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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 18, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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be walking by the side show. yeah and we didn't want to make that mistake. there was side shows all across the bay area over the weekend, and police are worried there will be even more as the weather continues to get better. mm aerating the moment of massive 7.9 earthquake hit san francisco in 19. oh, six. city leaders are marking 117 years since that earthquake plus referees just watch it. i gotta land my foot somewhere. golden state warriors star draymond green, ejected from last night's playoff game after he stepped on a sacramento kings player. look at what led to the incident that could have him suspended for game three of this series. then federal and state taxes are due today. but don't worry, not for most californians, local professor says you should still file as soon as possible, even though the i r s, has given a six month extension for all bay area counties. from ktvu. fox
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two news. this is morning's onto good morning and welcome back and welcome back to be a good morning. i'm dave clark tuesday morning. it's april 18th gasia is ready. and so is steve steve the sky the way it opened up this morning, very inviting good air quality. good visibility just not very warm, but we had rain overnight and now some cool temperatures are settling in apollo alto is down to 40 degrees. santa rose is at 39. livermore is still 43 degrees san jose and san francisco as you might imagine, a little bit warmer. there. there there. you can see that our system went through, leaving behind. mostly clear skies are a few partly cloudy kind of dancing around a little bit, but it'll be blowing in the wind again as the breeze kicks in from the north northwest, chilly morning. mostly sunny, though good air quality. as we said good visibility is not very warm. fifties to very low sixties. alright sounds here. 701 san mateo bridge. you know, it's slow on that san mateo bridge, steve. it's a good place to
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start. why don't we start there and i'll show you that it is going to be slow across that span. there was an earlier slow moving vehicle, and it's also you know, it's just one of those things where sometimes it just gets slow all the way across span. babe raises a little better. that's more predictable that's backed up for about a 15 minute delay. and then when you get onto the bridge, it moves well, there haven't been any problems on that span. when we come back, we'll take a look more at that east bay commute and dive into the south bay. but now it's 701. let's get right back to the headlines. thank you, sal. today is the 117th anniversary of the great 19 oh six earthquake in san francisco. earlier this morning, they were commemorative events marking the exact moment that earthquake struck. katie's james torres live in the city here to tell us how people taking part in today's events that it is so important to remember the history of the city even as obviously rebuilding is complete. good morning to you. obviously no one today is alive from that disaster more than 117 years ago, but a number of people, dozens gathered around
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this fire hydrant here next to delores park in the mission all each telling their stories of their grandparents or their great grandparents, each playing a role in the city's response back then one man i spoke to says his grandfather was a fire captain. and dedicated painting this golden hydrant to him. he fought the fire out here in the mission. um where my father was born in july of 19. oh, six on shotwell between 22nd and 23rd. and that's how the tradition here around a fire hydrant works near dolores park. it's a symbol of one of the few hydrants that still work that still had water flowing during the large outbreak of fires during the disastrous earthquake measured about 7.9 magnitude early in the morning city leader spoke at lot of spouting another icon of san francisco's earthquake history. it's one of the only structure is still remaining from the quake, and it was under former
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mayor willie brown's leadership that water now flows through the fallon. he and other leaders earlier this morning say if the quake happened today, we'd be prepared. the city is prepared not would be prepared. the city literally is prepared and it comes from not only 19 oh, six. but it comes from subsequent occasion when other disasters have visited the city. taking back live out here in the city of san francisco. right here. this golden fire hydrant here. people will tell their stories. they spray a little paint on there, and that's kind of how things wrapped up about 30 minutes ago. emergency officials were also at the ceremonies this morning. they say, well, it's meant to remember the past. it's also meant to look ahead to the future, the city's department of emergency management says that they will actually be holding events all week long to remind people how to prepare properly for that next big disaster. this morning in san francisco. i'm
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james torres, ktvu fox two news happening today. the chp in fremont police have scheduled a joint news conference to reveal more information about a freeway shooting that killed a five year old girl happened 10 days ago on southbound 80 near the dixon landing road exit. little eliana was shot to death while she was with her family driving to a birthday party. investigators say they think the shooter's thought they had opened fire on rival gang members. the three people accused in that deadly shooting are said to appear in court thursday for a plea hearing. they were arrested just hours after the attack, and they're now facing murder charges. one of the men under arrest emanuel sarang, go appeared in east bay courtroom yesterday, a judge ordered him held without bail. today the oakland city council is set to vote on extending the city's eviction moratorium that's set to end at the end of the month. a council committees already approved a plan to extend the board tory until july. 15th to help renters affected by economic hardship. extra time will allow tenants rights groups sometime to educate and get support for both renters and property owners. if approved, it
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will also add new permanent tenant protections to help avoid a surgeon evictions. alright our time now 705 this coming thursday the warriors will be hosting the sacramento kings chase center and the warriors and their fans are hoping some good home cooking will help them make a comeback in their playoff series. the warriors now trail the series two games to none they lost last night in sacramento. 1 14 to 1. oh, six. now in the first quarter, the warriors jumped out to a first quarter lead, but those young hungry upstart kings battle back their point guard. the erin fox , who's so far is the star of this series just lit up. without the being man. the scoreboard he had 24 points, nine assists, five rebounds. the warriors may feel like they let another one just slip away. they committed 22 turnovers. biggest lesson is just how do we control the momentum early? knowing that
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they're you know, young athletic there. trying to play with force . so now it's a matter of going home and licking our wounds a little bit, and we get a little rest with a couple of days in between games and we go home and take care of our home court coach. this is the first time the warriors have lost consecutive playoff games since 2019 in the nba finals. this coming thursday night, the warriors will be back at chase center in san francisco for game three, and we should find out later today whether warriors star draymond agree it will be playing in game three of the series. he was ejected last night during the incident during an incident involving sacramento center. this is a big deal everybody's talking about, and ktvu is andre seniors here in the studio now with more on this part of the playoffs store watching that video is really intense, right? yeah, so it happened seven minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, steph curry had just grabbed the defensive rebound, and it turned to head up the floor. and that
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is when draymond green stomped on the chest there in this video of king center demands bonus, the kings player was clearly in pain easily on the floor. he did manage to finish the game, and the bonus later underwent x rays for his ribs and lungs that came back negative. he's scheduled to undergo more tests. later today . after the game, green discussed the incident that led to his flagrant two foul and automatic ejection and now a possible suspension. my leg got grabbed second time in two nights. referees just watch it. i gotta land my foot somewhere. i'm not the most flexible person, so it's not stretching that far. draymond sabonis was called for a technical foul for the they're grabbing greens leg , but the king center views this incident. it's just part of postseason basketball fans. this is it. you know, we're here to fight, you know, so every time we step on the floor, we're going to get everything for our
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for our teammates and the franchise. you have any animosity about what happened there? you know, we're both fighting for the rebound. you know, we found each other stuff happened. basketball. we got to move on. earlier in the game, green was seen yelling at king's friends who were heckling him with derogatory chance the nba will now decide whether green should be fined or suspended for the incident. green has already been suspended three times during his nba career and warriors fans remember green ignited controversy back in october when he punched his teammate, jordan pool green was fine, but not to spend it for that incident, gasia andre senior. thank you. warriors fans say they think the team can still come back and take the series. although they were outnumbered nations still showed up last night at sacramento's golden one center cheering on their team. the result wasn't what they wanted, but ben said it was still great to watch their team on the road. had to be part of history, the most expensive game for the opening round. so how to make sure that
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i was here? did you feel in the pocketbook? of course. absolutely absolutely. but you only live once and i can't take it away with me. we met warriors fans from all across the bay, including daly city, lafayette's and ramon and suisun city. time now is 709. and we do have a look at the bay bridge if you're driving into san francisco today, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise looks pretty good . now the same mateo bridge is a little bit slower than normal. this will probably start clearing up, but there was a stalled vehicle on the west end . as you get the fastest city. they cleared it. but things are beginning to loosen up. if you have time to wait. it might be better for you to wait and you can see right there that the same mateo bridge has a lot of red on it from that earlier problem, but look at the dumbarton bridge. that's much better if you can choose between the two. also looking at san jose, we had an earlier motorcycle accident north dont wanna wanted 8 80 that's been cleared up now there was a little bit residual delay. the saturday is not all that slow right now getting into that west
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valley. 7 10. let's go back to the desk. all right, sal. thank you. well even more advancements in artificial technology. but there are concerns there hasn't been enough testing over expanding its use in society coming up. we'll tell you why. the ceo of google warns about a black box effect where the problems with they could be found too late. oakland teachers are voting whether to authorize a strike. why they are so frustrated with the district and how soon a strike could happen.
