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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 2, 2023 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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to with a look at what those kids are going to learn on their trip to hawaii and the partnership with a nonprofit group that made it happen and donation drive still underway to help a central coast community devastated by flooding what organizers say those flood victims need most right now and how you can help, plus i want them to hold people accountable. and not just lie and say you're doing a job and you're killing people. four deaths in a span of six weeks. just this year.
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that's the number of inmates who died in custody at santa rita jail, their families and loved ones now calling for changes. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome the mornings onto it is sunday. april 2nd. i'm ali, rasmus and high everyone. i'm frank mallicoat voice needs a little work today. but give me a little time should be alright. i feel good and i got to tell you the weather yesterday. ridiculous my gosh, let the dog out early this morning, rosemary wasn't that cold outside? not too bad. we do have a little breeze during things around so it doesn't fill a whole lot better temperatures are up by a smidge. some we will be with partly cloudy skies across the bay area and an afternoon breeze. definitely a possibility. low fifties to low sixties for today, mainly dry conditions. a better look at the current conditions and what you can expect for today, as well as the week ahead. coming up. thank you. rosemary what happening today? a small group of middle school students are getting the opportunity of a lifetime a sponsored trip to hawaii for
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spring break. ktvu james torrez live from west oakland middle school this morning with how this trip is happening and why organizers are putting it all together, james. good morning to you all a spring break in hawaii . it doesn't sound half bad right? but organizers say this is much more than just a vacation. some of these kids they are taking with and they say they've never flown on a plane. they hardly ever travel. they've hardly even had family members. whoever traveled by plane, so it's really about opening a lot of different experiences. this is a partnership between oakland schools, alaskan airlines and a company called state bags that are traveling bags and luggage company. according to state's website, its founders take pride and engaging in the community by doing what they can to serve the underserved, sending 12 students from oakland to hawaii this week , they say, is an example of that. state was built on the idea of spreading the magic of camp. our serving american kids and families in need fully stocked backpacks, inspirational role models and crazy fun,
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unique experiences. good hearted people. yes, it's definitely one of those unique experiences states. founders say travel has a way of changing you for the better, they say. during their trip, students will experience just that they will learn more about hawaii's culture, language and food while also being exposed to marine wildlife and the hiking nature in the islands of wahoo and malley, students and families. they're starting to arrive at the school. they'll be doing that for the next several minutes or so will then take another caravan and the bus over to sfl the airport. and take off later this morning. well out this morning in oakland. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. thank you, james. time now is 703 families, community activists and mental health advocates all protested outside santa rita jail so far this year for people in a span of just six weeks died while incarcerated. their inmates loved ones are calling for changes to prevent more deaths. ktvu is jesse gary explains what
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they would like to see happen. edward laurent wilhite outside santa rita jail saturday, advocates and activists reading out loud names of the dead. these are the dozens of inmates who have died while in custody. all of these deaths were people that died, um a couple of days within intake, we know that they should not have been incarcerated in the first place . since 2014 there have been 66 in custody deaths at this prison, which includes four so far in 2023. in response to the rally. the alameda county sheriff's office, which runs the jail, says we have been extremely transparent about the four deaths that have occurred since the beginning of the year. sheriff yesenia sanchez is committed to improving the quality of care, custody and control at the jail. she's invited county based organizations into the faculty to discuss their concerns. maurice monk is one of the 66 who died while in custody at the jail. it's still hard because he played a major part in my kid's life. so it's kind of hard not
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having him around to help me with my boys. tiffany monk says her brother suffered from schizophrenia following an altercation on an alameda county bus in 2021. he was arrested and wound up in santa rita shortly thereafter, the seemingly physically healthy monk was found dead in his cell. i want them to hold people accountable. and not just lie and say you're doing a job and you killing people family filed a lawsuit alleging he was denied adequate healthcare. the sheriff's office hasn't commented about their ongoing investigation into his death. advocates and community members say their grief is growing a movement to end the practice of incarcerating the mentally ill or those with substance abuse problems. they should have been diverted. they should have been elsewhere. they should not have been incarcerated, incarcerated in santa rita jail and you put them into a prison system and actually, what it does. is it, uh, increases trauma that they have already had? it makes it worse. criminal justice
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professor william carbone says the failings are systemic and wide ranging reform is needed the court should have at its disposal the opportunity to evaluate people have clinical experts that can evaluate and get to the bottom of the mental illness. when we send them into prison, they're not going to get better. they only get worse. the family of maurice monk says other options could have prevented his death. it's hurtful, and it's like it shouldn't be that many deaths, advocates say. alameda county has earmarked $50 million for mental health services. they'd like to see some of that money go towards housing and community based resources, john jeffrey barna t so that another name is not added to their list of the dead that would expand the choice so that people don't have to be put into the jail when they could be diverted into other opportunities. jesse gary ktvu, fox two news 706 is the time in the university of california is offering a plan that would make it easier for community college students to transfer into the uc system.
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under the proposal, any student who meets grade point average and class requirements for their major would be guaranteed a spot in at least one of the uc systems. nine campuses. some lawmakers opposed the new plan, saying it would conflict with a separate set of requirements for students to transfer into the cal state university system. you see, representatives say the plan isn't finalized yet. state lawmakers will have the final say during the state budget negotiations later this year. time now is 77. most of california's reservoirs have filled up to the top during this year's record breaking rainfall. but there is one major exception . the department of water resources reports that trinity lake is still only at 37% of capacity. that's because it's located in far northern california, where there have been far less rain than any other part of our state. trinity is california's third largest reservoir behind shasta and oroville. three small earthquakes were reported near the oakland san leandro border yesterday very close to the
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oakland zoo. the first of the three struck during mornings onto at about 9 20 yesterday morning. another one struck 20 minutes after that, and the final quake hit just 15 seconds after that second minor earthquake, the largest of the three was a 3.2 magnitude. no one was injured and there was no damage reported. having a good question. get back into the heart. okay that's what you get the circulation going to make sure that students of color had the opportunity to learn about future careers in health care more than 300, middle and high schoolers and college students attended the black men in white coats youth summit in oakland. it's all aimed at promoting diversity in the industry. doctors from kaiser permanent a lead the event, saying it's important for students of color to see physicians from similar backgrounds who are underrepresented in medicine. the attendees learned cpr witness suturing demonstrations and learned about applying to
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medical school. the overall goal is to reduce the racial and ethnic disparities medical school admissions. non profits and other agencies in the central coast area of pa haro are teaming up to help flood victims get some emergency supplies. the organizations have collected gift cards, food, clothing and other items to support flood victims amparo in neighboring communities during the storms. last month, floodwaters inundated entire neighborhoods when that popular river breached a levee if you want to help you can drop off donations for the flood victims today at the santa cruz county fairgrounds in watson ville time capsule buried by san francisco boy scouts 90 years ago finally was open the mayor, london breed and some other community leaders on earth. the capsule buried at the foot of mount davidson's cross yesterday, sits atop the city's highest peak. some of the items discovered in the 1933 box included a bible telephone directory and the san francisco chronicle newspapers. the
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newspapers will be really, really interesting. i just thought headline runaway girls navy romance. i mean, just you can you can't make that up. you can't the new time capsule was buried in its place by local boy scouts once again, and that includes an iphone face masks and in armenian bible gathering was hosted by san francisco's our median council, which owns mount davidson cross the severance. cisco historical society does plan to display the contents. that honor time capsule and its museum later this summer. it looks like it's still in pretty good shape to the newspaper blue skies there, though. that's what you're commenting on frank earlier about how nice it was yesterday, compared to what we've seen weather wise in recent weeks, rosemary is on today we are going to drop temperatures a little bit. we've already been unseasonably cool. now we're going to be a bit cooler, and we could turn a bit breezy into the afternoon giving you a look here at san francisco. you can see
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some clouds their overhead mixed in with the sins. shine out there this morning. and yes, temperatures running a bit warmer. we had thirties and forties yesterday morning this morning, widespread forties and even areas like brentwood and along the peninsula, sfo and down into the south bay san jose reporting 50 degrees. we have 47 in napa along the coastline, 48 at half moon bay forties along the east bay shore, and as we take a look to the north, we've got 45 novato. 37 middletown, one of the chilean spots this morning, 45 reported in sonoma. so a bit of a cool one and the breeze out there isn't helping fairfield reporting. 13 mph oakland reporting 16 napa reporting 10 we have conquered reporting nine under a mix of sun and clouds for today, we're called for just a few sprinkles similar to yesterday. some areas picked up trace amounts of san jose airport reported 1 107 inch areas of oakland, reported 34 107 inch as expected, what we do you have out there if it is some
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drizzle, not following being picked up by the radar, which means it's falling below the beam. but our pattern remains status quo in the sense that we have this trough there over the pacific northwest washington, oregon, northern california seeing most of the energy we have just a slight chance for today. meanwhile the sierra is expected to pick up some snow, and with that national weather service has entered, uh, as put on a winter weather advisory starts at four o'clock this afternoon goes until monday morning. snow levels are expected to drop down to below 2000 ft into the foothills. it's a cold storm there. here's a view of the future cast getting into your afternoon. five o'clock or so we do have pick up on a few sprinkles there over areas of the north bay, and then it begins to shift through the central and south bay as we work through the evening, but notice it's not really a lot. it's the sierra that is expected to pick up anywhere from 4 to 8 inches of new snow with that round coming in tonight. meanwhile, if you're going to the a's game
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later game time window seven certainly cloudy skies west breeze of 15 mph and cool conditions upper fifties in the forecast for you at game time and better look at the afternoon highs for today and what we can expect as we get into the week ahead coming up. we will see you soon. thank you. rosemary another $2.6 billion in aid will be going to your crane to help fight the russian invasion. what they package entails. that's coming up soon and just hours after president biden visited mississippi to see the damage from a deadly tornado last week. another tornado strikes. the same region will have the breakdown of where it happened and how people are picking up the pieces.
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find the brands, inspiration, and value you need to own your style at macy's vip sale now with an extra 30% off spring looks... and 15% off fragrances, skincare, makeup and more. plus, shop specials at macy's. ♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting.
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u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. and yet another life images posted to social media show one
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tornado moved across the southern end of delaware late yesterday afternoon. one death has been confirmed in the city of greenwood. they're people captured images moments after twister moved vehicles off highways in the city of bridgeville, one person posed at some of the aftermath. to facebook. look at this mess. it literally through all these cars and these people yard. and the, um this tree. just just look at that. yes multiple crazy. it's not clear whether it's the same tornado that hit greenwood vehicles got pushed into nearby yards in the same area of people spotted trees down. one large tree fell on the home. you saw earlier people at the location where clearly shaken up but appeared to be okay. a powerful storm system has now killed at least 26 people in six other states in the south. and midwest . tornadoes and other extreme
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weather is being blamed for the deaths and alabama, arkansas, mississippi, tennessee, illinois and indiana this weekend. this deadly storm hit arkansas especially hard, powerful tornadoes there killed five people in the little rock area. some people were running for their lives. the only way we knew the tornado was coming. believes were swirling. we knew it looked like it was standing still, if he was in the airplane and had to take higher attitude , and your ears seems like they're about to blow. that's what it felt like. it was a lot of pressure. arkansas governor sarah huckabee. sanders says she's been in touch with president biden, she says the president has pledged the full support of the federal government and fema as arkansas rebuilds from the disaster for a link to information on how to help recent tornado victims. here in the us, you can go to the web link section of our website. that's ktvu .com. many barry officials are looking for answersy there are so many
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vacant retail spaces around their cities and analyst by the east bay time shows. there are several possible reasons, and they include stores and restaurants that were shut down during the pandemic, have not been able to spring back property owners who are not looking for tenants until they can charge higher rents and many buildings from the sixties and seventies are in need of upgrades now, and landlords say they just can't afford to do those right now, and there are concerns if they do make those upgrades, their property taxes may go up as well. area, high school students were able to learn more about what it takes to make a career out of firefighting. the santa clara county fire department partnered with a group called north cal women in the fire service to teach teenagers about firefighting. they showed students how to use power tools , hoses and ladders. they also learned other parts of the job. i think for them, they really wonder if they can do it. and when they come out here, they realized how fun it actually is to do things that maybe they
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never thought they could do or where possible. more than 100. people from 20 different fire departments across northern california worked to teach those teams those parts of the job. 7 18 a full check of weather now with rosemary on what looks like a pretty good sunday boy. saturday was just what we needed it really needed it. yes you know, a little cool for this time of year, but i didn't hear many people complaining and it was all about the sunshine and we will have partly cloudy skies again for today you can see a san francisco they're mostly cloudy start but you notice the buildings are golden and that means we do have the sun shining out there somewhere partly cloudy conditions remaining for today we will have assist a system that brings us a slight chance of a few scattered showers. perhaps an afternoon breeze and temperatures are expected to be a little bit cooler this afternoon. meanwhile this morning we're waking up a little bit warmer storm tracker to there. it's fairly quiet again, as i talked about before
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the break. we have actually had a little bit of rainfall, even a little bit of accumulation. if you 107 inch reported over areas of the bay. but we are again on the southern edge of this and so not a whole lot of change when it comes to the rainfall here is a look at the future cast into your afternoon. five o'clock or so we have clouds over the north bay. a few sprinkles definitely a possibility. and then it works through the central and south bay. but it kind of fizzles out doesn't bring much for us. we talked about the sierra. picking up a few is several inches of snowfall, a possibility there. within advisory that begins this evening, and we'll go into tomorrow. the future cast from monday not much change, not looking at so much the rain but we may see the winds pick up expected to be breezy to windy for tomorrow. breezy out there this morning for some sfr reporting 10 mph hayward, your reporting 13 as we get into the temperatures. upper forties right now san francisco upper forties in walnut creek, 47 in napa and into the afternoon for
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today, 53 pacifica 60 degrees for the inner east bay of concord, 60 degrees for the south based san jose. your extended forecast notice temperatures falling off a bit more for tomorrow, gradually warm up tuesday wednesday partly cloudy skies a bit warmer on thursday. looks like friday. even warmer than that back to you. thank you. rosemary airtran vil levels are returning to pre pandemic levels. but with that returns travelers complaints, we're going to talk about the recorded number of consumer complaints from the department of transportation coming up. plus tech experts raising concerns about things like chat gpt in cybersecurity coming up the potential problems. they're sounding the alarm about and what it means for the future
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martial arts is my passion. i work out whenever i can. but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. my skin was so uncomfortable. the itching was so bad. now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults can have long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within.
