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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 26, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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pandemic. but more than that, it's these millennial and gen. z who are continuing to prioritize, spend on experiences and travel as they come into their own. their economic power grows. travel app hopper says consumers booking travel are keeping an eye on the bottom line, even though they are spending this money. they're doing it by checking prices 50% more than they did in that lead up to booking a trip. and being incredibly price conscious, booking the cheapest ticket the cheapest days of the week. don't forget dinner reservations, bar rescue host john tapper says restaurants will be booked and busy restaurants are booming, but we're challenged because we need people you know, to fulfill all the business that we have now. cj papa fox news. ktvu fox two news at five starts now. answering questions about a
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deadly police shooting learned that this is not the firs suspect. good evening, everyone week's shooting. he held a virtual town hall meeting late today. and unveiled more information about what led to the deadly confrontation. crime reporter henry lee monitor that town hall and joins us now with the latest henry heather and greg. this was a burglary suspect who was shot and killed by police a week ago in the glen park neighborhood. that officer who fired those lit deadly shots has been involved in two previous shootings. body cam video shows san francisco police shooting and killing 40 year old sergio barrios during a confrontation in the city's glen park neighborhood fired. the incident happened at a building at bosworth and couvertier streets on may 19th. police say barrios was suspected of a burglary while armed with a handgun officers arrived, and
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police say barrios threw his gun down at one point but remained close to the weapon. authorities say he held sfpd, ingleside and tactical officers at bay while drinking wine and vodka. police say he became more animated after snorting cocaine. officers are heard on body worn cameras, saying quote. the coat is kicking in and quote. officers warned him not to reach for the gun. but several hours into the standoff. mr barrios leaned over towards the firearm. multiple officers yelled no! hey mr barrios, then picked up the firearm. four officers use force at this time, one officer fired his rifle. three other officers fired, less lethal weapons. barrios died at the hospital. the officer who fired his rifle was identified as gregory buhagiar 22 year department veteran who's been involved in two prior shootings, one of them fatal. in 2018. muhajer was among seven officers who opened fire into an rv after a homicide
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suspect fired at them from inside. no one was hit in the shootout in 2007 buhagiar in another officer shot and killed the suspect. buhagiar was cleared of any wrongdoing in the earlier shootings. now this latest shooting is under investigation by sfpd and the san francisco d. a s office, which will determine whether the killing was legally justified. live in the newsroom. henry lee ktvu fox two news, henry. thank you. well there has been another delay in the case of the san francisco police officer charged with manslaughter officer kenneth shaw, shawn moore at his home in 2017, while responding to a noise complaint. family says he was suffering a mental crisis at the time that he was shot. he died three years later of health complications resulting from his injuries. the family says morris family and supporters held a protest today outside the courthouse. they say they're upset over district attorney brooke jenkins not objecting to a delay in the case. i've been coming into this courtroom for a year and a half.
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and all that i have ever heard is that we need more evidence from mister borough. i don't know what evidence he needs. i'm not an attorney. i don't know what else to court needs to determine. this is a murder. officer chow is a murderer. deborah jenkins has not yetcommn court today. 2021 san francisco settled the lawsuit filed by moore's family for more than $3 million. a wrongful death lawsuit has now been filed following the death of banco brown, the suspected shoplifter who was shot and killed by walgreens. security guard civil rights attorney john burris filed the suit today on behalf of brown's family. the lawsuit claims the security guard did not need to use deadly force and the suspected shoplifting incident. the suit states. brown was unarmed and the security guards life was not in danger. this is a chance where a decision was made. the decision was made. i don't like what you
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had to say. and if you said something to me, if you spit at me, we don't really know those things. but none of that were the use of imminent force. kind oft will cause they like to feel to be in jeopardy. this was not self defense. the lawsuit names the security guard michael anthony, the security company that hired him and walgreens. none of the defendants has commented on this lawsuit. we are learning new details about the killing of a tech executive that happened in san francisco last month recently obtained court documents, including photographs that appear to show cash at founder bob lee and his accused killer name among many in an elevator together and then getting into a white convertible . this was the day of the killing. many is accused of stabbing lead to death in the early morning hours of april. 4th his attorney, has said that this was never a whodunit. rather it is a how did it happen ? she has indicated that her
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client, momeni will claim it was self defense. today marks two years since the deadliest mass shooting in bay area history. may of 2021 vita employee cm cassidy opened fire at the transit agencies guadalupe rail hub near younger and north first street. nine co workers were killed in the attack. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary is live outside the light rail yard with more about today's remembrance, jesse the formal ceremony was private and closed to the public held out of view of our cameras but at a tree planting service few hours later outside the union hall headquarters union president told me this is a time for morning reflection and looking towards the future. we're always going to be healing from the from the what we felt on on may 20/6 2021. but we do and we will always honor and mourn, but we do have to you have to without ever forgetting move our lives forward the next step in the painful forward progress for families of the
