to say from my own point of view, from the people i hear having the pride flag fly anywhere less atl schools is an amazing way to
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show students that they are seeing that they are safe and that they are protected by this district. in the end, the school board passed all the resolutions under consideration. it's a mix of emotions that comes when family home feels a little quieter and the realization sets in that a new chapter has begun. this can be a critical time of year for parents whose children's are headed or children are headed off to college and moving away from home. as many struggle with feelings of depression, grief and anxiety. joining us now to talk about empty nest syndrome is dr. pam oren, who is a clinical psychologist at kaiser walnut creek. dr, welcome. thank you. this is already causing me anxiety. my kids are not quite old enough yet. i have a little time, but i think a lot of parents think about this a lot when the kids leave, your life is going to change. their life is going to change. you might feel lonely because lots of times our lives are so wrapped up in their activities and what they do. yep, the empty nest syndrome is real, particularly for parents. you know, when we
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look at it is really impacts the entire family system. so it impacts the parents, the child who's going away to college as well as the children who are remaining home. they've kind of lost their siblings in that connection in that way. so it impacts the entire family. yeah, i remember when i went off to college, i didn't i didn't until years later realize how it affected my parents because i was just like, okay, great. i can go visit my parents. you know, it's going to be great. i didn't realize that they have less control over it, and now that i am a parent, i realize that. what can you do to make it seem a little soften the blow, so to speak, as a parent, when you send your child off to college, it's really important for you to regain some of your life, some of your independence . our lives as parents have been wrapped around our kids for 18 or more years and so it's really time for parents to start finding themselves again. what was their life like before they had kids and how is it going to be now that their kids are gone and moving on to their things? so picking up hobbies, doing things that you've always wanted to do but never had time to do.
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it's a time to start thinking about those things and integrating those things into your life. do you start integrating that maybe so. there's an overlap in other words, the day that they leave is not the day to start looking on the internet. what hobby can i have? in other words, start bringing it in so that you're ready to go day one. yep. what's great is that adolescents by nature start to pull away from us as parents in high school. so we find that high schoolers are on their own agenda, they're doing their own things. they're going out with their friends. that's the time for us as parents to really pick up our hobbies and start those while the kids are still home, but pulling away a little bit. this is all well and good, but what if you still feel anxious and depressed when this happens? some people might be going through this very soon. at this time of year. what do you do? you reach out for help. so what is wonderful now is we are talking more about mental health. there's many more resources available. reach out to your primary care physician. let them know that you're feeling anxious and depressed. but we often are now integrated into primary care settings, at
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least at kaiser. so we have psychologists who are available when a person goes in for their well check, if they bring it up with their physician. ideally there would be a psychologist on site at that time for someone to talk to. what are some of the common things that people say when they come to you with this issue? they feel lonely, they feel depressed, they feel like they've lost their way and their purpose. and so it's about re finding that purpose and learning how to parent a young adult. that's a whole different subset of life that they don't have experience in. got it. well, i mean, you kind of learn along the way. i figured that out. but the last question will be maybe if you cherish the moments that you have, you know, parents who are watching this, maybe there are a few years away, what can they start doing now to build up to the time when their children leave? yeah. so traditions are really important in families and kids feel connected to their families when they have traditions. so if you have things like every sunday night dinners with your families , kids will want to come home for that. they'll want to if
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they're out of state, they'll want to kind of face time in and join you for that. so start building those traditions now so that kids will want to keep coming back. sounds good. all right. good advice. pam oren, clinical psychologist at kaiser walnut creek, thank you for joining us. thank you. thanks so much for having me. the final stern grove weekend is upon us as the season is coming to an end. and one famous fan is set to grace the stage for the festival's final performance. but they're going out in style. the organizer of the festival joins us on the line to make okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ this tiny payment thing-
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vetoed of a universal school lunch bill for kids. as fans gathered last night in downtown oakland, where they heard about an effort in nevada called schools over stadiums, teachers say the $380 million earmarked for a ballpark would be better spent on students. former oakland mayor jean quan is among the supporters. as fans, we want the a's to stay here. we prefer just like the majority in nevadans that they can take an expansion team and not take the a's. and at the same time that
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nevada takes care of its kids. organizers of schools over stadiums say they're committed to stopping the use of taxpayer money to subsidize a ballpark. ideas include putting the issue on the ballot or filing a lawsuit. well, after an early world cup exit, the search for a new us women's soccer coach is underway. vlatko andonovski resigned less than two weeks after the us lost to sweden in the world cup round of 16. its teams. it is team usa's worst world cup performance in history . andonovski took over the women's soccer program in 2019, but many say his us teams underachieved, starting with a bronze medal at the 2021 summer olympics in tokyo. team usa's next challenge is next year's summer games in paris. well, the last two matches of the world cup will be this weekend here on ktvu. early saturday morning will be the third place match between sweden and australia. pregame coverage starts at midnight friday night, and sunday morning will be the world cup final between spain and
