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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 29, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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china also announcing it will ramp up its military spending by more than 7% this year, a major increase they can put the u. s. and a disadvantage in the region . there's a really an under reported arms race going on in the western pacific. right now, these countries are arming themselves up and they very much with very few exceptions. want the united states their general mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs, told lawmakers today that china's military is on pace to rival the us by mid century in washington jenkins fox news ktvu fox two news at five starts now. it's really been unfathomable that we're still here and there's no better options for us five forced to live in hotels for three months and counting dozens and dozens of oakland families displaced by a flooded apartment building, they are stuck. the damage was caused following the new year's eve storm that drenched the bay area. good evening. i'm greg lee mike mibach. we're now learning
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that repairs to the building could take another couple of months. ktvu brooks jarocz here now with new information on how this has become a multimillion dollar disaster, brooks built four years ago. it's called coliseum connections right near the colosseum. bart station 110 unit building in east oakland with affordable and market rate apartments. the city putting in $12 million to support the development of place that now still sits uninhabitable and in need of major repairs. heavy rain is reminiscent of disaster day at coliseum connections, apartments. december 31st backed up drains of flooded parking garage, a dozen cars destroyed. julissa williams lost hers. she says insurance wouldn't cover it on the hook for $16,000, but that's just the beginning of her troubles in my credit score, so i can't even go and rent other places so i'm just feeling like i'm at rock bottom and not even knowing what to do is not alone
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. 96 households are still at east bay hotels, no regular stove. no in unit laundry. no individual bedrooms. i'm at my breaking point, like mentally dealing with living in a hotel for three months and my kids are not having like their own space to run and play. williams is three year old twin boys now call homewood suites in oakland home. the city has covered the cost since mid february. coliseum connections was funded in part by the city and the county. it's estimated $2 million are needed for repairs to the electrical system, elevator and fire alarms. then there's the water cleanup and interior damage. it smells. it's dark. it's cold, there's mode growing in different areas. um it just feels like almost a scene out of a movie owner urban courses. the city's drainage overflows initially took out the power. in a statement, the ceo says we do have property insurance, but not flood
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insurance. since we are not in a floodplain, all hands are on deck to get the tenants back in the building asap. but officials say it could be the end of may before repairs are complete. several tenants we spoke with off camera say they've lost faith and trust that they won't be kicked to the curb. that's my biggest fear is that i'll be sleeping in my car with my three year old twin boys and, you know, not having a end date and site. so when we will be able to be housed the game. williams says she does not want to go back to colosseum connections. the city of oakland says it is contracting with a relocation services company that's supposed to provide benefits to displaced tenants to wait for their old department at a hotel or assist in finding alternative permanent housing. but that from what we're hearing is the latest big challenge brooks jarocz ktvu fox . two news big and difficult challenge after another night, brooks thank you. tomorrow is opening day for major league
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baseball and today out of the coliseum, ground crews were prepping for the big day sky. foxx flew the scene and because of the off and on rain, though the tarps were out protecting the infield first pitch between the aids and the angels scheduled to start just after seven o'clock tomorrow night. wet weather in the south bay may have contributed to a service snarl on the feta trains this morning, maintenance crews were called out for a down overhead line between the san antonio and convention center stations in san jose service was back up and running again by about three p.m. alright today was all about kind of where you were blue skies at one moment, but then heavy rain and hail falling the next moment. this was video from just a few hours ago in san francisco, and we also had a brief wave of it just outside our jack london square studios in oakland chief meteorologist bill martin joins us now strong sells out there. sometimes there today, bill. little bit of everything mykonos son was out and the clouds will go away and they come back. they'll be a thunderstorm or hail. we had all sorts of rain activity and then
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a break so kind of continuing in that vein in the mountains. of course it means snow. it's continuing to snow up there. the winter store morning stays in effect. through eight o'clock tonight, and it'll still be kind of sketchy up there after eight o'clock i suspect is the system slowly moves out. over the last couple of days. we've gotten fair amounts of rain two inches in san rafael, san francisco, an inch and a half. this is a good good winter storm. it wasn't as as massive as last week's, but it was a very good winter storm for rain and snow and for us in terms of how the bay area and california weathered it. you know, we had a couple of days of break before we're getting a couple of days of break starting tomorrow, and so we're able to get the you know things drain off and a lot of problems that we were seeing with that last weather system didn't really occur this time. although we are seeing lots of slips still little mudslides and things as the ground because more saturated some lightning strikes just south of fresno or down by modesto. pardon me and merced lisbon. oh, so that's not unexpected. this is the time of day that you'd expect to see these things start to pop up and
