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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 21, 2023 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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oh, i'm scared of heights too, grandma. but then i got tall! ha ha ha. illinois, the middle of everything! oh, taking the win with quality top tier gas for less? excellent choice, of course. yeah! you! this road trip is very well planned. yeah, i made a spread sheet. wow...that's...thorough ooooh look snacks! huge win. i could not choose. still a choice, and a good one i hope he got corn nuts. i love corn nuts. yeah, we do. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco.
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available for now what today's ruling from the supreme court means from mifepristone and governor gavin newsom lays out action to address fentanyl dealing in san francisco. the partnership with the city as people who have seen the crisis on the streets. say they welcome the assistance. we need to. not a lot of help in this city. um all the help that we can get there, not in a position in san francisco right now to completely deal with this huge issue on their own. new action from the state to help the city that deals with open air drug markets and hundreds of overdose deaths every year. good evening. i'm greg lee cristina rendon, the governor says he's dispatching the chp and national
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guard to partner with gen. francisco leaders to address the fentanyl crisis. this partnership will lead to an increased police presence around problem areas of the city, including the tenderloin. the chp will be dispatched for traffic enforcement, including reducing the trafficking of illegal drugs and impaired drivers. this will all be in partnership with the san francisco police department reviews. evan sernoffsky has reaction from the city's mayor and district attorney. governor gavin newsom announcing friday that the chp and california national guard will join the s f p d and d a s office in a new partnership focused on dismantling fentanyl dealing in san francisco. in a news release friday, the governor said, quote through this new collaborative partnership, we are providing more law enforcement resources and personnel to crack down on crime linked to the fentanyl crisis holding the poison peddlers accountable and increasing law. enforcement presence to improve public safety and public confidence in
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san francisco. the announcement comes after newsom made a surprise visit to the tenderloin earlier this week to see the scale of the problem firsthand. mayor london breed said she's been asking the governor for more help from the state to combat the crisis. part of what we're getting from the governor is some help some support resources so that we can have the capacity necessary to take on this challenge head on police chief bill scott welcoming the additional resources, saying his officers will continue to police with dignity and respect. we make arrests day in and day out. but it's really hard to hold ground. and we need to get it under control. and that's exactly what we plan to do. the tenderloin is the epicenter of the drug crisis, with dealers lining city blocks and users coming from far and wide more than 600 people a year have died from accidental overdoses recently in san francisco, the vast majority from fentanyl district attorney brooke jenkins has been prosecuting more drug
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cases since taking office. and will be part of the new partnership. the explosion of fentanyl dealing going on in our city is of a massive scale right now, and so with the police, staffing shortages as well as the full scale of this problem, deploying additional resources from the state is critical. last month, newsome released his plan to spend $79 million to provide more of the opioid reversal drug narcan and communities. san francisco public defender manu raju released a statement criticizing the governor's plan , saying it will target low income black and brown communities and quote no amount of law enforcement will solve what is really a public health crisis in the newsroom. evan sernoffsky ktvu fox two news. ktvu is amberleigh continues our team coverage. now she's live in the city. with reaction to the plan, amber correct. tonight i spoke with tenderloin residents, merchants and a mom who says her son is
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addicted to fentanyl. there is mixed reaction as to whether this plan will work. you need any help with anything? was that narcan islam, not she lives and works in the tenderloin as an ambassador, promoting safety and cleanliness carries narcan, the drug used to reverse fentanyl overdoses. this is the nasal narcan. not she tells me he and others on his team drug overdoses, often sometimes up to five times a day. he says he saw governor gavin newsom visit this area wednesday. not she says he welcomes newsom's plan to address the drug crisis, but he has questions and concerns. i just don't know. how exactly this emergency order would help plan includes a partnership with chp and the california national guard, which he says has hired trained in embedded 144 new members to support his initiative. he says the plan is to strengthen law enforcement presence and public safety in the city, including the
