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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  August 12, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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oh, is he still crying? yeah, has been for hours. (sighs) wow. i thought he'd cry himself to sleep, poor little guy. well, has he eaten anything? uh, i fed him an hour ago. it's amazing how one can be fine and the other one is so upset. you go up to bed. i'll check on him one last time. thanks, mom. there's my big, brave boy. (crying) sherry booked a toothpaste commercial. uh-huh. i'm going to have to see that beautiful smile all the time! mm.
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the first couple of days, but then some of my friends had come in and started saying like, you know, who's still missing? like so-and-so and so and so and so and so and i think that's what it started, kind of like clicking in my head a little bit as relief efforts pick up steam on maui, wildfire victims work tonight to come to grips with the devastation all around them. good evening on this saturday. i am cristina rendon. we are learning tonight of another nine deaths tied to maui's wildfire year. that brings the death toll on the island to 89. still emergency managers expect that number will rise. it's unclear how morgues will be able to accommodate the number of victims considering there is just one hospital and three mortuaries. relief efforts are intensifying on the island and as volunteers distribute supplies to those in need. we're beginning to get a better assessment of the overall damage. hawaii governor josh green says 2200 structures were destroyed or damaged and many of those are homes. 4500 people in
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maui county need shelter. more than two dozen cell towers are still offline, making communication on the island difficult. kind of sad to see everybody going without things. we want to help as much as we can, but we have just as much as everybody else. and it sucks because we can't do nothing about it. our streets are gone. the whole town is gone. our life is gone. many of maui's fire victims are facing obstacles getting back in their neighborhoods to see what's left. reporter gina silva joining us now live from the island this hour. after speaking with victims, struggled to recover, gina. well i can show you right here, this is what you're going to see on the way to lahaina, the two roads, police checkpoints and the officers are here to make sure that people don't get back into town. it is making residents and tourists extremely frustrated. i was here for six hours in line. we've been waiting for the road
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to open up since 4:00 yesterday afternoon. my house ended up burning, so i am so sorry. yeah. so i'm going back to try and see with road closures and police turning people away, it's been nearly impossible to get back to the town of lahaina just saddened by this this roadblock all day, all that we hear is roads closed. they don't tell us when will they let us go. ali and his wife, miriam, have been trying to go back home to virginia after their dream vacation was ruined. their rented condo in lahaina survived the fire, but authorities won't let them retrieve their belongings. they have no travel documents, are there? my wife's credit cards. they're our passports and green card are there. i lost my place. my place burned down to the ground. despite his loss, ikaika simeon is thankful to be alive. when i was in a car, you can actually hear like, propane tank gas station just going off. these
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are some of the cell phone videos. ikaika captured on his way out of town. on the other side of the island. i started panicking and texted him just constantly. maria milan ichigo's girlfriend was worried sick because she couldn't get a hold of him. alerts kept coming in stating that the fire was spreading rapidly. he could not get in touch with him. the entire day passed. no word. i thought he died. i thought he was dead. 89 people are confirmed dead and an estimated 1000 are still missing. is the total of nine people i am looking for. jill la cuesta is looking for these nine people. they have not been seen or heard from since tuesday. the concern is dispute. so they were looking for maui officials are using the kahului community center for people to report their missing family and friends. those who are coming here are going through trauma and experiences that that is unimaginable. and
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that's why it's so important to have the center up and running days after this inferno took so many lives and destroyed a legendary seaside community. many locals are expressing anger at how maui handled this disaster. having a warning or something like that would have been nice for the whole lahaina branch, the whole lahaina community. it would have been nice to have a warning. i woke up at 3:00 and i still didn't hear any sirens and i'm pretty off about that. i feel that our county and state completely failed the line of community fail on an epic level for any families that were at home and had no idea that this was happening. there was no time to escape. residents say they received no warnings and no evacuation orders until it was too late. this has been the deadliest wildfire in recent history. reporting from maui, i'm gina silva. i'll send it back to you in the studio. all right, gina, thank you for that