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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this is for hundreds of millions of americans, but not for most californians. that's because the i r s gave us six month extension the file taxes to people who live in 55 of california's 58 counties, and that includes all of the bay area accountings. that extension is because of all the hardships caused by the severe storms we had earlier this year so we don't have to file our taxes, make tax payments or even filed for that extension. however san jose state finance professor says a lot of people may still want to file as quickly as possible. people should be paying attention. if you've got a refund coming. get that return files. you might as well get the money and take advantage of it. also if you just don't want to
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wait until october, 16th you want to get it done. do that, um, you don't have to wait till october. 16th you can get it filed before then, but certainly check if you're getting a refund, you get get the return filed. now the extension applies to both federal and state tax returns. but if he worked out of state or you moved here part way through last year, you'll still have to pay by today or filed for that extension. otherwise you have until october, 16th to file your taxes, teachers in the oakland unified school district or voting on whether to hold a strike. the teachers have been without a contract since last october. we'll take a strike vote for the next week, and that could lead to walk out before the end of this school year. teachers say they're frustrated by recent cuts to staffing levels and say the school board isn't willing to address teacher pay. many oakland parents say they're standing by the teachers. you need to stand in support of oakland teachers because we believe teachers are the core of our students education and they fight for students every day in the
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classroom. the school district posted a statement to facebook, saying it is committed to reaching an agreement to avoid a strike. starting pay for a teacher in oakland, by the way is $63,000 a year time now. 7 15 thousands of student workers employed by cal state university took a big step towards forming a union workers filed a petition with the state public employment relations board. these workers represent mon academic jobs, including lavish system, said dormitory front desk workers. the csu employees union supports that effort. we hear common issues from student workers earn minimum wage. their hours are kept at 20 a week. they have no health care or sick time off. keep in mind their employer is a public university charged with opening doors for californians of limited means through education. now the student workers are waiting to hear from the employment relations board on whether they can move ahead with their vote to unionize
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effort in san francisco to make use of vacant storefronts to attract more people to the downtown district through a city sponsored program called vacant , vibrant small businesses or cultural organizations can apply to use vacant spaces downtown for temporary installations. it's like businesses or receive grants of up to $8000 and help in getting the necessary permits . program also covers rent for up to three months. time is 7 16 all across california. flowers are just blooming. you've seen them after all the rain we had at the beginning of the year, but these beautiful visuals can also mean you know more allergies. so we start seeing a lot of obstruction of the nose pressure in the face sinus infections and then we started seeing even, you know, upticks in asthma symptoms like difficulty breathing wheezing. all of this is allergy related. so many of the people we know have this problem. doctors say this super bloom season may last into the fall, and if you suffer
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from allergies, you should stock up on anna histamines. maybe even try a nasal irrigation program. also you can talk to your doctor about getting an allergy shot. to get some longer lasting help. thank goodness those flowers are so pretty or else it wouldn't be. we wouldn't know. i know. let's get you out the door here. let's see if the traffic is heating up as we would expect it to this time of the morning south. yes it is gasia and dave. it is a little bit more crowded if you're driving into san francisco, it looks about what you'd expect. it's about a 10 to 15 minute. wait on the bridge. it's crowded , but there are no major issues . i watched the bridge pretty closely because if something as you know, if something happens on the bridge, it affects a lot of other commutes. right now. there's nothing going on there. san mateo bridge. we had an earlier crash. it's been cleared and things are beginning to get a little better. you can tell by the road sensors, though that's still plenty of slow traffic, trying to get to the same tale bridge before you actually get on it. once you get on it, it
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looks better. dumbarton bridge is a good alternate at 7 18. you know, steve, we're talking about allergies. one thing that i can never do so i can never pop a benadryl and do this job because i wonder why i would just be like i couldn't do it. i would just be groggy. so there you go, man. there's traffic out there. a man dude, that's pretty far out. thank you, sir. i understand. mm. we had rain last night, and it came down pretty good briefly, and then that was it for most locations, but our good friend laura wish for storm. you've had plenty of this year, laura adding beautiful moroccan there. good morning sp. it really poured for a little while. last night 13 1 hundreds in the rain gauge. yes mount diablo point to one cassandra point to dillon beach. mount tam milpitas both had 16 100, miles leader. picked up 15 1 hundred's some okay, amount we projected about 1/10 of an inch, so maybe it's slightly over. achieved here. bennett valley 14, 100 folio 12 ross moore st mary's college, both had 11 1 hundred's
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crockett napa airport point. oh, nine. canfield petaluma 0.8 to name a mini that we're in this range along with san jose and sonoma 0.7. water temp san francisco bowie back down to 49 cold cold degrees. a couple of people have asked me does this snow melt when the water flows? does this have an impact on the sea surface temperatures? no. it is moderated by the delta, and then by the time it reaches here, it's moderate. it does prove provide a very cold layer, especially if you're out of the delta. you don't have to go down very far to find a cold layer, but this is all generated by northwest wind on the coast, which which gives us the upwelling 39. there's a lot of 39. petaluma is in here. santa rosa is in there. no castro valley's at 39 is closed for a couple of others. one creeks at 41 degrees 40 to san carlos sunnyvale is at 42. woodside has dipped to 39. atherton and stanford are both right there at 40 43 pillar point. san carlos 42 los altos 42 menlo park also
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at 42, some light snow up in the mountains, trucking and south like tower 25 uk. speaking of 39. they were in there. the most rain and most activity was off the north coast north coast of mendocino coast, fort bragg picked up a half injury. look at all the lightning strikes. every did not materialize over us. it was just to the north. the low up in the pacific northwest is keeping an unseasonably cool pattern over us. but the rain has ended and we will have mostly sunny skies, but not very warm. after today, though, attempts begin to bump up and they'll really bump up thursday, friday and saturday. beautiful steve paulson. thank you, 7 20. now california strawberry growers were devastated by months of rain and extreme flooding. but now strawberry season is finally underway. how long it could last after a delayed start, also berkeley's first in the nation ban on natural gas was rejected by the federal appeals court after the break, we'll tell you who the appeals court agreed with instead. and the reason why
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oh, taking the win with quality top tier gas for less? excellent choice, of course. yeah! you! this road trip is very well planned. yeah, i made a spread sheet. wow...that's...thorough ooooh look snacks! huge win. i could not choose. still a choice, and a good one i hope he got corn nuts. i love corn nuts. yeah, we do. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco.
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"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together lowe's knows you never come in for just one thing. so we've got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. like what makes your lawn thrive, paint that adds color in one coat and a dishwasher that handles all the dirty work. you got this. and we got you. illinois is in the middle. and what do you find in the middle? the meeting point of humanity and history.
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it's the middle of the architectural revolution. welcome to the middle of everything. the measure took effect in 2020 was intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. researchers in canada may have found a way to scrub forever chemicals from tap water forever chemicals or hazardous compounds that can live in the environment for years, and they're difficult
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to get rid of they've been linked to infertility, thyroid problems in some kinds of cancer. researchers say they've developed a filter that can remove the chemicals at a fast rate. that's the technology must now be tested on a larger scale our time now, 7 24 years tube just announced new guidelines on howard handles content related to eatin its rules that ban content that either promotes or glorifies on healthy eating, and that includes purging after you eat or bullying based on disorders that can be eaten. easily imitated, especially by young people. some videos may also be restricted the only people age 18 or older. two of the bay area's biggest names in tech are now weighing in on the growing concerns about artificial intelligence. following incredible advances in just the past year, many people are worried that ai could get out of control. google is one of the growing number of companies now investing billions in a i it
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is an aspect of this, which we call all of us in the field called as a black box you don't fully understand. and you can't quite tell why it said this or why it got wrong. you don't fully understand how it works. and yet you've turned it loose on society. let me put it this way. i don't think we fully understand how human mind works, either. a recent study found that google currently account for 90% of all internet searches . company's ceo says that artificial intelligence is going to bring those searches to a whole new level this year. the owner of twitter and tesla. elon musk says he thinks artificial intelligence has a clear liberal bias, says he plans to create a more conservative alternative alcohol for more government regulations of artificial intelligence. in an interview last night on fox news time now. 7 26 are violent home invasion robbery in san bruno, and it was caught here on camera. we'll tell you about the value of items of stolen as police
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continue to search for suspects , and the gop says it will block a plan to replace senator dianne feinstein on a key senate committee. the lawmakers who are pushing back
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city of antiochus after a new report finds even more racist text messages sent by members of the anti akp alise department will tell you what community activists plan to do today is a demand police reforms and accountability. and growing frustration in oakland's fruitvale neighborhood about how the city deals with crime and public safety. the idea is now on the table to improve life in the fruitvale district. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning to you. thank you for joining us and welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian it's tuesday, april 18th chili again. why it is called us yesterday. steve paulson. i think i know where the trend is going. it's going to warm up, but it will be a few days. yes, today's cold, no doubt about it for us here for this time of year, a lot of thirties here. i did put a graphic together, but i just thought i'd show you
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areas to the north. there are many scores, of course, mendocino county lake county but sonoma that 39 valeo san anselmo , fairfax point reyes station, rohnert park, sebastopol. cloverdale windsor healdsburg and has a lot of 30 showing up here. in fact, i think cordelia 39 was a record low for the date . our system went by, gave about 1/10 to a quarter of an inch and it's clear the area some we'll get some partly cloudy skies. but a little bit of a breeze will kick in later today. so blowing in the wind cold morning, at least for now. clearing mostly sunny, breezy at times highs well below average. but after today they will start to warm up right over to salad 7 30 in the morning. a bridge toll plaza somewhere else. you know, i think since you asked so nicely, steve, i'm going to do that first. i you know, i always throw it in somewhere. everyone wants to know. so we'll start there and westbound bay bridge is backed up all the way out to the maze. it should get better. just based on the fact there haven't been any crashes on the span. and this the rush hour just kind of moves through. if you wait till nine or so it
