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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  April 21, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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officers to stop the deadly flood of fentanyl into the bay area breaking this afternoon. a big move by governor newsom. help save lives on the streets of san francisco, the governor with the support of the mayor of san francisco, has called in the national guard trying to stop the epidemic of fentanyl deaths on city streets. good evening this friday. i'm christina were don't made the announcement late this afternoon after walking the san francisco streets earlier this week. ktvu is evan sernoffsky live in our newsroom with what we know so far. greg mayer, london breed police chief bill scott and d. a brook jenkins welcoming any help they can get. fentanyl has been ravaging neighborhoods like the tenderloin with hundreds of people dying from overdoses every year. governor gavin newsom announcing friday that the chp and california national guard will join the s f p d and d a s office in a new partnership focused on dismantling fentanyl dealing in san francisco. in a news release
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friday, the governor said, quote through this new collaborative partnership, we are providing more law enforcement resources and personnel to crack down on crime linked to the fentanyl crisis. holding the poison peddlers accountable and increasing law. enforcement presence to improve public safety and public confidence in san francisco. the announcement comes after newsom made a surprise visit to the tenderloin earlier this week to see the scale of the problem firsthand. mayor london breed said she's been asking the governor for more help from the state to combat the crisis. part of what we're getting from the governor is some help some support resources so that we can have the capacity necessary to take on this challenge head on police chief bill scott welcoming the additional resources, saying his officers will continue to police with dignity and respect. we make arrests day in and day out. but it's really hard to hold ground. and we need to get it under control. and that's exactly what we plan to do. the
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tenderloin is the epicenter of the drug crisis, with dealers lining city blocks and users coming from far and wide more than 600 people a year have died from accidental overdoses recently in san francisco, the vast majority from fentanyl district attorney brooke jenkins has been prosecuting more drug cases since taking office. and will be part of the new partnership. the explosion of fentanyl dealing going on in our city is of a massive scale right now, and so with the police, staffing shortages as well as the full scale of this problem, deploying additional resources from the state is critical. last month, newsome released his plan to spend $79 million to provide more of the opioid reversal drug narcan and communities now san francisco public defender manu raju released a statement criticizing the governor's plan , saying it will target low income black and brown communities and quote no amount
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of law enforcement will solve what is really a public health crisis. reporting live in the newsroom. evan sernoffsky ktvu fox two news at this point, do we have any details on the timeline of when we could start seeing some resources on the streets? additional resources? the governor hasn't said exactly how many officers from the chp or the this other state law enforcement resources are actually going to be. deployed and win that might happen. so as we learn those details, we will certainly report them. greg continue to watch evan sernoffsky live in our newsroom force tonight, evan, thank you to our developing story in washington this evening, the u. s supreme court opting to extend access to the abortion drug mythic kristen or heather holmes is here now with more on this heather that ruling from the u. s. supreme court coming down late this afternoon, protecting access to mr christopher now. as appeals play out. the decision comes amid a brewing legal battle over the pill in a lower court after anti abortion doctors filed the
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lawsuit aimed at forcing the fda to pull the medication from the u. s district judge ruled in favor of those doctors. the ruling came was sweeping restrictions that would severely limit access to the medication. even in states were abortion remains legal, prompting rebuke from the white house. it is a drug that's been around for more than 20 years. it's been used in six more than 60 countries. it is a it is a it is has been approved by the fda, which is an evidence evidence based approval. now the supreme court's response tonight following an emergency request from the justice department to block that lower court ruling. the case will now move to an appeals court where the case is scheduled to be heard on may 17th congresswoman nancy pelosi of san francisco responding to today's ruling, saying, in part , it is the right decision for millions of women nationwide. but that the fight to protect women's health is not over yet. greg heather, thank you. do it. five san jose police say they
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arrested a middle school student today for allegedly bringing a loaded handgun to school officers were called the hoover middle school on park avenue just after 10 a.m. investigators say that no threats were made in school continued as normal. a crisis team will be at the school next week to talk with any students who may need support information in the case of a deadly shooting at home depot and pleasant in that took the life of a loss prevention worker. the woman accused of stealing from the store and then killing the victim says it was an accident. but officers say that she tried to take her own life when she was arrested. our crime reporter henry lee, is live at the store tonight with the very latest in this case, henry christina. we knew that this woman had been at the hospital for the last couple of days. we were initially told she may have gotten hurt during a confrontation here at the store. but turns out those injuries were self inflicted after her arrest in oakland. she was slumped in the seat and the seatbelt was wrapped around her neck and she was unresponsive. authorities say. benita naps the woman accused of fatally
