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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 17, 2023 7:00am-8:59am PDT

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mornings on t good morning and thanks for being with us. i'm gasia mckay at the end and good morning. i'm dave clark. it's a friday it's march 17th and happy st patty's day and to you, thank you and steve paulson as well. he has an interesting forecast for today and what's going to slowly start to happen through the weekend over the weekend. we'll get a lot more cloud cover, leading to rain sunday, but today is not bad thirties and forties, though another cold morning if you're away from the coast if you're closer to it. either you're dealing with fog, or you can probably see it off in the distance there, but thirties forties will give way to mostly sunny skies. few high clouds but again i'm not concerned about it. neither should you. so, finally a friday it looks good inland with us, um, mid sixties but that that fog on the coast will keep fifties for highs there. for many, except down towards santa cruz capital will be a little warmer, but fifties sixties on those temps, alright, seven o'clock your i think so far so good. still the case. yeah you know, it is a pretty good today and i think as a combination of not having a lot of major
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incident and also the weather is not affecting the commute. it's dry, and that really does help the commute a lot. if we take a look at one of the traditional spots where they're slow traffic , here's the bay bridge. there's a little bit of a backup, but nothing much. and if you're driving over the bay, it looks pretty good. there are no problems on the same mateo bridge either or on the dumbarton bridge. 701 let's get back to the headlines. thank you . well today, governor gavin newsom will be a marine county, continuing his tour of california with a stop at san quentin state prison. the governor is expected to unveil a plan to transforms and quentin into a facility where prisoners are educated, trained and rehabilitator. governor newsom wants to rename san quentin the saying quentin rehabilitation center. san quentin is the home of california's death row, but the governor placed a moratorium on executions back in 2019 san quentin state prison was built in 18 52. it's california's oldest correctional institution
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. the governor's state of the state events will continue through the weekend. saturday he'll be in los angeles, talking about health care costs and prices and then on sunday, the governor will go to san diego talking about efforts to reform ealth program. new this morning, the former parent company of the failed silicon valley bank is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy ktvu james torres live here in palo alto with the federal government's efforts to maintain confidence in the banking system. gasia good morning tea. well for the last week, we know branches like the silicon valley bank as vb private. those have all been under control of the f d i c. its former owner, svb financial group, now asking the federal government for help with its remaining assets. the group estimates its debt is around $3.3 billion. it's one of many banking headlines making investors and customers behind startup companies. a little nervous. california's first republic bank announced it is
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getting a bailout package worth about $30 billion from a coalition of 11 big us banks they hope to prevent another financial shutdown following the second largest bank failure in u. s history. as someone who grew up in the bay area. it's very reassuring to see the steps taken to support first republic bank. i have a lot of friends that work at both banks. so i hope that both of them i hope they're all okay. as the svb financial group begins its process. in the chapter 11 filings, its chief restructuring officer, said in a statement. the chapter 11 process will allow svb financial group to preserve value as it evaluates strategic alternatives for its prize businesses and assets, especially as vb capital and spp security is neither two of those assets. they are not part of this chapter 11 bankruptcy process. both large banks and the federal government say they are doing what they can to make. sure they can avoid some of
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those same consequences. we saw back in 2008 during that last major great recession. and, of course, the last time we saw a major bank failure in washington mutual part of that includes the federal government committing to backing up the deposits of some of those major investors. they're far beyond exceeding. that f d i c guaranteed $250,000. we're live this morning in paula alto. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. alright james. thank you. times 704 happening now, pg and e crews are busy still trying to get the power back on for thousands of homes and businesses that lost power this week during the powerful winter storm, but right now almost 13,000, pg and e. any customers still don't have electricity here in the bay area, but that's down a lot from the 43,000 homes and businesses that were without power this time yesterday morning. and pg and e s progress in restoring the power has not reduced frustration among many people in the east palo alto
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last night they gathered for this meeting. showing their anger about the current outages in their communities, as well as the power problems during the earlier, some of them accused pg and e of being slow to respond to power outages because east palo alto is it often underserved community of color. for some racial trauma was triggered. what happened was not okay at any level. this should not be happening. in the 21st century in america. yeah pg and e says it's been overwhelmed with power problems all across the bay area since the year began, and it's trying to focus on areas that have been without power for a long time. many want to apologize to the community of the auto for our performance in that recent storms. um and frankly, i am pretty comfortable
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apologizing to the entire county of san mateo. ppe junie says it's working around the clock trying to get the power back on before the next big storm expected early next week. some people who were forced from their homes by flooding in monterey county are finally being allowed to go back home. after more than a week, the evacuation orders were lifted for people who live along the salinas river between soledad and king city farther to the north along the pajaro river. most of the town is still under an evacuation order. well, some people have been allowed to go back to their homes. the town center remains evacuated. new aid for flood survivors is on the way. we are trying to provide as much direct financial support as we can, mostly in the way of gift card slash debit cards. um um and trying to then also, um work with groups that can do assessments. uh for larger, uh, needs. the community foundation of monterey launched a storm relief fund before the
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levee broke so far more than a million dollars has been raised . our time is now 706 floodwaters have receded in the pajaro valley, but people who were forced to evacuate evacuate . they're afraid of what they're going to find when they're finally allowed to go back home . those floodwaters left behind damage in the small town of pa haro, where many of the 3000 residents are farmworkers. look at these pictures saturday morning. sheriff's deputies were not working on doors, telling everybody to leave because of the levee breach along the colorado have to leave . we have to live very way. it was painful. also for leaving my house, leave my house with my parents go somewhere else to stay. and with those fields flooded, the farm workers haven't been able to work and they worry about how they're going to recover from all this wednesday during a visit to that area, governor gavin newsom said , the united way will be sending out $600 checks to help the farm
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workers, however, a nonprofit group that works with farm workers says a lot more is needed to help those flood victims. get on the phone. start working with our communities. i think we have a lot of wonderful legislators that support us. the governor's office issued a space statement that says in part, the administration is also pursuing additional support for individuals recovering from the storms in january who are ineligible for fema help due to immigration status happening today, there are no school founder elizabeth holmes will return to a san jose court. the judge will consider her request to stay out of prison while she appeals her fraud conviction. holmes recently gave birth to her second child. she was sentenced last november to more than 11 years behind bars. she is set to begin her sentence next month. today's hearing also involves a prosecution motion asking homes to pay nearly $900 million in restitution. homeless former boyfriend sonny bell wani was supposed to report to a southern california prison to be
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in serving his nearly 13 year prison sentence involving the blood testing scam that didn't happen because of a last minute appeal. the appeal allows him to remain out on bail until the ninth circuit court of appeals weighs in on his case, and it's unclear when that will happen. gasia times 709. it's now been three years. believe it or not, since bay area life changed dramatically on march 17th 2026 bay area counties issued a shelter in place order because of the pandemic. we were told to stay home accepted by food and other essentials. last year. most of those restrictions were lifted, and last month california's coronavirus emergency ended, experts in infectious diseases say covid is still spreading, but it's not as big of a threat as it was in the beginning. our numbers are still too high in terms of deaths per day were about 400 deaths per day in the country. covid back seem to have been a major part in allowing life to slowly get
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back to normal. but many bay area restaurant owners say they're still recovering from the devastating economic impact of the pandemic. restaurants as you know, i've taken a huge huge hit during you know the pandemic and even after the after effects of just been traumatic for most of us, most of us have had to cut hours cut staff. we're not even back to our full capacity. this, by the way is restaurant week in oakland. it's an event designed to help boost business and also help restaurants around oakland recover from the pandemic. time now is 7 10. we're looking at a commute that's getting a little more crowded. but it is much better today than it was yesterday or any other day of this commute week. you can see it is a little bit slow here at the richmond bridge. nothing unusual. the backup doesn't last too long. there was a smaller backup at the bay bridge to backed up to about the middle of that parking lot, and there is slow traffic
