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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 12, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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find out how those changes will affect you. morning good morning, guys. did you notice the change? cold and windy? yes, that is correct. i listen well, we also have similar weather now . yes, that is correct. cooler cooler and colder. we have a lot of 30 showing up for lows. there's a system dropping down that will give some partly cloudy skies over by the coast. but the end result is the wild is the wind wind advisory starts at noon, it's for the sonoma coast, marin coast and cartagena straight bit of fog. mostly sunny but breezy to windy at times. fifties and sixties should be sixties to low seventies maybe see that on the weekend, alright over to james torres. almost seven o'clock in the morning. where are we going? parcel? we're almost halfway there. let's talk about some vita closures here because the light rail services, saying they are suspending their service for some part of the morning here, not really estimate of what time that will return. are going to take you down to the south bay here. san jose. we've got a
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little bit of some traffic back up here along 87 to 80 connectors. sounds like a prius flipped over. it's there on its roof. now tow truck company is they're hoping to clear the scene at some point, but 87 is going to have a little bit of a backup coming up in about eight minutes. i'll talk to you about the situation over in berkeley and then offering where we had a fire earlier this morning, but first, it's seven o'clock on the dot let's go back to the headlines with garcia james. thank you happening today in a renewed a renewed push wish to get speed cameras installed on california roadways. supporters are expected to head to the state capital and just the coming hours here. katie's dave deadline live outside san francisco city hall. this is where people are set together before heading up to sacramento. yeah absolutely right, and those supporters expected to arrive within the next 20 minutes. they'll get on the bus, then head to the state capital. of course, their plan is to meet with the sponsors of this bill to drum up support for the safety speed pilot camera program. some opponents say that this will do little to really bring about change. others say that any type of change that can
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reduce traffic deaths on some of the state's most dangerous roadways is a step in the right direction. now if passed, assembly bill 6 45 would allow for the installation of speed safety camera. eras on a limited number of streets in large cities in our area, like san francisco, oakland and san jose , put on roadways proven to have excessive speeding and high crash rates. now finds would start at $50 for anyone going 11 miles over the speed limit. there would also be a warning period ahead of actual find implementation of the bill will need a lot of convincing because past attempts have failed. today's planned visit to the capital comes as other groups have called for roadway safety. we're talking about cyclists just recently, the world cycling champion ethan boys of san francisco, died after he was struck and killed by a driver in park presidio cyclists wrote in his honor. they also called for speed reduction zones and bike safety lanes. you're constantly concerned about what's going to happen on the next block at the
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next intersection. and people just really want that added safety. cyclists say roadways can be improved by speed safety cameras as well as those bike lanes. now, as for this speed safety pilot program again, it's going to need a lot of convincing at the state capitol . it will go to committee hearings starting on monday. we're live outside san francisco city hall. they've deadline ktvu fox two news. 702 now hearing is set in san francisco today for the man accused of attacking the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi, they would depend faces attempted murder, battery and assault charges. today's hearing is scheduled to start at nine a.m. to set a trial date also faces federal charges, including one count of attempted kidnapping of a federal officer or employee and assault of an immediate family member of a federal official. he's pleaded not guilty. in both cases. pelosi suffered serious injuries , such as a fractured skull in last october's attack. police say a man arrested in a series of sexual assault cases on the
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u. c. berkeley campus may also be involved in another sexual assault in palo alto, you c berkeley police arrested a man following an early morning incident near a student housing complex in which a woman was groped and knocked down. there were several other similar assaults across campus in the past few days. we talked with students who received alerts about this from police. honestly coming to the school did not expect it to be this unsafe. so that was a little that coming off guard. everyone i know especially that's a girl has pepper spray here, and this is why. u c. berkeley police department is increasing patrols around campus just in case the department didn't give any information on the person who was arrested. apollo alto police say they think the person arrested in the u. c berkeley cases was also responsible for a sexual assault on a pedestrian underpass sunday afternoon. investigators say they went to uc berkeley and took custody of 34 year old daniel khan drum puno on attempted rape another felony charges they're working
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to confirm with. you see police that the person arrested in berkeley in connection to the palo alto case is indeed the same person arrested for the berkeley attacks. men who pretended to be a student at stanford for nearly a year, reportedly returned to campus last week. stanford daily reports that two students encountered william curry in the lounge of the murray house just after midnight on thursday, when they were going to play a game of pool. other students also reported seeing curry and said he talked about his ex girlfriend, a stanford student who has allegedly been harassing since they broke up last year. according to the stanford daily the university when it formed about curry's presence said they determined the recent sightings were unsubstantiated. oakland is moving forward with a proposal to phase out the city's eviction moratorium. the city council voted to move it out of committee to the full council meeting. after more than 100 people signed up to speak in the public comment. landlords are pushing the city to end the eviction ban because its financial burden for them but backers say the city needs to protect renters. i have to ask
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everybody to please keep their commentary to yourself. so everybody who comes up to the microphone can speak personally . don't trust that the landlords who are cursing out a council member are going to work with their tenants right now, rather than rushing to elect them. when rentals have more rights to your own property than landlords, then you do not really on that property. you're just making payments. the ordinance that would set a four month transition out of the eviction band starts in may. the full city council will take up the issue next tuesday. francisco's border supervisors meeting was adjourned until today because of a comcast outage. supervisor aaron peskin said a critical fiber cable at hide and gary was victimized or vandalized, knocking out cable to a number of comcast customers in the city . the city attorney advised the meeting be adjourned because of public notice laws. among the issues to be discussed by the board reparations for black san franciscans and increased police staffing. environmental groups are filing a lawsuit against the epa over water pollution from
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oil refineries and other in d'este res, a coalition of 13 groups, including san francisco . baykeeper wants to force the agency to follow the clean water act and update its water pollution standards. the groups say that runoff from chemical plants, plastic manufacturers, fertilizer makers and others are fueling algae blooms that are harmful to humans and fish. san francisco bay keeper says with five active refineries are local waterways are vulnerable. hey is officially recognized as impaired by the epa four selenium pollution. but unfortunately, the local selenium water quality standard that is incorporated into clean water act permits for the refineries is inadequate and the permits allow discharges and the order of over £1100 per year of selenium that are harmful to fish. as a beekeeper says the standards for selenium are the same as they were more than 20 years ago. the lawsuit calls for
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the epa to modernize those decades old rules on wastewater treatment controls happening today, the biden administration proposing the strongest ever pollution standards for cars and trucks. the new proposal for vehicle emission standards is designed to speed up the transition to clean energy cars such as electric vehicles. the environmental protection agency announced the plan for sweeping changes it calls for a 56% emissions cut for light duty trucks by the year 2032 44% for medium duty trucks. emission standards would also increase for heavy duty trucks and busses. 707 your time this morning. let's talk some traffic specifically some public transit here all light rail service for vt. a is suspended for the time being. we still don't know when that will be when that service will be restored. we're checking in with vt officials to learn when that will happen. you see the video here truck towing away some of those light rail services. vtm for the most part hasn't given us too much details just yet, but they tell us that they're dealing with an overhead electrical issue, and they
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should be expected to work on that for at least another hour or so, once we have updates. we'll bring them to you. let's talk about the commute in berkeley here because we still have that offering that has shut down this morning 18 year university avenue one off ramp still shut down at this point. no word on when that will be restored here in earlier fire might have put some, uh, damage some of that ramp there, so we're going to get some information that's causing a little bit of a backup this morning as well. 708 let's send it to andre on the desk. james. thank you, former oakland police captain implicated in the department scandal coming up. his exclusive interview with ktvu, telling his side of the story. louisville police released body camera video of this week's mass shooting at a bank coming up the footage of the first officers arriving at the scene and their encounter with the gunman.
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give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™. look at you taking the win with quality top tier gas for less. me? yup. hi. hi? treating your car as good as you treat your dry-clean onlies. i see you winning. yeah thank you for noticing. i notice wins. like how i noticed you spilled a little coffee on your shirt but kind of made a cool new pattern. oh great! hey you win some and you win some am i right? you can let go now. oh sorry!
