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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  February 14, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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going deep into extra innings. it will only be in effect for regular season games, not during the playoffs. we're all broken by an all too familiar feeling. another place that is supposed to be about community. and togetherness. shattered by bullets. and bloodshed. three people shot and killed on the michigan state university campus , the latest on the investigation and what we're learning about the victims, plus the amount of heart wrenching stories. i've heard this last week or too many to count. and everyone is sufferingbeen one we earthquake devastated parts of.s at one bay area university are honoring the victims. then the future of the suspended oakland police chief laurent armstrong is in the hands of mayor xiang tao. what chief armstrong has to say about a suspension almost a month after he was taken off the
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job. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto of course, valentine's day. good morning. thank you for being with us. i'm gasia mikaelian loving the ballantine color. my sons will probably say cringe e. but i had to bring the red today so glad you did. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is tuesday, february 14th valentine's day and steve paulson's right here with the valentine's day forecast. i actually remembered to wear red mr clark forgot. and believe me. i'm usually that guy. gasia look lovely today to you stop. it gets harder every day, right? all right. we do have mainly clear skies out there. if it wasn't for a breeze, we'd be colder than this. we will be tomorrow. thirties and forties on the temps will have sun in the morning and increasing clouds. this little guy up there will give us some very light rain later today, and it'll be a cold rain. lovely tuesday forecast cold, though breezy sun clouds and light rain later on today and tomorrow morning. it
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sure got cold after the rain fell. that'll be tomorrow morning fifties on the temps. sal is here. yes sir. and we do have slow traffic today at the bay bridge. it's pretty slow. so if you get there this morning, give yourself extra time. maybe an extra 10 minutes. it's backed up beyond the maze. driving into san francisco is kind of a bigger delay. they're also looking at interstate 8 80 that traffic is moving well in both directions. no major issues on the same mateo bridge visibility as you know, or, as you can probably tell is much better today than it was yesterday. we have the usual slow traffic on highway four big point. 6 80 as you drive through concord and also on 6 80 out of pleasant in heading down to sonora. 702 let's get back to the headlines . thank you. we're still following new developments this morning from michigan in the deadly mass shooting on the campus of michigan state university. a gunman shot eight students and killed three of
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them. survivors are fighting for their lives right now in the hospital. ktvu is james torres here in the studio now showing us reaction from state and local leaders. good morning, james. good morning to you, police say today their mission is to learn more about the shooter they've now edified him as 43 year old anthony mccray. they showed a picture of him shared this photo of him during the manhunt. they say just a few moments later, they were able to find him to say he entered campus around 8 30 last night, firing his weapon inside two school buildings. police found a total of three students dead, five others sent to the hospital. all five still listening critical condition. four of those five required surgery we heard from michigan's governor, pointing out this shooting is the latest in a string over the last year and on the heels of the anniversaryiesg down in parkland, florida. we cannot keep living like this. our children are scared to go to school. people feel unsafe in
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their houses of worship or local stores. too many of us scan rooms for exits when we enter them. and many of us have gone through the grim exercise of figuring out who our last call would be to police say mcrae was not nor was he ever a student faculty or staff member within michigan state university. they're still working to learn why he targeted msu's campus, according to a local newspaper. mcrae did have a bit of a criminal history. he was a convicted felon on a number of gun charges. as for the students, the school is offering mental health counseling. classes are canceled until monday, and we expect to learn the names of those students killed a little later today. dave james. thank you time 704. the deadly michigan state shootings comes almost five years after a mass shooting at a high school in parkland, florida. that's where 17 students and staff members were shot and killed. it happened valentine's day 2018, a gunman walked onto the campus of
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marjory stoneman douglas high school and started shooting the daughter of tony montalvo. gina montalto was only 14. at the time she became a target of that deadly attack. we can hope for us to find a way to work around the pain in our hearts. um as the as the commemoration comes around this time of year, um the rest of the world feels it more, but we still feel the same that we do every day and after the mass shooting in parkland florida movement started, it was called the national march for our lives supporting tougher gun laws. it was led by many students who survived the mass shooting in parkland five years ago. time now is 705 in turkey and syria. crews are running out of time as they search for survivors trapped under the rubble of the deadly earthquakes . crews have rescued several people today, including two teenagers who were trapped for eight days. more than 37,000 people have died in the
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earthquake volunteers and humanitarian groups from around the world continue to head to the area to help survivors. mobilizing funding and we're trying to tell everyone put politics aside. this is the time to unite behind a common effort. serious president agreed to open to new crossing points to help deliver desperately needed aid and equipment. one damage estimate puts the cost in turkey alone at $84 billion. and gasia. dozens of people gathered in the south bay for a candlelight vigil remembering the people killed in that earthquake. myself. i'm sorry. students and community members met at santa clara university. many of them have family members or friends who died in that earthquake. others just wanted to make sure they were there to support the students who continue trying to get in touch with family members back in turkey and in syria. i
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lost my aunt and my first cousin, second cousin. and then some friends. i know a lot of people were still there right now. i just tried to reach out to as many people as i could, because i knew that i really wanted for this issue to be represented on campus. and some of the people who were there. they're trying to raise money to send to humanitarian efforts in that region. tomorrow the oakland police commission will meet on the future of suspended police chief laurent armstrong. the mayor put him on administrative leave following reports that accused the chief of misconduct were cheap. armstrong sat down with ktvu and told us why he thinks he should keep his job. ktvu is andre senior in the studio now tell us more about what the chief said. yeah long firm issued a report saying armstrong failed to hold a police sergeant responsible after two incidents of misconduct. the report says there were many gaps. in missteps in department investigations of the sergeant. now this video you're about to
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see here is chief armstrong introducing sergeant michael chung at a news conference last year to talk about department drones is accused of hitting him or sadie's with the department issued chevy tahoe in a san francisco parking garage and not reporting the crash is also accused of firing his gun inside a service elevator and oakland police headquarters and then throwing the shell casing from the bay bridge. the report says the department failed to consider that a potential crime report also states that i was walled off from the investigation, but it criticizes me for not being more involved in the investigation. i just think it's very difficult for me to do both. the chief says he did not know in real time all the facts or alleged missteps by his subordinates. he says he does not get involved in internal investigations in order to avoid interfering with them. the things that are learned in this investigation. now we learned much later 6 to 7 months later and now i'm being held accountable, saying i should have known something that nobody
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knew until six months later. oakland near shen tao must decide whether to keep discipline or fire the chief for rank and file officers. disciplinary issues must be resolved within 30 days, although the chief is not covered by that requirement today does mark 30 days since this process began for him later this morning near tower will join us live here on ktvu in studio for an interview. her decision to place the chief on administrative leave will be among the items will discuss with her join us for that interview during mornings on two at nine back to garcia, looking forward to it, andre san francisco's district attorney, brooke jenkins, is asking the san francisco board of supervisors to make an exception to the city sanctuary city policy. she wants to work with federal immigration authorities to extradite to men who fled the country who are accused of violent crimes in san francisco, one for murder related to domestic violence. another four child sexual abuse jenkins wants them to be prosecuted in san francisco. the city sanctuary laws don't allow the da's office
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to work with immigration officers and the feds would agree to extradite them unless san francisco promises to warn the department of homeland security if the men are released. well we can't allow in san francisco are for people to commit heinous crimes like murder or child rape and then just be able to flee our jurisdiction and avoid prosecution. jenkins says she supports the sanctuary city ordinance but that it was designed to protect people living in san francisco, not those who are hiding from their crimes abroad. san francisco's board of supervisors will have to vote on whether to approve this exception. also today, u. s marshals will hold a news conference they will announce significant law enforcement actions are expected to highlight the arrests and 21 local homicide cases. the operation targeted high crime areas and the east bay and when, after offenders who were wanted did for homicides, sexual assaults and robberies. time now is 7 10. we do see that the commute is getting pretty busy
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on a lot of these areas. let's start with interstate 8 80 look at it. not only 8 80. in fact, i want to start with the bay bridge. if you're going to san francisco today, it is going to be a backup that is going to extend beyond the mcarthur maze. and 8 80 looks pretty good in oakland. if you're driving to the same motel bridge that looks okay, visibility is a lot better today. dunbarton bridge commute looks good. highway four is pretty slow this morning. coming in through be pointed to concord and 6 80 is slow out of pleasant in on 60 80 heading south to stand all 8 80 slows at 2 38 in pockets all the way down to fremont at 17 11. let's get back to the desk. thank you in ohio that big train derailment. it's affecting more than just people coming up the impact that burning chemicals are having on wildlife. and as you know, today's valentine's day will tell you how doctors say you can shower your significant other with love and help improve their well being with simple everyday
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actions. stay with us. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal,
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and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. ♪ ♪ before the xfinityr 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it.
