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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  August 15, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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on philadelphia union, messi on the attack. look at that shot from distance just a perfectly placed strike into the corner of the net messi now has a remarkable nine goals in his first six games with miami who by the way are under defeated with messi. so messi mania is going strong. it sure is. all right, jason, thank you. and next tonight at 11, a four year old female who was in a stroller being pushed by their parents was injured as well as an adult male. a family hit by a car while crossing a san francisco street. and tonight, a four year old girl has died. the 11:00 news on katie fox two starts now. the young girl killed and her father seriously injured after that crash in san francisco's mission bay. good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach. and i'm julie julie haener. that crash happened at about 515 this evening at fourth
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and king streets, just about a block away from oracle park. ktvu. alice schwartz tells us officers say the driver remained at the scene and is cooperating with the investigation. an it was about 5:15 p.m. a couple pushing a stroller here at fourth and king streets next to the caltrain station heading south. there are two right lanes turning to king street. the family was crossing when a silver suv in the second turning lane struck the family. pedestrians. who is who were struck in the intersection by a vehicle. the vehicle and the driver that was involved in this incident remained on scene. san francisco police spokesperson robert rooks says traffic control officers are here during week nights to direct the commute traffic. this happened an hour before the giants game started, so there were lots of pedestrians headed to the game at the time. a four year old female who was in a stroller being pushed by their parents was injured as well as an adult
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male who was injured from the incident. officers rendered aid to those victims and were transported to the hospital by medics for life threatening injuries. according to police, the family of three was not from the city, a shopping bag thought to belong to them was left at the scene due to the injuries. the four year old female succumb to her injuries and was declared deceased at the hospital. the driver stayed at the scene and was being interviewed by investigators. the driver is cooperating with our investigation. the any impairment due to drugs or alcohol does not to be does not appear to be a factor. some of the first responders were the traffic control officers on site here to direct drivers and pedestrians on commute days. this intersection can get gridlocked. a parking control officer told me drivers at this time of day are always in a hurry to get out of town. so they're watching the light. not
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the crosswalk. police are still investigating this case, asking for witnesses to please come forward. they'll also be looking at all of the surveillance video tape that is available in this area next to the caltrain station. i'm alice wertz, kctv, fox two news. new at 11 tonight, california lawmakers are formally calling for a constitutional amendment this week aimed at curbing gun violence. governor newsom first proposed the addition of the 28th amendment to the us constitution in june. newsom announced today the so-called right to safety has been formally introduced. the amendment would do four things raise the age to purchase a gun to 21, mandate universal background checks require a waiting period for gun purchases and ban civilian purchases of assault weapons. spare me that the solution is hardened indoors and not addressing the issue, which is these weapons of war, these weapons of mass destruction and so i want to be
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in a world where at least we have a chance of doing that. and i want to live in a state where we can do that. if state lawmakers pass the resolution out of california, they will need 33 other states to do the same, to trigger a convention to formally discuss it. to date, no state has successfully amended the constitution. the man accused of killing cash app founder bob lee was back in a san francisco courtroom today to enter a plea. cameras were not allowed inside the courtroom. this is video from a previous appearance. well today, nima momenti was shackled, sat quietly in the courtroom while his lawyer entered the not guilty plea to the murder charges. the only thing many said during the hearing was the word yes when the judge asked if he agreed to waive his right to a speedy trial. while many is accused of stabbing and killing bob lee back in april, his next hearing is scheduled for october 2nd to determine further court dates. the former director of sports medicine at san jose state has pleaded guilty to two federal charges linked to sexual abuse of students in the plea
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agreement. scott shaw admitted to violating the civil rights of four students, touching them without their consent during physical therapy treatments. between 2017 and 2020. the plea deal comes less than two weeks after a mistrial was declared in the case. sharpe is two years in prison at his sentencing hearing in november. now to maui tonight , hawaii's governor announced the death toll has risen to 106 victims. meantime, search and rescue teams are facing a challenge as they try to ramp up recovery efforts ahead of a new threat. ktvu is jana katsuyama joins us here tonight in studio with those concerns. jenna. mike, first of all, let's start with the new total of 106 victims. the maui police department has released names for two of those people, officials say they identified and notified relatives of 74 year old robert dickman and 79 year old buddy jan talk. both are residents of lahaina, maui county officials say three more victims have been identified, but their families have not yet
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been notified. 101 victims still have not been id'd. and hawaii's governor says that crews are working to search for more victims ahead of an approaching storm. our hearts are with you. we are heart sick that we've had such loss. but the first lady and i send our love along with whatever support we can muster for the people of maui. aloha, hawaii governor gave an update tuesday evening as search and rescue crews aim to cover as much as 85% of the disaster area before over the weekend. it's not just ash on your clothing when you take it off of. it's our loved ones. that's the reverence. that's why we can't have you walking down there. they're having to just methodically go through almost sifting just through all the rubble to make sure they find everyone they know. they've got a large list of folks that are still not accounted for, and they want to make sure they find