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england. coverage for that match starts at two in the morning right here on ktvu. well, the summer's stern grove music festival has been nothing short of sensational. and this weekend marks the final concert of his 86 season with that big picnic fundraiser and concert from the flaming lips. joining us now is molly freeman, who is the marketing director at stern grove festival. molly, thank you so much for joining us this morning. thank you so much for having me. so first of all, i want to get your thoughts on how the entire summer wait, what's the feedback you're getting from stern grove this year? oh, it's been absolutely amazing. we had such a fun lineup. so many incredible artists, and we've had packed houses every single weekend. so it's been a really, really successful season. had you been to stern grove before you started working with the as marketing director? yes i actually i went last summer. it was the first time that i went to a show and i walked in and you can just feel the magic of stern grove and how amazing it is. i was like, i need to work here now. you do? yeah that's how awesome it is. yeah. all
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right. so so before the pandemic, you didn't have to. you can just show up right? and i know garcia, my co-anchor here, normally, she goes to the festival with her family, sets up on the grass, gets everything ready. but now you have to make a reservation. it started during the pandemic. how is that going now? will that stay in place next year? yeah you have to. we do have the reservation system in place and it's been going really well and we really need to do it in order to kind of continue with our permits and to make sure for the safety of everybody that we're not letting too many people in and keeping track of everything. so and there are times where people cannot able to make those reservations. so you had something called second chance. can you explain what that is, how that works? yeah so what we were doing was 30 days before the show date, we were releasing a certain amount of tickets and then kind of leading up to the show, we would release we release tickets kind of periodically to increase your chances of being able to get tickets because we want to try to make it as accessible to everybody as we can. so we sorry. so kind of just allowing
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tickets to be released at different times provides the opportunity for people to get tickets. so how do you find out after the initial release? do you guys send out another alert that, hey, more tickets are available right now, or is it something where you come and see if the tickets are available? they're actually kind of released randomly. so you have to sort of keep checking back in. it's sort of like a website where you get your where you make the reservation. it's still free, though, so you just have to check back and you can get your reservation tickets and go to the event. let's talk about what's happening this weekend, though. big announcement, closing the festival with the big picnic finale. sunday is going to be that legendary rock group, the flaming lips. so talk about the big reveal that's happening that you are making an announcement that's going to be happening this sunday. the reason why, if you can be there. yeah. so we are actually doing a proclamation that is going to be august 20th is going to be the flaming lips day in san francisco. so it's really exciting. we're going to be presenting this to the band and we're going to have mayor breed there to present the proclamation because we just want to celebrate how amazing the flaming lips are and kind of the amazing impact that they've
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had on the city and the psychedelic music scene of san francisco that's made it so unique. so, so set the scene for us is we're going to come out and present the proclamation before the former or in the middle of the performance. how's that going to look for the folks that are going to be attending right now? we're hoping to have it right before their performance. so yeah. and what time does that start? so the show starts at 2 p.m, 2 p.m. in the afternoon. so it's going to be a nice evening performance, afternoon performance there. and of course, you have the big picnic that's going to be happening on sunday, two. what is that about? so the big picnic is our biggest fundraiser. so stern grove is a nonprofit, so we actually operate completely on donations, which is pretty amazing that we're putting on free concerts. and it's 100% funded by donations and sponsors, which, you know, we are so, so incredibly grateful for everyone that contributes and donates to this. but the big picnic is are a really big fundraising event. so it's still a free show. but we do have kind of an elevated experience for people if they're able to and
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want to purchase a picnic table. so we have other food and things like that. but for everyone else who doesn't do that, and that's those are all kind of donation based. exactly, yeah. you're able to do it. you get the picnic table. yeah help someone else come to. exactly. and so for everyone else, it's still a free show. but it is, yeah. our big fundraiser. so we can continue bringing free live music to the bay area. just. just amazing what you guys are doing. a free music festival. i mean, how often do you hear about something like that? you know, it's really amazing. amazing. it's amazing. molly from good. thank you so much for joining us today. marketing director over at the stern grove music festival this weekend. big day, flaming lips. a proclamation will happen for them. august 20th will be flaming lips day. so if you're going to make it there, you're going to be able to see that. thank you so much for joining us. thank you so much. all right. still to come, while inflation might not be as high as it was a year ago. items at the grocery store still seem expensive. next up, the nine. how you can stretch that dollar. the next time you head o the market. stay with us
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who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. and now please welcome ana montoya. [applause] [suspense] ( ♪ ) hello there, fellow students...