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huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity. element. in east palestine, ohio last week, authorities say some of the chemicals have leaked into the ohio river, which supplies drinking water to more than five million people in six states and concerns are growing over animal health in the area. a registered fox keeper says his
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foxes have been sick since the weekend. one of them died. out of nowhere. he just started coffee and really hard and just shut down and um, he had liquid diarrhea in this went very fast. taylor says other animals are also suffering from the chemical waste time now, 7 15 will the mayor of berkeley, jesse arrogant, maybe planning to run for the state senate seat of senator nancy skinner again has filed papers to run for the seat next year, as senator skinner is turned out. she represents parts of berkeley, oakland and richmond. campaign finance records so arrogant is forming a campaign committee to run for both the senate seat as well as the reelection as mayor of berkeley committee does not mean and automatic canada seen so far. no other people have come forward to say they're running for senator skinner's seat this morning. former republican governor of south carolina nikki haley has announced she is running for president kicked
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back. it hurts them more if you're wearing heels. i'm nikki haley and i'm running for president. she is the second major candidate to officially announce their intention after former president donald trump. this opens up the race for the republican presidential nomination. others such as florida governor rhonda santos are expected to join in president biden is not officially announced to seek reelection, but it's strongly hinted that he will run again on the democratic ticket. valentine's day. today is the time to show love and affection and for many celebrate with cards and flowers and candy and all that, but doctors say those expressions of love and caring can actually benefit the mind, body and soul and you don't have to spend and a center show your sweetheart, you love them. i do hope you're with us, but we spoke with box medical teams. dr mike earlier on mornings onto today about the health benefits associated with showing and sharing your love. if you are in a good long term relationship, it prolongs your life, and that's what all the data
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suggest. dr mike said. studies have long shown that when you hug someone you love there are physical changes in the body. a lower heart rate. lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones and a whole lot more agree. i agree. i agree. all right time now, 7 17. we're gonna help you get to where you need to go on this. valentine's day sound knows everything. i do, and i do know that my wife and my daughters are watching t v. so i wanna say happy valentine's day and to you, everyone's all ah, sitting here in the newsroom, and everyone thought that was cute. thank you. all right. good morning, everyone. there's red on the map here, southbound if you are driving from hayward union city in fremont. it is going to be slow. 6 80 dublin, pleasanton. you can see that traffic is going to be slow as well. these commutes look pretty typical. there's been a couple of stalled vehicles, but there's nothing that i'm going to say that's going to shock you.
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there's a big backup at the bay bridge toll plaza on a tuesday that is to be expected today. 8 80 still has not filled in which is good. if you're trying to get to downtown oakland, you may want to get a jump on that san mateo bridge is crowded. it's look at the his ability here yesterday. we couldn't even see i couldn't even show you this picture, and now i can see all the way across. to the peninsula . so visibility is a lot different today. 7 18. let's talk about the weather a little bit more. here's steve. thank you, sir. we'll start with something i don't usually usually show in the wintertime. usually it's the summertime. but the buoy temperatures the reason why i'm showing you this. this these are really cold for this time of year point arena at 49 bodega bay water temp is 50. point raised 51 in the san francisco buoy 52. i mean, you usually around 53 54 to get upper forties of bodega bay makes it to 49 that is just amazingly cold water. and once again the half moon bay boys still doesn't work. mhm by the
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way, the south lake tahoe tahoe valley airport meter also does not work and it hasn't worked for a while. mount diablo, let's go for a hike. you sure about that? 26 degrees up there, northwest 35. i think we'll go back and wait it out a little bit. that's a cold morning. no doubt about it when gas for the big story last 24 hours, especially sfo 6 25 pm last night, 55 mph. i was there. i had a flight. i'll vouch for that. half moon bay 48 marshall 47. diablo 46. tamil pious 44 lucas valley 43 a bunch of 34 35 including venetia oakland airport in vallejo. which has some pretty good gusts. tomorrow morning is going to be one of those cold ones. freeze warning is out or frost advisory twenties thirties. i think they will get more twenties on thursday thing. there'll be too much of a breeze tomorrow, but still, it's something to watch as that little system drops down and it's going to give us i think a cold rain later this afternoon not allowed, but a little bit majority of this is heading more towards the east,
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but i mean it's already making its move on the north coast. snow and mount shasta. there'll be some low snow elevations. maybe 2,503,000 ft. still a good breeze at the oakland airport north to 24, nevada. northwest gusting to 24 happen based in coming down, but still north at 25, now mountain view a little puff of a breeze as well. fifties on the temps today, that's it. so we are looking for a cold morning, breezy thirties forties son, then clouds with a cold rain moving in later. nevado alamo mountain view in east san jose yesterday. 60 seventies today, mid fifties, so it is not a cooler forecasts. it's a colder forecast forties for many, a few thirties, but the forties are in place because of that breeze. this is amazing on the peninsula, no thirties at all, although woodside's down to 41 stanford 41 menlo park in los altos in san carlos at 42 san mateo's in there in pacifica. also at 42 that is cold with that with that north wind that will cut right through you with our system is on its way. little bit of snow forecast. i think we'll get some very light rain
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today. you guys are really cold morning tomorrow. steve thank you time now is 7 20. congress is waiting to curb or possibly even ban tiktok, even in the face of big ad sales and celebrity endorsements from the super bowl. in a minute, we'll break down new legislation just reintroduced to ban tiktok from operating in the united states. very disturbing you report finds a number of anti submitted cases are rising after the break. we'll look at what a new survey tells us.
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life is expensive. so why is omar snoozing like a baby? because he made the smart choice to shop with ikea, with new benefits for ikea family members, including 5% off all eligible purchases in-store. every visit. every day. ikea with reliable covid-19 results in just 15 minutes, every visit. everyone is making room for binaxnow in their medicine cabinet. do we still need these pregnancy tests? (kids yell and giggle, a dog barks and a vase breaks)
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yeah, no. out with the old, in with the #1 covid-19 self test in the us. with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19. binaxnow
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departments covid-19 is spreading statewide after numbers had been dropping steadily the past two months. department says the latest numbers show a sharp increase in parts of the bay area, including san francisco, alameda, contra costa, sonoma and solano counties. the city of san francisco may repeal a law that banned city employees from traveling to or doing business with companies in 30 states that have laws that limit lgbt q. write access to abortions and voting rights, according to the separate cisco chronicle report says there's no evidence of states targeted by the boycott had changed any laws because of san francisco's actions. in fact , the city is paying more for many projects. because of those limitations. the board of supervisors will debate the issue in the coming weeks.
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advocates are concerned about the rise in hateful incidents directed at jewish people. the american jewish committee released its fourth annual report, it found 90% of all americans say they think antisemitism is a serious problem from 73% from the year before. 41% of american jews surveyed said their status in the u. s is less secure than it was in 2021 55% say it was the same only 4% feel more secure the a j c calls, the numbers are growing concern. what we're finding is, unfortunately that anti semitism on the internet and on social media is one of the biggest distributors. of this hate for the last decade, if not longer, and we found in our survey this year that 69% of american jews have experienced anti semitism online or on social media in the past year, the survey found, half of jewish institutions have increased security in response to a rise in hateful actions and speech are time now. 7 25 1 city on the peninsula, taking new actions to deal with the growing number of
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hate crimes here in the bay area next week, the redwood city public library very will host a course called bystander intervention training designed to help the victims of hate crimes who are hurt or harassed in public. it's a two hour courses will be taught by members of the council on american islamic relations. we know from, um, from the numbers from real papers, experiences the power that other people stepping in can have encouraging people to act as, um, not as saviors but as allies in any given situation. now the lessons include how to assess the scene how to record a crime and how to comfort a hate crime victim and the main goal d escalation. people were interested in learning how they could get involved how they could make a difference, but keep themselves safe. and that's exactly what this training offers. the course will take place at redwood city's main library wednesday, february 22nd between six and
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eight p.m. and it's open to the public time is 7 27, a cyberattack oakland city hall would one cyber expert says about the breach? several computers still have to be restored, disturbing discovery for some parents after dropping their children off at a day care when parents say the child care director gave the little ones so she could deal with them more easily
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the plane plunged. it was only hundreds of feet above the pacific ocean here, with one passenger said about those scary moments, and today is valentine's day, in case you forgot were alive at the popular flower market in san francisco. we'll see how florists are getting ready for this big day. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning to you and thank you for joining us and look at gasia. i have to bring the red. you did it. good morning. i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian. it is, of course, valentine's day february 14th two, maybe snuggle up with
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your sweetie. steve paulson. this weather is calling for that, isn't it? not only today, but especially tomorrow. but, yes, it's cold enough out there . there's and if it wasn't for the breeze, we'd be a lot colder than the forties or a few thirties, but there's a lot of thirties and forties here. the sunshine in the morning. we'll get replaced with increasing clouds and some very light rain from that cold system. but, boy , i'll tell you it's tomorrow morning is going to be a cold one, but it'll be a lovely tuesday forecast cold and breezy in the morning sun, then clouds and some light rain will make it later this afternoon this evening sixties where we should be, we'll be in the mid fifties today so well below average here on many of these alright over to sound now. 7 31 east bay. yeah, he's space highway. 24 6 84 are also pretty slow. steve as you might imagine, there's nothing unusual, though. along that stretch. we're starting with 24 live look here, but i'll tell you that 6 80. also highway four are slow babe bridge toll plaza filled in early. it's backed up beyond the maze. unless you're in the carpool lane, so give
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yourself plenty of time. if you're trying to get to san francisco 80 doesn't look too slow into downtown oakland yet. just a few minutes, we'll have a little deeper into that south bay commute 7 31. let's get back to the headlines. thank you one person now facing charges in connection with a side joe on the bay bridge. it happened early sunday morning, san francisco police and the chp parked their patrol vehicles trying to break up that sideshow . one person was arrested accused of driving under the influence as well as aiding and abetting a speed contests. investigators are still tryingid cars that were also there. federal investigators are collecting more information about a united airlines plane from hawaii to sfo that dropped within 800 ft of the pacific ocean flight took off from maui , december 18th soon after takeoff, the plane pitched downward quickly descended to just about 800 ft above the water before gaining elevation, according to data from flight radar. 24 we spoke with one passenger on the plane, who said
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the pilots never told them they came so close to hitting the ocean. we had no idea what it was that happened really fast. they pulled out of it pretty quickly, and we just said and i said, i don't think i could take another one of those. yeah. yes, fl. accepted the plane as it landed safely there at the airport. united declined to comment on the cause of the sudden drop in elevation and said the pilots received additional training following the incident time now 7 33 today san mateo county supervisors will vote on the proposal to improve the living conditions for farm workers and half moon. bad resolution will provide $1.5 million for emergency housing and supportive services for those farm workers still displaced after last month's deadly shootings. the counties also creating a task force to enforce safety rules. the workers who depend on employer provided housing. they are often reluctant to complain about things, fearing they will lose their jobs and their housing.
