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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  April 21, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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the money, this is a great place in new york city to live in one of the premier places. i don't have the money, though. photos that's going to do it for us. have a great weekend. we'll see presto. by freezing lower court rulings from ktvu fox two news. this is the fourth now, then this means that the most common method of abortion will remain in place, at least for now. welcome everyone to the four heather holmes alex savage. for now, this resolves a massive and fast moving conflict over access to the drug, while an underlying lawsuit will still be decided. ktvu sally rasmus has the details. back. in november, an anti abortion group sued the fda , claiming the agency didn't
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have the authority to approve mifid kristen for abortions. earlier this month, the federal judge in texas agreed with them. he ruled that kristen should be banned for abortion use nationwide within a week. that ruling was immediately appealed . the fifth circuit court walked part of it back and said the drug can remain available, but with more restrictions than before, it could only be used up to. i think it was seven weeks of pregnancy. ah that you have to have visits with the doctor. you have to pick the prescription up yourself. no, no male and prescription, etcetera . the boxes in which a person is sold, don't include labeling that conforms to those rules that can it has labeling the conforms to the rules. as of a few weeks ago before the district judge's order. that means even if mifepristone is still allowed. under the appeals court ruling, some pharmacies could still end up pulling it off the shelves with access to
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the medication in jeopardy, the company that makes the drug along with the biden administration asked the supreme court to weigh in stone would not be banned outright for now. but would have more restrictions than it does currently ahead of all this, the state of california stockpiled about 250,000 doses of a similar and sometimes concurrently used abortion medication with the goal of maintaining medical access to abortion for women in our state, and that was our ally, matt rasmus reporting for more reaction now to this breaking news happening just a few minutes ago and the supreme court's decision let's bring in grace howard a justice studies professor at san jose state. a grace we've been talking with you over the course of some of this legal wrangling, the abortion pill will now remain available. what do you make of today's ruling? honestly this is as good as it could have gone given where we are today. i know some of us were expecting that the court might go ahead and
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impose the comstock act. make it a crime to ship method kristen through the mail that i could later be expanded to include other, um, medications, right? anything that's deemed obscene. even contraception could have been included under that. what they have essentially done now is push the pause button. while this case continues to work its way through the lower courts, and so what does this mean for women in in the near term? it means that for now, you can still legally in most states use mifepristone right as step one in terminating a pregnancy right that the texas ruling was supposed to go into effect tonight at midnight. that wouldn't have made it a lot more difficult to access this medication. but now we push the pause button on that. so right if this is something that you care about, we do have a little bit more time. um but we'll see. we'll see what happens next. right? obviously, we're just getting reaction. in to this ruling, as i mentioned it happened just a short time ago.
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but the fact that you have at least two conservative justices going on the record in in in in agreeing that this is the course of action needed. what do you make of that? it's shocking, i guess, but not surprising, ultimately, um, i mean, this case should never have been heard to begin with, right. they lack standing in this case, the claims that they make are not based on reality, um, right there, saying that they might have patients in the future that could be harmed by this medication that then they will have to treat that is such a bizarre hypothetical. right so it's in some ways. it's kind of shocking that the case made its way as far as it did and that two supreme court justices would be okay with that. but i think that what we're seeing right now is sort of the breakdown of our legal institutions. it is possible to cherry pick a court . um and you know, single out certain medications that you find ideologically offensive make, um ah, completely biased,
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unscientific claims about their safety and the courts will actually respond to that. that is somewhat astonishing because the pharmaceutical industry had major concerns heading into this as well. they were concerned that a victory by the plaintiffs which obviously did not end up happening, but if it had they were concerned that there could be really big repercussions for us healthcare by putting other drugs at risk and really undermining the fda is authority. absolutely and that could still happen, right? we're just going to have to watch the case move its way through these lower courts, so it will be appealed. but yes, this means that you know if next, a organization decides that they don't like birth control. right that they can try to challenge the fda get them to remove approval for birth control if they don't like prep right. we can get them to remove approval for prep this. you know the implications of this are they go so far beyond abortion. and this ? this is maybe something that the supreme court was paying attention to that aspect of it that this goes, you know, in terms of the ability of