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tenderloin but did not release details. are they going to be with uniforms and you know, guns or are they going to be assisting in the investigation of these drug activities? curious to see how that would look like soldiers on the streets? um and are people going to be receptive? my son corey is addicted to fentanyl. he lives on the streets of san francisco , jackie berlin founded mothers against drug addiction and death . she says her group put up billboards last year, specifically asking the governor to shut down open air drug markets. i literally almost started crying. um this is what my group mothers against drug addiction and deaths has been working for over a year and the fact that he is doing this, and he's putting resources towards helping with this effort is huge to me. tenderloin residents emergency they feared drug dealers will be released quickly after being arrested and they will return to the area. we need
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a long term lasting solution for the tenderloin. um you know, we keep trying a lot of things, and we just need to be more firm on what we want for our city. people tell me the bottom line is they want a plan that works they say using outside law enforcement could turn this area into quote a war zone. greg people waiting for more details on exactly what this will look like. amberleigh live in the city for us tonight. amber. thank you. a new city report released this week shows that overdose deaths are on the rise . according to the medical examiner, 200 people died as a result of overdoses in san francisco from the beginning of the year through the end of march. more than three quarters of them are believed to have been fentanyl overdoses. the rest are made up of overdoses from meth, cocaine and heroin. the city, says 82 of the 200 overdoses happened in january. francisco's ambassador program is coming to the city's outer sunset district today, mayor lyndon breed rolled out the program along with police chief
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bill scott and supervisor jolin cardio during a visit to merchants on irving street. the merchants association says they're glad to see the patrols. they say that they're seeing more burglaries, robberies and assaults in the area supervisor and cardio said. this is a welcome sight. this is a good day. we have a lot to fix in san francisco. but we have to remain hopeful and the hope is that we have these retired officers willing to come back and do the work that's needed to keep people safe. 10 retired, unarmed officers will work in the sunset district in shifts of two and they'll be out on the streets until eight pm, the supervisor said. he and the board are looking forward to beefing up at least staffing with approval of a new police contract to the supreme court's decision late today, continuing access to widely used abortion drug and the 37 states where it is currently legal. these foxes. caroline shively reports that justices set aside tough restrictions on the drug while a legal challenge plays out. just
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hours ahead of a midnight deadline, the supreme court ruled women would retain full access to mifepristone as a lawsuit against the abortion drug makes its way through the courts. it's a victory for the white house and the food and drug administration. this is a medication that has been used safely by over five million women in the united states to safely terminate pregnancies. in a statement friday night, president biden said he would continue to stand by the fda is evidence based approval of the drug. anti abortion demonstrators outside the court said they'll fight against it. many people misunderstood that when roe v. wade was overturned. that that was it. that was just a starting line. the case made its way to the nation's highest court by way of texas. earlier this month, a federal judge ruled the fda approval of the drug in the year. 2000 was improper. the judge scheduled a ban on access to the drug, but the supreme court intervened before it was implemented. the case returns to the fifth
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circuit court of appeals for oral arguments next month. the court has a rather tough problem in front of it. it has a matter of great importance to people around the country. it has a claim that these rules are invalid because of how they were promulgated. but it also is very cognizant of how sensitive this issue is. the case could make its way back to the supreme court as early as this summer in washington, carolina, ktvu fox two news given. gavin newsom praised the decision issuing this statement quote the court has followed science data and the law rather than extreme and out of touch political agenda. we will continue to fight to protect people's freedom to choose the alliance dividing freedom, which brought the lawsuit challenging the fda on mifepristone writes quote. as this case continues in the appeals court, we look forward to a final outcome that will hold the fda accountable. this evening, we spoke to loyola law professor jessica levinson, she said. if and when this case
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makes it makes its way back before the supreme court. the basis for the case is very different than what we saw with the dobbs decision that overturned roe v. wade the question is, can a single federal judge undermined the fda approval of a drug approval that was given again almost a quarter century ago? and the implications go beyond medford. kristen if we suddenly say that federal judges can overturn the fda, then that would be true not just of medford, kristen, but also of cholesterol, medication of heart medication and, frankly of more controversial things like vaccines. levinson went on to say, even though this conservative leaning supreme court overturned roe v. wade it is not clear how they might rule on the tenants of this case. we're just days away from finding out if oakland teachers plan to strike today's update on negotiations between the union and the district. and a barrier weather beautiful friday today, with temperatures soaring lots