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state lawmakers are considering legislation that would ban california law enforcement agencies from using police dogs when making arrests and controlling crowds. democratic assembly member cory jackson of riverside county introduced the proposed canine unit law yesterday. the bill is corresponded by the acp and blu . they say law enforcement officers can do their job safely and effectively without police dogs. we're trying to make sure that people are not harmed and seriously injured by using canines. many of these bites can create lifelong injuries, so let's make this clear. lifelong injuries before you're proven guilty. critics of the bill say that police dogs have been proven to be effective in keeping officers safe in dangerous situations. time now 7 30 for a cyberattack at oakland city hall, still preventing some city operation from running at full speed. that attack happened last week, but the computers still need to be worked on. city leaders say that 911 fired
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emergency resources and financial data are not effective. a cyber security expert says there are several possible outcomes after that breach. if they have all the data backed up. they're gonna white clean the computers. maybe they have to get rid of some of the computers there and the network systems and rebuild or bring new ones in, but if they have all that data backed up fantastic. most ransomware attacks demand money to get back control of the system and return any frozen or stolen information . the city has made no official comment about any possible ransom. it is 7 35, california senators want the federal government to repair and historic pier in san francisco, the old and iconic beer at san francisco's aquatic park was closed down last fall after a 5.1 earthquake that shook the bay area health service reviews determined that pierre is not
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safe. senators alex padilla and senator dianne feinstein, once the u. s interior department to fix that pier. 7 36 here. valentine's day is one of the busiest days of the year for florists. there's big business at stake, and some trends may be changing. katie's ellie rasmus is at the san francisco flower mart talking to flower growers, wholesalers, designers. it's a busy morning, ali. it has been since they opened at four o'clock this morning. you know, the san francisco flower mark is a flower wholesaler. so this for the first few hours that they're open every morning is the place that individual flower designers and florists and business owners come to buy the materials that they're then going to use in their designs. and as one flores told me there is something here for everyone. we've been taking a look around and all the options. you see the traditional red roses, pink roses and other colors, but also this year. some tinted roses. these are black tinted roses and some rainbow tinted roses as well. so there's really a big variety, and this
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is where some of those business owners come to pick out. some of these designs valentine's day and mother's day of the two busiest days of the year for florists and wholesalers. i want to bring in baldwin. yes you're with rafa's wholesale wholesale flowers. and what is businessmen like this year? well um today is kind of slow is usually gets bc date prior to valentine's saturday was one of the biggest days for us, um we friday as well, definitely was like insane that traffic and inside of the market and also trying to get into the parking lot, a lot of people, and so far it's been great behind you are the most popular roses you said for valentine's day. you have them on display here. can you tell us? that is correct? yes. this one. it's been the one that it's been selling the most. it's called red panther. such an interesting, um, shape and color
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variation. so this one was the winner of this valentine's. it has like the best of both colors for valentine's red and pink and also the other ones that are kind of the same shape. but it white and pink or pink and hot pink combinations. people wanting the traditional stuff. but also there's some variety here. people want maybe unconventional roses and other flowers as well. yeah that is correct. definitely red are going to be there, winner for valentine's freedom, still one of the most desirable roses, same explorer and priorities. but there's a trend with tinted roses. we have rainbow in a different shape past the colors of the traditional colors. we got black roses, blue roses, and there've been selling so well. people getting creative thank you for all the win. yes with rappers, wholesale flowers, one of the vendors here at the san
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francisco flower mark, you have beautiful array of tulips as well here, so it's just a really pretty being out here, seeing it being surrounded by all the colors and the scent. the fragrance out here. gasia is amazing in about a half an hour from now. that's when the san francisco flower mart opens to the general public. so anyone who may have forgotten to pick up a bouquet of flowers for their loved ones or their special. valentine can come in after eight and do that here back to you guys. perfect alley. i'm so glad you're there. i know you don't have to say especially on the mornings oftentimes alleys difficult situations. you know, on a day like today, it's nice, just sort of be there and kind of talk about what everyone is thinking about. and i'm happy for ali, and i'm glad we get to have a reports all morning. the aroma throughout those tinted roses. i love them do okay. i love them. gasia yes, today when i was getting ready in the dark. yes i thought that you would be wearing red and i was right. i'm such a nerd. i'm a nerd
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predictable and that's why i chose my red tie. two. there you go. excellent good morning, everyone. if you're heading out to the east bay, you are going to see some slow truck traffic here. as you're driving out toward the commute. there have been no major problems. on the way. however, it's pretty crowded. i think a lot of people are you know they want to get the work they've done and then they might have some activities this evening. westbound bay bridge is backed up all the way out to the maze. metering lights are on 8 80 is moderate san mateo bridge has been just moderately heavy. we haven't had a lot of serious crashes, but we certainly have had a bunch of slow traffic out there. if you're looking at 6 80 or highway 4, 80 even marin just all that traditional slow traffic that we normally have out there. we promised you look at the south bay and that's beginning to get a little bit more crowded at south bay commute all over the valley. 85 87 1 on one and again, not a lot of incidents, but just a lot of slowing. 7 40. let's talk about today's weather. here is steve
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paulson. alright south castaneda. thank you, sir. we'll take a look at some very cold air aloft. it's already moving in yesterday with temperatures in the higher elevations are in the fifties. not today. diablo's 26 degrees northwest wind at 31 , mph and temperatures that were in the fifties or all in the thirties. now, so here comes this cold air the guts for the big star yesterday at this time it was fog. then the wind picked up well, now we have a clear skies but another systems on the way, but sfo had a gust of 55 mph yesterday at 6 25. pm half moon by almost 50 marshall on the marine coast 47. diablo 46 mph amount tamil pius 44 lucas valley by the way at augusta 43 . oakland airport venetia vallejo, cordelia all around 30 35 mph tomorrow morning and thursday morning will be cold. it'll be darn cold. freeze warning is out. now again. there's a lot of this will be depend on the wind. the wind does not die down. some of these may not get that cold. but i think thursday morning the wind wills a system drive southward, and there it is. this is
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producing very low snow levels. temperatures are quite cold here, even on the coast, 37 raining at crescent city. the system will dive in and because every system seems to overachieve this year. i think we'll get some light rain out of this. look at that. that's snow for shasta. they'll probably do better than tau and truckee on snow only a couple inches, but still, there's some cold morning, breezy thirties forties son, then clouds and a cold rain or develop later today temperatures only in the fifties nevada and alamo hit 70 yesterday. mountain view 67 east san jose 64. not today, all mid fifties, so a big drop on many of these temps. thirties for a few petaluma finally checking in at 39 napa is 39 wallet, creeks in their fremont 37. but a bunch of forties because of the breeze holding up the temps, boulder creek's finally dropped to 38 or 36, santa clare and hollister's have finally hit the upper thirties. but a lot more forties because of that brief 41, cupertino, saratoga and campbell, scotts valley and there as well. that's our little system doesn't have a lot of moisture with it. but boys didn't have a lot of cold air
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coming in which will settle in later today. tonight and into tomorrow morning. i do think we'll get a little light rain out of this. i buy that for half moon bay redwood city of 0.8, maybe over to livermore in fremont and san jose. i think that's in line and a couple inches of snow. if the system has enough moisture, we can get snowed down. maybe 3000 ft or so here just doesn't have a lot to work with, but it'll give us a little bit of light, right? fifties on the temps. that's it cold mornings wednesday, thursday system will go right down the coast mrs on friday, leaving us with a nice weekend youtube. okay steve time now, 7 43 the number of big cities hurting because of remote work and the loss of revenue, adding up coming up how much less workers are spending on morning coffee afternoon drinks compared to before the pandemic, not to our newsroom now. good morning again to andre senior as you look ahead to the next couple of hours of mornings on two good morning to both of you senators gathered for classified briefings after several unidentified objects were recently shot down by the us and canada. what we're learning about those four mysterious
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objects and later on the nine oaklands and battle police chief is fighting to keep his job weeks after he was placed on administrative leave by opens new mayor zhang tao joins us in studio to talk about her decision and ask if she'll reinstate chief armstrong. discipline him or terminate him. stay w h this week is your chance to try any - subway footlong for free. like the subway series menu. just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. free monsters, free bosses, any footlong for free! this guy loves a great offer. let's see some hustle!
