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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 6, 2023 7:00am-8:59am PST

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in a set of rosa high school. we're live at montgomery high with what's being done today to help ensure the student's safety and peace of mind. plus conditions in the sierra, not letting up as heavy snow is still making it very difficult for people trying to get to and from the bay area, the conditions that may travel nearly impossible this weekend. then after glittering for 10 years, the bay bridge lights have gone dark. why those bright lights are no longer shining and what's needed to bring them back from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian the end and good morning. i'm dave clark. it's monday. it's march. 6th you're here, so i know the lights are going to get back on somehow told steve we had a month's worth of weather this weekend in my neighborhood. yeah. ah i had the same. although yesterday wasn't bad. it was cold, cold and windy. overnight saturday to sunday, yes, yes. woke me up. all right. we do have a lot
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going on this week, maybe even too much going on by the end of the week. time permitting, i will do my best to do a deep dive into meteorology, probably 8 40. to explain what take me o minutes to explain, but i'll do my best around 8 40. it'll be very technical, but i promise it'll all make sense. cat side up in lake county morning, steve about an inch and a half of new snow and lakeport still coming down mendocino county lake county getting a lot of snow this morning, although it looks like it's gone through parts of mendocino county and on the backside there's still into lake county. most of the snows to the north. although don't even try to go up to lick observatory. they're still digging out. we're getting some off and on bands here, so it's a mixed message here on monday. we are looking for a cold morning. it'll be sun clouds. rain hail back to sun clouds, right. that's the pattern here. unseasonably cool, though for us, upper forties fifties on the temps. alright, 701 saleh's here. he's going to tell us this time. what that the bridges are doing. okay just, you know was doing a little
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bridge check here just to see what they're looking like. let's start off with the golden gate bridge because it was a little bit wet. it seems to be drying off now. but as steve said, you might see all kinds of weather today, depending on you know what time it is. you can see thatit's wet. the traffic looks okay. if you're driving to the richmondckup rain on the on the lens there. bainbridge does not have rain right now. although maybe it looks like it. just rain here so again. somewhat unpredictable weather. it's wet now on the same mateo bridge and on the east bay commute. we have a new crash. i'm going to tell you about in more detail. westbound 5 80 through castro valley that's coming up in just a few. now it's 702. let's get right back to the headlines south. thank you happening today. students at montgomery high school in santa rosa are heading back to school for the first time since the student was stabbed to death in a classroom there last week. ktvu james stories live at that high school with the change of students will likely see on campus today, james good morning to you. well,
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the police departments police chief tells us that the chief has hand selected three police officers that will be on campus for today and likely tomorrow. what we're noticing. excuse me. what we're noticing a little as a son has come up today. the school building here has been tagged, and we've seen a little bit of graffiti with a number of different messages likely coming from students. kind of echoing that same message they have been spreading since some of these incidents have come to light here. you see the one behind me that says we don't want to die right on the face of the school here. we've seen ar of others that have already been painted over this morning that have said things like this school. is it safe? that has been the center of a protest that students held friday afternoon. they say that that was all that was happening at maria carrillo high school students there say that the school district isn't doing enough to make sure that they are safe inside their schools over the last two weeks, police say they've responded to a student with a gun and a student attempting to light the building
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on fire. those incidents along with the killing of 16 year old jayden piensa at montgomery high , is pushing students to call on school leaders to take better steps and ensuring safety and security. my best friend died right in front of me is one of the most traumatic and terrifying thing i've ever been through. communication in the school system is horrible. like we don't even know anything. our parents get the information before us. santa rosa city school superintendent and a true nell posted a statement over the weekend saying in part while teams of professionals are studying what happened, we want everyone in our school community to know that we see this devastating loss as a call to action to review and fortify the systems and resources that we have in our schools to make them safe, welcoming and happy places for our children on the agenda for the school district this week, community listening session is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. the entire community is invited to attend and participate. police chief
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says he plans to be there then the board will have a regularly scheduled board meeting wednesday night. there are also rumors of another school walkout planned here at montgomery high set to happen after about 11 o'clock this morning. we have seen some maintenance crews again painting over some of these messages that have been graffitied onto the school building. it's not clear exactly when that has happened. but again, it kind of gives you an idea of just what message these students and community from these high schools are hoping that school leaders will here. we're live this morning in santa rosa. i'm james torres, ktvu fox. two news. all right. thank you, james time now. 705 police in san jose still out there searching for a gunman blamed for weekend shooting outside of a busy golf entertainment venue. a woman was shot at least once saturday night in the parking lot of top golf near north first street. she is expected to fully recovered, though several witnesses say they saw the gunman running away after the shooting. if you have any information jose police
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supporters have fired oakland police chief laurent armstrong continued to demand he be rehired. yeah held a rally on saturday in a community center in oakland. armstrong supporters say they fear crime in oakland will only get worse without his leadership. reinstate chief armstrong because he cares about this community. he cares about us. that man was at crime scenes scenes of supporting victims, families and stuff because he's family. armstrong was fired by oakland mayor shen tao last month. she said she lacked confidence that the chief was able to carry out needed reforms after an internal investigation accused armstrong of mishandling an officer misconduct case tomorrow morning. oakland mayor schenk how is joining us here? live on mornings on two during the nine. we will, of course, talk about her decision to fire laurent armstrong and the search for a new head of opd. this and a lot more tomorrow morning on the nine here on mornings on two
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time now, 706. well the sierra has a lot of snow right now, making it hard for people to get home from the ski resorts over the weekend when to show you some video from earlier this morning showing you what conditions are like on interstate 80 as we speak both interstate 80 and highway 50 between the sierra and the bay area are open. but there are chain controls in some areas. people who live along the i 80 corridor in colfax say when 80 is closed, travelers often end up stranded in their little town. a lot of times we end up inundated with travelers who really are unfamiliar with our town and familiar with the area. they're dying to get up 80, and they're really inconvenienced. colfax only has one grocery store and two hotels. they both during weather like this tend to be booked up by caltrans and first responders. so the options for regular people who want to wait it out or limited. as much as we would love to accommodate
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people and have people up here and we love tourists to come. check out our small shops. we have to be realistic about when it's a good time or about time to recreate, and this is just not a great time to recreate. steve's been telling you, there's a winter storm warning in effect for the sierra right now through tomorrow, they expect another 1 to 3 ft of's munich transit system say they see tough times down the road once immunities federal relief money runs out. muniz, executive director says his agency is facing unprecedented economic challenges following the pandemic. ridership is less than two thirds of what it was before covid shutdown started nearly three years ago. that's left the agency critically short on cash. all of us transit agencies that serve downtown san francisco or facing what we call a fiscal cliff. and it's because our revenue goes like this and then collapses rather, suddenly, when the last of our federal federal relief funding runs out.
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community leader also said the agency currently cannot afford to update its outdated did it's outdated technology, which is 30 years old and runs off floppy disks, he warns that could lead to a system wide meltdown. one of the things that keeps me up at night is the increasing likelihood of complete technical failure if we don't invest in upgrading our core systems newly are still looking for ways to cover the projected shortfall, including asking the state for additional funds. it's also considering asking voters to approve a ballot measure that would provide the transit system with more money. alright guys, your time now is 709 those bright lights on the bay bridge that we all love or not, shining , at least for now, remember when they went up, and now they have come down ktvu andre senior reporting on the change, and a lot of people said to see him go, andre people, it's really become part of the skyline in the bay area. spectacular lights , which covered 1.8 miles of the western spain became a popular attraction among locals and
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people around the world. but those lights were switched off at eight o'clock last night with a simple push of a button. the lights twinkled on the western span for the past, 10 years were shut off, and they are now being removed from the bridge. the 25,000 dazzling lights have become an iconic piece of the san francisco waterfront since the new span of the bridge opened. many people gathered along the waterfront last night to get one last look. they want to experience it for one last time, which i totally get because these have been really inspirational part of the restaurants and the waterfront in san francisco for the last 10 years. engineers say the lights could not withstand the harsh environments on the san francisco beer bay and the repair costs had climbed too high. there are now plans to install new lights on the western span that would be designed to stand up to the wind, the rain and fog, too, but those lights would only go up if a donation driver successful. we have $6 million pledged. that
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means all that stands between us or where we are when we go dark, and this project coming back is $41 million gifts. the artist hopes to double the number of lights to 50,000. if the money is raised, it would take 8 to 10 months to install that brand new display, and that means the earliest lights could return is sometime in november, just before the holiday season. back to you, garcia and dave. alright and time is 70 11. right now we have a crash and castro valley that i promised to tell you about its westbound 5 80 near the near enough to the y that it's really causing a big backup now for castro valley as soon as you get to the bottom of the hill, you're going to see that something is wrong. it's right near the y and traffic is going to be slow. this is an unexpected delayed as i pull back here. if you're driving from dublin, it's okay until you get over the hill. but then, as you come down, you're going to see the crash in a word to you that it's going to be slow. some
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people are using 6 80 southbound , getting into pleasant in and going that way, even with on the keyword is 15 20 minutes early and you'll be fine. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see it's backed up to the maze, metarie. the lights are on no problems on that san mateo bridge for driving across to the peninsula. it's 7 12. let's go back to the desk cards out. thank you will newlywed from the east bay now suing after they say a tour boat in hawaii let them stranded in the ocean on their honeymoon while they were snorkeling coming up how they were able to save themselves and the 2024 race for the white house intensifies as former president donald trump headlines in major conservative conference what he says about staying in the presidential race if he were to face criminal charges as the result of investigations into his actions.