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on the bridge if you are comparing it to yesterday. this will seem like a breeze to you. cemetery bridgend dunbarton bridge look good, quiet peninsula and we don't have a lot going on. i do want to mention a road closure in sonoma county are mark west springs at porter creek road is closed until noon today because there is a landslide in that area. 70 11. let's get back to the desk. we have a warning if you'd like to get your nails done, gel manicures may increase your risk for cancer. what dermatologists say you should do to reduce that risk. also many parents take advantage of airline policies that allow lap babies to travel for free. coming up in the next few minutes. while flight attendants want to stop parents from holding their children on flights. ♪ ready to feel what it's like? when you can du more with less asthma. it's possible with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function
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well teams up in tahoe and truckee looks nice. no issues today. in fact, i think you're good to go today and also tomorrow sunday to mostly sunny clouds will roll in late saturday and then sunday does look like cloudy with some rain and snow mix. all right. thank you. times 7 14 tomorrow yosemite will reopen but with limited access after storms forced apart to close at the end of last month. now this video was posted showing workers using jackhammers and explosives to clear that huge boulder that
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came down during a rockslide on big oak strong winter stormshe roads and buildings, you're 70 will reopen between sunrise and sunset with limited services. local fishers say their livelihoods are in jeopardy now that the commercial salmon fishing seat season in california will be canceled members of the golden state salmon association gathered at fisherman's wharf, protesting the closure. pacific fisheries management council announced season closure due to scientific studies showing the salmon population in california, oregon and washington is a critically low levels due to years of drought. the fisher say missing one year of catches will have significant economic impact on ports, communities and their families. i think for most of the san francisco fleet, we are still digesting this news that we're not going to go fishing this year. we're also looking at potentially not going fishing
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next year, and i'm not the first person to use the word devastated, but that's kind of the word that sums up the way we're all feeling. pacific fisheries management council will meet next month to finalize the decision. governor gavin newsom says he wants to spend another $1 billion on california's homelessness crisis . the governor wants to get the national guard to build and deliver 1200 tiny homes to be interim housing. those tiny homes will be built in for california cities, including san jose, and the governor says it's part of his plan to be more aggressive than giving help to people now living on the streets. how angry. we are as californians about what's going on in the streets and sidewalks and our state. and what's not happening to address over the kind of no urgency. that is required. the governor says his goal reducing california's homeless population by 15% over the next two years. california accounts for 30% of the nation's
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580,000 person homeless population. this includes people who are living on the street with friends in shelters or in their vehicles more than 171,000 people are homeless in california. the state's homeless population has grown by almost 10,000 people since the beginning of the pandemic, and of those who are homeless in california, more than two thirds or more than 115,000 are living on the street or in a vehicle. as many as all the other states. combined flight attendants union is pushing for an end to a policy that allows parents to hold babies on their laps to avoid buying a ticket. the union says the rule allowing children under two to fly on their parent's lap simply isn't safe. they point to recent incidents of airplane turbulence, with planes dropping 4000 ft. in seconds, they say it's not physically possible to hold on to a child. in those circumstances. the union wants congress to make the faa changed that rule. that's an interesting one gossip. alright time is 7 17 sounds watching our friday morning commute friday light. it's better. i would not
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completely like that. i would say, consider what we had yesterday. definitely if you compare the two and let's take a look at the maze member yesterday, at this time, people were because of problems today it is not that way. so if you put it off today or put it off yesterday to go today, well, it's working out for you. richmond bridge looks a little bit slow and again, the bay bridge is lighter than usual. there is slowing on the bridge. i don't want to make it seem like there's no one out there. there certainly are people out there just much better. if you get out to the peninsula. it looks good and i'm just looking around. there have been some crashes, but they have quickly cleared. there was one right in the middle of the 1988 8 80 the chp get out there and moved it off to city streets. 7 18. let's go back to steve with today's forecast right now. thank you, sir. for your inland and inland. it will be fine. maybe not as nice as yesterday. but coast is dealing with some fog and there'll be a few high clouds, but they look like they want to stay more south. but overall, we start off pretty nice here, and it'll be a nice friday
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temperatures maybe not as warm as yesterday, but pretty close england with some low to mid sixties. higher clouds are part of a system which will start to impact this more on saturday and then sunday does look like a rain day. very active southern branch of the jet stream. fifties near the coast because of some of that fog. now it's a mix of fog and son, but that's a pretty good fog back. i guess our fog season. the coastal variety started on wednesday because it's back again today. nice too mild to warm here thirties forties on the temps, a lot more 30 showing up here, but napa airports in there. i know walnut creek was now they're 41 mill valley. santa rosa. santa rosa was down to 36. now, 38. boulder creek's joined that party, along with campbell and lost cat is also then san jose and santa clara closed. low to mid forties everywhere else, the higher clouds are all associated with the robust southern branch of the jet stream. there are two there's not just one mostly sunny today, except for a few high clouds and some of that apache coastal fog clouds are on the move saturday, leading to rain on sunday and then rain and hopefully not too much, but maybe wind on tuesday is the way
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it's looking here. no problems today. no problems on saturday saturday late late late, but more likely early sunday, rain moves in if these verify. i mean, this is a quarter of an inch to a half two, maybe three quarters. some of the weather locations and then monday might be that tweener or transition day twix and between their because tuesday is shaping up to be what looks to be being advertised here would be warmer systems. these would be more in the way of rain than snow. that's not much snow for the mountains. i know they've they've already had tons, but you're looking at two inches of rain here with with santa rosa, which would be about 3.5 or four for the russian river. so this leads me to believe this would be a warmer system coming in from the west southwest. the key will be where the surface low develops. if that's the case, we may have to usher in some more wind to concerns about that again. that's not for another four days. clouds warm on saturday rain on sunday in between on monday that rain moves back in on tuesday. you guys thank you, 7 20 projecting california's coastline from natural disasters coming up with state insurance companies are doing to help those affected the
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report from the cdc on teenage girls and a spike in sadness that sometimes their parents and their friends miss what the experts say parents and concerned adults can do to help those girls recover from a mental health crisi next on behind the series... let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled. the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget about the boss. sometimes- you just want to eat your heroes. the subway series.
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the greatest menu of all time.
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to nell salon. polish dryers may
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increase the risk of skin cancer researchers at the university of california, san diego and university of pittsburgh found chronic exposure to light from those devices can cause cell death and dna damage. just got to remember that it's about cumulative dose. and so you know everything in moderation. if you find that it's very important to your life, but yeah, it is something that you want to be cognizant about. the fda regulates those devices and says , will you be like, can damage skin. the uv dryers are low risk when used as detected, the agency says it hasn't received any reports of skin cancer from nail salon dryers covering your hands with a broad spectrum. sunscreen can help, as can special fingertip gloves. in general, the agency says. you shouldn't use those drying lamps for more than 10 minutes per hand. her manicure alright guys your time. 7 24 is a baby boom generation gets older experts say the population of alzheimer's patients is expected to double in the coming decades now, meghan airborne balances
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her work with a social life, but in 2016, her life was turned upside down when her 67 year old mother was diagnosed with alzheimer's. since then, megan, her father and her sister had become the primary caregivers. care providing, um, sometimes takes on a life of its own. and you don't even realize what you're doing because you're doing it because you love your parents. we really need to get additional workforce trained and ready for all the people that will require care. besides the emotional impact, there's also a heavy financial burden, with health care costs expected to reach almost $1 trillion in less than three decades. also there's a shortage of healthcare workers , which makes treatment even more challenging. doctors are calling on parents to help their teenage daughters in particular avoided mental health crisis. the american academy of pediatrics says when it comes to managing teen mental health, preventing problems is always better than treating them. the
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experts say connecting with their teens is the most important thing. parents grandparents and loved ones can do to promote their well being whether they have mental health issues or not. fostering relationships, even having one or two adults that can really believe in young people and support them can be really, really helpful. doctors say signs to watch for that indicate your team is experiencing a mental health issue include changes in behavior, dramatic weight, loss or gain or a change in sleeping patterns. pushing the oakland to help people feel safer in the diamond district will tell you about this public safety campaign to build relationships with the oakland police and the fire department and the community and he's back with the origin black, but you won't see him play that long. why the san francisco giants resigned. former all star closer sergio romo and when you see him on the mound
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of san quentin state present. we have details of governor newsom's new plan to transform the prison into an example to follow and work crews are busy repairing the levee that broke in moderate county, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate.