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director. accused of giving their children a sleep aid without the parents' permission. the police were called after another staff member said the ministry's daycare director had given several children melatonin gummies, melatonin is a hormone that many people used to encourage sleep probable cause, affidavit says the children were given melatonin so the daycare director wouldn't have to deal with fussy children. at naptime. it's pretty bad. it's pretty staggering. how how many of these children were subjected to this? same as mine? that being a church organization you shouldn't have to worry about like whether my daughter is safe at that at that facility. the daycare director faces one felony charge and neglect of a dependent and one misdemeanor reckless supervision charge now, 7 47 senate majority leader chuck schumer, joining many other powerful congressional lawmakers talking about a national ban on tech talk,
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senator schumer says the federal government should strongly consider a ban because of national security concerns. the congress is already banned tiktok from government devices because of the company's strong ties to chinese political leaders. this. i do know there's chinese ownership of the company that owns tiktok. and so there are some people in the commerce committee that are looking into that right now. supporters of the band say that the chinese government should pressure tiktok hand over the private information of american citizens , and they say the chinese government could then use that information for intelligence or disinformation purposes. our time 7 48, the latest read on inflation came out this morning, and economists seem optimistic about the findings is back with that and a whole lot more in dollars and cents, the first of many important reports this week the consumer price index was released this morning. the cpi
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shows inflation rose a bit more than expected last month up 0.5% for the month. up almost 6.5% from last year. at this time, however, economists point out the job market remains strong the slowing inflation rate for the month indicates more of a soft landing hard recession taking you to the just about anr ago. black women on boards ringing that bell that is a nonprofit organization that is working to remove the obstacles. black female executives in particular face when trying to be part of corporate boards of directors, so congratulations to them and their hard work taking a live look. unfortunately across the board, the numbers are down. partly due to that inflation report. the dow jones off about 200 points the s and p 500 down almost a half of a percent. the nasdaq also down just little bit a little bit less. almost a half of a percent is well there. mobile services back up and running this morning after users across the u. s reported network problems. t
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mobile said it is working to address the disruption. that affected cell service, down detector dot com website that tracks outages said at one point last night, the number of reports peaked at 83,000 outages early this morning t mobile issued a statement saying service had been restored to near normal levels. new york city taking a huge financial hit from people still working from home stanford economist found many people in new york like san francisco are still working remotely, even though the worst of the pandemic is over. the research found. workers in manhattan are spending at least $12.4 billion less per year due to fewer days in the office. those working from home spent far less on meals, stainly hurting restaurants and retail in many big cities, isting itseg taxis, the amazon owned company received an approval from the dmv to shuttle employees on a
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one mile public road between two office buildings at its headquarters in foster city. the vehicles travel at speeds of up to 35 mph. they don't consist of any they don't have any manual controls. zook's has not announced when plans to expand testing outside foster city. i'm pam cook, that's look at your dollars and cents. thank you time at 7 51 easing restrictions in san francisco on city funded travel to states that limit lgbtq rights and access to abortion. the reason sometime francisco city leaders a and this is now causing problems. but first, you know it's valentine's day. love is in the air, but so are dating scans after the break, we'll tell you what the experts say. if you're dating online, you need to watch out f
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life is expensive. so why is omar snoozing like a baby? because he made the smart choice to shop with ikea, with new benefits for ikea family members, including 5% off all eligible purchases in-store. every visit. every day. ikea
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the fbi warned about a growing number of dating scams here in the bay area and around the country, and they are expected to increase today on valentine's day. your mind plays checks on you. you know it doesn't take that much to, um become attached to someone even though you haven't met them. and that was yvonne harlan. she almost lost her entire life savings and someone she met last year on the dating site. the fbi say these romantic scams cause victims millions of dollars every year.
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one cybersecurity expert has some really important advice for protecting yourself from scammers while you look for love online. if you find someone on a dating app, and you really want to make sure they are who they say they are. it's probably a good idea to see if they have a social media presidency. if their name matches up, you can do a reverse photo surge if their name is different on a different platform that is a huge red flag. and cyber security experts also say be really skeptical about anybody who's very eager to talk about an investment deal. time is 7 55 , the cdc says teenage girls are experiencing hopelessness or sadness at an increased level, the researchers studied information from a youth risk behavior. survey examining health behaviors of high school students. all teenagers reported increasing mental health challenges. experiences of violence, even suicidal thoughts . but the girls suffered worse than boys across almost all of
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the measures. that report found that one in three seriously thought about attempting suicide up almost 60% from a decade ago . one in five experience sexual violence 20% since 2017 when the cdc started monitoring that measure, and more than one in 10 was forced to have sex first increase in that measures since the cdc began monitoring it. the report also found more than half of the lgbt q. plus students recently endured poor mental health and more than one in five tried suicide in the past year. it is 7 56, researchers say the body mass index of school age kids is actually going down, thanks to a new government initiative. the new study shows that the healthy hunger free kids act of 2010 led to a major drop in the bmi scores and children between five and 18 years old, according to researchers, providing healthy
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school meals and snack options is a key idea for combating childhood obesity study shows the ship often, bme was consistent among all household income levels, as well as males and females. rouz well, investigators still out there searching for the hidden run driver and castro valley who's seriously injured a homeless woman. it happened saturday night in the parking lot of the first presbyterian church on grove way. look at this surveillance video showing the driver of a wide nissan sentra, apparently using his card to deliberately hit the woman after some kind of argument. then the woman lands on the hood of the car and falls to the ground before the driver speeds away. what happened way over there, and she ended up over here. so that's probably maybe, like 30 ft. away like a car revving, you know, like it was like, you know, like, like running like he was trying to intimidate
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somebody. that was aaron horner, who saw the attack, he said the victim is a 77 year old hearing impaired homeless woman who goes to that church investigators say she's lucky to be alive. disgusting someone who is lawless someone who does not have any compassion or empathy for anyone else. we really want to bring this person to you know the justice witnesses say the driver appears to be in his late twenties or early thirties, he was wearing a black and red jersey with the nike logo on the back. he was also wearing black and red jordans. tennis shoes. singer taylor swift made the list for the highest paid entertainers in 2022, according to forbes magazine, taylor swift was the only woman to crack the top zen overall entertainer rankings. she came in at number nine she earned $92 million. was last year after her newest album, midnight came out. swift
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earnings in 2022 were less than half of the rock band genesis came into number one earning $230 million. and guess what? barney is back. but with the makeover, the big purple dinosaur is coming back to tv and to store shelves. barney will appear in on music in tv and movies, books and on youtube , and there's a new animated series that will be released in 2024, followed by a product line in 2025. i know you will barney, but he won't be just for kids. mattel says accessories and apparel or in the works for adults, by the way, the first episode of the series, barney and friends aired way back in 1992. and in baseball extra innings won't be the same again . baseball is making permanent now roll that places of runner at second base when there are extra innings. the players and
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teams seem to like the broad's been in place since the 2020 season was shortened by covid. the goal is to end games faster. and prevent them from going deep into extra innings. it will only be in effect for the regular season games, not during the playoffs. we're all broken by an all too familiar feeling. another place that is supposed to be about community. and togetherness. shattered by bullets. and bloodshed. three people shot and killed on the michigan state university campus to shooter identified for updating new information coming into our newsroom plus heart renting stories. i've heard this last week or too many to count. and everyone is suffering students in the bay area university or honoring the victims of the earthquake in turkey and syria. oakland police chief we're on, armstrong sits down with ktvu to talk about being placed on administrative leave as a future lays in the hands of recently minted mayor town. from ktvu. fox two news
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this morning's onto it is eight o'clock. welcome to mornings onto i'm andre senior mckay at the end. it's tuesday, february 14th valentine's day. i hope you're in for a marvelous morning. the weather couldn't be better. well, maybe a little warmer steve paulson, but otherwise no complaints. little windy out there overnight into this morning, and i think light rain makes it here later today, but if it wasn't for this breeze, we'd be a lot colder, but it's cold enough and windy. of forties kind of interesting here. usually there's 30 showing of livermore briefly at 39 now, 40. this is a cold little system here, not much to it, but it's look at that. i mean, you're seeing a lot of snow now moving into parts of mendocino county, and i think this plays into our weather. so it's a lovely tuesday, forecasting cold, breezy morning clear sun clouds , light snow levels. what do you say? you heard me fifties on the temps. alright salads here. 801 where are we going? daily city city d. c d. c john daly
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boulevard. there's a crash. that's a bad spot. you hear me? saint ignatius college prep students. you hear me? archbishop rudin high school. don't be late, northbound 20 if you come in from the peninsula used to 80 to get into san francisco. there's a crash and the traffic is nearly backed up into ceremony area, so that's going to be a tough one. some people are veering off and using alternate routes. there's a new crash reported now to 88 11 in san francisco. so all of a sudden san francisco taking center stage if you're trying to get to san francisco, the bay bridge toll plaza is backed up and we come back and just a few going to take a look at some of those south bay and east bay commutes that are getting busier. it's 802. let's go back to the headlines continue to fight. follow a developing story here in lansing, michigan. police say a gunman shot eight students on the michigan state university campus, killing three of them. dreams tours is here live this morning with new information about the shooter. and the victims dreams getting more information by the hour.