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22 presidential race, even if he's indicted on criminal charges. they do it for you, and that's what i'm doing it for. i do it for you. the former president said that over the weekend at the conservative political action conference, otherwise known as cpac, the
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justice department is investigating whether the former president removed almost 3000 documents from the white house and possibly tampered with 2020 election results. florida republican governor ron de santis, who was in southern california yesterday, is expected to run for president in 24. he blasted governor gavin newsom and other democratic governors. over the last four years, we've witnessed a great american exodus from states governed by leftist politicians, imposing leftist ideology and delivering poor results. and you've seen massive gains in states like florida even though de santis has not announced a run for president. he came in second in a straw poll at this weekend's conservative political action conference in maryland. former president trump was first santis came to california spoke with the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley as part of a book tour before the santis arrived for his speech, vandals spray painted ron the fascist on
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one of the entrances to the library. library staff removed the graffiti before the event started. the new book by descendants is called the courage to be free florida's blueprint for america's revival is to be released tomorrow time now. 7 17, a newlywed couple from hayward says a tour group in hawaii left them stranded in the ocean while they were snorkeling during their honeymoon. now that couple has filed a $5 million lawsuit against the tour boat company, elizabeth webster and alexander burkle says it's happened almost 18 months ago in my wage their lawyers as eight spent about an hour water when they realized their tour boat had sailed away. once they realized the boat had left them. they you know, were obviously distraught and upset and had no choice except to swim to the nearest landmass, which was lanai. their lawyers as a company did refund the couple's money. ktvu has tried to contact the tour boat company but so far
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has been no response about the n a video just released by santa cruz county. it shows the bobcat using the highway 17 wildlife crossing just hours after the county installed a dozen cameras in the area. the pathway was designed to create a safe crossing for animals around that highway in the santa cruz mountains, the 90 ft underpass stretches beneath all four lanes of north and south bong 17 times. 7 18. hey, sound how they look when the roads now it looks okay. we do have a couple of unusual things. but first of all, i'm going to start with the bay area bridges and start with the richmond bridge. you can see the traffic here is moving along , okay. there have been no major issues as you drive on the richmond bridge all the way across. now i do know that traffic is going to be affected by the wet weather. whenever it rains. you know you do have some things that go on. people drive too fast, for example, and get into crashes. you can see that
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the bay bridge looks pretty normal. no major issues here now , if you are driving on westbound san mateo bridge that looks okay. you can see that traffic is moving along pretty well, if you're driving on bay area bridges or the east bay westbound 5 80. let's say you're heading over the hill from dublin getting over to castro valley. it really has been slow because of that crash we told you about last time right near the y please. give yourself extra time. as you drive. their traffic is going to be slow. state route 29 in napa on the way up to calistoga. we have some closures for ice and snow. we're going to update you and but right now, it's not a good time to go there unless you're local. 7 19. that's pretty steve . back in. i'm going to show that all right, team brothers. that torch will start up in lake county. hear jim's good guy. he sends me get information. morning steve groundhog day again. 8 to 10 inches of snow
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overnight and it's still coming down steady up in lake county and carbon man and because of that, the chp and napa style mentioned state route 29 mount st lena temporarily closed from tubbs lane to lake county due to ice and snow. i'll tell you. this has been one crate, and here it is still march. now we're getting more reports looks like there's a back edge to that or the lightened up up in mendocino county and a redwood valley will attend snow. lots of snow reports. still maybe a little bit there in lake county, but i think you're about done until the next wave maybe goes through its rain now parts of napa county and the solano county looks like it's let up a little bit of marin, although still some there. the main line now stretches from solano county over to the east bay and then stretches down towards the peninsula. that's what some of the heaviest rain has been, especially around portola valley , woodside along highway one cemetery coast skyline and then approaching now, the santa cruz mountains. snow getting a little bit of a break up in the mountains. not a lot. there's still 1 to 2 ft. forecast
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between now and tomorrow, so they are i know 80 is open. but again, there's just a lot of digging out to do so. for us lather ends repeat cold morning low snow levels mainly north clouds, sun thunderstorms possible hail here thirties forties but since the rain started picking up attempts have gone up. they were about 57 degrees colder than this, so that's what we're going to get. you get these lines coming through. then the sun comes out. and then here comes another line so 1/10 of an inch. two. maybe three quarters should cover it. i think it's a little overdone for oakland. it's what's happening later in the week, and it sure looks like everything is coming together where it ends up the duration. the intensity still to be determined, but it looks like much warmer systems are on the way. this could be really a huge deal for this year because there's no level could go up around 6000 ft will see still four days away, but look at these projections on rainfall here over the next week, almost five inches in santa rosa. san francisco for san jose, monterey, three plus uk four. that's a lot of rain come in forties fifties on the temps,
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and we'll have often on cold pattern into wednesday morning, a break until late thursday. then here comes warmer temps and rain as we go into friday and probably sunday. steve thank you . 7 21. we know cookbooks can help you make an amazing meal. some could also be worth thousands of dollars to look for in your cabinet. if you're hoping to cash in and look at this huge fire in the bronx section of new york city, what caused these flames caught on camera that destroyed the building.
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it started yesterday morning and quickly grew to five alarms. fire gutted a supermarket said huge plumes of thick smoke into the sky. seven people suffered minor inj traced the flames to a battery powered scooter that burst arean francisco firefighters say a fire at an apartment complex on russian hill was caused by the battery of an electric scooter. firefighters rushed to poke and valeo streets around noontime yesterday the fire was contained. main within 30 minutes. one person was rescued . treated for serious burns firefighters that the fire was caused by the scooters lithium battery on the fourth floor of that building. santa clara county officials want to expand the availability of the covid vaccine bay area news group says vaccinations from the county are
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only available at the santa clara medical center facility for existing patients and those who are ensured. county supervisors called for vaccine shots to be available to anyone , regardless of their insurance status as a vaccine should be available at more than one location. they want to follow up meeting with the details of a plan by mid april, one of the nation's biggest candy makers issued a voluntary recall because of the possible mix up involving pecans. russell stober chocolate says the recall involves it's sugar free peanut butter cups. the comedy is worried that some of those packages may mistakenly have sugar free pecan delights. the concern is for people who are allergic to tree nuts, but so far have been no reports of any allergic reactions or illness. it is 7 26 a heavy snow, causing major problems for people on the eastern side of the sierra mountains with the national guard is doing now to help people who are left stranded. so
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which live in cupertino will bring you the details on what happened as witnesses rushed over trying to help her and bart officials trying to bring commuters back is spending a lot of money on projects to do that , the latest on the efforts to make the bart system cleaner and more dependable for bart riders. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian it's monday march. 6th 70 national park is still closed this morning. this is what it looked like over the weekend at yosemite falls poor visibility, but you can still make out some trees in the distance. if you look hard record snowfalls reported at the park, which by the way, is closed indefinitely. some of the roads have 15 ft of snow on the
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eastern side of the mountains. conditions are rough as well. some people living your mono lake still have no power this morning at mammoth mountain, the large reported over 26 ft of snow since the start of winter highway 3 95 is completely snowed in because of an avalanche so the national guard had to airlift supplies over the mountains. they're getting even more snow. you mean south? all right here up. well, talking about up in sierra. yes although they're getting a little bit of a break this morning, they'll still have some today into tomorrow. southern california not so much, but we're still getting snow up in mendocino county like county. saint alina looks like though it's ended in mendocino county on the back edge, but still, there's a cold rain moving through here. winter weather advisories out areas to the north, not to the south. watch these lines coming through the peninsula. look at that hitting over towards fremont. there's some pretty good cells and better within their you get some brief, heavy rain out of that. so it's a mixed message monday, and that's because we have you name it here, son.