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everybody. former fema appointee mark navarro says the arrival tuesday of a mobile morgue will be a big help. a team of coroners pathology, x-ray units and other equipment arrived to speed up the process of identification for victims families who've been asked to submit dna samples. but novo says there is a big concern that could hamper recovery efforts. a tropical storm is brewing out there and that brings gale force winds, trade winds, winds that could fan any lingering hot spots and could disturb areas that still have victims remains . fema has 416 people on the ground, along with 20 cadaver dogs. new crews are coming in to support local first responders. many who lost homes themselves. there are 13 additional police officers that are going to arrive today to be able to help maui police continue to police the disaster area late at night . the governor says there will
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be limited daytime access to the road into lahaina starting tomorrow, with restrictions in place overnight. also, the governor says they're launching a new program to make 1000 air bnb units in partnership with that company so that residents who lost their homes will have a place to stay. fema says that they will be paying the costs in coordination with the red cross like. all right, janet katsuyama live tonight here in studio. janet, thank you for that. many people are donating money to help those affected there in maui. but the better business bureau warns be mindful of how you make those donations look carefully before you click on anything. and when we're on social media, please don't believe everything that you see . a lot of the images that we see on social are bait and switch, meaning that they want to reel you in with images, whether it's wildlife or someone that may or may not have been affected. the baby says to seek out register to established nonprofits and to watch out for vague appeals that do not identify the intended use of the
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funds. if you do want to help in the recovery efforts there on maui, you can just scan that qr code right there on your screen and we have information on our website with options on how you can get involved. former president donald trump says he will release a report next monday proving irrefutable election fraud in georgia. this comes as he and 18 others face racketeering charges in that state in their alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election won by president biden, a former georgia prosecutor said mr. trump may try to get his case moved out of state court in fulton county, which is heavily democratic. you may not think that you do have a jury of your peers who would see this case as unbiased as possible. so if i'm his lawyer and i'm advising him, i would definitely try to move this out of that forum of the district attorney's office and go into federal court. the defendants have until august 25th to surrender and be arraigned.
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buying a home right here in california. it's never been more difficult. coming up, the new numbers that show just how few californians can actually afford to make the big purchase. also head tonight, how artificial intelligence program chatgpt thinks it can help social media sites tackle a major problem. west coast rap, though, is up first. coming up in 90s, the major heat wave making its way through the pacific northwest okay, i completely revised the org chart. now where do i go? well, how about right... there? i report to the new breakfast taco? well, it does have jimmy dean sausage. but it's a taco. get my new breakfast taco for just $1.49.
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for fans of my sourdough jack, this is for you. 100% beef seasoned as it grills, hickory smoked bacon, and melty cheese on my original sourdough bun. and for my imitators... better luck next time. try my sourdough jack today.
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story is topping tonight's west coast rap. right now, the national weather service is issuing heat related warnings and advisories for many western states. it says parts of western oregon are seeing one of the hottest four day stretches in the area's recorded history. the weather service tells us this extreme heat is expected to stick around through friday. states will be able to use more water from the colorado rivers starting next year. today, the federal government announced it's easing restrict on water cuts due to a slightly improved outlook. and also, thanks to a wet winter and conservation efforts in recent years, water usage from the river has been capped due to decades of overuse. new details are emerging on why singer katharine mcphee and her husband david foster, abruptly left their tour in asia last wednesday. los angeles fire says a customer at a mission hills car dealership was killed after being dragged 20ft by a driver who they tell us accidentally rammed into that
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business. today we learned the victim was the nanny forter's ss not yet been identified. it is unknown when the couple will resume their tour. new at 11. ransomware attack has real estate agents looking for answers. last week, a software service providing property listing data to real estate agents was hacked. agents across the state, including many right here in the bay area, say this has upended operations. today. the san francisco association of real estate agents announced it does not have a clear timeline on when the software will be restored. it's unclear if customers information related to listings hosted by the hacked server was compromised. well, you need to have plenty of money saved if you plan on buying a home here in california. a new report from the california association of realtors says fewer than 16% of homebuyers in california can afford to purchase a median priced existing single family home in the golden state. they tell us that is a 16 year low right now.
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the association estimates median priced homes here cost over. $830,000. on the bright side, we're told the median price of condos and townhomes has gone down in the past year. in oakland, restaurant owner disappointed after thieves steal thousands of dollars in cash and alcohol. how the theft is affecting the lives of about a dozen employees. we get more more heat around here for tomorrow with humidity as well. that's going to last. that humidity is right through the weekend. we'll look into all that in the five day forecast coming up. at first, a bill drafted by ai aimed at regulating ai, how the california state legislature plans to tackle artificial intelligence
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♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay.