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then you've got scattered showers on the afternoon commute. it's not a horrible afternoon community. just not great. it's going to get better and better as we go through the next couple of hours and doesn't get better and better as we had to friday, i'll have the forecast back in a few minutes. look forward to it. we'll see you soon to california lawmakers are leading the charge for president biden to approve a new major disaster declaration in the state to open up federal assistance for storm repairs. senator alex padilla and representatives old lofgren had the support of 52 members of the bipartisan california congressional delegation. in their letter to the president, they noted over the last several months, the massive storms have caused widespread flooding, erosion, power outages and road closures across the state. they also wrote. the storms have threatened the lives and livelihoods. of hundreds of thousands of californians and continue to threaten federal state highways and roads, critical infrastructure homes and buildings. it's hugely important. um, as i say, the individuals who have been
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damaged, um, you know they're not getting any help from fema now because they're not eligible until this declaration is made. so this is it for those individual families? the letter follows a successful push earlier this year by california lawmakers to get a major disaster declaration approved in the state for previous storms that severely damaged road and highway infrastructure across the state cleanup still underway in the monterey county community of bihar. oh it's been nearly three weeks now since the levee breach, forcing the entire town to evacuate as ktvu. esmark's reports today resource center opened up to help residents and businesses in need of assistance. opening for you. yeah this is what it looks like . inside the mexico meat market, a store, which has stood for 40 years at the foot of the main street bridge linking povero with watson ville. everything will be in the kitchen. maria martinez hopes to have a small section of the store reopened in perhaps a week, but the full project could take months. so
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she came to the resource center that monterey county has set up at the veterans memorial hall in watson ville, your business owner. what kind of help do you need the most the most. we need help because we need to pay the mortgage and we don't have no income. this is our only income business. so the fact that the county set up this place for you to come and talk to all these different people. is that helpful to you? it is helpful. resource center was very busy on the first day it was open, bringing together state and local resources from housing to financial aid to agricultural assistance, as well as tax and health officials and even the mexican consulate. the idea is to get as much help as possible as simply as possible to the people who need it the most. we're also providing transportation for residents to come to this area, and the reason for this is to bring some of the resources that they're going to need to mitigate some of the issues that they've been finding now that they are back at their at their residences. more than 2000 residents here
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were evacuated in the middle of the night nearly three weeks ago when the levee protecting the town from the pajaro river burst. trucks carrying thousands of gallons of freshwater have been brought in, and people are bringing their own containers to fill so they can stay in their homes and have water for drinking. it could be several more weeks before the water is safe here. and the magnitude of the cleanup effort cannot be overstated. drive down just about any residential streets and the contents from entire houses and apartments are out on the sidewalks being ready to be hauled away. back at the resource center, residents say every bit helps all the furniture fair. so far destroyed all the stories, the resource center will be open seven days a week, at least to the end of next week. as for the water testing is underway and getting the all clear for both drinking and cooking remains a top priority reporting from pa haro
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and moderate county i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. the lieutenant governor of california is visiting power rail right now. she was greeted by monterey county's district to supervisor both are scheduled to meet with agricultural industry representatives and community members that healthy harvest that's a farm and shipping facilities severely damaged during the winter storms. the unrelenting rain having a major impact on farms around the state , the overcast skies even affecting indoor farms. fox is actually soriano is live in the southern california city of fillmore. in ventura, county or tomatoes are commonly grown. ashley problems at the farm can certainly have a domino effect. greg absolutely. it's definitely impacting everyone, including indoor farmers here at bay like family farms, these tomatoes should be bright red and ready to pick by this point, but the stormy weather and lack of sunshine have delayed production by about 3 to 4 customers. so these are perfect
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for blts or burgers on a warm, sunny day. those comments sunny days in southern california have been few and far between this month, third generation farmer scott gaelic and his family have grown tomatoes inside greenhouses since 1971. we picked dead red. so these were picked yesterday, so we picked red red tomatoes rely on plenty of sunlight and then the other thing being inside. um because you see in the greenhouse here were enclosed. um we don't have lights in here. we still rely on the sun. we want full sun for tomatoes well, when it's raining and super cloudy you don't have the sun so it really sets production back. it sets the ripening back. california is one of the top producers of fresh tomatoes in the united states this year, stormy skies have kept the tomatoes from ripening . you can see we have a tremendous amount of green tomatoes right now. we should have started picking this these plants. three weeks ago in los
