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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 21, 2023 4:00am-6:58am PDT

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one pill. the decision the u. s supreme court could make as soon as today. and the warriors win game three of their nba playoff series against the sacramento kings coming up, we'll have a full recap of the game and tell you what fans are saying about it. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook friday morning, april. 21st and fans are saying whoo hoo! yeah one awesome! alright fertig. excn particular,
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but it felt a lot warmer when you're on that platform there, there at thrive. city. hi everybody. this is the view, looking out towards the golden gate bridge, and we can see it because we're not obscured by any coastal cloudiness. current air temperatures. remember yesterday 24 hours ago, we had the numbers in the thirties and forties. well, right now we're in the forties and even low fifties and later today we're going up to daytime high streaming from 63 degrees and pacific at a 74 in oakland. how about that outside number of 82 degrees in santa rosa to the north and gilroy to the south, low eighties and antioch and tri valley. tell you what would do, we're going to re gather and we will have a complete forecast coming up for you and just a couple of minutes. but right now, let's bring in south caston. ada and i had an observance this morning. yes so when i tried to church at seven am on sunday, very common quiet
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two a.m. in the morning. it's busy. i have, you know, change crazy. think so? i think so. and you're right. you're right. i think it's busy because a lot of people like us are going to work. i think it might be calm or like at six or seven. in the morning. you're right, especially on a weekend. let's go to the bay bridge and talk about that. it's nice and calm and quiet here at the bay bridge toll plaza. there are no problems driving. it looks pretty good. and hopefully on this friday, we're going to get a little bit of a break yesterday. we had a lot of things going on in san francisco. today should be a fewer things. hopefully it will be a nicer commute. cemetery bridge looks good and all the bridges are off to a good start, including the dumbarton bridge. we have a little bit of slowing approaching the high rise where they had some earlier roadwork going on there. four oh, one. let's go back to the desk. all right. thank you. sal. the supreme court is scheduled to issue a ruling today on whether or not to preserve access to a widely used abortion pill. while legal challenge to its fda
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approval is resolved now, the fda approval of mythic press stone was rolled back earlier this month by a federal judge in texas. an appeals court judge then modified the ruling so that the drug remains available, but with tighter restrictions, the justices could allow the appeals court order to remain in place or allow full access to the drug , while the underlying case winds its way through the courts . time now for 02 will next week a very special hearing on the fentanyl drug crisis will be held by the state assembly. both republicans and democrats agreed to hold that special session hours after republicans threatened to force floor votes. one anti fentanyl bills, the chairperson of the assembly's public safety committee, wanted to wait to hold hearing in june. the spotlight but he changed his mind after lawmakers from both sides demanded that the hearing be held sooner. i think an acknowledgement of how many of our colleagues realized that this is an urgent issue that
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cannot wait important matter that people need to understand. people are dying every day. it's our inaction is costing the loss of life. california department of health now says more than 5700 people died in 2021 from overdoses linked to fentanyl. that's about 110 people every week. president biden is expected to announce he is running for re election next week. he's considering making the announcement on tuesday, which marks four years to the day since he entered the 2020 race. for now, the white house is staying quiet about the election. not going to comment on 2024 or potential plans or whatever is going to happen in 2020 president biden does face some challenges, including a new associated press poll showing just a quarter of americans want him to run again. but there are signs he's building support among democrats, 81% of respondents in a recent survey said that they would probably or
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definitely support him either democrats other democrats who have announced a white house bid include robert kennedy jr and writer marianne williamson. now on the republican side, californian and conservative talk show host larry elder says he will run for president he is joining a crowded gop primary field that includes former president donald trump and former united nations ambassador nikki haley. elder will speak at the iowa faith and freedom coalition this weekend challenged governor newsom last in last year's recall election. time is 404. the warriors won a big game last night. you're happy. they beat the sacramento kings. transition. curry loan. three the team returned home to chase center to win 1 14 97, the dubs were playing without draymond green was suspended by the nba for that incident in
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game two. also without gary payton, second who was out with an illness. but even without those key players, steph curry had a huge game 36 points and andrew wiggins stepped up, adding 20 points, helping the warriors hold that lead for all 48 minutes of the game. pretty bluntly. if we lost this game, it's pretty much over. so you gotta understand the moment and we gave ourselves life. the biggest thing is we've been here before. we've been in a situation where momentum doesn't necessarily carry over from game to game unless you you know, executed the same level so you know, it's just one game. um but it was a big game for sure. come on. loony also had a big game in raymond's absence, 20 rebounds and nine assists in that wind for my former bruin, i hear you all right time is 406 pumped up. warriors fans packed chase center that was a big difference to game three against the sacramento kings. it was
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warriors first home game of the playoffs, and it was a sellout fans leaving chase center after the big victory told us they were ready and excited about such an important game. i feel great. we got this win in that world to the next win excited about the win. we came all the way out here to see our team to win and we're super excited. steph curry. it's historically gifted. and historically competitive. and it was just so great to see him raised the team. bad he did. other fans predicted the experience of the warriors have in the playoffs and the warriors championship. dna will overcome the youthful exuberance of the king's also the king's head coach, mike brown, and his knowledge of the warriors after he was a warrior's assistant coach for years. tough team. you know, young coach knows everything about the warriors. so i mean, they do have a playbook about us. so i think that this is a
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good matchup. energy is great. you you feel that the whole crowd and how everybody's excited. i think everyone feels their urgent the urgency of this game. and some other warriors fans drove a long distance to support the warriors, including the family who drove 3.5 hours from clovis, then plan to drive right back after the game. warriors fans hope the team can just keep that momentum and keep winning. so here's a quick look at the warriors schedule for the upcoming games. game four sunday at 12 30 chase center. game five is next wednesday night. seven pm in sacramento and if it's necessary necessary. game six would be next friday. back and chase center. oakland mayor xiang tao says she's angry and disappointed that the ayes have signed a binding agreement to buy land for a new ballpark in las vegas. it's been what it looks like from the outside that they've always wanted to leave the city of oakland. oakland is
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not interested in being used as leverage in the negotiations with las vegas. we will not continue discussions under these circumstances. oakland will not be bullied. and on many occasions, the mayor held a news conference to say the city's negotiations with the aids to build that new waterfront ballpark near jacqueline and square are over and the a's plan to move into its new $1.5 billion stadium in las vegas in time for the 2027 season. i think there's a lot of excitement around it. there's obviously some sadness and you know disappointment that we weren't able to put it together in oakland, but we made one #### of an effort. the a's could actually move to las vegas next year. the team reportedly has a deal in place to play at its triple a affiliates ballpark in vegas while waiting for that new stadium to be built. the group, east bay housing organizations issued this statement in
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response to the aids decision to buy land in las vegas. quote we support mayor centauros decision to end negotiations with the a's thank you to the community members who have participated in productive conversations about a ballpark development. now the proposed howard terminal ballpark project would have included 3000 housing units, including many classified as affordable our time now, 409, the state of california says this year it will meet 100% of the water request from cities and farms thanks to an unusually wet winter time. the department of water resources says it will deliver all of the requested water do its facilities serving 27 million californians and 750,000 acres of farmland. it's the first time the department has done that since 2006. just last year, water allocations were cut. 5% when california faced a third year of a drought. 4 10 the time had that nice man
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terrain now and there's full reservoirs. what's the weather going to be like roberta? because i know there's concern about this. this snowpack melting too quickly, and there's big concern about that, because it's legit. we have temperatures going near 60 degrees today and the greater lake tahoe area which does enhance that rapid snow melt. so we want you to keep this in mind. look at your tv screen and you can see this is a good thing here just passed in october. we were in exceptional drought conditions. now we are doing great except for abnormally dry spots and throughout siskiyou county, modoc and then, of course to the desert southwest from san bernardino through riverside into imperial counties, but the bottom line is we need to continue to conserve. we do have clear skies now looking out towards mission. an and market streets in san francisco. you can't see it, but we don't have any clouds out. their current temperatures are in the forties and fifties. it is now 52
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degrees in san francisco. 52 at sfo end in san jose and boy is that a difference? what a difference a day makes. we're up to nine degrees warmer at this hour in nevada and in a casio, and that is big you will feel the difference heading on out the door this morning. currently the winds are up to 14 mph in nevada. san jose's calm at this hour. the winds will it be increasing letter today out of the west 10 to 20 mph. meanwhile your pollen levels, tree count and the tree county oak in the mulberry trees are on the medium to high side grasses remain on the rise. there we have an area of low pressure while to the north of the bay area. the bottom line is cloud state to the north. we will be warmer today are forecast high. temperatures 64 2 82 degrees. you know, we haven't seen a temperature like that. so far this spring. we hit 80 on easter . that was the warmest day so far, but today is going to pan out to be the warmest day we have experienced for spring.
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2023 now forecast highs across the bay area today will bank between 63 pacifica to 69 degrees in san francisco. that is eight degrees above normal. we haven't said that much or very often this spring season, everything's been unseasonably cold 82 degrees in san fran. stand a rosa rather today 81 in antioch and again. we're looking at that drought update for today . april 21st and we're doing great with pam is you keep noting we need to continue to use this as a daily habit to conserve yes, absolutely. thank you. roberta twitter users might notice fewer blue check marks today coming up, but look at why so many have been removed the north bay covid outbreak at a hospital. the extra precautions now being taken at one facility to protect patients and employees.
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here's your biggie bag! all that food for five bucks, that's my go to. that's my ride-or-die. just like you and me. bag boys. bag boys! whatcha gonna do? don't! whatcha gonna do when we bring your food. you can always bet on biggie choose wisely, choose wendy's $5 biggie bag. welcome to the middle of everything!the corng n you can always bet on biggie choose wisely, right here in illinois? no jane, i did not know that. cheese! woohoo! and the music. we're back when oldies music was called “newies.” (gasps) bye bye! ha ha ho. oh, i'm scared of heights too, grandma. but then i got tall! ha ha ha. illinois, the middle of everything!
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of recent covid cases, the hospital is asking visitors, staff and physicians to mask up upon entrance to the hospital and throughout their visit. that's after more than a dozen staff members and patients tested positive for covid 19 now . in a statement, kaiser said it is adhering to all regulations regarding masking, adding quote. these guidelines recently changed on april 3rd 2023 to no longer require but continue to recommend the use of masks for members, patients, visitors and staff at all health care facilities. kaiser permanente has adhered to that guidance and also has infection control guidelines for an outbreak situation time now for 16 charges have been filed now by the alameda county d. a s office against two suspects connected
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to this week's deadly shooting at a home depot store in pleasanton. investigators say beneath to naps, is facing murder charges for the deadly shooting on tuesday of blake mose, the stores loss prevention officer. authorities say naps then escaped in an suv that her boyfriend, david guillory, was driving with her daughter inside. guillory has been charged with child abuse, being an accessory and evading the police. twitter's removing blue check marks for those who do not subscribe to the company's twitter blue ktvu is lamonica. peters has more on the new verification system. yeah, i think it should have probably be free, right? like the grandfather didn't. yeah, i was . twitter started to remove the blue check from all accounts without a paid subscription for at least $8 a month. users can have a verified twitter blue account before ellen must bought twitter for $44 billion in
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october of last year. a blue check verification helped to identify and authentic or official account. now with twitter blew anyone who pays can be verified. but if you have to make money because they put $40 billion into it, it is right to make some money. when the company first launched twitter blue for a monthly fee, the platform was inundated with fake verified accounts. the new page service was temporarily halted and then relaunched weeks later , especially the verification was really important because it meant that if you have a person reporting on something, or you, just as a user shared something from someone with a blue checkmark, you could be sure it was from who they said they were since lodging twitter blew some users, including high profile celebrities, major news organizations and the white house say they won't pay for twitter to verify accounts at
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least one san francisco board supervisor says she won't pay for verification and has decided to leave twitter altogether. all the more to just see how twitter arrival under the leadership of elon musk or ownership in elon musk. it just didn't it just gives me less and less confidence that i should return in that spaceommunications tool for someone like me. twitter blue can now mean two things, either. the account already had a blue check and twitter is allowing them to keep it or the account holder has a paid subscription. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news. monica. thank you. time is for 18. it's a pam cook friday with you. okay roberta, of course. okay she's got a good forecast for you in the makeup room with pam. and it's before you know, we have tim announcing through the speaker time to go into this
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television thing to do, right. it was a chance for us to catch up this morning, right? yes everybody. good morning to you official sunrise this morning is that 6 26, and it will be stellar. you really will enjoy it. not a cloud in the sky, lots of clarity out their visibility and limited at this hour temperature wise. wow isn't this incredible? yesterday we were in the thirties and forties and this morning, it is 54 degrees in santa rosa 48 throughout the tri valley. where 24 hours ago. we were right about 39 degrees. in fact, nine degrees warmer in nevada. you will feel the difference as you're heading on out the door for your morning walk or getting ready to catch bar. art or mew knee or getting ready to jump in your car to work the winter up to seven in santa rosa, five and fairfield three. very calm this morning and throughout that san bruno gap along the seashore right now calm winds and half moon bay, but these ones are going to kick up later today added the northwest and west 10 to 20 late
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day, so we have a series of storms that continue to right up and over the ridge of high pressure and tickets, precipitation well into the pacific northwest. these storms will continue. to traverse an easterly direction, allowing high pressure to expand and as it does so additional warming takes place today up to 10 degrees warmer and many of our inland neighborhoods. in fact, across the entire state. today we're going to southern california gorgeous conditions right now 59 going up to the low seventies in the los angeles based and 63 in palm springs, going up to right around 90 degrees today and in the high sierras currently 28 degrees and around the south the rim of the crater lake tahoe sure and temperatures later today, mid fifties high fifties with lots of sunshine. warmer conditions approaching 60 degrees by saturday. meanwhile, 82 degrees in santa rosa today, 82 fairfield and in tracy adm. morgan hill and gilroy. you're
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getting the feel of things here spring is finally sprung here in the bay area overnight tonight, again pretty much in the forties d fifties. your extended forecast calls for a repeat performance on saturday. coastal fog gathers on sunday gradually cooler conditions but still slightly above normal as we look towards tuesday pam and dave. roberta thank you. time is 4 21 criminal charge has been dropped against movie star alec baldwin in the deadly shooting on the set of the movie rushed. we'll tell you why the movies weapons supervisor may still face charges. and talk of banning transgender students from participating in women's sports at school coming up, we look into the new legislation just passed by the house. if you have constipation, diarrhea, bleeding, or other symptoms lasting more than a few days, it could be colorectal cancer. the good news is, it's preventable, treatable, and beatable. talk to your doctor about screening.