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shooting a home depot loss prevention worker tried to kill herself in the back of an alameda county sheriff's cruiser, given the fact that the seatbelt was wrapped around the subject's neck three times. you know, we're viewing this as an attempt. suicide sheriff's deputies quickly set her up and took her out of the car outside her east oakland apartment. she was able to take a deep breath in and regain consciousness. licensed security guard with priors for theft, was treated at a hospital and then booked early friday at santa rita jail in dublin. alameda county. prosecutors have charged naps with murder in the shooting death of home depot worker blake mose pleasant and police say nap stolen items from the store. pulled a gun from her purse and shot mose at point blank range after he confronted her. she later said she fired by accident . the victim died just months before his wedding. authorities say naps jumped into a nissan pathfinder, driven by her boyfriend, david guillory, and had her 21 month old daughter in her lap as deputies in the sheriff's plane chased them to oakland. she got out of the
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vehicle with a child in arms. the tragedy raises questions about the role security and loss prevention workers have at stores, ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says many retail killers instruct their staff. not to confront shoplifters or risk being fired a certain level they're worried about their own employee, but not as much as being sued by the thieves. and they'd rather tell the security guard just let them go. don't worry about it. we will take the hit, cardoza says. what happened at home depot is exactly the situation businesses want to avoid, with shoplifters given free rein. retailers have security guards, theoretically, to birth sent to prevent theft. but nowadays that doesn't seem to be the purpose at all. now the couple has been charged with child abuse. the boyfriend's been charged with being an accessory and felony evade, including driving on the wrong side of the road, a high speed as far as the alleged shooter. she is now under suicide watch
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in jail live and president henry lee ktvu fox studios. alright, henry. thank you for that report . we're learning that the ban accused of fatally stabbing cash out founder bob lee was sighted on suspicion of battering a woman at his emeryville home last summer. records obtained by the chronicle show. emeryville police cited and released nima momeni on august 1st after a woman reported that he attacked her inside his loft on harlem street. the alameda county district attorney's office did not charge momeni in that case. he is now accused of fatally stabbing bobbly in san francisco earlier this month. the middle school teacher in millbrae is accused of sexually assaulting a student, matthew garrett, to sixth grade teacher at taylor middle school. was arrested in connection to incidents between november of 2021 to march of 2022. school officials say. the assaults were first reported on february 23rd of this year, garrett was placed on administrative leave the sanitary. oh county sheriff's office has since received reports that the 54 year old inappropriately touched other children with some of those
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complaints from as early as 2007. the man accused of throwing eggs during a racist rant on a san francisco muniz bus now facing criminal charges . ktvu christien kafton joins us live from the hall of justice and christian, the district attorney is pursuing hate crime charges in this case. yeah the victim here may have gathered a critical piece of evidence for the prosecution in this case video of the incident. michelle young was recording in february of this year as a racist tirade on immunity bus turned into a battery. the suspect, arguing with fellow passengers and hurling eggs, young says she was visiting from new york city riding on the 38. when the incident unfolded, she says the man began to hurl racial insults at her and another woman of asian descent whom she happened to be sitting next to. he was saying, um, racial expletives like you stupid chinese. um probably at least two times and both of us chose not to look up or engage because he seemed pretty unhinged, young said. she
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pulled out her phone and began to record as another pastor intervened. he was pelted with an egg the egg at him at top speed. and then said, i'm getting off the bus. but young said the egging didn't stop there. the assailant circled back. he ran from the corner alongside the bus, saami, look me in the eye and then decided to throw another egg at full speed. right um, right into the window. and if you look at the video, you can see that even though i was behind the window, i was really startled. prosecutors announced thursday that 44 year old joseph benjamin, had been charged with misdemeanor battery and hate crimes. the district attorney, saying, although this is a misdemeanor case, staying true to her promise to take incidents of hate based crimes seriously, that is absolutely something that we will not tolerate. in san francisco. neither the assaultive behavior nor the fact that this seemed to be motivated by his hatred towards a certain group of people. young is a journalist and said it was instinct to record the incident
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and share it to social media. she says other victims who described the same suspects have since come forward with their own stories. she says. well, this was a shocking incident. she and others have pulled together to call out hate. when they see it. i did have a sense as a journalist that a racist attack plus a man throwing eggs is pretty good journalistic content, and so, um, it was one of the reasons i shared it because i knew that we could have this conversation. um if this video that spread. authorities state benjamin may have been involved in two other incidents in february and assault on immunity driver and another incident where they say benjamin used racial slurs and threw food at a woman. they're asking anyone who may have witnessed those incidents or benefit tim of a similar incident to contact them. we're live in san francisco christien kafton ktvu, fox two news. many of the victims and their family members were crying while they were giving testimony , victims of the so called los
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gatos party mom emotional as they testified about what happened to them in her home. what's next for her as she considers her plea and from rethinking old toys to cloud seeding earth day expands beyond recycling and reusing look at the day and what it means. from well below average earlier in the week to well above today, temperatures are soaring into the low eighties for some will have a look at the current conditions and what you can expect for your bay area weekend coming up that were weather moves in all of the snow is starting to melt and melt fast for the first time in 17 years, california will deliver 100% of water allocations. what that means coming
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i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva.