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but there's a new warning from scientists why they say more levee breaks could be on the way. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian it is friday , march 17th happy st patrick's day to yeah, i think everybody and their mother was out in our neighborhood yesterday. steve paulson soaking up that sunshine and today it will be maybe everybody but not their mother because it's not quite as perfect will be okay. but yes, it'll be alright. not maybe not as nice as yesterday. all the golfers are out and i heard all the adjectives they were dropping as well. thirties and forties. my goodness. some of you guys thirties forties on the temps livermore's 38, santa rosa's 38 in palo alto is also 38. san jose is down to 41 degrees i thought was a little colder this morning than yesterday morning. that's just me, though. it would be nice to if you high clouds, no big deal patchy fog only, but finally, a
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friday out there more fog down towards monterey and santa cruz today than yesterday, but otherwise we're looking good today if you high clouds, but again only people why they probably would look up and count them upper fifties for some sixties for us, alright, saleh's here 7 30. he needed a break. i think he's had it compared to yesterday. we all right. still there were all right. there are some slowdown, steve. good morning. right now. we do have a little slowing on that richmond bridge heading over to marin county, and i can show it to you there. there's been a couple of her lane closures here. still some lingering storm damage in some areas in sonoma county on mark west springs road near porter. there's going to be some slowing there. you can see that right here at the bay bridge toll plaza that's been a backup. i'm about five minutes here, baby 10 because of metering lights are also backed up. 7 31 , let's get back to the headlines. thank you. governor newsom announced at the san quentin prison will undergo a transformation. the governor wants to transform the prison from a maximum security prison to a place that focuses on
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rehabilitation. ktvu sally rasmus in the studio with us now you have all the details. good morning. more about this when the governor and other officials gather at san quentin today to discuss the details of this plan. now san quentin is one of the most well known and recognizable prisons in the state, possibly the nation, not just because of its san francisco bay views, but also because of the infamous inmates who have served time there from charles manson to scott peterson . but in the future saint quentin will no longer be a maximum security prison. governor gavin newsom says he wants to transform sam quentin into a facility that focuses on rehabilitation, education and job training for lower security inmates. the prison would no longer have a death row. many of the current death row inmates at 10 equipment have already been moved to other facilities in the state. but the governor wants saint quentin to follow a prison model that is used in norway. it focuses on preparing inmates to return to society when their sentence is up. by giving them job training and teaching them
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how to live on their own other states like oregon, north dakota and pennsylvania have also tried the so called little scandinavia prison model with some success. norway has one of the lowest recidivism rates about three out of every four people incarcerated. there do not end up going back to prison again. now the governor set aside $20 million in his recent state budget to pay for this transformation. he announced the change as part of his four day tour across the state. and on day two of that tour, he'll be in marin county this morning to talk abo san quentin prison and the details on how and how soon that will happen. garcia and dave will send it back to you, ali rasmus. thank you. the diocese of oakland is considering filing for bankruptcy as it faces hundreds of lawsuits over alleged clergy abuse. in a letter posted on the diocese website, bishop mark michael barber says 330 lawsuits have been filed against the diocese. he says he thinks bankruptcy would allow the diocese to reorganize its financial affairs while providing a way to support survivors. the oakland diocese does file for bankruptcy. it
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would be the second one after the santa rosa catholic diocese to fall for bankruptcy over sexual abuse claims in just the past week here in the bay area time now, 7 34. san francisco's red flag law was used to take guns away from the man accused of firing blanks inside of a synagogue in the richmond district. a civil gun violence restraining order was issued against dimitri mission. that means he's banned from having real guns for two years is that the attorney said police seized a gun 12 replica guns of broken rifle and 300 rounds of ammunition from the defendant. mr mission is a textbook example of someone who has been a danger to our community who should not have access to firearms. he owns real guns. so the fact that in a particular instance it might have been blanks. from our perspective. this is not safe behavior. this is violent behavior. authorities say surveillance video show mission walking into the schneerson center last month and firing a
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gun with blanks a day earlier. police say mission had a fake gun at the balboa theater. eater at 37th in billboard. there's also a new public safety campaign designed to help people feel safer in oakland's diamond district. it's called lift up d four. the goal list of revitalized public spaces build relationship with the oakland police and fire department and help people as well as business owners. council members are also seeking resources from the city, including more police patrols, as well as funding from the state to deal with crime, homelessness and blight. there has been progress in reinforcing a levee breach in monterey county, where thousands were forced to evacuate due to flooding. now the break is bringing new attention on possible levee failures across the state. there are more than 14,000 miles of levees in california. many are in the delta just upstream from the bay area. researchers say that more levee failures are inevitable as maintenance falls behind schedule. on average. they are 57 years old. um and many of
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them were built using standards less rigorous than our current best engineering practices. we should be expecting to see rural levee failures and a lot of places around california in the coming month or two. in some areas of the delta near the levees, homes have been built up on stilts in case the levees break time is 7 36 researchers and insurance executives. they're meeting now to better understand how to protect california's coastline from natural disasters, state officials say only 10% of the people who live in patzcuaro have flood insurance two days symposium is focusing on how to create insurance policies for nature itself. thinking of climate insurance community insurance so that we ensure that everybody has the same access to recover from these floods. wildfires extreme heat it used to be that we thought of climate change is a future problem. it's
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a here and now problem and we've got to be figuring out ways to reduce the risks that is creating. now today at the symposium, they'll look at regional tests for the concept of blended insurance with natural strategies. and though it wouldn't be a quick fix, it could be in place before the end of the decade and provide for the rest of the century. our time is 7 37 this morning part of highway nine in the santa cruz mountains, won't reopen today as scheduled at landslide earlier this week. it closed ara near ben lomond. it was supposed to reopen today during this week's storms occurred. caltrans hasn't said when the road will be cleared, but there is a detour in that area. let's see if we can get you around the bay area. south castaneda, where do we start with traffic? let's start in contra costa county, gasia and dave. good morning. once again if you are driving, let's say to concord. from pittsburgh or antioch's have to
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drive through pittsburgh and bay point with some slowing. 6 80 doesn't look too slow from martinez, towanda creek and 24 looks pretty good. if you're driving on 80. there is some slowing coming out of the san pablo area into berkeley. again it's not completely like but compared to yesterday. this might feel a lot better. this is a look at the richmond bridge. you can see that at the maze. we don't have a lot of slow again. there is a backup a short one at the bay bridge toll plaza. cemetery bridges look good as well. so is the dumbarton bridges sabit commute is getting a little bit slower in the south part of the valley here. 7 38. let's go back to steve and talk about today's weather sound. thank you, sir. are weather today won't be too bad. maybe not as nice as yesterday. but still good enough. we will have lots of sunshine, maybe a few high clouds. the fog was making a huge push. now it's getting chewed up here and all those a little bit more down towards monterey and santa cruz than yesterday. thirties forties, 41 seems popular. their monarch reeks in there. fremont livermore, br for many others. r
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thirties forties. it just, 20 thirties mendocino county lake county, but napa's in there now, sonoma as well. healdsburg windsor, rohnert park, nevada, lagunitas, fairfax, san anselmo ross all there, and it's close for others and in the low to mid forties as well. two distinct judge dreams, the one that's really racing along is the southern branch that will spread in some higher clouds. sunny to mostly sunny today, not a big deal. clouds will continue to roll in saturday and then rain develops on sunday. the key is going to be for next week. i mean, we'll get some rain sunday here. i mean, you're seeing some rejections around a quarter inch to a half inch, which would be more for say, around mount tamil, pious and also in the russian river. we'll get a break, probably on monday, and probably there might be a little bit, but that's the way it's kind of looking. the system that we're watching is on tuesday. if this is right, this would be a much bigger rain producer than any snow producer, which tells me it's coming in from the west southwest. or really concerned about what would be the surface
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low. developing we saw that on tuesday to the north of mendocino coast, there are some signs that it may form right off the bay area, so it does not. they're not all on in on that. but there are some hints of that. so if that develops, we may have to usher another wind forecast. but right now we'll just go with the rain. the clouds roll in on saturday rain sunday. still a lot of clouds. some arraigned monday, but bigger system on tuesday. you guys alright sees. thank you time 2nd 40 would now social media influencers. they're having an impact on the health care system coming up how they're using their platforms to help patients. ny health experts say the new trend could possibly be dangerous, and it is march madness. the stanford women's basketball team will be on the court today. coming up on mornings on two and eight here from their hall of fame head coach tara vanderveer as she prepares for another championship run. then later, it was once home to some of the most dangerous prisoners, locking them away on an island in the middle of san francisco bay. now alcatraz marks 60 years since the closure of the prison
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when he joined us on the night will actually take you live to alcatraz island. please stay with us.