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some tests can even be done at home. colorectal cancer is on the rise in younger adults, so you too young for this.
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for 15% of its staff. the company's laying off about 180
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of its 1200 employees and turning its news efforts into its sister company huffpost. now the new the move comes after the company laid off about 12% of its staff in december. vice media also considering layoffs as efforts to sell the company have faltered. clorox announced it will cut nearly 200 jobs. it's the second round of layoffs for the oakland based company after it cut about 100 jobs. last september. clorox issued and online statement on thursday announcing the real organization , saying it is in order to bring products to the market faster and meet evolving needs that cuts equate to about 4% of clorox's non production workforce. time now for 24. layoffs of the espn are expected to begin next week. and wave of job cuts this year for disney, espn parent company will include managers and even tomorrow their talent. disney plans to cut 7000 jobs in three phases this year,
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according to reports, some employees will get the option to be laid off or take a big pay cut. the company plans to save $5.5 billion in costs. well the republican controlled house passed legislation banning transgender students from taking part in women's school sports. now that bill prevents people who were born male from playing in women's sports republicans are starting this transgender battle as a wedge issue against democrats issue next year. democrats accused republicans of attacking transgender people. the left was once a party that embraced women and fought for women's rights. and now we've seen this narrative being totally flipped. democrats will pay for this in 2024 lunacy is robbing women and girls of equal opportunities in the name of inclusion. title nine prohibits sexual discrimination in
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education and in sports in the name of equality, the education department is proposing an exclusion of bands for transgender women from female sports. new developments. to hee who the victims, and there's a some thie using so they can steal cars. and don't forget you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter, ktvu .com/ email. sign up for the daily service. wendy's $3 breakfast deal is the kind of breakfast that really sticks with you. [egg cracks!] ♪ [bacon sizzling] ♪ tyler: her breakfast. hey buddy. ahh... your choice of breakfast, croissant plus seasoned potatoes- for just $3 bucks. choose wisely, choose wendy's $3 breakfast deal
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suit just filed in federal court
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and warriors won game three of the nba playoffs against the sacramento kings. we're gonna hear from coach kerr about battling back in the series. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for joining us here on mornings onto i'm pam gave to stephan? the warriors? yeah. you know, they always listen to me. sure. good good morning. i'm dave clark. it is a friday. it's april 21st, and it sounds like some. roberta has your forecast. you know, david, i thought it was pam's pep talk and my lucky hat. sure lucky hat will be wearing that on sunday, sleeping in that hat right here, talking with some of our viewers . a curry flury? mm hmm. go hopefully. draymond and back. look at that makes it look easy . good so smooth. not a warriors
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fan. you hate him, but i don't even sure about that. i think you have to understand. we have a legend in our midst. absolutely a real true hero, even too because he's so great to all of us in the community. hi everybody. good morning to you at 4. 30 this is our live look outdoors. we're not obscured with any kind of coastal cloudiness or clouds from mid to high level. it is just clear and visibility is unlimited. current air temperatures are in the forties and fifties. employ what a difference a day makes right. today's high temperatures going up 10 degrees away from the bay into our inland areas. 63 beaches to 82 degrees or warmer spot of our inland irish. check out the central bay. yeah if you are going to work today, you want to pack your lunch and eat outdoors. 75 castro valley 77 redwood shores full forecast in just a couple of minutes. south castaneda. were you able to watch the entire game last night ? oh yeah. except you know what?
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i will make an exception. special. since i know today is friday. and fridays. you have a little more adrenaline roberta steph curry's form is probably the best i've ever seen. i mean , his like his release, and he does this, you know, that's because his wrist he stands there because his races in the perfect position he's great. what are you going to say, so lucky to be able to watch them in our lifetime? exactly let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. as you can tell by my talking about steph, there's not much else to talk about. paper ridges light. there have been no major issues here, and the traffic continues to look good all over the bay area. i'm sure the traffic will wake up at some point right now we're off to a good start. it's 4 31. let's go back to the desk. all right. thank you. well now we're hearing from people who say they were victimized by any act. police officers caught up in a text. messaging scandal have filed a federal lawsuit against the city. current and former police chiefs and several officers. many of the people
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filing the lawsuit say they were specifically mentioned in the racist text messages exchanged by as many as 45 police officers in the anti och police department. these officers are not only cruel. but are treating humans like pieces of trash comments about my son's head was a bowling ball. that they kicked the field gold. that they were going to shoot him to see the police and feel like i have to hide my key and hide my money and my underwear. to not be robbed, so they don't go in my car and take my possessions off my car like that's not a good feeling. now this lawsuit calls for federal oversight of the antioch's police department. we are seeking. court monitoring. we need this department to change. it's not going to change by itself. it's proven that also , this lawsuit is seeking damages for the victims of police misconduct. so far,
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there's no comment from the city and from the police chief, but the police chief said before he's committed to rebuilding the police department and its culture from the top area congressman mark desaulnier and john garamendi. both represent a portion of an iraq they are asking the justice department to investigate the anti act. police department, the congressman said the allegations against a group of officers demonstrate quote a pattern of unconstitutional discrimination, use of force and violations of the constitutional rights of antioxidant zins. the lawmakers also pointed to threats against antioch mayor lamar thorpe. as a somber reminder of the additional risks to black elected officials. oakland police say there is been a spike in armed robberies and carjackings across the city, and they call it an alarming shift. there have been multiple reports of robberies, you roberts, using their car to intentionally crashed into another vehicle before robbing the driver.
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authorities say the crimes have taken place at varying hours. and they say you should always keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. car thefts are also rising in berkeley city and state leaders say carmakers hyundai and kia are the center of the issue because they're easy targets. they say a nationwide recall needs to happen to make these vehicles more difficult to steal. we're seeing that theft of these chaos , these handy's are fueling an epidemic of thefts throughout the nation. and so the way to steal them is known. it's all over social media. it's known to kia. it's known to hand eye and yet they have failed to act appropriately in response, so we're here today, asking national authorities to get involved and to initiate a recall. in a letter to the national highway traffic safety administration, law enforcement leaders are calling for a recall of those vehicles manufactured between 2011 and 2022 that are
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vulnerable to theft due to lack of engine and mobilize ear's and easily bypassed ignitions. data shows nearly 40% of stolen cars in berkeley have been certain hyundai and kia models without that engine immobilizer. alright, pam. time is 4 35 warriors fans of starting this friday morning happy after a big warriors win over the sacramento kings. it was good and the warriors took the lead. they never trailed. they 11 14 to 97 to chase center. the warriors seem to rally about the suspension of draymond green, and they played some of the best defense of this nba series without having one of their toughest defenders. our guys were locked in yesterday. um um you know when the news came in, and, um, we turned the page pretty quickly. there's you know, there's no need to. as i
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said yesterday, there's no need to belabor the point. it's just league made the decision. so you know, like we only have one path to take and that's get ready for the next one. and that's what our guys did. indeed they did. the kings are still leading the series right now. two games to one, the warriors will try to even things up sunday in game four. the game starts at 12 30, oakland ace fans are devastated that their team has committed to a move to las vegas, the a's say it has signed a binding agreement to buy land for new ballpark. right now, the last vegas strip. the team hopes to move into that new stadium in time for the 2027 season. one group of longtime a's fans call themselves oakland 68, a reference to the year when the team first began playing at the oakland coliseum. it's ah shocking, heartbreaking and, um , and anger, a lot of anger, honestly, me and it's another is
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fan who sells athletics gear online says he's going to continue to cheer on the team until they're very final game in oakland. this year. we're gonna party we're gonna party until the wheels fall off. and actually, they're already off. so we're riding on rims as it is. could be moving to las vegas as soon as next year. the team reportedly has a deal in place to play it. it's triple a affiliates ballpark in vegas while waiting for a new stadium to be built. the athletics have had a long and storied history in oakland, the team played its first game at the coliseum, april 17th 1968. after moving from kansas city, they lost 4 to 1 against the baltimore orioles, right in front of more than 50,000 fans, then governor ronald reagan threw out the ceremonial first pitch, the team went on to win four world series titles in oakland, including three straight in 1972 73 74. the team boasts more than a dozen hall of famers, including
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ricky henderson and rollie fingers. our time is now 4 38. santa clara mayor lisa gilmore once council member, anthony becker to resign after he was indicted. last week. becker was indicted for allegedly the leaking a civil grand jury report. and then lying about it. the indictment stems from several santa clara county council members reportedly being accused of having too close of a relationship with the 49ers. this week, council member becker made his first court appearance , he deferred entering a plea until he's able to get a lawyer. his next court date is set for may. the third venetia says the installation of an emergency water bypass line was successful . the hillside collapsed in fairfield at the end of march, causing that pipe damage and although repairs to the main line could take more than a year, the city can now go back to its primary water sources of lake berryessa in the delta homes and businesses still being asked to reduce their water
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usage until that main line is completely repaired. that was a big problem was a major problem. tom is 4 39 roberta's here with your friday and weekend forecast . how we lookingeans that we have to stop and think about things that we haven't actually considered in quite some time. like don't leave your pets or your children and your cars and attended for a number of minutes here because temperatures are going to be heating up mighty fast automobiles. we are warming 10 degrees today. they and many were locations right now, you will feel the difference, heading out the door temperatures rather than being in the thirties and low forties were in the forties and low fifties. it is, however, 54 in santa rosa, bested by brentwood and discovery bay at 56. it is now 52 degrees in san jose throughout willow, glen and cupertino. campbell also the rose garden district. we have now 48 in redwood city, backing through atherton and into
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woodside, so these temperatures are up to 11 degrees. more mild at this hour, then yesterday at this time, five degrees warmer than yesterday in alameda and an l. cerrito your winds are up to seven. they will blow 10 to 20 mph today. meanwhile come wins at this hour and mountain view, but nonetheless, the damage is done. we do have the trees and they are blossoming in earnest and mulberry trees are culprits if you suffer from allergies, and if you gossip today, or i know i have to go to a seven year olds baseball game at five o'clock tonight, the grass count is rising, so i'll make sure i take those allergy meds before i head out because i have already been suffering. you know what it is that watery eyes itchy nose. okay so i got to talk about this. we have a series of areas of low pressure to the north of us. the reason why i want to mention this because of back there we have a series of areas of low pressure trough penis that will squash are high pressure by sunday and that's going to allow the coastal
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clouds to develop and become a little bit more robust, but until then, we are warming up. i just modified some of our temperatures. palm springs is 63 right now going up to 95 degrees today. but how about los angeles ? 59 at this hour, going up to 80. eight degrees and very dry conditions. we have 82 degrees outside number at this. uh on this friday, the 21st day of april. that's in the forecast for santa rosa. that's our outside number also and fairfield 82 in gilroy 77. degrees in redwood city back in through palo alto and mid seventies castro valley, san leandro, san lorenzo and also in hayward 68. degrees in san francisco. if you are planning to go to the baseball game tonight, the giants are a host. in the new york mets, a bit of a breeze off the ocean with 12 but a game time temperature of 62 tablet to about 58 degrees. sunset is generally about oh, 7 29 tonight and so you will have
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the clear skies extended forecast calls for repeat performance again for your saturday we will introduce that cloud cover and the former coastal clouds on sunday, turning partly sunny on monday tuesday, but temperatures are finally above average for this time of year. and i say dave and pam finally because it's been an unseasonably cool spring season. okay thank you. roberta continues over access to an abortion pill. coming up the tht could make today francisco is hosting 4 20 celebrations. we're going to look at celebrations on hippie hill. t attrac
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(ding ding) let's enjoy illinois! come on! oops. ♪ ♪ ha ha. ♪ ♪ ahoy illinois! can i get you guys a drink? okay, hold on. you guys are really getting your steps in. hey who's up for some deep dish, huh? extra anchovies, i know. i know. ooooh. wow. welcome to the middle of everything!