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pharmaceutical industry to exist right in the united states. as well as the food and drug administration. grace howard really appreciate your reaction to again this breaking news on today's supreme court ruling on the abortion pill. thank you so much, and be sure to stay with us right here on ktvu and on line as we again dig a little further deeper into this late breaking decision, you can get the latest on our website at ktvu dot com. alright now we turn to the other big breaking news stories we're following this afternoon. it has to do with the fentanyl crisis in san francisco. today governor, newsom said he is directing the chp and the california national guard to help san francisco fight fentanyl trafficking. this follows his surprise trip to the city on wednesday to get a firsthand look at the problem. the governor's office says those agencies will collaborate with the san francisco police department, as well as the district attorney's office to disrupt sales of the drug by focusing on drug suppliers and drug traffickers. governor newsom put out a statement that
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says, quote through this is new collaborative partnership. we are providing more law enforcement resources and personnel to crack down on crime linked to the fentanyl crisis holding the poison peddlers accountable and increasing law enforcement presence to improve public safety and public confidence in san francisco san francisco police department is expanding the ambassador program throughout the city. ambassadors will now be present in the following neighborhoods. outer sunset district, hayes valley, the castro fillmore west portal as well as fisherman's wharf. major london breed says the program will help free up officers needed for emergency response and bolster community reform efforts. the new ambassadors were mobilized following recently lifted police department hiring freeze. the woman known as the los gatos party. mom was back in court earlier today. ktvu south paper reporter jesse gary has more now on the emotional testimony as victims confronted shannon o. connor as she
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friday shannon o. connor said quietly next to her attorney in department 39 of superior court during the morning hearing victims and parents of victims spoke volumes as judge elizabeth peterson considers what sentenced to hand down if o'connor pleads guilty, as charged, really allows the judge who is making the decision. to see personally how the actions of the defendant have affected the victim and the victim's family. people produced victim impact statements. some were teens, some parents of those victimized all related. the loss of innocence at o'connor's lost ghettos house in 2021 alleged alcohol laced parties for teens , underage sex and then lie after lie to complete a cover up. i was manipulated to lie to my parents. these events still traumatized me, wrote a minor, ber one. shannon had a huge negative effect. she
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shaped me into being a kid who lies, wrote john doe number two. jane doe number six, says o'connor would tell us to lie to our parents so she wouldn't get caught. she continued to manipulate teens. it is something that is an emotional experience. many of the victims and their family members were crying while they were giving testimony. o'connor has asked the court what sentence she'd receive. if she pleads guilty. the judge will carefully look at is whether ms o'connor is truly remorseful and whether she is someone that will not reoffend and that will go a long way with the judge in fashioning inappropriate indicated sentence victims and their families say o'connor remains a threat. they want the maximum sentence handed down 20 years in prison, plus the provision she registered as a sex offender. connor will make her plea decision at a hearing may 16th in downtown san jose jesse gary ktvu, fox two news. alright we had 4 20, the warriors playoff game, of course and a giant's home game yesterday. well that brought
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barred its highest passenger numbers so far this year, however, ridership still remains well below pre pandemic levels. how the agency is working to try to get more people back on bart plus do you see any scenario in which the a's actually do stay in oakland and get a deal for a new ballpark done here? well he's fans and city leaders trying to figure out what went wrong. and of course, everyone pondering this question. whether remove out of oakland is a certainty. no around the bay area this afternoon, notably warmer. we'll have a look at the current conditions and show you what you can expec for
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realizing vehicles due to unpaid parking tickets. it would also increase the number of unpaid tickets from 1 to 6 before the
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dmv could place a registration hold. the bill's author, san jose assembly member ash, kalra says for low income families, not having a vehicle told could prevent the loss of livelihood and housing instability. for two days. now bart ridership has spiked up to levels not seen in quite a while. but those numbers are still short compared to before the covid pandemic is, james torres tells us what agency officials are doing to try to encourage more people to climb aboard, coming out of pandemic protocols barks ridership level was slowly coming back up, but then that was significantly slowed down. thanks to months of storms and rain kept the bay area busy. just ask the bart riders, but during the week like last night, i did not get a seat. so for two straight days, bart reported more than 170,000. people wrote its trains 179,000 on thursday. 4 20. we think that one of the