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live report from maui. and proof that threats of new fire activity are not over on the island. this fire broke out in kind of poly yesterday. it got in the way of some recovered work planned for today. the fire started burning in an area where victims were told a fueling station was being set up. hundreds of people lined up for the relief, only to be turned away for safety. this fire is 100% contained, but no fuel was distributed today. people organizing relief efforts for wildfire victims have already raised millions of dollars. some of that money is coming from right here in the bay area. we continue tonight's team coverage of this tragedy with ktvu zac sos. she's been speaking with people who are behind some of these fundraisers. zac and christina, the largest fundraising effort right now in the bay area being spearheaded by several san francisco tourism organizations. the message that they're trying to get out right now, every little bit helps. we are doing our best to try to give relief, some energy, some good love to our friends in maui in the wake of this week's devastating wildfire in lahaina, rodney fong, who heads up the
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san francisco chamber of commerce, wasting little time and launching a fundraising campaign with his counterparts in the san francisco tourism industry. dollars will go to relief efforts, which i'm sure are much needed right now. collaborate on the effort. the san francisco travel association, golden gate restaurant association hosted all council of san francisco and union square alliance as part of that push large screens at this weekend's outside lands festival , urging the crowd to donate online through the hawaii based maui strong fund. we really appreciate any donations. large and small right now. we know that maui really needs it. it's really devastating what we're seeing. the images are really hard to look at. we know so many people who are missing people right now or their houses are are now just ashes today, the fund raising $70 million. that money being put to immediate use right now. it's been for things like critical supplies, food, diaper, shelter, clothing,
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showers, first aid, animal care, grief support and even boat transportation by some local boat owners who are taking supplies from one side of the island and bringing them into lahaina for residents. bay area born metallica among those making a large donation to maui strong, sending $200,000. a number of other nonprofits are also aiding in the effort on the ground. the salvation army flying in staff from san francisco and across the state. the salvation army is actively involved in feeding over 7200 meals a day at the red cross shelters and other shelters throughout the island. some staff based on the island victims themselves, homes lost, salvation army facilities burned to the ground. we've lost our building, our church, thrift stores and even the salvation army officers quarters back in the bay area, large and small fundraising events also popping up a comedy event at faction brewing, organized by alameda comedy works, fundraising for
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the family of one of its performers and others in maui who lost everything for a lot of eyes to be on, not just that community, but also specifically on my family is it? i can't even put it into words. i'm just really grateful. and that comedy group now planning to hold a second fundraiser for just one of so many. we've seen simply doing what they can to aid in this relief effort. christina all right, zach, thank you for that information. and we have information on ktvu that can help you get involved in recovery efforts to tap into that information. scan the qr code here on your screen amid the tragedy of the maui wildfire, san mateo's aloha festival offered hawaiian locals a chance to come together today and celebrate their community and culture. just bring the spirit, the shopping and the food you know, so it's not every chance we get to go back to the island. admission was free to enjoy the full day of family friendly activities. coming up
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at 1030, how the crowd is working to help victims on maui. new at ten, oakland police responded to a shooting in east oakland around 145 this morning. the shotspotter detection system alerted police of gunfire in the area of international boulevard in the arroyo viejo neighborhood . officers say they found a man and woman who had been shot. each of those victims were hospitalized and are reportedly in stable condition. the final town hall meetings were held today for residents in oakland to give their input about the selection of the next police chief. this is the nakano. naacp released an open letter to express its support for former chief loren armstrong. leo carroll reports. i felt compelled to come to this meeting because oakland needs change and i no longer feel safe in my own city. it's been nearly seven months since oakland mayor shengtao fired the city's police chief. lee ron armstrong, and it still feels fresh to many residents, including samantha wise. he was our chief. he was our chief. and i think the chief
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of police should be an elected position. the same issue of growing crime persists in the city, yet they haven't hired a replacement due to internal disputes within the police review commission. it's something that was brought up during today's oakland town hall meeting. we were told they're working on it, but i think mess starts at the top. i just want dr. tiara mulally, who is the volunteer, is the chair of the committee running the search for the next police chief. she said the job posting will be up soon with input that they've gathered from the community at these meetings. well, we've heard more than anything else is they want whoever is chief of police to reside in the city of oakland. so that requires is going to go on the job description. others have said they want the new chief to be honest and accountable and they want the same from the mayor. i thought more city council people and more city leaders would have been here. i think some of the police department should have been here as well. only one paid city worker was at the meeting today. what would you say to the mayor right now? she was here.