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a deadly shooting on the set of the movie rust. the baldwin says he thought the gun he was holding while filming. that movie contained blanks when he pointed it at cinematographer helena hutchins during a
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rehearsal back in 2021, that gunshot killed her. prosecutors say charges may be refiled during a continuing investigation. the movies weapons supervisor is still facing charges of manslaughter. it is 4 45. we're learning more about the heroic efforts to help a 16 year old boy after he was shot when he went to the wrong address to pick up his two brothers neighbors in kansas city, missouri, say that ralph yaro knocked on the door desperately asking for help. one woman used a towel to apply pressure to the gunshot wounds on his head. and she talked about that very emotional experience with tmz. i went outside trying to dodge the blood that was all over my door . my front door and the neighbors like who shot you? and he said the neighbor over there.
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he told us that he was supposed to be picking up this little brothers. jody ray said she knew she had to do something and says she and her other neighbors have been getting backlash from people wrongly assuming they did nothing to help that wounded teennos executive sunny ball wani has started his prison term. he surrendered yesterday at a los angeles county federal facility . alwani was sentenced to 12 years and nine months for defrauding investors in patients in the silicon valley blood testing startup but want his former girlfriend, theranos founder elizabeth holmes, is scheduled to go to prison next week. an estimated 20,000 people gathered on hippie hill in kong hei fat choi, francisco's annual 4 20 celebration. 32. everybody. yes april 20th is a date that cannabis lovers love and these circle it on their calendar. the highlight of
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yesterday's 4 20 celebration came at 4 20 in the afternoon. from past man. enjoy it. let's let's enjoy your life for 4 20 man with all my ancestors, you know my peoples enjoy. well you know, the organizers say the 4 20 celebration has become one of san francisco's most popular cultural event, giving a huge economic boost to the city. we're bringing a lot of tourism coming right at the same time, there were supporting a lot of these local businesses. lot of the vendors here that are all local equity natives. now this is the second year the city of san francisco has allowed the sale and consumption of cannabis on that location. and because of the 4 20 celebration on hippie hill. it's an event that restricted to people aged 21 or older. tomorrow is earth day. the idea originated in 1970 to raise awareness about the dangers to the planet. before then, the environmental protection agency did not exist
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, and industrial companies faced few regulations about handling toxic chemicals in greenhouse gas emissions, anita vogel reports. saturday marks the 53rd annual earth day, and this year's theme is invest in our planet. it's something some biologists believe is critical because of our changing climate from greenhouse gas emissions already threatening where many of us live along with the vital crops. we need to survive places that used to have ample rain during the growing season, are now suffering droughts and places that used to be drier or now suffering floods. making it much more difficult to know where and when to plant and rely on crops, so it's becoming really risky to rely on regions that we've been relying on as major sources of food from the peaks of the purple mountains, majesty to the depths of the oceans, wildlife experts say the
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choices we make every day like using single use plastics, for example, impact ecosystems around us. we can't continue to consume without regard to the commonwealth of the planet. we also can't keep expecting someone else to fix the problems we all contribute to. but aside from choosing greener transportation and energy options and going beyond recycling and planting trees, environmentalists say investing in our planet also means investing in ourselves. environmental impact of the planet is lessened. uh when people have jobs and opportunities if we look after each other the plan it's going to be a better place to learn more about how you can take action. visit earth day .org. i need a vogel fox news. thank you, anita. today local transit agencies will take part in an event to promote public transportation in celebration of earth day. the event is called
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all aboard with transit ceo s chief executives from agencies including bart muni, tri delta transit and napa valley transportation will all ride their agencies, busses, trains or ferries and meet with passengers also call for financial support from the state for transit operations, as well as highlighting the collaboration among bay area transit to improve writer experiences. bart says it has recorded its highest ridership day of the year had 174,300. writers wednesday. that's the highest number since last september, but the transit system is still struggling to regain riders lost during the pandemic. this year's single day high is still 42% of normal pre pandemic levels. bart says it is doing a number of things to try to get writers back, including putting more officers on the trains and increasing the times. trains are deep. cleaned time is 4 51 will tomorrow one of my favorite people, ktvu is referred to gonzalez will take part in a charity walk at golden
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gate park in san francisco. it's nwide campaign supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 40,000 people will take part. in bay area of in events around the country. they're raising money and awareness for the best buddies program in schools at workplaces and throughout communities. roberta will be your emc with the opening ceremonies beginning at 8 30 tomorrow morning along one of your favorite areas. teegarden drive? yes how nice. alright. roberta has roberta's forecast. thank you for mentioning that that means so much to me as you were mentioning, saying that about 40,000 people around the state of california around the country will be participating. we have about 600 people, possibly a little bit more. it's not too late to register. if you would like to walk. it is best buddies friendship walk dot org would love to see on out there right now we have clear skies across
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the bay area. we're verifying that w you cannot tell , but the waters are calm there. outside t in place 45 degrees in half moon bay 48 in napa. it is so mild this morning compared to yesterday at this time, it's 48 degrees in walnut creek back in all the way into blackhawk and alamo. these temperatures are up to 13 degrees more mild anywhere from nevada all the way to san rafael terror. linda larkspur marin city. also five degrees more mild in the fairfield area. the winds are up to 13 in the nevada region and five epic an infield in concord, windsor. slight throughout most of our reporting stations. these winds will be enhanced later today, out of the west and northwest, heading 20 mph. if you do suffer from allergies, and honestly, i don't think i know anybody that doesn't anymore. it's the oak and the mulberry count that is
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on the medium to high side grasses is rising. and that is really notable because a lot of kids have soccer games and ball games slated for this be as you're heading on out side this weekend, and who isn't okay, i have to mention all of this right here. we have had storminess one system after another just slamming into the pacific northwest. but the reason why i really want to mention that we had that storm track. well to the north of us, but those trials will start to just press down the highest ridge of the high pressure system, and we'll start to see the invasion of the coastal clouds. not so much today. i think clouds from time to time by the evening commute. same story through your saturday, mostly sunny skies. but then on sunday, we will see the marine layer began to thicken along the immediate seashore due to the weakening ridge of high pressure , but we will still remain on the dry side. temperatures are going up today. take a look at sam. well yesterday. 76 today 80 degrees san francisco, climbing
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five degrees livermore up to 80 and san jose 79 average highs. 70 we dot your neighborhood forecast and santa rosa 75 in hayward also mateo. so temperatures up to 10 degrees warmer inland areas have a great day. thank you, roberta. to the a's decision to leave oakland and head to las vegas coming u we ea
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look at you taking the win with quality top tier gas for less. me? yup. hi. hi? treating your car as good as you treat your dry-clean onlies. i see you winning. yeah thank you for noticing. i notice wins. like how i noticed you spilled a little coffee on your shirt but kind of made a cool new pattern. oh great! hey you win some and you win some am i right? you can let go now. oh sorry! ohhh your coffee. ahh it's fine you're a safe driver. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco. of supervisors will vote on a proposal to renovate the historic castro theater. ktv is jana katsuyama reports. the plan has both supporters and opponents. san francisco's castro theater has been a
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fixture since 1922. now the battle over the movie palaces place in the future, is facing a critical crossroads. terry aston bennett is owner of cliffs variety store, just a half block away from the theater. she's speaking out, joining more than 100. other castro merchants who signed a petition in support of another planet entertainment proposal to renovate the old movie palace. another planet has faced opposition over their plans to replace the slope seats on the main floor. with removable seating that would allow for open space as a venue for concerts and other events. another planet says expanding options is critical to stay in business as movie attendance has dropped, with customers opting for online streaming options when they brought in concerts and things like that. you hear the younger generation of the neighborhood getting excited castro merchants say the castro theaters, restoration and future viability is important to a neighborhood where they say 25% of storefronts are now vacant. we are most interested in the
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benefits economically and culturally to the neighborhood. how will another planet's business model affect our daytime businesses are nighttime businesses, opponents of the planned stage to save the seats protests this week, saying ripping up the seats would destroy the historic character of the venue this month at public hearings of the land use committee, hundreds of people gave emotional public testimony , and on monday, preservationists gained a win as the committee voted 2 to 1 in favor of preserving fixed theatrical seating configured in the movie palace style. still castro resident and activist kevin scott says he and other supporters of another planet's renovations are not giving up. the board of supervisors does not have to accept the recommendation from the land use committee. and then beyond that , it's up to. i believe the permitting department to make the ultimate decision and they also could choose to disregard the inclusion of fixed seats and the sloped floor. the land use
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committee is scheduled to take a final vote at their meeting monday, and the entire board of supervisors could vote as early as may. 2nd. in san francisco. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news debate continues over access to an abortion pill. the decision the u. s supreme court could make as soon as today. and the warriors win game three of their nba playoff series against the sacramento kings coming up, we'll have a full recap of the game man with the fans are saying about from ktvu. fox two news this is mornings on to this yourselves to does it? yes so fun to watch. morning thank you for joining us and welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook friday morning. april 21st warriors fans happy today. very exciting. i know that's follow through its form. i was trying to teach me that i know he's he's was observing that last
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night, just perfect form, right. if we could all do it, then, boy , we wouldn't be here this morning. we won't be waking up at one o'clock in the morning, everybody good morning to you. as we look outdoors. we have visibility unlimited lots of clear skies. that is the skyline of oakland this morning where the air temperature stands near 53 degrees, also across the bay in san francisco, it is now 47 degrees in palo alto. moved 50 good morning in san jose and santa rosa, also sporting temperatures in the fifties. here's what you need to know today. it's just going to be a fantastic friday mild start to your day and then plenty of warm sunshine later, especially away from the bay where we will have our outside number of 82 in santa rosa and in fairfield, as well as to the south in gilroy, mid seventies will become an around the peninsula. i tell you what we will re gather. we'll talk about your weekend forecast, but right now podcast, anita in the house. morning. alright thank you, roberta. it's friday, and i think we're going
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to get a little bit of an easier commute out there for many, unless something happens. of course, that's what we're here because sometimes the best laid plans don't come out the way you want them to. but right now it is a good start here on 5, 80, 80 and interstate 88 the maze and also ate 80 and oakland. all these roads are doing very well . cemetery. oh bridge looks good , and so does that dumbarton bridge heading over to the peninsula. it's 501. on let's get back to the headlines. thank you will new this morning. ridership on bart is going up, but it's still less than the pre pandemic levels. ktvu is. james torres is in lafayette right now to tell us about the highest single day ridership numbers in months. good morning, james. dave good morning to you. well, bart, still recovering from some of those pandemic protocols. that means people are slowly getting back on bart trains over the last three years, somewhat good news for an agency struggling to maintain its revenue, but it's still much
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slower than what they expected to be rather where they want it to be. bart's board director now reporting wednesday, april 19th that was the highest number of passengers since last september , bart sayesday. but even that r is still only of pre pandemic levels. with that part, officials say they didn't need to plan any extra trains for san francisco's 4 20 events. plenty of capacity because our ridership is still well below the levels that we had before the pandemic. the bay area had a very busy thursday, along with thousands showing out for 4 20 events, the city hosted a giants game at oracle park. a must win game three for the golden state warriors in the first round of the nba playoffs at chase center . now, the numbers for thursday aren't in just yet. but bart officials are hoping all of those events all those events rather combined. we'll give them
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a second spike in ridership. of course, once we know we'll let you know. we're live this morning. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. thank you, james. but the supreme court is scheduled to issue a ruling today on whether or not to preserve access to a widely used abortion pill. while a legal challenge to its fda approval is resolved. the fda approval of myth oppressed stone was rolled back earlier this month by a federal judge in texas. an appeals court judge then modified the rolling so that the drug remains available, but with tighter restrictions, the justices could allow the appeals court ordered to remain in place or allow full access to the drug, while the underlying case winds its way through the courts. time now five oh four next week a special hearing on the fentanyl drug crisis will be held by the state assembly. both republicans and democrats agreed to hold that special session hours after republicans threatened to force floor votes. anti fentanyl bills, the chairperson of the assembly's
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public safety committee, wanted to wait to hold the hearing in june to put a spotlight on the issue. but he changed his mind after lawmakers from both sides demanded that the hearing be held sooner. i think an acknowledgement of how many of our colleagues realized that this is an urgent issue that cannot wait important matter that people need to understand that people are dying every day . it's our inaction is costing e health department says more than 5700 people died in 2021 from overdoses linked to fentanyl. that's about 110 people every week. president biden is expected to announce he is running for re election next week. he's considering making the announcement on tuesday, which marks four years to the day since he entered the 2020 race. for now, the white house is staying quiet about the election. not going to comment on 2024 or potential plans or