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nine slain vita employees took place with song and remembrance friday outside the transit agencies union headquarters in campbell to genco below, but trees were planted. to symbolize strength and resiliency in the face of withering pain, even though he's a higher um you know how you management he treated people. the same parents of palma jia attended a brief morning service at the shooting site. the married father of three worked his way up the ladder, but he loved being in the outdoors with his family, especially his father, the outdoors and so do i. so we were always together, whether it's yosemite or or lake tahoe, you know, water skiing, snowboarding. finishing he have we have the same like maja and eight other vita employees were killed in may 2021 when co worker sam cassidy opened fire
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at the guadalupe light rail yard. the most important thing we can do is show the family members that we support them. we do not forget will not forget their loved ones, experts say this crime the worst mass killing in bay area history impacts people beyond vita workers, writers and family members. areas trauma where people who were not in a position with threatened death or bodily harm or still experiencing those post trauma symptoms. because they heard about it. they worked in the vicinity to union members say they have been working with the transit agency to improve safety , including erecting fences around all facilities to increase safety. these efforts to prevent the worst continue as they pause to remember those lost during the worst crime this region has ever seen to start focusing on is making the customers the passengers and the operators and the frontline workers at the top of the flow
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chart instead of at the bottom. some b to union members. get a little impatient with the pace of change, but they are confident they will reach the destination they desire. as for vita brass, they declined comment, saying today is a day to remember the victims. we're live in san jose, jesse gary ktvu head back to you today for many in the community, jesse. thank you. tonight a pawnshop in richmond is being called the center of a prolific theft operation that stretched all across the country. the stolen items range from laptops to cameras to watches and jewelry. the san joaquin county sheriff's office says two men are in custody. they say this investigation began after a vehicle burglary in stockton's from that burglary deputies uncovered an alleged scheme to steal and sell stolen goods through the oral max pawnshop on 23rd street. this investigation
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is about a thief who comes from the bay area from richmond, who embeds himself in the san joaquin county. and what he does is, he continues his course of criminal conduct by stealing property from unsuspected victims. investigators have identified 140 victims so far, some from as far away as brooklyn. sean allen, the alleged burglary suspect in pawnshop owner ochoa, both of richmond, have been taken into custody. a strong warning tonight from us treasury secretary janet yellen. congress must address the debt ceiling by june 5th or the u. s government could run out of cash to pay its bills on time. so lawmakers have an extra four days to iron out a deal before the u. s government goes over financial cliff. there are reports that the white house and congressional negotiators are getting close to inking a deal to raise the nation's debt limit. but as foxes madeline rivera reports, neither side seems happy about the possible deal. here we are. night after night after night. pressure is
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more house republicans and the white house say they're getting closer to striking a debt ceiling deal, but they're not there yet. and one of the top negotiators for speaker kevin mccarthy says the work is only getting harder, thornier. the consequences are greater. there are still several sticking points. one is new or expanded work requirements for some federal aid programs. many house democrats are rejecting that proposal, but republicans are dropping it. hell, no, not a chance not happening in the u. s treasuries. balance is now under $50 billion of the fault could throw the country in international markets into chaos. we think of the ah u. s treasury market as an anchor. for the. global financial system , and this anchor needs to halt a fox news poll shows a majority of voters believe the debt limit should only be lifted if spending cuts are imposed and
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63% think failing to raise it would be financially catastrophic for the us americans, i think are sick of this and what we are seeing in the reflection of these polls, not only more than 500 days away from the general election, so i'm not real worried is they're buying into the doom. gloom in the headlines. the problem is this is deja vu. striking a deal is not the only challenge finding the right mix of republican and democratic votes could also be difficult and press congress up against the debt ceiling deadline in washington rivera fox news stocks jumped today as traders grew hopeful that lawmakers will reach a deal to raise the debt ceiling and another silicon valley chipmaker. marvell technology said it expects revenue to jump due to the growth of a i the dow was up 328 points. nasdaq was up to 77 and the s and p gained 54 points. and it's horrible. it is as bad as it looks. i want some majestic church now sits abandoned and neglected in san
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jose. coming up new at 5 30. can it be saved? everyone's ready for the holiday weekend. but morial day is about much more than a three day weekend. coming up with families have fallen soldiers want everyone to remember. can you imagine panicked passengers after someone opened up the emergency exit on a flight? while that plane was still in the air. right heather holmes. okay something we're kind of getting used to. here is the unseasonably cool weather pattern. we have that very important holiday forecast as the news continues, right here on tvu two.