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industry. asking for artificial intelligence developers to put a six month hold on their projects . the letter as quote. should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber outsmart? and replace us should we risk loss of control of our civilization? such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders. members of both parties in congress seem to agree. slowing the development could be a very good idea. problem is right now we
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don't have a good handle around exactly what those dangers of ai are certainly not enough to be able to develop a regulatory framework for it. that petition originated at the future of life institute, which says its mission is to steer transformative technologies away from large scale risk and towards benefiting life. the petition is directed at developers of ai after more people became aware of chat, but technology experts are sounding the alarm on chat gpt. the artificial intelligence software can generate human like images or code. in a matter of seconds. and they say that poses a security risk because criminals can now use chat gpt to develop malware and cyberattacks in record time. there's also the fear about a i programs complete , creating completely fake videos and photos of real people called deepfakes. some experts are going so far as to call for a temporary pause to a i experiments and developments. until more safety checks are in
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place. the story that you just heard frank mentioned a short time ago. meantime chat gpt is now temporarily banned in italy . this comes after a data breach of users conversations about subscriber payments. the country's government will soon investigate whether the software violated european union data protection rules. that's according to an italian government privacy watchdog. italy is the first nation to ban the use of czech gpt. we expect to see the u. s government pump another $2.6 billion into ukraine's effort to fight russia's invasion. fox news has confirmed the military aid package will be announced tomorrow. the aid will fund air surveillance radar, antitank rockets, precision aerial weapons, fuel trucks and other equipment there that puts the u. s contribution to ukraine at about $30 billion since russia invaded the country. more than a year ago. up next after an altercation with an ace fan. on thursday. l, a angels all star
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third baseman, anthony rendon was back on the field. we're going to talk about his response to that incident coming up next plus the bipartisan gun bill passed last year back in the spotlight because of the recent shooting in nashville coming up how the bill has made a difference, but the work that still needs to be done.
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numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea,
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abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! with fish oil, lean proteins and whole grains helps support their mind body and energy. outside. [sfx: dog toy] by giving them everything they need. pet me, pet me. [sfx: dog toy] well almost. good boy.
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live with a look at what the kids will learn on a big trip to hawaii and the partnership that was able to make it all happen. and as the weather is died down , we're getting the latest data on snow levels up in the sierra . we're sitting down with the u. c berkeley snow lab specialists talk about the significant rise in our snow levels. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto . good morning, bay area, boy. nice start to, uh, sunday. beautiful shot high above looking at the golden gate and the marin headlands and beyond up there in marin county on what looks like a pretty good start to a sunday and if it's anything like saturday, i think we're going to get a lot of okay out there in a big way. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. i'm frank mallicoat erasmus. and this morning when i went outside there was a little bit of the pavement was a little bit wet. so you mentioned there was some
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overnight sprinkling done yet, right? no i saw some sprinkles on my cars as i was leaving out as well. and yes, another day of a bit of unsettled weather will call for partly cloudy conditions and seasonably cool temperatures a very slight chance that a few scattered showers. and for the afternoon, perhaps a bit of a breeze. we're seeing a little bit of a breeze out there this morning, and temperatures are warmer out the gate. better details on the current conditions, the rest of today and the warmer weather coming our way coming up like the sound of that. okay, thank you. rosemary happening today. some east bay middle school students are on the first steps of a trip that they will never forget. ktvu james taurus joins us live and says the spring break trip. is a gift to the young travelers. and what a trip it will be. james. good morning. frank good morning to you. we are standing just outside of west oakland middle school this morning in college trip in called a vacation with people who are putting it together. say it's a lot more than that. joining me this morning is mr
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scott tatelman. you are the co founder of st bags, one of the many partners putting all this together. tell me what's this all about? it's about the gift of travel. a lot of families just get on an airplane and they go somewhere and they see new places and meet new people and taste new things. and a lot of families can't get that opportunity, and we just felt really strongly that you know if we could help provide that, then we would and we started this last summer, and it was incredible. and we just wanted to keep it going. i'm new to california. so working in oakland is a dream and working with these kids is exciting. there's a lot of excitement right now. these kids are pumped. i'm sure with excitement that comes some anxiety. i mean, if you had asked my parents when i was in middle school if we can go on a trip to hawaii, little nervous about sending their young kid to a foreign space. so how do you kind of get through that anxiety with some parents? and maybe some of the kids too? well, a lot of parents already are upset at me because their kids are beating them to hawaii. they haven't been in hawaii, so their kids are getting to hawaii
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before them, but, you know, it's just about embracing the experience. part of travel is feeling like you're out of your comfort zone and feeling nervous . there's a lot of kids who have never been on a plane before that are taking off of the first time ever this morning. so yeah , you just kind of have to understand that this is part of it, and this is part of growing and kind of feeling like, wow, i'm going to be really far from home and from my family, and you know, that's why we do this is to get kids really understanding that you know there is a world outside of this neighborhood and their neighborhoods and, you know, travels is a beautiful, magical thing. and that's what this whole thing is about. what's the plan for when you all are there? what are you hoping they actually get exposed to? what are you hoping they walk away with after this trip is done. a little bit of a broader sense of themselves more confidence, you know, going into the summer ending the school year, as well as a real deep understanding of the hawaiian culture. we're putting a lot of emphasis on making sure they understand the history of hawaii. um going to incredible
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places. obviously like the places you think pearl harbor, etcetera, but we want this to be sightseeing, but we also want this to be soul searching and soul building, which is what the trip was last year for eight brooklyn kids that came to california for an eight day trip. um so i just, you know, we saw a lot of growth in real time last summer, and i think we're going to see that already, even just this morning, seeing them kind of coming here and like hugging their parents and feeling nervous. like you already see they're going to. they're going to come back different kids, which is the goal to leave him some swag to right. of course, we got some state bags are partners, alaska airlines and puzzle international. we've got some fannie packs didn't have time to take it out of the packaging because i was rushed to this interview, but it's yeah, we're all very excited. it's going to be a great trip stuff, scott thank you so much. these guys will be bussing caravanning from here to sf over the next hour or so. they'll take off a little later this morning, scott, how long will they be there when we
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all be there saturday, sunday to saturday, so for spring break in hawaii. aloha bad, right, guys. we live this morning in oakland. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. that sounds amazing. thank you, james. we're going from one climate extreme to another. there's no doubt this winter has been a historic one. with the amount of rain and snow we've had. in california in the sierra , the snow has piled up to record amounts here to talk about the latest snow totals. and what it means for our state is andrew schwartz, lead scientists and station manager at the uc berkeley snow lab at donner pass, andrew, thanks for being with us thanks for me on this morning. sure let's get right to it. just how historic is this year's snowpack in the sierra? how much do we have now? and how does it compare to previous years? well we've got plenty of snow pack throughout the state. in fact, it's one of the highest years that we've ever seen for average snow water equivalent of the amount of water that we have in the snowpack throughout the state. as far as the april 1st numbers , those should be coming out here, actually, uh, tomorrow and
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that should give us an indication of just how much we actually have going into the summer. but this is looking like one of the better winters that we've had in recent years and throughout the history of the state, i was looking at some of the snow totals. this was about out a week ago at some of the resorts in the sierra and most of them have at least high 600 almost more than 700 inches of snow. how does that compare? when was the last time we had that much? uh well, you know, there's it really depends on the resort. to be honest, sometimes some of these places had that much going back to 2016 2017. others haven't had it happened ever so down in southern california. we see the biggest improvement overall in their snow conditions. they are much higher above average, almost approaching 300% of average down in the southern sierra. ah here in the central sierra. we're seeing anywhere from 200 to 250% of average conditions and then up north. it's a little bit lower from 150 to 200% so it
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really depends on the area, but overall, it's looking just absolutely terrific throughout the state for people who haven't made the trip to the sierra recently, can you describe what that amount of snow actually looks like and how it's affecting daily life? for people who live in that area. yeah absolutely. you know, we see a lot of it built up on the side of the roads and berms were i know a lot of the snow clearing companies or having issues with with finding places to put it at this point, so actually, a lot of these berms are getting so high that they're starting to bury communications lines and power lines on power poles. and then we've also unfortunately seen some collapses of roofs due to just how how much weight there is on the structures up here, both businesses and homes alike. so while it's been terrific for things like skiing for recreation. it has come out a little bit of a price locally as far as as additional work with backbreaking snow shoveling and then make just making sure that we can clear everything that does fall. and then, of course, you have to worry and wonder about where is all this
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snow going to go once it melts. how much of a concern or things like flooding and other issues related to that this spring. well they're definitely concerns , but a lot of that comes down to what our weather is going to look like. and, of course, that's really hard for us to figure out. we do have the potential for some above average temperatures here and a couple of weeks and that could be a little bit problematic. with snowpacks. these this large, it's likely to contribute to already existing flooding, especially in the valleys. um but we're really kind of hoping that that's mitigated by keeping conditions relatively average, if not below average. as far as our temperatures go, but we do expect to see some flooding come out of this, and hopefully it won't be too bad when it occurs , broken any records yet for the snowpack in the snowfall. uh here at the snow lab. we're officially in second place. ah we have 715 inches and we're just behind the winner of 1951 1952, which had 1812 inches of
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snowfall, so we're not quite at that point yet, but we're definitely approaching it if we happen to get another 2 to 3 big storms, then we could be a number one. hmm yes, i was going to say that's not record breaking, but, wow, the most snow most of us have seen in our lifetimes. at least here in california. do we have an adequate way to store all this extra water in the state? once it does melt in case we have a dry winter next year or once it melts in the summer, we're starting from scratch again. no you know, our reservoirs have come up substantially and some many of them are going to continue to fill into the summer . one of the terrific things about when we go into late spring and early summer is that we worry less about flooding, which means that we don't have to necessarily do the water releases from the reservoirs that we ordinarily do to keep head space in there for wouldn't we do see conditions that could present flooding? so realistically speaking, we're going to have those reservoirs come up plenty. we're going to
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see lake tahoe coming up a ton, and that should help store water if we do see dry years next year, but the key really comes down to conservation. yes, this is an amazing year, and it's brought us out of drought conditions throughout the state and really improved a lot of what we've seen as far as drought recently, but, uh, we're all too familiar with our dry years, so we need to make sure that we're using this water as efficiently as possible. all right, always. good advice andrew schwartz, lead scientists and station manager of the uc berkeley snow lab at donner pass . thanks for sharing your insight. let's hope the wet weather pattern continues next year, but maybe not to the extent of 17 atmospheric rivers , maybe just a little more well paced next year. i'll say thank you, andrew. thank you. you have a good one, too. time now is 7 40 in los angeles angeles third star basement. also a third baseman, anthony rendon, was back on the field at the oakland coliseum this weekend following a heated encounter with anais fan new video posted on social media is giving us a look at the
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incident from a different vantage point. this happened in opening day on thursday, and a fan appears to heckle brendan and other angels players. as they're walking off the field. you can see rendon grabbing the fans shirt even looks like he's about to hit him. but even as fans appear divided on who is to blame here? you shouldn't reach out and grab a fan of the physical with him. come on. it's a really making the angels as an organization look bad, too, and baseball players in general, he's using vulgarity, especially in a family atmosphere. he should be kicked out of the game, and i was hoping that the coliseum would do that. brendan was surrounded by reporters during yesterday's game, but the angel star says he still can't comment on the incident. both oakland police and major league baseball are investigating what happened and they're still playing baseball. the a's and angels play the rubber game of that opening series this afternoon at 107 start at the coliseum yesterday. the angels route at the age 13 1, this was over in a hurry. taylor ward homer drove in four runs to
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spoil shintaro fujinami major league debut fujinami breeze for the first two innings and then just felt a party give up eight earned runs in the third and only got one out during that third inning age are out of the gate, though they are one and one and hopefully with the winner today to one giants, meanwhile, will wrap up their first series of the new season today at yankee stadium that's following san francisco is exciting. 75 winner over the yankees in the bronx yesterday, chuck peterson homer, brandon crawford had three hits, drove in two runs, but the highlight of the game came here at the very end giant reliever camillo divall retired giancarlo stanton on a game ending double play, and they were loaded up at that time. and like the ace, the giants are now one on one in the brand new season, so and by the way warriors play tonight only four games to go. they are at denver tonight in a got to win a game if they want to keep moving up that playoff roster, but if anyone is heading to the
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colosseum for the a's game, rosemary weather going to be like for them a little cool little breezy temperatures in the upper fifties for today, we will have even a slight chance that if you scattered showers as we continue with this unsettled pattern for the next couple of days, giving you a live look there, and to san francisco, where you can see we've got some clouds out there this morning, little bit of a brees as well. temperatures are starting out warmer compared to yesterday. in any case, it's a chilly start with most of us in the forties 45 in the north bay of novato. for the inner east bay. 46 1 that creek around the bay upper forties right now in oakland, 48 san francisco, 50 outside your door, half moon bay. let's take a peek into the inner east bay where we have 45 lafayette, dublin, europe, 48 as well as pleasant and good morning, brentwood. 51 outside your door . the winds blowing through areas of fairfield at 13 mph. napa reporting 10 oakland reporting 16. so when you have temperatures in the forties, and you have the breeze out there, you have to consider the windchill factor even though it
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says 45 could feel closer to 40, maybe even upper thirties. this pattern is going to remain status quo for the next couple of days. as we get into the business week, we do transition to a milder pattern. finally getting our temperatures back to average late in the week. meanwhile outsider doors at this time fairly quiet, perhaps a little bit of radar, drizzle and light rain falling below the radar beam. and later today a winter weather advisory for the sierra we've been talking about this most of the weekend, as expected, coming late in the afternoon, four o'clock lasting until tomorrow morning. 3 to 6 even eight inches of new snow expected and snow levels coming down below 2000 ft. so that's what's going on there for folks that are either trying to head up or come home tonight into tomorrow. meanwhile for us, we remain below average with our temperatures, 59th and reservoir today 56 san francisco. upper fifties oakland, livermore and san jose. you're going to 60 again. as we get into the business week, we do finally get
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back to average and then by next weekend, the possibility of temperatures in the seventies i have a look at your extended forecast coming up. thank you, rosemary ago, san francisco boy scouts buried a time capsule this weekend, a new troops finally opened it coming up in the eight o'clock hour. what was inside and the items placed inside a new time capsule that will be for future generations to open reggie miller wanted to give away a dave's single for a buck every time there's a buzzer beater. (buzzer) (buzzer) (buzzer) just keeping you on your toes! (buzzer) even though we were gonna do a deal anyway. reggie or not, you can get a $1 dave's single in the wendy's app. square's the beef! lowe's knows the biggest savings are found at springfest. so hurry up and get top deals on the top brands online and in-store.