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wake up. this is this is all on you. it's time for you to make a change. it's time for you to come and get into the streets with the people in oakland. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu fox two news. self-driving cars come to a halt in san francisco. coming up, what cruise blames for this traffic jam in north beach and police in oakland ask for your help in solving a decades old cold case. anna barry weather here is our view up above san francisco for tonight. the fog is still pushing back into the bay. still a factor in our forecast, but a warming trend started today. it's going to really kick in over the next few days and we'll have the update coming up
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at day two of the outside lands music festival in golden gate park. among today's headliners
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are the foo fighters and lana del rey. people leaving the festival tonight hope to avoid the traffic jams that festival goers faced last night. video posted to social media here shows several self driving crews. cars stopped in north beach. cruise representatives say connectivity issues caused the problem. they also say they're investigating and working on solutions to prevent this from happening in the future. last night's traffic jam came just days after a california public utilities commission vote to expand the use of self driving cars in the city. many people showed up for the commission's vote to express opposition to the expansion. they argued companies like cruise and waymo are not ready to expand service and said the cars often cause traffic problem or get in the way of first responders. one of outside lanes attractions. welcome back. festival goers today only to shut down again. festival organizers tweeted earlier today that the soma tent dance venue would remain closed until further notice. it shut down after a brief reopening earlier in the day. the same tent was
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shut down yesterday for safety reasons. festival organizers have not offered a specific reason for the closure. outside lands wraps up tomorrow. odesza 1975 and megan thee stallion are some of the biggest acts to take the stages. the three day festival is expected to pump an estimated $71 million into san francisco's economy for the complete schedule of performers . advice for getting around and more from outside lands, just go to our website ktvu .com. well buffalo bills safety demar hamlin made his return to the football field today seven months after he went into cardiac arrest during a game last season. hamlin took the field against the indianapolis colts and made a fourth down tackle in the first quarter. he brought down running back evan hull for no gain on this play, preventing the colts from converting on a fourth and one at the buffalo 40. there he is. he also had three tackles back in january. hamlin collapsed on the field and needed to be resuscitated in the middle of the game after a blunt force hit
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to his chest. the 25 year old was cleared to play by doctors in april. today the bills head coach called hamlin's return remarkable. well, bay area weather, we started to warm things up across across a good portion of the area earlier today. in fact, the temperatures this afternoon, the warming trend really kicked in some 90s out toward fairfield, concord and livermore are still some persistent fog keeping the beaches on the cooler side 60s toward pacifica and san francisco. but more 70s and some more 80s around the bay. tomorrow in most areas it should be a little bit warmer. so the warming trend will continue into sunday and into monday. it says 90 inland, but a few inland neighborhoods could be flirting with 100 degrees as early as monday. outside lands, though, at least the fog has been a big factor. so far for day one and day two. and here is the lineup for day three. as you can see here. and we are expecting some cloud cover, maybe some partial clearing by about 3 or 4:00 in temperatures, mainly in the 60s. so the heat will not be an issue at the golden gate park for
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tomorrow for outside lands. here's a satellite showing you this just like yesterday. we have the fog hanging out near the coastline. another round of showers and thunderstorms developing out toward the sierra. and that cloud cover has been drifting closer to the bay area. so maybe the inland east inland neighborhoods, we could have some more clouds, more high clouds for tonight. you can see the thunderstorm activity as well. and this will essentially repeat itself by late tomorrow afternoon. and into tomorrow night. we'll check out some of the current numbers out there for the 10:00 hour. san francisco has cooled down to the 50s. some 70s for walnut creek. and in livermore. and here's our live camera looking above the fog layer drifting into san francisco where the fog is. it's locally dense and it could impact your visibilities first thing tomorrow morning, especially near the coast. 52, right around 60 degrees tomorrow morning. here's the forecast model clouds will try to clear back to and near the coastline into the afternoon hours. and these colors begin to brighten up. temperatures ranging from the mid 60s all the way to the mid maybe the upper 90s for tomorrow afternoon. and the
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warming will continue in our five day forecast. we'll have the full update coming up in a little bit. all right, mark, thank you. getting back to our coverage of maui's wildfires, we are learning more tonight about how some victims got to safety report. mike terry spoke to one family about their ordeal at 1130 at night. josh dawkins phone blared as the sos system signaled it was time to go. we had to pack everything up. my three little girls just started crying hysterically. so we didn't even know if where we were going was safe. it was it was terrifying. for two nights, dawkins and his family stayed in a shelter. his home in kihei, surrounded by one of three wildfires raging all at once on maui. he considers himself one of the lucky ones. the scariest thing is we're on the small island and, you know, information was not getting passed around. officials in maui say there may be evidence that the emergency sirens were not triggered the day the fires began in lahaina. wind gusts of