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not just about those victims, of course, the shooter as well. the shooter identified now as 43 year old anthony dwayne mcrae, we've now learned from the michigan department of corrections. mcrae was a felon convicted of illegal gun possession charges. ipital representatives say five students are still recovering in the hospital, four of which required surgery. the last sleep last night. sorry. so many people that. just came in. that's sparrow hospital president denny martin. he says . each of those five students are still in critical condition . you hear that emotion is voice. that's just an example of how much an emotional toll the shooting is taking on the entire community. here's what police tell us happen, they say mccray walked onto campus around 8 30 last night to the schools berkey
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building that's right next to downtown east lansing. they are. officers found two of those students killed. they say mcrae then walked to the campus student union that's right next door and killed one more student we heard from a congresswoman representing the area who points out. many of these students already lived through the oxford high school shooting back in november 2021, or a gunman killed four students and hurt seven other people. but for me the most hauntingst night i wase cameras panned through seeing an wearing an oxford strong sweatshirt. the sweatshirts that were handed out after those kids lived through a school shooting 15 months ago, and we have children in michigan who are living through their second school shooting in under a year and a half. please say a phone tip led officers to find mcrae in the city of lansing. they say once officers got close, mcrae turned the gun on himself shot and killed himself. they say
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they still have no idea why he targeted msu and msu students. michigan state's campus still working to adjust to the shooting, school officials say classes will be canceled until monday. the run on modified operations, meaning only essential faculty will be on campus today and tomorrow. and they say all students will have access to mental health counseling. garcia james torres , thank you that deadly shooting at michigan state comes five years after 17 students and staff members were shot and killed at a high school in parkland. florida was on valentine's day of 2018, a gunman walked into the campus of marjory stoneman douglas high school and opened fire there. tony montalto daughter gina was 14 years old when she became the target of gunfire. we can hope for us to find a way to work around the pain in our hearts, um, as the as the commemoration comes around this time of year, um the rest of the world feels it more, but we still feel the
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same that we do every day. the mass shooting in parkland, florida led to the national march for our lives movement in support of tougher gun laws. it was organized by students who survived the gunfire at their high school five years ago. overseas now in turkey and syria, crews are running out of time as they search for survivors trapped under the rubble of deadly earthquakes. crews have rescued several people today, including two teens who were trapped for eight days more than 37,000 people have died in the earthquake volunteers and humanitarian groups from around the world continue to head to the area to help the survivors. you're mobilizing funding and we're trying to tell everyone put politics aside. this is the time to unite behind a common effort. syria's president agreed to open to new crossing points to help deliver desperately needed aid and equipment. damage estimate puts the cost in turkey alone at $84 billion in the south bay. dozens gathered for a candlelight vigil to remember and honor those killed in the
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earthquake. that myself. say. i'm sorry. students and community members medicine to clara university, many family members or friends who died in the earthquake. there's wanted to make sure they were there to support the students who are still trying to get in touch with their loved ones in turkey and syria. i lost my aunt and my first cousin and second cousin. and then some friends. i know a lot of people were still there right now. i just tried to reach out to as many people as i could, because i knew that i really wanted for this issue to be represented on campus. some people who were there say they're working to help raise money to send to humanitarian efforts in the region. a 27 year time tomorrow. the oakland police commission is set to meet to discuss the future of suspended police chief laurent armstrong. the mirror put him on administrative leave following reports that accused the chief of misconduct, chief, armstrong said down with ktvu and told us what he believes he should keep
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his job and outside law firm issued a report saying chief armstrong failed to hold police sergeant responsible after two incidents of misconduct. the report says there were many gaps and missteps in department investigations of that, sergeant . this is chief armstrong introducing sergeant michael chung at a news conference last year to talk about department drones is accused of hitting the mercedes with the department issued chevy tahoe in san francisco in a garage there and not reporting the crash changes also accused of firing his gun inside a service elevator at oakland police headquarters and then throwing the shell casing from the bay bridge. the report says the department failed to consider that a potential crime report also states that i was walled off from the investigation, but it criticizes me for not being more involved in the investigation. i just think it's very difficult for me to do bold. the chief says he didn't know in real time. all the facts are alleged missteps by subordinates. he says he does not get involved in internal investigations in order to avoid interfering with them. the
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things that are learned in this investigation. now we learned much later 6 to 7 months later, and now i'm being held accountable, saying i should have known something that nobody knew until six months later. oakland near xiang tao must decide whether to keep discipline or fire the chief for rank and file officers. disciplinary issues must be resolved within 30 days, although the chief is not covered by that requirement today does mark 30 days since this process began for him later this morning, mayor town will join us live here at ktvu in studio or decision to place. the chief on administrative leave will be among the items will discuss with her. join us for that discussion during mornings onto the nine eight oh, nine. now san francisco's d a. brook jenkins is asking the san francisco board of supervisors to make an exception to the city sanctuary city policy. she wants to work with federal immigration authorities to extradite to men who fled the country who are accused of violent crimes in san francisco, one for murder related to domestic violence,
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another for child sexual abuse. jenkins wants them to be prosecuted in san francisco, but the city sanctuary laws don't allow the da's office to work with immigration officers, and the feds won't agree to extradite them unless san francisco promises to warn the department of homeland security if they're released. what we can't allow in san francisco are for people to commit heinous crimes, like murder or child rape and then just be able to flee our jurisdiction and avoid prosecution. jenkins says she supports the sanctuary city ordinance but that it was designed to protect people living in san francisco, not those who are hiding from their crimes abroad. san francisco's board of supervisors will have to vote on whether to approve the exception. also today, u. s marshals will hold a news conference to announce significant law enforcement actions are expected to highlight the arrests in 21 local homicide cases. the operation targeted high crime areas in the east bay and go after offenders who were wanted for homicides, sexual assaults and robberies. time now is 8 10. we do have a big crowd getting
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into san francisco today at the bay bridge. it is backed up all the way out to the maze. looks like our camera just had a glitch, but the traffic is still there. if you are driving over the richmond bridge traffic is also busy. in fact, all of these respect commutes are pretty full , which is not unusual. the good thing about it is we haven't had a lot of incidents. we just had a lot of slow traffic and also in marin county from roland boulevard, down to central san rafael, san francisco and daly city. dortmund to 80 at john daly. there is a crash traffic is backed up from ceremony. if you're heading in from the peninsula to san francisco used to 80, it's going to be unexpectedly heavy peninsula otherwise looks okay. south bay commute is busy and again. today has been more of a routine slowdown kind of day. unfortunately not a lot of serious incidents on the commute . it's 8 11. let's go back to the desk train to read the military's affecting more than just people in ohio. the impact burning chemicals are having on wildlife. and today's valentine's day we'll tell you
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how doctors say you can shower your significant other with love and help improve their well being and yours with some simple, everyday actions.