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of seventies and even some eighties with this warm pattern stick around this weekend, we'll have the update coming up. also coming up remembering a man killed in a hit and run allegedly by an on duty bart employee how his friends paid tribute to him tonight. just a really nice guy who always had a smile on his face. never had anything "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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45. year old william king gathered in an historic bar near his home to share stories. ktvu jana katsuyama joining herself live from coma with memories of the victim, jenna. well molloy's is a neighborhood landmark, and it was also a favorite spot for will king. so dozens of people that this was an appropriate place to remember him to come together and share stories. molloy's bar in coma crowd got a round of beers filling the room. what's the beers and the cheers couldn't fill that part of their hearts missing their friend and frequent customer will king everybody loved will will was part of our big molloy's family , the owner says. will had a big
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presence will was a gentle giant . he was 6 11 and just a really nice guy who always had a smile on his face. never had anything bad to say about anybody, lawyer and others said when they first heard the news about the fatal hit and run crash, april 5th on el camino real about a half mile from the bar. they didn't know the man killed was their friend . on tuesday, police arrested a suspect 52 year old joaquin duarte, bart systems for worker. this memorial friday night gave will's friends a chance to grieve? we just wanted something to for our customers all together and tell all the good stories about will and relive the memories memories from his four months at a new job working nights loading beer for raised golden brands remembered his positive spirit constantly bringing uplifting the guys, you know. hey we're gonna get through this, and they remembered his humor. he loved to take pictures with shorter
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people, you know, as as his big stature. and then standing next to someone shorter if you ever need anything from the top shelves. he was the person to ask, and they say he had a generous heart. he loved his cats. that was the thing that he always talked about every time i saw him so in his memory, pulled out, will's favorite beer. he would love his paps. uh he would order two at a time life measured in the love it leaves behind when you don't get to say goodbye. it's a harder thing. so so i just wanted to be here around people who knew him and that i know and just kind of lifted glass, gentle giant. and back out here live bar did issue a statement earlier saying that they are cooperating with police and their condolences go out to king's family. as for the
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defense attorney, we talked to him. he said that they have no comments, but they are still reviewing the evidence. and here at molloy's, a lot of people are just carrying will king spirit with them? and they're thinking of him tonight. christina touched so many lives there, too. jana katsuyama live for us in colma tonight, jenna. thank you. new attendance and francisco tonight, a car slammed into a house and the excelsior district video posted to the citizen app shows the aftermath . police and firefighters responded to that crash, which left manual lopez is maynard street home damaged, lopez told ktvu. the driver was his neighbor who accidentally hit the gas while trying to park on their street. and that rapidly reversed into lopez's home. the damage over here is it's uh being cleaned up a little bit, but it was scary. police say the driver was likely not under the
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influence of drugs or alcohol, and no one was injured. anyone with information is asked to contact san francisco police oakland teachers in the district remained at odds as the teachers union votes on whether to authorize a strike. teachers have been without a contract since october. the district says they are continuing to negotiate in good faith, with two day long sessions scheduled next week. they add that if a strike happens, it would put an unfair burden on students, especially if it comes when they are taking critical tests. the oakland education association says they want the superintendent to come to the bargaining table on tuesday as they call for better pay and staffing. well just a beautiful last spring day here in the bay area today, lots of sunshine not only some seventies, but lots of eighties to report as well, so definitely a big bounce in temperatures over the past day or so and take a look at some of the highest from today. all these are eighties fairfield, walnut creek, saratoga. danville, gilroy nevado, cupertino, rohnert park, reporting 80 degrees and you can see the
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overall temperature map from today from the low sixties coast side lots of seventies around the bay itself. you can still see some eighties up in the north bay and portions of the east bay tomorrow for your saturday for earth day. we are expecting some fog to make a comeback, in fact, already redeveloped near the coast and trying to push locally back into the bay for tonight, but still another very warm day, especially inland and then on sunday, some areas of fog near the coastline partly sunny skies a little bit cooler for the second half of the weekend. this was a satellite from earlier today. in fact, i can see this cloud bank while while we have the sunshine we have the fog just offshore in his has been drifting closer to our coastline over the past several hours. here's a big picture in the pacific. the upper level winds the jet stream and pushing the storm out here is pushing it way up to our north, so no chance of rainfall for us, and once again, it's mild pattern will stick around here is a live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge. i haven't noticing that patrick to some fog trying to sneak into this picture did see some fog. out towards ocean