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so you can make the most of the season on any budget. backed by lowe's price promise.
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. if you've been in a serious accident, we are here for you. call jacoby & meyers, justice for you since 1972. paper being crumpled more paper being crumpled music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery.
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because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on brought calls for gun control. but republican members of congress say new compromises are not likely. months ago, the president signed a law that had bipartisan support for increased gun control. despite that, there have been 125 mass shootings in the united states this year. already connecticut connecticut senator chris murphy, who is a lead negotiator on gun legislation for democrats, says quote people don't get excited about mass shootings. that didn't happen. but he points out . last year's legislation has stopped at least three gun sales by young people who had criminal or violent histories. the county's new outdoor emergency shelter for the homeless is now up and running more than 60 people who had been camping along the joe verda to trail in
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santa rosa were moved to this new camp, located near a county administration building. county officials now have just six months to find long term housing. for the people at that new camp, and they're trying to make sure campers don't go back to the job. rodota trail county officials estimate there are about 2900 people without permanent housing living in sonoma county. that's an increase of 5% since 2020. a eureka attorney and licensed timber operator, is facing a quarter million dollar fine for alleged water quality violations . these santa rosa press democrat reports. this case involves lawyer ken morella's he is facing allegations of water erosion and runoff at his logging site near healdsburg. timber operators strongly denies any wrongdoing. it says he plans to subpoena witnesses who can fully vindicate him. hearing is scheduled for mid june. people who own pets are struggling with inflation. february's consumer price index showed that the cost of pet food is up more than 15%
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from last year, the price of pet supplies jumped more. excuse me more than 5% fox business network's geri willis has the details. inflation isn't just impacting what we're putting on the table for pet parents. they're also seeing it as they fill the bowls of their for babies. the food the vet visit the grooming everything has just increased so much lately. according to a new survey from pet care site rover .com. the annual cost for dog essentials search roughly 12% year over year and for cats. the number pounced around 8% over the last 12 months. even as prices are going up, our pets are still our priority. the increases breakdown across three categories upfront costs of bringing home a new pet pet essentials, including food supplies and medical expenses and extras like toys and treats. in 2023. we saw the upfront cost of the dog going from about $1100 to over $5000 annual cost
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for dog essentials can range from about $600 on the low end to over $3500 and then those optional extras that pet parents may pick can range from $1300 to over $4000 upfront cost for cats went from about $755 to over $3000 and those annual costs for essentials range from about $300 to about $1600. additionally cat parents may opt for some extras and those average $1100 to over $3600. the study shows. more than half the pet parents surveyed have pressed pause on personal spending with more than 40% scaling back on their own groceries. so there are four legged family members can keep the same quality of life. i used to go through the starbucks drive thru, probably every day. one week of starbucks to me is probably equivalent to a one bag of dog food for mac over study
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reports. the spending for most dog breeds averages 50 to $99 a month but pawing their way to the top of the list. essentials for golden doodles fetching 100 to $150 a month in new york. geri willis fox business. we were just talking to pets. they're so worth it, though. don't you think? double you got a little dog. do you have a pet rosemary oroczo? okay busy woman children? yes, i have a dog. today's a good day to go take it for a walk, right? yes and i will say i grew up with pets, dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, you name it love pets, so we are with a good day to be outdoors with the pet bring along a jacket, though, because temperatures are in the forties, and in some areas, it's breezy. giving you a view here. san francisco where we do have a mix of clouds out there. we can also see a little bit of sunshine bouncing off those buildings. storm tracker to hear a view from up above. we do have a few sprinkles a little bit of
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drizzle in the forecast for today, and as we've been talking about in the last 24 hours, we have seen anywhere from 3 to 4 107 inch over some areas like point reyes, ben lomond, the santa cruz mountains, mountie abdullah reported 6 107 inches so far, we just remain in this unsettled pattern a little bit of activity, especially to the north of us. for us, it's going to be cool. it's going to be a bit breezy. partly cloudy and a slim chance at a few scattered showers later in the afternoon as well as the evening hours later in the afternoon and into the evening hours this year era is expected to get snow. we're talking 36 even eight inches of new snow for the sierra. come monday, more of the same not much in the way of rainfall, but we do look to be a bit windier, and that's what we don't like. right wind. very pesky. here's a look at the future cast getting into monday night. not much to speak of, but definitely a possibility. we do have the winds out there reporting at 10 mph right now. half moon bay reporting 12 hey, we're 13 and
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san jose at eight. and then as we get into the hills mount diablo reporting 39 mph in the north bay atlas peak 22 big rock 22 so an unseasonably cool, breezy one expected for most of us today, temperature wise right now 48 in san francisco in the east bay 48 conquered and in the north bay 47 outside your door napa afternoon highs for today, several degrees below average, once again low fifties in pacifica. upper fifties and napa, 60 and conquered as well as san jose and morgan hill. your extended forecast, perhaps even a tad cooler tomorrow, in addition to the wind, and then we do begin a rebound in a very gradual warm up wednesday and thursday low sixties in the forecast and right now friday into saturday because see temperatures nearing 70 degrees or so. so if you've been looking for the warmth hopefully it's on the way in the. meanwhile for the next few days, we will remain below average. back to you. thank you. rosemary heading
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to a popular east bay park watch where you are stepping on the trails. a tiny amphibian is starting its mating season will tell you about the effort to keep the newts tilden park safe by also closing some of the roads in the area and more communities across the bay, seeking a seen a rise in empty storefronts coming up at eight o'clock, how businesses have been heavenly affected by online shopping and now the pandemic and why it cost so much to fix up hese build gs
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united union campaign. well he's now been fired. this comes just days after the company's ceo howard schultz, testified on the company's alleged anti union efforts at capitol hill. cnbc reports starbucks workers, united announced alexis rizzo's termination in a tweet yesterday , rizzo said she was fired on friday after working her shift that day, and she is absolutely heartbroken. the number of air passengers in the u. s is back to pre pandemic levels. and maybe not, coincidentally, the number of travelers unhappy with their flight experience is also up. the department of transportation recorded more than 60,000 consumer complaints last year, almost four times as many in 2019 last year's numbers don't even include the month of december, which as you'll recall, there were widespread
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delays and cancelations over the winter holidays. some of the most widely cited reasons for consumer complaints have to do with a lack of refunds and schedule changes. there's been an uptick in the number of people looking to buy homes. real estate companies report first time home buying demand is at its highest levels since last may. that's thanks in part to lower prices and slightly declining interest rates, but real estate company redfin said that hasn't translated into more sales just yet, as many home buyers are still worried about mortgage mortgage rates, which have fallen to an average of just over 6. we'll keep an eye of your driving near tilden park park rangers are pushing to extend a road closure near berkeley, all in an effort to provide a safe passage for threatened species there. every winter newts emerge from their seasonal slumber to search for water near tilden regional park that allows them to breathe. that's why the east bay regional parks district closes a roadway two vehicles from november to april to protect the small, slow
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moving from passing cars, and this year's rainy weather is extended the newts usual migration period. some of the middle school students about to embark on a journey that will change their lives. we live with a look at what these kids are going to learn on a trip to hawaii and the partnership with a nonprofit group that made it happen. and donation drives still underway to help essential coast community devastated by flooding. what organizers say those victims need most right now and how you can help, plus i want them to hold people accountable. and not just by and say you're doing a job and you're killing people. four deaths in a span of just six weeks this year. that's a number of inmates who died in custody at santa rita jail, their families and loved ones now calling for changes. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on tube. welcome to ktvu mornings on to it is sunday, april 2nd you're looking at a somewhat hazy shot of downtown san francisco with the
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salesforce tower, but no rain. no wind we're experiencing, maybe. finally a nice transition to sprinkle chicken with rosemary on that in just a second. good morning. i'm molly rasmus. everyone i'm frank mallicoat eight o'clock on the nose if you're heading up to tahoe, though, you might be in for some bumpy weather. let's throw it over to rosemary oroczo feet or so down into the foothills looking at snow later today, can you see the people? they're kind of, you know, flying their white flags, saying enough already? that is a gorgeous shot, though. yes, we are going to remain a little bit unsettled getting through today as well. a few sprinkles will be a possibility, a little breezy for some and temperatures. remain well below average low fifties at the coast to low sixties inland, a better look at today and a transition to warmer weather. way out in the extended forecast. better details on all this coming up in just a bit.