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up to 80 miles an hour took down cell towers and power lines, leaving thousands sitting in the dark without ways to find resources on their own. the infrastructure here is not great. and the information in almost blackout over the last couple of days has been really difficult. the slimmest of silver linings right now is the common bond communities are sharing to donate and uplift one another. the shelters are getting tons of donations right now. the community's really been activated. i my mother in law was in line about a mile out to one of those shelters and couldn't get even close to drop stuff off. that was my cherry reporting. as we mentioned earlier, several relief efforts are underway to help maui's wildfire victims to learn more about some of those, you can scan the qr code here on your screen. emergency managers scrambled tonight to figure out how to find temporary housing for maui's wildfire victims. coming up, how that's impacting short term rentals on other hawaiian islands. a bit later in
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sports, joe fonzi will recap the rough night in the bay area baseball scene. plus a look at the class of the 2023 basket ball hall of fame induction ceremony and the clock is ticking for state lawmakers. ahead, the bills they're working to pass
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(warehouse ambience)
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introducing togo's new french dip sandwiches featuring fresh artisan bread smothered with melty provolone cheese and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today only at togo's
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about gunfire near l and west sixth streets. police say they believe a group of people fighting at the antioch marina first started firing shots. the group then reportedly left in cars and continued shooting as they drove down west sixth street. it's unclear where the 14 year old girl was when she was struck by gunfire, but police say that she was driven to century plaza in pittsburgh, where 911 was called. the girl remains hospitalized tonight. no other information was given about suspects or potential arrests. fire crews in pittsburgh. battle of four alarm fire at an abandoned theater. con fire posted photos of the firefight on social media. these flames broke out just after 6 a.m. this morning at the enon theater on east 10th street. as a precaution, neighboring residences were evacuated due to risk of collapse. no injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is under investigation . new video circulating on russian social media appears to
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show smoke rising above a bridge linking russia to crimea. the bridge is vital to russia's war with ukraine. it helps deliver supplies to troops. russia claims it thwarted an attack by 20 ukrainian drones in the area overnight. no one was hurt. ukraine as neither confirmed or denied involvement. ukraine's president released a recorded statement today thanking countries that have supported ukraine's effort in this war. president volodymyr zelensky's show of thanks comes days after headlines the us will provide ukraine more weapons and ammunition while plans for the aid package have not been announced formally, it's expected to be worth about $200. million us officials who don't want to be identified spoke with the associated press about it. ukraine is already received more than $43 million from the us since russia's invasion. the us navy has sent out a warning for traveling shippers to avoid iranian waters as much as possible to avoid being seized. the advisory came today for shippers traveling through the strait of hormuz. a similar
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warning was sent earlier this year when iran seized two tankers traveling near the mouth of the persian gulf. iran did not acknowledge plans to interdict the ships in the area at the time. his most recent warning comes as a major us deployment to the region over iran's seizure of ships. the eiffel tower in paris and its surrounding area were evacuated today following a bomb threat that turned out to be a false alarm. the evacuation was a precautionary measure and lasted for about two hours after investing rating authorities deemed the area was safe and the threat was a false alarm. visitors were then allowed back into the area. many tourists, though, were there during the peak of summer travel, some annoyed by the closure. others though, felt it was the right thing to do. it is a little bit scary, but i mean, it is a city and that's where they are going to set bombs off if they're going to do it because it's summer time and there's loads of people here. so see if they if they were going to do it, then yeah, it is a city. it is rare for the eiffel tower to be evacuated and happening only on occasions for emergencies. a bay
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area celebration of hawaiian culture morphs into a fundraising effort. coming up, the work underway to help maui's wildfire victims and oakland police put out another call for help in solving a years old murder case. plus, we'll break down what one state is doing to protect child social media influencers . (warehouse ambience) introducing togo's new french dip sandwiches featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef, smothered with melty provolone cheese and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today
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only at togo's (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) visit your local volvo retailer, to explore mild hybrid suvs during the summer safely savings event.