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beach earlier this evening, and current numbers, mainly it's mild fifties and sixties for tonight, so it's a warm start tomorrow morning. fair skies but still some apache overcast near portions of the shorelines. maybe right around the golden gate bridge. first thing tomorrow morning, so here we are at that mild start and into the afternoon hours, only low sixties for the coastline but still inland, the warmest occasions back up into the lower eighties. we will call things off a little bit for the second half of the weekend, and we'll have more on that with your full update in a little bit, mark. thank you. gavin newsom announced. california has reached its goal of selling 1.5 million zero emission vehicles in the state two years ahead of schedule in 2012, then governor jerry brown set the goal and expected to reach it by 2025. the governor's office says back then, many people thought it was an unrealistic goal. california adopted new regulations last year requiring 100% of new car sales to be zero emission by 2035. the large pie out there, and i think, instead of you
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know, fighting over charging parks and things like that. we need to actually just work together to collaborate to solve all the problems that we're facing, trying to put him in visor of gen. z e. v solutions, a company that's building charging stations. it just recently announced a partnership with subway for charging parks at locations across the country . those parks include benches and playgrounds. advisor says that it's important these stations be convenient and comfortable for people, a recent report shows california will need 1.2 million electric vehicle chargers by 2030. construction begins monday on a plan that will dramatically change the traffic pattern on san francisco's valencia street . the municipal transportation agency will create a two way bike lane running down the center of the street. the goal better protection for cyclists. the plan expands loading zones for businesses and restricts left turns on valencia between 15 and 23rd streets. construction will take place weekdays from seven in the morning to 10 pm and last around
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eight weeks. coming up have the san francisco giants are reacting to the a's possible move to las vegas plus the forties released a new song, see how he's showing his love for the bay area sports with some very familiar faces and why authorities say the woman accused of shooting and killing a bay area home depot employee had to be hospitalized after - life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources,
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it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today.
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gasia fire! we gotta find row. he just released his new song called front row. 40 it features cameos with warrior steph, steph , warriors star steph curry and klay thompson, as well as rappers jay z and snoop dogg. this comes just days after he was kicked out of game one of the series between golden state and sacramento kings at the golden one center in sacramento . kings in 40 later released a statement calling it a miscommunication. we're hearing
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from the san francisco giants tonight, two days after news broke that the oakland a's made a deal to buy land in las vegas for a new ballpark there. in a statement, the giants said the a's are such a big part of a area baseball history, the east bay and greater community. if this comes to be, it will be a loss not only for a fans but for all baseball fans. ktvu tom vacar spoke to the former executive vice president of the aids who says there's still maybe hope for fans. and it's 122 years, the ayes have migrated from philadelphia, the kansas city to oakland and soon with a plan to next home in las vegas now to know that, hey, there's a path forward in las vegas that could work and we have an incredible stadium that we can build their with an amazing vision of a ballpark village legendary sports consultant andy dole. it has served in executive positions in the nfl. nba nhl mlb it was general manager of a former north american soccer league team dulic and oakland tribune
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writer dave newhouse have written goodbye, oakland. a sports towns fight for survival . what this is, is a gut punch to a community that has seen two teams go and another team right on the edge of going, but is it a fake punch to get oakland officials to flinch? everybody keeps talking about a deal's done in vegas. well, who's paying $1.5 billion tom for a convertible dome stadium? uh when is john fisher having a press conference to announce that he's put money in the bank? his advice to oakland and alameda county officials? i would never quit if i was an elective office until i knew a deal was signed, sealed and delivered in las vegas, which, um, as far as i know, is not done, which says there's been way too much delay by going from one possible stadium site to another. in oakland or the area in these last few years. what have we seen? we've seen levi's