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cloud showers. hail, then just do it all over again. and that's the way it looks today. tomorrow before we get some general rain and wednesday morning, upper forties low to mid fifties on the temps. alright. east bay. yeah the 5 80 commute. we had that crash and castro valley at redwood, which is right near the castro valley. why? if you drive from dublin and you're trying to make it over to castro valley, or maybe you just drive through castro valley, a lot of people do trying to get over to 8 80. this is just not very good at all. westbound 5 80 traffic very slow. and then some of the side roads. we had a crash there as well. so this is just turning into kind of a terrible morning for the dublin. great pretty soon. this backup is going to be into dublin if they don't clear this soon eighties also pretty slow. i want to mention the bay bridge does have traffic that is moving along. okay with no major issues if you are driving on the summit tail bridge it's a little bit wet there. steve has been saying, you know, it's a little
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unpredictable where it's going to be raining next. so just be prepared. 7 32, let's go back to the headlines. okay sal. thank you. family in the south bay is mourning the loss of a mother who died while hiking with her son and his fellow boy scouts ktvu sally brass mas's at the rancho san antonio open space preserved that's where this happened, ali. good morning. what do you know now? good morning, dave. yes, santa clara county is where this open space preserve in this popular park is take a look at the landscape behind us. you can see the rain coming in right now. but 24 hours ago around 10 o'clock yesterday morning when this happened, the skies were clear and it seemed like a good day to go for a hike. but park rangers say falling trees, especially after the winter we've had with the ground. so saturated are always a possible hazard. and that's what happened yesterday, members of the south based scout troop were hiking in the san antonio open space preserve they were. this is near cupertino and sunnyvale in santa clara county
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. the troop was on the steve favors trail, also known as the pg any trail because of the overhead power lines when a tree unexpectedly came crashing down on the trail fell on top of the mother. 17 year old scout, killing her. her son was right behind her when it happened, witnesses who were also hiking that popular trail rushed to try and save her. i think on a close like real quick and try to see the log that's on her, uh, buddy and see if you could lift it up a little bit so she can breathe. we lifted it a little bit enough so that she could. there was a clearance and we put a rock underneath so that it wasn't touching the bodies, and that's the best we could do this time of year. we have a lot of trees that are following because of, you know, saturated soils, and earlier this last week, it was snow on the skyline, so falling trees happen. silicon valley, monterey bay council of the boy scouts confirmed the mother's death in a statement, adding that no one else was hurt, and they are saddened by this
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tragedy. that trail was closed immediately after the accident, but has since reopened. needless to say, you're seeing a little bit of rain falling right now. in this area, it's not likely anyone would be hiking around here this morning. i live in santa clara county. ali rasmus ktvu fox two news. thank you. well, winter storm warning is in effect for the sierra through at least tomorrow afternoon. we'll share a live picture here from the caltrans camera on interstate 80 at highway to 67 lanes are covered in snow, and there are chain restrictions along long stretches of 80 and 50. but as of right now, both those major arteries are open. if you're heading to tahoe this week, check with your resort. first. several ski resorts were forced to close yesterday due to the storm. sierra tahoe along highway 50 is one of them. the resort says it's mountain operations crew had a tough time getting to work because of the extreme conditions. white couldn't see. it was a complete white out. we couldn't get into parking spots. they had to clear us. this is a good year. this is
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one of the big ears and it just keeps coming. heavenly homewood northstar sugar bowl were all closed yesterday as well and on twitter. new images from southern california posted on twitter show cal fire crews helping people stranded by all that snow. fire crews are working with other first responders to remove snow from around homes and businesses. the governor declared a state of emergency in 13 counties because of winter storms, helping to streamline the process of offering state support to the counties and sonoma. county by the way, is included in that declaration. maintenance crews also working hard to clear roads and deliver food and medicine to people stranded in the san bernardino mountains. some have been trapped for about two weeks. some of the people are trying to hike in food and supplies to their loved ones who can't get out. a santa rosa police dog is being credited with the learning officers to a
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large amount of methamphetamine in the trunk of a car during a traffic stop. officers say they found £6 of narcotics in the car's trunk. two men from bakersfield were arrested, accused of possessing a large amount of meth with the intent to sell it. they're facing up to seven years in prison if convicted, well, bart's trying to improve conditions of bart stations to make passengers feel comfortable using bart. now those 40 year old escalators in downtown san francisco stations , they're being taken out and replaced by spending more than $100 million to replace those escalators. the new ones are expected to be much more reliable and designed to resist the problems from garbage and human waste. the new ones going in are much higher quality and high caliber, more high tech because that's the number one thing that people look for. when they come to bart. they went to escalators running. along with improving the bart stations. bart is also working on projects to improve service. failing power cables are being replaced all over the system with new
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technology. these are 40 plus years old, reaching or beyond service life in many cases already right now. we are kind of running. with the time we have to replace them, otherwise they're going to be feeling like they have been failing systems, the lines wild ridership at this point, still just a third of the pre pandemic levels. bart says that canceled trains because of an operator shortage should be fixed in the coming mountains. more employees are hired. a new survey shows almost one in three americans does not know this year's tax day is april 18th and was surveyed by san francisco tax consultant finds about 30% of americans don't know the deadline to file their taxes for tax filers under the age of 30, more than 50% say they don't know the date not knowing the deadlines. the main reason many americans procrastinate on filing now for californians. this year's tax deadline is actually in october. the deadline extended due to
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california's severe storms. all right, guys, let's go right back to south. check our commute again. how's it look? while steve and i have been telling you guys that the rain moves around. i think steve mentioned that this is like the midwest where wait five minutes. something will happen and you can see the same mateo bridge, which was dry just a little while ago is now wet. now we were looking at some of the other pictures here. this was wet a little while ago. now it's try. see what i mean. the richmond bridge has sun so every single time i go to something, and the babe the golden gate bridge had rain. so it's like opposite day. maybe that's what's happening. so just take it easy and make sure that you know that you might be in for anything. and if you're driving from dublin to castro valley, they're making some progress on that crash in castro valley. it's been a tough one, though we had a crash 5 80 westbound at redwood, which is essentially right near the castro valley. why they were moving it. but
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boy, it's slow on the dublin grade. getting into castro valley is also slow from hayward , driving down into union city right now and getting onto that san mateo bridge is going to be tough on 92 heading over to that toll plaza area. 7 40. let's bring the other half of this equation in mr steve paulson. thank you sal castaneda appreciate that. okay some girl named ali rasmus just won't leave me alone. i'm gonna have to block her. she's not standing in the rain, okay? she sent this out. everyone's why do you send her out in the rain? it's a gift. okay she alley very good alleys. good on the weather there, but i am sure some rain has moved through. there has been plenty of bands going through and some low snow levels. mendocino county lake county. looks like that is ended for now, but still some pretty good snow totals there. as for the winter weather advisories, it was canceled for areas east and south. but these bands will continue to rotate through again
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. it's just wait around 10 15 minutes then you'll get a break . then here comes the next band onshore. they seem to be coming in at night and early in the morning during the day, not too bad, but d the day if you get one of these to develop, it can definitely produce some hail, and that's what we're looking at. the sierra gets a little bit of a break now, but another 1 to 2 ft as possible between now and wednesday morning. the air loft is amazingly cold here. sonoma mountains 32, oakland hills, 38 ben lomond mountain at 33. all of the south. breeze will see that all the time so lather rinse. repeat here. cloud sun thunderstorms possible hail. it's also pretty cold little breeze yesterday. i mean, i had sent most of the david mann he never got over about 52. with low snow almost thirties forties . they have gone up more forties now due to the rain, and also that south wind so these rotating around i'll show you this real quick. that's the low. it's up here. all right, there it is. see that so these bands and coming through these laws look at that when you get one of these coming through as really cold air coming in, and it swings to it can drop snow or hail so another 10th of an inch.
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two. maybe three quarters should cover it between now and wednesday. all attention and focuses on the developing pattern later in the week around 8 40. i'll have time to go do a deep dive into meteorology and explain about why we think it's going to be so wet. but this if this materializes and everything is pointing in that direction now it would be rain, rain rain frost, and it depends on how high the snow levels go. 11,000 if that happens, we're in for a lot of issues here because you'd have a lot of rain on low low snow levels. so again, it won't be until friday or saturday. but it sure pointing in that direction, upper forties and fifties on attempts we are looking for often on cold pattern through wednesday, and then what looks to be a warm, rainy one friday into sunday. mm alright. save time. 7 42 a crisis for school cafeterias as inflation keeps pushing up prices coming up with school districts are doing the handle the higher costs to our newsroom . now say good morning again to andre senior as you look ahead to the next hours of mornings on
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to the whole family is suing their school district after their daughter died by suicide. the reason why the family says the school district did nothing to protect her. during our eight o'clock hour and when he joined us on the nine is the 2024 presidential campaign is starting to take shape. one issue is taking front and center now how violent crime is gaining attention from voters and potential candidates, including president biden, stay with us. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart... efficient... agile... and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just $39 a month, with no contract, and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest, reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities.