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for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go.
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about our impacts on the planet before then, the e p a environmental protection agency did not even exist. at that time. industrial companies faced few regulations about the handling of toxic chemicals and greenhouse gas emissions. vogel takes a look at how much has changed since then, and has more on this year's upcoming earth day celebrations. saturday marks the 53rd annual earth day, and this year's theme is invest in our planet. it's something some biologists believe is critical because of our changing climate from greenhouse gas emissions already threatening where many of us live along with the vital crops. we need to survive places that used to have ample rain during the growing season, are now suffering droughts and places that used to be drier or now suffering floods. making it much more difficult to know
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where and when to plant and rely on crops, so it's becoming really risky to rely on regions that we've been relying on as major sources of food from the peaks of the purple mountains, majesty to the depths of the oceans, wildlife experts say the choices we make every day like using single use plastics, for example, impact ecosystems around us. we can't continue to consume without regard to the commonwealth of the planet. we also can't keep expecting someone else to fix the problems we all contribute to. but aside from choosing greener transportation and energy options and going beyond recycling and planting trees, environmentalists say investing in our planet also means investing in ourselves. environmental impact on the planet is lessened. uh when people have jobs and opportunities if we look after each other the plan it's going to be a better place to learn more about how you can take
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action. visit earth day dot org . i need a vogel, fox news governor newsom announced. california has reached its goal of selling 1.5 million zero emission vehicles in the state two years ahead of schedule. in 2012, then governor jerry brown set the goal and expected to reach it by 2025 the governor's office as back then many people thought it was an unrealistic goal. no other state in the nation is doing as much as we are to accelerate our clean energy future and that starts with unprecedented investments to make these cars more affordable for california and families and deploying chargers across our neighborhoods. california adopted new regulations last year requiring 100% of new car sales to be zero emission by 2035 years of persistent drought across the large portions of the country are causing scientists in the rocky mountains to use a technique called cloud seeding to raise critically low water levels, according to the u. s
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bureau of reclamation, roughly 40 million americans across seven states. rely on water from the colorado for drinking farming and recreation. one of the scientists explains the process. eating is a process that injects silver iodide particles into clouds that are not producing ice very well on their own. we can insert the silver iodide through aircraft flying in the clouds or from ground based generators that release the smoke plume that flows up into the clouds over the mountains. and once the silver iodide gets into the cloud, it forms ice and then that ice can readily grow into snow. with the experiment. scientists also say that well, this is a safe improvement process. it's not always a guarantee that it works. california though, probably doesn't need to worry about cloud seeding anytime soon. we've got a mother lode of a snowpack. and that means california communities will see something they haven't seen in 17 years. ktvu tom vacar joins us with a look at just how much water is on its way. the california department of water
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resources dwr is telling the 29 public water agencies serving 27 million californians. they'll get 100% of the water they request that's not happened in 17 years, even early in the melt tributaries and the rivers they fill are already at very high flows. the key reason for that is right now throughout the sierra. the snowpack is 256% of its historical average for the week at 2.5. up your supply. federal hydrologist and river flow. forecaster alan haynes says this in a year like this, it's going to be high flows. uh well into the summer. we're going to some of the snow. we expect to stick around, probably into august. how fast the deep snowpack melts is strictly dependent on how warm it gets. especially at night. how cloudy it is and the angle of the sun. so as that gets steeper later in the spring, and the temperatures warm than the snowpack really becomes what we call ripe dam
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operators have no choice but to dump lots of water right now to assure space for all that snowpack melt that impacts downstream. rivers flows are considerably higher. they're pretty much running as much water as the system. can handle example. analysis some 10 miles southeast of tracy, the san joaquin river is running at the rate of 30,000 cubic feet per second. that's the equivalent of the context of 25 4 size gasoline tanker trucks flowing by every second or 1500 trucks full every minute. could go higher gets dangerous if it goes higher, a very possible flow increase of just 20% could threaten to overtop flood control levees and puts enormous pressure against levee walls that undermines or erodes them. the 82 83 when it, uh, sort of reappeared. it took a year to get rid of that water. this could be this could be worse than that even rivers that