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should be a much better commute. even if you're in the carpool lanes. it's already pretty good. san mateo bridge recovering from some earlier issues, we've talked a little bit about some of the other commutes. highway four is still slow in contra costa county. that's a pretty big one eastbound highway four has a slowdown. approaching ante up because of a crash coming out there. we'll talk more about that and more about 6 80 in just a few minutes, but now it's 7 31. let's go back to the desk. alright, sal. thank you, well happening today of march and rally planned outside of the anti aqua lease headquarters demanding police reforms. it's all a response to a second report from the contra costa county da's office about racist text messages allegedly sent by more than a dozen police officers. ktvu sally rasmus here now you have details. ali good morning. good morning, dave. well, what we can expect this afternoon is a group of people to gather outside the police headquarters around three o'clock this afternoon. they'll have a demonstration here to protest and called for some
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serious reforms to the police department. then the organizers say the plan is to march from here over to any ox city hall ahead of a city council meeting tonight. the antioch police department is under investigation by the fbi and the contra costa district attorney's office. for the sending in exchanging of dozens of racist, homophobic and misogynistic texts between officers, a report revealing many of those text was made public last week and yesterday a 2nd 14 page report with more offensive texts, was released to the public by the contra costa county district attorney's office. many of the texts are too disturbing for us to repeat on the air here, but generally speaking, they included racial epithets and officers bragging about beating up black men they'd arrested and kicking them in the head. john burroughsice in the past and says the officers texts reveal a larger problem within the department. these options get terminated, and it may be that it's so infiltrated the department in terms of this
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nastiness about it. that whole department needs to be taken over. it may be that outside agency needs to come in, uh and the policing, and so they can start a new contra costa county's public defender says criminal cases that police have investigated need to start a new . she called on the da's office to throw out all pending cases investigated by the department. the da's office met to discuss that possibility and released this statement in response, saying, quote once we've identified those cases and any overlapping conflicts, we will initiate a detailed review process for potential dismissal. re sentencing or the preservation of convictions, nearly a quarter of the eniac police departments forces on paid leave because of thisst ths of this department. the police chief has apologized to the community. the mayor mayor has called for the firing of the officers involved in this and we've reached out to the mayor this morning to get more common
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and we are waiting to hear back. but again three o'clock this afternoon is when protesters and community members plan to have a rally. outside antioch police headquarters 11 eniac, ali rasmus ktvu box teunisse. thank you more than 100. people in oakland's fruitvale district met with city leaders looking for ways to reduce crime in the neighborhood. they say they want more police officers, especially bilingual officers patrolling the area. they also suggested closing east 12th street two cars along a quarter mile stretch of road that's been the site of many violent incidents. the ceo of the unity council, said his group has hired private armed security guards to help increase safety. i think the merchants are really appreciate it because they're getting more and more customers, especially in the evening and everything, so it's definitely had an impact. he says the service costs the council $55,000 a month and it's not a long term solution. leaders with bart say they're making sure broken security cameras get replaced, and they've increased the number of officers at the fruitvale
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getting him out of foot. city council member noel gayo said that oakland police should put a new substation in the fruitvale district help crack down on gang violence. there was also a call for more neighborhood meetings with police time now, 7 35 in san bruno police. they're still searching for three gunmen wanted to rip violent home invasion robbery. it was all captured on home surveillance video here. the victim says three gunmen broke into his home beat him with their guns, ordered him to open his safe and tied him up with zip ties. he also says they were repeatedly threatened to kill her is a robbed and ransacked his home. this is the most traumatic experience over the three something that i would love wish online on any of my enemies. this is this is something that's evil. roberts then escape was stolen cash jewelry in the families to english bulldog puppies. police in san bruno
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want to hear from anybody who may have information in this case and the woman in los gatos , known as the party mom could plead guilty to the charges against her. according to the mercury news, shannon o. connor asked the judge during yesterday's court appearance. what's said, and she would get if she pleaded guilty. o'connor is charged with child endangerment, furnishing liquor to minors, child molestation and sexual battery. prosecutors say she hosted parties for her teenage son and his high school friends. she's due to go back to court on friday renovations at the castro theater in san francisco may be put on hold. a city committee designated 800 seats in the theater's orchestra section as part of the buildings , historic landmark status. that could mean those seats must be part of the finished project if a second vote next week has the same result. the company that owns the theater had proposed replac seats with motorized platforms that could make the theater more versatile,
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including a standing room only space. more hearings are expected before a final decision is made. your time is 7 37 fans of the oakland a's are organizing a reverse boycott, calling attention to their frustration with the direction of the team. the goal is to show the ownership at the fan base is willing to support the team, but they want the team's owners to invest more money in players, salaries and approved the amenities at the stadium fans plan to pack the ballpark on june 13th with the aids will be hosting the tampa bay rays. the aids, by the way, regularly finished with one of the lowest attendance numbers in baseball. jose police are working to track down some people who participated in side shows last weekend. police say there were at least three side shows in the city. they're looking for drivers, people who wrote in the cars and spectators. san jose has ordinances that allow anyone involved to be arrested and prosecuted for participating in an illegal activity. in oakland,
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spectators lit fires underneath the interstate 8 80 jumped to the flames. oakland councilman noel gayo says he'll introduce new legislation to bend sideshow activity, but says it won't include penalties for spectators. my city council members felt that you know, we're gonna being violation or make mistakes by targeting people that were just happened to be walking by the side show. yeah and we didn't want to make that mistake. they were side shows across the bay area this past weekend. police are concerned there will be even more as the weather continues to improve. time is 7 38 that leads us right to south castaneda. everybody behaving for you out there on the road south. yeah, you know, there is, uh there are a couple of things, though, that are slowing traffic down. we have to start in contra costa county. we had a crash westbound for east of summers ville road. uh, and the crash also is affecting eastbound traffic as you head out toward any hockey eastern part of antioch, westbound for is still slow in
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the area here as you drive if you're driving on 80 westbound between hercules and berkeley slow and now in novato, nevada to san rafael, sat down one to want to getting into the act. south bay commute is getting slower as well. all those freeways again. this is just pretty typical delay. bay bridge has not cleared up. so if you're waiting for that clear up, it will probably happen in the next hour. i don't think it will happen before eight o'clock. san mateo bridge is improving after an earlier collision that's gone and things are much better than they were. 7 39. let's talk about today's weather. here's steve. thank you. after overnight rain we have cleared out and lows have been dropping here. back into the thirties again. boy, we've had more thirties this month and i can remember a long time woodside dropped to 30. this is the 39 low club here. woodside cordelia , boulder creek, castro valley sonoma vallejo rohnert park in san anselmo. i have it on authority that that cordelia cordelia 39 is a record low for the date about that. we are
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running cooler. by what 27 degrees. yeah. seven degrees cooler. petaluma petaluma also nevado. so if it feels cold, and you it is and we've also had some colder temps. jeannie smith having pen grove are roller coaster ride with the morning since we are currently at 36 cold degrees. we also had rain the amount diablo 21 100, casada 0, 2/10, dillon beach and mount tam 16 £100 veeder 15. 100 about in line with what we've we showed about it. we said 1/10 of an inch. maybe there might be some around two tents and that's what we had. bennett valley 14 100, phileo 12 ross more 11. crockett was closed two point. oh, nine. kent field, petaluma, san jose and sonoma 90.72 point. oh eight. look at those water temps san francisco, but we 49ers cold cold degrees. 50th bodega bay as long as these water taps stay in this range once we get some seventies, inland fog is not far away. that is a huge driver for the fog machine. once we get to not only april, but may and june here,
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there's santa rosa. also in a 39 degrees a lot of low forties here mid forties, but i think that we bottom down on the temps snow made it up in the mountains again as sugar bowl had five inches of new snow overnight. thirties forties hit southern california. then it's 50 sixties . numerous lightning strikes off the north coast and mendocino coast. heaviest rain was in mendocino county, fort bragg and a half inch of rain but as you saw dropped off pretty fast once it got down here, but this is unseasonably cool air masses in place, and it's not budging until after today. then it will start to modify 50 sixties on the temps tomorrow cold again. and then we'll start to see warmer temps specially by friday and saturday again. okay, steve . thank you time 7 42 plans in the words would you believe for an overnight train service details of the california startup company working on a private night train service between san francisco and los angeles straight out to our newsroom now, good morning again to andre senior. as you're looking ahead to the next couple of hours of mornings on two. good morning, watery eye, sneezing and coughing. if you
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suffer from allergies, it's that time of the year again. coming up at eight how to survive the peak of the spring allergy season and later on the nine. ap exams are weeks away. it can be stressful time for high school students getting ready for college and expert joins us to talk about the impact these tests have on college applications, and our students can mentally and emotionally prepare. stay with us. i'm orlando and i'm living with hiv. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete long-acting
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hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. now when i have people over, hiv pills aren't on my mind. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. it feels good to just live in the moment. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about cabenuva today. next on behind the series... let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled. the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget about the boss. sometimes- you just want to eat your heroes.