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when the music is playing on this the first day of bottle rock there in napa tonight's headliners, post malone in the spastic mess, smashing excuse me, pumpkins and the festival with lots of music, food and wine. it runs through sunday. other big acts by the way that are scheduled to hit the stage lizzo and the red hot chili peppers fun weekend today also kicks off the summer travel season. it is expected to be a busy three day weekend, sing even more people hitting the roads and taking to the skies. triple a expects a 6% increase in road trips in the t s a, says 17 million people are expected to fly somewhere over the three day weekend, and sfo is expecting about 140,000 people to fly in and out of that airport over the next three days when we were there earlier this morning, well, as you can see, things seem to be moving pretty smoothly. but the advice for flyers always the same. get there early to check in two hours for domestic flights,
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three for international flights , and in san jose, there was a crowd at mineta airport. the airport says it is expecting four flights throughout the holiday period. one passenger we spoke with said she arrived early to try to beat the holiday traffic, but things were still a little hectic. starting in about 45 minutes, the chp will begin its annual memorial day weekend maximum enforcement period. it begins at 6 p.m. and lasts through midnight on monday. maximum enforcement period means all available officers will be on duty in an effort to keep roadway safe. statewide 45 people were killed in crashes during the memorial day holiday last year. okay let's take a look at the conditions out there on the roads right now, and for the most part, it looks like a lot of people have left already out of town. here's what it looks like. right now. interstate 80 in emeryville, kind of typically what we see on a friday evening commute, but you can bet a lot more people are out there on the roadways getting away for the extended holiday weekend about this look at 101 in san jose. people are
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at the limit. moving along, perhaps have already left town is, heather said. things are running smoothly on this friday afternoon. so for many, the weekend marks the unofficial start of summer with family gatherings, maybe a barbecue or two. but as foxes, kevin court tells us military support groups are really encouraging all of us to not forget the true meaning of memorial day. memorial day is often referred to as the unofficial start of summer beach parties and barbecues. now many people's norms for the long holiday weekend. but military support groups say people shouldn't lose sight of the true meaning behind memorial day whose writes reminding everyone that the price of freedom isn't free, commemorate veterans who have given their lives on behalf of our country. mcdermott wadsworth is the director and co founder of the military family
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research institute at purdue university. besides honoring fallen service members, she says, it's critical. we also keep their families and our hearts and minds. grandparents aunts and uncles served. but there are also parents, sisters , brothers, children and others who have experienced the death of a veteran much more recently. and while communities across the country will be holding memorial day parade, there's a large variety of other ways you can pay your respects, display or help to place flags and cemeteries where veterans are buried. we can donate to organizations that support veterans and veteran memorials originally called decoration day. the holiday was actually created in the aftermath of the civil war, officially being called memorial day. back in 1971. in washington. i'm kevin
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corke fox news. yep i last my uncle michael montejo from arizona and the vietnam war. so we honor this weekend coming up . hey if you still are looking for plants tonight, we do have a baseball game in town. yes we do . it's a 28 and 21 record houston astros in town against our 10 and 42. oakland a's hey, great night for baseball. why not? 61 degrees dress in layers . you know the drill. it will be windy. this is our lives, whether camera we have visibility unlimited at this hour for monument peak looking out towards the santa clara valley, where currently 67 degrees in san jose. otherwise, it's 57 apiece in half moon bay , also in a cossio and in novato compared to about 16 degrees warmer and brett wood and also in discovery bay, 61 in hayward, check out the winds. 26 fairfield. guts up to 30 in oakland international airport, the windsor off the coast right now, in a westerly fashion up to 10, now drop down 8.5, moon bay
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and 15 at mineta international airport. 17 at sfo. the wind is stirring around the pollen, and it remains the same for all of you. allergy suffers me, including the oak tree, the mulberry tree and the grasses come into play. alright, here we go. we have that expansive extensive marine layer just stacked up around the coast kind of breaks up around the santa barbara air. area into capitola, and then it appears that it's going to be pushing back onshore again tonight. all due to that trophy nous to the north of us, so here we go. tonight overnight , the clouds thicken the gather . they surge onshore push to the east to the north and including the senate, clara valley, moving all the way into monterey bay. we do have sent up tomorrow morning at 5 51, and none of us are going to see it. it will be shrouded in a deck of clouds. meanwhile the class began to retreat back to the east shore bay here, the central bay all about two o'clock in the afternoon sunshine inland, slightly warmer as a result, but areas of drizzle will persist around the meat. the itsy shore