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appear to be calm on the surface are extremely cold. with fast running currents. anyone who falls in jumps in or rafts or kayaks it on their own without professional guys is flirting with hypothermia. and drowning. tom baker, ktvu fox two news. and cross the bay area this afternoon. temperatures are running 5 to 15 degrees above the average with low eighties for some of our inland cities right now and along the peninsula, giving you a live look here a over mountie album where we do have high clouds overhead ridge of high pressure will be in and around bringing us this pattern, at least for a couple of days. it breaks down slightly on sunday. i'll show you that here in just a moment giving you a live look from up above this vantage point with the satellite view where you can see those high clouds out there. little bit of fog expected to try to develop along the coastline, and this afternoon, the breeze is up at sfo winds are gusting to 37 mph half moon bay reporting sustained at 18 hayward 14. we will have the
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afternoon breeze with us. if you are going out to the giants games can be a bit cool out there. bring along the jacket because we will have temperatures falling off during the evening hours. 10 degrees warmer right now in santa rosa, compared to yesterday up by 11 conquered by 10 in livermore and some of the afternoon highs across the region right now. 61 in san francisco, you go inland 82 in santa rosa 82 for our inland cities near brentwood along the peninsula. let's take a tour 82 over atherton 82 stanford see where some of our warmer numbers are this neighborhood in walnut creek reporting, 83 85 reported and pleasant and 85 degrees. here's a look at the north bay where we have 84 windsor. 77 over fairfax getting into the overnight hours continuing with little bit of cloud cover out there and then tomorrow morning could wake up with a little bit of fog along the coastline. partly cloudy skies for the rest of us and continuing this pattern into sunday, sunday could be just a tad cooler as the ridge begins to breakdown. meanwhile, tomorrow morning now that our
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afternoon highs are up, our overnight lows are up as well. not too bad out there low to mid fifties expected a better look at the rest of the weekend and the extended forecast coming up. as the us prepares to evacuate us embassy personnel in khartoum . at least one american is now dead in what could be a new civil war in sudan. i'm jennifer griffin at the pentagon. i've got the details coming up and coming up at six o'clock, more fallout from the ace intent to leave oakland for las vegas, the hope among some that the team has not completely shut the door
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you. if you've been in a serious accident, we are here for you. call jacoby and meyers. justice for you since 1972
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the military and rival parliamentary paramilitary forces, causing death and destruction across that country . and today, the state department told americans still in sudan that for now they should make their own arrangements to stay safe boxes. jennifer griffin reports. u. s officials are starting to plan
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for a possible evacuation effort. the violent chaos in sudan, claiming the life of at least one american, the state department confirming friday, a private u. s citizen was killed as fighting escalates between two rival generals over control of the country. the american was not working with the u. s government and was not located with other diplomats and us security personnel. the pentagon now moving additional forces to a naval base in nearby djibouti for a potential evacuation mission. we always want to make sure that we're doing prudent planning, which is what we're doing, it's still not clear exactly how many americans are left in sudan. some are being housed at the us embassy in the capital khartoum, where heavy fighting has been reported for the past week. but there are others, including state department employees still holed up around the city, waiting for a safe moment to relocate. they are all not still could located . so the state department is still the embassy. they're still trying to get them all cold lake
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located together for their own safety, they are still sheltering in place where they are. some have requested an evacuation. but right now the airport is not functioning and it's too dangerous to attempt any kind of rescue, leaving anxious american civilians and embassy personnel watching and waiting for the fighting to stop . there is no military solution to sudan's political crisis. and quite frankly, the this kind of ongoing reckless violence threatens the safety of all civilians. secretary of state antony blinken says he's in touch with the rival generals urging both tobacco ceasefire and allow stranded americans to evacuate. at the pentagon. jennifer griffin, fox news. safety in the sunset of program used in other dangerous parts of the city now being used to the normally quiet and safe neighborhood covid variant making itself known here in the bay area, it's forcing at least one hospital to bring back mandatory masking alleged victims of the so called los gatos party. mom face her in
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court today, the messages they shared as th suspect i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include
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allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go.