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the subway series. the greatest menu of all time.
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rarely. senator dianne feinstein on a key senate commit. er, senate majority leader chuck schumer and other leaders of the democrats want to move ahead with the plan to change who sits on the senate. you just sheree committee as senator feinstein recovers from a shingles infection, but they're going to need republican votes to do that , and that's not expected to happen. she's hopeful on returning soon. we think the republicans should allow a temporary replacement until she returns. several prominent republican senators say they would fight plans that temporarily swap out senator feinstein, including texas senator john cornyn, a top member of the senate judiciary committee, and tennessee senator marsha blackburn tweeted. i will not go along with chuck
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schumer's plan to replace senator feinstein on the judiciary committee and then packed the courts with activist judges. and whenever one side needs something from the other, they always want something in return. and so there's no real impetus were incentive for the republicans to do anything for them and for the democrats, and i would think if the shoe was on the other foot, the democrats won't do anything without something in return from the republicans. thumb report progressive democrats, including south way, congressman ro khanna have been calling on senator feinstein to step down since she's missed more than 50 votes. during your absence, they say the absence of senator feinstein is putting the agenda of president biden in jeopardy. time now, 7 47. if you hate to fly, there's talk of a new restful way to go from san francisco to los angeles. big earnings reports coming in this morning impacting the markets as
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well has been watching all this in the newsroom back in the studio here with dollars and cents, some of those big first quarter earnings coming in while street is definitely watching johnson and johnson and bank of america reported good numbers for the quarter of a benefited from higher interest rates. johnson and johnson reports strong growth in its key businesses, all of them consumer health. pharmaceuticals and medical devices. however as that opening bell rang this morning, goldman sachs stock headed down about 2.5% after its earnings report was disappointing for the quarter that's contributing to the dow loss as we take you live to the new york stock exchange, the dow jones now down about a third of a percent 130 points there. the s and p 500, also down slightly same for the nasdaq. it was up most of the morning but now turned negative as well. a new survey says high inflation is likely to continue to impact americans financial services company bankrate found many americans are saving less than they did in previous years
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. two thirds of those surveyed said that they are now taking money from their rainy day funds to pay for pricier everyday items. these actions could certainly have long term effects on american households, even after inflation starts to decrease a bit. consumers say the cost of groceries and rent having the biggest impact. a major investment banking firm, predicting the future of artificial intelligence and its place among american workers to goldman sachs. economists report two out of every three jobs could be affected by a i to some degree, the economists say up to half of the 900 occupation study that they studied have some workloads that can be replaced. the economists also say increased automation will not necessarily lead to layoffs. most industries are likely to have complementary rather than complete replacement, ai. and there is a plan for a private train to offer overnight service between san francisco and los
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angeles in the early stages, but in orange county company called dream star line says it would be the first night train on those rails since 1968 trains would leave at about 10 o'clock at night and arrived at 8 30 the following morning in los angeles. passengers could sleep during that 470 mile trip that would follow the route used by amtrak coast starlight service during the day. union pacific, which owns some of the tracks, says dream star has made contact with them, but everything again still in the early stages. i'm pam cook. that's look at your dollars and cents. i don't like that time now, 7 49, but we're now in california's strawberry season. the long, rainy cold weather we had delayed the strawberry season for several weeks, hurting the finances of growers. but now that the weather is getting warmer, better growing conditions are allowing those strawberries. stands to finally open. business has been great picking up more and more every day and easter
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weekend was fantastic. we've been getting a lot of feedback that they're just so happy. we're open again and the farmers say since the strawberry season began later this year, it should last into october. there is nothing more i love watson ville . i mean, like, even on the coast. i mean solid. we could talk forever about just the local farmers markets, but they have the offer. i went to pick cherries once. because yeah, because i think you had done it before every mother's day. it is so cool. yeah and there were a lot of cherry casualties even before i got him into the basket , right? so if you as well, exactly good morning, everyone. hey, let's go out and take a look at contra costa county and highway four, slow at through antioch's getting out towards the conquered areas. still, 6 80 has a lot of slowing from concord to wanna greek to 42 to 24 westbound 24 through lafayette. so people are getting on the road a little bit later. this is a look at the bay bridge
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that is backed up to the base. people who can adjust your schedules. if you can go after 9 30 or so these commutes tend to get better as long as there aren't any big traffic collisions along the way. this is just routine traffic. it's expected to get better within the hour. 7 51. let's bring steve back with today's weather . thank you, sir. cold this morning after overnight rain pretty good lightning display. mendocino county coast north, you can see boom, boom! boom! boom look at that. and i didn't make it here. we had some rain here about 1/10 to a quarter of an answer system has moved out of the area, but the cold air has moved in, that's for sure. it will be a very cool pattern for us. lots of thirties this morning. temperature. i think tomorrow will be just as cold in the mornings. we clear it out so mostly sunny today, but very cool morning here and mostly sunny, maybe some partly cloudy, breezy, cool highs well below average here. fifties sixties on the temps. that's it for the rain. warmer temps are on the way, so hang in there, especially by friday and saturday, dave all right. well
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alaska airlines is getting rid of those check in kiosks at the airport coming up in the next hour. why and what the airline plans to do instead? but first after the successful separation surgery on conjoined twins, doctors are giving them the green light to go home coming up how the two babies are doing after the groundbreaking surgery. at cook's children's hospital.
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meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid.
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while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank for both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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journalist being held on charges of spying will stay in a russian jail. wall street journal reporter evan girsky appeared in the courtroom in moscow just a couple of hours ago, where a judge ruled he has to stay in jail. at least through may. he's facing spy charges he could be sentenced to life in prison if he is convicted about the u. s government and the wall street journal, denied that he was spying and say he's being wrongfully detained. at 7 56. the justice department announced the arrest of two men accused of running a secret police station in new york city on behalf of the government of china. investigators say that office had a job of cracking down on pro democracy activists here in the u. s including one who lives in california. justice
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department did not name who the activists are. investigators say the two men never registered as agents of a foreign government. whether through these physical or virtual means. these crimes created real effects for brick victims in the united states victims whose rights the department of justice is committed to protecting. the justice department also announced charges against 34 chinese law enforcement officers accused of using social media accounts to harass dissidents who are overseas. all of those dependents are still at large. they're believed to be living in china. well the head of the san francisco asian art museum plans to step down j shoe has led that museum for 15 years. he is the first chinese american to serve as director of a major us art museum. during shoes tenure, he has spearheaded a $100 million campaign to transform and refurbish the building of the
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museum and its galleries on larkin street. that museum will start the search for a new director, to be in place year, 2025. we're finding affordable childcare, as you know, can be very difficult. in fact, the national child care association calls it a crisis. the organization says parents are struggling to find affordable childcare as a number of childcare workers are shrinking. low salaries are mostly to blame. one child care workers, says her 17 year old son who works at a coffee shop. makes about the same amount of money as a child care staffer who has a master's degree. it's just very difficult to keep care affordable when you were looking at raising entry level pay. as high as you have to do it to get people to come in the door and then stay. there is a real case here for additional public investment to help make sure that we can raise compensation
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for educators. some states are actually offering grants to help childcare centers. but those funds are just a short term fix. and they could run out before the end of the year. time now. 7 58, a pair of conjoined twins and dallas, texas were successfully separated, and now they're going home the way back in january, jamie and amy to sisters were separated by doctors at cook hospital in dallas. the girls were joined at the chest and they shared delivery, a liver the surgery to separate them. took 11 hours. amy later needed more special care than her sister after the surgery. her heart ended up settling was pushing on some structures, so we need to go back in there and try to release the diaphragm down to a little bit lower than where it normally would have been sitting on her upper chest so that it made more space and that got her breathing a whole lot better, and we