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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea. especially trained dogs are now helping to search for a missing five year old boy swept away in
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flood waters along the central coast earlier this year. his name was kyle dome. he went missing in january near paso robles during a powerful rainstorm. well this week, three dogs from a canine task force in idaho were flown in to help in the search for his remains. the dogs will stay in the area through tomorrow is part of that search. it is 7 44. today the u. s supreme court will honor the late justice ruth bader ginsburg , who would have turned 90 on march 15th today ceremony is a part of an effort underway in the u. s. senate to force the supreme court to televise its sessions. some senate democrats say the courts credibility has gone down after it's highly debated rulings on abortion and gun control. three years ago, the supreme court started live streaming audio of its argument. since the covid pandemic cut off access to the court itself. but there's no video stream. and
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with inflation well, many shoppers are turning the dollar stores to get groceries. now however, some communities complained those stores are undercutting local grocery stores. there's no shortage of them. there are more than $37,000 stores across the country, and customers say it's hard to beat the price. i actually went to walmart. um maybe two days ago, and these were like $5 little packs of less than 20 cups and over here , it's too, so it makes good 50% difference or more. now a new report in the new york times says since 2019 75 communities have voted down proposed dollar stores, it is 7 45 to banking stocks once again taking wall street down today, pam cook is back in the studio with today's dollars and cents. ouch pants. it's been a wild ride this week . definitely despite the $30 billion lifeline from 11 of the
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top banks in the country. for san francisco based first republic bank. that sector still under pressure, and this morning as that opening bell rang that stock dropped another 20% 1st republic bank has dropped from about $120 a share at the beginning of march. now just $27 a share as we take you live to the numbers big down day today, with the dow jones losing one and a third percent more than 400 points, the s and p five her down one and a quarter. the nasdaq down 1, but interestingly enough for the week. the s and p 500 is actually up a little bit . so is the nasdaq the dow down just slightly on the week, so we'll keep watching the numbers today. cereal and snack company . kellogg's is undergoing a rebrand. the company will split its business and by the end of the year, the global snacking business will now be known as cala, nova and w. k. kellogg
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company. color nova will boast well known snack brands such as pringles, cheez its and pop tarts. w. k kellogg will house the traditional cereal business that includes fruit loops and cornflakes. several name brand stores are putting strategies in place to keep customers if a recession does hit the u. s economy, kroger is using its smart way products line to offer basic groceries at the lowest price point. target says it's stocking up on more food and household necessities. macy's walmart, costco and others are looking to bring in more sales with loyalty programs and membership benefit programs to keep those loyal customers. and social media influencers are now weighing in on personal health and treatment. now that comes with a word of caution from healthcare providers. some influencers, who are struggling with medical issues are using their platforms to build small communities with others talking about various illnesses and medications, healthcare professionals say, although information sharing is healthy
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for patients you should still talk to your doctor about any medical concerns. you have. they do it in a variety of ways, like patient panels, advisory boards that's always happened, but now we're also seeing pharmaceutical companies send content to patients, asking them to post and promote certain drugs or raise awareness about certain diseases. and that practice needs more investigation. there has been an increase in counterfeit medications and illegal drugs being sold up sold on social media, so that's a caution and in some cases, advertisements for some treatments have caused medication shortages or increases in pricing. i'm pam cook, that's a look at your dollars and cents. thank you time now. 7 48, a favorite of san francisco giants fans, sergio romo will wear a giant tuna war form one last time. the former all star pitcher will come back later this month. at least one bay bridge preseason game against the oakland a's so
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that he can retire as a member of the giants. the giants, by the way, won three world series titles while he was on the mouth. it is 7 49. now we're going right back to south still relatively quiet on this friday . it is quiet out there. i'm just looking around. i'm seeing that all of a sudden the guadalupe parkway got really busy northbound 87 getting up to 2 80. so all of a sudden that's slow and then to 80 north bong is slow as well because there is a crash right before highway 17. so we'll all of a sudden it has been slower than i'd like to see it there. as a matter of fact, ouca might be fogged in, so i'm going to go back to the map northbound to 80 and also 87 are being affected by that crash . don't be surprised by that. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see that traffic has lightened up considerably. there is some slowing on the bridge. i really think we needed a day like today. after the
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first four days of this week with rain and incident, etcetera. 7 49. here's a man who is also feeling good. i presume i needed a break and i got it yesterday and today, so i know what you mean. sound remember? tuesday was the rain and the wind. remember that? yes seems like a week ago, but it was tuesday and avoid the sub tropical branch of the jet stream coming up from the hawaiian islands. that's transporting a lot of moisture. we need to keep an eye on that as we head towards the weekend. we'll get cloudy on saturday and get some rain in here sunday morning here today, though, some coast fog it's more patchy in nature than yesterday. clear cold inland thirties here, mostly sunny, nice storm. higher clouds will filter and they seem to want to take a more at the peninsula in santa cruz mountains, santa clara valley than areas to the north for now, but they'll be on the move over the next 24 hours. 38 lafayette, clayton 39 dublin 39 degrees panel at 38 at one time, elsa bronte was 39 now 40 hercules at 40 as well. a lot of low forties
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mid forties there 44 bookends, berkeley says hey, so, are we. , but the southern branch is the one that's been impacting us. still mostly sunny today. turning. cloudy on saturday will get a steady rain on sunday. the key is going to be as we move forward here, maybe monday night into tuesday wednesday. we'll get rain on the sunday system and that quarter inch to half inch plus for some, and then maybe a little bit of a break monday morning before the next system starts to roll in here, and you can see right there on monday. tuesday is the day if this develops as advertised in that wednesday, that would be a warmer system much more of a rain event than it would be a snow event. so something to watch if the surface law comes over us, and we'll have to talk about wind again right now. it's just too many uncertainties. but today pretty good fifties sixties and attempts if you're in the no problems, clouds rolling tomorrow rain sunday. steve thank you coming up the new test to help diagnose and treat anxiety in the next hour details on the ground breaking test and how can help treat one of the nation's most common
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mental health issues also could be the future of farming after a break what researchers developed that can help save time and costs for growers.
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there's nothing like volunteering at the fire department. there's nothing like hitting the waves. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema it hasn't always been easy,... ...since my skin was so irritated and itchy... ...and even worse with all my gear on. now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the insie to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults can have long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. unity of crows landing. the rising san joaquin river has forced multiple residents out of catfish camp rv park. county leaders say the area remained under an evacuation order due to dangerous conditions. neighbors are helping neighbors as best they can, but many say it's hard to cope. there's a few people in
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their disabled that don't even have power or heat. the waters of things, so we're all having a drink and use bottled water because there's just nothing. the residents say they received some food donations from a food bank say they hope the county will step in to help with towing costs to move to higher ground. scientists are now following the lead of mother nature and have developed seeds that can plant themselves. they're inspired by the rhodium plant because its seeds can bury themselves in the soil that inspired a team of scientists to develop other self planting seeds for a wide variety of plans. sway the seat can protect itself from harsh environmental conditions. for example, strong sunlight went or birds. scientists say the self planting seeds will be especially useful in areas where there are frequent wildfires. they say the seeds will dramatically speed up efforts to grow new plants and crops in areas that have been destroyed. in an effort to fight drought. the federal government will spend $2.5 million in cloud seeding efforts in nevada, the southern nevada water authority
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voted to accept the money this week. cloud seeding uses planes and cannons on the ground. shoot silver. i dine crystals into the clouds. to attract moisture and ideally cause rain. it's part of an effort to refill the devastated colorado river, colorado, utah and wyoming. each spent about a million dollars a year on cloud seeding. now to southern california, and an uber eats mystery food is being delivered to homes in the neighborhood. but nobody ordered that food there. many people in highland park in los angeles say they were receiving food deliveries for months, everything from chicken sandwiches, two milkshakes and coffee. there was no clue as to who was ordering the food. i thought it was just wonderful act of neighborhood kindness, and then it just kept going, and we didn't know what to think. i would say good 30. at least at least and it was various places it was starbucks. it was mcdonald's. it was burger king chick filet that food went to waste, though, because most people said they wouldn't touch it. neighbors tried to figure
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out why came up with some theories. they thought maybe it's a social experiment of some sort. the deliveries finally stopped after the times ran an article about what was happening. uber eats, says it'no those mystery orders. the san francisco 40 niners are introducing their newest players . the team released video of the free agents they signed this week arriving at the santa clara headquarters. the free agents are defensive lineman javon hargrave, clelland for ferral and quarterback sam donald. donald is returning to the west coast after playing his college ball at usc. the niners signed hargrave away from the nfc champion philadelphia eagles. they do a lot of similar things that we did, and i think they did things just being disruptive in the run game in the past game. um i think they know of the transit, the trenches where you started, so i just, you know , try to put my head down there and get to work and try to learn a new scheme. hargrave is the niners. big name big money off season acquisition, signed a four year deal worth up to $84
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million. he had 20.5 sacks in the past two seasons. the women's world cup kicks off here on ktvu in about four months in the host nations of australia and new zealand to the international governing body of soccer, announced it is closing the pay gap between women and men's tournaments, a little more women's total prize money and benefits will reach $152 million this year. 300% jump from 2019 but still a third less than the men last year in qatar. fifa's goal is to have parody at the next world cups. the men in 2026 women in 2017 there's a new display on the peninsula honoring harriet tubman statue depicting the leader of the underground railroad was unveiled at the millbrae bart station. it shows tubman in the doorway of her new york home and rest on a foundation that includes 14 glass breaks. the bricks represent the 14 trips she took on the underground railroad to free slaves in the us each brick was also inscribed with words reflecting the values tubman inspired. there are words that pertain to her life like