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whatever is going to happen in 2024. the president does not does face some challenges, though, including a new associated press poll showing just a quarter of americans want him to run again. but there are signs that he is building support among democrats, 81% of respondents in a recent survey said that they would probably or definitely support him. other democrats who have announced the white house bed include robert f. kennedy kennedy jr and writer marianne williamson. show host larry elder says he will run for president he's joining a crowded gop primary field that includes former president donald trump and former united nations ambassador nikki haley. elder will speak at the iowa faith and freedom coalition this weekend. you might remember he challenged governor newsom last year in the recall election. alright, our time is 506. the golden state warriors won a big game last night, defeating the sacramento kings. when such a key factor on
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the interior and on the glass warriors. zone in the third quarter defensive rebound but you don't threaten outside the team returned home to the chase center to win 1 14 97 beautiful shots. they're playing without draymond green, as we know was suspended by the n b. a for that incident in game two. also without gary payton, second who was out with an illness, but there's that curry flury bit of that, even without those key players, steph curry had a huge game 36 points, andrew wiggins stepped up, adding 20 points, helping the warriors hold onto that lead all game pretty bluntly. if we lost this game is pretty much over. so you gotta understand the moment and we gave ourselves life. the biggest thing is we've been here before . we've been in a situation where momentum doesn't necessarily carry over from game to game unless you you know, executed the same level so you
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know it's just one game, but it was a big game for sure. come on. loony also had a big game and raymond's absence, 20 rebounds and nine assists in that win, given time now, 507. meantime california says this year it will fill 100% of the water request from cities and farms thanks to an unusually wet winter time, the department of water resources plans to deliver all of the requested water where it's facilities serving 27 million californians and 750,000 acres of farm. farmland it's the first time the department has done that since 2006. just last year, water allocations were cut to five resent when california was dealing with a third year of a drought. five away. it is the time speaking of that we have some pretty nice weather. i think for the weekend. let's check in with roberta gonzalez. yes, it's hard to believe that just back in october we were in
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extremely exceptional drought conditions. right and i have often had people ask me. can we get out of the drought and one winter and the answer was always no. and we did. i figured it was going to take us three years to get out of this extreme drought situation, but you know what we went through in december. january february and even early march to take a look at your drawing update for this april 21st where you just see the green? that's because we're doing great. we are out of the drought, but insists q at modi counties to the north of us and also certainly the desert southwest, including san bernardino, riverside and imperial counties. still with some restrictions due to abnormally or moderate drought conditions, but pam is one of the first ones to jump on that soapbox and say we always must served 24 7 12 months a year. she is my hero. alright here you go. the skyline of oakland clear skies official sunrise is at 6 26, and when it does rise, boys
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, they're going to be glorious. nothing but clear skies visibilities unlimited, and the air quality is good. santa rosa at this hour is 54 degrees. it's 56 discovery bay and also in brentwood. look at the numbers around the peninsula 48 degrees redwood city to 53 at sfo. 45 half moon bay were yesterday at this hour. it was 39 degrees, so you will feel the difference out the door this morning. santa rosa is 11 degrees more on the mild side, and it's about five degrees warmer. and san jose. the winds are up to 12 in novato, or basically, we are under 10 mph for the most part in all of our reporting stations, even alarm. on the seashore, but later today, those winds increase out of the west and rotate to the northwest about 10 to 20 mph and again that will assure the pollen count around the or at least ushered the pollen around the oak. mulberry trees continue to blossom so therefore that counters on the medium to high site and grass is definitely coming into play. i noticed that
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when i was mowing my lawn the other night alright, here we go. we have a series of areas of low pressure as well to the north of us going to remain there until about sunday when it flattens our ridge of high pressure. and encourages our marine layer. so today and tomorrow will be the warmest day of the few coming up. 62 beaches to 82 degrees and our inland areas. statewide dry skies from top to bottom. we're talking 95 degrees today in palm springs, otherwise, 88 degrees in los angeles and is currently 28 degrees at 6200 ft in the greater lake tahoe area, and we're going to highs there today. mid and high fifties boy , the snowmelt is already occurring. we don't want temperatures too much over 60, or that encourages a rapid meltdown for us temperatures are going up 82. to santa rosa today . 82 also in fairfield. we have numbers stacking up for the seventies around the central bay drop in the sixties around the seashore, but that's warmer than yesterday. 68 degrees your
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weekend forecast and also giants played tonight that forecast coming up. all right. thank you, roberta. twitter users might notice fewer blue check marks today. coming up. we have a look at why so many have been removed and in the north bay covid outbreak at a hospital. the extra precautions now being taken at one facility to protect both patients and employees.
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5 13, kaiser permanente and santa rosa, requiring masks due to a number of recent covid cases. the hospital is asking visitors staff and positions to mask up upon entrance to the hospital and throughout their visit. that's after more than a dozen staff members and patients tested positive for covid-19. in a statement, kaiser said it is adhering to all regulations
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regarding masking, adding quote . these guidelines recently changed on april 3rd 2023 to no longer require but continue to recommend the use of masks for members, patients, visitors and staff at all health care facilities. kaiser permanente has adhered to that guidance and also has infection control guidelines for an outbreak situation. our time, not 5. 14 charges have been filed by the alameda county d. a against the two suspects linked to this week's deadly shooting at a home depot depot store in pleasanton . investigators say manisha naps is facing murder judges for the deadly shooting on tuesday of blake mose, the stores lost prevention officer authorities indonesia knives, then escaped in an suv driven by her boyfriend, david guillory, and that her young daughter was inside galleries. charge now, with child abuse, being an accessory and evading, the police study says taking
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sleeping aids may help prevent alzheimer's disease from ever developing researchers at washington university, st louis found that taking high doses of a prescription medicine for sleeping showed a decrease in alzheimer's related proteins. the scientists are still studying whether long term use will block cognitive decline. the results do not conclude that people should take the prescription medicine nightly to prevent alzheimer's. uber eats is planning to use robots to make some deliveries. people will soon see the robots roaming the sidewalks with uber eats orders in virginia, so far more than 10 restaurants are participating in the new delivery option. and the box will focus on short distance orders. our time is now 5 15 twitter now removing those blue check marks for people who don't subscribe to the company's twitter blue ktvu lamonica. peters has more details on this new verification system. yeah, i think. it should have probably
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be free, right? like the grandfather didn't yeah. twitter started to remove the blue check from all accounts without a paid subscription for at least $8 a month. users can have a verified twitter blue account before ellen must bought twitter for $44 billion in october of last year. a blue check verification helped to identify and authentic or official account. now with twitter blew anyone who pays can be verified. but if you have to make money because he put $40 billion into it. this is right to make some money when the company first launched twitter blue for a monthly fee, the platform was inundated with fake verified accounts. the new page service was temporarily halted and then relaunched weeks later , especially the verification was really important because it meant that if you have a person reporting on something, or you,
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just as a user shared something from someone with a blue checkmark, you could be sure or it was from who they said they were since lodging twitter blew some users, including high profile celebrities, major news organizations and the white house say they won't pay for twitter to verify accounts at least one san francisco board supervisor says she won't pay for verification and has decided to leave twitter altogether. all the more to just see how twitter arrival under the leadership of elon musk or ownership in elon musk. it just didn't it just gives me less and less confidence that i should return in that space and that that they that space is no longer efficient communications tool for someone like me who can now mean two things, either. the account already had a blue check and twitter is allowing them to keep it or the account holder has a paid subscription. lamonica peters ktvu fox two
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news, monica. thank you, thomas 5 18. well, today is the first graduation day here in the bay area for firefighters who were once incarcerated. the forestry and fire recruitment program started back in 2015 in southern california training inmates to fight wildfires 15 former inmates graduate today at oakland's mills college. now they're going to work for a regional firefighting agencies. last year, the program expanded to the bay area and is celebrating its first class for earth day. that's great. that is terrific. yes yeah. love it. alright, birthday tomorrow, so hopefully everybody is making some some changes in land and hug a tree tomorrow. do something i've been posting suggestions on my instagram account. i got to check that out . i usually like to plant something on birthday. get rid of maybe one plastic thing. you know you buy something you made
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me feel so guilty now whenever i go to the grocery store, i know and you can't help it. sometimes i have found that but there are more options out there now, though, i'm trying. i'm really trying. i spent so much time up and down the aisles that because i think oh, no, pam will not approve of that. seriously, have you in my head when i go grocery show to dave. i'm sure you know what i mean. you've been working with a lot longer than i am. alright, everybody is all the good thing it really is. we have clear skies to get out towards the golden gate bridge. and once you get out of the golden gate bridge, we do have a small craft advisory in place, otherwise onshore. we go forward three degrees and half moon bay. so that is the cool spot this morning. otherwise we are up to 56 degrees and discovery bay and in brentwood, it is 54 in santa rosa and low fifties and throughout the santa clara valley, 47 degrees in newark and also and fremont windsor, up to 12, nevada. otherwise all of our
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reporting stations have winds under 10 mph. even the seashore were half moon bay h at that area of low pressure when you look up tightly coiled center here, then you have the front scaling back . that's it, and all this activity continues to write to the north of us because we're under the influence of a huge dome of high pressure that will continue to build over the bay area. it's been specially today and as it strengthens today, and tomorrow will be the warmest day so far this spring season we will see the increasing cloud cover. on sunday, and that's because the ridge of high pressure will begin to break down from all that trough penis to the north of us. so here we go. love me some future cast. we walk you through it. you can watch the clock tick on by so by friday night tonight, we will start to see a few high think clouds over the area. the marine layer remains offshore all the way through our saturday morning, then by saturday night, we see it start to deepen, but
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we will not see the intrusion of that marine layer until about sunday that will not back the coastal temperatures. but meanwhile, we are going to court in madeira yesterday. 70 for today. approaching 80 foster city was in the low seventies and thursday today 76 check out pleasant, tim. also dublin and sam ramon 10 degrees warmer than thursday and santa clara at 71 yesterday today, topping off 10 degrees warmer. go ahead. pinpoint your neighborhood. how about san mateo at 75? degrees how about redwood city? redwood shore's at 77? we do have alameda and el cerrito at 74 degrees back in through piedmont and then again castro valley in the mid and high seventies livermore at 80 degrees. the winds will be breezy west 10 to 20 mph. and if you're heading out to the ballgame tonight, boy , it's gonna be a beautiful night sundown at 7 50 at game time. six. 82 dropping to about 58 degrees during the game and a
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bit on the breezy side tonight. overnight mild temperatures into the forties with the mostly clear skies 50 in san jose, and here is your extended forecast four years saturday for earth day warm temperatures inland into the eighties seventies bayside sixties at the seashore , we introduced the coastal clouds, knocking back the temperatures ever so gently but then boy. this temperatures, dave, we have been in seasonably cool this whole spring season, right? and now we bumped. these temperatures up spring has sprung love it. thank you. roberta time is 5 22. today is the final day of ramadan, the holiest month of the islamic calendar. muslims have been update obeying a strict daily fast between dawn and sunset. it's an act of worship to god with the focus on people who were less fortunate muslims will hold a celebration. after ramadan known as the feast of breaking the fast time is 5 23 criminal charges dropped against
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movie star alec baldwin in the deadly shooting on the set of the movie rust will tell you why the movies weapons supervisor bg the debate over banning transgender students from taking part in women's sports at school coming up. we'll look into the new legislation that the house just passed.
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buzzfeed. news will now shut down after the company laid off 15% of its staff 180 of its 1200 employees were laid off. now buzzfeed is turning over its news operation to its sister company. half post has comes after the company laid off about 12% of the staff back in december. vice media is also considering layoffs at two as efforts to sell the company have not worked as a plan. time is 5 26 layoffs at espn or expected
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to begin next week. the second wave of job cuts this year for disney espn parent company will include managers, even some on air talent. disney plans to cut 7000 jobs in three phases this year, according to reports, some employees will be given the option to be laid off or take a big pay cut. the company plans to say $5.5 billion. well, the republican controlled house has passed legislation banning transgender students from taking part in women's school sports. now that bill prevents people who were born male from playing in women's sports, some say republicans are using the transgender battles as a wedge issue against democrats next year. democrats accused republicans of attacking transgender people. the left was once a party that embraced women and fought for women's rights. and now we've seen this
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narrative being totally flipped. democrats will pay for this in 2024 lunacy is robbing women and girls of equal opportunities in the name of inclusion. the title nine prohibits sexual discrimination in education and in sports. the education department is proposing an exclusion of bands for transgender women from female sports time is 5 27 still ahead new development in that scandal involving the antibiotic police department coming up, you'll hear from people who say they are among the victims and an increase in car break ins around the bay area, which are the unique tactics some thieves are using to steal cards.