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angeles. the total rainfall so far is almost 22 inches, according to the fox forecast center. that's compared to less than half an inch of rain this time last year. some of our restaurants they want some of the specific varieties of tomatoes we have, and we keep telling them sorry. you know, i've got a short you or no tomatoes this week. the rain has also been keeping customers away. because our marketing site as farmers markets will. all those farmers markets are outside. so who's who's going to come out to farmers market in a downpour. and more rain is expected here in southern california through thursday afternoon. but farmers they're just trying to get their production back on track. you'll likely still be able to get your tomatoes in stores, but there just might be fewer of them on the shelves in fillmore, ashley soriano, ktvu fox two news. all right, ashleigh, thanks in a reminder. if you have photos or video from the storm, you can share those images with us. just email what you have ktvu photos at fox dot com. you may see some
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of your images on the air or online, the use of artificial intelligence exploded in popularity and advancing at a high rate of speed, but still to come by some of the biggest names in tech are calling for a slowdown. then at 5 30, who should receive reparations and how much just some of the questions of state task force must answer. and the cost estimates from the group's latest meeting. plus which comments do i like the ones that started women? the ones that start men were very boring to me . area woman behind wonder woman conversation with a pioneer st l to come
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morning of a fire at 39th and
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west streets. firefighters had that fire knocked down and just about 30 minutes. no one was hurt in the fire, but one woman was displaced from her home. firefighters said. they also rescued a cat, the gaza that fire is not yet known people likely to profit from powerful artificial intelligence are now asking everyone involved in it to take a pause and think about the potential damage if it gets out of control. a group of prominent computer scientists and other tech industry notables are calling for 1/6 month pause to consider the risks. ktvu is tom baker joins us from the newsroom with this story, tom it's really kind of amazing thursday tomorrow. artificial intelligence search engines, which is called chitchat, gpt will observe only its fifth month month of existence, and it's already changing the world. mid journey as one of the latest ai artificial intelligence websites where anyone confession their own creations, as our staff did wednesday. examples these house fire news photos in oakland that never happened,
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this said non existent person whose money was tied up in the silicon valley bank failure. this fake reporter at the scene of fake devastation in san francisco. and, yes, even elon musk shown in the tesla racing on the streets of san francisco . not way beyond pictures on youtube. this is from the university of washington team that shows video clones with likenesses and voices of anyone saying anything in any background, no matter how false or outrageous is out of the bag, but in almost 1300 signature high tech expert driven and star studded petition now seeks to pause for six months what the petition calls an out of control race that developers cannot understand, predict or reliably control, they said, presents a profound risk to society. and humanity. signers include apple co founder steve wozniak and
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tesla's elon musk. domingo guerra is head of trust and in code a super high tech identity verification firm using biometrics that seek to weed out clones, fakes and impersonators for transactions. we need to think about the pros, the cons the consequences that can be there and take a deep look into how we can protect against ourselves. we need some sort of guardrails. or best practices or dues and don't that we can agree to as an industry. it would also open up a depraved new world. of opportunities for criminals, terrorists and dictators like a modern arms raised. now gordon and sachs says, even for the right purposes, a i could actually impact 300 million jobs worldwide. many of them right here in the usa. tom baker, ktvu . fox two news. something to continue to watch, tom. thank you. a major step in the fight to curb opioid deaths. the fda
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today approved telling the overdose, reversing drug narcan without a prescription boxes. casey stengel walks us through the change, as the agency hopes increased availability will decrease america's overdose death toll. i knew that he was gone. tens of thousands of americans die from fentanyl poisoning each year, the number of teens falling victim to the deadly drug, also growing at a record pace. in 2021 fentanyl was involved in an astonishing 77% of adolescent overdose deaths, according to the cdc. that leaves heartbroken families searching for answers like janelle rodriguez, who lost her 15 year old son, noah after he took a counterfeit pill. they gave him to narcan injections, and he just didn't respond to. it needs to be in every household taking new steps to combat this growing epidemic, the food and drug administration on wednesday approved over the counter sales of narcan nasal spray, making the potentially
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lifesaving medication used to reverse opioid. overdoses easier to access. until now. the nasal spray was only available with a prescription and soon the four mg doses will be on shelves, drugstores, grocery stores and gas stations as well as online community advocates believe any prevention efforts are critical and helping stop this silent killer. it's important to have prevention efforts, but also, you know important to recognize that this is the thing that's in our community, and we need to have the tools to keep people see how much it will cost will be up to drugmakers with narcan nasal spray, likely available over the counter by late summer. that's the latest from dallas. casey stegall fox news. alrighty taking a look at the weather that is that we had today and what we're going to see this is the long range model. i want to start off with this and then we