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it's really bad. it's just one fire victim struggle on maui tonight, where the death toll from this week's fires has climbed to 89. the sheer scope of this disaster is coming into sharper focus as residents return to burned out neighborhoods. this is people
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from all over hawaii are mobilizing to help those impacted by the wildfires. fox's jake kerr. alexis has more from maui. some roads reopening saturday, allowing residents to return to what's left of their homes. so drivers in shock at the sight of their close knit communities. now left in ruins. i don't even know how to explain it. like it's like the it's like a war zone. our streets are gone. the whole town is gone. our life is gone. hawaii's governor says the death toll is likely to rise as search and rescue operations across maui evolve into recovery efforts. hundreds are still unaccounted for. officials still aren't clear on exactly how the fire started, but once it did, it spread quickly, fueled by dry conditions and strong winds from a nearby hurricane. emergency alerts were sent out, but limited cell service meant many people didn't get them. no sirens went off, nothing there was fight or flight with no warning whatsoever. across the island, donation drives are ramping up, working to get
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supplies to families in need. some of the most needed items include food, baby formula and diapers. it really is an all hands on deck effort to get help here. being so far from the mainland, alaska airlines is flying in pallets of supplies. the red cross is also on the ground helping out as the island faces a long road to recovery. we need donations. we need we need people shipping things out here. we need we need families fed. we need oh, yeah, we need so much help. the other big need is housing. the governor plans to use hotels for evacuees and is even asking people with extra rooms to help out in maui. jake alexis, fox news. officials on oahu have temporarily suspended the island's short term rental vacation rules to help those impacted by maui's wildfires. many of the residents and visitors on maui were evacuated to oahu. the mayor there on oahu says the requirement for a minimum 30 day rental period
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will not be enforced for the remainder of august. officials say the decision will help increase housing availability for those displaced by the fires . back here in the bay area, an organization went forward with its annual aloha festival today. ktvu is james torres continues tonight's team coverage of the fire with a look at how maui's tragedy weighed on the minds of those in the festival's crowd. the aloha festival opened with a prayer honoring those killed and wishing well to those still suffering from the wildfires in lahaina and other parts of hawaii. like neighbor, my maui. the celebration today brought forth positive energy in the middle of tragedy, just bringing the spirit, the shopping and the food. you know, so it's not every chance we get to go back to the island. long time attendee say the aloha festival is the next best thing to actually going to the islands for more than 28 years. people had the opportunity to learn and embrace hawaiian culture. thanks
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to the pacific islander cultural association cultural activities , you can participate in such as learning the language, maybe learning a little bit about the culture itself. how do the pacific islanders live? and you can participate in that if you are a tourist. i plan on going to hawaii. here's where you can get initiated as to what you can expect to happen when you go there. hawaiian airlines ran a booth asking people to donate money and their saved up airline miles, to its relief efforts. before today, the company announced that it already racked up $30 million and it planned to match all donations at the same time, crews in maui are connecting victims with resources. ashley correa is a lahaina real estate agent who says help from home and afar will go a long way. my other house and my dad and my you know, a lot of the men in my family are boots on the ground going out to lahaina and distributing supplies. and i'm,
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you know, holding it down on the back end and the home front and the donation center where i feel it's the least that i can do, organize. users of the festival say they're working on a way to play a part in recovery and a relief effort on their behalf will be formed soon. for now, the goal is for these vendors. people from hawaii and others who love the islands to feel joy and peace from the long time festival. well what's fun is that you see the same people every year and you you, you know, establish relationship with them and you bought things and you maybe know them in hawaii or know friends or whatever. so we love to see those people reporting in san mateo county. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news in depth. wildfire coverage continues online for details of relief efforts and interactive tool that shows how the fires have changed maui's landscape and more. just head to our website
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ktvu .com. new at ten oakland police are renewing calls today for the community to help solve a cold case. chances raines was shot and killed on october 13th in 2014. this happened on the 900 block of 69th avenue in oakland. anyone with information is asked to call the department's homicide unit. opd crime stoppers of oakland and the fbi are offering a reward if an arrest is made in this case. also new at ten in oakland, police arrested a suspect in connection to the death of a woman from san ramon. this shooting happened on the 900 block of 22nd avenue around 10 a.m. yesterday morning when officers arrived. they say they found a victim who had been shot. the woman had been pronounced dead at the scene. officers then responded to the 500 block of 24th street where they detained a possible suspect . california state lawmakers are racing against the clock to decide whether to pass multiple bills in just a matter of weeks. reporter ashley avelar has the story from sacramento. this is the sprint to the finish line