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ohhh your coffee. ahh it's fine you're a safe driver. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco. today he was in northern ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement that ended years of violence. the president said the us helped negotiate that agreement and remains committed to it. supporting the people of northern ireland protecting the peace preserving the belfast good friday agreement is a priority. for democrats and republicans alike in the united states, and that is unusual today. because we've been very divided on our party's president . biden will spend three days in
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ireland, including visits to the hometowns of his irish ancestors . authorities in louisville, kentucky, have now released body camera video from officers responding to monday's deadly bank shooting. back up, back up, back up back. this video shows the first two officers arriving to the sound of gunshots. the gunman immediately fires at them using an ar 15 rifle. one of the officers 26 year old nicholas will had been on the job less than two weeks. he was shot in the head. when other officers tried to save officer will the gunman fired at them when officer then shot and killed the gunman? anybody who gets shot at reacts for people to react. by staying there staying in the fire. and going back inside the scene. keeping themselves in danger. that's superhuman. authorities say the quick action by police likely stopped the gunman from killing more people , while the number of school shootings has increased in
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recent years, a new study from uc l. a says overall violence at california schools has decreased more than 50% in the past two decades here in the bay area, many parents remember in just the past year alone, there was a shooting at an oakland school campus. a deadly stabbing at a santa rosa school and reports of stabbings on campuses and san francisco and san jose. researchers say they analyzed data of a different kind collected for more than six million middle and high school students in california examined cases of fighting bringing weapons to school being threatened with a weapon and verbal abuse. in terms of guns we like had with weapons like a 70% reduction from 20 years. kids are not bringing a many young people say the rise of social media use that plays a role in how students are victimized. i do think a lot of that, instead of it being physical violence. i do think that still exists. however, it's more online and more like a cyber bullying. wait if that makes sense. the u. c l. a study
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says california's investment in resources to help improve campus climates and access to mental health services has helped bring down the overall level of violence in schools today, second democrat could return to a seat in the tennessee legislature after being expelled last week, commissioners in memphis they're scheduled to vote on whether to give the seat back to justin pearson. republican lawmakers ousted pearson and state representative justin jones for their role in a gun control protest on the house floor in the aftermath of that national school shooting. the national council restore jones to office on monday. jones, by the way, is originally from oakland. the biden administration is trying to reassure us allies after a trove of secret documents was leaked online. the justice department is investigating the leak, and now the pentagon has assembled a group to assess just how much damage all of this has caused. defense secretary lloyd austin says he has no idea who leaked documents dozens of documents in fact, classified documents top secret documents online, but notes the loss is staggering. they include assessments of the
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war in ukraine and weaknesses in that country's defense. there were disclosures about us allies, including israel, south korea and united arab emirates. 7 15. we have an issue with mass transit in the south bend and the problem on 80. where do we start? james talk about that mass transit for a quick second gaussian andre because we do have some updated news here today says they now have one train running on the orange line and on the blue line. they also have bus bridges for where there aren't trains running. that means the green lines of the t, a light rail services still temporarily suspended. they say their work. on on a bunch of overhead electrical issues here. i want to take you out to the san mateo bridge this morning as well because there's a massive slowdown on the westbound side here. there was an accident earlier this morning. sounds like that's already been cleared by now, but there's still a lot of residual traffic, probably the worst time to have an accident about seven o'clock this morning because that's when we see some of the peak traffic coming in coming up in just a few minutes. i'll tell you more about what's going on in berkeley and possibly even show you some images of what we may
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have seen from that early morning fire that's coming up in about just a few minutes here ht plenty to talk about as well, don't you? i have nothing back to you know, i do, james. thank you. keep going. could i know you're very good at that. all right. we do want to start, though, with a lot of people saying, you know, this has been a cold pattern. march was the fifth coldest in california's history in april except for a couple of days has been pretty cool to patrick's and redwood shores. no sign of my fluffy cat shedding her winter coat yet, but my hydrangeas love it. i would agree. i have a long hair. the dude and he has not shedding yet at all. so i agree, and there's also up on mount st alina and also up into lake county. there's still snow in the mountains. it may last the rest of this month. well, it's an almost down to 33 this morning, petaluma 38. i did get a report of pen grove at 35. stanford so cal, saratoga, hollister, los altos hills and napa all between 38 39 for us this time of year. that's cold. we also have a double whammy
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here when advisory kicks in the sonoma coast marine coast and the straight khorkina straight and the delta that starts at noon and goes through nine o'clock tonight, and our temperatures jumped up for a couple of days and then write down. they went now we still had some seventies yesterday but windy and cooler with more fifties sixties. will take us into today. santa rosa downtown walnut creek, burlingame in cupertino yesterday sixties to right at 70. today it's low sixties to mid sixties. too much of this system dropping in here , the breezes picking up for a few novato 21, northwest of 30, half moon bay and s f o been flirting with about 30 sfo now 33 half of the 21 gusting to 30 hayward 13, northwest of palo alto, northwest san jose, so i think you get the idea. and there it is. i said it earlier this morning, but jacob, a with the northwest wind would drop to 49 boom. i thought it would happen. maybe tomorrow. it happened already. that is cold. san francisco bowie was 54 yesterday. there are now 50. keep an eye on these water temps
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going forward. if they stay cold, we will have a huge fog season. thirties on the temps and all my mountain 36, ben lomond mountain 35, oakland hills, 39. they were in the sixties mid sixties on monday. forties on the temperature a few thirties as you saw, but the wind is the breeze is holding it up. pendulum airport. sunnyvale at 41 degrees napa airport 42. but in town napa i did see 39. there's the stanford campus 39 degrees yet surrounding them everywhere else or mid forties. it just depends if you have the breeze. most locations do, including belmont, 48 pillar 480.48 montara beach with that strong north wind now 49 degrees , but that's a cold wind coming out of north. sunny today. just not very warm. be blustery, windy at times from that low up there off the pacific northwest. it'll eject out and then we'll start to see improving conditions next couple of days. are we done with rain? no or not? there are signs that next week, so we'll start to work its way in here. i would not be surprised of april favors a cooler pattern. uh going forward here just kind of looks like it. mostly sunny but cool pattern
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windy at times, 50 sixties on the temps a little bit better conditions as we head into the next couple of days, but temperatures near averaged a little below. steve thank you. time now is 7 19 rolls out its heavy duty tesla semi trucks for northern california how far the electric trucks can go on a single charge and scary moments in san francisco after an unoccupied u haul truck suddenly start to rolling down the street, the actions from one man that may have prevented further tragedies.
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give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™.
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of carb that's about 40 miles north of santa rosa. the usgs says. there have been at least two small aftershocks after the earthquake. some people on social media say they were able to feel the earthquake in the north bay as well and offshore pipeline involved in an oil spill in southern california. back in 2021 is now being put back into service. amplify energy corp says it has received approval from federal agencies to restart operations. it comes nearly two years after 25,000 gallons of oil spilled into beaches in huntington's beach and newport beach. the company recently announced the settlement with companies associated with the spill. amplify agreed to pay up to $95 million in settlements and also reached a plea deal with the federal government for negligently discharging crude.
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amplify energy has started refilling the pipeline. now san francisco police are investigating the circumstances that led to a u haul truck barreling down a hill, killing one person. this happened at jones street and geary in the tenderloin district yesterday. san francisco police say the people in the truck we're helping someone move when the truck suddenly began rolling down the hill, one of the men managed to get out of the truck while it was moving, it became pinned between the u haul and a parked vehicle. the truck rolled about a half a block down the steep hill barreling through a busy intersection. police say the passenger in the truck pulled on the steering wheel, swerving the u haul into a parked fedex truck. officers say his quick action likely saved lives. the truck began rolling, he was able to kind of steer it away from pedestrians. i don't know the exact how many people were on the street at the time, but he was able to steer it away from people and other cars, and he hit that truck. so i get the word with all to do that, so kudos to him. witnesses say the older men who was struck and killed was the grandfather of the passenger. emergency crews
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rushed the victim to the hospital, where he died from his injuries. 7 24 is your time this morning, artificial intelligence is starting to make its mark in art museums and galleries, leaving the artistic world wondering if it even qualifies as art. while some embrace the rapidly developing technology critics claim a eyes copying and processing millions of copyrighted protected images without a license to create its own art artists behind the artworks save the work is a assisted, not a i generated and they still control the final piece. very good is using generative ai, and it's using a custom algorithm that i have been developing last 10 years and since i coined the term data painting, i'm trying to create artworks with machine learning algorithms, specifically a i. there are several new art exhibitions showcasing pieces created by our algorithms, including here in the bay area at the misalignment museum in san francisco's mission, the focus is not just about the benefits of artificial intelligence. it also looks at
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possible negatives, including a mural that reads sorry for killing most of humanity. it's filled mostly with a lot of art that is able to just demonstrate what a i tech is capable of, like a lot of the pieces. i want to even not date by the year. but by the month because that's how rapidly the tech is developing. some old school artists say they prefer to look at the bright side of technology assisted art, but they help future commercial applications will include some kind of opt out for artists who don't want the algorithms to learn from their work. the closure of a whole foods store in san francisco, is prompting one supervisor to propose changes to the city charter what he wants done differently. as a result, schwarzenegger was first champion bodybuilder than a movie star and later governor of california is now finding a new blue collar job will tell you about
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or live chat at today. at the center of our department scandal. why, he says he's being made a scapegoat by the city. let's not be judged denies up t.