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reasons, of course, is the increase in traffic that we've seen. through the entire bay area. the other is just that the weather is so nice and people who want to get out and go places. these numbers are nice spikes, according to agency reports, only an average of about 120,000 people rode a train every day in the month of march. however those spikes still only make up. about 42% of pre pandemic levels dating back to 2019 the last couple of weeks prior to this summer, i did get a seat all the time. is that is that how it's like back in 2019? i was a little in 2019. i rarely got to see either coming or going riders means fewer dollars in revenue. a big deal considering fares and fees make up about 75% of the agency's budget. bart's director tells me she hopes people who ride for the first time in a long time noticed significant changes enough to convince you to make
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it a habit. we have more, uh, presence of our staff, including police officers and unarmed ambassadors in crisis intervention specialists focused on safety. we have more folks cleaning the trains and the stations, so we just want to make it a positive writer experience so that folks know they can independent part again in the future. part, officials say they hope these two days build momentum heading into the summer months, so we're hoping that these past two days are a trend that will see through may . but we know that in june and july, sometimes the ridership dips because of those school vacations and just people taking time off from work. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox. two news. new study finds a certain sleeping aids may help prevent alzheimer's disease from ever developing researchers at washington university, st louis found that taking high doses of description medicine to help a person sleep. showed a decrease
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in alzheimer's related proteins on the scientists are still studying whether long term use will block cognitive decline. the results do not conclude people should take the prescription medicine nightly to prevent alzheimer's first of its kind. autism study by the cdc is now shedding light on how many children have relatively mild symptoms and how many have more serious symptoms. researchers found milder autism cases rising at a faster rate. then what are called profound autism cases for more. we're joined down by dr young shin kim, who was the head of ucsf autism center. dr greatly appreciate the time today help everyone understand? why are these findings so significant? well thank you for having me. um so to understand this find things. let me explain about a little bit of the background so profound. autism refers to the autism with less than 50 and minimally verbal and
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, um, in the context of neuro diversity movement for individualized e. that it needs to be understood. diverse neuro diversity referred to the natural area ability within human brains and minds and dis concept of neuro diversity is also the basis of an international civil rights movement. there arose primarily , um as a response to the marginalization of autistic people. so the neuro diversity movement considers that autism as a neurological thing. france rather than um, disorder, and sometimes it's associated with the opposition to adverse to find the cure or cause. but not all autistic. um people and stakeholders identified with this neuro diversity movement, because, um, for does with high supports needs include those
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with substantial intellectual disabilities and limited functional communication. what unable to advocate for themselves? so this is important by demonstrating some significant portion of individuals with a steam need serious medical, psychosocial and educational support and services. why do you think it is that we are seeing the rate of milder cases of autism rising more quickly, more rapidly than more profound cases? um. it's because we be getting more, um, public awareness so that parents and the teachers and as a society as a whole begin to pay more attention on the social communication difficulties and the restrictive and reputed him behavioral challenges. and
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autism in an obvious of is not associated with, um, intellectual function or speech impairments. so we identify these people who were in the past, not identified and missed in the class. so that's why we're seeing more of the rise in this ablation. that makes sense . finally here, doctor, what do we do with these findings? how do you think that a study like this can help us to better address the needs of all kids, no matter where they are on the autism spectrum. that's correct . so um, you know, with the art is, um the individual autism. um um, individuals with autism, health, different needs and different. um service, um, necessity, so based on the clear and accurate assessment, not only the intellectual this, um, disability and the language