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amazon. is closing its stores here in the bay area, also, the president of the local federal reserve says interest rate hikes need to continue to cook tracking this and a lot more in dollars and cents. not great news if you're looking for a car loan or a home loan, but mary daly, the president of the san francisco federal reserve, banks, says the fed will need to continue to raise interest rates to effectively tackle inflation. the policymakers meet again to discuss interest rates march 21st. the major market indexes headed higher as that opening bell ring this morning to stocks are down, though tesla after announcing price cuts more on that in a moment and dollar tree as that store continues to raise prices now sells many items at three and $5 and they are losing customers taking a live look at the markets up across the board with the dow jones gaining a little, almost a half of a
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percent, 155 points points there . the s and p 500 up three quarters of a percent. the nasdaq gaining a full percentage point 11,008 16 for the nasdaq today, hundreds of school nutritionists are heading to washington d. c this week to this week to meet with federal lawmakers, they are alarmed about a new government study that found inflation is hitting school cafeterias. researchers say the cost of school meals has trip. in just the past year, and many districts are reducing the quality of their food to offset those costs. amazon closing all of its amazon go stores in san francisco. this will leave amazon without a physical store in the bay area. earlier this year, amazon laid off 263 employees across six of its sunnyvale offices. the company says it will work with affected workers to find new roles at amazon, and it's still looking to open more stores elsewhere. amazon also closing two of its ghost stores. in seattle and two
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in new york. the stores are set to close by the end of the month. for the fifth time this year, tesla is cutting prices on some of its cars. this time the company is to most expensive cars will get a lower price slightly. the model x new starting price is about $100,000 and the starting price for the model s is dropping to $90,000 tesla ceo elon musk recently maintained that there is still high demand for the company's cars despite the recent rounds of price cuts, and tesla, also issuing a recall for thousands of its newer 2022 2023 model. wise the national highway traffic administration says bolts in the second row seats maybe loose and caused the seatbelts to fail in a crash. tesla says no one has been hurt. owners can take their affected vehicles to a tesla dealership and have the issue fixed at no cost. pam cook, that's a look at your dollars and cents. thank you. if you have a cabinet of old cookbooks, they could be worth a lot of cash, the founder of one online community and mark
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the place for collectible says cookbooks are an enormous collectible category with immense value potential. she says cookbooks consult hundreds , even thousands if they are rare, valuablesignificance. fore first edition of julia child's mastering the art of french cooking sold for $7500 at auction back in 2019 and the first edition of the joy of cooking from 1931. sold for more than 46,000 back in 2017 dig up my mom's books should okay have one that martin yan signed for me when i interviewed him 100 years ago i was working in san diego. he was there for a conference. the man is a delight, and he taught me to cook, dave, so i'm never letting that go, no matter what it's worth. never okay, 7 49 sounds right here. he has the latest on our commute. he is a good cook. the is she is a baker to yes,
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right enough to feed my family. let's put it that way. you're being modest, and that's good. modesty is good, gracia. we all have to be modest. that's good. let's go out and take a look at the mcarthur maze and the commute here at the top plaza. no major problems on the bridge. there aren't any real major problems. there are a couple on the same mateo bridge in the way that it's raining now, and there's a slowing on 92 getting there. so if you consider that a problem, a lot of people would, but there are no stalls or crashes there. now let's go to a legitimate problem. westbound 5 88 redwood. we had a crash there. coming in and traffic getting into castro valley out of dublin is very slow. if you drive let's say from pleasant in or dublin you're trying to get over to 8 80 or trying to get into hayward 5 80 is just taking it on the chain. it's not a very good commuted all give yourself extra time. 8 80 itself between hayward and union city is slow. we haven't had a lot of slow traffic in the south bay, but now it's beginning to pick up
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north. dont wanna one coming up on capitol expressway? there's a crash there as well in san jose. 7 50. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. alright, sound thank you. it's a combination or a mixed bag of sun rain, then maybe some hail and then right back to it again cold morning, although loads have come up during the forties, not not the thirties too much anymore low snow levels mainly north clouds. sun thunderstorms hail a possibility mount diablo is sitting at 28 degrees. that is incredibly cold from march 6th with a south wind of 17 mph so maybe going up. the hill wouldn't be so bad. but coming down might be a little brisk, then thirties for a few forties for most 14 in tahoe, 37 reading also yukiya forties and fifties . once you hit southern california lines of going through here, they're multiple bands. then you get a break. get the sun, then another system comes in, and that's going to be the pattern here through probably. tuesday night. i think wednesday morning the loge starts to go through. we'll get
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a general area of rain that wednesday afternoon will be all right. all focus. all attention. if you're on twitter, it's just been ridiculous. how much is being posted, but it looks like a very wet pattern is materializing for us. i'll try and do my best at about 8 40 to explain why we think we're going to get some pretty warm systems in here. if that's the case would be a rain pattern with high snow levels, which is not what we want, but that's the way it's looking here by the time we get to friday forties fifties on the temps next couple of days cold then it does look warmer, with rain coming, especially friday and probably again over the weekend. icu thank you times , 7 52. it's been one month now since 50,000 people in turkey were killed by a big earthquake that also damaged tens of thousands of buildings coming up at eight o'clock. what a representative for a non profit group. oops says, describing what it's like now in turkey and syria. and the number one cause of death for women nationwide. cardiovascular disease coming up. my doctors say the risk
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factors are higher for women of in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart... efficient... and that's never been more important than it is right now.
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so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just $39 a month, with no contract, and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest, reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities.
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subway keeps upping their game with the subway series. an all-star menu of delicious subs. there's the philly, the monster, the boss. if i hadn't seen it in person, i wouldn't have believed it. eating is believing steph. the subway series. try subway's tastiest menu upgrade yet. 55. today california's first partner, jennifer siebel, newsom , will be here in the bay area, highlighting ways to make sure students are fed well at school . now. the month of march is national nutrition mob and the u . s. agriculture secretary tom vilsack will visit contra costa county. today he's going to be
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joined by siebel, newsom and other elected officials promoting the white house strategy for nutrition and health in schools. that initiative aims to end hunger. there and also reduced diet related diseases by the year 2030. cardiovascular disease takes a tremendous toll on women all over the country and on black women in particular, but there are ways to keep your heart healthy and avoid having a heart attack. reporter frankie thompson looks at ways to help people who are at risk. cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for women in the united states, one in every three women will die from cardiovascular disease, and in fact, one in every two black women will die from cardiovascular disease. dr. michelle albert with american heart association says heart condition kills more than 50,000 black women each year with stroke being the leading cause of their death. annually the
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association dedicates february as the heart health awareness month to connect with women who are at risk women taking charge of their lives and their heart health. knowing your cholesterol in your blood pressure, knowing their sugar levels. the question is, why is heart disease targeting this specific population? doctors say there are risk factors more prevalent in black people that cause heart failure and attacks, blood pressure, hypertension, high blood sugar, diabetes, um, overweight obesity, smoking lahan with virginia mason. franciscan health says the heart condition starts with their choice of food and salt intake. stress reduction is another thing, too, because we know that something that can increase the likelihood of all these risk factors when it comes to treating these health and heart issues and people of color, tila han says. affordability and access to health care is a factor are their facilities that
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people can access that can provide that care so that's it can be a challenge, depending on socio economic issues or not. and that was reporter frankie thompson when it comes to treating health and heart problems, doctors say a really simple thing we can all do for a healthier heart is change your diet, avoid processed food and minimize the amount of red meat also exercise regularly. a minimum of 30 minutes a day at least five times a week back can also reduce your risk. it is 7 58, the netflix comedy special of comedian chris rock is being shown around the world. now everybody's talking about what he said about will smith and the infamous slap on stage at the academy awards. you know, people say they always say ah, words hurt, that's what they say. got to watch what you say, because
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words hurt. you know anybody that says words hurt. has never been punched in the face. now the show was called chris rock. selective outrage. it was streamed live from the hippodrome theater in baltimore . a lot of people liked it. but some critics say the live show did not connect with viewers. the pre show spent half an hour just building and building and building like literally like it was like his wedding or his funeral, where it was like chris rock. he's the goat like, and they had, like tape. all these pretaped celebrity clips being like you got this man like it was like he was trying to save humanity or something. or like there was the olympics or, you know, and the just raising the stakes for this huge thing. chris rock show, by the way, was the first live streaming a pad by netflix. good morning. winter weather is not letting up road
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construction or conditions on i 80 this morning shows a treacherous drive for those returning home from a weekend in tahoe. an update on the current road conditions now plus we don't feel safe. we don't feel protected and we know that we're in danger regularly. students as question concerned about returning to a north bay high school for the first time since the student was killed in a classroom where live with the report on the promises to keep students safe, plus what was supposed to be a day trip turned into a great trip turned deadly for family tree toppled onto a mother in the south bank. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto it is monday, but welcome. i'm andre. senior thank you so much for joining us. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. it is march. 6th we have sunshine along the estuary here. some of you are waking up to rain. steve paulson, let's sort it all out. it's one of those midwest weather kind of days. here are new england days if you will, because you get some rain. get some sun, then right back into it again. there's been some very low snow levels. mendocino county lake county i'm not