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the disgrace. theranos founder must now report to later. fox t. this is mornings on 27. 29 is your time. welcome the mornings onto i'm andre senior gasia mikaelian. it's wednesday , april 12th or whether it's done it almost 1 81 75 since where we were on sunday and monday, steve kidding? i mean, that was fast, wasn't it? we had seventies and some couple of eighties. now we're looking at fifties and sixties. had a few seventies yesterday were mainly low seventies, but santa rosa and paolo alto or in the upper thirties this morning, livermore is close. if it was rather breeze livermore would be colder lot of thirties and forties here . these are cold temps for us this time of year, and once again, we're back into a cool pattern that seems to be kind of the chatter here for the rest of april favoring cool over warm, even though you can warm up pretty fast this time of year, but wild is the wind. when advisory starts at noon, sonoma coast marine coasts and the car kenya straight mostly sunny little bit of patchy fog on the san mateo coast. down towards
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san jose. santa cruz mountains breezy to windy at times, especially coast in higher elevations. 50 sixties on those temps, alright james torres is here at 7. 30 v. c a. yeah let's talk be th steve. because we do have some updates. there. at least one train now is running on the orange line and on the blue line. that's according to an update from vita. that's after hearing that light rails this morning would be suspended for pretty much an undetermined amount of time. and that also means that the green lines on the e t. a light rail are still not back in service yet. of course, we'll give you that update. once we get it, let's take you out and show you some maps here over san jose here because we have a big backup on 87 at the 2 80 connector. there was a car that rolled over now on its hood. i believe a tow truck there is working and get get the scene clear, but at least one lane of traffic is still shut down at this point, and that is causing some big big backups if you're headed out the door and san jose this morning coming up in just a few minutes. we'll give you an update on what's going on in berkeley possibly show you. some images
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of berkeley fired from earlier this morning that is shutting down a ramp near 80. but first it's 7 31. let's go back to andrei on the desk. thank you. in an exclusive interview with ktvu of former oakland police captain at the center of the misconduct scandal, says he is being made escape goat. it's just very disappointing. when i've given so much to the city. and now the only way to clear my name. is to have to go to court. wilson now is the former oakland police internal affairs captain accused of botching the department investigation into a sergeant. the case ultimately led to the firing of chief laurent armstrong. that was filed a claim against oakland, accusing the city of retaliation oversaw the internal affairs investigation of sergeant michael chung was accused of failing to report a crash he was involved in while driving a police car. failing to report that he was dating a fellow officer and firing his gun inside a service elevator at opd headquarters. but laos says the
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internal affairs report on chung was prepared by a sergeant in his unit. it was an incomplete investigation that i sent back for follow up work. and later on. i find out that the work i told him to do wasn't done. says he was on vacation when another internal affairs officials signed off on that report. civil rights attorney jim shannon, who monitors oakland police reforms, says the investigation found allows explanation. quote not credible. and he had every opportunity to present that as part of his defense, and, uh, they didn't accept. well now spent 15 years with oakland police before transferring to the east bay regional parks police last year, but now he's been fired as a captain there. the city of oakland and the regional parks district had no comment on our story. yesterday a federal judge overseeing the oakland police departments reforms extended pds probationary period, which was originally set to expire in june. the judge said quote.
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turns out we were premature. back to you. the san francisco police officer continues to recover after being hurt by a falling tree during last month's storms, the san francisco police officers association says after several weeks at san francisco general hospital sergeant kevin bro goleta is now at a long term rehabilitation facility for the next phase of his recovery. officers gathered in a procession from the hospital yesterday to salute him. sergeant brody lettuce suffered critical injuries had to be freed from his car after high winds knocked over a massive tree that fell the police union, said the bruegel eta family will be forever grateful for the excellent care kevin received from the medical professionals at san francisco general the unwavering support they've received from the san francisco police department family and the love and generosity of their friends and the community as a whole. time is 7 34 after a whole foods store in san francisco closed its doors over safety concerns. one supervisor is proposing changes to the city charter store, opened a year ago in the city's mid market
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neighborhood was the largest whole foods store in san francisco. supervisor matt dorothy says the closure was prompted by drug related retail theft and nearby drug dealing. he wants more police on the streets and says he'll draft a charter amendment to get the city to a fully staffed police department within five years. the department says it's short, nearly 550 officers. kaiser employees across california holding demonstrations this week over what they call dangerous understaffing at the medical facilities doesn't gather outside the walnut creek kaiser hospital this week after years of understaffing and pandemic pressures, employees are stretched thin and many are leaving due to burnout. so this is the worst staffing issues that we've seen since the start of the pandemic. we've been asking kaiser for months now, if not years to give the employees the help that we need in order to give a better service to the patients. kaiser released a statement saying every healthcare provider in the nation is facing staffing shortages and fighting burnout.
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and kaiser permanente is not immune. regardless of these challenges are staffing approach reflects our shared commitment to ensure every kaiser permanent day patient receives extraordinary care every time and in every place. 7 35. now pepsi has unveiled its first fleet of electric semi trucks here in northern california. perhaps killed sacramento fleet now includes 18 electric semis built by tesla. the company says the trucks can go up to 400 miles on a single charge. pepsi is now one of the first major companies in the country to use those tesla trucks. we're committed, and we believe that achieving our sustainability goals will help us achieve our business goals and that the two are intertwined and are key to us achieving the successes that we anticipate we'll need to have in the years to come partially paid for the zero missions trucks through a grant provided by the air quality district. the trucking industry in california is facing a 2035 deadline for half of semi trucks sold in the
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state to be all electric 7 36 approaching the heat of the commute if we're not in it already here, james gasia, andre . no doubt about it. lots of talk about this morning. but first, i want to put your attention over to berkeley this morning. we have some new video into our newsroom that shows some of the fire that we've been talking about all morning long. some cruise of counter and say some of that fire might have damaged an off ramp. that's along. i 80 in berkeley near university avenue. they had it closed both off ramps, eastbound and westbound for the time being west band now back open with that eastbound off ramp still shut down this morning. and you can see why some of that fire that has just been blazing early this morning. the fire's out now, fire crews have already left the scene at this point, but i want to show you the map that shows what's kind of been left over. as a result, you see the icon that shows us exactly where that closure is. and you see all of that red that has led to all of the traffic backup that we've had to deal with this morning. somewhat as a result, so keep that in mind if you're headed out the door in the next
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couple of minutes here show you the bay bridge toll plaza, which has quite a bit of a backup as well. metering lights have been on for quite a few hours this morning. if you're headed to san francisco, it's going to take you a little bit of time coming up in about 12 minutes, i'll tell you more about what's going on the 2 80 87 connector in san jose, also big back up there if you're headed out the door in san jose, but first let's talk with mr steve paulson at 7 37 this morning, steve, how are you? i can't kick too high. how much yourself james in these pants now? not an easy either. trust me. you'll have to take me over to john muir there. alright sonoma state campus 33 degrees. what? that's what i saw 33. i know pen grove checked in at 35, so i tend to believe it. that was actually funny comment by james not in these pants. uh alright. 38 stanford campus, socal's 38, saratoga, hollister's los altos hills and napa all checking in at 39 degrees northwest wind on the way that hasn't already noon goes to nine o'clock. sonoma coast, marine coast, the delta
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and khorkina straight, so watch out in the car, kenya's bridge and the venetian bridge. it can rock you right around there. nevado 16 gusting to 25 mph. although half of them bases now we're up to about 30 and sfo 23 now 33 mile per hour gusts. hayward, palo alto right out of the west. and the water temps if you weren't with us about two hours ago, and chances are you're probably weren't i said bodega bay with the northwest wind will probably drop the 49 just like that. they did 49 point race. 51 san francisco buoys 50. they were 54 yesterday . that's a big drop. speaking of big drops on the temps on monday , these were all in the mid sixties. i think snow amount was 66 there now, 36. oakland hills, 39 ben lomond mountain at 35. that's cold forties on all these temps here, low forties mid forties to a few of the breeze holding up the temps tomorrow morning could be colder there. so kills 38. hollister's 39. saratoga was briefly 39 campbell
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ven down to 40 and santa cruz, a cool 41. looks good today. inland. maybe a few. partly cloudy is over by the coast. but the breeze will be the big story. this system will be with us today tomorrow before it finally ejects out, but really, we're staying on the cool side to near average on attempts, no big warmup scene and if anything, maybe some rain early next week around monday night or tuesday forecast models having a tough time with the transition. april is always tough around the middle of the month. i'm not sure what to do with it. patchy fog. not much a little bit colder morning. mostly sunny but cool and that wind will be a factor here fifties sixties on attempts should be a little rebound in these temps up there 70 for a few but looks quiet going into the weekend. you guys thanks to you, but new community center is open in san francisco for senior and homeless veterans. former house speaker nancy pelosi was there for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the swords and plowshares veterans community center. its location is on howard street. it's 5000 square feet bigger than the old center an
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weekends organizer state will funding for the new center came from a congressional committee project fund. get don't tell me why it wasn't a million dollars $975,000. federal funding to support this this very project, and, uh, we're very, very proud of that longer hours of service , more nutritious meals, mental health care, legal and professional services, community building activities. like the art therapy and yoga and the rest. veterans community center replaces swords and plowshares old drop in center, which opened back in 1970. 7 41 year, former governor arnold schwarzenegger returns to public service in a unique way, how we took matters into his own hands to fix the problem plaguing his neighborhood, the man who was pretending pretending to be a
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student at stanford university for an entire year, appears to be back on campus. the school's response to the stanford imposter. then on the night we're about to talk live with the mayor of san francisco as public safety concerns are front and center for so many in the city following the street killing of a prominent tech leader. and the resulting search for his attacker. london breed response to what's happening in the city when it comes to crime and we shut down the stretch of
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interstate 80 18 fremont for hours as they looked for evidence, doesn't chp officers walked two miles stretch yesterday, bringing south dont traffic to a standstill on saturday, five year old girl named eliana was shot while her family drove on 18 year, the dixon landing road exit. minutes earlier, police say there was a possible gang related shooting near fremont boulevard and thornton avenue. three hours later, santa cruz police spotted the car on highway 17, where three people were arrested at a weapon was recovered. they believe the same gun may have been used in two shootings, including the death of eliana. a reasonable person could put two and two together, but at this point we don't have enough facts in order for us to definitively tie the two together. fremont.