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we have new information this morning in the scandal involving antioch's police officers up next details of the lawsuit just
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filed in federal court. and the warriors won game three of the nba playoffs against the sacramento kings. we're going to hear from coach kerr about battling back in the series. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. thank you for joining us here on morning sun, too. i'm pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. it's apam cook friday. it's april 21st. we'll share a little bit with roberta gonzalez. your forecast. roberto's right here to be with all of you. it's always wonderful to get up so early. nice to have you wouldn't do it unless i got to be with you. there you go. honestly it's just such a pleasure. hi everybody morning, rise and shine. fine if you're gonna be getting out of town today, boy, this is a preview of what you can expect. if you're heading to the highest here today, with temperatures topping off in the mid and high fifties, each and every day over the weekend. have a brilliant time. meanwhile back at the branch back at home, 48
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degrees in livermore. yes these are our current temperatures. as you notice. it's much more mild than it was yesterday at this hour when we were in the thirties and forties. now here's what you can expect. our temperatures have been climbing each day this week and today and tomorrow will pan out to be the warmest days so far this spring season. you know, we've been so unseasonably cool today will top off at 82, that's right low eighties. and inland areas. santa rosa fairfield, also to the south and gilroy, otherwise mid seventies comin up and down the peninsula sixties beaches 68 in san francisco and across the bay 74 degrees in oakland. we have the extended forecast featuring your pollen reported that's coming up in just a matter of minutes. right now. cal cats castaneda sal castaneda sorry about that. there. tell me you watch the whole game last night. i did? yeah i didn't watch the whole game and you know? yes it started at seven. i don't remember what time it
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ended at, but i'm not gonna miss a warrior's playoff game. if this were, you know, game three of the regular season. well, maybe i would just hear about it later, but it's the playoffs playoffs. alright let's go out and take a look at the commute. right now. westbound 80 coming around the corner. it looks pretty good. and besides, you know, on fridays, a lot of people. do work from home, or perhaps they don't even go. traffic is usually a little lighter on fridays, and this morning. that's the way it's starting out at 5 32. let's go back to the headlines. all right. thank you, sal. today, the u. s. supreme court will decide whether women can continue to get access to an abortion pill. the medication has been used by millions of women for more than 20 years. now the supreme court has been asked to weigh in on a lower court ruling to ban the pill. ktvu erasmus joins us now with the details of what happens. today ali pam, that medication is called mifepristone. it's a pill originally used as a drug to treat ulcers. but back in 2000, the fda approved it as a drug for first trimester
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abortions. now 20 years later, it's one of the most common ways to end a pregnancy. more than half of all abortions in the u. s are done with that medicine late last year, conservative anti abortion group sued to block the use of mifid preston for abortions, and earlier this month, a federal judge in texas agreed with them, he ruled. that the fda didn't have the authority to approve kristen for abortions and that the drug would be banned nationwide, including here in california. just a week later. that decision was immediately appealed to the fifth circuit court. they modified the ruling so that the drug is still available right now, but with some tighter restrictions, the biden administration and the company that makes mr preston then appealed. to the supreme court, and today is the deadline the high court gave itself to decide what kind of access women will have to this abortion pill while that appeal is resolved. we don't know what the result will be. but if the court should decide that it has superior scientific knowledge without any
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benefit of research or trials and the rest we have a real problem in our country. this is a slippery slope, allowing play tips to go after fda approved drugs is something that could be open to any other sort of medication. midnight tonight is the deadlines the supreme court gave itself to issue a ruling on this. the results could go one of several ways. people may be able to continue getting method preston for now, but with more restrictions. than before or the supreme court could allow full access to the drug. while the case is appealed. either way, the implications are far reaching for many people over the past 20 years, more than four million women in the us have used method kristen to end their pregnancies. david pam, back to you. thank you. time is at 5 30. for now, we're hearing from people who say they were victimized by any police officers linked to a text messaging scandal. they filed a federal lawsuit against the city current and former police chiefs and several officers, many of
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the people filing the lawsuit say they were specifically mentioned in the racist text messages exchanged by as many as 45 officers in the police department. these officers are not only cruel. but are treating humans like pieces of trash comments about my son's head was a bowling ball. that they kicked the field gold. that they were going to shoot them to see the police and feel like i have to hide my key and hide my money and my underwear. to not be robbed, so they don't go in my car and take my possessions off my car like that's not a good feeling. this lawsuit calls for federal oversight of the anti attack police department. we are seeking. court monitoring. we need this department to change. it's not going to change by itself. it's proven that also, the lawsuit is seeking damages for the victims of police misconduct. so far, there's no comment on this from the city of
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anti accor, the police chief. but the police chief has said before that he's committed to rebuilding the police department and its culture from the top. oakland police say there has been a spike in armed robberies and carjackings across the city , and they call it an alarming shift. there have been multiple reports people using their car to intentionally crashed into another vehicle before robbing the driver. authorities say the crimes have taken place at varying hours. and they say you should always keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. car thefts are also rising in berkeley city and city. state leaders say carmakers hyundai and kia are at the center of the issue because they're easy targets. they say a nationwide recall needs to happen and make these vehicles more difficult to steal. we're seeing that theft of these chaos. these candies are fueling an epidemic of thefts throughout the nation. and so the way to steal them is known. it's all over social
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media. it's known to kia. it's known to hyundai and yet they have failed to act appropriately in response, so we're here today, asking national authorities to get involved and to initiate a recall. in a letter to the national highway traffic safety administration, law enforcement leaders are calling for a recall of those vehicles manufactured between 2011 and 2022 that are vulnerable to theft due to a lack of engine immobilizer and easily bypassed ignitions. data shows. nearly 40% of stolen cars in berkeley have been certain hyundai and kia models without that engine. mobilize er time now. 5 37 lisa gilmore, the mayor of santa clara, wants council member anthony record to resign after he was indicted. last week, becker was indicted for allegedly leaking a civil grand jury report and then lying about it. the indictment stands from several santa clara county council members reportedly accused of being too close with
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the 49ers. this week, council member becker made a first quarter appearance. he deferred entering a plea until he's able to get a lawyer. his next court date is set for may. 3rd warriors fans starting this friday very happy after the warriors big win over the sacramento kings last night. yes you did it. steph the warriors took the lead. they never trailed and they beat sacramento 1 14 to 97 chase center. the warriors seem to rally around draymond green getting suspended . they played some of the best defense of the series so far without having one of their toughest defenders. our guys were locked in yesterday. um at, um you know when, when the news came in, and we turned the page pretty quickly. there's you know, there's no need to. as i said yesterday, there's no need to belabor the point. it's just
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league made the decision. so you know, like we only have one thar the next one. and that's what our guys did. indeed the king still lead the series two games to run. the warriors will try to even things up sunday in game four. the uk book caban linen game starts at 12 30. oakland. a's fans are devastated that their team has committed to move to las vegas. the ayes have signed a binding agreement to buy land for a new ballpark in the right near the las vegas strip. the team hopes to move into that new stadium in time for the 2027 season. one group of longtime a's fans call themselves oakland 68, a reference to the year when the team first began playing at the oakland coliseum. so, uh, shocking, heartbreaking and, um , and anger, a lot of anger. honestly me and another is fan who sells athletics gear online
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says he's going to continue to cheer on the team until they're very final game in oakland. this year. we're gonna party we're gonna party until the wheels fall off. and actually, they're already off. so we're riding on rims as it is. the a's could be moving to las vegas. actually next year. the team reportedly has a deal in place to play at its triple a affiliates ballpark in vegas while waiting for that new stadium to be built. it's a tough one. there will be people who will enjoy being there for the last games, and some people will be like you know what i'm done with the team. they're mad , longtime fan. it's upsetting. it is upsetting. you know, i went from real disappointment to anger. you know, it's really hard on oakland to businesses and it's just that's it. it's tough. all the small business owners out there they're going to lose major money. and also, you're just breaking our hearts. yeah, seriously. i had to come. dozen text me she she's a big
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time angels fan and she she texted me last night and said, okay, are you going to start cheering for the giants? now it's like, completely different kind of love, right? i love my giants. but i love my a's always loved american baseball, american league baseball, but yeah, we'll always support our giants and they have a baseball game tonight. did they welcome again the medicine to town. they've been in town for a series and game time temperature will be at 62 degrees. officials sundown is at 7 50, so you'll have some sun shine until the sun does set game time is at 7 15. the winds will be a little bit on the breezy side off the ocean out of the western 10. we have a few heightened serious clouds out there 3500 ft. otherwise we have clear skies. visibility is unlimited sunrise this morning is that 6 26, and it's going to be a glimpse of what's going to pan out to be a fantastic friday very mild morning with plenty of warm sunshine later. just how mild is it? look at these numbers from 45 degrees and half
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moon bay 48 degrees and napa high forties right now around the central bay. it's 51 in san jose. the winds are breezing nevada, otherwise each and every one of our reporting stations have winds under 10 mph again. these winds will increase later today out of the west 10 to 20 a series of storms to the north of us banking off the ridge of high pressure right here. beautiful activity going on bringing precipitation to the pacific northwest, leaving us with dry conditions under the influence of high pressure. few high thin clouds do drift in from that trough penis to the north from time to time, but it isn't until saturday night, when we start to see the increasing cloud cover from the marine layer. there's your saturday morning again. few high think clouds and then they move out of the area. here's the bill. building of the marine layer, and that's going to knock back the coastal temperatures on sunday, but it's going to be a spectacular weekend up and down the state 95 today in palm
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springs. i got to talk about this real quickly here. this is across the country. look at this line anywhere from the canadian border through like michigan all the way back through texas. you're going to hear a lot of severe activity from this over the weekend, but as far as we are concerned, we have mostly study skies. warmer temperatures today where people performance on saturday and then and slightly cooler. sunday. dave pam. all right. thank you. roberta the fight over a bridge and the bike lane is returning coming up at six o'clock. the proposal to reduce traffic backups with a third lane to the upper deck of the richmond, san rafael bridge. pam san francisco hosting 4 20 celebrations and the love of cannabis. we'll look at the celebrations on hippie hill that attracted thousands of people ♪
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alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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morning sun to an estimated 20,000 people gathered on hippie hill in golden gate park for the city of san francisco's annual 4 20 celebration. 32. yeah. cannabis lovers circle, april 20th on their calendars and the highlight of yesterday's 4 20 celebration came at 4 20 in the afternoon. in past man. enjoy enjoy your life, which is 4 20 man with all my ancestors, you know my people's, you know, make sure enjoy. well, you know. now organizers say, four twenties become one of san francisco's most popular cultural events, giving a huge economic boost to the city. we're bringing a lot of tourism coming right at the same time, but we're supporting a lot of these local businesses out of the vendors here that are all local. i mean to say equity
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. they're natives. this is the second year the city has allowed the sale and consumption of cannabis at the celebration. and because of that, the 4 20 celebration on hippie hill is restricted to people who were aged 21 or older. very different celebration. tomorrow it is earth day, and this year's theme is invest in our planet. it's something many biologists believe is critical because of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions already threatening where many of us live along with the vital crops we need to survive. places that used to have ample rain during the growing season, are now suffering droughts and places that used to be drier, are now suffering floods, making it much more difficult to know where and when to plant and rely on crops , so it's becoming really risky to rely on regions that we've been relying on as major sources of food. wildlife experts say the choices we make every day impact the ecosystems around us,
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like using single use plastics, for example. but aside from choosing greener transportation and energy options, environmentalists say investing in our planet is an investment in ourselves. the environmental impact of the planet is lessened when people have jobs and opportunities. if we look after each other the plan it's going to be a better place. now you can learn more on how to take action by visiting earth day .org. alright time is 5 48. we're getting you ready for friday? is it friday light out there on the road sound? i would say so. as a matter of fact, dave and pam, we do see a lighter commute, although it is a little early to tell let's go to the bay bridge. i can tell you there's not a big back up here at the bay bridge toll plaza. it looks pretty good driving into san francisco. we've been looking around and usually on fridays. we do have people taking it easy. and you know, some people may have
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stayed up to watch that warriors game or whatever, because we don't see a lot of slow traffic around the bay area right now. we'd see some slowing coming in on the altamont pass, and there's just a little bit of slowing in bay point heading west. that's about it, so we're not going to ask too many questions. and ease into this friday morning, 5 49. let's bring roberta back in to talk about today's weather. do you have any weekend plans? you know , i'm just going to be chilling . how about you? we had the game on sunday. what we as if we are hitting the court, you know, there's strength in numbers, right? you know what? i you know what i discovered, though. yesterday. i wore, you know, particular warriors shirt, and now that shirt is going to have to be my shirt, right? you know , i would not that we're superstitious or anything like that, right? i just don't want to mess things up. i hear you know my hat, my sparkly hat. yes same drill. i've got to even sleep in that from now on. i do
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. hey yeah, i got something going on this weekend, and we'll talk more about it a little bit later, but it is the best buddies friendship walk in golden gate park. i associated with best buddies organization for decades now, and we're going to be walking to raise money for those who are intellectually and mentally disadvantaged and we're going to have a really great time and the weather is going to be fantastic, and we hope you can join us. this is our lives. whether cameron, as you can see, there's not a cloud in the sky right now. air temperature stands at 53 in nevada 47 degrees and wanna creek 48 degrees. now redwood city. it is much more mild this morning, then 24 hours ago and fact 11 degrees. armor at this hour in santa rosa, that you will feel the difference as you're heading on out the door this morning. it is seven degrees warmer and throughout the tri valley, the windsor slight except in the nevada area where we have gossiped 21 mph as you're making tracks south towards the golden gate bridge. we even have a light wind right now in throughout that san bruno gap,