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thank you, rosemary happening today, a small group of east bay middle school students are being given the chance of a lifetime. ktvu james torres joins us live and says that these kids are off on a sponsored trip to hawaii for their spring break. many of them have never traveled before today, james what are they going to be learning? oh ali, some of them. many of them haven't even been on a plane before, and some of their family members also having traveled by plane, so certainly a unique experience and experience that will be foreign to them, and that's kind of the point. that's according to organizers. you see behind me. here is a bus that's just outside of west oakland middle school here. this will take them over to sfo, where the process of getting the trip started. will all begin. students here gearing up parents here, saying they are just as nervous as they are excited here. it's a collaborative effort between oakland schools, alaskan airlines and a luggage company called state bags. they sell travel bags and use their revenue to give back to kids and their communities. they are sponsoring 12 students to travel to oahu and maui for the week, and we spoke to some of the
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parents who are out here again smiles on their faces. they say this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. i feel very confident about the group and just the opportunity. oh my god. it's such a big opportunity, and i'm very, very thankful and grateful for that. and as you can imagine, if you were to send your kids 56 hours away by plane, you might be a little nervous, a little anxious about that. but students met with alaskan airlines officials this past week to answer all questions. things like what should we pack? what should we wear? what should we expect to see and do over the next week or so parents were able to ask those questions as well. and they say, after a few days of that they felt very comfortable with this trip students. they will learn all about hawaiian culture that explore the nature of the two islands. they say that organizers here say that these kids will come back as newer, different better people after this experience will be there for about a week. they leave today. they'll come back next weekend and by then we'll
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learn a lot of what they experienced a wonderful a lot of what they learned. and folks here say they hope they take back everything that the wine islands have to offer this morning in oakland. i'm james torres ktvu. fox two news happy and safe travels to them. thank you, james. the university of california is proposing a plan that would make it easier for community college students to transfer into the u. c system. under the proposal, any student who meets grade point average and class requirements further major would be guaranteed a spot in at least one of the uc systems nine campuses. now some state lawmakers have raised concerns about the plan, saying it could conflict with a separate set of rules. for students to transfer into the cal state university system. you see, representatives say this plan is not finalized yet. state lawmakers will have a say during state budget negotiations later this year on how and whether this plan moves forward. well most of california's reservoirs have filled up to the top during this year's record breaking rainfall. but there is one major exception way up in northern california. the department of
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water resources reports that trinity lake is still only about 37% of capacity. that's because it's located. far northern california, where there has been far less rain than any other part of the state. trinity is california's third largest reservoir, right behind shasta and lake oroville. families community activists and mental health advocates protested outside santa rita jail yesterday so far this year for people in a span of just six weeks died while incarcerated, their inmates loved ones or calling for changes to prevent more deaths. ktvu is jesse gary explains what they would like to see happen. edward laurent wilhite outside santa rita jail saturday, advocates and activists reading out loud names of the dead. these are the dozens of inmates who died while in custody. all of these deaths were people that died. um a couple of days within intake, we know that they should not have been incarcerated in the first place. since 2014. there have
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been 66 in custody deaths at this prison, which includes four so far in 2023. in response to the rally, the alameda county sheriff's office, which runs the jail, says we have been extremely transparent about the four deaths that have occurred since the beginning of the year . sheriff yesenia sanchez is committed to improving the quality of care, custody and control at the jail. she's invited county. based organizations into the faculty to discuss their concerns. maurice monk is one of the 66 who died while in custody at the jail. it's still hard because he played a major part in my kid's life. so it kind of hard not having him around to help me with my boys. tiffany monk says her brother suffered from schizophrenia following an altercation on an alameda county bus in 2021. he was arrested and wound up in santa rita shortly thereafter, the seemingly physically healthy monk was found dead in his cell. i want them to hold people accountable. and not just lie and say you're
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doing a job and you killing people family filed a lawsuit alleging he was denied adequate healthcare. the sheriff's office hasn't commented about their ongoing investigation into his death. advocates and community members say their grief is growing a movement to end the practice of incarcerating the mentally ill or those with substance abuse problems. they should have been diverted. they should have been elsewhere. they should not have been incarcerated, incarcerated in santa rita jail and you put them into a prison system and actually, what it does. is it, uh, increases trauma that they have already had? it makes it worse. criminal justice professor william carbone says the failings are systemic and wide ranging reform is needed the court should have at its disposal the opportunity to evaluate people have clinical experts that can evaluate and get to the bottom of the mental illness. when we send them into prison, they're not going to get better. they only get worse. the family of maurice monk says other options could have prevented his death. it's hurtful, and it's like it
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shouldn't be that many deaths, a alameda county has earmarked $50 million for mental health services. they'd like to see some of that money go towards housing and community based resources. john jeffrey barn adi so that another name is not added to their list of the dead that would expand the choice so that people don't have to be put into the jail when they could be diverted into other opportunities. jesse gary ktvu, fox two news 808 is the time and three small earthquakes were reported near the oakland stanley under a border yesterday very close to the oakland zoo, the first of the three on the hayward fault struck during mornings onto yesterday morning around 9 20 for a second quake struck just 20 minutes after that, and the last of the three happened just 15 seconds after the second quake, the largest of the three was a 3.2 magnitude. no one was injured and there were no reports of any damage. non profits and other agencies in the central coast area of poirot are teaming up to get flood victims help and emergency
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supplies. the organizations have collected gift cards, food, clothing and other items to support flood victims, amparo and neighboring communities during the storms. last month, floodwaters inundated entire neighborhoods when the pajaro river breached a levee. if you want to help, you can drop off donations for the flood victims today. at the santa cruz county fairgrounds in watson ville time capsule buried by san francisco boy scouts 90 years ago finally opened up yesterday, the mayor of london breed some other community leaders on earth. the capsule buried at the foot of mount davidson cross yesterday, sits atop the city's highest peak. some of the items discovered inside. we're at 1933 included a bible, a telephone directory. and a number of chronicle newspapers. the newspapers will be really, really interesting. i just thought headline runaway girls navy romance. i mean, just you can't you can't make that up. no you can't. the new time capsule
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was buried in its place by local boy scouts that includes an iphone face mask and an armenian bible. the gathering was hosted by san francisco's armenian council, which owns the mount davidson cross. the san francisco historical society does plan to display all the contents that were unearthed in that time capsule some 90 years ago. and that will be at a museum later this summer 8 10, and we want to swing things over to rosemary oroczo for a look at the forecast today and rosemary don't want to get too ahead of us. but i was looking at the 10 day forecast. yeah there is some high temperatures. they're actually warm. yes warm. you said it. we have a temperatures that are expected to actually surpass average when we've been below average for so long that coming it looks like next weekend, so i don't know. make your plans giving you a look here at the golden gate bridge and a beautiful view of the bay as well as some clouds out there this morning. we do remain with
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the unsettled weather pattern. bit of wind out there. a little bit of cloud cover. temperatures are warmer this morning, but it doesn't feel good if you're stepping out 46. and walnut creek 45 in nevada. 48 san francisco, still very, very chilly. and if you do have some wind outside your door extra chilly, brisk and blustery, perhaps 49 in belmont right now , 48, stanford, 47 los altos hills, and as we shift into the santa cruz area we have areas near scotts valley reporting 46 48 at aptos checking in on your winds half moon bay reporting 12 mph hayward at 10, livermore, 13 san jose at nine. stretching back here to show you the pattern that remains in place. we do have a little bit of rain and snow over the pacific northwest washington, oregon, northern california and the sierra, including the lake tahoe area is expected to get more snow come tonight, and levels are expected to drop down below 2000 ft. we are fairly quiet. in
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the last 24 hours. we picked up a few 107 inch in many spots less than 10th of an inch from what i can tell for everybody, at least here in the bay area, though, if you're going to the game this afternoon partly cloudy skies 57 degrees at the coliseum game time 17 with the west breeze to about 15 mph again just unseasonably cold for this time of year. i better look at the afternoon highs for today and the warmer weather coming our way coming up. sounds good. thank you. rosemary up. next researchers have discovered a new type of parasite that has killed four sea otters on our coastline. what researchers say about whether it could make us sick as well coming up and just hours after president biden visited mississippi to see the damage from a deadly tornado, another tornado strikes the same region will have a breakdown and look at where it happened and how people are wendy's $3 breakfast deal is the kind of breakfast that really sticks with you. [egg cracks!] ♪
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[bacon sizzling] ♪ tyler: her breakfast. hey buddy. ahh... your choice of breakfast, croissant plus seasoned potatoes- for just $3 bucks. choose wisely, choose wendy's $3 breakfast deal dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound.
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claims yet another life images posted to social media show how one tornado moved across the southern end of delaware late yesterday afternoon. what death has been confirmed in the city of greenwood. they're people captured images just moments after the twister moved vehicles off the highway, the city of bridgeville. one person posted
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some of that. to facebook. look at this mess. yeah. it literally through all these cars and these people yard. and the, um this tree. just just look at that. yes multiple crazy. it is not clear whether it's the same tornado that hit greenwood vehicles got pushed in a nearby yards in the same area. people spotted a number of trees down. one large tree fell on a home. people at this location were clearly shaken up, but they appear to be okay. a powerful storm system has now killed at least 26 people and six other states in the south and midwest. tornadoes and other extreme weather is being blamed for those deaths in alabama, arkansas, mississippi, tennessee , illinois and indiana. this weekend. the deadly storm hit arkansas especially hard, powerful, powerful tornadoes there killed five people in the little rock area. some people had to run for their lives. the
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only way we knew the tornado was coming. believes were swirling. the only way we knew it looked like it was standing still, if you was in the airplane and had to take higher attitude, and your ears seems like they're about to blow. that's what it felt like. it was a lot of pressure. arkansas governor sarah huckabee. sanders says she has been in touch with president biden, she says the president has pledged the full support of the federal government and fema as arkansas rebuilds from this disaster for link to information on how you can help recent tornado victims go to the web link section of our website ktvu .com. well many barry officials are looking for answers to why there are so many vacant retail spaces. in their cities. analysis by the east bay time shows there are several possible reasons, and they include stores and restaurants that were shut down during the pandemic and have not been able to spring back. property owners who are not looking for tenants until they can charge higher rents, and many buildings from the
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sixties and seventies are in need of upgrades, and the landlords say they can't afford those right now, and there are concerns if they do make the upgrades, their property taxes will go up and they can't afford that. thousands of people living in san francisco's mission district in vernal heights area maybe missing their mail. that's after a mail carrier was robbed of its keys that opens postal boxes used to store incoming and outgoing mail. us postal service says the robbery happened on march the 11th on folsom street near the paul revere elementary school. the carrier was not injured by the way, but the theft could affect those san francisco residents who do live in the 9411. oh, zip code area. high school students were able to learn more about what it takes to make a career out of firefighting. the santa clara county fire department partnered with a group called nor cal women in the fire service to teach teenage girls about firefighting. they showed students how power tools, hoses and ladders are used on the job.
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i think for them, they really wonder if they can do it. and when they come out here, they realized how fun it actually is to do things that maybe they never thought they could do or where possible. more than 100 firefighters from 20 different departments across northern california helped show the teens the ropes, almost 8 19. let's say good morning to get a rosemary oroczo against the angels around one o'clock, maybe a jacket right? it's going to be a little breezy. a bit cool. partly cloudy, mainly dry as we get into the afternoon, we will see an increase in the wind for some and a slight chance at a few scattered showers, giving you a bit of a look at what is happening outside, er doors right now where we have a gorgeous shot their of the golden gate bridge, little bit of clouds out there with the blue sky. here's a view of some of the rainfall amounts from the last 24 hours. notice, not a lot
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as expected less than 10th of an inch, but areas like oakland and mount diablo reporting up 61 hundred's san jose a little bit more than a trace, 1 1/100 reported for you. here's a view of storm tracker to it's quiet out there for the most part when it comes to the rainfall. it's sticking to the north. we've got areas over washington, oregon, northern california with just a slight chance for us as we are on the southern edge. here's a view of the future cast into the afternoon. mostly cloudy over the north bay will see a few scattered showers there and then as we get into 678 o'clock hour kind of pushes through the central and south bay. you now see a little bit of blue on your screen over areas of the south based eight o'clock, not a lot. the sierra, though going to see some snow. in fact, there is an advisory for travel for the sierra that begins later today, and we'll go until tomorrow morning, anywhere from 3 to 6 to eight inches of new snow expected here and levels coming down below 2000 ft. so it's a cold system that is going to
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bring new snow to the sierra. for us, it's going to be a cool, breezy day. i have a reporting 13 mph right now. heyward reporting 10 diablo reporting 38 in the north bay. we have 22 atlas peak temperature wise that we are up from yesterday morning, although still very cool, 45 in the north bay of nevada. we have 50 reported for the east bay shore of oakland, hayward and for the inner east bay 48 outside your door, livermore as well as conquered afternoon highs for today, low fifties and pacifica upper fifties in oakland, 60 degrees conquered in the south bay will go 60 for you. san jose and 59 expected for santa rosa, the extended forecast. temperatures even a tad cooler tomorrow, and we're likely to see a little bit more wind tomorrow before we finally begin to rebound upper fifties to low sixties in the forecast. getting into tuesday, wednesday thursday and we've been talking about it a little
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bit, it looks like next weekend will actually surpassed the average for this time of year, which temperatures expected to warm into the seventies. back to you bring it on. okay thank you . rosemary up next group of local mothers who were once facing eviction have sparked a national movement centered around homelessness. that story coming up, plus tech experts raising concerns about chat gpt and cybersecurity coming up the potential problems they are warning about, and what it could mean for the future of our economy and our society. martial arts is my passion. i work out whenever i can. but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. my skin was so uncomfortable.
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the itching was so bad. now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults can have long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. paper being crumpled more paper being crumpledt music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom!
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sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on check leaders asking artificial intelligence developers to put a six month hold on their projects . that letter asked quote should we develop not human minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart and replace us? should we risk loss of control of our civilization? such decisions
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must not be delegated to unelected. tech leaders, members of both parties in congress seem to agree. slowing down development could be a very good idea. the problem is right now we don't have a good handle around exactly what those dangers of ai are certainly not enough to be able to develop a regulatory framework for it. that petition originated at the future of life institute, which says its mission is to steer transformative technologies away from large scale risk and towards benefiting life. the petition is directed at developers of ai after more people became aware of chatbots technology experts are also warning specifically about security risks from advanced artificial intelligence programs like chat gpt, the software can generate human like images or codes. in just a matter of seconds. leaders in the tech industry warned that criminals can now use chat gpt to develop malware and cyberattacks in record time. they also worry about a i programs, creating
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completely fake videos and audio of real people called deep fakes and how that can lead to more disinformation and distrust in our democratic political systems check. gpt is now temporarily banned in italy. the country's government says the move comes after a data breach of users conversations, italian officials plan to investigate whether chat gpt violated european union data protection rules. italy is the first nation to temporarily banned the use of chat gpt. we expect to see the u. s government pump another $2.6 billion into ukraine's effort to fight russia's invasion of fox news has confirmed the military aid package will be announced on monday. the aid will fund air surveillance radar, anti tank rockets, precision area weapons , fuel trucks and other equipment there that puts the u. s contributions to ukraine. at about $30 billion since russia invaded the country more than a year ago. swings for young children under recall because of
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the possibility kids could fall out of them. the company that makes them is not issuing refunds will tell you what they're offering instead. and l. a angels third baseman anthony redon returned to the field, but he did not make a statement as expected in the aftermath of what was a violent encounter with an ace family what we've learned about his past temper moments coming up right after the
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i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer.♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothing on my skin♪ ♪that's my new plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 4 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪i see nothing in a different way♪ ♪it's my moment so i just gotta say♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to.