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faith and courage and home and service and suffragist. an abolitionist harriet tubman is a is a critical figure in history for black americans for white americans for everybody, i mean, we're considering and working hard to honor her. people at the unveiling, said the sculpture reflects harriet tubman's rich legacy and service to america. well more banks. the parent company of silicon valley bank filed for bankruptcy as it is seized by the federal government. we're live, we'll bring the latest on the bank collapsed and how one san francisco based bank is getting help to stay afloat, plus many people in the south bay and entrepreneur insula frustrated and upset after four days with no electricity, their message to pg and e about why it's taking so long to get the lights back on. and today marks three years since the pandemic turned life upside down here in the bay area and beyond, with covid
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restrictions and shelter in place orders will tell you what experts in infectious disease say about where we now stand. even it's covid is still spreading. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on t. well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian. it is friday, march 17th st patrick's day in case you didn't notice. let's also talk about the golden sunshine we have behind us on the old oakland. it couldn't be prettier, steve. very nice yesterday. we'll continue that today. you too teeny bit of fog, but overall lots of blue sky and it looks nice today. if you have plans. no problem sunday might have to have to have a plan b because it looks the rain returns. thirties for some little colder this morning here forties for others, but except for some patchy coastal fog, and there will be a few high clouds coming in. we're looking for a decent nice friday, though. finally a friday mostly sunny temperatures mild to warm inland, a little bit cooler over by the coast, but overall, a little bit below average to near average on the
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forecast highs for today. alright sounds with us so far so good eight o'clock hour where we beginning this time, let's start in the east bay. steve that's usually where we have a lot of the slowing and this morning. we do have just a little bit of it. not a lot here at the mcarthur maze. it looks pretty good, and there have been no major issues on the bay bridge. there is some slowing on the span, but not at the toll plaza. so at the very least, you'll get on the bridge pretty quickly. they see some crowding on the span. san mateo bridge looks good to the peninsula and no problems in the south bay, although we did have an earlier crash northbound 20 right near race street, and this is creating an unexpected delay. look at all the slow traffic here. some people are using one. oh, one instead, i think that would be a good idea to stay off to 80 through downtown for now. no one. let's go back to the headlines. thank you. well today, governor newsom will be in marin county, continuing his tour of california with a stop at san quentin state prison. the governor is expected to unveil a plan to transforms and quentin
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into a facility where prisoners are educated, trained and rehabilitated. the governor wants to rename the prison, the san quentin rehabilitation center. san quentin is the home of california's death row, but governor newsom placed a moratorium on mexico. fusions back in 2019. quentin state prison was built in 18 52. it is california's oldest correctional institution. now the governor state of the state events will continue through the weekend. saturday he'll be in los angeles talking about health care costs . then on sunday, he'll go to san diego will talk about efforts to reform california's mental health programs. new this morning, the former parent company of the failed silicon valley bank is now filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. ktvu james torres live in palo alto here with efforts from the federal government to maintain confidence in the united states banking system overall. gasia good morning to you. well, we know silicon valley bank and its
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other chapters here all throughout the bay area are now under the jurisdiction of the fbi see its former owner, svb financial group now asking the federal government for help with its remaining assets. the group estimates its debt is around $3.3 billion. it's one of many baking headlines making investors. and customers behind startup companies a little nervous this morning, california's first republic bank announced it is getting a bailout package worth $30 billion from a coalition of 11 big us banks they hope to prevent another financial shutdown following the second largest bank failure in u. s history. as someone who grew up in the bay area. it's very reassuring to see the steps taken to support first republic bank. i have a lot of friends that work at both banks. so i hope that both of them i hope they're all okay. as the svb financial group begins its process. in the chapter 11 filings, its chief restructuring officer, said in a statement.
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the chapter 11 process will allow svb financial group. to preserve value as it evaluates strategic alternatives for its prize businesses and assets, especially svb capital and scb securities. both large banks and the federal government say they are doing what they can to avoid one another, rather of the disasters bought by banking failure, similar to what we saw back in 2008 after the fall of washington mutual part of that includes the government committing to protect all svb deposits tse exceeding the f d c limit of $250,000. this morning in palo alto. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news , james. thank you. time is 804 happening now, pg and e crews are still busy trying to restore power for thousands of homes and businesses that lost power during the winter storms. now, news numbers just came out this morning showing more than 8700. pg and e customers still don't have power in the bay area, but that's down a lot from the
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43,000 homes and businesses that had no power at this time yesterday more tonight. pg and e s progress in restoring the lights hasn't been reducing the frustration among many people in the east palo alto last night they met. showing their anger about the recent power outages and their community as well as the power problems during the earlier storms this year, so i'm accused me of being slow to respond to power outages because the east palo alto and often underserved community of color for some racial trauma was triggered. what happened was not okay at any level. this should not be happening. in the 21st century in america. pg and e says it's been overwhelmed with power problems all over the bay area since the year began trying to focus on areas that been
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without power for a long time. do you want to apologize to the community of these lerato for our performance in that recent storms. uh and frankly, i am pretty comfortable apologizing to the entire county of san mateo. pg and e says its crews are working around the clock to restore power before the next big storm is expected early next week. people who were forced by their homes from flooding and moderate county are finally being allowed to go back home. evacuation orders were lifted for people who lived along the salinas river between soledad and king city further to the north along the power of river. most of the town is still under an evacuation order. well, some people have been allowed to go back to their homes. the town center itself remains evacuated . new aid for flood victims is on the way. we are trying to provide as much direct financial support as we can, mostly in the way of gift card slash debit cards. uh um and trying to then also, um, work with groups that
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can do assessments for larger, uh, needs. the community foundation of monterey launched a storm relief fund before the levee broke so far more than a million dollars has been raised your time. now 806 floodwaters have receded in the pajaro valley, but the people who were forced to evacuate or afraid of what they're going to find when they finally were allowed to go back home. the floodwaters left behind damage in the small town of povero, where many of the 3000 residents of farmworkers saturday morning sheriff's deputies were knocking on doors telling everybody to leave because of a levee breach along the pajaro river. we have to leave. we have to live very way and also it was painful. also for leaving my house. leave my house with my parents in highly go somewhere else to stay. and with the fields flooded, farm workers haven't been able to work. they worry about how they're going to recover from all this on wednesday during a
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visit to the area, governor gavin newsom said, the united way will send out $600 checks to help the farm workers, however, a nonprofit organization that works with farm workers says a lot more is needed to help the flood victims. get on the phone . start working with our communities. i think we have a lot of wonderful legislators that support us. the governor's office issued a written statement. it says. in part, the administration is also pursuing additional supports for individuals recovering from january storms who are ineligible for fema help do do their immigration status happening today, there are no school founder elizabeth holmes is returning to a san jose court . the judge will consider her request to stay out of prison while she appeals her fraud conviction. holmes recently gave birth to her second child. she was sentenced last november to more than 11 years behind bars. she is set to begin her sentence next month. today's hearing also involves the prosecution motion asking homes to pay nearly $900 million in restitution homes.
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former boyfriend sonny bill wani was supposed to report to a southern california prison to begin serving his nearly 11 year prison sentence involving the blood testing scam that didn't happen, though because of a last minute appeal. the appeal allows them to remain out on bail under the ninth circuit court of appeals weighs in on his case. it is unclear though, as to when that will happen. time is now 809. it's now been three years. believe it or not, since bay area life changed from matic lee on march 17th 2026 bay area counties issued a shelter in place order because of the pandemic. we were told to stay home accepted by food and other essentials. last year. most of those restrictions were lifted. and just last month california's coronavirus emergency ended. experts in infectious diseases say covid is still spreading, but it's not as big of a threat as it was in the beginning. our numbers are still too high in terms of deaths per day were about 400 deaths per day in the country. and the covid back seems have been a big part in
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life slowly getting back to normal, but many bay area of restaurant owners say they're still recovering from the devastating economic impact of the pandemic. restaurants as you know, i've taken a huge huge hit during you know the pandemic and even after the after effects of just been traumatic for most of us, most of us have had to cut hours cut staff. we're not even back to our full capacity. this by the way is restaurant weekend. oakland it's all designed to help boost businesses and help restaurants across the city of oakland recover from the pandemic. time now is 8 10 been looking at a crash in san jose northbound to idiot race street. normally we have a camera right there, but it is fogged in. there's all bunch of fog. i can show it to you on the map, though it's north dont to 88 race street. it's not injury, but it's in the right lane. and we do have traffic there. if you want to use 85, that would be a decent
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alternative for you. if you're going to the bay bridge, you will see the traffic has been light here at the toll plaza, and it has been lighter than usual on the san mateo bridge as well. so this commute definitely the best commute of the week. 8 10. let's go back to the desk. alright, sal. thank you. we'll tell you about a new test to help diagnose and treat anxiety . we have details of a groundbreaking test and how it can help treat one of the nation's most common mental health problems, and many parents take advantage of airline policies that allow latin babies to travel for free coming up in the next hour that what flight attendants want to stop parents from holding their children o flights.
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♪ at olive garden, sauce is the soul. ♪ it turns lasagna into a classico. it's what takes you on a tour of italy, and our new ravioli carbonara to the next level. our amazing sauces, made from scratch every day, all pair perfectly with our never-ending first course—that's always on us. ♪ olive garden. we're all family here.