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get to the five day and a few minutes, you'll get the chance to see how it looks in graphical form. but here is the model saying, okay, there goes that system kicks into southern california late tonight. early tomorrow morning. there's thursday looks good. friday looks pretty good, but there's some clouds and a little drizzle up around eureka. and then on saturday, you see this line coming in. that's that slight chance for a shower. right don't change your plans are based on that. and then sunday kind of does the same thing in the mountains. there will be some snow flurries. now that's just a big broad brush forecasts but that it will be close like it'll be. you know, it'll be pretty close to that. it just won't be exact because it's such a long range model that the resolution is not that tight. live camera outside, beautiful shot. you see, some clouds see some cumulus clouds. we had hail and thunder and just the whole the whole shooting match today is you see the loop, the low spinning offshore still driving in some pretty significant shower activity, especially as you go further inland. we do have a flood advisory. in effect
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for these areas they've been popping on and off on and off the flood advisories the last couple of days, and that's just because you get a bunch of rain, you know, quarter inch of rain or a rainfall rate of insurance and a half the ground's wet and runs off and you get all sorts of issues. so as we look at the radar, you can see there's thunderstorms out here whole cluster that's an interesting little cell up by merced. look at that. so that's just a boom boom boom, but five or six of them sacramento that's a pretty significant squall. i would not be surprised to get a report of a funnel cloud today. this is the kind of day you get it right when you get scattered showers, the cold air from that low and then the sun heats the ground boom. okay so i kind of gave you the long range model when i come back and look at the five day forecast that will make it more specific for you. i'll see you back here in a few minutes. thanks. a grieving community. the lives lost in monday's school shooting in nashville. what we're learning about the six victims and the latest in the investigation and coming up tonight at six more hope that private surveillance cameras could help solve crimes. the new plea from a bay area police
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you the six lives lost and lift up the survivors and families at a private christian school. the city grieving the three children and three adults killed in monday's shooting with the candlelight vigil featuring first lady jill biden, cheryl crow and other dignitaries. authorities say the motive for the shooting is still not clear today. city officials declined to immediately release the 911 calls, citing the ongoing investigation, and we're also learning more about the victims as foxes in a l e. apple is reports the school principal ran right toward the gunfire. people across nashville are honoring the victims of this week's deadly mass shooting at a citywide vigil wednesday night. among those killed 39 year old students, a substitute teacher custodian and the school's headmaster, katherine coons, who one local official says ran towards the gunfire. friends are remembering her as a dedicated teacher. absolutely fierce. she
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was an absolute champion. for her students and her students always knew that she was in their corner, while the 28 year old shooter fired randomly at victims. police say the covenant school was targeted. on tuesday , chief john drake revealed the suspects manifesto included plans to attack multiple locations in the building. some lawmakers are now calling for this shooting to be called a hate crime. they believe it was definitely premeditated, and there was a deliberate attempt to target the school that looks like a hate crime to me. meanwhile this tragedy is raising concerns about security measures in private schools, according to tennessee's department of education, state laws requiring schools to submit safety plans only apply to public ones, many now praising the police officers who jumped into action on monday, likely saving many lives. obviously. could have been could have been ambushed by the shooter and it didn't deter them. they were going to find this shooter, and
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obviously they didn't terminated. ah shoot a very, very quickly investigation continues. a memorial for the victims is growing outside the school and iliopoulos fox news. we have been hearing firsthand accounts as children rushed out of the school, including from actress melissa joan hart. in a video on social media. she explained that she and her husband helped some students get to safety. her children attended school near the covenant school . she said she and her husband were going there for conferences when they saw a class of kindergartners climbing out of the woods, she said they helped the children and their teachers across a busy road twitter as temporarily restricted, georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greens congressional account. saying she violated the social media platforms rules. green posted an image with an anti transgender message, saying that antifa is organizing a trans day of vengeance. trans activists say trans day of vengeance has been around in the trans community for years, and it's not a call to violence. the
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tweet came one day after the nashville school shooting, police say the suspect identified as transgender. greens congressional account is suspended for seven days. arrests in a months long crime spree in the east bay coming up the suspects, police say were terrorizing people on the street plus $800 billion. that is the estimated cost of reparations for black californian more on
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give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™. go connected to at least 18