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but those winds will increase later today. westerly 10 to 20 and again that really moves the pollen around, and therefore it is the okay, the mulberry trees . if you suffer from allergies, that's probably the cold pret. also the grass count is starting to rise. and that is extremely notable. because the kids have softball games. they have soccer games and perhaps you golf if your nose is a little drippy, that's probably it. don't blame it on the allergies. if you can't hit him straight, alright, here you go area of low pressure to the north of the bay area. there's several systems out there that continue to bounce off our huge ridge of high pressure that is strengthening right off the west coast right now. in fact, we'll have a high temperature today of 95 in palm springs for us seventies and eighties additional warming today in comparison to yesterday , 51 degrees at this early hour and bakersfield on him to highest today. near 90 88 in los angeles and 54 going up to the eighties and sacramento huge
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system over the midwest. we will track that as the morning progresses because that will cause some problems over the weekend and throughout the deep south in the eastern seaboard. we have repeat temperatuday int, slightly cooler sunday temperatures still in the seventies. enjoy your day. alright roberta. thank you, tom is 5 52 new at six o'clock what we now know about the man accused of stabbing and killing tech exec bob lee in san francisco. details of allegations of domestic battery that he's faced in the past and san francisco's castro theaters at the center of a fierce debate when we return the battle over renovating a city landmark nah, i don't, i don't know about that man. excuse me! right now? come on man. mmmmm... no. you're kidding right? actually, i do know. i'll text. you drive. [clicking and typing]
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trow theater. it's right in the heart of the castro district at first opened 101 years ago, more than 100, local business owners have signed a petition supporting a plan by the current owner of the castro theater. another planet entertainment, wants to make changes in the seating there that would allow for more concerts and other live events. when they brought in concerts and things like that. you hear the younger generation of the neighborhood getting excited. critics of the plan
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staged a saved the seats protests this week, saying these proposed changes would destroy the historic character of the castro theater. and those critics have the support of san francisco's land use committee. however the supporterse renovation projects say this debate is far from to accept te recommendation from the land use committee and then beyond that, it's up to i believe the permitting department to make the ultimate decision and they also could choose to disregard the inclusion of fixed seats and the sloped floor. now the land use committee is due to take a final vote on monday on these proposed changes, time is 5 56. today is the beginning of the second and final weekend of coachella, but it's off to a rough start one of the headliners singer and rapper frank ocean canceled because of an injured leg suffered during last weekend performance, but
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there's still a star studded lineup. this weekend's performers include bad bunny black pink. and bjork. workers at the trader joe's store in oakland's rockridge neighborhood have voted to unionize. that vote came in a 73 to 53 vote last night. the grocery chain has more than 500 locations across the country. the employees say they deserve a seat at the table when it comes to issues of pay, benefits and safety. we will join the existing stores that have already unionized at the bargaining table, speaking directly with trader joe's corporate, encouraging them back to their core values of integrity and welcoming workers to have a say in their working conditions. the union vote at a store in new york city went down to defeat in a tie vote. trader joe's employees have previously unionized at a store in hadley, massachusetts, and another in minneapolis. a new policy aimed
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at keeping young visitors safe goes into effect at great america amusement park this weekend starting tomorrow, park guests under the age of 15 must now be with a chaperone. that chaperone has to be over the age of 21 with a valid i d great america says the policy comes after increased incidents of inappropriate behavior at entertainment venues and says it is aimed to keep policy will also go into effect it knots berry farm in southern california this saturday, the park is reintroducing their chaperone rules after increased fights there. the chaperone policy applies to park guests who are 15 years older, younger as well, who want to get into that park? after four o'clock in the afternoon? anyone 15 and under found in the park without a chaperone will be escorted out. your time now, 5 59 will this year nascar weekend and sonoma raceway will feature one of the world's best known athletes. you know him? it's shaquille o'neal. he'll perform
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there at the june 11th toyota. same aren't 3 50 race, he will be on stage as his alter ego dj diesel. revving up the crowd with electronic dance music. shock does love cars. he has a bunch of him. he's appeared in many car shows over the years in 2010, he raced dale earnhardt jr on the reality tv show. shaq versus. win. check the score. numbers don't lie. golden state and we out here and there was a huge win last night for the warriors changing the momentum in the nba playoff series will let you hear from players and the fans after allowed atmosphere chase center and it's been some big ridership days for bart this week, but bart says it's still way below its pre pandemic levels. which are you what's happening to try to lure people back even as a lot of
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people are permanently working from home? from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings on two. i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook friday morning. april 21st have some baseball baseball. we have basketball on sunday. we have earth day tomorrow and roberto gonzales here with all of that weather, and you have a big walk tomorrow as well. park thank you for mentioning that. yes. best buddies friendship, walk it. be at golden gate park, and we have the opening ceremonies at 8 30 in the morning with the walk at 10 o'clock, and i hope you can join us out there and we'll give you more information a little bit later in this program because i would sure love for you to join us. it's going to be a beautiful weekend. right now. we have sun rising at 6 26. seen a glimpse of it with unlimited visibility over the estuary. temperatures stand in the
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forties and fifties. what a difference a day makes right? 24 hours ago we were in the thirties and forties. it's now 54 center rosa. here's what you need to know about today for your friday it's going to pan out to be much warmer from 64 the beaches to 82 inland breeze at times, west 10 to 20. go ahead, take a look at your neighborhood conquered 81 through crockett and clayton, 77, redwood shores and 68. san francisco low eighties morgan hill and gilroy for forecast in a matter of minutes, but first things first south castaneda is it friday light out there this morning definitely is now it's after six o'clock. we don't see a lot going on. and i think it's going to stay this way. we'll see, though sometimes things surprised me later. but usually by now we have some slowdowns. we have a little slowing on highway four, and that's about all. it looks pretty good on interstate 80 and at the bay bridge toll plaza. let's face it . friday's a little different around here. interstate 80 looks good, say mateo bridge. also
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moving along nicely, and so is that dumbarton bridge. over to a relatively light peninsula. it's 602. let's get back to the headlines. all right. thank you sound topping our news at six o'clock. bart is seeing more riders, but the numbers are still falling short of pre pandemic levels. ktvu is james torres joins us now live from lafayette with the details of art's highest single day ridership in months, james pamela bart is still recovering from the pandemic protocols that we've seen over the last three years. that means years of people who have slowly been returning back to the office, and of course, we had to deal with the stay at home orders as well. but slowly, but surely some of these writers are starting to come back to using bart as their daily routine, which is a bit of good news for an agency that is struggling. to maintain its revenue board director reporting wednesday, april 19th saw the highest number of passengers since last september. bart says more than 174,000 people rode their trains
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wednesday. but even that number is still only about 42% of pre pandemic levels with that. officials say they did not need to plan any extra trains for san francisco's 4 20 events. we have plenty of capacity because our ridership is still well below the levels that we had before the pandemic. the area had a busy thursday, along with thousands showing up for 4 20 events. the city hosted a giants game oracle park in a must win game three for the golden state warriors in the first round of the ending b, a playoffs at chase center. the numbers aren't in yet, but bart officials are hoping and expecting that all those events will give them a second spike for thursday and ridership, of course. once we get those numbers will pass them along. for now, reporting live this morning. i'm james torres ktvu. fox two news. alright, james. thank you, tommy 604 would now we know that the man accused in the deadly stabbing in san francisco of bob lee, the founder of cash app was cited
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last summer for suspicion of battery against a woman at his home in emeryville. the records obtained by the chronicle show every police cited and released . nema romantic on august 1st woman reported she attacked him inside his loft on harlan street. the alameda county d. a s office did not charge momentous he's now accused of fatally stabbing bob lee in san francisco earlier this month. well the warriors bounced back with that huge playoff win last night to avoid that, oh, and three deficit in the first round flying high last night in the sacramento canes gave the fans the excitement and confidence they needed as the rest of this playoff series plays out andre senior in the studio now with more on the warriors big win, true must win here, but here is the thing. no other team has come back from an three deficit in the nba playoffs. pumped up
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warriors, france packing chase center was a big difference in game three against the sacramento kings. transition. curry. well the team returned home to win 1 14 97, the dubs were playing without draymond green, who was suspended by the league for that stop in game two, and also without gary payton, second, who was out with an illness. but even without those key players, steph curry had a huge game with 36 points and andrew wiggins, who added 20 points, helping the warriors hold onto that lead all games. 60 pretty bluntly. if we lost this game, it's pretty much over. so you gotta understand the moment and we gave ourselves life. the biggest thing is we've been here before. we've been in a situation where momentum doesn't necessarily carry over from game to game unless you you know, executed the same level so you know it's just one game, but it was a big game, for sure, for sure, given loony also had a big
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game and raymond's absence. he had 20 rebounds and nine assists in the wind at coach steve kerr says the team had to step up its defense. with dreamland, green and gp two gone. our guys were locked in yesterday. um um you know when, when the news came in, and we turned the page pretty quickly. there's you know, there's no need to. as i said yesterday, there's no need to belabor the point. it's just league made the decision. so you know, like we only have one path to take and that's get ready for the next one, and that's what our guys did. well the king's still lead the series two games to one. the warriors will try to even things up sunday in game four. that game starts at 12 30 . if you're looking to go to the game tickets started, just under $200 and the resale market. the team will also host a free watch party outside chase center dave . those reservations, though, are required. you know it. alright andre time 607 after two
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games playing in sacramento warriors fans packed chase center for game three against the kings. it was a warrior. first home game of the playoffs. it was a sell out, the fans are leaving chase center after the big victory told us they were ready. they were excited about such an important game. i feel great. we got this win, and now we're onto the next win excited about the win. we came all the way out here to see our team. get the win, and we're super excited. steph curry is historically gifted. and historically competitive. and it was just so great to see him raised the team. it's true. other fans predicted that the experience at the warriors have in the playoffs and also the warriors championship. dna that will overcome the youthful exuberance of the kings and the king's head coach, mike brown, who has a lot of knowledge of the warriors after being a warrior's assistant coach for years. there are a tough team,
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you know, young coach knows everything about the warriors. so i mean, they do have a playbook about us. so i think that this is a good matchup. energy is great. you you feel the whole crowd and how everybody's excited. i think everyone feels their urgent the urgency of this game. and some warriors fans drove a long distances support the warriors, including one family. they drove 3.5 hours from clovis and then plan to drive right back after the game. warriors fans are hoping the team can just keep that momentum and keep winning. yes. all right. on the flip side , oakland mayor xiang tao says she's angry and disappointed that the ayes have signed a binding agreement to buy land for a new ballpark in las vegas . it's been what it looks like from the outside that they've always wanted to leave the city of oakland. oakland is not interested in being used as leverage in the negotiations
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with las vegas. we will not continue discussions under these circumstances. oakland will not be bullied. and on many occasions, the mayor held a news conference to say that the city's negotiations with the aids to build that new waterfront ballpark near jack london square are over in the aids plan to move into its new $1.5 billion stadium in las vegas in time for the 2027 season. i think there's a lot of excitement around it. there's obviously some sadness and you know disappointment that we weren't able to put it together in oakland, but we made one #### of an effort. the a's could move to las vegas actually next year because the team reportedly has a deal in place to play at its triple a affiliates ballpark in vegas while waiting for that new stadium to be built our time now, 6 10. there's now a push to ease traffic jams during the morning and the commute on the richmond sandra fell bridge a new bill in sacramento once
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state transportation agencies to consider reopening pam. a third lane in the westbound direction during the morning commute and the same way a third lane was reopened on the lower deck in 2016 right now the third lane on the upper deck, it's a bicycle and pedestrian lane. this proposal includes a movable zipper barrier on the lower decks, just like the one on the upper deck. so the bicycle and pedestrian lanes can be maintained but adjusted during the commute hours. i know that's a big deal with you and i have talked about this quite a bit. you know, having the bike lane is certainly all for more bike lanes everywhere. it's great, and they do have that upper deck. they have the movable barrier like they do on the golden gate bridge. um, not having a shoulder. is a big deal , sal, right? if there is 11 problem one fender bender in the middle of that bridge is going anywhere. there's no shoulder. there's nowhere to pull over. so
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i don't know you and i have talked about maybe certain hours. for the bike lane to be removed, right? just major. we've talked about that because i will walk over to your desk and say, hey, pam, i don't i don't want to don't want to tell you about that rich consent. rafael bridge today and get this look on your face like i understand. i understand. i think it's a good idea, frankly , if no one's asking me, but i said it anyway. all right, let's talk about the bay bridge toll plans that you can see i'm not the paper. it's cemetery and dunbarton bridge. look good. you can see green if used your iphone enough to know what green means. green means good in the traffic world. this is a look at westbound bay bridge or your android phone before i start getting tweets about that. westbound bay bridge looks pretty good. no major issues here. we're off to a nice start on friday, often on fridays. we have lighter volume today. so far we do and we'll see what happens next hour will be critical will be able to tell what kind of friday we're having. probably the next 30 to 40 minutes. i'll be able to tell
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6 12, let's go back to the desk . all right. thank you, sal. we are getting some new details about president biden plans for 2024 win. he is expected to maybe launched that campaign for reelection and some restaurant owners are just fed up with people who just hang out after they finished eating. which are you about an increasing trend of time limits when you go out to eat i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions,
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liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go.