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some of the chemicals may have leaked onto the ohio river, which supplies drinking water to more than five million people across six states. concerns are also growing over animal health in the area. a registered fox keeper says his foxes have been sick since the weekend. one of them has died. the coffee and really hard and just shut down and he had liquid diarrhea in this went very fast. taylor says other animals are also suffering from the chemical waste. 15 now the mayor of berkeley, dressing and again, maybe planning to run for nancy skinner's state senate seat and again has filed papers to run for the seat next year. as skinner's turned out, she represents parts of berkeley, oakland and richmond. campaign finance records show at again is forming a campaign committee to run for both the senate seat as well. as for reelection of mayor of berkeley committee does not mean an automatic candidacy. no other people have come forward to run for skin seat new this morning, former republican governor of south carolina nikki
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haley has announced she is running for president. when you kick back it hurts them more if you're wearing heels. i'm nikki haley and i'm running for president. she is the second major candidate to officially announce their intentions after former president donald trump it opens up the race for the republican presidential nomination. others such as florida governor rhonda santis, are expected to join. president biden is not officially announced he will seek re collection but a strongly hinted he will run again on the democratic ticket. valentine's day is a time to show affection for your loved ones, and for many celebrate with cards, flowers, fancy dinners, etcetera . but doctors say all those expressions of love and caring can benefit the mind, body and soul and you can achieve that without spending a dime. i do hope you're with us when we spoke with fox medical teams, dr mike earlier on mornings on to today about the health benefits associated with simply showing and sharing your love. if you are in a good long term relationship, it prolongs your
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life, and that's what all the data suggest. dr mike said. studies have long shown that when you hug someone you love there are physical changes in the body. a lower heart rate. lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, all of the above accomplished in simple hug , and not just on february 14th all the time. 16 17 12 months out of the time now is 8 17. here's south, castigated with a look at the roads at this hour south alright andre and kostya. good morning to you both. let's start with some of the bridges which have been heavy, but not a lot of major incidents. richmond bridge looks okay heading across the bay with no major issues right now. the bay bridge does the same. you wait at the toll plaza for good, long time, but before you once you get onto the bridge, it's moderately heavy. east bay community is beginning to look heavy as well. it has been heavy again. no major incidents. unfortunately the peninsula the northbound to 80, there is an injury crasher. clearing what? john daly, right
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where you take 19th avenue exit . don't be late there. 101 is also slow in san francisco. there's 2 80 in san jose. it's been slow all over the place and the valley. although we again we haven't had any major crashes. getting from east to the west valley. typical crunch spots 85 101 and 8 88 18. let's talk about today's weather. here's steve. thank you. it's clear, mainly clear out there and cold . but if it wasn't for the breeze wasn't for the breeze, we'd be much colder and speaking of cold well, just warmed up. one degree, mount diablo was 26 27 cold, agrees with the northwest wind at 33 mph. some very cold air is on the way for tonight and tomorrow for us as well. the wind gas for the big story after the fog yesterday, then it was the wind. sfo had augusta 55 that was at 6 25 pm last night, half moon bay, 48 marshall and the marine coast 47. diablo 46. now tamil pius 44 . lucas valley was in there at
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43 mph. there were a bunch around 34 35 eladio, venetian there oakland airport all of august. 34 35 mph. wednesday morning and thursday morning are going to be cold. cold gold freeze warning is out or frost advisory if the wind kicks up its heels, and we may not get this call tomorrow, but i do think we'll get this called thursday morning, maybe wind protected areas from that little guy, which is coming right down here, and it's going to just give us a lot of cloud cover here. a brief period of some rain and look at the i mean there's some low snow levels in this system here, so i would not be surprised if we see some around 2500 ft here to 3000 later this evening. cold morning thirties forties breezy sun, then clouds on the move with a cold rain later. not a lot, but a little bit cooler forecast. it's a colder forecast. nevada and alamo hit 70 yesterday today 55 mountain view from 67 56 east san jose downtown from 64 to 54 forties for many, some thirties, but the breezes, no doubt about
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it holding up a lot of these temps. there's going to be a little bit of rain here coming in this evening. it'll be a quick movers, we said, but a couple point oh, two, or maybe 1/10 of an inch should cover it and also low snow levels. with a couple inches of snow forecast for tile, probably a little bit more for shasta and lassen, where it is right now, fifties on the temps. that's it tomorrow morning and thursday morning and going to be cold system will go right down the coast. but mrs on friday, leaving us with a nice weekend. steve. thank you. time now is 8 20 congress is working to curb or possibly even ban tiktok in the face of big ad sales and celebrity endorsements from the super bowl will break down new legislation just reintroduced meant to ban tiktok in the united states. several unidentified objects were recently shot down by the u. s. and canada and now u. s. senators are gathering for a classified briefing. what we're learning about the four mysterious high altitude objects
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as were dropping steadily for the past two months. department says the latest numbers show a sharp rise in parts of the bay area, including san francisco, alameda, contra costa, sonoma and solano counties. time now is 8 23. san francisco may repeal a law that bans city employees from traveling to or doing business with companies in 30 states that have laws limiting lgbtq rights, abortion access and voting rights, according to
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the san francisco chronicle report says there is no evidence that the state targeted by the boycott had changed any laws because of san francisco's actions and that the city is indeed paying more for many projects because of those limitations. the border supervisors will take up the issue in the coming weeks. advocates are concerned about the rise in hateful incidents directed at jewish people. the american jewish committee released its fourth annual report, it found 90% of all americans say they think antisemitism is a serious problem that's up from 73% the year before. 41% of american jews surveyed say their status in the u. s is less secure than it was in 2021 55% say it was the same. 4% say they feel safer. the age. a c called the numbers are growing concern. what we're finding is, unfortunately that anti semitism on the internet and on social media is one of the biggest distributors. of this hate for the last decade, if not longer, and we found in our survey this year that 69% of american jews have experienced anti semitism
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online or on social media in the past year. the survey found. half of jewish institutions have increased security in response to a rise in hateful actions and speech. one city on the peninsula is now taking action to deal with the growing number of hate crimes in the bay area. next week, the redwood city public library will host a course called bystander intervention training designed to help the victims of hate crimes who are hurt or harassed in public. to our course, will be taught by members of the council on american islamic relations. you know, from from the numbers from real people's experiences, the power that other people stepping in can have for encouraging people but as allies in any given situation. the lessons include how to assess the scene, recorded crime and comfort a hate crime victim and the main goal is de escalation. people were interested in learning how they could get involved how they could make a difference, but
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keep themselves safe. and that's exactly what this training offers. the course will be held at redwood city's main library on wednesday, february 22nd between six and eight p.m. anyone can attend the classes happening today. travis air force base attribute for a group of soldiers who disappeared 61 years ago. 93 u. s soldiers were traveling from travis air force base to saigon, vietnam when their flight disappeared in the south pacific group reads across america will have a mobile exhibited travis today something of a mobile museum traveling the country honoring active duty service personnel veterans and all those who who died defending our country. a cyber attack at oakland city hall, what one cyber expert is saying about the breach as several computers still need to be restored. and a disturbing discovery for some parents after dropping their children off at a trusted daycare, but the parents say the child care director gave the little one so she could deal with them more easily.