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armed robberies in the city officials said. the suspects were taken into custody yesterday. they say the four would commit 3 to 5 robberies a night. the crime started earlier this year in the last one was six days ago. investigators say the majority of the robberies happened at night in east oakland, and the victims were primarily latino men and women. these four individuals were terrorizing innocent victims in our city by pistol, whipping them and robbing them of their personal items. raising from the purses. wallets, jewelry. and hard earned cash. the four suspects range in age from 18 to 24 years old and are being held at santa rita. jail. one is from oakland three or from hayward. after the arrest, police recovered some of the stolen goods after serving search warrants. san jose city employee has been arrested and charged with sexual assault and tonight police say there could be additional victims. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary live
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tonight with more on the story, jesse good evening. my good evening to you. one victim came forward just over a week ago, saying they had been victimized that led to the discovery of other victims and the suspect. 33 year old gilbert oh, never is charged with multiple counts of sexual assault of minors over the course of several years. on march 21st sounds a police department received reports from the juvenile survivor regarding being sexually assaulted by the suspect for several years, jose parks, recreation and community services department says alvarez served as a community activity workers since march of 2022. providing services to homeless encampments. he is no longer employed by the city. a statement from that department reads. in part, we are deeply saddened and concerned by this recent news and extend our sympathies to the survivors and their families. it's disturbing . it's very disturbing, but it's as disturbing as when you hear. it's a teacher at a school or a coach or your clergymen, police
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detectives say through their investigation, additional survivors ages 6 to 13 have been identified. who have been victimized over several years. it's really important that those victims come forward and speak to the police and tell their story and that the police do you know a full investigation because there's strength in numbers and the more that come forward, the more likely that he'll be held fully accountable . investigators say the crimes committed by nevarez, we're not connected to his work and took place in private residences. files are professional, their professional at grooming. the children grooming the family grooming the parents grooming whatever the city people he worked for. the city says nevarez was fingerprinted and checked against a national database. but there were no red flags. he was arraigned last week on 14 counts and is now being held at the male main santa clara county jail without bail. he's next in court on may,
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the fifth live in downtown san jose. jesse gary ktvu fox tune as we head back to you. all right, jesse. thank you. the first of a two day hearing on the issue for reparations for black californians began this morning. people are invited to listen in and participate. economists for a california task force estimate payouts can reach more than $800 billion for harm caused by policing in house housing discrimination. that's more than 2.5. times california's annual budget ktvu sally rasmus explains what the task force studying the issue still has to decide. madam chair . a quorum has been established the goal of the nine member task force on reparations to determine how to compensate black californians for the legacy of slavery and the decades of discrimination and financial losses. generations of californians faced because of it. the task force has a july 1st deadline to release a final report on what the state should do. people voiced their support in person and by phone rights legislation. reimagine as uh, as
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reparations for slavery reparations are necessary step for black people to begin to heal and an opportunity for california to begin to the right the wrongs that has it has inflicted on black california. the task force still has to determine how much money people should get. and in what form those payments should come in a straight check or debt relief or something else, like housing vouchers, cash reparations. cash. that's a minimum when you're thinking about how to restore um, how to restore and repair. it has to start also with education task force also has to determine how people will qualify. so far. there are five criteria they're looking at eligible recipients could include people whose family faced housing discrimination in california from 1933 to 1997 over policing and mass incarceration. unjust property taking from 18 52 2020 health harms and the devaluation of black owned businesses from 18
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52 2020. economists estimate the cost to compensate black californians for all of those wrongs would be about $800 billion. it is unlikely the state will pay that since it's more than double the entire state budget. state lawmakers and the governor will have the final say on how much is spent and how lawmakers will also have to decide where the money will come from. the task force. final report is due july 1st erasmus ktvu, fox two news. the berkeley unified school district is forming a task force to study the possibility of reparations and is holding an online informational meeting tomorrow night for interested community members. the online meeting is from 6 to 7, and more information is available on the district's website. the school district says the possibility of reparations is in response to the legacy of slavery in the us it is seeking to provide reparations for berkeley students with ancestors who were enslaved and for other historic racial injustices. former starbucks ceo howard schultz testifies on capitol hill the
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heated exchange as he addressed allegations that starbucksfighte vi major white out conditions
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in and efforts as foxes. rich edson reports. progressive lawmakers having long waited for this moment. over the past 18 months, starbucks has waged the most aggressive and illegal union busting campaign. in the modern history of our country, senator bernie sanders, accusing former starbucks ceo howard schultz of illegally thwarting employee efforts to former union since late 2021 workers at