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police say they have two people in custody but have not said if that shooting cases connected to the freeway death. chp has not said what evidence they're looking for, or if anything seized in santa cruz arrest is connected to the freemont case. this morning, a woman was charged in federal court for a disturbance that forced to flight heading from san francisco to chicago to land in kansas city. check out the details that led to the emergency landing. the flight departed from sfo on friday. several passengers say a woman was abusive and threatened to kill the flight attendant on board. she was restrained with zip ties. the pilot told investigators he diverted the flight out of concern for passenger safety. elizabeth holmes will soon be heading to federal prison judge denying the thoroughness founders attempt to stay out of custody while her appeal is pending homes fought hard to stay out of prison while she appealed her fraud and conspiracy convictions. she was sentenced to 11 years in november for defrauding investors in her failed blood testing company thoroughness. will be that realization that in
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retrospect, i should have accepted responsibility said i'm sorry, and then the realization will kick in that had she done that earlier, she had probably gotten three or four years instead of 11. she has a long journey ahead of her, and rather than complain that encourage her to focus on what remains. homeless as requested. she served her sentence at the minimum security women's prison camp and bryan, texas. she's been ordered to self surrender on april 27th. 7 46 number in counties planning to spend $500,000 to expand services for people living in a large vehicle encampment. that's according to the marine independent journal. more than 80. people live in rvs , campers, trucks and trailers parked along binford road in novato. the county plans to hire a full time social worker to overseas support and housing services at that site. $500,000 in state funding will be used for services like trash collection, toilets and showers while also working with the people living there on their long term housing needs. well. two more bay area water agencies
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are rolling back water restrictions as the recent storms every replenished water supplies. clara valley water district decided to end its declaration of a water shortage emergency condition tuesday along with a 15% mandatory water use reduction. the san francisco public utilities commission is also rescinding its water shortage, emergency and drought surcharge effective may 1st. he's very much east. it's drop restrictions at the end of march. we are still enforcing waterways prohibitions, which means things like no irrigation when it's raining. please don't hose off your driveways and sidewalks and these use a shut off nozzle when you're washing your car. state restrictions remain on using water for businesses and institutional decorative landscaping. alright 7 48. now wall street is reacting to the latest read on inflation and the news this morning is good. pam cook has the details in today's dollars and cents. certainly some good news coming our way we could use it. the consumer price index released at 5 30 this morning for march. it shows prices for
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used cars and energy dropped. food prices in general were unchanged from the month before , so that's certainly helped. the report puts inflation at 5% from a year ago, analysts say policy policymakers at the federal reserve look for 2. inflation as a healthy and sustainable economy. so could definitely affect interest rates ringing the opening bell this morning men's basketball coach dan hurley of the university of connecticut to celebrate their fifth ncaa championship. they rang the bell taking you live to the new york stock exchange. now numbers are up after that inflation report not completely well across the board. now, i was going to say the nasdaq was down a little bit, but just turned positive right now. at 12,033, you can see the dow jones up about a quarter of a percent. the s and p 500 up about a quarter of a percent as well as southern california prepares for some huge events like the 2026 world cup and the 2028 olympics. some leaders in
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los angeles want to bump up the minimum wage for tourism workers to $25 an hour advocates say it would specifically help hotel workers and airport workers. whose current minimum wage is about 16 78 an hour. more details are expected to be announced later today. after nearly 40 years, one of broadway's longest running shows is ending in just a few days. the familiar sounds of the phantom of the opera will have its last curtain call on sunday . it has been on broadway for 35 years since 1988 11 members of that pit orchestra have been with the show the entire run one of them trumpeter lowell her, she says he considers himself lucky to have had the gig. there's no question about it. it's better to be lucky than talented. it provides provided a lot of financial security. they gave me a sense of also, i guess
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pride and what i was able to do. phantom is the longest running show on broadway. the next closest show is the 1996 revival of chicago. that is still running, but it will have to go for another 10 years to break the record. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. thank you. 7 50. now jeremy renner made his first red carpet appearance since nearly being killed in a snowplow accident on new year's day. the avengers star was surrounded by friends and family in los angeles at the premiere of the four part disney plus docuseries renovations. renner was crushed by his seven ton snowplow while trying to help free relatives car at his nevada home. the actor has said he broke numerous bones and suffered a collapsed lung appears to liver in the accident as well. the premier marked renters first public appearance in person appearance since january. former governor arnold schwarzenegger has been involved in some do it yourself. pothole. repair yeah, share this video on twitter, showing him
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taking matters into his own hands after a pothole in a southern california neighborhood had not been fixed for weeks, he wrote that his entire neighborhood had been upset about that huge pothole that it's been affecting cars and bicycles. welcome you're welcome to do it yourself. i mean, this is crazy for three weeks. i've been waiting for this order closed. thank you. well some are now calling schwarzenegger the tar been ator. so i guess he's trading in his gun for a shovel. james i swear, didn't come up with that dreams, 7 51 probably said to the pothole before filling it. in what vista? see i can do it to do it to andre. alright we've got some good news when it comes to the vt lytro. i just talked to some folks over there and they tell me that all light rail services are now restored. they're all back in action this morning. that was after some hours of suspension, because as you can see here, trucks had a tow away some of
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these light rail trains because they had some overhead electrical issues. now the problem isn't permanently fixed . they still have some repairs that they need to make, so they have a temporary fix in place. but that means the orange line green line the blue line. anyone using light rail this morning shouldn't have any problems for now, where we do have some problems are down in san jose here we still have an accident. that's causing a good amount of backup along 87 to 80 connector here, you can just see just how much red and yellow is filling our maps here this morning. plenty of delays for you to think about before you had all the door if you're driving around san jose this morning. it is 7 52. let's talk with mr steve paulson today. steve i've got a lot that i think i need to say. i don't think you have too much to talk about today, do you? my there. there i am. yes a little. it's cold for us here. james was worried for a moment like no, i know it's steve. i had to give it to steve. you're going to have to talk for another couple of minutes. i'll take it from here. all right. we
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have some cold readings here. in fact, very cold for us here in april 12th no doubt jeannie smith and pang grove, she says we dropped to 34 degrees, so i believe that 33. at the sonoma state university campus. and yes, they did. i did see a 33 there in rohnert park, sonoma state. petaluma. 38 stanford 38. so cal, 38, saratoga, hollister , los altos hills and napa all at 39 degrees not only cold, but the wind, so the combination of the two wind advisory starts at noon. that does include the tsunami coast, the marine coast and the car keenest right? maybe just a 40 45 that surface wind and went around might get 2000 ft. to 5000 ft is out of the northwest and that is really dropped the water temps but database 49 san francisco boy dropped to 50 after being 54 yesterday. that's a big drop in one day. there you go. sfo 24 gusting to 32 half moon basement up to about 30 bottles also showing about 25 30 and boy the arrow loft is just dropped dramatically here. they were in the mid sixties. on monday now
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37 mount diablo northwest wind 13 forties for most now we've probably bought them down on the lows. i would imagine nights are getting shorter days or longer, but still low forties valeo. that was going to 39 out of 41 degrees, but a lot of forties here so cool pattern from that low in the pacific northwest, which is really just going to kind of hang out here and give just low pressure will do this for about two days, keeping us cool, so it's a dry system. but it's a cool, breezy to windy one. any rain in the forecast maybe early next week, looking at the possibility monday night into tuesday. until then. pretty quiet, except for the wind and temperatures cooling off, but they will start to bump up as we had, probably to the weekend. they'll get up for sixties to near 70 50 sixties, though today mainly mid sixties, but it should be a little bit warmer temps the next couple of days, you guys steve. thank you. bike and pedestrian activists calling for big changes in san francisco . the two policies they point to that could save lives on the city's roads. today's pro day for the san francisco 40 niners . but college players with barrier ties try to impress nfl
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scouts. there is one quarterback with the familiar last name. you may not know him, but i am pretty sure you know his mom. stay with us.