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started progressing soon after that. that was beautiful little girls in our back home with their parents and their two older siblings. you may want to check your flight. if you're flying out of southwest. all departures have been stopped the problem the airline is facing this morning, plus referees just watch it. i gotta land my foot somewhere. a warrior's star draymond green, ejected from last night's playoff game after he stepped on a sacramento kings player, and it could have him suspended for game three of the series and federal and state taxes due today, but not for some californians by one local professor says you should still file as soon as possible. even though the i r s has given a six month extension for all bay area counties. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto it is eight o'clock. welcome to mornings onto i'm andre senior gasia mikaelian. it's tuesday, april 18th and the sunshine is back. let's get to steve paulson . temperatures have changed just a little though that is correct . i mean, we were in the
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thirties were started seeing the more forties, you guys so it'll be mostly sunny today. good visibility just not very warm and seasonally cool for us will stay there in the upper fifties low sixties had some pretty good lightning strikes. north mendocino county north nothing here locally that i heard about but rainfall about 1/10 of an inch to a quarter breeze will pick up. i mean, this is going to be pretty cool for us today, but a cold morning clearing but mostly sunny. that's good news. the breeze will pick up here temperatures they'll held in check. this will be the coolest day of the week with warmer weather on the way but today upper fifties low sixties eight o'clock in the morning, sal is here and we are going we're going to be sure freeway in the east bay. steve we do have slow traffic. still on many of these commute highway 46 80. also if you're driving on the east shore, especially the richmond into berkeley and at the bay breeze, there's still a backup in case you're wondering, although it is getting better by the moment it is still at least 2 15 minute delay. san mateo bridge looks all right. there are no major issues on the peninsula or on one oh, one
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heading down to san jose. oh, one. let's go back to the desk. alright we begin with breaking news during this hour southwest airlines currently holding all of its flights at airports across the country due to some type of computer issue you're looking live at the full right now. the problem was first reported just a short time ago in a tweet issued by the airline. there was no word yet on when southwest airlines will resume its service at any bay area airports. all flights currently in the air will continue to their destination. and will not depart their next airport because of this, it issue ktvu james torres is heading to sfl right now, and we'll have a live update shortly today is the 117th anniversary of the 19 oh six earthquake in san francisco this morning as they do every year, people gathered a lot of fountain on market street at 5:12 a.m. to mark the exact moment that 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck. the group then moved to the mission district where they gathered around a fire hydrant. one of the few that still worked during the fires that broke out after the earthquake. city leaders say a san franciscans pause to reflect on the past today should
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also serve as a reminder that we should be prepared for another major earthquake. the city is prepared not would be prepared. the city literally is prepared and it comes from not only 19 oh, six. but it comes from subsequent occasion when other disasters have visited the city here with all of the city's department of emergency management uses this week to remind people in the city and beyond to prepare for earthquakes. there will be a community preparedness fair this saturday at the san francisco public library with workshops for the public. us geological survey warns the bay area is likely to have a serious earthquake between now and the year 2033. it says. when it hits alameda is likely to suffer most damage of any local city. there are just five roads off the island of alameda, and it doesn't have its own reservoir system, so there's less water for people after a quake and to fight fires that start after an earthquake. experts say. the biggest issue, though, is the
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island itself. it is mostly man made from mud and that can behave like liquid during a major earthquake. the city has retro has a retrofitting plan that it hopes will help limit quake damage before the next large earthquake happening today, the chp of fremont police department are holding a news conference about a freeway shooting that killed a five year old girl that happened 10 days ago. one south bong 8 80, near the dixon landing road exit, eliana was shot to death while her family was driving to a birthday party. investigators believe the shooter's thought they had opened fire on a rival gang member. the three men accused in that deadly shooting or scheduled to appear in court on thursday for a plea hearing. they were arrested just hours after the attack and now face murder charges. one of them emanuel tarango, appeared in east bay courtroom yesterday, a judge ordered that he be held without bail. four now today, the oakland city council is scheduled to vote on extending the city's eviction moratorium, which is set to end at the end of the month. a council committee has already approved a plan to extend the moratorium until july. 15th to help renters affected by economic hardship.
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the extra time will allow tenants rights groups to educate support both renters and property owners during that time . if approved, it will also add a new permanent tenant protections. to help avoid a surge in evictions. this coming thursday, the warriors will host the sacramento kings at chase center. the warriors now trail in the series, two games to none after losing less tight in sacramento, 1 14 to 106 in the first quarter, the warriors jumped out to a first quarter lead, but the young upstart kings battled back point guard aaron fox, who's so far the star of this series, lit up the beam and the scoreboard with 24 points, nine assists, five rebounds. the warriors committed 22 turnovers. biggest lesson is just how do we control the momentum early? knowing that they're you know, young athletic there. trying to play with force . so now it's a matter of going home and licking our wounds a little bit. and you know, we get
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a little rest with a couple of days in between games and we go home and take care of our home court. this is the first time the warriors have lost consecutive playoff games since the 2019 nba finals thursday night. the warriors return to san francisco's chase center for game three. five. now we should find out later today whether warriors star draymond green will be playing in game three of the playoff series. it was ejected from last night's game following an incident involving a sacramento center. it happened within seven minutes remaining on the seventh quarter. steph curry had just grabbed the defensive rebound had turned to head up the floor. and that is when dream on green stomping the chest of kings center demonic sabonis, the kings player was clearly in plain pain as he lay on the floor. he did manage to finish the game. that's a bonus later, underwood x rays for his ribs and lungs that came back negative. he's scheduled to undergo more tests. later today . after the game, green discussed the incident that led to his flagrant two foul and automatic ejection and now a possible suspension. my leg got grabbed second time in two
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nights. referees just watch it. i gotta land my foot somewhere. i'm not the most flexible person, so it's not stretching that far. draymond bonus was called for a technical foul for grabbing greens leg, but the king's center views this incident as just part of postseason basketball it, you ko fight, you know, so every time we step on the floor, we're going to get everything for our for our teammates and the franchise. do you have any animals to do about what happened there? you know, we're both fighting for the rebound. you know, we found each other stuff happened basketball. we got to move on. earlier in the game, green was seen yelling at kings fans who were heckling him with derogatory chance. the n b will now decide whether green should be fined or suspended for the incident. green has already been suspended three times during his nba career and worries fans remember green ignited a controversy back in october when he punched his teammate jordan pool. green was fine but not suspended for that game. very rap legend. e. 40 did not go to last night's game in
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sacramento, but says he will go to game three thursday night at chase center. this comes after he was escorted out of saturday night's game in sacramento during game one happened during a confrontation with another fan who was sitting behind him before he says he was targeted because he is black. at minimum is poor optics on behalf of not just the sacramento kings, but also the n b a. once again we see that an african american male is not being given the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this. the sacramento kings say they're investigating the circumstances , including the claims of racial bias. lawyers reportedly played the forties music last night as they warmed up for the game. warriors fans say they think the team can still come back and take the series. although they were outnumbered, dubs nation still showed up last night at sacramento's golden one center to chair on the warriors. although the results wasn't that what they wanted, fancy was
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great to watch the team on the road. had to be part of history, the most expensive game for the opening round. so how to make sure that i was here? did you feel in the parking book? of course. absolutely absolutely. but you only live once and i can't take it away with me. we met warriors fans from all across the bay area, including daly city, lafayette, san ramon and assumed city. time now is eight. oh, eight. been looking at what we're talking about with southwest. i just did see southwest plane here on sf fellows. runways taxi by heading for runway 28 left, presumably to take off. i was also looking at oakland airport, and that airport is a major hub for southwest. i have not seen any southwest airlines flights. take off from there, but we're told that they should be going soon. this is a look at the bay bridge that is backed up all the way out to the mcarthur maze. those metering light transit. very standard backup in the area. if you're driving on 80 westbound, taking 39 minutes to drive from
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the car, keenness bridge to the maze that's a little more than normal. richmond bridge is improving now as you head over to marin in marin and slow from 37 essential san rafael along south bend, 1018 or nine, let's go back. to the desk even more advancements in artificial technology. but there are concerns that there hasn't been enough testing before expanding its use in society, coming up by the ceo of google is warning about a black box effect where problems with a i could be detected too late and oakland teachers are voting this week whether to authorize a strike. why they are so frustrated with the district and how soon a strike could happen.