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being built and open. we've seen chase center open also built sacramento's golden one center and the raiders stadium in las vegas. how could the a's ownership continue to strike out when others have done it both privately, and publicly if john fisher was serious of his comment, the coliseum is not urban enough. to build a new ballpark. what is the definition of urban the oakland a's could already be playing inequality new ballpark at the coliseum in the last few decades, 20 pro sports teams have relocated the team says the moniker will remain since at first was adopted in 19. oh, one. tom baker, ktvu, fox two news. gunshots ring out near hippie hills 4 20 celebration. what? we're learning tonight about the
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shooting, plus many of the victims and their family members were crying while they were giving testimony. emotional victim impact statements in court today how they say the so called los gatos party mom affected their teenage years, then later in sports a full slate of nba action is the playoffs. heat up. we'll bring you the highlights from tonight's games and a letter from some of tesla's shareholders. why they say they are concerned ceo elon musk may not be focused enough on
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a security camera captured audio of several gunshots going off on colon hate just before 1 20 yesterday afternoon, police said
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today they believe the gunshots heard were from a shootout between people. possibly connected to a car burglary. at this time. we have not heard of any injuries. we are learning more about the woman accused of shooting and killing a loss prevention worker at a home depot and pleasanton. authorities say she tried to take her own life when she was arrested. and as our crime reporter henry lee tells us, the suspects says the shooting was an accident. she was slumped in the seat and the seatbelt was wrapped around her neck and she was unresponsive. authorities say benita naps the woman accused of fatally shooting a home depot loss prevention worker tried to kill herself in the back of an alameda county sheriff's cruiser, given the fact that the seatbelt was wrapped around the subject's neck three times. you know, we're viewing this as an attempt . suicide sheriff's deputies quickly set her up and took her out of the car outside her east oakland apartment. she was able to take a deep breath in and regain consciousness. licensed security guard with priors for
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theft, was treated at a hospital and then booked early friday at santa rita jail in dublin. alameda county. prosecutors have charged naps with murder in the shooting death of home depot worker blake mose pleasant and police say nap stolen items from the store. pulled a gun from her purse and shot mose at point blank range after he confronted her. she later said she fired by accident. the victim died just months before his wedding. authorities say naps jumped into a nissan pathfinder driven by her boyfriend, david guillory, and had her 21 month old daughter in her lap as deputies in the sheriff's plane chased them to oakland. she got out of the vehicle with a child in arms . the tragedy raises questions about the role security and loss prevention workers have at stores, ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says many retail killers instruct their staff not to confront shoplifters or risk being fired and a certain level they're worried about their own employee, but not as much as being sued by the thieves. and they'd rather tell the security guard just let them go. don't worry about it. we will take the
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hit, cardoza says. what happened at home depot is exactly the situation businesses want to avoid, with shoplifters given free rein. retailers have security guards, theoretically, to birth sent to prevent that. caps. but nowadays that doesn't seem to be the purpose at all, has been charged with child abuse. the boyfriend's been charged with being an accessory and felony evading arrest, including driving on the wrong side of the road at high speed. as far as the alleged shooter, she is now being held under suicide watch in jail in pleasant, henry like ktvu, fox two news. police in san jose say they have arrested a middle school student today for allegedly bringing a loaded handgun to school officers were called hoover middle school on park avenue. just after 10 a.m. investigators say that no threats were made and the school continued as normal. a crisis team will be at the school next week to talk with any students who may need support, so called los gatto's party mom appeared in court today she heard from more than a dozen alleged victims in their parents about the trauma they faced. after
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attending parties she hosted as ktvu. jesse kerry tells us many of them fought back tears as they gave their victim impact statements. friday shannon o. connor said quietly next to her attorney and department 39 of superior court during the morning hearing victims and parents of victims spoke volumes as judge elizabeth peterson considers what sentenced to hand down if o'connor pleads guilty as charged, it really allows the judge who is making the decision. to see personally how the actions of the defendant have affected the victim and the victim's family. people produced victim impact statements. some were teens, some parents of those victimized all related the loss of innocence at o'connor's lost ghettos house in 2021 alleged alcohol laced parties for teens underage sex. and then lie after lie to complete a cover up. i was manipulated to lie to my parents. these events still traumatized me, wrote a