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on friday, probably even most saturday. okay, there's clouds roll in mix of rain and snow, though forecast for sunday. alright steve. thank you. times 8 14 tomorrow yosemite reopened , but with limited access after storms forced to park too close at the end of last month. this video was posted. you can see workers using jackhammers and explosives to remove a huge
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boulder from a rockslide on big oak flat road. 70 has been closed since february 25th. it was hit by storms and damage roads and buildings. starting tomorrow, you'll 70 will be open between sunrise and sunset with limited services. local fishers say their livelihoods are in jeopardy. now that the commercial salmon fishing season in california will be canceled. members of the golden state semin association gathered at fisherman's wharf to protest the closure of the pacific fisheries management council announced the season closure due to scientific studies showing the salmon population in california, oregon and washington is a critically low levels due to years of drought, fishers say missing one year of catches a lot of significant economic impact on ports, communities and their families. i think for most of the san francisco fleet, we are still digesting this news that we're not going to go fishing this year. we're also looking at potentially not going fishing next year. and i'm not the first person to use the word devastated, but that's kind of
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the word that sums up the way we're all feeling. pacific fisheries management council will meet next month to finalize this this decision. governor gavin newsom says he wants to spend another $1 billion on california's homelessness crisis if the governor wants the national guard to build and deliver 1200 tiny homes to be interim housing. the signing homes will be built in for california cities, including san jose, and the governor says it's part of his plan to be more aggressive and helping the homeless. how angry. we are as californians about. what's going on in the streets and sidewalks and our state. and what's not happening to address over the kind of no urgency. that is required. governor newsom says his goal reduce california's homeless population by 15% over the next two years. california accounts for 30% of the nation's 580,000 person homeless population includes people who are living on the street with
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friends in shelters or in their vehicles. more than 171,000 people are homeless. in california, the state's homeless population has grown by almost 10,000 since the start of the pandemic. of those who are homeless in our state, more than two thirds more than 115,000 are living on the street or in a vehicle that as many as other states combined. flight attendants union is pushing for an end to a policy that allows parents to hold babies on their laps to avoid buying them a ticket. the union says the rule allowing children under two years old to fly on their parent's lap is not safe, and they point to recent incidents of airplane turbulence. planes dropping 4000 ft in seconds, saying it's not physically possible to hold on to her child. in those circumstances. the union wants congress to make the f a change that rule 17. out to our traffic center, maybe not friday light, but compared to yesterday. it sure feels good. it sure does. gasia and dave yesterday was obviously not a
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very good day at all. and then the first few days of the week we had rain today. it's dry and we don't have any major incidents. we do have some slowing here and there on the bay bridge, not at the toll plus, but on the bridge itself. it's a little congested, but compared to yesterday, this is a breeze. san mateo bridge looks pretty good. i do have to mention something in the south, northbound, you idiot. race street non injury crash. the trouble is, it's in the right lane is not for driving. let's say from the allan rock area of san jose and up to willow glen or up to highway 17 to 80 is not the way to go. i would either go expressway or maybe 85 instead. 8 18. what about today's weather looks dry so far here? steve mentioned it earlier. you couldn't see santa clara valley because of fog. that's right. some fog is formed there, especially san jose south, not more so inland than we saw yesterday, when it was mainly confined to the coast fog has moved into the santa clara valley, the thick kind to that's the kind where reducing visibility, but you know, and usually this is on borrowed time
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when you get it this time in the morning here, but hard to see. but you can see it's stretching all the way down to morgan hill, gilroy, hollister's back over to watson, ville santa cruz, some higher clouds up above as well, but there are a few areas of thick fog out there. the higher clouds kind of taking aim to the north and south kind of splitting the difference here in between us. but some of these will drift across. not a big deal will still be mild in linda warm, but higher clouds will be on the move. not only today, but more so tomorrow. look at the surge here coming in from the west. southwest look at that, and that's really going to paint us with cloudy skies on saturday, leading to rain on sunday, the fifties sixties on the tents attempt some thick fog clear and cold inland this morning, but clouds are on the way so mostly sunny, partly sunny. those higher clouds start to make a move thirties and forties. santa rosa 37 had lot of thirties. now we're starting to see more forties here, but i'd rather chilly this morning. two distinct jet streams and by that we mean river of air one is to the north and the stronger one is to the south coming in from the hawaiian islands. that's the one we're going to
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have to going to have to watch first we had in the sunday monday and tuesday. today won't be bad. partly sunny, mostly sunny, light. steady rain, though, makes it on sunday and it looks to me like you know, a quarter of an inch to maybe a half inch plus. santa rosa gets a half inch that's an inch in the russian river, so i would anticipate rain on sunday. you have plans. i would have a plan b in your back pocket for monday. that might be the in between day, but then look what happens here on tuesday that this comes in this would be more of a warm system by far more of a rain event than it would be for the sear on a snow vent a snow event fifties sixties on attempts tomorrow will cloud it up. it'll still be mild to warm and rain arrived sunday morning, you guys thank you, steve. it's now 8 20 protecting california's coastline from natural disasters coming up with state insurance companies are doing to help those affected by natural disasters similar to the flooding. we see in pastoral and the latest on the report from the cdc, about teenage girls and a spike in sadness that sometimes their parents and their friends don't see. what the experts say parents and concerned the dogs can do to
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help those girls recover from mental hea
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i control my septic system. it does not control me. i do not fear 2-ply. i will use rid-x monthly to help prevent a backup. because rid-x is scientifically proven to break down septic waste. guaranteed. ( sfx: toilet flush ) get your together with rid-x.
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cher's at the indiana university school of medicine. it's a groundbreaking tests that may revolutionize how experts detect and treat one of the most common
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mental health problems. researchers say this test can predict several anxiety related problems. we want to, uh empower doctors and patients to have laboratory tests that they can use in primary care settings as part of their annual exams that reduces the trial and error down certainty that people go through in terms of being assessed, diagnosed, treated with the right medication, the national institute of mental health reports about one third of all americans experience an anxiety disorder at some point advisors for the fda has given another vote of confidence for paxil. a bit is a treatment for covid. it's for covid patients who suffer from several medical problems, including diabetes and high blood pressure, which could put them at a higher risk of even dying or being hospitalized from covid. the fda first made packs a bit available in december of 2021 for emergency use for high risk patients
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between the age of 12 and older . final decision on that approval is expected in may. and as the baby boom generation gets older, and experts say the population of alzheimer's patients is expected to double in the coming decades, megan ever again balances her work with a social life, but in 2016 , her life was turned upside down when her 67 year old mother was diagnosed with alzheimer's since then, megan, her father and her sister had become the primary care givers. care providing, um, sometimes takes on a life of its own, and you don't even realize what you're doing because you're doing it because you love your parents. we really need to get additional workforce trained and ready for all the people that will require care. that was signed the emotional impact that's also a heavy financial burden with health care costs expected to reach almost $1 trillion in less than three decades, is also
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assured egypt healthcare workers which makes the treatment, even more challenging. doctors are calling on parents to help their teenage daughters in particular avoided mental health crisis, the american academy of pediatrics says, when it comes to managing teen mental health preventing problems is always better than treating them, the experts say. connecting with their team is the most important thing. parents grandparents and loved ones can do to promote their well being whether they have mental health issues or not. fostering relationships, young people and supportheally, realls say signs to watch for the may indicate your team is experiencing a mental health issue include changes in behavior, dramatic weight loss or gain or change in sleeping patterns are time now 8 26 next year's music program at tamil paya's union high school, maybe cut the marin i j reports that the school district unanimously approved a 60 day review of a proposal to cut about half of a
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full time music teacher position that would mean losing to music classes at the school board meeting parents sergent school district. keep that program intact. they say the program needs time to recover from the pandemic. it's not clear which of the school district scores would be affected if it's approved. it is a 27 of perch in the city of oakland to help people feel safer in the diamond district. we're talking about a new public safety campaign to build relationships with the police and fire department and the community and look who's back with the orange and black but you won't see him play that long by the san francisco giants resigned former all star closer sergio romeo and when you get to see him on t in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart... efficient... agile... and that's never been more important than it is right now.
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so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just $39 a month, with no contract, and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest, reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems
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or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go.