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♪ estado dorado ♪ ♪ always in that state of mind ♪ ♪ living on a high vibration ♪ ♪ so hot gonna make it melt ♪ ♪ and i'm lovin' what i'm tastin' ♪ ♪ que bonito lugar lleno de tanto sabor ♪
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♪ so much flavor ♪ ♪ un future brillante se acerca ♪ ♪ ahhhhhhh ♪ ♪ nos gusta mezclar ♪ ♪ como malteada ♪ ♪ aqui hay lugar ♪ ♪ yeah we livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ dame mas, fres-co y real ♪ ♪ (wooh) dale gas ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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across the country due to some type of computer issue ktvu james torres that as a full checking out the situation there. good morning, james. andrea good morning to you a problem that is short lived. we just got word from the faa that all airlines are rather, all flights were grounded that has been canceled at this point, so anyone with a southwest flight scheduled for today this morning in the next hour or
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behind me and not too much panic. everything seems to remain calm here at sfo felt really doesn't have too many southwest flights that take off from here. so what it really affect too many people here only about 20 flights delayed this morning. according to flight aware in oakland, we had closer to 70 flights delayed about 90 in san jose as well go out and show you some of the flight boards here that indicating to us flights will be on time departing. okay no problems. here's what southwest has told us. so far. they had some sort of intermittent technology issue nationwide, so it wasn't just flights here in the bay area or in california. flights nationwide had to be grounded for a period of a little less than an hour here. seems like they got these problems resolved rather quickly. the faa said that the southwest airlines requested a four paws and other flights. they did that for quite a little bit, but then we just got word from ah, airport officials here at sfl and, as was faa that that pause is now
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canceled. as you can imagine, they can cause a bit of a concern for folks who have been flying southwest. not just but for the last c times did speak to some folks out here who say they did receive an alert saying that check this flight. this flight may be delayed but then received a subsequent alert , saying that that delay is canceled. andre and gasia will send it back to you. we'll keep you posted with any updates. alright so that stoppage has been lifted right now by the faa will check in with you a bit later, james. thank you. well today is the deadline for federal and state taxes for hundreds of millions of americans, but not for most californians. that's because the i r s gave a six month extension to file taxes to people who live in 55 of california's 58 counties, including all of the bay area. the extension is because of the hardships caused by severe storms we had earlier this year so we don't have to file our taxes, make tax payments or even filed for that extension. but a san jose state finance professor says a lot of people may still want to file as
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soon as possible. people should be paying attention. if you've got a refund coming. get that return files. you might as well get the money and take advantage of it. also if you just don't want to wait until october, 16th you want to get it done. do that, um, you don't have to wait till october. 16th you can get it filed before then, but certainly check if you're getting a refund, you get get the return filed applies to both federal and state taxes. but if you worked out of state or moved here part way through last year, you still have to pay by today or file an extension. otherwise you have until october, 16th the file your taxes, teachers in the oakland unified school district or voting on whether to hold a strike this week. teachers have been working without a contract since last october. they're taking a strike vote now and that could lead to walk out before. the end of this school year. the teachers say they're frustrated by recent cuts to staffing levels and say the school board isn't willing to address teacher pay. many oakland parents say they're standing by the teachers. he stand in support of oakland teachers because we believe teachers are the core of our
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students education and they fight for students every day in the classroom. the school district posted a statement on facebook, saying it is committed to reaching an agreement to avoid a strike. starting pay for a teacher in oakland is $63,000 a year time is 8 16 seasonal allergies are back and the pollen in the air is triggering itchy eyes, runny nose and other symptoms for so many hope. you're with us earlier this morning when fox medical teams dina center, fonte discussed how to spot and overcome allergies, the role our weather plays in the severity of allergy season and when you should see an allergist when you see the allergist is when you are just miserable and it's really impacting quality of life because allergies can really do that. even seasonal allergies if you're just miserable being outside, um and then you can turn to something you can take it up a notch and maybe even get allergy shots to help build your immune system to protect you from these allergic reactions. allergy specialists recommend starting within any histamine, such as claritin or allegra to
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treat your seasonal allergies. 17 your time right now, let's get a check of the rose here is sal castaneda. good morning, sal. good morning. i was just looking at the radar on flight radar 24. indeed southwest airlines flights are now taking off. it just watched the flight takeoff from oakland to l a x for a while. there were no flights on the board coming from oakland, and now it looks like they're filling up again. and most of those are southwest flights. if that's your flight, if you're taking southwest check for delays, we do have a reporter covering this take a lt 80 westbound. it's a cartooniste mcarthur maze metering lights are on. there have been no major issues here on the richmond bridge. golden gate bridge looks pretty good. here's another man who likes to look at flight radar 24 airplane geek just like me. it's steve paulson. it's good to see their back, sal. you know what i mean? well you know, for a while, one that outage
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was, you know, oakland is such a major southwest. i looked at oakland, steve. there were no flights taking off. you know, and now there's a bunch of them lined up. let's hope those i t people figure that out. we're sailing sound. thank you, sir. well we had rain overnight. i'll show you that a second we had a lot of thirties again. furloughs there'll be more tomorrow morning before i think we start to see more forties later in the week. the 39 low club woodside, cordelia, boulder creek, castro valley, sonoma, galileo rohnert park, san anselmo. and i do believe that cordelia was a record low for the day going back to 1988. at least that's when that observer was reporting . kings beach had some snow two inches of fluff. overnight sugar bowl reported five inches of new snow to add to their whopping season total. already rainfall. mount diablo core casa daryl just shy of a quarter of an inch. dillon beach, 16. 1 hundred's mount veeder picked up 15 1 hundred's bennett valley, santa rosa 14. vallejo 12 ross moore, st mary's college 11. 100 crockett napa airport point oh, nine. kent field, petaluma point
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weight, among others. san jose sonoma 90.0.7. dublin was also in there at point. oh, seven. i think trindad point await as well. so forties fifties now in the temp, so we've bottomed out on the lows, but it'll still be unseasonably cool from the system, which had numerous lightning strikes on mendocino county coast northward. not here . but that's pretty impressive for april, but the area of low pressure extends well down to southern california, even southern nevada and arizona. so there's a pretty big system, not a lot of moisture, but the impacts of cooler air are in place. so it will be an unseasonably cold out, even though it will be mostly sunny. clouds clearing out mostly clear out there, but breezy cool that wind will pick up under this cool air, mass fifties and sixties. any warm weather on the way? yes once we get past tomorrow thursday friday, and especially saturday, looking much nicer, you guys steve. thank you time now is 8 20, california strawberry growers were devastated by months of rain and extreme flooding. but now strawberry season is finally underway. a quick look at how long it could last after a delayed start, but first
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berkeley's first in the nation ban on natural gas was rejected by the federal appeals court after the break, who the court agreed with instead. and
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it's been overturned by a federal appeals court appeals court agreed with local restaurant owners who argued the city bypassed federal energy regulations. when it approved
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the ordinance. the measure took effect in 2020 was meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. researchers in canada may have found a way to scrub forever chemicals from tap water forever chemicals or hazardous compounds that can live in the environment for years, and they're very difficult to get rid of. they've been linked to infertility, thyroid problems and some kinds of cancer. researchers say they've developed a filter that can remove the chemicals at faster rates. the technology now has to be tested on a large scale 23. now youtube just announced new guidelines and how it handles content related to eating disorders. youtube based in san bruno, says the new policy will expand its rules that banned content that either promote or glorify unhealthy eating. that includes purging after eating or bullying based on disorders that can be easily imitated, especially by young people. some videos may also be or only be restricted to people who are over the age of 18 24 to the bay area's biggest names in tech are weighing in on growing concerns over artificial intelligence following incredible advances in
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just the past year, many people are now worried artificial intelligence could get out of control. google is one of the growing number of companies now investing billions in a i that is an aspect of this, which we call all of us in the field called as a black box. you know you don't fully understand. and you can't quite tell why it said this or white got wrong. you don't fully understand how it works. and yet you've turned it loose on society. let me put it this way. i don't think we fully understand how human mind works, either. a recent study found. google currently accounts for 90% of all internet searches. the company's ceo says artificial intelligence is going to bring those searches to a whole new level this year. meanwhile, the owner of twitter and tesla elon musk, says he thinks artificial intelligence has a clear liberal bias, says he plans to create a more conservative alternative also called for more government regulation of artificial intelligence. during an interview last night on fox news
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, federal health officials are launching a new national effort to study and monitor cancer among firefighters. and we're studies have shown exposure to smoke and hazardous chemicals may increase the risk of certain types of cancer among firefighters registry will help make it easier to track trends among these first responders. with this registry. it's a whole different ballgame. it's going to make the job a lot simpler. it's going to give them the opportunity to make it a safer job. profession for the men and women that are currently on the front lines. firefighters are being encouraged to enroll in that registry are wildfires. caa says so far this year, there have by burn just 131 acres. at the same time last year, california had experienced 1300 fires that burned nearly 7000 acres of land. this year is still much lower than her five year average , which is just less than 1000 fires at this point in the year violent home invasion robbery in san bruno, and it was caught on
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camera. the valuable items that were stolen as police continue to search for the thieves and the gop blocks a plan to replace senator dianne feinstein on a key senate committee. the lawmakers who are pushing back
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police members. community activists plan to do today is they demand police reforms and accountability, then growing
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frustration in oakland's fruitvale district about the city's response to worsening crime and public safety? the idea is now on the table to help improve life in the fruitvale. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian senior. it's almost 8 30 today. tuesday april 18th much different day than yesterday with the sun out, so let's check in with steve paulson to see if it's gonna stay that way for the rest of the day for much of the bear hasty. sorry andre. what do you say that? what's out there, son? yeah how about that? i know we had rain overnight and gasia and andre and then some very cold temps mostly clear out there mostly clear. there's still a few classes are really unseasonably cold air mass. so it makes me a teeny bit nervous, but the majority of its moved out so a mix of sun and clouds here today the breeze will pick up just really kinda very cool for us for april 18th that we're going to be below average on the temps. after today, though, we will begin a little warm up. we should see some seventies. i think by friday, we'll get back