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ktvu south airport. er jesse gary tells us about the emotional testimony victims confronted shannon o connor with as she considers pleading guilty as charged. friday shannon o. connor said quietly next to her attorney in department 39 of superior court during the morning hearing victims and
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parents of victims spoke volumes as judge elizabeth peterson considers what sentenced to hand down if o'connor pleads guilty, as charged, really allows the judge who is making the decision. to see personally how the actions of the defendant have affected the victim and the victim's family. people produced victim impact statements. some were teens, some parents of those victimized all related. the loss of innocence at o'connor's lost ghettos house in 2021 alleged alcohol laced parties for teens, underage sex and then lie after lie to complete a cover up. i was manipulated to lie to my parents. these events still traumatized me, wrote a minor, whom the court identified as john doe number one. shannon had a huge negative effect. she shaped me into being a kid who lies, wrote john doe number two. jane doe number six, says o'connor would tell us to lie to our parents so she wouldn't get caught. she continued to manipulate teens. it is
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something that is an emotional experience. many of the victims and their family members were crying while they were giving testimony. o'connor has asked the court what sentence she'd receive. if she pleads guilty. the judge will carefully look at is whether ms o'connor is truly remorseful and whether she is someone that will not reoffend and that will go a long way with the judge in fashioning inappropriate indicated sentence victims and their families say o'connor remains a threat. they want the maximum sentence handed down 20 years in prison, plus the provision she registered as a sex offender. o'connor will make her plea decision at a hearing may 16th in downtown san jose jesse gary ktvu, fox two news, san francisco's ambassador program is coming to the city's outer sunset district today. mayor london breed rolled out the program along with police chief bill scott and supervisor jewel and cardio during a visit to merchants on irving street merchants association says it is glad to see the patrols. they
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say they're seeing more burglaries, robberies and assaults of the area. supervisor and cardio said people in the sunset are on edge, and they have been asking for that program to come there. today. we're welcoming retired police officers to come back into service and work as ambassadors to walk the streets of the sunset to offer more police presence and protection. retired unmarked officers will armed that is will work in the sunset district and shifts of two and they'll be out on the streets until eight pm supervisor said. he's also looking forward to increase staffing at the sfpd. new details now about the mass shooting at a sweet 16 birthday party in alabama. authorities have arrested 1/6 suspect the latest person in custody is 15 years old shooting happened last weekend in dade ville, alabama. authorities arrested two other teams and three adults earlier this week, all of them face reckless murder charges. four people died in 32. others were hurt when gunfire erupted during that party. a man appeared in court today on suspicion of
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shooting a six year old neighbor and her parents after a basketball rolled into his yard. boxes jonathan siri tells us it's one of several recent cases where a blunder led to a shooting. the man accused of shooting a six year old girl after she simply crossed into his north carolina yard to get a runway basketball appearing in a florida court friday, 24 year old robert louis singletary walked up to the podium in handcuffs to answer a judge. indeed neighbors say on tuesday , children were playing outside in the neighborhood west of charlotte with a basketball it rolled onto singletary's property. that's when police say he purposefully went into his house came out with a gun and started shooting a six year old girl caught in the gunfire. the board came back and it hit me and the board with him my chic little girl's father, seriously wounded and her mother was grazed in the elbow. the shooting, sparking a manhunt for singletary, who fled the scene.
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he turned himself in on thursday. north carolina officials are cicely awaiting his trial, and the people of gaston county will will see and hear. our commitment to that prosecution. neighbors say this is not the first time singletary acted hostile towards the children claiming he's yelled at them before, but we never expected anybody would break a gun out amongst all those kids this week has seen several violent shooting sparked by seemingly trivial circumstances . and kansas city. a young boy was shot after ringing the doorbell of the wrong house. and the new york woman was shot and killed after pulling into the wrong driveway in atlanta. john siri fox news the nfl has suspended five players for violating the league's policy on gambling for players from the detroit lions and one from the washington commanders receive those suspensions. quintas differs and saggy more from the lions and commanders, shaka tony were suspended for the entire
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2023 season for betting on games last season. lions receiver stanley berryhill and jamison williams were suspended six games for betting from an nfl facility on non nfl games. see if it's and more have since been released by the lions. raiders owner mark davis weighed in on the a's agreement on a potential move to las vegas, the same city the raiders relocated to three years ago. the ayes have until january of next year to get a stadium deal complete in the agreement, it would be just west of the las vegas strip near allegiant stadium, the current home of the raiders. davis told the las vegas review journal that he is not happy with the move, saying the a's signed a lease with oakland breaking away from the raiders in their search at the time. because of the least the raiders were not able to make improvements to the colosseum, prompting their move to sin city warriors are probably feeling a lot better about themselves after their win last night at 1 14 97 over the kings in game three of the nba playoffs. this win puts the dubs on the board in this series.