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impairment. there are other community conditions that a d h d s or anxiety. depression that can affect greatly on the outcomes of these individuals with asd and these conditions, we know how to treat so based on the individual needs that we need to come up with individualized treatment plan and provide them, um at the proper time, and that will help these individuals with asd had the best outcome which can be measured. has having a job having, um, more community engagement building happy and the last lonely really appreciate your perspective on this new study here on autism doctor young shin kim. head of ucsf's autism's the center. thank you very much for coming on. thank you for having me. very enjoyable day around the bay area. most of us coming up
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by several degrees from yesterday afternoon. here's a live look at some beautiful sky across the bay area. we do have high clouds overhead and a little bit of a breeze out there, but not too bad. here's another vantage point storm tracker to giving you a good idea of just a mostly cloudy one. but those us very high serious clouds providing us with filtered sunshine. we don't have the low clouds that bring us the darker grays, right. sfo right now reporting a wind gust in 28. half moon bay sustained at 18. hayward 12 san jose 14th into the afternoon, picking up just a little bit not, but not too bad in the big story. of course, for today is how much warmer we are 13 degrees in nevada up by seven. conquered up by 10. livermore ur nine degrees warmer right now compared to yesterday and livermore 80 degrees outside your doors. we take a look around the base 63 in san francisco. upper seventies in anapa upper seventies over the south bay of san jose closer to the coast. one of the cool spots 57 degrees at half moon bay and
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pretty much in the upper fifties to low sixties across the coastline for today, the peninsula we've got 80 degrees. still at this hour at atherton and the inner east bay also a lot of eighties out there for today, 80 and oh lafayette 81 in walnut creek. into the north bay . even 85 reported in one neighborhood over a windsor and we have 85 reported in one area of downtown and napa. here's a view of what you can expect. if you're going to the giants game a little bit later, the temps will begin to cool off by game time at 7 15 62 degrees west breeze to 12 mph. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your bay area weekend and the extended forecast coming up in just a little bit. rosemary. still ahead from an energy plan to a potential presidential run details after an exclusive sit down with former vice president mike pence.
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exclusively for a conversation on our political show. the issue is to talk energy as well as a potential 2024 presidential run for more on that conversation. we're joined now by the host of the issue is alex michaelson. hey, alex. hey alex. great to see you mike pence making very clear that he has a very different view when it comes to energy than the president of the united states or the governor of california. take a listen. we've got to unleash american energy as we did during the trump pence years, and we've got to move away from these government mandates. uh that actually, i think will only serve to increase the cost on americans, whether it be in purchasing cars or or or gasoline and at the end of the day, when you think about where most electric batteries are manufactured. these mandated
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even here in california, about driving americans toward electric vehicles actually will most benefit china, where most most of the batteries for electric cars are manufactured today. so mike pence, the former vice president may want to be the future president, certainly making clear that he is praying on the decision and trying to figure out if there is a lane for him. i asked him what that lane might be. even here in california. we've been getting awful lot of encouragement around the country and i think i think it's two fold. number one is i think people look at the record of the trump pence administration. people want to get back to those policies. but i'm always very humbled that people recognize that, uh, that the approach i've taken to politics, the premium that i've placed on trying to show respect and civility in the public debate could well be an idea whose time has come. look i
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believe that democracy depends on heavy doses of civility. so it sounds a lot like what? ronald reagan and george h. w bush, two of pence's heroes, said when they won the presidency, of course, donald trump with a very different approach, going to have a very different approach in this next campaign will see which approaches where the republican base actually is. right now. alex and alex is sort of interesting here. if you think about mike pence making a run for the white house here. how does he talk about how he has to win over trump voters, many of whom obviously took a lot of issue with with many of his actions surrounding the 2020 elections. yeah essentially, he's saying that he thinks that they agree with him on policy, but they would like a kinder, gentler version of trump. so far , the polls do not seem to bear that out. but that's why we have a campaign and we'll see if he
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officially does jump in. it certainly seems, though, that he's leaning towards running. yes certainly looks that way. we look forward to more of your conversation with the former vice president. alex michaelson in los angeles. thank you, alex . and you can catch the issue is it airs right here on ktvu sunday mornings at 6:30 a.m. coming up from a zero waste challenge to a call for more action. we're seeing how earth day is getting celebrated right here in california, plus shocked after a smashing drive to wisconsin driver found stuck in his car grill.