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for lawmakers who have until september 14th to pass or reject new proposed laws. now this is typically one of the most intense times of the year here at the state capitol, with several debates set to play out that includes a couple of workforce issues. one measure would require fast food court operations and their franchisees to share legal responsibility when they are accused of violating state workforce laws. another would provide unemployment to striking workers, which comes at a time with hotel worker and hollywood strikes ongoing in southern california. we've heard from lawmakers that there will be a revival of fentanyl related public safety measures, including a formal warning to dealers that they could face murder charges for selling the deadly drug in education. we know a public battle between parental choice groups and state lawmakers will brew over a measure that would prevent book bans in public schools. this and much, much more. a lot of these debates are expected to come down to the wire. a lot of these big issues require extensive negotiations and sometimes
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elected officials are driven to make compromises and come to an agreement because of looming deadlines. whatever lawmakers end up passing by mid september will ultimately go to governor gavin newsom's desk and he'll have until mid-october to sign off on any new proposals. we actually did catch up with governor newsom, and he noted, because of the state's budget situation right now, with the budget deficit at about $30 billion this year, he says he is prepared to veto any new spending that state lawmakers send him. reporting at the state capitol, ashley zavala. governor gavin newsom today spoke out against the governor of texas after a three year old migrant died on a bus from texas to chicago. officials said yesterday the girl was from venezuela. she was on a bus that left brownsville, texas, and she fell ill and died at a hospital in salem, illinois. the bus trip was organized. the latest one by texas and florida, to move migrants to democratically controlled cities. details on how the girl died have not been
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released today. governor newsom tweeted, quote, governor greg greg abbott's care for human life on full display. abc's absolutely appalling newsom has blasted abbott and florida governor ron desantis for allegedly coercing migrants on busses and planes, trains, sporting them to cities. thousands of miles away. young people are some of the best users of social media. coming up at 1030, what is being done in one state to protect its child influencers? and in barry weather, here's a live camera above san francisco showing you the fog drifting back into the bay. but a warming trend really settles in over the next few days, especially inland. and we'll have the update coming up. and we'll show you why. you may want to look to the sky a little after midn ht tonight
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(warehouse ambience) introducing togo's new french dip sandwiches featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef,
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smothered with melty provolone cheese and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today state senator david koehler says parents sometimes pocket money their children earn as influencers. and this new law ensures kids are compensated. some states already have this in place, but only for children working as movie and television entertainers. illinois's law specifically protects child social media influencers stating children under 16 will be entitled to a percentage of monetized content if earnings aren't set aside for the child.
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the children can sue. this law will go into effect july 1st, 2024. tomorrow on our political show, the issue is a conversation with state superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond, show host alex michaelson spoke with him recently about growing controversy over how to talk to transgenderism or how to talk about transgenderism in schools . here's some of their conversation. it is dangerous to ask someone to out students regarding their sexual identity. many of our students are not in places where they can be safe if that's known. and nearly half of the students in our state who identify as lgbtq plus have i've considered suicide. and so i'm really just trying to keep our students safe. why should the state keep this secret from parents? what do you say to parents concerned about that? i would say it's actually not about keeping a secret from parents. i think, again, parent rights are important. parents have a way of being involved in decision making about what happens at a school, what a student learns and i just think
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we have to acknowledge right. i spent a lot of time around young people and what i've learned is even in the best situation is it is very difficult for a student to talk about their sexual orientation. to see more of that conversation, tune into the issue is tomorrow morning. the show will get started at 630 ktvu mornings on two weeks, and we'll follow state education officials plan to hold a summit next week to address the teacher shortage. the meeting with state superintendent tony thurmond is set for monday in sacramento. thurmond has said in the past the state must be proactive to attract and retain teachers, saying, quote, we must increase compensation, prioritize training, improve working conditions and pursue all strategies that can help our schools and staff to help our students thrive. the sky is going to be putting on quite a show overnight. coming up, where you can get the best look at the annual perseid meteor shower. and it's cool outside across most of the bay area tonight. but meteorology mark tamayo returns to get us ready for
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another warm up. introducing an all new way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen search fox local on your tv streaming device and download it for free access all fox two newscasts plus exclusive features like the ktvu video vault archives search fox local on your tv streaming device or scan the code for how to stream ktvu
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) visit your local volvo retailer, to experience a volvo fully electric vehicle during the summer safely savings event.