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and boy when sunday comes lurking around, we're going to have an awful hard time clearing out except to the north around qatari and santa rosa windsor. also pastor pour it looks like into gern ville. we will have some clearing peaks of sunshine throughout the day. so what we have that extensive marine layer will be talking about all that activity going on in the high sierra and heather and greg that's coming up. next time around. new college graduates are heading out into the world and into the workforce. i'm mark sayer will look at the job prospects for those new grads just ahead. and coming up tonight at six o'clock, bart leaders warning that they may have little choice but to slash train schedules their plea to leaders in sacr ento for more fu
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1001st. bank employees that they no longer have jobs. the bank says it did offer employment to
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nearly 85% of first republic employees and a transitional or full time role. jpmorgan acquired most of first republics assets earlier this month after the san francisco bank was seized by the federal government , marking the second biggest bank failure in u. s history. well it is stories like that that have some college seniors a little worried about what they'll do after graduation. graduation ceremonies have begun here in the bay area and around the nation. and while the overall job outlook is encouraging plenty of uncertainty in the job market is mark. say your live for us tonight at san jose state with how graduates are feeling about their futures mark. well heather and greg graduation festivities have been underway all week. here at san jose state. we're awaiting the next round of graduates at six o'clock here. of course, many of those graduates about 7000 and all are heading right out into the job market. students from the college of social sciences gathered at san jose state to mark one of the biggest milestones of their lives.
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graduation students graduating majored in political science, psychology, sociology, urban and regional planning and justice studies, among others. students say the next steps in life are exciting and scary all at the same time. i guess it's time now to move on to the real world and you know gabriel wong majored in forensic chemistry and hopes to land a job in a crime lab. i mean, it's definitely challenging. i would say it's just scary just because of the unfamiliarity about it, but i mean, i think it's fun. you know, it's always fun like putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. so according to the national association of colleges and employers, employers plan to hire nearly 4% more graduates from the class of 2023 compared to the class of 2022. the hiring plans have slowed down in recent months with a similar survey last fall showing a players were more ambitious and had expectations of hiring nearly 15% more graduates this year, but overall interest from employers remains high for new
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grads. this year. this past year. it's been that we have a lot of companies wanting to come back to campus and meeting our students in person. bobby makani is the executive director of san jose states career center, she says. the job market in tech is down compared the last year, but some other sectors are showing strong growth. and she says some key traits applied to careers in any industry. aside from the cognitive skills that students are picking up from their academic courses, we need to make sure that they're developing other skills as well. one of those is communication leadership back at graduation, isabella hernandez majored in justice studies and says job hunting has been slow, but she still hopeful about the future. it's kind of like there's openings, but you won't really get a response. you know, like you'll, you'll send your resume. you'll send an email, but it's hard to get a response back because i'm sure all the other graduates are also sending emails. so it's been really tough. yeah not always about just the knowledge that you have. but the connections that you made the people that you met. not surprisingly, those
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employers, surveys show a significant pullback in tech hiring this year compared to last year and even the year before that, but there are definitely some bright spots industries, including transportation and pharmaceutical manufacturing, are expecting big increases in terms of the college grads that they expect to hire the class of 2023 reporting live in san jose state university. i'm mark sayer ktvu. fox two news heather back to you. nonetheless, a cause for celebration across the board for all absolutely mark. thanks about frustrated city leaders in san jose about historic church that is falling into despair coming up the troubled owner and what the city may be forced to do. governor rhonda santa's kicks off his presidential campaign with a blockbuster fundraising haul, but is it enough to beat former president donald trump a matter of era in washington with the detai onn the
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i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable,
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cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go.