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tahoe you can see plenty of snow on the mountains but clear skies. most of the resorts are offering some discounts. sugar bowl palisades, they're reporting 45 50 degrees, but still a lot of snow. so uh, great skiing and boarding, riding to be had up there. you need to head up. grab the keys. come on, let's go. let's go to 6 15, california says this year it
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will meet 100% of the water request from cities and farms. thanks to the unusually wet winter, the department of water resources says it will deliver all of the requested water tourist facilities serving 27 million californians and 750,000 acres of farmland. it's the first time the department has done that since 2006. just last week. last year, water allocations were slashed to 5% when california was dealing with the third year of a drought. president biden is expected to announce he is running for re election next week. now he is reportedly considering making the announcement on tuesday, which would mark four years to the day since he entered the 2020 race. for now, the white house is staying quiet about the election. i'm not going to comment on 2024 or potential plans or whatever is going to happen in 2024 president biden does face some challenges, including a new associated press
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poll showing just a quarter of americans want him to run again. but there are some signs that he is building support among democrats. 81% of respondents in a recent survey said that they would probably or definitely support him. other democrats who have announced a white house bid include robert f. kennedy jr. and writer marianne williamson on the republican side, california and conservative talk show host larry elder says he will run for president he is joining a crowded gop primary field that includes former president donald trump and former united nations ambassador nikki haley. elder will speak at the iowa faith and freedom coalition this weekend. you might remember he challenged governor newsom last year in the recall election time now, 6 17. we're right in the middle of the college acceptance season for high school seniors all over the country, and there's a new survey that says politics is a factor and where students want to go to college, a new poll finds prospective college students are only
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applied. in the schools match ts . that means conservative students will probably avoid california and new york schools . the liberal leaning students say it won't apply to schools and states like texas and florida. the poll found that reproductive rights, lgbt q laws and gun control or big factor in those decisions. many people who go out to dinner in new york city are now keep in an eye on their meal. and the clock a growing number of restaurants in the nation's largest city are imposing a 90 minute time limit on their customers. the goal is to turn tables more quickly and boost profits at a time. many restaurants are dealing with limited staffing in space dying dining experts say. this table time limit is now expanding far beyond the restaurants in new york city. i think you're seeing it in cities all around the country. um i would guess it's
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happening. more restaurants that, um, maybe a little bit pricier or trendier. san francisco restaurants were required to do the same thing during the pandemic, limiting dining time to just two hours as a way to encourage people to not linger and increase their risk of getting the coronavirus. some restaurants have kept that in place in san francisco. i'm not going to call anyone else, but, um, they inform you ahead of time that you only have an hour an hour and a half or whatever, and the minutes is plenty of time. i don't i don't like being told when i can leave the table table, though, but i get it. i get it. and i tell you to listen to sal castaneda. now, if any restaurant makes me feel unwelcome, then i'm just not going to go true. i mean, it's a made my choice to go out to dinner or not. and if restaurant you know, makes you feel like it's a privilege to down there, then i won't accept their
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privilege. right good morning, everyone. let's go out and take a look at the commute here. westbound as you drive up to the bay bridge, you can see that traffic is moving along. okay it's a light day. i think that if you're driving to work today , at least you have the you know, kind of like the benefit of i have to go. but not a lot of other people are going to traffic is light out there. you can see that traffic is moving along pretty well on the san mateo bridge and on the dumbarton bridge. we haven't even spoken about that silicon valley because there's nothing to say here. the freeways are wide open. i like that. 6 19. let's bring roberta gonzalez back in here to talk about the weekend forecast. i was just looking at your traffic before i get to the weather there. i think there was just as many people on the road at at 1 52 o'clock this morning as there is right now. i mean, it's busy overnight. now. busy overnight. yes, it is. i think people are coming in from mountain house and tracy and oh, looks like santa clara valley as well. it looks pretty good there right now, but i'm telling you, i saw a lot of headlights out there
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this morning. people are commuting farther away to come to this. and to enjoy this official sunrise this morning. 6 26 look at that right there. i think it needs in a pretty start your day, and you know what? it's on the mild side as well. we are so much more warmer this morning than 24 hours ago. it is 54 santa rosa. do you remember yesterday at this time it was 39 half moon bay. it was 39 in livermore as well in 39. fairfield this morning. we do have a bit of a breeze in the center rosa area. the wind gets now at nevada at 17. otherwise, all of our reporting stations are sporting winds under 10 mph , but that will change this afternoon with the daytime heating and the winds rotating to the west and northwest. 10 to 20 paul and count will remain the same on the medium to high status. far as your trees are concerned grasses continued to rise area of high pressure continues to nestle into the west coast, diverting storm track while to the north of the bay area end result is as at
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high pressure strengthens. our temperatures are going up. 64 degrees today. m pacifica 2 82 degrees with the warmer weather in our inland areas now. meanwhile, pinpoint your neighborhood 80 degrees in napa through sonoma 77 degrees blacksburg, terror linda marin and marin city across the golden gate bridge. you dropped down to 68 degrees in san francisco mid seventies coming around the peninsula we're talking about atherton, woodside all the way up into belmont and burlingame, east palo alto, palo alto. oh 80 senate, clara valley, 80 to 81 in the tri valley tonight, dipping into the mid and high forties 50 in san jose. your extended forecasts. how about a repeat performance for saturday and then sunday will bump up the cloud cover on the seashore so therefore, that marine layer penetrates the inland areas. very early back. soft temperatures go down just ever so gently and we remain above
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normal on monday and on tuesday, i hope you enjoy your friday. thank you, roberta. you too. alright 6 22 is the time amazon trying to fight back against fake products on its site what the company is doing to try to make sure what you order is not a counterfeit. and a local scientists has received a big honor for her groundbreaking work the recognition she's getting for her breakthroughs made right here in the bay area.
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oh, taking the win with quality top tier gas for less? excellent choice, of course. yeah! you! this road trip is very well planned. yeah, i made a spread sheet. wow...that's...thorough ooooh look snacks! huge win. i could not choose. still a choice, and a good one i hope he got corn nuts. i love corn nuts. yeah, we do. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco.
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ride to the company's twitter blue before elon musk bought twitter for $44 billion in october of last year, a blue checkmark meant that an account had been verified as authentic now with twitter blew anyone who
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pays the $8 monthly fee can get that check mark some users, including high profile celebrities, major news organizations and the white house said that they will not pay a subscription fee and some say they have decided to leave twitter altogether. all the mord gravel under the leadership of ellen must or ownership. elon musk. it just didn't it just gives me less and less confidence that i should return in that space and that that you think you that space is no longer efficient communications tool for someone like me. elon musk says he is paying the subscription fee for some prominent twitter accounts to retain their blue check marks, including writer stephen king, actor william shatner and basketball star lebron james. barea scientist has been named one of time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world , and the creature is a design physicist at lawrence livermore
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national laboratory, who played a key role in a major nuclear fusion breakthrough now last year, creatures expertise helped engineers create the first ever fusion reaction in a laboratory. that produced more energy than it took to start the reaction. so it's sort of analogous to a wright brothers moment where we know now nothing has fundamentally limiting getting fusion energy out in a controlled laboratory setting. um so at the nif. it's a research facility and we're going to continue to study these plasma studied. this stars try to increase the amount of fusion energy output. um and there's many private public partnerships and many different approaches that are all sort of energized by this result, and so we're going to continue to push on all fronts. basically the milestone is considered an important step toward creating limitless clean energy. more layoffs. struggles in the tech industry will tell you how amazon's problems
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leading to cutbacks at whole foods and what it could mean for your grocery store run and new developments in the scandal involving the antioch police department. we're going to hear from people
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♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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pill the decision the u. s supreme court could make as soon as today and many a's fans devastated by the news. e. a's will be leaving the bay area some of the people who were trying to keep the team in oakland are not holding back criticizing the a's. we'll let you hear from from ktvu box. do you live that opening bell on the new york stock exchange, a couple of doubt. companies making headlines this morning. procter and gamble reports first quarter earnings that are even better than analysts expected, and the federal federal judge 4s
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against johnson and johnson involving its talc powder. it's baby powder and cancer concerns. the judge's decision comes as. e those lawsuits. that's helping take stocks up the down news coming in all your business news coming up. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun to cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is a friday it is april 21st. roberta's here has a sunrise as we've been talking about is incredible right now. it feels great outside our studios roberta and people will feel the differences are stepping out the door this morning. it's much more mild than it was 24 hours ago, when we were in the thirties and forties. guys cameras from looks like it might be lick observatory looking out towards the santa clara valley where the visibility is unlimited at this hour looking towards the santa cruz mountain range there and boy, not a cloud in the sky temperature wise. 48 degrees in half moon bay were yesterday at this time is 39 degrees. do you remember? it was also in the
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high thirties and livermore at this time 24 hours ago, but instead 47 degrees, also mid forties and fairfield 54 santa rosa. it is going to pan out to be a fantastic friday. our numbers will beg between 64 degrees at the beaches to 82 degrees away from the bay and inland areas. go ahead and look at your neighborhood. how about hayward 75 castro valley? same san leandro san lorenzo 75 degrees otherwise, 80 and napa and sonoma 77 in san rafael, through mill valley and 76 degrees of mountain view all the way up. the peninsula to honda. full forecast coming up right now. let's send the but the baton over to sell castaneda. alright good morning, roberta. yeah, you know things are doing okay. and there is a little bit of a backup now. the bay bridge, which is not unusual, there's a small backup. i don't think it's going to get much bigger than this. but there is a little bit of a backup here. no problems on the bridge itself. as we look at
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interstate 80 in oakland, it looks good and also the cemetery. elbridge their traffic looks good heading out to the peninsula 6 32. let's get back to the headlines. thank you will happening today, the u. s supreme court will decide whether women can continue to have access to an abortion medication ktvu sally rasmus in the studio now to tell us the medications used by millions o y possibly be blocked. ali. good morning. good morning, dave blocked or limited today sometime before midnight. is when the high court will decide what kind of access women should have to this medicine for now. medicine is called mifepristone . it's a pill originally used as a drug to treat ulcers. but back in 2000, the fda approved it as a drug for first trimester abortions. late last year, an anti abortion group sued to block the use of myth kristen for abortions. earlier this month, a federal judge in texas sided with them. he ruled that the fda didn't have the authority to approve the medication in order to ban
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nationwide within a week. that decision was immediately appealed by the fifth circuit court. they modified the rulings of the drug. is still available right now, but with more restrictions than before. the biden administration in the company that makes smith oppressed own, then appealed that decision to the supreme court on the grounds that the courts don't have the same scientific expertise needed to study how this or any drugs should be used. this is a slippery slope, allowing, um plaintiffs to go after fda approved drugs is something that could be open to any ot if the t should decide that it has superior scientific knowledge without any benefit of research or trials and the rest we have a real problem in our country. so today, the supreme court could rule one of several ways people may be able to continue getting method kristen for now, but with more restrictions than before, or the supreme court justices could allow full access to the drug, while the case is being
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appealed, more than four million women in the us have used this medication to end their pregnancies in the first trimester. it's one of the most common ways to have an abortion. more than half of all the abortions across the us are done with this medication. not surgically, in the wake of this ruling that federal texas federal court rule. bling. california stockpiled about 250,000 doses of a second medication often used myth with mifepristone for abortions and can also be used to end a pregnancy. that second drug is not included in the legal case and should is expected to continue being available. no matter what is decided here. david pam back to you, all right, thank you, ali. we are now hearing from people who say they were victimized by antioch police officers caught up in that text messaging scandal. federal lawsuits been filed against the city. the of antiochus, current and former police chiefs and several police officers. many of the plaintiffs say they were specifically mentioned in racist text messages exchanged by as many as 45 police officers in the
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antiochus alise department. these officers are not only cruel. but are treating humans like pieces of trash comments about my son's head was a bowling ball. that they kicked the field gold. that they were going to shoot them to see the police and feel like i have to hide my key and hide my money and my underwear. to not be robbed, so they don't go in my car and take my possessions out of my car like that's not a good feeling that lawsuit cause for federal oversight of the anti r police department. we are seeking. court monitoring. we need this department to change. it's not going to change by itself. it's proven that also, the lawsuit is seeking damages for the victims of police misconduct. so far, there's no comment from the city of anti accor, the police chief. but the police chief has said in the past he has committed to rebuilding the police department and its culture from the top
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oakland a's fans are devastated that their team is now making plans to move to las vegas the day it has signed a binding agreement to buy land for a new ballpark near the las vegas strip. the team hopes to move into that new stadium in time for the 2027 season. one group of longtime a's fans call themselves oakland 68 reference to the year when the team first began playing at the oakland coliseum. it's a shocking, heartbreaking and, um, and anger , a lot of anger, honestly, and this was another ace fan who sells athletics gear online says he is going to continue to cheer on the team until they're very final game in oakland. this year. we're gonna party we're gonna party until the wheels fall off. and actually, they're already off. so we're riding on rims as it is. the a's could actually be moving to las vegas next year. the team has reportedly sealed the deal and