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you attend the fifth annual gilroy rodeo performed in front of a sold out show this evening . tonight, with the second night of the all weekend rodeo. events included performances from the rodeo's flag team, bull riding team roping and bareback riding. the party is still going with live country music offered until
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11:00 tonight. tickets for tomorrow's show are $20 online and 25 at the door. you may want to turn your eyes to the night sky this weekend for a spectacular celestia display. the annual perseid meteor shower, which started back in july, is expected to peak in a little over an hour from now. the shower is the trail of dust from the swift tuttle comet. we spoke with ben burris, a staff astronomer about space and science center in oakland. he says the best time to view the meteor shower will be after midnight. the best viewing windows between midnight and 330 and the best place to go is as far away from city lights as you can. as dark skies you can for the best viewing points away from city lights. burris recommends heading to henrico state park in the south bay. mt. diablo in the east bay and on the peninsula anywhere on skyline boulevard. always pretty neat just to look up to the sky
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and see if you can see that meteor shower. so, yeah, as you heard, the earth, the earth's orbit here and it kind of goes through comet swift-tuttle and then generates the meteor shower for tonight. so peaks for tonight. but even after tonight, you can look up to the sky, obviously, and get away from the city lights and get away from the fog. and maybe you'll see some more meteors over the coming days as well. but always an interesting, beautiful sight. if you could see those meteors in the sky. take a look at the temperatures for tomorrow. everybody has an up arrow, a little bit of some warming. so the warming trend kind of started today. and it really kicks in for sunday. it's going to stick around for several days, especially inland. here's a satellite from earlier today showing you the low clouds and fog just offshore. and also some showers and thunderstorms developing out toward the sierra and some of this cloud cover will be approaching the area for tonight. and then also once again into a sunday night as well in the form of some higher clouds, the opposite of what we have right now, the low clouds and fog drifting over san francisco. so we're not 100% clear out there in current
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numbers. santa rosa, 60 degrees. livermore actually mild at 74 and san jose reporting 68. so it has been a warmer weekend all because this guy, this area of high pressure has been rebuilding and it's going to stick around for quite some time. so it's starting to warm up those numbers today. and the real warming is going to kick in for early next week, monday and tuesday. here's a plan for tomorrow. mild for the coast, some patchy fog nearby. we have yet to really see a warm offshore wind that really wipes out the fog. for several days it's been out there and it's going to be a factor somewhat, especially for the morning hours and then some hot temperatures inland. those temperatures on track to reach at least the mid 90s could be flirting with the upper 90s tomorrow afternoon. and in our five day forecast, the warmest locations could be right around 100 degrees. here's our forecast models. you put this in a motion, you can see the fog near here in the coastline and then some high clouds drifting in from the sierra. and that'll be happening once again for your sunday. could see that cloud cover and we'll have to keep it on the radar by tomorrow night. there is a slight chance of an
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isolated shower that could pop up, but definitely some high clouds. it could feel a bit humid and a bit muggy around here with this pattern developing. those the cloud cover moving in tomorrow night and into early monday morning. and then monday, we could still have a sun cloud mix, but it will still feel very hot out there and still kind of a bit steamy here in the bay area. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow for your saturday afternoon today, saturday, sunday, already sunday. and you can see san francisco's 69 santa rosa, right around 90 degrees. we bring in the mid 90s out toward concord upper 90s for antioch and brentwood san jose will go with the 89 mountain view 83 degrees in half moon bay in the upper 60s. here's a look ahead your five day forecast and we are warming up those numbers day by day here. warm to hot on monday. by tuesday, hottest locations could be close to 101 degrees. it's warming up around the bay as well in the 80s. still hot inland on wednesday. and then we will gradually cool things off into thursday. so heating up is going to be several days of hot
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temperatures, especially inland and then some gradual cooling as we head into into thursday christine. it'd be great if it was still saturday for tomorrow, but it is the sunday forecast getting ahead of ourselves. all right, mark, thank you. the golden state warriors and thrive city, the plaza surrounding chase center announced a new art exhibit yesterday. it is called the misalignment museum and will act as a pop up that showcases the capable cities of ai technology. this exhibit will debut september 21st and will be open fridays from 4 to 7 p.m. saturdays and sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. the playful art exhibit will reflect on the power of ai, both its destructive power and its use for good. an uptick in spending by college students and their families is expected to boost retail sales. college bound students are expected to spend a record amount this year as demand for electronics and dorm decor increases. an annual survey by the national retail federation says back to college spending has spiked by 40% in the past four years. it's now at almost $1,400 per student.
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universities say spending on dorm rooms has been on the upswing, but it's really exploded since the pandemic. the a's and giants both falling today in interleague action and the niners and raiders ready for their preseason opener tomorrow . we're hearing from some of the players sports with joe fonzi is next.