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hey neglecting a historic church downtown ktvu, rubin explains if the church doesn't get sold to someone else soon, city officials may take it back themselves. in san jose under this tattered tarp since the once majestic first church of christ, scientist advocates say years of neglect and a wet winter have taken their toll. it is horrible. it is as bad as it looks. owners e nl properties at
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blended development here back in 2014. it never quite got off the ground and now the company's chairman sits on house arrest in london embroiled in a bribery scandal out of san francisco. this is a chinese company that came the united states with promise of development and luxury, and it's just left the city of sentences holding the bag on when the worst pieces of blights anyone can remember. city officials are understandably frustrated. they've been pushing cnl to sell the property. the company's other san jose sites are already on the market. the nlds not respond to our request for comment up to this point, and there has been good faith efforts, even though it's terribly slow. the pandemic definitely did get in the middle and the financing conditions didn't help. in the meantime, san jose has begun the process of code enforcement if cnl doesn't take action finds start mid june. it's roughly $1000 a day in this instance, the church , which sits on st james square
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, was built in 19 04. it's been vacant for decades, something that preservation action council wants desperately to change. we were founded primarily to save this building. they say it was a movie theater wants and could be again or community center or gym . but they say the church is worth preserving. so we are really pushing the city to in any way they can facilitate its transfer to an owner who has a vision. for the project and the resources officials say first things first, the old tarp needs to come down in a new one needs to go up there hopeful the owners will let the city come in and do that in the next few weeks in san jose and ruben ktvu, fox two news downtown san francisco is losing another big name store, the iconic old navy store on market street will close its doors. july 1st after nearly 30 years in operation, a statement from gap, which owns old navy says it was a difficult decision to close the store. but
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they are already working to identify new locations in downtown san francisco that will serve the needs of the business and their customers. old navy is closure comes on the heels of many other downtown san francisco retailers shuttering, including nordstrom's two locations. we are getting a look now at how a new stadium for the a's in las vegas might look the ace today, releasing the first renderings of the proposed ballpark project calls for a 30,000 seat ballpark at the nine acre tropicana hotel site right there on the vegas strip. the stadium would feature a partially retractable roof. critics say the renderings appear to have been hastily done a steam president dave cable, though, said in a statement. this is the first conceptual design and that it will be refined over the next year. the a's are reportedly asking for $380 million of public funding. for the construction of the $1.5 billion stadium. after a bumpy kickoff to his presidential campaign, florida governor ron de santis held his first
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campaign event today since his glitch plagued launch on twitter. the santa stepped back in front of cameras in iowa. and while all the attention is on two santas and former president trump, other gop candidates say this is far from the two candidates contest. foxes, richardson reports from washington. governor rhonda santos, his first official days in the presidential race have featured tv and radio interviews , ripping into former president trump and raising money his campaign announced. it took in $8.2 million in the 1st 24 hours after the launch to santis has been criticizing the trump administration for adding to the national debt, failing to finish the border wall and promoting shutdowns during the pandemic. today, he pivoted to a familiar theme attacking so called woke culture in florida and across the country. it is wrong to sexualized children. it's wrong to put it in your programming, and it's wrong to try to force that in our schools and that we will never back down. trump is
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maintaining his focus on the santis claiming covid deaths and florida were among the highest in the country, saying even then new york governor andrew cuomo did a better job. both trump and dissenters are appearing in the early voting states. so have those polling behind them like tim scott hutchinson, mike pence and nikki haley. they say they have a good chance of breaking through the crowded field, while officials in states like iowa and new hampshire are welcoming all candidates. saying this race is far from a two person contest. we continue to see huge crowds at all of the events so iowans are showing up their knowledgeable about the issues. they're asking good questions and they're listening. the first official dissenters campaign event is scheduled for tuesday in iowa in washington. richardson fox news. just the roller coaster waves. it's awesome. this is a great year to go. but there are warnings about the safety of rafting right now.