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totally. san quentin prison that tell some of the nation's most notorious killers can undergo major changes that are designed to address inmates lives after incarceration as work crews are repairing the levees that broken monterey county, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate. there was a new warning from scientists why they say more levee breaks could be in the future. from ktvu. fox two news . this is mornings on two. good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. welcome to friday. it is march 17th. we're going to steve paulson. steve will the sun shine we see now continue through the weekend. no
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not through the weekend. it will be a factor tod to see clouds cn here l it up. but today will be bad. some pockets of fog, though especially down around san jose, south santa clara valley, and some high clouds are making a little bit of a move but not enough to obscure a nice day. here, there'll be some, but finally, a friday forecasts. patchy coast fog with some inlet fog, too cold morning here another nice day, but high clouds will be on the march that'll end up seeing high temperatures in the fifties to sixties. alright, salis here, but i think he has to head south down towards willow glen. that's right to 80 in san jose. they're having a little trouble clearing this crash to 80 northbound near race street. i would show it to you, but there's heavy fog in the area are camera is not showing anything right now it's just showing the white cloud north dont to 80 is slow. one on one is also slow as people are staying away from 2 80 heading up to santa clara and sunnyvale . this is the richmond bridge that looks pretty good. no major issues there and at the bay
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bridge toll plaza. we have a nice looking commute. 8 31. let's go back to the desk. governor gavin newsom announced that the saint quentin state prison will undergo some dramatic changes major he wants to transform the prison from a maximum security prison to a place that focuses on rehabilitation. ktvu sally rasmus here and now you have all the information now. well, dave and garcia san quentin is probably one of the most recognizable prisons in california and possibly the nation. not just because of its location. it sits on some of the most valuable state owned land in california. it has views of san francisco but also because of it has housed some of the state's most infamous inmates from charles manson to scott peterson. the governor wants to transform this prison, he announced the change is part of his four day tour across the state will be speaking at san quentin later this morning to talk about it. he wants to transform this into a prison. that facility that focuses on rehabilitation. they want to model it after prisons in norway
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and in scandinavia that focus on giving job training, vocational training and rehabilitation to some of the inmates there other states. have tried this norway prison model as well. oregon pennsylvania and north dakota. with some success again, the governor will be talking about it later this morning around 11 . 30 is when he's going to be at san quentin to give more details about this plan. gasia and dave back to you. thank you. the diocese of oakland is considering filing for bankruptcy over hundreds of lawsuits filed over alleged clergy sex abuse. now in a letter posted to the diocese website, bishop michael barber says 330 lawsuits have been filed against the diocese. he says he thinks bankruptcy would allow the diocese to reorganize its financial affairs while providing a way to support survivors. if the oakland diocese files for bankruptcy, it would be the second after the santa rosa catholic diocese to follow for bankruptcy over sexual abuse claims in the past week here in the bay area. 8 33
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happening today. the city of oakley will conor alexis gave on what would have been her 25th birthday gabe was from oakley was last seen in january of 2022 remains were discovered in november in a remote part of amador county. investigators say she was killed by her ex boyfriend, who was later killed by police. police chief paul beard will be presenting a plaque on a bench to honor gabe tonight at oakley civic center park. the family of an anti ox man who died while being restrained by police has filed a motion in court to reclassify his death. they say the pathologist recently changed his mind on a cause of death. the family, angelo quinto says. the pathologist said in the deposition that he changed his mind now believes quinto died after he was asphyxiated. kingdom death was originally ruled as the result of excited delirium syndrome often applied to people who die in police. custody time is 8 34. san francisco's red flag law was used to take guns away from the man accused of firing blanks inside of a synagogue again. the richmond district a civil gun
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violence restraining orders with issued against dimitri mission. it means he's banned from having real guns for two years, the city attorney said police seized a gun to replica guns broken rifle and 300 rounds of ammunition. mr mission is a textbook example of someone who has been a danger to our community who should not have access to firearms. he owns real guns. so the fact that in a particular instance it might have been blanks. from our perspective. this is not safe behavior. this is violent behavior. authorities say surveillance video show mission walking into the schneerson center last month in farming a gun with blanks. a day earlier police a mission had a fake gun at the balboa theater at 87th in billboard. and then oakland. there's a new public safety campaign designed to help people feel safer in the diamond district. it's called lift up the four it's aimed at revitalizing public spaces,
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building relationships with the police and fire department and helping both people and business owners. council members also want resources from the city, including more police patrols out there, as well as funding from the state to deal with crime, homelessness and blight. there has been some progress in reinforcing a levee breach in monterey county, where thousands of people were forced to evacuate due to flooding. but now the break is bringing new attention to possible levee failures across the state. there are more than 14,000 miles of levee in california. many are in the delta just upstream from the bay area. researchers say that more levee failures are inevitable as maintenance falls behind schedule. average they are 57 years old. um and many of them were built using standards less rigorous than our current best engineering practices. we should be expecting to see rural levee failures and a lot of places around california in the coming month or two. in some areas of the delta near the
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levees, homes have been built up on stilts in case the levee breaks. time is 8 36 researchers and insurance executives are meeting about how to better understand ways to protect california's coastline from natural disasters. state officials say only 10% of the people who live in haro have flood insurance. a two day symposium is focusing on creating insurance policies for nature itself. thinking of climate insurance community insurance so that we ensure that everybody has the same access to recover from these floods. wildfires extreme heat it used to be that we thought of climate change is a future problem. it's a here and now problem and we've got to be figuring out ways to reduce the risks that is creating today at the symposium there, look at regional test locations for the idea of blended insurance with natural strategies. it may not be a quick fix, but it could be in place before the end of the decade and also offer help for the rest of this century. it is
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8 37, part of highway nine in the santa cruz mountains, will not reopen today as planned a landslide close that road two months ago in the area near ben lomond. it was supposed to reopen today, but caltrans says there was another mudslide during this week's storms. trans hasn't said, when it will be cleared, but there is a detour in that area. 8 38 a brief break in the rain right now, we cannot stash the umbrella yet, steve, i would not i would keep it handy for sunday. that's for sure. we do have some fog forming. it was on the coast and said, you know what? i think i'll make the move here. san jose san jose south santa clara valley, morgan hill, san martin gilroy hollister back over to watson ville and along santa cruz cause even down to monterey a little bit, which was not the case really yesterday, but it's there today, so if that's in your drive, or that's where you're going, i would watch out for some thick fog there. mostly sunny here in the morning. then we'll get a few high class drifting in there's
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two bands, one from the northern branch of the jet, the other from the southern combination. the two will start to cloud us up later today tonight and then, for sure on saturday. look at that moisture streaming up from the hawaiian islands. there's a lot there that will be painting itself over us by the weekend and giving us rain on sunday morning. fifties sixties and attempt something fog clear, cold inland, at least for now. mostly sunny in the morning. we'll get some. partly sunny is in the afternoon as those higher clouds begin to make a move but forties on the temps. i think those thirties are probably about an hour old by now, because most locations have bounced off the low. still a lot of forties here two distinct jet streams, the northern branch, bringing some higher clouds, pacific northwest and the southern branch. which is very, very active is also giving us us a band of higher clouds. mostly sunny, partly sunny for your friday clouds will roll in on saturday. it will be pretty mild that a leader or some rain on sunday maybe some wind on tuesday. i think it's more of going to be of a warmer system here. so for the system on sunday night, i mean quarter inch to a half inch looks to cover it, maybe a little bit
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more for some, especially in the around the mountain milpitas area and also in the russian river. and then i think we'll get a break late sunday into monday morning, and then tuesday into wednesday. if this comes in as models are showing, this is a much warmer system so it would be a coming in along the highway of the southern branch of the jet stream. that's a lot of rain for reading and santa rosa, san francisco san jose, i mean far more of a rain event than it would be a snow event. if it does come through, and it sure l california, but we'll get rain as we go into turday. rain on se cloud cover on monday, then rain moves back in tuesday, you guys thank you, steve. coming up here working to shore up american space in the banking system as lender step in to rescue a san francisco based bank on the brink of trouble. what's happening with the banking crisis that unfolded so quickly this week, and it is march madness. time in the stanford women's basketball team will play today. still ahead, you're going to hear from their hall of fame head coach tara vanderbilt as she gets ady
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numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own.
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but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9.