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trying to steal sounds thunder here, but caltrans district one road closure state route 29 lake county is fully closed, not just partially closed, fully closed from kelsey will to lower lake due to snow and where there's been a lot of snow up there so again. i don't know where they have not said when they might try and reopen it, but we've had some very low snow levels, although it does look like it's on the back edge. i know it's gone through mendocino county doesn't mean they're completely done, but it looks like the heaviest amounts were starting to push. he's still plenty going on a lot of these lines moving through brief, heavy rain and then you get into some sun and then you'll get back into some rain, but cold pattern for us for early march. no doubt sun cloud showers possible hail forties and fifties on the temps. alright salles here it's been all about what? castro valley? yes, now, steve, you know that you would never take my thunder because you're the joe montana. i'm stevie. oh, no , no, no. you're the joe montana . i don't think so. i don't think so. all right. good morning. i may quarterback i ever saw. you never see another
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better. one. oh of course. no, it's there's no. there's no one better in my opinion than joe montana. tom brady is in the conversation. yeah, but tom brady didn't get hit like joe did. i know it's joe montana? you and i agree. alright. good morning before we go off onto that and get a dozen tweets on this. this is a look at the more than a dozen. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see it's backed up, but it's dry and steve and i have been telling you with all seriousness that the weather is going to change. it was raining pretty hard here just a little while ago. now it's stopped. it's drying off on the same mateo bridge castro valley. steve mentioned it. we just have a very, very slow commute driving from dublin in the castro valley because of a couple of different incidents in castro valley on 5 80. if you can put the trip off, that would be better have another update in just a few minutes, eight. oh, two. let's go back to the headlines. we'll look for that update happening today. students at montgomery high school in santa rosa heading back to class today for the first time. since the student was stabbed to death in
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a classroom last week. james tours live outside the school here with the change of students are likely see on campus today. garson andre. good morning to you. we've seen a number of those students now reporting for class this morning, walking out to montgomery high school halls. we see a number of school administrators and county and district administrators out here this morning as well what major differences students will notice today. the police chief tells us he has handpicked three police officers to be on campus this morning, not just to give students that sense of safety and security but also to be a resource for them to speak to. we've already seen those officers on campus this morning . some of the students say their voices have just not been hurt. students have since made a number of noticeable demonstrations to call attention to the issue of safety at school that includes this morning, we noticed graffiti at montgomery high school buildings. phrases they're reading. we don't want to die and i don't feel stay safe. at this point. it's still not clear if that was done at the hands of students, but that
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was something on buildings this morning. students also walked out at maria carrillo high school friday afternoon, police say over the last two weeks, they've responded to incidents like a student with a gun at that score and a student attempting to light the school building on fire. in addition to the killing of 16 year old jane and piento at montgomery high in the last year alone, officers say they have been called out to schools. 945 times nearly 100 times to just montgomery high school alone. back in 2020, the school board got rid of its school resource officers in middle and high schools, something the police chief says he is trying to bring back since today, the police department says it's still doing what it can to ensure safety. general our schools are very safe. we do know that there are issues with bullying and fights that do occur on campuses. we do partner with our school administrators to make sure we can make these campuses as safe as possible. santa rosa city school superintendent amateur now
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posted a statement over the weekend saying in part while teams of professionals are studying what happened, we want everyone in our school community to know that we see this devastating loss as a call to action to review and fortify the systems and resources that we have in our schools to make them safe, welcoming and happy places for our children. on the agenda for the school district this week, a community listening session happening tomorrow afternoon. the entire community is invited to attend. the city's police chief says he plans to be there as well. the school board will also have its first regularly scheduled board meeting since that deadly stabbing. that will happen wednesday evening. we're also learning about some rumors involving a second walkout happening right here at montgomery high school. it's not clear whether that will be contained to the school building or if it will look a lot like what we saw last week. and seniors may actually walk out into the streets protesting. we did speak to a school district spokesperson who says if that happens, school administrators will follow those students
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supporting their right to voice and speak out, and mostly to make sure that their safety is still intact. this morning in santa rosa. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news, james. thank you. authorities in santa clara county are investigating the death of a boy scouts mother after a tree fell down onto her . it happened yesterday morning at rancho san antonio park near cupertino. investigators say the mother was hiking with her son and other members of a boy scout troop from sunnyvale when that tree crashed down and killed her. coming up in the next half hour. we'll be live from that park with what we have learned from police about the trail conditions and how other hikers in the area tried to help her supporters of fired. oakland police chief laurent armstrong continued to demand he be rehired. find him back. mike mibach they held a rally saturday in a community center in oakland. armstrong supporters say they fear crime in oakland will only get worse without his leadership. reinstate chief armstrong because he cares about
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this community. he cares about us at crime scenes scenes of supporting victims, families and stuff because he's family. armstrong was fired by oakland mayor shen tao last month. she said she lacked confidence that chief could continue needed reforms after internal investigation accused armstrong of mishandling an officer talk about the chiefs firing and the search for a with oakland's mayor tomorrow when she joins us for her monthly live interview on mornings on two that's tomorrow on the nine san jose police are searching for a gunman responsible for weekend shooting outside a popular golf entertainment venue. it happened saturday night in the parking lot of top golf near north first street. investigators say a woman was shot at least once and is expected to make a full recovery. several witnesses saw the gunman running from the scene. anyone with information is asked to call san jose police seven. your time right now. there is a lot of snow in the sierra right now, and that made it hard for people trying to get
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home from the ski resorts over the weekend video from around six in the morning shows what conditions are like on interstate 80 right now, and both interstate 80 and highway 50 between the sierra and the bay area are open but with chain controls in some areas. people who live along the i 80 corridor and colfax say 80 is closed. travelers often end up stranded in their small town. a lot of times we end up inundated with travelers who really are unfamiliar with our town and familiar with the area. they're dying to get up 80, and they're really inconvenience. colfax only has one grocery store in two hotels, both of which during whether like this tends to be booked by caltrans and first responders, so options for people who want to wait it out are limited. as much as we would love to accommodate people and have people up here and we love tourists to come. check out our small shops. we have to be realistic about when it's a good time or about time to recreate, and this is just not a great time to recreate. well steve
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paulson has been telling us another 1 to 3 ft of snow is expected over the next couple of days in the area. meanwhile yosemite national park is still closed this morning. this is what it looked like at yosemite falls over the weekend. visibility is poor. you can just barely see some trees in the distance. the park is reporting record snowfall is closed indefinitely. some roads are covered in 15 ft of snow. on the eastern side of the mountains. the conditions are just as rough. some people live in your mono lake are still without power this morning at mammoth mountain, the large reported over 26 ft of snow since the start of winter with highway 3 95 completely snowed in due to an avalanche, the national guard had to airlift supplies over the mountains during the clearing of the storm. time now is eight. oh, nine. we've had a series of crashes in castro valley. and if you're driving from dublin or pleasant 10, or even trying to make that connection from san ramon, it is going to be a tough commute, and it's backed up nearly all the way to dublin. this is the kind of morning where you need to know that your
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normal commute is not going to take the normal amount of time. if you're driving, just a lot of people just drive through trying to make that connection with 8 80 that includes a lot of truck traffic as well. eight eighties also slowed from san leandro into oakland. let's go and take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see that traffic is backed up. it's not a terrible delay, but it's a little bit slow san mateo bridge improving but there has been some slowing on highway 92. we haven't really seen a lot in the south. they when it comes to crashes, but there is some slowing. their this commute actually is one of the better ones in the area. remember highway 29 is closed at tubbs lane for ice and snow in napa county. it's 8 10, let's go back to the desk. no family is suing their school district after their daughter died by suicide in the family says the district is to blame. today marks one month since that 7.8 magnitude earthquake in turkey and syria took down tens of thousands of buildings and killed more than
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50,000 people after the break here from a nonprofit representative, who is describing the current conditions in those two co tries. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea.
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year. he blasted governor newsom and other democratic governors. and if you look over the last four years, we've witnessed a great american exodus from states governed by leftist politicians, imposing leftist ideology and delivering poor results. and you've seen massive gains in states like florida. even though the sentence has not announced a run for president. he came in second in the straw poll this weekend conservative political action conference in maryland former president trump was first the santis came to california, spoke at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley as part of a book tour before descendants arrived for his speech. vandals spray painted run the fascist, one of the entrances to the library. the library staff removed the graffiti before the event started. his new book is called the courage to be free florida's blueprint for america's revival . it's to be released tomorrow.