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coming up, we'll take you on the river to show you the conditions. and new beginnings for former prison inmate a veteran and the dog will explain a little later and we'll introduce you to a san jose state graduate who has made a difference at the college and beyond.
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different san jose state is being recognized for her advocacy and her efforts to open a new center there on campus for a p i. students graduated wednesday and also received the president's governance award. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters has more from the graduate and what she plans to do next. born and raised in fremont, nina chuang says, advocating for students at san jose state during some of the most challenging times has been one of the best experiences of
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her life. we have many students who have sacrificed much to get here. student parents undocumented students of color and it just brings me so much excitement but also joy to see them across the stage. she was first elected as director of student resources affairs, then associated students president in 2022. it's really mind boggling when i think about how far i've come and how far we've come as students from the pandemic from combining, you know, injustice in our communities, and it's just i'm so proud of our community and our class of 23 says when she arrived on campus , she realized there was no dedicated space for the asian american pacific. islander community. 34% of students identify as a p i. so she and other student advocates work to open the center for asian american pacific islander student empowerment last year. i just felt like a contradiction
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that i as an asian american student and walking around campus going to classes on the same grounds that you know my people that just look like me were processed and incarcerated state was used as a processing center for internment camps during world war two. wang was also instrumental and promoting a day of remembrance for those sent to internment camps, as well as a mural and monument to represent api heritage on campus . we have professors we have mentors, we have students that are passionate about social justice, passionate about change and passionate about empowering our students. to elevate their voice to the next level, and i think that's like my journey is a testament to that. nina graduated on wednesday with a degree in nutrition and food science and says that she will take the next year off to work and then apply to grad school. lamonica peters ktvu fox two news. our special program. voices for change returns this weekend. with the new episode. we will continue our celebration
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of aapi heritage month, a conversation with one of the minds behind camp best, the nation's largest showcase for new asian, american and asian films, will also put the focus on mental health and battling the stigmas around it. san francisco giants mental health consultant drew robinson. shares his deeply personal story in his efforts to help others moving forward. i know firsthand, especially these last three years, committed my life to my own self care and to my own process and realizing it takes way more strength to address some of these things that were not so proud of ourselves. he'll some things that we had no responsibility for that affect us. a brand new episode of voices for change airs this sunday at 9 30 in the morning, right here on ktvu looking forward to it, all right, still to come tonight, a powerful blast of wind whipping right through the cabin of the plane passenger was somehow able to open the emergency exit door during this flight back, left back left back flowers. stop!
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stop! stop! get down! forward we've been reporting the warnings for weeks. the rivers are running high and strong, making rafting. daup. we hit thu what it's. isn't that incredible? brooks jarocz was telling me that the water temperature was 48 degrees that is colder than what you're looking at. right there in the estuary, where the water temperature is near 52 degrees. we'll talk about your air temperature and how cool it will be for the holiday weekend . that's coming up as a news continues
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white south korea. unbelievable this happened earlier today aboard in asia china airlines flight you can see the wind whipping inside the plane. 12
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people were taken to the hospital. some of them reported breathing problems. others reported severe ear pan. the pilot pulled off a safe landing minutes after the door was opened the person who opened the door now in custody tonight. alright the waves are bigger, faster and a whole lot more fun . the record snowfall and melting snowpack has river rapids raging and running swiftly. adventures are flocking to the american river with us for this holiday weekend, but if you do plan to get out on the water while they say, leave it to the professionals to be your tour guide, additional training and extra safety precautions are being taken by rafting companies . ktvu brooks rose got out on the whitewater himself and reports. it's better than riding a roller coaster. go go, go! go with record snowpack melting in the sierras, california rafting guide, saying it's a once in a decade kind of year, so it's really exciting. it's a lot more
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intense on the river south fork of the american river northeast of sacramento is really picking up. so are the guests getting on the water this memorial day weekend? very excited. i love big water, and i love rafting and splashes and everything so i can't wait. whitewater excitement in lotus, the minimum age has been stepped up from 7 to 12 years old wetsuits are needed. the water is a cold 48 degrees. we are making sure that everyone coming rapping with us is in good physical condition. swimming ability is required. and they're on the adventurous side guides have been training for the river changes almost daily, and keeping an eye on the flows is a constant. this is a level that we haven't seen for a long time. it's like skiing on a powder day. this is what we're looking for. scott armstrong runs all outdoors. he's seen the rapids change, so the rafts are outfitted a bit differently to