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minor, whom the court identified as john doe number one. shannon had a huge negative effect. she shaped me into being a kid who lies, wrote john doe number two. jane doe number six, says o'connor would tell us to lie to our parents so she wouldn't get caught. she continued to manipulate teens. it is something that is an emotional experience. many of the victims and their family members were crying while they were giving testimony. o'connor has asked the court what sentence she'd receive. if she pleads guilty. the judge will carefully look at is whether ms o'connor is truly remorseful and whether she is someone that will not reoffend and that will go a long way with the judge in fashioning inappropriate indicated sentence victims and their families say o'connor remains a threat. they want the maximum sentence handed down 20 years in prison, plus the provision she registered as a sex offender. o'connor will make her plea decision at a hearing may 16th in downtown san jose jesse gary ktvu, fox two news the state department says
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one american is now been killed and others could be in harm's way in the conflict in sudan. officials say that the american was not working with the u. s government and was not located with other diplomats and us security personnel. the pentagon is now moving additional forces to a naval base in nearby djibouti for a potential evacuation mission. but right now the airport is not functioning. the conflict there is suited to rival military factions battling for control. there is no military solution to sudan's political crisis. uh and quite frankly, this kind of ongoing reckless violence threatens the safety of all civilians. secretary of state antony blinken says he has spoken with the rival generals, urging them to back a ceasefire and to allow stranded americans to leave. coming up at 11, a major development in the south bay could be on hold the reports tonight that google is pumping the brakes on its massive project to add housing and
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retail to downtown san jose. and in weather. nice little warm up today across the entire bay area . another warm forecast for tomorrow inland, but we are tracking some fog that will eventually cool us off. we will have the update coming up. first new job numbers are out how the recent tech layoffs are impacting the state's economy.
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building at mariner point in alameda. it's where many houseboats more. the flames broke out shortly after nine pm they were quickly contained, but not before filling the estuary with smoke. in fact, we could smell smoke here. inside our studios, firefighters appeared to have kept the fire from spreading beyond the storage building. firefighters tell us
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to oakland fire was ready to help. oakland fire also provided their fireboat for assistance do the fact that it was dispatched as a boat fire. but since it was not we did not require them. firefighters were able to get the fire under control in about 10 minutes. the cause is under investigation group of tesla shareholders is calling for its ceo elon musk to be reined in as business insider reports, a group of tesla investors wrote a letter to its board, saying it has not kept musk focused on tesla. the investors who hold less than 1% of the company's shares want solutions by the end of may. they are calling for an overhaul of those with close ties to musk that sit on the board, like his brother, elon musk splits time between four companies, including twitter and spacex. wall street shares were modestly higher. today the dow was up 22 points. the nasdaq added. 12 and the s and p gained three points. regional banks took some of the biggest hits
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balanced out with gains by healthcare companies and consumer product makers report today shows that tech layoffs are starting to take a toll on california's economy. the california aideed's monthly jobs report shows the bay area lost 5600 jobs during the month of march. the report shows that the state's overall unemployment rate has remain constant at about 4.4. employment analysts say during most of 2022, california was creating jobs so quickly, but three things have since caught up with hiring. 2022 we were averaging over 102,000 jobs. for months gained this morning's numbers. went down to 8700. far far below the average we've had over the past year we're seeing the impacts of the finally of the interest rate hikes. the business caution and the consumer spending reductions . this is consistent with other
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reports this week on job openings down and unemployment claims up. a sweeping plan by house speaker kevin mccarthy to raise the nation's debt limit is winning praise from republican colleagues. the plan would raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion while imposing new spending caps rolling back elements of the inflation reduction act, such as spending to fight climate change and rescinding executive action for student loan payment relief. president biden and democrats who control the senate say this idea has no chance. president biden is fighting to clean up toxic pollution and lower costs through clean energy tax credit. speaker mccarthy unveiled a ransom note holding our economy hostage. speaker mccarthy says he plans to bring his bill to a vote next week. senate majority leader chuck schumer says it is dead on arrival in the senate coming up how the wet winner is helping rafting companies plus from potholes to solar panels.
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how arnold schwarzenegger is once again taking matters into his own hands live. look outside on this clear friday night, meteorologists mark tamayo back after the break
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48 of panels enough to power 700
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homes, the former


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