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15 right now. former president trump says he won't drop out of the 2024 presidential race even if he's indicted on criminal charges. they do it for you, and that's what i'm doing it for. i do it for you. comments made over the weekend at the conservative political action committee, or commonly referred to as cpac. the justice department is investigating whether the former president removed almost 3000 documents from the white house and possibly tampered with the 2020 election results. president biden was in selma, alabama, to mark 58 years since an event known as bloody sunday. it's one of the civil rights movements defining moments. the president walked with hundreds of people in the annual march across the edmund pettis bridge. 58 years ago, a group of peaceful protesters marching for black voting rights were attacked by police with billy clubs and tear gas as they crossed that bridge . that bloody incident eventually led to the 1965 voting rights act, which prohibits racial discrimination in voting president biden said,
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we must keep fighting for voting rights in america. this fundamental right? remains under assault. conservative supreme court. as good at the voting rights act over the years. president biden has traveled to selma twice before, but this was his first visit as president today marks one month since the devastating earthquake struck turkey and syria more than 50,000 people died in the aftermath of that 7.8 magnitude earthquake, followed by dozens of major aftershocks. hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses have been destroyed. unicef representative joe english is in turkey, he says the death and destruction is almost impossible to describe. i've been here for the past few weeks, and i've been both on on the syrian side and then here in turkey as well. over the weekend, i was in antakya and i went in. i had seen the pictures on tv. you know, i was expecting the worst and honestly being that i was speechless. i have been doing this too long time. i have never seen anything like it
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in my entire life. authorities have arrested more than 230 people believed to be connected to shoddy or illegal construction methods that lead to collapse buildings. many of those taken into custody have been contractors. clara county officials want to expand availability of the covid-19 vaccine. the bay area news group says vaccinations from the county are only available at the center. cleric medical center facilities for existing patients. and the uninsured. but county supervisors called for vaccine shots to be available to anyone, regardless of their insurance status and vaccines should be available at more than one location. they want a follow up meeting with details of a plan by mid april contenders for best picture at this coming weekend's oscars has now swept a state of hollywood a set of hollywood honors. last night, the film everything everywhere all at once won the top award at the writers guild awards. it becomes the fifth film to win the top prize from the directors , producers, writers and screen actors guild. all of the other
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four have gone on to win best picture everything everywhere all at once heads to sunday's oscars now with 11 nominations. have you seen it? i know you were just talking with our director eric about it. yes it was incredible movie. michelle will anything with michelle yeoh and i'll watch. i think she's a fantastic fantastic actors. so i thought the movie the writing directing list was awesome. yeah, i'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next with it. yeah it was really cool. alright steve sal, you've been tracking some trouble spots across the bay area this morning . what's the update the update andre and garcia is that the weather keeps changing almost every time i go to a picture. it's either wet or dry. this time it's dry at the bay bridge , and if you're driving to the same mateo bridge, it's drying off. you can see sunshine here, but it was raining there a little while ago, the trouble spots have been castro valley if you drive to castro valley from dublin, don't be surprised at all the slow traffic we have. we had two crashes in castro valley . they've done a decent job and
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getting them out of the way, but the damage is done. and you can see some very slow traffic there. if you're driving in the south bay, things are beginning to improve. still some slowing on one oh, 1, 85 and 2 80. but if you have the luxury of waiting around, i think it will be better for you 8 18. let's talk to steve. when we come to today's weather. it's okay. if you're joe montana. i'm happy to be steve younger tom brady. oh you know what can i guess? both of them are hall of famer. so i guess now we're parsing were mince we, you know, we're just part of young is really good on p t. a he's very funny. i like him too. all right. let's go with craig's philpott is very good by the way up in napa county. thank you, craig for sending me this a little more snow on how mountain in napa county? yes, there's been snow angwin. how mountain also a ton of it up into lake county in mendocino county. too many for me to kind of highlight, but thank you, craig. for that it looks like it is let up for many who are on the back edge of that. but still, some in napa counties moves through so again,
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the what? the temperatures are really cold for this time of year. a lot of this is now rain pushing off towards the east, also out of the valley. and towards the contra costa solano county area. still some on the peninsula. it looks like maybe teeny bit of snow on diablo, which has had snow for now what we can to half that's a long haul usually melts in a couple of days. that's not been the case. same on the peninsula down towards santa cruz, santa cruz mountains, and it will head into the santa clara valley. so lather rinse. repeat cold morning. low snow levels. cloud sun thunderstorms hail and then you get right back into her look at sonoma mountain 32 in the oakland hills, 38 with the south wind of 21 ben lomond mountain 35 couple reports of some snow in the santa cruz mountains, high elevation most that has been north forties now on the temp to make sense for you know, we're past those cold temps these bands go through, then you'll get some sun cool breeze, though no doubt about it than another band goes on shore. this will be with us all the way into tuesday night, wednesday morning. looks like a rain day to me. then we'll get it out of here wednesday afternoon. all
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attention all eyes are on what could be a developing very wet pattern here coming in from the west southwest. we're getting north pattern now. but that could change by the end of the week, and some heavy duty totals are being projected here for rain. the key with all this is how high will the snow level if it gets up around six or 7000 ft . we could be in a world of hurt, but that would be the end of the week. forties fifties on the temps. it'll stay cold through wednesday. thursday looks like the transition day and then a warm pattern looks like it'll kick in friday into the weekend. steve thank you. 8 21, a mother hiking with her son and his scout troop is killed by a falling tree in the south bay here from someone who rushed to help but first restrictions for fdx founder sam beckman freed or set to get tighter. the reason why prosecutors in his own defense want a judge to
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instead of a smartphone while he's out on bail, the worries that the former cryptocurrency founder could use a smartphone to send encrypted messages that can't be tracked. the fdx founder was released on a $250 million bond and has been staying at home with his parents in palo alto judge has said he may need to be jailed if his communications cannot be monitored. under this proposal his phone would use or use would be limited to text and voice
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calls. firefighters in san francisco say a battery from an electric scooter caused a fire. inside apartment complex in russian hill responded to a fire at polk and vallejo street around noon yesterday had a contained about 30 minutes later. one person was rescued and taken to the hospital with serious burns. firefighters determined the source of the fire was the scooters lithium battery, which was located on the fourth floor of the building. investigators are trying to determine what caused the fire that damaged two homes in san francisco. the fire breaking out yesterday morning on 40th avenue crews arriving to smoke and flames coming from the top floor of a two story building. flames spreading to a second home before more than 75 . firefighters got it under control. san francisco fire department did have some challenges. when we arrived on scene, they live electrical wire down directly in front of the building. wires going across the streets, which is what you see behind me where aerial ladder had to navigate those wires to get our firepower onto the roof. these are items that we trained
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for and drill on a daily period. no one was hurt in the fire, but it did displace one tenant, the wife of actor bruce willis is calling on paparazzi to keep their distance and stop yelling at him when they see him in public following the disclosure that he's struggling with dementia, the video people please don't be yelling at my husband asking him how he's doing or whatever the wooing and the yippee kai is, just don't do it. okay, um give him the space allow for our family or whoever is with him that day to be able to get him from point a to point b. safely allow for emma hemming willis posted this video on our instagram page over the weekend, she said. there's still a lot of education. there needs to be put forth about people living with dementia. her request comes weeks after wilson's family announced that his aphasia speaking disorder had progressed to dementia. an 11 year old daughter dies by suicide and now her biological family is blaming the school district details
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about their lawsuit coming up next area. couple vacationing in hawaii, suing a sailing company after they say they were left stranded in the ocean. the couple was able to make it to shore and call for help. this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. if you've been in a serious accident, we are here for you. call jacoby & meyers, justice for you since 1972. meet three moms who each like to bank their own way. luckily they've all got chase. smart bankers.