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nearly 300. starbucks stores have voted to unionize. the labor group behind the effort has yet to reach a contract with any of those stores. sanders claims schultz led a campaign to fire unionized workers and illegally closed unionized stores. stall bucks broke the law 130 times across six states since workers began organizing in the fall of 2021 vigorously denied breaking any federal labor laws and insisted starbucks is willing to bargain with unionized employees. he says. unions are important in american business, though, maintained starbucks has treated its employees. well without one. we do nothing that is nefarious . we put our people first. we make decisions based on our people, and we have the track record to prove it. several republicans on the committee said the national labor relations board was pursuing a political agenda to boost unions . some republicans ripped the democratic majority for even holding the hearing. i don't
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want to be part of any witch hunt that vilifies any american business. so count me out. this committee process was bias going in founded starbucks and let it for more than 20 years across three different periods. he stepped down as interim ceo last week in washington. richardson fox news coming up a conversation with the bay area woman who is a pioneer in the comic book industry. the work she still doing to lift up. other women basketball legend comes to the east bay his message for a couple of championship teams right here in the bay area, and there's still some strong showers out there. even a little bit of hail in the area just east of us. we'll talk about what you can expect tonight and then as we head towards friday and the weekend
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give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™. debuted her character back in
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1941. but for decades wonder woman was drawn by male artists. that is, until san francisco woman had the chance to make history herself as we mark women's history month, ktvu claudine wong sits down with the first woman to ever draw wonder woman for dc comics. she has lived in this home for decades, surrounded by a lifetime of collectibles in this place filled with stories and art. my name is trina robbins. i live here in this ancient house in san francisco. i am ready for years, young robbins describes herself in many ways, a feminist and author and a pioneer in the world of comic books. her love of comic started when she was just a little girl. which comics do i like the ones that started women? the ones that start. men were very boring to me. i wasn't interested in those. so you know , wonder woman, of course, but not just wonder woman, mary marvel who was a girl and well
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she had to do was seixas, um, and she became this super heroine, and it meant that you didn't have to wait to grow up to be a super heroine. you could be a girl and half superpowers. one of her superpowers was her ability to draw and as a young woman, she drew what she described as as little pictures on paper with speech balloons over them in the sixties and underground paper started publishing those drawings. her work continued in the seventies when she moved to san francisco in the sixties and the early seventies. really i was one of the few women drawing comics and the guys didn't like it. i mean, the guy's really you know, they acted as though i didn't exist, you know, but a lot of people loved my comics and i was one of the founding mothers in 1972 of women's comics, which was an under ground publication, an anthology of all women comic
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artists. you know, i was a pioneer and i am a pioneer. in the eighties, she went from one of a few to the first. that's when dc comics decided it's superheroes needed a new look because you know superman was 75 years old. it still looks so young and his punching people out so they had to redo it, you know, and they also redid wonder woman wonder woman before this guys, it was 40 years of guys. drawing wonder woman, not one woman so but in between creating the new wonder woman. they had four months of no wonder woman. this is the way i see it. it's a room full of editors and they're saying, what should we do with wonder woman and someone saying , well, we all know trina likes wonder woman. why don't we just give it to her for four months, and if she screws it up? it doesn't matter because we'll have a guy doing it next. so i did for issues of wonder woman,
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and that made me the first woman to draw her wonder woman comic she says she drew wonder woman as she knew her strong, muscular independent. oh, yeah, of course. i mean, she's a fighter for issues later, she had cemented herself in history or, as she likes to say her story, not his god, i'm a feminist. sure her story in which is what i call myself, but she's never only focused on herself. she's no longer drawing. but she is writing publishing more than 10 books about women, including one on the women, cartoonists of the jazz age. stories she says. that need to be told. yes and that's what i do. i mean, there was a time when people had never heard of these artists, and now they know who these artists are. everyone who opens this book and looks at the art goes. wow how come i never saw this before? well, you never saw it before, because the guys don't write
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about women. and you do and i do , she writes about women. she attends conventions. her schedule never stops. but one thing can still make her paws. trina robbins can still get swept away by a good comic book . of course i do. i'll be cleaning up and pick one up, you know, to put it in its place and suddenly sit down and start reading it. oh yes. in san francisco. claudine wong ktvu fox two news. robin says she is currently producing a pro choice comic book anthology. profits from that are going to planned parenthood. our celebration of women's history month continues . we're asking viewers to send in stories of women who deserve recognition. if you'd like to pay tribute to a woman in your life, scan the code on your screen or visit ktvu .com. slash women's history. the rescue of a dog in the central valley was caught on camera sheriff deputies were at a homeless encampment along the river into larry county. this was on monday