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♪nothing is everything♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. next on behind the series... let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled. the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget about the boss. sometimes- you just want to eat your heroes. the subway series. the greatest menu of all time. i'm the strongest sanders in the family. the whole family. boy, you wanna see strong? that's strong. mmmh.
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snow lab what to expect when all that snow melts this summer? you shouldn't reach out and grab a fan of the physical with him. come on. and his fans booed anthony rendon during yesterday's game against the angels. we've got an update to the altercation between known and an ace fan on opening day next from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto. oh boy. isn't that a beautiful shot? brilliant blue. you can see san francisco there on the left of your screen as we look at alameda and the port of oakland on what looks like a pretty good start to your sunday welcome back to ktvu mornings on to frank mallicoat. there's a nice little sailboat just cruising along there in the estuary indicates things are pretty nice and calm out t over
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now to rosemary oroczo for a look at the forecast. yes and settled once again for today. beautiful shot temperatures off to a chilly start forties, few low fifties out there and we will have a bit of a breeze as we get through the afternoon temperatures remaining below average low fifties at the coast to low sixties inland similar to yesterday we may see a little bit more of a breeze and that slight possibility of showers continuing in through tomorrow before we transition to a drier , warmer pattern. better details on today and the extended forecast coming up sounds good. thank you. rosemary happening now, 12. students from an oakland middle school are taking their first steps on a sponsored trip to hawaii. for some of them . it's first time they've ever been on an airplane trip is a gift from alaska airlines to the luggage company state bags. both companies say travel can expand minds and they want the students to be aware of the possibilities. that can be open to them. if they do travel, we talked with one of the parents who says she's amazed by this
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once in a lifetime opportunity for all the kids. i feel very confident about the group and just the opportunity. oh my god. it's such a big opportunity, and i'm very, very thankful and grateful for that. rather than white students will learn all about hawaii's culture, their food and languages well and finding out about being good visitors to new places. the students will visit both the wa hoo in maui on their spring break adventure, a series of strong storms that started in december, has now pushed the sierra snowpack into record breaking territory. the california department of water resources reports. the latest round of heavy snow last week dumped another two ft of snow in the sierra snowpack levels are now at their highest levels in more than 40 years, breaking previous record set back in the early 19 eighties. last hour, i spoke with andrew schwartz, lead scientists at uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab. he broke down the numbers. from the incredible snowpack totals. down in southern california. we see
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the biggest improvement overall in their snow conditions. they are much higher above average, almost approaching 300% of average down in the southern sierra, uh, here in the central sierra. we're seeing anywhere from 200 to 250% of average conditions and then up north. it's a little bit lower from 150 to 200% so it really depends on the area, but overall, it's looking just absolutely terrific throughout the state. water experts say this is the result of 17 atmospheric rivers that have hit the sierra since december. updated snowpack totals are expected to be released sometime tomorrow. we'll researchers from uc davis have discovered a new parasite strain that has killed four sea otters off our coastline. the disease is called by the caused rather by the microscopic parasite. toxoplasma gandhi. i spoke with devin senate of uc davis's veterinary school, she says the parasite has been found worldwide, but particular strain is new to researchers, and it's
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believed to be new to california as well. the rare strain appears to be capable of rapidly killing healthy adult otters and can be transmitted to other mammals. toxoplasma can infect humans. this particular strain has not been reported from humans to date, but there is the potential for transmission to humans. um so you know, in the same way that see otters could potentially get infected from shellfish consuming raw bivalve shellfish could potentially be around out of infection for humans. the doctor is recommending thoroughly cooking seafood products, according to health guidance, fish and wildlife officials say infections at this rare parasite might give him flame, systematic fat deposits and sea otters or other marine wildlife. rangers at an east bay park want to extend some road closures in order to protect tiny amphibians at tilden park. every winter newts emerge from their seasonal slumber in the east bay hills to
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search for water until then regional park for their mating season. that's why the east bay regional parks district closes some of the roads from november to april to protect the small, slow moving animals from cars. this year's rainy season, however, has extended the new usual migration period. los angeles angels third baseman anthony rendon returned to the field at the oakland coliseum following a heated encounter with an ace fan on thursday. ktvu brooks jarocz looks at what led up to the incident and we've learned this is not the first time randon has lost his temper. new video posted from opening day at the oakland coliseum. the los angeles angels had just lost the game is fan appears to heckle the players as they left the dugout, including third baseman anthony rendon. don't stop walking and calls the guy over then this happens. brendan grabbed his shirt cussed and even swatted at him, claiming the fan called him an expletive . we asked former san francisco
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giants lasky for his take a lot of times. you hear a lot of rhubarb from the fans. you hear a lot of back talk, but you really don't react and you can see the angels walking by them. they were kind of stunned at the whole manner of what redon did. oakland police in major league baseball have both launched investigations, keeping rendon tight lipped before saturday's game. saying simply. i'm sorry. i can't comment. you shouldn't reach out and grab a fan of the physical with him. come on. it's really making the angels as an organization look bad, too, and baseball players in general. it's not the first time, the angel said a bench clearing brawl last season with the seattle mariners, and there's rendon seen in a cast, getting physical and earning him a five game suspension. fast forward to this weekend, as fans say there's plenty of blame to go around, including that fan who got rendon's attention, garrity , especially in a family atmosphere, he should be kicked out of the game, and i was
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hoping that the coliseum wouldn't do that. i think it's inappropriate. absolutely but the players have to be thick skin there in this business, they know they're going to get heckled. they know they're gonna boot and all that other stuff. you just gotta keep walking and ignore it. and booed. rendon was during his first at bat. the heated encounter on many minds. there definitely needs to be a line of separation between the player and fan interaction, a line that was crossed and now a case of controversy. that's a hard way to exit the field. that's been a problem for many years. they just need to isolate that a little bit more with some police presence. for now, police and mlb are focused on this run in when brendan lost his cool in oakland, brooks jarocz ktvu, fox two news. meanwhile, the games do go on the a's will wrap their series against the angels this afternoon at the coliseum one oh, seven first pitch there. yesterday angels did a number on
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the ace 13 to 1 was the final taylor word homer drove in four runs to spoil. shintaro fujinami is major league debut. fujinami breezed through the first two innings. and then he just fell apart. he gave up eight earned runs and only got one out during that third inning route. the age now have a record of one win and one loss on the new season about the giants, a rapid the first series of the new season on the road in yankee stadium. that's following the giants exciting 7 to 5 winner over the yankees in the bronx yesterday, chuck peterson had a big game he homered. brandon crawford. three hits drove in two runs, but the highlight of the game came at the very end of the game with giant reliever pitcher miller divall retired giancarlo stanton on a game ending double play here. the bases were loaded up with yankees and that's your ball game giants are now one on one just like the ace, and they'll say goodbye to new york. after today's game, there will be no doubt some fans sitting at the oakland coliseum, rosemary, what should they expect? how
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should they prepare a little breezy temperatures in the upper 50. so i would say bring along a jacket, especially if you're sitting in the shade. it's going to feel cool out there. temperatures will be running several degrees below average once again for today. little change compared to yesterday, even a little bit cooler, perhaps for some and a little breezier. here's a look inside of the east bay hills there where we do have partly cloudy, mostly clear skies. and in the last 24 hours, just a few 107 inch reported in areas near oakland and orinda morada area. conquered reporting just a bit as well. 50 degrees right now in areas over oakland, 47 in berkeley. we have 48 san francisco in the north bay mid upper forties. here, these temperatures are up by at least a few degrees. maybe in several for some, but we have some wind out there and so it doesn't really feel much better. 49ers rohnert park 45 lagunitas. we have 47 in sonoma as well as american canyon. and the winds in and around conquered. 10 mph . oakland reporting 15 novato
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gusting to 12 napa sustained at nine and in our hills anywhere from 30 to 40 mph reported near mount diablo, closer to 25 mph in the north bay atlas peak area storm tracker to here, keeping an eye on the wet weather to the north of us areas over washington, oregon, northern california we continue just on the southern fringe hair and with that mix of sun and clouds, a few sprinkles for today and seasonably cool weather remaining in the forecast for sunday. and later today, the possibility of snow coming to the sierra with an advisory later this afternoon, i'll show you that after the break, let's take a look at the numbers expected for today. 59 in santa rosa, 56 san francisco upper fifties oakland, livermore 60 degrees for you, san jose eight degrees below the average for this time of year, we will get back to the average later in the business week and by the weekend seventies in the forecast. we're on this in the extended forecast
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after the break. well, you spoke of tom so we're gonna take a live look at beautiful lake tile. you see all the clouds still ahead, though. where live up to tahoe with coop and a look at this spectacular spring season on the slopes this weekend, but first, a group of local mothers here in the bay area who once faced eviction have sparked a national movement to fight homelessness their goals after the break.
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in las vegas, the most popular food is broccoli. yeah, that's the only food. they have broccoli smoothies, and broccoli pancakes, and broccoli ice cream, and broccoli hotdogs, and of course, they have raw unseasoned broccoli..... with stems. -daddy, i don't want to go to las vegas with you and mommy tomorrow. oh, are you sure? are you sure you don't want to go, it will be so much fun!
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lowe's knows the biggest savings are found at springfest. so hurry up and get top deals on the top brands online and in-store. so you can make the most of the season on any budget. backed by lowe's price promise. thousands of plastic swings for young children. there are reports that the restraint straps on those swings can break causing babies and toddlers to fall out. the plastic swings and a recall have mickey mouse, minnie mouse and pop patrol images on them. they're marketed for kids ages nine months through four years old. more
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than 43,000 of the swings were sold at walmart. there are no reports of any deaths or serious injuries. you can contact the company that makes them called delta enterprise. for new straps free of charge. well we all know that inflation is driving up prices for human needs, but it's also affecting the cost of taking care of your pets. february's consumer price index showed pet food prices are up more than 15% compared to this time last year, and a new study shows pet owners are continuing to spend more to maintain their pets. lifestyles. annual cost for dog essentials can range from about $600 on the low end to over $3500 and then those optional extras that pet parents may pick can range from $1300 to over $4000 for cats. annual cost for essentials range from about $300 to about $1600. additionally cat parents may opt for some extras and those average $1100 to over $3600.
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studyo shows most people with pets say it's worth it to cut back on their own luxuries to keep their animals happy. a group of a area mother's plan to continue their fight for housing, equality. ktvu salix savage speaks with the women who helped spark a national movement and conversation, all centered around homelessness. arrested cause i'm hopeless singer you put me in jail singer. and how many years trying to live. i'm trying to keep my kids say shouting the tension. the battering rams. there was a time when this collective of mothers was the symbol of america's housing crisis. the new face of homelessness. it doesn't look like what traditionally, they stay mental health issues or drug addicts are homeless. no, it's our teachers. it's our nurses. it's our lower wage
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workers. it was myself with a college degree, working several jobs that couldn't afford the rents here, fed up nick walker and three other mothers staked claim to a vacant home on west oakland's magnolia street, the owner, real estate giant wedgwood. anything was better than sleeping on the streets when my children um and we held this house down for 58. days day in and day out. walker says moms for housing was born out of the group struggle for survival and their quest for equitable housing was important for us as black women to stand up because we are the most evicted, so we were taking our power back. the takeover was a radical move that inspired a movement one full of twists and turns, including a contentious court battle and what she calls a militarized style of it. action it was terrorizing. not only for myself and my children, but for the whole entire neighborhood to see
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such a zone that looked like a war zone, ultimately, the home on magnolia street ended up in the right hands after wedgwood sold the property to a community land trust. now the home is temporary housing, this man completely transformed into two units and that we're supporting to formally on house mothers and their children. it's called mom's house, a safe space for mothers and their children. drin financial training. we have credit repair. we're working on childcare. mom's house of village rooted in brasiliense welcomed brianna wallace and her young son. wallace became homeless after her grandmother died. i didn't have like that person who is going to like be there for me. and, like, really house me and shelter me and be my protector that was gone. and i'm sorry. i'm not trying to cry. but, um that was gone. wallace says. that's when reality hit is just being in a
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car like all day, and it's like dang. i can't go in the house and shower like there's no place for me to just go and use the restroom like there's no comfort bility. she says. it was a phone call from a cousin that changed her life. it was about a construction training program that helps connect students with housing. at first, i'm just all like this is too good to be true. because when i got it like when i got a normal like man construction oh, no, like this is a man's job job she learned she could do. i started to kind of like it. i'm like, okay, this is dope, even with the weight of motherhood and homelessness on her back. she finished the program not long after moms for housing gave her a home now i'm here. and this is what i prayed for being housed being having sanity being comfortable while moved into the bottom unit of mom's house with her son. it's a home filled with love never knew people who don't know me to want to do this for me now has a home
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, but it's more than that. it's a sisterhood. it warms my heart to know that even all the stuff that they endured. they still want to give and help. walker is thrilled. new mothers don't face the same struggles they did. hopefully in the next year, we'll have some some land to develop for even more housing, and not only do we want to house mothers, we want to support their dreams and aspirations of education of entrepreneurship. alex savage, ktvu, fox two news. time is 8 49. let's check in with rosemary oroczo for a look at what's in store for us, whether wise, i'm taking a look at some of those nice shots behind you. the east bay hills looking pretty nice this morning . yes we've got some sunshine out there. there is a little bit of a breeze, though. mount diablo reporting augusta close to 40 mph or so we will remain with this unsettled pattern through your bay area sunday. not bad, but running a bit cool 45 degrees of santa rosa. right now we have san francisco 50 upper forties livermore, oakland
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and san jose. checking in right about 50 51 degrees, and the radar is fairly quiet. we do expect to pick up a little bit of a sprinkle activity as well as the possibility of drizzle. but most of this is going to stick to the north. the sierra is going to get snow later today and into the evening hours. so if you plan on heading up today , or need to come back tonight and through tomorrow there is a travel advisory for snow. we're looking at 36, maybe eight inches of new snow for areas of the sierra. meanwhile for us, in addition to the clouds, the cold conditions the breezy conditions expected to be with us for today . here's a look at the forecast at five o'clock in the afternoon notice a lot of yellow out there, indicating winced about 20, mph and even a few pockets primarily the higher elevations , but we're seeing a bit of orange out there as well. maybe even a little bit of red. so could have those winds pick up to 25 mph in some areas getting into the afternoon. meanwhile our temperatures in pacifica a cool day for you at 53 in the
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north bay. we have 58 in napa for the inner east bay 59 in livermore, several degrees below average for this time of year. even a bit cooler for tomorrow and the windy conditions expected to last into monday fair skies and a modest rebound getting into tuesday wednesday thursday, right about average as we start the weekend and then temperatures for the weekend expected into the seventies. ali alright, thank you, rosemary, the most beautiful places to visit in california have been named. which area cities and sights made travel and leisure is list coming up. but for starbucks fired the employee responsible for igniting unions around the country. what we're learning about find the brands, inspiration, and value
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you need to own your style at macy's vip sale now with an extra 30% off spring looks... and 15% off fragrances, skincare, makeup and more. plus, shop specials at macy's. feeding your dog nutrish has helped us donate over $7 million dollars a year to pets in need through the rachael ray foundation. so while you can't adopt every dog, you can help them.