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they still trail 2 to 1, though steph curry led the way with 36 points help from kevin loony, who had a big night he grabbed 20 rebounds. a serious continues sunday afternoon here in san francisco, with a 12 30 tip off it chase center with game four underway, the warriors will be getting some help as draymond green returns from his suspension in the game to incident with demonic sabonis. domantas sabonis. excuse me, green said today, it was crushing not to play last night. permanente in santa rosa is requiring masks again in response to a rising number of covid cases. recently the hospital is asking visitors, staff and physicians to mask up before entering the hospital, and throughout their visit, more than a dozen staff members and patients tested positive for covid 19 in a statement, kaiser said it is adhering to all regulations regarding masking, adding quote. these guidelines recently changed on april 3rd two no longer require but continue to recommend the use of masks for members, patients, visitors and staff at all health
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care facilities carries a permanent has adhered to that guidance and also has infection control guidelines for an outbreak situation. more and more people are taking bart to get around coming up a little later what the latest two days are showing when it comes to mass transit. a i is expanding quickly, and members of congress are struggling to keep up rivera in washington with a look at the potential dangers of that technology coming up. plus a new attraction debuts at six flags. discovery kingdom there fast, furry and fun
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areas of the workforce might be safer now, according to goldman sachs, the jobs least likely to be taken over by a. i include cleaning, installation, maintenance and repair, along
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with construction productions and moving what's keeping those jobs safe? well at least half of their tasks are not considered automation friendly, but a i may be used to help in some of those fields. as the application of artificial intelligence growth. so does the likelihood that congress will be called in here to legislate and regulate the technology. but as lawmakers willingly admit the new technological advancements can be difficult to understand. rivera has more on the efforts to understand a i from washington. hey i or artificial intelligence seems to know no bounds. it can deliver your food or check you up. even the administration is using a i to cook up a new initiative. i am directing the creation of our departments. first artificial intelligence task force, the task force could explore a i to tackle some of the country's most pressing issues like countering the flow of fentanyl or finding out rescuing young victims of online sexual abuse. but some tech experts say, hey, i could pose one of the greatest
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threats to humans. it has the potential of civilisational destruction. that sounds like something out of hollywood. however in real life, it may be up to congress to rein in a i and some lawmakers admit they have some catching up to do my understanding a i and a skill one in 10 is about a five i put my knowledge on a scale of 1 to 10 at about a 1.5, the only member of congress with a phd in physics representative bill foster has a solution to overcome the learning curve. what you do need is to have at least one or two members in the room when important decisions are being made that do understand the technical details without regulation. foster says companies will ultimately have to decide how to deal with the emerging technology which could have negative consequences. this is a problem that we're going to be dealing with for generations. but we cannot respond to it by breaking up into little tribes s says it's a i task force will also examined the technology's potential harms in washington
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mother rivera fox news. here's a look at some ai that's helping to make repairs. a robotic dog is assisting paris metro inspectors to fix issues on the regional railway network. american robotics company boston dynamics dog like robot is able to examine dangerous and hard to reach areas. it is equipped with a 360 degree camera with an infrared sensor and caused about $110,000, and it does not require treats. i'm here all night, more and more people getting back on public transit coming up the new numbers from bart showing things almost back to normal, at least in the past couple of days and welcome to the world meet the newest furry residents of six flags. and across the bay area this afternoon temperatures soaring into the upper seventies to low eighties we're going to hold on to this trend, at least for the first ha
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away the collision of all the fuel truck and another car on the gold storm, a morial bridge, you can see the heavy black smoke and orange flames, flames spread to buildings below and close to interstate 95 in both directions for two days, ridership on bart's back to levels we have not seen in a while, but the numbers are still short compared to before the covid 19 pandemic. ktvu james torres reports what bart officials expect in the coming months. coming out of pandemic protocols barks ridership level was slowly coming back up. but then that was significantly slowed down thanks to months of storms and rain, the week kept the bay area busy. just ask the bart riders, but during the week like last night, i did not get a seat. so for two straight days, bart reported more than 170,000 . people wrote its trains 179,000 on thursday. 4 20. we think that one of the reasons,
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of course, is the increased in traffic that we've seen. through the entire bay area. the other is just that the weather is so nice and people who want to get out and go places. these numbers are nice spikes, according to agency reports, only an average of about 120,000 people rode a train every day in the month of march. however those spikes still only make up. about 42% of pre pandemic levels dating back to 2019 the last couple of weeks prior to this summer, i did get a seat all the time. is that is that how it's like? back in 2019. i was a little in 2019. i rarely got to see either coming or going riders means fewer dollars in revenue. a big deal considering fares and fees make up about 75% of the agency's budget. parts director tells me she hopes people who ride for the first time in a long time noticed significant changes