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jin derry women's basketball coach, tara vanderveer is in her 36th season. ktvu joe fonzi talked with her ahead of the programs. 29th straight n c. a. a tournament appearance used to be a time when you just kind of mail the pac 12 championship to you, uh, now, you know, now it's
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the most competitive conference in in in the right. think the west coast basketball has really taken, you know big steps up. with pac 12 network with, you know, the rise of there's so many players high school. we have great high school programs . women playing basketball is being supported locally, regionally and nationally, and the pac 12 has we have seven teams in the ncaa, which is just awesome to get where you get, you know, and i've seen this with the warriors about how just the intensity and everything that you have to do to get to a point where you have a national championship. what what continues to drive you all these years and making put in the time and have the energy that it takes to do those things. i think you're right. it does take a lot of energy. um but first of all, i have a great assistant coaches and staff that worked really hard. when you have a team with, you know, players that we have, you know, you want
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to do a great job for them? you know, you don't want to let them down. you want to work really hard for them. and you know, when you mentioned the warriors, that's that's in great company. i learned a lot from watching them when you guys are playing is the place to be now and it's not easy to achieve that in the bay area where there's so many things to do. how have you just seen the evolution of your program and the women's game in general progress during your time there? you know, joe, it's it was really fun. one game, you know, you look at the baseline and there's trey lancer, steph curry and, you know, obviously, jordan's pool has been our games and damien lee was at a game this year, so it's really exciting to see the support of other athletes supporting our team. the support has grown. i think, with a lot of fans coming and watching exciting basketball and skilled players, it feels like there's always some kind of a hurdle that you have to get over to get all the way. you know. some type of buzzer beater, something buzzer beater by the other team that gets held off. you've got to be excited about just entering that that
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journey another time right now. we do and you know, joe having bennett stanford. i've been at stanford one. we not gone to the tournament. it's been a long time. we've been in it for over 30 years. so that's just awesome. where the only came to have lost 2 16 and one as of 16. we've lost in the second round, third round, fourth round, fifth round six round and one at all. we know that each game is a gift , and we need to enjoy the opportunity to play. everything is tested at this level, and everyone is really good. this is honestly. i think the absolute best year in women's basketball . the crowds have been awesome. you know, i went to indiana where we might have had 17 people come to a game. they had 17,000. you've got this great players, great teams a lot of enthusiasm for women's basketball right now, so we're enjoying this ride. to i love her too. yeah time is 8 46. did you know toontown and disneyland is reopening this weekend? it's been closed for a year. the park
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system changes were made to make the area more inclusive. pam coke has this and a whole lot more and today is dollars and cents. i think a lot of families are really going to appreciate these changes. toontown has undergone an extensive renovation to make the whole area including its slides and play structures, wheelchair accessible. the area has also been repainted using softer colors. some areas will have more subdued spa like music. disney says the renovations in toontown are designed to be more comfortable for children who are easily overwhelmed by loud noises or bright sensory stimuli. well as that opening bell rang this morning. the banking sector continues to be under pressure. first republic bank down another 20% today despite that $30 billion lifeline from 11 of the top banks in the country it has dropped from about $120 a share at the beginning of march to about $27 a share now as we take a live look at the markets. we've talked about some big
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losses today, as you can see the dow jones down almost 1.5% 464 points the s and p 500 also down to 39 061 3rd percent, the nasdaq slipping more than 1% as well. but on the week believe it or not, the s and p 500, the nasdaq are actually up on the week kind of highlighting the volatility we've seen this week . cereal and snack company kellogg's is undergoing a rebrand the company will split its businesses by the end of the year into two separately traded public companies. the global snacking business will now be known as cala nova, and it will include pringles, cheez its and pop tarts. the serial part of the business will then be under w. k kellogg company. now the ceo says the split will allow the two businesses to focus on their very different strategies and priorities and google raising the price of its youtube television subscription. the subscription rate will go from $65 a month to $73 a month starting in april. youtube tv is
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google's cable replacement. it provides access to live tv cable channels delivered through an internet connection. google says it needs to update its subscription price due to rising costs for content. and with inflation, many shoppers are turning to dollar stores to get their groceries. however some communities are complaining that the stores are undercutting their local grocery stores. there is no shortage of them, as there are more than $37,000 stores across the country, and customers say it's hard to beat their prices. i actually went to walmart. um maybe two days ago, and these were like $5 little packs of less than 20 cups and over here, it's too, so it makes good 50% difference or more. a new report in the new york times shows that since 2019 75 communities have actually voted down proposed dollar stores pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. thank you, 49 . let's get you out the door. final check of traffic. this one
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lighter volume. for whatever reason. friday is the day a lot of people. actually it's not that it's not that hard to figure out people pick friday to have the day off to have a longer weekend. westbound day bridge. you can see that traffic is moving along very nicely and there have been no major issues. now i do want to talk about not the same mateo bridge that it looks good. but the south big northbound to 80 still slow traffic getting into downtown because of an earlier crash at race street. 101 is also a little bit slow. 85 slow protein 17. if you have the time to wait, these communities should get much better in the next hour. 8 50 let's bring steve back with today's weather. thank you, sir, except for some fog down towards san jose in the santa clara valley. what's going on back there sally party or something? they're having a party in the new the i keep telling them, but they still have parties here. you know, that's friday. we'll let it go this time. alright some think fog. thank you, sir. clear cold,
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and then already we're already sunny now mostly sunny. we'll will start to roll in forties on most of the temps herekland, had it's close for many othersures o far here. i don't think they're still in the thirties in santa rosa. little bit of fogs reported up in santa roosevelt more so in the santa clara valley. the southern branch of the jet stream wants to be the main driver here. if you will, mostly sunny today, clouds will roll in later today into saturday. we'll get rain on sunday break looks like on monday before what looks like a pretty good system on tuesday and the wednesday the reins on sunday quarter inch to half fish looks to cover the spread. there will be more than that as we go into tuesday, but i'll deal with that on monday. fifties if you're near the coast sixties, maybe mid sixties for some inland clouds still on the warm side as wind turned suddenly on saturday, rain on sunday and get on tuesday. you guys all right. thank you, steve. well marking 60 years since the closure of
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one of the most infamous prisons in the nation coming up on the nine today we're going to take you live to alcatraz in the middle of san francisco back. could this be the future of farming after the break with researchers have developed that can save time and cos for ♪ ♪ before the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here?
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do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,... changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy... ...and save at
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sing seeds. they're inspired by the erode iem plan that has seeds that can bury itself in the soil. a team of scientists created other self planting seeds for a variety of plants. the seat can protect itself from harsh environmental conditions. for example, strong sunlight went or birds. scientists say these self planting seeds would be really helpful in areas where there are a lot of wildfires.
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they say the seeds will dramatically speed up the efforts to grow new plants and new crops in areas that have been destroyed and in an effort to fight drought. the federal government will spend $2.5 million on cloud seeding in the vata, southern nevada water authority voted to accept that money cloud seeding uses planes and cannons on the ground to shoot silver iodine crystal was into the clouds to attract moisture and cause rain. it's part of an effort to refill the devastated colorado river, colorado, utah and wyoming. each spent about a million dollars a year on cloud seeding. an uber eats mystery in southern california is unsolved. people receive food deliveries to their homes. they didn't order. many in the highland park neighborhood say they were getting deliveries for months. everything from chicken sandwiches, two milkshakes to coffee. they had no idea who was ordering the food. i thought it was just wonderful act of neighborhood kindness, and then it just kept going, and we didn't know what to think. i
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would say good 30. at least at least and it was various places it was starbucks. it was mcdonald's. it was burger king chick fil a most people say they didn't eat the food neighbors trying to figure out it was having the food delivered and why some thought it was a social experiment. the delivery stopped after the los angeles times ran an article about them uber, it says it's looking into the mystery orders favorite sergio romo will put on a san francisco giants uniform one last time. the former all star closer will return for at least one bay bridge preseason game against the oakland a's later this month. so he can retire as a san francisco giants, the team that won three world series titles when he was on the mound times. 8 57 the 49ers introducing their newest players, and they released video of the free agents they signed this week, arriving at the headquarters in santa clara. the free agents are defensible lineman javon hargrave clay in ferral and quarterback sam donald donald's coming back to the west coast.
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he played his college football. i do usc 49ers signed hargrave. away from the nfc champion philadelphia eagles. they do a lot of similar things that we did, and i think they did things just being disruptive in the run game in the past game, i think they know of the transit, the trenches where you started, so i just, you know, try to put my head down there and get to work and try to learn a new scheme. we know you will. hargrave is the 49 years big offseason acquisition. he signed a four year deal worth up to 84 million by the way he had 20.5 sacks in the past two seasons. well, tomorrow is pride night with the san jose sharks. the players are going to wear special pride jerseys during their warm ups. the jerseys feature of pride theme crest with the shark's logo and the patch that says love wins. warm up jerseys will be auctioned off. it will be part of the and part of the proceeds will go to a nonprofit
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that offers mental health services for young people. the women's world cup kicks off here on ktvu at four months and the host nations of australia and new zealand to the international governing body of soccer announced it's taking steps to help close the pay gap between men's and women's tournaments. women's total prize money and benefits will reach $152 million this year. 300% jump from 2019 but still a third less than the men last year in qatar. his goal is to have parody at the next world cups. the men in 2026 the women in 27, there's a new display on the peninsula honoring harriet tubman statue depicting the leader of the underground railroad was unveiled at the millbrae bart station. it shows tubman in the doorway of her new york home and rest on a foundation that includes 14 glass bricks. they represent the 14 trips she took on the underground railroad to free enslaved people in the united states. each break also is inscribed with words reflecting the values tubman inspired. their words that pertain to her life like faith and courage, and home and service and suffragist. an
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abolitionist harriet tubman is a is a critical, uh, figure in history for black americans for white americans for everybody. i mean, we're considering and working hard to honor her. people say the sculpture reflects harry tubman's rich legacy. new developments from the former parent company of silicon valley bank. the motion filed today designed to maintain confidence in the country's banking system. then it's home to some of the nation's most notorious prisoners. but send quentin's future could look much different than its storied past . the major push from governor newsom meant to help inmates at saint quentin changed the course of their lives. and marking three years since our lives came to a standstill restaurants as you know, i've taken a huge, huge hit during you know the pandemic restaurants across the bay area are still trying to


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