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there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. subway app!
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occurs at her store and other starbucks across the country has now been fired. this comes just days after the company's ceo howard schultz, testified on the company's anti union efforts at capitol hill. cnbc reports starbucks workers united announced alexis rizzo's termination in a tweet yesterday . rizzo says she was fired on friday after working her shift that day, and that she is quote absolutely heartbroken. the number of air travelers in the u. s is back to pre pandemic levels. and maybe not. surprisingly, the number of travelers unhappy with their flight experience is also on the rise. the department of transportation recorded more than 60,000 consumer complaints
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last year, almost four times as many as in 2019, and last year's number doesn't even include the month of december. that's when there were widespread delays and cancelations across multiple carriers during the winter holidays. when do passengers really care when they're going on a trip with their family or on an extended trip to be with their family during the holiday, and that's when so many of these big delays and cancelations peaks occurred, so i think that that's really been problematic for the for the system. some of the most widely cited reasons for consumer complaints include flight cancelations and a lack of refunds for air travel. if you're flying to the asia pacific region this year, be prepared to spend a little more money than you might expect. a new report says. the airline tickets to countries in that region are seeing big increases in costs. these prices exceed flight charges before the start of the pandemic, flying from north america or europe to asia. cost of that is about 10%
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compared to a year ago. that's according to american express global business, travel, some business seats to shanghai or even double their pre pandemic costs. some of the factors influencing the high prices include labor shortages, closed russian airspace as well as slow returns to pre pandemic life. in asian countries. oakland middle schoolers are getting ready to go on a trip of a lifetime. this spring break coming up at nine will take you live to sfo with the details on their journey. but first it's been a rough start to the year for at least one farmer's market in san francisco, just how many people stopped visiting this past winter, and why, after the
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. if you've been in a serious accident, we are here for you. call jacoby & meyers, justice for you since 1972. paper being crumpled more paper being crumpled music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery.
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because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on others have farmers markets locally, according to the chronicle. food wise, which runs the ferry plaza farmers market in san francisco. well, they say they have been at least a 50% drop in foot traffic at the market this season. as the rain keeps buyers away. farmers are seeing lower sales and choosing just to skip the market days. most are hoping to recoup some of the losses as the weather improves in our weeks to come. covid mandates continue to ease the changes. you can expect to see this week if you're heading into a medical office building. hold people accountable. family members of inmates serving time at santa rita jail are calling for accountability after four
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inmates died in a span of six weeks. what they are calling for coming up. but first, a group of middle schoolers from oakland getting the opportunity of a lifetime. a trip to hawaii for spring break will take you there. live at sfo to tell you about their journey. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto . welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. we're seeing a little more sunshine in this picture. we showed this to you about an hour ago, and it seemed a little more hazy. but now you see some , not too many clouds out there a little more sunshine over downtown san francisco, with the salesforce tower peeking out in the distance. you can also see the bay bridge and treasure island. they're beautiful shop this morning for this sunday, april 2nd. good morning. i'm ali rasmus. anything without rain is pleasant right now change that is for sure. and i guess we got a little more coming our way, especially if you're heading up to the mountains, right? yes we still remain what they very slight chance a few scattered
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showers out there for us. and for the sierra. there is going to be snow later today and into the overnight hours with an advisory for travel that begins at four o'clock this afternoon. so more on that, plus what we can expect here at home as our temperatures do remain well below average for this time of year. and the unsettled weather sticking around, at least for the next day or two. better details on this plus what to expect in the extended forecast coming up? thank you. rosemary happening today at travel bag company is sponsoring a group of oakland middle school students as they take a spring break trip to hawaii trip. ktvu is james torres is live at sfo and says for many students, this will be their very first trip on a plane . what a treat! james! take it away. oh, there he goes around the microphone before you can hear me, all right, that that's just what happens when you have a morning full of excitement here. you see some of the kids
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behind me a group of 12 of them along with a couple of teachers, chaperones, all getting checked in checking in the bags right now. giving them one step closer to getting that whole trip started here, all of them, calling it an opportunity of a lifetime, but we saw them earlier this morning to the group met outside west oakland middle school, they said goodbye is the parents they boarded a bus? as you can imagine. those parents are pretty nervous this morning, sending their students more than five hours away to some islands. i spoke to some of them, though they say the opportunity offered to their kids was just too great to turn down. most takes away everything . everything has to offer the experience the flight. um the culture, the places visiting, um , being around an indigenous places and learn about the people. they're super talented. the trip is a collaboration between oakland schools, alaskan airlines and a company called state bags that are travel luggage company who used the revenue to reinvest in kids in the community. the strip is part
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of the company's travel academy aimed at giving students opportunities they have never had before. this is part of growing and kind of feeling like, wow, i'm going to be really far from home and from my family, and you know, that's why we do this is to get kids really understanding that you know there is a world outside of this neighborhood. taking a live back here to sfo. last couple of students here getting their bags checked will go through the gate , of course and told alaskan airlines as set up a special kind of process for them. we'll take a look at what that looks like over the next couple of minutes here and then that plane will take off a little later this morning. they are expected to be there for the whole week. they'll check out the islands of oahu. and maui. some of these kids here say they've never even traveled outside of california, some even outside the bay area before today, many of them will be their first time on a plane as well. they'll spend the trip will spend the week they're doing a number of different things will be back in oakland this time next weekend. live
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from sfo. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. james thank you safe travels to those students there were starting tomorrow, people will not have to wear masks and most california healthcare facilities. that's because the state's requirement to wear masks in those places is expiring. however some local governments and medical offices are still requiring requiring those masks. they do have the power to do so. alameda county, for example, plans to keep that mask mandate for medical offices in place. anyone heading to a hospital, nursing home or medical office should check ahead of time. um with office staff to see whether masks will be required there. not having to do it the question to get back into the heart. okay that's how you get the circulation going to make sure that students of color have the opportunity to learn about the future career in health care more than 300, middle high school students and college students attended the black men and white coach youth
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summit in oakland aimed at promoting diversity in the industry. doctors from kaiser permanente led the event, saying it's important for students of color to see physicians from similar backgrounds who are underrepresented in medicine. the attendees learned cpr, witnessed suturing demonstrations and learned about applying to medical school. the overall goal here is to reduce the racial and ethnic disparities in medical school admissions. the university of california is offering a plan to make it easier for community college students to transfer into the u. c system. under the proposal, any student who meets grade point average and class requirements for their major would be guaranteed a spot in at least one of the uc systems. nine campuses. some state lawmakers have raised questions and concerns about the plan, saying it would conflict with the requirements to transfer into the cal state university system. you see, representatives say this plan has not been finalized. a state lawmakers will have the final say about a
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plan during state budget negotiations later this year. families community activists and mental health advocates protested outside santa rita jail so far this year, four people in a span of just six weeks died while incarcerated, their inmates loved ones or calling for change to prevent more deaths. ktvu jesse gary explains what they want to see happen. edward laurent wilhite outside santa rita jail saturday , advocates and activists reading out loud names of the dead. these are the dozens of inmates who died while in custody. all of these deaths were people that died, um a couple of days within intake, we know that they should not have been incarcerated in the first place. since 2014 there have been 66 in custody deaths at this prison, which includes four so far in 2023. in response to the rally. the alameda county sheriff's office, which runs the jail, says we have been extremely transparent about the four deaths that have occurred
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since the beginning of the year. sheriff yesenia sanchez is committed to improving the quality of care, custody and control at the jail. she's invited county based organizations into the faculty to discuss their concerns. maurice monk is one of the 66 who died while in custody at the jail. it's still hard because he played a major part in my kid's life. so it's kind of hard not having him around to help me with my boys. tiffany monk says her brother suffered from schizophrenia following an altercation on an alameda county bus in 2021. he was arrested and wound up in santa rita shortly thereafter, the seemingly physically healthy monk was found dead in his cell. i want them to hold people accountable. and not just lie and say you're doing a job and you killing people family filed a lawsuit alleging he was denied adequate healthcare. the sheriff's office hasn't commented about their ongoing investigation into his death. advocates and community members say their grief is growing a movement to end the
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practice of incarcerating the mentally ill or those with substance abuse problems. they should have been diverted. they should have been elsewhere. they should not have been incarcerated, incarcerated in santa rita jail and you put them into a prison system and actually, what it does. is it, uh, increases trauma that they have already had? it makes it worse, criminal justice professor william carbone says the failings are systemic and wide ranging reform is needed the court should have at its disposal the opportunity to evaluate people have clinical experts that can evaluate and get to the bottom of the mental illness. when we send them into prison, they're not going to get better. they only get worse. the family of maurice monk says other options could have prevented his death. it's hurtful, and it's like it shouldn't be that many deaths. alameda county has earmarked $50 million for mental health services. they'd like to see some of that money go towards housing and community based resources, john jeffrey barna t so that another name is not
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added to their list of the dead that would expand the choice so that people don't have to be put into the jail when they could be diverted into other opportunities. ktvu fox two news . an update to a story we brought you as breaking news yesterday morning, three small earthquakes reported near the oakland san leandro border yesterday very close to the oakland zoo. the first of the three quake struck just before 9 30 yesterday. another hit 20 minutes later, and then the third earthquake hit just 15. seconds after that second quake now they were all minor. the three quakes were about 3.2 magnitude. no one was injured, and there was no reports of any damage. this is the time of year many people begin making their summer vacation. nation plans and palm springs tops travel. and leisure zen annual list of the most beautiful places to visit right here in california this year like tahoe, by the way, came in seventh place on the magazine's list. healdsburg in the heart of california's wine country that came in 15th
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place, and san francisco, ranked right behind helzberg at number 16. most of the other locations where, in monterey county and southern california you can't deny those are some beautiful spots. rosemary and we have some beautiful weather. maybe not perfect today, but it's going to be getting warmer and warmer. it looks like long term good looking day, right? you're looking today. it may not feel so nice out there at times because we are expecting a bit of a breeze and temperatures do remain below average for this time of year, giving you a look here over san francisco. so just appropriately, and you should be just fine. we do have a slight possibility of few sprinkles out there for today. not much very similar to yesterday. 49 degrees right now in san francisco, we have napa reaching 50 half moon by 50 fifties for the inter east bay, concord, walnut creek and for the east bay 51 right now in oakland, 50 degrees reported in hayward. we've got 49 danville 47 in castro valley. the winds turned on just a bit. it's a
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breezy one out there in many spots this morning, napa conquered oakland all reporting 13 mph nevado gusting to 18 fairfield 16. so temperatures still in the forties. with that breeze out there is going to feel quite chilly. bundle up. if you're getting out for breakfast and brunch here is a view of the system that remains status quo for us pretty much into the pacific northwest. we've got some wet weather, northern california the sierra is going to get a new round of snow later today, lasting into tomorrow. for us well calling for just a few sprinkles. let's get into the advisory for winter travel for the sierra. it begins at four o'clock will go until tomorrow morning. snow levels are expected to drop down to below 2000 ft. with 246 inches of snowfall, maybe even eight inches for some isolated areas. that is what is happening in the sierra. later today and into tomorrow morning for us, we'll call for partly cloudy skies at the a's game this afternoon starts at 107 57 degrees with
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the west breeze to 15 mph again several degrees below average. a better look at the afternoon highs for today and the warmer weather in the extended forecast coming up sounds good. thank you, rosemary. 28 people are dead and dozens more injured in the aftermath after a series of severe storms that hit the south and midwest on friday. we're live from little rock, arkansas , which took a direct hit from a number of tornadoes coming up, but first let's take a live look at lake tahoe. yes. we do have a few clouds up there. but the skiing has just been primo. we're going to chat with coop about ski conditions and all things tahoe when we come back.