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make more of what's yours. the area from hawaii. the plane plunged was just hundreds of feet above the pacific oceanre t happened, then're live at the fr market in san francisco, with a look at our florists are getting ready for what they hope will be a huge day. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian andre senior. it is 8 29. today is tuesday,
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february 14th valentine's day. you see, it's a much different than it was yesterday. when all like fog and rolled in. you can see the sun today. at least hurry in oakland is very here. steve paulson with more on that. you can see the something. you also see the waves of back there. yeah that's pretty good breeze kicking up. no doubt about it started yesterday afternoon continued overnight. starting to decrease a little bit were under mainly clear skies forties on the temps. if it wasn't for the breeze would be a lot colder and we will be tomorrow. that system is on the way and if there will be some very low snow levels, i think we get a little bit of rain out of this later this afternoon this evening, and then tomorrow morning, it will be a darn cold one. a lovely tuesday, though cold and breezy morning sun clouds light rain with possible low snow levels here. and below average high temps today, mid fifties after some upper sixties and seventies yesterday, right over to salads, 8 30. usually this time we go south. but something tells me we're going somewhere else. we're going to the bridges and we're going to try and get it all in steve because there's a lot of slowing. there's not a lot of
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incidents or a couple. richmond bridge looks pretty good. let's start there. i just want to let you know that when you get to marine traffic is going to be slow. now if you're driving over to marine, you're probably not going south from nevada, but nevertheless, it's backed up from just before highway 37 to central san rafael. westbound bay bridge is backing up. it's getting a little bit better, and the east bay commute is slow northbound to 80. they were clearing a crash at john daly boulevard near there, and traffic is going to be slow as you approach the sunset district there, 8 31. let's go back to the headlines. thank you. just a short while ago u. s senators got a classified briefing on the unidentified objects that were shot down over the u. s. and canada recently just shot down four high altitude objects since february, 4th. the first was identified as a chinese spy balloon, but the pentagon says it is not yet recovered any debris from the last three objects shot down and still can't say what they were. after their briefing this morning, senator said, they have a better
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understanding of the situation now. our defense and intelligence agencies are focused like a laser. on first gathering the information uh, assessing the information and coming up with a comprehensive view to what is going on. they made it clear that there is no harm to physical harm to americans on the ground. many people intentionally or otherwise have been given the impression that a couple of weeks ago our skies were clear. and then all of a sudden we have spy balloons and other identify unidentified flying objects raining down on us like confetti. that is not accurate. senator kennedy went on to say that they were told that these sorts of objects have been in the skies over the us for years, there has been a lot of speculation on social media about those objects. the white house responded to one theory, saying they did not come from
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outer space. there is no indication of aliens or terrestrial activity with these recent takedowns wanted to make sure that the american people knew that all of you knew that and it was important for us to say that from here because we've been hearing a lot about it, it was military has been able to recover much of the debris from the chinese spy balloon shot down off the coast of south carolina. one person now faces charges in connection to a sideshow on the bay bridge happened early sunday morning, san francisco police and chp park patrol vehicles trying to break up the sideshow. one person was arrested, accused of driving under the influence along with aiding and abetting a speed contest. investigators are working to identify other people and cars that were there as well. federal investigators are collecting more information about the united airlines plane from hawaii to sfo that dropped within 800 ft. of the pacific ocean. the flight took off from maui december 18th. soon afterward, the plane pitched downward and quickly descended to just about 800 ft. above the water before gaining elevation, according to data from flight
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radar 24. we spoke with one passenger on the plane, who said the pilots didn't tell them they came so close to the ocean. we had no ide that happened really fast. they and i don't think i could take another one of those. yeah. the plane landed safely at sfo. united declined to comment on the case of the sudden drop in elevation and said the pilots received additional training following the incident today, san mateo county supervisors will vote on a proposal to improve living conditions for farm workers in half moon bay. the resolution would provide $1.5 million for emergency housing and supportive services for the farm workers who are still displaced from last month's deadly shootings. the county is also forming a task force to enforce safety rules. workers who rely on employer provided housing are often reluctant to complain because they fear they will lose their jobs and their housing. state lawmakers are considering legislation that would ban california law enforcement agencies from using police dogs
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when making arrests and controlling crowds. democratic assembly member cory jackson of riverside county introduced the proposed canine unit law yesterday. the bill is corresponded by the pinnacle you they say law enforcement officers can do their job safely and effectively without police dogs. we're trying to make sure that people are not harmed and seriously injured by using canines. many of these bites can create lifelong injuries, so let's make this clear. lifelong injuries before you're proven guilty. critics of the bill say that police dogs have proven to be effective in keeping officers safe in dangerous situations of dogs that are on the street reduce the number of assaults on officers and the number of officer involved shootings, which ultimately would also probably saved the life of a number of suspects and otherwise whatever been on the receiving end of gunfire. this bill would not prevent police agencies from
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using dogs to sniff out bombs or drugs. 35 now cyberattack in oakland city hall, or preventing some city operators operations rather from running at full speed. the cyber attack happened last week, but computers still need to be restored. city leaders say 911 fire emergency services and financial data or not impacted by this a cybersecurity expert says there are several possible outcomes following the breach. if they have all the data backed up. they're gonna white clean the computers. maybe they have to get rid of some of the computers there and the network systems and rebuild or bring new ones in, but if they have all that data backed up fantastic. ransomware attacks demand money to regain control of the system and return frozen or stolen data . the city has not yet officially commented on any possible ransom. alright it's valentine's day, one of the busiest days of the year for florists easily rasmus lucky duck is spending her morning at the san francisco flower mart. this is where florist and business owners are getting ready is have we hit that time
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where, like the regular people can come in and buy yet? yes garcia. just a half an hour ago , is when they opened up the san francisco flower mark to the general public before that, as you mentioned since this is a flower wholesaler, the retailer so the professional designers, floral designers, business owners and florists, they get first dibs at all the materials out here, but they opened at four o'clock this morning for this retail customers, and it was busy. from the start. let's show you some of that video this morning. we could see as some of the florist coming in wheeling carts of bouquets of flowers and other greenery for their designs , the executive director of the san francisco flower mart says really the entire week leading up to valentine's day is busy here as florists gather their designs to fill their orders. my favorite part is coming here and shopping for the flowers because it's like this wide open, feel this wide open palette to choose from just selecting the things that i know my customers will
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love. picking up more unusual variety is just imagining how they're going to fit together everything, not a lot of roses. they like nicholas, and they love the stock and a lot of lilies for us. i haven't slept in two days. so i had an hour last night, two hours a night before. now conventional red roses always popular. but take a look at this. there are some interesting trends we've spotted here at the flower mart a lot of variations on that theme with tinted roses. so you have black tinted roses, rainbow tinted roses. i've never seen anything like this before. it's so i catching all the way down the line to blue and violet. tinted roses out here. so we talked to some of the wholesalers who also say that in addition to the traditional red roses, it's red roses with some pink and white splotches are also popular as well. so now that they've opened up to the general public, these are available for just anyone
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who may have forgotten to get that bouquet of flowers for their loved one can come by the san francisco flower mart on brandon street and pick up a bouquet live in san francisco. ali rasmus ktvu. thank you. all right. turning now to the forecast here is steve paulson with a look at the valentine's day forecast if you're heading out a little later today, cold out there. windy as you know, we'll take a look at some of the higher gusts out there. and sfo was the leader that i saw from yesterday evening at 6 25 that augusta 55 mph half moon bay airport 48. marshall on the marine coast. 47 mountain, tobias was 44 mountie obligated to 46 mph. there were many around 30 to 35. vallejo venetia oakland airport. all in there, and cold weather is on the way colder than now. freeze warning is out tomorrow. i would think thursday as well. there might be too much of a breeze to get mid twenties or upper twenties, but i did see some of the forecasts projections i look at showed 27% arosa tomorrow. so in 26 on
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thursday, so that's associated with this system, which is dropping down. there's going to be some very low snow levels if there's enough available moisture with this system, and you can see i mean that's in the northern sacramento valley that snow, so i mean, there's some area and this system is moving into the picture here in the mendocino county already about ready to move into uk, so that's going to be with us here to the areas to the north of late morning and for arrest. afternoon evening here cold, breezy sun in the morning, but clouds are rolling in pretty rapidly or in a cold rain has gone the way here, not a lot, but a little bit after a warm monday navarro, alamo mountain view, east san jose sixties and seventies yesterday, mid fifties today, that's how much we're dropping on the temps here. thirties and forties. it'll be a very brisk day, well below average on the high temps. this will produce a couple inches of snow up in the syrup. and maybe you're gonna mount st lena mount diablo mount hambleton here, not a lot of rain on it will be a quick mover doesn't have a lot to work with. but i would think a couple 100 to maybe 1/10 of an
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inch and cover that will be later this afternoon. only fifties on the temps and tomorrow morning and thursday morning, very cold. a system will go right down the coast and mrs on friday, which will leave us a nitwit. nice weekend, you guys steve. thank you. it's 8 40. right now we are about to talk live with oakland mayor xiang tao, her first interview with ktvu since putting the police chief on leave amid accusations that he mishandled an investigation into a fellow member of opd with the mayor has to say about the chiefs future. next well the number of big cities that are hurting because of remote work and the loss of in revenues, adding up coming up how much less workers are spending on morning coffee and afternoon drinks compared to before the pandemic.