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enough to convince you to make it a habit. we have more, uh, presence of our staff, including police officers and unarmed ambassadors in crisis intervention specialists focused on safety. we have more folks cleaning the trains and the stations, so we just want to make it a positive writer experience so that folks know they can independent on part again in the future. part, officials say they hope these two days build momentum heading into the summer months, so we're hoping that these past two days are a trend that will see through may. but we know that in june and july, sometimes the ridership dips because of those school vacations and just people taking time off from work. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. any policy aimed at keeping young visitors safe goes into effect a great america amusement park this weekend starting tomorrow, park guests under the age of 15 must now be with a chaperone. that chaperone
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has to be over 21 years old with a valid i d great america says the policy comes after increased number of incidents of inappropriate behavior at entertainment venues. and says it's aimed at keeping all guests happy and safe. at six flags discovery kingdom in vallejo. there are six new cheetah cups for visitors to enjoy. the five females and one male cub are between three and 10 months old . today we gotta look at the male cub and his enclosure the soon to be big cats come from a facility in virginia. they will be on view at the park's cheetah creek exhibit. the park says the new additions also helped bring more awareness of conservation. these guys and a lot of other animal species are in the wild, are declining due to loss of habitat and also again loss of their prey, so being able to come and see a cheetah cub up close in person, it kind of provides guests with that again , unique experience and also makes it real makes them want to care and actually learn about conservation efforts and how we can help them on the wild. the
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park is also unveiling a new program that will allow guests the rare chance to get water to interact with their atlantic bottlenose dolphins. but that was waiting for the warmth. it has arrived and it is going to be with us, at least for the next several days, temperatures do begin to drop off a little bit on sunday, but it doesn't last, and it doesn't look like a dramatic drop either giving you a view here. a beautiful diablo with some high clouds overhead and the green rolling hills. the temperatures right now in the low eighties in santa rosa, san francisco, reporting low sixties livermore, apollo alto and san jose enjoying seventies for folks that are heading to the giants game later today do expect temperatures to be cooling off during the evening hours at game time. still in the low sixties with the westbury east, about 12 mph. but bring along the jacket temperatures falling into the fifties by the end of the evening storm tracker to hear a view from up above. we are dry here. we're dry in the sierra. if you do have travel
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plans to head up over towards the sierra temperatures will be in the fifties. i'll have a look at that in just a moment ridge of high pressure locked in for the weekend, it will begin to push back just a little bit or as we get into sunday, and with that temperatures are expected to drop off ever so subtly that in the extended forecast, let's take a look at what is happening over lake tahoe right now. 55 degrees is with sunny skies tricky also reporting 55 with mostly cloudy conditions and into the weekend. your saturday there partly cloudy as well as sunday temperatures in the mid to upper fifties on saturday, even a tad warmer, expected on sunday, with overnight lows just above freezing. meanwhile for us our overnight lows filling quite nice. we've got temperatures in the fifties to start the morning . we see the temperatures in the afternoon come up, and that helps our overnight lows as well. so starting out in the fifties, and then as we get into the afternoon, well above average once again 82 expected for santa rosa tomorrow. that's 12 degrees above the seasonal average. meanwhile, san francisco in the upper sixties
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oakland low seventies livermore and san jose, both in the upper seventies. expected for you there, i better look at some of these numbers along the peninsula 73 in san mateo, get closer to the coast. it's going to be a bit cool. not going to necessarily be a beach day. it will be nice out there, but low sixties expected and then into areas over the south bay and 79 expected from morgan hill. a view of your extended forecast temperatures a near repeat for tomorrow is what we saw for today. then as we get into sunday, temperatures do begin to drift just a little bit, maybe a tad more on monday, only to be back up by a smidge on tuesday and then into wednesday. overall upper seventies about 80 degrees for inland city seventies around the bay over fifties low sixties at the coast have a good feeling that for the weekend, at least, those outdoor restaurants are going to be quite busy. will looks like a great week ahead, rosemary. thank you. more employers are giving their employees personal days off to deal with stress. the wall street journal reports that companies are ending ways to help employees with mental health. to attract and retain
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good workers. one san francisco based finance company gives employees for self care days a year, consultants say more employees are looking for companies that support their mental health needs. diners in new york city and some other major cities are keeping an eye on the time they spend at the table. more and more restaurants are imposing a 90 minute time limit on their customers. the goal is to turn tables quickly and boost profits, says many restaurants are dealing with limited staffing and space. i think you're seeing it in cities all around the country. um i would guess it's happening. more restaurants that, um, maybe a little bit pricier or trendier. san francisco restaurants were required to do the same thing during the pandemic in limited dining time to two hours as a way to encourage people to not linger to help decrease the chance of covid transmission. rubik's cube. it has the same experience touch and feel that you would expect from a normal rednecks cute, but it is not the
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rubik's cube of your youth house . um classic toys are getting an environmental makeover. then it's six protecting the earth from space. how nasa is playing a greater role in environmental conservation. ♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us.