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anniversary of an environmental movement and this year's theme invest in our planet. the first earth day took place in 1970 to provide a voice for an emerging environmental consciousness. 20 million americans took part. then in 1990. the campaign went global in the 30 plus years since then, more than 190 countries have gotten involved. every year on april 22nd one billion people take part. biologists say this year's message is critical because environmental changes are already threatening where many of us live and the vital crops we need to survive. places that used to have ample rain during the growing season, are now suffering droughts and places that used to be drier, are now suffering floods, making it much more difficult to know where and when to plant and rely on crops , so it's becoming really risky
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to rely on regions that we've been relying on as major sources of food. wildlife experts say small changes such as staying away from single use, plastics can make a big difference and a challenge for californians on earth day to recycle more and use less plastic. the state launched its first ever zero waste initiative to encourage people to step up their sustainability gain. we are recycling 42% of what we use, which is great, not exactly where we want to be, but we are we are above the national average. but even with that percentage we are disposing of 41 million tons of waste for a year in 2021. that is a lot of waste, and it really indicates that we have a lot of items in our day to day lives that we are purchasing that are meant for the single use that are meant to be thrown away. so really, we want to go back to the idea that everything should have a longer
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life, a circular life and how can we help facilitate that rachel wagner is the director of calorie cycle and she told me while reducing waste may seem intimidating, it does not need to be. so here are a few more simple steps simple steps again. avoid those single use plastics , including water bottles for reusable bags when you go shopping, also another good idea, she says. buy in bulk when you can and lastly compost, those food scraps group of bay area middle and high school students are demanding governor newsom take effective climate action for earth day tomorrow. out here for a birthday here fighting for our lives. y'all those students held a rally this morning at san francisco city hall and marched to the state building on mcallister street. they say they want governor newsom to take a series of specific actions for climate justice. those include supporting a bill to divest state pension funds from fossil
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fuels stopped the state from issuing new fossil fuel extraction permits and also stopped drilling within 3200 ft of homes. 92% of the people living near fossil fuel production sites in california are people of color, most of whom are also working class. that's like a systemic, intentional issue, and that's something that governor needs some is contributing to and causing by continuing to issue new fossil free apartments. governor newsom hasn't commented on the rally and march today but has in the past signed climate measures into state law. a new report is out about the health of california schools when it comes to climate change. the climate resilient california schools report was put together over the last several months by a statewide coalition of nearly 50 experts. they work together to explore the challenges of climate change from the perspective of children's health and education, according to the report. climate change is a crisis for kids and their schooling. and also found that
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schools are not equipped for climate resilience, and it calls for investments in climate resilient school infrastructure. we in the in the field of medicine in the field of public health, understand that climate change will be the single greatest determinant of health for a child born today. um and when we think about health, we think about both in terms of their physical and mental health, but also that children are suffering from from learning laws and actually, that learning loss as well as a determinant of health in and of itself. bill making its way through the state senate would require the creation of a master plan for achieving sustainable and climate resilient school facilities. governor newsom announced. california has reached its goal of selling 1.5 million zero emission vehicles in the state two years ahead of schedule. back in 2012, then governor jerry brown set a goal of hitting that mark by the year 2025. back then many people thought it was some unrealistic goal. no other state in the nation is doing as much as we are to accelerate our clean
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energy future and that starts with unprecedented investments to make these cars more affordable for california and families and deploying chargers across our neighborhoods. california adopted new regulations last year requiring 100% of new car sales to be zero emission vehicles by the year. 2035 well as electric cars surge, so is demand for chargers . a recent report shows that california will need 1.2 million electric vehicle chargers by 2030. bill besar is with jen ze'evi solutions, a company that brings charging locations to individual parking lots and also the larger commercial destinations. bill. thank you so much for being here. california alone, as i just mentioned will need more than a million chargers in the next seven years. is that doable? well i think it's doable. i think you know, we all need to work together. it's a large pie out there and i think instead of you know, fighting over charging parks and things like that. we need to actually just work