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eric as the first major republican to announce their candidacy in the race, launched a senate campaign yesterday. early came in third place in the
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primary for california attorney general last year previously ran against southern california congressman adam schiff in 2025 is one of the three prominent democrats have announced they're running for feinstein seat along with east bay congresswoman barbara lee and southern california congresswoman katie porter. the top two vote getters in next year's march primary will move on, regardless of party republican has not held statewide office in california since 2006 registered democrats outnumber republicans in our state by nearly a 2 to 1 margin. youtube has unveiled its sunday ticket prices for its first season carry nfl games. youtube says the pre sale offer prices available for youtube tv subscribers at $249. that's $100 below the retail price fans who want the sunday games package without a subscription to youtube tv will have to pay for 49 bundle consisting of sunday ticket and nfl red zone takes the price up $40 to 4 89 for the season. well today is pro day at the 49ers headquarters in santa clara. it's an event in which the team invites college players with barry attack. guys to work out in front of nfl scouts. players go through a series of
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drills and get to talk to teams . one of the players jake julie haener, quarterback from fresno state. started martavis to high school in danville. i know you know his mother, julie julie haener. she's been an acre here at ktvu for years. jake kane. it was m v p at the senior bowl in alabama and has talked to teams including the raiders and the saints. the nfl draft begins april 27th in kansas city. the call for safety on california roads. barea group is heading to sacramento a live report on their pledge to make some of the most dangerous streets in the states safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers, a man who posed at the sanford student for almost a year is back on campus. what he was doing there just after midnight, and what's believed to be the biggest push yet for electric cars will break down the new vehicle pollution standards unveiled today by the white house. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto it is eight o'clock. welcome to mornings onto i'm andre senior gasia mikaelian. it's wednesday, april 12th glorious sunshine
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behind us on the oakland estuary . but steve paulson, we needed that jacket this morning. i would thirties and forties. even though it's clear it's a little deceiving. that is correct. we had a lot of thirties this morning now forties but the wind will be the bigger factor here later today, especially sonoma coast, marinko stephen on the cemetery coast and on some of the bridges here, temperatures are finally beginning to bump up. pretty cool pattern for us lows were below average, and that system slicing down ramp up the breeze here. so wild is the wind today, which kicks up here strongest gusts again. coast and some of the higher elevations mostly sunny but blustery to windy at times, and we are looking at below normal taps here fifties sixties. alright sit over to james torres peninsula. we're going there somewhere else. san jose or what ? steve paulson. we're gonna go the other direction. we're going to head up north here to the richmond san rafael bridge. i'll take you live there right now. we got a little bit of a slowdown of chp encounters reporting there was some debris on the roadway. someone already ran over. it got two flat tires out of that bad luck for that guy, but that's something that
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should be cleared out pretty soon here but expect just some residual slow down as a result of that. we've got some slowdown still on the san mateo bridge. it looks like they've already cleared that earlier accident. not too much to it. it's just a lot of cars on the road. so expect that to if you're headed out the door in that direction, and the papers toll plaza backed up kind of exactly as we expected to be at 801 this morning. that's all i've got for traffic. for now, let's send it back to garcia and andre. james torres. thank you happening today a renewed push to get speed cameras installed on california roadways. supporters are expected to head to the state capital here this morning. ktvu dave, doubling level san francisco city hall where they're gathering before heading out to the capital, dave. hey good morning. well, those supporters of this bill have boarded the bus behind me. you can see it right here. they are getting ready to head to sacramento to have their voices heard they are expected to meet with lawmakers to talk more about senate bill 6 45 now, if passed, it would allow for the installation of speed safety cameras on a limited number of streets in large cities like those in our area, including san
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francisco, oakland and san jose , would be put on roadways proven to have excessive speeding and high crash areas now finds would start at $50 for anyone going over 10 miles. of the speed limit. there would also be a citation and warning period before this would take effect. but of course, still a lot of controversy over this and still a lot of support needed and joining me right now for a live interview is jodi medeiros with the walk san francisco. you've got a lot of voices on the bus. how important are their personal stories? when it comes to this pilot program? speed is the number one killer of our streets in san francisco. why a person doesn't survive. they die . they are severely injured, and this is what we are really trying to tackle with a b 6 45. we've seen other media campaigns to help reduce speeding. how important is this version? because of that fine is fine or what needed we really need a consistent deterrent for people to speed, and that's why we're taking people with us today to talk to legislators talk to
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decision makers making sure that they understand that speed is impacting lives. we are with mothers who have lost five year old children walking to school fathers who have lost sons who are out with their cousins and walking home. this is something that is impacting everyday lives , and it just needs to be we need a solution. thank you so much. we'll let you get back on the bus so you can head to sacramento. so of course, the voice is expected to meet with lawmakers later today around 12 45. and as for this bill 6 45. it will go to committee hearings starting next week. of course, this is the fourth installment of this and again supporters hoping that it will pass this time around. we're live in san francisco, dave deadline ktvu fox two news. thank you. time now is 804. a hearing is set in san francisco court today for the man accused of attacking the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi. pat faces attempted murder, battery and assault charges. today's hearing is scheduled to start at nine. a.m. to set a trial date also
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faces federal charges, including one count of attempted kidnapping of a federal officer or employee and assault of an immediate family member of a federal official. he's pleaded not guilty. in both cases popular suffered serious injuries, such as a skull fracture in last october's attack. police say a man arrested in a series of sexual assault cases on the u. c. berkeley campus may also be involved in another sexual assault in palo alto, u. c. berkeley. police arrested one person following the early morning incident near a student housing complex where a woman was groped and knocked down. there were several other similar assaults across campus. in the past few days. we talked with students who received alerts from police. honestly coming to the school did not expect it to be this unsafe. so that was a little that kind of that coming off guard. everyone i know especially that's a girl has pepper spray here, and this is why. u c. berkeley police department is increasing patrols around campus in case there are more attacks. the department
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didn't give any information on the person who was arrested. palo alto police say they think the person arrested in the berkeley cases was also responsible for sexual assault on a pedestrian underpass sunday afternoon, investigators say they went to uc berkeley took custody of 34 year old daniel condron puno on attempted rape and other felony charges. we're working to confirm with uc berkeley police that the person arrested in berkeley in connection to the palo alto case is in fact, the same person arrested for the berkeley attacks. a man who pretended to be a student at stanford for nearly a year, reportedly returned to that campus last week. the stanford daily reports that two students encountered william curry in the lounge of the murray house just after midnight on thursday, when they were going to play a game of pool. other students also reported seeing him and said he talked about his ex girlfriend at stanford student who is allegedly harassed since they broke up last year. according to the stanford daily, the university went informed about the curries presence on campus said that it had determined the recent sightings were unsubstantiated. six now oakland is moving forward with a
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proposal to phase out the city's eviction moratorium. the city council voted to move it out of committee to the full council meeting. after more than 100 people signed up to speak in public comment. landlords are pushing the city to end the eviction ban because its financial burden for them, but backers say the city needs to protect the renters. i have to ask everybody to please keep their commentary to yourself. so everybody who comes up to the microphone can speak personally. don't trust that the landlords who are cursing out a council member are going to work with their tenants right now, rather than rushing to let them when rentals have more rights to your own property than landlords, then you do not really on that property. you're just making payments, the ordinance that would set a four month transition out of the eviction ban starts in may. the full city council will take up the issue next tuesday. san francisco's board of supervisors meeting there was adjourned until today because of a comcast outage. supervisor aaron peskin said. a critical fiber cable at hide and gary was vandalized, knocking out cable to a number of comcast
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customer. is in the city. the city attorney advised the meeting be adjourned because of public notice laws among the issues to be discussed by the board reparations for black san franciscans and increased police staffing seven. now environmental groups are filing a lawsuit against the epa over water pollution from oil refineries and other industries . the coalition of 13 groups, including san francisco beekeeper wants to face the agency to follow the clean water act and update its water pollution standards. the groups say that runoff from chemical plans, plastics manufacturers, fertilizer makers and others are fueling algae blooms that are harmful to humans and fish, san francisco bay keeper says with five active refineries, local waterways are vulnerable bay is officially recognized as impaired by the epa for selenium pollution. but unfortunately, the local selenium water quality standard that is incorporated into clean water act permits for the refineries is inadequate and the permits allow discharges and
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the order of over £1100 per year of selenium that are harmful to fish. as a baykeeper says the standards for selenium are the same as they were more than 20 years ago. the lawsuit calls for the epa to modernize this decades old rules on wastewater treatment controls. happening today, the biden ministrations proposing the strongest ever pollution standards for cars and trucks. the new proposals for vehicle emission standards are designed to speed up the transition to clean energy cars, such as electric vehicles around environmental protection agency announced the plan for sweeping changes calling for 56% emissions cut for light duty trucks by the year 2030 to 44% cut for medium duty trucks. emission standards would also increase for heavy duty trucks and busses. this morning. the north bay traffic has entered the conversation. let's go and show you some of the maps that we're looking at this morning. the richmond san rafael bridge getting a little bit of a slowdown right around here, right? when you get on the bridge headed toward the north
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bay, they're headed towards san rafael marin county. that's because it looks like there was some debris on the middle of the roadway. a couple people very reported driving over it, getting some flat tires. so count trans cruise and chp working and get that out of the way. but once you clear that and actually get into san rafael looks like there's even more debris on the roadway there, too. and it sounds like crews are going to be setting up a traffic break in just a minute to try to clean that all up. i want to take you over to berkeley on the other end here, because just look at that. i mean, you see so much red so much yellow lots of delays still in place there, and we still have that off rec closure at university avenue because of a fire earlier this morning, investigators still working to see if there was any damage to that offer him that might make it just a tad bit too dangerous to drive over. once we get more information on that we will let you know, coming up in just a few minutes, we will talk about some of the south bay traffic. pickin that connector over at 87 2 80 let you know what the status of that is. but for now at 8 10, we're going to head back to andrei on the desk. thanks so much. former oakland