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numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever,
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nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. ♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. next on behind the series... let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled.
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the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget about the boss. sometimes- you just want to eat your heroes. the subway series. the greatest menu of all time. there now was the recipe for a big weekend of skiing in the tahoe area couple. that was spring break and you've got a lot of happy people up there in snow country, including our next guest, mr tahoe himself. let's welcome in kevin cooper from cooper marketing and media coupe . well, how great is it up there right now. right it's been really good, and it's been great all season. we're looking for another storm to come in here tonight. another 5 to 10 inches up at the cross, probably 2 to 6 inches down at lake level. cold temperatures, snow levels down anywhere between 2 to 4000 ft. so it's just it's the winner that just keeps on giving right
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now, my friend, are you sick of it? i mean, come on. you've been shoveling since what october. i think up there you know, i don't know if i'm sick of it, but i'll tell you what it's been. you know, an arduous winter. we've been shoveling digging out a lot. resort team has been working hard, caltrans. we've been trying to keep it together up here, but it's just great for this year. great for the lake. great for all the tributary waters, the reservoir, so this is awesome. with the extended season. we're going to get a few more days in that we might have missed her and some of those larger systems, but it feels good. and you know, i am looking forward to spring. you know, a little bit there. yeah. hey, well, amen. that i think all of us here in the bay area can can relate. although we don't have snow on the ground, let's talk about what lies ahead. how important is spring break for the ski resorts of businesses? because we kind of blew through all the holidays in february and march with so much now, a lot of folks just said i'm not driving up 80 and 50 during this. so what? this is big time right now, right? absolutely frank
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right now. they were lost, you know, essentially martin luther king weekend and presidents. we did make it up a little bit on the backside of, you know the kind of shoulders of each of those when the roads did open up, but this easter is going to be important for the ski resource. now they've geared up. they've announced they're, you know, extended seasons, but you know, easter week is a big week for them right now. now i don't think it's a big catch up week. i just think it's kind of like, let's just keep the status quo so they can keep open a little bit longer. if you remember last year we didn't have easter week. up here it was sunny 60 degrees. limited terrain. now you're looking at full operations at most all the resorts. they will curtail them a little bit before easter on the mid week, midweek days, maybe not opening up a backside or maybe one or two runs not being groomed, but they're looking forward to being full operations. this next round of you know, snow is just going to be a nice refresh for it and keep it at midwinter shape. so you are going to be coming up here. bring those extra layers up here still be prepared for mountain. challenging
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conditions, but it looks like we might have this hit and then a break. for easter week. a little fresh powder on those groom slopes is always fun coupe. how about digging out our businesses and locals finally getting re acquainted with their driveways and some of the side streets around like tahoe? absolutely it's so nice and it's interesting. you brought that up . so we're now in the springtime rights. we have that sun hitting the snow. so we're seeing mouth off pretty quick. so when you're down around lake level, you're starting to see the ground again. people have been digging out their roofs digging out their garages. so yeah, a lot. a lot of work to get us back on track again and what a lot of people want to do in and around like town. you know whether your entire city truckee, south lake tahoe westshore is they want to dig those businesses out because what will happen is right after easter, even so the resorts are open. there's a big transition from winter. to springtime here, so we're going to want to get the bike trails open so people can come up that are more of spring traveler and they're not going to be bound by snow, so a
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lot of work to do to get us up and running. but the cool part, frank, you're going to be able to ski in the morning, maybe water ski mid morning, maybe play tennis or golf my bike in the afternoon. it's gonna be game on this spring into summer. alright well, it doesn't take much to get me to tahu. but midseason skiing right now and that gorgeous gorgeous like i'm in, uh, coop will enjoy and yes , spring will be coming. we're going to ask rosemary went might arrive. hopefully sooner than later. take care, guys. we'll see you on the mountain. good stuff. so i posed that question . when will spring arrived? we are transitioning. it's going to be a very gradual one, but by next weekend it's going to feel like spring and a whole different way, right? we typically have a little bit of a struggle between feeling like winter and spring for the start of the season, and then we jump into some very nice weather, typically as we get into mid spring light spring, and there's
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a beautiful view over berkeley, we have temperatures in the forties. this morning. we do have a breeze out there, so it does feel chilly right now we're mainly dry. we had a few scattered showers and push through yesterday and into the overnight hours. most of the energy remains to the north of us, but the sierra is going to get more snow later today and into the overnight hours within advisory for travel that begins at four o'clock. and goes until tomorrow morning. so if this is your place for the next 24 hours or so be prepared to snow is on the way. meanwhile, for us heyward reporting 14 mph wind we've got half moon by doing the same san jose nine in the hills, even a little windier mount diablo reporting 35 in the north bay big rock reporting 27. so breezy, brisk and seasonably cold weather with a slim chance of scattered showers for today. 49 san francisco 51 for you oakland into the afternoon low fifties along the coast upper fifties around the bay a few low
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sixties for areas like concord, fairfield, antioch, your extended forecast temperatures even cooler for tomorrow with a little bit of extra wind attached. partly cloudy, slowly rebounding in the days ahead wednesday, thursday into the low sixties. is by next weekend models are suggesting we will be in the seventies back to you. that sounds wonderful. okay thank you. rosemary coming up. next time capsule was buried in the thirties in san francisco. they opened it up 90 years later yesterday and find out what was inside that time capsule coming up next and calls to pause. artificial intelligence development continues. you're going to hear from a california lawmaker who says we need to get a better handle on the potential dangers of ai when we come back.
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to put a six month hold on their projects. the letter as quote should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber , outsmart obsolete and replace us should we risk loss of control of our civilization? such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders. members of both parties in congress seem to agree slowing down development. could be a good idea. problem is right now we don't have a good handle around exactly what those
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dangers of ai are certainly not enough to be able to develop a regulatory framework for it. the petition originated at the future of life institute, which says its mission is to steer transformative technologies away from large scale risk and towards benefiting life. the petition is directed at developers of ai after more people became aware of chat bot technology. 24 is the time in texas tech experts are also sounding the alarm on chat gpt specifically when it comes to cyber security and the future of democratic institutions. the artificial intelligence software can generate human like images or code and a matter of seconds . that poses a security risk because kernels can use chat gpt to develop malware and cyberattacks in record time. there's also fears about a i programs, creating completely fake videos and photos of real people called deep fakes. they warned that that leads to more disinformation and distrust in our political systems. chat. gpt is now temporarily banned in
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italy. the country's government says the move comes after a data breach of users conversations online. italian officials plan to investigate whether chat gpt violated european union data protection rules italy is the first nation to temporarily ban the use of gpt. we expect to see the u. s government pump another $2.6 billion into ukraine's effort to fight russia. this invasion. fox news has confirmed the military aid package will be announced tomorrow will fund air surveillance radar, anti tank rockets. precision area weapons also will fuel trucks and other equipment that puts the u. s contribution in ukraine at about $30 billion since russia invaded the country more than a year ago. ukraine's defense minister says the spring counter offensive could begin at any moment. the ukrainian military will reportedly try to oust russian forces from land they are occupying. this means there is no sign of any immediate resolution to the more than year long war in ukraine. ukrainian
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president vladimir zelensky is hoping his troops and the public state motivated in their support. children swings recalled after a fall hazard, the company that makes them it's not issuing refunds what they're offering instead coming up next angeles angels third baseman anthony rendon returned to the field, but he did not make a statement as expected. about a disturbance off the field yesterday how fans are reacting to that conflict.
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paper being crumpled more paper being crumpled music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! with nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my migraine attacks. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. treat and prevent, all in one.
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talk to your doctor about nurtec today. ring break. we're live at sfo as they get ready to embark on this incredible journey, plus, the death toll is rising after a series of severe storms hits the south and the midwest on friday . we're live from one of the hardest hit cities in arkansas. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning bay area. it is 9 30 on the nose as folks are coming and going from marin county into the city , and what looks like a pretty nice day. got a few clouds in the headlands, but right now, blue skies some of that may change. you know how it goes here in the bay area. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two on this sunday. good to have you on board. with a beautiful shot of tahoe behind us. i'm frank malika erasmus, and it is kind
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of like a tale of two seasons. in a matter of weeks. let's bring in rosemary oroczo last week definitely felt like we were in the depths of winter. but looking ahead another week. it's going to get warm. yes so for today, it looks like spring, but it's still kind of feels like winter, with the temperatures way below average for this time of year low fifties at the coast to low sixties inland, we do have very slight chance at a few scattered showers today, and the winds are expected to be breezy across parts of the bay area, even about windier for tomorrow and temperatures expected to slide just a tad better details on today tomorrow and the warm up in the extended forecast coming up thank you, rosemary. today a group of middle school students from oakland are on the adventure of a lifetime thanks to a travel bag company. i guess so. ktvu is james tauruses live what's getting sfo, where the students will take off and head for a week in hawaii, james. frank and alice. good morning to
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you, and it's not just a vacation, although that sounds pretty sweet, right spending a week in hawaii for that spring break all expenses paid trip. we're in sfl here. you see some of the set up at the gate, a big welcome banner welcoming the travel academy of 2023. that is what the program is called put together by alaska airlines and a company known as state status, this luggage company that really wants and cares to invest in community members, especially kids in the community as well. the kids right now all in the security line, making their way through to actually get up here to the gate, getting one step closer to starting that trip to hawaii. let's talk a little bit more about how their morning started. they all met at oakland west oakland middle score earlier today, saying goodbye to those parents, parents who were a little emotional, little anxious and nervous, too. as you can imagine, for a lot of these kids, this is their first time ever, leaving even the bay area the first time ever being on a plane. so for parents, they had a couple questions, which they say everyone involved was able to answer and by the end of the
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day, they say, this was an opportunity that was just way too great to pass up on. i hope she takes away everything that everything has to offer the experience the flight. um the culture, the places visiting, um , being around an indigenous places and learn about the people. they're super talented, goodhearted people, and i want to tell you more about that travel company known as states. alright, they use their revenue to reinvest in the kids in the community. i mentioned the travel academy as well. it all started last year when its founders brought a group of students from new york to california. they say they basically changed the lives of those students here. so now they're doing that same thing here for a group of 12 students from oakland to hawaii. they say the trip is part of the company's travel academy aimed at giving students opportunities that they have never had before . this is part of growing andelm going to be really far from home and from my family, and you know, that's why we do this is to get kids really understanding
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that you know there is a world outside of this neighborhood taking back live here from sfl. i actually think i see the group just a little bit in the distance here behind that pillar. they just got through security. remember for a lot of these kids, i think, actually, almost all of them. it's the first time even being at an airport going through security, so they're learning a lot. even just in the first few hours of getting the process of this rip started, so come here at the gate makes them cool special announcements. i think there are a lot of treats set up for them as well. and then they will embark on the trip set to be about a five hour flight. from here. over to there. they will spend a week where they'll learn a number of volunteer opportunities, of course about the culture and history of hawaii as well, spending time at both oahu and maui and then a week later, they say that they will have a whole new experience. that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives just have to come back to oakland next week. we're live this morning from sfl. i'm james torres ktvu. box two news. nice job. james went a thrill for those kids. honest some some very difficult news. at least 26
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people are dead. dozens more have been injured following that massive storm system that moved right across the south and midwest on friday afternoon. the areas hit hardest by tornadoes is in arkansas. that's where we find fox's medicine. scarpino madison. tell us what you're seeing there and just the extent of the damage. olli frank fix tent of the damage here in the small city of wynne. arkansas is quite unbelievable. and right now you guys are just seeing a small small picture of the damage currently outside of a church here in when, of course, it's palm sunday. we got easter next weekend, so this devastating deadly tornado could not have hit at a worse time for people celebrating that holiday. and i want to just kind of give you a closer look at all of this. these are thick, heavy bricks that were completely knocked off of the building. you can see this car absolutely crushed from it, and i got to say this building is a whole lot
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more in place than some of the other houses here. i mean, we're seeing houses completely leveled. true trees just completely uprooted as well. and i want to give you a look. across the street. now all of those people helping to clean up debris, and i got to say guys through all of the destruction, all of the damage. the silver lining is we have seen volunteers out here constantly from the minute that the sun comes out, whether it's people helping to clear out debris like you see right now, just offering water food. i can't even tell you the amount of times that volunteers came up to our crew and asked us if we needed anything. so that goes to show you what a small, tight knit community community this is an actually just about a half hour ago, was speaking to a man who is helping clean out his aunt's yard. and it was a duplex and he was actually a part of the search and rescue efforts when that tornado hit in the evening friday, he says that he found a man completely pinned under his couch. he had been there for six