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how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. how about you? ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. back in the day, sneaker drops meant getting online to customwait in line.on with now with xfinity mobile... ...we get the fastest mobile service and can get the freshest kicks asap. i got this. get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited when you switch to xfinity mobile for $30 a line per month. nice job, little sis! they grow up so fast... i'm a fan. from xfinity.
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to examine regulations on ai usage. the bill was introduced in january by state senator bill dodd in his office. as this is the first ai drafted resolution in the country. it also details plans to implement regulations on iras. this comes after president biden and governor newsom met on the issue of artificial intelligence, along with tech leaders in silicon valley back in june. the bill was unanimously approved yesterday. the rise of artificial intelligence has increased the need for content moderation. but i itself believes it may have solved that problem. a software called gpt four could end up replacing tens of thousands of human moderators , websites and social media platforms. use the content moderation process to review and monitor content to ensure it meets the site's standards. well, openai claims the system is nearly as accurate, and even more consistent. the ai company says it's been using the software for developing and refining its own content policies, labeling content and
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making decisions. another burglary in oakland caught on video this time tens of thousands of dollars in tips and tequila taken from a mexican restaurant uptown. as our crime reporter henry lee explains now, the restaurant's owner says he is frustrated and demanding the thieves be held accountable. we need to do something because otherwise we can't survive. we oswaldo sanchez is frustrated and angry. he owns agave uptown restaurant in oakland, which was broken into over the weekend. it's hard. it's really hard because it's affecting our business, really. but it's not just that they break in. but now people are afraid to come and dining with us. surveillance video shows two cars pulling up outside the restaurant at 22nd and broadway at about 430 saturday morning. some people get out. they force open the lock on the main doors on franklin street. so basically they just break in right here and they broke the locks. they went straight to the office where they used a long pry tool
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to get inside. they broke open a small safe containing $10,000 in worker tips. pay the money because, like it or not, it'sexpensive bottles of tequila from a storage room. all told, sanchez says, the thieves caused $40,000 in damage and losses. it's affecting us really bad and a lot of families are relying on us. i have i have like 30, 40 employees. customers we spoke to say they're concerned. i come here fairly regularly on business and it doesn't feel safe and it's getting less safe. so when we have the choice, we'll meet across the bay. how desperate must people be if this keeps happening and it's really it's really sad for the owner and people trying to run their restaurant. the oakland police department is actively investigating this. break-in anyone with information is asked to give them a call in oakland. henry lee ktvu fox two news. some dry lightning has sparked a number of small wildfires across
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northern california tonight. this is video from cal fire up in siskiyou county that fires started northeast of redding earlier this evening. with that, we turn to chief meteorologist bill martin. hey, bill. yeah, mike, lots of little fires over the last 24 hours. got some reports, some unofficial reports up to 60 fires over the last couple of days and has to do with this circulation. and this is the big low. so that's counterclockwise. right. see how everything's kind of coming up and then works his way back around? well, when it comes up from here, it's grabbing some tropical moisture and throwing it up against the spine of the sierra nevada, up against the topography of the north bay or the north coast. and you're getting thunderstorms. and that's going to continue this pattern. and the reason i did the big loop like that is this thing's going to last for a while. the humidities are going to stay relatively high in that instability up in the mountains and potentially in our northern sectors is going to stick around as well. and in the middle of the early middle part of next week, there's a chance for some subtropical moisture to get in, train a lot of it from a dying tropical storm or hurricane if
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it transpires. but the models are suggesting we're going to see a bunch more of this. so if that flow continues, we're going to continue to see this unsettled weather with the fire starts. so we'll keep our eyes on that. but that's that's the long range forecast right now. it's more of the same. these are the highs from today. those will be the highs tomorrow with humidity in the 30 or 40 percentile range. so very noticeable. it'd be kind of sticky. that lasts through tomorrow. and a little bit into thursday and friday, thursday, we start to cool off a little bit just instead of being in the 90s and hundreds, we're going to get down into the 80s again. it'll still be a little bit humid, but it will not be as hot. so the forecast model, there's the flow. you see the clouds even though there's not clouds, there's high humidity in here. that's tomorrow morning, thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon , thursday morning. right here. and then thursday afternoon, some more thunder showers. and that's the cooling period. so it's these are subtle changes. but the heat, the big heat tomorrow will eventually subside as we head into thursday. so