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anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. there's always a fresh deal on the subway app.
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like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! tomorrow the students held a rally this morning in san francisco city hall and march to the state building on mcallister street. they say they want governor newsom to take a series of specific actions for climate justice that includes supporting a bill to divest state pension funds from fossil fuels stop the state from issuing new fossil fuel extraction permits and also stopped drilling within 3200 ft
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from homes. 92% of the people living near fossil fuel production sites in california are people of color, most of whom are also working class. that's like a systemic, intentional issue, and that's something that governor needs some is contributing to and causing by continuing to issue new fossil free apartments. governor newsom has not commented on the rally in march but has in the past signed sweeping climate measures into state law. one toy company is aiming this earth day to help parents make their kids toys friendlier to the environment boxes. chris and goodwin shows us the newer, greener version of some classic toys and games. i need your help to spread the news. toymaker spin master honors earth day by sharing some of the classic toys and games they redesigned to be more eco friendly in an effort to reduce their impact on the environment . this is actually 100% recycled plastic. this rubik's cube. it has the same experience, touch and feel that you would expect from a normal riddick's cube
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classic non digital screen toy, but not a real screen. troy, this is a pocket at your sketch. this one contains 76% recycled plastic, but the larger, uh, just get actually contains 85% another great example of a classic is a gun barrel. believe it or not, this is made out of water bottles. 10 water bottles are melted down and the fibers are spying to create this beautiful, soft plush this domino set. not only is it sustainable, it's made of bamboo , which is one of the most renewable sources on earth, creating more sustainable options with their products as part of the company's place sponsored initiative about covering or packaging efforts, as well as our toys, production efforts to make sure that we're doing things that are better for the planet. are you ready to recycle some toys to prevent their products from ending up in landfills? spin master teamed up with terrorist cycle so that families can send back outgrown toys to be recycled free of charge. with terrorist cycle does is they take toys
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previously loved toys. once you're done with them, they grind them down into small plastic pellets. pellets are then turned into paving stones park benches. in fact, spin master has collected enough toys now with the help of parents. and to make a playground an entire playground for children, so we're going to be actually donating a playground later on this year made of recycled toys . don't lose it. reuse it. christine goodwin, fox news. this is ktvu fox two news at six. developing news out of washington. the supreme court is allowing a contested abortion medication to remain on the market for now. what they've essentially done now is push the pause button. while this case continues to work its way through the lower courts. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm greg lee cristina rendon. the prescription drug at the center of the case is widely used across the country, and the court's ruling leaves more questions to resolve. ktvu heather holmes has been tracking all the latest developments and
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joins us now with more heather holmes supreme court's response tonight follows an emergency request from the justice department to block a lower court ruling, which would have restricted access to this drug. the decision comes amid a brewing legal battle over the medication in that lower court. after anti abortion doctors filed the lawsuit aimed at forcing the fda to pull the drug from the u. s. district judge in texas ruled in favor of those doctors. the ruling came was sweeping restrictions that would have severely limited access to the medication, even in states where abortion remains legal, prompting this rebuke from the white house. it is a drug that's been around for more than 20 years. it's been used in six more than 60 countries. it is a it is a it has been approved by the fda, which is an evidence evidence based approval. meantime those on both sides of the aisle are still hoping for a legislative victory.


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