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contend with the swift water those rock obstacles you're maneuvering around. replaced by big fun waves. there are still dangerous. typically the deaths in close calls are caused by those venturing into the river on their own. this is not a year to be drinking. swimming this is not a time to go on a flip. you need to be very mindful. careful if you do want to experience the rivers, make sure you go with a professional three. so that's what i decided to do, and even asked one of the other rafters. what i should expect, i would say a lot of big splashes wonderful people. maybe a sandwich in the middle and a good time can take 1 ft. right here. one thing back here and this is your paddling position right here. after some important instructions we shoved off. that's when i saw what was about to come back now. here we go. it
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is super funny and out here in the whitewater, but you've got to be smart and you've got to be safe. that's why we have our helmets. we've got our life jackets and i'm listening to my guide back left back left back. stop! stop! stop! get down! you gotta be on your a game. you gotta be paddling, hard, fearful. first timers are encouraged to come later in the summer, when the water levels are expected to be lower in a tad slower, but this year, no matter what high. five it's bound to be an adventure on the american river near lotus. brooks jarocz ktvu, fox two news. that looks like brooks was having a great time. their instructions on how it can prefer those skiing. maybe over
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rafting. there is at least one place that you can hit the slopes this memorial day weekend. yep palisades tahoe plans to be open through the fourth of july, so you can definitely hit the slopes this weekend. if you're headed up there. this is video by the way of palisades tahoes. gold coast terrain park, which will be open through the weekend. and i think that's brooks jarocz right there too. i noticed. did you recognize him by the helmet? okay we're talking about tahoe. so let's talk about that. first of all, we had that expansive deep marine layer, but all eyes and attention are on that right there. look at those lightning bolts. just light up the sky light up our satellite imagery. we do have isolated thunderstorms in the tahoe forecasts from now through sunday. a improving conditions by monday. currently we have 60 degrees on the south shore with plenty of cloud cover. the forecast does call for the potential sudden downpours. isolated thunderstorm activity and please stay on top of the
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weather forecasts. if you're heading to the garda lake tahoe area, because this could disrupt your outdoor activities outdoors we go live weather camera looking out towards beautiful mount diablo and notice. cdf has been hard at work, trimming all the grasses here in the eastern portion of our area. grasses are drying out. the soil is drying out as well. and the good news is that we do have and seasonably cool temperatures at least through the first couple of weeks of june and we do have higher humidity, so that's good news for any kind of potential of fires breaking out here in the bay area, windsor gusty 26 fairfield 30 mile per hour gusts at mineta international airport , as well as oakland international airport. 17 at sfo in actually, that wind has now as far as august is concerned, subside in san jose house today weren't very high at all. average high this time of the year is 80 throughout livermore today. 69 degrees 67. morgan hill. some areas were slightly warmer than yesterday and other places cooled off like santa
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rosa down from 70 to 63 with thf cldi. a. it is now 55 and overcast and half moon bay, but still sunny and brighton 71 degrees and discovery bay and also brent lin , so we have the area of low pressure spinning its wheels over the great in lake tahoe area. we have the expansion of the marine layer here locally and throughout the state of california seasonably cool up and down the state. so when does it burn off? okay, there's senators 5 51 no sun at all. two o'clock in the afternoon. we see the central base still has plenty cloud cover areas of drizzle indicated by the spots of blue and then it's going to be really difficult to scrub out that marine layer on sunday except to the north, so it's a cool weather pattern. it's stagnant. it remains there for your memorial weekend plans. so fifties coast side up to the seventies inland, but tonight 48 to 55 for lows, rebounding tomorrow, slightly warmer conditions. sixties pacifica to
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76 degrees and the antioch area generally around 74 degrees for the warmest spots around the tri valley low seventies by sunday, little bit warmer monday tuesday , holding its own on tuesday as well, looking ahead tomorrow battle rock 64 at noon, 70. partly sunny by four o'clock and dipping down to 61 degrees. who's playing tomorrow? guys it's going to be fun is oh, i hear really, that's gonna be great, right? did you excite me for nothing? there it is. lizzo i'll take a jacket tomorrow. roberta. thank you, okay. coming up a special ceremony today in the north bay of veteran gets his service dog and meets the man who learned to train these dogs while he was in prison. that's up next. also coming up at six o'clock tonight. it's been nearly two months since the man was shot and killed outside of a bar in the east bay how police were able to track down and arrest the suspects, including one who left the country. also ahead. no meal is
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complete. without dessert. we finish our san francisco chinatown cuisine series with some treats perfect for anyone out there with - life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. here at grocery outlet call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 we want to help you find name brand bargains for your family. to do that, you need to be able to buy more groceries for less money.