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they were giving out information about flooding ahead of the storms. and that's when a deputy heard a dog yelping corporal florence cotton spotted the small black dog after had fallen into the river. she was able to pull the dog as you can see there to shore. and return it to its owner. the dog was not hurt. and dashboard camera from utah highway patrol vehicle capturing snow coming down from the mountain, creating whiteout conditions there on the roadway. this was also on monday, utah highway patrols. his crews were doing avalanche mitigation work in the area. the patrol car was parked on the side of the road when that avalanche occurred. i gotta tell you avalanches are one of my biggest fears worried. oh yeah, they're scary. i mean, how fast that thing was moving, and you can't outrun them for sure. and just they can be very dangerous in the mountains. of course, avalanche concerns all abound today, tomorrow the next couple of days as things settle down, we got rain. we got snow. these are some of the rainfall accumulations over the last couple of days. big spot was san rafael 2.1 or 2.13. senators
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mountains don't have a number in here for him. but san jose was an insurance. there was a good storm was exactly what you wanted to see. not so much rain that we couldn't manage it. wind was slightly manageable. we had wind advisories, but we never saw wind warnings. there are the cumulus clouds that are kind of a fair weather cumulus, even though in our area. we do have scattered showers and even thunder showers to the east of us. you can clearly see that low , right? we've done this enough that you go. there it is, and you can see which way it's going to be most lows. when they come in, they swoop in and go like this. this one went from here and it's just going right down the coast and it's going to kick in. and as that happens, we could see more scattered showers tonight and perhaps i don't think tomorrow morning, but more scattered showers tonight that flood advisories still up for the fairfield area by vallejo as well to get dropped very shortly as the showers are kind of being pulled to the south as that low transitions out. here's the low here. here's that area we're looking at with the flood advisor. you can see some pretty heavy to moderate rain in that area. sacramento has some
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showers thunderstorms to the east. this low kind of the corporate of everything the last couple of days. it's going to take its time getting out of here. but when it does tomorrow, we'll get a little brief, high pressure bubble that will send the jet stream far enough north that that will get dry conditions. for the most part, big tall could see some showers. snow showers really right through the day tomorrow a little bit into friday as well. there's the jet stream is going to be just clipping the far north part of their their region winds. not that bad. yesterday had wind gust of 50 45 50 miles an hour, some above 50 not that windy now so just much going too much better pattern. afternoon commutes kind of messy. tomorrow morning's commute will be fine. tomorrow afternoon's commute will be fine. here's what the computer model does now. here's the logo, so that's tomorrow morning. that's tomorrow afternoon. but you see, the ships of the showers is that the jetstream kind of right in here and then as we go into friday you see clear in the morning. and then the whole day friday looks pretty good. partly cloudy. partly sunny and then we
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get decided. the small is high resolution so it doesn't go out to this next storm, which would be a storm weather system, which would be towards the weekend. in there, you'll see a slight chance for sprinkle here and there on saturday, but i wouldn't change my plans over it . it looks like it's going to be kind of a non event and we're getting good at it right. i mean, we can handle a few sprinkles and still get nine innings in or 18 holes. um it's it is amazing how you know with the big winner like this. how people right, mikey? how they evolve the first storm man, nobody can drive a little shaky people driving okay? not too bad, slowing it down. going down hill. thanks all right. how about this? one of the greatest basketball players of all time came to the bay area to meet to east bay. high school basketball teams that won state championships this year, kareem abdul jabbar met with the oakland tech girls basketball team and the boys team from oakland high. he also donated 500 copies of his book o you gud
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to keep your eyes on the star. and you can't you can't keep your eyes on something that is not there. keep your eyes on the real star. b. he or she someone that you admired. where someone that has accomplished something that you admire big for us. it's an accomplishment, especially with him coming to talk to super inspiring. you know what we could do going forward. pretty cool. during the event, the mayor of oakland announced the teams will get a championship parade and rally on sunday. april 16th attention oakland roots fans, the club announced the season opener will be played at cal state east bay on saturday. the oakland roots usually play their home games at laney college in oakland, but the field is off limits due to a delayed turf project sky. foxx flew over that area today, the club says. it is working through solutions with laney college in order to resolve the issues, the game will still kick off as scheduled at seven pm in hayward. still ahead, southern
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california police say a tiktok prank has gone too far after a group of kids target a mother at target and coming up tonight at six. the national ban on assault weapons expired nearly 20 years ago. well, now there is a movement in washington to reinstate it, and more layoffs hit the bay area's tech industry , the signs that more employers are facing troubles.