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described their actions meant to save her. plus too much of a good thing. well, you want to take extra care if you're hoping to head to tahoe this week, we're tracking current road conditions after days of snow and a string of road closures. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian andre senior. today is monday, march 6th where there is no quite quitting here on this monday. we took in that was deep, also has been very, very busy this morning, tracking the conditions up in this era and here as well, steve, maybe busier than i want by the end of the week. that's the problem here. not yet here. but boy, it sure looks like some very warm systems are on the way in we got a long way to go. we're still in a cold pattern. that's given us low snow levels here. mendocino county, lake county, northern napa county a little bit in the santa cruz mountains. i think mount diablo, a couple of occasions are going to mount hamilton's as well. but these bands rotating through brief heavy rain. occasionally you cas out of that some hail, so it's a mixed message monday. if you get
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the sun, it's not very warm. i mean, there's pretty good breeze out there and temperatures are well below average, so sun clouds rain #### then back to sun clouds, more rain, upper forties and fifties on the temps . alright 8 30 in the morning on a monday, sal's here to tell me the traffic is it's moderate. some commutes are very slow like that one in castro valley because of some earlier problems. some are light like the golden gate bridge that traffic looks pretty good heading south. there was wet there now it's dried off. as you heard, steve say it's going to be an active weather day. that means it could rain. it could be dry. just be prepared for whatever. richmond bridge has improved quite a bit. bainbridge hasn't quite improved just yet, but it's backed up for about a 10 to 15 minute delays, also sluggish across that bridge, san mateo breezes improved and so has the approach. but castro valley i think a lot of people are still stuck from dublin to castro valley. that commute is not very good because of earlier probably had not one but two crashes. getting that way. and
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if that's your commute, you need extra time. extra 20 minutes should do it. 8 31. let's get back to the headlines. thank you so much almanor loss of a mother. she died while hiking with her son and his fellow boy scouts. the tragedy unfolding at rancho san antonio. open space preserve the sight of this tragc incident, ali. andre, the rain is starting to let up here. but when this tragedy happened yesterday at the renters san antonio open space preserve this county park in santa clara county. this guys were completely clear there was a boy scout troop that was on a plan to hike about three miles in from the parking lot here. this is on the steve favors trail that they were hiking when a tree came down on the mother of one of the scout members. this is around 10 o'clock yesterday morning. that tree fell directly on top of her. the 17 year old scout. her son was right behind her. when it happened. he and other troop members tried to help and save her, but they were
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able to move and lift the tree off slightly, but unfortunately she died at the scene. paramedics were called in, and we talked to members of a senior hiking group that we're about to head out on that same trail this morning, and they said that they've noticed trees that have fallen in the past, but never something this tragic. we walk and we'll say oh, a tree came down over this last weekend, but we didn't have any really high winds yesterday. i mean, there was a little bit of gusty winds around ad 7 38 o'clock. we this is around 10ing that was just st to go. apparently when these folks walked by it, i just think it's tragic. and those boys will probably never hike again. we were just saying that you know, this is sad. park rangers say the ground in this open space preserve is heavily saturated from the weeks of intense rain we've had. we know there is more rain on the way. in fact, it's
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been raining on and off this morning, so they want to remind people who hike on these trails that falling trees falling tree limbs are always a possible hazard live in santa clara county, erasmus ktvu fox two news. thank you with predictions for heavy rain later in the week, forecasters and others are reminding people to clear out the drains in their neighborhood now. the national weather service says there could be flooding, especially in areas where storm drains and culverts are blocked by sticks, leaves and other debris. public works agencies across the basic clearing out those drains now will help prevent roadway flooding, telling people to get ready for the next round of storms, while the weather is relatively calm, paulson has been talking about this this morning. it's felt like never ending snow in the sierra, and it's not done yet. a live picture from the cal trains camera on interstate 80 at highway to 67 check it out there , showing the current impact of the winter storm right now, very little cars on the road. the lanes are covered in snow and ice. at this point, both highway 50 and interstate 80 are open, but chain restrictions are in place in some areas. you may
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want to check with your resort to before heading to tahoe. several ski resorts were forced to close yesterday due to the storm. zira tahoe along howie 50 was among them. the resort says it's mountain operations crew had a tough time getting to work because of the extreme conditions. white couldn't see. it was a complete white out. we couldn't get into parking spots . they had to clear us. this is a good year. this is one of the epic ears and it just keeps coming. yes it does. heavenly homewood, northstar and sugar bowl are also closed yesterday in an effort to keep guests and employees they're safe. just posted on twitter show how cal fire crews are helping people stranded in the snow in southern california. the governor's office has cal fire crews are working with other first responders to remove snow around homes and businesses. governor newsom declared a state of emergency in 13 counties due to winter storms. the declaration helps streamline the process of offering state support to county led response efforts. sonoma
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county here in the bay is included in the declaration. maintenance crews are working to clear roads and deliver food medicine to people stranded in the san bernardino mountains. some have been trapped for about two weeks now. others are trying to hike in food and supplies to loved ones who simply cannot get out. the family of a an 11 year old girl who died by suicide in january, is now suing the vallejo city unified school district in the lawsuit, the family of maria cogan says she was repeatedly bullied at hogan middle school in vallejo. the suit claims the district allowed their daughter to be subjected to physical, cyber and vote verbal bullying and did nothing to stop it despite saying it would take preventative measures. district would not comment on the lawsuit and said it has multiple ways to help students who are being bullied. now, if you or someone you know is in crisis, you can call the national mental health hotline. the number is on your screen 988. 8 36 is your time right now. bart is trying to improve
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conditions at stations to make sure people feel comfortable using the transit service, the 40 year old escalators at downtown san francisco stations will be removed and replaced spending more than $100 million on the escalators. the new ones are expected to be more reliable and designed to resist problems from garbage and human waste. the new ones going in are much higher quality and high caliber, more high tech because that's the number one thing that people look for. when they come to bart. they went to escalators running. in addition to improvements to the stations, bart is also working on projects to improve the service. falling power cables are being replaced throughout the system with newer technology. these are 40 plus years old, reaching or beyond service life in many cases already right now. we are kind of running with the time we have to replace them. otherwise they're going to be feeling like they have been failing systems. the lines. ridership is still just one third of pre pandemic levels. the transit agency also says canceled trains because of
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operator shortage should be fixed in the coming months as more people are hired. it's all happening with the push of a button at eight o'clock last night, the light show on the bay bridge is now off twinkle there on the western span for the past , 10 years are now being taken down. 25,000 like display became a piece of the san francisco waterfront when the new span of the bay bridge opened. many people gathered near the bridge last night to get a final look. they want to experience it for one last time, which i totally get because these have been really inspirational part of the restaurants and the waterfront in san francisco for the last 10 years. engineers say the lights could not withstand the harsh environmental conditions of the bay and that repair costs had climbed too high. there are plans to install new light on the western spend if a donation drive is successful. we have $6 million pledged. that means all that stands between us or where
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we are when we go dark and this project coming back is $41 million gifts. the artist hopes to double the number of lights to 50,000. if the money is raised, it would take 8 to 10 months to actually install the new display. so cool it'll be. it's sad to see those go out. i've been to water bar right there, and i got to see right by that table right. when the lights are on. it is so cool to sit there and see that hopefully that will happen soon. once again. it's just a great part of the scope of the skyline there in san francisco. alright let's start things over to steve pollster right now, who enjoys looking up to check the weather , steve, i'm going to get very technical here. all right? i'm going to take this segment to try and explain why i think something's going. not just me, but everyone else. but if you say i got to get out of the house right now, all right, here's your forecast today. cold morning lights, low snow levels mainly north clouds. sun thunderstorms hail today, tomorrow wednesday looks like a rain more day in the morning, and then we'll get a break. then all eyes will be on the west. okay, here's your acronyms here.
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the mojo stands for the madden julian oscillation thinking about fluctuations and tropical weather near the equator in the western pacific pdo and the p n a pacific #### edel oscillation . alright that is really a long term fluctuations in the pacific ocean as in decades, 20 year fluctuations, then you have the p and a. that's fluctuations in the strength and location of the jet stream coming in off of asia. the a o and the arctic oscillation north atlantic oscillation. think of those as large scale fluctuations between the atmosphere and the ocean. the mojo. western pacific moves into phases seven and eight. those are wet. the mojo has not moved into phase eight this entire winter. it is also a cold pattern for us in the first week of may march, that is a wet segment the pdo and ago negative dna. oh, the a o both go negative. what's that all mean rain and snow, but it's also a warmer pattern for us after the 15th a lot of these go positive, which i think would put an end
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to some rain. but until then, we're in for a big change. now this is the current pattern we're in. the question marks are what happens if we start to get a lower latitude system coming in, and that's what they're lining up and let's see if i can get these graphics to show up. all right. there it is. the high builds in can't god over. they have to come underneath. and that's kind of the key here. it would be a possible underneath which are warmer, they would equal equal, higher snow levels. that's the big concern. we've had snow levels down to 1000 ft. 1500 we can handle it around five or 6000. we don't want it to get up to seven or 8000 ft. and watch what happens here. this is northern system northern system and now watch what happens here coming in from the west southwest. this could be a very rainy pattern, which is what we really don't want, but it's very similar to what we saw in january. the question is timing , intensity, duration and location. but it sure looks like we're right in the window there for what could be some heavy rain. now again, there will be
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snow. the question is how high up will it be? 5000 would be good. 6000 fights seven and above. that's when things start to get critical, but look at the rainfall. santa rosa. if they get 5.69 that's about a foot of rain in the russian river, probably the same around mount tamil, pious and santa christmas. this doesn't mean it's right. but that's the projection showing up at least friday into early next week. today forties and fifties. we'll have a cold pattern into wednesday and then big changes look like they start thursday, friday and probably off and on into the weekend. steve thank you helping california drivers before and during severe weather coming up on the nine will give you a closer look at an app that monitors gps with real time weather and road conditions, but first debate area couple vacationing in hawaii is now suing a tour company group after being left stranded in the ocean . the couple says he made it to shore and called for help after the br k.