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together to collaborate to solve all facing, trying to put them in. your company just partnered with subway to bring charging stations to locations across the us before we talk about the specifics of that project. what are some of the things that can help accelerate the build out of chargers? well there's a lot of things that are holding up and a lot of it seems to be indecisiveness and the education needs to take place of what's available and what can be done to solve the problems such as getting power to a site that in california i think that's one of the biggest things we face is getting enough power to decide to put in the right charters that are going to actually make sense for the vehicles are going to be charged. people continue to worry about how to charge the vehicles. we've seen that when we do any sort of consumer surveys how to do so quickly, especially on long trips, so i know that you are putting together what you're calli for e drivers. yying to be smart aboue the locations are and what you
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just described as as a perfect example looking at where families go for vacations. if you look at a lot of the new tvs that are coming out that the suvs the family type vehicles, which is going to make the adoption higher. those families now they want to go to places where if they're going to sit there for 20 minutes to charge, they want to be able to let their kids out of the vehicle and not be running through a parking lot where cars are coming in and out of, you know, every five seconds. so we need to have safe, well lit clean restrooms. um even just simple things that we kind of take for granted trash cans. you know, if you go to a lot of charge stations right now, there's not even a trash can or anything to clean your windshields with so we're trying to consider all the things that consumers driving e v s would want their families to experience while they're on these trips for its part, subway said that it is really about convenience here, adding that its partnership with gen z e v solutions. your company is a win for guests, franchisees and the planet while also bill we can't
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ignore the fact helping subways bottom line, saying that drivers have a dedicated space to charge their vehicle. while enjoying their favorite subway sandwich is charging the next menu item. it could be think i think you're gonna see creatively. i think you're going to see a lot of companies have loyalty programs that you know, tie back in the e v charging, so why not? we do it for everything else. right? so yeah, and then really quickly before i let you go. what is unique about what you're doing, and you mentioned making it convenient, but i mean, these are little their parks. there's benches. there's playgrounds as you mentioned also really appealing to the family aspect. yeah and we have some uniqueness to are charging equipment as well. we have a battery buffered solution that allows us to take lower energy from the grid and actually use that to give high output charging similar to other chargers that cost you know three times as much to operate,
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but demand charges so we can put these in and give that consumer experience that fast and ultra fast charging but not need as much grid two or power to the site when we're doing it. okay that's obviously important, especially when you're talking about the california power grid will really appreciate your time today. thanks again for talking with us ahead of earth day tomorrow. appreciate it. thank you so much other thanks for having me and there will be events taking place all across the bay area tomorrow for earth day. some of the largest ones include earth day. san francisco . that's a family event from 11 to 6 at the county fair building there in golden gate park, the earth and arbor day festival in cupertino is also taking place from 11 to 3 in the library, parkfield there will be earth day events taking place across the east bay regional park district and at guadalupe river park in santa clara. by the way, all of the events that i mentioned are free to attend. going on birthday new questions are swirling over the future of the oakland a's after
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the break here on the four today we're hearing from the local professor of sport communication. about how a deal to keep the age in oakland fell ap around the bay area this afternoon. some areas in the low eighties. i'll have a look at the current conditions. what you can expect of for your bay area weekend. how long this tren
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wait las vegas mayor centaur says talks with the team were ongoing and she felt blindsided by the announcement that the ayes have agreed to buy land in vegas to build a new ballparkthr sean fletcher, a professor of public relations and sport communication at san jose state, about how a deal to keep the a's in oakland fell apart. when you look at it. what where do you
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think the things fell apart between the city of oakland and the ace? well quite honestly, i question the good faith negotiation on behalf of the oakland a's and also major league baseball. the writing has been on the wall for quite a while, but it really, uh, sort of reached a crescendo around 2021 when major league baseball and the commissioner granted permission for the oakland a's to explore relocation possibilities. that is when the full on bidding took place. and when you start to see the valuation of the oakland a's middle to latter of the pack, i think there are around 17 in their valuation around 1.8 billion, while leaders like the new york yankees and the l. a dodgers are upwards of 5 to $7 billion, you start to see that many of these organizations that continue to flirt with other