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police captain implicated in the department scandal coming up his exclusive interview with ktvu, telling his side of the story. louisville police released body camera video this week's mass shooting at a bank coming up footage of the first officers ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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later government funded media. npr says it will no longer be active on twitter because the platform is in its words, taking actions that undermine our credibility by falsely implying that we are not editorially independent. npr says government funding accounts for less than 1% of its annual operating budget. twitter also put that government funded laid media label on the bbc. this morning. president biden is now traveling to ireland earlier today he was in northern ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement that ended years of violence. the president said the us helped negotiate that agreement and remains committed to it now supporting the people of northern ireland protecting the peace preserving the belfast good friday agreement is a priority. for democrats and republicans alike in the united states, and that is unusual today. because we've been very divided on our parties. the president will
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spend three days in ireland, including visits to the hometowns of his irish ancestors. 14. now the biden administration is trying to reassure us allies after a trove of secret documents was leaked online. the justice department is investigating that leak. and now the pentagon is assembled a group to assess just how much damage all of this has cost. defense secretary lloyd austin says he has no idea who leaked dozens of classified and top secret documents online, but notes, the loss is staggering. they include assessments of the war in ukraine and weaknesses in the country's defenses. there were disclosures about us allies , including israel, north korea and united arab emirates. uh deeply unfortunate leak of classified documents is certainly as intense as anything. some security experts say the leak is even worse than the information made public by whistleblower edward snowden. the administration has reached out to us allies in recent days to assure them in the wake of these leaks. authorities in louisville, kentucky, have now released body camera video from
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officers responding to monday's deadly bank shooting there. stop . back up. back up! back up! back up. give me up here. video shows the first two officers arriving to the sound of gunshots. the gunman immediately fires at the music and a ar 15 rifle. one of the officers 26 year old nicholas will had been on the job less than two weeks. he was shot in the head. what other officers tried to save. will the gunman fired at them? what one officer then shot and killed the gunman. anybody who gets shot at reacts for people to react. by staying there staying in the fire. and going back inside the scene. keeping themselves in danger. that's superhuman. authorities say the quick action by police likely stopped the gunman from killing more people. 16 year, while the number of school shootings has increased in recent years in new study out of u c l a, says overall violence at california schools has decreased more than 50% in the past two decades here
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in the bay area, just the past year, there was a shooting at an oakland school campus and deadly stabbing at a school in santa rosa and reports of stabbings on campuses in san francisco and san jose. researchers say they analyzed data of a different kind collected for more than six million middle and high school students in our state. they examined cases of fighting bringing weapons to school being threatened with a weapon and verbal abuse. but in terms of guns we like had with weapons like a 70% reduction from 20 years that kids are not bringing a many young people say the rise of social media now plays a role in how students are victimized. i do think a lot of that, instead of it being physical violence, i do think that still exists. however it's more online and more like a cyber bullying way. if that makes sense. the u. c l. a study says california's investment in resources to help improve the campus climate and access to mental health services has helped bring down the level of violence in schools. today a second democrat, could return to
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his seat in the tennessee legislature after being expelled last week. commissioners in memphis are scheduled to vote on whether to give the seat back to justin pearson. republican lawmakers ousted pearson and state representative justin jones for their role in a gun control protests on the house floor in the aftermath of the nashville school shooting. the national council restored jones office on monday. jones by the way, originally from oakland, 8 17, let's get you out the door. have we resolved that problem out 18 by we i mean, the hardworking crew is not us personally. no doubt about a gasia andre. good morning tea. i'm going to start off in the south bay first and give you an update in 10 jose off that interchange of 87 28. it looks like most of the origin and sources of the problem spots have cleared but of course you're gonna have that residual traffic when you're talking an accident that happened at about seven o'clock this morning. an hour later, we still see plenty of traffic. plenty of delays that you will definitely want to keep your eye on and definitely know. before you head out the door this morning. show you a live look at 2 80 at san jose this morning for the most part, this stretch of 2 80 work
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looking pretty good traffic moving along smoothly here. and i don't think i've done this all morning yet giving you bridge. e had some win this morning. lots of the bridges in our area are calling for a wind advisory. so be sure to keep that in mind as you head out the door. 18 we've got mr steve paulson on deck for us this morning. who is telling us mainly the car kenya's in venetia bridge for that wind for the wind advisor. yeah. you still feel the wind everywhere that absolutely official advisory yes. your official one? yes, the one that that starts at noon goes through nine o'clock tonight didn't look too bad that the golden gate with a westerly breeze, but it'll be more of a northwest. sonoma coast, marine coast, the delta and the khorkina straight that starts 25 maybe 45 mile per hour wind gusts. i knew it would happen. and it did because of that northwest wind you get the upper link bodega bay dropped to 49 buoy temperature that is amazingly cold. san francisco bowie was 50 54 yesterday. now, 50. that's a big drop. sfo 25
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guests to 35 half from a basement around 25 to 35 when picking up a little bit. hayward. palo alto mountain views san jose so it's going to be a blustery day and boil boy. they're cool off a lot. i'll say temperatures in the hills or in the thirties. mount diablo was about 60 couple of days ago. not now. 38 wind isn't too bad northwest 10th lot of forties now he had some thirties, many thirties this morning, couple of fifties showing up here half moon bay. sfo also palo alto in their brentwood but mainly forties, going to be a cool day from that system, which will actually deepen a little bit is what we call it's going to just kind of not the low itself, but the area of low pressure will do this today into tomorrow before rejecting out then it looks like an okay weekend. a little bit warmer. temps any rain? yes maybe next week early next week monday night tuesday. pretty impressive for the north coast will see if it makes it this far south, but it does look like marin county north could be in line monday night, tuesday fifties sixties on the temps. these are below average, the lows were below the highs definitely will be below mostly
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sunny, windy at times and temperatures fifties sixties tomorrow morning, i think we'll even be colder. we'll see wind died down, so i think some lower thirties looksbl here on friday thirties but then warmer temps will take us into friday and saturday, still pretty good on sunday. steve thank you. time is 8 20 rolls out its heavy duty tesla tesla semi trucks for northern california are these trucks can go on a single charge. and scary moments in san francisco after an unoccupied u haul truck suddenly starts rolling down the street, the action from one man that may have prevented further tragedies. ♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business?
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great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. give your small business one tech solution ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with that checks all the boxes. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™.
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job about 40 miles north of santa rosa. the usgs says. there has been at least two small aftershocks after the earthquake . some people on social media say they were able to feel the earthquake in the north bay as well. an offshore pipeline involved in oil spill in southern california in 2021 is now being put back into service amplify energy cooperation says it has received approval from federal agencies to restart operations. it comes nearly two years after 25,000 gallons of oil spilled onto beaches in huntington beach and newport beach. the company recently announced a settlement with companies associated with the spill. amplify agreed to pay up
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to $95 million in settlements and also reached a plea deal with the federal government for negligently discharging crude amplify energy has started refilling the pipeline. san francisco police were investigating the circumstances that led to a u haul truck barreling down a hill. killing one person happened yesterday. jones street and gary in the tenderloin district. san francisco police say the people in the truck we're helping someone move when the truck suddenly began rolling downhill. one of the men managed to get out of the truck while it was moving, it became pinned between the u haul and a parked vehicle. the truck rolled about a half a block down the steep hill barreling through a busy intersection. police say the passenger in the truck managed to pull on the steering wheel, swerving the u haul into a park. fedex truck officers say those quick actions likely saved lives. as the truck began rolling, he was able to kind of steer it away from pedestrians. i don't know the exact how many people were on the street at the time, but he was able to steer it away from people and other cars, and he hit that truck. so he had the word with all to do
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that, so kudos to him. witnesses say the older man who was struck and killed was the grandfather of the passenger. emergency crews rushed the victim to the hospital where he died from his injuries. 25 your time this morning artificial intelligence is starting to make its mark in art museums and galleries, leaving the artistic world wondering if it qualifies as real art, while some embracing rapidly developing tech critics claim a, i is copying and processing millions of copyrighted protected images without a license to create its own art. artists behind the artworks say they work. the work is a i assisted, not a i generated and they still control the final piece work is using generative ai, and it's using a custom algorithm that i have been developing last 10 years and since i coined the term data painting, i'm trying to create artworks with mission learning algorithm specifically a i there are several new art exhibitions showcasing pieces generated by a i algorithms, including here in the bay area at the's
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mission. the focus is not just about the benefits of a i. it also looks at possible negatives , including a mural that reads quote. sorry for killing most of humanity. it's filled mostly with a lot of art that is able to just demonstrate what a i tech is capable of, like a lot of the pieces. i want to even not date by the year but by the month because that's how rapidly the tech is developing. some old school artists say they prefer to look at the bright side of technology assisted art, but they hope there's an opt out option for artists who do not want algorithms to learn from their work. 27 the closure of the whole foods store in san francisco has prompted one supervisor to propose changes to the city charter what he wants done differently. as a result, schwarzenegger was first champion bodybuilder than a movie star later governor of california. he's now found a new blue collar job.
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oh, taking the win with quality top tier gas for less? excellent choice, of course. yeah! you! this road trip is very well planned. yeah, i made a spread sheet. wow...that's...thorough ooooh look snacks! huge win. i could not choose. still a choice, and a good one i hope he got corn nuts. i love corn nuts. yeah, we do. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco.