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form the city's richmond district. more than 100, neighbors, kids and police officers showed up to the event on geary boulevard. organizers say the ice cream with a cop event is a good way for the community to get to know officers before a crisis strikes, and the officers say the event helps them learn more about the community they patrol. disabled iraq veteran got his new service doc today in the north bay leash was passed at the nonprofit canine companions and santa rosa. the dog will help the man deal with ptsd.
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it's a lot of responsibility, but i think when you're just really bond with somebody, whether it's you know a child, whether it's your your dog, right? you just feel drawn to do it, so it doesn't it's not like a burden. um she takes care of me and so i want to take care of her. daniel ryan of santa clara has spent the last two weeks getting ready to take a home. the dog was raised and trained by aaron hargrove of sacramento . hargrove learned the skill while serving a 25 year prison sentence. i'm showing by example that my life has changed, um, that i want to make amends for the things that i've done and so steady works different topics i worked for maybe eight cents an hour. it's not so much to pay. but then i'm helping give a service to my community. canine companions provides all of its service dogs and support
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services free of charge to recipients really nice to see that alright, business is booming for guard dogs as people are looking for different ways to protect themselves and their homes, boxes. william larcenous takes a look at what goes into the training and picking the right guard dog. people don't feel safe anymore. so i'm giving a solution that you don't have to kill somebody. you don't have to use a gun. just you know, have peace of mind. you have a protection dog man's best friends are upping their game. your alarm system is great, right? it can let you know that there is a threat outside, but it won't engage in that thread itself. protection dogs are ready to go at any given time, with crime up double digits in major cities, many are turning to trainers like delta canine in north hollywood. right now, i'm short on dogs because there is so much demand demand for high end puppies and fully trained protection dogs such me not
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being at home all the time having this. i know that my family is safe. bobby took kota home as a puppy, but returns twice a week for protection training. you can't just get a dog that's trained. the dog knows everything. but you have to actually learn that as well. just like gun safety. you have to learn how to handle a dog because it is a it's a weapon. dexter taught to intimidate or bite release. sorry, even apologize. prices range from several $1000 to 150 grand for a fully trained personal protection dog delivered to your door owners say it's worth it. i'm a real estate agent, and sometimes i'm alone at houses, so having a protection dog. means everything to me. their protection and they're also companion. you feel safe. they come. they cuddle you. you give them kisses best of both worlds , so that's a lot of money, and most people don't need a top level executive protection dog with that kind of training, but some do because of who they are . and what they do. many we met
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will get a puppy based on breed pedigree and temperament. and then attend weekly training based on their needs in los angeles. wayne la jeunesse fox news. this is ktvu fox two news at six. it has been two years since the mass shooting at the wta rail yard employees, families of victims and community leaders came together to remember the lives lost. the shooting was the deadliest in bay area history. good evening. i'm greg lee and i'm heather holmes. nine people were killed in that attack. as our south bay reporter jesse gary tells us the city is vowing to never forget the lives lost. we're always going to be healing from the from the what we felt on on may 20/6 2021, but we do and we will always honor and more, but we do have to you have to without ever forgetting move our lives forward the next step in the painful forward progress for families of the nine slain vita employees took place with song and remembrance friday.
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outside the transit agencies union headquarters in campbell to genco below, but trees were planted to symbolize strength


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