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markets it's hard to compete inn attractive market for a team. like the age. does it really just come down to this issue of public funding? they're not going to get the public funding to build the stadium to build the ballpark in oakland. they certainly are going to probably get a good chunk of change to build it in las vegas. it's always a dollars and cents conversation. it's always come down to that. it's either been the amount of public funding that a city is willing to put on the table. it's come down to the large size of media market. it's come down to its attractiveness in terms of bringing in free agents. it's always come down to revenue generating streams. and when you see a friend, uh and a city like las vegas starting to grow. the economy is growing. you're seeing professional sport. go there. do you see? any scenario in which the a's
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actually do stay in oakland and get a deal for a new ballpark done here. unfortunately it seems bleak, and that's the unfair part about it. and we saw that similarly with the raiders as well, when these franchises really put these cities, uh, in a bind, to have to choose between servicing they systems and servicing the programs that support the citizens of oakland and the surrounding municipalities in favor of keeping a professional franchise that quite honestly could uh, afford to bring more to the revenue table to get the deal done. i believe that that is an unfair position to put any of these cities in initially after news about the vegas land deal was made public, oakland mayor centaur was adamant the city would be cutting off all negotiations with the a's. but
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since then, she has reportedly shown a willingness to maybe restart talks with the team. the san jose swim and racquet club is reportedly under contract for sale to a developer. the san jose spotlight, reports the tennis and swim club there on pedro street in the willow glen neighborhood is slated to be torn down and redeveloped at a town home complex as a town home complex. the popular club has operated for more than 60 years, club members say when the owner died back in 2022, it appeared that a sale was inevitable. a realtor representing the seller declined to comment, citing a confidentiality agreement. seems like everywhere you go. everybody is talking about the weather, either the warmth outside our doors right now, or perhaps the sadness that the cool weather has moved out. we will continue with this pattern now rolling through the weekend, with temperatures expected to come down slightly on sunday. here's a beautiful view over the golden gate bridge a little bit of a breeze out there and the high clouds just streaming across the bay and storm tiger to again picking up on those
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high clouds here. we will continue to see the ridge of high pressure over the west and that will continue to bring us this unseasonably warm weather temperatures again begin to drift just a little bit on sunday monday, but it doesn't look like it's going to last for too long before temperatures want to warm back up for late next week. here's a view of the future cast model into tonight and tomorrow morning wake up with a little bit of fog out there partly cloudy skies across the bay area and then into the afternoon will call for more in the way of high clouds and that's about it. that we could have some fog they're developing. right along the coastline a little bit tomorrow. maybe a little bit more on sunday. meanwhile our winds have turned on just a bit this afternoon in nevada reporting 14 mph napa reporting 13 a beautiful day across most of the bay area, with temperatures ranging in the upper fifties at the coast, sixties and seventies around the bay seventies and eighties for our inland cities in the north bay napa enjoined 78. we have a brentwood and conquered to looking at 81 for you there and then closer to the
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water 70 degrees right now reported in oakland, 63 in the city of san francisco. overnight lows, feeling a little better these days as well. when the afternoon highs come up, so did the overnight lows typically 51 in san francisco for tomorrow morning 52 in concord, 53. san jose, and you can see from this chart here well below average, well above average. i should say earlier in the week we were in the upper fifties, and now we're looking at upper sixties to low eighties for some of our baseline communities and our inland cities for tomorrow tomorrow and near repeat when it comes to the afternoon highs will go with 74 for hayward. 75 in vallejo. and in the south bay 79 for morgan hill. your extended forecast temperatures dropped just a bit on sunday, a little bit cooler on monday, but it doesn't really last temperatures are back up a little bit. on tuesday, wednesday overall, just a good looking forecast with the upper seventies to low eighties expected for inland cities seventies around the bay upper fifties to low sixties expected at the coast back to you. it looks fantastic for the weekend,
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rosemary. thank you. six flags. discovery kingdom in vallejo has added six cheetah cubs to its animal attractions, five female cheetah cubs and one male cub are now in the parks care. they received them through a partnership with the zoological association of america and the metro richmond zoo in virginia. the male cub you see here is about five months old female cubs are between seven and 10 months old. six flags says they all have names with special meanings. girls their names are armani. the carry sorry, duma and mckenna and then kalahari, which his name came from a region in africa, and all the other girls have some african name as well that have some nice meaning to it. six flags says it's also partnering with the cheetah conservation fund to bring awareness to the efforts to help animals in the wild, particularly cheetahs. well. the driver in wisconsin got a shock when he felt his car hit an