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with wendy's bogo dollar deal, your dollar never tasted so good. so everyone's gonna get... [all talking at once] i was gonna say a frosty and a frosty. you can do that? i don't know, willie's really smart. choose wisely, choose wendy's buy one get one for a buck.
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we're carrying the west nile virus. santa clara county vector control district says it found the mosquitoes in the central part of sunnyvale. crews will be driving around tonight starting at ten, using sprayers mounted to trucks to try and prevent the virus from spreading. officials say the spraying is not harmful to humans or pets. laguna honda hospital in san francisco has been recertified by state health officials. the public skilled nursing facility was facing closure last year. it was decertified because of a number of safety issues, including two overdoses at the facility. that meant the hospital was pulled from medicaid and medicare programs. the state's medicaid program, medi-cal, made up 95% of that facility's funding. the past 18 months have seen nothing short of a transformation of laguna honda into a world class
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or the world class skilled nursing facility, one that will continue to serve san francisco for generations to come. our goal has always been to demonstrate that we meet the highest standards and meet them every day. hospital officials say they took a number of steps to try and improve operations to get back into compliance. they improved their medical storage and hygiene control for the people who work at laguna honda. this is not just about their jobs. this is about their patients. this is about the people that they help every single day. the people that depend on them for help, for support because they can't take care of themselves. laguna honda hospital opened in san francisco, 157 years ago. it houses about 500, mostly income low income residents who are dealing with a range of chronic conditions like mental illness and substance abuse. the next
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step for the hospital will be getting its recertification request approved by the federal medicare program. well, home prices are on the rise again. goldman sachs says it now expects home prices to rise 1.8% this year. it had previously predicted a drop of 2.2. goldman sachs researchers say it's because there are few houses on the market as homeowners with low mortgage rates do not want or cannot afford to move. according to redfin, the average price of a home in both san francisco and san jose is 1.3 million. and in oakland, it's $900,000. the chief economist for the national association of realtors says mortgage rates could go up to 8% in the near future. rates are hovering around. 7.25% for a 30 year loan right now, and that's the highest rate since last november. that's already started to hurt the us housing market. even home builders who had been seeing strong demand say fewer potential buyers are shopping now. rising interest rates have sent the average mortgage
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payment up more than $1,000 per month over the last few years. the largest city in the bay area is named one of the top places to raise a family. us news and world report looked at several factors when determining the list, including cost of living, average salary and quality of. high school education. with those. ratings, san jose came in as the second best city to raise a family. the best. huntsville, alabama to san jose earned a high ranking for having the best college readiness among high school students. no other california city made the top 25 list the non profit aarp is out with its annual list of 99 great ways to save money. the organization posts new ways to save money each year, including a list of how to cut down your grocery bills, especially as we all deal with high inflation. a lot of these tips involve things you need to do before you even leave the house. first, take inventory. of the food you already have and eat it first.
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experts say 30% of food gets thrown away. this is very true. we've tried to stop this in our household recently. you can also reduce your family's waste by having an eat me first spot in the fridge and a weekly pantry cooking night. that means you use what you have and you don't buy anything. now to the shopping list. experts say you should have two of them. the first shopping list is for the groceries you need for the meals that you're going to prepare in the coming week. a very specific list. the second list should be a rolling list of pantry items that you might be getting a little short of that you're going to need to buy at some point in the near future. the trick there is to always look for great discounts for the butter or the flour or the cleaners that you might still need and wait until it's on a really nice discount at that point. get enough for several months. coupons, circulars, loyalty programs, sticking to store brands instead of name brands are also good ways to save. i feel like we should bring garcia in. yeah, she would be like, let me tell you how to do this. yes, she she knows how to stretch that dollar into like
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$10 easily. but that sounds like a lot of work. i'm just thinking to myself, list i barely have time to make. can i hire someone to do that for me? right you know what i use? i use coupon the virtual coupons. yeah, yeah, the stores have them and i kind of. you can see what you're buying. you can search and if it's on sale, it's like, yeah, yeah. and then if not, i can wait a week because sales rotate. so i save money. what about what about the, the food wasting situation? that is that is a really good point. especially like moving stuff that you haven't touched in a while or forgot about from the back of the pantry to the front. sometimes it goes back there. you have i mean, it's like it's like it's like an abyss back there. you can get lost. thank you so much for joining us. join us for our next newscast coming ♪ we're gonna have a real good time ♪ ♪ feel good time ♪ ♪ spreading love and joy and laughter all over the place ♪ ♪ we're gonna have a real good time ♪ ♪ feel good time ♪


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