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into the some of those. but today it's fifties. then low sixties. alright salles here at 8 30 in the morning to tell you and me the traffic is improving a little bit. i can just tell by looking at some of these commutes that they're getting better. for example, if you're driving to san francisco at the bay bridge, it is getting better than it was, even though it is still slow. still a 15 to 20 minute delay, but things are moving better. things are moving better on the richmond bridge as well. i've also been checking out the same mateo bridge and the dumbarton bridge. those bridges are looking good with no major delays. 8 30. let's get back to the headlines happening today, people will gather for a march and rally outside the antioch police headquarters. they're demanding police reforms to the department comes after a new report with more racist text messages was just released his allies, rasmus explains. more than a dozen current antioch police officers alley are excused or accused of exchanging these racist, homophobic text messages. and that's exactly why
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this protest is happening today is scheduled to start around three o'clock this afternoon outside police headquarters. then, organizers of this demonstration say they will march over to any oxygen hall ahead of the city council meeting tonight. they're calling for reforms and accountability for the actions of nearly two dozen police officers. the police department is under investigation by the fbi and the contra costa district attorney's office. at the center of that investigation. racist homophobic and misogynist text messages sent an exchange between nearly two dozen current officers at the department last week, a first report revealed first batch of offensive messages shared with the public. and then yesterday, a 2nd 14 page report was released, revealing a new round of offensive messages. many of the texts are too disturbing to repeat on the air here, but they include racial epithets and officers bragging about beating up black men they'd arrested and kicking them in the head. john burress represents some of the people who have been arrested by an iarc police and says the
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officers texts reveal a larger problem within the department. they seem to have no inhibitions about doing so. that's the part about it because that then means there's no maybe direct supervision. uh devices that are being used for the supervision of these often real that they can readily do this without any ramifications. these officers should be terminated. last week, contra costa county's public defender called on all pending cases investigated by antiochus police be dismissed yesterday the d a s office meant to discuss that possibility. they released this statement saying, quote once we've identified those cases and any overlapping conflicts, we will initiate a detailed review process for potential dismissal, re sentencing or the preservation of convictions. nearly a quarter of the eniac. police departments forces unpaid leave because of a variety of these accusations. the police chief has apologized to the public. the mayor has called for these officers to be
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fired. we reached out to the mayor this morning. he's not available to speak because he's traveling today, but we've reached out to other city leaders for comment as well. but again, organizers of this protest planned to gather here at three o'clock this afternoon. live in antioch alley. rasmus ktvu fox two news. thank you more than 100. people in oakland's fruitvale district met with city leaders looking for ways to reduce crime in their neighborhood. they say they want more police officers, especially bilingual ones patrolling the area. they also suggested closing east 12th street two cars along a quarter mile stretch of the road that's been the site of many violent incidents. the ceo of the unity council said that his group has hired private armed security guards to help increase safety. i think the merchants really appreciate it because they're getting more and more customers , especially in the evening and everything, so it's definitely had an impact. he says that service cost the council $55,000 a month and it's not a long term solution. leaders with bart say they're making sure broken serious security cameras get replaced, and they have increased the number of bart officers there at fruitvale station. we've also redeployed
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police personnel. getting him out of cars and more on the trains and more on foot. you're welcome. noel gay of the city councilman from the district said that oakland police should put a new substation in the fruitvale to help crack down on gang violence. there was also a call for more neighborhood meetings with police in san bruno. police are still searching for three gunmen wanted for a violent home invasion. it was captured on home surveillance video. the victim says the three men broke into his home beat him with their guns, ordered him to open his safe and tied him up with zip ties. he also says they repeatedly threatened to kill him as they robbed and ransacked his home. this is the most traumatic experience over the through. something that. i would love wish on any of my enemies. this is this is something that's evil. the robbers in escape was stolen cash, jewelry and the families to english bulldog puppies. saint bruno. police want to hear from anyone who has information on this case. 35 now
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the woman in las goddess known as the party mom could plead guilty to the charges against her, according to the mercury news, shannon o. connor asked the judge during yesterday's court parents what sentence she would receive if she pleaded guilty. o connor is charged with child endangerment, furnishing liquor to minors, child molestation and sexual battery. prosecutors say she hosted parties for her teen son and his high school friends she scheduled to return to court on friday. renovations of the castro theater in san francisco may be put on hold a city committee designated 800 seats in the theater's orchestra section as part of the buildings , historic landmark status. that could mean the seeds must be part of the finished project if the second vote next week has the same result, the company that owns the theater had proposed replacing those seats with motorized platforms that could make the theater more versatile, including a standing room only space. we're hearings are expected before any final decision. fans organizing what they're calling a reverse boycott to call attention to their frustration with the teams direction. the goal is to show ownership that the fan base is
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willing to support the team. but once the team's owners to invest more in playerssalaries and improved amenities, fans plan to pack the ballpark june 13th when the host of tampa bay rays the team regularly finishes with one of the lowest attendance numbers in all of baseball. said as a police are working to track down some of the people who participated inside shows last weekend. police say there were at least three side shows in the city. they're looking for drivers, people who wrote in the cars and spectators. san jose has ordinances that allow anyone involved to be arrested and prosecuted for participating in illegal activity. in oakland. spectators lit fires underneath the interstate 8 80 jumped in the flames. oakland councilman well, gayo says he'll introduce new legislation to ban sideshow activity, but it wouldn't be analyzed spectators. my city council members felt that you know, we're gonna being violation or make mistakes by targeting people that were just happened to be walking by the
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side show. and we didn't want to make that mistake. there were side shows all across the bay area this past weekend, police say they're concerned there will be even more as the weather continues to improve a 37. now today, oakland will continue its spring cleaning week by focusing on abandoned cars when it comes to fixing city streets leader said. crews have filled more than 2700 potholes over the last month with more to go. the head of oakland's department of transportation says it has been a rough year for the city streets. first with the rain, then with the city's ransomware attack that made it more difficult for people to report those potholes. let's see what the sunshine looks like behind us on the oakland estuary, and if everyone is waking up to the sun 99% but there was a couple of little caveats. as always. we'll start up in south lake tahoe again. one of our one of our good friends around twitter. dustin diaz is from south city. but he's up there in south lake tahoe. a couple inches of snow showers this morning in south lake thau, the winter that keeps
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on giving it isn't that the truth. i know kings beach had two inches of snow and sugar bowl did report five inches of snow overnight. looks like it's about done, but maybe yeah, i think it's about done. there could be some flurries or light snow but again, just adding to those totals, even though the snow has been melting and look at this little guy right on the cemetery called look at that. so there are a few little pop up showers are going right along the san mateo coast, maybe towards santa cruz santa cruz mountains, but most locations are done with the rain, which was last night. mount diablo kosaido dillon beach. mount veeder between 15 100 point to one and then most locate we talked about we looked to be about 10.5 to about 1/10 of an inch, and that's we're a little overachiever here. bennett valley 14 112 ross more 11 crockett can't field petaluma, san jose and sonoma between 110.7 and point oh, nine that, speaking of the winter that keeps giving the water temperatures that keeps staying cold 49 water temp at san francisco buoy 50 bodega bay point raised 51 incredibly cold temperatures for the ocean temps. and if we start warming
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up, i promise you. fog is not far. we saw it on the weekend. we only got really in the sixties forties on the temps. now a lot of thirties this morning we'll see more of that tomorrow. you concealers little bit of activity, maybe sweeping down from the northwest. so there's usually favorite areas parallel to the coast. all mentioned that but mostly sunny to partly cloudy. it's just as cold air mass in place, which stretches all the way down. to the desert southwest for april. 18th 50 sixties on the temps clouds clearing chilly morning mostly sunny but again, occasionally little little rogue shower to zipping down from the northwest, but most locations in on the sun fifties and sixties breeze will pick up cold tomorrow morning, then sunny and warmer. temps will take us into friday. saturday, you guys. thank you, steve. okay, 8 40 imagine this. your child spills popcorn on a plane who should pick it up the parent or the flight attendant the controversy over an incident on a united flight that's caused a big dispute on social media. and their plans in the works sport overnight train service details of the california startup
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company working on service betn
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is charged with first degree assault and could face racial discrimination charges for the shooting of a 16 year old boy
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funeral was supposed to pick up his two younger brothers at her home last thursday and mistakenly went to the wrong address. police say andrew lester came to the door and shot the teenager twice, officials say you will never cross the threshold of the home and the two didn't speak before the shooting. yeah man could have call police if he suspected something it could have called 911. shoot. that was wrong. ralph you are liz, now at home, recovering from gunshot wounds to his head and arm, he is able to speak to family and friends. 8 43 now. house speaker kevin mccarthy announced republican plan to address the debt ceiling. mccarthy has criticized president biden for what mccarthy calls irresponsible spending and the democrats were not working with republicans to reach an agreement. speaker says he will support a bill to raise the debt ceiling and avoid default, but only if certain conditions are met. defaulting on our debt is not an option. but neither is a future of higher taxes, higher interest
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rates. more dependency on china. economy that doesn't work for working americans. speaker mccarthy says he wants an agreement to cap future spending increases at 1% but only of spending cuts and policy changes are also approved. senate majority leader chuck schumer reacted by saying mccarthy has not given any specific details and how to cut spending. be blunt. yes, speaker mccarthy continues in this direction. we are headed to default. the main way we've avoided default in the past. is to avoid um and reject brinksmanship and hostage taking. and instead work together in a bipartisan way. speaker mccarthy in his speech invoked president reagan. ronald reagan was never as reckless as senator mccall as speaker. mccarthy is being president.