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fed at school marches, national nutrition month and the u. s. agriculture secretary tom vilsack is set to visit contra costa county. today. he'll be joined by siebel, newsom and other elected officials to promote the white house strategy for nutrition and health in the schools. the initiative aims to end hunger
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and reduce diet related disease by 2030. tesla is cutting prices again, this time for its most expensive models, so amazon is closing its stores here in the bay area. ktvu spam cook ran upstairs to bring us this and a lot more in dollars and cents. big change is kind of surprising on the amazon front, announcing plans to close some of its amazon ghost stores, including all four in san francisco to stores in seattle and to a new york city company says it will work with affected workers to find new roles that amazon and it is still looking to open more go stores elsewhere. shortly after the opening bell rang this morning, sirius xm announced plans to cut 8% of its workforce . the ceo says the move is part of a new phase of reorganization for the company. taking a live look at the numbers pretty good start to the week on wall street , the dow has come back a little bit in the last hour but still up about a third of a percent 100 points there, the nasdaq and the s and p 500 both hanging
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onto some gains, particularly the nasdaq up almost a full percentage point today, 11,800 the president of the san francisco federal reserve banks says she thinks interest rate hikes need to continue. mary daly says the fed will need to continue to raise rates to effectively tackle inflation. the policymakers meet again march 21st for the fifth time this year. tesla is cutting prices on some of its cars. this time, the companies to most expensive cars will get a lower price. the new starting price for the model x is about $100,000, and the starting price for the model s is dropping to 90,000. dollars. tesla ceo elon musk recently maintained that there is still high demand for the company's cars despite the recent round of price cuts. and tesla is also issuing a recall for thousands of its 2022 2023 model wise, the national highway traffic administration says bolts in the second row seats maybe loose and can cause the seat belts to fail in a crash,
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tesla says no one has been hurt. owners can take their affected vehicles to a tesla dealership and have the issue fixed at no cost. i'm pam cook. that's look at your dollars and cents, ma'am. thank you. a newlywed couple from hayward says a tour group left them stranded in the ocean in hawaii while they were snorkeling during their honeymoon. the couple filed a $5 million lawsuit against the tour boat company elizabeth webster and alexander burkle say it happened near maui 18 months ago , their attorney says they had spent about an hour in the ocean when they realized their tour boat had sailed away. once they realized the boat had left, and they you know, were obviously distraught and upset and had no choice except to swim to the nearest landmass, which was lanai. their attorney says the company did refund the couple's money. ktvu news reached out to the tour boat company so far, though no response to the pending lawsuit. on the other end of rush hour at 8 48 in the morning. what cell has been busy
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tracking some trouble spots around the bay area. let's see how things are looking. now andre and gasia. let's go to the number one trouble spot, and that would be the drive from let's say livermore, dublin over to castro valley, the stretch between the 5 80 interchange and castro valley has been very slow. because of an earlier crash that we had to earlier crashes. we had early in the morning and really is beginning to affect the entire liver. more to castro valley commute. if you have discretion, you should put the commute off, even though the crashes have been moved out of the lanes that damage has been done. other commutes are improving. babe bridge still looks pretty heavy, although it looks like it's improving a little bit. salmon tail bridge commute has improved quite a bit as you drive through and oakland commute a little slow on 5 80 88. getting into downtown. 8 49 . let's bring steve in to talk about today's weather sound. thank you, sir. i think we have snow on monument peak here if i'm not so we also have a lot of reports of snow coming in around napa county, so i'm not surprised. it's a cold air mass in place over us for march. 6th
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we have that or not? no, i guess not. all right, the lines are moving through. you can see some snow to the north. although it does look like things are lightening up a little bit here. so bladder rinse. repeat here on this cloud. sun thunderstorms hail and then you can see there's a lot coming in across the pacific. this point should add up to some. maybe some pretty hefty rain totals depends on how high the snow level goes , could get above 6000 something to watch, but i think we're going into a wet pattern later in the week fifties on the temps really cool for us to look for off and on rain into wednesday, a breakthrough early thursday, then some heavy rain possible friday. you guys all right. thank you so much. steve we've been talking about the gender pay gap between women and men. we've talked about it for years now, but when he joined us on the nine we'll look at how much of a boost the global economy would see if wages were matched. you know anybody that says words hurt. has never been punched in the face you after the slap that was seen around the world comedian chris rock talks about that hit by actor will smith in
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netflix's first ever live streaming event. what he said about the attack and one critics' reaction next.
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oooohhh, it is cold outside time to protect your vehichle from winters wrath of course the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too you need weathertech all year round! come on, protect your investment laser measured floorliners and cargoliner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade plus, mudflaps and bumpstep for the exterior order american made products at surfs up yeah, right paper being crumpled
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more paper being crumpled music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins baskets with paper balls?ot for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on ♪ ♪ ♪
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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. food rose a little over 15% year over year in january because of inflation. pet owners have taken notice, and one man says the price of pet treats are going up . that owner says he is coming up with ideas to try and keep his pup happy while saving some money. yeah i have definitely experienced that. i actually recently switched my dog to a different brand of pet food. the owner says, if the overall cost of pet food ever reached over
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$400 a month she'd have to reconsider owning a dog. but other owners say they would not consider parting with their pets, regardless of the cost of feeding them. happening today. accused serial killer wesley brownlee said to appear in a san joaquin county court this morning. he's charged with seven murders in oakland and stockton judge granted a prosecution request his educaf ambushing victims in parks and on sidewalks at night authorities and contra costa county or searching for the driver of a car that plunged down in the embankment. it happened shortly after seven o'clock last night import costs under the car. kenya's driving your car kenya's drive, firefighters say the car veered off the road and fell more than 200 ft off a cliff, but there was no sign of the driver of any possible passengers when emergency crews arrived on the scene in the east bay continued to search for a woman tied to crimes in three different cities. investigators say it all started as an armed robbery at the verizon store on contra costa boulevard in pleasant hill saturday afternoon. police say a man and
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a woman walked into the store and still several cell phones then drove away. police say they tracked down the suspect vehicle , a silver lexus sedan in concord, the officers tried to detain the suspect. one fled on foot from the car. the other one the driver drove, drove his vehicle at the officer. the officer then fired two shots at the vehicle as it drove adam the car was hit twice. the driver didn't get hit and led police on a chase debate point. that's where the man was arrested. the woman who ran off has yet to be found. 56 now rock musician, fans or rock music fans around the world are mourning the death of a founding member of the ben leonard skittered. guitarist gary rosen died yesterday after a long battle with heart problems. his slide guitar work for linen skinner to help make the song free bird, one of the anthems of southern rock. he survived a crash in 1977 a plane crash, in fact, that killed three other members of the band. gary rossington was 71 years old . the netflix special of comedian chris rock is being
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shown around the world now, and a lot of people are talking about how chris rock addresses the infamous slap by will smith that came on you know, people say they always say ah, words hurt. that's what they say to watch what you say, because words hurt. you know anybody that says words hurt. has never been punched in the face. show is called chris rock . selective outrage. it was streamed live from the hippodrome theater in baltimore. some critics, though, say the live show didn't connect with viewers. the pre show spent half an hour just building and building and building like literally like it was like his wedding or his funeral, where it was like chris rock. he's the goat like, and they had, like tape. all these pretaped celebrity clips being like you got this man like it was like he was trying to save humanity or something. or like there was the
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olympics or, you know, and the just raising the stakes for this huge thing. chris rock show, by the way, was the first live streaming event by netflix. it is coming up on 8 58. right now it was creed three that punch its way to the top of the box office this weekend. i'm just getting started. little brother. well it brought in $59 million in its first weekend in u. s theaters. the movie was directorial debut by michael b. jordan's who also plays a feature character adonis creed, the latest ant man film brought in $12 million cocaine. beer was third with $11 million. he went through a lot of trials and tribulations. a lot of, you know, internal struggles and identity crisis. you got to a place where he has a family of his own, which i thought was really, really was a great thing to show. and as we said before, that movie brought in an
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estimated $59 million this weekend warriors will play the oklahoma city thunder tomorrow e road trip. the warriors lost the openerlakers lebron james was out with an injured right foot. stephan curry returned after missing a month with a leg injury. he had 27 points, including 53 pointers, lakers outscored the dubs in both the 3rd and 4th quarters. never could quite get over the hump. i love the way the guys competed, and they played with with good energy. good chemistry. um you know, we just we just couldn't get over the hump. if you told me we started to hear, um in the year will go as as bad as it's going for us. and we'd be sitting where we are. i think it's a pretty encouraging something. that lost to the lakers was another defeat away from chase center. the warriors have one of the best home records, but just seven wins on the road. that's the second worst road record in the nba.
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we're approaching the men's and women's national college basketball tournaments today, top seed st mary's college girls will play byu in the semifinals of the men's west coast conference men's basketball tournament. usf will play gonzaga in the semifinals. the winner receives an automatic bid to the big dance. returning to the classroom after a violent fight that turned deadly best friend died right in front of me is one of the most traumatic and terrifying thing i've ever been through calls for safety and security on a high school campus in the north bay. then tragedy in the south bay. a mother killed after a tree falls on her while she and her son are out hiking with a scout troop details on what happened from those who rushed to help her. and digging out from major storms. this is just not a great time to recreate the snow is going to be around for a while. and i would say if anyone wants


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