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forecast highs for tomorrow, just like today. again, you see those those trademark high clouds moving overhead. that's subtropical moisture and that's humidity and that's noticing all the forecast for tomorrow. then more of the same, almost exactly what we had today, slightly cooler on thursday and then friday, saturday and sunday, you see temperatures trend down. but that's the tropical moisture in that big flow sticks around. so the potential for lightning in the mountains certainly exists right through the five day. all right, bill, thank you. governor newsom announced a new partnership with australia on climate change. newsom joined australia's ambassador to the us to adopt the memorandum of understanding, which focuses on innovations in clean energy and transportation. australia has pledged to reduce its carbon footprint by 43% by the year 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. with future generations in mind, what country, what community do we leave to our kids and grandkids when we are actually the cost of the decision making powers? now to make a difference? governor
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newsom agreed, saying it is time to take action at a time of extreme weather worldwide, including severe droughts, wildfires and record temperatures. we have to move. it's about the great implementation now. it's not about ambition. any longer. i don't know that we can meet and we can establish, i guess, another goal. i don't know how many goals that we haven't yet established. we just got to deliver here. now, last spring in san francisco, governor newsom signed an agreement on climate change with new zealand. here's a look now at some of the stories trending tonight on ktvu. one of our top stories, two san francisco women were killed in a head on crash in calaveras county. the mother and daughter who died lost their family members back in 2008 in a mistake in identity. triple murder in san francisco and the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is moving forward today. family members of crime victims filed paperwork to formally begin the recall process. also so
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wallethub ranked the best community college systems in the country. california ranked 20th. new mexico was number one. you can find these stories and much more all on sidequest is back after the break. the sights and sounds from the opening night of the san jose film festival as writers and actors continu (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) visit your local volvo retailer, to explore mild hybrid suvs during the summer safely savings event.
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union is focused on getting increased pay and rethinking of residuals. new contract protections when it comes to artificial intelligence and an agreement on streaming revenue. crabtree ireland also says the union is encouraged by the writers guild of america and major studios are in
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negotiations and that its members are eager to return to the bargaining table. the film festival does still go on this week in san jose as producers, writers and actors came out in support amid the ongoing strike. lamonica peters takes you through tonight's opening night set film festival opened at the california theater in san jose. so far, district tuesday night adds a director, this is magic to me. this has been something that's been i've been thinking about working on for a long time. dozens of films will be shown until august 30th, giving independent artists an opportunity to showcase their work to new audiences. jennifer esposito is known for her work as an actress, but at this year's seaquest, she's part dissipating as a producer and making her directorial debut with fresh kills, the featured film for opening night in san jose. it's a mob genre film that centers around the women who live thathat this was a genre that focused on the
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men a around women in this culture, and they had voices and they had powerful voices and they had stories. and i thought, this is something we need to tell. why haven't we seen this silicon valley's largest film festival includes films from multiple categories, including documentaries, short films, thrillers, comedy and sci fi. actor philip andre portillo is starring in the film fall and drive and says even as actors and writers strike people's passion for the industry remains the screen actors guild recently decided it will no longer offer interim agreement for independent filmmakers during negotiations with studios. when i show up for these films, as you will see, i hope you show up on friday. you know i bleed for these films, you know, and i give my craft, my soul. so you know, we just want everyone to be compensated fairly as as filmmakers walk the red carpet, fresh kills producer lesley owen says creating movies is rewarding but not an easy task
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and spoke of some of the obstacles they face. there's always the challenge of budget that comes up. it's in schedule and we were shooting in the dead of winter in new york and during covid said a quest will be held in two locations. san jose in mountain view and a second opening night will be held in mountain view on august 24th. now, we did speak with some people about the strike and they told us that out of respect for negotiations, they're declining to comment. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news. there was a colorful back to school giveaway in fremont today where local elementary students received a free flower and vase to give their teachers on the first day of school. the day long drive thru event was held in the parking lot at washington hospital. one of the main sponsors, by the way. organizers say more than 1200 families actually did show up today to get the flowers along with free school supplies. we need those. this is the 24th year for what they call well, teacher day, the
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first day oforrow in fremont. af we go for another school year. oh it's here. all of them going back to school. i know we're monday, so we have 4 or 5 days left. this summer. it's the first year i don't have kids in school. it's a whole new feeling. it's a whole new feeling. i've got a long way to go. not that long. ten more years. oh, it's all good. all right. well, thanks for joining us tonight. that is our report. and the morning news starts bright and early at 4 a.m. good night. good night. why are there giant lollipops all over the front yard? and why do they taste so bad? because they're made out of cardboard, mouth-breather. (phil) hey. the world needs more dreamers, luke. never stop licking things. i know it's lame, but after last year, we promised the neighbors we would keep our decorations more family-friendly. every halloween, we have the best house. last year, i took things to a whole new level, but apparently, it was too scary for some kids...


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