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gold what he says about his role in the department that led to the chief being fired amid other fallout. in the south bay. judge denies elizabeth holmes latest attempt to avoid prison coming up the federal facility, the disgraced theranos founder will likely report to in two weeks. from ktvu. fox two news. this is
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mornings on to welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian andre senior. today is wednesday, april 12th, and it looks nice outside right now, but the weather is changing. so let's start things over to steve paulson right now. and steve, we have a lot of wind moving in cold air as well. that's true, but at least the sky is blue. the air quality is good. the visibility is good, so there's good things and also it was bound to happen. and it has here. the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab, think soda springs, 6900 ft. the central sierra snow lab snowpack now has more water than at any time going back to 1965. over the last few days, we have seen a sizable melt. that is true, especially in the areas where the sun has been hitting it round lake tahoe. i've seen a lot of pictures of that. so once it starts there around 6,907,000 ft. it's only a matter of time. south lake tahoe was 55 degrees yesterday. our system is giving us a little bit of cold air. no doubt about it. but wild is the
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wind. even though it's a sparkling visibility. we are going to see pretty good gus here today and temperatures coming down for a few days before they start to bump back up by the weekend, fifties and sixties. alright. james torres is here at 8 31. he's been all over the place this time. we're going where we're just gonna take a look at all of it. stephen morning to you here. we'll just share an overview of our bay area map this morning because we gotta commute. that's going to be slow, pretty much in every direction and every part of the area here. peninsula not so much but going from san francisco down a palo alto mountain view area. you're looking pretty good there, but anywhere around the east bay parts of north bay as well. expect some slowdowns, especially if you're coming off the richmond san rafael bridge going towards berkeley. we still have that backup probably somewhat cause from a situation we had. earlier we had a fire on the off ramp of university avenue that closed down and off ramp there. people are still out there investigating to see if there's any severe damage there. but for the most part everywhere else looking pretty okay. i'll show you what the conditions look like on some of the bay
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area bridges coming up in just about six minutes. but first, let's go back to andrei and garcia on the news desk dreams thank you. in an exclusive interview with ktvu, former oakland police captain at the center of the misconduct misconduct scandal, says he is being made a scapegoat. it's just very disappointing. when i've given so much to the city. and now the only way to clear my name. is to have to go to court. wasn't lau is the former oakland police internal affairs captain accused of botching department investigation into a sergeant. the case ultimately led to the firing of chief laurent armstrong as well the claim against oakland, accusing the city of retaliation, oversaw the internal affairs investigation of sergeant michael chung, who is accused of failing to report a crash he was involved in while driving a police car. failing to report that he was dating a fellow officer and firing his gun inside a service elevator opd headquarters, but laos says the internal affairs report on
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chung was prepared by a sergeant in his unit. it was an incomplete investigation that i sent back for follow up work. and later on. i find out that the work i told him to do wasn't done. says he was on vacation when another internal affairs officials signed off on that report. civil rights attorney jim shannon, who monitors oakland police reforms, says the investigation found allows explanation. quote not credible. and he had every opportunity to present that as part of his defense, and, uh, they didn't accept. i spent 15 years with oakland police before transferring to the east bay regional parks police last year, but now he has been fired as captain from their happening today. the driver of a stolen suv involved in a deadly crash in hercules during the police chase last month will be back in court. 20 rolled ralph wider. vallejo faces several charges, including two counts of murder, receiving a stolen vehicle and causing serious bodily injury.
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he hit another car, killing a 31 year old mother and one of her six year old twin sons, seriously injuring the other twin. what was out on bail from county jail in both alameda and san francisco county at the time of the crash. san francisco police officer continues to recover after being hurt by a falling tree during last month's storms, the san francisco police officers association says after several weeks at san francisco general sergeant kevin bruegel letter is now at a long term rehabilitation facility for the next phase of his recovery. officers gathered in a procession from the hospital yesterday to salute him. sergeant broken letter, suffered critical injuries and had to be freed from his car after high winds knocked a massive tree over the police union said the bruegel let a family will be forever grateful for the excellent care kevin received from the medical professionals at san francisco general the unwavering support they have received from the san francisco police department, family and the love and generosity of their friends and the community as a whole. 8 35 after a whole foods store closed temporarily in san
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francisco over safety concerns. one supervisor is proposing changes to the city charter. the store opened a year ago in the city's mid market district was the biggest whole foods in san francisco supervisor matt dorsey says the closure was prompted by drug related retail theft and nearby drug dealing. he says he wants more police on the streets and will draft a charter amendment to get the city to a fully staffed police department within five years. the department says it's short, nearly 550 officers at 8 36 al qaeda employees all around california are holding demonstrations this week over what they say is dangerous understaffing and its medical facilities. dozens of employees gathered outside the one that creek kaiser hospital this week , they say after years of understaffing and dealing with the pandemic, they're stretched too thin and many employees are leaving due to burnout. so this is the worst staffing issues that we've seen since the start of the pandemic. we've been asking kaiser for months now, if not years to give the employees the help that we need in order
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to give a better service to the patients. released a statement saying, quote every healthcare provider in the nation is facing staffing shortages and fighting burnout and kaiser permanent e is not immune. regardless of these challenges are staffing approach reflects our shared commitment to ensure every kaiser permanente patients received extraordinary care every time and in every place. pepsi has unveiled its first fleet of electric semi trucks here in northern california. pepsico's sacramento fleet now includes 18 electric semis built by tesla. the company says the trucks can go up to 400 miles on a single charge. perhaps he's now one of the first major companies in the country to use those tesla trucks. we're committed, and we believe that achieving our sustainability goals will help us achieve our business goals and that the two are intertwined and are key to us achieving the successes that we anticipate we'll need to have in the in the years to come, partially paid for the zero emissions trucks through a grant provided by the local air
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quality district. the trucking industry in california, is facing a 2035 deadline for half of semi trucks sold in the state to be all electric 37. let's get you out the door near the end of the morning commute. we're getting there. the light is at the end of the tunnel, isn't it got and andre good morning to you. hey, we've got just a quick reminder about vt. a light rail service is now back in and restored. that was after a couple of hours of service being suspended because of some electrical issues. they say they've got a temporary fix in place. they're still working on a permanent one. but all regular light rail service all back to normal here, taking a live look over the papers told plaza. we still got quite a bit of a backup here this morning. be bridges moving quite a bit slowly as we expected to be at about 8 37 this morning, same story goes for the cemetery. oh, bridge pretty much any bridge this morning still moving along , but it's going to be a slow commute if you're heading in any one of those directions, 8 38. we'll talk to mr steve paulson. steve would they usually talk about friday light today? wednesday heavy it got busy for,
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you know, i know i told you earlier this morning. there was a lot of traffic at 3 30 in the morning. you called it? that's true, but i didn't think it was that busy, but thank you, james. you're right. we've gone from sunny and warm. when was that? sunday monday? oh, yeah to windy and cooler, but at least the visibility is i mean, it's sparkling blue air quality is fantastic. but for us, it's continues to favor of cooler pattern not sticking around warm very long, so namaste university dropped to 33. i know pen grove is 34, petaluma, stanford, socal , saratoga, hollister, los altos hills and napa wall between 38 39 degrees northwest wind. it'll crank up here when advisory starts at noon goes through nine o'clock that does include the curd, the delta and the khorkina straight. and the marin and sonoma coast could get some gusts about 45 also said early earlier this morning bodega bay with that northwest wind should drop the 49 degrees because i've seen this happen many times insurance it did. and san francisco bowie which was 54 is
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now 50. that is a big drop in 24 hours. that's impressive. very cold water. sfo 25 already west of 35 mph half of basement. 22 about 30 35 as well. palo alto hayward mountain view all picking up a little bit on these wind speeds and the air aloft, which was mid sixties on monday , is now in the thirties and forties. sonoma mountain, ben lomond mountain, oakland hills man, that's a big drop in just a couple of days. forties fifties. now in the temps, the nights are so much shorter, but i think tomorrow morning in wind protected areas, it'll be even cooler. and if it feels cooler to you, it is. we're running 2 to 10 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time with the napa airport, the loan front runner there, out of 10 degrees colder, conquered not far away at night, the low up in the pacific northwest. what that's not going to deepen. but the area of low pressure that what we call the trough is going to deepen do this into thursday morning before it kicks out. then we'll start to see some improving conditions and warmer temps taking us into friday saturday forecast models. they're trying to bring rain in
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on monday night and tuesday. we'll see. in fact, some of them are kind of leaning on a weather pattern, but they have a tough time in the middle of april. it's the transition from winter and spring and summer. sometimes they latch on it. next time they show a forecast. it's not even close, so we'll see. patchy fog. most of that's gone mostly sunny, cool, breezy to windy at times fifties sixties on the temps. they will start to rebound a little bit as we head towards friday and saturday. that looks pretty nice for the weekend. thank you. steve. the prosecutor leading the indictment against former president donald trump is telling one of the former president's allowed of supporters to not interfere with the case. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is suing ohio republican congressman jim jordans. jordan has subpoenaed a former prosecutor in the d a s office to testify in front of congress next month. jordan has also asked for documents and testimony from the d a himself. brad calls the house investigation into the case, transparent campaign to intimidate and attack the trump indictment. he's striking back here, and he's saying essentially you in the united
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states congress have no jurisdiction here. they use federal funds to indict a former president for no crime, and then when we want to look into it when we want to investigate, they take us to court. the former prosecutor told jordan that he does not plan to cooperate with the subpoena. the killing of attack executive in san francisco caused outrage in the city and beyond. we're about to talk live with the mayor of san francisco, but what's being done to find his killer and make the streets safer for everyone? governor arnold schwarzenegger returning to public service in a unique way, he took matters into his own hands to fix the problem plaguing his n ghborhood.
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♪ ♪ before the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity.