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biden has already said he will no along with steep budget cuts. the federal debt could exceed the current limit as early as july unless congress raises the debt ceiling or the little bit limit before then. republicans in the u. s. senate say they won't support an effort to temporarily replace senator dianne feinstein on a key senate committee, senate majority leader chuck schumer and other leaders of the democrats want to move ahead with the plan to change with it on the senate judiciary committee. senator feinstein continues to recover from a shingles infection. they'll need republican votes to do that, and it looks like that's not going to happen. she's hopeful on returning soon. we think the republicans should allow a temporary replacement until she returns. several prominent republican senators say they fight plans temporarily swap out senator feinstein, including texas senator john cornyn, a senior member of the senate judiciary committee. tennessee senator marsha blackburn tweeted i will not go along with chuck schumer's plan to replace senator feinstein on
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the judiciary committee and then pack the court with activist judges. whenever one side needs something from the other. they always want something in return. and so there's no real impetus were incentive for the republicans to do anything for them and for the democrats, and i would think if the shoe was on the other foot. the democrats won't do anything without something in return from the republicans. some progressive democrats, including south bay, congressman ro khanna, have called on senator feinstein to step down, saying she's missed more than 50 votes during her absence. they say the absence is putting president biden's agenda in jeopardy. after a lot of rain and a delay to the season. there is good news this morning for strawberry lovers and growers, wall street is watching as many well known companies reporting earnings for the first quarter back upstairs now with dollars and cents. we'll keep getting these reports as we're in april now, the first quarter earnings coming in johnson and johnson an
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and bank of america to the bigger names reported good numbers for the quarter b of a benefited from those higher interest rates. johnson and johnson reports strong growth in its consumer health, it's pharmaceuticals and its medical device divisions across the board as the opening bell rang this morning, though, goldman sachs stock dropped about 2.5. after its earnings report was disappointing that is contributing to the dow loss at this hour as we take a live look at the new york stock exchange, the dow jones has hovered about a third of a percent down 100 points or so there for the morning. so far, the s and p 500 down a little bit. the nasdaq also down about a quarter of a percent. a new survey says high inflation is likely to continue to impact our finances. the financial services company bankrate found many americans are saving less than in previous years. two thirds of those surveyed say that they are taking money from their rainy day funds to pay for price here. everyday items these actions could certainly have long term
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effects on american households even after inflation starts to decline. consumers say the high cost of groceries and rent are having the biggest impact on their finances. alaska airlines , making a few changes to improve the airport experience that includes plans to modernize their lobbies. now the most visible change will be the removal of the check in kiosk. the airline is encouraging flyers to check in at home or on their cell phones instead of the kiosk. alaska airlines will introduce ipad based bag tag stations similar to southwest airlines were flyers can scan their boarding passes and get a bag tag. and that automatic bag drop. we're now in california strawberry season, the long, rainy cold winter had delayed the strawberry season for several weeks, which has been hurting those growers. but now the weather is getting warmer. there are better growing conditions, and that's allowing the strawberry stands to finally open. business has been great. it's picking up more and more
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every day and easter weekend was fantastic. we've been getting a lot of feedback that they're just so happy. we're open again. farmers say since the strawberry season started later this year, it should last longer as well, maybe all the way into october. pam cook, that's a look at your dollars and cents. thank you. 49ers your time right now. time for a final check of the roads with south castaneda. sal how's it looking? alright andre and gasia right now it's looking better if you've been waiting this long to get into san francisco. it's still crowded at the bay bridge. i want to show you that that traffic is still crowded. however it is improving . and if you're driving on any of the bay area bridges were getting much better now, and that includes the san mateo and dunbarton bridges. we're seeing improvement. they're also looking at the east, but we still have some slowing here between hayward and fremont. kind of a late morning slow and if you have a little time to wait, things are improving, especially in that silicon valley 8 50. let's talk about today's weather with steve
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sound. thank you are rain overnight has moved out. there's still a couple of little guys just kind of skirting the san mateo santa cruz coast, but most locations are under mostly sunny skies will be mostly descending them. partly cloudy had a lot of thirties this morning. i think we'll get more tomorrow morning and wind protected areas. forties and fifties now on the temps, and you can see that little guy going right along san mateo coast there so again, there could be a few kind of skirting down from the northwest. but the majority of it is over, went by overnight. just really cool. air mass in place here for us is that low up in the pacific northwest kind of hangs out for another day. but the extent of this goes all the way down to southern california, southern nevada and even into arizona. sending them into some lower eighties. and so i mean, they've been in the nineties, but now it looks like low to mid eighties for us, though clouds clearing except for occasional stray shower, too, but mostly sunny to partly cloudy is that breeze will pick up especially we start to get a little heating here, but fifties and low sixties we are well below average on the eyes, but we warm up soon. yes starting a little bit tomorrow. more so, you guys
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thursday and then friday saturday looking nice, 76 forecast high. that's the spirit youtube. thanks steve. restoring and preserving biodiversity coming up on the nine we'll introduce you to the bay area, not profit that was founded by a couple of high schoolers who are advancing the future of conservation and formerly conjoined twins are adjusting to life apart how babies jamie and amy are faring after they were born, joined at the chest in the 11 hour surgery that changed everything.
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♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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is being held on spying charges in russia will stay in jail just in the last few hours. wall street journal reporter evan gorshkov itch made an appearance in the courtroom in moscow, where judge ruled that he has to stay in jail. at least roommate . he's facing spying charges and could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted. both the u. s government and the wall street journal deny he was spying and
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are saying he is being wrongfully detained. the justice department is announcing the arrest of two men accused of running a secret police station in new york city on behalf of china's government. investigators say the office was tasked with cracking down on pro democracy activists in the united states, including one who lives in california. the justice department did not name the activists. investigators say the two men never registered as agents of a foreign government. whether through these physical or virtual means. these crimes created real effects for brick victims in the united states victims whose rights the department of justice is committed to protecting. the justice department also announced charges against 34 chinese law enforcement officers are accused of using social media accounts to harass dissidents abroad. all those defendants remain at large, and they're believed to be living in china. 56 now today, vice president kamala harris will be in reno to talk about abortion rights. the vice president will
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participate in a moderated conversation at the university of nevada arena. according to the white house vice president harris plans to discuss the biden administration's commitment to protecting reproductive freedom. she has criticized the federal judges controversial ruling that suspended access to abortion medication. last week. state attorney general rob bonta is leading an effort to protect the right to farm workers. he led a virtual event that you are the life and legacy of the late labor leader cesar chavez. organizers say that farm workers continue to face difficult challenges, including lack of housing and rising prices. delores horta, co founder of the united farm workers, was one of the speakers. she said the group was founded with the dedication to nonviolence and perseverance. it took a long time because we literally had to organize family by family house by house in meetings so that the farm workers would get over their fear of coming together their fear of the employers that they would be a retributions against them, and he would say this. it took organizers three years to
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create the farm workers union that eventually became known as the united farm workers. union organizers say they're still using the same grassroots approach from the 19 sixties to bring farmworkers together. francisco bicycle advocates are holding a rally today to demand protected bike lanes on our gorilla boulevard comes in the wake of the usa cycling champion ethan boy's death. he was struck by a vehicle on yellow on the prison in the presidio on april 4th. coalition of community members has rallied together more than 1000 petition signatures in support of the cause. the national child care association is calling attention to what it calls a crisis and says there's a growing lack of affordable childcare says parents are now struggling to find affordable care is the number of childcare workers is shrinking salaries are said to be to blame childcare worker says 17 year old son who works at a coffee shop makes about the same as a child care staffer with a master's degree. it's just very difficult to keep care affordable when you're looking at raising entry level pay. as high as you have to do it to get
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people to come in the door and then stay. there is a real case here for additional public investment to help make sure that we can raise compensation for educators. some states are offering grants to help childcare facilities. but those funds are a short term fix could run out before the end of the year. very good. joined twins in dallas were successfully separated and are now heading home. back in january. sisters jamie and amy were separated by doctors that cook hospital in dallas. the girls were joined at the chest and shared a liver surgery to separate them lasted 11. hours later, amy later needed more specialized care than her sister after the operation. way her heart ended up settling was pushing on some structures, so we need to go back in there and try to release the diaphragm down to a little bit lower than where it normally would have been sitting on her upper chest so that it made more space and that got her breathing a whole lot better, and we started progressing soon after that. the girls are now back home with their parents and their two older siblings, mcdonald's is bringing some
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changes to its classic burgers. the fast food giant says it's revamping its funds and adding onions directly to the burger while it's still on the grill. west coast cities here in this country already receiving the reworked burger options, the new burgers have been well received in australia, belgium and canada already and iconic costume from the disco era is being auctioned off fitting has already started on one of the white three piece suits worn by actor john travolta when he was tony manera in saturday night fever, which made him a star he had like a 30 inch waist at the time, andre tiny the auction house has just two of the suits were made the current top bid, $100,000 experts say the white suit could eventually sell for twice that much and again bidding has opened. and i issue delay southwest flights across the country. we're live at sfo with the latest updated then an east bay police department is under fire this morning after more racist text messages from officers are released


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