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hours. thankfully, he's okay. but that's not the case for everyone. he actually talked about having to retrieve some deceased people. and of course, we know that four of those deaths happened right here in the city of when, but his biggest concern is that there's still people missing, so we're just going to have to wait and see. and fortunately we're probably going to get some bad news when it comes to that death toll, not just here and win, but all of the tornado devastated areas across the south and midwest. frank madison, i was kind of watching it. all this transpire working on friday, and they popped up everywhere. iowa, illinois. there in arkansas and other areas did did they have much morning? the people in that area? so everyone that you speak to, at least in this area. they're kind of prepared for tornadoes. not to say that this type of damages anything that a lot of people have experienced, but they know to listen to their meteorologists, listen to the radio and really get prepared a
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lot of the people that we spoke to here credit their lives to get into that safe spot and their home, you'll see houses where the middle part is completely intact. but yet the walls ripped off the building, so if they were not to be hunkered down in their safe spot, things could have been a lot different for a lot of families. but as far as getting a notification, they didn't know it was coming. a lot of people went to their safe space, and that's why they're alive today, but unfortunately we know that this coming tuesday this area is expected to have some more severe weather so hopefully, it's not just one hit after another here, madison. what time of day did it happen? you know, talking about people getting enough notice was this during the overnight hours when people were sleeping, and also do we know is this one tornado that did all that damage behind you? or just a cluster of storms in the area and how strong were they? well we know that the tornado on friday happened during broad daylight, and that's not very typical when it comes to tornadoes that cause this much damage, and, of
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course, that makes it difficult when it's dark out to really see the extent of the destruction. but like i said, daylight, i think it was around four or five pm in the evening here, and when people were prepared people were going door to door reminding their neighbors. hey, get to your safe spot. hey, get to a basement. but we're still trying to learn exactly the extent of these storms that came through. i believe here and when it was just one tornado that caused all of this any idea how strong it was. i know there's a system for rating the strength of tornadoes. we do not have confirmation as far as far as if it was an e two or e three tornado. um i'm sorry. we it is an e three tornado that caused this damage in the then of course, the week before that same thing happened over in mississippi and like i mentioned more severe weather on the way. hopefully if that is the case, not as strong as this one. the president was in mississippi on
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friday. looking at all the damage and not too far away from where you were medicine. scarpino thank you for that live report and all the best. thank you. thank you. new this morning , former arkansas governor asa hutchinson announced that he is running for president in the upcoming 2024 election. hutchinson who is a republican, says he will make a formal announcement later this month. but for now, he says he thinks republicans want an alternative to donald trump has hansen has been a mainstay of arkansas politics. going back to the 19 eighties, he served for eight years as governor of that state . he was also head of the dragon force mint administration. under president george w. bush hutchison has criticized trump for saying that the 2020 election was stolen. the series of strong storms that began in december, has now pushed the sierra snowpack into record breaking territory. the california department of water resources reports. the latest round of heavy snow last week dumped another two ft of snow in the sierra snowpack levels are
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now at their highest rates and more than 40 years, breaking previous record set back in 1982. in the last hour. i spoke with andrew schwartz, lead scientists at uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab at donner pass, he talked about the incredible snowpack totals. down in southern california. we see the biggest improvement overall in their snow conditions. they are much higher above average, almost approaching 300% of average down in the southern sierra. here in the central sierra. we're seeing anywhere from 200 to 250% of average conditions and then up north. it's a little bit lower from 150 to 200% so it really depends on the area, but overall, it's looking just absolutely terrific throughout the state. water experts say this is all because of the 17 atmospheric rivers that we have hit the sierra since december. updated snowpack totals expected to be released sometime tomorrow, and maybe just maybe a little bit more up there. i guess it dusty in a couple of inches, maybe more up
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to eight inches, frank. yeah, tonight into tomorrow, so much sorrow that there is an advisory for travel. show you that here in just a moment outside our doors. we have partly cloudy skies of cold start to the day and a bit of a breeze as well as we take a look at the east bay shore aquatic park area, the east bay shore in the low fifties, right now upper forties in san francisco in the north bay, 49 over santa rosa as we shift along the peninsula 52 for you, atherton. we've got 49 also sent into the santa cruz area. scotts valley also reporting 49 . so a bit of a chill in the air not quite as cold as yesterday morning, but the winds not helping us out. it doesn't really feel nice out there. i'm sure oakland reporting 13 conquered 13 napa 13 mph fairfield 16 so breezy conditions. partly cloudy and seasonably cool a very slim chance at a few scattered showers as we remain on the southern edge of the action going on in the north. we do have the sierra dry at the moment that will change and
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there is an advisory for the sierra begins at four o'clock this afternoon, and we'll go until eight o'clock tomorrow morning as mentioned a moment ago a few inches to up to eight inches and snow levels are going to be dropping below 2000 ft. so it is going to be tough to get up over those passes through tonight and into tomorrow. meanwhile, for us temperatures remain below average today 59 in santa rosa 58 in oakland. 60 degrees expected san jose a better look at these the afternoon highs and the warming trend in the extended forecast coming up thank you. rosemary starbucks has fired the worker who led the call to unionized starbucks stores across the country, her response to the unexpected labor action and how the company's ceo is defending its actions, and researchers have discovered a new type of parasite that has killed some sea otters off the california coastline. what researchers say about whether it could make us sick as well ight
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next on behind the series... let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled. the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget about the boss. sometimes- you just want to eat your heroes.
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the subway series. the greatest menu of all time. dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. see otters. the diseases caused by microscopic parasite toxoplasma gandhi spoke with devin senate of uc davis veterinary school been found worldwide. but this particular strain is new to researchers,
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and it's believed to be new to california. the rare strain appears to be capable of rapidly killing healthy adult otters and can be transmitted to other mammals. toxoplasma can infect humans. this particular strain has not been reported from humans to date, but there is the potential for transmission to humans. um so you know, in the same way that sea otters could potentially get infected from shellfish consuming raw bivalve shellfish could potentially be around out of infection for humans. she does recommend thoroughly cooking any seafood products, according to health guidelines, fish and wildlife officials say infections of this rare parasite might give someone in flames systematic fat deposits in sea otters or other marine wildlife as well. rangers had an east bay park want to extend some road closures in order to protect tiny amphibians at tilden park. every winter
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newts emerge from their seasonal slumber in the east bay hills, they head out in search of water near tilden regional park. for their mating season. that's why the east bay regional parks district closes some of the roads from november to april, in order to protect the small, slow moving animals from cars. this year's rainy weather, though, has extended the newts usual migration period, which may extend some of those road closures. the consumer product safety commission is calling out recalling thousands of plastic swings for young children. the reports that the restraint straps on those swings can break causing babies and toddlers to fall out the plastic swings and recall have mickey mouse, minnie mouse and pop patrol images on them. they are marketed for kids ages nine months through four years old. more than 43,000 of these swings were sold at walmart. now the good news is there's no reports of any deaths or serious injuries. you can contact the company delta enterprise for new straps free of charge. all right time now, a week from today, give or take maybe 70 degrees couldn't be.
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yes yes, yes, yes. we want it away. for today, though we are going to have to settle with mainly dry conditions and temperatures a bit cool and breezy as well. giving you what? you look here over the east bay shore where it's a pretty day. but if you're getting out for breakfast or brunch, maybe a hike a bike ride, test the water, so to speak. the winds are kicking up in our temperatures are still running. cool 49, santa rosa, as well as livermore, san jose checking in at 51 52 for san francisco. partly cloudy skies overhead leave again slight possibility of a few scattered showers. most of it will remain to the north of us, but the sierra as we've been talking about expected to pick up some snow, and with that there is a travel advisory that begins at four o'clock this after afternoon. for us. we've got a breeze out there. already many areas reporting anywhere from 5 to 15 mph. and then as we get into the afternoon, do expect them to pick up with widespread winds anywhere from
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15 to 20 mph even seeing 25 mph, maybe close to 30 and some of our hills closer to the coast. so for today, we're going to call for unseasonably cool weather breezy conditions with a slim chance that we may have a sprinkle overhead 56 francisco for the afternoon today upper fifties in redwood city. and into the inner east based 60 degrees conquered upper fifties in napa, your extended forecast here notice monday. not better, a little worse temperatures in the upper fifties, the windy conditions expected to continue . maybe even pick up a little bit more will be watching for advisories. although right now it doesn't look like it into tuesday. the winds calm down. temperatures do come up just slightly, and then wednesday thursday, even a little bit better. partly cloudy skies dry conditions models again indicating as we get into next weekend going above the seasonal norm. and perhaps seventies in our forecast for the afternoons back to you. shouldn't reach out and grab a fan of the physical
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with him. come on. fans booed anthony rendon during yesterday's game against the angels, an update to the conflict that almost got physical between the third baseman and anais fan on opening day.
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there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! sponsor ble for leading the starbucks workers. united union campaign has now been fired. this comes just days after the company's ceo howard schultz,
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testified on capitol hill to reject allegations that the company's policies and firings are anti union. starbucks workers united shared in a tweet yesterday that alexis rizzo was fired. so says she was fired on friday after working a full shift, she says she is absolutely heartbroken. 9 53 now , and the number of air travelers in the u. s is back to pre pandemic levels. and maybe not surprisingly, the number of travelers complaints with their flights. also on the rise. the department of transportation recorded more than 60,000 consumer complaints last year, almost four times as many as in 2019. the number doesn't even include complaints filed in the month of december, when widespread delays and cancelations spiked across all carriers. and especially southwest airlines over call over the winter holidays. when do passengers really care when they're going on a trip with their family or on an extended trip to be with their family during the holiday, and that's when so many of these big delays and cancelations peaks occurred
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, so i think that that's really been problematic for the for the system. some of the most widely cited reasons for consumer complaints included flight cancelations and a lack of refunds from airlines for canceled flights, keeping that theme going if you're flying to the asia pacific region this year, be prepared to spend more than you think. a new report from american express global business travel says the cost of airline tickets to that region have gone up in price and cost about 10% more than they did. prior to the pandemic, some business class tickets to shanghai or even double their pre pandemic price study says some of the reasons include labor shortages, closed russian air spaces and slow returns to pre pandemic life in asian countries. angeles angels third starbase all star third baseman anthony rendon was back on the field at the oakland coliseum this weekend. after a heated encounter with an ace fan. new video posted on social media
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gives us a different view of the incident that happened during opening day. on thursday, the angels lost that game. a fan appears to heckle rendon and other angels players as they leave the field. now in the video, you see random, grabbing the fans shirt and even attempting to hit him, but fans are divided. and ultimately who is at fault for the conflict. you shouldn't reach out and grab a fan of the physical with him. come on. it's really making the angels as an organization look bad, too, and baseball players in general, he's using vulgarity , especially in the family atmosphere. he should be kicked out of the game, and i was hoping that the coliseum would do that. brendan was surrounded by reporters during yesterday's game. but the angel star says he still cannot comment on what happened. both oakland police and major league baseball are investigating. in the meantime, the games do go on the a's wille angels this afternoon at the oakland coliseum, one oh, seven pitch time there. yesterday the angels routed the a's 13 1. this
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was over quickly. taylor ward homered and drove in four runs. spoiled this guy shintaro fujinami is major league debut, fujinami breezed through the first two innings. then fell apart in the 30 gave up eight earned runs and only got one out during that tough third inning is now have a record of one and one on the young season, giants will wrap up their first series of the new season today at yankee stadium. that's following the giants exciting 75 victory over the yankees in the bronx yesterday. john peterson had a big game. a homer here. brandon crawford had three hits drove in a couple, but the highlight of the game came at the very end of the game. giants relief pitcher camillo duval will retire giancarlo stanton on a game ending double play. with the bases loaded up. there's one there's two and that's your ball game, giants win it, 7 to 5. and like the aids, they too, are one in one out of the gate area. high school students had a chance to learn what it takes to
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make a career out of firefighting. the santa clara county fire department partnered with a group called nor cal women in the fire service to teach teenage girls about firefighting. they showed students how power tools, hoses and ladders are used on the job. i think for them, they really wonder if they can do it. and when they come out here, they realized how fun it actually is to do things that maybe they never thought they could do or where possible. more than 100 firefighters from 20 different departments across northern california helped to teach those teens some very valuable hands on experience. time capsule buried by san francisco boy scouts 90 years ago was finally opened. the mayor london breed some other community leaders on earth. the capsule buried at the foot of mount davidson's cross yesterday. it sits atop the city's highest peak. now some of the items discovered in the 1933 bucks included a bible, a telephone directory and a number
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of chronicle newspapers. the newspapers will be really, really, um, interesting. i just thought headline runaway girls navy romance. i mean, just you can't you can't make that up. apparently a big story 90 years ago, a new time capsule was buried in his place by local boy scouts. once again, it includes an iphone face masks and in armenian bible, imagine unearthing a iphone and 100 years. i mean, it wouldn't it's not like the battery is going to last that long. i wonder if they had whether some weather reports in that old 90 year old san francisco chronicle paper interesting to see yeah, climatology in there. of course, that'd be very cool. meanwhile what's going on today? yes we've got another unsettled weather day meeting a cool, breezy and a slight chance for scattered showers. no reason to cancel your plans. just bundle up, get out and enjoy the sunshine tomorrow, even windier, and then
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we begin to see a transition to a warmer pattern. a gradual warm up by the weekend right now models are showing seventies. i'm ready, but i mean, if anyone still in tahoe right now what they should head out before the evening hours. come home now. yes, because snow on the way. well, thanks for joining us this morning. the latest news tonight on ktvu news >> there are moments in this sport when everything just clicks, moments when promise becomes the finished product. as fans, we just hope we are there to see it. >> coming for you, sunday, boys. >> see an introduction to history. >> big win for the 25-year-old. >> ca teenager become a phenom


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