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for hours as officers look for evidence nearly doesn't chp officers walked two miles stretch of 8 80 yesterday, bringing southbound 80 traffic to a standstill. we had this life for he was breaking news at . on saturday, five year old eliana was shot and killed while with her family on 8 80, near the dixon landing road exit minutes earlier, police say there was a possible gang related shooting near fremont boulevard and thornton avenue. three hours later, santa cruz police stopped a car on highway 17 and arrested three people recovered one weapon. they say they think the same gun
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may have been used in two shootings, including the death of eliana. reasonable person could put two and two together, but at this have enough facts in order for us to definitively tie the two together. fremont police say they have two people in custody. they have not said if that shooting cases connected to the freeway death this hp hasn't said what evidence they're looking for, if anything was seized in the senate cruz arrest that's connected to the freemont case. new this morning, a woman was charged in federal court for disturbance that forced the flight heading from san francisco to chicago to land in kansas city. the flight departed from sfo on friday. several passengers say the woman was abusive and threatened to kill a flight attendant. she was restrained with zip ties. the pilot told investigators he diverted the flight out of concern for passenger safety. 8 46. now elizabeth holmes will soon be heading to federal prison. a judge has denied the thermos founders attempt to stay out of custody while her appeal is pending home sought hard to stay out of prison while she
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appealed her fraud and conspiracy convictions. she was sentenced to 11 years in november for defrauding investors in her failed blood testing company theranos. it'll be that realization that in retrospect, i should have accepted responsibility, said i'm sorry. and then the realization will kick in that had she done that earlier, she had probably gotten three or four years instead of 11. she has a long journey ahead of her, and rather than complain that encourage her to focus on what remains. the judge ruled homes must surrender on april 27th to begin serving her sentence. he's recommending that she go to a minimum security women's prison camp in texas, but the final decision will be left up to federal prison authorities were in county is planning to spend $500,000 to expand services for people living in a large vehicle encampment. that's according to the marine independent journal or than 80. people live in rvs, campers, trucks and trailers parked along binford road in novato. the county plans to hire a full time social worker to oversee support and housing services at the site. the $500,000 in state funding will
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be used for services like trash collection, toilets and showers while also working with the people living there on their long term housing needs. two more bay area water agencies are rolling back water restrictions after recent storms helped end the bay area drought. santa clara valley water down in the south bay decided to end its declaration of water shortage emergency condition tuesday along with the 15% mandatory water use reduction. san francisco puc is also rescinding its water shortage. emergency in drought surcharges effective may 1st east bay mud eased its drought restrictions at the end of march. we are still enforcing waterways prohibitions, which means things like no irrigation when it's raining. please don't hose off your driveways and sidewalks and please use a shut off nozzle when you're washing your car. state restrictions remain on using water for business and institutional decorative landscaping, though well, there is a free cold brew waiting for you next week, but there is something you need to do. first street is reacting to the latest read on inflation. pam cook back upstairs now in
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dollars and cents, first of three important reports this week. the consumer price index came in 1st 5 30 this morning. it shows prices for used cars and energy dropped. food prices in general were unchanged from the month before which is significant. the report puts inflation at 5% from a year ago, analysts say policymakers at the federal reserve look for 2% inflation as a healthy and sustainable economy, so that means we could see more rate hikes. yukon rang the opening bell this morning. the university of connecticut men's basketball coach dan hurley, and the team celebrating their fifth ncaa championship as we take a live look at the numbers, the dow and the s and p 500 still managing to hang on to a little bit of a gain, but the nasdaq has now turned negative this morning on those concerns about inflation on the heels of that report tomorrow we get the producer price index. google has become one of the first big bay area tech companies to drop its covid vaccine mandate in its buildings. the mountain view based company announced in an
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internal memo that employees and visitors are no longer required to be vaccinated to come into the office. that's not just in the bay area but around the world. google executives say the vaccine has helped keep workers safe, but they're now lifting the mandate as an emergency declaration across the country and the world end. other large tech companies, including apple and meta, have not lifted their requirement to be vaccinated to return to the office. the u. s postal service wants to raise the price of its first class stamps to 66 cents, the agency said. it is waiting for approval of the three cent price increase . the usps says the hikers necessary to offset higher operating expenses fueled by inflation. if approved, the increase would go into effect july 9th and would be the agency's fifth price increase since 2019. and that cold brew duncan is treating coffee lovers to a sweet deal. the celebration of national cold brew day is april 20th and the coffee chain is giving away free cold brews
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to its reward members to cash in on the perk. you do have to make a purchase using the duncan mobile app. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. thank you. 8 50 here. jeremy renner, the actor made his first red carpet appearance since he was almost killed in a snowplow accident on new year's day. the avengers star was surrounded by friends and family . the premiere of the four part disney plus doctors series renovations in los angeles, renner was crushed by a seven ton snowplow while trying to help free our relatives card is nevada home rendered broke several bones suffered a collapsed lung and pierced liver . he used a cane to walk. the red carpet later used a motorized scooter. he said he was determined to attend the premiere of his series. former governor arnold fortunate has been involved in some do it yourself pothole repair. sort of bigger share this video on twitter showing him taking matters into his own hands after a pothole in his southern california neighborhood hadn't been fixed for weeks, he wrote that his entire neighborhood had been upset about the huge pothole and that it had been affecting cars and bicycles.
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welcome you're welcome. you have to do it yourself. i mean, this is crazy for three weeks, i've been waiting for this order closed. thank you. some are now calling schwarzenegger the tar dominator, right, 8 51. let's get you out the door. this has been a rough one for a couple of different reasons. james garcia, andre, let's go and just tie a bow on some of the major traffic headlines. we've talked about all morning long for starters vt. a light rail services now fully restored after a trouble little bit of an electric issue earlier this morning, but you won't have to worry about that for the rest of the day today, let's take you out to berkeley, where we talked about a fire there near university avenue along 80 off ramp eastbound is still shut down this morning, and that has just been problem spot for pretty much the entire morning. the entire commute that we've we've been looking at all day today. let's take you over deeper into the east bay. we still got some slowdowns from tracy and deliver more. also on highway four near bay point, if you're going from eniac to conquer ah, it's just going to
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be slow as we normally see it at this time of day. papers toll plaza starting to dissipate just a little bit here. we have backups there for most of the morning, but it looks like traffic is flowing through as you head into san francisco. same deal goes for the san mateo bridge if you're headed towards the peninsula, it is 8 52. let's check in with mr steve paulson one last time before we head into this nine o'clock hour. steve. alright, james. thank you very much. great visibility, good air quality. blue sky. that's an as your thing for today, no doubt, but it's a little cool, that's for sure. we had thirties and forties on the temps now seeing a few fifties and the wind will pick up a little bit later, but we are running noticeably cooler than 24 hours ago. the network san carlos minus 20. i have to check that one. but san jose nine, livermore, nine, conquered nine and the nap airport says they are 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. at this time. not that i don't believe you, san carlos. that's just a big jump
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breeze. the wind advisory starts at noon. arcana stray, so watch out on the quirkiness bridge beneath the bridge and the sonoma and marin coz could get gus about 40 45. this low will just kind of deep in a little bit. giving us some cooler conditions. it's a dry front, though there's not really a lot of cloud cover with it at all. what about the weekend? that looks good? what about next week? maybe some rain? maybe maybe monday night tuesday, although again the forecast models are having a very difficult time with the transition here as you go from march and in april may patchy fog. most of that's gone colder morning. mostly sunny, cool but breezy to windy attack, especially on the coast. sixties on inland temps fifties for some will stay in this pattern today and tomorrow than warm it up a little bit. friday, saturday, you guys steve. thank you taking your business to the next level . when you joined us on the nine we're diving into the dream chaser conference aimed to inspiring women, black women entrepreneurs will tell you all about it. area man. it was a star quarterback atlanta vista high school. we showcasing his talents for the san francisco 40 niners like ktvu, viewers will surely be recognized the
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familiar family name that's on the back of his jersey.
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪
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♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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see in this race. he launched his senate campaign yesterday or early came in third place in the primary for california attorney general last year previously ran against southern california congressman adam schiff in 2020 ship is one of the three prominent democrats have announced. they're running for feinstein's seat along with east bay congresswoman barbara lee in southern california congresswoman katie porter, the top two vote getters at next year's march primary will move on, regardless of party. republican is not held statewide office in california since 2006 registered democrats outnumber republicans in our state by nearly a 2 to 1 margin. senators are expected to vote today on a bill that aims to reduce fentanyl overdoses on school
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campuses across california. the bill would encourage schools to train staff on how to respond to opioid overdoses and how to use narcan while still rare overdoses among middle and high school students are about four times higher than they were just five years ago. it's an ongoing problem in our community, and there's so many african americans in this community. it's not speaking upon it, but it's affecting us. it's killing our young our future and we the people of the community have to do something about it. the national institute of drug abuse reported that nationwide more than 70,000 people died by synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl in 2021, the cdcs preliminary numbers for 2022 showed more than 100,000 opioid overdose deaths. parking in san jose will host the u. s. women's national soccer team as it gets set to head to the 2023 women's world cup. the match on july. 9th is the final tune up before the team leaves for new zealand. the fifa women's world cup kicks off july 20th us plays its first
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game the next cups in 2015 and 9 . today is pro day at the 49 years headquarters in santa clara. it's an event in which the team invites college players from bay area ties are with bay area ties. to work in front of nfl scouts. players go through a series of drills and get to talk to teams at the same time, and one of those players, jake julie haener, quarterback from fresno state, started monte vista high school in danville. if you don't know, jake, you definitely know his mom, julie julie haener, and here, it ktvu for more than 20 years, jake was an m v p at the senior bowl in alabama and has talked to teams including the raiders and giants . the nfl draft begins on april 27th in kansas city. one photograph. a tech executive killed a grocery store closes its doors and more and more people say they don't feel safe . we're talking live with san francisco mayor london breed about continued efforts to reverse what many see as e


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