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every visit. every day. ikea daycare director was accused of giving their children a sleep aid without the parents' permission. police were called after another staff member said the ministry's daycare director had given several children melatonin gummies. melatonin is a hormone many people used to encourage sleep probable cause affidavit said the children were given melatonin so the daycare director wouldn't have to deal with fussy children. at naptime. it's pretty bad. it's pretty staggering. how how many of these children were subjected to this? same as mine with it being a church organization? you shouldn't have to worry about
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like whether my daughter is safe at that at that facility. the daycare director faces one felony charge of neglected, independent and one misdemeanor reckless supervision charge. majority leader chuck schumer has now joined many other powerful lawmakers on capitol hill, who are considering a national ban on tiktok's. schumer says the federal government should strongly consider that move due to a national security concern. congress has already banned the tiktok app from us government devices, signing the company's strong ties to chinese political leaders. we do know there's chinese ownership of the company that owns tiktok. and so there are some people in the commerce committee that are looking into that right now. supporters of the band say the chinese government could pressure tiktok to turn over the private information of american citizens , and they say the chinese government could then use that information for intelligence or disinformation purposes. the owner of tiktok is looking into
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getting into the virtual reality world. the wall street journal reports. tiktok's parent company purchased a chinese startup that makes virtual reality headsets two years ago, and the popular video sharing app is reportedly now making plans to enter the futuristic world of virtual reality. it would follow the lead of facebook and other social media companies. the dow was dropping this morning and the latest report on inflation is taking a lot of the blame upstairs to discuss in dollars and cents. yes some of these important economic reports. certainly wall street's been watching for this. the consumer price index was released this morning. the cpi shows inflation rose a bit more than expected last month. 0.5% for the month, almost 6.5% from last year at this time. before we show you the bad news. after that, i do want to talk about a great organization at rain, the opening bell this morning black women on boards, a nonprofit that is working to remove the obstacles. black female executives in particular face when trying to join corporate board of directors. alright now
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taking you live to the new york stock exchange. the dow jones has been dropping about 100 points an hour. it's down almost 400 points now. the nasdaq is also dropping almost 100 points there in the s and p 500 down almost a full percentage point as well to 41. oh, two. software company asap will reportedly lay off more than 200 workers in the bay area. silicon valley business journal says there will be 159 jobs lost in palo alto 65 in san ramon s a p cited changing business needs for the move. the company recently said it plans to lay off about 2.5% of its global workforce. that's more than 2500 employees in total. new york city, taking a huge financial hit from people still working from home. stanford economist found many people in new york like in san francisco, are still working remotely, even though the worst of the pandemic is over, the research found. workers in manhattan are spending at least
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$12.4 billion less per year due to fewer days in the office. those working from home spend far less on meals, shopping and entertainment, and that is hurting. restaurants and retail in many big cities, including here in san francisco. bay area companies. uc's started testing itself driving taxis, the amazon owned company received an approval by the dmv to shuttle employees on a one mile public road between two office building at its headquarters in foster city. the vehicles travel at speeds of up to 35 mph. they do not consist of any manual controls. zeus has not announced, though, when it plans to expand testing outside foster city. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents, pam. thank you. 8 48 a final check of traffic. we'll see what sal castaneda sees out on the roads gasia and audrey. i think a lot of people wanted to get on the road early. get the work done today. they might have plans this evening. better news in daly city, northbound to
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india's improved on city streets , but i'm sorry on the freeway, but on city streets junipero serra boulevard at john daly boulevard. now there's a crash their daly city police sounds like it has its hands full with that growing wanna one slow from near the old candlestick exit all the way up to san francisco . if you are driving in san jose , that commute is improving a little bit all the way through the valley, and so has the east bay commute. but there's still a lot of slowing on 80 between elsa bronte in berkeley, 8 49. let's talk about today's weather. here's steve. thank you kindly, sir. yes sir. alright we'll take a look at our little system is marching right along here so our son will turn to clouds and then i think some light rain with very low snow elevation here. that's a cold system on the way already producing snow northern sacramento valley. this will produce no northeast california also in the mountains, not a lot , but it's making its move now into mendocino county, so we'll take too long. so if you have to do something, do it he next
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couple of hoursrthwest here fors forties son, then cloudscold li. if there's enough moisture, i think snow level maybe 2,503,000 ft here thirties for a few forties for most, just because of the mere fact of the breeze here, but that's a little system here and let's face it. every system that's come in this year is over achieved. and a dry year. they don't do anything in a wet year. they do, though, and so i'll buy into this couple 100 to maybe 1/10 of an inch would would cover fifties on the temps down a good 15 for some from yesterday, and we're going to stay very cold wednesday morning thursday morning, a system will go right down the coast. but mrs on friday, setting the stage for what looks to be a lovely weekend. you guys thank you. lawmakers are trying to tackle the high cost of gas in california. coming up on the nine will give you a closer look at the states attempt to try and figure out why we're paying more at the pump than anyone else in the country. but on this valentine's day, we will tell you why people should also be on alert for dating scams the red
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cisco issued a warning about an increase in dating scams, officials say. every year cybercriminals steal millions of dollars from people who think they're starting up a romantic relationship with someone new here in the bay area. recent data show victims of lost millions. alameda county saw the biggest losses that more than 9.5 million close to nine million was lost to romance scams in san francisco. the scams cost about 7.6 million people in santa clara county. we see victims in every age group and every gender, primarily the trend that we're seeing are women being targeted, particularly older women and in terms of who are targeting these people. most of the scammers are men. the fbi says the scammers most often use social media
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dating apps and email, they say be suspicious when a romantic prospect keeps canceling plans to meet in person, but keep the relationship going online. nationwide americans are falling victim to romance scams and never before seen numbers. reporter jacare alexis with some of the other red flags to look out for cybersecurity, experts say a lot of these scams are happening on social media and dating sites and scammers have gotten a lot smarter in picking their targets. it was heartbreaking. last year, yvonne harlan met a man on an online dating site. she ended up falling for him, but didn't seem like, you know, a terrible mismatch. he was nice looking athletic, and he had a really nice profile, but it turns out he was trying to scam her out of money. she saw the signs but was still emotionally invested in him. your mind plays checks on you. you know it doesn't take that much to, um become attached to someone even though you
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haven't met them, the federal trade commission says nearly 70,000 people were victims of a romance scam. last year, scammers made more than $1 billion and all time high. that's a lot of just more people being online. more people being socially connected more people for looking at looking for love on dating apps on social media. it just creates a much more richer feel for the these cameras to operate paul bischoff with cyber security company compare attack says people need to look out for warning signs when talking to someone online. these include asking for money, refusing to meet in person and misleading profile pictures. cameras are looking at what other scammers are doing to make money and if they see others cameras, making money off of particular type of scam, and they'll emulate that and copy it, and you'll see that type of scam expand, according to compare attack people in california. lost almost $194 million to romance scams last year. in seattle jacare alexis
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ktvu two news. time now is 8 56 . investigators are still searching for the hit and run driver in castro valley who seriously injured a homeless woman. it happened saturday night in the parking lot of the first presbyterian church on grove way surveillance video shows the driver of a white nissan sentra. check this out here, apparently using his car to deliberately hit that woman. after some type of argument. the woman then goes on the hood of that vehicle, then falls on the ground before the driver speeds away. what happened way over there, and she ended up over here. so that's probably maybe, like 30 ft. away like a car revving, you know, like it was like, you know, like, like running like he was trying to intimidate somebody. horner witnessed the attack. he says the victim is a 77 year old hearing impaired homeless woman who attends that church. investigators say she is lucky to be alive. disgusting someone who is lawless someone who does not have any compassion or empathy for anyone else we
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really want to bring this person to, you know to justice. witnesses say the driver appears to be in his late twenties or early thirties, he was wearing a black and red jersey with a nike logo on the back. he also had black and red jordans tennis shoes on the cbc says there is a sharp increase in the number of teen girls experiencing helplessness or sadness. researchers analyzed data from the youth risk behavior survey that examined health behaviors of high schoolers. all teams reported increasing mental health challenges, experiences of violence and suicidal thoughts. but girls fared worse than boys across almost all measures. first the report found one in three seriously considered suicide that's up nearly 60% from a decade ago when advised experienced sexual violence of 20% since 2017 when the cdc started monitoring the measure, more than one in 10 said they had been forced to have sex, the first increase since the cdc began monitoring that measure. the report also found more than half of lgbtq plus students recently experienced poor mental health.
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more than one in five attempted suicide in the past year. researchers say the body mass index of school age kids is declining, thanks to a government initiative to study shows that the healthy hunger free kids act of 2010 led to a significant decrease in bme scores and children age 5 to 18 , according to researchers, providing healthy school meal and snack options, is a key area to combat childhood obesity. the study shows are shifting bmi was consistent among all household income levels, as well as males and females. taylor swift is the only woman on the list of the highest paid entertainers last year, according to forbes. swift came in at number nine. the pop singer earned $92 million last year following her newest album , midnight. swift earnings in 2022, or less than half of the rock band genesis, which talked the listed number one earning $230 million. the big purple dinosaur of the nineties, barney is back. but with a makeover, barney's returning to television and store shelves, and now he is an animated character, not someone in a big purple dinosaur suit will appear in music, tv
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films, books and on youtube. a new animated series is set for release in 2024, followed by a product line in 2025. now mattel says, accessories and apparel or in the works for adults, the first episode of barney and friends aired back in 1992. a gunman opened fire at michigan state university. we cannot keep living like this. our children are scared to go to school, the very latest on the situation as three students have been killed and several others are injured. then it's officially been one week since two major earthquakes killed tens of thousands of people in syria and turkey have students at one bay area university or honoring all those who were affected. and weeks after being placed on administrative leave. oakland embattled police chief is fighting for his job we're talking live with oakland mayor shen tao about when she expects to make a decision on his fate. live from chat london square. this morning, too.


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