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(warehouse ambience)
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introducing togo's new french dip sandwiches featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef, smothered with melty provolone cheese and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today only at togo's
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streaking in the wrong direction . this was the 30 year anniversary of the giants team that won 103 games and missed the playoffs. barry bonds part of that team is the giants again faced their old manager, bruce bochy, and the texas rangers didn't take the rangers long to jump on the giants and starter alex cobb. corey seager was the second batter. cobb faced just like that one. nothing texas on the 20th home run of the year for seager, giants, answered back in their half of the first, patrick bailey delivered a two out rbi with this hit to left, the rangers would have had a shot at wilmer flores. but the throw to the plate wasn't good and the game was tied. rangers took the lead with three in the fourth. the giants got one of those runs back in the bottom of the inning. michael conforto golfs a grand anderson pitch high and deep to right that one lands on the arcade. number 14 on the year for conforto the giants within two. but that was as close as they got. the rangers added on all night, padding their lead with two more
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in thed, mitch garver slicing one down the right field line. garver also had three hits on the night the rangers went 9 to 3, handing the giants their sixth loss in their last seven games. the a's tonight in our nation's capital and as they've done many times this year, put up a good battle, they trailed one nothing in the third. then jj blue day got hold of a jake irvin pitch that went well over the barrier in center homer number ten on the year for the day. it was a11 game stay that way in the bottom of the third thanks to this play il tomorrow vargas lines of luis medina pitch to left look at the effort by blue dade to flatten out take a hit away of the day doing it at the plate and in the field. he's went in front in the sixth brant rooker goes opposite field against irvin that's homer number 19 on the year for rooker two two on oakland. the a's held that lead until the nationals tied the game with a run in the eighth. the sent lucas airsick out to try and keep it tied in the ninth. that lasted for one pitch cuba. ruiz hit the first
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pitch. he he saw from airsick and that's where it landed. it's a 3 to 2 walk off for washington, which makes it two in a row over the a's, who fall to 33 and 84. well, the principals won't play much, if at all, but tomorrow we'll get our first look at the 49 ers and raiders 2023 version. when the two teams meet in an exhibition game. they have held joint practices this week leading up to the game and there's plenty of familiarity on new year's day, the raiders saw brock purdy have one of the best days of his brief career when the 49 ers beat the raiders in a shootout. pretty not expected to see action tomorrow. the raiders might want to see their new starter, jimmy garoppolo, get some reps with his new team. it's getting harder and harder to make any conclusions about nfl preseason games, but kyle shanahan's expecting to see an opponent with realistically high expectations. i think they're going to be a real good team this year. they played us well last year. it was one of our toughest games and i think they're only taking steps
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going against last year. you know, fred running the show and everything that d-line still still good. so it's a talented group. but i thought we held their own. you got to come out and be overly you know amped up overly aggressive like the mindset has got to be there the mental toughness it's got to grow within our team and it's coming you know it's coming. i think we're obviously heading in the right direction, but not there yet. if you're an nba fan, the place to be tonight was springfield, mass. this is the night in which the hall of fame class of 2023 was inducted. there's definitely an inner national and san antonio spurs flavor of things with tony parker among the class that included his coach, gregg popovich, with tim duncan and manu ginobili there to honor their coach, dirk nowitzki, dwyane wade and becky hammon. also part of the class of 2023, pau gasol, during his acceptance speech on his late teammate kobe bryant. what it took to win at the highest level, who showed me how hard you had t in the mentality you best. the
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commitment you had to make, what it meant and what it took to be a leader. kobe kobe's widow, in attendance on a night that also saw coaches jim valvano and gene keady among those inducted. the women's world cup is down to four teams with a chance to be champion after two quarterfinal game today. host australia and france in one quarterfinal and battling through regulation and extra time without anyone scoring a goal came down to penalty kicks. courtney vine taking australia's 10th kick and when she converts the aussies had a 7 to 6 win in kicks. they then waited to see who they would play in the semifinals. the answer came in sydney, england, against colombia. colombia scored the game's first two goals, but the english came back there in the 63rd minute. here alessia russo has a breakaway. she will right foot one into the corner of the net. england is headed to the
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semifinals for the third straight cup against this one time colony, austria. pretty cool. all right, joe, thank you so much for that. all right. and also just want to mention, it's going to get a little bit warmer. yeah, temperatures are warming up a little bit over the next several days. so get ready for the inland heats. sounds good. thank you both. thank you for joining us here on the 10:00 news special forces world toughest test is up next here on ktvu. you can stay up to date on all of the stories we're covering at and be sure to download our news and weather apps as well as check out our social med pages. odnigh [narrator] sixteen celebrities have enlisted in real military training. ten days to prove they can endure physically and emotionally. no prizes, no special treatment. this is special forces: world's toughest test. [remi] let's go! -[billy] stand to! -...has begun.


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