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♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting.
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u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. in on government devices. the move impacts more than 1.8 million federal employees. it comes with the biden administration raises red flags about how much data tiktok collects from users, claiming much of it ends up in the hands of the chinese government. talk poses an unacceptable national
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security threat. there was a concern about the potential use of tiktok for foreign influence campaigns. some lawmakers are pushing for a nationwide ban on tiktok part of a broader strategy to confront china that also includes hosting the president of taiwan in the u. s this week. china's president, responding by ramping up his tough talk, claiming china is preparing for war and calling on his top commanders to be ready for combat, possibly against taiwan trip to a southern california target store quickly turned into a nightmare. for one mother. she was shopping in the baby section. when she unknowingly became the victim of an apparent tiktok prank as foxes. cristina gonzalez reports is now being investigated by police as an assault. then all of a sudden, everything went dark. someone i could feel their presence. put something over me . i lost had no vision. i couldn't hear anything. it was closing in. i couldn't breathe. i grabbed my neck. i started screaming morahan, explaining what happened while she was
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shopping at the target off park avenue in tustin, the new mother of twins was alone at the baby. i'll looking through products the police department is describing as the bucket challenge or a praying social media post. describe it as the bucket overhead prank, the latest tiktok challenge. lana says she managed to get the item off her head. i was in such a state of fear and shock. however i could hear laughing. and so when i turned around, i was mortified to see a group of individuals and they were filming me and i know they were filming me because there was glistening light. and so they were holding their phones up and laughing and pointing it at me. she ended up passing out it was transported to a local hospital . the worst part about this for me is the last moment that i had was asking them for help, and they were laughing at me and i hit the ground. she says. she never had a problem at this target and wants to come forward to stop it from happening to
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someone else. this cannot happen. we have to talk to our children. it is not funny to go and find someone vulnerable. that is smaller. that is alone that is un expecting and for your own humorous pleasure to film them, too. strive to get a reaction. tustin police actually calling it an assault, and they're going over the security video from target the company. they say they are cooperating. they feel horrible about this. and justin and christina gonzales fox news. this is ktvu fox two news at six another day. another day of rain and plenty of people wondering when they can put away those jackets and umbrellas. good evening, everyone i'm mike mibach showers roll through off and on in some places even briefly saw some hail. this is a look at some of the p sized hail that briefly came down early this afternoon in oakland, coming down in droves. several other parts of the bay area saw some hail as well. in oakland's chinatown neighborhood, people were bundled up once again and coats
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and, of course, they had their umbrellas out. and you can see a good look at alice. storm cells rolled through this afternoon from our camera up on sutro tower in san francisco. dark clouds opening up and dumping rain across the city. with that we bring in chief meteorologist bill martin. everyone's kind of wondering when is it going to get out of here? this one's kind of getting out of here. but there's another one wants to come back in here, so it's kind of that we're not done is what you're saying. you're right. everybody is over it like i can't get over it on the street a lot. okay these are the rain totals from the last couple of days again. rain good water. good. and we've got some as you look at the petaluma number, buck 1.37 or 1.4 inches. almost two inches in san rafael. so just good stuff. good rain snow in the mountains. winter storm warning up there. they did pretty well for snowfall, and they're going to continue to get some snow in the next few hours. we do have some lightning strikes showing up just east of modesto. we've been tracking this cell has been really productive for like, boom boom, boom, boom! boom! all those. so this is the kind of in this looks really aggressive


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