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to play at its triple a affiliates ballpark in vegas while waiting for that new stadium to be built. um alright , time is 6 37. we're going to get you to where you need to go on a friday morning sounds watching our commutes. uh yes, dave and pam right now we do see that the commute is getting a little busier. still not up to what we have the levels of be on a monday through thursday. there is some slowing at the bay bridge, though at the toll plaza . it's backed up to about the end of that parking lot. and we expect this on fridays. lots of times. fridays commute is just a little bit better. i've been looking around san mateo and dunbarton bridge looked pretty good. and 8 80 is a little slow in hayward 6 80 looks good, and so does the south. they commute and it's relatively quiet on the peninsula, so we're just going to leave it alone. is that like to say, and just watch it for you at 6 37. let's talk about today's weather and here's roberta. want to ask you something? when you were watching the game last night? did you notice the coaches and
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the players were all wearing a number six? yes yes, i did. you know, and i wondered about that. and i didn't. i wasn't curious enough to google it but but, yeah, it's a bill russell is what i'm what i'm finding out. but at the time, though, i didn't know i'm thinking number six. okay, right. that makes sense. i tell the sacramento players wearing it than our players. so i did google it because i'm just that kind of a person. i'm very curious. yeah bill russell. that was really cool that they did that. everybody wanted to talk about our drought report because on this april 21st here is the latest readings here if you look well to the north, siskiyou county and modoc counties, we do still have some abnormally dry conditions. same drill across the southwestern portion of the state. particularly around san bernardino and riverside counties, and also into imperial county. but we are doing just fantastic. cook is my role model and, she says, conserved, conserved, conserved and conserve some more and we will continue to do that. we do have
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official sunrise at 6 26 already happened and this is what will greet you as you're heading on out the door. a few hyphen serious clouds, but that's about it. temperature wise 49 in oakland, 54 now in santa rosa, up 57 already d at the delta in discovery bay and brentwood 47 degrees in redwood city. these temperatures are up to 13 degrees more mild than 24 hours ago. seven degrees warmer and half moon bay. the winds right now up to 12 mph in santa rosa. they're settling in novato. pretty much under 10 mph at all of our reporting stations, especially along the seashore where they are calm, but the winds will blow out of the west 10 to 20 later today and another air low pressure does it rain every day. and the pacific northwest. pretty much we do have this system that will continue to ride into seattle through oregon, and a few of those clouds would drift into our bay area. there. you have it right there by sundown tonight at 7 50 a little bit of
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cloudiness and then on saturday , same drill, you'll wake up to some clouds drifting across the horizon, but mostly sunny skies , high pressure still in command and then by sunday, our ridge of high pressure begins to flatten. and when that happens, we have the encouragement of the marine layer, so that will bring our temperatures down ever so gently, but until then, we are going up. five degrees in court of madeira. five degrees in foster city 10 degrees warmer today and throughout the tri valley, santa clara valley. 81 degrees pinpoint your neighborhood 75 in hayward and across the bay. we have temperatures in the mid in high seventies, anywhere from atherton to woodside, backing all the way up to burlingame, la honda and calm a same drill. 79 degrees cupertino, campbell and also throughout the rose garden district tonight very mild in the forties and fifties. said we'll talk about that five day forecast. david and pam, i promise you that will come up. and just a matter of minutes, roberta. thank you, tommy 6 41
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climate change affecting more than just the oceans and weather to tell you why the experts yeah, it's actually causing changes. in baseball. alright let's check in with garcia for a look at our stories coming up in our next hour of morning sun too. good morning. good morning, you two. i'll join you in studio here in minutes and will focus on what more and more companies are doing, increasing their focus on their workers. mental health coming up in the next hour what employers are now offering to their workers when daily life gets stressful. then netflix is upcoming docudrama. queen cleopatra is sparking uproar in egypt. one egyptian lawyer has taken legal action to block netflix in the country and it's all over the lead actress in the movie coming up, we'll explain.
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days dollars and cents. whole foods announced plans to cut several 100 corporate jobs. it's part of a reorganization plan that will lead to hundreds of layoffs over the next two months. it represents less than half of a percent of the company's global workforce in the company says the layoffs will not affect any of the store or distribution center employees. clorox also announced it will cut nearly 200 jobs. that's the second round of layoffs for the oakland based company after cut about 100 jobs . last september. clorox issued an online statement on thursday announcing the reorganization, saying the cuts are needed to bring products to market faster and meet evolving needs. the cuts equate to about 4% of clorox non production workforce. and amazon, starting a program to track counterfeits. the anti counterfeiting exchange is
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similar to what credit card companies used to find scammers . those who sell on amazon can anonymously add information to a database to flag. those who counterfeit company also says it's working with customs and border protection to identify counterfeit goods. from e commerce shipments. our time is now 6 45. earth day is tomorrow and this year's theme invest in our planet. biologists say it's critical because of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions already threatening where we live in the crops we need to survive. places that used to have ample rain during the growing season, are now suffering droughts and places that used to be drier, are now suffering floods, making it much more difficult to know where and when to plant and rely on crops , so it's becoming really risky to rely on regions that we've been relying on as major sources of food, wildlife experts say. the choices we make every day
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affect the ecosystems around us, like using single use plastic but along with choosing greener transportation and energy options, environmentalists say investing in the planet is an investment in ourselves. the environmental impact of the planet is lessened when people have jobs and opportunities. if we look after each other the plan it's going to be a better place. now you can learn more about how to take action by visiting earth day dot org and the biggest events here in the bay area. tomorrow is earth day. san francisco, the family event from 11 o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the evening in the county fair building in golden gate park. there's also the earth and arbor day festival in cupertino. you can learn about environmental issues that are family friendly event. it will be held in the library, parkfield from 11 until three. and among the other events happening at the east bay
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regional park district, as well as that the guadalupe river park in santa clara. and by the way, these events are free for you to attend. baseball fans could see more home runs thanks to climate change. a dartmouth college study found that warmer temperatures actually contributed to 500 more home runs in major league baseball from 2010 to 2019, but that's less than 1% increase, according to chief meteorologist for sports fantasy website fans should take a look at other scientific connections. the guys swing differently there. swing path is more elevated. they're hitting the ball at a higher trajectory. they're stronger players. faster pitches. harder swings leads to greater explosive force and the ball traveling farther and then just baseball itself, changing the baseball, the stitching and the weight of that baseball. that was little minor alterations to the baseball itself can have huge implications on those home
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run totals. no he says it's great that the study highlights the role of climate change and sports, but hopes that it encourages people to see the greater impact. interesting sal some of those balls land in the official south seat at the ball park they have, although now that they have the net up. yeah they it has to be a different kind of has to go up and then down. yeah used to be that before they had that net up. you could get a screamer right at you. not great. yeah, that's not great. now it's people have to be paying attention, but now they have the net. so that's actually pretty good. in my opinion. this is a look at westbound howie four. a little slow traffic there coming into pittsburgh with the rest of the contra costa commute, including martinez and concord, walnut creek, hercules enrichment, all looking good getting out to the bay bridge you get to san francisco or to the census co approach. there is a little bit of a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. once you get into san francisco, it looks okay.
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looks like right now in oakland. it's looking good. we've been checking. also i know that on weekends, people like to fly away. we haven't heard of any major air system delays this morning case. you're taking that flight somewhere. san mateo bridge looks pretty good. and so does that dumbarton bridge. public transit systems are uneventful. just the way we like it running as normal. 6 49. let's bring roberta back here. and talk about today's weather. hey do you have any weekend plans? i'm just chilling, roberta chilling like a villain, as they say, like a villain. no watching that game on sunday. okay there you go. well i'll be right there with you. except not in your man cave. all right. i've got a big thing going on tomorrow morning, and i hope you can join me. it's the best buddies friendship walk, and it will take place at the tea garden drive. in golden gate park. the opening ceremonies are at 8 30 in the morning. if you want more information, it's best buddies. friendship walk dot org
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slash san francisco and please join us. we're gonna have so much fun out there been involved with best buddies for a couple of decades now, actually, and real good people and support our community. alright look at how flat the waters are at the estuary outside the gate. we go today we do have a small craft advisory in place. onshore 53 degrees. is in san francisco. check out the temperatures in the north bay low and mid fifties when yesterday we're in the high thirties and low forties 49 now in throughout castro valley, 52. near the airport in 46, fremont. new work and union city. yes poland is a problem. it's because of the tree count on the medium to high site, okay, mulberry tree, but the grass is that's what always gets me. it's the grasses. and today i know i have to go to, uh, a seven year old baseball game and there's grass on the baseball field. right? so i will be prepared. alright everybody take a look at this. we have stormont as well to the north of us one after another, not begin to push down on the ridgee
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coastal cloudiness and slightly cooler temperatures. but until them high pressure strengthening additional warming takes place today and tomorrow, in fact, the warmest temperature so far this spring, we know easter hit 80 degrees in limb. this is going to be even warmer. in fact, 95 today in palm springs, it's currently 57 degrees in los angeles going up too high today of 88 degrees and in the high sierra, currently 27 degrees at 6200 ft around the rim of the lake tahoe shore, and we do have temperatures in the mid and high fifties. we already are seeing some slow snowmelt. so we'll keep a watchful eye on that. also on this, you're going to hear about some severe weather activity and throughout the deep south and the eastern seaboard over the weekend. this is a strong front line. its severity as far as thunderstorms are concerned around tornado alley
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back at the ranch 82 in santa rosa 80 tri valley, 77 redwood city, so sixties beaches seventies bayside eighties away from the bay again, a west wind up to 20 at times repeat performance for your saturday gradual cooling on sunday, but when we take a look at these temperatures still in the seventies that's still above average. dave i hope you have a wonderful weekend. thank you. roberta you two time is 6 53 artificial intelligence, making a big impact on just about everything. now the movie industry is using it coming up in the next hour. some of the elements you'll see in movies created by artificial intelligence. and there's something new in san francisco and the continuing debate over renovating the iconic castro theater. the businesses nearby supporting changes in the movie theater. that would change most of the buildings. interior.
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risen sentence of former thoroughness executive sunny alwani has begun. he surrendered yesterday at the los angeles county federal prison. but while he was sentenced to 12 years and
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nine months for defrauding investors and patients in that silicon valley blood testing startup company and next week taiwanese former girlfriend baroness founder elizabeth holmes is scheduled to go to prison. oakland police say there's been a spike in the number of armed robberies and carjackings across the city, and they call it an alarming increase have been several reports of people using their card to intentionally crashed into another vehicle and then robbing the driver. authorities say these crimes have happened at varying hours. they say. you should really keep your eyes open for suspicious activity. in san francisco, a group of san francisco business owners are supporting the plan to renovate the historic castro theater. it's right in the heart of the castro district. it opened 101 years ago. more than 100. local business owners have signed a petition supporting a plan by the current owner of the castro theater. another planet
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entertainment, wants to make changes in the seeding that would allow for more concerts and other live event at the theater. when they brought in concerts and things like that, you hear the younger generation of the neighborhood getting excited. critics of the plan stage a saved the seats protests , saying these proposed changes would destroy the historic character of the movie theater. those critics have the support of san francisco's land use committee. however supporters of the renovation projects say this debate is far from over. the board of supervisors does not have to accept the recommendation from the land use committee and then beyond that, it's up to i believe the permanent department to make the ultimate decision and they also could choose to disregard the inclusion of fixed seats and the sloped floor. the land use committee is due to take a final vote on monday. when these proposed changes time is 6 58
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about 20,000 people gathered and hippie hill in golden gate park for san francisco's annual 4 20 celebration is a date cannabis s circle on their calendars and the highlight of yesterday's 4 20 celebration came at 4 20 in the afternoon. in past man enjoy . let's let's enjoy your life, which is 4 20 man with all my ancestors, you know my peoples make sure enjoy. well, you know , organizers state 4 20 has become one of san francisco's most popular cultural events, giving a huge economic boost to the city. we're bringing a lot of tourism coming right at the same time, but we're supporting a lot of these local businesses out of the vendors here that are all local equity. the natives, by the way, is the second year that the city has allowed the
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sale and consumption of cannabis at the celebration. and because of that, the 4 20 celebration on hippie hill is restricted to people who were aged 21 or older. transition. golden state warriors bounce back and win game three of the playoffs at chase center with the team says it has to do to continue to the next round. this week, bart marked some of its highest ridership days yet since the start of the pandemic, but the totals are still far below where they were three plus years ago. what's being done to get more people back on bark? the new details on a man accused in the deadly stabbing of bob lee in san francisco what we've learned about his violent past. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome back and good morning. i'm dave clark. it is a friday. it's april 21st.
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and i think the weather may


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