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animal turns out it was a bobcat animal actually got stuck in the grille. deputies and conservation experts responded to remove it. thankfully the cat was not severely injured. as you saw there had a lot of energy after being pulled from the grill. it was then released to be out of there. it was then released back into the wild. that's amazing. that's incredible, dangerous work. glad everybody everyone involved is okay. alright it's the big question. everyone is wondering. is he ready to announce what tell you where president biden stands when it comes to his reelection. and what we could get an answer in just a matter of days and coming up at five tonight some new information on that deadly shooting at a home depot in pleasant and including what the suspect claims happened. and how authorities say she tried to harm herself after she was arrested, plus saying, um, racial expletives like you stupid chinese sleep. well, they say it was a hate
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crime, and the district attorney agrees a closer l k at
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heard from former vice president mike pence, who said he is considering iran. president biden is expected to formally throw his hat into the ring next week. foxes jackie heinrich has the latest now from the white house. it's an announcement the president's been hinting at for months and according to the washington post next week, joe biden will officially kick off the 2024 race with an announcement video for his reelection campaign. this is america time to coincide with the four year anniversary of his 2020 campaign launch the white house staying quiet on the issue for now, any announcement or anything that that is related to 2024 certainly will not come from here. but most observers say the president faces major headwinds. he's already the oldest president in american history, and his job approval is still stuck in the forties as fear over crime and inflation persist. house republicans also
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claim they'll be conducting oversight hearings into the president's family during the campaign. if he does go forward with running for reelection, and all these facts come to light, you're going to have the kind of reckoning in public that we did not have in 2020. meanwhile on the republican side, florida governor run to santis continues his nationwide tour trying to win over social conservatives with his quote florida blueprint . he hasn't officially announced his candidacy, but he's gearing up for a tough fight against former president trump, prompting a new warning from the head of the rnc. we're about to go through a bruising primary guys, probably we're about to have some rough and tumble times. but we have to come together as a republican family. despite our differences, a recent fox news poll showed trump leading to santis by some 30 points nationwide at the white house. jackie heinrich ktvu fox two news corner. still have the creation of the first artificial intelligence task force. how the white house hopes exploring. ai can solve some of
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the country's most pressing
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official. seems to know no bounds. it can deliver your food or check you up. even the administration is using a i to cook up a new initiative. i am directing the creation of our departments. first artificial intelligence task force, the task force could explore a i to tackle some of the country's most pressing issues like countering the flow of fentanyl or finding out rescuing young victims of online sexual abuse. but some tech experts say, hey, i could pose one of the greatest threats to humans. it has the potential of civilisational destruction. that sounds like something out of hollywood.
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however in real life, it may be up to congress to rein in a i and some lawmakers admit they have some catching up to do my understanding a i and a skill one in 10 is about a five i put my knowledge on a scale of 1 to 10 at about a 1.5, the only member of congress with a phd in physics representative bill foster has a solution to overcome the learning curve. what you do need is to have at least one or two members in the room when important decisions are being made that do understand the technical details without regulation, foster says companies will ultimately have to decide how to deal with the emerging technology which could have negative consequences. this is a problem that we're going to be dealing with for generations. but we cannot respond to it by breaking up into little tribes s says it's a i task force will also examine the technology's potential harms in washington mother rivera fox news ktvu fox. two news at vibe starts now
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flooding the streets with extra officers to stop the deadly flood of fentanyl into the bay area breaking this afternoon. a big move by governor newsom. help save lives on the streets of san francisco, the governor with the support of the mayor of san francisco, has called in the national guard trying to stop the epidemic of fentanyl deaths on city streets. good evening this friday. i'm christina were don't made the announcement late this afternoon after walking the san francisco streets earlier this week. ktvu is evan sernoffsky live in our newsroom with what we know so far. greg mayer, london breed police chief bill scott and d. a brook jenkins welcoming any help they can get. fentanyl has been ravaging neighborhoods like the tenderloin with hundreds of people dying from overdoses every year. governor gavin newsom announcing friday that the chp and california national guard will join the s f p d and d a s office in a new partnership focused on dismantling fentanyl dealing in san francisco


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